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A little preface to my stories. I'm not super proud of my choices, looking back. But they shaped me into who I am now . A victim of my surrounding's I suppose. Good or bad. And for whatever reason . These memories still get the juices flowing . Hope you guys enjoy.
So I grew up in a bit of a broken family/home. Dad was out of the picture before I was born . Me and my mom lived in a trailer park in South Carolina. Not a nice one either haha. The classic white trash trailer park . Broken down vehicles . Lots of drugs etc etc. Just to give some background .

My mom and my aunt started getting into some heavier drugs and would often go out on benders. Leaving me to fend for myself a lot of the time. They'd come back after 2-3 days of being "out" and be basically dead to the world . Sleeping for 16-20 hours straight kind of thing . They were a mess needless to say .

I spent most of my time at a buddies house . Playing vids.  Smoking pot. Really nothing to crazy. But one night. My family dynamic changed pretty drastically.

I was just 16 at the time. Came home from my buddies house blazed and after a couple underage beers . Opened the door. Kicked my shoes off and walked into the living room. My mom , passed out on lazy boy type chair . As per usual. Snoring away as the tv played in the background.  My aunt . Usually passed out beside her on the couch was nowhere to be seen .

Not thinking to much of it . I grabbed a bag of chips and headed to my room. Swinging the door open my heart skipped a beat as I saw my aunts body sprawled out on the bed. She was laying on her stomach . Arms to either side. One of her legs pulled up to a slight bend. As my eyes traced down my heart skipped a beat again.  Her short black skirt had rode up past both of her cheeks. A thin black thong tracing her cheeks. And a single haired lip was poking past the fabric.

Now.. to this point in my life. I had never really thought of her in a sexual way . She was my aunt afterall. Usually walked passed both of them sleeping and went and did my own thing . But that night was different. Maybe the extra hormones I had pumping through me . Maybe the jealousy of my buddy saying he had lost his virginity before me.  Hard to say . But all I know is that my gripped tighter around the bag of chips and blood quickly began to rush to my shaft.

My aunt was about 35 or so at the time. Not bad looking by any means. Not a super hot soccer MILF by any means. But more along the lines of the drunk trailer trash whore in a wife beater yelling at her husband while her tits swing back and forth without a bra . You know. Just a bit to much makeup . Always smoking . But not a bad little body . She was about 5'6 maybe 130ish pounds. Brunette,  Big natural chest. And a little junk in the trunk so to speak.

So anyways . Back to 16 year old me , heavy breathing haha .

For what felt like 5 minutes. I just stood in place . Staring . I'd never seen an actual vagina in real life at this point. Lots in porn and what not . But not like this . After too much time had passed. I put the bag of chips down. Tucked my new found boner in my pants . And did the most logical thing . Tried to wake her up . I called her name out

"Aunty Em (Emily) wake up! "

"Youre in my bed!" " Wake up"

Louder and louder. Nothing. She was out .

I tried rocking her back and forth . Turning music on loudly in the room. Calling her name more. You name it .

Eventually giving up and sitting on a chair at the end of the bed. Grabbing my chips and continuing my perverted stare between her thighs. Her pussy lip had slid all the way out from my rocking her body back and forth trying to wake her . And I just sat there. Staring at it while eating a bag of lays lol.

As the bag became more and more empty. Inevitably , the devil on my shoulder decided to speak up .

"Touch it "

" Nobody is going to know"

"What she doesn't know won't hurt her"

Slowly but surely beginning to think with my now swollen head instead of the one with a brain in it .

The bag of chips hit the floor with a loud crunch . Telling myself I'm going to try and wake her up one more time. Following everything I did before. Calling her name louder. Shaking her more vigorously . Still 100% passed out .

"Do it " the devil said again.

With my heart beat slowly raising to mach speeds. I swallowed hard and got on the bed behind her . At first it was just an outstretched finger.  A single poke at her exposed lip. It was warm. Sooo fuckin warm. The heat between her legs radiating on my hand as shakily touched her.

When she didn't move . I got the courage to use two fingers and pull the fabric of her thong to the side. My heart somehow raced faster as the fabric tightly sat on the side of her pussy. Pushing against it as I stared at the meaty lips . The dark hair almost glistening in the rooms light.

Again . Just a single finger. Touching her lips . And pulling back . But as a little time passed . So did my fear of waking her. Adding a second finger to the mix . I spread her lips from side to side . Admiring the pink interior . Taking in the heat. It didn't take long before I had my shaft in my other hand . So hard I thought it was going to explode. Her juices wetting the tips of my fingers.

I called her name out one last time and went for it.

Sticking one at first. But quickly two fingers between her lips . Poking and proding a bit before finding the entrance. I'll never forget the heat as it engulfed my fingers. The juicy and wet sounds as I slowly pulled them back and forth.

Well... I came almost instantly. Shooting a load onto the bed with a single rope hitting one of her cheeks.

The world coming to a sudden halt as post nut clarity hit me like a sludge hammer. I basically freaked out . Realizing what I did.  Grabbing a dirty shirt .I started wiping the bed frantically. Carefully cleaning the white line on her cheek. I carefully pulled the thong back over the scene of the crime . Grabbed the shirt and ran outside. Past my still sleeping mother . For whatever reason . I thought I needed to toss the shirt in the garbage . As if that was going to save me from some kind of punishment. But to my relief . I walked back inside to an almost silent trailer.

Mom still snoring away. Peeking in on my aunt , watching back rise and lower with each deep breath.

I grabbed the bag of chips. Sat on the vacant couch beside mom and fell asleep .

This was just the first on many experiences with my family. Let me know if you guys want a part 2,3 etc. Thanks !

Trib FanReport 

2021-06-04 13:48:14
A hot bad boy you....LOL...

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