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This is based on the TV Show the Blue Bloods. The high and mighty police family has a weakness and many in the crime world just learned how to exploit it due to Erin Reagans ex-husband. The kidnapping and rape of Erin has a ripple affect that essentially takes down the entire Reagan empire.
Blue Bloods

Taken Down

This is a little story based loosely on the TV series "The Blue Bloods" starring Tom Selleck, Brigette Moynahan, Donnie Wahlberg, Sami Gayle as part of a police family. Grandpa was the NYC Police Commissioner (now retired). Dad is the NYC Police Commish, Daughter Erin is the NYC ADA. Erin's daughter Nicky (from Jack and Erins defunct marriage) is a college student in NYC. The family is all about law and order and fighting crime. Erin's ex husband Jack is despised by all and considered unworthy by the rest of the family. Now that they have been divorced several years Jack shows back up in NYC after being DA in Chicago. Heres where the story goes.

I'm Jack Boyle an attorney from Chicago. Used to be married to Erin Reagan of the all powerful Reagan police family of NY City. Last season I moved back to NY to try and hook up with the ex. It went good at first. Hooked up with the kinky little minx. Even though she is the Assistant District Attorney for NY City and all prim and proper "Miss Law" she is a kinky freak in the bedroom. I really love that. In fact I missed that. It went good for a while then I became her boss and things unravelled. I finally had enough of her righteous shit and snapped. I put things into motion that can never be undone. This is the story of what I put in motion and what happened before.... well before I died. Oh I'm going to hell for sure but it was worth it.

A little background....

Back in law school I met this hot brunette named Erin. We dated a bit and I found out she'd only been with one guy before me. She was a devout Catholic schoolgirl type. Very smart but very uptight about sex. She did like to drink and that helped my cause a great bit. Once we started sleeping together and drinking she became a demon in bed. For all her self righteous crap she loved sex but would feel so bad about what she'd done.... Oh spare me. You were happy with my dick in your ass last night. Why the sad "I should never have done that" routine? It was a constant yo-yo of "Fuck me like the whore I am" to "Oh I sinned, I've got to go confess and pray". Jesus what an ass pain. In a way I loved her but loved fucking her even more. We were nearly done with law school and I was seeing the end to many things regarding my college days. My buddies knew about her and I and I'd told them so many juicy little things. On Spring break we all went South, with Miss Priss in tow, and partied our asses off.

We all got drunk. One night she passed out (maybe a ruffy involved ;-) and a couple of my buddies had their turns with miss perfect. I had to take pics of course. It dawned on me later... The Catholic girl always made me where condoms (even boning her ass). What a pain but what the fuck. When my buddies tapped her no one bothered. Yep you bet. She got knocked up. About the time we graduated and took the BAR exam she let me know. She was so ashamed. Me being the devoted boyfriend of a couple years did the "right" thing and married her.

We began our careers and she gave birth to a daughter we named Nicky. Sad thing is I found out later I have low too no sperm count. Couldn't be the father. Some other load dumped in her during Spring break must be the dad (lucky it wasn't the one black guy or things would have got complicated). I played the part of husband and dad for a while and both our careers did good. I worked for a law firm defending clients. Erin wound up in the DA's office prosecuting suspects (family business continued). We argued over so many legal cases. It became kind of toxic except in the bedroom. Whenever she won a case she was horney as hell and we'd fuck like minks. Funny thing is she could not get pregnant with number two. It never registered with her. I finally got caught banging a young law intern and she divorced me.

The stage is set...

I had played poker with some buds from college for as long as I could remember. So the usual game commenced and we sat around drinking and playing. The conversation swung round to hot chicks we liked banging. Somehow Erin was mentioned and they all let out a sad sigh some of them who were there remembered spring break. That was 18 years prior. Dear little Nicky (whichever one of them's she was) was a freshman at New York College. All the guys liked the hot ADA and most would fuck her in a heartbeat. She looked great as ever and kept her figure perfect.

One of the guys cleared his throat and said "She's in for alot of trouble." We all looked at him questioningly. He looked around and said "This never leaves the room. Some gang kingpins I represent from a couple gangs actually agree on one thing.... She's gotta get taken out." A couple guys whistled and then looked at me kind of sheepishly. I shrugged and said "Bitch has pushed every button in New York. Mine especially. Not a surprise." They relaxed a bit. I commented that I'd buy the guy a beer for fixing my ex problem. She's trying to tag me to pay for her kids college. They all mumbled something in agreement. So our game went on and it wasn't mentioned again.

I let this stew for a day or two and began working on a plan. I contacted my buddy who represented the drug/gang kingpins and had him out for drinks. I mentioned I had an idea and would like to talk to his clients completely in private and definitely off the record. He said he'd set it up. A couple days later I'm in a rented room with a full bar handing drinks to a couple latino and a couple black gang leaders. I expected hood rats but these guys were well turned out and pretty damned smart. I handed out the drinks and said "We all have a problem and I have a proposal on how we could all profit AND have a little fun in the process." They looked at me and at each other and said "Spill it..." I took a deep drink (Oh that burned so good). "I understand we all agree Erin Reagan is a pain in the ass..." They shook their heads in agreement. "I was married to the bitch..." A couple whistled and then one said "At least you got to fuck the bitch." I smiled and said "Precisely, she is a great fuck but a bitch on wheels. She's even shaking me down for college money for that brat of hers." I spelled out what I had in mind and told them it would take effort from each group and a good bit of coordination. They all liked the plan and even had some top knotch IT guys who could help mask anything traceable. After a few more drinks everyone was laughing and actually getting into this plan. Two of the gang leaders tapped their beers together and said "Let's do this." Deal was done. All communications were with burn phones and I would be brought on as a co-counsel so anything said was attorney-client privilege. Sweet loophole.

It took two weeks for all the pieces to be put in place, IT set up, locations scouted and set, disquises acquired, and all the pieces. When the day came it had to go like clockwork and it did. The gangs hatred of the ADA and her police family (commisioners, detective, patrolman) was greater than their rivalry and animosity. It was a work of art.

Spring the trap....

Erin walked out of her office on the way to the parking garage a half a block away as two dark colored Suburbans pull up. Men in khaki pants and dark windbreakers aproach her. One makes contact and others stay in a cirle around looking up and down at rooftops in a defensive posture. They have logos of a couple agencies FBI, DOJ, Etc. The largest dark colored man looks at Erin and says "Ms Reagan. I'm agent Edwards with the FBI anti-gang task force. I'm part of a multi agency force and we have a verified threat on you. We contacted NYC Police Commisioner and are taking you and some family members to a safe location for a quick debrief. Can you come with us while we have things secure?" They looked very efficient and professional as they hurried her to the lead Suburban. She got in the backseat with an agent on each side. As they drove off the agent in front turned and looked at her. He said "We have a team picking up Nicky from college right now and they'll bring her to the debrief so we can make a threat assessment and get an idea where we stand. After that we'll set up the appropriate security. #1 PP will be enroute and meet us there." Erin looked around and said "Thanks.... What's going on?" Edwards looked at her and said "You're being tracked. Intercepts have your movements being broadcast and the gang unit has verified you and your family have been targeted. We don't know how they are tracking you yet." She looked flustered. Edwards opened a large case and asked if he could see her phone, purse, briefcase, anything she was carrying. Erin handed them forward quickly. Edwards took her phone apart, searched her purse, removed her self protection pistol and then asked "Nothing else on your person?" Erin shook her head no. Edwards looked around again and said "Can't figure how they are tracking you so close. Any ideas?" Erin was at a loss. She said "I don't have anything else on me that could hold a tracking device. They drove for a little more and Edwards said "We're clear then". At that moment Erin felt a poke in her arm from the agent next to her. Moments later the lights went out and she was unconscious.

At the same time Nicky was walking from class to a coffee shop she frequented. Two suburbans pulled up and the same routine took place. Agent Eduardo made contact and advised her of the threat against the family. The agents were completely professional and she fell for it as they drove away heading for the outskirts of the city. After the scan (dis-arming) and a few questions things were good. Officer Eduardo said "We're clear" Nicky felt a poke and the lights went out.

Essentially their phones were disassembled an anything they had on them was dropped at a dumpster on the South side. The suburbans were ditched and two Excursions were used to transport the two Westward and completely out of town. An hour and a half later they were in a sort of sound studio well away from prying eyes. The IT guys had done an amazing job and any signal would be bounced around the world originating in Rio. No trail and what there was would lead nowhere fast. NYPD could never use electronic intel and this was a very hush hush operation Jack, and the gangs had devised and financed. It was as diabolical as it was secret.

There we were....

