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Cosplay girl Sarah has a fetish for being in charge and step bro lands in her sights when their parents head off on their honeymoon.
Sarah Loves Being In Charge part one

Hi guys, Thanks for reading this is a gentle femdom story I wrote I am trying to take on feedback received from the first couple of stories I wrote and i’d truly love to hear from you guys. All characters are 18 at the time of the story

Sarah was always a bit confused when it came to guys, the ones she had dalliances with before all wanted to treat her as a princess holding doors and generally trying to be her knight in shining armor. This was in part due to her good looks she reasoned which undoubtedly Sarah had, Blonde, 5ft8, blue eyes, great skin with some freckles around her nose that set off a look that seemed to melt guys that looked at her and she noticed at a young age how men loved nothing more to look at her. She put lots of effort into her look as it was her breadwinner and Sarah had to admit she liked it when men looked at her. Her part time job was as a cosplay model which she excelled at. She made most of her stuff herself and didn't flinch at some of the more skimpy outfits. Many companies hired her because of her looks and the quality of her work.

Sarah was raised mostly by her mother, her father skipping town not long after she was born. This was possibly why she felt different from most girls she reasoned with, perhaps she wanted their respect or maybe she just wanted to be the person in charge but she couldn't stand guys that expected her to just lay there and take it. Sarah had sex in her teens and it was an experiance that was awkward clumsy and left her confused. She didn't get why she didn't enjoy it and after a chat with her mother about it her mother explained that the first time is always awkward and feels weird. That reassured Sarah but after the 2nd and 3rd time she felt little different. Sarah considered the possibility she might be gay for a while but after an experimental kiss in a nightclub she knew that wasnt it. She decided at 18 to look more into it and by looking more into it I mean she started to visit porn sites. Now Sarah wasn't an idiot she knew how porn was exaggerated and done for the cameras for the most part she preferred amature stuff where there was fewer “oh gods” and exaggerated moaning. It was there she discovered a part of her personality though when a girl in a vid took the lead as a guy was tied down. She pressed his face into her crotch first riding it telling him “he better do a good job or else” she was calling him baby but she wasnt pleading with him she was commanding him.

This was an awakening to Sarah she realised during this video and the masturbation at the time this was for her. She watched in rapture as switched to stadeling his cock she grabbed a chain that was attached to a collar around his neck riding him on her terms. Telling him “better not cum early or would be punished”. She remembers that part pushing her over the edge to a big climax. This revelation would lead Sarah down the road of discovering femdom and loving most aspects of the fetish. She wasn't into pain or all the rubber that seemed to be sometimes associated with it. The Idea of a guy submitting to her turned her on no end though.

At the time her mother had entered into a relationship with Kevin a nice guy Sarah supposed very kind and gentle and quite able to take care of her mother which was great because Sarah was about ready to fly the nest and had worried about leaving her mum alone. This though meant a move to a bigger home for a time. With Sarah and her mom and Kevin and his son from a previous marriage Adam.

Adam had never been around women very much and had no idea how to approach them but he was learning he thought about their habits although he still couldn't talk to them much. Although tall dark and handsome Adam had always been shy around the girls he hated that he was expected to chat them up and make the first move. He had an older brother in the navy but by the time that fact was useful his brother had gone being a fair bit older than him.

He noticed Sarah was pretty right away, not just pretty, beautiful. This made it hard not to look at her and if anything made him shyer around her but then she started dressing up as game characters and anime characters and taking pictures in the garden and around the house. This had Adam in constant danger of being caught at half mast let alone just staring at her. He beat off often to the thought of her in some of her outfits. It was both heaven for a young man and hell.

Around a year in, their parents got hitched and it was a great occasion and everyone was happy with it finally happening. They left the kids at home whilst they went for a month long honeymoon trip around the states in an rv. Leaving poor Adam with his now sister in law although Adam reckoned he wouldnt see much of her as she planned a big shoot or something. This wasn't to be as the photographer canceled on her due to a fire at his studio.

Sarah - *knocks* Hey Adam? You alive in there?

Adam - Just a second.. Hi Sarah, you ok?

Sarah - Yeah everything is fine… well not really my photographer cancelled.. Real pain in the ass.

Adam - ah, what happened?

