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A young man slowly introduces his new girlfriend to candualism and she embraces it.
Trophy Girlfriend

by Vanessa Evans

Part 4

“How are you holding up Cora?” Caleb asked.

“Is there just one more round?” Cora asked.

“Yes, the spanking. You’ve never been spanked before, no one will think any the less of you if you quit now.”

“No, no, I want to, I need to find out if spanking will make me cum.”

“Okay, if you are sure, but don’t expect to cum, just relax and if it happens it happens, if it doesn’t it doesn’t. If it doesn’t happen this time it might the next time, that’s if you want to be spanked again.”

“I’ll answer that in about 10 minutes, and by then I should have got rid of this damned blindfold.”

“Hey, that blindfold adds to the mystery. You might form some impressions of the guys if you know who is doing what to you.”

“It is sort of exciting. Right, who’s first and where do you want me?”

“Well,” Caleb said, “we’ve been talking and we think that over a knee is a bit boring so we decided that all the spankings should be done with the girl on her back with her legs up in the air and spread wide, is that okay with you Cora?”

“Of course, but I’m a bit tired, could the 2 guys who aren’t spanking me hold my legs where you want them?”

Caleb looked at the other 3 guys who all nodded so Caleb picked Cora up and carried her to the lounger that Lucy quickly got off. Once on her back Cora started to lift and spread her legs but she quickly felt hands on her ankles pulling her legs up, back and wide open. She just knew that her pussy was spread open and clearly visible along with her butt hole, but she wasn’t at all embarrassed, just apprehensive.

“Ready?” Caleb said.

Before Cora could answer she felt the first swat land on her left butt cheek.

“Shit that hurt, sorry, One, thank you sir.”

Cora had watched some spanking videos and seen that a girl who counted out loud and thanked whoever was administering the punishment was told that she was a good girl so she was going to do it as well.

“It was supposed to hurt.” Cora heard Emily say.

“Ouch, Two, thank you sir.”

On it went and Cora was sure that the swats were getting harder. Her butt felt like it was on fire, and so did her pussy, but she thought that that may have had something to do will all the attention that the guys had given it over the last couple of hours.

By the time it got to “Fifteen, thank you sir,” Cora was starting to wish that she had never suggested spanking. Her eyes were starting to well-up with tears but she wasn’t going to give up and demand that it all stop.

By the time swat 20 was about to land Cora was desperately trying to remember how many swats they had agreed on but she remembered that they hadn’t agreed on a number. Maybe whoever it was swatting her ass was going to keep going until he’d given her 100. Cora just knew that she couldn’t survive 100 swats.

Just after “Twenty, thank you sir.” there was a long pause before number 21 landed. And this time the swat landed on her other cheek. Cora relaxed a little but not for long as the swats got harder and harder. Any thoughts of having an orgasm were long gone. Although she was determined to get through it she was starting to think that she wouldn’t make it.

Cora had been crying for a few swats by then but each time Caleb asked her if she wanted to stop all she said was,


By the time the fortieth swat landed Cora was starting to notice a difference. She had stopped crying and the swats weren’t hurting as much. What’s more she became aware that her pussy was starting to tingle and feeling quite warm. Not quite as warm as her butt, but warm enough to realise that things were changing.

At first Cora didn’t connect her pussy tingling to the spanking, her concentration being on her butt. It was only after she realised that the third guy had started spanking her, the rhythm being slightly different, that Cora realised that she was hardly feeling the swats, her butt must have gone numb, but the vibrations from the swats were going directly to her pussy, specifically, her clit, and it was getting to her.

As Cora counted the swats her arousal increased and when she got to “Sixty, thank you sir.” and the swats stopped, Cora was right on the edge. The 2 guys holding her ankles were just relaxing their grip when Cora said,

“Don’t stop. 10 more please. Please guys, 10 more.”

Caleb saw a familiar look on her face and said,

“Ten more guys, she needs it.”

The 10 started but didn’t get more than 6 because an orgasm exploded out of her, Cora shouting, “YES, YES,” and her body started jerking and shaking.