Erin began to come to and had no idea where she was. Something throbbed in her ear. She looked around and she was sitting on a toilet with her hands cuffed in front of her. Someone cleared their throat yet no one was around. Erin looked around in panic. She was in a bathroom. She looked up and down and realized she was sitting on a toilet naked. Panic began to set in when the voice in her ear said. "Erin Reagan you've been out for about 12 hours. You need to use the facilities as I'm sure you have to go by now. Next to you is some bottled water since I'm sure your thirsty. Make yourself comfortable for a little bit and we'll come get you." Erin was in full panic mode and yelled at whoever. A voice boomed in and said "Piss, shit, and shut the fuck up, NOW!" Erin looked around totally confused. After a short while she realized she did need to use the facilities so she did. The water began to sound good so she drank some and began to settle down. Her mind raced. "Maybe there something in the water, where am I, what do they want, etc etc etc. She was feeling a little light headed but maybe she hadn't eaten for quite a while since she was going to lunch when....? Hmmm... Who cares.... the drug had taken affect.

Erin was sitting there in kind of a euphoric state trying to figure things out but nothing seemed to piece together. The door opened and a large thick terry cloth robe was tossed in. Erin grabbed it and wrapped it around herself. As she stood there looking around the voice in her earpiece said. "Go to the door. You'll be escorted." Erin opened the door and two men in dark clothes and hoods grabbed each arm and lead her down the hall to a room. It looked like a law office (books, desk, chairs, etc). They sat her in a chair and stood behind her. A man in a black suit sat at the desk wearing a white annonymous mask. He began speaking after looking her over for a minute. His accent was hispanic (maybe Columbian) "So you are the Puta ADA Reagan who's giving me and my organization such problems?" "You've been warned before, again and again. Your Reagan family can't exactly help you now, so you had best listen very very close to my instructions" His voice began talking to the earpiece in her ear.

Erin heard him chuckle as he said "Your dear daughter Nicky is here and safe too (for now)." He let that sink in as she began to object he snapped "Silence! You will not speak unless instructed to PUTA!" Erin kind of cringed at the loud voice in her ear. She straightened up and glared at him. He laughed. He turned a computer monitor on his desk to face her. Erin's eyes about popped out of her head. She began to yell as the masked man held up a finger and said "Silence" in a quiet tone. Erin's eye were huge and panic set in by the image playing on the screen. Masked man said "You will remain silent. Now let me explain." The image on the screen was Nicky tied spread eagle on a large four poster bed. She had a tiny white thong and a tiny white lacey push up bra that barely covered her nipples. Nicky was blindfolded and gagged with a nice red ball gag. Along each side of the bed was three large naked black men. Each had an erection at half mast that was bigger than anything Erin had ever seen. She was in horror. Her daughter.... like this.... Oh my god. She looked around in panic and started to say something. Annonymous held up a finger and hissed "silence". Erin looked at him pleading with her eyes. Annonymous tapped the side of his head and said Step 1. then tapped the side of his head and spoke to Erin. He said "Dear Ms Reagan. Your going to do exactly as we say or the gentlemen will take many more steps than just step 1." At that point one of the black men leaned forward with a pair of scissors and cut both shoulder straps and the center of Nicky's bra and tugged the remains out from under her. She howled and struggled as her nice little C cups were exposed. Annonymous said "Do I have your attention?" Erin shook her head Yes. "Now that we know your daughter is in our possession and in quite the compromised situation are you going to behave?" Erin Shook her head yes. Annonymous shook his head "Good" "Now listen.... Your cuffs will be removed and you will be provided another robe. You will be given instructions and will follow along with exactly what you are told in this earpiece. If you fail to do EXACTLY as I say I'll say another number like "Step 2". Do you understand?" He tapped the side of his head and said Step 2. One of the black men stepped forward with the scissors and cut the thong off Nicky and threw it to the side. Erin struggled and Nicky struggled. To no avail for Nicky and Annonymous held up a finger and said "Do we have an agreement. She doesn't have too many numbers before one of them is fucking her..... I wonder... Do you think she's a virgin?" Erin's eyes went wide. She shook her head Yes. Annonymous whispered "Say it out loud." Erin said in a quiet voice "OK I'll do what you want, please nothing illegal and don't let them touch my daughter." Annonymous laughed and said "OK then.... Here we go".

ACT One.....

Two men helped Erin stand and undid her handcuffs. Erin felt drained and disoriented. The strain/stress of the situation and of seeing the position her daughter was being held hostage in had her overloaded. Something was definitely wrong. Her mind felt fuzzy. One man handed her a bottled water and she drank some. It helped but she still felt fuzzy. After a few minutes it got worse and she couldn't focus. She was handed a black judges type silk robe and the men left the office. The voice in her ear said "Lose the terry cloth and put on the black robe." Erin did as told. The silk rubbed her nipples and she felt almost electric type stimuli going through her. She tipped her head thinking how wierd. That should not happen, certainly not in this situation. Then her mind moved on. The voice said "Sit in the chair you were in. Rise when the judge walks in his chambers." Erin sat and looked around. Judge, what judge.

A large black man walked in dressed in judges robes.Erin did as instructed and stood. He was followed in by a hispanic man neatly dressed in a suit and two hispanic men in orange prisoner jump suits. The judge orders everyone to sit. He began talking about prosecutorial misconduct. Erin was fuzzy and kept drifting to the robe rubbing her nipples. She just couldn't focus. The judge asked her about evidence and the voice in her ear said "SAY Yes... I did your honor" and Erin blurted it out. He said a few more things and she heard the words mistrial and some more about compensation. The voice said "Focus on what the judge says and do what he says". Erin listened. The judge said "In my opinion you, the prosecutor were about to fuck these two men with jail terms for being hispanic gang members. You falsified evidence and had them falsely arrested. I think the tables should be turned. Ms Reagan approach my desk." Erin did as she was told. The judge said "Lean forward over my desk and look at me.' Erin did as she was told.

The judge looked at the two men in orange prisoner suits and said "Time for turnabout is fair play. Miss Reagan raise your robes." Erin began to object when the judge pointed to a computer monitor on his desk displaying Nicky and he whispered do "I say step 3?" Erin swallowed hard and raised her robe. The first prisoner dropped the front his orange prison pants and kicked her feet wide apart. Erin knew what was going to happen and closed her eyes. The prisoner placed his cock at her pussy entrance and pushed inward. She was not ready and let out a discomforted groan. The prisoner enjoyed that and pressed on. He began long deep strokes into Erin's pussy and in a very few strokes the wet slurping sounds of a wet pussy being fucked could be heard. Erin could hear a womans voice groaning and the sounds of sex. It didn't register right. The prisoner fucked her for several minutes before groaning and dumping a load in her ass crack. The next prisoner took his place and began fucking her quite roughly. Erin could hear a woman moaning but she didn't know who. She felt a knotting in her core and began pushing back as she was fucked deeply. She had a strong orgasm while being fucked by prisoner #2. As he finished he came all over her pussy lips. The judge pointed to the lawyer and he took his turn. When he was done the judge told them to leave.

The judge then instructed the fuzzy headed Erin to sit on his desk and spread her legs wide. The voice in her ear said "Now" very loud and she complied. The judge opened his robes and pulled out a large black cock. The voice said "Spread your pussy wide.... Now". Erin tried to fight it but did as she was told. She felt the judge run the head of his big cock up and down her sloppy pussy opening. He said "This is for being a bitch of a lawyer. From now on you'll fuck every judge before, during and after trials like the slut you are. Say it! Your a prosecutor slut!" Erin hesitated as she heard the voice in her ear say Step 3. Erin said loud and fast "I'm a prosecutor slut. Fuck me fuck ME!". The judge obliged as he slid the head of the big cock into her. She could barely take it and felt incredibly full. She glanced at the moniitor from the corner of her eye and could see one set of black hands rubbing Nicky's right breast. She groaned in frustration but it came out a groan that became one of pleasure. This judge was filling her and hitting all the right places as he went deeper. Erin tipped her head back and groaned loud as he bottomed out and began fucking her in long deep strokes. She felt that sensation again as another strong orgasm hit her. She moaned and groaned as her legs clinched then she felt a recognizable sensation as the judge pushed deep and groaned as he filled her pussy with cum. Erin closed her eyes and whimpered "Oh god no please." The judge just chuckled as he finished and pulled out.

When he was done he left the room. Erin was in shock and stayed on the desk for a few minutes. She looked at the monitor and saw the hands on Nicky had not progressed. In fact nothing was moving so the screen had stopped. She reached to touch the computer as two men in black walked in. They helped her up and lead her from the room. She looked back to see the frozen screen with the image of her daughter with the black men feeling her breasts. Despair hit her hard. Had she done enough to stop what they were doing to her? She didn't know.


