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My Housekeeper interferes with my pursuit of my chambermaid with unexpected results. Set in London England 1890
The Housekeeper.

It was an ordinary evening. I live alone but for a few servants you understand. I had been to my club, I had a few drinks, I played a few rounds of cards and then I came home. It took barely five minutes by Hansom Cab, so I was ready for my bed well before one of the clock after the mid night.

I had a new maid. Very sweet, innocent. Housemaid. Upstairs maid. The last one had to leave, fat with child. Probably mine, but this one was a peach. And chaste, well chased but thus far she had eluded me.

Ruby lips, swan neck, lithe. I would have had her but for the bitch of a Housekeeper I had inherited when I bought this townhouse. Miss bloody Twelvetrees. Every time I came within an ace of snaring my maid the damned Twelvetrees was there.

I had dismissed her three times but she insisted on working her notice and never actually left.

Bitch. She was ancient, damned near as old as I, thirty five going on ninety. Frosty, why Captain McNair could have used her for arctic training, throw her in the sea and she would have grown an iceberg. A chap doesn’t need this. Mama was bad enough, “You must marry or people will think you’re a bachelor!” she wailed. Damn it, I’ve had more wenches than I can remember. A chap just want’s the thrill of the chase, bit of fun and then send the result to the orphanage. No harm done. No bloody house full of bawling brats.

I was feeling nice and warm, pleasantly fuzzy, not pissed you understand definitely not rat assed, just tipsy, jolly, up for a bit of how’s your father.

I had the maid roused on some pretext and after supping my supper of a meat pie and a quart or two of ale I pounced.

She eluded me. I chased her, along the corridor, up the servants stairs onto the servants landing. My member was rampant and with my belt ready loosened my trousers were slipping over my buttocks as I ran Even with her ankle length smock she eluded me, but as she wrenched open the door to her room I caught her wrist.

Suddenly everything went dark. Miss bloody Twelvetrees and struck me over the head with a statue of great Uncle Horace, or Aunt Maud, or some racehorse or other but suffice to say it was heavy.

I went out like a light. I came to presently. “Calm yourself sir,” Miss Twelvetrees whispered.

She was holding me. Standing behind me, my head against her shoulder. I felt her breath on my ear, and more to the point her hand was down my trousers, holding my member. Not just holding but caressing, arousing and fondling.

“What in god’s name?” I demanded.

“You have evil urges, we must expel the poison,” she explained, “Before another maid is ruined.

“You bitch I shall go blind!” I protested.

“Well I doubt that, I am sure this is not the first time,” she replied impudently.

“Stop, stop it I say!” I insisted, but my member had other ideas.

Before I knew it my member was twitching, the moment was on me and do you know what that bitch did?

She released my member, tucked him under my shirt and fastened my trousers so I fouled my shirt and my under pants as I expelled.

“You bloody bitch.” I exclaimed.

“You need discipline sir,” she cautioned, “Next time you have evil urges I shall use the birch not gentle encouragement.”

“Get thee gone Satan,” I cursed and I loosened my belt and lowered my trousers to reveal the soggy mess. “You are truly evil.”

“Don’t be so childish.” she chided, “When I was at the Lord Delamere’s household we used to milk the Ostler regularly and use his emissions to starch collars and cuffs, I doubt it will do any real harm.” She helped me remove my trousers and proceeded to clean me with my discarded under- trousers.

I stood there in the corridor while she attended me and do you know that bloody virgin maid had the audacity to return and laugh at me. It was no surprise really, my member was curled up like a French snail at the time but instantly began to rise.

“Oh for heaven’s sake,” Miss Twelvetrees chided, “You sir need a cold bath.”

“On the contrary madam, I need a nice warm fuck,” I corrected her.

She grasped my member and twisted him cruelly. The pain was intense. Instantly he shrank in fear.

“Go girl, bolt your door,” the old bitch cried. The maid scuttled away in terror.

“You evil bitch, you have wounded me severely," I protested, “I shall never fuck again!”

She stroked my member gently. He grew again. “Don’t be so childish.” she chided.

“Then desist lest I go blind, ‘tis not the done thing for a gentleman to spill his seed uselessly,” I explained, “I need a womb, I need a woman.”

“Exactly, A woman not a slip of a girl.” the old bitch agreed as she continued to caress my member.

“Desist,” I ordered.

“Why, does it not please you?” she asked.

“No, it is not right!” I protested.

“You seem pleased enough,” she replied.

“I’ll ram it in your puckered useless barren womb if you don’t desist.” I warned.

“I think not,” she replied.

“Up your backside then,” I advised.

“Really, does your imagination have no limits,” she enquired but her breathing was becoming ragged..

“Miss Twelvetrees, are you becoming roused because if so may I say I would not ravish you if you were the last woman on earth,” I assured her.

She grasped my member firmly and used it like a dog leash or rein to pull me through the door to my bed chamber, “I am greatly relieved to know that,” she assured me.

She closed the door behind us, picked up the chamber pot and expertly milked my member until I expelled copiously therein.

“Now that was much more hygienic, was it not,” she explained.

A deft wipe with a cloth and she was helping me take my jerkin and shirt off.

She trailed a finger down my arm, “Lovely smooth skin like a baby!” she laughed.

