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I am approaching manhood and was young and full of cum
How My Sex Life came about part 3

We went inside the mall. My mother always had both men and women looking at her when shopping. Men would drool over her and most women would smack their man for looking at her.

We went to the men’s shop. Mom picked out some pants and had me try them on. I would go into the dressing room and put them on. Some she liked some she didn’t. She would rub her hands on my thigh telling me they looked good on me.

I kept having to tuck my boner into each pair I tried on for her. By the time I tried the last pair on I was rock hard and dripping pre-cum in my underwear.

That last pair was a little small for me. I tried to get them zipped up over my boner. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t. I was In there trying my best to fit into them. Suddenly my mother walked into the dressing room.

“You ok?” My mother asked.

Her eyes were looking right at my boner pushing against my underwear. There was even a wet spot from my pre-cum. I stood there for a few seconds then covered it with my hand.

“Oh sorry but I think those are too small for you,” my mother said smiling at me as she walked back out closing the door.

I dressed losing my boner as I thought I was in trouble again. I walked out to my mother. I hung my head telling her I was sorry. Mom lifted my head with her finger.

Mom told me it was Ok as it was normal for a boy my age to get hard like that. She told me my body was growing into manhood that was all.

“Don’t be embarrassed by what God gave you, I am not,” mom said smiling.

We went to a woman’s shop next. My mother would show me sexy panties and bras. She asked me if I liked them. I loved all of them. She would hand me the ones she wanted to buy. I learned her breast size from the tags on her new bras.

As we left that store I noticed a man following us. He kept staring at my mother. I stopped and whispered to her that a strange man was following us.

Mom looked over her shoulder and she smiled at him. Mom whispered back into my ear. He can look but not touch. That he was harmless. We continued shopping mom was bending over showing her breasts and her ass. That man was getting an eye full as well as me.

Mom told me she was hungry and we went to the food court to get lunch. As we ate a woman came over. I knew her as Elaine a friend of my mother’s. They kissed each other on the cheek.

Elaine was my mother's best friend. She used to babysit me when I was little. She was always there for parties my parents threw. Those adult ones I wasn't allowed to attend.

Elaine would sometimes come and play games with me during those parties. I asked her once why I couldn't be part of those parties. She told me because my mother didn't want me around her guests who sometimes drank too much. That I would learn bad habits from them.

“Your mother is just protecting you, you were a gift to her from above,” Elaine said.

I didn't know what that meant and it would be some time before I did. Elaine got along with my father very well also. They were always hugging and kissing. I thought that was just normal.

Elaine was Greek and a big woman. I don't mean fat. I mean she was an Amazon. She was mom’s age about 5’ 10” well over 6’ when in heels. She towered over my mother. I never really noticed her body until that day.

Elaine was dressed as sexy as my mother except she had a skirt on. Her legs were muscular I thought for a woman. But they were as lovely as my mother's in nylons. Her cleavage also showing out of her top. She rubbed my head my causing her tits to jiggle.

I looked away not wanting to get in trouble. Besides her tits were not as big as my mother’s but still nice. Elaine sat down next to us.

“Any action here today?” Elaine asked smiling at my mother.

“All lookers but no takers,” my mom replied.

Mom gave me a handful of quarters telling me to go play some arcade games in the food court. I went and played watching them as they talked. My mom pointed to the man who had followed us.

They both laughed and mom’s big breasts were shaking. I didn’t know what they were saying. I went back to playing the game. I glanced up to see Elaine pointing at me. My mother shook her head no then whispered into her ear.

I finished my game and returned to them at our table. Elaine smiled at me telling me I was getting big. That I was handsome just like my father.

When I heard father, my father beating me filled my head. I lowered my head closing my eyes trying to block it. I heard my mother tell me that Elaine was talking to me.

“Sorry mom,” I said to her. I turned to Elaine as I added, “Thank you and I hoped someday to be just like my dad.”

I had not called him my dad since that beating. I saw my mom smiling so I think that made her happy. Elaine hugged me telling me someday I will be.

