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A young Chinese girl is used and abused but Karma steps in.
Ying was 19, the daughter of a store owner and his wife. They had moved from China to live in a western country. It was a struggle but they hired an Accountant to try to change their fortunes. Manfred was a smart operators and was glad to lend the business money. A smart operator but a sleazy one. He went to the shop regularly but his main interest was Ying. He would smile sweetly but she could tell beneath that smile lived a snake. She would shudder every time he came in. “How you today my little lotus blossom” he would say. Ying pretended to not understand him and give a weak smile. This infuriated Manfred but he hid it well.

The business was still struggling and Manfred started to demand his loan be repaid. Of course there was no way that would happen. He looked at Ying standing at the back of the shop. “Well if you cannot pay then I will take your daughter” Manfred said. Ying gasped and her parents said no but he insisted. “Then I will take your business and see you are sent back to China” he yelled. “No papa” said Ying “I will go with him. You and mama cannot go back”. “That is settled” said Manfred triumphantly “pack your bags and come with me now”. Her parents begged her not to go but she said she was doing it to save their business.

Once in the car Manfred gloated over his prize. “Oh yes I am going to enjoy you my sweet” he said “I am going to enjoy breaking you in”. Arriving at his house he walked Ying inside. “Put your bag down and follow me to the bedroom” he said, lust in his eyes “I am going to finalise the deal”. “No please. I don’t want to have sex. I am a virgin. Please don’t” cried Ying. “Oh shit, I am going to pop a cherry” laughed Manfred. He grabbed her by the arm and dragged her into the bedroom. Stripping her naked he took time to drool over his prize. He then pushed her onto the bed and raped her. After he finished he looked down at her. “Get used to it baby. You will learn to please me or else”.

In the weeks that followed Manfred would use threats and emotional blackmail to force Ying to submit to his nightly sexual attacks on her. She was helpless to resist him as he mounted her and humped away. Her only relief was that he barely lasted more than a few minutes before climaxing and rolling off her. She hated what was happened but could see no way out. It was a Saturday morning when he again attacked her before getting dressed and leaving. Ying was never told where he was going. She was just told that her safety and her parent’s future would be in danger if she left the house. So naturally she never considered escaping. Her only pleasure was looking after Manfred’s dog, a large Black Labrador named Thor.

This Saturday it had been raining so Thor, who usually lived outside was in the house. He was terrified of thunder. Ying, naked, wandered into to the kitchen to get a drink of water. She hadn’t had a shower and so the cum Manfred had brutally deposited into her was seeping down her thighs. Thor’s ears pricked up as he caught the scent and went looking where it was coming from. As Ying drank the water she suddenly squealed as Thor came up behind her and pushed his nose between her thighs. She spun around and he again pushed his nose into her crotch. “What are you doing” she screamed but her attempts to escape where no match for Thor’s determination.

Pushing past him she headed for the lounge with Thor in hot pursuit. He caught up to her and pushed her on to the couch. Again he buried his nose between her thighs. This time his tongue got to work lapping at her pussy. “Don’t” she cried, as if he understood. Of course he didn’t and suddenly Ying felt pleasure from what Thor was doing. “Oh please stop” she said and at the same time spread her legs wider. Her eyes closed, her mouth opened and she was moaned as a strange feeling washed over her. “Don’t stop Thor” she whispered as if there was anyone that could hear her moans of pleasure. It wasn’t long before she felt a strange sensation and then cried out as she orgasmed. Thor lifted his head for a moment to see what was happened but then resumed his oral stimulation of this woman. She came once more before pushing him away and rushed to the shower.

Ying dressed and returned to the lounge. Thor lay in the corner unaware of the pleasure he had given his new mistress. Ying looked at him and found herself lusting after more of Thor’s gentle manipulations of her private parts. She tried to concentrate on making herself some lunch but the quivering in her pussy would not be denied. Returning to the lounge she quickly slipped her knickers and called Thor to her. He didn’t seem to show the same urgency as before. Ying was disappointed and then realised her shower had removed any scent that had attracted him. She began to rub herself and it wasn’t long before Thor started to show interest. Ying had herself cum and Thor immediately resumed licking her. “Yes doggy. I like that” she moaned as once again she resumed the pleasure of Thor’s broad and rough tongue teasing her pussy and clit.

