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This is the third chapter of a young African American wife's evolving affair with an older neighbor, awakening her sexuality.

Constructive comments are very welcome, so if you have comments on the story, writing style, or perhaps suggestions where the store could lead, then please let me know. I write for the benefit of my readers and not for myself. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read the store and those who votes.
Deni left after lunch and I didn’t see her again until a couple of weeks later, aside from catching a glimpse of her heading off to work. The next I saw them was when Dave and Deni turned up at another neighbor’s house, as it was their turn to host and apparently, had invited Dave and Deni directly. Actually, the BBQ was well underway by the time they showed up. Dave greeted everyone warmly and Deni seemed relaxed and happy. She looked adorable, wearing a short white miniskirt and a cute black t-shirt with the outline of a large white heart emblazoned across the front. Deni hugged everyone in turn giving them a friendly kiss on the cheek and as it came to my turn, she discretely whispered “hello daddy”, into my ear before moving on to the next person. I was clearly in a state of shock for several seconds as the news that I was about to become a father again, sank in.

Deni was quickly swept away by the wives and I settled down back into a chair to continue my already open beer. I have to admit that it was a somewhat surreal feeling, to be sitting around with Dave, sharing a beer, knowing that I had impregnated his wife. The BBQ followed it’s usual pattern, eating and drinking too much while the various guests exchanged banter. Dave appeared unusually cheerful and was enjoying a liberal quantity of beer, having downed several already. Deni however had declined the wine and spent the evening sipping from a can of Sprite.

As the food came to an end, Dave stood up and banged a couple of empty cans together to get everyone’s attention. We all turned to see what he was going to announce, although I had a pretty good idea already.

He called Deni over to his side and put his arm around her.

“Ladies and Gentlemen” he started, adopting his most solemn expression, which can’t have been easy, given the amount of beer he had already consumed.

“It is my… no our great privilege… to inform you all… that Deni is…” he paused momentarily, before continuing “we…” he said, emphasizing the word, “will be joined by a third member of the family in a few month's time and take on our new role as parents”.

The wives, already suspecting the motivation of Deni’s avoidance of alcohol, gathered around her, reveling in the new topic of conversation, while the guys dragged Dave over to the makeshift bar and poured him a liberal scotch, accompanied by somewhat inappropriate jokes about his prowess.

I looked over at Deni, who seemed intuitively to know that I was looking at her as she simultaneously glanced over in my direction. I smiled at her warmly. Although it was unlikely that this baby would ever be truly mine, I was happy, and I sensed that she was too. I almost wished that she would leave Dave and move in with me, but I knew my daughter would probably go ballistic if I partnered with a young woman of Deni’s age.

I noticed that Deni must have needed to use the rest room as our host directed her to the location. She made her excuses to the assembled group of wives and headed into the house. The guys were still busy toasting Dave and getting him drunk, so a few minutes later I quietly slipped away and followed her inside.

The bathroom was just at the top of the stairs and I arrived just as she was coming out. Deni’s eyes lit up and she quickly ducked back inside the door, dragging me with her before throwing her arms around me and kissing me. I kissed her back passionately, not stopping to think about the risk of us both being inadvertently discovered in the rest room together.

“I want you… I want you now!” she whispered into my ear.

I didn’t hesitate. I looked dead into her eyes and then turned her to face the wall, bending her over slightly, I dropped my pants, and pumped my already rapidly hardening cock into full erection. I lifted the back of her skirt and moved the bottom of her panties to the side. They were already soaked with her wetness and her pussy was dripping wet. I forced her open, slipping the head inside her and started to fuck her. She started whimpering and moaning as I thrust into her. She was as tight as ever, but this wasn’t about to be a leisurely fuck. I reached around and grabbed her tits from the front and squeezed them as I pistoned my cock with a sense of urgency into her pussy. Deni was trembling. I didn’t hold back and after just a few minutes I erupted into her, flooding her pussy with cum.