She parted her legs as she talked to my mother. My eyes went between her parted thighs. She didn't have any panties on under her skirt. I saw her black haired hairy pussy. It was very hairy I thought looking right up her skirt at it.

It had tons of black hair covering it. I could even see her pussy lips they were much bigger than my mother’s. To me, they looked weird hanging at the sides of her pussy. I turned away as I felt my cock growing in my pants.

Elaine stood up and kissed my mother on her cheek. As she did I stood up too as my mother had taught me to always be polite like that. Elaine smiled at me as she told my mother she would see her Saturday night. That she would be happy to help.

Elaine turned to me and hugged me tightly. She pulled me tightly against her body. My boner was smashed against her pussy. I was unsure of what to do as Elaine had to feel my boner against her yet she didn't say anything.

Elaine broke her hug as she said, “I will see you too John,” kissing my cheek and winking at me.

She looked at mom as she added, “I see what you mean,” smiling and laughing.

I sat back down and asked my mother what was that all about. Mom told me they were throwing a little party Saturday night. That Elaine was coming to help her.

“May I attend this one as I am older now?” I asked her.

“Not yet as you still are not old enough yet,” my mother replied.

I had never met most of their guests at these parties. Sometimes there were only two or three cars at our house. At other times there would be up to 20. Especially in the summer months.

I was not allowed out in our pool area or our finished basement during these parties. Those areas were off-limits to me during those parties. I started to protest, my mother pressed her finger on my lips.

“Remember good boys get rewarded,” mom said smiling at me.

Once at home my mother started to get dinner together. She told me she was making pork chops. They were my father's favorite.

“I will butter him up so he ungrounds you,” mom said smiling.

I told her I was going outside to do my chores. I went to the bike barn and jacked off to both my mother and Elaine. Her big hairy pussy made me shot a big load as I wondered what it looked like when she was peeing.

After my chores, I went back inside. Mom told me to help her set the table. As we did my mother told me not to tell my father about anything that went on between us today or in the future.

“Don’t worry mom I won’t or we both would get the belt,” I said.

My mother had a look on her face. It was one of like she wanted to tell me something. Mom finally smiled telling me I was her good boy.

My father came home as I was sitting at the table. He went to my mother taking her into her arms. He lovingly kissed her. Mom told him not now she was cooking dinner.

Mom told me to go wash up dinner was almost ready. I left and stopped in the hallway. I heard my father ask her if she talked to me about my attitude. My mother told him she had.

I went and washed up. I returned and sat down to eat dinner with them. My mother asked my father if he would remove me from being grounded as I had learned my lesson she believed. That it was ok with her. My father looked at me then at my mother.

“I am not sure he has but if you say he has,” “It is ok,” my father said.

“Thanks, mom,” I said smiling at her.

My mother looked at me. She sort of nodded her head toward my father. I knew what she wanted.

“Sorry I screwed up sir, I promised it won’t happen again dad,” I said.

My mother told my father to go relax we would do dishes. I helped clear the table. We talked as we did dishes. I asked her if I had pleased her over dinner. My mother told me I had and my father too.

“I don’t care about that bastard, only you,” I said.

“JOHN, don’t you ever call him that again,” mom said slapping my face.

That slap was no love tap neither. I told her I was sorry. She told me too late I had lost my reward for tonight. That only good boys got rewarded. I told her I understood and I promised her it won’t happen again.

I had learned a lesson not to talk badly about my father to my mother. That night when laying in bed I realized for this fun to continue I would have to be a good boy not only to my mother but to my father as well.

Mom came in to check on me. I told her I was sorry again. That I will make it up to her and go back to treating my father as I had before he whipped me.

“I love you and your father and just want us to be that all American family,” my mom said. “See that you do as remember good boys get rewarded,” she added smiling at me.

Mom’s hand rubbed at my thigh. She brushed her hand over my cock. It grew instantly at her touch. She patted it telling me that would be taken care of soon smiling at me.

Mom told me to go to sleep now. That she had a surprise for me if I kept my end of our deal. I didn't know what she meant by that. I thought I would start early so I set my alarm for 5.