The 2 guys holding her ankles hung on tight fearing that she might fall off the lounger.

As Cora came back to earth the ankle holders let go and Cora deliberately rolled to her left and off the lounger and onto her knees causing everyone to get a puzzled look in their faces. When Cora saw them she said,

“I didn’t want to put any weight on my butt.” Cora said getting a few smiles.

Caleb jumped into action and helped Cora up then back onto the lounger but laying on her front.

“Get her a drink please Harry, I’m going to get some of her body lotion.”

When Caleb got back Cora was up on her elbows with a stiff drink in her hand.

“Does that hurt as bad as it looks?” Caleb asked.

“Yes, and it’s getting worse.”

“I’ll put some of this lotion on it.” Caleb said but Lucy butted in,

“Do you want me to do that Caleb? All due respect but I think that I can do it more gently than you can.”

“You’re probably right Lucy, here.”

As Lucy got to work on Cora’s butt people started talking about how the game had gone, Lucy being one of the first to speak.

“Well Cora, you’ve really set the bar for us but I’ve just realised that straight blowjobs aren’t on the list of games.” Lucy asked.

“No,” Cora replied, “when I was thinking of new rounds I thought that a straight blowjob was a bit tame if the guys were going to deep throat us, besides, I didn’t want to drain the guys and make them unable to get it up.”

Lucy gave a little laugh and said,

“No, they don’t have a lot of stamina do they, maybe we should get them some Viagra.”

“Or that new MED3000 stuff that you just rub on their cocks and they get an instant hard-on, it’s supposed to last for hours.” Cora replied.

“Hey,” Emily said, “you could have some fun with that stuff. Imagine giving a guy a hand job in his car on a lunchtime and you put some of that stuff on your hands before you started telling him that it’s your hand conditioner. The poor guy could be hard all afternoon.”

Cora laughed then said,

“If it’s like Viagra he might not be able to cum and your quickie hand job could turn into a marathon.”

“Yes but then the guy would be embarrassed because he couldn’t cum.” Cora replied thinking about tricking Mr. Hope into a situation like that.

“You’ve done that have you Em?” Harry asked.

“Yes lover, but it was long before I met you. Do you want me to come to your workplace and meet you in the car park?”

“Not if you’ve got that stuff, what was it, MED3000? I’ve never heard of it but it could come in handy at times.”

“We’ll have to see if we can get a 50 gallon barrel of it?” Emily joked.

“Bloody hell girl, what are you trying to do to me?”

The conversation got back to the game and all the guys liked what happened and it’s fair to say that the girls did as well, just so long as they were given a ‘safe’ word which they could use whenever they thought that they need to.

Everyone was happy for them to start the new format the next Friday. Well not everyone because Cora had fallen asleep.

Then Caleb brought up the subject of a group holiday. Coincidentally, no one had got a holiday booked for that year and in principle they all liked the idea of finding a villa big enough for all 8 of them.

The first requirement of all of the guys was to find somewhere where all 4 girls could be naked most of the time and where the guys could take them out wearing very little or nothing.

“You guys just want to show our naked bodies to lots of people don’t you?” Emily asked.

“Err yes.” Harry said, “any complaints?”

“Absolutely none.” Emily replied and Lucy and Willow agreed.

No one thought about asking the sleeping Cora as they all just assumed that she would agree.

“I’m assuming that you don’t want to go to a nudist resort?”

“Hell no,” Jack said, “we want somewhere where the girls are the only ones naked. It wouldn’t be very exciting if everyone was naked.”

“Yeah,” George added, “somewhere that has bars where the girls can have a lot of drunks drooling over them.”

“I bet that you’d love to watch strangers fuck us as well wouldn’t you?”

“Hell yeah but it’s best if we keep that to just this group.”

“Keep thinking that buster, just get off on strangers and Caleb’s neighbours seeing us.” Lucy said.

“The neighbours are watching us are they?” Caleb asked.

“I saw one guy’s face in a window earlier.”

“Oh well, who cares.”