From that moment Ying would enjoy Thor after Manfred left the house. It was maybe a week after the first experience that Thor seemed more intense with his approach to her. After licking her as usual he suddenly rose up, pushing her back in the couch. He was thrusting madly and his cock slipped out of its sheaf. Ying looked down and saw what was happening. “No” she cried out “not you too” as if to lump Thor in with her abusive husband. Thor gave up and climbed down and resumed licking her. Shaken by what had happened she rubbed his head buried between her thighs. “I am sorry Thor” she said “I didn’t mean you were like him” meaning her husband. Normal program was restored as she climaxed on the end of her doggy lover’s tongue.

For several days Ying thought about what had happened. She found her pussy trembling at the thought of that cock showing as Thor tried to mount her. She sat on the couch as usual and he licked her. She wanted to know what he would do. She reached down, grabbed his front legs and tried to lift him up. He was too heavy for her but he realising what she was doing Thor climbed up with his front legs on her shoulders. She looked down and his cock was showing. She reached down and wrapped her hand around it. He began thrusting at her. Slipped down a little his cock was now level with her quivering pussy. Thor felt the warm embrace of her pussy on the tip of his cock and he pushed forward. Ying squealed as he drove his growing cock inside her. “No” she shouted “no” but without conviction as he pounded her furiously. She felt his knot but in this position he was unable to tie with her. However his efforts were not in vain as he sprayed his juices into her. They moaned in unison as both enjoyed this their first coupling.

After her introduction to doggy sex Ying began to realise that Thor enjoyed his moments with her. He was brutal but loving. He would lick her and make her cum. Then he would mount her to get his own pleasure and then lick her clean afterwards. She no longer worried about Manfred’s attacks and threats. She knew, as soon as he left the house, Thor would take care of her. Manfred started to wonder why Ying’s mood was changing. She seemed to have stopped resisting his advances. “Why the change?” he wondered “was she cheating on him?” In his twisted mind he thought her totally surrender to him meant she was cheating. He decided to find out what was going on when he wasn’t there.

It was a Saturday when, after again using Ying for his own pleasure, he said he was going out. “I will away all day” he said. Of course it was a lie as he planned to keep the house under surveillance. He left, Ying made herself some breakfast and let Thor into the house. Now a well-worn routine, Ying slipped off her knickers and Thor advanced and began to lick her pussy. She spread her legs and closed her eyes, moaning softly as Thor pleased her. With her eyes closed she didn’t see Manfred peering through the lounge room window. “Oh fuck” he muttered “she is having it off with my dog”. By the time he had silently entered by the front door and moved to the doorway to the lounge Thor was on top of Ying and doing what a dog does. He humped her vigorously still unable to bury his knot in her but still able to climax. As he did so Manfred entered the lounge in a fury.

“What the fuck are you doing” he screamed. Ying screamed but Thor was fucking his bitch and he wasn’t about to stop. Manfred kicked Thor in the side knocking him away from Ying. Ying sprung up off the couch. Thor turned to Manfred and growled. This gave Ying enough time to scramble to the back door and out into the back yard. Manfred pursued her closely followed by Thor. Manfred caught up with Ying and punched her. She fell down. He kicked her and Thor again growled. Manfred turned and aimed another kick at Thor. He missed and slipped over. Thor was on him in a second, standing there growling. Manfred punched Thor in the face.

Thor shook his head for a second or two and then sunk his teeth into Manfred’s throat. Blood immediately began to stream from the bite. Thor must have cut an artery as in less than a minute Manfred lay dead in a pool of blood. “Ying staggered to her feet. “Oh Thor what have you done” she cried. Thor sat there looking at the body on the lawn. “You saved my life” Ying said “my savoir” and she cuddled him. Taking his inside she washed the blood off him. “You hide in the bedroom” she said and then rang 000 and reported that this huge brown and white dog had attacked her husband. Police and an ambulance arrived soon after and Manfred was declared dead. Ying said the dog had entered the yard and when her husband tried to remove him he was attacked. The police took her statement and said they would search for the dog.

Of course the dog never existed and therefore could not be found. Manfred was buried and a lawyer worked on the assets. There was no Will and so Ying inherited everything. Her first action was to cancel the debt for her parents and in fact inject more money into their business. She employed an Accountant to take care of Manfred’s business. And what of Thor? Well Ying and Thor share a special relationship. Ying has even progressed to getting on hands and knees and taking Thor’s huge knot. The momentary pain of taking it is soon forgotten as Thor pumps his copious amounts of doggy cum deep inside her.


2024-05-21 20:46:45
i like it alll but the ending. great k9 story.

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