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Follows on from Part Fifteen where the group of new friends meet to plan the filming of a porn film at a house in Dorking in order to retrieve some paintings that are being held there by a young ladies’ evil stepfather.
Building a Dream: Part Sixteen

Follows on from Part Fifteen where the group of new friends meet to plan the filming of a porn film at a house in Dorking in order to retrieve some paintings that are being held there by a young ladies’ evil stepfather.

“Oh fuck,” I said quietly as Mike approached hand-in-hand with, who I presumed to be, Patty, his wife. She was an attractive curly-haired brunette with a very slim figure and I could see her gripping Mike’s hand tight as they walked up to us. Mike had a nervous smile on his face while she just looked blank at the pair of us.

“Hi,” Mike said when they reached us. “Nice to see you both again. This is my wife, Patty.” I glanced at Jay and could see her struggling for a reply. I looked back at Mike and then to his pretty wife. A million thoughts ran through my mind as I quickly thought of what to say. Did Patty know that, earlier today, her husband had been in the peep show, shouting abuse at the girls behind the glass before fucking Jay? Patty looked pissed off but not angry so I presumed that wasn’t the case. If it had been, she would probably be ripping Jays hair out by now, but she wasn’t. She just looked utterly fed-up.

I needed to know what Mike had told her and why she was here. We hadn’t told Mike why we were meeting there and that there would be others. Currently, he was completely in the dark. Maybe we could give them an excuse and get rid of them to avoid, what would obviously be, a very awkward situation.

“Hello,” I said holding my hand out and shaking Mikes hand. Patty took it and gave it a very brief shake before sharply putting her hand back to her side. “Nice to meet you Patty. How are you both? Enjoying the cool, evening air?”

“Yes,” Mike replied with a cheerful manner. “It’s certainly a lot cooler than it has been.”

“Indeed it is,” I said nodding. “Indeed it is.” Then silence. I had to find out what was going on so and was thinking of how to control the conversation before Mike did it for me.

“I told Patty how I bumped into you and Jay when I was taking a short cut back to the office this morning and how you mentioned that you had a project that you needed some marketing advice with.” Mike said this staring directly at me with a very slight nod of the head, indicating for us to play along.

I got it and nodded in agreement. Patty didn’t know what happened. But why was she here? Mike continued.

“Patty’s art class was cancelled tonight and when I told her that I was meeting you both tonight to give my expert advice she asked if she could come along.”

“That’s right,” I replied glancing at Patty, still nodding and trying to keep a calm smile on my face despite the bored look on hers. “Your advice would be much appreciated. It could be a bit boring for Patty though. Wouldn’t you rather go and have a drink and wait for Mike? We won’t keep him long”

“No, I’ll come along, if that’s okay?” Patty replied in a tone that suggested a hint of exasperation. “I won’t get in the way. I’ll just sit to one side and keep quiet.”

I was about to try to dissuade her again when Kelly walked around the corner.

“Hi, guys,” she said in a breezy manner. “I’m not late am I?” She and went up to Jay and planted a big kiss on her lips. “I wasn’t sure if I would find the place. I forgot the exact instructions you gave me. I asked a couple of people if they knew where Kenny’s was and they had never heard of the place. So, I just asked for the nearest peep show and was directed here. It’s surprising how many people know where these places are.”

She nodded towards the open entrance to Sheila’s peep show as she said this, which I noticed Patty had only just seen. Patty walked to the front of the peep show and studied the entrance and the curtained window as Kelly continued,

“This is exciting. I can’t wait.” Kelly said approaching Mike and shook his hand. “Hi. I’m Kelly.” Mike nervously shook her hand and introduced himself and Patty before Kelly approached Patty, who had her back to us and was staring at Sheila’s peep show. Kelly tapped her on the shoulder.

“Hi. I’m Kelly.” Patty turned and was immediately given a big hug by Kelly which, judging by her frozen body language, she clearly wasn’t expecting. “Wow! Your gorgeous!” Kelly said as she broke her grip on Patty. “Are you involved in this as well? I do hope so.”

Patty looked over at Mike who was now starting to look panicked. He still didn’t know what the project was and looked apprehensive, especially at the openness of Kelly. Jay took Kelly’s hand and said to us,

“I’ll take Kelly up. See you in a minute?”

“Okay,” I said as they went through the door, still trying to think of a way to ditch Patty.