It was left that Harry and George would search for availabilities and report back to the group. Caleb offered to host another full group meeting to discuss what George and Harry found but Willow said,

“No way that Cora is going to have all the fun, we can meet at our place can’t we Jack?”

It wasn’t really a question because everyone knew that he would agree.

Shortly after that people started to leave, mainly because the beer had run out but the 3 girls were also eager to get home so that they could get their partners to fuck their brains out. They’d seen Cora have so much fun that they wanted some.

No one woke Cora and after the others had gone Caleb tidied up before waking her. She saw Caleb and immediately turned onto her back then regretted it as her sore butt came into contact with the lounger. Caleb lifted her to her feet then she put her arms round Caleb’s neck. Gave him a long, explorative kiss then thanked him.

“What for?” Caleb asked.


Caleb hugged Cora, being careful to keep his hands off her butt, then carried her up to the shower where they found that they could fuck standing up without anything touching Cora’s butt.

Caleb dried Cora, then himself then led Cora to the bed where she lay on her front and went to sleep.



The Sunday didn’t start until later for Cora, Caleb got up and let her sleep until nearly lunchtime the he told her to get up because they were going to the pub for lunch. When Cora had finished her bathroom routine Caleb inspected Cora’s butt and told her that the red marks would disappear within a couple of days and he asked her if she wanted some moisturiser rubbing on it.

She did so she lay on the bed and Caleb got to work. Moisturiser on, Cora pulled herself up onto her hands and knees presenting her butt and pussy to Caleb.

They got to the pub about an hour after Caleb had originally intended with Cora wondering if she’d accidentally display her butt to anyone and they’d see the red marks and know that she’d been spanked.

There had been some initial pain when Cora had first sat in the car, and at the pub but it was nothing that Cora couldn’t cope with.

Whilst at the pub Caleb and Cora talked about the barbecue the following Sunday. Cora still wasn’t convinced that it was such a good idea inviting her friends over knowing that they’d see her naked. Most of them had seen each other naked in the showers at the gym or swimming pool before but a barbecue would be different, if for no other reason than she would be the only one naked. Would her friends bring their boyfriends and them seeing Cora naked be a problem for Cora’s relationship with her friends?

Cora didn’t even think of the possibility of the girlfriend of one of Caleb’s mates being upset.

Anyway, Cora had already invited her friends and Caleb said that he would phone 4 of his when they got home.

Caleb hadn’t had any problems and his phone calls and he soon had 4 who said that they’d come. Then Caleb went out into the garden and made one more phone call and invited one more guest that he was sure would be a big surprise to Cora.

Cora again slept on her front that night after giving Caleb a satisfying 69 where Cora was on top.



Cora’s red marks were still visible when Cora got dressed the next morning and she wasn’t really looking forward to being sat down all day. She did giggle a bit to herself when she realised that some of the people at work may witness a wardrobe malfunction and see those red marks, especially as she would be wearing one of her new microdresses.

Cora was feeling a bit mischievous as soon as she got to work, and before the red marks had a chance to fade any more she decided to tease Mr. Hope and hopefully get him wondering what had caused the red marks.

Mr. Hope was, as usual working in his office with the door open when Cora walked over to the filing cabinet. She coughed just before reaching the cabinet to attract Mr. Hope’s attention and without looking at him she bent at the waist to look in the bottom drawer knowing that her dress would ride up at the back letting him see all of her naked butt and what was between her cheeks.

Seconds after she had bent over Cora heard a bit of a gasp from within the office and she knew that her objective had been achieved. She prolonged her searching for as long as she could then stood up. She was about to smooth her dress down to make sure that as much of her as possible was covered when she heard,

“Cora, would you come in here for a minute?”

Cora turned, looked at Mr. Hope then started walking towards him. It was only when she was in front of his desk that she realised that her dress hadn’t fallen back into it’s proper place and that Mr. Hope could probably see her slit and clit which felt like it had come out to play.

“Yes Mr. Hope, what can I do for you?” Cora asked as she realised that his eyes were looking well below her face.

“Cora, are you alright?”

“Yes Mr. Hope.”

“No problems with your home life?”