I held her there for a moment, sweating, regaining my strength before slipping out of her and grabbed some toilet paper to wipe our combined fluids from my cock, while she reached under her skirt and straightened her panties over the lips of her now cum-filled pussy.

She turned to me, wrapped her arms around me and kissed me deeply, her tongue finding mine.

“Hey” she whispered, “listen… I’ve got a day off on Monday and Dave is heading out of town… can we… you know?”

“Yes” I replied without hesitation, kissing her again.

We listened for sounds of anyone outside the door and she slipped out to re-join the party. I stayed behind, waiting a few discrete minutes before going back down to join them.

I took my seat and cracked open another beer. If it was surreal to think that Dave’s wife was pregnant with my baby, it was even more surreal, knowing that his wife was sitting next to him with her pussy full of my cum.

Sunday was a quiet day and I busied myself with various tasks to make sure I had nothing to disturb me on Monday. I even took a trip to a local sex store that I knew of and picked up a pack of a kind of under-the-counter Viagra, as I was pretty sure I was going to need it, together with various toys, some lube, and a vibrator.

I was going to enjoy being her sex ed teacher.

Monday came and sure enough, Dave headed off to work at his usual time, throwing an overnight bag into the trunk of his car. I watched deliberately out of the window for him to leave. Not sure why really, I guess I was unrealistically hoping for Deni to scamper over the moment he left for work. The morning passed by with no sign of Deni. I decided that she must have changed her mind when my thoughts were interrupted by my mobile phone ringing. I almost ignored it but figured business is business and answered. To my surprise it was Deni.

“hey Gary, it’s me, Deni”

“Oh, lol, I wasn’t expecting a call from you… how are you today?” I replied, somewhat puzzled about why she would be calling me. She must have gotten the number off from the back of my truck.

“I’m fine”, she giggled, “how are you?”

“I’m fine too, was just about to go out” I responded, curious where this was heading.

“Come on over” she said and suddenly hung up.

I smiled to myself and grabbed the bag of supplies I had obtained, popping one of the so-called Viagra clones and headed for the door.

Over at Deni’s house, I rang the bell and she answered, dragging me inside and closing the door behind us. She stood on tiptoes, threw her arms around me and kissed me deeply, her little tongue darting into my mouth. She was a fast learner. We broke the kiss and I took a step back.

She stood there, oozing sexuality and did a little twirl for me, giggling. A tight white t-shirt clung to her body but this time it looked so different, clearly, she was not wearing a bra as the mounds on her t-shirt revealed the natural shape of her breasts, her nipples clearly tenting the fabric. The shirt contrasted nicely with the brown pantone of her skin, the recent sun having darkened it. Her little bubble butt covered by a an extremely short, mauve colored mini skirt. Aside from that her feet were bare. She looked so short with no shoes on. No wonder she hadn’t wanted to go outside.

“I missed you so much” she said

“me too”, I admitted. It was true, I loved being around her. She made me feel younger and I enjoyed every moment of her company even when we weren’t having sex.

“So, are you ready to teach your new student?”. She winked at me with a mischievous look on her face.

“Definitely”, I replied.

I grabbed her by the hand and led her into the living room. I kissed her and gestured her to sit on the sofa. She sat there knees together, arms folded demurely in front of her.

“So, tell me about your sexual experience” I said, like a therapist waiting for her story to unfold.

She looked at me with almost sad eyes, a look of resignation on her face.

“That’s just it… that’s the problem… I don’t really have any”

“Dave was my first ever boyfriend and we didn’t make love until we were married… until I met you, I never even realized it could feel so good”.

I smiled at her willingness to be open and honest with me.

“So, did you ever masturbate when you were younger?”

Deni flushed bright red, “Noooo” she said shaking her head, “My mom always taught me that it was wrong, like impure”

“So, you’ve never masturbated?”

“nope” she shook her head affirmatively

“So, you never get turned on and feel the need to touch yourself?”