“What exactly is this project?” Patty asked in a bit of a nervous manner, crossing her arms and staring at me. “What is it exactly that you need my husband’s advice on?”

I took a deep breath and said, “It’s a film project. A group of us are doing a film tomorrow in Dorking and Mike’s advice on future marketing may be very beneficial. We asked him to come along so he could get a thorough understanding of the project. It really will be very boring. If you would rather wait for Mike elsewhere I promise we won’t keep him too long.”

Patty looked at the two of us standing nervously in front of her then shook her head and replied, “No. I’ll come in if you don’t mind?”

“Okay,” I said smiling and resigning myself to an awkward situation . “Follow me.” I hoped I had bought Jay enough time to explain to the group about Mike and Patty before I opened the door to Kenny’s and put the latch down after we had all entered. I led them down the corridor, past the empty counter, through the door and up the stairs. I took another deep breath and opened the door and led Mike and Patty through to the cinema room.

Most of the group were stood or sat around on the armchairs and sofas with either mugs of hot drinks or cold bottles of coke which Katy was serving behind the counter. Jay was stood at the counter and had clearly been explaining the situation as a sudden hush went around the group as we walked in. Patty looked around the room at the equipment lined up along the wall and then looked behind her down the corridor at the line of empty booths.

I didn’t know if the realisation of what the place was had hit her yet. She seemed puzzled and was about to say something when Katy called out to her,

“Hi. Tea, coffee or a cold drink?” Patty looked at the group in the room and seemed shocked into silence by the eyes that had fallen on her and didn’t answer.

“Two tea’s please,” Mike said leading Patty by the hand to the counter. “White, no sugar.”

Sara approached Mike and Patty and shook Mikes hand. “Hi, I’m Sara.” She said.

“Mike,” Mike replied shaking her hand. “This is my wife, Patty.”

Sara held her hand out to Patty who hesitantly shook it before withdrawing her hand sharply again. Sara smiled at Patty and pointed her hand around the room introducing everyone who either smiled and nodded or waved hello as their name was mentioned.

“Phil and Cheryl, Keith and Mary, Clive and Sue, Simon, Jim, Kylie and Paul, my husband Manus and James-our cameraman, That’s Katy behind the counter and you’ve already met Jay, Steve and Kelly.”

Patty nodded to each with a blank look on her face as each person were introduced. She still had a tight grip on Mikes hand and I had a feeling that she as now regretting joining Mike for the meeting. Katy handed the two teas to Mike and Patty and said to Sara,

“Let me know when you want to start the presentation. It’s all loaded.”

“No time like the present.” Sara replied indicating that everyone should take a seat and face the cinema screen. Mike indicated to Patty to sit on one of the sofas but she shook her head and sat on a solitary armchair at the back to the side of the counter where Katy was leaning, a pair of remote controls in her hand.

Mike looked around and sat on a sofa with Simon and Jim just ahead and to the side of Patty. Jay and Kelly sat with Cheryl and Phil while I stayed leaning back on the counter, keeping Katy company. Katy dimmed the lights down on one remote then pressed a button on the other which lit the cinema screen up with a PowerPoint presentation. Sara took the remote from Katy and walked to stand next to the screen.

On the screen was the words ‘The retrieval of the rising of the Fisherman’s Sun paintings by Giovanni del Callinni.’

“Good evening everyone,” Sara began. “I have met most of you so I don’t need to introduce myself nor my husband Manus.” Manus put his hand in the air and gave a wave which a few people returned. “But I will give you a bit of background about myself and why we are all here tonight. Kylie, can you stand up please?”

Kylie stood up and looked around at everyone, giving a little wave before sitting down again.

“This is Kylie. Kylie is a housekeeper at the hotel that most of you are staying in. Kylie owns these paintings. They were given to her as a birthday gift from her father,” Sara pressed a button and a library picture of the three paintings taken at a gallery appeared on the screen. “The rising of the Fisherman’s Sun paintings by Giovanni del Callinni. Current value around two million Euros each. Collectively as a set, possibly ten million Euros.”

There was a few whistles and a look of surprise on several faces in the room. Patty just stared blankly at the screen. Sara continued.

“Although Kylie has provenance for these paintings proving her ownership, she does not have the paintings in her possession.” Another slide appeared showing a suited man opening the door to a very flash BMW. He looked fit, toned and handsome.

