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This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters depicted are at least 18 years of age or older.

Visual Stimulation:
Jessica was home from college for Summer Vacation and staying at her parent’s house. While her parents were in the living room watching late-night TV, her younger brother (who was still in high school) was in the next room with his stereo playing hard rock music with the volume turned up just a little too loud. Jessica would have to tell him to turn it down once she was ready to go to bed, but for now, it was tolerable. She has just got out of the shower, dried and brushed her long brunette hair, and was preparing to wind down for the night. She was wearing a long t-shirt and her favorite pair of silky-smooth white nylon string bikini panties, the kind that had just enough fabric to highlight her ass without feeling like it was flossing her cheeks. The t-shirt fit her well. While it was only about 1 or 2 sizes too big, so that the hem ended at her upper thigh just shy of providing a teasing sight of her underwear from the front and the cleft of her ass cheek from the back, it also hugged her curves and highlighted her busty chest underneath. It was one of her favorite shirts to sleep in due to its well-worn and soft fabric. She had just finished painting her toenails a ruby red color and was now sitting cross-legged on her bed reading a steamy romance novel while she waited for them to dry. After a few minutes of immersing herself in the erotic scene, she began to feel a warmth grow between her legs. Her breathing began to steadily quicken, and she could feel the space between her thighs begin to get damp. She reached a finger down between her legs and ran a finger across the fabric overlying her pussy lips and was surprised to find them wet already. She smiled as dirty thoughts ran across her mind, and she relished the idea of some “play time” once she later turned out the lights and finally settled into bed.

Just then, her partially closed bedroom door suddenly burst open and the family dog, Buster, came bounding in, crashing into the side of the bed. The bed shook with a force that startled Jessica, as she was not prepared for it, almost causing her to fall over, however she caught herself by falling back on her elbow, now taking a lounging position on her bed. After recovering from the sudden shock of being interrupted from her hot fantasies, she looked over and saw the big ball of energy that was Buster running in circles chasing his tail before bounding out of the room again. What a big goof, Jessica could not help but think as she grinned. They had gotten Buster as a puppy a year before she graduated high school, and she had not seen him in at least a year, as she had not visited back home since vacation began several days ago at the close of her first year of college. He had grown quite a bit since she last remembered. He was always a ball of energy, but now he was easily 3 times the size, and no doubt weighed more than Jessica now, who still weighed almost 110lbs. She was average to slightly short in height, with a slim and fit athletic build thanks to her years of cheerleading during high school. While she had a rack that would impress most guys, and plenty of girls, she particularly adored her legs and ass. While full, they were also tone and firm from many hours of squats in the gym and miles of running. She loved to squeeze and caress her inner thighs when masturbating, as the feeling of her soft and creamy skin made her melt.

As Jessica turned her attention back to her book, she noticed that the bookmark she had used to keep her place was missing. She figured it must have been knocked loose when Buster has so rudely interrupted her, and so she began searching around the bed for any sign of the missing mark. After not seeing it in the immediate vicinity of where she was sitting, she raised up on all fours and crawled over on her hands and knees to each side of the bed to check the floor. Hmmm, not there either, Jessica though. She glanced back towards the top of the bed and instantly realized it had fallen between the top of the mattress and the headboard, down to the floor below. It would not be the first time she had to fish a dropped object out of there. The mattress had a tendency to get pulled away from the headboard, requiring Jessica to readjust it by pushing from the bottom of the mattress to bring the top flush with the board again. It was about 8 inches away from the board now, Jessica estimated. She had meant to readjust it when she got out of the shower but had forgotten. As Jessica crawled over to investigate the area, she gave a small groan as she did not see the bookmark right away and knew she would have to put in a little more effort to search the area thoroughly. When the mattress was pulled away from the headboard, as it was now, it revealed a space below the headboard that Jessica had filled with the extra decorative pillows that came with the comforter set. This filled the potential space that was there and meant that Jessica had to go digging through the mass of various soft cushions before she would be satisfied that the bookmark had not fallen through the opening. Jessica first reached her right arm into the mass of pillows, hoping to feel it on her first try, but to no avail. She could not quite reach all the way down to the floor yet, so she leaned her head forward and down, bringing it just to the entrance of the space between the mattress and headboard. As a result, this brough her butt high into the air with her torso angled downwards. She thought for a second how embarrassing it would be for her parents, or worse yet her brother, to walk into the room right now given the revealing position she was in. While her shirt was long enough to cover everything that needed to be covered when she was standing, in this position she could feel the hem of her shirt running along the middle of her ass cheeks, no doubt partially revealing her panty-clad pussy to whomever might venture through the door. At least she was wearing panties this time, Jessica naughtily though as she decided she was already committed and extended her arm into the pillows as far as she could reach. Jessica was now in full top-down bottom-up position, with her right arm jammed up to her shoulder into the pillows underneath her headboard and her head turned slightly to the left and positioned at the opening, straining to get as much of her arm in there as possible. Her left arm was flexed at the elbow and holding on to the bed just next to her head, so as to steady herself and prevent her from falling forward. Her legs were flexed at the hips and spread out with her knees bent and planted firmly into the mattress and with her ass high in the air. Little did Jessica know, that although it would be neither her parents nor her brother that would enter the room, her compromising position would still be her downfall.