Erin was lead back to the bathroom where this all started. The voice in her ear said "Use the bathroom and dress in the clothes hanging on the shower rod. You have ten minutes. Little Nicky is depending on your hurrying." Erin was numb. She used the restroom and tried to wash out all the foul cum the judge had dumped in her. She tried very hard to get rid of all of it. She knew it was trouble since she was not on any birth control. Being a devout Catholic had basically mandated it. Any man she had slept with (even her husband) wore condoms. Now she had unwanted sperm in her. Panic was setting in even with her drug addled brain. Somehow she hurried and found hose, garter, lace bra, short red dress and red heels. She dressed quickly and realized the dress came to just below her hose and there were no panties anywhere. She knew this was bad. There was a tap at the door and the voice in her ear said "Time for you to eat something follow these men" Erin did as told and ended up in an empty room except for a table with a bottle of wine, a glass, a plate of what smelled like good pasta. She looked around and no one approached. She ate her meal in silence. When she was done she finished the wine. It was actually good wine but it hit her pretty well. She had a good buzz and a full stomach when the voice said "Glad you enjoyed your dinner. Now walk out that door on your right and DO AS YOUR TOLD". Erin got up and felt the wine hit her. Whoa.... She walked to the door and stepped through. She found herself in a large warehouse. The room she was in must have been an office of sorts off the side of the warehouse. The voice said "Walk straight ahead".

Erin got about 15 steps when blue and red lights began flashing. Bright headlights shown on her. Two officers got out of a patrol car and told her to freeze. Erin did as she was told but tried to thank the officers and tell them she was in trouble. They silenced her and approached rapidly. She realized as they got to her they were not real. She groaned in disappointment. The cops were two large black men wearing pseudo NYPD uniforms. They made comments about the white crack whore out here at night. Erin found herself cuffed and leaning across the hood of a fake patrol car. The cops frisked her roughly spending alot of time on her tits and ass. The comments were passed back and forth about her lack of panties which meant the whore was open for business.

To Erin's dismay they kicked her feet further apart as she lay across the hood. She began struggling but the ear voice yelled "Do as your told whore". She heard sounds and a cops stepped up behind her. She felt him doing something between them then felt the head of his cock rub her pussy as he yanked her dress up over her waist. She had the air knocked out of her with a whompf as the cop painfully slammed a large cock into her pussy. Erin howled in pain and cried out "too big.... Oh god stop". The cop did not listen and kept on plowing her. The two cops joked back and forth about how cops got all the fun by fucking white whores as they pleased. Erin heard the word bitch, snotty whores, fuck em all, white skank, mixed with grunts and cries. She realized the cries were hers. She started hearing some moaning as the first cop lunged forward and began pumping her full of cum. The second cop took his place as the first one finished and said "Thanks Sarge, Sloppy seconds on this whore will be fun." He commenced fucking her now sloppy cunt. They continued their banter about white whores when one mentioned fucking that ADA slut. She heard them mention ADA, fucking her ass, etc. she had a hard time focusing and hearing since someone kept moaning and her head was so fuzzy, like she couldn't concentrate on anything. She finally realized the woman moaning was her. She shook her head and thought "Why, what did they give me, whats happening" she felt a knot in her stomach and then the familiar spasms of a strong orgasm working it's way through her. The moaning got louder and she shook her head and groaned "Oh god no... please... no... Oh god... fuck.... fuck me". She shook her head thinking "Who said that?" Her thought was interrupted by a huge thrust and the second cop cumming deep in her pussy.

The cops put a black hood over Erin's head and loaded her into the cop car and said "Hey lets take her over and make her a gift to our friends over on 25th." There was some joking as she heard the car start. Within about a minute the car barely moved then stopped and she was hauled out and lead stumbling. She heard a large metal door slam and some talking. It sounded like spanish. Erin's stomach dropped. Spanish, 25th, oh shit gang territory.... She knew she was in deep trouble.


Erin felt someone close by as her dress was cut/torn off her. She screamed and yelled but that got nothing but a group of laughter. She listened. Who was here? how many? whats happening? Her bra was cut away and she knew she was in nothing but stockings and heels. Strong hands grabbed her and lifted her. She was carried struggling, looking down at the floor but could see nothing due to the hood over her head. Next thing she felt was a hard wood (felt like wood) beam under her belly and chest. They yanked her legs apart and she felt wood beam under each of her legs. She was facing down yet supported in what must have been a large Y shaped beam. In no time she was feeling straps around her ankles, thighs, waist and the handcuffs behind her back were secured to the leather strap around her waist. A leather collar was placed around her neck and it had a short chain attached to the end of the beam. Since she could only raise her head a very short way she was stuck. A pair of rough hands reached under her and pulled her tits so they were seperated by the 4" wide beam so each tit hung down each side. She heard the clink just before a painful pinch on her nipples. Erin cried out in pain as a nipple clamp with a chain was attached to each nipple. It hung down under the beam and connected her two tits. She was very well trussed up and exposed.

Erin laid there listening to the sounds around her. The hood was hot and she could hear voices speaking in spanish. She heard a loud slap and a womans voice scream. A few more slaps and laughter. There were others...? Who else? In spanish she heard the words "Puta" and then in english she heard "tore her ass up". Someone laughed again and said in english "her pussy is worse... bitch has been fucked all day... the whole gangs had some... clean that fucking mess up there's cum dripping everywhere.... fuck."

Erin shook her head and listened. She was still kind of fuzzy and nothing made sense. They must have put something in her wine. She heard water splash and a womans voice groan. More laughter. A couple loud slaps and a woman yelp. She tried to figure out what was happening to the other woman. It sounded like just two guys left there doing the clean-up chores. Splashing, scrubbing, and occasional womans groan. One said in a thick hispanic accent "Just get a garden hose and wash out that cunt." They laughed a bit the other one said "Naw Tony's old lady said use this douche shit on her pussy and ass.... I guess his old lady wants to fist fuck this bitch real good tommorow and doesn't want any of our nasty shit in her... Guess we gotta take her down and feed this puta and give her some water...." They laughed and the other said "Hell lets just give her tequila. Keep her fucked up." They chuckled and said "Good idea. She ain't gonna like what they do to her tomorrow... besides they got that one over there to play with for tonight." Erin felt panic.

Erin hung her head down since there was nowhere to rest her head. Her chin touched the chain and the end of the beam. Her head was spinning. It seemed like forever when she heard voices approach. She heard laughter then a couple bottles tossed into a trash can. She listened intently as she heard leather strap sounds and the clink of light chain. She then heard a womans hoarse voice croak out "No... where are you taking me... no" The response was laughter "Time to get you some dinner and drinks since all you've had is dick to eat today." "You're a lucky little slut. You get to eat and sleep tonight. They're gonna have fun with the other one tonight." Erin heard the woman groan as they must have moved her to a standing position. As she was intently listening to that conversation she never heard anyone approach but her hood was yanked up. She blinked to focus her eyes. She saw a slender woman with shoulder length brown hair being lead away. She had welts and red marks all over her back and butt. She needed help walking. She almost looked familiar but in Erin's addled condition and adjusting eyes she couldn't tell.

A loud hispanic voice said "Here drink this shit" as he placed a bottle to her lips. He poured and Erin tasted strong liqour. She tried to swallow and it burned. The voice said "Drink it and don't spill a drop." She did her best and he kept pouring. It was strong and they gave her way too much but she drank the best she could. They finally took the bottle away and Erin looked around. To her horror she was in something that looked like a dungeon but bigger. All kinds of suspension and bondage aparatus around. The other woman had been on a large wooden Y horizontal to the floor and as she looked around she realized she was on one too. There were all kinds of horrors in this room. She could even see many old blood stains on the floor. This did not look good. Finally the man kneeled down in front of Erin's face. She recognized him immediately. He was Eduardo Cardoza from Colombia. He ran some of the gangs in New York and was noted to be very wealthy and even more ruthless. Erin had been after him and his organization for several years. She could get some of his mid level guys from time to time but still had only come close to nailing Eduardo once. All the witnesses disappeared. She inwardly groaned. She was in deep shit and knew it.

