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Lena gets a look inside her uterus with an endoscope then tries to find a way to remove the worm on her own.
Chapter 4 -- Hysteroscopy

After getting off the phone with Claire, my core spasms from womb worm flipping inside of me. My heart is jackhammering in my chest and I'm hyperventilating while I hurry to get dressed. Even though I'm freaking out and having a panic attack over the fact that there's a giant, parasitic worm nesting in my uterus, that feeling of euphoria that I felt before the shocking discovery begins to gradually overtake me again.

In a matter of minutes, calmness washes over me, and my heart rate slows almost instantly. As I'm shimmying into my shorts, I start feeling good all over. While sit on the toilet to relieve my bladder, my body starts to feel flushed. And, by the time I finish gathering my luggage by the door, that blissful high hits me hard and fast out of nowhere, like ten shots of tequila back-to-back on an empty stomach.

By the time I come face to face with Derek, Casey and Kody in the hallway, I'm feeling super chill and only the tiniest bit worried about my situation, which helps me to pretend that nothing is wrong.

It's a four-minute drive from our luxury hotel to Hospital Regional de Loreto. The ER isn't super busy, but there are quite a few people already waiting when we walk in.

Despite how high with pleasure I feel, I sit in the corner of the waiting room for an hour and forty-five minutes bouncing my legs nervously. The resurgence of nervousness is brought on from the fact that the womb worm has been twisting around inside of me every ten to thirty minutes since we got here. It's like the parasite is growing anxious because it knows its life is in danger...

Five more minutes pass, then the door to the waiting room opens. A short, very pretty, brown-skinned woman looks at her clipboard. "Lena Anderson? The doctor will see you now," she says in a strong Peruvian accent.

"Finally..." I whisper as I rise, flinching when I feel the large thing slither quicky in a circle.

Why is it so active now? I wonder as I follow the nurse. Is it out of menstrual lining to feed off of or something?

The nurse leads me back to a dingy room. Not long after I hop up on the exam table, a woman of about forty-years-old enters the room. "American?" she asks.

"Si, I respond. "Tu hablas inglés?"

"Yes, I speak English." She eyes the chart. "On your form, I see that you wrote a large worm of about one foot in length crawled into your vagina and forced its way into your uterus while you were in the Amazon Rainforest?" She looks over her glasses at me with an arched brow, a faint glimmer of concern in her eyes.

I nod rapidly. "That's right. Its skin looks like raw chicken and its almost a foot long. Its body is unsegmented and round, maybe an inch wide, and it has a head that looks like the tip of man's penis..."

Her eyes go wide, and her reaction is concerning. "And you're sure something that large made its way into your uterus?"

"Positive. While I was trying to pull it out, it, like, oozed slime and it kind of stretched its self out until its upper half got skinny. Then the worm's tail expanded and walled off my vagina and used its anchored back end to drive itself in..."

"I see..."

"Something tells me that you've ever heard of anything that happening to anyone?"

She shakes her head. "We've had many come through here with all sorts of parasites. But nothing matching that de***********ion--nothing that... large. And while we have had cases of women with leeches in their vaginas, I've never heard anything about something burrowing into a woman's uterus..."


"Are you sure it wasn't a leech."


"Where were you exactly?"

"Somewhere southwest of Benjamin Constant?"

Her lips curl into her mouth. "Okay." She opens a cabinet and pulls out a white gown with blue polka dots. "Let me get an endoscope. Please change into this in the meantime and lay down for me when you are done."

I nod, and when she leaves, I quicky strip, eyeing the milky slime strings dangling from my pussy like snot that are dripping onto the slimy coting smeared across the crotch of my panties. After slipping on the gown, I hop up on the table. Ten seconds later, the door opens.

The doctor walks in without a word, an endoscope that's in a plastic bag in one hand and a laptop under her other arm. She sets the items on the stand beside me. After opening the laptop and typing in her password, she heads over to the sink. She washes and dries her hands, puts on gloves, then grabs a jar from the counter.

"Is that lubricant?" I ask after she unscrews the lid and sets it down."


"Um. You're probably not going to need to use that. This worm parasite is constantly oozing a slimy secretion down into my vagina, so I'm lubricated constantly..."

"Oh... Okay then." She closes the lid and removes the endoscope from the bag.

After plugging the USB into the computer, she clicks on an icon and the endoscope's view of the floor shows up on the screen.

"Spread your legs for me please."

I do as instructed.

The doctor hikes up the gown and makes a humph sound as she uncoils the devices slender tube. "You were not lying about your situation down here..."

"It's been like that since it crawled into me. And whenever I--uh... climax, more gushes out then the worm slithers down into my cervix."

"I see... Alright, I'm going to put the endoscope in now. Just relax."


She clicks on the light at the end of the probe. Her gloved hand then parts my labia before she slips the narrow tube into me nice and slow. It feels good for some reason, and I can't help but Kegel from the sensation. The thought of something this skinny going into me reminds me of when I first pull the worm out by the tail and I saw its proboscis sticking out of me...

Eventually, my reddened cervix comes into view, and there is a stream of clear liquid running out of it like syrup.

"It looks like some inflammation there... And it is a bit more dilated that it should be. I'm going to insert the camera into your cervix now. This might feel a bit uncomfortable, but please try and relax the best you can."

"Kay," I say quietly.

Minor discomfort radiates from cervical hole as she pushes the camera in, but it doesn't hurt. My heart races as she slowly shoves it into my tightness. As it enters my uterus, the worm appears on screen. It's coiled up with its tail nestled up against the top of my womb between my fallopian tubes. The cluster of wormy appendages it used to have are gone and the area looks like a chunk of its flesh was ripped off, but there are still a small cluster of pink protrusions pressed against my organ. And coming out of those wormlike growths are thick, pink tendrils that are rooted under my flesh with branched hairlike fibers webbed under the first layer of skin. It looks like the creature's skinny veins that have become one with my organ...

Its tail is anchored in me...

I feel it writhe inside of me as I watch it press its head against a patch of something red and chunky that I imagine is my shedding uterine lining. The red tubular mouth leaves the worm's phallic shaped head and prods the red mass, then its proboscis emerges and presses against it as tendrils branch out across the red chunks. The worm's mouth tube and its proboscis pulsate as it feeds. Then it's head throbs as pulses work down its shaft to its tail...

"Ay Dios mío..." the doctor gasps. "That is most definitely not a leech... or a slug... I have never seen anything like this..."

"I was hoping you wouldn't say that..."

"Are you on your period?"

"Yes. It started yesterday."

"The worm... it appears to be feeding off of your endometrium. When your lining is done shedding, there's a chance the worm could resort to feeding off of you directly..." She angles the camera back toward my fallopian tubes. "And it almost looks like it has rooted those tail fibers into your flesh to secure itself... This is incredible... horrible for you, but incredible..."

"Yeah, when it slipped out of my hand and slithered all the way into my vagina, the tail puffed up and went from mushy to firm, then it latched on around the opening and I couldn't push it off no matter how hard I pushed or scaped it..."

When the endoscope bumps against the womb worm, the creature writhes violently, and it thrashes so hard that I feel it bulging inside of me. On screen, we watch as it sucks its proboscis tendrils back into the main tube before slamming its head against the camera. As the doctor reels the camera back, the proboscis fires out of the worm's mouth tube and covers the lens. As she pulls the device out of my cervix, the worm's head narrows and pushes into the hole after it. I feel pressure deep in my cervix as I watch the things head bulge as it pushes its way out. As the camera leaves my cervix, the pressure on the other end of my cervical canal fades and I feel the thing thrashing around.

