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Seeing her at the beach that day in that skimpy little bikini with her ass hanging out was unbelievable. It was obvious though that she was way to young for me, but I wanted to be with her, and when she ended up following me home that night and we were alone, I was hesitant at first, but quickly took advantage.
I always enjoy spending a few days at my beach house, and this particular time would be one of the most memorable, because I was lucky enough to meet a lovely family and more importantly, a very attractive young lady.

When I happened to go over to the beach, I decided to take my yellow lab with me, and was I ever glad I did. Any way, as I walked through the dune access, there happened to be a family set up just off the beach entrance, and as I walked past them, an older lady stepped out of the “Easy up” sun shade and remarked, “She looks like a good dog.”

I simply acknowledged her by smiling and saying, “Thanks,” as I moved down past where they were set up. After quickly setting up my umbrella, a beach chair, and laying out a towel for my dog, I sat there soaking in the sun. It was so relaxing to just sit there and watch the waves.

The family that was set up by me was very active, playing games and going in the water, and so it was hard to not glance over at them. Anyway, it was hot that day, and so I stayed under the umbrella as much as possible, but I noticed the family that I was set up near me seemed to be an extended family, with lots of kids, and adults of various ages.

I figured out they had rented the house that was right by the beach entrance, because every now and then someone would either come down to the beach or walk up to it, and this particular house they rented is huge; a mansion, and is pretty much rented all summer.

As I continued to look over at them, the boys in this group were actively playing beach games and going swimming but suddenly as I was looking over, I caught a glimpse of a very attractive young girl that had been hidden as she lounged in the sun. As she sat up, I tried desperately to get a better look, but she was in the middle of the group, which made it tough to see her. However when she happened to stand up, I could see she was thin, had dark hair, and in her hot pink bikini, she was very tan, very attractive but from a distance she looked to be very young too.

As she continued to stand there briefly, I continued to strain to check her out, but I was still not able to get a very good look. Continuing to inconspicuously look over at her, she threw on a shirt and headed back to the house they were renting. She had a petite, very cute figure and as I continued to strain to look at her as she walked away I thought, “Why hadn’t I seen her earlier,” but she was gone now.

I shrugged it off, wishing I had gotten a better look and with her gone, I was disappointed in a way. Since it was getting hot and she was gone, I decided to pack up and head home, however as I headed back and passed the family, the same older lady gave me a wave. As I went past the house they were renting, I hoped to see the young girl, but she wasn’t there.

The next day when I went back to hang out at the beach again, I of course brought my dog along, hoping to get the attention I got the day before. I thought I was getting over there early, but that same family was already there, and my god, the young girl was there too. I actually wasn’t even thinking that I would see her again, but just as I got set up she seemed to on cue, stand up, showing off her body. This time, she was wearing a bikini the had a black top and red bottoms. As I sat there looking that way, she stepped out from the crowd.

I couldn’t get enough, continually trying to get a better look, and at the same time not get caught looking that way. Then all of a sudden, as she stood there, her mom and maybe her aunt stood up too and moved to start walking down the beach.

They were going to go right past me and so I quickly adjusted my chair, wanting to get a better look as they past by. At the same time, I tried to be inconspicuous, not wanting to get caught staring. However, as they approached where I was sitting, the mother, very attractive in her own right, stopped to make idle chit chat with me about my dog, telling me about how she used to have a golden retriever, and how good he was, blah, blah, blah.

As she leaned down to talk, it was a good thing I was wearing sunglasses because I couldn’t help but look at her tits as she leaned forward. Like I said, “I really didn’t care what she was talking about,” and maybe in a way she was trying to flirt with me, but as we continued to talk, it gave me time to check out her daughter.

The young girl was wearing these pink mirrored aviator, and now that she was closer, she really was pretty. She had a great shape, dark shoulder length hair, and nice firm looking little boobs that were held in place by the skimpy black bikini top. As her mom and aunt continued to talk to me, I watched as the young girl adjusted her top, which got my attention. She must have noticed me looking at her, because when we happened to look at each other, she smiled.

As the mom continued to talk to me, I continued to glance over at her daughter, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. When the conversation paused, they all backed away and eventually continued on their way down the beach. I couldn’t help but continue to look at the young girl as they headed away from me. She had a firm little body, great thighs, and as I continued to watch her as she walked away, I said to myself, “Oh my god,” when I saw her plump little ass shake as she walked. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. She let her bikini ride up her ass like a thong, letting her ass cheeks hang out of her little red bikini bottoms.

