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J. J. goes for a ride; How many married chicks can Aaron bang in one week?
Monday, July 11. Aaron holds his hand down firmly on the back of Jo Anne’s head as she deepthroats him. The stud is getting his weekly Monday blow job from the bare boobed MILF and he can tell that he’s working up a big load. As he nears ejaculation, he looks forward to splattering his ball snot all over her face and boobs. It would be even better if she swallowed! he thinks to himself…You know, if I wanted to be an asshole, I could just hold her head down on my dick and shoot my load right down her throat, he muses. He’s strongly tempted, but he can’t bring himself to do it; as he feels the twinges in his balls growing in intensity, he announces “I’m gonna cum!” and lifts his hand from the back of the MILF’s head…

“Come on, baby! Come On! Give me that love!” Kerri shouts as she rides cowgirl on J.J. that evening. The stud is seated on the old, beat-up, overstuffed sofa in the hippie’s living room as she bounces up and down on his dick. “Now I’m really going to give it to you! Hold on!” he murmurs breathlessly in the hippie’s ear, and gripping his partner’s hips tightly, he pushes himself up from the sofa, keeping her impaled on his rigid dick. Getting to his feet, the stud bounces the hippie up and down on his tool as she shrieks loudly with delight. With her arms wrapped around the stud, the hippie is thrilled by her utter feeling of helplessness; suspended in mid-air, with her sexy little feet bouncing and bobbing up and down, her entire body is jolted by the stud’s jackhammer-like pelvic thrusts. “I’m there, baby! I’m there!” she screams as she’s slammed into one orgasm after another. “You little dick puppet…you little fuck toy…” the stud grunts, forcefully thrusting upwards, smashing himself into her again and again. “Oh yeah, baby! I’m your little fuck toy!” the hippie shouts gleefully. In a powerful display of endurance, the teen continues to bounce his loudly vocal dick puppet up and down on his tool, bearing all of her body weight on his rigid fuck stick. Sweating, grunting, gritting his teeth, he feels his legs beginning to wobble, but with amazing determination, he continues his thrusting until finally he starts to feel the first twinges deep in his balls. Urgently, with his dick still lodged inside her, the stud lays the triumphantly whooping hippie down on the sofa again and slams his last few frenzied thrusts into her in mish position. With a deep groan, he feels his balls explode, propelling a massive, slimy load of his nut scum deep into her pussy...

After a brief rest, J.J. and Kerri take the action into the hippie’s bedroom, where the stud will spend the rest of that night hammering his little fuck toy into one orgasm after another. Pounding the hippie both doggy style and mish, he will deposit a total of 8 loads into her funky little love box tonight…

Tuesday, July 12. J.J. pulls into the parking lot behind the old office building on Third Street in the City. He doublechecks the address that Aaron gave him; yeah, this is definitely it, he assures himself. Sitting behind the wheel of his old, beat up compact car, he taps out a text message to the phone number that Aaron has also provided him with, telling the recipient that he is in the parking lot at the back of the building; almost instantly, he receives a response that his contact will meet him at the back door in just a minute. J.J. gets out of his car, walks to the back door of the building and stands there, waiting for his contact to open the security door for him. He doesn’t have long to wait; a buzzer sounds loudly, releasing the door’s security lock and J.J. pulls it open and steps inside. There, waiting for him, is his contact. With her long, curly, dirty blonde hair and glasses, she is wearing a summery beige floral print dress and matching beige stiletto pumps. She’s slightly taller than J.J. in her stilettos and this is actually a turn-on for the stud; he digs older chicks in high heels! Judy smiles as she greets him. “You must be J.J.!” she says, recognizing him from the picture that Aaron had shown her on his phone, although she would have recognized him anyway. “You look so much like Aaron!” she exclaims. “Yeah, everybody tells us that,” the stud responds. She’s not the hottest chick he’s ever banged, but he wasn’t expecting her to be, J.J. reflects to himself as Judy leads him down the long, deserted hall to the elevator. Experienced young stud that he is, he can tell that she’s a woman who has no sexual boundaries and that she won’t have any hesitation or qualms about going through with the crazy plan that Aaron has come up with. She does have a hot body, the stud notes approvingly, keeping his eye on the MILF’s ass as she walks ahead of him; even at 39, she still puts an enticing, sexually energetic wiggle into her walk. They reach the end of the corridor, Judy pushes the button and the elevator opens. J.J.’s dick is already rock hard in anticipation of what he knows is waiting for him. Stud and MILF step inside and the elevator door closes…

What am I thinking? What’s wrong with me?!? Alisa, an attractive 5’5, 32 year old with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, asks herself in total bewilderment as she chats with Aaron in her living room. The bare chested, sweaty stud has just finished her lawn and as she makes small talk with him, she can’t deny the thoughts that are racing through her mind. Yeah, sure, I always thought he was cute, but in a very innocent sort of way, she reminds herself. Now, over the past month that Aaron’s been landscaping for her, her thoughts are no longer innocent. Just home from work, Alisa is dressed professionally in a dark blue skirted business suit and black stiletto pumps. She finds herself becoming more and more aroused by everything about the stud; his backwards baseball cap, dark hair and striking blue eyes, the flash of his braces as he smiles his winning, boyish smile, his sweaty bare chest, his well developed biceps…the obvious and prominent bulge in his jean shorts. Alisa is a sensible, responsible businesswoman, so nothing she’s feeling makes any sense to her, but she can’t control what’s happening; it’s getting very wet down there, she thinks to herself in bewilderment. Bewilderment soon gives way to excitement and anticipation as she begins to surrender herself to her desires; drinking the handsome young stud in with her eyes, she begins slipping her foot in and out of her shoe…