The worm's violent movements make me jump and twitch, so I sit up and hold my belly as it bulges against it. "Do you think you can get it out?" I groan. "Maybe suck it out with an abortion vacuum machine or something?"

The woman shrugs. Then she shakes her head slowly as she meets my gaze. "It's too large and hard for vacuum aspiration. And, because of the way the worm's tail appears to be fused to your uterus, surgery might be the only way to safely remove it from you. I can schedule an emergency procedure with our OB-GYN surgeon tonight. Tomorrow morning at the latest."

"Is there any way I can get that done in the next--" I look at the clock, "hour? Hour and a half? I have to catch a plane back to the states?"

"I'm sorry. I don't think we can perform a surgery like that in that amount of time. If you do not feel like you can bare the parasite any longer, I recommend staying and catching a later flight to remedy this. If you do not feel as if your life is in immediate danger and you can harbor it inside of you, then I think you will be alright to seek medical attention when you get back to the US."

"I think I can bare it. It doesn't hurt. If I'm being honest, panic aside, I've been feeling really good since the womb worm has been in me. Like, I've been happier and sort of energized, and I keep getting aroused every six hours or so. And, before I knew this thing was in me, I would--you know--masturbate. And the last time I did, I reached climax and the worm push its head through my cervix and the proboscis flailed around in my vagina and latched onto my fingers..."

"Hmm. It could be releasing endorphins of some kind to make you want to engage in intercourse... That could be how it moves from host to host after it reaches its final stage. Or it could be how it transfers its eggs or spawn into an intermediary host..."

"That makes sense..." I look at the clock. "Crap... I should probably get going to the airport now since there's nothing that we can do right now... Thank you so much for taking a look at me."

She nods. "I'll let you get dressed. I'll be back with some antibiotics for you. There's no telling what bacteria are living on or in that parasite."

"I appreciate that. Thanks."

"Also, would you mind showing me on a map where you encountered this uterine worm?"

"Uh, yeah... I can maybe point out the general area."

After I show the doctor about where we were when I contracted this giant parasite, we exchange email addresses then I head out to the waiting room where my friends are all fast asleep, except for Derek.

"Lena!" he says loudly, jarring the others awake. "Everything okay? You look kind of freaked out."

I force a smile then nod. "Yeah... Everything is fine. She just gave me some medication to take. Things should be back to normal in no time!"

"That's great!" Derek says with a smile.

"So glad you're okay," Claire says, giving me a hug.

"And look at that, you got done early, now you don't have to worry about reimbursing us for replacement plane tickets," Kody says with a smug grin.

"You can be such a dick sometimes..." Derek says to him.

"I would have just bought everyone else a ticket for home and I would've gotten you one for Iraq or something, Kody," I say, smirking back.

"Ooh... harsh, Lena-Beana," Kody says through gritted teeth. "That jungle crotch rash has sure made you real mean..."

I shove him as we walk into the hallway.

Chapter 5 -- DIY Removal

During the hour and a half flight to Lima, Peru, everyone falls asleep, except me. The image of that foot-long worm's tail rooted in my uterus as it fed on my shedding menstrual lining keeps me up. That and the fact that it's been super active in my womb since take off. Despite how bad I'm freaking out over it all, I still feel weirdly calm and high from whatever this parasite is secreting into me.

I wonder if the womb worm is pumping hormones in me through its tail roots or if there's something in the slime being absorbed by my uterus... Or maybe it's both.

Considering I first started feeling drugged when its head first burrowed into my cervix, I come to the conclusion it's the slime that has the hormonal secretions. Because I'm pretty sure the mouth proboscis produced something to numb my cervix and trigger cervical dilation, otherwise it would've hurt like hell when it first burrowed in. I definitely know that the tail tendrils inject anesthetic because of what it did to my finger, but that doesn't mean it doesn't secrete anything else.

Though, it wasn't until the night following the invasion of my womb that I started feeling super drugged and horny, so there's got to be something else secreted by its tail roots...

I shiver at the thought of it.

As we're walking off the plane into the Jorge Chavez International, an overwhelming horniness overtakes me, so I drop off my bags with the gang then hurry right to the bathroom to masturbate. I spend ten long minutes in there fingering my gushy vagina, oozing globs and strings of slime into the toilet until my climax strikes.

When my pussy starts contracting, when I feel the cervical pressure building as the thing wiggles down into my vagina, I don't stop fingering. And I don't stop when I feel the proboscis lashing my fingers like a snake tongue, but I do slow down and rub the soft tube with gentle curls of my finger, I do push deeper and caress the worm's throbbing head like it's a giant internal clitoris shaped like a cock's tip. I tease it more and more because the pulsing in my cervix actually feels really good now. I keep teasing its firm, smooth head gently until it wriggles violently back into my womb during the next orgasm. It's like I'm in such a dreamy haze from this womb worm's hormones that I don't care this massive parasite is in me anymore...

This thing is biochemically seducing me into feeling like it's just a part of me--like its normal for a cock-shaped organ to bulge out of my uterus and through my cervix after an intense orgasm...

During the remainder of the two-hour layover, I spend the entire time googling wormlike creatures in search of anything that looks like my womb parasite.

When I google "penis worm," I come across a picture of Priapulus caudatus, a marine invertebrate that has a tail-like appendage with wormy protrusions that looks almost identical to the tail of my womb worm. But though both their bodies are unsegmented, the P. caudatus's shaft looks nothing like what crawled in me.

When I search proboscis worms, I come across an ocean ribbon worm called Gorgonorhynchus repens that has the same exact proboscis--white and heavily branched--though it's smaller and way less sturdy looking than the one my parasite has. The tubular mouth tentacle is where the similarities end.

During my research into slime producing creatures, I come across the hagfish, which produces a similar, voluminous goo that seems much thicker than what my womb worm excretes.

As I'm looking into other worm and snakelike creatures from the Amazon, I come across a Huffington Post article about a rare Amazonian "penis snake" called Atretochoana eiselti. It's a Caecillian--a blind limbless amphibian--and its head looks sort of like the head of a penis, but it's not the same as the womb worm's, mainly because it has a wide mouth and not a circular hole like the thing in me. It also has nostrils, unlike my parasite. The shafts of their bodies, however, do looks very similar--fleshy, tubular and veiny like a horse cock. The penis snake is more purple though, my invader is more peach-ish-pink.

The only thing I find online that looks like the womb worm's head is the cap of the Phallus impudicus--the common stinkhorn mushroom. It's freaky how similar the mushroom's cap looks like it, minus the fungus's lack of smoothness.

In the layover's final minutes, I sit there trying to come up with a scientific name for the thing, because I'm a biologist, after all.

Priapus is the Greek fertility god depicted with a massive cock, which is why the ocean penis worm is named Priapulus. And it feeds in the womb, so utero- has to be in the name. The boscis in proboscis comes from the Greek bosko, which means to feed... So... the worm's scientific name should be...

I ponder it for a second.

Priapus... Utero... boscis. Yeah, the Amazonas Priapus Uteroboscis, or the Amazonian penis-shaped womb feeder... That's what I'll call it when I present it to the Jacksonville University biology department. After I get it out of me...