It was obvious that she wanted to show off her ass, and she must have known I’d be staring, because as she looked back at me briefly to see if I was still watching her, she smiled.

Looking over my sunglasses and smiling back, she shyly turned and hurried to catch up with her mom and aunt. I couldn’t leave now, I had to wait for her to come back by, wanting to see her again.

As I sat there, I started to fantasize about her, continuing to watch for them to come back, and it wasn’t long before I could see they were coming back up the beach. Adjusting my chair in preparation, I wanted to make sure I really got a good look as they got closer. Smiling at each other, the mom again leaned toward me smiling and said, “What a good dog,” as they passed.

Casually I said,” Thanks,” and I couldn’t help but think, “My god she’s really attractive too,” and thought, “It’s no wonder the daughter is so good looking.”

Continuing to watch them as they moved toward where they were set up, I couldn’t get enough of the young girl’s ass, wanting more but knowing she was way to young to pursue.

Watching as they settled back under the easy up, I hoped the daughter might be looking my way, but I could see the mother talking as she continued to look over at me. It made me a little nervous and it really was getting hot and I could see my dog was hot too, so I decided I should probably head back home.

I felt I had to let the thought of pursuing the young girl go, but as I started to walk past the family, the mother approached me again. She introduced herself and as we shook hands she said, “My name is Ann.” She was pretty but as I glanced at her, I could tell she was a little self-conscious about herself, wrapped up in a light throw, covering her body. She patted my dog on the head, and again remarked, “What a good dog.”

I told her my name and after a few pleasantries, she said, “You know, we were all wondering if you might want to come over later for drinks.”

I hesitated but as I looked at the group and saw that the daughter was waiting impatiently, the mother said, “Maybe you can come over for dinner too.”

Again, I hesitated, but as I looked at the group, I quickly said, “Yea okay, that sounds great.”

She smiled, and patting my dog on the head again suggested, “Why don’t you come by around 4.”

Looking over at the family again under their easy up, I could see the young girl smiling, seemingly straining to hear. I agreed that I’d come over, and politely asked if I should bring anything.

“No, just come on over,” she said, “and if you want to bring your dog, go ahead.”

I nodded and just as I headed down the beach access, I looked back. The young girl was beaming, and as she casually waved, I acknowledged her with a simple head bob before turning to continue on my way home.

As the time approached to head over, I was nervous about what to expect, but wanted to see the young girl and hoped to get to know her too. The door was open just a little and as I approached it, one of the boys stepped out. After a simple greeting, he said, “Go on in, they’re all around back.”

Pausing for a second, I headed into the house and went around to the back deck. The house was beautiful, very spacious, and as I opened the sliding glass door and stepped out on the back deck, the mother came up to me, took my hand and led me toward where the adults were standing around talking. The mother then asked if I wanted anything to drink. Seeing they all had a Heineken, that’s what I asked for, and as we stood there talking, the young girl came up to the group and asked her mom, if she could have a beer.

I figured she was trying to get my attention, which wasn’t hard to do. She was still wearing the black and red bikini from earlier, but she now had a sheer, multi-colored wrap around her waist. As she turned to face me, her mom introduced me to her saying, “This is my daughter, Katherine,” and then remarked with a smile, “We just call her Kate.”

“Wow,” I thought, “that’s a great name,” and as I looked over at her, she rolled her eyes, smiling embarrassingly.

Smiling back, I shook her hand and said, “It’s nice to meet you.”

Kate really was sweet looking. She had a great smile, as well as a great little figure, and even though she was kind of flat chested, I could see her hard little nipples pushing against her bikini top. As I continued to look at her, she was so sexy and way too young, and so I needed to be cautious.

As Kate and I continued to smile at each other, her mom interrupted our stares by handing her a beer saying, “Okay now.”

Kate again said, “Nice to meet you,” and as she moved away, I couldn’t help but watch her little ass shake through her wrap as she walked away.

She headed toward a set of deck chairs, a little ways away, and as she sat down, and our eyes met again, she smiled at me. We continued to make eye contact from across the back porch as I spoke to the adults, but it was obvious she was trying to flirt with me. I really wanted to go talk with her, but felt I couldn’t just leave the adult conversation.

