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A father grills his daughters somewhat about guys, but has a big surprise coming.
"So, now we're done eating dinner; what are you two up to tonight, ladies?" I pondered, peeking at both of them.

"I don't have any plans; what about you, Cheyanne?"

"Me either, Faith," she added, shaking her head no.

"Really, you're twins, but you don't have that mind-reading power?"

"I guess not, Daddy," Cheyanne replied, glancing at me.

"Too bad, so if I ask you two if either of you will be introducing me to someone soon, would I get an answer?"

"I'm afraid not, Dad," Faith responded.

"Really, you're both beautiful, but neither of you has anyone on the radar to report on or anything at all? Not a slight glimmer or anything at all; no guys have made googly eyes at you or anything at all in college? You're both nineteen, and you don't have any guys coming for you. I know you two live in the same dorm, but do you two at least give each other time to spend time with someone from time to time?"

"We're sorry, Dad, but what about you? I mean, you're in your mid-forties now."

"High forties, but who's counting? This isn't about me; I'm asking about you two," I made clear, leaning back and crossing my arms. "It's been eight years since mom passed-"

"Exactly, Dad," they both said.

"We just mean, before we went to college, you were smothering us a bit. We're still surprised you allowed us to move out and onto campus. You're worried about us, but you should be more concerned with yourself. Not that we're in a hurry to get a new step-mom, but you need someone," Cheyanne explained.

"That's nicely put, sis, but I'll be blunt, you need to get laid, Dad," Faith added.

"Okay," I said, covering my face. "That's not something you want to hear from your daughter, but I guess it is true. So, theoretically speaking, you'd be happy if I introduced someone to you that could be your step-mom?"

"Yes," they both replied.

"If we promise to look for someone for you to meet, will you look for someone too? You don't need to marry someone if you don't want to, but have someone else in your life you can focus on, though. We come home every single weekend like this."

"And you could be using this time to find someone. Is that the point?"

"Sure, Dad. We love you and surely love spending time with you too. You make killer burgers, but still, we're in college and need some time apart too."

"I don't see you during the week, though. There's Zoom, but that's it. I get you, though, I don't like it, but I understand. Okay, take a couple of weekends off if you really want to, I mean it. There won't be any hard feelings."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure, I couldn't possibly love you more, but if you're suffocating and needing some air, okay, get some air. Of course, I'd have to say, don't get hooked on the air, I guess."

"Okay, Dad, we can at least watch our movie before we go to bed."

"Yes, but you have to watch Due Date, though."

"I love that movie and say it like it's bad."

I smiled, and we all went to the living room. Just like old times, I got to sit down on the couch with a girl on each side of me. I wrapped an arm around both of them and watched the movie. Just like every other time we watched it, the credits came way too quickly.

Then Faith pecked my cheek. "I love you, Daddy."

"I love you too, babe."

"I love you too, Dad," Cheyanne added, getting in a smooch as well on my forehead. "Goodnight," she said as they both got up off the couch.

"Goodnight, my darlings."

They calmly left and went to their bedroom.

I sighed and shrugged my shoulders too. "I guess you are right, I have been smothering you a bit, but okay, I get it. Maybe I do need to get laid; my dick still works. I find it hard to believe that neither of them has no love interests at all. I mean, like nothing? Maybe they were full of it and knew I'd have to find out more. Who knows, but maybe they'd tell each other. They are twins, so I bet they would. Just not their noisy dad, because I guess I do need to get laid and not focus on my only daughters I have. I guess I have to give up the fixation I have on those two brunette young ladies."

I just sat there for over five minutes and stayed silent. I didn't know what to do or say, even to myself. I surely wanted to keep them at arm's length, but it seemed that wasn't gonna happen, though.

"Crap, the fixation is gonna get the better of me, though," I said, rising. "I just gotta know if either of them is seeing someone. They won't tell me, but they might be talking about it now that they're alone," I theorized, calmly walking out of the living room.

I bit down on my bottom lip and felt more than worried about getting closer to their room. Nevertheless, I needed to get a little more from my daughters than the wall they displayed. So, I got to their door and stopped.

"I think we should tell dad, Cheyanne."

"I don't think he'd understand, Faith. I love you, but I think you put faith in the wrong things."

"Well, he was out there wanting to know if we were dating anyone. It was written all over our faces; we're definitely dating people."

"Yes, but we can't tell him who."

"Why, though, ladies?" I whispered.

"We will eventually; you saw him; he was about to crack some skulls out there. All we could do was turn it back on him, but he's going to find out sooner or later. I'm pretty sure he's gonna love us no matter what, sis, so what can really happen?"

"I don't know, but kiss me."

'You're kissing? Like twin sisters?' I thought, before pushing my ear on the door. 'That does not sound like friendly sister kissing."

"I love you, Faith."