Again, she shook her head, “well… yes I sometimes get aroused, but I just try to distract myself by thinking of something else”

“You know, Deni, you surprise me. Many girls touch themselves, it’s like the most normal thing ever”

She looked at me quizzically

“How do you ever expect Dave to know what you like if you don’t know yourself?”

She pondered my question for several moments

“I… I always thought guys knew what to do and would do it the right way”

I had wondered why Deni always seemed to lay there passively and not directly participate in our lovemaking.

“Does he ask you?”

“Nuh uh”, she replied, shaking her head.

“and what do you do for him? For his pleasure?”

“How do you mean?” again a quizzical expression in her eyes, “I just let him do what he wants”

“and what does he want? what does he like to do?”

Actually, given this unusual situation, I was just plain curious about why her husband could not make the most of such a sexy young wife; it seemed like such a tragedy waste.

“So, how does he make love to you?... does he lick you like I did? does he ever just bend you over and fuck you?”

Deni looked hesitant, wondering how and whether to answer, but I looked at her reassuringly and squeezed her hands.

“he.. well, we usually cuddle and kiss a lot, then he gets between my legs and puts it in”

“and does he make you cum?”

Deni seemed to be squirming at the intimacy of my questions, either shy or embarrassed to answer me, often taking almost a minute before answering. She looked down.

“No… I don’t think I ever really had an orgasm before you” Her face turned bright red.

“and how long does he go on for before he cums in you?”

“I don’t know” she responded and laughed, “I don’t really keep track of time… not long”

I laughed with her, “and then what does he do?”

“lol he falls asleep and snores”, she giggled, but I could tell she was frustrated by his actions.

“and how does that make you feel?”

Deni pondered a moment, “kinda numb… but I just accepted it, to me it was normal”.

“When you fucked me that first time, it… I knew it was wrong, I wanted to stop you… you scared me…. but actually, it opened up a whole new world for me”

She continued “I felt so guilty for days for having enjoyed it, I was angry at my body for responding like it did to you, but you made me realize how amazing sex can be and now all I can think about is when will I get the chance to have sex with you again”. She looked down sheepishly.

I smiled and hugged her lovingly, trying to reassure her.

“You are an amazing young woman, Deni, you’re so beautiful, so sexy, it’s a shame that it took my stupidity to make you realize how great sex can be”.

“Really?” she asked, seeking further reassurance.

“really!” I emphasized, “I mean look at you, even the way you dress, it’s so sexy.

Deni blushed… “I’m not wearing a bra”

“I know and it suits you” I added

“but you can see my nipples” she protested, covering her hands over her tits.

I laughed, “yes, but that’s sexy, at least to me. You’ve got gorgeous tits. How will you find the freedom to enjoy sex if you constantly feel shy about your body… and besides, he might not say so, but Dave might like it” I loved seeing her not wearing a bra, albeit from a selfish lustful motivation, but I did my best to not make it about my own cravings. I hated the thought of Dave fucking her but added a remark about Dave as a way of encouraging her.

I could sense the wheels turning in Deni’s mind as she pondered my suggestion.

“Do something for me… instead of cupping your breasts like that, put your hands inside your t-shirt, play with your breasts, your nipples, feel what gives you the most pleasure, then tell me”

Deni looked shocked, but after a few moments of procrastinating and making excuses, complied with my request. She slipped her hands inside her t-shirt and started playing with her breasts. I could tell by the look on her face that she was experiencing at least some level of pleasure.

“Pinch your nipples, try doing it softly and then hard and tell me what it makes you feel”, I instructed in a more authoritative, assertive manner.

Deni complied and started to squeeze her nipples

“It’s making me horny” she giggled, “but if I squeeze too hard it hurts, not a bad hurt, kind of painful but nice too”

“keep going with one hand but put the other inside your panties and play with your clitoris”

Deni flushed an even deeper shade of red, “nooo, that’s not right”, she protested

“Do it… do it for me”

After initial hesitancy, Deni complied, removing her right hand from under her top, her distended nipple, tenting strongly through the fabric, and timidly reached under her short skirt.