Eventually though, the conversation waned and as the adults gradually moved into the house or to different parts of the deck, I found it easier to go over to where Kate was sitting, and as I sat down across from her, I casually asked, “How’s it going?”

She sat up and as we started to talk, I deliberately let it slip out, “You look great in that swimsuit.”

It seemed to startle her at first, but after looking down at what she was wearing, she looked back up at me smiling and excitedly replied, “Thanks!”

As we again looked at each other, I was scared I might have overstepped, but as we continued to look at each other for a second or two, I said, “I don’t mean to embarrass you,” which caused Kate to blush as she continued smiling.

I think she felt a little flattered that I was paying so much attention to her, but as she looked down, I also felt she was still a little embarrassed. Kate then shifted in her seat a little, which made the wrap she was wearing part just enough to show off her legs.

We weren’t alone on the back porch and I knew I needed to be careful as we continued to talk. Kate now casually sat back in her chair, and as she did she spread her legs a little more, almost deliberately letting her throw lay open, so I could see her red bikini bottoms.

“My god,” I thought, as I quickly looked around to see if anyone was watching.

Turning back to Kate, my gaze immediately dropped to her spread legs, hoping to see more. Quickly catching myself, I looked up, smiling. Looking at each other, she smiled slyly and said, “Now where were your eyes,” as she sat up.

Putting her hands on her thighs, my eyes again drifted to her crotch, wanting to see her pussy. I couldn’t believe it and as I quickly looked back up at her, she harshly said, “What are you doing?”

I was kind of embarrassed, knowing she had caught me staring, but after she looked down briefly, she softly laughed, which made me again quickly look around to see if anyone was watching.

Seeing everyone looked preoccupied, I looked back at Kate, grinning. As we looked at each other for a second, she suddenly stood up, and said, “I’ll be right back,” as she headed into the house.

Standing up too, I watched as she walked inside, and then as I looked around for a moment, I saw there were some adults talking over by the rail, so I quickly moved back over to where they were standing.

All I could think about was Kate, which made me continually look toward the sliding glass door, and when she eventually came back, she was wearing a tight little white tube top dress. Kate sat back down in the chair where she was before, and as I politely excused myself, I again casually moved back over to talk to her.

She was again smiling as I approached, and as I sat down, Kate casually brought her feet up onto a small table that was between us. At first, I didn’t see it but when I again looked down, her dress had hiked up just enough to where I could see her panties.

Surprised, I said to myself, “WOW,” and quickly thought, “I don’t want to get caught staring,” and so I quickly looked back up at her.

Kate was smiling at me and when she happened to spread her legs a little more, I couldn’t help but stare. Seeing her full little pussy pushing to get out and again not wanting to get caught staring, I quickly returned my gaze to her face. Kate was smiling from ear to ear and after a second or two she slyly asked, “What are you looking at,” as she too glanced down and casually inched her skirt up a little more.

I couldn’t help but think, “I wanta fuck you,” as I continued to glance down at her full little pussy pushing against her pink panties.

Suddenly though, Kate dropped her legs, and as she looked behind me, she sat up adjusting her skirt. Glancing back, I saw her mom coming over to where we were sitting. Smiling at each other, her mom put her hand on my shoulder and said, “Dinner’s ready.”

As I stood up, Ann took my hand, and led me into the house. Looking back, I could see Kate was grinning as she followed us into the house. Turning back as I followed Kate’s mom into the dining area, she had me sit by her, and as I took a seat, I watched intently to see where Kate was going to sit. I wanted to be able to make eye contact with her, but she ended up having to sit on the same side of the table, down a little ways. It made it difficult to see her, but as others sat down, I made sure to lean forward so she could see me, which made her smile.

At dinner, one of the relatives asked, “Where is your house?”

As I explained where it was, Kate leaned forward, as she listened intently, wanting to know. Continuing, the mom awkwardly put her hand on my thigh and said, “You’re lucky to have a place down here,” as she gently squeezed my thigh trying to send me a message. It made me a little uncomfortable wondering if anyone noticed, but realized she probably wanted to be with me. I too was aroused and as we looked at each other, she smiled and then took her hand off my thigh.