"I love you too, Cheyanne," Faith added, before I heard more kissing.

'WTF?' I thought, backing my head away. "No, they weren't talking about each other, were they?"

"You're still a good kisser, sis," Cheyanne added.

"Do you think it's safe to sleep together tonight?"

"Sleep together? You have your own beds."

"I guess we could, but we should still keep it quiet. Dad could hear us or check on us too. You never know, so we have to be careful, though. If he catches us, well, that'll get the worst result imaginable. If he saw me between your legs, he'd surely take it the wrong way." Faith added.

"Between your legs? Are you two doing it?" I mumbled, rubbing my face.

"Well, I won't say something like that and just tease you, sis."

"Good, Faith, now kiss me."

My eyes widened as far as they would go instantly. I surely didn't know how to process such a thing, but I knew I'd have to see it for myself. After a moment, I gently grabbed the doorknob and pushed open the door somewhat.

"Holy shit, you're both naked and making out too. Are you kidding me? Is this a joke?"

I didn't get my answer, but they still kind of told me with their actions. I could only see Faith's butt then, but further from the nudity, I saw something I never thought I'd see: my twin daughters making out.

They were both on their knees and making out like horny lovers, it seemed. They both hand their palms on each other's faces as well and just seemed to love each other in a way I never thought possible.

"This is so far out there; I don't know what to say or think, but yet, I can't look away. Are you two together then? I mean, like girlfriends? You're an incestuous couple?"

I had no idea, but I couldn't make myself look away.

They maintained their position for another couple of minutes, but Faith parted her lips from Cheyanne's. "You're beautiful, sis."

"You look exactly like me, Cheyanne, but thank you."

"Your welcome, now come up with me," Cheyanne invited her sister as they both rose upon their knees.

"Oh, I'm a bad dad because you have great tits and sexy pussy too, Cheyanne," I muttered, bringing my hands to my crotch. "Crap, you two making me hard now. How is that possible? How are you together like this? You're both making out, and now Faith, you're feeling Cheyanne's boobs? WTF? I don't know, but this is something completely out of left field, and I like it. You're identical twins, but you're together kissing each other like that? Cheyanne's, you're feeling Faith's butt too, so... shit," I let out, vibrating nonstop.

After three kissing moments, Cheyanne gently pushed Faith's lips off hers. "You can kiss me all you want, but I still want you between my legs, Faith."

"Hey, give me a little faith, Cheyanne; I was building up to it. I would think you'd know that we have the same tits, slits, and brains, you know. Can't you give me credit where's credit is due?"

"And you don't always keep the 'faith' pun going, that's good," Cheyanne admired, lying down.

Right then, even though Faith had a point, they had the same bodies; I appreciated both of them more than life itself then. Even though I had no idea of their odd relationship, I still had to leer at their gorgeous bodies and feel my schlong getting harder, too, as I saw Faith leaning towards her sister's pussy.

"Oh, sis, yes," Cheyanne moaned, plopping her hands on Faith's head. "Yes, get your twin sister's pussy."

My mouth opened up like they were flood gates. From one second to the next, I saw my daughters officially breaking the law together. Even as they were, I wasn't missing the point of seeing them together; they just turned me on like I never felt before in my life.

Neither of them was paying attention to the door, so I got to see all the sexy action. Despite me still being rather confused by my daughters and how I loved seeing them, I had to keep watching them. I surely loved and respected them more than anyone else in the world, but I couldn't look away.

"Do you like that, Cheyanne?" Faith asked, thrusting her fingers.

"Yes, woman, just like the past two hundred times."

"Two-hundred, you've done it that many times? What the hell have I been missing here? Faith, you're going to town on your sister, and she loves it. How could I not know about this? They've been rooming together, but still, this is way the fuck out there. My wood hasn't been this stiff in years, ladies, and you two made it that way too. I have no idea how I love this or how you two are into this, but crap, this is like Christmas morning, only better. I'm a bad dad, or a great one, I guess," I moaned, before pulling out my rod. "Oh, this is so wrong, that's it right."

Then I actually began masturbating to the sight of Faith eating out Cheyanne as they were both completely naked. I couldn't see every inch of them then, but I didn't need to, though. Witnessing the event actually happen and Cheyanne react to it to was just beyond amazing.

I saw Faith's hands-on Cheyanne's thighs and moving her tongue so much; I would've thought it was getting ready to fall off, but yet, she kept going like mad. Cheyanne kept her hands on her sister's head, but didn't block my view.

They both showed love between each other like it was flipping a light switch. I couldn't imagine how they made their hearts do it, but I sure didn't understand how the incest thing worked, though. Nevertheless, that didn't stop me from masturbating to them.

My brain told me such conflicting things so that I couldn't concentrate the best way, but I still kept enjoying such an odd, but the lovely sight in front of me. I kept my cock away from the crack, but the door still moved, too, with me jacking off.