Halfway through the five-hour fifteen-minute flight to Huston, I pass out, and I don't wake up until Derek shakes me when we land. The two hours of our noon layover are spent eating and drinking at the airport bar until our flight for Jacksonville, Florida.

After my second cocktail, the buzz that comes on makes me feel woozy and more euphoric than I've been feeling all day, like I mixed alcohol with medication. I find myself being extra touchy with Derek, probably because I want to fuck him now more than I ever have before. Hell, I barely like Kody and I've been finding myself checking him out and imagining myself seducing him in the bathroom--fantasizing him fucking me from behind in a stall. And I don't realize how talkative I am until Claire says something about me being a chatty-Cathy.

I should probably avoid heavy drinking until I get this thing out of me.

Two hours after departure from Huston, we land in Florida. It's around 5:30 p.m. EST when we finally get our luggage and leave JAX International airport. About thirty minutes later, Derek pulls up to my apartment near the Jacksonville University campus.

"Alrighty," Derek says as we hug goodbye in my doorway. His touch sends bursts of pleasure across my back. "You sure you don't want to grab dinner later, Blue Eyes?"

"Yeah, I kind of want to just pick up my dog from the kennel and do nothing from now until work on Monday."

"I hear that," he says, smiling. "If you change your mind--"

"You'll be the first to know."

With a wink and a panty-dropping smile, he turns and starts toward his Subaru.

After I shut the door, I grab a bottle of water from my bare fridge, then I flop down on the couch. All I want to do is relax, which is crazy because, when I left the hospital in Iquitos a little over twelve hours ago, I was deadest on rushing to the hospital to get this thing removed from my uterus. Now, surgery is the last thing I want, even if it means I'll be free of this giant parasite. The idea of being cut open and then having the Amazonian Womb Feeder cut out of me fills me with crippling fear--fear that was absent when I was in the Peruvian hospital. The other reason I don't want to go to the hospital anymore is because, as a biologist, part of me doesn't want doctors to remove it, because I feel like I won't get the credit for discovering the Amazonas Priapus Uteroboscis. And I don't want it to die before I can study it...

If I have to be the one with a giant worm slithering around in my uterus, I want to be the one to get the credit for finding it and naming it. I need to study it while it's in me until I can find a way to lure it out of me so I can put it in a tank and study it... And if I'm going to observe it while it's inside of me, I'll need an endoscope...

I open my Amazon app and start shopping for one.

When I finally leave the house, I head down to the Walmart in Arlington Hills. Once my cart is full of all the groceries my broke-ass can afford, I head down to the pet aisle to grab an 8-liter fish tank. Then I head to the meat aisle. Once I spot the slabs of pork liver, I stop and pick one up. Liver is not only blood and highly nutritious due to the density of nutrients like an endometrium, but I saw a YouTube video of a guy luring leeches to a liver in a pond, and they sucked it until it was pale. If the womb worm is a sucker for a menstruating uterus, it might come out for this liver.

After stopping at the dog kennel to pick up my black Labrador, Sable, I head back to the apartment. Another wave of thigh clenching arousal builds on the drive home, and it's so bad, I have to reach into my shorts to rub my clit over my damp panties.

I take Sable inside first then give him some rubs before I put him in my room so he doesn't disturb me. Then I run back outside to grab the groceries. As soon as I'm back through the door, I set the bags down, wash my hands, grab a plate then slap the raw liver onto it with a splat. When I feel the Uteroboscis wiggling around, my vaginal walls clench like the parasite is demanding that I climax immediately.

After I wash the meat off of my hands, I place the fish tank on the floor, set up my phone to record my extraction experiment, then I set the plate of shiny red liver beside the tank before yanking my shorts and undies down in one urgent pull. Thin strings of glistening worm slime dangle from my engorged labia as I squat over the plate, dripping right onto the liver. My pussy gushes loudly as I plunge two fingers into my slick hole, and the squishy, squelching noise grows louder the faster I finger-fuck myself. Streams of goo oozes out of me as I enter a dizzying frenzy of G-spot rubbing and deep, fast fingering. I watch as milky slime glazes the steak like colorless honey.

It takes almost two minutes for the climax to build. I rub my clit vigorously with one hand while pumping my digits into me hard and fast until the orgasm explodes through me. My vaginal walls contract in hard waves, my uterus throbs right along with it. Pressure in my cervix builds as a bulge moves through that tight passage toward my vagina.

When I feel the womb worm's proboscis whip my fingers, I stroke it gently to coax it to latch onto me while using my other hand to bring the plate up to my vagina. I keep caressing the mouth tube while slowly pulling my fingers out. And when I see that the proboscis is webbed onto my index and point fingers while its tendrils branch out toward my palm, I touch my fingers to the squishy liver. More tentacles branch out from the mouth tube against my middle finger and touches the meat. Like it realizes it found food, the tiny translucent vines detach from my digits and spreads out across the liver.

A big smile stretches across my face as the proboscis webs across the meat. "Holy fuck, this is actually working!"

My legs shake from squatting for so long, but I dare not move. I just watch the white tube pulsate as the translucent branch tendrils turn pink from the blood and fluid it's sucking out of the liver, I feel the large thing throbbing and writhing slowly in my cervix, I feel its lower half wiggling in my womb, and I try not to Kegel from the sensation that feels more pleasant than it has since it invaded me.

"Are you detaching?" I whisper. "Oh-ah!" I groan when my uterus begins to spasm.

I lower the plate just a bit, and when it feels like the thing worming its way further out, I push as hard as I can as though I am trying to give birth. It doesn't budge, so I keep at it while it continues to feed. Over and over, I squeeze my abdomen and push with everything I have, straining so hard that I get lightheaded. The Uteroboscis throbs and writhes more and more violently as I try to force it out. And when I feel a big bulge in the vaginal end of my cervix, I slip in finger into my gash to see if it's coming out. I push all the way down to my cervix and I bump into the throbbing head. It's definitely protruding out a little further, maybe up to the base of its head, but it doesn't seem like it wants out.

"Come on!" I groan, retracting my finger so I don't disturb it.

I let it feed undisturbed for a bit longer before trying to push again. Still, it doesn't feel like the parasite is coming out.

Because its tail is probably still anchored to the roof of my uterus. This is exactly why it probably chose to root into the top of my organ, so I can push off of it to force itself down into my vagina to feed or whatever it's been trying to do after the last few times I climaxed, then it pulls itself back up using its anchored tail.

I wait, I push hard a few times in succession, then I wait and push again. I keep at it for a while. It's been so long that I'm drenched in sweat and my legs are trembling hard--I'm on the verge of collapsing. My abdomen is sore and I fear I might prolapse my uterus if I push any harder. So much time has passed that the areas of the liver webbed by the proboscis's tentacles are starting to lose color, turning it from shiny blood red to a dull, grayish brown.

Holy shit, he's sucking this thing dry! Is that what he'll do to me when I'm done menstruating?


When I feel it pulse and writhe hard in my cervix I push once more as hard as I can while I slipping my middle finger inside past its proboscis to feel if it's coming out.

"Fuck! It Feels like it's in the same place..."

Suddenly, it throbs really hard in my cervix then wiggles and twists violently as something feels like is pulling the top of my uterus. The head almost yanks away from my finger and I feel a bulge quickly sliding back towards my uterus. And when the pressure fades from my cervix, all I feel is the worm flopping slithering around and flopping side to side like an excited dog's tail, and it makes my uterus spasm so hard that it cramps.