As we all finished dinner and a few adults started clearing the table, many headed back out to the deck, and as I pushed my chair in, Kate I felt deliberately bumped into me as she went by, which made me say, “Excuse me,” as she passed. Looking her way, I could see her looking back, smiling, which caused me to want to follow her.

I really enjoyed being able to socialize with this family, and more importantly being able to interact with Kate, trying to soak in as much of her as I could with my eyes.

As it started to get late, I decided it was probably time to go. However, as I started to leave, the mother tried to make idle chit chat in an attempt to keep me from leaving as I headed out. It seemed she was trying to get me to stay and yea, Ann was very attractive in her own right, and being she was obviously a little drunk, I seriously thought about staying to see if I might’ve been able to get her alone. However, when I saw Kate come up from behind, I immediately realized it was Kate that I wanted to be with.

Ann, eventually kissed me on the cheek and as I left, I glanced down the hallway one last time, wanting to see Kate. Seeing each other, she smiled and waved, which made me smiled too, and after a casual nod, I headed out the front door.

As I walked home, all I could think about was Kate as she sat on the deck with her legs spread. However, I also thought about Ann, and briefly considered going back, but it was late and immediately my thoughts shifted back to Kate.

As I approached my house and started to head up my driveway, I suddenly heard someone coming up from behind. It was dark but as I looked back, I couldn’t believe it! It was Kate and as she got closer, I could see she was out of breath but she managed to say, “Hi!”

With her hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath, I smiled and asked, “What are you doing here?”

She was still wearing the white tube top dress from earlier, and as she stood up, and we looked at each other, there was a pause. She seemed to be searching for the right words but blurted out, “I wanted to see your house.”

Smiling, I hesitated but then said, “Okay, come on,” as we headed up the driveway.

Curious, I stopped and asked, “Does your mom know where you are?”

Looking at me, she didn’t know what to say, but immediately she tried to blow it off by saying, “This is a nice house,” attempting to change the subject.

I didn’t know what to do, but as I looked at her in the dark, she had a sneaky yet inviting smile. Reaching my hand out, she looked down, and as she took my hand, I led her up the stairs.

As we went through the front door and moved into the living room area, I asked if she wanted me to show her around the house. Going on the back porch she remarked that she could see the house they were renting. We eventually moved back inside, and as I continued to show her around, we went into the master bedroom. It was just off the living room, and as I moved around the room, Kate jumped up on the bed. Turning to face her, I smiled at her. She then laid back and as she stretched her arm over her head she said, “This is really nice.”

Gradually, I moved over until I was in between her legs, which made her rise up on her elbows. At first, she looked at me nervously but then smiled. I was so excited she was there, I could hardly contain myself; I had thought about being alone with her, but I knew I needed to be cautious.

As we looked at each other, and I put my hands on her legs, Kate glanced down nervously, but as she looked back up at me, I patted her on the thigh and turning I said, “Come on,” as I headed out of the bedroom.

She hesitated at first, seemingly confused.

I so wanted to take advantage of her right then, but again I really felt I needed to be careful. Kate eventually slid off the bed and after adjusting her dress, she asked, “Where are we going?”

“Let’s go upstairs,” I said, “I want to show you the view from up there.”

Kate hurried to catch up as I led us up the stairs. She excitedly said, “Wow,” as we reached the top, and as we stepped toward the window in the sitting room, Kate looked around and again remarked, “This is awesome!”

The view from upstairs was amazing, and seeing her reaction, I knew she was in awe. As I continued to show her around, we ended up in one of the bedrooms up there and I explained that this is where I mainly like to sleep.

She again jumped up on the bed and as she sat there smiling, I again moved between her legs. As I got close to her, Kate quickly reached out and put her arms around my neck. Smiling, she quickly said, “This is so cool.”

Nodding my head as we looked at each other, there was an awkward pause, but as I put my hands on her thighs again, and I leaned into her slightly, Kate immediately leaned back and said, “What are you doing?”

I wanted to kiss her and as I grabbed her by the waist I asked, “Why did you come over?”

Kate smiled and suddenly leaned up and quickly gave me a kiss. It surprised me a little and as we again looked at each other, I thought, “That was nice to have kissed her,” but asked, “What was that for?”

I was still nervous about why she came over, but I had an idea, and as I looked at her, she was blushing. Continuing to worry about how old she was, I backed away a little and asked, “Do you want to watch some TV?”