It made noise as well, but I tried to keep it down as much as I could. Although, it was quite the tall order as they infected me like a sexy virus. The side effects were certain to come out at an alarming rate.

"Yes, look into your sister's eyes and rub her head as she licks your cherry, Cheyanne. You love your twin sister, but who says you shouldn't love her like this?"

Again, I didn't get my answer, but I pushed my luck and cracked the door open a bit more. Those sexy ladies still failed to notice, but then they both closed their eyes and got lost in each other. I breathed as heavily as I could and found my other hand still on the doorknob.

"Oh, you two are stunning, saying the least, shit, I love you both like no one else in the world. Wow, a closer look means an even hotter view. Damn, you're to die for, ladies. I want to shoot my load all over you both, but I won't do that to my wonder twin daughters," I muttered, stroking my dick slowly.

I felt like all my batteries got injected with butter and sugar. I was breathing heavily before, but then I could barely do it at all then. The virus got in me, and that was that. It was still worth it, though, so I kept jerking it even though they could just look at me at any second.

Then they even held hands and connected even more without opening their eyes. I had to praise them even more because it meant they had intense chemistry together, and that display alone was beyond wonderful.

"Yes," I mumbled, letting out a stream and leaning my head back.

"Dad?" Faith asked.

I turned around and covered my face, and soiled more of their carpet. I wanted to run, but I couldn't make myself run. I just shot out another stream in the carpet and felt my skin cringe. All of a sudden, I felt the thrills turn into agony, and I didn't know what to say.

"Dad?" they both sobbed somewhat. "Are you mad at us?"

"No, of course not," I made clear, turning back around and covering my dick. "You two just caught me off guard here; wow, you two are beautiful," I complimented them, checking out their tits. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to look at you," I said, looking away.

I stayed silent for a moment, and they didn't speak either. I already told them I wasn't upset, but of course, there was still a big elephant in the room.

After a moment, I felt my hands get pulled down, and I saw Cheyanne crying. "So, you know everything, Dad?"

"Well, not everything; when did you two start hooking up?"

"Our third week in college," Cheyanne replied, before a gap. "You may look at us, Daddy; it's alright."

I couldn't turn down that chance and gawked at both of them. Neither of them hid their bodies at all as they could tell I liked them. Although, neither of them touched me even with my schlong out there still.

"You're both intoxicating, even though I didn't think so an hour ago."

"Thank you, Daddy," they both replied, strolling towards me. "Would you like to see us kiss again?"

My eyes widened again, and I nodded. They both smiled at me and turned to each other. They both grabbed each other's arms and pushed their lips together. Needless to say, I had to grab my rod again and stroke it.

"Holy shit, you're both so..."

They both looked at me again. "So, you're not upset at all?" Faith asked.

"No, I'm still confused, but obviously, I see something I like here. I don't even know why, but I loved seeing you two together. You're an incestuous couple then?"

"Something like that, but again, that's okay?" Faith pondered.

"I guess, yes, you two are my daughters, so I have to love you more than life itself. It's not like any guy doesn't like seeing two women together either, even if it is his twin daughters."

They smiled at each other and then closed the gap between us.

"You have a nice cock, Dad," Cheyanne complimented me. "Would you like to feel our boobs?"

"You want me to join you two now?"

"Maybe," they both answered, taking my hands and bringing them to a bosom.

From one second to the next, I crossed the line and felt those moneymakers hanging off both Cheyanne and Faith's chests.

"You're jolting. Is it fair to say you like feeling them?"

"Yes, Faith."

"Would you like to kiss us, Daddy?" Cheyanne pondered, getting closer to me.

"You're still interested in guys?"

"Yes, and you're our dad too; we'd do it anyway," Cheyanne made clear, before kissing me.

Needless to say, it was no father/daughter kiss and was quite the sensation. I had my eyes closed the whole time, and I felt my dick become even harder than when I felt their jugs.

After thirty seconds, Cheyanne parted her lips. "So, you liked that, Dad?"


"Then kiss my sister too."

I turned to Faith and kissed her as well. Even though literally the only difference between them was their names, it was still a whole different thrill I felt from her as well. I kissed my daughters, unlike my daughters, but it was still amazing.

After a couple of turns with both of them, I felt hands on my cock. I saw them both stroking it slowly, and I certainly couldn't stop them from saving my life. It felt like they were curing my cancer or giving me eternal life.

Either way, I knew I'd never have the same relationship with my daughters. After a moment, they even had me sit down on the bed they were just having sex on recently. They both sat next to me without letting go of my pecker.

I saw them kiss each other again up close numerous times for a few minutes, but then Faith let go of my johnson and got onto her knees beside me. "Would you like to have sex, Daddy?"

