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Sometimes it's best to know who is on the other side of the hole
This bar sucked. Why did her friends drive her to this stupid honkey-tonk dive anyway? Country music blared out of a beat up jukebox and the only people besides Toni and her friends were old cowboy wannabes and wrinkled divorcees looking to score with said wannabes. Cigarette smoke hung in the air and everything was sticky. The three twenty-somethings in their skinny jeans and flannel stood out like a sore thumb in this place.

Toni watched her friends drunkenly shoot pool. They seemed to be having a good time, at least. Mira had some trucker looking guy chatting her up and Val, apparently, found the only dyke in the whole county and was on her way out to the designated smoking area to ‘chat’ with her. A few people had tried to hit on Toni but she was not having it.

“This is the kind of place my dad would hang out at,” she grumbled over her fifth long island. Tossing it back, she set the glass on the counter and called over the bartender, “Ay, y’all got a bathroom?”

The very sweet discount Dolly Parton look-alike nodded, “Sure do, sugar. Just go around down that hallway and it’s on your left. You want another long island waiting for you when you get back?”

“Now that’s what I call customer service! But no thank you, miss…?”

“Sadie, honey. How about a water instead?”

“Yes, please, Ms. Sadie.” Toni reached into her pocket and fished out a ten-dollar bill and stuffed it in the tip jar. Sadie had been the only good thing about this place. With that, Toni staggered off to the bathroom.

Down the hall and to her left was indeed the women’s bathroom, however, upon entering the women’s bathroom, Toni decided to take her chances with the men’s. It smelled as if someone had clogged the toilet and left it there to rot. Trying not to lose all of her long islands on the sticky wood floor, Toni quickly made her way across the hall.

The men’s was surprisingly cleaner. The dingy linoleum was coming up in places, missing in others, but it at least didn’t smell like the sewer; Just normal things like piss and smoke. She stopped to check herself in the cracked mirror- ruffling her short, lime-green undercut to make it messier. Her eyeliner was smudged but in a cool, edgy way that drove her parent’s crazy. Band patches and rips were used as decoration on her flannel vest and tight jeans, and her heavy boots suggested she was willing to kick someone’s face in.

She thought she looked cool. In her drunken stupor, if she had seen someone who looked like her at the bar, she’d try to fuck them.

Chuckling at her own stupidity, Toni went into the first stall and went to take care of her business.

Mike pulled up to the bar and stepped out of his truck. This would be a good place to take a break for a while before driving back to the station. He was finishing his last haul before his two-week vacation. Which he viewed as both blessing and curse.

Toni would also be on vacation at that time and she chose to come stay with him instead of buying a plane ticket to her mom’s. He liked his daughter well enough but over the years they had grown distant. She became more rebellious and did things that didn’t make sense to him. Shaking his head, Mike decided to head on into the dive for a good drink to clear his head.

The place was pretty empty when he got inside. Some small town regulars having a good time. It was just the kind of place he liked- simple, quiet, and a place to have a beer and conversation.

“Hello there, honey, what can I get for you today?” A busty blonde with hair that reminded him of Dolly Parton stepped up to his place at the counter.

“Just a cold beer, ma’am,” Mike said. “Been on the road a while, need something to clear the dust,” he added with a laugh.

She smiled at him and nodded, “Comin’ right up.”

When he got his drink, Mike turned to face the rest of the bar and relaxed. He liked this place; It was the real deal, not like those city clubs that were filled with lights and music that sounded like a cat going through a car engine. He did spot a couple of girls who stood out among the country folk. They reminded him of people Toni would hang out with.

He shrugged and sat for a while, chugging down glass after glass as he observed. They weren’t causing any trouble and seemed to be enjoying themselves. Mike raised his third beer to the trucker who was dancing with one of the girls. The man winked back at him, and he chuckled.

Go get ‘em, boss, he thought as he finished off the beer.

“Ma’am, where’s your john?” he asked when the bartender came back to check on him.

“Down the hall to your right.” She pointed in the direction. “You want another beer when you get back?”

“That would be kind of you,” he tucked a five-dollar bill into the tip jar, and headed to the bathroom.