“This is Neil Campbell. He is Kylie’s step-father. He married Kylie’s mother after her father passed away. He has a son and a daughter, Gloria or Glo, and Darren. According to Kylie these three are very unsavoury characters who made her life miserable when she still lived there. After a couple of years Kylie’s mother also passed away and Kylie was ordered to leave the house immediately; the house she had grown up in with her loving parents, now in the hands of this man and his offspring. Kylie tried to take the paintings but was stopped from doing so. She had to leave with only she could carry, but not before Neil tried to rape her, only being stopped by Glo. The paintings are still in the house and, as far as we are aware, Neil does not know their true value.”

Another slide appeared of a younger man and a woman. The man was also suited and was heading to the BMW passenger door and the girl was walking past them. She was dressed in a very short skirt and low cut top, heavy makeup and dyed blonde hair. Sara continued.

“This is Darren and Glo. They still live in the house. From what Kylie has told us, Darren is a bit of a womaniser and Glo is a slut. Kylie told Steve and Jay her story who subsequently told me and Manus. This whole situation is an injustice to Kylie so we decided to help her retrieve the paintings.”

Sara stopped talking and another slide appeared. This was a picture of Sonia taken from a screenshot of a video conversation. She looked very pretty with her face and hair made up especially for the video conversation she was having.

“This is Sonia. She is Neil’s current wife. She lives in the property with her grown up son and daughter who are looking to move out soon as they do not get on with Neil and his brats. Manus and Steve have visited the property and met Sonia. They all got on very, very well.” She winked at the pair of us which did not go unnoticed by the rest of the group, some putting two-and-two together by the meaning.

“Manus and Steve were honest about why they were there and told Sonia about Kylie’s situation. Sonia has agreed that this was an injustice and has decided to help and is willing to give Kylie the paintings.”

There was a murmur around the group with a lot of head nodding and smiles which stopped when Sara continued.

“However, there is a condition. Although her husband Neil may be a good provider, it turns out that he is a bit of , I think you Brits say, ‘a twat.’ He has no interest in Sonia sexually since she will not give in to his, what she terms, ‘perverted demands.’ He can be cruel and sometimes nasty, as I found out yesterday when Manus and I had a video call with her and she blames him and his horrid brats for the fact that her own son and daughter will be moving out soon. So, Sonia has decided that she wants to get her own back on Neil.”

Everyone looked like they were on the edge of their seats. Nearly everyone knew what the condition was and were waiting for Sara to confirm it. Another slide appeared of the paintings, the real ones in the cheap frames in the dining room of the house in Dorking, a picture taken by myself.

“Sonia will give us the paintings if tomorrow we film a porno in her house with her as one of the stars.”

There was a silence around the group as most of them took in what had just been said. I knew that nearly everyone already knew the condition but to have it confirmed was still a surprise to most.

I glanced over at Patty and she was clearly shocked. She had listened in silence to everything Sara had said but the final comment had made her raise her hand to her mouth in surprise. Mike looked equally surprised and looked over at Patty. She stared at him and looked like she wanted to say something but was unsure of what.

Sara waited a few moments for the information to sink in before continuing.

“This will not be just a ‘bang’ movie. It will have a storyline and a bit of, what will probably be, bad acting. The story that’s been suggested to Sonia is the classic ‘intruders breaking into the house with Sonia there alone. She begs them not to rob her and says she will do anything they want.’ Somewhere in the mix we’ll get some more men and woman involved. Maybe a few members of the local ‘WI’ will knock on the door along with a plumber or a washing machine repairman or something along that line. Basically, Sonia wants the film to conclude having had an orgy take place. I think that when she is sitting there in silence with her husband ignoring her, she can at least remember a time when that room was witness to something exciting”

More murmurs went around the room before Sara continued.

“James, who runs the sex shop not far from here, is an amateur cameraman with plenty of equipment and has some experience in this field. He will be filming with an assistant. Is that right, James?”

James nodded and replied. “That is correct. I will be bringing three cameras, two static on tripods and one hand-held. I’ll pick Paul and Kylie up with the lighting equipment first thing in the morning and meet you down there. I was hoping for my normal shop assistant to help but he’s busy. So, I’m having to bring Stacey.”

“Cool,” Sara said, clearly happy. “Is she okay with helping with this?”

“We’ll find out tomorrow. She knows that she will be helping me doing some filming, but not what. She probably thinks it’s a wedding or something like that.”