Eduardo smiled a big smile and looked right in Erin's eyes. He said "Fun to see you Ms Reagan... or is it Boyle?" "Seems you can't please your husband and stay with him." "See if you had been a good little slut wife and pleased your husband and not walked out on him you wouldn't be here." Erin began to protest and speak but a hard right-hand slap silenced her. Eduardo said "You were warned. No you had to be the bitch at the DA's office. Daddies little lawyer bitch." "Well your daddy and brothers and all of the NYPD blue boys are searching New York for your pretty little ass." He laughed and tipped his head. "Where are we? Ha ha No one knows." He smiled a bit more and grabbed Erin's lower jaw. He stopped smiling and got very grim. He moved her head from side to side to make her look around. "See all this video equipment? It's been in everyplace you've been." He kind of half mouth grinned then added "The first video to hit the web was you getting fucked by the prisoners and judge. Ah that was nice." He shook his head and said "Oh that one got your daddy and the DA offices attention but the second video of Erin the whore getting fucked by two black cops.... Oh what a piece of art. That hit the air less than an hour ago." Erin groaned. Eduardo laughed "Oh you've seen nothing yet.... Dear daddy is turning New York upside down and breaking all kind of rules. After he saw you and your sweet little daughter on video...." He laughed as he saw her eyes get huge. "Oh you didn't know that little slut of a daughter has been entertaining the boys all day. Last night the black boys had their fun and today the Vatto's had their turn." "You just missed her... They took her out of here to go eat and sleep." "I'm affraid she's a little wore out." He chuckled. He looked at her seriously again. "Be that as it may... Your dad and brothers are breaking all the rules and at this rate they'll probably all lose their badges and maybe even go to jail." We're watching close and videoing their every move." He laughed and held up a glass. He said "I salute you. You and your pussy are giving me and my people a great deal of pleasure. First we fuck you silly. Then we bring down the entire Reagan dynasty. Maybe we let you live for the fun of it. Still debating that one." Erin groaned and fought her restraints as tears streamed down her face.

Eduardo looked up past Erin at someone behind her and nodded. Erin saw the nod and heard a clicking. She thought it was a gun click then she heard it repeatedly. At that point she felt the Y part of the beam begin to part. It was spreading her strapped down legs wider and wider with every click. It began to hurt as her legs got wider. She was thankful several years of yoga had her fairly limber and flexible but given the circumstances it still hurt a good bit. Eduardo made a clicking noise and the spreading stopped. Eduardo walked around behind her and then she heard his voice in her earpiece. She felt fingers playing with her pussy as the voice said "I have dreamed of fucking you just to make it hurt." He slipped two fingers in her pussy and swirled them around. He pulled them out and said "I'll leave that to others who are far bigger and crueller than I." As she heard him walk away he said "I'll be here in your head talking to you. Enjoy the fucking."

Erin felt a large headed cock press against her pussy entrance for a second then it slammed home. She screamed in pain as she was stretched unmercifully. The fucking was fast and furious. Her tormentor began slapping her ass repeatedly and fucked her for what seemed like forever. Eduardo laughed in her ear and said "This guy fucked little Nicky's pussy and ass earlier, glad to see he's still in full form for you." Erin groaned knowing this. Her groan came accross as a moan. Eduardo said into her earpiece "Scream FUCK ME over and over or I bring Nicky back in here so he can fuck her in front of you.... Now" Erin shook her head no and cried out "No oh god no..." Eduardo yelled "Now" and Erin groaned in defeat. At the end of her groan she said "Fuck me". Eduardo yelled "Louder" and Erin responded "Fuck Me Oh god fuck me!" much much louder. As she finished saying it the guy inside her tensed and began cumming in her pussy. Erin went limp as the guy pulled out. He walked around in front of her and slapped his gooey cock against her cheek. Eduardo said "Lick him clean slut." Erin, in complete defeat, complied. As she finished licking him clean she felt another cock behind her. This one probed around a bit then pushed into the ring of her asshole. She howled out loud as he began to enter her. He felt huge. She was tight and unprepared so the pain was intense. Once the cock was in her ass a good way, he began fucking her longer and deeper. The pain began to subside and he fucked her in long deep strokes. Eduardo came into her ear and said "Yell FUCK MY ASS and do it loud NOW bitch" Erin fought for what she was worth and Eduardo said in a hissing voice "Now bitch or else". Erin shook her head no and then yelled out "Fuck my ass you bastard". Eduardo laughed in her ear and tears ran down Erin's cheeks as the guy behind her fucked her ass for all he was worth. He took forever and to Erin's shame she felt that knotting sensation deep inside. She was moaning and groaning and couldn't hold it any longer as her legs began shaking and she had a hard orgasm. She whimpered "Oh god no no no." The guy felt her spasm and pushed a few deep strokes and filled her ass with cum. Erin was so ashamed she had cum while being ass-fucked by a total stranger. She hung her head. The guy removed his cock from her ass and walked around front of her. To her horror Eduardo said "Clean his cock too, you fucking whore.... do it now or we wake up Nicky so she can." Erin whimpered and cried as she accepted the cock in her mouth and licked the foul thing clean.

Eduardo was ecstatic as Erin licked the cock that had just been in her ass. He looked at a couple monitors and the filming was going perfect. The earbud was not visible and her yelling was so convincing. Erin was coming across as a pure D slut on video. How sweet. His IT guys would bounce this thing all over the world and it would be fed into a hack at the DA's offices in the entire area plus several police departments. Her dad and hundreds of cops would see this. It was pure gold. The fucking and video would continue for several more hours and the world would see Erin Reagan the true whore.


So I'm sitting here in my Chicago office (I'd left NYC after Erin wanted nothing to do with reconciliation) letting my sick little mind enjoy the possibilites when my phone rings. It's Danny Reagan. I exchange pleasantries and Danny is rude and gruff and I say "What the hell. What's going on Danny. You got a burr up your ass?" Danny stops and says "You haven't heard?" I respond "What the fuck are you talking about?" Danny stops and actually says "Sorry, I thought you knew." I got mad and said "What the fuck are you talking about... Spill it". Danny explains that Erin and Nicky were abducted in broad daylight 36 hours ago by two teams posing as FBI and US Marshalls. I act stunned (my plan) and asked have they got traffic cam video or anything to go on? Danny explains just dark SUV's that disappeared and the only thing in that area within any distance was light colored SUV's. Boom no trace on traffic cams or anything. He had no idea the dark SUV's had cheap water based color added and they drove through three different carwashes within 10 minutes of the grab and were all silver, white, or red as they left. No one wiser since there were no cameras on the blocks with the different carwashes.

I had to ask. "Any ransom demands? Anyone contacted your dad with demands or anything? What are you guys doing? Any leads?" Danny was real quiet and said "Thats kind of why I'm contacting you. Anyone contacted you with demands, Nicky is your daughter too?" I smiled inwardly. If Danny only knew that little cunt wasn't mine and I don't know which of my friends knocked up her mom. I sputtered for a minute and sounded sincerely distraught about my ex-wife and estranged daughter (by his family). I offered to come back to NYC and see him and his family and Danny flippantly said "Don't bother. You've never been there before. No sense now." I acted mad and he said "Just call if anyone contacts you." I agreed to. I smiled as I hung up and clicked onto a secure passworded site to watch Nicky ass-fucked again and again. God it was great to know Frank, Danny, Jamie, and most of the department had seen the versions of this posted to the web. Of course they'd do everything in their power to stop it, close sites, break laws etc. I chuckled since the Reagan's were fulfilling the destiny I planned for them. Utter destruction of the Reagan Police dynasty caused by Erin and Nicky's pussys. A laugh and had a strong drink. Ahhh.... Everything was going according to plan. Erin by now had more cock in her than during her entire life combined. Nicky, well lets say she will be permanenetly stretched from this. God that scotch tastes good. Time for another.

Games at #1 Police Plaza and the 11th Precinct....

Frank is losing his mind and calling repeated staff meetings with all his department heads. He has the organized crime folks and gang folks working all the overtime he can. Mayor Poole calls and is concerned of course for his ADA but the PD's response....??? After the first 18 hours a video popped up on DA and PD's sites. How the fuck did they get access. Frank wanted to know and had cyber security folks in his cross hairs. First video was Erin with a Judge and some perps with no faces shown for facial recognition. It went on and Frank lost his cool broke the TV with his coffee mug as the judge fucked Erin. He was near tears and his Chief of Staff tried unsuccessfully to calm him.

Danny walked into the detectives bullpen and his partner noticed and motioned guys to stop and turned the computer monitor away from him. Danny forced the issue and got to see what was on the computer. It was his sister Erin being fucked by two guys in prison uniforms. He lost it and threw things around the office. His partner tried to calm hiim and it did not work. His sister had just been seen on the internet getting boned by two hood rat losers and all these cops and god knows who had seen it. He stopped and said "Oh fuck.... Dad." He called pops and as he heard him answer he knew Frank had seen it. They were both raw with emotion. "Get these fuckers" was all Frank said and hung up.

A few hours later a video of Nicky showed up. She was tied to a bed and blindfolded but she was recognizable. A group of large black obvious gangbangers were taking turns on her. The video went almost an hour. Detectives were sitting around with hard-ons trying to pick out clues from the room, tatoos, clothes, words, accents, anything while being distracted by Nicky being rolled over and sodomized repeatedly.