Sarah - come on down stairs I got pizza delivered we can chat whilst we eat

The set off for the kitchen and began to eat the pizza and cokes as you do

Sarah - Yeah this pizza is kinda a bargaining chip…

Adam - oh…? What do you want?

Sarah - Well seen as my photographer's studio has apparently burnt down I kinda have a problem. I was paid in advance do I need to take some photos regardless. The outfits already made and paid for. I can just take the shots myself but…

Adam saw where this was going…

Adam - Selfies not good enough?

Sarah - Yeah, The company are kinda a bigger one they pay really well i'd rather not just send them low quality stuff. Would you mind?

Adam - I guess I can try… Im not sure how good ill be.

Sarah - I'm sure you’ll be fine… I'll tell you what to do and how I want it done..

Adam - Ok, when do you want to?

Sarah - in the morning if thats ok

Adam - *groan*

Sarah - *Laughing* I know but it's when the backyard has the best light.

They finished the pizza and headed to bed early for the next day.

Adam came down the stairs at 6am half expecting his sister to still be in bed but she was there wrapped in a big white robe all her makeup and hair ready. Even from this view she looked pretty to Adam.

Adam - Morning Sarah you ready?

Sarah - Born ready little bro

*Adam blushed a little* a fact not lost on Sarah.

Sarah hadn't thought much of her younger step brother. He was a shy guy, admittedly good looking but that blush from the simple “little brother” comment gave her a little thrill. She was gonna enjoy trying to get him to blush more.

Sarah - Oh first up we are gonna take some by the woods for this Elf character from Diablo so i thought over by the trees behind the shed.

The land behind was mostly open countryside which was great for this kind of shoot. It was like having a massive back yard that went on for miles. Sarah led the way with Adam carrying the camera equipment. When they stopped at the shed she took off her robe revealing a crazy beautiful outfit that made Adams face burn with the amount of underboob and skin in general on show.

Sarah - Oh? I guess it's a bit revealing but im taped up pretty well. If one of my girls falls out let me know? *wink*

Adam immediately pictured this and felt a jolt in his pants as the blood found somewhere new to rush to.

Adam - er... ok… um… where do you want me?

Sarah - I'm thinking a couple of steps to the left…

Sarah then began to instruct him in getting the first few shots done then crossed to have a look. Here she gave a few pointers for a second attempt on a few shots she wasn't happy with.

Sarah - Ok this is gonna be weird but see this one, you have cropped me off half way up my boobs. Try not to do that; it's kinda the money shot.

Adam blushed furiously at this wondering at the phrasing. Sarah knew exactly what she had said and loved the reaction. The bulge in his shorts had not gone unnoticed and she was gonna do her level best to keep it there. It was a decent size which had her curious about the rest of it.

After a few of the re-shots she asked Adam to lay down to take a few from below.

Adam - uh… you sure about this?

Sarah - Yeah, I know it's a bit risque but when I did my research this is one of the poses from when she killed something in a cgi trailer that boys tend to perv over…

Adam - ….and you like the idea of them perving over you?

Sarah - It's part of the job, little boys perving keeps me in work. Now I'm gonna step over you and try and replicate the art, try and get the ass in the photo through the gap… you know?

It was almost too much for Adam, Sarah was almost straddling him and a big part of him wanted nothing else but to pull her all the way down to meet his crotch that he was sure was gonna explode. Then Sarah lifted both arms staff above her head underboob in full show. Adam silently cursed the tape manufacturer as it held firm. He took the photos and to his eye they looked spectacular.

Sarah - Oh my little bro, those are some great shots you really got the crotch and the girls well and the light is just right. Ok first shots are done. We will do the little squid girl by the pool this afternoon. I think we should have a chat before the next set.

They went back inside Adam walking as best he could as Sarah put her robe back on. Sarah then turned to him once the camera had been set down.

Sarah - ok i think we should address a little issue before lunch and the next shoot.

Adam - What? Did I do something wrong? I told you I'd try but if…

Sarah - Oh it's nothing like that, follow me..

Sarah lead Adam up the stairs which confused but he had settled down enough to walk at least. She turned to her bedroom and he stopped at the door briefly before she insisted on him coming inside and sitting in the bed as she rummaged through a drawer.

Sarah - Ok, so you were a bit distracted….