There was some laughter from the group, apart from Patty and Mike, at this statement.

“Well, she’s certainly in for a surprise.” Sara said and I could see her thinking about something, probably fucking Stacey no doubt.

“So, you know the plan and what’s expected. The question now is, who’s in? let’s see a show of hands.”

Almost everyone put their hands up, mine included. The exceptions were James, as he would be filming and, obviously, Mike and Patty who both still looked physically shocked. Sara had her own hand up and did a count of the hands.

“Thirteen, including Sonia makes Fourteen. Great!” Sara said with a big smile. She looked over at Mike and he looked very uncomfortable. He was motioning to Patty with a shrug of the shoulders, trying to indicate that he had no idea about the plan. Patty was still open mouthed in shock. She looked upset and I knew that any minute now she would say something. I wasn’t wrong.

“Excuse me,” she said politely putting her hand in the air to draw Sara’s attention. “Excuse me. Can I ask a question?”

Everybody turned in the seats to look at her which clearly made her look uncomfortable.

“Of course you can,” Sara said addressing her in a soothing tone.

“Can I ask why you needed Mike to be here. I mean, obviously he’s not going to be part of your so called ‘orgy,’ so why has he been asked to attend this meeting?”

I knew I had to come up with some form of excuse but it was Manus who beat me to it. He stood up, faced Patty and said also in a calming manner,

“With Sonia and everyone’s permission, I am looking at distributing the film in the Netherlands when we return. That is, if the film is good enough. The editing won’t be too much of a problem but I know nothing when it comes to selling the product. Steve and Jay invited Mike along so that he may give us advice on marketing and distribution of this type of material.”

This was a surprise to Mike who actually looked physically relieved. He hadn’t known why he was there, although Jay’s hint of ‘solving his lack of sex’ problem earlier in the day was actually for him to be a part of the film to release his sexual tension. Thankfully, Manus was quick to answer Patty’s question which, hopefully, had now proved to Mike and Patty that his participance here tonight was actually for a business arrangement.

“Is that okay?” Manus asked, looking between the two of them.

“Absolutely,” Mike said standing and smiling. “Marketing and distribution of media is one area I’m well versed in. We have clients all over Europe and several in the Netherlands. I can deal with all of that.”

As mike sat down, Patty had her hand up again. Manus nodded to her to speak.

“So, you didn’t ask my husband here to be one of your ‘actors?’” she asked, doing the finger quotes for ‘actors.’

‘Jay did,’ I thought to myself. ‘But not now.’

“No,” Manus replied shaking his head. “Just for his expert advice.” Patty looked at Mike and for the first time all evening and gave a hint of a smile. She had been on edge and nervous all the while she had been there and this was the first time I saw her relax. I remember that she had a nice smile.

Patty put her hand up again as Manus went to sit down. He stayed standing and asked nicely with a smile, “Yes?”

“If you’re going to take the paintings, isn’t the husband or the son and daughter going to notice they’re missing?”

Sara clicked the remote and three identical paintings appeared on the screen with Sara standing next to them. The picture had been taken in what looked like to be an art gallery. Sara explained,

“These are copies, not oil copies as there was no time, but printed pictures, like photocopies. My good friend who owns a gallery here in London manged to source these for us. A close inspection, or from even a few feet away would reveal that they’re obviously printed but since Sonia has explained that the room they are hung in is rarely used and that no one in the house takes any notice of the paintings, then that should buy us some time. If asked, Sonia has said that she will plead ignorance. That should keep Mike puzzled for a while. Kylie, what do you plan to do with the paintings?”

Kylie stood up and answered, “I’m going to sell them. Although they’re one of the best memories of my father to keep them in my possession would be too risky. I was going to ask, since you’re in the art business, if would you help me sell them?

“Absolutely,” Sara replied nodding at Kylie. “At some point soon after we get them, together we’ll sell them in the Netherlands. Better to sell them there than here in the UK which might bring them to Mike’s attention.

Kylie walked over and gave Sara a hug before resuming her seat. Sara was about to continue when Patty’s hand went up again.

“Can I ask what this place is? I’ve never heard of a cinema this small in Soho, especially with all the changing rooms,” she asked, meaning the booths.

Manus winked at Sara then addressed Patty

“It’s a place where people meet to become, er, more than good friends. I’ll explain afterwards and personally give you a one-to-one tour. Would that be okay?” Patty nodded and put her hand down, content with the reply.

