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A fantasy sex story with a twist.
The Swap

by DarkRide


Chapter One - Chris & Scarlet

Chris hurried home from work. It was Friday, and tonight was the night. The plans were made. Everything had finally come together. He and his beautiful, shy wife Emily were going to "swap", and have sex with someone other than each other for the first time in both their lives!

All of his friends were envious when he married Emily straight out of high school. She was a cute girl-next-door red-head with just the right amount of freckles, an almost elfin face that made her look that bit more young and innocent than she really was, with a curvaceous body. But, what Chris' friends were mostly jealous about - Emily was a gamer. Not only could Chris hang out with the love of his life - she would thrash him at Call of Duty, too.

As Chris sat on the train heading home, he hoped Emily wasn't getting cold feet. They had been married now for 5 years, and whilst he had listened to his single friend's drunken tales of debauchery during their college days, he and Emily had mostly snuggled up with popcorn and a movie. Their sex life had become rather routine, and more and more sparse. Now and then Chris would try to introduce new things to the bedroom, like toys, and role play, but Emily preferred a lights-off snuggle than a Harry Potter dildo.

Things started to change one night however when the pair were gaming, and Emily casually mentioned that one of her friends had tried a threesome. Chris seized on the opportunity, even bringing up the idea of someone else joining them in bed when they were snuggling, which he was delighted to find made Emily's sex juices extra juicy. After the snuggles however, Emily was closed to the idea of inviting someone into their sex life. "It would be too strange seeing you with someone else. I don't think I could bare it," she told him.

Finally, several months later, as they were playing a game of Destiny, Emily asked a question.

"Could it be another couple, rather than one person?"

Chris, eyes on the game, didn't catch on. "Two people - playing Destiny - like we are?"

"No. Like... a swap... not a threesome..."

Chris' Guardian promptly died as he almost dropped his controller. "Oh! Right - ahh, yeah - sure! If that's what you like?"

"But... could we be in different rooms? So I don't have to - watch you...?"

Whilst Chris was very keen to enjoy the sight of Emily having sex with another man, he wasn't going to step on the idea of separate room swapping now that it was being offered. "Yes, hon, that's absolutely okay, if that's what you're comfy with!"

He lent over and began planting kisses on Emily's neck, but totally failed to distract her from the game. She did however bite her lip nervously as she processed what she had just put into motion.

Chris walked into their open plan apartment and came to a full halt. Emily was standing, pacing, up and down the length of the kitchen. She was wearing her sexy red cocktail dress, with a split going up passed her knee. It hugged her curvy body, as well as accentuating her legs, which Chris noted were in her favorite strappy heels. In short, Emily looked amazing.

"Go! Go have your shower! They'll be here soon," she rushed him impatiently.

"They" were Erik and Scarlet, their "date" for the evening. They were the third couple that Chris and Emily had seriously considered for their sexual adventure. Emily had insisted that she didn't want any dead-beats, hoping instead to find another couple not unlike themselves - professionals, who could be trusted to keep secrets. The first couple had seemed pleasant and intelligent by email, but when they met them in person at a cafe, they were quickly crossed off the list. The second couple Emily felt were too pushy and older than what appeared on their profile. When they first saw Erik and Scarlet, Chris thought it was going to be another lost cause. The reality did not match their profile pic. Instead of the clean-cut couple presented online, the couple walking towards their table looked like they had walked off a commune. Erik had wild looking hair with a wispy beard, not to mention several tattoos and a very hairy looking chest, gauging by the growth popping out of his partially unbuttoned shirt. And Scarlet's manicured brunette hair was now a wild platinum white, with nose and lip rings, long black painted nails, and she was wearing ripped jeans and similarly torn t-shirt.

Chris glanced over Emily's frowning face, and was about to suggest they make a run for it, when he noticed Emily's reaction suddenly change. As the two couples exchanged pleasantries, Erik took Emily's hand in his, holding it longer than felt comfortable, as he spoke softly to her, all but ignoring Chris. It was as if a switch had been thrown, and Emily's initial hesitation had dissipated instantly, and been replaced with something close to infatuation. Again, Chris decided - who was he to step in the way. Whilst Scarlet's appearance wasn't his normal cup of tea, it would still be amazing, getting to have sex with this goth-girl, knowing that his sweet wife was in the other room of their apartment, enjoying the scruffy looking emo boy. And if he continued to play his cards right - who knew what the future may bring?