“Damn it woman what do you want with me?” I demanded.

“Merely that you behave like a grown up, a gentleman, not a spoiled brat.” she insisted.

She pushed me onto my bed and pulled the bedclothes over me.

“Who the hell do you think you are? My mother?” I demanded.

“If you behave like a baby I shall treat you like a baby,” she insisted.

Her ample bosom was right there before my eyes, “Then Baby will suck your teats!” I replied and I grasped her gown firmly and wrenched it apart. Except the coarse fabric did not even flinch. “Damn you!” I protested.

I threw back the bed clothes and rounded on her, she was caught off balance and fell backwards onto the bed. She floundered for the moment I needed to scoop up her gown from the hem and bared her chest but for her underthings which I rapidly tore open.

Ample mounds confronted me, large womanly appendages with, to my surprise some well roused teats. I chose the left one and clamped my lips around it and commenced to suckle.

“Let me go!” she protested from beneath the mound of clothing thrown over her head.

I could not answer, not until I released the left teat to move to the right one, “Be quiet,” I insisted.

It was very pleasant really, but of course being as she was bared apart from silk pantaloons my curiosity overcame me and I eased said pantaloons down to expose her woman’s parts.

I say expose, there was more undergrowth than the average forest down there but my fingers soon identified her nub and the line of her slot. I traced the slot with a finger. It was becoming moist.

I eased a finger inside, the maidenhead was obvious, so I speared it with my forefinger and tore it open so I could ease two then three fingers inside her.

“No, let me up, stop it,” she wailed. I had her pantaloons off and her slippers and as I reluctantly released her teat I eased my now rampant member within her slot.

She tried to resist but the deed was done. I was sheathed entirely and it was by no means unpleasant. My balls were empty, drained so the moment was a long time coming, a lot of time gently humping her, luxuriating in the wetness of her sopping virgin parts.

Finally I expelled, just a token you understand, my balls were empty but found a few spoonfulls of seed from somewhere to cool her ardour. Suddenly it was done.

I eased from her.

“You are evil you will rot in hell,” she muttered from under the mound of clothes.

I was tired of her complaining so I wrenched the whole mass of fabric high over her head to reveal her tear streaked face.

“There,” I informed her, “That is the penalty for depriving me of my housemaid.”

She tried to put her gown back on but I grabbed her wrist, “No madam, my maids remain until morn to sate my morning urges.”

“You sir have had your one and only conjunction with me, I shall leave first thing in the morning,” she informed me.

I grabbed her gown, he slippers and her pantaloons and strode to the window and threw them out. “Really?” I enquired, “Now admit the inevitable and come to bed.”

She looked all around but somehow the allure of my lovely big soft four poster bed overcame her resolve.

“Very well,” she agreed, “But I shall leave in the morning and may slit your throat in the night.”

She lay as far away from me as she could in the large bed. Her back to me. She trembled and shook occasionally.

My poor empty balls ached, but it was a satisfied ache, and soon I had entered the soft abyss of sleep.

She woke me by searching for something to wear. I sprang from the bed, she was looking in a chest by the window, I came up behind her and grasped her breasts.

“Bend from the waist, I wish to fuck you from behind so I do not need to look at your disapprovingly ugly face.

“Then your wish will be denied,” she retorted, but her teats were stiffening, her slot moistening ready to take my rampant member.

I simply aimed him at the slot and he slid in as sweet as into any rampant whore, “See you are no more able to control your urges than I am,” I chortled, “I shall have you twice before breakfast and depending on my mood perhaps once again before lunch.”

“I shall be gone long before lunch,” she insisted

“I’ll wager you will not, you enjoy my member too much,” I chuckled, “But I own it is pleasant to conjoin with a mature woman, not some silly slip of a maid who believes I am in love with her.”

“That heartens me greatly,” she replied.

“I do believe I shall devote part of this morning teaching you how to pleasure yourself with a rolling pin,” I suggested.

“I should prefer you to allow me to pack,” she replied.

My moment was not far away, I thrust harder, “Do you like that,” I asked as I stole my fingers to her nub as I pushed ever deeper within her.

She whimpered, she had lost control, her first moment was un her, her first ever moment of ecstasy and I expertly brought her to her peak even as I expelled my seed.

“Oh, oh lord no,” she protested, “Ohhhhhh.”

“I do believe I took you to heaven then Miss Twelvetrees,” I whispered, “Shall I take you there again this morning and perhaps after lunch and tomorrow as well? Shall you become my whore Miss Twelvetrees.?”

“Never,” she said.

“No more pantaloons, I wish your parts to be available to me at an instant’s notice.” I added.

“You are deluded sir, quite deluded.” she replied.

I took her by the shoulders and spun her round, caught unawares she had no time to prevent me from grasping her chin and kissing her upon the lips.

Suddenly she didn’t look quite so ugly, “Wait here I’ll retrieve your clothes,” I offered and donning my own attire I retrieved her gown from the garden.

That was a year ago. Since then she has been most attentive, she has to be, she has no status and I can cast her out on a whim. But why would I? She serves my needs, except for an occasional yearning for a son and heir. I dare say given time she will even produce one of those. It is just a shame she’s so damned ugly or I do believe I would marry her.


2021-06-30 17:57:12
I love time piece stories!! Keep up the great writing!

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