“No Mr. Hope, why do you ask?”

As Cora said that she shuffled her feet apart a little.

“It’s just that I couldn’t help noticing that you have some red marks on your buttocks Cora.”

“Mr. Hope, are you looking up my skirt AGAIN? You are a naughty man, what would Mrs Hope say?”

Mr. Hope blushed a little then replied,

“I’m sorry Cora, I just couldn’t help seeing you. You did bend over right outside my door.”

“That’s because filing cabinet is there, what choice did I have?”

“None Cora, I wasn’t complaining, it’s just that I was a little concerned for your welfare.”

“Well that’s very kind of you Mr. Hope, thank you, but you still shouldn’t be looking up my skirt, you know that that’s against so many rules.”

“I know Cora and I won’t do it again. I’m pleased that everything is okay with you. You may go now.”

Cora turned and walked out. She was smiling and just knew that Caleb would be pleased with her, especially as when she put her hand down to the hem of her dress she could feel her bare slit. She smoothed her dress back into place, went back to her desk and gingerly sat down.

Another interesting thing that happened that week was that Cora joined Caleb in getting some exercise. On the Monday evening they went jogging. Cora put on the white, sleeveless microdress and her trainers then searched for the pair of knickers that she’d thought she’d seen after she had got rid of her bras and knickers. However she couldn’t find them so she reluctantly had to go out without.

As I said, this dress wasn’t a tight fit, nor was it made of thick material so as soon as she started jogging the hem started dancing about. Cora was worried that the people that they saw would get flashes of her butt or pussy so after a minute or two she got Caleb to drop back, then she run ahead and then turn back and asked Caleb if he could see her butt.

For the first time ever, Caleb told a little lie and said that she had nothing to worry about. The truth was that the lower half of her butt and the front of her slit, and her clit came into view when the dress bounced up.

Cora was then happy and she enjoyed the run through the park, through a wooded area and along a country road. She enjoyed the feeling of having no knickers on and therefore no material to rub the tops of her inner thighs. She also enjoyed the fact that her nipples were enjoying the material of the dress rubbing them and she saw the little bumps in the material moving just a little as her ‘A’ cup breasts wobbled ever so slightly.

Cora wasn’t used to jogging and it wasn’t long before she needed a rest. They were in a wooded area when they stopped and Caleb went up to her, grabbed the hem of the dress and pulled it right up, over her head and arms leaving Cora naked apart from her little socks and trainers.

“Caleb, we’re outside, in public, this is England I’ll get arrested.”

“I don’t see any coppers or anyone else so it doesn’t matter.”

Then he turned and ran off with Cora’s dress in his hand. Cora had no choice other than to run after him. Caleb didn’t give the grinning Cora her dress back until they reached the edge of the wooded area. After she put it on Caleb said,

“You know, we could come out in the middle of the night and you could run around totally naked and no one would ever know.”

“A car might come along and see us.”

“At night cars will have their headlights on so we’d see them coming and be able to hide behind something, and besides there’d be no one in the park or the woods. You know Cora, I like that idea even though it was one of my own.”

“You’re so naughty Caleb, but if you want to do it then we’ll do it.”

That was what Cora said but she really wanted to do it, at least once, her pussy was tingling just at the thought.

They made it back home then Cora asked Caleb if he would share the shower with him. Guess what they did in there.

Another thing that they did on the Wednesday evening was to go to the local leisure centre. It wasn’t just a pool, it had quite a few facilities. It was mainly the swimming that Caleb took Cora there for but he thought that they might just try some of the other facilities.

Being an evening on a school day in the late spring, there weren’t many people there and Caleb took Cora to a family room in the communal changing area so that they could get changed.

Cora thought about the new bikini that Caleb had bought for her and was, understandably, nervous. Although Cora thought that she looked good in the yellow bikini she was sure that a lot of people would think that it was totally inappropriate for a public swimming pool and more appropriate for a Mediterranean beach. However, Caleb was adamant that Cora would be okay wearing it so long as she didn’t open her legs.

“Like I can go swimming and not open my legs?” Cora said.