When he got to the bathroom, he stopped to check himself in the mirror. God he looked tired. The bags under his eyes reminded him of his daughter’s smudgy makeup. He removed his company hat and fixed his hair- he’d need a trim soon; It was getting a little shaggy. Same with his beard. Mike turned his head side to side and huffed. His clippers had broken halfway on his route and no shop anywhere carried the brand he liked. So now here he was with a heavy stubble and a disheveled goatee. He had also put on some weight over the year- not a whole lot, but enough for him to notice.

He shook his head and went to go to the first stall but saw it was occupied. Peeking down, he saw a pair of skinny legs and dark leather boots. Must be a guy friend to the girls he saw. So he moved on to the second stall and went to take care of business.

Toni had been dicking around looking at memes on her phone for who knows how long when she heard the bathroom door open. She froze and listened as the man stopped at the sink then moved on to her stall. His beige work boots hesitated for a moment before moving on to the next stall. The door shut and the lock clicked, and soon she heard the tell-tale sounds of a man taking a piss.

Maybe she should leave. Ugh, but it was so nice to be in a private place where no one would bother her. She rolled her eyes internally and sighed. No, the nice bartender would start to worry if she didn’t come back.

The toilet flushed and she heard the sound of toilet paper rolling out. Hey, she had to give this guy credit for going the extra mile when it came to clean up. So many guys she knew would leave little droplets and call it good.

Suddenly the dispenser on both her side and his came loose and crashed to the floor. She and the man both swore at the same time and in the immediate silence that followed, Toni knew that the man knew a woman was in the bathroom. But what disturbed her more than that knowledge was what had been hiding under the loosely bolted dispensers.

Mike about had a heart attack when the toilet paper dispenser fell, and then another when a clearly female voice swore with him. They both sat in silence for some time. He contemplated leaving quickly so the lady could leave without being seen. Then he saw it.

A large hole had been cut into the stall and hidden behind the dispenser. The hole had been carefully cushioned with rubber which left no doubt in his mind as to what it was. His neighbor had to have noticed the glory hole too. He wondered if she was just as surprised by its presence as he was.

Then he saw something that just sent him spinning. The woman next door had gotten down on her knees facing the hole and a slender finger was coaxing him through the hole. “Come on,” the woman’s voice echoed off the walls, and a part of him found the voice familiar. “Let’s have some fun.”

He should leave. He was drunk, she was probably also drunk, this was a bad idea. However… It had been some time since he had gotten any action.

Mike rubbed his cock through his jeans. What was the harm in getting sucked off by someone he’d never see again?

Toni had no idea what possessed her to offer services, but she had to admit to herself this would be the most fun she’d have had all night if the man accepted. She waited for a little bit then she heard the distinct sounds of a belt buckled being undone, followed by the whine of a zipper. Her heart pounded, wondering what kind of treat she was in for; Mostly hoping she hadn’t offered this to someone with a nasty dick.

Her prayers had been answered when the semi flaccid member slipped through. As it was, the cock was short and fat, but she had a feeling he was a grower, not a shower. She took the shaft in her hand and heard a shuffling on the other side. Smiling, Toni began to stroke him to full erection.

Mike groaned as he rested his body against the wall. This woman knew was she was doing; She massaged all the places that aroused an immediate reaction from him. Not even his ex-wife ever made a handjob feel this good.

When he was completely hard, Toni placed little kisses along the head and shaft. Her partner seemed to enjoy that, so she added her tongue intermittently. This guy was really pent up by the way he jumped. It almost made her feel bad, but not bad enough as she took him into her mouth.

He had to grip the top of the stall as the woman bobbed her head on his cock. The tongue ring had been a surprise but when she applied it to the sensitive underside of his head, he couldn’t help but thrust against the stall. He heard her moan on the other side- she must have liked that. So he continued to rock his hips against the wall.

Now he was getting into it, she thought. Bracing her hands on either side of the stall, Toni relaxed her throat and took him in deeper. She had been correct, he was a grower. Now he was grazing the back of her throat with no issue. God, she wanted to know what he looked like. It wouldn’t even matter if he was some old farmer, someone with a cock like this was good in her book.

Toni was getting hot. She unbuttoned her jeans and pushed them down as best she could so she could massage her clit. The addition of her moaning seemed to encourage him. He huffed and pressed on with more vigor, practically making her swallow him.