I smiled as I saw the rise and fall of her hand under the fabric, instinctively she parted her legs and leaned back against the sofa and after a few moments her breathing started to change.

“Focus on repeating what gives you the most pleasure, in your mind, imagine the feelings of when I fuck you, that feeling of being filled, try to remember the sensations”

Deni’s hand sped up, frantically rubbing at herself

“Keep going until you cum, Deni”

Watching Deni sitting there next to me on the sofa, masturbating was incredibly erotic and my cock was rock hard inside my pants but I had plans and didn’t want to start touching myself too soon. Deni closed her eyes and started to whimper, moaning softly as she quite clearly was enjoying the sensations. She continued for several minutes more, her breathing becoming much heavier and then her body noticeably quivered as she orgasmed. She withdrew her hand, her fingers wet from her juices and opened her eyes in her startled deer expression. She turned her head to look at me with eyes full of surprise and bewilderment.

“oh my god” was all she could say

“I want you to do that every day from now on Deni, I want you to get into the habit of enjoying masturbating whenever you get the chance… more than once a day if you get the chance… will you promise to do that for me?”

Deni looked uncertain… “every day?”

“Yes, every day, or better still, even more, whenever you get the chance, before you go to work, when you come back from work, imagine you are with me and make yourself cum… will you do that for me?”

“I’ll try” she responded apprehensively, still embarrassed about touching herself like that but willing to try in order to please me.

I decided it was time to step it up a notch.

“take your clothes off Deni and come stand in front of me”

Complying with my command, Deni stood up, pulled her t-shirt off over her head, and dropped her skirt and panties. She moved in front of me. Even though we were lovers, she seemed nervous, deciding where to put her hands and whether or not to cover her naked body. Her pussy lips glistened with her juices.

“Kneel down between my legs”

She immediately dropped to her knees, looking up at me for instruction, innocently uncertain about what I had got planned for her.

It amazed me that she was so compliant and yet so naïve about sex, a perfect submissive, and I intended to explore this side of her character to the fullest. I decided to be more authoritative and assertive with her.

“I know you want to learn about sex, and I’m honored to be your teacher, so if you really want to learn, I need you to promise to do anything I ask of you and without question”

“Now, I want you to unfasten my pants and take my cock out”

She reached forward and fumbled with my zipper and fastener, pulling my pants open. She struggled a little to find the opening to my boxers but managed to slip her hand inside and tentatively wrap her fingers around my shaft, looking up at me for approval. I smiled back at her. The cool touch of her little hands on my cock made it twitch and pulse. Finally, she managed to maneuver my cock out of the opening and she knelt there staring at it, her eyes opened wide.

“it’s so big” she said, an awed look in her eyes as she scrutinized it

Although I always considered myself reasonably endowed, I was not as massive as some, a respectable 7 inches, but I had a thick shaft and a fairly bulbous mushroom shaped head. She was clearly amazed at seeing the size of it up close. She clutched it in both hands, staring at it. I knew from how she had described the feeling of when her husband was inside her that his cock must be significantly smaller than mine. Precum glistened on the tip.

“Squeeze it firmly and pump it slowly” I commanded

She willingly complied, and I watched in awe as she increased her grip, both hands working up and down the shaft doing her best to stroke my cock and give me pleasure, looking into my eyes for approval. The sensation was intense, the waves of pleasure from watching and feeling her hands, softly but firmly working on my cock building powerfully.

“Kiss the tip”, I commanded again. She looked aghast, but marshalling all her willpower, lowered her head and softly pecked the top with her lips. A strand of pre-cum dangled between my cock and her lip.

“Have you ever given Dave a blow job?” I asked

“nooo, never, he asked me a few times, but I kinda got squeamish and refused”

“it’s important to learn this Deni, you really need to get over your anxiety about it and learn to do it well… you could surprise Dave with what you are able to do.. I’m sure that would make him very happy”.