Just as Jessica thought she felt the fabric of the bookmark on the ground amongst the pillows, unbeknownst to her, Buster came crashing into the room once again. While the door had been partially closed earlier, blunting his speed into the room the first time, this time the door remained wide open from his last intrusion and he crashed into the bottom of the bed at full force. Having no warning whatsoever, the canine’s sudden and violent impact with the mattress sent Jessica reeling forward, stuffing her head and left arm into the pillows, resulting in her entire upper body from the middle of her shoulder blades up crammed into the pillow-filled space below the headboard. Her body was pinned in place by the head of the mattress that had likewise slid forward. Her ass was elevated even higher in the air now as her torso was at a steeper angle to the ground amongst the soft pile of cushions. Jessica, initially dazed, took a few seconds to remind herself what had just happened before trying to yell for help. However, her pleas were muffled by the mass of pillows that surrounded her upper body, and her brother’s loud music next door ensured that no one in the house would hear her. The young girl realized quickly what a predicament she was in and began to try and pry herself free. Not being able to use her arms for leverage, she spread her legs wide and brought her knees up as far to the sides of her chest as she could and tried to pull herself free by pushing her knees into the mattress.

As Jessica was obviously preoccupied, she had no way to sense that her frenetic companion Buster had been watching the scene unfold from the foot of the bed. He watched as his young female master struggled repeatedly to free herself from the clutches of the headboard, however his attention quickly shifted to the soft fabric between her legs. He could see the area was slightly dampened, and his keen sense of smell detected an intoxicating odor. He was not sure why, but this odor awakened a primitive instinct within him, and his loins tingled with warmth and excitement. The pointed tip of his cock began to slowly emerge from its sheath. Buster, now much calmer than when he barged into the room moments before, slowly climbed on the bed and approached the presenting flank of his bound master. Jessica was still putting all her attention and energy on freeing herself that she did not notice the subtle shift in the mattress as Buster climbed on top of the bed and approached. Jessica began to let out intermittent grunts as she kept trying to pull herself free, but they were again muffled by the pillows. The only one in the house who could have heard her annoyed and exasperated groans were Buster, but he was too transfixed to his young master’s hindquarters to notice. He slowly inched forward, bringing his nose within inches of her damp panty-covered pussy. He took a few sniffs, confirming the location of the stimulating scent, before initiating a lick with his long, wet tongue. Jessica was startled as she felt the sudden rough and wet sensation start at her inner thighs and move across the soft fabric overlying her clit, travelling over her slit and warm pussy lips, the clefts of her butt cheeks, and ending just shy of her asshole. She let out a muffled yelp and was stunned at what was occurring. She quickly deduced that it was Buster who had suddenly burst into the room, landing her in this mess, but she never could have predicted that her family’s faithful companion would attempt to become so friendly with her behind. As Jessica was processing this new turn of events, Buster’s excitement was building. He confirmed the alluring aroma by taste and smell, and the firmness he felt in his sheath was steadily growing. He was not sure why, but he knew he had to extract more of the sweet elixir that emanated from the young master. He began licking continuously now, swathing her thighs, ass, and panty-covered labia with abundant amounts of wet doggy saliva. Jessica tried to struggle against it, but she remained firmly pinned by the mattress. All she could do was wiggle her ass side-to-side and up-and-down in hopes to evade her curious interrogator, however Buster was effortlessly able to follow her movements and did not ease up his lingual assault of her cunt. He was enjoying the newfound taste of his master’s loins, and he was not ready to give it up. He continued to lap away at the now saliva-saturated soft fabric covering Jessica’s most sacred area, detecting a steadily increasing river of secretions coming from deep within the confines of her panties. Buster’s excitement was building further, with the blood to his expanding cock reaching full potential. Unbeknownst to Jessica, and Buster for that matter, his penis was now fully unsheathed, angry red in color and throbbing with intermittent pulsations. It measured a full 8 inches from tip to base, and the girth was just smaller than the size of one of Jessica’s wrists. A small amount of pre-cum began to form at the pointed tip and a string of sticky clear ooze began to dribble down towards the mattress.

