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Fred and Sandy's trip to Grand Rapids is anything but uneventful. Sandy learns what it's like to be completely naked all the time.
Grand Rapids (Week One)

Fred Miller (45) and Sandy Thompson (23) were packing up the items that they accumulated during their stay in the Flagler Hospital. Sheriff Henderson stopped by to say good-bye to them both. They thanked him for all the help and support he had given them during their stay in Flagler. Several hospital staff members had also stopped in to say goodbye to them both. Fred had recovered completely from his memory loss. He still showed a few burn marks here and there but nothing serious. Sandy on the other hand had not been so lucky. She had burns and scars over about 30% of her body. Currently she could only remember that part of her life that started when Fred had found her in the parking lot after she had been raped, sodomized, peed on, and forced to perform” around the world on her attacker”. She had not told the doctors about the rape. She had told Fred about that being the first memory of her past life. She did not know how she came to be in Flagler, She could not remember why she was riding around the country nude. She only knew she was. Both her husband and Fred knew. However, they both chose on her doctor’s advice not to tell her. Sandy had been very honest with Fred about her life before the accident. She was told she had two children, but she had no memory of them. She was pregnant but she had no idea by who. She didn’t remember her parents. She just knew they were both deceased. Yet with all these missing pieces she knew she love Fred with a love that was true and deep. She also knew she loved sex. She didn’t remember ever having sex with anyone, but Fred and another trucker named Robert. She didn’t even remember the actual rape just the aftermath of it. She remember them were on their way to Cedar Rapids where Fred lived. She also remember that their love affair was not a done deal. They were going to discuss it on the way to there. To remember because Fred had told her that she told him she had to be home before her husband got home from his conference. From that conversation she had concluded she should go with him now. She now was not motivated to return to her husband since when he left yesterday, he had abandoned her. He didn’t even say good-bye. She had great courage however and faith in her memories she did have. Another facet of Sandy’s personality Fred loved.

Fred’s accountant had come to Flagler to help Fred settle his account and Sandy’s account with the hospital and doctors. Since the Navy was responsible for Sandy’s medical bills. Mr. Green knew that before this was all settled, he was going to put in a lot of overtime on this task. He had tried to convince Mr. Miller that the Navy should pay for everything. However, As he grudgingly agreed, if Mr. Miller wanted the best doctors for Sandy, he would have to pay for them himself. Sandy need the best doctors. Beside her neurological problems. Since she was nude when the explosion blew her off the steps and sent her sliding on her face and stomach across the concrete there were scars everywhere in that area. In addition to that she had suffered burns on her backside from the fire. Mr. Miller had told him on several occasions he didn’t care how much the bills where he wanted them paid. If not thru his insurance, then out of his personal account. Which Mr. Green took great pride in, as Fred, excuse me, Mr. Miller was a very wealthy man. Mr. Miller had hired Mr. Green as his accountant many years ago and his wealth was due in a large part to Mr. Green’s diligence to Fred’s money. Fred knew this and was very appreciative of it. Mr. Green was the second highest compensated man in the Miller Trucking empire. He made more money than the CFO or any of the other VPs did. Mr. Miller often told Mr. Green how much he appreciated him. Despite the formality between them, which was done out of respect, they were very close friends. Fred often consulted Mr. Green on a lot of personal matters. Fred trusted him implicitly.

Fred had already got the few things he had need in the hospital packed. He tried to convince Sandy to let him pack her stuff up but she had insisted on doing it herself. Fred sat in a chair in her room and watch Sandy work. He looked at her with the most loving expression on his face. He truly loved her. Sandy thought it was unusual for a man that was 45 years old would fall in love with a girl that was almost half his age. Sandy still did not know how wealthy he was. She loved him because she had loved him from the first moments, she met him. The night of the rape. He had protected her. He had helped clean her up, and most important of all was he showed her great respect. All the scars and burns did not affect his love for her. He would love her no matter what she looked like. To him she was beautiful before the accident, and she is still beautiful after the accident. He had come to realize during the last couple of weeks that she loved sex and even though she had told him about her many affairs he still loved her any way. In the sex department they had much in common. She liked men and liked having sex with them. He enjoyed watching her have sex and participating with her in group encounters on occasion.

Since she had no clothes when she came into the hospital one of the nurses had volunteered to shop for her something to wear out of the hospital. Fred had gone to the Flagler truck stop to pick up his rig and then he was driving it back to the hospital to get Sandy. It was going to be a couple more days or longer drive to Grand Rapids. Now they would be in no hurry. The doctors had warned them both to take it easy and not rush because they had not fully recovered. Especially Sandy since she was the most injured. She had a lot of bandages to change every day. She was told to be very careful and keep them covered. When they got home, Sandy thought of Cedar Rapids as home already Fred had one of his staff plan to have around the clock nursing care and her neurologist had agreed to an outrageous sum to live at the Miller estate for at least another three months to ensure Sandy’s physical recovery as well as work with her on her memory recovery.

Fred picked her up at the hospital and they were on their way to Cedar Rapids. The first thing Sandy did when they were on the highway was to take the top and shorts the nurse had bought for her and throw them out the window. Fred exclaimed, “Sandy why did you do that.? She replied, “The sooner I get back to normal the better. I know that for some reason I’m traveling around nude, so I wanted to get back to normal as soon as possible. Beside I figured out that you like me naked.” Fred said, “Yes I do.” So, I plan to stay this way unless I go to town or your having guest where it not appropriate to be nude. Fred did I tell you how I came to be traveling around the country naked. I know it wasn’t a choice like it is now. Fred said, I plan on us building our relationship on honesty. So, I will tell you yes, I know what you told me about it. But the doctor told Sam and I not to discuss it with you right now. Maybe in the future if your memory doesn’t come back.

She looked at Fred and said, “I’m a slut aren’t I.” Fred laughed and replied, No you are about as far away as you can get from that. You do like sex, however. We’re not supposed to talk about that now. Pull my penis out and give me a blow job.” Sandy grinned and said, Yes sir I will always do anything you tell me too. No matter what,” she slid over and unzipped Fred’s pants. As soon as it came free of his pants it sprang to attention. Sandy said, “you’re not going to run off the road or anything or you.” Fred said, I can do two things at once as long as one of them is driving.” Sandy thought a minute and then she said, Pull off at the next rest area I want to do more than just give you a blowjob.” And using a term she didn’t often use she said, I want you to pull off the road and fuck me as hard as you can. Make me scream. Make me say fuck me, fuck me over and over. I want the whole rig to rock. And you’re the only man that can do that. So, are you going to fuck me?” Fred grinned and said, “Yes mam.” So, as they drove along to the rest stop Sandy quietly and gently sucked on Fred’s penis. “She said,” Now don’t you dare cum before we get to the rest stop. If you start to cum, I’ll have to squeeze it off and quit sucking on you.” Fred said, “Hey just who’s supposed to be in charge here.” Sandy said “We all know who’s in charge. Us girls just let you men think you are.” That being said, Sandy put her head down and started sucking on Fred’s penis again. Fred wasn’t sure he’d make it another 20 miles to the rest stop. He looked down at Sandy’s head bobbing up and down on his penis and thought, “Man how I love you, Sandy Thompson”. Sandy was thinking as they drove along to the rest stop.: Fred Miller you aren’t going to make it to the rest stop. He reached down and patted her head. He said, heaven sakes Sandy slow down, or I won’t make it. We’ve got another 7 miles to go. Sandy stopped sucking and looked up at him and said,” I love you, Fred Miller. You’re the most wonderful man in the world. You saved my life, and you hold nothing against me. I feel your love as much now as I did before the accident. Why do you love me so much? I’m addicted to sex, I’m not as mature as I should be. I cheated on my husband. Now I’m scarred both physically and maybe mentally, yet you still love me” Fred said, that’s an easy one to answer. I love you because you give the best head, you can’t live without sex. What’s not to love?” While they were talking, she continued to move her hand up and down on his penis and just as they pulled off the interstate and while she was distracted Fred ejaculated. It had been so long since he’d cum and she was not paying attention to him starting to swell that he just came with a lot of force all over her and himself. “What a mess”, Fred said, “But at least you didn’t stop me, Nenana” Sandy said, Well just for that you’re not getting any. I’ll show you. Again, Fred laughed and said, you’re wrong darling. I did just get some. Now who’s ready for a nap. I love it when a plan comes together. And I do mean cums. Fred parked the truck and took off his stained clothes and said, let’s take a nap.” Sandy hit him in the arm and said, “you may have won the battle but you ain’t won the war.” They curled up naked next to each other and fell asleep. When Sandy woke up it was dark. She leaned over and kissed Fred. He mumbled something and went back to sleep. She needed to go to the bathroom badly. Now she was a little sorry she had made the decision to discard her clothes so quickly. She decided to put on Fred’s shirt and pants and go to the bathroom. They didn’t fit her very well but, in this case, she really need to go pee. She climbed out of the truck. She noticed there were not many vehicles in the parking lot. She wonder what time it was. She thought it must be late. She had to hold Fred’s pants up because his belt was too big to buckle around her waist. The shirt wasn’t too long but since Fred was chunky, she it made her look like a little kid. She decided next time she’d do what she did before. Stop along the side of the road and do her business in the bushes if there were any and if not just get up close to the rig and do her business. She decided that she had better get a roll of toilet paper for that. So, with one hand she was holding up Fred’s pants and with the other she was holding a roll of TP. When she got back to the truck, she realized that she couldn’t climb the steps, hold Fred’s pants up and the roll of TP all at once. She tried it but she need to hold the hand hold. She looked around and didn’t see anyone, so she took Fred’s pants off and. The shirt didn’t quite cover her butt or vagina. When she got to the top step and tried to open the cab door, she realized that she had locked herself out. Her only option at this point was to bang on the door until she woke Fred up. Fred was a sound sleeper and they had music playing to cover up outside noise. She put the pants down and tried just knocking on the door. That didn’t work so she started pounding on the door and hollering Fred’s name. As she stood there half naked, she hadn’t woken Fred up but while she was in the restroom a truck had pulled in and parked next Fred’s side of their truck. The driver was getting out of his truck when he heard all of Sandy’s yelling and banging. He walked around to the passenger side of Fred’s truck. He sandy this good-looking young girl standing there on the top step pounding on the cab door and yelling. She was half naked with just a large men’s shirt on that didn’t quit cover her lower half. Even in the dark he could tell she was even though she was all scared up on her butt and upper thighs. He said, “excuse me mam but are you locked out.” Sandy was startled and nearly dropped her toilet paper. She told him she was, and her husband was a sound sleeper. She hoped calling Fred her husband might discourage any unwanted advances. The driver climbed up the stairs and stood on the top step with Sandy. The steps were plenty big for her, but the stranger was a big guy and he had to stand right next to Sandy rubbing up against her. He didn’t start knocking on the door right away. He turned facing her and she could feel his penis through his pants, It was hard. He said, “You sure are pretty but what happened to you.” She said, “I was in a truck fire at the Flagler truck stop. He told her, “Yeah I remember hearing about it. You’re the girl that was nude trying to get the door open. The article said you were naked kind of like you are now. He put his finger under her chin and tilted her hear back and gave her a kiss. They were standing next to each other about as close as they could get. She could feel his penis getting larger. She said, “now wait a minute Just because I’m half naked doesn’t mean I’m interested in having sex with you.” My husband Fred is a jealous man and if he woke up and saw you kissing me and feeling me up, I am afraid of what might happen. He shot a man in Vegas for that same think. The driver laughed and said, Now if that don’t sound like a made-up story to me. I was just kissing you because your pretty. I’d never force myself on any female. Even one as pretty as you.” He banged on the door as hard as he could and shouted, At the top of his lungs, “Hey Fred, wake up, your half naked wife is out here and can’t get in.” Now the story gets interesting because since Sandy had Fred’s pants and shirt Fred was nude also. This time the banging and shouting did wake Fred up. Since he didn’t have anything to put on, he just slid the door curtain back. He saw Sandy out on the step with a strange man. Fred couldn’t see Sandy’s bottom half, so he didn’t know she was naked from the waist down. He unlocked the cab door then got back under the covers and said,” Its unlocked now come in know. The stranger and Sandy had to scoot even closer to swing the cab door open. Now that the stranger was as close as he could get, she felt his erect penis even more. It was big. Now it was Sandy’s turn to get aroused. She hoped the stranger would just go back down the stairs, but he didn’t he half pushed her in the cab and of course the shirt didn’t even half cover her body so the stranger could see just about everything as if Sandy were completely naked. The driver again remarked about her scars and how sorry he was. Sandy didn’t try to do anything to cover up the body. She just said thank you to the driver for helping her wake up Fred. The driver said, My names Jack. It’s nice to meet you all. It didn’t work. Sandy wasn’t in the mood to play any games. Ordinarily she liked to but not tonight all she wanted was to have sex with Fred and show him how much she loved him and then go to sleep early. They were both worn out from the week in the hospital. She had to have bandages change so she wanted him gone. Fred on the other hand didn’t seem to see any urgency in getting Jack gone. Sandy knew what Jack wanted so she came out and said it. Not tonight, Jack. I want to make love to my husband, get my bandages changed and go to bed. But thank you for your help. Jack took it well and didn’t seem to think it was rude. He pulled his head out of the cab. Told them good night and disappeared into the dark.