So far they found tatoos and signs of at least four well conected gangs. No faces or distinguishing marks for individuals but the occasional gang affiliation markers. Huge frustration. Cyber security and some help from the FBI was useless. The servers were everywhere and nowhere. They changed partway through each video with a quick flicker. How the hell were they doing this? Frank and Danny were going like a whirlwind not caring which rules they bent or broke.

The third video hit at the 36 hour missing point and it showed Erin getting raped by a couple black cops over the hood of a cop car. He was losing it. Everyone in the NYPD was getting a bit wild and word came down it was gang related in retalliation. 35,000 cops went into lock down mode and the situation went downhill fast. Every known gang member was getting jacked up. Holding cells were full, civil rights lawyers were salivating as police brutality hit a new all time high. Marshall law was not far off. All because of the Reagans and Erins well fucked (by now) pussy. Oh did I forget to say Nicky's too.


In a prearranged deal (drawing poker chips 1-6) the gangs got their turn at a different scenario. By 72 hours missing Most of the gangs had some fun with either Nicky or Erin. Erin spent one night Strapped to a big wooden X while 16 of the highest ranking of one gang took turns on her pussy and ass. Nicky had spent about 4 hours prior to her in the same situation. Both had been raped repeatedly. After sleep, food, washing, it would begin again. Nicky was strapped to a gyno exam table and fist fucked by three of the female gang members. One began licking her pussy while she was blindfolded. Nicky's pussy was sore but responded to the hot tongue in her pussy. In no time she came very hard. Lubed up fingers began playing with her pussy while the tongue continued it's torment. After a long while with four fingers working over her pussy and a tongue working her clit little Nicky came again.

Nicky was just coming down from her second climax when the girl worked her thumb in and then her fist. Nicky was in pain yet very full. In now time the girl was deep stroking her and working her fist around inside her. The feeling was entirely new and filling. Her hips began rocking with the rhythym of the assualt on her pussy. In fact she was pushing against the fist. The gang bitches were perfectly silent and Nicky had no idea it was women doing this to her. To her utter suprise she began moaning and pushing her hips up to meet the fisting. She was so tired and sore but her body responded on it's own. This carried on with three different women and the last one was a mean rough chick who basically grudge fucked Nicky's pussy. When they were done Nicky was crying huge sobbing cries of pain. To add insult to injury (and she was hurting) they removed her blindfold. Her eyes went wide once they were focused. All of the girls began laughing. Nicky was wanting to crawl out of her skin. One of the roughest looking girls was standing there naked and shook her hips to show an obscenely large pink strap on protruding from the front of her. She laughed and said "Now you gonna find out how a bitch fucks you." She was not gentle and slapped that huge strap on acroos Nicky's pussy. Smack smack smack. Nicky howled in pain and humiliation. The rough chick lined the head of the giant pink cock up with Nicky's pussy and began pressing it in. A few hard pushes later Nicky was truly fucked. She was screaming in pain and the girls all laughed. The more she cried or screamed the better they liked it. The pink cock finally withdrew from Nicky and one of the girls wiped some lube on it then sprinkled some white powder on the lube. They laughed as one said "You're gonna love this Chica". The rubber strap on went back into her and after a few minutes she quieted down and her eyes dialated. She was feeling little pain now but seriously ran the risk of OD'ing. Her slightly bleeding raw pussy was absorbing the coke right into her bloodstream. In no time she was just a blubbering mess of cunt meat. The girls soon lost interest.

Nicky was lead somewhere to sleep it off and let her useless pussy mend a bit. The girls laughed and each did a line of coke as they looked at a computer monitor showing what they had done to Nicky. A quick edit to make sure only minimal tats were visible or the fake newly applied ones were visible and certainly no faces or distinguishing features. Once checked over it went to the IT wizards. A couple hours later "Darling Nicky the Police Chiefs grandaughters escapades" hit the airwaves.

The gang players worked it so that as each of their toys was being used, the other rested, ate, bathed, etc and then they switched. Same with the gangs who got to use them it was a rotating fuckfest. The two girls were finally allowed to sleep at least 12 hours after 84 hours in captivity. They were drugged and moved. A new group let them heal for two whole days yet kept them high as a kite.

For fun during that two day period they killed a hooker with brown hair and similar size to Erin. They beat her face after she'd been fucked silly and drugged up. They took the clothes Erin had been dressed in when she was snatched and put them on the hookers body. She was found by cops in the East river 12 hours later. It turned into a police and media circus. By then the word had somehow slipped out. Everyone thought it was Erin. It took a while for bloodtype and DNA to come back. In the meantime the rest of the PD and the Reagans lost their minds. More police brutality more gang arrests.

24 Hours later another body was found in a car trunk. It resembled Nicky and had her clothes, purse, phone etc. It had been more than 72 hours since the last video had been released. Combine that with the bodies being found and the Reagans were in full panic mode. All hell broke lose in NYC.


Mayor Poole and some of the Alderman met and a huge outcry was going on. Many said "The cops wouldn't do this for my daughter or son. Why for these two?" They were justified considering many who had lost loved ones to NYC violence. How come all the stops were pulled out for a couple white bitches with ties to the PD and DA offices? News reports went rampant about the abuses by the police and happy lawyers lined up to get their civil liberties lawsuits filed as quick as possible. The Mayor was livid and knew he had to do something and fast.

The mayor went directly to Police Plaza and to Frank Reagans office. Once in Frank's office he explained that he knew what Frank was feeling and how bad he felt for him. It was bad enough this was happening to his family but the reaction of him and his sons had a ripple affect through the entire department. Instead of asking for Franks resignation he put him on paid administrative leave while his family needed him most. It was a kind act but the mayor knew Frank was done. As a final act he put the same stipulation on Danny. Danny had been a very loose cannon and should have been suspended or fired by now. Many in the PD understood and gave him way too much leeway. Boom! Two Reagans out in one morning. Jamie was smart and he had kept his nose clean. So far he was fairly safe.


Erin and Nicky were kept in seperate locations and did not see each other. By now Erin and Nicky were nicely hooked on drugs and had been raped in every conceivable way. Blacks, Colombians, Oriental, men, women, and luckily no goats, pigs, or elephants. Surprisingly that had been discussed by some groups. Erin was quite the junky now and did not require restraint many times. Eduardo had laughed the one time she willingly climbed onto a big black man and fucked him until she came hard.

Today was special though. Erin had not been fucked in almost three days. She had rested and eaten and was feeling half human. Her head was still fuzzy most days and she could not focus on anything for very long. Sometimes she was groggy and sometimes not. She knew she had been on drugs for how long now???? She knew she had been a captive for a long time it seemed. When it would end or when they would kill her she didn't know.

Eduardo walked in and gave her a corset, stockings, heels etc and told her to put them on. She looked down and did as she was told without making eye contact. She was a wreck emotionally. She had no idea if Nicky was safe or even still alive. When she was done putting on this so called sexy outfit Eduardo put a dark hood over her head. She knew this meant she would be moved again.

They walked a ways then she was stopped. Even through the hood she could tell it was bright and she felt a kind of warmth. It didn't sound like she was outdoors though. She was pushed and moved and next thing she knew she was on the big wooden Y she had been raped on so many times. Her nipples were clamped and chained underneath and she was strapped down. She knew what was coming next. She heard another woman in front of her and some grunts and movement. After a few minutes someone began stroking her pussy. At least they were rubbing some sort of lube into her holes before they used her. After a few minutes of rubbing in the lube she felt kind of euphoric and a warm buzz. They had been using drugs in the lube again. Many times it made her pussy tingle and she came more easily but it had an overall affect on her body. An instant high.

Erin felt someone position themself behind her and place a hand on her ass. She knew she was about to be fucked. Instead a voice right next to her head said "You have 30 seconds to pee. Do it now." Erin's head swam for a minute then she heard the voice say it to someone else. He yelled "Now... Get to pissing." Erin bore down and was able to push out some pee. Here she was expecting to get fucked and she was being told to pee. She groaned out loud at the humiliation then heard her urine splashing into some kind of pan. This was just too wierd.