J.J. is confused. The elevator ride up to Judy’s office on the 7th floor had been completely uneventful, which is not what he had expected at all. Now, starting with the reception area, the MILF walks him through her office, taking him on a tour. “This is the billing department,” Judy announces. As they walk past the rows of cubicles, with their employees hunched over their computer monitors, J.J. notes with approval that most of them are hot chicks; for their part, deeply engrossed in their work, none of Judy’s office staff give the pair more than a glance as they proceed on their way. The stud still has his boner; he’s had it ever since he met the MILF downstairs, but he’s wondering when he’s going to be able to unleash it on her. They now enter a large, open space busy with workers, mostly male, manhandling crates and boxes. Like the girls in the billing department, they go about their work, hardly noticing their manager and her teenage companion. “And this is the shipping department,” Judy informs a still mystified J.J. What is up with this? he thinks to himself, beginning to think that Aaron is playing a practical joke on him. Wait until I get ahold of him! Busting my balls like this! he thinks, his frustration mounting. They walk to the far end of the shipping department and Judy presses a button on the back wall. “And when we ship anything out, it goes down to the loading dock in our freight elevator,” she explains. With a loud buzz echoing in their ears, the big, antiquated doors of the freight elevator grind themselves open, revealing a grid like metal gate. Judy pulls the rickety gate open and steps inside, inviting J.J. to join her. She closes the gate, hits the button for the first floor and the big doors to the elevator shaft close behind them. The freight elevator begins its loud, creaking, jolting descent as J.J. starts on his second elevator ride of the day…

“You’re so big!” Alisa gasps in amazement, looking up at Aaron as he thrusts deeply into her. The sweating stud merely grunts in reply as he slams his hips forward yet again. Her feet pointed at the ceiling, Alisa is thoroughly enjoying the sex; she’s already had two orgasms, but everything has happened so fast! How did this happen? How did I end up in bed with a 15 year old guy? she asks herself in bewilderment. I was talking to him one minute and then I had his dick in my mouth the next! Now, almost in a panic, she realizes the potential consequences of jumping so recklessly into bed with the teenage stud. “Come on! You better shoot your load before my husband gets home!” she urgently demands. Complying with his partner’s wishes, Aaron accelerates the force and tempo of his pelvic thrusts, slamming Alisa into another orgasm, until finally, with a gasp, he blasts a slimy, high velocity load of his genetic sludge deep into her pussy…

“This building was built in 1922 and the freight elevator is as old as it is; it’s never been modernized,” Judy explains to a now bewildered J.J. “Oh, wow!…that’s interesting…” the teen replies in an unconvincing tone. I gotta hand it to Aaron; he busted me good! J.J. thinks to himself. He talked me into driving all the way down here to meet her, she gets me all horned up and then all she does is give me is a tour of the building! As the elevator slowly clanks its way down the shaft, J.J. still finds himself aroused just being in such close proximity to the MILF; she blatantly exudes sexual energy and J.J. remembers all of the stories that Aaron told him about his encounters with her. Too bad I’m not going to get to score with her! he thinks in frustration. “One of the weird things about this elevator is, it doesn’t stop until it reaches the loading dock on the ground floor,” Judy continues, just as they pass the 4th floor. “Oh…wow…really…?” J.J. replies, not even trying to conceal his boredom anymore. “Yeah, if it stops for any reason on any other floor the alarm sounds through the entire building. It’s so loud! It’s just awful! The only way to stop the elevator without setting off the alarm is with a special key…and as an office manager, I just happen to have one!” she announces, holding up an ancient looking key in her hand. She inserts the key into a lock on the elevator’s control panel and gives it a half turn. The elevator shudders to a stop halfway between the 3rd and 4th floors. Judy now turns to face the stud. “I remember this one time, I had to go down to the loading dock with one of the delivery guys and we stopped the elevator right about here…” she now tells him, peering at him over the top of her glasses with lustful eyes and then taking a step closer to him. J.J. can feel all the blood instantly surging to his dick; it’s now obvious what Aaron and the MILF have planned for him…

“You’d better get going! I’ll see you next week!” Alisa says to Aaron as she hustles him out the back door of her house. Barefoot and wrapped in a sheet, the unfaithful wife is basking in the afterglow of sex, but she nevertheless knows that she was cutting things terrifyingly close; no sooner has Aaron disappeared from view on his bicycle than she scampers back to the bedroom and sprays some air freshener to dissipate the smell of sex and sweat hanging in the room. Just then her husband’s car pulls into the driveway...

For the second time in less than 24 hours, J.J. finds himself having sex standing up as he thrusts upward into Judy’s pussy. The teen and the MILF are clinched together in the freight elevator, with Judy, her dress hiked up, balancing herself precariously on one of her stiletto pumps, while holding up her other leg, bent at the knee. Supporting Judy’s upraised leg with one hand, while she holds him clasped tightly in her arms, the stud grunts viscerally, working up an intense sweat in the airless, claustrophobic environment of the ancient freight elevator. “Aaron told me that you were big!” Judy gasps lustfully in his ear. J.J. lets out a visceral, animal like grunt in reply and losing himself in a lustful frenzy, he passionately works the MILF’s neck with his mouth as he continues to tool her pussy; Judy throws her head back and lets out a moan as she reaches climax. Like his cousin, J.J. succumbs to the sexual magnetism of the MILF; she’s no great beauty but her sheer slutiness and raw carnal energy unleash the animal in the stud and he thrusts into her with an almost savage fury. “Oh my god!” she moans breathlessly in his ear as he slams her into a second orgasm. The MILF wants to scream in ecstasy, but knows that the whole building will hear her; instead, clutching her teen lover even more tightly in her arms, she throws her head back and lets out a series of loud, gasping moans as J.J. continues to hammer her with his forceful upward thrusts. Unlike yesterday with Kerri, J.J. knows that he has to cum standing up; there’s really no place to lay his partner down, except on the floor of the elevator, but fortunately, he’s not bearing all of Judy’s weight on the end of his dick, as he did with the hippie. He feels her shudder in his arms for a third time as she lets out another deep orgasmic moan and just then, his balls begin to spasm forcefully, blasting his nut scum deep into the MILF’s love slot…

