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Its 18 hundred and something in the USA Miss Jenkins is a widow and a racist, she figured she was irresistible to black guys, the rest is history. Writ in 19th century language
This story is based on the language and customs of the mid 19th Century in the USA.

Widder Jenkins.

Jarvis wasn’t doin nothin. He was just riding into town from the East when Sheriff Wade spotted him.

“Hey you!” Wade shouted, “Come here boy.”

Jarvis didn’t like being called “Boy”, it was better than bein called a nigga but not a heap. He reined his horse in.

“What?” Jarvis asked.

“You come here, you rode past the Widder Johnsons place?” Wade enquired.

“How in the hell should I know?” he asked.

“There's a fifty foot windmill and a sign saying Goldern Herd Catle Ranch,” Wade explained, “ceptin it aint spelled too good.”

“Sure,” Jarvis admitted.

“Then your under arrest boy,” Wade explained.

“What in the hell for?” Jarvis demanded.

“Bein a nigga mainly,” Wade said sadly, “But for your own protection really, anyway its a free supper and a free bed for the night.”

“What you mean own protection?” Jarvis asked.

“Last nigga we had got his self lynched,” Wade explained, “Raped widder Johnson, three times or so she said, damn lucky to escape alive.”

“I never raped no one.” Jarvis protested.

“Neither did the other guy,” Wade added, “Much to widder Johnson’s disappointment, anyways she’s more like than not to make out she bin raped so come round the jail house. You’ll be safe there.”

Jarvis saw the sense of a free meal and a bed for the night and as he weren’t in no mood for a shoot out and his horse was about done in he did as he was bid.

Wade filled in some paper work, “Name?”


“First name,”


Wade gave up, last nigga was called Umozulu or some such and he didn’t have a single clue as to how to spell that.

They put the horses in the jail house stables and he and the sheriff had a meal of beans and right about nine thirty widder Johnson was beating on the door.

“Sheriff I bin raped again, big buck black guy hung like a donkey done fucked me every which way.” she shouted.

Wade motioned Jarvis to keep quiet.

“When was this,” he asked as he went to let her in.

“Why a half hour since, just after I finished up the milking.” she declared.

“Big buck nigga on a brown stallion?” Wade enquired.

“Yeah, sure!” Widder Johnson agreed.

”This him?” Wade asked as he showed the widder in, “I already arrested him"

“That’s him!” she cried delightedly.

“I arrested him before supper, why he’s been here for nigh on two hours.” Wade continued.

“Oh!” says the Widder.

Wade continued, “Thing is Miss Johnson, you never been raped, you just dream some big buck nigga come and fucked you every which way and when one passes by and don’t do it you gets uppity and makes out he fucked you.”

“I never been so insulted!” the widder gasped, “I been fucked I tell yer!”

“Yeah whatever,” Wade agreed, “You boy, you guard her, shoot her if you have to, I’m off to get the Doc.” Suddenly it made sense to Jarvis why the sheriff hadn’t even tried to take his guns off of him.

Wade headed off. Jarvis watched Widder Jenkins. She had nice big tits, shame about the big fat belly. shame about her face as well, still she had all her own teeth which was always good.

“Don’t you get no big ideas Nigga,” the Widder nagged.

“I ain’t got no ideas at all mam,” he insisted.

Doc Norris was in the saloon as usual. Propping up the bar. Wade jammed a chair against the bar, “It’s ok you can let go now,” Wade joked.

“Very funny,” Doc agreed and he wobbled drunkenly.

“Got a job for you,” he explained, “Widder Jenkins reckons she been raped.”

“Not again,” Norris sighed, “I guess the nigga been beat up pretty good.”

“Nope, I need you to check iffen she been spunked,” Wade explained.

“Okey dokey, looking at cunts again, Jeez,” he replied, “Give me a nice clean gun shot any day.”

Wade spotted Marleen Davey the saloon waitress who did some whoring on the side, he figured the Widder should have a chaperone and Marleen would fit the bill real nice.