This seemed to confuse her, but Kate smiled and said, “Can’t we just hang out.”

Smiling as I moved up closer, I grabbed her hips and scooted her further up on the bed, which made her smile wondering what I was doing. Climbing up on the bed with her, I laid her back. As I got on top of her, I tried to keep from putting too much weight on her. Leaning forward, I tried to kiss her and as she closed her eyes and our lips met, I pushed my tongue into her mouth. She was hesitant but as our tongues explored each other’s mouths, she put her arms around my neck as we kissed.

Even though I felt she was way too young, I tried to not worry, because right now all I could think about was how badly I wanted to fuck her. As we continued to kiss, I gradually moved my hand up to feel on her boobs. When my hand cupped her boob, Kate gasped and quickly moved her hand on top of mine, stopping me.

Kate’s boobs were really small and as we looked at each other, I smiled at her and casually tried to pull her tube top down. I wanted to see her tits, but she hastily pushed both of our hand against her chest, and when we looked at each other, Kate smiled bashfully and told me to stop.

Dropping my hand, I slowly slid off the bed and as I stood there, Kate rolled to her side, and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Nothing was wrong, but as I looked over at her with her knee bent, I could see her skirt had inched up a little. She really had great legs and as I moved closer to the bed again, and she looked at me for reassurance, I again thought to myself, “How old are you?”

I really wasn’t sure but really hoped she was at least eighteen, and as I looked at her curiously, Kate smiled and simply asked, “What?”

Nervously, I shook my head. I really didn’t want her age to get in the way, and when Kate then happened to glance down looking at my crotch, it was obvious she saw that I had a hard on. As Kate looked back up at me, I quickly tried to adjust it so it wasn’t so noticeable, but Kate again looked down, watching as I reposition my cock.

I was a little embarrassed but as we looked at each other, she smiled. Kate then reached out and as she put her hand on my crotch, she smiled and looked down feeling for it. As I unbuttoned my shorts, she stopped as I casually let them slip down, falling to the floor.

Smiling, she again groped for my cock through my boxers, and as she took hold of it, she started to rub it. Kate then looked up at me and smiled as our eyes met, but quickly looked back at my crotch. Soon she started to tug at my boxers, trying to get them down.

Stopping her, she looked up at me, and I asked, “Are you sure you want to do this?”

Kate again looked at me nervously for reassurance, and not knowing what to say, I simply smiled, and leaned forward to kiss her. I again quickly climbed back on the bed with her, and as we both sat there on our knees, we kissed.

Feeling on each other, I casually put my hands on the sides of her tube top dress and slowly tried to pull it down. As I got it down to about her waist, I couldn’t help but stare at her little boobs. It made her self conscious because she quickly covered them with her hands. She really was small, almost flat chested and as I reached out and moved her hands away, she looked at me nervously. Not wanting her to be embarrassed, I smiled and said, “You’re so pretty.”

This remark seemed to relax her a little, because she smiled and leaned on me. Sliding my hand up to feel on her boob, we kissed, but I still sensed some indecision.

Not wanting to lose the opportunity, I immediately tried slipping her dress down, trying to get it off. As I slowly pulled it down, Kate instinctively lifted her arms, allowing me to get down to her feet.

Smiling and turning, and as she pulled it over her feet, she dropped it to the floor. Turning back, Kate crossed her arms, covering her chest, and as she shyly looked down, I could see a sheepish smile. Smiling, as I looked over at her, I subtly moved her arms away, which made her look up at me. Gently kissing her, I put my hands on her little boobs and said, “You’ve got a great body.”

This made her smile and as we again kissed, I moved down kissing her chest, eventually tonguing and sucking her little nipples as I cupped her breast. It was such a turn on and as I came back up, I smiled and kissed her, continuing to feel on her boobs. Her little nipples were hard and after another kiss, I moved down to gently suck her neck as I made my way back down to suck her nipples again.

Glancing up at her briefly, I reached down trying to feel for her pussy. I hoped she wouldn’t stop me, but instinctively Kate grabbed my hand, stopping me. Smiling at her, I told her not to worry, which made her smile.

Gently laying her back, Kate arched her back trying to get comfortable and reached down to adjust her little pink panties. I wanted to see her pussy and when I tried to casually move my hand down to her little panties, Kate leaned up on her elbows to watch. I could feel the warmth of her pussy and as I gently rubbed her mound, she suddenly pulled up a little. Looking up at her, I smiled and as I put my other hand on her chest trying to steady her nerves, I kissed her stomach.