All the while, Jessica remained committed to freeing herself from her prison and made repeated attempts to pull herself out from under the headboard. However, this merely increased the pressure of Buster’s tongue on her genitals, the effect of which was beginning to become apparent to her. She began to feel a warmth build insider her pelvis, and she had no doubt that her vagina was becoming well lubricated with the constant stimulation. The consistent teasing of her clitoris was gradually becoming something she could not ignore. Jessica relaxed for a moment and involuntarily let out a soft moan, before quickly regaining her senses and resuming her efforts to dislodge herself. She was completely unaware of the engorged and pulsatile member quickly forming behind her. Jessica had not had time to completely process everything that was going on around her, so the thought of Buster taking things any further than a curious exploratory licking had not occurred to her.

Just then, Jessica had a breakthrough! She had generated just enough momentum from her last attempt to heave her upper body out from under the headboard that she was able to free her head for just a moment before the effects of her being off balance, with her pinned arms unable to steady her, sent her back down into the pillowy vice. She tried a few more times, with each subsequent attempt getting closer and closer to freeing her head completely. Finally, with one more forceful backwards shove, she freed her head and shoulders just to the entrance of the headboard and mattress and was able to release a quick sigh of relief as she readied for another pull to liberate her still-captured arms. Just then, as she reared forward slightly to ready herself for another heave, a pair of heavy paws landed suddenly in the center of her upper back, sending her head and shoulders careening forward back into the padded prison. Jessica let out a muffled “Oof!” as she felt the weight of Buster’s forepaws lock her into place once again.

Buster was ready for the next phase of his exploration. By this time, the warmth in his sheath had grown into a raging fire and it was clear to him that he was ready to mate. Instinct had taken over as he assumed the position and rose up to mount his master. There was no way he could know that she had just moments before made some progress in freeing herself until his weight came crashing down on her. All he knew is that the fire in his groin had to be satisfied. He could feel the pendulous member growing between his legs for the past few minutes. He was not sure exactly what he was supposed to do, but he was certain the primitive instinctive natures within his doggy brain would guide him. He inched forward slowly, making sure his forepaws stayed firmly planted on the young female’s back so as not to allow her to move. All the while, his massive cock inched steadily closer to the soaking fabric of Jessica’s panties.

Jessica was quickly trying to calculate how she was going to solve this new problem when she felt a firm pressure at the opening between her pussy lips. Her eyes widened at the sudden realization that Buster was trying to fuck her! She tried to protest and commanded that Buster get off her right this instant, but of course her muffled pleas went unheard. The pressure slowly built until she felt the tip of his cock deflect and slip downwards, sliding over the fabric on the front of her panties. It was here that Jessica became fully aware of the gravity and “girth” of her situation. As Buster’s cock slid forward, she felt the heat from his massive member on her soft thighs and taut abdomen. It rubbed across her already-sensitive clit and sent a sharp jolt of electricity through Jessica’s body. She felt soft fur tickle the fine blonde peach fuzz of her ass as Buster finished his first exploratory thrust; she noticed that the tip of his cock reached all the way up to her belly button. As Buster retracted, the shaft of his cock slid across her left thigh and Jessica gasped with eyes wide as she estimated the girth of his hefty appendage. Jessica continued to plead and reason with Buster through muffled words, but to no avail. No one could hear or help her now. Buster launched himself forward again, this time more forcefully, in search of his young master’s moist pocket. This time his cock glanced upward and slid between Jessica’s ass cheeks, under her shirt, and along the middle of her lower back. Jessica felt small spurts of warm liquid extrude from his cock and land on her back as he retracted again. After several more unproductive thrusts, Buster began to become frustrated with his fruitless efforts and decided to shift his position. He removed his paws from Jessica’s back and placed them alongside her hips. He quickly found out that this gave him more thrusting power and he quickly regained his rhythm. Jessica could feel that Buster was getting closer, as the pressure building at the thin piece of fabric overlying her vaginal opening was gaining more and more intensity before his cock would eventually glance off. Jessica was confident that the integrity of her panties would hold, but the ever- increasing force generated by her canine rapist worried her. Jessica had ceased pleading with Buster now, as it was clear that she was on her own. That, and because the only sounds uttered by her now were the occasional soft moan or gasp as his cock continued to piston back and forth over her clit. The pace of her breathing was already quickened from her previous repeated attempts to free herself, but now she noticed the cadence of her breaths were beginning to match that of Buster’s thrusts. As each poke of his cock deflected upward towards Jessica’s ass and back, or downward between her thighs underneath her abdomen, pre-cum was continuing to spew out of Buster’s penis. The thought of it made Jessica nauseous, but she was able to control herself. Besides, despite the depravity of her situation, the last thing she wanted to do was to vomit inside her cramped cushiony cage.

