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Donna walks out to the balcony of her penthouse and overlooks the city , with glass of Gentleman Jack on the rocks, on one hand and a Cigarette on the other and slowly sighs, as she takes a long drag of her smoke and slowly exhales
Donna walks out to the balcony of her penthouse and overlooks the city , with glass of Gentleman Jack on the rocks, on one hand and a Cigarette on the other and slowly sighs, as she takes a long drag of her smoke and slowly exhales, she was on hormonal therapy for the past 30 years but never got around to getting the gender correction surgery done, at the age of 56 she had made quite some money for herself…. With 3 tech companies to her name, she was quite the successful business woman, however with all that it meant she had little time for her personal relationships, her family disowned her, after dropping out of school she lost touch with her friends, all this success yet on this night she felt so alone.

As she took another sip , she thought to herself…. ” I'm tired of being alone , I want to share my life with someone…someone I can support and mentor ” but she didn’t know where to start.. So she went to the one place she could possibly find an answer…. “Google” … and after a couple of hours she landed on “seeking”, she made an account and started looking for prospective partners. After weeding out many fake and desperate profiles, she came across a profile. It was of a student, she was 18 years old, attending a university mastering in cybersecurity. This particular university was a 10-minute drive from her apartment, so she sent the girl a message, asking for her contact info and turned in for the night.

The next morning while enjoying her breakfast she was checking on her mails to see that Sarah had responded, she had sent her contact number and had said to call her as soon as you got the message. Donna promptly dialled the number, and on the third ring megan picked up,


“Hello megan this is donna I emailed you last night”

“ohh….. Hello donna” she sounded very calm and collected… “I have to ask due to past experiences with others….do you have any problem with me being a fat girl?”

Donna chuckles “not at all… in fact i'm quite curvy myself”

Donna hears her smile as her voice starts to sound much happier “have you had a sugar baby before….and what are you looking for here?”

Donna chuckles “no I have not had a sugar baby before this is quite new to me, i'm sure you have a lot of questions why don’t we meet somewhere and talk things over? Name you time and place I don’t have much to do today anyway”

“ill text you an address be there in an hour”

Donna smiles “okay I’ll see you soon “ As she ends the call, moments later the phone beeps with a text message, which reads the address to the nearby Starbucks..”

An hour later Donna pulls up to the starbucks and walks in and immediately notices who she is looking for sitting by a window sipping her coffee, she was wearing a red scarf, a linkin park shirt, a black rocker jacket and boots, the tips of her hair was coloured red. In addition, she wasn’t lying about her curves, from the wide she had the body profile of actress Ariel winter, only much more chubbier than her.

Donna slowly approached her “hello you must be megan”…as she extended her hand to the girl, as she looked up at Donna with her blue eyes Donna went weak at her knees.

She then smiled and took Donna's hand in hers “that must make you Donna”, Donna blushed like a little girl, “may I take a seat?” Megan shows the empty chair opposite to her with her free hand “please do”.

Megan leaned in “So tell me why did you get into being a sugar momma?”Donna spends the next thirty minutes telling Megan her life story. And then finishes with “ I'm 56 now with more money than I could ever hope to spend, and after all these years I feel lonely, but I don’t want a partner….i want someone I can guild and support ,maybe even take care of up to some extent”.

Megan listens and nods her head, and she leans in keeping the empty coffee cup on the table…”and for all of that what do you expect in return?”

Donna looked taken back “i hadn't really thought about it if i'm honest, i suppose a bit of help around the apartment in cleaning “...donna thought for a bit...“

How good is your driving?” ...Megan chuckles and replies “I'm pretty good” ...Donna smiles leaning back as she takes her car keys out, and looks at megan…”up for a little test?”

Megan nods, as Donna throws her the keys and walks out the shop to her car, Megan follows behind her, and nods in approval as she sees the car, a 2020 Mercedes Benz s65 amg, “maybe we do have a few things in common after all”. Donna smiles as she hits send on her phone, and Megan ‘s phone beeps in response, she opens it up to see a location update ....”take me there.. You have 10 minutes.. And if I feel the slightest bump the deal is off, and sweetie this is just my daily…. Wait till you see my collection” as she closes the door behind her grinning.