When she was done she heard the voice say "Good job bitches. We'll wait a bit and see what the results are." Erin's mind was racing "bitches???" Who else was here? Results, what results. While she pondered this the man said "We might as well have some fun while we wait." Erin heard the other woman grunt as someone obviously began fucking her. It did not take more than a minute before someone pushed into her pussy. She felt the drug induced tingle and her hyper sensitive pussy took over. In this state she came fairly easy. After several minutes she felt the pang of a building climax. She groaned into her orgasm and her pussy began to spasm and her legs shake. As she finished she heard the other woman doing literally the same. A few minutes later each of the guys fucking them did the same. As the guys were dumping there loads the hoods were pulled off. Erin and the other woman were facing each other face to face about six feet apart. A big black man stepped in behind each woman and pressed forward. They both groaned as they were penetrated by large cocks. Erin grit her teeth and closed her eyes for a moment as the large cock worked it's way into her depths. The other woman was doing the same. Once the fucking rhythym had been established they looked at each other. Erin was looking directly at her daughter and she was looking back. They were both being fucked. Erin tried to say something and so did Nicky but Eduardo slapped each of their faces and yelled "Silence sluts.... You're fucking not having a get together tea... Get that?" They both groaned as the tears filled there eyes. These guys lasted forever and both women were getting sorer but another climax hit each of them about a minute apart. Eduardo pulled up a chair and sat right between them just matter of fact like.

Both women were being fucked from behind while restrained. Eduardo was so cool when he looked back and forth at them and asked "So both of you being devout Catholic girls.... are either of you on birth control?" Nicky looked down at the floor with tears streaming down her face and shook her head no. Erin opened her mouth in disbelief and shook her head no. Eduardo laughed "So neither of you two are protected this whole time. Thats fucking phenomenal. Better than I'd hoped." Both women groaned and looked down at the floor in shame.

Eduardo clapped his hands and laughed as some woman handed him two white sticks. He looked at them both back and forth. He held up one stick and it was an EPT. As he moved that one EPT back and forth in front of each woman he laughed and said "Which one of you is gonna be a mom?" Sure enough it was indicating pregnant. They both groaned and shook their heads. Eduardo laughed and said "Well any guesses?" They both shook their heads "no". He laughed and held up the other one and waved them both slowly in front of mother and daughter. He let out a roaring laugh and said "My luck is great... Both of you bitches are knocked up. I can't fucking believe it. Gotcha when you were fertile bitches."

Erin and Nicky were both shocked into disbelief. Both of them pregnant. Oh my god. They both began to protest and wail but were brought back to reality as each recieved a deep deep thrust by the large men in each pussy. Neither had bottomed out til now. Both women let out a howl of pain as their cervixes were pounded hard. They were crying in pain as the men thrust hard into them. These two were huge and it hurt terribly. Both women cried in pain as they were deeply abused. Eduardo leaned in close and said "Oh what a shame you can't get an abortion.... It's a sin." He laughed out loud for a minute then stopped. "Maybe we should ask the NYPD to get a betting pool going. Which one will have a black baby, which one will have hispanic or oriental. You know cops bet on everything and I know all of them will see this video. He waved to a couple cameras and the women looked and saw them. They groaned and hung their heads down in shame.

Their day continued like this. Each one repeatedly fucked in the pussy or ass and then having to lick the dirty cocks clean. As each other looked on at each other and knew they were being filmed. It was shear agony. They knew the other was alive but in no better condition than the other either. Now they knew they were both pregnant due to repeated rapes. It was more than they could bear. Added to that was the drugged condition of each wreaking havoc and chemically stimulating them. They could not resist climaxing repeated even with all the things they had just seen and heard. The humiliation was complete.

As Erin and Nicky's exhausted bodies were unbound and taken away to the rooms where they ate and slept Nicky muttered "Sorry mom..." That sent Erin into a fit of sobbing that lasted well into the evening. She was destroyed emotionally. Her and Nicky pregnant from gangrapes oh god how could this happen. She sank into inconsolable depression.


Franks deputy police chief kept him informed on happenings at the PD. No progress in over four weeks. The bodies that were recovered turned out to not be Erin and Nicky. That was a relief but someone had gone to alot of effort to make the PD think it was them. The next day would be a month and nothing. Where could they be held? Were they still alive and were they being subjected to the treatment the first few videos had shown? He and Danny were sitting in his study with a scotch when the phone rang. It was his deputy and the news was not good. They hurried down to 1 PP and entered his old office. A new video had popped up. Not sure when it was taken but Erin and Nicky looked to be in rough rough shape. It was explained that cyber folks, IT, FBI, everyone had looked long and hard into where this was coming from. Some leads said West Coast and others pinged it in Miami area. Still tracking it down. As they listened to the voice of the man in the video it was mentioned that linguists were sure he was Colombian. Frank rolled his eyes and thought "Shit they'll kill them for the fun of it." Frank and Danny sat down hard and rubbed their heads when the Colombian laughed and showed the EPT's showing both women were pregnant.

Frank and Danny walked out of the office numb. Both wanted nothing more than to shoot someone. Just who? At this point it was a miracle that no one crossed their path or made a smart-ass remark. One reporter accosted them at the entrance and the two just glared at her and Danny said "Fuck off Pam." The reporter licked her wounds and looked for more fun prey although the Reagans were just getting to be fun. She blurted out "So I hear your gonna be a Grandpa twice now" Frank whirled and clenched his fists. He charged at the reporter as her cameraman stepped in his way. Frank grabbed the camera and hit the cameraman with his own camera. He went down hard bleeding profusely. Danny beat him to the reporter and grabbed her by the collar. She was lifted completely off the ground. "Where did you get that information?" He shook her hard and slammed her against the wall. The reporter started to stammer then smiled and said "Can't say". Frank pulled Danny off her and they stormed away as the reporter began to laugh. "I guess it must be true." as she helped her injured cameraman to their van. "Lawyers will be in touch Frank." She laughed more.


Jack Boyle was sitting in his office enjoying the latest video. The encryption and the 4 level redirects with passwords and authentication was getting old but he knew it was definitely required for the things being done. The IT guys from the cartels were very very good. No wonder DEA and ATF folks had such problems. The sites and passwords changed at odd intervals. Only dedicated users with the password keys could have access. Some very special customers had paid top dollar to fuck ADA Erin Reagan AND her daughter. Of course those videos were archived for just in case. Even one corrupt judge had taken a turn on Erin and thoroughly enjoyed himself. He was even deeper in the pocket of the cartels but he knew it. His life was at their whim now and he might as well live well while he still lived.

Jack checked the embedded secure chat area and found some discussions about what to do with the two. Some thought they should be killed and left in pieces on various Reagan doorsteps. Others suggested a trip a few miles out of the way to a farm in Jersey where Erin could do a little dog & pony show. There were alot of fans for that one. A couple sick fucks wanted her impaled on a giant pointed steel dildo, lowered an inch at a time, she would bleed out through her pussy by the time the dildo got to her lungs or so. A few liked that but others said it was a waste.

Jack had seen all the videos of all the womens rapes. It had been very extensive. Singles, multiples, DP's, fisting, dildos of every size and shape, men, women. It was crazy. In one month these two were completely destroyed. Of course it must have seemed like forever to them. The drugs they had been given had been extensive. Up, down, sideways. It was amazing they hadn't OD'ed although they had come real close a time or two. Jack couldn't help but smile at one video. Erin cranked up on X and a group of guys. She had been a horney minx in the past but add in X and some guys and she couldn't get enough. He thought they would fuck her to death. Thats one where she passed out and slept for 20 hours afterward. That was his favorite.

Jack chimed in finally and said "Lets make sure she's good and hooked on everything her body can take drug-wise then double-check she's knocked up and kick her to the curb at Daddy's doorstep." Everyone responded "Why, What the fuck for?" Jack smiled as he typed. "She will be broken.... Daddy and brother are ruined as cops. We send this to ***********ed ADA's across the country that certain organizations are having trouble with and explain to them that this can happen to them." Jack went on to explain that killing is too easy. The living with, in this case, pregnancy and family destroyed/humiliated would be a powerful tool. This would be especially true when it was pointed out that the biggest police department in the country could do nothing to stop it. A very very powerful tool indeed.

The question finally came up about the daughter. Jack finally responded "We keep her another month or two until she's showing. Have some friends here and there enjoy her. Some characters who like it rough.... What the hell. Let them have her." That got some chatter going. One suggestion was let some of the Japanese have her for fun and drop an occassional video on the Reagan doorstep. Dear Nicky with some 3 finger Yakusa looking mo-fo's saying "Nicky's enjoying her tour of Japan brothels." Even if she is in NY or Chicago or wherever. Some really liked that. If she miscarried or got fucked to death by someone a little careless oh well. If she survived the drugs and whoring out as a BDSM slave then drop her by Grandpa's door in a couple months. She'd be a knocked up junky and her mom would be only slightly better by then. They could go to church and pray for forgiveness together. There were alot of chuckles and LOL's about that.