Jessica’s breathing continued to accelerate with Buster’s increasingly frantic thrusts, as the warmth from the intermittent clitoral stimulation steadily grew. It was clear that the copious amounts of pre-cum that Buster was supplying was steadily coating his member with lubricant as it continued to lunge back and forth. He was now sliding easily between Jessica’s buttocks and thighs. As much as she was repulsed by the lewd act, she found herself in, she could not deny the hunger building in her loins. It was involuntary and a product of the most primitive parts of her mind, Jessica thought as she tried to push such ideas out of her head. Every time she tried to pull herself out from under the headboard, Buster’s next thrust shoved her back in. His haunches were colliding with the backs of her thighs and ass with every thrust of his cock now, and his pace was increasing rapidly; Jessica had difficulty timing her escape attempts. As she readied herself for another backwards heave, Buster suddenly stopped. She was caught off guard by the unexpected halt and she subsequently relaxed herself from her previously tense state. She could feel Buster moving around, and his raging phallus swung back and forth between her thighs several times. By this time, her panties, ass, lower back, thighs, and abdomen were coated with a fine layer of sticky pre-cum. As she felt the heat of his penis contact her inner thigh again, she became acutely aware of how sore she was. She was not sure how long she had been stuck in this uncomfortable position now, but she could feel her neck and back ache, as well as her knees which had been dug firmly into the mattress throughout the whole ordeal. She could also feel the blood rushing to her head, making her feel slightly dizzy. Jessica was not sure how much longer she would be able to sustain such a posture. Just then, she felt Buster’s dick slide out from between her thighs. She could still feel his paws clenching her waist though. Jessica thought how fortunate it was that her shirt had more or less stayed in position across her hips thanks to Buster’s paws, as the soft cotton fabric surely was preventing her skin from being scratched. She decided now was the time for a last-ditch effort to free herself. Although feeling exhausted by this point, Jessica resolved to gather all her remaining strength for one final heave backwards. With any luck, she would soon be free and after a quick scolding of Buster, she could take another shower and everyone else in the family would be none the wiser. As she readied herself, the beast at her backside was making his own adjustments for one final push. Buster had become increasingly frustrated and confused why his efforts thus far were in vain. He was confident he was in the right position and exerting enough force for penetration. However, it felt like a barrier kept preventing him from achieving his goal of carnal embrace. Buster’s mind was too simple to rationalize that it was the fabric from the young female master’s panties preventing copulation, but he soon came to a similar conclusion as Jessica just had. It was time for one more final effort. As Jessica brought her widely splayed knees up as far as she could alongside her chest in preparation for her pull, Buster repositioned himself squarely at the center of her rump for one more well-targeted push. Jessica took a few deep breaths and mustered all of her might as she yanked herself quickly backwards. Just as her head and shoulders cleared the insulated trap once again, Buster’s haunches slammed forward into the back of Jessica’s firm thighs and ass. This time, the aim of his aching and pulsatile member was true as the pointed tip ripped through the soaked and weakened nylon fabric that had served as Jessica’s final barrier of chastity. Buster’s cock penetrated past her damp labia and plunged deep into her tight virginal pussy. Jessica could feel her hymen being shattered as the full length and girth of Buster’s colossal dick filled her vagina all the way to her cervix. She let out a massive scream that was immediately quenched as her face slammed back into a mouthful of pillows underneath the headboard. Jessica had previously only teased the outside of her vagina with her vibrator but had never been fully penetrated before. The pain was excruciating as she felt the engorged penis now begin to piston in and out of her pussy. Between the increasingly rapid and repeated forceful thrusts of her defiler, she could feel warm streaks of blood run down her inner thigh.