9 minutes later they pull up to her house, and Donna navigates Megan around the house to the garage, as the massive door opens, they are greeted by a 20 car garage, with one parking space left, Megan parks the car in one swoop. Both of them proceed to get out as Megan looks around the collection of cars, Donna looks at her watch,” hmm 10 minutes on the dot, colour me impressed”, she turns her gaze to Megan, who is taking in her car collection. megan looks back at Donna, “to say that I'm impressed would be an understatement”,Donna smiles “ well I'm glad you have the same taste in cars like I do,...... shall we go inside?”, megan smiles “please lead the way”

Both of them head inside, Donna sets her bag down on the coffee table , Megan looks around the living room as she walks behind donna. Donna looks at her…”liking what you are seeing so far?” , megan nods and looks at donna, “come i'll show you to your room”, donna leads megan down a small hallway, and opens one of the three doors at the end of it ….she opens it and steps aside….”here it is'', megan steps inside to a fully furnished room with a walk in closet, a rather large bed, its own bathroom,a 75” flat screen and A/C, megan beams ….. “this is amazing and far beyond what i was expecting.'' Donna smiles and opens the second door,”well this is my room, you have any scary nightmares you know which door to knock'' Donna giggles.

Megan drops her bag in her room and peeks into Donna's room, it's quite big , with basically what she has in her room, only far more spacious and a walk in closet.She then looks at the third door and turns to Donna, “what’s in there?”, donna smiles proceeding to open the third door revealing an empty room, “there is nothing in there, i haven't decided yet as to what im going to do with it yet”...she closes back the door , and turns to megan,”why don't you freshen up and so will i and once we are done, we can talk about things?” Megan nods and goes into her room.

A few minutes later Meghan walks into Donna's room fresh after a shower, and freezes as she sees Donna naked drying herself off with her back towards Meghan . she weakly says…..”donna?”, startled donna jumps and turns around, her motion making her loose grip on her towel as it falls on the floor, megan feels the time slow down as her eyes travel from donnas face her large tits ...and then to her cock…it must have been at least 5 inches long and at least 2 inches thick and it was soft, she looks back into donna’s eyes, as she slowly starts walking closer, “when were you going to tell me?” Donna covers her cock and tits with her hands as her face falls, “i didn't think you would ever find out, i'm sorry i didn't tell you this sooner,” Donna's face falls…” if you want to leave i understand”.

Meghan comes closer and puts her hand under Donna's chin lifting her face up to meet her eyes,”leave you?...”She shakes her head and smiles “ I'm not leaving unless you ask me to leave”....she leans in and locks lips with donna. She struggles a bit at first, but in a matter of seconds relaxes against Meghan as her hands find their way wrapping around Megan's back and pulling her firmly against her….

Megan pulls her shirt over her head momentarily breaking the kiss, Donna opens her eyes to see the palest yet softest skin she had ever seen,big firm tits, probably a DD or E only wearing panties. Megan takes Donna's hand and leads her to her bed while wiggling out of her panties. She gets on to the bed and pulls Donna down with her and opens her legs , to accommodate Donna's hips between them. Donnas now hardening cock nestled between Megan's pale hairless pussy lips...Donna leans in and locks lips with Megan once again as she starts grinding her hardening cock in between Megan's wet pussy lips coating Donna's cock with her pussy juice.

Donna breaks of the kiss and props herself up on her elbows and looks at megan intently….taking in her eyes lined with black eyeliner and her lips coated in black lipstick making her features look enhanced against her pale white skin, she looks into megan's eyes and says…”are you sure?” , megan responds by taking her hand to her mouth and spitting onto it….putting it between her legs and grabs donnas hardening cock and rubs her saliva and her pussy juice, and pumps it a few times getting it it to full mast.all without breaking eye contact with donna.

As the cock grows in Megan's hands she feels the sheer girth of it at least 4 inches thick and 8 inches long, she wastes no time in opening her legs wider and keeps the cock head on her pussy opening….and softly moans begging with her eyes….. “please fuck my pussy” .....


2024-08-15 02:07:30
You should continue this story. It got me rock hard and ready to burst

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