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, you had your johnson out for a reason," Cheyanne answered, stroking my wood even harder. "Would you like me to suck your dick, Dad?"

"Again, are you serious?"

"As serious as you were when you busted us for coming home at three in the morning six months ago. You masturbated to us, you horndog. We're not mad about that either, but if you want to have sex with us, just say so. It's nothing to be ashamed of, Dad; incest can be one grand thing, trust us."

"Okay, then yes, I'd love to have to suck my cock, Cheyanne."

"Just don't shoot in my mouth, Dad, okay?"

"I understand."

"Good," Faith added, taking my hands. "This might help you stay up with me," she said, rising on her knees. "Now feel my breasts again, Dad," she said, plopping my hand on them. "Now, let me feel your vibrate as Cheyanne sucks your rod."

Then I indeed felt Cheyanne's lips go around my schlong.

"Oh, fuck yes, Cheyanne, you're fantastic," I moaned, angling my head back. "Yes, suck your dad's member. I have no idea why I like this so much, but it's true."

I loved getting blown, but one second to the next, she gave me a sentiment greater than life itself. I couldn't help, but relish it like nothing else.

"He's squeezing my hooters so much; he might take them down to 'A' cups, sis, so keep going."

Cheyanne released my dick. "Don't deflate her boobs, Dad; I like them just the way they are."

"Okay, babe, but may I kiss your girlfriend?"

"Sure," Cheyanne answered, before taking it back into her mouth.

I kissed Faith and loosened my grip on her melons too. Although, after a moment, I felt more love than lust, so I let my hands on her butt cheeks and pulled her closer to me. We made out again, but more passionately that time.

All the while, I felt Cheyanne's lips going up and down on my pecker and making it feel better than ever. So, I quickly latched onto the incest thing, and we all had some extra excellent quality family time. I felt Faith put a hand on Cheyanne's head, too, so she was extra supportive.

With passing thrust from Cheyanne's lips, I had to twitch a bit more. I kissed Faith almost as if their mom suddenly came back to life, and I had to make up for lost time. Faith willingly accepted it and even gave me that passion back too.

I was at a loss for words; I just walked into something grand and had to partake as they were willing to let me do with them. I felt Cheyanne's lips massaging my schlong, and I couldn't help but shed a few tears too.

"Are you crying, Daddy?" Faith asked.

"A little, but I'm getting closer to the two women I love most in the world."

Faith kissed me again and brought her tits to my face. "Get as close as you want, Daddy, just remember: don't shoot in Cheyanne's mouth."

"I won't, but holy shit, you have soft and squishy breasts. Even if they are a little small, they're still sexy as hell. May I lick your nipples, Faith?"

Cheyanne released my wood. "Yes, but remember, Dad, she's mine," she reminded me, before sucking my schlong back into her mouth.

"Okay," I moaned, before letting my tongue out to Faith's nipple.

I applied pressure to her boobs, but made sure not to deflate them, as Faith mentioned. I licked it ever so slowly and felt myself twitch even more. It was a good thing I came so much before. Otherwise, I might shoot down Cheyanne's throat.

"Oh, do you like that, Daddy? Having one daughter give you head while you lick the other's nipple? That's pervy, but oh so sexy too," Faith muttered, caressing my head. "And I have my pussy just hanging out down there too; feel free to feel me down there too. I don't mind, and I know my girlfriend might get jealous, but I'll deal with it."

I couldn't turn down that opportunity either, so I let down one hand to her twat. I fingered her and went to her other nipple too. Cheyanne didn't even go past the halfway point on my cock, but undoubtedly excited the pleasure too.

I had to look at her from time to time, and she looked right back at me. Even as I pleased her girlfriend in two ways, she still smiled at me the most she could. So, I had to move my other hand to Cheyanne's head and fondle it for her.

I felt her massage my dick with her tongue and lips, so my defenses were plummeting. Nevertheless, I didn't want unexpected pleasure to end. I wanted it to go on possibly forever if need be. I already loved them dearly, but I felt my heart filling up like a bucket filling with water.

Then Faith dropped to my face again and kissed me. "I love you, Daddy," she mumbled, pushing me down lightly. "I'm sorry we didn't tell you, but we didn't think you'd like it. We were afraid you'd hate us."

"No, of course not, Faith. I love you two so dearly; it wasn't hard to like you like this. My mind is still blown by it, but you're both wonderful women."

She kissed me again and let her jugs hang over my face. I helped myself to grab them and lick her nipples again. I vibrated more and more and felt Cheyanne poking at my load too. I felt like they were draining me, but giving me more lifeforce to last forever at the same time.

Cheyanne held onto the base of my dick hard and surely sucked even more to give me the grandest sensation I could possibly imagine. Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, Cheyanne pushed her lips even further down my pecker.