Emerging from the shower, Chris immediately heard voices. "Damn!" he muttered to himself as he quickly finished getting ready, and walked into the living room wearing a neat white button shirt and black pants. Chris himself was not punching above his grade in having caught Emily. He was just short of being "tall", with a fit (if not 6-packed) body, and a cute mop of curly brown hair, that at the moment was rather flat from his rush to get out and "save" his wife from having to entertain their special guests alone. He knew that whilst Emily was quite at home yelling abuse into her headset whilst bashing players online, she usually felt awkward around people she didn't know, and this situation was already far from the ordinary.

The sight that befell Chris therefore surprised him, as he saw Emily sitting on the sofa next to Erik, a glass in her hand with something alcoholic, probably gin, telling Erik the story of how they had met back in school, fighting over the last computer in the library. Her face showed her excitement telling the story, but Chris felt the underlying currents too. Whenever Erik spoke to Emily, his words seemed so soft yet intense, and so very focused on her. When Chris saw that his hand was on her thigh, he appreciated even more the emotions and sensations that his wife must be feeling at that moment. Like at the cafe, this guy seemed to capture her mind and body.

Chris called out a hello, which went nearly completely ignored by all - just a brief glance from Scarlet. He crossed to the kitchen and poured himself a drink, bourbon on the rocks, noting that both of their guests were already taken care of, and then sat next to Scarlet, who was sitting on the opposite sofa to their partners.

"Glad you found the apartment okay," he offered.


"Seems Emily's giving up all our secrets over there," Chris tried again.

"Not yet," Scarlet replied, finally looking at Chris. "Give it time..." She smiled, staring into Chris' soul, before leaning uncomfortably close to him. Chris glanced at his wife, wondering if Scarlet was about to kiss him, when she instead flared her nose slightly as she gave him a sniff. "Ok, big boy," the strange woman muttered. "Show me the rest of your humble abode. Starting with the bedroom?"

The goth woman stood and took Chris' hand, heading in the direction Chris had arrived from earlier. As they passed the other sofa, Chris tried to give Emily a kiss, but Scarlet wasn't slowing down. "Love you, Emily", he called out as they left Erik and Emily on the sofa, but Emily didn't so much as break her gaze from the man who now had his hand inside her panties.

"Ahh, we'll take the guest room," Chris told Scarlet, leading her passed the master bedroom and bathroom, to a smaller bedroom with a futon against one wall, and a few boxes against the other.

"Cosy," Scarlet commented drably, before pushing Chris backwards onto the futon. Before joining him, she closed the door, and flicked the light off, leaving the room only dimly illuminated by the lights coming in from the window. She slowly began crawling up his body on hands and knees, before leaning down and kissing him on the lips.

As she broke the kiss, Chris tried to fix what he saw as a problem. "Could we maybe... turn the light back on?"

"No," came the prompt reply, accentuated by another kiss, this time ending with teeth gently pulling at his lower lip.

Don't complain, Chris! Chris thought to myself, before trying to run a hand along Scarlet's side, toward her breast. Scarlet's response however was to reach down and take his hand, pulling it up over his head and holding it there firmly. She then took his other hand too for good measure, holding them crossed above his head, then kissed him again, this time letting her tongue part his lips, and flicker inside.

The sensation of Scarlet's tongue in his mouth was something that gave Chris a moment to pause. He knew his own tongue sometimes felt furry after a hard night's drinking, but - Scarlet's tongue felt furry, rough, as she teased it around his mouth. His eyes, which had closed when their kiss began, opened, and he found himself staring into Scarlet's eyes. He could tell she was smiling at him, and as she continued to tongue kiss him, Chris noticed two things. His cock, which had been hard the moment she had asked to see the bedroom, was now throbbing in his pants, as this unorthodox yet beautiful woman had him neatly trapped underneath her. And secondly, there was something funny about her eyes that he couldn't quite put his finger on.

Holding both of his hands in just one of hers, Scarlet reached down, and took a hold of Chris' cock through his pants. "Mmm," she said, as her fingers traced along his hard seven inches. "Emily is definitely a winner - tonight." She chuckled, and went to kiss Chris again, her hand still on his cock, but his lips were moving.

"S-so, Erik is - big - bigger than me?" he managed to ask, before being cut off by Scarlet's not quite right tongue.