Fuck, I want him inside me.

He groaned as the wonderful mouth pulled away. God he was so close. She wouldn’t blue ball him, would she? After all that? He had heard, she was enjoying this as much as he was.

Mike pulled himself back through for a quick breather. Maybe she wanted it to last longer? He glanced up when he heard the sound of fabric getting pushed down. The next thing he saw was a perfectly shaved set of lips, plump and shiny with arousal. It was almost unreal, but he didn’t hesitate to drop to one knee and return the favor.

This guy was a wizard with his tongue. Toni had herself braced up against the handrail on the opposite wall- she wondered if it had been placed in that spot for this very reason- and was receiving some of the most intimate oral she had ever had. He sucked on her clit in a way that almost made her knees buckle, and when his tongue pressed inside her- God, it was as if he had all the cheat codes to making her feel good.

“Please,” she whined, “I need you to fuck me!”

That voice… Why was it familiar? Mike shook his head; It was just the drink talking. “You got it, baby.”

Toni only had a second to contemplate the voice she just heard before the man buried his thick cock in her. She bit her lip as he rocked in and out of her, filling her up so completely it was almost as if he was made for her.

He had heard of a pussy fitting like a glove, but never thought it was actually true. The inside of his partner was warm, soft, and gripped him as if her life depended on it. In the back of his mind he cursed himself for not putting on a condom. He just hoped this woman was on some kind of birth control.

She was meeting his thrusts now, and he desperately wished he could hold her hips and not this stupid wall. Their voices bounced off the walls along with the slick sounds of their fucking. Mike hoped no one outside could hear this. He didn’t exactly want to be known as the stranger who screwed someone in the bathroom to these people.

Toni wished this guy was on this side of the stall. It didn’t matter if she rode him cowgirl style on the toilet seat, she just wanted his hands on her; To have him holding her hips and driving into her.

She gasped, and between breaths she said, “Oh fuck, I’m coming!”

Mike was ignoring the voice now. Thinking about it would kill the mood. “Yeah baby, come on. Come on Papa’s cock!”

It was too late. Even as her eyes shot open at the phrase, her orgasm was already burning through her. Toni pressed herself back and moaned so deep in her throat it almost came out a croak. But among the immense pleasure was panic. That voice. She had been fucking her dad this whole time!

Mike felt her squeeze around him and with a couple deep thrusts, he felt his balls tighten as he emptied himself inside the stranger. He gripped the top of the stall so tight he thought he might break it off. Eventually he orgasm waned and he gave his partner a few final strokes that elicited the most satisfying sighs he had ever heard.

Pulling out, he picked up some toilet paper from the dispenser and cleaned himself up. He heard the same happening in the stall next to him. Part of him wanted to peek. To wait and see who the mystery woman was, maybe offer her his phone number. But that would ruin the moment. These types of these weren’t where people found love. They were just here for quick lust and mystery.

Toni listened as the man she was sure was her dad fastened his belt. The stall opened, then shut, and the beige work boots made their way to the door. Taking a risk, she dropped to her knees and peeked under the stall just in time to see the familiar figure of her dad exiting the bathroom.

“Oh holy shit…” she whispered. “Oh fuck me! I sucked his dick! I fucked him and he came inside me! I fucked my old man in a shitty cowboy bathroom glory hole!”

She couldn’t tell if she wanted to cry, pass out, or throw up. What she should do was pull up her pants, get the fuck out of there, and drink enough to forget this ever happened. But as she stood, some of the cum leaked from her and sent a pleasant shiver through her body.

Reaching down, Toni touched her still swollen labia and scooped up some of the semen. Her old man could fuck. He shattered her whole world with those hips, and his tongue… No one had ever given her head like that.

Toni sat back on the toilet with her pants still around her ankles. Her dad’s semen dripped steadily out of her and into the toilet. A blush crossed her cheeks and without a second thought, she licked the cum from her fingers.


2021-12-05 01:44:47
Incest and surprising endings... awesome!


2021-06-29 14:58:51
I would love to see if she does what my daughter did.


2021-06-16 16:50:38
Please write more of this, curious if she tells him.

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