I got up before my father and mother did. I was cooking breakfast for them. I treated my father like he had not whipped me. Perhaps I even forgave him in some way. I only wanted to know why he had beat me in the first place.

My father went to work while mom and I got things ready for their party tonight. I asked mom if I might attend that party.

“Perhaps, I will think about it,” mom said smiling.

I thought that was better than a no at least. We had to run to the grocery store for stuff for the party. Mom was dressed in a pair of grey tight jogging pants and a low cut runners shirt. Mom’s tits were busting to get out. I noticed her ass first in those pants.

You could probably bounce a quarter off her butt they were so tight. I wanted to touch that ass as well. When she turned to face me my mouth dropped open.

You could see the perfect outline of her pussy. Mom’s camel toe was showing in all its glory. Mom smiled as she told me we didn’t have time right now.

“Stop catching flies and let’s get to the store.

We walked into the store and mom told me to grab a cart. We would need two to get everything. We hadn’t been shopping for ten minutes when I noticed we were being followed.

Two men one on front and one pushing a cart loaded with stuff. I told mom we had company. She smiled telling me she knew and loved it. I didn’t know the word for it then. However, I knew my mom enjoyed showing her body to others. She lived to be the center of attention.

Mom started by showing them her ass in those tight pants. We all were enjoying the show. Mom even brushed up against the guy pushing the cart. She rubbed her tits against him making it like she was reaching across him.

Mom had this game down to a science. Everything seemed accidental but it was not. We went to the frozen foods mom got stuff out of the cooler. Her huge nipples grew hard instantly.

The man with the cart had them right in his face. A woman yelled now I see where you went. She smacked his arm telling him she been looking for him.

That woman looked to my mother as she said, “You fucking slut,” before dragging him away.

“Fuck you and the broom you rode in on,” mom said smiling at her.

I knew what that was from school. In a way that term fit my mother rather well. Except she gave the name slut some class. We walked away with just one man behind us.

That man was in his fifties or more. I had noticed he was sporting a boner in his pants. My mother went down an aisle and turned toward him. She smiled and winked at him as she squatted down in front of him.

Mom made it like she was getting something out of the bottom of her cart. The man lost it when she parted her legs giving him a clear view of her pussy in those tight pants. He just stared as his mouth slowly opened.

I moved so I could see what he saw. I looked and not only could you see her pussy. Her light grey pants were dark at her crotch. I thought she had peed her pants.

I went back to mom and told her I think she had peed her pants. Mom rubbed my face as she told me no silly she was just wet and horny. Mom winked at that man as I think he had heard her too.

On our way home I asked mom why she left others to look when she didn’t owe them a reward. Mom told me she needed that attention, that she wanted and craved their attention. God gave her this body to share with others.

“Besides it gets me wet and horny,” mom said laughing.

I didn't know what that meant. We returned home and as we were putting stuff away Elaine came walking in, she was family so she just always walked in without knocking.

“Be a dear John go get her bags,” my mom said to me.

I went to her car and saw three bags in the back seat. Damn woman, you were only spending the night I thought. When I came back inside. Elaine told me she would take that one and put the other two in my bedroom.

I started to question her why my bedroom. My mother told me no questions just do as Elaine asked. I thought why did I have to sleep in a guest room while Elaine slept in mine.

Mom and Elaine went to my parent's room with that other bag. I walked into the hallway to hear what they were saying. Those new toys are in here Elaine told my mother.

“Are you ready for tonight?” Mom asked her.

“Been wet and horny all day waiting,” Elaine replied laughing.

My father came home from work and he cooked us all steaks outside. Over dinner, Elaine sat next to me. She kept rubbing my leg. I couldn’t stand up as I had a raging boner.

Elaine told my parents to get ready for their party. That her and I would do dishes. As we did Elaine asked me tons of questions. One was if I had a girlfriend yet at school.

“Not really I am a little shy around them,” I said.

“Don’t be shy we won’t bite, unless you want me to,” Elaine said as she lightly bit my earlobe.

For some reason that set a strange sensation through my body. It also made my cock throbbing hard. When finished Elaine took my hand and led me out of the house. She told me she needed to walk that meal off.