Manus sat back down and Sara continued.

“Okay. The only thing we haven’t got in place currently is the actual film ***********. I’ve only done one porno and, although it was just a gangbang movie, even that had a bit of a ***********. We might have to just make it up as we go along. As long as we know who is doing what to whom, we should be okay. A proper *********** would be nice though, especially if we’re looking into distributing it.”

Patty’s hand went up again and, although Sara smiled sweetly at her, I could imagine she was getting exasperated with all her questions.

“Yes Patty,” Sara said.

“I’ll do it. Write the *********** I mean. I’ll write it for you. Mike and I do a bit of amateur dramatics and I’ve written several plays that have gone down well. I’ll write your film for you. I have a few plays that have a similar scenario except without the sex. I can adapt one of them.” This caused a lot of eyebrows to rise from most of the group as this total stranger who had sat looking pissed off from the moment we met her was now volunteering to write a porn film *********** for us.

“Really?” Sara asked surprised. “This is a bit different from local theatrics. It’s a porn film. Not ‘The Cherry Orchard’ or ‘Death of a salesmen,’ nor ‘Charley’s Aunt.’ You’ll need to be very open-minded when it comes to all the action and what is said, although most of the speaking during the action will be ad-lib.”

“I know,” Patty replied standing up and walking to the front so she could face everyone. “But I can do it. Mike and I are not innocent. We have watched enough porn in the past so I know what goes on. Let me write it tonight and I’ll have copies for each of you in the morning. All I need to know is who and how many are doing what to whom.” With that she pulled out a small notebook out of her handbag with an attached pencil and got ready to take notes.

“Okay,” said Manus standing and approaching to where Patty and Sara were stood. “Let’s put it out to the group. What action do we want to happen tomorrow?”

The replies were shouted out thick and fast from all round the group..

“Spit roast.” “Anal.” “Cum swallowing.” “Cum over the face.” “Girl on girl.” “Cum in arse and pussy.” “Double penetration.” “Double anal.” “Double Vaginal.” “Cum sharing,” “Squirt on face,” “Fisting.”

“Slow down, slow down,” Patty said quickly scribbling down all the ideas. “What was the last one?”


“Okay,” Patty said writing down the last suggestion. “Fisting. Anything else?”


Patty and everyone in the room looked around to the back of the room where the suggestion came from. Katy looked embarrassed and said defensively,


Patty turned back to her notebook and read out loud as she wrote the last suggestion.

“Watersports. Okay, I’m presuming all the men will be happy to do anything so I’ll go around all the ladies now and write down what each of you are willing to do from that list.”

As Patty started speaking to each of the woman and scribbled the names down next to each category, Mike bought his mug up to the counter where Katy and I were still stood

“Well, that was weird,” I said to him. “How come she’s here?”

“Her life art class was cancelled at the last minute. She could see that I was going out and asked if she could come along. She didn’t want to sit around on her own and I think she was a bit suspicious of why I was going out in the evening.”

“How did you explain that and how did you explain that you met me and Jay?”

“I said you asked for directions earlier today and we got chatting. I said I told you I was in marketing, which was true, and you asked me along tonight for help with a project, also true. I very nearly took her somewhere else and blagged that you didn’t turn up. But my own curiosity got the best of me and decided to come along.”

“Big risk.” I said. “What if this had been an orgy we invited you to?”

“I would have blagged it and got us out of here. Turns out that it’s even better. Maybe, just maybe, if she gets the *********** written then she might get her sexual spark back again. This could work out well all round.”

Patty had gone round the group and just had Katy remaining.

“Hi,” Patty said to Katy approaching the counter and leaning on it notebook and pencil in hand. “I’ve forgotten your name. Sorry. What will you be willing to do tomorrow?”

Katy leaned on the counter close to Patty’s until she was just a few inches from her face and said in an obvious sexy and flirty tone,

“I’m Katy and I’ll do everything apart from fisting.” Patty scribbled down her name and put the letters KTY next to each of the suggestions except fisting. “I’m very much into girl-on-girl though. What are you into?”

Patty stopped writing and looked up directly into Katy’s eyes. A few moments of silence went by with neither of them saying anything. It was as if Patty was in a trance. I knew what Katy was thinking, she wanted to fuck Patty, but had no idea what effect on Patty this obvious flirting was having. Patty looked as if she wanted to say something but instead stood up straight and didn’t answer. She smiled at Katy and said, “Okay, I’ve got your information.”