Caleb’s response was to grab her hand and almost pull her out of the changing room.

“Hands down Cora,” Caleb said, “act like you are wearing a one-piece that goes from your neck to your knees.”

“Right now I would feel more comfortable wearing one like that.” Cora replied.

The truth was that Cora was comfortable wearing the bikini, it was just the location that was the problem.

The 2 people that they saw in the changing rooms didn’t react to Cora’s attire at all as they walked to the showers. After their shower Cora wanted to go and look at herself in a mirror but she didn’t dare. She knew that the yellow material would get even more see-through and clingy and she didn’t want to know just how bad, or good, it was.

They walked out to the poolside and dived in, Cora walking as fast as she could without actually running. As she surfaced she looked around and was pleased to see only a handful of people and none of them were looking her way. Even the lifeguard up on his high chair wasn’t looking her way.

Cora started to relax but Caleb surfaced from his dive in right next to her and as he came up he ran a finger along her exposed slit.

“Hey, not here.” Cora said. Caleb’s response was,

“Race you to the end.”

Caleb won, just, but Cora had discovered something wonderful.

“Caleb, did you know know how nice it is swimming with nothing covering my pussy?”

“No, but I guessed that it would be”

“Is this why you got me a bikini bottoms like this?”

“Only partially, I want to see you swimming breaststroke on your back, I think that its proper name is Elementary Backstroke for some reason but who cares. You know what I mean.”

“I do, and I’m guessing that you want me to swim like that when there are people around me.”

“Of course, and I’m waiting for you to stand up and get you tits out of the water.”

“Is this bikini going to be even more see-through now that it’s wet?”

“I hope so.”

Cora started swimming on her back and felt the rushing water on her pussy, especially when her legs went wide open. She passed a man standing but he didn’t look at her which slightly disappointed her. Caleb soon caught her up then slowed as he swam watching her open and close her legs.

When Cora got to the end of the pool Cora stood and Caleb went up to her and put his hand on her pussy. Bending his middle finger so that it entered her he said,

“We picked the wrong time to come here, we’re the youngest here. You need to swim like that when there are people around our age here.”

“Maybe we should just do what you said we were going to do here – swim, to get some exercise Caleb.”

“Okay, but we’ll try the sauna later.”

“I’ve never been in a sauna.”

And swim they did, for a bout 30 minutes, then they got out of the pool. Caleb was first to get out and the expression on his face told Cora that her bikini was revealing something that it shouldn’t. She looked down at her chest and saw one nipple out, and the other one may as well have been uncovered. She could see every little bump on her areola. Okay they were tinted yellow because of the material but the change of colour of her areola and nipple was very obvious.

She may as well have not been wearing that top.

Cora adjusted the top as best she could but it still looked like it wasn’t there.

Then she looked down to her pubis and was glad that she shaved every hair off. The yellow, see-through material clung to the shape of her body, even into the front part of the cleft of her slit. Then it went out over her clit hood then her clit which was ready for some action.

And that was where the material ended. Unless she was stood over someone they would not realise that the material ended there. Caleb reached for the 2 sides of the top of the ‘V’ and gently pulled the bikini bottom up and Cora felt her clit get uncovered.

“Let’s go.” Caleb said as he took Cora’s hand and he led her towards the room where the sauna was.

“Someone might see my pussy.” Cora quietly said as they walked.

“Just act like you are doing nothing wrong, like you have an industrial one-piece suit on. That way people will believe that you are doing nothing wrong, If you cover your bits with your hand and look all nervous you’ll draw attention to yourself and people will start to think that you’re trying to hide something that should be hidden. Besides, there’s hardly anyone here, not even a lifeguard.”

“I guess that that makes sense,” Cora replied, “but I feel so exposed.”

“You are Cora, you are, and you look amazing.”

The room where the sauna is was deserted but when Caleb opened the door into the actual sauna Cora saw a middle-aged man saw there. He looked up, saw Cora and smiled, then he looked down at Cora’s body and kept looking.

“It’s so hot.” Cora said.

“It’s supposed to be.” Caleb replied.