She looked crushed and shuddered but reluctantly tried again, this time leaving her closed lips in contact with my cock it a little longer.

“Open your mouth Deni and lick it… lick the tip and the shaft, slide your tongue up and down the shaft”

Reluctantly, she complied, swirling her tongue around the tip and then licking along the length of my shaft. She repeated this action several times.

“great”, I commended her, “now carefully take the head into your mouth”

“oh my god, it will never fit” she said contrarily

“Do it” I commanded

She looked scared, but accepted my wishes, she grimaced and opened her mouth wide, the head of my cock sinking inside, instinctively wrapping her lips around the shaft.

“Now suck it and bob your head up and down at the same time until the tip reaches the back of your throat, and as you do that, use your tongue like when we kiss”.

She lowered her head further and started to suck me, sliding my cock another inch into her mouth. I felt her tongue circling it, licking it… her teeth scratching slightly on the skin. She pushed further, gagging as the tip touched the back of her throat, instantly causing her to pull back some, but she continued.

I moaned at the intensity of the sensations she was delivering to my cock, making it harder not to cum, but despite the feelings I determined not to cum in her mouth this first time; there would be time for that later and more. I didn’t want to shock her and put her off giving blow jobs completely.

“Now look up into my eyes as you do that and see the pleasure that you’re giving me”

She looked up, gazing into my eyes. The sight of my young lover, sucking on my cock, her mouth stretched wide, my cock seemed incongruously large compared to the size of her mouth.

“Now finger your pussy as you suck me”

Her right hand went to her pussy, frantically rubbing herself. I felt the vibration of her moan stimulating the tip of my cock. She was rapidly getting turned on. I let her continue for several minutes, her whimpering and moans getting more intense with each passing moment. I waited until I sensed that she was about to cum and stopped her. I needed to stop her because I was about to lose control too and she was right on the edge.

“Climb up on top of me, put one leg either side of mine and kneel on the sofa facing me”

She dutifully clambered onto the sofa and positioned herself as instructed. I kissed her deeply, our tongues intertwined, kissing me back in a frenzy.

“Do you want me to fuck you?”, I inquired, making sure that my cock was brushing the outer lips of her pussy.

“Yes!” she whispered

“Tell me, tell me how much you want me to fuck you”

“I do, oh my god, I do.. I need you inside me”

She tried to press down onto me, but I managed to move my hips away.

“beg me”, I commanded

She didn’t hesitate, “fuck me, for god’s sake fuck me Gary”

With that, I lunged my hips upwards, spearing her completely in one go. She cried out, an intense fusion of pain and pleasure, seared through her body, followed almost immediately by a long ear-piercing wail and I felt her muscles spasming as an intense orgasm beset her body. Juices flooded out of her, running over my thighs. She collapsed, falling forwards onto my chest, her body quivering.

“we’re not done yet” I said, “I want you to fuck yourself on my cock… use it, make yourself fuck me”

She was still shaking and breathless, but started to repeatedly lift her hips and drop down onto my shaft.

“If you want my cum, you’re going to have to earn it… make me cum Deni, make your lover cum for you”

She reached her arms behind me, grasping my head and kissed me deeply as she frantically bounced her hips up and down, fucking herself with my cock. My hands went to her breasts and I squeezed her nipples between a finger and thumb, pinching and twisting them. She started whimpering again, her own lustful desires building for a second time. A few moments more and her body was again spasming out of control. As her hips descended, I slammed my own hips upwards, burying my cock insider her and we both orgasmed simultaneously; as if every muscle in her body united into one long, passionate orgasm, my cock pulsating and pumping seed deep inside her. Her sweaty torso collapsed against me, her breasts pressing into my chest, resting her head on my shoulder, as her overwhelmed body quivered from a seemingly endless stream of aftershocks from her orgasm, my cock still pulsating inside her.