A consensus was reached and one mind fuck would be played on Erin before her release. One morning she was eating breakfast (at least they fed her well) and feeling funky as usual. She was sure she was drugged regularly. Someone came in and gave her a red bikini and said put it on along with a long white terrycloth robe. She wolfed down the rest of the food and dressed as told. She waited and someone came in and bound her and put the dark hood over her head. She was lead out and tossed in what sounded like a van. It drove for an hour or so since it seemed like all day under the hood. When they stopped she was walked into a room and her robe was removed. She felt someone undo her bonds and said "your on a toilet. Move your suit bottoms and pee or whatever you gotta do." Erin did have to go so she did. Finding the toilet paper was a challenge with the hood on and her wrists bound together in front of her.

Erin was standing in a bathroom somewhere when the hood was removed. A large rough looking woman pushed her around and said "I'm pulling your hair back, don't struggle." Erin held still as her hair was put in a ponytail and pinned in places. Next a pair of swim goggles were put over her eyes. Unfortunately they were blacked out but appeared as blue from the outside. She was lead across a rough wood floor. The smells were so foreign. A farm maybe? She had no idea since she was a city girl. Then she heard horses whinny in the distance. Had to be a farm.

After walking a little distance she could hear that she was in some sort of barn. She was forced down onto a bench. Knees way apart on some sort of pads and pushed or leaned forward so her hips and belly were against a padded leather shelf. Her bikini bottoms were moved way to the side and her arms were stretched out in front of her, secured to two seperate points fairly far apart. A strong leather strap was run up over the small of her back securing her to the bench. Someone chuckled and said "mares breeding bench. This oughtta be fun." Erin heard that and was terrified. She heard the clump clump clump of hooves and heard a horse snort. Terror set in. She began to babble and plead about the time a ball gag was stuffed in her mouth. Erin howled into the gag as she heard the horse move around her.

Someone moved her bikini bottom further to the side and squirted oil all over her pussy. Erin jumped as someone said "She's gonna need lots of that." Erin knew she was in trouble and felt the horse rub against her a couple times. It sniffed her back and hair and she was terrified. She felt something warm moving around her pussy and trying to push it's way into her. It was obviously huge. She cried out and screamed into her gag as she felt her violation begin. The horse was still breathing on her back then a huge cock began thrusting trying to gain entrance to her pussy.

Erin was certain she was about to be fucked by a huge ass stallion. Her mind was going a million miles a minute as she screamed in terror into her gag. It was no use. She couldn't see so all she could do was listen and smell and feel. Oh god it's huge. One final stab and it was past her pussy lips and making entry. Erin squealed as it thrust in and out. It hurt so bad since it was huge. The fast strong thrusts continued and gained a little depth each time. Erin kept screaming into her gag. It hurt so bad and yet filled her so full.

Unbeknownst to Erin. The horse was standing next to her and it's nose was right above her back and shoulders. She wouldn't do anything... since she was a nice old friendly mare. The stablemasters fairly retarded son was standing behind Erin. He was a huge kid about 6' 5" and maybe 300 lbs. Gentle giant who would never get laid any other way. He had a huge cudgel of a cock and didn't have much of a clue how to use it but he was trying. He finally got into Erin's pussy and was making thrusts the best he could. For his size she seemed so tight. He pumped away in reckless abandon as Erin howled knowing she was being fucked by a horse. In fact it was a retarded giant named Dougy. Either way she was getting fucked by a cock of epic proportions.

Dougy kept pumping away as drool ran down his chin. He had a big shit eating grin on his face. Everyone put a finger to their lips letting Doug know he must be quiet. He did his best even though Erin was raising a ruckus. Doug felt like he could go no farther. This "fuck bunny" as his mom called her wasn't deep enough. He got frustrated and pushed hard many many times trying to go deeper. Erin let out a funny groan each time he pushed deep. He thought it was a funny noise so he kept pushing again and again. It was a fun game until something felt funny and his big balls started to tingle and he began to shake. It scared him as he came buckets into Erin's pussy. He let a few loud grunts as everyone shhh'ed him.

Erin didn't hear Doug grunt and groan as he came deep inside her. She was lost in her own torment. She's been fucked by a horse. She was mortified. She felt the cock begin to shrivel and pull out. She heard them say "Good boy Good Boy." They were patting Dougy on the shoulder as they handed him the lead rope and had him lead the mare back to her stall. Erin groaned and hung her head. Someone commented about how much cum was dripping out of her. Erin groaned in disgust. Her bikini bottoms were put back in place and she was unbound. They lead her somehere with the goggles still in place and her hands bound firmly behind her. Someone said "Here drink some water it will help." Erin did as she was told as she felt the water bottle touch her lips. She drank as much as she could since she was thirsty after all the screaming. Her pussy hurt and her throat hurt. She was utterly humiliated as she felt the van spin round and round as she sat on the floor. In no time she was out cold.

Erin woke several hours later as she was being unloaded from the van. She stepped on pavement and then grass as she was lead along what felt like a sidewalk. It was cold out and all she had on was a bikini and these damned goggles. Someone stopped and made her sit. She was sitting on cold concrete steps. Someone whispered in her ear "Sit here and be silent.... There is more to come and if you make a noise your daughter will meet that horses brother." Erin shook her head acknowledging. She sat there then heard van doors close and it drive away. She waited and waited. Nothing. She smelled familiar smells of the city and suburbs. Cars went by. it was not a busy street. She was outside somewhere and it was cold. She was shivering when she heard a door open behind her. She heard her grandpa exclaim "Oh Jesus Christ! Frank Hurry!" Next thing she knew she was inside the house and the goggles removed. She was wrapped in blankets and she heard sirens.

Frank recommended St Francis hospital and off they went. On the ride Frank had a thousand questions. Erin tried to answer but was real fuzzy. Whatever they had given her had really muddled her brain. She kept saying drugged me... hooked... raped... Frank shook his head and said "Who?" She shook her head and said "Everyone.... gangs ... all.... drew straws took turns.... all the gangs." Then as an afterthought before slipping into unconsiousness she said "Colombian Eduardooooo...."

She came around in the hospital as they were hooking her up to an IV and checking her over. She remembered the last sex she'd had when they mentioned rape kit. Erin blurted out "No... no rape kit.... You won't get good samples and DNA won't help." The doctors and nurses looked at Frank and a couple detectives that had shown up. News spread fast that Erin had been found. Erin looked from face to face pleading "No". They said OK and cleared everyone out and asked if they could at least perform a thorough exam. She shook her head "OK but no rape kit, no DNA... I can't". The nurse leaned in and told her "It's OK... Maybe we can get a sample and catch someone. Do you know who it was?" Erin shook her head no and fought back tears. The female doctor was doing the pelvic exam and made a comment of extensive trauma, bleeding, tearing, etc. She mentioned lots of contributions and much viable semen for the kit. Erin cried out "No..... No one can know..." They were flabbergasted. "Know what? If it's more than one we can figure that out." Erin began crying and covered her eyes and said quietly between sobs "Can you ID horse semen?" There was silence for a moment. The doctor snapped out of her shock first and said OK... No rape kit for that type of evidence..... Might lead to a whole mess we don't want to deal with Right Erin?" As she said that Erin half smiled and said "Thank you."

Erin asked about Nicky and no one had heard anything or seen her yet. She was hoping some news would come out on her. She was hoping beyond hope they would release her during the night too. The doctor came in with a long face. She said they would be starting Erin on several different antibiotics. She asked why? The doctor looked at the others and asked for the room. They all left and she filled Erin in on the venereal diseases that she had been infected with. She also looked around and touched her hand and said "I'm affraid you're pregnant as well." Erin closed her eyes and tears rolled down her face. Her fears were confirmed. The doctor said in a low voice "We can help you with that since it is a rape case." Erin cried a bit more and said "No you can't. I'm Catholic. I can't, oh god this isn't happeniing." The doctor shook her head and said "I figured as much when I heard that St Francis was recommended for this and you were brought here. I figure your father had guessed and wanted discretion." Erin sighed and tried to fight back more crying.

She was given a sedative and lots of antibiotics and told to get some rest. The detectives and Frank talked with the doctor outside. They could get her full statement in the morning when she had slept and the drugs in her system would begin to wear off. Frank was concerned. "What drugs? What did they give her?" The doctor said "They gave her a cocktail of various drugs. The tox screeen is still sorting that out. She's going to have a very hard week or two as her dependence has been set. I think she'll experience some tough withdrawal symptoms. We'll have to watch her close." Frank thanked the doctor and asked if there was anything else he needed to know. The doctor smiled a sad smile and said "Your her father. Be there for her. This is going to be tough and she'll need ALL your understanding. She'll tell you what she's comfortable telling and on her terms. For now just be there for her. Don't judge just be there." Frank shook his head. She was right and it was good advise. He was a father first and a cop second. He wanted to catch this bastard(s).