Fred didn’t have a chance to say a word before Sandy said, you thought it was rude didn’t you.” Fred said, “If everybody was as direct as you were we’d all have more time to do the things we wanted. And beside you were telling him exactly what you want. You want to be fucked by the greatest sex machine in the world. I’m not talking the US of A. I’m talking the world. Now get over here and let me prove it.

Sandy had Fred’s shirt off in a NY minute. she got in the be with Fred and through her arms around his neck said, “Man. do I ever love you. I’m sure glad since I didn’t get all my memory back, I got the important part back. The part I’ve spent with you.” You are so loving and caring. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Fred pulled her lips to his and gave her a gentle and loving kiss. He said, “I was so afraid that you wouldn’t remember me. Did I ever tell you how wonderful and brave I think you are? You mean more to me than anyone in the whole world. Your loving, kind, sweet and the sexiest woman I’ve ever met. I can’t wait for you to be my wife. Sandy Thompson, will you marry me?” Sandy sat there stunned. she loved Fred more than she could tell him, but she had just hoped that he let het live with him. But marry him was beyond her wildest dreams. “Of course, I will”, she thought. The next thing she thought was, “Well answer the man you fool. He expects a yes or no. “she squealed at the top of her voice, “yes, Yes, Yes, Yes. Oh my god, How I love you.” She said, I’m yours forever and ever.” With big tears rolling down her face she said, Everything bad I’ve ever gone through has been worth it for this moment. My darling, pleas e make love to me. I want you inside of me so very much. I want going up and down on me, to feel you start to swell and to feel you’re cum flow into me. Oh, thank you God for bringing this wonderful man into my life for me to love and for him to love me.” Without another word. Fred laid her on her back. She pulled her legs over her head and said, Please Fred make me complete. Put it in me and just knew that I love you with all my heart and soul. You don’t even have to move my dear Fred. Just having you inside me is enough for me.” Tears of happiness kept rolling down her face. Fred was looking down at her face and deep into her soul through her eyes. He said to himself,” Fred your lucky SOB you could never have found another woman like Sandy. She loves you so much. And you love her as much or maybe even more than Marge. She’s beautiful even with the scars and burns. Always treat her with kindness, love, and respect. Make sure she always taken care of.”

With those thoughts in each of their minds they proceeded to make love. No fucking, no rough sex just the kind, gentle merging of their souls. After a period when she just felt the wonder of a deep love Fred started to swell and Sandy felt that swelling. She thought, “here he cums. The gentlest loving man a woman could ask for. When he cums we will be complete in each other”. As Fred cam, Sandy cried. Not a cried of sadness or despair but a cry of happiness and love. She repeated out loud over and over, “O Fred, I love you, Thank you, thank you, thank you for loving me.” She heard Fred saying, “Oh my god Sandy, I love you. I’m the luckiest man alive.” They grabbed each other and without saying another word they held each other tight each knowing this was forever. They awoke in the morning late in the morning. Sandy said, Fred that was wonderful. I feel like our souls merged. I was so immersed in our love I forgot to change my bandages. Fred said, I sorry I felt your love so strong I forgot to change them. mea culpa”. Sandy replied no it’s not your fault. I can change most of them myself. Fred said, yeah but I can change them all. It’s very important to do it. The doctor said, if we do it when we’re supposed to that most of the scars will go away. He told me that the doctor that did the stitches and taping was the best in the country. Fred said, I know I flew him in from Los Angles. Fred insisted that Sandy let him do it. He never told Sandy that while he was in the hospital, he spent hours practicing so he’d get it exactly right. It took him about an hour to get all of them. Despite the hours of practice, he was still worried he didn’t get them done properly. He finally finished them all and Sandy gave him a big kiss and told him how much she love him and called him nurse Fred. While Fred checked over the truck getting ready for the day’s drive, Sandy made the bed and cleaned up the mess from changing the bandages. When Fred got in the truck and fired it up Sandy said,” We’ve got to get on the road. I’ve got to pee. Fred said, “where are your clothes.” Sandy said, “I through them out the window right after we left.” Fred ask her, “Why did you do that.” To which Sandy replied, Because you like me traveling naked. And that was the agreement we made with the other truckers. The “Naked Lady” is still on the road.” Fred leaned over and tweaked her right nipple and said, I do like you naked. And I do remember us deciding that except for going to town and special parties you would go naked all the time. I suspect that my staff will have a hard time getting used to that. What about you will you have a hard time being nude around other people.” Sandy replied, No not at all because that’s the way you want me. It’s also the way I like me. I think if I hadn’t subconsciously liked it, I would never made it these last few weeks. Besides If I weren’t naked, I’d never met you and that’s the most important thing to me. So, people are just going to have to get use to the Mistress of the house being naked most all the time. Now I’ve got to go right now so pull over and let me pee. There are some bushes up ahead.” Fred said, yeah but they’re a way off the highway. Sandy said, well if anybody sees me, they’ll have to look quickly because at 80 miles an hour I’ll go by fast.

Fred pulled off the interstate and Sandy climbed out of the cab completely naked. She ran to the bushes which where about 50 yards away. What she didn’t see was the truck that was about ¼ mile away. He saw her though. He said to himself, That the Naked Lady. We’ve been wondering what happened to her. He slammed on his brakes and managed to come to a complete stop behind Fred’s rig. Sandy looked up just as the rig stopped. Fred also saw him stop. Sandy thought that truck looks familiar. She wiped herself with the toilet paper and stood up and ran back to Fred’s rig. Her breast flopping up and down as she ran. By the time she was halfway back to the rig the driver got out of his truck. The trucker hollered at her, “Hey Sandy I wondered what happened to you and Fred. She looked a moment then she said, Rob it that you?”. She went running to him and stood there naked on the edge of the interstate hugging Rob. She suddenly realized where she was when a couple of cars and a truck honked at them. She said, “come let’s get in the truck” When she got in Rob was behind her. she said, Guess who I found.?” Fred said, “It’s Rob I’d recognize his truck anywhere.” He said to Rob, Come on in Rob. It’s great to see you.” Rob in right behind Sandy and kissed her on her nipple I was still so excited that Fred had asked me to marry him that I just had to tell somebody so Rob was a timely arrival. I said, “Guess what?” I waited. Rob didn’t say anything, so Fred grinned and said, I think she expects you to say what Rob. So, Rob said “What Sandy” Sandy bounced up and down on her seat.” That got Rob a little excited but not quite like Sandy, but the result was about to be the same. She screamed; Fred’s ask me to marry him. And before I could say more, Fred said, “you can go first Rob and I’ll take sloppy seconds this time. When I heard that it was all over Rob before you could say Jack Rabbit. In less than a minute I had stripped him of all his clothes and stuff like watches and shoes etc. until he was as naked as I was. By the time I got his pants and underwear off, he was as hard as a rock.