The middle-aged man was sat at the end of the lower, long bench. Caleb climbed up onto the higher bench at opposite end to the other man then indicated to Cora to sit at his feet.

After a minute or so Caleb said,

“You may find it a little cooler if you lay along the lower bench Cora.”

Thinking that Caleb might be right, Cora turned her back to Caleb and lay along the bench with her head at Caleb’s feet and her feet towards the man. Either not caring, just forgetting, or deliberately wanting to flash the man, Cora dropped one leg over the edge of the bench and put her foot on the floor.

This gave the man a look at a design of a bikini bottoms that he had never seen before. Cora’s slightly spread pussy was on display in all its glory. What’s more the man had been watching Cora change positions.

“That’s a bit better.” Cora said.

Caleb wasn’t sure if Cora meant that it was a bit cooler laying down or that she was happy to be letting the man see her pussy. As they sat there Caleb thought about how lucky he was. He’d found his perfect woman and she was happy to want to please him, even though she appeared not to realise it sometimes.

Caleb glanced over to the other man and saw that he was still looking at Cora’s pussy and that his shorts were changing shape at the front.

“Phew it’s hot in here, I don’t know how much more of this I can take.” Cora said after a few minutes.

“Your first time?” The man asked.

“Yes, how can you tell?”

The man smiled then replied,

“You could try going and having a cold shower then coming back in.”

“Good idea, I’ll try that.” Cora replied then got up and went out.

Caleb just smiled.

As soon as Cora left to go for a shower Caleb and the man got talking. When Cora came back Caleb had hoped that she’d have taken the bikini off and return totally naked but she didn’t, she was just as covered as when she went out.

As Cora resumed the same laying position as before Caleb watched the man staring at Cora’s pussy.

“Is that better?” The man asked.

“Much thank you,” Cora replied, “I would have thought that this place would have been busy tonight but I’ve only seen half a dozen people and no staff at all.”

“It’s Wednesday evening, the place is always deserted at this time of the evening. There’s often just a lifeguard and the girl at the entrance working.” The middle-aged man said, “I’m Ben by the way.”

Caleb introduced himself and Cora.

“So Ben, if there’s only 2 staff working and one is tied to the reception how can they keep an eye on the whole place?” Caleb asked.

“They can’t,” Ben replied, “I’ve never seen any staff down here until about 30 minutes before closing time and then that’s only the girl who come hear to use the sauna before she has to turn it off for the night. About 6 months ago I was down here, in the shower, and the receptionist came down quite early, I think she must have closed up early. The thing was she stripped naked and went and sat in here. I was only in the shower to cool down before coming back in here for one last session so when I came back in I caught the girl playing with herself.”

“Wow, what did she do?” Caleb asked.

“She looked at me, smiled and kept going.”

Caleb was looking at Cora and he saw her eyes open wide and her jaw drop.

“I bet that that made your day Ben.” Caleb said.

“It sure did, but the best thing is that she often comes down here on a Wednesday evening and gives a repeat performance. Needless to say that I’ve been coming here every Wednesday evening since. When the door first opened when you two came I thought that she had come even earlier for once.”

“So Ben,” Caleb said, “if she strips naked there’s no reason why Cora here couldn’t do the same.”

“I guess not, but in those bikini bottoms she wouldn’t be showing much more than she is now.”

“They are quite cute aren’t they? Cora, honey, do you want to show Ben what you’ve got under that bikini?”

“Okay,” Cora replied, “I don’t feel like I’m wearing anything anyway, but I’m getting quite hot again.”

“Take the bikini off then open the door for a bit, that will cool the place down.” Caleb said.

“Good idea.” Ben added.

Cora did take the bikini off and then went back to laying in the bench. Again having one leg on the bench and the other foot on the floor.

“Is that better Cora?” Caleb asked.

“Yes thank you, much cooler.”

“You really do have a beautiful body Cora,” Ben said, “Have you ever thought of modelling? “

“Grief no, my breasts are too small.” Cora replied as she tweaked both her nipples.