Buster was in a frenzy now. He detected success almost immediately when he heard the fabric tear with his final lunge and felt the soft barrier give way to a moist, warm, and tight hug. It felt fantastic to Buster, and his primitive instincts once again took over as he greatly increased the pace and depth of his hip thrusts, ensuring that his entire cock was enveloped in the euphoric snatch of his mate. Jessica let out a short cry with each thrust each time Buster’s 8-inch phallus buried itself deep inside her pussy. She was forced so deep into the suffocating pillows with the culminating plunge that her cries were barely audible above the panting of her betrayer. Jessica could not rationalize what was happening. How could her family’s lovable pet rape her and steal her virginity? She began to sob softly as Buster maintained his fierce tempo. While he had met some resistance with his first few thrusts into his young master’s vagina, it was becoming increasingly easy to slide his cock in and out as continual discharges of pre-cum mixed with her hymenal blood and vaginal secretions. As Buster’s haunches continued to slam repeatedly into his master’s backside, Jessica noticed with teary eyes that she could distinctly feel a swinging sack smashing into her clit. Her eyes became as wide as dinner plates when she realized what it was. It was Buster’s testicles! It felt like a pair of kiwis tied together with a rubber band were consistently battering away at her sensitive vulva. Jessica knew Buster was not neutered, as her mother was against it, and she figured he did not have much opportunity to meet female dogs in heat. Which meant that his balls were likely maximally engorged with sperm. Jessica instantly became nauseous and retched at the thought of her dog cumming insider her. She then vomited all over herself inside her cushiony cave. The pillow shoved in her face caused the vomit to spread outwards to the sides, coating her face and hair, with some of the acidic gastric juices entering and stinging her eyes. Fortunately, the floor of her prison chamber was made up of irregularly arranged pillows, so the expelled fluids quickly drained towards the floor. Jessica was not only being actively degraded by her family’s canine companion, but now she had effectively blinded herself in her own puke. She was humiliated, debased, in pain, and as she felt her dog’s balls slap repeatedly against her pussy and clit, she wondered when it would all be over.

This may have been Buster’s first mating session, but by now he felt as if he had a handle of it. He had felt the supple young female tense her abdomen and thigh muscles and arch her back a moment ago, but now she remained still as he continued to bore deeper and deeper into her now well-lubricated pussy. What had seemed like such a chore at first was now filling the pup with ecstasy each time he sunk his member into her snug mound, enveloping his entire penis up to the hilt. He even felt the rhythmic drum of his testicles against her cunt arousing, as his ballsack tensed and relaxed periodically in sync with his aggressive cadence. He was not sure what the purpose of those organs were, but he could tell they were full and heavy, itching for release. It was about this time that Buster felt a new sensation. The base of his penis was started to enlarge. While he was previously able to plunge his entire cock into the young girl’s soft honey pot, it had become increasingly difficulty with each thrust as he felt as if the hilt was becoming increasingly swollen. Buster compensated by increased the force of each push as he endeavored to force his entire cock inside his bitch.

Partially blinded and unable to wipe her eyes due to her arms remaining pinned and separated from her face by a mountain of cushions, Jessica gasped as she felt the pressure on the inlet of her vagina increase. She was still getting used to the full feeling in her pelvis as her vaginal walls continually stretched and her canine rapist continued his penile assault. The friction had decreased somewhat since the carnal invasion had commenced, lessening the amount of pain she felt, but now Jessica could appreciate a new girthy structure pounding her labia. The dog’s cock had easily reached her cervix after the first few thrusts, but now it felt as if something was preventing him from reaching full penetration. It felt as if a small baseball were trying to form, and her captor was committed to driving it inside her. Jessica’s head was swirling now, from the combination of the aching from being in a forced head-down position for what seemed like forever, to the vomit-induced stinging in her eyes with the nauseating stench invading her nostrils and providing a bitter taste in her mouth, to the building pain from the increasingly frantic and powerful vaginal assault by her betrayer. For a moment, the sensation in her loins had begun to feel warm and pleasant as the initial shock of her penetration wore off and the secretions and blood from her vagina and seminal fluid from her invader made the repeated violations bearable. However, the pressure was building once again and becoming increasingly intolerable.