Moving down I started to mouth her pussy through her panties. This again made her pull up and hastily said, “Don’t.”

I stopped and quickly moved back up to kiss her, knowing I needed to slow things down, and as we looked at each other I said, “Don’t worry.”

I wanted to get her panties off and so I casually reached down and started to tug at them. Kate hesitated, but eventually she sat up and helped pull them down over her feet. She then quickly dropped them off the bed and as she laid back again, I tried to casually look at her pussy.

She only had a small amount of pubic hair that was neatly trimmed, and as I looked up, I again saw some apprehension, when she realized what I was staring at.

I knew I had to be patient and after leaning down to kiss her, I reached over and as I put my hand on her pussy, I whispered, “Don’t worry.”

Kate nodded and again I moved down kissing her boobs, eventually sucking her little nipples. As I made my way down to her pussy, I spread her legs and subtly moved to position myself between them. Looking up at her briefly, she had her eyes closed and as I put my one hand on her boob, I moved down and kissed her pussy. Moving down further, I pushed my tongue into her slit and gently started running my tongue up and down it.

I wanted to try to get her off but when I pushed my tongue into her, she put her hands on my head and said, “Stop.”

Looking up, I of course did and as she tried to pull me up, I could see Kate was smiling. As I got on my knees, I lifted her to her knees too. Kissing her, I felt her groping for my cock. I couldn’t believe it but as she took hold of it through my boxers, and she squeezed it, we looked at each other.

Smiling, Kate started rubbing it, and as we kissed, I again thought, “I want to fuck you.”

Suddenly though, the head of my cock peeked out of the flap and when she felt it, she stopped and looked up at me. She was unsure of what to do, and so I quickly reached down and after tucking it back in, I smiled at her.

As we knelt there, she seemed to worry about what was happening but as we continued to look at each other, I reached my hand out. Looking down, she took my hand and as I squeezed it, we looked at each other. I didn’t want her to worry and as she smiled, I subtly put our hands between her legs.

I wanted to feel her pussy, but Kate suddenly pulled away a little, and as she looked at me nervously, I leaned over and kissed her saying, “It’s okay , “ continuing to smile at her.

Pulling my boxers down as I knelt there, she watched, wanting to see, but as my cock flopped out, she again looked up at me nervously. As we looked at each other, I took her hand and as I placed it on my cock, Kate again looked down as I helped her rub it. I didn’t want her to be scared and as I lifted her chin to look at me I asked, “Are you okay.”

Kate smiled sheepishly, continuing to gently rub and squeeze my cock, and as I let go, Kate looked up at me. I hoped she might go down on me, but I didn’t want to push it too much.

It did feel good, but it seemed she was still unsure of what to do as she continued to awkwardly stroke it. I wanted more, and when she asked, “Is that right?”

I nodded, and reached down to again help her saying, “Oh yea, that’s it.”

My cock was so hard and as she focused on stroking my cock, I tried to push her head down, but she immediately pulled up, and letting go, she looked at me scared.

I could see the apprehension in her face, and so I quickly pulled my boxers all the way off and as Kate watched intently, I kicked them off the bed. Quickly laying her back, I again climbed on top of her, and gave her a kiss. In a joking manner, I rolled to my side and as I did, I pulled her on top of me.

Kate giggled a little as she straddled my stomach and then as we looked at her other, she shifted, trying to get comfortable. She was so pretty and it was nice to have her on top of me, but when I reached up to feel her little tits, Kate instinctively put her hands on mine again.

Pushing her back a little, I wanted her to feel my cock against her ass, and when she finally did, she smiled and reached back to touch it. As she felt on it, it seemed she had become a little aroused, enjoying it as much as me.

Reached behind her, I grabbing her little butt with both hands, and as we smiled at each other, she suddenly looked a little nervous, and so I asked, “What’s wrong?”

Shaking her head, I brought my hands back to her hips and then to break the tension I said, “You’ve got a great butt.”

She smiled and as I moved her off me, and we ended up sitting on the bed, I moved to hold her. Eventually I got behind her and as Kate looked back at me smiling, I kissed her on the neck, and again put my arms around her to feel on her chest.