Judy sits back down at her desk after having seen J.J. out of the building; she lets out an uncharacteristic little giggle as she remembers the stares from the guys on the loading dock when she and her stud emerged from the freight elevator. He was good! Way better than that delivery guy! she thinks to herself. Opening her desk drawer, she pulls out her thong panties which she had removed before going downstairs to meet the stud; I’d better go to the ladies’ room and put these back on! she thinks. Before getting up from her chair, she takes out a small mirror to quickly check her makeup. Intending to take only a quick glance, she does a doubletake; “…That little rat…!” she murmurs softly, gazing at herself in the mirror. She reaches for her phone…

J.J. is driving home when his phone, lying on the passenger seat next to him, pings loudly with an incoming text message. He instinctively starts to reach for it, but then he remembers his mom admonishing him that very morning to always keep his eyes on the road when he’s driving. A straight arrow kid, with the exception of his hyperactive sex life, the stud heeds the maternal advice that he’s been given, and refrains from checking his phone until he has to stop at a traffic light. He now reaches over and checks his message. “Thanks for the hickey!” reads the text from Judy with an attached selfie showing the massive black and blue mark on the lower left side of her neck. The stud chuckles to himself with satisfaction. Wow! That’s a big one I gave her! he thinks proudly…

The hippie wraps her arms and legs tightly around a grunting Aaron as he thrusts deeply into her wet, funky little love box. The two are in the living room, fucking on the hippie’s well used sofa, Aaron’s face almost touching hers as he tools her deep. The two had hoped to copulate in more comfortable circumstances in the living room with its open windows, rather than the hippie’s windowless bedroom alcove, but on this still midsummer night, with no breezes blowing, they find little relief. Aaron’s sweat soaks into the fabric of the sofa as he bathes both the hippie and himself in his own perspiration. The fucking on the narrow sofa is intense; “Give me your love, baby! Give it to me!” Kerri encourages him, looking up into his eyes, until finally, his dick explodes deep inside her. After Aaron ejaculates, they move to the bedroom; it’s just as much of a sweatbox as the living room but at least they have more room for fucking on the hippie’s oversized bed. Just like J.J. last night, tonight it’s Aaron’s turn to satisfy the hippie’s voracious appetite for teenage dick; by the end of the night, he’s blasted 6 loads into her…

Wednesday, July 13. “Dude, thanks again for hooking me up yesterday! She was a wild fuck!” J.J. expresses his appreciation to his younger cousin as they walk to the convenience store that afternoon. “I’m glad you got to fuck her, dude!” Aaron replies. “You should spend a whole night fucking her…she’ll empty your balls! I’ll try to hook you up again!” “Twenty chicks, dude! I’m only 16 and I’ve fucked 20 chicks!” J.J. announces proudly. “Way to go, dude!” Aaron congratulates him as the two studs exchange a fist bump. “That Alisa chick from yesterday makes 14 for me!” “You’re starting to catch up to me, dude! Keep taking down that married pussy!” J.J. replies, proud of his younger cousin…

“Holy shit!” Aaron groans as his love worm is engulfed in Destiny’s mouth. “You gonna cum, dude?” J.J. asks, as the 17 year old slut turns her attention to his pecker. “I’m getting close, dude! Real close!” Aaron replies. The two studs have been getting their weekly blow job from the hot little convenience store clerk, and she has been going about her task with practiced proficiency, keeping a hand on each set of balls, while bobbing her head up and down first on one fuck stick and then on the other. She’s just about to switch back to Aaron’s pecker again, when suddenly, the front door chime sounds. A customer has just entered the store! “Oh no! I forgot to lock the door!” she exclaims. She jumps to her feet and hurries out of the storeroom. “I’ll be right back, guys!” she calls out over her shoulder. “Shit! No fucking way! I was right there!” Aaron exclaims. “Dude, I know! I was real close, too!” J.J. replies. They can hear the soft murmur of voices from the front of the store as Destiny interacts with her customer. Both boys are standing there, their peckers throbbing, pulsating and oozing precum; the pressure in their balls from unreleased load becoming more and more uncomfortable by the second. Suddenly, they can hear the front door chime again, followed almost immediately by another chime, as the sound of multiple voices now drifts back to their ears. “Shit!” Aaron exclaims in loud frustration. “We’d better just whack ourselves off!” “No, dude. That wouldn’t be fair to Destiny. We’re going to wait for her,” J.J. replies. “Not fair to her? Dude, I’m dying here!” Aaron replies incredulously, now in agony from his aching balls. “Dude, I’m hurting, too! But she worked hard to get our loads. We can’t disappoint her like that,” J.J. replies magnanimously. They can hear Destiny’s voice as she converses with the customers, enjoying herself as they suffer in the back of the store. “Shit!” Aaron exclaims again, reaching for his pecker. “Dude, keep your hands away from your dick!” J.J. orders him. “Dude, I gotta stay hard!” Aaron replies. “Don’t worry dude, you’ll stay hard. You can hold it, but no stroking,” J.J. advises him. Gradually, the murmur of conversation dies down in the front of the store, until finally, to their relief, the two tortured studs hear the unhurried whap of Destiny’s flip flops as she walks back to the storeroom. She pauses in the doorway. “Guys, I’m really sorry about that!” she tells her two studs. “Destiny, can you get us off, please?” J.J. pleads with her. “Yeah, please!” Aaron echoes in a tormented voice. “Oh! Did you guys wait for me?” the slow witted slut now exclaims in genuine surprise. “You could have just jerked off. I would have cleaned everything up!” “Yeah, somebody suggested that!” Aaron replies, giving his cousin a malevolent look. “You guys must really be hurting!” Destiny now says, dropping to her knees in front of them again to finish what she had started. Soon, both boys are groaning with relief as their aching balls finally explode, spewing pent up genetic sludge everywhere. Because of J.J.’s thoughtfulness, Destiny doesn’t have a lot to clean up; most of the sperm that would have been splattered all over the storage room ends up swimming in her belly…