"Fuck!" I cry out as I collapse on my ass.

I lay there on the floor of the kitchen with my hand on the base of my belly, pressing down on my womb as the worm bulges against my flesh, my abdomen spasming every time I feel it move. I just sigh then take few slow, deep breaths. Having this thing thrashing around in me doesn't even feel that bad anymore, nor do it bother me or creep me out at this point, and that's concerning. It's concerning because I'm afraid I'll wake up one day and decide that I'm going to let it live in me until it is ready to leave on its own or until it dies in there...

"Bleh..." I wretch at the idea of that large thing dying in my uterus while it's rooted in my womb.

I have to try something else to lure it out... Something alive and menstruating...

Chapter 6--Womb Feeder, Jizz Eater?

Bliss. A euphoric, drunken haze of bliss more intense than what I've felt the last few days greets me as soon as I wake up. Like, it's so overpowering, I legit wake up already smiling. Maybe that's because I was super-hot last night and chose to sleep naked, so this super intense body high has been making these sheets feel so fucking good against my skin, like I'm being caressed all over my body. Not only does it feel like I double dosed an opioid and chugged three margaritas, I'm so horny that my body feels tense and hungry for a good fucking from a well-endowed man, not fingers or even the vibrator I desperately want to grab.

Dick. I need real dick. I need dick more than I ever have in my entire life.

Seriously, the urge to get fucked is more overwhelming now than it ever has been in my sexually active years--more overwhelming than it has been since my womb got invaded by this worm.

"Fuck it, I'm going texting my ex," I groan as I stretch.

Chad is an asshole--that's why we broke up a few months ago after he cheated on me the second time--but he's the best lay of my life, and he's hung like a horse. Ever since graduation, whenever I'm feeling alone, I text him, and he always comes over to satisfy me, even if he's seeing someone. Of course, I never know he's in a relationship until after we've already hooked up.

As I'm reaching for my phone, I feel something cold, wet, and gooey between my thighs and against my vulva. Whatever it is makes a sticky, squishy sound below. When I lift the bedsheet, I find a glob of milky, thick syrup pooled between my legs.

Maybe sleeping naked while I'm constantly oozing wasn't the best idea. Suddenly, the sweetest aroma wafts into my nose from under the sheet. Wow, that smells almost like warm sugar... Is it the slime that smells like that? I dip my finger into the cold, thickened syrup between my thighs then I sniff it.

"Holy shit, it is the slime!"

As I'm sucking the sweet, nutty viscousness from my finger, Sable hops up on the bed panting and starts licking my fingers before slobbering my face.

Sweet fucking wow! His tongue feels so good against my skin! I wrap my arms around him and pull him in to hug him like I do every morning when he greets me, my skin tingling as his fur brushes against me. When the sensation of his fur on my skin gets me too riled up, I gently push him away, pull the covers back over me, and snap for him to get off the bed. Sable backs away, but he doesn't jump off. Nope, he just shoves his snout between my sheet-covered thighs and starts sniffing loudly.

In the corner of my eye, I see a flash of pink between his legs. Don't tell me that's... As the thought crosses my mind, he crawls over my legs and his red rocket comes into view right as something clear drips off the tip of it. Yup... my dog has an erection... There's got to be pheromones or something in this slime because he sniffs my crotch all the time and never gets boners...

The longer I stare at Sable's erection, the more an overwhelming urge to have dick in me overcomes me--not his, obviously, but a human's, because I'm not some depraved weirdo.

My hand finds its way between my legs and my middle finger slips into my tightness while my thumb works my clit. I need dick... I think I've always needed dick, not fingers...

"Maybe that's why I keep getting so fucking horny," I moan quietly to myself as I climb out of bed, "because the worm is making me aroused so I can have actual sex, not just masturbate..." Sable jumps out of bed then trots behind me on the way to the bedroom door, shoving his nose against my ass before I steer his head away. "You're staying out here, mister," I say to my dog as I nudge him out of the room, closing the door behind him.

It's only after I turned around that I realized I've dripped a slug trail of Uteroboscis slime from my bed to my door. God damnit, I think, cupping my hand over my vagina before heading to my walk-in closet.

Aside from my curved, five-inch vibrator, the closest thing I have to an actual dick in my apartment is one of those realistic squirting dildos--the kind that comes with a tube and syringe attachment so you can make the sex toy ejaculate lube. Or obscene amounts of fake semen, like camgirls tend to do. After Claire took me out to get shitfaced the Friday following my breakup with Chad, I'd drunkenly ordered it online, my rational being, 'oh, hey, I don't have to keep pulling out the dildo to lube it if I get one that can just pump lube into me.' Funnily enough, I never even used the thing, and now that I'm about to finally unbox it, I don't even need to fill the syringe with lube because my pussy is perpetually slimy.

After clicking on the light in the walk-in closet, I kneel in the middle of the floor and rummage around for the squirting dildo with one hand while the other stays cupped between my legs to keep what's dripping out of me from getting all over the carpet. Seconds later, as I'm moving a shoe box out of the way, my pussy throbs with need. Now, all I can think about is fingering myself to the edge of orgasm and keeping myself there until I can find this girthy dildo and finish myself off with it. The more I think about it, the more I drift off into a trance. The fantasy becomes so vivid, I actually begin to feel the phantom pleasure of my fingers pumping in and out of me. I can even hear the gushy squelching of my sopping hole being pleasured and feel the warm ooze overflowing in my hand.

It's only when an orgasm starts to build that my glazed over, unblinking eyes wander from the boxed dildo I've finally found to my crotch so I can figure out how that's possible without stimulation. That's when I realize that it wasn't a fantasy, I've actually been fingering myself this whole time.

Shit, the carpet, I think, looking from my slimy hand to the glob of clear sludge pooled between my knees. When did I even start masturbating?

Even though I'm telling myself to stop so I don't make more of a mess of my carpet, my idle hand continues pleasuring my pussy from the closet all the way to the bed, and I continue doing so while I remove the dildo from the box with one hand. The only reason I get myself to stop is because I desperately need to replace my fingers with this girthy, veiny, eight-inch-long phallus, like, now.

It's almost as though this womb worm's chemical cocktail has me trapped in a hazy, dreamlike trance of sexual heat where I can only spectate while my unconscious desires pilot my body.

"Oh fuck," I moan as the dildo glides into my tightness, filling me and stretching all the way until it bottoms out. After pulling it all the way out and plunging it all the way back in, a wave of sweet release washes over me. "Yes," I moan. "This... This is what I need. Ooh-aaah!"

That's why I feel like I just keep getting hornier and hornier... Because I need to be fucked by a cock--because the parasite needs a something from a cock. Maybe it needs something from a mammal's semen to sustain itself or trigger the next stage of its lifecycle... Or maybe if the Uteroboscis gets cum, it will leave...

I picture that it's Chad fucking me instead of this dildo, and then I imagine him finishing in me like he used to, drawing out the Uteroboscis once and for all. "There's no way I'm letting Chad cum in me," I pant out.

I'm not letting any man ejaculate in me.

Well, then how else are you going to find out if semen is what I need to get this thing out of me, go to a breeder and buy animal semen?

For some reason, the image of Sable pops into my mind, which then makes me think back to the summer after my junior year of college when I did this summer job at the dog breeding kennel where I got him from.