I pushed him over on his back and jumped on that beautiful hard and was humping him fast. I had to slow down a bit because I remembered that he was a quick comer. AS I worked him slowly getting as much feeling out of him as I could. I said teasingly,” Rob you didn’t sound very excited for me”. Rob replied, “Well, Sandy do you think that was because you were fucking me as soon as your fiancé gave you the OK. I swear Sandy you love penises more than anything except Fred.” I said, “I don’t know if that’s true but there are some like yours, I do. It’s hard, it’s big and man do you have a lot of cum. Beside your one of Fred’s best friends and I ‘ll always provide for those that Fred wishes all the sex they can handle.” Now get ready I’m ready for a ride. “with that I started humping him again. Fred joined us. He lay down next to me and as I Hump Rob, Fred started kissing me. It wasn’t very long before Rob came buckets of cum in me. Fred took over and said, “wow this girl is slippery as he inserted his penis in me. I cried out with pleasure as he went in me. Rob turned around to the 69position and while Fred was pumping me, I was suck Rob clean. I couldn’t believe how god Fred felt. Unlike last night this was pure raw sex. I wanted as much as I could get and both men were ready to give it to me. Three hours later we both trucks were still sitting on the interstate while they screwed me. Rob happened to notice the time and said, “We’d better get her to a rest stop before the highway patrol notices us.” I think there is one on I40 about 30 miles from here. I’ll meet you there and we can continue where we’re leaving off.

Fred said, do you want to take Sandy with you.? It’s probably been a long time since you’ve had a naked female in your rig. “Rob said, “man do you really mean it.” Fred said, “Of course I mean it. Sandy really likes having sex with you. And as far as I’m concerned you can have her any time you want.” Just don’t let your wife catch you.” I was thrilled to hear shred started his truck up, while Rob was putting on his clothes. Of course, all I had to do was get out of the truck and run naked back to Rob’s rig. I ask Rob if his rig was unlocked. He said it was, so I hoped out and ran back to his rig. I got several honks as I was running back. When I got there a bunch of cars were going by. I tried to open the door to get in and Rob was wrong. He had locked it. I couldn’t get in. Now I had to decide did I go back to get the keys or just sit on the steps and wait until Rob came back. Fred had started his truck and all his lights were on. Rob’s rig was totally dark, so I decided that I’d just stay where I was. I mean how long would it take Rob to get dressed. It was still cold at night when the sun went down. I was huddled up on the top step, shivering and wondering what was taking Rob so long. A car pulled up behind Rob’s rig. His lights shinning on the back. Now I didn’t know what to do. If it were the cops, I’d probably be arrested for being naked. If it wasn’t the cops, why were they stopping. I just hoped that the guys saw them put up. Of course, Rob didn’t realize I couldn’t get in his rig. I decided to get under the trailer and try to hide behind a wheel and hope that whoever it was wouldn’t see me. I got down the steps and under the rig before the car driver got out of the car. I figured the best place to hide was by the back tires under the tractor and if he didn’t shine a light under the rig. I’d be safe. I was lucky that the guy s had seen the car pull up and Rob was concerned that they were the highway patrol. It turn out he was right. It was the highway patrol. He wasn’t concerned about me because he thought I was in his rig. In the meantime, Fred had pulled away. Leaving md crouch naked under Rob’s trailer. I heard the Highway patrol officer ask Rob why the two trucks had been parked there so long. Rob told him that he and the other trucker were partners, and they had a new job and they had been deciding who was going to drop off their load and go get the other one. The officer was still a little suspicious, so he kept asking Rob question while I huddled under the trailer freezing to death. Finally, the officer was satisfied by Rob’s story so he said, you can go.” Now they were standing on the passenger side of the tractor. I couldn’t get in because the doors were locked. I was afraid that Rog would get in and not think about me not being in the rig. And he would drive off without me and I’d arrested.

However, Rob was a little smarter than that. When he got up the steps on the driver’s side and tried to get in the realized that the door was locked. So, he went around to the passenger side and pretended he was checking the tires. When the trooper turn behind the trailer Rob whispered out as loud as he dared Hurry up Sandy get in. I scrambled up front and got in the cab just as the trooper got in his car. We both laughed at how close that was. I leaned over and gave Rob a kiss. As soon as I did that, he put his finger in my vagina and started to work me. The tension had been so high from the incident with the trooper that I was aroused almost as soon as he inserted it. I continued to kiss him as he continued to massage my clit. Rob broke the kiss and said, Let’s get in the back. I was so aroused at that point I couldn’t resist. I climb in the back and while rob got his pants down in a hurry, I unmade the bed. As fate would have its Rob’s zipper got stuck in his shorts .and by the time he figured out to just pull them down I laughed and was out of the mood. Beside I was already a little concerned about doing it with Rob without Fred’s preapproval. I was pretty sure he would mind but I loved him so much I didn’t want to do anything that would hurt Fred or cause a problem between us. I couldn’t stand it I did something that hurt him. I got back in the front seat and Rob managed to get his zipper back up. When he got in the front seat and I gave him another kiss and said, It’s better this way. Rob said, “I know Fred’s one of my best friends and I wouldn’t want to hurt him. We were both anxious to get to the rest stop because we knew that we would get to do it then anyway. We talked on the 20-minute drive to the rest stop about our feeling for each other. He told me that he thought I was the prettiest girl. I told him I was so concerned about all the scars and stitches all over my body. He said don’t worry about it that most of them will be covered up by clothes. I said, “I’m not going to be wearing clothes except when I have to go to town or if Fred is having a special party. I told him Fred really liked to see me naked and that there was nothing I wouldn’t do for him. Rob was amazed. Does that mean around the office too and when Fred has his poker parties, you’ll be nude? I told him yes, I would be nude. He said, wow I’m going to be coming to all of Fred’s poker parties. I leaned over and gave him another kiss and said, “you’re sweet” a few minutes later we pulled into the rest stop. We saw Fred’s truck parked in the back of the truck parking area. Rob pulled in next to him. We got out of the rig, and I ran to the steps. It was so cold. I got in the nice warm cab and Fred was asleep in the back. I climbed over in the back and hopped on Fred. He woke up and mumbled something about being attacked. I thought he was talking about me humping on him, but he wasn’t. Rob got in the cab and now Fred was fully awake. He said, “You guys are early. I’d thought it be another hour or two before you got here.” Rob said, Why did you think that it was only a 20-minute drive.” Fred responded, Yeah but I figured you guys would take some time getting started. After all Sandy is almost irresistible. Rob replied, I agree with that. I told her we should do it a couple times before we left but she said no. she didn’t want to do anything unless you preapproved it. Fred said, “Why did you guys think I suggested Sandy ride with you. I thought you two might enjoy some time together alone. I looked over at Rob and mouthed the words, “I’m sorry”. Fred continued, it just as well. you two would probably been there three or four hours more and the trooper would have come back, and Sandy would have been screaming her head off to do it harder and he’d have arrested you both.

Fred laughed. I remarked Fred that it was almost time to change my bandages anyway. So, while Fred changed my bandages. We talked and laughed together. Fred got them all done except for the two that were near my vagina. He said, “Rob why don’t you come change these last two. Rob replaced Fred in the back. When rob got back there instead of replacing the bandages he slip two fingers in me and stared arousing me by playing with my clit. I got instantly aroused. I raised my arms up and put them around Rob’s neck, pulled his head down and started French kissing him. He was already getting aroused and that made him get hard the rest of the way immediately. Fred said, give it to her hard. And give me your keys. I’m going to leave you two alone and go finish my nap. A soon as the door to the cab closed, I went wild. Rob felt so good in me. I wanted Rob to stop fingering my clit and put it in. When he put it in it was already still so slippery from earlier in the afternoon. I wiggled and squirmed and wrapped my legs around I said, Please give it to me hard and fast as you can. I want you so bad she he was pumping me he said, “I think I’ll move to Grand Rapids so I can be near you. I’m going to want you on a regular basis. That way I’ll be able to come to all of Fred’s poker parties when I’m not on the road. I get to have sex with you on a regular basis. He does that sound. I French kissed him again and had a great orgasm. Unless Fred was already asleep, I knew he heard me. But since Rob did not ejaculate at that moment of a minute later, he did cum, and I screamed all over again the whole time Rob was cumming. We continued having ex for at least another hour. I must have cum at least twice more during that time. Neither Rob nor I had kept track of time. I had just finished my third orgasm when Rob ejaculated for his third time. It probably was my strongest one and my loudest. I had just started sucking on Rob to clean him up when the door open and two men with guns wearing masks go in the cab and said lady, you’re coming with us. While one of the gunmen held his gun on me the other one grabbed Sandy’s arm and pulled her out of the back. The first gunman told me if I made any noise, they’d kill her. Sandy was putting up s pretty good fight and while the second gunman was busy with here the first gunman disappeared from the door. I heard a thunk from the outside. Then moments later while Sandy was still struggling with the other gunman there was another thunk and suddenly it was very quiet except for my crying. Fred had gathered up their guns. He was soothing her, holding her tightly in his arms telling her everything was going to be ok. He finally got her calmed down. We heard some people in the distance coming to see what was going on. Fred told Sandy to run and get in his truck and under no circumstances come out. Rob had gotten on the CB and called the Sheriff. Fred stuck his head inside Rob rig and tossed him the guns the hijackers had. By the time the bystanders arrived at the scene the sheriff sirens blaring were pulling into the truck stop’s parking lot. One of the bystanders said, I saw what happened. Those guys were going to highjack you. Fred said, Yeah, it’s a good thing I was coming back from the bathroom and saw them. My partner was asleep. I got my tire iron out and laid them out. Rob heard what Fred was saying to the bystanders, so he knew what to say to the sheriff. Three of the Sheriff deputies came up and ask Fred who the rig belonged to. Fred said his partner. Rob had hidden the guns in the tool locked and was standing in the parking lot. He went over to the deputies and said to Fred, “Man it a good thing you came back when you did. I was sound asleep when these guys burst into our truck. They would have highjacked it along with me if you hadn’t come back when you did.”