“It’s, like, so groovy the way you and Aaron always go down on me! You guys must really, like, dig that scene!” Kerri happily says to J.J. as he thrusts deeply into her after an extended session of pussy eating. “Yeah, you’re good eating!” J.J. compliments her, grunting between thrusts. The hippie giggles in reply and then lets out a little moan as J.J. hits it just right. “So, Aaron’s been eating you, too?” the sweating stud now asks, as he continues to thrust. “Oh, yeah! And he’s real good! Almost as good as you are!” she replies enthusiastically. “Good!” J.J. grunts in reply, pleased that his cousin is taking his advice about pussy eating. “You know…Aaron, like, rocked me SO hard last night!” the hippie now gasps, looking up at J.J. with unbridled lust, fully aware of the friendly rivalry between the two cousins and hoping to bring out the competitive edge in J.J. “I’ll just have to rock you even harder!” the stud grunts in reply, taking the bait and hammering the hippie even more forcefully. The teen stud and the hippie fuck deep into the night; Kerri loses count of her orgasms and their sweaty fuck session continues until shortly after 2 AM, when J.J. blasts his 8th load deep into her pussy…

Thursday, July 14. Aaron has finished with Jen’s lawn and joins her on the deck. After not seeing each other for a week, the two chat amiably, as the stud cools off and towels the sweat off himself. As always, Aaron is nursing a full erection; his beautiful neighbor seems more determined than ever to tempt him into making his move, just as J.J. said she would. Jen looks positively stunning in an ultra skimpy, electric blue thong bikini; her fingernails and toenails are painted a matching electric blue and next to her chaise lie her sexy electric blue stiletto pumps, as if silently taunting the stud. J.J. is right! he reflects. No chick is just going to lounge around in front of a dude in a bikini and high heels like that…she wants me to make my move! Suddenly Jen sits up. “Aaron, could you help me put on my sunscreen? I mean on my back…it’s so hard for me to reach back there!” she asks. Holy shit! Aaron thinks to himself as he reaches for the bottle of sunscreen, excited by the invitation to run his hands all over the brunette’s tanned, luscious body. Aaron squeezes the bottle, spraying a glob of sunscreen on his hands. “Start at the bottom and work your way up!” Jen instructs him. He starts rubbing the lotion into her down towards the small of her back, and squeezing out more of the goop, he gradually works his way upwards. As he reaches the middle of her back, she says, softly, “Oh, wait…I don’t want the straps to get in your way,” and reaching behind her, she undoes her bikini top. Pulling the straps down off her shoulders, she holds the top in place against her boobs. Aaron is now almost beyond the point of endurance; his love worm is straining at his jean shorts. He’s always longed to bury it balls deep in the gorgeous brunette and now it looks like he’s finally going to get his chance! His hands move upwards and he starts massaging the lotion into Jen’s shoulders. Soon, he realizes that he’s run out of sunscreen, but he continues to knead her shoulders, massaging them deeply and sensually. Closing her eyes and losing herself in the moment, Jen lets out a sound something like a contented purr. “Mmmm…yes…!” she murmurs, her love juices flowing freely far below. Leaning in close, Aaron moves his hands down from her shoulders, slowly starting to slide them down towards her boobs. Pressing her bikini top tightly against herself, Jen can feel her nipples hardening. “Do you want me to do the front, too?” Aaron now whispers lustfully in her ear. Teetering on the edge, on the verge of finally surrendering herself, Jen half opens her eyes and turns her head away from Aaron who is reaching for her lips with his; he now has his body tightly pressed up against hers and she can feel his rigid manhood poking into her back through his jean shorts. “Aaron…no…” she murmurs, pressing her bikini top even more tightly against herself. “No…?” the stud murmurs in an almost playful tone, his voice breathless with lust, reaching for her again with his lips. “Aaron…no…I’m not going to have sex with you…” Jen replies, pulling herself back from the edge, determined to deny Aaron and herself what they both want more than anything else. She holds her bikini top firmly in place, thwarting the stud’s efforts to reach her boobs. “I think you’d better go now…” she advises him in a firm, almost stern tone of voice, pulling her body away from his. The stud is both baffled and crushed. For a moment he stands there, bewildered and speechless. “Yeah, I guess I better…I’ve got to get to my next job…” he mutters, bitterly swallowing his disappointment, his boner still throbbing insistently. “Thanks for helping me with the sunscreen!” Jen now says in a casual nonchalant tone, as she gets back into her bikini top. “See you next week!” she adds, in a more noticeably cheerful voice, determined to show the stud that there’s no hard feelings over their latest carnal brush with each other. “Yeah, same time next week…” the stud replies, putting his t-shirt back on and getting ready to leave, trying to hide the depths of his disappointment and frustration. I may not come back ever again after this! he thinks to himself…