Leaning back on me, I again moved my one hand down, trying to feel her pussy. This made Kate again nervously reached down, putting her hand on mine, but didn’t stop me. Kissing her on the neck, I gently let my finger press into her slit, which made her then reach back, feeling for my cock.

I wanted to be in her and as I turned her to face me, I had her lay back again. Kate kicked her legs out from under her and as she laid back, she again shyly covered her crotch with her hands. She was obviously unsure about what I was doing or maybe she was a little embarrassed, but as we looked at each other I told her to relax, and again said, “Don’t worry.”

Seeing Kate sheepishly smiling, I put my hands on her thighs. As she looked down to see what I was doing, I gradually moved her hands asides. I couldn’t help but look at her and smiling I simply said, “You’re beautiful.”

This made her smile and as I put my hand on her thighs, I had her spread her legs a little. She looked so tight, but as I looked at her I could see she continued to be scared, unsure, but as I kissed her, I again told her not to worry. Kate nodded and smiling said, “I’m okay.”

Spreading her legs, and moving to kneel in between them, Kate nervously leaned up on her elbows, again wanting to see what I was going to do. I wanted to try to reassure her and so I said, “If you want me to stop, just say so.”

Kate nodded her head and as I laid on top of her again, I casually pushed my cock against her. Reaching down, I now tried to work it into her tight little pussy, but she was so tight, I struggled to get it in her.

Looking at her, I could see it was hurting, but she didn’t stop me. I didn’t want it to hurt, and I didn’t want to stop either. Keeping her eyes closed as I continued to try to push into her, I got the feeling Kate didn’t want to disappoint me.

Bending her legs at the knee now, as she let me continued to try to push my cock into her, it was obviously still hurting. Stopping, I kissed her briefly, and as I pulled out, Kate immediately asked, “What’s wrong?”

I said, “I don’t want it to hurt.”

Kate smiled and said, “It’s okay.”

Smiling I asked, “Are you sure?”

Nodding her head, I kissed her and as I laid back on top of her, I carefully tried pushing into her again.

“Oh yea,” I thought, as the head of my cock seemed to slip into her a little, but she was so tight, I had to go slow.

I again told her to relax, and when she happened to squirm a little and push up, it made me accidentally push into her too hard, which made Kate quickly pull away saying, “Ouch!”

“Oh my god,” I thought as my cock slipped out, “what had I done.”

Lifting off her, Kate quickly turned her head and as she rolled to her side she said, “Sorry.”

It was me that should have said sorry, I didn’t want her to feel bad, but as I put my hand on her thigh, I acknowledged her with a smile. Leaning over to give her a kiss, I suddenly realized I could try a little K.Y. I hoped she’d let me try, and after another quick kiss, I got off the bed saying, “I’ve got an idea.”

She seemed confused and I knew I needed to hurry. Opening the dresser drawer, Kate asked, “What are you doing?”

Closing the drawer, I turned and smiling, I held out the tube of lube. She still seemed confused and as I got closer to the bed she asked, “What’s that?”

Climbing back on the bed, I excitedly told her, “Maybe this will help.”

I don’t think she knew what it was, and as I knelt in front of her I said, “It’s just some lube,” and then trying to explain I told her, “I think it’ll help.”

As Kate continued to watch, I squeeze a small amount out on my fingertips, and looking at her smiling, I told her to relax. Cautiously spreading her legs, I dabbed a little on her slit, which made her nervously pull away. Smiling, she laid back and as I pushed my finger into her, it was obvious that it was new for her.

Putting my other hand on her stomach, I told her to relax as I continued to finger her pussy. I hoped she’d be okay with it, but Kate continued to tense up as I ran my finger in and out of her.

Seeing Kate gripping the covers, I looked up at her. She was smiling and when I asked if she was okay, she simply said, “Yea,” and then said, “it feels good,” as she squirmed a little.

I knew I had a chance and as I moved my hand down off her stomach, I spread her little lips, wanting to see.

She was so pretty and so innocent looking, and as I put my hands on her thighs massaging them, I laid on top of her, and immediately tried to push my cock in her. She was really wet now, and even though she was tight, my cock easily slipped into her.

I hoped it didn’t hurt and when I felt Kate take a deep breath, I again asked if she was okay. Nodding her head with her eyes closed, I told her to relax. Kate again squirmed a little as I slowly push into her more.