As we walked Elaine told me she was here to babysit me. I told her I was too old to need a babysitter. Elaine laughed telling me she knew that but my mother didn’t.

“Your mother asked me to watch you during their party, they didn’t want you walking into anything that they would have to explain,” Elaine said smiling.

I started to ask her just what it was I might see that they would have to explain. Elaine stopped me not with her finger on my lips but her lips on mine.

She kissed me deeply slipping her tongue into my mouth. I kissed her back with passion and tongue. Elaine broke our kiss fanning her face. She told me no more questions for now.

We returned to the house. My father was in the living room. We joined him in watching TV. He informed me that the basement and the outside areas were off-limits to me tonight.

“Don’t worry Kenny, I will keep him busy tonight,” Elaine said smiling at him.

My father left and my mother came walking into the room. Mom was dressed as sexy as I had ever seen up to that point in my life. Elaine told her she looked lovely. I was too busy checking her out.

Mom was dressed in a tight low cut mini skirt. Her lovely legs were encased in nylons that attached at her thighs to the new garter belt she had brought at the store. She had on high heels which made her as tall as Elaine. Her boobs were showing in her low cut top as well. My cock throbbed looking at her.

Mom smiled holding up that ankle bracelet. She went to the chair and asked me to help. I went to her and placed it around her ankle. When it was hooked up mom parted her legs giving me a full shot of her blonde hairy pussy.

“Now you be good for Elaine and listen to what she tells you to do,” mom said to me smiling.

When mom left the room I asked Elaine why my mother was dressed like she was. Elaine took my hand sitting us down on the sofa. He told me my mother was dressed to entertain her guests.

“Why does she have to be dressed like that?” I asked.

Elaine asked me if I knew what swinging was. I shook my head no. She explained that term to me. I was shocked at first that my parents were having sex with others. No wonder I was never allowed to be part of those parties.

“Don’t you want to be part of that party?” I asked Elaine.

“No, I thought we would have a party too,” Elaine said as her hand ran on my thigh.

Her hand moved from my thigh to my dick. She rubbed and squeezed at it as her lips went to mine. Elaine kissed me and we swapped tongues.

“I can’t wait,” Elaine said unzipping my pants.

Elaine unzipped my pants freeing my boner. She smiled telling me my mother was right it was bigger than my father’s. I tensed up a bit when she told me that.

“Relax John just sit back and enjoy,” Elaine said smiling.

Elaine gave me my first blow job from a girl. It didn’t last too long only a few minutes. I had told her I was going to cum. She just kept sucking letting me fill her mouth with my cum.

“You taste delicious,” Elaine said kissing me again.

I tasted my cum in her mouth. Elaine asked me if I had enjoyed that. I told her very much. She told me she thought I would, that I was bisexual, not gay.

“What is bisexual?” I asked.

Elaine explained it to me. I asked her if my father was bisexual. She laughed telling me no. But he kissed my mother after she sucks his cock. Elaine laughed telling me I had a lot to learn. That she was here to teach me.

“Why?” I asked.

“Your reward from your mother,” Elaine said smiling.

She explained she knew all about the games my mother and I have been playing. Along with the rewards she gave me for being a good boy. She explained while my mother didn’t think showing me her body was wrong. However, having sex with me would be. That it was incest and she wasn’t going that far.

You can look and maybe touch but you can never have sex or try to or your mother will end the game she told me. She was here to teach me the joys of sex with a girl and to teach me how to give pleasure to a girl as well.

“Any questions?” Elaine asked smiling.

I was at a loss for words. I had many but just shook my head no. Elaine told me good and it was time for my first lesson. She told me I was never to force myself upon a girl. That if one told me no I was to stop no matter what. That I should let the girl take the led much as Patty had with me early in my life.

My mother had told her about that. I asked if she knew about my cousin. She told me she did and while she didn’t see anything wrong with it as I was just experimenting. Besides if that not had happened she won’t be here tonight.

Elaine took my hand and led me to the bedroom. My new boner sticking from my pants as she did. Once inside she got dressed in fancy and sexy clothing. She even had me help her dress.