"You have him moaning now, sis, keep going and make our daddy cum so much that loses weight. Just make sure you don't cum in her mouth, Dad; I'm sure Cheyanne would love her dad's cum all over her boobs, though, don't you think, sis?"

"Yes," Cheyanne answered with a full mouth.

"You got the greenlight, Dad, so let her work up a huge load for her and spew it all over her delicate melons. Right now, though, lick and suck on my nipples. Give yourself a little Faith, I mean me by that," Faith explained, pushing her boobs on my face.

I indeed grabbed those great hooters as tightly as I could and braced myself the best I could. Even if they let me go all night with them, I still wanted that time to go as long as possible. I pushed my tongue on Faith's nipple as hard as I could, too, so I covered all my bases the best I could as well.

"Oh, yes, suck that nipple, Dad. Suck it as hard as you can, but don't suck out the milk, though. Cheyanne is really a hardass about jealousy."

"Hey, you're the jealous one, sis," Cheyanne made clear, peeking at her.

"No, you are, Cheyanne."

"Ladies, don't argue. I could bring up examples from you both of jealousy."

"Okay, Daddy," they both said, before Cheyanne got back into position.

Faith got under me and then made us both arch our backs up so we could watch Cheyanne. I felt Faith's boobs and pussy on me as she wrapped her arms around me. I used her body for leverage and hoped she'd keep me up too.

All the while, we watched the other woman that looked exactly like her suck my cock like a pro. After seeing them together, I wasn't even sure they still liked guys, but they proved me wrong.

"Come on, Dad, feel your daughter's head and express the right gratitude to her too. She craves it, let me tell you. Whenever she eats me out, I have to praise her."

"Again, you have the same rule, sis," Cheyanne made clear, stoking my wood.

"Oh, Cheyanne, you're making your daddy cum now."

She aimed it right at her boobs and watched the fireworks. I wanted to look away because of the pleasure, but Faith kept my head towards her, and then I witnessed my seed bolt out all over Cheyanne's boobs.

I smothered those jugs by giving them five different shots all over them. I rattled nonstop, but Faith kept upright to see and experience all of it too. I didn't know what to think of it, except to love it.

"Oh, thank you, Daddy, that was sweet of you."

"Your welcome, Cheyanne," I muttered, lying back even more.

"No, we're far from done, dude," Faith made clear, getting out from beneath me.

She got over my pecker and immediately grabbed my cock. "Just don't cum inside me, Daddy; it'd be weird to get your daughter pregnant," she told me, letting it go inside her.

"Holy shit, that's hot, sis," Cheyanne praised her, coming next to her. "I love you," she stated, before kissing her.

As they made out, Cheyanne blindly let her hands come down to my hands, and she transported them to Faith's melons. I clutched them as hard as I could right away, but stopped soon after not to piss anyone off, though.

I didn't have the best view to see them kissing, but I knew it was happening, and as my pecker got the foreign pleasure of feeling Faith's pussy on it. She moved her torso around a bit and made the fun even better that way.

"Oh, you two are smoking hot."

"We know, Dad, now let Faith ride you," Cheyanne added, moving behind her. "Hold those boobs for leverage, but again, not too tightly."

I did indeed follow her orders as I was feeling on top of the earth. I felt my cock already building up a big load to shoot, but I was forewarned not to cum inside her, so I kept it on a leash. Nevertheless, even with that, Cheyanne played with Faith's tits too and wooed me.

They both looked at me like, but no one said a word for over five minutes. Faith kept her crotch moving, and she made my dick feel better and better with each passing second. Faith even spread her pussy lips apart to free up even more room.

I wasn't sure how she could take in there, but she seemed to take it well. With the direct support from her twin sister, I could only guess that all bets were off indeed. She was letting my member thrust off her pussy, and she only smirked at me.

I held her hooters too, but again, I didn't apply too much pressure to them. Cheyanne kept her hands there too and made damn sure I didn't. I saw it all over their faces; they were very protective of each other.

I knew that before, but it was like a dimmer switch, and they pushed it all the way on to make it clear. They didn't flop with us holding Faith's melons, but I still felt them moving a bit. That was more than enough to thrill me, but of course, they still had the incest thing working for them.

Faith only seemed to get fueled to make herself go further and woo me like nothing else. I felt her clench up her pussy, too, so she intensified everything for me as a good daughter should. I didn't see her that way an hour before, but she proved to be a great daughter.

"Do you like my twat, Daddy? Do you like feeling it on your cock?"

"Yes, Faith, now kiss your sister again."

They both pasted their lips together again and displayed the chemistry they had. I had to admire that, whether I had everything to do with it or nothing. I loved those adoring girls, and I was their father that wanted nothing more than for them to be happy.