Of course, the deputies wanted to see all their paperwork. Fred and Rob showed them their DOT licenses. Rob got out all his other licenses. His business license. His rig’s documentation. Everything was in order. The hijackers were still out cold. One of the deputies said, We’d better call an ambulance these guys probably have e fractured skulls. Fred said, I tried not to hit them too hard, but a tire iron was all I had. The deputies ask Fred, “Were they armed.” Fred said, At the time it looked like they were, but I don’t see any guns now.” One of the bystanders said, “I saw a third guy run off when this trucker attacked these two fellows. He must have collected up the weapons before he ran off.” Fred said, “Yeah, I bet that’s what happened.” After the sheriff deputies left and the crowd dispersed Fred and Rob came over and got in the truck. Fred said, rob what are you carrying that they wanted to hijack you. Rob replied, “they weren’t hijacking me they were kidnapping Sandy. Sandy said “Yeah I think that was their intent. The one on the driver’s side was trying to pull me out of the Rob’s rig. Why I don’t know unless the recognized the “Naked Lady” and wanted to rape me.

Fred turned white and said, Oh man, if that’s true. We have a problem. I said, “But Fred I don’t have any money. And Rob and I had been in his rig for over two hours” Fred not wanting to scare Sandy said, I don’t know you were pretty noisy Sandy. I could hear you screaming for more several times. They may have been walking by and heard you and decided you might be fun. Rob said, Let’s go look at those guns they had. Maybe we can tell if they’re professional’s guns and an amateur. Fred to Sandy they’d be right back. When the got to Rob’s rig. Fred said, “I didn’t want to scare Sandy, but I bet those guys were trying to get to me thru Sandy. They must have seen our picture in the newspaper and then saw us here and decided to make their play. Or they could have been following us and saw Sandy get into your rig. Rob looked at the guns and decided they belonged to amateurs.

Fred told Rob, “In any case I’ll have my security team look into it. I guess I’d better hire a bodyguard for Sandy. I sure don’t want anything to happen to her.” Rob said, “what about you.” I replied, “I don’t worry about me, I can take care of myself.” I’ll take one of these to have until I get home to protect Sandy with.

Fred said, Speaking of Sandy you sue seem to have want she wants. You guys woke me up a couple times with her screaming for more. Tonight, I’m going to have to take her to get a bath and get herself cleaned up. We put a lot of cum in her today. I noticed she had it running down her thighs and all over her belly. I want to make sure she doesn’t scar up to bad. Let ‘s go get something to take back for us to eat and then put her through her paces again before she goes to get cleaned up”. What time do you normally have her take a shower? Rob said. Oh, anywhere between 2 and 4AM. There usually not too many men out at that time. I found out it’s better to take her in the men’s shower than the women. I don’t think many men will report her if they see her walking around naked. Fred said. “Most men just stare at her or follow her into the showers.” Rob said, “Sandy told me that you’re going to have her not wear any clothes when you get home except if she has to go downtown, or you are having a special party. Fred replied, I think it’ll be ok once everybody gets used to seeing her naked. I might lose a couple of old biddies at the office, but most won’t care. I imagine that there will be more demand for my poker parties. You’re always invited by the way. And of course, you and I will have fun after the party with her. In fact, any time you’re in Grand Rapids you’re welcome to her. She really likes you and you seem to have a way with her. Since she likes you so much as far as I’m concerned, she available to you any out 30 minutes later I heard Fred and Rob coming back from dinner. They brought mine back to me. I was hungry, so I gobbled it down. Besides, I was pretty sure Fred was going to give me to Rob again tonight. I couldn’t wait. When I’d finished eating, I slipped out the door and to the back of the truck to go pee and poop. Fred hadn’t told me he was going to take me to the showers later so I tried to clean myself up as best I could. When I got back in the truck there was soft music on the player. Both Rob and Fred were nude. The lights were dim, and the curtains drawn. Sandy grinned when she got in and said, I see you gentlemen have plans. I hope they include me.” Rob grabbed her and pulled her into the passenger seat. He inserted a couple of fingers and twisted her clit. She said, oh man do that again. Fred sat on the edge of the bed and grinned as Rob twisted my clit again. He said, “Sandy I told Rob that he can have you anytime he’s in Grand Rapids or where we are. I assume from what I heard this afternoon that’s ok with you.” While this conversation was going on Rob had continued to play with my clit. I started to ger aroused. I was beginning to make little squirming moves and a low moan. Rob ask the question I hoped he’d ask. Fred will it be OK if I take her on road trips with me occasionally. Naked of course.” Fred said, We’ll have to see about that. I suspect it’ll would be ok for short trips”. I squealed when he said that mostly because I was happy but also because Rob pinched my clit hard. Fred said, “Sandy you seem happy about that.” I told him that Rob had pinched my clit when you said that. Rob pinched it again and I squealed again. Fred moved over to the driver’s seat and Rob picked me up and tossed me on the bed. Both were very erect. I was getting really aroused. Rob said, OK pay attention now I’m going to show you how to make her squeal and scream like she does for me. Then I’ll give her to you. She’ll be yours first then me just like we planned. Rob got in the bed And said, “Fred the first think you do is get her clit full of blood. That indicates she is getting aroused. Here let me show you. Rob twisted my clit a couple more times. Rob was right I was getting aroused. Rob spread the lips of my vagina apart and said, ‘Look at what it looks like when it’s full Fred looked over at me and felt it. His hands felt so good on it.: Rob reached down and while he had my vagina exposed, he gave my clit an unexpected twist. I squealed just like the two times before. Rob said, You’ve got to give her a hard twist and make it unexpected and she’ll squeal most every time. She really likes it. And she’ll get a little more aroused each time you do it. Now to show you how you make her scream with pleasure like I did this afternoon. Is to hit her G spot. It’s hard to find in some women but I think that women whose g spots are bigger and more sensitive are the ones like Sandy. They’re the ones who are very responsive to men and are more likely to like a lot of sex like Sandy does, don’t you dear.” While he had been talking to Fred he had been playing with my clit and occasionally hitting my G spot. I was almost ready to cum. Rob said, “now pay attention I’m going to run her through her paces and show you how to make her beg. Rob said, I’m going to cool her down and then start her again. Before I’m through she’ll be begging me, squealing, and moaning all at the same time and then when I’m through playing I’ll either slip it in and let her orgasm or get on top of her and make her keep her butt of the bed until she can’t hold it up any longer. And when she collapses it’ll come out and then you make her beg. The main thing to remember is whatever you want to do with or to her before you’re through with her be sure she has an orgasm. It’s not fair to play with her and then not give her what she needs. Especially girls like Sandy. They need that sex. If you don’t give it to her eventually, she’ll get it somewhere else. Isn’t that right Sandy? That’s the mistake your husband made with you” I looked at both men and at their penis which both were erect. Rob’s was bigger both in length and in diameter. Probably an inch in each. But that didn’t really matter to me. I was glad that Fred let Rob have me. He was good at handling me. Better than any man I’d had so far. Rob lay down beside me and started kissing me. Not only was his gentles bigger but he had a long tongue which made it great for French kissing. While he was kissing me, he started playing with my clit. He did all the things he learned about how to manipulate me, and it didn’t take him more than a few minutes until he had me begging him. Another five minutes and he let me have an orgasm. I have all sort of pleasure. I’d scream, wiggle my hips and the higher Rob raised up the higher I could He made me stay up over 10 minutes while I tried to get some feeling out of the tip of his penis. I finally couldn’t hold myself up and I had to let it go. I whimpered when I felt it slip out. I had my eyes close as was saying please Rob give it to me please. But when I opened my eyes, it was Fred that was in me. Now even though I loved Fred more than any man I still wanted Rob in me. The fastest way I knew to get Rob back was to fake an orgasm. So, I began to fake moan. I pretended I was wanting Fred by thinking about Rob being in me. Then I faked a good orgasm and I felt Fred swell and ejaculate in me. I was excited then because I knew Rob was going to come play with me now. Fred got off me and Rob started on me again. While Fred was cleaning up Rob put his still hard penis me and leaned over rand started kissing me. Then he whispered, Sandy if you ever try to fake with it with me like you just did with Fred, I’ll take you out and beat your butt with a paddle until it turns red, and you can’t sit on it. I don’t care if you fake it every time with Fred but you’re going to give the real thing every time.” I whispered, “Darling I’ll never fake it with you. I don’t have too. Your wife is a lucky woman. I’m jealous of her. He whispered again in my ear. You should be she’s much better than you are. And remember what I said, don’t you dare fake it with me. Ever. My feeling were really hurt by him saying his wife was much better than I was, but I didn’t let it show. I had to have him. If I didn’t, please him, he might just tell me to get lost. The night went on like the previous hour. They swapped me back and forth and I’d wait a decent amount of time with Fred and then fake an orgasm so I could get back to Rob. I had a dream that, Fred and Rob had said there was almost all day of them being on the same interstate, and Fred would let me travel with Rob. Just having his hands on me made me all most cum. I could just see me having his penis in my mouth most of the day and then when he wanted to cum us stopping at a rest stop and having him in me. That’s when I woke up. When I woke up, I was in Rob’s arms. Fred was not in the cab. I shook Rob awake and said, “Fred’s not here”. Rob said, “He probably went over to get something to eat. Rob got up to look and see if Fred was outside. When he got up, I saw that he was partial erection. That made me even more aroused. I loved Fred with all my heart and soul, but Rob felt so good to me and since Fred told both of us it was ok if I had sex with Rob anytime Rob wanted me to, so I did. I ask Rob if he wanted to have sex. He said, “I want to have sex with you any time we can”. He came back and got in bed with me. He started kissing me and before long we were fully involved. He was on top of me, and we were going strong. I was my usual noisy self. the cab door opened, and Fred came in. He didn’t say a word he just sat down in the driver’s seat. I hardly noticed that he was there. After about another 10 minutes I had an orgasm. Rob still had not cum yet, so we kept and just before Rob came, I had another orgasm where I was even more aroused and louder than I was during my first orgasm. Shortly after that Rob started ejaculating. As usual it was a huge amount. As we were coming down, we both fully realized that Fred was there. Rob said, She is fun. Fred laughed and said, I believe you I could hear her three rigs down from here. A couple of truckers were standing out front of their rig talking about the girl that was getting laid. They were wondering if you were faking it because you were so loud. I told them no you always sounded that way when my friend was screwing you. They said, “Is she a hooker and I told them no, you were my fiancé. That you really enjoyed Rob and I let Rob have you whenever he wants to. One of them said, “Even after you get married? I told them yes. Anytime.” Rob spoke up then and said, “Can I have her ride with me today until we get to the junction. I’ll meet you there and return her. I was hoping that Fred would say no. Even though Rob was better at sex than Fred I really wanted to be with Fred. I’d had sex with about 10 times in the last two days. I hadn’t really had the time to enjoy Fred because I was always faking it. Fred thought a minute and then said, Despite what I just said about giving her to you whenever you wanted. I want to keep her with me today. I tried not to smile because I didn’t want to hurt Rob’s feelings. I was still worried about him not wanting me anymore, but I really did want to spend the time with Fred. Rob said, I just thought I’d ask. Thanks for lending her to me these last couple days. Maybe I can have her at the poker party.”