Adam - I mean… it's hard not to be… im sorry…

Sarah - It's ok i just didn't think it’d be as hard as it was (with a giggle)

Adam - uh… I mean maybe it's not the best idea…

Sarah - It's ok I have something to help…. Ah here it is….

Sarah pulled a little metal device that had a padlock attached to it as Adam looked on with complete confusion.

Sarah - It's a cage for your little friend indicating his crotch that was suddenly erect again.

Adam - Wait…. You're gonna ask me to put this on? I wouldn't do anything to you anyway?

Sarah - well lets just say i'd feel way better if you had it on, im kinda used to creeps in this line of work and I know you aren't but you know most rapists know their victim… this is for both of us… you know?

Adam - I guess… I'm not keen on the idea. Looks complicated… can i still pee in it?

Sarah - Well I've put one on a guy before and yeah you can pee.

Adam - Uh.. well how do i put it on…

Sarah - I guess it's easier to show… uh… take off your shorts…

Adam - ! wait…. Uh… im not sure about this

Sarah - Oh come on it's only for one day, and it's not like it's not been bulging out your shorts all morning.

Adam - well but…

Sarah - Listen Adam I know you're shy but honestly we don't have a huge amount of daylight left and I really need your help. I promise no one will get hurt, no one will ever know besides me and you.

Adam - Ok…. I mean I guess ….it's just i've never been naked in front of a girl before…

Sarah - i'm sure you’ll get over it, *smiling* now drop them shorts cupcake

Adam blushed but figured it would be quicker to just co-operate besides he was curious of the device and her reaction to his cock which wasn't small at 9 inches. He undid his knot and slid shorts and underwear down to his ankles. When he looked up he saw a look of triumph on Sarah’s face…

Sarah - See that wasn't so bad…. Oh wait… you have an erection… hmmm

Adam - well I can't help it.

Sarah - You are a dirty little boy, getting all hard looking at your sister's body all morning. Hmmm It's too big for the cage like that… how long does it usually take to go down.

Adam - I dont think it’ll go down while you're looking at it… maybe i can take a cold shower or something…

At this Sarah pushed him onto her bed

Sarah - Silly little boy you don't move a muscle ok? I mean it no creeping on me

Adam - wait! what …

Was all he got out before Sarah dropped her robe, climbed on the bed and straddled his chest facing away with her weight pinning him down.

Sarah - Listen, i'm only gonna do this once, don't you ever say to anyone and dont you dare try and touch me

It was a promise Sarah wasn't sure she wanted him to keep secretly. She kind of wanted to sit on his face but she was also really enjoying his discomfort.

Adam - wait you don't need to, I can uh…

He was cut of by her hand wrapping around his member pretty tightly

Adam *grunt*

Sarah - now shut up and get ready you're gonna cum as fast as you can ok? no holding back

Sarah loosened her grip, secretly she was impressed by the size of his cock and by herself for doing this but she was really turned on by the thought of making him cum quickly. She began to pump slowly for a couple of strokes then fast real fast… She watched as his balls jiggled with the force smiling the whole time as Adam kept his hands at his sides

Sarah - Thats a good boy, this won't take long then we will cage you up and you wont need to worry about this happening again.

With her other hand she cupped one boob before secretly lowering it down to her crotch even through the costume pants she could feel herself crying out for attention. Before long she felt him welling up and his breathing became more husky. She slowed down to an almost stop and heard an involuntary moan from below as he raised his hips almost as if his body was begging from more. She laughed and then stroked his cock as fast as she could. She was on a mission from that point to force him to cum and he did quickly. The eruption was amazing to see and some splattered as high as her face but she kept going for a tad longer than was needed as if she was making sure it was all out.

Sarah - That was quick, don't you feel better?

Adam - I guess, that was intense… thanks

Sarah - don't thank me quick draw

Sarah watched fascinated as his cock slowly shrunk even though it didn't entirely she thought it was sorta cute. Unseen by him at his angle she reached up to her face and fingered a little of his cum around her lips just to get a little taste of it. When his cock was small enough she gently fed it into the cage after fist putting it around his balls then closed the contraption locking it with the padlock.

Sarah - See and now you’ll be able to concentrate more.

She climbed off and Adam looked down at his cock

Adam - It feels a little weird

Sarah - Not sore though?

Adam - I guess not, I gotta go pee so I guess we will see how that goes.