She turned to me and as she put the notebook back into her bag said,

“We had better go. We’ve got a lot of work to do tonight. I’ve got Sonia’s address so we’ll drive down and meet you all there at 9:00. Come on Mike. Say goodbye to everyone.”

“We’re going to the filming?” Mike said clearly shocked.

“Of course we are. We have to run through the *********** with everyone and Sara and James have asked me to direct.”

“What?” Mike was not expecting this. “Not only are you going to write a porn film but you’re going to direct it as well?”

“Yes. You know I’ve directed plays before. Is that a problem?”

“Absolutely not,” he replied with a big smile. “Definitely not.”

Mike turned and announced to the group that they were going and would see everyone tomorrow which bought waves, thumbs up and a few ‘see you tomorrow,’ from some of the men. All the women stood up and came over, giving Patty and Mike big hugs and several cheek kisses for Patty. The kisses from Sara and Katy though were on her lips, to which she didn’t react in the negative. Hand-in-hand Mike and Patty walked out the door and left the building.

“I wasn’t expecting that,” I said to Jay and Sara as they stood next to me.

“Neither was I, nor anyone, I think.” Sara said. “She’s very nice. I had a quick chat with her as she took everyone’s names. I also know why she hasn’t had sex with Mike for the past year.”

“She told you?” Jay said surprised.

“Yep. When you gave us the very quick breakdown of what happened in the peep show and why Mike was there, I referred to her notebook and decided to ask what her sexual preferences would be if she was in the film. She didn’t answer at first. She said that she and Mike were very experimental when it came to sex but hadn’t had sex in a while. I asked why and she was quite open and honest and swore me to secrecy so, I gave her my word and she confessed to having an affair.”

“Oh fuck,” Jay said. “That poor bloke, he seems so nice. Although, he did fuck me this morning behind her back.”

“That’s true,” Sara said leaning in close and saying in a quiet voice. “But it was an affair with another woman from her life drawing class. It was brief, just a few weeks and her one and only time with another woman. It was the other woman who broke it off. That upset Patty and she swore herself off sex.”

“Great,” Katy said which made the three of us look at her in surprise. “If the opportunity arises, I think I might try to fuck her tomorrow. She’s cute.”

Sara stroked Katy’s face and said sympathetically, “I’m sorry sweetie. She’s directing. She won’t be starring in it. I don’t think she’s as open as us when it comes to sex.”

“Crap,” Katy said disappointed. “That’s a shame.”

“Yes it is,” Sara said leaning in and giving Katy a quick kiss. “Tell you what, you can fuck Me and Jay tomorrow, if the *********** allows.”

“And Steve?” Katy asked looking at me.

“Let’s see what the *********** says.” Sara said before turning to the group. “Okay everyone. I think we should get going. We’ve got a busy day tomorrow and everyone, especially all you men, need to get a good rest. And no fucking tonight. You need to keep yourselves ready for tomorrow.”

This last statement bought a round of laughter and everyone started heading to the door. Sara continued.

“Those of you who are getting the train, we will meet at Waterloo at 7:00. Sonia has told me that the house will be empty from 7:30 in the morning until 8:00pm so if we plan to get there by 9:00 that gives us time to set up, let Katy do the makeup and run through the *********** with an estimated start time of 11-12:00. Sonia’s providing lunch also”

Nods, thumbs up and hugs and kisses goodbye followed until it was just Manus, Sara, Jay, Kelly, Katy and myself remaining.

“This is so exciting!” Kelly exclaimed out loud. “I can’t wait until tomorrow. I do hope I get fisted.”

“You like that?” Katy asked as she turned off the cinema screen and began flicking switches and turning off the lights.

“I love it,” Kelly replied. “Jay fisted me today.”

Katy turned and looked at Jay and said with a wry smile, “Oh you did, did you?”

Jay nodded smiling. “In the sauna at a spa. It was my first time at fisting another girl.”

“And it was great!” Kelly added. She turned to Katy who had turned most of the lights off and came around the counter, the only light being the dimmed light of the cinema room. “Have you not been fisted?” She asked Katy.

“Not yet,” she replied. “I think I may be a bit too tight. I would like to try one day though.”

“How about now? You’ve got lube on the counter that you sell here. Lift your skirt, bend over the counter and I’ll fist you here and now.”