“You, your coming down the jail house,” he says all officious like.

“Five dollars,” she said.

“Two and a half, I only got a half size cock remember,” Wade countered, “Anyways I only want a witness.”

“I ain’t watchin you goof off,” Marleen replied, “Not for two and a half dollars anyways.”

“No to watch while Doc does an examination of Widder Jenkins cuntal areas,” Wade explained.

“Better make it ten,” Marleen replied.

“Or I could just arrest you for whorin’” Wade suggested, “Have a night in the cells.”

“On my own? Sounds good to me.” she replied, “I could use the rest.”

Jarvis was still guarding Widder Jenkins when the sheriff, the doc and Marleen walked in.

“Right then Widder,” Wade explained, “Docs goin’ to have a look see and see if you actually been spunked.”

“I pushed him off long before that,” the Widder replied.

“See if you been fucked then,” Wade added, “Now get your knickers down and lets have a look.”

Wade heard a rustling behind him, “Not you Marleen.” It was too late her french knickers were already off as her eyes greedliy roamed over the nigga’s fit body..

Jarvis stared as Marleen pushed a few fingers into her shaved cunt, his sap was rising and his pole threatened to bust right out of his Levis.

Widder Jenkins eyes were like saucers as she stared at Jarvis’ straining pole, she eyeballed him as half in a daze she slid off her underpants. She sat on the jail house table with her legs wide apart so Jarvis could see everything. Doc had a look see.

“She aint been spunked? Why she ain’t had it in so long her cunt near healed over,” He observed.

“So she ain’t been spunked?” Wade enquired.

“Spunked, no way, she ain’t been fucked neither,” Doc explained, “What you need is some little guy like the Sheriff with a half size cock to loose you up a piece so you can fuck yourself with a chair leg.”

“Oh thanks a bunch,” Wade sighed.

Marleen piped up “Better than some big buck nigga with a cock bashing the hell out your insides.”

“Oh,” Jarvis exclaimed, “I thought you ladies liked a big cock?”

“Yeah but there’s nice big and these’s painful big” Marleen replied.

“Yeah right but back to Mr Jarvis and Widder Johnson,” Wade insisted.

“I never fucked her,” Jarvis insisted.

“But you’d like to?” Wade suggested.

“No way” Jarvis replied, “Even if you paid me.”

The widder was real upset.

“Ok maybe if the lights was off and you paid me ten dollars?” Jarvis suggested.

“Turn the lights down Doc, anyone got ten dollars?” Wade countered, No one volunteered so he took a ten dollar bill from a big roll in his office desk. Marleen’s eyes was out on stalks as she saw the cash.

“Ten Dollars?” he said handing a bill to Jarvis, ”And another if you makes her cum!”

Jarvis thought it over, he could get his boots mended and have a good feed for ten dollars, maybe get drunk on ten more.

“Well I could sure use the money,” he agreed, and his cock was straining as he looked at Marleens soft face and her hard nipples pushing at her shirt and then to the Widders tight cunt, where the faintest sign of moisteness seeped out.

The widder gulped. Wade shook his head,no way was that huge cock fitting down that tiny cunt, why it was like trying to get a horse in a dog house.

“You better do your stuff Marleen,” Wade suggested.

“What stuff, he’s hard as a fence nail already,” she replied.

“Like you does when you helps out those other widders,” he suggested, “Eases the passage.”

“Why can’t he do it?” she asked.

“Cos he might cm all over my shiny floor, and two I’m payin’ you not him.” Wade explained, “And hang you dress up we don’t want it gettin dirty.”

Marleem saw the sense in that and she hauled her dress over her head in a single practised motion and hung it on a handy nail. The whole thing came off together underskirt as well to make it quicker to get off and on again which was handy for a girl involved in whorin’.

Marleen had forgot she already had her knickers off so apart from her stockings and corset she were about buck naked.

Poor old Jarvis his cock were straining fit to bust. All little veins stood out along it and pre spunk oozed out the tip and onto the floor.

“Don’t go getting ideas,” Marleem warned.