The woman smirked at Chris, then leaned down and nibbled on his ear, making him moan softly. "Emily's sexy body will be defiled by Master Erik in ways your little cock can't even dream of," she whispered to him, her hand still teasing his cock.

This kind of commentary from his swap partner was not what Chris had imagined in any of the fantasies that had been filling his head for the past few months. He wasn't sure what to think now, and was becoming more and more startled by Scarlet's strength, her strange tongue, and her eyes.

Scarlet let go of Chris' hands so she could hike her skirt up, allowing her to properly straddle his hips. As she rocked on his body, he and could tell - no panties. She lifted her top over her head, revealing what Chris thought he had felt earlier - no bra. Her breasts were small, but still looked hot in the light from the window. Chris wanted to reach up and kiss them, but - he realised he hadn't even moved his hands after she released them. Should he try? She seemed to want him like this.

Before he had time to decide, Scarlet lay back down on him, rubbing her torso on his shirt, before sniffing at him again, even his pits briefly, before kissing him once more on the lips, her tongue darting inside. It was as she was kissing him again, staring into his eyes, that he saw it. Her eyes looked as if they were almost glowing - but it wasn't that - they were reflecting the light from outside. He was sure Emma's eyes had never done that. Had they?

Scarlet was rocking her hips on his clothed cock, making him harder, making him wet with herself. Chris thought of bringing a hand down to touch her, but with a glare from her eyes, he didn't even move a muscle. Her half naked body continued gliding over his, and he moaned as he felt her hard pointy nipples running over his body. Her two firm pointy nipples. Two? Except - it felt like... more? Must be his buttons getting in the way.

Chris went to speak but again Scarlet simply stared him down, shaking her head slowly til he closed his mouth, and was rewarded by her hand returning to his cock. He felt both of her hands then at his pants, tugging, almost lifting his hips off the bed, then a popping sound as a button flew off. Chris gasped loudly as he felt something scratch his stomach, a little worried at such a sharp sensation so close to his dick. But his concerns soon melted as Scarlet wriggled down and he watched as she took the head of his cock into her mouth, making him moan loudly and raise his hips to her. One hand wrapped around his shaft, as the other tickled his balls with her long nails. Her tongue swirled around the underside of his crown before sliding through his pee slit, again reminding him of how rough it felt, yet how good, too.

With a smile all in her eyes, Scarlet slid her lips down his cock a little, then back up, down, and up, bobbing slowly back and forth, with her hand going lower and lower on his shaft as her mouth took more and more, until her nose nestled into his tuft of pubic hair, her hand now circling around his balls and pulling them away from his body, fingernails again gently teasing over the stretched skin. Even as he was moaning and groaning to the amazing sensations Scarlet was giving him, Chris noticed the coolness of her nose as she took him deep into her throat, and - though he wasn't one to complain about any blowjob, Scarlet did seem to be a bit toothy in her approach. He almost moved his hands again to hold her head, so good were the sensations, before thinking better of it, and remaining exactly as she had put him.

For what felt like an eternity Scarlet held him in her throat, before sliding back off, dribbling saliva and precum in her wake. "Did you like that, pet?" She asked him throatily.

"God yes!" he replied, glad to have been invited to speak, but otherwise remaining still, and not seeming to notice what she had called him.

Scarlet crawled back up his body slowly, stopping only briefly to rub her hairy pussy on his wet cock, eliciting more moans from them both, before continuing up his body til her knees were either side of his face. Releasing her skirt, she peeled it off and tossed it aside, revealing her pussy in full to Chris. Surprise, surprise, he thought, She's hairy. Scarlet didn't give him much time for thought, pressing herself to his mouth, rolling her hips aggressively so her pussy moved over his mouth. As Chris finally took the initiative and let his tongue angle up toward her, she mewled in pleasure feeling his firm wet organ flick over her opening.

Even now, Chris' arms remained above his head, as if physically tied in place. Scarlet really started to grind herself onto his face. He did his best to aim his tongue at the top of her opening, aiming for her clit as she rubbed herself on him, though with her grinding, and the darkened room, he didn't feel as though he was hitting the mark. She seemed to be all puffy hairy lips. What he did notice was her strong scent as she leaked her juices over him.