This was the first time I had experienced Deni being so active in her love-making and I held her to me, my arms wrapped tightly around her as I kissed the back of her hair. We stayed cuddled together for what seemed like an eternity, holding her safely in my arms.

As she recovered, she turned her head to look at me. I adored that look she had of innocent bewilderment, the look she always had after sex, partly it was what endeared me to her so much. In my mind, I knew that her inherent, pent up sexuality was completely wasted on that husband of hers and I determined to explore the very depths of pleasure that she was capable of feeling and giving.

“how can you do this to me, how can you make me feel so wonderful, so complete?” she asked innocently.

“Sweetie, I’m not doing anything to you, I’m just releasing what is already in you”

She kissed me lovingly and snuggled into me.

My pants were wet through from her juices, but I didn’t care, I was just enjoying holding my little angel. I must have held her there for half an hour, time I very much needed to recuperate myself. We had the whole day and I wanted to enjoy every moment of it with her. She was not the only one feeling complete, my own emotions felt a calm contentment.

We spent the rest of the day chatting, just getting to know each other more. She cooked lunch for us, made love again in the afternoon, showered together, and by early evening we had made love once more. I suggested taking her to a movie. At first, she was reluctant, scared that someone would recognize her and it would get back to her husband but I reassured her that we would go to a remote part of town and watch the movie there. Eventually, she agreed.

She dressed in her clearly preferred style, being a form-fitting white t-shirt, however for this occasion I persuaded her not to wear a bra to which she reluctantly agreed. She also wore a short skirt that only came down to mid-thigh and displayed her slender legs admirably. She finished the ensemble with a pair of tall wedge sandals. After searching online for a movie we would both enjoy, we headed out in my truck. After purchasing a couple of tickets and an oversized bucket of popcorn we headed for one of the screens, Deni holding my hand like my girlfriend as I led her to a row high in the back. I hadn’t done that since first dating my ex-wife when we were both young enough to be in college. The lights dimmed and the movie started after an obnoxious round of the forced advertising. Deni continued to sweetly hold my hand, as her attention focused on the unfolding story line of the movie.

It was about 15 minutes into the movie when her phone buzzed and she looked somewhat panicked, realizing the incoming call was from Dave. She looked at me as if to say shhh! and shielding the mouthpiece with her hand, answered in a quiet voice. She explained to him that she was at the movies. He clearly asked, who with, as she responded with the name of a female teacher who was evidently a friend of hers. I decided to take a chance and at that moment, slipped my hand over her thigh and up her skirt to her panties. She gasped as I slipped my fingers inside and started to finger her clitoris. She looked at me with daggers in her eyes, clamping my hand in place with her thighs and immediately excusing her reaction to Dave by again lying that it was just one of the scenes that had taken her by surprise. Her pussy was getting wet and I started to finger her, using her wetness to lubricate a finger before slipping it inside her. I slipped a second finger inside and started to finger fuck her, my thumb finding her clitoris as she got increasingly wetter. She made her excuses and quickly hung up the phone before clutching at my arm tightly and whimpering. She was incredibly nervous and kept scanning around to see if anyone could see. I continued and it didn’t take me long to elicit a mild orgasm from her, but enough to make her moan loud enough that if anyone had been sitting in nearby seats would clearly have heard.

“oh my god, you’re sooo bad” she exclaimed, an aroused look still in her eyes.

“Your turn” I said, taking her right hand and placing it on my bulge.

“What, here?... no way”, she protested.

“Suck me”, I commanded assertively.

She was clearly terrified by the prospect but did what i asked and unzipped my pants, releasing my cock, holding it tightly in her fingers.