Wade warned her “If you ain’t got the widder’s cunt opened as wide as a bottle of bourbon inside three minutes I’ll hold you down while he fucks your ass.”

Jarvis smiled, he tried to hold on a bit longer before he spunked.

Marleen gently rubbed along the widders cunt slid hunting for her spot. It weren’t easy under all the folds of skin but soon the widder yelped like a hound dog stung by a rattlesnake.

Marleen quickly eased a finger of her other hand into the widders cunt hole. it was tight, she changed to her thumb, eased it around a piece then slipped it out and tried two fingers. Pretty soon three figers fitted in then four, then after she eased them around a piece she managed to get her thumb joint in as well. Next she flexed her hand and started fist fucking the widder.

“You ready to take over?” she asked Jarvis.

“I’d rather fuck your ass!” Jarvis replied.

“In your dreams,” Marleen replied, “I’ll count three and we swap ok?”

“Right,” Jarvis agreed.

“One two three,” Marleen stepped back, “Damn where’s my bracelet?” she asked looking at her bare wrist.

Jarvis stood staring at the widders now gaping cunt. The widder was desperately friggin’ her self.

“Get on with it,” Wade ordered and he kicked Jarvis up the ass.

Jarvis stumbled but a grateful widder grabbed him by the cock and guided him in where she needed him.

Jarvis slid in ball deep like a python going to ground. He liked it. Better than some skinny girl with a tight cunt or ass and three inches of his cock stuck out uselessly as he banged the top of her cunt.

“Damn that feels good.” he sighed.

“Oh fuck that feels so fine,” the widder moaned.

“Damn I’m horny now,” Marleen announced, “Which one of you wants to?”

Doc was slumped against the wall and Wade had his jacket and pants down so it were pretty obvious who was ready to fuck. Trouble is there weren’t nowhere to lie down so Marleen just stood against the door frame and raised one leg so Wade could get at her.

There weren’t no messing. His cock slid right up her greased hole like a rat up a drainpipe, his balls slapped against her crotch as he pounded against her. He was out of breath, straining not to cum.

“I best pull out, train’s due,” he said apologetically.

“No you damn well don’t my fire needs quenching,” Marleen sighed, “Quenching with a barrel of lovely spunk.”

Jarvis struggled by couldn’t hold back, “Sorry,” he said, “Floods a comin.” and he shot his bolt.

It was really nice, Marleen figured. Usually she made her “Gentlemen” pull out and spunk in a vase so she didn’t get caught but the thought of all Wade’s cash changed that. She wanted that cash and if Sheriff Wade and letting him spunk her was part of the deal so be it, hell if she had a kid and stretched her down there maybe she could take a full size cock like Jarvis’s without hurting like hell.

“That was real fine, thank you kindly,” Wade said appreciatively.

“You spunked me, guess you have to marry me now,” Marleen joked.

Wade smiled “Hell I’m old enough to be your pappy, fact is come to think of it I got real friendly with your mamma before you was born.”

“Always thought you two looked alike,” Doc said drunkenly.

“So how about it?” Marleen asked.

“No, not now,” Wade replied, “But using the powers invested in me by the state of West Dakota I pronounce you widder Jenkins and you Jarvis Jarvis man and wife, no need to kiss the bride you already fucked her.”

Jarvis looked shocked, “You can’t do that!” he protested.

“Sure can,” Sheriff Wade laughed, “Look on the bright side, she can’t complain you raped her can she?” Jarvis looked horrified. “And she’s a mighty fine cook.” Wade continued, “And the next town West is Trumpsville where there’s a sign, ‘If he ain’t white shoot on site.”

Jarvis weren’t impressed.

“Anyway I got witnesses so you’s wed and that’s it.” Wade laughed.

“I never saw nothin’ “ Marleen muttered truculently. “Less you promise to wed me.”

“Ok I give in,” Sheriff Wade agreed. “I’ll marry you.”

Marleen fainted.

Well you weren’t expectin’ a happy ending were you?
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