As the strong sexy woman rode his face, Chris found himself staring up toward her breasts. He could better see from this angle with the city lights coming in, her firm looking nipples atop marshmallow bumps. But - as she gyrated over him - as he licked at her pussy - he was sure he could see some extra dimples dotted down her chest. Two extra nipples on each side - a total of six? He wanted to reach up and touch them, but even as he thought about it, his arms seemed quite sure they couldn't move from their current position.

"Come on pet, tongue my cunt!" Scarlet reached down and pulled herself open for him, her nails looking even longer and sharper than ever right in front of Chris' eyes. He pushed his tongue up until she found him, and started to fuck her as fast as he could, feeling his wet tongue penetrating her hairy lips. As he did, he at last found a sizable bump poking against his tongue, and did his best to press his tongue against it hoping he had found her clit. Scarlet's hands released her pussy and instead held his head, a long moan growing inside her as her sharp fingernails felt like a crown of thorns around his skull. Letting go suddenly and arching her back almost painfully, Scarlet loosed a throaty growl at the ceiling, rippling out of her throat, her thighs squishing almost painfully against the sides of Chris' head. When she relaxed again, his face was soaked with her wetness.

Scarlet collapsed naked on top of Chris, who was still dressed in his shirt, with his jeans undone and cock out. She curled up in an almost foetal position, her nails repeatedly drawing down painfully over his shirt as if it were on his bare skin. When Scarlet finally moved back up to give Chris a kiss, he startled with shock. Four long incisor teeth were bursting from her lips, and her eyes were now a bright yellow colour! Her ears had grown pointy, and nose and mouth extended slightly out from her face. He wriggled up the bed using his feet to propel him to get away from her, wondering what in Hell he was in bed with, his hands still crossed above him.

"Shhh, pet...." she whispered to him, a clawed finger raised to her lip. Chris desperately opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He couldn't even make himself jump out of bed. The extra nipples, the furry tongue, the strange pussy, and now - it was as if she'd been slowly transforming from sexy goth to wolf girl from the moment they came into the room together.

Prowling up the bed on all fours til her face was level with Chris again, she spoke softly to him. "Yes, pet. You can call me Wolf Girl if you wish." She let out a laugh. "Don't worry, I'm not going to eat you. I mean - I may play with your cute lil cock again, but I'm hungry for sex, not food. You have nothing to fear from me, pet. I promise you." She raised her furry paw toward his face, and Chris watched as her claws retracted into her fingers, before she gently stroked his still wet face. "You did make me feel nice, after all - even if it was nothing like Master Erik... Ohhh how lucky Emily is tonight, pet..." A smile broke across her face, remembering something. "Such a special night for your wife."

Chris suddenly felt incredibly ashamed as he realized he hadn't even given a thought to what was happening to his wife, in the other room with Erik. If Scarlet looked like - that - was he also now some creature from hell, ravaging his wife? Chris looked at the door, willing himself to move, tensing his muscles, but failing miserably to even flex a muscle. Scarlet meanwhile simply smiled at him, and - with claws once more extended, started to pop the buttons off his shirt. It was already in tatters from her previous clawing, but she now gently opened it up, and seeing the scratches she had inflicted, leaned forward and licked her rough tongue over them. Chris winced at the sensation, but was soon once again concentrating on his own circumstances, rather than thinking of Emily.

Raising back onto all fours, Scarlet continued to lick at Chris' chest, before licking lower, and lower. A leg lifted over his face, straddled over him again, but now backwards, as she pawed at his pants til they slide off, his boxers going with them, leaving him naked except for his open shirt. Chris finally had an unobstructed and reasonably lit view of Scarlet's pussy and ass. Her anatomy was indeed different now - at least to the one and only woman he had any experience with. She only seemed to have one set of labia, and her clit, now he saw it properly, was like an elongated nipple poking out of the top of her vulva.

His observations were disrupted as he felt Scarlet's tongue lap over his scared-soft cock, followed by her lips (and a bit more of those canine teeth) capturing the head and taking him back in her mouth. She slowly swallowed his limp cock again, til he couldn't help but get hard for her. As she worked, he could see her vulva starting to leak above him. Once he was firm enough, her mouth slide fully off his cock, and he felt her sharp fingernails deftly pull his cock aside, and her cool wet nose burrow lower, nudging his balls til she had access to his ass.