Collecting semen from the dogs so I could evaluate it for motility, concentration, and morphology was a part of my job duties, so it's not like it'd be weird if I were to collect a sample from my dog to use it for the scientific purposes of studying this Uteroboscis... Especially if it might lead to getting this thing out of me. I look over at the detached syringe and tube on the bed beside me. I could totally just load the semen sample into the syringe and, after the worm wiggles out of my cervix following an orgasm, I can squirt it into the worm's head with this dildo.

Right before an orgasm strikes, I pull the dildo out and lay there panting while I seriously consider carrying the idea out.

It wouldn't be some weird sexual thing. It'd just be an experiment, and nothing more. A onetime extraction and a one-time insemination. That's it. Best case scenario: the worm leaves your womb. Worse case: you squirt animal semen into your vagina for nothing and you carry the memory with you forever.

"It's not like there aren't people out there who drink bull semen and stuff like that," I whisper to myself as my hand slides the dildo back into me on its own accord.

I visualize myself walking out of the bedroom and grabbing a 100 mL mason jar from the cabinet before kneeling beside Sable. Then, all I'd have to do is hold him gently behind his bulbus glandis while he deposits his semen in the jar, just like I used to do in the lab multiple times a week for an entire summer.

It's only after I actually feel Sable's imaginary tail whack me in the face that I snap out of my hypnotic trance and I realize I'm not visualizing the process, I'm actually doing it!

"Wait..." I whisper to myself, removing my hand from behind my dog's knot as I stare in confusion at the twenty or so milliliters of runny, almond milk-looking liquid sloshing around in the mason jar. "What the hell am I doing?" I rise from the kneeling position and hurry back to my room.

How long was I out there? And when the heck did I even get out of bed? I stare out through the cracked bedroom door, watching Sable lap up slime from the floor. At least I had enough sense not to do anything inappropriate with my dog, I think, shutting the door. Probably because I didn't imagine it first.

After crawling back in bed, I stare at the mason jar in my hand for a moment before glancing over at the tubing and the syringe that are lying beside the slime-coated dildo. "Are you really about to do this, Lena?"

If the worm gets semen, it might leave you.

By the time the thought has finished crossing my mind, I've somehow already sucked up the contents of the mason jar into the syringe, filling it to the 22 mL mark. That's when the immediate need for sweet relief strikes, making my pussy throb and my body tremble with anxious arousal. Like, it legit feels like I might explode if I don't get dicked-down immediately. It's so bad, it becomes a shaky-handed scramble to get this dildo hooked up to the syringe. One end of the tube gets affixed to the syringe's nozzle then the other gets pushed into the hole between the testicles and the suction cup.

My chest heaves like mad as I lay back and spread my legs. As soon as the dildo glides between my folds, I buck into it then thrust my pelvis up to the ceiling. "Ahhhh!" I cry out as I impale myself with the toy. A half-laugh, half-whimper escapes me as soon as the tip batters my cervix.

My squishy hole gushes loudly as I toy myself with desperate haste, pumping it in and out of me faster than I've ever masturbated with anything before. In a matter of seconds, a brain-scrambling an orgasm explodes between my legs. My vaginal walls contract rhythmically around the dildo like a spasming fist. It's so powerful, my vision goes blurry before my eyes roll into the back of my head. Soon after, I feel the worm bulge its way down into the cervical hole.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" I moan as the Uteroboscis throbs hard inside of my cervix, almost in sync with my contracting vagina. "OOH! OOOH!" I scream even louder when I feel the sweet discomfort of the worm's girthy head breaching into my vagina with a slippery pop of a sensation, triggering a uterine contraction that I feel all across my body.

Before I even have a chance to ask myself if I really want to do this, my trembling right hand has already depressed the syringe's plunger about halfway down, sending a jet of still-warm semen spraying the cervical flesh stretched around the worm's head.

What am I doing?

Suddenly, the worm begins throbbing harder and faster in my cervix like the heart of a startled animal, writhing excitedly like a happy dog's tail.

If the Uteroboscis gets cum, it will leave, I think, emptying the last ten milliliters of semen into my vagina.

When the orgasm begins subsiding, I slowly pull the dildo out of me, hoping that the Uteroboscis will follow it. As the tip is nearing the exit, I feel something long and soft dragging against the top of my vagina. That's when I quickly sit up and look down. As soon as the tip of the dildo leaves my hole with a sticky pop, I see it. The worm's pulsating proboscis is right up against the tip of the dildo and there are branches webbed around the tip of the sex toy.

My eyes widen and my jaw drops. Don't tell me this thing's proboscis is inside the dildo's ejaculation tube... Is that what it'd do to an actual bare cock?

I pull the white tube, tugging it slowly until it leaves the dildo. When I let it go, the proboscis just falls toward the bed, only to suck back into my pussy in the blink of an eye like a slurped spaghetti noodle. But the worm doesn't slither out of me like I'd hoped, it just starts writing and pulling itself back up into my uterus.


Now that my orgasm has completely tapered off, the sexual fever that had me in a perpetual trance also fades. My eroded euphoria is immediately replaced with clarity that is accompanied by this intense shame and regret from having inseminated myself with animal semen.

I did that because of a little voice in my head that said, "You need dick, not fingers. The worm needs cum or it won't leave you." That one thought popped into my head then, the next thing I know, I blacked out, milked my dog then pumped his spunk into me--all for what? Nothing, because the worm is still inside me...

"The deed is done," I say with a sigh.

All I can do now is focus on all the pleasant throbbing and squirming going on inside of my womb.

In the hours after the failed insemination experiment, the euphoria did dimmish enough for me to feel more clearheaded than masturbation alone did. I don't know if the ravenous arousal has faded because the worm got what it needed and cut down on producing arousal hormones or if the guilt over what I did has stifled the unyielding libido.

As noon rolls around, I start feeling a little weak, despite having a large breakfast. My hands and feet feel a bit cold too. The last time I felt this way was when I had a really heavy period my sophomore year of college. Normally, I'd just take some iron, eat some spinach and call it a day. But since I have this creature in me, I think it's best to go to the doctor to get some blood work done. Hemoglobin counts aside, I'm curious to see if they can detect any elevated hormones that might give me an idea of what this parasite has been pumping into me.

But before I go to the doctor, I'm going to pop by the university to drop off the refrigerated sample of this worm's milky slime with my friend Nicole Owens who's in the PhD biochemistry program over at Jacksonville University. I told her before I left that if I found any interesting samples in the Amazon, I'd bring it back for her to run chemical analyses on, so I texted her last night that I found something I wanted her to test.

My text read: I got exposed to something down in the forest that made me feel euphoric and happy and kind of turned on, so I'm going to need you to screen the sample for hormones, toxins, and alkaloids.

Nicole: Turned on? Um... Is this something from a plant? Can I have some? LOL!

Me: Haha I wish it was a plant! It was slime from a bug that I accidentally ingested, so you don't want it.

Nicole: Yeah, you're right. That's gross, so I don't want it anymore hahaha. Stop by the lab around 1:00 tomorrow, k?

It's a good thing that I scooped slime from my vagina into a mason jar last night after my masturbation session because, if I did it today, the sample would be contaminated with dog semen, and that'd be super hard to explain...

Chapter 7--Endless Estrus

After dropping off my goo jar with Nicole, I hang around chatting with her for a bit about the expedition to the Amazon. Our chat gets cut short when I start to feel a little dizzy and I almost topple over while I'm standing in the hall with her.