Buster could feel a tension starting to build. The swelling at the base of his penis was nearing completion and his testicles had receded high into his groin so that his scrotum felt tight. He continually tried to insert the girthy knot into his lover’s snatch but was not making any headway. He decided to slow his tempo and exert more of his energy into each individual thrust and attempt to slowly introduce the engorged shaft into his young female master’s moist canal. As he did this, he could feel the girl’s legs tense up as she proceeded to move her butt by shifting her weight from side to side in an attempt to dislodge him. Buster knew he was buried too deep now to be ejected so easily. He pressed his paws deeper into the hips of his mate and continued his steady application of pressure to her pussy. The tension within Buster’s loins continued to build, and he could feel a wave from within begin to take shape. With a firm grasp of the young, deflowered female’s waist and a quick forward hip thrust, he felt the knot plop into place. He noticed the young master strain again and heard a faint muffled yell from within her padded sanctum, before she relaxed again moments later. He was puzzled why she would choose to hide her head and arms and present herself to him in such a way, but the mysterious actions of humans were beyond his comprehension. He was now locked to his bitch, with his knot fully entrenched insider her breeding canal. Buster stood still over his mate, with his forepaws latched to her hips and his haunches pressed firmly against her warm, firm thighs. Both the canine and human female were breathing heavy now, as both had been engaged in rather strenuous activity for some time. Buster was not sure what was going to happen next, but he felt the wave deep within his genitals quickly rise to a fever pitch. It was only a matter of time…

Jessica could barely catch her breath. She had tried one last ditch effort to dislodge her captor, but his cock was implanted too deep, and he was able to shove the baseball-sized base of his dick inside her anyway. The pain made her head spin and she thought she was going to pass out. Her lips and mouth felt dry, and she was developing a queasy feeling in her stomach. She wanted to vomit again but was able to swallow the bitter slop as it crept up her throat. She was drenched in sweat. The continual battle she had fought with her captor left her exhausted. It did not help that her bastion of bedding was sweltering and reeked of bile. As she tried once again to gather her faculties, she felt the base of her defiler’s cock pulsate. The pulsation quickly travelled along the shaft of his canine penis past her glistening vulva and pussy lips and burrowed deep within her vagina before finally erupting at the penile tip that lay buried next to her cervix. The rush of ejaculate was intense, as what little space was left inside her vagina was almost immediately filled with cum, with the remaining seminal discharge seeping out between the red-hot shaft of her subduer and the tight, squeezing lips that made up Jessica’s now well-worn cunt. The volume of cum extruded from his cock astounded Jessica as she could feel each spurt blast into the opening of her cervix. Streams of thick, sticky fluid ran down Jessica’s inner thighs and down the base of Buster’s shaft towards his tight scrotal sack which twitched rhythmically with the perineal contractions that continued to empty his balls, sending cascades of ejaculate deep into Jessica’s pussy. The sperm felt hot, and it filled Jessica with an increasing warmth that, coupled with her drenched and fatigued state driven by the humid and acrid environment amongst the pile of pillows, caused her to lose consciousness. Buster could feel his mate distinctly relax after a few moments, as he continued to empty his seed deep inside her. He could not move as his cock continued to erupt with copious amounts of semen. He was okay with this, as his doggy brain was still swimming in a sea of copulatory bliss. His cock continued to throb and quiver as each rope of cum left his still fully engorged member. This had gone on for almost 5 minutes already and did not show any signs of stopping. A pool of white, creamy liquid had formed between Jessica’s legs where the streams of ejaculate running down her thighs and the dripping of sperm falling from underneath Buster’s shaft towards his tight twitching ballsack coalesced. After about 15 minutes, Buster began to feel the contractions at the base of his penis beginning to slow, and he knew that he had fucked his bitch well. As the last few pulses emptied out his remaining seed, his phallus began to soften. Buster turned around and, now facing ass-to-ass with his young master, tried to walk towards the end of the bed. The knot at the base of his penis had decreased in size somewhat, but Jessica’s vaginal walls still maintained a tight grasp. She began to stir again when she felt a steady pulling pressure in her pussy. Slowly, she was extracted from her cave beneath the headboard, and as Buster’s deflating knot and shaft finally popped out of Jessica’s vagina, she was finally able to raise her head and shoulders up, assuming a proper doggystyle position, before turning over on her back and collapsing back down into her bed in total exhaustion.