Although Chris had on numerous occasions during their marriage gone to town licking Emily's ass, she had never returned the favor. For the first time in his life, Chris felt a tongue licking at his tight star. Scarlet made a very satisfied whimper as she sniffed and licked at his ass, enjoying what she had come to know to be the best part of sex with a human, so full of overpowering scents and tastes. She could tell that he had showered earlier, taking away a lot of his musk, but none-the-less she revelled in the place it took her mind as her tongue delved deeper and deeper, her paws reaching down, forgetting herself as she clawed at his cheeks, leaving scratches on his delicate skin. Chris' body was reacting to her long rough tongue, his hips angling has ass up, giving her better access. He still wasn't sure what was happening, or who - or what - she and Erik were, but he knew her tongue felt amazing, even with the pain!

Scarlet's knees scurried forward as she devoured Chris' ass, bringing her sex into contact with his face. Despite himself, Chris again tasted Scarlet's furry hole, which was he could tell was very excited judging by the amount of secretions it was making. The feelings he was receiving from her long tongue snaking into his ass was driving him crazy. Scarlet's hips rocked a little, and in the better light, Chris now saw her hairy tight asshole. His tongue still working on her vulva made her ass tighten and relax, tighten and relax, til he finally knew what he had to do. His arms still did not want to work, but he could lift his head enough to move his tongue from her vulva to her ass. As soon as he ran his tongue over her opening, Scarlet growled with pleasure, and gave him an even better angle to continue. As her own tongue burrowed into his anal cavity, he braced himself mentally and paid it back, pushing his shorter human tongue into her orifice.

For what felt like an eternity, Chris and Scarlet tongued each others assholes, making each other feel blissfully lost in time, as whilst Erik's tongue felt so much better than Chris' short human tongue, Scarlet loved the control she had over him. When Chris felt her tongue retreat from his hole, and not return, he felt empty inside, and let out a small groan of disappointment. Scarlet raised a leg again to pivot back around to face him. As she moved, a small spray of pee coated Chris' stomach. "Oops," she said in a churlish way. "You must be mine now I've marked you, pet," she giggled, her fingers playing over the pee on his skin. She moved her face closer to his, as her hand moved down, and gripped his cock tightly.

"I'm sure Erik has his new bride exactly where he wants her," she whispered to him, her furry fingers stroking his shaft.

Just as Scarlet made his cock harder, so too did Chris find it harder to concentrate. "W-what to you mean? S-she's my wife," Chris found he could speak, albeit at a stutter.

"By now, he will be so deep inside her. So very deep. And she will be begging him, pleading with him to cum inside her." Scarlet smiled wistfully. "We all reach that point, pet. And when he does, when he obliges, and cums inside her..." her voice trailed off.

"What? H-he can't make her p-pregnant, she's on the p-pill." Chris struggled to understand what Scarlet was saying, as her paw didn't skip a beat, instead moving faster on his shaft.

"Do you think I was always like this, pet?"

Chris' face fell as he finally understood. "She'll become l-like you?!" His hips were humping Scarlet's hand.

"Master Erik's cum will make her - just - like - me." Scarlet stared deep into his eyes. "Forever."

She licked tenderly at a tear that rolled from his eye. He was a fairly sweet little pet. Not like some of the others. Maybe she should let him go now before Master Erik had finished with the pretty red. She could tell he hadn't bred her yet - his seed were so potent, she would have smelt him. She always smells him. But, interrupting Master was a dangerous idea.

"Tell me, pet. Tell me what you want." Her hand continued moving fast up and down his cock, precum dribbling on her fur. "Do you want to save your pretty wife?" She sniffed at the air. "I think you could, if you go - right - now. You could save her. Do you want to go save your Emily? Or..." Her hand suddenly froze on his cock, and at the same moment he felt his arms relax for the first time since she had held them above his head. "Do you need me to finish?"

Chris could feel his balls ache, could feel his cum wanting to explode, his whole body on edge, and then - Scarlet's ultimatum. A grunt escaped his lips in frustration, and he screwed his eyes shut tight. "Please, Miss, please finish," he said, full of shame.

Scarlet nodded her head, sadly, and resumed her tight, fierce stroking along his shaft. "All the same," she said to herself, watching his face closely. As he started to make a face that only Emily had seen before, his cock swelling larger than ever, Scarlet squeezed painfully tight on his shaft just under the wet mushroom head. Chris opened his eyes wide, so close to release, and then - his cock started to spasm, but with his cock pinched closed, no cum came broiling out. The spasms quickly died off, and Scarlet released his cock, watching a dribble of cum fall on his stomach, leaking out of his quickly deflating cock. His head was spinning as Chris dealt with the shock of a denied orgasm, but through his discomfort he heard the screaming at the back of his mind telling him to get up and go to his wife.