The wait at my doctor's clinic isn't long, so I pretty much get called back to see her. I tell her how I've been feeling woozy and elated and tired, answer a few questions about my trip, then she takes my blood. On the way out of the doctor's office, the euphoria and body high begin to intensify again. And, during the drive back to the restaurant that I'm going to pick up food from, I get super fucking horny.

"Not again," I groan, rubbing my pussy over my shorts while I drive in hopes that it'll take the edge off.

It doesn't. My cunt just throbs and aches with frustrated need, like it's begging for something big to plow in and out of it hard.

As soon as I pull into a spot in the far end of the restaurant's parking lot, I unbuckle my pants and slip my hand into my panties then I masturbate while I text Chad.

Me: I just got back from two weeks of no sex in the Amazon Rainforest and I could really use a lay...

I lay my head back and close my eyes while I finger my gushing hole hard and fast. The squelching, squishy sound is louder than my radio's music.

My phone buzzes in my other hand right as the climax starts to build.

Chad: Damn, I was just thinking about you, Lena. And you know I'd be more than happy to help you with your dry spell. My place or urs?

Me: I'll come to you. Picking up food from our old spot. Want anything?

Chad: Riverside? If so, you should know haha.

Me: Wings and loaded cheese fries ;).

Chad: Nobody knows me like you, gorgeous.

Riverside Bar & Grille is the college bar everyone from Jacksonville University went to after they turned twenty-one because it was right on campus by the water. It's was also the first stop for my twenty first this past February. It's also usually the place where people flock to right after class on a Friday. Since today is Friday, and since it's currently happy hour, this place is already pretty busy.

My womb's occupant twirls and slithers as I approach the open stool by the bar. To my right, there's a loud, drunk blonde. To my left, there's a rather handsome guy with long sandy brown hair sipping a beer while he watches the game. And the moment I look at him, I can't seem to look away.

Strong jaw line. Muscular arms. Long healthy hair that I just want to rake my hands through. Big hands. And big hands equals big cock, so... His cock in me right here in this bar's bathroom.

"Hey," he says with a big bright smile when he catches me drooling.

I grin, fighting the urge to rub my pussy at the thought of letting this stranger take me. "Hello!"

"You eyeing my beer, missy?" Smirking, he arches a brow.

"Yeah, let's go with that." I giggle, giving him a wink.

"Hm..." he hums, his grin widening. "If I buy you a beer, will you tell me what you were really staring at?"

"It takes more than one beer to get me to loosen up, hon..." I waggle my eyebrows then give him fuck me eyes.

Hon? God, who even am I right now? I never flirt like this with anyone when I'm sober... Not to sound vein, but I'm the kind of girl who's been approached by modeling scouts ever since tenth grade, and guys always seem to flock to me whenever I'm out with my girls, so I'm used to being hit on. But, even when I meet a guy I actually like, I never flirt this hard right off the bat.

Intrigue flashes in his eyes. "I see... Four beers then?"

"I might have time for two at the most."

"Oh, meeting someone?"

I shake my head. "I called in a food order to go."

"Oh, that's a shame. I was hoping to have a little time to get to know the gorgeous blonde with the perfect smile and the hypnotic sapphire eyes who can't seem to stop smiling at me."

My cheeks flush and my pussy throbs as my chest heaves. Arousal. Building... "Guess we'll have to have a cram session then."

"Sweetheart, I'm a procrastinator so I love me a good bar cram session. How does three shots and a beer sound?"

"Umm, like a DUI because I've got to drive."

"Two shots and a beer then?" he smirks.

"Alright. Dealer's choice."

He raises his hand to flag down the bar tender. "Before I go falling for you any further, you don't have a boyfriend, do you?"

"Nope." I smile, holding his gaze. "Single as a pringle."

"Best news I heard all year." He turns to the bartender. "A Miller and four shots of whiskey, good sir."

The bar tender nods then heads over to the liquor shelves.

"I'm Blake by the way," the hunk says, offering me his large hand.

"Lena," I say, shaking it. God, having his skin against mine sets me on fire, and I end up involuntarily caressing the base of his hand during the greeting. And, as he unclasps my hand, I gently rake my fingers across his palm up to his fingers.

His face lights up. "Quite the handshake technique there."

"Sorry. I've been really touchy feely lately."

He raises his hands in surrender. "No complaints here."

The bartender sets down a tray of shots before us then places a beer in front of me.

"Uh, excuse me," I blurt out, "I called in an order pickup. Name's under Lena."

"It'll check on that for you," he says with a nod.

I grab a shot. "Cheers, Blake."

"Cheers," he says, clinking my glass.

I down the shot, slam it on the counter, down the next one, then I reach for the beer as Blake is just taking his second shot."


"Why, thank you!" I close my eyes and grin.

"You're too cute, Lena."

"And you're fucking handsome." I turn away and chug my beer.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. Why do you think I couldn't take my eyes off of your when I sat down and saw you in the corner of my eye?"

He grins. "The alcohol didn't even hit your bloodstream yet and you're already all loosened up, huh?"

"Blake, I woke up loosened up today." I giggle nervously, brushing my hair back over my shoulder as I look away shyly.

"So, you just wanted free drinks, is that it?" he snickers.

"That's not all I wanted..."

"Oh yeah? You feeling loose enough to tell me what else you want? I mean, you got drinks, you got food on the way--what else can I help the beautiful Lena with?"

The arousal is so intense that I have to clench my thighs together. "You live close by, Blake?"

A sinful smile creeps onto his face. "As a matter of fact, I do. I'm right across the street at Eagle Pointe. Twelve-minute walk from here. Why do you ask?"

"Hmm... Just trying to see whose place is closer..."

"Oh..." He searches my eyes. "Any particular reason?"

I chug my beer, slamming the empty glass down and pausing to catch my breath. "Well, when I walked in here, I intended on taking food over to my asshole of an ex's place, because I've been a in bit of a drought, if you know what I mean, and I have a bad habit of running back to him whenever I get so horny that I feel like I want to scream."

"Sheesh... Well, in my experience, backsliding is never a good idea, Lena."

"Tell me about it..." I nod. "You see, now that I've met this nice, funny, hot hunk at the bar, and since it feels like he and I have this instant heat, I'm tempted to leave here with him for some no strings attached fun instead of hooking up with someone I know I'll regret for the rest of the summer."

Blake smirks. "It's the bartender, isn't it?"

I crack up, leaning into him as I laugh, because I need to touch him--I need to be touched. Bad. When I sit upright, I slap his firm chest, giving his pectoral muscle a light scratch. All I can think about is ripping his shirt off and having him fuck me against this bar for everyone to see. My pussy throbs at the thought. "It's you, dufus..."

He chuckles. "Oh, good. Because I was hoping I wasn't the only one feeling like there this really good vibe between us."

"Oh, you're not."

"If you want to get out of here after your food is ready--"

"Did you walk here?" I interrupt. My words come out breathless.


"I'll drive."

"Wow. A twelve-minute walk isn't quick enough for ya, huh?"

"When I said that I'm so horny I want to scream, I wasn't exaggerating."

"Sheesh. You're like a cat in heat!" he chuckles.

"Blake, you have no fucking idea how bad I need to get laid..."

"Um, if you want to get out of here now and come back for your food--"

"That. Let's do that." I jump off the stool. If he didn't suggest it, I was about to ask because I can't wait. The alcohol is already hitting me and the euphoric haze is making me hornier and more delirious than I was this morning.