“So, did you ever go out with any other dudes?” J.J. asks Allison. “No. Bruce was the first guy I ever dated. We started going out when we were 17,” Allison replies. The teen stud and the hot young wife are in her kitchen and J.J. can’t help but notice that instead of her usual pair of slacks, she’s wearing a tight fitting skirt and several buttons on her blouse are undone, offering a tantalizing glimpse of her cleavage; as always, she has a pair of sexy stiletto pumps on her feet. He also notices that she’s smiling a lot more today; the stud is finally drawing her out of her shell. “But a hot chick like you, lots of dudes must have wanted to go out with you,” J.J. says, intent on awakening her to her untapped sexual potential. “I guess...maybe…but I was always shy and kind of nerdy…” Allison replies. “Bruce is the only guy I’ve ever…” she breaks off, starting to blush. Seeing her defenses starting to crumble, J.J. amps up the pressure. “So, even in college, when you guys were separated for so long, you didn’t hook up with any other dudes?” he asks. “No. My roommates and all of my friends would go out on Saturday nights and I would sit in the dorm studying. The next day, I would have to listen to all of their stories about how they hooked up. I’ve always wondered if I missed out…” she replies, gazing at J.J. through her sexy librarian glasses with a wistful little smile. “Missed out…?” J.J. asks, trying to make the question sound as disarmingly innocent as possible. “Yeah…you know…missed out…you know…on all the sex…” she finally manages to reply reluctantly, looking down at her feet, and then quickly stealing a shy little glance at J.J. before looking down again. “Oh, you definitely missed out on a lot of sex!” J.J. replies, boldly and eagerly, finally having flushed her out into the open. “Weren’t you ever tempted to go out and hook up?” “Yes, I’ve got to admit that I was tempted. All my friends would talk about their orgasms, and you know, I’ve never had one…except maybe once…” she replies, beginning to feel the rekindling of long suppressed desires. She now looks at the stud with a steady gaze, as if determined to overcome her shyness and hesitation. “But, I couldn’t bring myself to cheat on Bruce like that…” she continues, shrugging her shoulders almost apologetically. “But now it sounds like you regret it..” J.J. observes, pursuing her relentlessly. “I don’t know…maybe I do, a little…I guess I haven’t really thought about it much until we started talking about it…” she replies, giving him another shy little smile. “Although…there is this guy at work…” she admits. “So, you like this dude at work…why don’t you go out with him?” J.J. replies encouragingly. “He asked me to go out with him, but I said no. I can’t! I’m married!” Allison responds in an earnest voice. “You don’t have to have sex with the dude…just go out and have some fun!” the stud continues to prod her. “I don’t know…maybe…I’m just worried about where it might lead…” Allison confesses…

Gripping Judy’s hips tightly, Aaron hammers her doggy style with a vengeful fury, taking out all of his frustrations on the loudly moaning MILF. I fucking blew it with Jen! Again! the teen berates himself. I don’t even know how I fucked up this time, but I did! Now, he makes Judy pay the price, brutally pounding her into one orgasm after another. “Did you like fucking J.J….? In the elevator…?” he grunts between thrusts, bathed in his own sweat. “Oh, yeah! He was SO good!” Judy manages to gasp out before another orgasm renders her speechless again. “He gave you that big fucking hickey!” the stud gasps out, grabbing the MILF’s hair tightly and hammering her even harder, driving himself into a frenzy as he thinks about how the slutty MILF fucked J.J. in the elevator less than 10 minutes after she first met him. What a fucking whore! he thinks to himself. “Oh my god! Oh my god!!!” Judy cries out, as her pussy is slammed mercilessly. The pressure in the stud’s balls builds exponentially; all of the load that should have been blasted into Jen is swollen by masses of fresh sperm cells, until finally, the stud’s nuts spasm violently. “Oh fuck! Oh shit!” the teen groans loudly as his balls convulsively hurl thick, highly pressurized globs of his nut sludge deep into the MILF, with Judy moaning loudly as she reaches climax again...

“Wow! You must really work out! Getting yourself in shape for all the chicks!” Lora exclaims, as she and a sweaty, bare chested Aaron converse in her kitchen. “Yeah, between doing people’s lawns and working out…” Aaron replies, pleased that his early morning workout sessions with J.J. are starting to show visible results. He can tell that Lora is becoming aroused; petite, standing 5’3 with shoulder length brown hair and blue eyes, the amazingly cute, married 25 year old is in her bare feet, dressed in a t-shirt and skimpy jean shorts. “You must date a lot of girls!” she exclaims, her eyes lighting up with undisguised lust, as she makes her sexual interest in the teen stud blatantly obvious. “Yeah, I guess I get my fair share of chicks…” the stud replies in a casual tone, shrugging his bare, sweaty shoulders. He already knows what’s going to happen next, and he wasn’t even expecting it! It always starts off in the kitchen, he observes to himself, as he starts to feel his love wand stiffen…

“Come on, baby! Cum for me! Cum for me!” Lora gasps breathlessly as she vigorously bounces herself up and down on Aaron’s rigid fuck stick. The stud reaches up and grabs the petite cowgirl’s perky little titties as she hammers herself into him. After his frenzied pounding of Judy, the teen is happy to let a chick do all the work for his second fuck of the day; with his endurance built up, he’s able to withstand Lora’s determined efforts to make him shoot his load as quickly as possible. The horny young wife is the beneficiary of the stud’s stamina; she slams herself into a string of orgasms, until finally, after 10 minutes the stud’s balls surrender their load deep into her pussy…