She showed me those spots I should lick and kiss to drive a girl crazy. I had my first fuck with a girl that night as well. Many fucks as Elaine had told me with being young I could go all night.

Elaine even changed outfits during the night. She allowed me to watch her pee as well. As to rubbing butt we didn’t as I had learned new games instead. Oh, I even butt fucked her which Elaine told me was her favorite.

I learned what wet and horny truly was as well. I found out pussy tastes great and so did the fluid it squirted. Oh, and the smell of sex drove us both wild as Elaine told me she loved that smell.

She showed me how to eat her asshole out till she was begging me to fuck her asshole. We had sex all night long and well into the morning. I fall asleep with her in my arms.

I awoke the next day with my slimy cock stuck to my leg. I thought it was all a dream at first. Until I saw all those outfits laying around. I smelled of sex but it wasn’t a pleasant smell not like what I smelled last night.

I showered then got dressed. I went to our kitchen island. My mother was dressed normally and having coffee. I kissed her cheek and told her thanks for my reward. Mom asked me if I had enjoyed myself. I told her I had and asked her where Elaine was?

“She is giving your father his reward,” mom said smiling.

I got that look on my face. I was jealous of Elaine doing him. After only one night of fun, I was in love with her. My mom saw that look.

Mom explained the difference between love, sex and just having fun. That being jealous had no place in swinging. While I would not be allowed to join their parties Elaine would keep me company during them.

“What about us?” I asked.

Mom told me as long as I was a good boy our fun would continue but no intercourse. Maybe oral she told me smiling. Mom told me she understood I was good at that from Elaine.

Mom explained no one was ever to know of what we did or what I did with Elaine. Oh, your father knows nothing of our fun together, let's keep it that way.

That started weeks of fun. Elaine stayed with us most of the time. I played games with both her and mom throughout the day. I would chase them through the woods. I got rewarded for catching them. Mom told me it was training for football.

They both also taught me about girls. How to act and how to treat them. We role-played with them being girls. They taught me not to be easy and how to be polite to the opposite sex. I had sex nightly with Elaine. My cum would be running down her thighs by the time we finished.

The fun ended when I had to return to school. I was a freshman and was trying out for football. I had practice early in the morning and after school. That started before school did. Mom always drove and picked me up from practice.

My teammates told me my mom was an MILF. I already knew she was, my coaches were always talking to her and checking her out when she picked me up. Mom loved their attention as well.

I didn’t think as a freshman I would even make the team. I was shocked when my coach told me not only had I made the team but I would be his starting running back and kick returner.

Not many freshmen had ever started for the varsity football team. My mother and father were proud of me. My mother rewarded me in her way without my father knowing. While my father shook my hand telling me he was proud of me.

Elaine even rewarded me by fucking my brains out. She even had me eat my cum from her pussy which I enjoyed. I was in heaven. I didn’t think my life could get any better. However, it was going to.

When school started I was popular with everyone. Girls were always talking and touching my arms. While I liked that I didn’t need them as I was having fun with my mother through the week and Elaine on weekends.

I accepted my mother being a slut. We even made bets going to the store on how fast she could give a guy a boner. I accepted my parents being swingers. While we never talked about it that much. They were happy and so was I.

5 games into the season we were 3 and 2. We were good but a young team with a lot to learn. I was one of our star players. We were getting ready to play our cross-town rivals. It was going to be a homecoming as well.

Mom had been training me daily since the beginning she stopped when I was catching her quickly and all the time. Mom also stopped most of our fun. She told me it was too hard as she was too tempted to fuck me. She told me Elaine would handle that. She still showed me her body and teased me as she had others.

On that Friday morning, I was standing by my locker. Girls were standing around me wishing me luck with tonight’s game. I was up for homecoming king as well.

They left leaving me alone. I was getting my books from my locker when I heard a voice. It was one I knew well.

“Care to rub butts?” that voice asked.

Sorry, this part was a little long. Love to hear your comments.


2021-08-27 07:59:16
Great chapter you are a excellent story teller.


2021-07-09 09:03:30
Looking forward to reading the next part of the story.

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