Opening her eyes, she looked at me and pushing on my chest, she asked me to stop. Pulling back a little, I looked at her, hoping she was okay. Kate grinned, and then as she put her hands to her sided, she again closed her eyes and said, “It’s okay.”

Kissing her, I again slowly pushed into her. It felt so good and as I tried to move my cock in and out of her, she grabbed my sides, digging her fingers in. I knew I had to go slow and as I continued to move my cock in and out of her, Kate didn’t open her eyes. She would shift a little bit as I started to fuck her, and when I leaned forward to kiss her, I again asked if she was okay.

I knew it hurt and as I continued thrusting my hips into her, wanting to cum, Kate now dug her fingers into my waist harder. We were both breathing hard; I didn’t want her to stop me, not now.

Feeling I was close to cumming, I kissed her and said, “I’m gonna cum,” concentrating on moving in and out of her.

Kate looked at me now and realizing what was happening she pushed on me forcibly saying, “Stop!”

I tried to ignore it, I didn’t want to stop, and when I happened to lean forward to kiss her, Kate turned her head, continuing to plead for me to stop, as she hastily pushed on my chest and twisted to get free.

Trying to hold her still, I excitedly said, Stop!”

As she did, I pushed deep into her, continuing to try to hold her still, as my cock started to jerk. I could feel the warmth of my cum as it spilled out inside her, and as I gradually moved my cock in and out of her again, she panicked . Desperate now, she again tried to get me to stop, pushing me to get off, but it was too late.

It felt so good to have cum, and out of breath, I slowly let my cock slip out of her as it went limp. Moving down, I looked up at her smiling, I could see she was scared. Not saying anything, as she pushed me off her, I asked, “What’s wrong?”

It was obvious she was upset and when I eventually got off her, and sat on the edge of the bed, I knew she had to feel cum draining out of her, and as I turned to look at her, Kate reached down to feel what was coming out of her pussy.

Bringing her hand up and holding it out, I could see her fingers were covered with cum. As we looked at each other, she started to hyperventilate almost ready to cry. She was very distraught and as I tried to move closer, wanting to hold her, Kate pushed me away.

Looking at each other, I could see her tearing up, about to cry, but she turned and hastily rolled off the bed. With her hand over her pussy, holding it, she hurried into the bathroom, leaving me there to think, “What had I done.”

She was in there for awhile, but when she finally came out, Kate didn’t look at me, but I could tell she had been crying. As she grabbed her clothes off the floor she said, “I think I need to get going.”

Naked, I quickly got up and as I moved over to her I asked, “Are you okay?”

She didn’t say anything at first but then looking at me she said, “I didn’t want you to cum in me,” as she choked back tears.

I was shocked; I should have realized, and as I continued to try to hold her, I said, “It’ll be okay,” but I knew it really wasn’t.

As she got dressed, I quickly put on my shorts, and looking at her I continued to worry.

Giving her space as we walked out of the bedroom and down to the front door, I could tell she was still upset, but as I opened the front door, I asked, “Do you want me to give you a ride home?”

Shaking her head no, she headed down the stairs, and as I watched her walk down the street, and into the dark, I worried about her getting pregnant. Standing there I wondered, “Why didn’t I use a condom,” but it was too late now.

The next day, when I happened to walk over to the beach, I hoped to see her, but as I approached the beach access, it appeared the family was packing up to leave. I thought about going up to the house, but decided it wasn’t appropriate, and so I continued on my regular morning walk down the beach. However, as I passed the house, and looked up at the porch, hoping I might see her, suddenly, there she was. “What a surprise,” I thought, and as she waved, I stopped momentarily.

As she leaned over the railing, and waved, I smiled and waved back. It felt good to see her and I hoped she was going to be okay. Continuing on my walk, I glanced back a few times to see if she was still watching me.

I felt we might never see each other again, but I knew there might be a chance, because I was sure that same family rented that same house ever year.

As the days and months pass by, I continued to wonder if we might run into each other, and whenever I go for a walk on the beach, I make sure to go right by that house, hoping she might be there and come out to say, “Hi,” but she never does.


2021-12-01 03:29:23
Great story. And I see you wrote a follow up story too.


2021-07-05 00:59:14
How many times are you going to submit this story?

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