That evening, as he thumps Kerri’s pussy doggy style, Aaron realizes that he’s achieved an important milestone. Three chicks! I’ve fucked three chicks today! he thinks to himself as he forcefully slams the loudly moaning hippie into yet another orgasm. I don’t even think J.J.’s done that! Burying his love bone in three different pussies today more than makes up for his latest frustrating failure with Jen. “Right on, baby! So much energy tonight!” the hippie calls out approvingly as she absorbs the stud’s relentless, forceful pounding. Unlike his quickies with Judy and Lora, he will be fucking the hippie multiple times tonight; he will splatter her love box with 6 slimy loads of his seed…

Friday, July 15. “No!...I’m not gonna do it!...” Emma announces, coyly turning her head away to avoid eye contact with J.J. as they stand talking outside her house. “Why not?” asks the exasperated stud. “’Cuz…” the girl replies, now completely turning her back on him so that he can’t see the grin that she’s trying to suppress. “’Cuz why? You don’t like Aaron?” the stud asks again, in mounting frustration. “Yeah, I like Aaron…I think he’s cute…” she murmurs, still with her back turned to J.J. “Then why not?” the stud circles back to his original question. “J.J., I’m NOT doing a threesome! What kind of girl do you think I am, anyway…?” Emma declares emphatically, finally turning around to face the stud. “Okay, never mind…” J.J. replies, backing off for the moment. Emma obviously isn’t too upset with their conversation, though; soon, the giggling girl is leading the stud into her house and his tool will spurt 5 times deep inside her during an intense afternoon of fucking...

“I knew I was playing with fire when I invited you into the pool last week!” Catie announces, briefly taking Aaron’s erect, sweaty penis out of her mouth. Just like last week, the two are out in the open air, on the deck next to Catie’s pool; once again, she’s on her knees but now, instead of using her hands to get the stud off, she’s using her mouth. “Is this still helping me with biology, or whatever you said last time?” the stud asks. “No…to be honest…I really just want to suck your dick!” Catie replies with a naughty little laugh. “Awesome!” Aaron exclaims, as the sexy little librarian puts the stud’s tool back in her mouth. She now reaches behind her and undoes her bikini top; taking his cue, the stud slips it off of her and starts fondling the top heavy brunette’s voluptuous pair of titties as she deepthroats him with one head bob after another. The stud groans deeply; while she’s been a faithful wife for the last few years, Catie still hasn’t lost her touch from her slutty college days and gives the stud some of the best head that he’s ever had. “Holy shit!” the teen exclaims, throwing his head back and groaning with pleasure as the petite librarian holds his stiffened tool in her throat for a long, lingering moment. Coming up for air, she again briefly takes his pecker out of her mouth; “tastes so good!’ she says with a naughty little giggle, before going back to sucking. Finally, the stud’s tortured sea serpent can endure no more; it starts belching its slimy, hot, white venom into Catie’s wide open mouth as the stud gasps loudly. Once the stud’s tool stops spurting, Catie closes her mouth, sending the massive load to her belly and then scoops up some stray sperm from her chin and licks it off her fingers. She lets out a little giggle. “Yeah, we don’t want that stuff floating around in the pool, like last time!” she says, looking up at Aaron and giving him a naughty little smile…

Friday evening. Aaron is in his bedroom at home. It’s been an impressive week for the oversexed young stud. He’s gotten plenty of pussy this week, including two new chicks, Alisa and Lora, and earlier today, Catie emptied his balls, giving him some of the best head he’s ever experienced. But tonight, Megan says she’s going out with the girls; Aaron knows that this really means she’s hooking up with another guy, but his girlfriend’s infidelity doesn’t bother him. The only thing that bothers him is that because Megan is banging some random dude, he, Aaron, won’t be getting any pussy tonight. He would fuck Kerri, but she’s at a hippie dippie arts festival this weekend. I’ll just text J.J., he thinks. If he’s not getting laid, then we can hang out. And, if J.J. is scoring tonight, then I’ll text Adam. Adam is an uncool computer nerd who never gets laid, but he and J.J. have been friends since 5th grade and Adam is always available to hang out with as a last resort. Aaron is just about to text J.J. when his phone gets zapped with an incoming text. To his surprise, it’s a message from Jen, asking him to come over to her house immediately. He briefly considers not replying at all. Not only is he still frustrated by their encounter yesterday, but he’s also pissed off by it. She’s just busting my balls! he thinks bitterly. She gets off on being a cock tease! Reluctantly, he texts back that he’ll be right over, and she responds, asking him to please come to the back door. What is this all about? he wonders as he makes the short walk over to his shapely neighbor’s house. Did I leave something over there yesterday? I have my wallet and my keys and all of that shit…He makes his way to the sliding patio door and knocks on the glass. Jen comes scurrying over to the door, slides it open, and lets him in. She pokes her head out the doorway and takes a quick look in the direction of Aaron’s house as if to assure herself that he wasn’t followed, and then slides the door shut again. Even after yesterday’s sexual standoff between the two of them, she’s still determined to be provocative; her boobs are almost spilling out of a low cut crop top which she’s matched with an ultra skimpy pair of ripped jean shorts. Her pretty little feet, with their electric blue painted toenails are bare, and Aaron can tell that her bright red lipstick has just been freshly applied.