His face lights up. "Or we can do that."

He throws his beer back, reaches into his pocket and slaps a bunch of twenties on the counter.

I take his hand and drag him to the exit, caressing his palm as I powerwalk out to my car. As soon as we're both in the car, my body moves on its own, lunging over the center console armrest, cupping a hand behind his neck and pressing my mouth against his with desperation, plunging my tongue in his mouth. When his tongue sides past mine, this intensifying body high makes it feel like the softest, slipperiest thing in the world, and it drives me mad.

When the urge to be fucked overpowers me, I part my lips from his, lean back in my seat, and begin unbuckling my shorts.

"We're doing this here? While the sun is still up?" Blake asks, beaming.

"No," I say, taking his hand. "I want you to feel how fucking wet I am for you." I lift the waistband of my panties and guide his hand in.

Pleasure explodes as he drags his hand across my mound on the way to my clit, and I moan really loud when his wide finger slips between my folds.

"Fuck, Lena..." My cunt squishes loudly as he plunges his finger into me, and I cry out. "Baby, this is the wettest, slipperiest pussy I have ever felt in my entire life. Fuck!"

I moan again as fingers me again, curling his finger upwards. The next thing I know, my hand is on his crotch and I'm stroking my way up the long and girthy, rock hard sausage in his pants. "Wait until you feel how good I feel against your bare cock..." I pant like I've just ran seven miles, dragging my fingers down his length.

"Oh fuck..." He fingers me harder as his cock throbs in my hand.

It takes everything to pry my hand off his dick so I can start the car. "Keep fingering me while I drive. I can't wait."

"You got it, sweetheart." When he slips a second finger in, there's a loud gush that makes my panties flood with slime.

My pussy throbs from his fingering. The hypersensitivity makes it feel so good that the pleasure intensifies the already heightened euphoria and puts me in a trance. I barely break in time when I realize the cars at the red light are standing still. As an orgasm builds, my thoughts fade and my vision blurs, and all I hear is my hard breathing and the gushing of his fingers working in and out of me. Then I swerve into the curb and it snaps me back to reality.

Blake snickers. "You drunk already, Lena?"

"No," I pant. "You're making me feel so good my mind blanked for a second."

"Good thing we're almost there. Turn left. Right here."

I cut the wheel hard and pull into the guest spot that he's point to. As soon as I park, I cut the engine and Blake pulls his hand out of my pants, glazing my shirt and the armrest with glistening lines.

He stares at the strings of goo dangling off of his fingers. "Sweet baby Jesus..." he says, rubbing the slickness against this thumb. He pulls his fingers apart slowly and beams at the sight of the milky slime stretching between his digits like snot. "How? How are you this fucking wet?"

I grab his hand and bring it to my mouth, then I suck the sweet goo off of his fingers. "It's a gift and a curse." I open the car door then scramble out.

We meet at the sidewalk in front of the car and I mash my lips into his. My tongue explores his mouth with desperate hunger as he steers me toward his apartment. The euphoria and hypersensitivity of my skin intensifies, and the arousal scrambles my thoughts until I slip into a trance-like state.

The only thought in my mind is, 'Dick now. Fuck me now."

My vision starts to blur. Sounds fade. All I feel is pleasure from his hands squeezing my ass as his tongue explores my mouth. One minute we're making out in front of his door, the next, I'm on the edge of his bed and I'm naked. There are no transitions.

I'm losing time, I think, staring in awe at the massive cock that's just sprung free from his shorts. I'm losing time like I did this morning.

Just like that, I'm on my back and glorious, pleasure explodes below as his bare, girthy sausage slowly stretches my hole on route to my cervix. In and out, he pumps into my tight, gushing cavity at a moderate pace.

"Faster," I whimper. "Harder!"

Blake starts slamming into me, his flesh clapping against mine with enough force to make my A-cup tits jiggle like mounds of Jell-O in an earthquake, my cunt squelching around his girth loud like someone is fisting a tube full of pudding.

The climax builds and builds. Suddenly, all I want is to be on top. "Let me ride you," I pant out.

He rolls me over without pulling out and I begin riding him hard and fast, slamming down into him with more force than I've ever ridden anyone. It hurts so good it makes me scream.

The orgasm strikes like lighting--sharp and hard. My walls contract hard around him. My uterus spasms. Sweet pressure builds in my cervix.

The Uteroboscis... I keep getting so whacked out from the euphoria and blinding arousal that I forget it's in there--I forget why I keep going into a sexual frenzy.

"Fuuuuuck!" Blake groans, his core spasming as his facial expression contorts. "I'm coming!"

After what happened with that dildo, I know I should pull him out of me, but I'm so gone, so desperate to keep the orgasm going, I keep riding him at the same pace because I give zero shits for what will happen to this man when my womb worm comes out to drink the cum out of this man's cock. All I know is that I need cock, and I know the worm needs cum. That's the only thing that will make the maddening horniness go away--the only thing that will shatter this trance.

As the bulge pulses pleasantly in the vaginal end of my cervical hole, I slow down, only bouncing on the top half his cock to keep his rod from battering the worm to death while it's still rooted inside my uterus.

I must keep my Uteroboscis safe until it leaves.

"Ah!" he grunts as his big cock begins to throb, his core spasming hard. "Ah! Fuck! Yes!" Then he flinches like something hurt him.

"You okay?" I ask, still grinding on the top half of his thick rod with shallow descents, being extra careful to keep my movements slow and steady so he doesn't wind up with a ripped off proboscis in his urethra like my sex toy almost did.

"Yeah," he groans. "For a second there, it felt like my load got stuck in my dick." He chuckles tiredly.

Take what you need, parasite, I think, imagining the proboscis feeding directly from inside his penis while I continue the shallow, slow ride of his softening cock. Fill up on cum and come on out soon, please.

"I think you're just mashing it around at this point," Blake says after almost a minute, snickering.

I giggle as the fog lifts from my mind. "Oh, sorry... You just feel so fucking good. Hold on." I reach back and curl my fingers around his super slimy cock as I look underneath me, blocking his view with my curtain of hair.

When his mostly flaccid penis leaves my hole, it unleashes a glob of clear, snotty-looking goo. Through the slime, I see translucent tendrils webbed all over the head of his cock--I see the white, pulsating proboscis inside of his urethra. And that's not all. There's also a tiny bulge raiding down the mouth noodle towards his cock.

Um is it eating semen or throwing up in his penis?

"Everything okay?" he asks, panting.

Suddenly, mental clarity returns to me in a flash. "Yeah, one sec," I say with panic in my voice now that the realization of what I've done leaves me guilty and anxious.

I move my fingers up his flaccid cock to the proboscis. Then, I pull the tube right as the round bulge inside disappears into his tip.

What the fuck was that? I'm so glad he can't see this...

"Urgh," he groans. "What are you doing down there? Feels like you're pulling something out of my dick or some shit..." A nervous chuckle escapes him.

My heart starts racing. I tug a little harder, then the white proboscis slips out of his penis. The second I let it go, it snaps back inside of me, slapping around inside my vagina like a cold noodle during my dismount of Blake. It tickles so fucking good that I whimper.

I lay on my back and look over at Blake, giving my finger a suck. "I saw a bead of cum on the tip of your cock and I wanted it. Sorry if I fingered your pee hole too hard." I smile nervously as the womb worm throbs and writhes its way up to my uterus.