Even just from seeing them make out like that, I felt my load tingling. Cheyanne couldn't resist, but to keep feeling up her sister right along with me. After a couple of minutes, they parted their lips and looked at each other, even with Faith's head moving.

I didn't say a word, but dropped my hands to Faith's thighs. I grabbed them hard and let drown each other in the intimacy they had. I couldn't believe it,l and surely deny it until my voice went hoarse if someone just told me about it.

"Even though you dress just like me, and even keep your bush just like mine, I love you, sis. You're an amazing woman, but I still have faith you'll stop copying me all the time. Technically, I came out first, so I have first dibs on looks."

"Bullshit, sis, but get over Dad's face and let him see your identical bush up close."

"Okay," Cheyanne said, getting over my face. "If I stop dressing identical to you and shave my bush, will that make it better?"

"No, don't shave it, sis; I still like some hair down there when I eat you out," Faith replied, before I heard kissing. "Just trim it a tad."

"Okay, good," Cheyanne added, before I felt her lean down to Faith's melons.

"Yes, twin sister, lick my nipples just like that. Lick Cheyanne's slit too, Daddy, she wants it bad."

"I do, Daddy," Cheyanne made clear, spreading out her lips. "Get that juice too."

"I'm rusty at pussy-eating, but I'll do my best. Give me a double dose of pleasure as Faith feasts on my nipples."

I couldn't see it, but I took her word for it. I let my tongue into her snatch and felt her shake, and that alone was quite the thrill. All the while, Faith didn't let up on her moving back and forth, making my dick feel good too.

I had seen some porn in the recent past, but from people I wasn't related to, though. So, I used that as inspiration to make my sexy daughter feel good. I let my tongue go all over those wet lips slowly, and somewhat hardly too.

I knew I wasn't Faith, so I couldn't make her feel that amazing, but I was still her dad so that I could do some damage. Either way, I grabbed her butt cheeks as hard as I could, concentrated as much as I could keep myself focused as much as possible.

I surely did taste Cheyanne's juice, and a lot of it did spill out onto my neck and shoulders, but I still loved it. Needless to say, as Faith got to be on the other side of her, making Cheyanne feel good, she got feistier.

"Oh, yes, sis, did Daddy bring out your passion again? You're never this turned on, but with Dad eating your cherry, you're much more lively. Not that I'm upset, but still. Was it just because you wanted to keep it quiet here and on campus. People might think we're freaks at school, identical twin siblings hooking up? That's messed up, don't you think?"

I didn't hear her respond, but we all knew the answer. I still couldn't see them, but I still took them at their word that they were making each other feel good again. I felt them both shaking like they were single steps from seizures.

Nevertheless, I just threw any cautions that they might be going nuts. I wanted to push them as far as I could, just as they did for me. I didn't even know how I managed not to cum yet, but I was still willing to keep going.

"Oh, yes, yes, you both work as a good team. Fuck, Daddy, I had no idea you could eat pussy like that."

"Well, I think it might be you, Cheyanne."

"Good, how's daddy's dick, sis? Do you like it up in there?"

"Yes, sis," Faith answered, arching her back. "It's stretching out my slit, but I love it. I think it's even getting bigger in there, Dad. Do you like it that much?"

"I might, yes, but shus, I'm trying to make your girlfriend feel good."

"Don't worry, Dad," Cheyanne assured me, getting off me and coming down to me. "You're doing well anyway," she made clear, before kissing me. "Are you really cool if Faith and I hook up? We'd love not to have to hide it anymore."

"Yes, if that's what you want, Cheyanne, but could we have sex again?"

"If it's cool with Faith."

"It is," Faith added, yanking me up with her. "We still wouldn't mind getting a step-mom, though. Having her seeing your two twin daughters together could be the ultimate test. If she screams, she's not the one. If she gets turned on, we'll be good, but you'll have to let her join us at least once."

"If you say so, Faith," I moaned, before angling my head back.

"Do you have to cum, Daddy?"


Faith made sure to release my schlong just in time; then she stroked it for a few seconds before she got the strange sensation of feeling my seed attack her hooters as well. I gave just as much to Faith as I did to Cheyanne, or at least it felt that way.

I loved every second of it, but that time, I didn't have anyone propping me up to watch. So, I covered my face and reveled in the gratification all I could too. Once I was done, I heard some slight giggling, but then my cock felt another mouth on it.

"Damn, sis, you're relentless," Cheyanne accused Faith as I felt the bed move.

I had to see the action happen, so I arched my back up even though I felt to be relatively depleted at the moment. I saw Faith going at my cock and looking right back at me. Cheyanne pulled me up even further and placed my hands on her head.

Then she leaned on me and kissed me. "I know I speak for Faith too when I say if you let us be an incestuous couple, you can join us in the bedroom, or maybe even at school whenever you want. We love you, and we know you love us. We're sorry again, but we still want you to find us a step-mom too. If you want to give us a sibling, fine, you kind of have our hands tied; we have to support you, but still, find us a step-mom sometime. Not like the first woman you meet, but someone good."