“Oh, you’re so sweet.” Katy said with a laugh over her shoulder as she took the building keys from her bag on the counter. “But I’ve only known you for a couple of hours. I would at least expect dinner first.”

Kelly smiled and ignored the joke saying, “I mean it.” She stood behind Katy and swiftly ran her hand up the back of Katy’s short skirt and, judging by the way Katy jumped, I think Kelly had slipped her hand under Katy’s arse cheeks and had a finger on her pussy. Kelly leaned in close to Katy’s ear and said in a quiet voice,

“I can feel your cunt and it’s wet. Can you feel my finger running up and down? You’re wet. You’re very wet. Why is that? Is it because tomorrow you’re going to be filmed in an orgy or is it the thought of me pushing my finger in your cunt…like this?”

I saw Katy jump with a look of shock on her face as Kelly pushed her finger in. I moved closer and leant on the counter next to where Katy was facing the dark kitchen area behind. I didn’t interfere nor did Sara and Jay who were stood behind Kelly watching as her hand movement under Katy’s skirt showed she was pushing her finger in and out of Katy’s pussy. Katy opened her legs a little wider and pushed her arse out a bit, allowing Kelly more access to cup her hand under Katy’s arse and reach her pussy.

“Do you like that Katy?” Kelly asked and Katy nodded, open mouthed and eyes closed, enjoying the sensation as the finger was pushed in and out. “Maybe I should add another? Would you like another Katy?” Katy nodded and jerked as another finger was added; this one joining the finger already probing in and out with a rhythm. “And another?” Kelly asked.

Before Katy could reply Kelly added another finger and Katy let out a yelp followed by an “Oh fuck.”

Kelly then removed her hand and reached under Katy’s skirt and pulled down the skimpy panties she was wearing. She unzipped the side of Katy’s short skirt and let that drop to the floor, leaving Katy naked from the waist down. She took hold of Katy’s hips and moved her back a little so Katy could bend right over on the counter; her arse and pussy pointing out and clearly exposed.

Kelly knelt down behind Katy’s arse and used her hands to part her arse cheeks before moving her face forward and run her tongue around Katy’s arsehole. She licked up and down before jabbing at the hole with her tongue. Katy gripped on to the counter and gave out a little squeal as her arsehole was attacked by the jabbing and probing of Kelly’s tongue and two fingers that had been reinserted in her pussy.

“Oh fuck,” Katy said as she felt the tongue forcing its way into her arsehole making her grip on to the counter tighter. “Oh fuck.”

Kelly moved her head back and inserted another finger into Katy’s pussy, pushing them in and out making little droplets of pussy juice to flick over her wrist. She looked up at me and nodded towards the tubes of lube on the counter. I passed her one and with one hand she lifted the cap and withdrew her fingers from Katy’s pussy to cover them with the smooth liquid.

Her fingers and thumb covered in lube, she pushed three fingers back into Katy’s pussy and slid in a fourth causing Katy to moan out loud.

“Do you like that Katy?” Kelly asked. “Do you like four fingers in that sweaty wet cunt of yours? Does it feel like a big cock? Have you had a cock as big as my fingers in you? Have you had two cocks in there at the same time? Both cocks thrusting in and out, fucking you hard until they fill your sticky cunt with lovely, creamy hot cum. How about a big cock in your arse at the same time?”

Kelly pressed her lubed thumb against Katy’s arsehole and easily slid it in up to the last knuckle. Katy squealed and panted as her pussy was attacked vigorously with the four fingers while the thumb stayed still in her arse.

“You really are a dirty little slut, aren’t you Katy,” Kelly continued. “You would let anyone fuck you in any way, anywhere, any time. I bet you’re a real cum-bucket who wants to be filled with cum every hour of every day. Say it. Say you’re a slut, a very bad slut who wants cock all day long.”

Katy, now gripping hard on to the side of the counter nodded quickly and with her eyes tightly shut shouted, “Yes, I’m a slut. I want cock and cunt all the time. I fucking love it. I want to be fucked all day long.”

“Good,” Kelly said as she retrieved her thumb from Katy’s arse and moved it alongside her fingers in Katy’s pussy. Slowly and gently she slid it alongside the fingers going in and out Katy’s pussy and pushed her hand in, curling it into a fist as her knuckles stretched the hole.

Katy let out a scream and her own knuckles turned white with as they gripped the counter.