I could see that Fred realized how disappointed Rob was. I thought for a minute there Fred was going to go ahead a say take her. But he didn’t. I was so glad. Fred had brought me a cup of coffee. It was cold since it sat while Rob and I had sex. I drank it anyway. Fred said, I imagine you need a shower and pee since Rob has so much cum in him. I said, “Can we make love now. If you don’t mind sloppy seconds. I want you in me. Fred looked at me and said, “are you going to fake it this time. Or will it be real. I said, “How did you know?” He said, “I’ve made love with you too many times not to tell the difference of when you are having real feelings and when you’re making it up as you go. You were making it up as you went yesterday. I can only assume it was because you wanted Rob more than me and you’d fake an orgasm with me to get back as quickly as possible to Rob.” I sat there full of another man’s cum thinking how much that must have hurt Fred. I ask, “Fred why didn’t you say something to me. I wouldn’t want to hurt you for the world.” In a sad voice Fred said, Sandy you can’t make somebody love you nor can you make them want to have sex with you.

I told him how sorry I was, and I went over to give him a kiss and a hug. I was so ashamed. I vowed to never ever do it again. Verbally, I said, Fred I’m so sorry I hurt you. I’ll never happen again. What you get from me will always be authentic from now on. If you can forgive me, I’d really like to have you make love to me. I’m glad you told Rob no. If you can believe me. Fred looked at me and said, I always believe in you. You don’t lie to me. What you just told me proves that. You could have made up a story to tell me about yesterday. But you didn’t. You honestly told me your thoughts and feelings. I know I can trust you and I always will. Now if you want to have me fill you the rest of the way up, I’ll be glad to oblige got up out of the driver’s seat and came over to me. And while we were kissing, I got him out of his clothes. His penis was rock hard. I thought, “Sandy this is a day of learning for you. If the man, you love says he trust you don’t ever lie to him. He’ll be yours forever. We lay down on the bed and started kissing, French style. It felt so good to me. Fred may not have been the world’s greatest man when it came to sex, but he sure could kiss. The longer we kissed the more aroused I became. Fred inserted two fingers and twisted my clit. He broke the kiss and said, Wow you’re sure full of cum. Does Rob always have that much cum in him. I told it wasn’t all Rob’s cum that a lot of it was my cum. That when I was really aroused and had an orgasm, I came way more than most women. I said That one thing I think a lot of men like about me. I’m never dry. I also told him that when I get loud it means I’m producing a lot of cum suddenly Fred pinched my clit and I squealed loud because it felt so good and because I was very aroused. That was the second thing I learned that day. That was that Fred was a fast learner. Before we got back on the road. Fred used every trick on me that Rob had taught him. Plus, he had some of his own. I was so happy that day. It took us three hours to get on the road because we spent most of those three hours making love. You notice I didn’t say having sex. That’s what I had done with Rob but with Fred it was making love. Three hours later Fred had cum three times, and I’d had two orgasms. I was so happy and full of cum. I’d used up the two towels Fred had in the truck. We’d stopped for me to pee a couple of times, so I’d been able to use toilet paper to clean me up some. As we rode along, I was so happy. It was a beautiful day, the sun was out, it was a little warmer and there wasn’t a lot of traffic. I told Fred how much I loved him and how anxious was to get to my new home.

We still hadn’t eaten yet. And I was getting hungry. All the love making had left me hungry. I ask Fred if we could stop and get something to eat. Fred said sure the next truck stop we came to he said we’d stop. I said, Fred you said that except for Special parties and going to town you wanted me nude all the time. Fred said yes, I did. Well, I’m going to need some practice at that when we come to the next off road where it like just a filling station a maybe one or two fast foods. I want to stop there and go in and get my own food. I’ve got to get use to people seeing me naked and how they react to me standing in line getting a burger or something totally naked. I realize that at some point I’m going to get arrested because I’m naked, but I bet it’s not often and beside I told you I wanted to and am willing to do anything you want me to do. Fred grinned and said, maybe we want to start out a little smaller. There’s a truck stop 5 miles up the road. How about we pull in there and you go in a get a shower. This one has a door from the truck pumps to the trucker’s lounge. So, you can go in thru there and get a shower without being seen by anybody but truckers. When you shower take your bandages off and I’ll put new ones on when we get back. It’s not a big truck stop so not as many people will see you. I’ll go in with you to help give you self-confidence about being naked. After all you been riding around the country naked for over two weeks now being seen by a lot of truckers.

I said, “I’m a little nervous but I’m ready to try it out. Maybe I’ll set a trend.” Fred said, I’ll just settle for you not getting arrested. We pulled off when we got to the off ramp. And Fred pulled in as close to the back door as he could. I sat there nervously for a couple minutes. Fred said, “Are you sure you want to do this?” I said, “Yes I’m ready. I’m glad you’re going with me. that help give me some confidence. After all, over the last couple of weeks I been seen by dozens of truckers and had sex with over 20 of them. I open the door and climb out of the cab. Fred got out on the other side. There were a couple of truckers coming out of the door. They looked at me as they went by. I tried to remain calm and serene. They stopped to watch me walk all the way to the door. Fred had given me some money for the shower and some soap and towels. The attendant looked at me and grinned. He said, Most people wait until they get in the shower area to undress. I said, “Well my fiancé likes me naked.” A look of recognition crossed the attendants. He said, I know who you are. You’re the “Naked Lady”. I looked out the corner of my eye at Fred. He heard what the attendant had said. The attendant looked at my body up and down. He ask, “” what happened. I told him about the explosion. All I really wanted was to get in the shower, but I didn’t want to be impolite. Several truckers had come in while I was standing there naked talking. After about 10 minutes of standing there Fred came over and said to the attendant, I think the lady wants to go take a shower. The attendant said, “I’m sorry I got carried away/ Grinned and ask him, “Was that carries talking or looking at my body.” The attendant smile back and said, Well a little of both I guess. You are kind of a celebrity, and you really have a nice body. No wonder your fiancé likes you naked. Tell him thanks for me. I enjoyed looking at you. Will you do me a favor and give me naked lady’s autograph. He took out a polaroid camera and took a picture and then when it developed ask me to sign it. He then said, If I give a free shower, towels and soap can I come in and watch you take a shower. I looked over at Fred to see what he wanted me to do. He shook his head no. So, I told him I didn’t think so. The attendant replier, well thanks anyway. I’ve got you picture and autograph. Here are your towels and soap on the house anyway. I told him thanks and he told me shower 10. He said, Enjoy your shower, “Naked Lady”. I took a long shower because I was so full of cum, and I want to be all fresh and clean for Fred tonight. I tossed the towel in the dirty towel container and walked back out to the trucker’s lounge. Only I didn’t see Fred anywhere. I tried to remain calm. this time instead of 3 or 4 truckers there was over two dozen men in there, I tried to remain calm and look confident. I walked across the lounge shoulders back, tits at attention. When the attendant saw me, he called out, have a nice night, Naked Lady” If there were any men that hadn’t seen me before when I first got out of the shower. There weren’t any now, I walked right out the door and to Fred’s Truck. Of course, Fred had locked his truck. Just my luck. I late in the afternoon. I really didn’t want to hang out to long around the parking lot nude. I knew that eventually one would come along and want some sex and chase me around the parking lot. However, it was only a couple minutes later that Fred walked around from the back of the truck. I was standing by the step waiting impatiently. There were two people with him. One was a big older man. The other was a young woman. The man looked like he was about the same age as Fred. The young woman looked to be about thirty. I was a little embarrassed. Here I was completely naked with two strangers coming towards me. Not only that but I was still scared and bandaged in places not normally. The think was I really didn’t mind being seen naked, but it was so far out of our cultural norm that I knew that it was going to take a real effort on my part to do what my husband wanted. But I was his and I’d do my best to do whatever he asked. Maybe I could start an alternate cultural norm. Fat chance of that. What was Fred going do when I 50 years old. When Fred walked up, I tried to make a joke. You locked me out and this old thing doesn’t have any pockets in it. I did a little movement of my body to indicate what I meant. Fred was so apologetic He said, “Darling I’m really sorry. I meant to leave it unlocked.” And the at an attempt at humor of his own, he said, “Well that’s not quite accurate. You have one pocket.” That really pissed me off. Making a sex joke with me standing naked in front of two strangers was bad enough but he hadn’t even introduced me to them.