Sarah - Ok i’ll go make us some lunch then we will get ready for the squid girl poses by the pool.

By the time Adam came back from the toilet the sandwiches were all ready and they both sat and ate Adam not talking about it. Sarah just knowing he was caged up and kinda allowing her to do what she wanted was really pleased with herself. A thought occurred that she could tease him more to see how it affected him in the cage. She finished her Lunch and ran upstairs to get her next outfit.

She came back down and in front of Adam began to undress.

Adam - Uh… wait I'll go…

Sarah - Dont be silly, now you're caged you are harmless and besides i've seen you it's only fair.

As she peeled the tape off that released her top she watched as Adam both tried to look away and also look at her tits. It was a conflict that was a great turn on to watch for her. She rubbed where the tape had been to get rid of the residue intentionally touching her nipples which hardened under poor Adams gaze. She then took the bottoms off, hiding her crotch from his view, only giving him a glance at the front of her well waxed hairless pussy. She did this so when she turned around and bent over to pick up her next outfit he would be able to get a good view of her entrance and her ass. She smiled as she did it knowing how uncomfortable he was getting in that cage.

Sarah - Ok this squid girl is from zelda the top half involves a bit of paint so imma need you to help.

Adam - Ok what do you need me to do.

She smiled at his eagerness to please her and the tone of near desperation in his voice.

She approached him after the bottom half of the outfit was on, handing him a little tub of aqua body paint. This brought her boobs closer to him and she smiled again watching his eyes looking at them.

Sarah - Ok so back first just go ever with this thick brush my entire back… hmmm… here isn't ideal I don't want to get paint on the floor or the furniture let's go outside on the grass and take a lawn chair.

Ever eager to get this over with Adam quickly obeyed. He was also curious if he was to be painting her boobs but wasn't sure he should hope for it. He had to admit he was uncomfortable in the cage. Also though he wasn't entirely not enjoying it. He got the chair and offered it to her.

Sarah - Nah, you sit it’ll be easier.

Adam sat down unsure of how this was gonna work until she began to lower herself onto his lap. This was beautiful torture for Adam he couldnt even dream of being this close to her and could at this point feel his caged cock hard up against her pussy.

Sarah - Comfy? Now take the brush and go right up to the hairline. I’ll be wearing a wig so try not to go into my hair ok?

Sarah grabbed her hair with her hands and held it in a ball on her head. She knew any paint would wash off easily but she was planning ahead. She almost shivered as the first stroke of the paint began on her lower back. It didn't take long to do the back but he had to spend more time around her neck which felt sublime to Sarah almost like he was kissing her neck all over.

Sarah - Avoid the jawline. I'll have to do that part in the mirror, is that the back done?

Adam - as best i could

Sarah - Ok and she got up still holding her hair.

Adam - ?

The question died in his throat as she turned around and lowered herself facing him if he thought the last position was a bit intimate. He didn't notice himself doing it but instinctively he put his hands on her hips.

Adam - Oh sorry…. I didn't mean…

Sarah - Good thing you're caged huh?

Adam - Sort of I guess…

Sarah - Aw.. are you feeling a bit frustrated little boy?

Adam - Very funny, what do you want me to paint?

Sarah. Oh just go over all of it I guess

Adam dutifully began again at the bottom of her belly she didn't expect to feel that to feel so nice.

Sarah - Uh slow down a bit, it will look iffy if you rush it.

She lied just hoping to make it last longer. Adam dutifully slowed his strokes straining against his cage but he noticed she was not only enjoying it but had lowered herself against the tip of the cage rocking slightly. He then finished the stomach and painted around her boobs up her neck towards her jawline.

Adam - Sarah? What else would you like done?

Sarah - Everything but the nipples ok?

Adam - Ok

Adam happily went on loving how the stroked moved her flesh around her boobs. He was almost disappointed when he was done. Sarah though had other ideas.

Sarah - Ok now use the finer brush on the rest ok?

Adam - Uh… alright?

Adam was at this point fully aware this was completely unnecessary there was no way she would ever take ludes or nudes. She had promised her mother she would never dare and although sometimes she skirted a fine line he knew her worst nightmare was to be exposed that way.