“Big breasts are truly over-rated, don’t you agree Caleb?”

“I certainly do, and don’t you think that Cora has a beautiful pussy as well Ben?”

“She certainly has, a nice little coin slot with no excess of labia and that clit, just pokes out enough to make it easy to give lots of pleasure all the time, am I right Cora?”

“Err yes, it doesn’t take much contact to get me going.”

“Why don’t you show Ben, rub one out for him.”


“Yes, why not, your clit is out already, you’re not too hot to do it are you?”

“No, I guess not. If you’re sure Caleb?”

“Go for it girl. I’m sure that all 3 of us will get a lot of pleasure out of it.”

Cora’s right hand moved to her pussy and she gasped when her finger first touched her clit.”

“Yes, very sensitive.” Ben said.

Soon Cora was well into masturbating for Caleb and Ben, her left hand had moved to her right tit and was massaging it and pulling and twisting her nipple.

Caleb looked on with a big smile on his face. It was a wonderful sight but added to that was the fact that his girlfriend was naked and masturbating for a man that they had only met minutes ago. And he was really proud of Cora for doing it.

Cora’s orgasm came and went then Ben said,

“There’s nothing more amazing and beautiful than the sight that a beautiful woman having an orgasm, thank you Cora, you’ve made an old man’s day.”

Cora was just about to say something when a young woman appeared in the doorway. She started to close the door then saw the 3 people in there.

“Oh, I didn’t know that anyone was in here. I was just about to close the door then come in for 10 minutes before knocking off. I see that we’ve gone clothing optional so I guess that you won’t mind if I do the same. Oh hi Ben, I might have known that you would still be here.”

The girl closed the door from the outside and then a minute later came back in, as naked as Cora was and she sat up on the top bench not far from Caleb.

“Rose, this is Cora and Caleb, their first time, I didn’t think that you’d mind if Cora stripped off.”

“Not me,” Rose replied, “as far as I’m concerned everyone who goes into a sauna should be naked, but don’t tell my boss that I said that, he’s not quite as open minded as me. So Cora, first time eh, what do you think?”

“Hot. I guess that it’s good for my skin.”

“Cora has a very novel bikini that you might like Rose.” Ben said.

“Oh yes, is it a birthday suit bikini?”

“No.” Caleb replied, “I got it off the internet, the page said that it was for girls who don’t like being covered but have to look legal.”

“Oh yes?”

“Cora, why don’t you show Rose your bikini, on that is.” Caleb said, “we should be leaving here soon so you’ll need to put it on to get back to the changing room.”

“No need to worry about that this week, you’re the last ones here, there’s only David and us here and I doubt very much that he’ll complain, he never does when I walk back to the changing room like this.”

“Well still put it on Cora,” Caleb said, “that way Rose will see the true effect. You can always take it off before we walk back.”

Cora went and got her bikini and put it on.

“Just looks like a slightly see-though thong bikini to me.” Rose said.

“Lay on your back and open your legs Cora.” Caleb said.

She lay on the bench and spread her legs wide.

“Wow, I’ve got to get one of those, it looks so normal from the front but if must feel good. I bet that Caleb likes the easy access.”

“It does make life easier for both of us.” Caleb said.

“Cora, I have no problem with you wearing that in the pool or anywhere here but if you see an old guy in a red polo shirt keep your legs together, he’s the boss and a bit of a miserable prat, although he does let the girls wear thongs which surprised me a little.”

“Thanks for the heads up Rose,” Caleb said, “we’d better be leaving now, you may as well take the bikini off now Cora, save taking it off later.”

Cora took the hint and 30 seconds later they were walking back to the changing room with Cora carrying her bikini. On the way they saw David walking towards them, Cora held her head up and kept walking. David smiled, said. “good evening”, and kept walking.

Caleb took his shorts off and they both used the communal shower, Cora wondering what it would be like on a busy Saturday afternoon. They’d got dressed and were just leaving when Ben walked in. They said, “good night”, and left.

In the car home Caleb asked Cora if she wanted to go there every Wednesday evening. She smiled and said,

“Yes please.”

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