“Hi, Aaron,” she greets him in a soft, almost apologetic voice, looking at the stud with a hesitant expression on her face. “Yo, Jen,” Aaron replies, in a cool, even voice. The sight of his gorgeous neighbor has its usual effect on him, especially seeing her in the outrageously sexy outfit that she’s chosen for their latest encounter; the stud is soon nursing a throbbing erection. His petrified pecker doesn’t bother him; he can’t fight nature, but he’s also determined not to let his hot neighbor make a fool out of him again. He’s definitely not expecting to get pussy; he’s genuinely puzzled about why she’s called him over and he just wants her to tell him what this is all about so that he can leave and go hang out with J.J. “I was just wondering what you were doing tonight…” Jen begins again, still in a slightly hesitant voice, now fixing her gaze on the teen and nervously biting her lower lip. “Not much…I was just gonna text J.J. when I got your message,” the stud admits honestly. It suddenly dawns on him what this is all about. She’s probably embarrassed about yesterday and wants to apologize…Cool! he thinks, relieved that they can put yesterday’s mishap behind them. “I’ve been thinking about you, Aaron…a lot…” Jen murmurs, moving in closer towards him. “Yo, Jen, if it’s about yesterday, we’re cool…” the good natured teen replies, not wanting to humiliate the hot brunette. “No, Aaron, I’m sorry about yesterday…It was wrong and I shouldn’t have done that to you,” she says in a soft voice. Although he’s still keeping his guard up with her, Aaron’s dick strains at his jean shorts; she’s now standing directly in front of him, and he can feel the sexual tension between them tightening like a vise. “Jen…” the stud begins, but she preempts him. “Aaron, I’ve been fighting this for so long and I just can’t fight it any more…” the gorgeous brunette now murmurs in a voice breathless with lust. Closing her eyes, she reaches for Aaron’s lips with hers. The stud can barely believe what’s happening as their tongues entwine, their lips sealing their passion; far below, Jen’s hand reaches for and finds Aaron’s rock hard penis. After a long, deep kiss of searing intensity, Jen drops to her knees, undoes the stud’s jean shorts and then pulls them down, while Aaron quickly pulls off his t-shirt. Am I dreaming? The stud asks himself, in happy bewilderment as Jen pulls down his briefs and his pulsating love worm springs out in front of her. She catches the throbbing pecker in her mouth and begins vigorously bobbing her head up and down on it, while lovingly caressing the stud’s ball pouch with her hand. Aaron groans as he places one of his hands firmly on the back of her head, grasping at the thick, luxuriant mane of long, dark hair. He’s finally made the ultimate conquest, the one he’s been waiting for all summer. “Oh, shit!” he groans, as Jen’s mouth engulfs his stiffened shaft down to the balls…

“Oh, my god!” Jen cries out, throwing her head back on her pillow and spasmodically clutching at the bedsheets as Aaron drives her to climax with his tongue. “Mmmm…you like that…?” the stud murmurs, delighting in the taste of the gorgeous brunette’s womanhood. “Oh my god! Yes! Yes!” Jen screams in reply as Aaron inflicts more sweet torment on her clit. Following J.J.’s advice, the stud has eaten so much pussy over the past month and now he uses his well honed technique with devastating effect on Jen. While his mouth works her clit, he thrusts his finger deep into her slot, delighting in the velvety feel of her tight pussy walls, coating his finger with her sweet, sticky love honey. After a long extended period with his face buried in her muff, the stud finally prepares to seal his conquest, burying his manhood deep in the pussy that he’s desired and pursued for so long. “Where did you learn to do that?” Jen gasps, looking up in breathless awe at the teen stud who’s already wreaked so much carnal havoc on her. Aaron doesn’t even bother answering her question; she doesn’t need to know about all the other chicks that he’s been eating out as practice for tonight. The stud slides his stiffened fuck stick into her saturated love box and begins thrusting. “Oh, yeah!” Jen murmurs breathlessly, reaching up to caress the stud’s shoulders and then sliding her hands down the length of his arms, feeling his rock hard biceps as he slams his hips forward, pulls them back and slams them forward again and again. The stud lowers his head as he continues to thrust and reaches for Jen with his mouth; his lips seal hers, stifling her gasps and moans of pleasure. The stud thrusts his tongue deeply into her mouth, using both his thrashing tongue and his thrusting penis to deeply penetrate the gorgeous brunette. Jen stabs back at Aaron’s tongue with her own, her breath mingling with his, as her pussy bathes his deep thrusting 7 inch tool with her love juices. Holding her feet up high over their writhing, conjoined bodies, she can feel her pretty little toes curl and lets out a deep moan as the stud pounds her to climax; she keeps her hands busy running them all over her lover’s body, his shoulders, arms, back and ass, delighting in the feel of his sweaty, well muscled adolescent flesh. Determined to last as long as he can, the stud endures for a full 10 minutes of grunting, sweating, thrusting and pounding until finally, with a loud gasp, he blasts a massive load of his love slime deep into her pussy…

“Harder! Harder!” Jen gasps, calling out encouragement over her shoulder to her teen stud who’s now hammering her doggy style. It’s Aaron’s fifth time in her pussy tonight; the first few times had been lovemaking, but now the two are engaged in sheer, raw, animal fucking. The gorgeous brunette had started off the night on her back; now she’s on all fours, crying out loudly in ecstasy as her sweaty teen lover locks onto her hips with an iron grip and hammers her mercilessly. Aaron makes up for all the months of waiting and frustration that he’s had to endure by taking it all out on Jen’s pussy, brutally smashing her into a series of multiple orgasms; earlier in the evening, she had been moaning with pleasure but now the stud has her crying out with loud, full throated screams of ecstasy…

“Thank you, Aaron! You were so amazing!’ Jen murmurs softly to her sweaty stud, grateful to him for the 8 loads of his sperm swimming around deep inside of her. The first feeble rays of dawn are beginning to streak the sky as the gorgeous brunette and her teen lover cuddle together in bed and Aaron is ready for yet another round of fucking. “You wanna…?” he whispers, hoping for a ninth round inside Jen’s love box. “I’d love to, baby, but I think you’d better get home before anybody notices that you’re gone,” she advises him. She caresses his face with her hands and the two exchange a deep, loving, farewell kiss. It’s their first night of love, but they both know that it won’t be their last…