"Okay, Faith."

She smirked and kissed me again before getting down on her knees behind Cheyanne. Just as I thought she would, she plopped her palms on her sister's butt and began licking her slit from behind.

"Oh, you two certainly know how to put on a show, that's for sure. You two are the real deal; I didn't know how I never saw this side of you two, but holy shit. You're going to town on Cheyanne's twat, even from this angle. Fuck I love you both so damn much right now; I swear I do. I don't know what your mom would say about all this, but something, I'm sure. Somehow, I only wish she could be here, even just for a minute, to tell us. I miss her so much, so maybe it's hard to date other women, but I'll do it for you two. You're my whole world, and nothing and no one can ever replace you two. It's just not in the cards for someone to, but I promise, I'll find someone for you two to meet if you really want that."

"We do, Dad, but you have to show her us in our incestuous habitat. If she can't accept your kids, she's not worth it," Faith told me.

"Okay, babe, I understand. Will you want her to see me with you two as well?"

"Now that you say that, yes, Daddy. Again, she has to know how close you are to us now. It's not like you could have sex with us, know that we're an incestuous couple, and not get closer to us," Faith added, taking a break.

"Fair enough, ladies. I can't give you any kind of timetable, but I'll do what I can for you two, I promise."

Neither of them responded to that, but it didn't matter. They built up my heart with such love that nothing and no one was going to break it. They gave such a new look on everything, so to speak. The roses smelled better, and the colors seemed more vibrant too.

I couldn't help it; they got me good, and that was that. I felt the undeniably great pleasure and chemistry from them and put it right in my heart with love. I surely knew it would just explode sooner or later, but I still wanted it to, though.

I couldn't see Cheyanne give me such pleasure, but I felt it more than my cock. I felt it with my whole body, and with Faith also eating her out from behind, I felt it even more. The sex was amazing by itself, but of course, it was the emotions that made it so awesome.

Cheyanne managed to take more of my dick into her mouth than Faith, so she wooed me even more. Nevertheless, I still wasn't about to play favorites. They were both still exactly the same, other than their names, but Cheyanne seemed like a better dicksucker.

It was still not a competition, but I had to compare them at least a tad. So, I had to look at Faith and see her looking right back at me. They both grinned at me the most they could, but neither of them said a word for some time.

They both kept their mouths busy, but yet, still looked at me as if nothing else mattered. I would've thought Faith's tongue and Cheyanne's lips were getting tired, but yet, they both kept going like mad.

So, I was in heaven, and I couldn't be happier to be there. I took in every single bit of luxury I could get and found myself very happy that my wife wasn't pregnant with boys. So, I enjoyed them as much as possible indeed and paid them both equal attention too.

I didn't even know which action was hotter, so I had to keep looking at both of them. They both were gifts to me, it seemed, and feeling them that close was out of this world. Cheyanne could not only go further down, but last longer too, so she was better.

Nevertheless, Faith was making it hard for Cheyanne. I still couldn't see her tongue moving, but I knew it was happening just a few feet from me. Judging by how Faith was moving her face back and forth, she was getting the job done.

They both goddesses alone, but together, they were like one big super sexy goddess. I got to experience them both and love them so much more than I did when I snuggled with them not too long ago.

I even saw Faith doing some extra long and slow licks, all the while, she watched me react to the view. I once again made sure not to cum inside anyone, but of course, that could change at any second. I pulled Cheyanne's hair a bit, but still tried to pull it too hard.

I didn't want to hurt her, but of course, still, all bets were off. She was giving me such pleasure, it was unbelievable. With Faith still fucking her, it didn't seem to throw her off her game. That only told me that they were sold on each other, and even I couldn't separate them.

I surely wouldn't want to, but still, they were head over heels in love with each other. I could only guess that I was invited to the party because I was their father. Even if that was true, I had planned on milking them for all they were worth.

"Oh, you a great tasting pussy, sis. Are you getting dad ready to unleash a load so big we can share?"

"Sure, sis, but that mouth back on my twat."

"Sorry, sis."

I stood up on my feet and got a better look at Faith working her magic on Cheyanne's cherry. I still couldn't get the best look, but still seeing her fuck her twin sister from behind did things to me. As if my lusts were buried somewhere, but they dug them up, though.

"Oh, yes, Cheyanne, you have your mother's eyes, just like your sister. I love you, I love you, and I love you some more. Just like your stunning sister, I'd love to spend a lot more quality time with you, with your clothes back on and off."

They both nodded, and I noticed Faith sticking a few fingers into her sister's slit too. I still had no idea how long I could last of they could either, but they were more than willing to find out with me.