They both grinned and the older man said, “My name is William Murdock, and this is Gloria Watson. We work for Mr. Miller in corporate security. “Just at that time a couple truckers walked by and saw me and gave a wolf whistle. Fred turn red and scrambled up the steps and unlocked the cab and said, “Let’s get inside.” When we got inside Fred apologized for the door being locked to me and for getting sidetracked and not properly introducing me. Bill and Gloria, this Sandy Thompson. Sandy, Bill, and Gloria are more than just security people. They both work on special assignments for Miller Trucking as well me personally. Bill has worked for me since almost the beginning of Miller Trucking was the largest trucking Company in the world. Gloria has worked for Miller Trucking for over 10 years. After yesterday’s incident I called and ask Bill and Gloria to meet us here. Those people were not simple hijackers they were profession criminals. I believe that they tried to kidnap you, Sandy to get to me. We’ll talk a lot more about that when we get home. For right now and the next few days, Bill, I’d like you to shadow us and see if we’re being followed or another attempt on Sandy will be made. Gloria what I’d like for you to work you magic on the computers to investigate and find out if the truck bombing in Flagler County was an accident or was it staged. Maybe some bad actors were after us and just got the wrong truck. No one seemed to notice but the bombed truck was the same color as mine. The trucking company ‘s name was Mueller. Coincidence, maybe, maybe not? Any way Gloria, she want you can dig up. And Gloria when you get bac in town tomorrow, please get Vicki to find four of the best bodyguards available and hire them. I want 24-hour surveillance on Sandy starting when we get back in about 3 days. In the meantime,

we’ll have Bill looking after us. He’ll keep us safe. “Bill replied, “Thanks boss.” Bill or Gloria do either of you have any questions at this point? I was really confused I didn’t understand what was going on. I said, “Fred I’ve got a ton of questions. Fred grinned and replied, I bet you do. I would if I were you. We’ll talk about it later tonight.” Gloria any questions. “no Mr. Miller. I get on the truck bombing first think when I get home.’ Fred said, “Gloria I know how you are when you get a bone in your teeth. Don’t let this hurt your family life. This is work and home is family does not work.” I’ll see you guys later. Thanks for coming all this way. Bill said, “Boss can I talk to you outside for a minute” Fred replied sure. Gloria left and Bill and Fred went outside. I don’t know what they talked about, but I suspect it had something with me being naked all the time. If it was, I was going to fight for that because I understood Fred and why he wanted that. That’s a gift I can give him nobody else can. It’s not something I’d choose to do and there is no one else in the world I’d do it for. But I’d die for Fred, and this will be way more fun than dying. No telling what roads it’ll take me down.

Fred came back in and said, after carefully locking all the doors. He had a gun which he put under the bed where he could easily reach it.

He sat down next to her and took off his clothes. She grinned and commented on his semi hard commented on his semi-hard. He started kissing her and is hard continued to develop until he was completely hard. She was starting to get aroused also. He pushed her on her back and using his knees to spread her legs apart. They both were laughing. She tried bucking him off her, but he is 230 pounds and 5 ft 7 in. I am 5 ft 4 in. and 135 pounds. I wiggled and squirmed as Fred kept trying to put his penis in me. At one point I was able to slip out from under him and being the fast person, I am I was able to do a 180 degree turn and grabbed his balls and squeezed them hard. He said, OK OK I give. I gave them a little extra squeeze and said, “Do you surrender and promise to do everything I tell you. I squeezed them again. He said, “I promise, I promise.” I wasn’t sure what Fred would do but I released my hold on his balls. True to the way Fred did everything in life he kept his word. He spread his legs apart and said, “I’m yours.” I grinned and flopped on top of him and told him, “Ok big boy put it in and do your thing. Hard and fast until I say stop. When I say stop you stop immediately. Understand?” Fred was under me and since I was so aroused at this point and with all the play we’d had, it had given him some pre-cum. He slipped it in and sad, “Yee haw ride ’em cowboy and started pounding me hard. I was totally aroused, I said Faster, faster cowboy. I started bouncing up and down on him until the whole cab was rocking. As usual I was so aroused that I was very loud, and the truck was rocking like crazy. In a fer minutes I had an orgasm. It wasn’t my biggest but the worst I ever had was wonderful. Especially with Fred. After I came, he slowed down, and I reminded hard as he could go. He said, Your ‘re on top you’re the one that supposed to be moving. I replied, “come on big boy you’re the one that promised. Now raise me up and bounce me.” I knew he couldn’t do that for very long but to the victor belong the spoils. It wasn’t very long before he gave me another orgasm. He still hadn’t cum yet, so I decided to let him off the hook I started bouncing up and down on him and within A couple of minutes he came. I rolled off him and started giving him head to clean him up. And then I had a great idea. I quit sucking on him and said, OK big boy. Men are always making us women clean them up after they cum. I’m full of your cum. I want you to clean me out and put plenty of clit licking in there with it.” He started giving me head and he really did try to clean me up. After all our play I was the happiest girl in the world, I think.

Then I thought about what was going on with Fred’s security people. I turned around and lay down next to Fred and said, “Fred tell me what’s going on. Why are your security people her and what happen with those two guys yesterday.? Fred sat up and said, “Sandy, I’ve never really told you about my wealth. I didn’t tell you because I knew it wouldn’t matter to you. You fell in love with me for the person you saw not some rich old guy. I knew obviously you’d find out soon enough. I own 100% of Miller Trucking Enterprises. It is a conglomeration of several companies. When Margie was killed, I threw myself into my one trucking business and worked d20 hours a day pretty much just to stop the pain. I took all the money and invested it in my business. Making a long story short I was very successful. I made millions on investment and business I bought or built. Miller enterprises is one of the largest privately own companies in the US. Miller Trucking Lines is the largest trucking Co. in the world. About a year ago a foreign investor with a lot of criminal ties tried to get control of my corp. I managed to outsmart him, and he wasn’t successful however He’s tried other ways to get control that are not legal. Kidnapping being one of them. I guess I should have told you that when I first realized that I was in love with you. I’m sorry darling.” We spent the next couple hours with him telling me all about his life from the time Margie was killed thru now. After he’d finish telling me about his life, I felt so sorry for him. Having to be on guard all the time was terrible. I was so glad I met him. Knowing what I now knew made me love him even more. I took his face in my hands and said, “Fred Miller, I love you with all my heart rich or poor. I’d rather be with you in any situation than not with you and safer.” He replied, “You are the most wonderful woman in the world, I can’t believe how lucky I am. And darling, Don’t worry. I’m going to make sure you are always safe and sound. “I told him, “I know you will.”

Fred then ask me how it went earlier when I took a shower. He said he was sorry, but Bill and Gloria arrived, and I had to go get them and warn them about you being nude. Sandy, you know you don’t have to do this. It’s my hang-up not yours. I told him It was something I wanted to do for him. I told him I got used to being nude all the time when I was on the road. I sort of like being the “Naked Lady’. Especially your naked lady.” It went well this morning. I did get hung up in the conversation with the shower attendant. However, I wasn’t really all that concerned. I could tell he was enjoying looking at my body while he was talking. Thanks for bailing me out. I’m sure I’ll get used to being nude most of the time quickly. I’m sure that most people in your organization will get used to seeing me naked also.” Because I don’t want to be a trophy wife, I want to work for you. I’m sure that there are things I can do for you. I have a degree in business. “I saw the grin on Fred’s face, and I said, “Not just that either. I mean a real job.” Fred leaned over and gave me a long, sweet kiss.” He said, I can’t hardly believe I found you. You’ve given my life so much more meaning.”