With a resolute glance at Scarlet, he found he could once more move his body, and with just his tattered shirt hanging loosely around him, his chest and ass bloodied, remains of his non-orgasm still dripping from his cock, Chris left the spare room and staggered down the hall to the master bedroom. Scarlet slowly wandered behind him. As he reached the door, he could hear Emily. "Please! Please Master Erik! Cum inside me, Master! Ohgodplease!" Perhaps he wasn't too late!

Bursting through the door, Chris stood and stared at the sight that befell him. His wife was naked on all fours on their bed, clothes torn and scattered around. Erik was over top of her, fucking her doggy style. What else could it be, he thought briefly. But it wasn't the Erik he had last seen with his wife. Even more so than Scarlet, Erik's body resembled that of a man cross wolf, his face had grown outward, with an even fiercer set of incisors than Scarlet's. He was putting them to use on Chris' wife, biting her neck without breaking the skin, but holding her firmly in his grasp. Erik's front legs were dug in either side of Emily's hips, and his rear legs were frantically rutting, no doubt driving his cock deep into her body. He had a coat of orange/brown fur over his body, and most striking of all, a long tail pointed high in the air behind him.

When he saw Chris, he snarled, closing his teeth tighter around Emily's neck, causing several trails of blood to trickle from her body. Even though Emily's eyes appeared open, it was as if she couldn't see Chris standing there. "She's already gone," he heard whispered in his ear. "And besides, he's knotted with her. They can't be parted now til he's done." Scarlet put her paw on Chris' hip, pressing her naked body lightly against his.

As Chris watched, he saw Emily start to shake, moaning and screaming loudly, over and over til her body went limp under her. What didn't flop down however was her hips, still secured against Erik's crotch as if she were a puppet with one final string. Erik released her neck, licking his lips and tasting her blood. He was barely moving now, his rear legs just twitching occasionally, but the look on his face showed the great pleasure he was feeling.

Chris took a step toward the bed, but Scarlet pulled him back. "Don't. You don't want to go near him now. She's his bitch now. I'm sorry." He felt both her paws around him, trying to pull him away, but he couldn't stand there and do nothing as his wife was underneath that creature. He broke away from Scarlet's embrace, again stepping over to the bed, but then halting as he saw the union between their bodies. His wife's tight, sweet pussy lips were stretched out obscenely over what looked like a baseball at the base of Erik's fiery red cock. And Chris saw it was pulsing, contracting, as Erik filled Emily, his sexy gamer wife, with his semen and sperm.

Finally sated, Erik gripped Emily's waist, and pulled her with him as he flopped to his side, his cock still knotted deep inside her pussy. The movement made her come back to life, as the knot rubbed hard against her g-spot, her legs quivering as she started to cum again, squirting on the sheets as she did, her face contorting, screaming out in pleasure, then relaxing again back into her near comatose state.

Casting his eyes down their joined bodies, Chris could now better see the swelling inside his wife. He couldn't imagine how she could have managed to take it inside her body, yet there it was sealing them together. Chris' hands clenched into fists as he felt so incredibly helpless, so angry, and confused, wondering if what Scarlet had told him was true. As he stared at his wife, he felt a strong gaze upon him, and saw that Erik's fierce yellow eyes were burning in his direction. Erik held Chris' gaze as he pulled on Emily's hip again, making her suddenly moan loudly as the movement shifted his cock and knot inside her, yet another orgasm ripping through her body as the knot inside her continued to stimulate her in ways she'd never known possible.

Pulling Chris away, Scarlet led the defeated husband out to the living room.

Chapter Two - Emily and Erik



2023-03-09 12:53:37
This story remains my most liked, and disliked.


2021-06-27 06:51:31
Fair enough - though again, it was tagged with Mind Control and D/s, which I'd have thought covered those aspects. Sorry it wasn't your cup of tea.


2021-06-24 19:25:09
No actually more the sexual slavery aspect.


2021-06-24 06:05:55
Sorry to hear that @The_Naked_Guy
I am guessing the issue was the "dog/wolf" aspect of the story? It was tagged as having bestial content...


2021-06-24 04:27:05
That story made me feel sick

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