As he began she suddenly wasn't sure she had made the right call. He was filled with concentration on what he was doing and although some might say what they had done earlier crossed the line this felt way more intimate. As the fine brush touched her she felt it intensely and her nipples stiffened; it was almost too much. She was resisting grinding against the tip of the cage but she did occasionally dip. Sooner than she would like it was over. Adam Whispered

Adam - Sarah?

Sarah - Thanks, that was great… Adam, can I ask you something?

Adam - Sure

Sarah - You’ve never been with a girl. Have you kissed one?

Adam - … No… I get to Nervous

With that Sarah bent her neck down from her perch and lightly kissed him on his lips and he kissed back just as gently.

Sarah - Well that was nice and gentle now for something a little stronger

She bent down and kissed deep forcing her tongue inside and giving the most erotic kiss she could taking the chance to press up against him grinding on his cage and the paint smudging against him. Suddenly she got up and off his lap.

Sarah - Good thing you're caged?

Adam - Are you protected from me or am I the one being protected from you?

Sarah laughed at that

Sarah - I'm away in to finish the paint in the bathroom mirror. See you by the pool.

With that she headed in quickly once inside she quickly put her hands down her front and wasn't shocked to find herself very excited it didn't take long to bring herself to orgasm and after sitting for a little while she quickly finished the painting. She looked at the mirror and silently wondered if this was ok or had she gone too far. It was sheer madness and she was sure if it was the other way around it would be completely wrong. She figured it was more wrong when a guy seduces a girl in the way she had seduced her step brother but the other way around was it really all that wrong?

Back out she saw Adam had set up the camera and was more than ready. The shots were simpler and less gratuitous than the wood elf earlier. The object was to be cute more than sexy in this one. Adam was quiet during this although he was doing as he was told she worried it meant he crossed the line.

Sarah - Ok so that's pretty much enough of this stuff. You ok Adam, you are very quiet.

Adam - Sorry, I'm just confused I guess.

Sarah - oh? What about?

Adam - Well… I think this is kinda torture with the cage and all..

Sarah was a bit terrified of what came next it could throw everything up in the air if he was upset by what they had done.

Sarah - Adam…

Adam - I mean I'm having the time of my life even though it's so frustrating. I kinda don't want it to end but I guess it has to at some point and I'm really looking forward to the end at the same time. I didn't think girls like you existed.

Sarah was delighted by what she was hearing from him. Not only was she now sure he was ok with it, she now knew he was into it. That last part though…

Sarah - Adam what do you mean girls like me?

Adam - Hard to put it into words but you seem to enjoy being in charge of me. Teasing me but it's not like it's resentful… you’re not mean I dont think.

Sarah - You are right, I do like to be in charge, it's like femdom but no whips or pain… or rubber.

Adam - I love it but….

Sarah - but?

Adam didn't know how to put it. He paused for a second as they started packing up the photography stuff.

Adam - I kinda feel like if I'm teased much more I'm gonna be begging for it… and I'm not sure if you are, you know...feel the same… I mean...

He laughed as he put the thought into words but couldn't finish the rest.

Sarah - Oh I get you… you want to know if im just gonna blue balls you and leave you hanging..

Adam - Kinda...b-but im not kinda expecting you… urgh I can't find the words for this..

Sarah - It's ok I know exactly what you mean. I was a little worried for a bit you were gonna go the other direction and that would go terribly for everyone… you know if you thought i was going to far…

Adam - Oh no way! I'd never do that to you… or our family…

That settled all her nerves and she now knew exactly where she stood with him. She smiled and decided it was time to reward her boy. They got in the house and set the equipment down.

She looked him in the eyes

Sarah - I’ll reward you but only on my terms, I do like being in charge and I get the feeling you actually like being submissive to me.

Adam - I do…

Sarah - Ok let's go up stairs and we will shower and get this paint off. Then if you're good I’ll take off the cage for a while.

Adam wordlessly nodded then followed her up the stairs to the bathroom where she stripped as he turned on the shower. She then ordered him to strip both and finally naked they looked at one another.

Sarah - Ok i want you to use your hands and soap to wash all of me ok. No cloth or sponge ok?

Adam just nodded as she took his hand and gently led him to the shower cubicle. Once she passed the bottle of shower gel he began to gently wash her starting with legs up to her ass cheeks the lower back and neck then the arms he revealed in how smooth and soft she was. Then her stomach passing as close to pussy as her dared, then up to her large natural breasts where he allowed himself to linger and play more.