I wasn't making it any easier for myself if I wanted to last because I kept eyeing my sexy daughters like I'd die if I didn't. They knew I was hooked, so they fed that fixation and made it as hot as possible. Including actually having sex with them, too, it was like an all-you-can-eat buffet of desserts, and I had a major sweet tooth.

I nearly pictured Cheyanne sucking on a popsicle, and it was strawberry flavored. That was her favorite flavor, and I saw her trying to get every single bit of sweetness out of my schlong. All the while, she had Faith going to town on her twat from behind.

"Holy shit, Cheyanne, I've loved you so much over the years, but wow, I love you so much more now. I know I'm biased now, but shit, you're fucking awesome, I swear," I moaned, before a pause. "I'm sorry, but I have to ask, may I cum on your face?"

To my surprise, she nodded, but Faith came up with her. "You have to share, though," she made clear, coming on her. "Holy shit, sis, you're super hot; I had no idea you could take a dick so well. Is it just because it's dad's dick?"

Cheyanne released my cock. "Yes, if I have to share, then you have to do some work too, sis."

"Fine," Faith added, before kissing Cheyanne and taking my schlong in her mouth.

"Well, both of you are to die for dicksuckers, that's for sure," I moaned, feeling both of their heads. "I love you both to hell, heaven, and everything in between, I swear. I know you want me to find you two a step-mom, but shit, I have two smoking hot daughters here. It's wrong to have sex with you, but I can't stop you two from hooking up, so I might as well get in on the action. Let Cheyanne work me again."

Faith did just that and kissed me. "I love you, Daddy; you're wonderful for understanding."

"Don't mention it, Faith," I moaned, feeling her up too. "Call me a pervy man if you must, but I definitely want time alone with both of you. I want to make sweet love to you and make you both feel just as great as you two have made me feel."

"Okay, just don't get either of us pregnant, Daddy, got it?"

"I'll do my best, but you have seen each other naked, so you know what I'm up against."

"Okay, just don't try to get in the middle of us, got it?"

"Oh, you're tasty, I see."

"I just love my twin-sister, Daddy," Faith made clear, pushing herself on Cheyanne. "I love her, I love her, and I love her some more. She is my sexy princess, to my queen."

"No," Cheyanne whined with a full mouth.

"I think she means she's the queen, but I get it. I wouldn't dare try to put a wedge between you two, and I'll be sure to find you a step-mom that knows that too."

"Good, now it's my turn, sis."

Faith took it into her mouth, and I had to lie back. "Shit, it's time, ladies."

I couldn't look, but I felt two hands on my schlong. Neither of them said a word, but I felt my pecker moving back and forth slowly. I felt the slowest, but probably best orgasm of my life then. I was sure they doled it out as evenly as they could, but I didn't watch.

I took a few seconds to catch my breath, but then I calmly arched my back to see them. They both checked out my handy work on each other's faces and even rubbed it in too. I didn't speak a word and let them have their moment.

After the first minute, they both wrapped their arms around each other's necks and kissed each other. Needless to say, it was as intimate as I could imagine. Their boobs also clashed, and they made out like lovers.

The passion in them took shape, so they even needed to shed a few tears. I knew they were tears of happiness, but I still felt a little saddened. I could only guess because it was so good, it had to fabricate or something.

After a couple of minutes, Faith gently parted her lips and felt Cheyanne's lips with her pointer finger, but Cheyanne backed away. "I don't want your nasty fingers in my mouth."

"Despite that, you're still the best twin-sister in the world, I swear, Cheyanne. Dad could lay out an assembly line of different sisters for me, and I'd say, 'Fuck them all, I just want Cheyanne.', I swear."

"As if that's not cheesy, Faith."

"It is, but you love me anyway. I swear, if incest were legal, I'd marry you in a heartbeat. You just mean that much to me."

"Again, that's cheesy."

"Okay," Faith said, before looking at me. "Well, it's like one in the morning now, Dad. Do you mind if Cheyanne and I try to get some sleep?"

"Oh, yes, I'm sorry, ladies," I apologized, getting off the bed. "I really didn't mean to insert myself, but you know what happened."

"We do, but we forgive you," Cheyanne made clear, coming up to me with Faith. "Just give us until the end of the semester, then we'll move back, fair enough?"

"Fair enough, I'd still appreciate you two coming home every weekend if you don't mind."

"Fine, Daddy," they both replied, before pecking my cheeks. "Now go, we love you."

"I love you both too, obviously a lot more than I thought," I chuckled, making my way out. "Good morning, I guess. See you tomorrow," I said, before shutting the door.

"Bye, Daddy," they both added.

I failed to speak a word; I just went to bed with a cheesing smirk and looked forward to the rest of our lives. I was confident our relationship would never be the same, but in a good way.
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