“No, please no. I’m too tight. It will never…” Katy never finished the sentence as, with a swift movement, Kelly gave a short push until Katy’s pussy was filled with the fist, the hole sealing against Kelly’s wrist as the entire hand entered. Katy’s eyes were watering but she didn’t try to stop Kelly. She gripped on the counter and screamed between panting and taking deep breaths as she felt Kelly’s fist fill her.

“You see,” Kelly said. “You can take a fist and you fucking love it. Don’t you?”

Tears streamed down Katy’s face as she stopped screaming and panted a quiet “Yes,.”

“I can’t hear you,” Kelly said and started to twist her hand slowly from left to right, “Do you love it?”

“Yes…I love it,” Katy panted and let out another squeal as Kelly sped up the twisting and then started pushing her hand further in. She stopped and then pulled back until I could see the knuckles before pushing back in again. She did this slowly to begin with until picking up the pace until she was swiftly fucking Katy with her fist.

“You fucking love it you dirty fucking cunt. I bet if I got a group of twenty men in here now you would fuck each one of them in your cunt, your arse and that filthy mouth of yours. Into Watersports are you? I would get them to all piss on you and in your mouth until you drink the lot. Maybe they should all fist you as well? In your sweat, sticky wet cunt and that lovely tight of yours; a fist in each while you’re drinking piss and swallowing cum.”

Katy legs began to shake as Kelly, who had been so sweet both times we had met her, was now letting out a volley of abuse as she fisted katy. Katy then let out a long scream and, to everyone’s surprise, had a big orgasm. She squirted long jets of ejaculate around Kelly’s wrist and down her arm, her legs shaking harder as her orgasm hit her. Kelly kept up the pace of pushing her fist in and out of Katy as her legs and hips jerked more frantically. The shaking slowed as her orgasm subsided and Kelly slowly withdrew her hand. I saw Katy’s legs begin to buckle and quickly caught her as her legs gave way.

Her whole body was jerking, the final throws of the orgasm subsiding had sapped her strength. I picked her up and laid her down on a sofa where she lay panting to get her breath back. Kelly wiped her hand and wrist on some napkins then knelt beside Katy and asked in the familiar smooth and sweet tone,

“Are you okay?” Katy nodded, too exhausted and out of breath to reply. “I’m sorry to have been so rude to you. Sometimes talking like that gets the juices flowing. That’s not the real me. I’m lovely really.”

Katy reached up and pulled Kelly’s face to hers and between deep breaths gave her a kiss and silently muttered. “Thank you.”

Kelly gave her a hug and said, “That’s your fisting virginity out of the way. If there’s anything else you haven’t tried yet, be sure to call me first.” Katy nodded and kissed her again before Kelly stood and said to the rest of us,

“I had better be going. I’ll see you all at Waterloo in the morning.” We all gave her a hug and a kiss and with a little wave she skipped out the door. Sara passed Katy some napkins so she could wipe the lube off her before she shakily tried to stand up. I put my arm round her and asked,

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. That was just unexpected. I thought she was joking or being nice when she offered to do that but once she started, I didn’t want her to stop. Yay! I’ve been fisted.”

As Katy was still a bit shaky, Sara helped her put her clothes back on and the five of us made our way down the stairs and out the building. Katy locked the door and announced,

“I know it’s a short walk but I think I’ll take a cab.” She gave each of us a hug and a kiss before hailing a black cab which stopped and took her away to Covent Garden.

“Okay,” Sara said to me and Jay. “We’ll see you both tomorrow. Get a good night’s sleep. You’re both going to need all your energy for the filming.” More hugs and kisses followed before they also hailed a black cab.

Jay and I held hands as we walked to Charing Cross Road, enjoying the cool evening air.

“I bet,” I said as Jay hailed a cab. “That when we arrived in London earlier this week, that you never imagined everything that’s happened and that tomorrow we will be in a porn film.”

“You’re not wrong there.” She replied putting her arms around my neck and kissing me. “I would never, ever have imagined it. But tomorrow is the last day. Next week you’ll be back at work managing your workforce and I’ll be teaching piano and watching ‘Loose Women.’” As the cab came to halt and I opened the door Jay leaned in close to my ear and whispered, “Best holiday ever.”

To be continued in Part Seventeen-The film.


2021-06-06 01:38:50
Please don’t stop…awesome story!!

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