Sarah - oh that was nice but you missed a couple of spots.

As she said this she smiled and put her hands on the wall and her ass backwards.

Sarah - I said every part of me… do it right or I'll punish you.

He lathered up his hands again and went straight in between her cheeks giving special attention to her anus. Sarah had never had anyone touch there before and was surprised it tickled and felt good at the same time but she turned around to face him.

Sarah - Ok last part… now no more hands…. Get on your knees

Adam excitedly did as he was told, true he had never done this before but he was sure after the day they had, if he was doing something wrong she would teach him the right way. He had seen plenty of porn of this kind of thing and wasn't entirely in the dark. He attacked her pussy with gusto and a gentle “slow down kid” with a pat on the head was the only complaint. He did as he was told, slowed it down as she moaned whilst he tongued first her entrance and then her clit.

Sarah - hey you're really good at this.

She had been leaning on the wall but never the type to just take it. She soon reversed the positions with his head on the wall and her grinding against his face.

Sarah - can you finger me please…

That sounded more desperate than she would have liked but she was close and he responded instantly first one finger then another it broke the dam and she exploded on his face.

Adam took the hint and stopped amazed at the internal convulsions he was feeling more powerful than he thought possible. It took a while and when she finally “awoke” from it she was hugging Adam close. Her legs were like jelly. She could honestly say she had felt nothing like that before. She laughed at the look of concern on Adams face.

Adam - You ok there?

Sarah - Yeah, that was great. Guess you have earned your reward, that was awesome.

She was still wobbly out of the shower and she got Adam to towel her down whilst her legs remembered how to function. She then grabbed his hand and pulled him through to her room and pushed him back on the bed after a deep kiss.

Sarah - ok here's the deal, you keep your hands to yourself or else I will stop unless I tell you too ok?

Adam - ok

She grabbed the key from the drawer and slowly made her way over making him wait as she slowly released the lock and removed the cage. She watched at first as it slowly began to fill out. She blew gently on it which elicited a moan from him to her delight. He was soon really erect. She knew she wasnt about to have sex with him, not yet she was happy to make that suspense last for a while.

Sarah - Ok Adam im going to make you cum… then im gonna put the cage back on and if your very good next time we will fuck for real ok?

Adam - Yes S-sarah

Sarah - Hey you can call me Mam or Mistress or even Miss if you like it?

Adam - Yes Mistress

God Sarah liked hearing that. She never expected it to always seemed corney in the movies she had seen but the honorific was a sign of his acceptance to her. Time to reward him. She kissed him then slowly made her way to the now fully erect with precum oozing out of it cock. She began by gently running her fingertips from the shaft slowly up to the head just gently excruciatingly touching the tip while he squirmed a bit. Then she moved to his balls touching them then gently tugging on them not enough to hurt them just enough to elicit a response. From there she finally kissed his shaft all the way up to the tip then gave the tip and just the tip a deep kiss. Whipping her tongue across it whilst in her mouth. She stopped giggled and moved away again only to return to his balls gently kissing and suckling on each one in turn whilst slowly stroking his cock.

Adam - M-Mistress….

Sarah - Yes Adam?

Adam - Please…. I can't take much more…

Sarah - Oh…… okay seen as you asked so nicely.

She looked up the bed and the poor thing was dripping with sweat, clearly desperate for release. Without warning she sank down and took as much of his cock in her mouth this made him whimper more than moan which she found adorable she began to bob her head determined to reward him. It didn't take long, he began to pulse harder and she felt it in her mouth. A cruel thought occurred to her to just stop and leave him but instead she removed it from her mouth and used her hand licking the tip whilst looking at his face as he finally exploded into her mouth and face. Again it was powerful and it seemed to take him a whilst to come around.

Adam- God that was great.

Sarah - Yeah, I was thinking Adam, do you think we can be like this? You know from now on. Obviously keeping it from the parents but i’ll be moving out soonish but I won't be far away.

Adam - I’d do anything to keep what we have found.

Sarah - Promise.

Adam - I promise.


2022-03-15 16:32:07
Hi good read, nice dom story without any real pain giving. Will definitely read more of you writing, the *********** style you use for conversation is much more simple than traditional quotes with all that punctuation bullshit. I will try it in some of my writing. Thanks keep up the writing it’s good to read well written stories here!

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