Fred changed my bandages and tape. He looked me over good and told me it looked like most of my scars were disappearing. I told him I was glad since I was going to be naked most of the time, I didn’t want to gross people out. I ask Fred when we were going to be home. He said in another 2-3 days. He told me he was really enjoying being on the road alone with me. I said I was also enjoying it Particularly since I’d gotten up the nerve to go in and take a shower. I ask him, “It’s almost 10pm did he want to take me in to the truck stop for dinner. It’s late so there probably will not be a lot of truckers in the trucker’s dining room. He said, let’s go. We got out of the cab and Fred locked up. We walked to the truckers dining room hand in hand. We didn’t see anybody on our way there. We got in the dining room there were three or four booths that had customers. All were men. Of course, when we went in every eye turned to look at me. I was proud to be with Fred. I glanced over at him to see how he was doing, and he looked so happy. We seated ourselves. A waitress came over. She ask if I was the “Naked Lady. I said, “I am.” She said that she’d heard a lot about me from truckers that said I wasn’t on the road anymore. I told her that was true for a week because I was in the hospital. The waitress said she could tell because of all the burns I had. She said she hoped I was getting better. I told her thank you I was. She ask Fred if he enjoyed having the “Naked Lady” riding with him. He said, Ye she did. That we were going to get married. She ask if we’d set a date yet and he told her no not yet. Fred then ask her what she thought when we came into the restaurant. The waitress said she thought that she’d never have the nerve to do that because she didn’t have as good a body as I did. A couple of the truck drivers came over to the table to ask If I was the “Naked Lady”. I told them I was. They said, they were glad I was still out on the road. Fred spoke up and said, “She won’t be out here too much longer. I’m taking her home.” One of them then ask, “Where was I from. I told him I not sure. I was from Redding, CA where I lived with my husband but now, I’m going to Cedar Rapids, Iowa to live with my fiancé. One of the truckers sat down uninvited right next to me and started asking Fred questions about how he met me. Did we have sex the first day. While he was asking those questions, he started running his hands up and down my legs. He was a nice-looking young guy. It seemed that Fred was enjoying seeing him do that, so I didn’t say anything about it. After several more questions he slid his hand all the way up to my vagina and inserted his finger in me. I looked startled. Then I was even more startled when he ask Fred could he join us tonight when we had sex. I looked at Fred and said, “Fred do you know he has his finger in my vagina.” Fred said, “Well does he feel good or bad.?” I said, “Just a second and I’ll tell you. “I reached over while his finger was still in my vagina and took his penis out and looked and shook my head and said, Bad it’s too little.” The trucker jerked his finger out of me and stuffed his penis back in his pants while Fred was saying, Well I guess that’s a no then, if It too small for her. Fred said, I never expected someone would just come up and sit down and start having sex with you right in front of me. For a while there I thought might really want to have sex with him.” I said, Fred, I told you I would never have sex with anyone without you’re ok first. Besides, he didn’t even really feel good to me. The waitress brought our dinner and said,” enjoy. The waitress turned to me and said, Honey do you mind if I join you tonight when you and your fiancé have sex. Now it was Fred’s turn. She wasn’t b and blue eyes. She want bad looking. In fact, she was very pretty. She looked like she was only about 19 years old. She had blond hair. Fred said, “no thank the “Naked Lady is enough for me. No one else bother us for the rest of the night. Several people came in and they all noticed I was naked, including two women. Most of the men that came in sat where they could get a good view of my body. By the end of dinner, I had relaxed enough that enjoyed dinner.

Once again when we got up to leave, everyone in the restaurant turned to look at me. Fred left a big tip and we left. Once again, we left arm in arm. Since it we slate and not that many people were around Fred took me in the store to buy some condoms and some snacks. I was really beginning to enjoy we and not really noticing other people noticing me. We stayed about ten minutes and left. On the way back we stopped often to kiss and in a couple of cases let some young males enjoy looking at us. One guy even made a couple of pictures of us. We got back to the truck and sat down to talk. K ask Fred if he felt comfortable having me naked, out in public like we were tonight. He said he did in fact he said, He was proud me of me being his and he enjoyed other people looking at me. And once my scar were all healed, I’d be even more beautiful. I ask him what he thought my most beautiful feature was. He thought a moment and the said, “I think your personality. “Your friendly. I interrupted him to say probably a little too friendly. Just ask a 50 or so men. Fred stopped dead in his tracks. Repeat what you just said, I said that I’m probably to friendly just ask the 50 or so men I’ve been to bed with. Fred, said,” how did I know I’d been to bed with 50 men”. I said, “Well I didn’t count them If that’s what you mean”. red said, I’m not disputing how many men you’ve been to bed with, in fact I bet it’s been more than tonight? What I meant was how did you know you’d been to bed with them all. She stopped, looked puzzled and then jumped from her seat to mine and hugged around the neck. She said, Darling I remember everything. I said, what are the names of you two children. Where did you meet your husband, Fred said, “remember this went on for over an hour where Fred said “it appears you have ’recovered more than what I suspect you might have after so soon a visit so soon after your year spent virtually isolated. Fred then ask me a very hard question. He said, “so what are you going to do now” I told him I’d think about that when we got home. He said which home.? I stop for a second and thought. I bet he scared. He thinks I might decide to go back to Redding. “I said, Fred, I’ll never leave you. Now that I have my memory back, I’m even more certain that you and I are meant to be together. Never worry about that. When I married Sam, I was just 19 years old and pregnant. I thought at the time well I got pregnant by this man that meant I should marry him and raise our kid together. I never thought at that time there’s a lot more to marriage than just having a kid together and some sex along the way. I know now that there is way more than that to a true loving marriage, And Fred Miller, I do love you. I’ll always love you.’ I said, Fred please come take me to your bed. I want you to make love to me not sex, hold me in your arms, lets tell each other how much we love the other one. We’ll kiss and snuggle and if neither falls asleep in the other’s arms well make sweet love to each other and then fall asleep. As it turned out they did all those things.

They awoke in the morning to a clear sun shiny day. They discussed breakfast and decided as they did last night this was an Ideal place for Sandy to get some experience in being in public nude. So, she got all her makeup on and nothing else and they went to breakfast. They had passed several truckers on their way to the restaurant and got a lot of looks a couple of comments about Sandy’s body. Fred had cleaned her wounds, but they decided she’d healed enough to not need bandages, So the scars were visible but not too intrusive. When they got to the restaurant, they discovered it was almost full. There was a table that was being cleaned so they had to stand at the entrance for several minutes to wait for that table. As they waited several truckers came up at different times and asak f she was the “Naked Lady”. They were mostly very polite except for one guy who kept insisting he’d been to bed with “Naked Lady but Sandy said, “No I’m sorry I haven’t had sex with you. And I don’t want to know. I’ve got to eat’. Finally, their table was ready, and they went to sit down. There was a table next to theirs that had 5 truckers sitting around it. One of the said, “Hey Sandy how have you been. Do you remember me. I’m “Midnighter” I took you from Vegas to Reno. Remember that little road with the shady trees where we stopped to have sex, the county deputy sheriff came by while we ‘re doing it. And said, he wanted sloppy seconds. And you told him if he wanted that to go home to his wife. You were sure she could give him sloppy seconds. Remember it really pissed him off because you won’t let him fuck you. He was going to arrest you, but the Sargent came by and told him to go home his wife would give him sloppy seconds. The exact same thing you’d said. The Sargent told us we could finish up but then we had to leave after that. Fortunately, our table was ready.

When we sat down, I ask Fred if he was ok. I was concerned about how he might have a problem with Midnighter talking about he and I having sex on the road to Reno. Because it wasn’t as if it were 10 years ago. I t was just three weeks ago. Fred said he was fine. But I was sure he was a little bit up set. There he was waiting in line, and somebody comes up and starts talking to your naked wife about them having sex a couple weeks ago, We did have a good dinner though. I had a salmon and Fred had a steak. The longer we were out and about the more comfortable, being naked in public, I became. The more comfortable I became the more aroused while I was in public naked became. I wondered when I became completely comfortable would I be more aroused than I am now or would it stabilize at some point. The incident at the restaurant with Midnighter had given me confidence in being able to handle what different people would think and how they would react to see a total naked female out on the town. Fred and some others had convinced me that I was very attractive to men. That helped especially when I would be around women. Here I hadn’t had any real interaction with a woman, but I knew that when I was in Grand Rapids that I would. Even if it was only at Miller Trucking. There were several things I learned while riding around the country naked. One of the most important was one I mention earlier was the confidence that I was,

More attractive naked than clothed.

Was that almost 100% of the truckers I rode with that said they were married also said I was more attractive than their wives.

And that wasn’t because they wanted to have sex with me because almost always the first thing, they wanted was to have sex before we got back on the highway. Another thing I learned but I don’t consider it one of the most important but worthy of mention as it did have an impact on my ability to subconsciously be aroused when I was out nude. Supporting the items 1 and 2 was that once again almost 100% of the 40 or so married men that I had sex with, after we had sex s said, I was better in bed than their wives by a long shot. Now I’m not sure if it’s fair to count them all. There is something extra exciting to a man about picking up a woman and having sex with her. Below are some outside factors that affected the men’s enjoyment of me that the wives couldn’t provide to their husbands that I could:

Picking up a totally naked woman and having sex with her.

The naked woman has a hard time controlling her instincts, i.e. I easy

Th men didn’t have to make any special effort to get me.

I probably have more sexual experience than most wives.

One thing I realized right away was that Fred really enjoyed taking me out nude. We was very proud of my body. Although the thing he was most proud of was me. He said my personality, my intelligence and nerve were all more important than the sexual aspects although I knew that the sex was very important also. Any way we went for a walk around the truck lot. I sort of kept mental track of the number of people we ran across. It was over 50 or so and no one seemed to have a problem with me being nude. I did get propositioned a couple of times and several truckers wanted to know if I was the “Naked Lady”. One trucker even said I looked like his wife. He showed us a picture of his wife, clothed of course, and she looked a little like me only as Fred said, You are way better looking. We talked a little about what would be required for me to do to get a divorce from Sam. I didn’t think it would be much of a problem getting partial custody of the kids. Although if Sam wanted to take them, I wouldn’t put up much of a fight. If I had custody, it would put a serious crimp in me being naked all the time. That was sone of the many things I wanted to do for Fred. Neither one of us would want me to be naked all the time around the kids. We both agreed that we’d cross that bridge when we got to it. The main initial issue was filing for the divorce. Fred said, We’d not use corporate lawyers. He’d hire a private attorney. Fred didn’t want his corporation mixed up in a messy divorce. I told him there wouldn’t be a messy divorce because whatever Sam wanted including the kids he’d get. The important thing to me was not being Mrs. Sandy Thompson anymore. I wanted to be Mrs. Sandy Miller or if I had to, I could be Miss Sandy James. Fred said, There is no doubt in his mind that I would be Mrs. Sandy Miller.