He grins. "You are one kinky girl, Lena."

I smile back. "Trust me, I'm not usually like this. I don't do one-night stands or have unprotected sex or do kinky shit. I'm as vanilla as they come."

"Glad I met you on a weird day."

I sit up when I feel the worm bulging against my belly. "It's been a weird week." I plant a kiss on his lips. "Thanks for the amazing lay. I should probably go get my food before it gets too cold." I crawl out of bed. "Oh, and sorry for gushing all over your sheets."

"No worries, sweetheart." He sits up, staring at the slimy mess on his crotch and sheets. "Can I have your number? I'd love to see you again."

"Yeah, sure. Let me just clean up quick."

While I'm in the bathroom wiping off my vagina and washing my hands, the euphoria and body high wanes a bit. After I get dressed, I step back into his room then put his number in my phone. I practically run out the door after that.

On the way to my car, the horniness fades and my thoughts have become clear. This is exactly how I felt after I used that ejaculating dildo to inseminate myself this morning. By the time I get climb into the driver's seat, my heart is throttling. A pit forms in my stomach and I feel nauseous when the realization of the fucked-up thing I did to that poor guy sets in.

What the fuck was that bulge in the worm's proboscis? Did it put something in him?

"Fuck!" I scream, slamming the steering wheel repeatedly as the worm slithers rapidly around in my womb.

I shouldn't be fucking anyone while this thing in is in me! Especially when I don't know what this womb worm is doing when it sticks its feeding tube into a penis. Who knows what sort of danger I put Blake in!

"It's not like you're doing it on purpose, Lena," I reassure myself. "Everything that happened since I met him at the bar felt like a dream I was helpless to stop. Then I legit blacked out a few times between the restaurant and Blake's bed..."

When I get horny and start feeling all loopy and high like that, it's like I go from not thinking to blacked out, then I turn into some sex crazed zombie...

"It's like this womb worm is controlling me, and it doesn't give me back control until I both orgasm and have a bare penis ejaculate inside me..."

But why? Is there some hormone in semen that interferes with the parasite's cocktail of compounds that breaks the spell? I thought it was just feeding, but after I saw that round bulge get forced into Blake's pee hole, I'm not so sure...

After I picking up my food, I went straight home. When I texted Chad earlier, I wasn't in the right state of mind. And, as much as I hate him for how he treated me when we were together--for cheating on me twice, being around him when the next sexual frenzy hijacks my mind doesn't seem like a good idea when my parasite might put his manhood and possibly even his life in danger. He deserves to be punished, but not like that.

It's barely an hour after I finished eating when I start feeling all drugged with intense bliss. The urge to touch myself comes on fast and my pussy throbs needily. My skin tingles all over and I feel flushed as dizzying cloudiness erodes my thoughts like a wave to sand art.

This estrous cycle--this cycle of going into heat just keeps coming back, I think, slipping my hand in my pants.

Just as I'm sliding my fingers into my slimy tightness, there's a random knock at the door. I'm not expecting anyone, but I imagine there's a handsome man on the other side of the door who can bend me over my couch and give me sweet relief from this hypnosis. The next thing I know, I get up and start walking to the door, unlocking it without even checking the peephole or asking who it is. Thankfully, I do have just enough sense to pull my hand out of my pants and wipe the slime off on my shorts before opening the door.

"Chad?" I say, staring at the douche before me. The confusion from finding him outside my apartment sobers me up enough to keep myself from grabbing him by the junk and making out with him. "What're you doing here?" I say, my words coming out breathy like a moan.

He cups the side of my face and electric pleasure tingles from my cheek up my scalp and down my spine, making my vagina flex hard. "You never showed up, and you weren't responding. I was worried."

I bite my lip and I suddenly realize my hand is on the hand he has on my cheek and I'm caressing him gently.

The next thing I know, my mouth is against his, and I'm not sure who kissed who first.

Then, boom, I'm naked on my couch with my legs spread and he's scrambling to get his pants down.

One minute, there's a condom in his hand, the next, I'm tossing it across the room as his bare cock slides in and fills me.

Chad groans. "Holy shit, Lena!" A moan escapes him. "You're slippery as fuck! I've never felt you gushing like this before." With each slow thrust, he grunts. He speeds up only to slow right back down a second later. "I don't think I'll be able to last long."

Suddenly, I'm being fucked so hard that my head is ramming into the armrest.

When the orgasm strikes, when my pussy and uterus flex together in sync, the worm quickly burrows down into my cervix with ease like the path leading to my womb is permanently being stretched wider with each tunneling. I grab Chad and roll us off the couch then he crashes back-first onto the floor. Now I ride him cowgirl, nice and shallow like I did Blake a few hours ago. He comes in seconds, like my orgasm commanded him to.

Clarity slowly comes back to me as the wide creature throbs in my cervix. Like before, I reach underneath my vagina, look back and slowly pull his softening cock out of me. And there it is, the proboscis is throbbing inside his pee hole just like it was with Blake and my dildo. This time, two round bulges are quickly working their way into his tip instead of one...

I tug the worm's white mouth tube and Chad flinches hard. "Ah! What was that?" He starts to sit up but I push him down.

"Sorry!" I blurt out, pulling on the fleshy, slimy rope out a bit faster. It glides right out and its tendrils retract, but the little bulges I saw a bit ago are nowhere to be found...

I don't see them because they're in his penis...

During my dismount, the proboscis wiggles as it snaps back into my hole, and a mini orgasm ripples through me when the Uteroboscis twists and throbs and squirms back to my womb. "Ugh!" I moan.

"How are you coming again?" Chad asks, staring at the gooey mess on his crotch. "And why the fuck is your cunt so fucking slimy?"

"Don't be rude... I've just been extra wet lately..."

"It's hot, but it's kind of like fucking a giant, sexy slug!" He grins.

"Chad, you're such a dick!" I say, grabbing his shorts and throwing them at him. "Leave! Now!"

"What about my wings?" he asks as he rises.

"I ate them! Now please get the fuck out."

"Alright, fine. Let me clean all your slug slime off of me first." He chuckles.

I kick him in the butt right as he's heading to the bathroom.

When he leaves a few minutes later, I slam the door, lean against it, and slide down it until my ass hits the floor.

The maddening arousal is getting more frequent and more intense as the hours pass, and the zombielike trance that comes at peak horniness is getting worse... Like, I keep losing more time during each heat cycle and everything that happens feels like a dream until I cum. Is this what the rest of my life is going to be like until this thing decides to crawl out? I'm going endlessly keep going into heat, keep blacking out, and keep taking dick after dick whenever I run into a guy? If this keeps up, pretty soon I won't be able to function... I'll be fucking every other hour...

"Getting jizzed in isn't helping this thing get out of me any faster. I need to try something else..."

Chapter 8 Preview: The sex-hungry blackouts get worse and Lena goes on a sex-spree.

Chapter 9 Preview:
Lena's endoscope gets delivered and, when she looks inside her vagina and uterus with the camera, she discovers the womb worm hasn't just been feeding on her endometrium...


2021-10-19 18:33:29
Any chance on a new part?

The Bull BhorrReport 

2021-07-26 07:50:23
What for a wild ride - and it gets better and weirder. Just love it and hope to read soon more from you. Thanks for sharing.
With a mighty beer to cheer, The Bull

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