Buster promptly leapt down from the foot of the bed and trotted out of the room with his tail wagging excitedly in elation; he was heading to another part of the house where he could clean his post-coital cock in peace. As he passed the doorframe, the strong beat of his tail hit the edge of the door, causing it to close behind him. His newly bred bitch needed some privacy, after all, thought Buster. As a dazed Jessica lay splayed out on her back in bed, she slowly lifted her throbbing head and sat up on her elbows, bending her left leg at the knee as she surveyed the damage around her. The bottom half of her shirt was soaked with a clear sticky substance that had begun to harden, which Jessica was sure was a result of the copious amount of pre-cum that had continually sprayed her at the beginning of her ordeal. She also noticed a moderate amount of greenish-yellow vomit that had encrusted the top of her shirt. She could feel some caked in her hair and on her face. Fortunately, the stinging in her eyes had abated, no doubt after being cleansed with her tears. She looked between her legs and saw her inner thighs were stained with multiple runny lines of thick, creamy liquid, with a few darker red lines that ran from her groin towards the inside and backs of her thighs and culminating at her knees. She swallowed hard as she felt another mass of gastric juices creep up her throat. Hesitating, she lifted up the hem of her shirt to check the damage underneath. Her white nylon panties were soaked, with a distinct tear visible at the crotch overlying her pussy. The fabric surrounding the rip was discolored by a mixture of small quantities of dark blood and a larger amount of thick semen. Jessica could see and feel sperm continuing to ooze out of the breach in her panties as she sat there. It oozed slowly into a damp pool that was located on the mattress between her thighs and consisted of thick white ejaculate and subtle strands of maroon-colored blood. She could not believe how much cum there was. All of that had been inside her dog’s balls and was emptied out into her pussy. It was a good thing dogs cannot impregnate humans, thought Jessica. She slowly raised herself onto her knees, noting an increased rate from the oozing river of spunk flowing from her vagina as she did so. She slowly worked her way off the bed and limped towards the adjoining bathroom, careful to keep a hand cupped across her soaked vulva to prevent leakage of cum onto the floor as she walked. She gasped when she saw herself in the mirror for the first time, because she looked as bad as she felt. She walked into the shower still wearing her soiled shirt and ruined panties and turned the water on without waiting for it to heat up first. The cold water did little to arouse her as she watched chunks of vomit fall from her hair and mix with the steady stream of seminal fluid leaking from between her pussy lips. She stayed like this for several minutes before finally removing her drenched garments, turning up the heat of the water using the shower handle, and washing herself properly with shampoo and soap. Despite being thorough, Jessica still felt dirty as she stepped out of the shower and wrapped herself in a towel. She blow-dried and brushed her hair for a second time that night and subsequently threw both her shirt and torn panties into the nearby wastebasket. She could still feel an ache in her neck and back, and especially her pussy, but they had improved since taking the shower. She also had a minor headache but was content with a small dose of ibuprofen from the nearby medicine cabinet and a glass of water from the sink. She walked over to her dresser and donned a clean pair of soft pink panties from the drawer and a new night shirt from her closet. She removed the soiled comforter from the bed, rolled it up, and piled it in the corner of the room to be dealt with in the morning. She glanced up and noticed that the head of the mattress was still about 6 inches away from the headboard, so she quickly remedied that with a swift push from the bottom of the mattress. There was no way that she was going to let an episode like that happen again. She would clean the pillows that had imprisoned her during her defloration in the morning as well. As she sat on the side of the bed and reached for a clean blanket under the nightstand, she saw the novel she was reading earlier on the floor. I guess I will have to go rooting around for that bookmark tomorrow too, Jessica thought. Not to mention the private scolding she was going to give Buster tomorrow, as she had no intention of breathing a word of what happened to the rest of her family. Buster had apparently closed the door as he left the room, Jessica noticed, and her brother had since turned his stereo off and went to sleep while she was finishing up her second shower, so she felt no further need to get up and finally prepared for bed. As she picked up her book off the floor, she noticed her flawlessly painted and polished toenails. At least one thing went right tonight, Jessica thought, as she turned out the light, pulled the covers over her head, and quickly fell asleep.
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