“Suck me”, I repeated

Without another word, she looked around and then bent down over the seat taking my engorged cock into her mouth, sucking, licking, and bobbing her head slowly up and down. I stroked the back of her head, applying gentle pressure to get it as deep as I could without choking her. I loved the sensation of her tongue, the warm wetness of her mouth and forgave the odd occasions when her teeth grazed over my shaft. I felt my own orgasm rising and I knew there was nowhere for it to go, so just a fleeting moment before I lost all self-control, I held the back of her head tightly and erupted into her mouth. She tried to jerk back, taken by surprise at the spurts of semen hitting the back of her throat, but I held her head in place. Luckily for her, our earlier love-making had diminished the amount of cum that I had built up and she instinctively swallowed and gulped. Satisfied, I released the pressure and she sat back in her seat with a startled look in her eyes.

I leaned over and kissed the side of her face, whispering into her ear “lesson number 2, always swallow his cum”. I then turned her face to mine and kissed her on the lips before tucking my satisfied cock back into my pants.

I think she lost track of the movie as she stared blankly at the screen, trying to process and absorb what had just happened. I put my arm around her reassuringly and eventually she relaxed and nestled into it.

The movie eventually ended and we headed home, more or less in silence. About half-way home she turned to me and said, “Gary, can we do that again sometime?” I smiled, knowing that she had accepted that new experience.

After I pulled into my driveway, I escorted her to her door and was about to say goodnight and return home when she turned to face me and asked me to spend the night with her. She opened the door, and we went inside. Before heading up, I grabbed the bag of supplies from the sex shop that I had left in the living room and then taking my, she led the way to her bedroom. We both undressed, flicked the lights off, leaving only a bedside lamp illuminated and climbed into bed, kissing passionately for several minutes. I rolled her onto her back and she watched curiously in silence as I took the vibrator and set it on a low, gentle vibration before holding the tip to her clitoris. Deni cooed as the gentle vibrations aroused her. I started sliding the vibrator down her pussy lips and nudging the tip inside her opening. She was whimpering and moaning softly. I twisted the end cap, turning up the intensity of the vibration, and inserted it inside her, her abundant flow of juices lubricating it as I started to fuck her with the vibrator. I took her hand and placed it in her hand, lowering it to her pussy. Almost intuitively she started to fuck herself with it, her eyes closed and all I could discern was her moans, the gentle hum of the vibrator and the steady rise and fall of the bed covers as she masturbated.

She started to buck her hips and her moans grew louder, delighting in the new sensations until she cried out as an orgasm swept over her. I was always amazed at how easily she could reach orgasm with the right stimulation. As she pulled the vibrator away, I climbed over her between her legs and slid my cock into her. I fucked her slowly, even in this simple missionary position, she was writhing at the joy of having my cock inside her. We continued, softly, gently making love, kissing each other, suckling occasionally on her nipples. It was different… tender, patient lovemaking. She came again two more times before I finally released into her. We snuggled down together, the post-coital satisfaction not requiring words and we drifted into sleep, holding her in my arms.

The next morning, I started blinking my eyes open, taking in my unfamiliar surrounding when I noticed that Deni was already awake. She was laying on her side, quietly watching me sleep, waiting for me to wake. She was a picture of loveliness to wake up next to and I stared back into her eyes and smiled.

“Gary…” she said hesitantly, pausing a few moments before continuing, “… I love you”

“I love you too sweetheart”, I replied, interpreting her words as meaning the kind of way two good friends might care about each other.

“I mean…” she continued, “I mean, I really love you… I am…” she was searching for the right words “I'm crazy in love with you”

It took me a moment to process the full significance of what she had just confessed, and this incredible realization swept over me like a warm glow as I realized that she wasn’t just my lover, this wasn’t just a casual relationship to satisfy our lust. I finally had to admit to myself that I was actually in love with her too.

I rolled over to face her, took her hand, looked into her eyes and said “and I am in love with you too Deni”.

Her eyes welled with tears and we kissed for the first time as two people deeply in love with each other. I held the mother of my future child tightly, wishing this moment would never end.


2021-05-20 04:00:48
Job well done. Keep up the good work!

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