Saturday, July 16. J.J.’s and Donna’s tongues thrash together hungrily as they make out in her white SUV, parked in a remote corner of the park at Prospect Point on the outskirts of town. “Oh, J.J., baby! Frank’s mom is driving me crazy! She watches every move I make!” Donna murmurs softly to her stud as they come up for air. The blonde MILF has managed to sneak out for a rendezvous with her teen stud; she’s dressed in a low cut tank top, jean skirt and sneakers, her hair tied up in a typically messy bun. “That sucks…” J.J. murmurs in reply as he works his mouth upwards along the MILF’s neck and starts moving his hand up her leg. “She asked me where I was going tonight…I felt like telling her I’m going to see my 16 year old boyfriend!” the MILF giggles, squirming with delight as J.J.’s lips and tongue start to drive her wild. “Jaaay Jaaay…!!!” she squeals loudly, as the stud starts nibbling on her ear and slides his hand up her skirt…

“Oh, shit!” Aaron groans as Judy’s lips kiss his pelvic bone, her mouth fully engulfing his erect love stick. Pulling her head back and coming up for air, she looks up at him with a sarcastic smirk. “You just better not give me a hickey like your cousin did!” she admonishes the stud. “Yeah, look at that! That’s awesome!” Aaron replies with a laugh; after 4 days the passion mark on her throat is only now starting to fade. “He broke some major blood vessels,” the MILF admits before putting Aaron’s pecker back in her mouth. After some intense oral work to get her stud warmed up, she will take him back to her bedroom where penis will plow pussy deep into the night…

J.J. grunts loudly as he hammers Donna in the back of her SUV. The rear seats are folded flat and a blanket is spread out over them as the horny couple take full advantage of their brief time together to engage in a torrid fuck session. Donna is stripped naked, except for a pair of red ankle socks while the stud is shirtless, with his jean shorts pulled down around his knees; the MILF grips his hairy ass cheeks and eagerly pushes him deeper into her. They have to fuck in a hurry, but the blonde MILF moans loudly as her stud slams her into one orgasm after another, until finally, with a deep groan, he blasts a thick, slimy load of his ball scum deep into her pussy. “Oh, baby, this isn’t the most comfortable place to fuck!” Donna exclaims as they briefly indulge in a post-copulation cuddle. “It has more room than my car!” the stud replies good naturedly. “Yeah, maybe, but I just can’t wait to have you back in my bed!” the MILF replies, giving him an affectionate peck on the lips. “When will that be?” J.J. asks. “Not for another two weeks at least! We’re leaving on Monday for vacation,” she sighs deeply in reply. “I just don’t know how much more of Frank’s mom I’m going to be able to take!”

“So, you wanna hook up with J.J. again?...fuck him all night…?” Aaron gasps out breathlessly as he forcefully thrusts into Judy’s pussy. The stud is now obsessed with the idea of throwing his cousin and his slutty MILF lover together again, this time for an all night fuck session. “I won’t kick him out of bed!” Judy responds, looking up at her stud through her glasses and letting out a little giggle. The response only further inflames Aaron’s lust and he slams into her pussy with redoubled energy and force…

“How was the arts fest?” J.J. asks Kerri as he picks her up at the end of the 2 day hipster conclave. “It was, like, SO far out! I met so many, super cool, groovy people!” the hippie gushes, settling herself into the passenger seat next to J.J. “And I traded some herbs and veggies for candles and incense and these far out love beads!” she informs him happily, pulling the prized trinkets out of her big carryall bag to show him. “Cool!” the stud responds, returning his full attention to the road as he navigates his way out of the parking area and through the throngs of people leaving the festival grounds. “Just one thing that I’m bummed about…” the hippie now says. “What’s that?” J.J. asks. “I didn’t get any love last night!” she responds in a pitiful, longing tone of voice and with downcast, mournful eyes. “That sucks…we’ll just have to make up for it tonight!” the stud reassures her, bringing an instant smile to her face. “Groovy!” she exclaims, and then quickly catches herself. “But, like, I feel so bad for Aaron…he didn’t get any love last night either!” she now laments in a thoughtful voice, knowing that it had been Aaron’s turn to fuck her. “Oh, no worries about that,” J.J. reassures her cheerfully, knowing full well that his cousin finally got to bury his bone in Jen’s pussy last night…

While J.J. and Kerri are driving to her place from the arts festival, Aaron and Judy are fucking for the third time. They have now switched to doggy style and the MILF screams in ecstasy as Aaron subjects her pussy to a brutal hammering…

J.J. and Kerri have barely gotten inside her house when the sex starved hippie throws herself at the teenaged stud. Deprived of her Friday night lovemaking with Aaron, she is now extra loud and vocal as J.J. pounds her doggy style. His endurance built up by his quickie with Donna, the stud prolongs his time in the hippie chick’s pussy, and her repeated, ear piercing screams of “I’m there, baby! I’m there!” testify to the numerous orgasms that she achieves during their intense, sweaty fuck session. After 12 minutes of frenzied pussy pounding, a sweat bathed J.J. throws his head back and gasps loudly as his balls explode, hurtling thick globs of his nut scum deep into the loudly moaning hippie…

It’s a long night of fucking for both studs; before the sun comes up on Sunday morning, Aaron will ejaculate deep into Judy’s pussy 8 times, while J.J.’s tool spurts 9 times, once in Donna and 8 times in the hippie. Sunday will be a well earned day of rest for both studs, recharging their batteries and allowing their balls to build up fresh load to start off yet another week of fucking…

Week’s Results:

J.J. cums 32 times

Aaron cums 34 times

(to be continued...)
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