Erin woke with a start. She looked around and it wasn't a dream. She was in a hospital room. She looked about and saw Frank nodding in a chair and Danny pacing near him. Danny noticed she was awake and nudged Frank. Danny looked at her and said "Welcome back... You slept quite a while. Doc must have given you something good." Erin looked around and croaked out "Where..." The guys answered in unison "St Francis". Erin sighed "Any news on Nicky? Did they turn her lose too?" They shook their heads "No. No news yet." Erin was close to tears.

Frank noticed the detectives approaching and asked quickly "Anything you can tell us before they get here?" Erin whispered "Eduardo Cardoza" as they entered the room. The detectives asked for the room and instead of leaving Frank and Danny said "We'll stay." The detective looked at his partner and said "It's not a request. We were told to tell you you'll get locked up for obstruction." Frank sighed and lead Danny from the room. He turned back and said "You'll let us know if you get anything right?" The detective shook his head no. "we're under orders that you two loose cannons can go no where near this investigation or everything we obtain will be tainted and inadmissable. Got it?" Frank pushed Danny further on out the room and said with a loud sigh "He's right. Lets go." As they walked away he whispered to Danny "Get me everything on Eduardo Cardoza."


Nicky woke in a strange bed and knew she had been moved again. She wondered how long she had been out. She had to pee something terrible. She got up and looked around and found a bathroom right off the room. It looked like a hotel room. She shook her head to clear it. When she was done she came back into the room and a tray of really nice food was on a table. She didn't recall seeing it first time through the room but didn't hear anyone enter the room either. After she ate she found a cup of coffee on the dresser near the door. Oh she needed that. She slowly drank the cup and felt instantly better. She felt like she had a buzz going. Nicky looked around the room and found nothing spectacular. She finally felt like she was antsy or drunk or both. She sat on the bed and looked around frustrated. There was a TV on the far wall and she noticed a remote on the nightside stand.

Nicky couldn't resist so she turned on the TV. Nicky jumped when she saw raw porn. She immediately changed the channel and found it was porn as well. Four channels and each had porn. She was just about ready to turn it off when she heard her moms voice. She looked closely and saw her mom on her back being fucked by a judge. Nicky heard her mom whimpering then heard her begging for more. It was evident her mom was enjoying the sex. She watched as her mom had a strong orgasm.

Nicky shook her buzzing head realizing they must have put something in her food or drink. All she could think was "damn them". She shook here head again and flicked the channel. It was her mom again. She was tied on a large Y shaped beam and several men around her. One was fucking her and guys were taking turns sticking cocks in her mouth. She was blurting out incredible filth in between cocks in her mouth. She was encouraging the guys to fuck her harder. She was almost crying screaming "Make me cum you mother fuckers.... Oh god fuck me fuck me..." Nicky was in such shock.

Nicky watched this a bit more and was in total shock. The scene changed as her mom was on a bed not tied. She was straddling a large black man and sliding up and down on his cock. He was huge and Nicky's eyes bulged. Her mom was moaning and groaning as she pounded herself ever further and deeper on his huge cock. Her mom was moaning and groaning and saying such obscene things about her pussy being full and wanting all the cocks. The camera panned around and four guys were standing around her naked. All with huge hard ons. The film would skip forward quickly and she would be on another guy and ambitiously bouncing up and down. Nicky couldn't believe her eyes. It went on and on. Her mom on top, her mom on her back, on her hands and knees. She was screaming for more. Nicky was sure she'd seen her cum at least four times in shaking, groaning climaxes.

Nicky was sure her mom was being a complete slut. As she was watching she rubbed her legs together. She was squirming too. Nicky ran her hand down her belly to see why her crotch itched and tingle so badly. As she ran her hand over her shaved pussy it was a slick gooey mess. The kind of moved her fingers and felt the slime but at the same time her pussy gave a warm almost like a warm hum. She kept her hand there and watched her mom fucking a new guy in a new scene. Nicky watched for a few minutes and then switched the channel out of curiousity. A girl was strapped to the Y beam and black men were taking turns on a girl with shorter brown hair. It wasn't her momm. These guys were fucking her pussy and then her ass and the camera was zoomed in on the coupling and not her face. The girl was moaning and groaning. Nicky felt the strong tingling under her fingers and realized she was moving them between her pussy lips. It felt so incredibly good. Her pussy wasn't very sore today and she was happy for that. She continued rubbing her pussy and began parting her legs a bit.

As Nicky watched the cocks taking turns on the girls pussy and then ass she heard the girl whimpering and then groaning. She realized the girl was rocking her hips in rhytym to the cock currently fucking her. Nicky was intently watching the girl get closer to her orgasm when she realized she had two fngers in her own pussy. She kind of blushed a little realizing she was fingering her own very wet pussy while watching some girl being fucked to her own orgasm. The girl groaned and pushed back groaned as the guy buried his cock deep in the girls pussy and shot his load. The girls legs shook and she groaned loudly around a cock in her mouth. Nicky's legs began shaking as well and she brought herself to orgasm while watching this girl thoroughly enjoying being fucked by several guys. Nicky was deep in her climax as the camera panned and moved to the girl with the cock in her mouth. She stopped cold. On the screen was her faced with her plump little lips wrapped around a black cock. She could not remember doing this but there she was on video. Her legs were just beginning to come under control and she realized her fingers were still buried in her throbbing pussy.

Nicky was in shock, that was for sure. She saw another man take his place behind her and ease his cock in her ass. Nicky's jaw dropped. She could not remember this happening either. Obviously it had but "Dam...." She watched not even moving. She couldn't believe her eyes. A tear rolled down her cheek as she saw herself strart rocking her hips in rhythym of the cock sliding in and out of her. Nicky continued to watch completely astonished that this could ever happen. As she was watching she felt and urgent spasming in her own pussy. It felt really warm and funny as she realized her fingers were moving in her pussy without her consciously aware of their doing it. Nicky kept moving her fingers as she watched. She had a strange buzz going and the feeling in her own pussy was incredibly strong. She looked down and her legs were wide apart at the knees and her heels were almost touching together. She was sitting with her back against the headboard, knees apart, heels together and her own fingers in her shaved pussy. She couldn't believe what she was doing and what she had been watching.

Nicky watched for a little while and brought herself to one more orgasm before she became exhausted and fell asleep. She woke again what seemed like days later to the smell of eggs, bacon, coffee. She was leery of eating or drinking knowing now she had been drugged many times and had no idea all the things she had done while high. She waited and looked at the food cautiously as her stomach growled. She finally relented and ate. The food and coffee tasted so good. She finally finished it all and decided to call out and see if anyone were around. No one answered and she found the doors were locked except the bathroom. She used that and then decided on a shower. She enjoyed the hot water and soft towels. She found that her pussy and ass were not near as sore as they had been recently. The shower helped.

When Nicky left the bathroom she found a nice little knee length white sundress and a pair of white sandals. Somehow the size was right. She had no bra or panties but a dress was a nice change from a cum stained sore naked body. She began to relax just a bit and sat in a chair. She had no sooner sat down when two large men walked in. They said nothing but grabbed her arms and secured her wrists behind her back and placed a thick black hood over her head. They lead her from the room. She knew she was being moved again. Instead she was only walked a short way and felt warmth. It almost felt like she was outside. There was light trying to come through the hood but she couldn't see out. She was told to stand still and do exactly as told. Nicky held still facing what felt like warmth and light.

A voice with a hispanic accent said "Turn around very slowly" Nicky did as she was told. She could feel the warmth on her back now. The voice said "Now turn all the way around again." Nicky turned around facing the lights. She was shocked when she heard "Gentlemen as you can see we have a very voluptuous 18 year old. She comes from a prominent family so she's a spoiled little bitch. As you can see by the screens above she is sexually adventurous. She's sure to please whoever buys her." Nicky was shocked and began to say something. A voice next to her said "silence or we'll save you for a snuff film right now." "Do you want your mom to get your tits in a box for a present?" "Maybe Grandpoppa would like your cunt in a ziplock baggy?" she heard him chuckle and was immediately terrified.

Nicky was told to hold still and be silent as her hood was removed. The lights were horribly bright and glaring in here face. She squinted her eyes and tried to look past. She could make out some men in Arabic robes, some in suits, even some in suits wearing turbins. That was all she could make out amongst the lights. She looked over her shoulder and saw several screens showing her being fucked by many guys. Each screen had a different scene and the one directly above her showed her on a bed watching TV and fingering herself to an orgasm. The bidding commenced and she was horrified at how many bids were pledged. She sold for $175,000. She was shocked. Sold like a slave.


Men cam forward and took her arms and placed the hood back on her. Nicky struggled until she was punched low in the ribs. The pain was incredible and she was hunkered over immediately. She was silent as they lead her away. Never to be seen again in New York?
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