. We’d been walking for almost a half hour. When I stepped on a rock. It cut my foot. Fred was my hero. He just picked me up and carried me back to the truck. He put me down on the driver’s seat and cleaned my foot with alcohol and put a bandage on it. I said, “Darling you treat me so well” He said, “you deserve it.” He picked me up from the driver’s seat and laid me on the bed. He closed the door to the cab but didn’t bother to close the curtain. He got undressed in about a minute and lay down next to me. He started feeling me up He ran his hands down my body from head to toe. Stopping at all the interesting places to give them special attention. He did skip over my vagina, so I knew I was going to be in for a treat. A sure enough I was. When he reached my toe. He got down at my vaccina and spread my legs apart. He then spread the lips of my vagina apart exposing my blood-filled clit. As soon as he touched the lips of my vagina, I almost had an orgasm. His hands felt so good to me. My god I loved this man. He felt so good to me no matter where he touched me. Then I did have a little orgasm as he took my clit in his mouth and started sucking and licking it. At that point I was moaning and so oh, thank you God for giving me this man. As continue to suck and nibble on my clit my moaning turned to Oh man it feels. I ‘ve had a lot of men give me a blowjob but none like Fred. He sucked and licked at just the right time and then a nibble ever so gently given would make me squeal. “Oh man it feels so good” I’m rising higher and higher and them it happens my body shutters and the monster orgasm takes over. I’m no longer in this world. I’m somewhere else where my body is receiving pleasure I’ve never felt before. Fred is driving my body like an ultra-expensive Italian sports car. I’m saying things and making movement to try to tell Fred what he’s doing to my body is beyond belief Fred stops and I think I’m going to cry because the pleasure id over but wait it isn’t over, he just inserted his penis in me. How can that be I’m in another place of pleasure now. Fred’s movements are synced perfectly with mine. Again, an orgasm sweeps over me and I’m telling Frag How perfect his penis is for me. Then as I rise higher and higher I.

‘m begging for him to cum but no such luck. He just takes me higher and higher it so wonderful I just want to scream so I do and waaaahat is that I feel, it’s Fred’s cum pouring into my body. Filling every crack and cranny in my vagina. I just want it to go on forever and ever. My body responds on its own to Fred ejaculation. It releases fluids of my own. It wants the world to know how wonderful it is, so it does, almost with no control of mine I scream and scream at the top of my voice, I love you Fred Thompson, I love, love, love you. Wait what is that I hear, It’s Fred and he is telling me how much he loves me. I need to respond to him. I must make him know with he just did for me. Oh man, what can I do to try him know that I’d die for him, I’ll live for hi I’ll do anything he ask of me. I’ll never wear any clothes at all for him. I’ll keep my body in the best possible shape for him I want him to be able to show me off to his friends every inch of my body visible to them if he wants me to. But wait I’m coming back to earth. I’ve been in heaven with Fred and now I’m coming back home. But wait I feel Fred’s penis moving inside me again. It feels wonderful. I am moving from the front to the back again I’m leaving earth and Fred is driving me. I’ll go wherever he takes me. He’s taking me to heaven and again I’m rising high and higher. Oh, my goodness I have no control of my body. No matter because it wants me to tell the world that this is what I’m meant for. Every moment since my birth has led me to this moment in time, in space, and I must tell the world again I’m his. My body screams out the celebration that I belong to this man. I’m his I must tell the world his name, his name is Fred. I’m screaming it over and over as the moment I was born for continues. I want the world to know I’ve reached my peak. Wait what is this there’s a light shining in my eyes. It is blinking off and on telling me to continue to give myself to Fred. I are his. I feel him start to swell within me, Oh my goodness he going to cum in me again The flashing light leads me on. I am going to get Fred’s gift again. Surely, I won’t be able to hold it all. It will run all over me and out of my body and go every wear. My lover is through with me. Now he is satiated. I must continue to show my thanks. I have a gift yet to give. Now that he has withdrawn it is time for me to give him his gift. I turn so that I am in the position to give him my gift. As I turn his gift is so generous It continues to flow out of me. I’m in the proper position now, Fred receive your gift. I give it with all the love a woman can have for a man. I take his loving penis in my mouth and start to deliver his gift as my mouth takes his glorious penis in to the base of its very beginning. My mouth now slides up to its very tip from which comes his gift to me. I love this place. My tongue splits the tunnel from which his gift is given. My tongue is not allowed to enter but I do try to linger. I now withdraw my tongue as his still hard member accepts my gift. I continue to deliver my gift. Fred is very pleased with this gift, so I continue until ever bit of his gift has disappeared from his injector. Now I have arrived back on earth, and I lie in the arms of my lover while I listen to him slumber. I come out of my trance lying in Fred’s arms. He has fallen asleep while I lie here in his arms scared to move and wake him. I ask myself, “Sandy, what are you going to do you have to pee, but Fred doesn’t use a bottle. I try to slip out of Fred’s arms but with my every move he holds me tighter. I’m about to burst and I make one final attempt and this time I slip out of his arms which pleases me. The flashlight that Fred was using on me is still there. I grab it and lean over to give Fred a light kiss. I tell him I’m sorry to wake him but I’m going to pee. He says, “wait I’ll go with you.” I tell him to stay in bed I’ll be ok. I get out on the passenger side and head toward the trucker entrance, This is the first time I’ve been out by myself naked. This is the real test of my ability to be on my own without Fred’s protection. I realize that I should have brought some money and taken a shower will I was here. When I go in the same attendant is there that was working when Fred and I were here. He says,” “Hi Naked Lady” how are you today?” I tell him I’m fine that I just came to pee. He says if you want the offer still stands for a free shower if you let me watch you. I’m thinking what it would hurt. He can see me naked now. So why not let him watch that way I can get myself all cleaned up for Fred. So, I say, “ok”. He says, “‘I’ll get the towels, soap and stuff and meet you in the shower room. Go to room 1”. I go to room 1 one and turn on the shower to get the water warm. While I’m getting the shower turned on the attendant comes in. My back is turned to the door, but I hear the door lock go click. I turn around and the attendant is standing there with towels, washcloths, soap, shampoo, and perfume. He is totally naked. His penis is erect. He says, I’ve come to give you your shower” He hangs the two towels up on the hooks and lays all the toiletries down. He still has the soap, washcloths, and shampoo in his hand. I notice that his penis is even bigger now. It is hard and straight and about 12 in long. It’s also very big around. The biggest one I’ve seen. I tell him, “I think you misunderstood, I said, “you could watch me shower not have sex with me” The attendant replied, “I know what you said, “But I bet you’ve never had a penis this big.? Come on let’s get in the shower.” With that he put his arm around me from the back and picked me up. It seemed like to him I weight nothing. When he picked me up, he stepped into the shower with me, and his big penis poked me in my back. He then turned me around facing him and he now his penis poked me in my 4-month pregnant belly. instead of setting me on my feet he sat me on his penis, and it slipped right in. Now he let go of one of his hands and put it behind my neck and pulled my head up and stuck his tongue in my mouth. So, there I was in the shower with this big guy balancing me on his penis with my back against the shower wall with his tongue in my mouth. I couldn’t scream because my mouth was full of his tongue just like my vagina was full of his penis. I tried to scream but no sound came out. I tried to wiggle free from his grasp, but he was too strong for me. I discover that the more I wiggled and squirmed the more his penis rub my clit and the tip hit my g spot. So, the net effect was the more I struggled the more aroused I was becoming. After a few minutes of struggling, I was at the point where I was so aroused, I started moaning and started purposeful movement to arouse myself even further. The attendant realize d what was happening, so he started working his hips, so his penis went in and out like he was thumping me in a vertical position. I was getting even more aroused. My moans were getting louder. He had quit Frenching me and I was Frenching him with no thought of screaming for help. He was pumping in and out of me while I twisted and turned to get more feeling. He stopped holding me against the wall. I wrapped my legs around his waist while his penis was thrust all the way in me. He carried me in that way, riding on is penis and placed me on the bench with him on top of me. I whispered, harder, harder, I want it so bad. Let me get on top so I can bounce up and down on it. He helped me get on top of him with one knee on each side of him. I bounced a couple of times, while it felt so good, I was calculating how far it was to the door. I decide that was the only chance I had. If I could twist the lock the first, try I could make it out in the hall and then run like hell back to the truck. I couldn’t scream. That would bring bystanders and cause Fred pain. So, I jumped off him and ran to the door. I was lucky as I reached the door I reached out and twisted the lock and it unlocked. The attendant was stunned for a minute because he thought I was co-operating with him. That gave me the precious seconds to get out the shower door. He couldn’t chase me in the hall because unlike me he was supposed to have clothes on. Before he could come out, he had to get dressed and I was halfway to the truck before he got dressed. By the time he got to the trucker entrance, I was in the cab. I woke up Fred coming, in the cab. Sleepy eyed he said, did you pee. I told him I did. This was the second time I was raped but I couldn’t tell Fred. It was my fault I put myself in the position for it to happen. Now that the arousal was gone, I was disgusted with myself and with the attendant too. Myself more than the attendant. Fred was fully awake now and wanted to know if I wanted to go to breakfast before we left. I said, “No. Let’s get in the road and stop in an hour or so.” Fred said, “Sounds good to me.” Five minutes later we were on the road again. We talked about the wonder time we had last night. However, I couldn’t get the rape out of my mind. I knew I’d have to come to terms with it eventually or it would destroy my relationship with Fred. Fred was telling me how happy last night’s love making session was. I was so happy that I had that experience with Fred. He so deserved that kind of love. Maybe from someone better than me. Maybe I should just go home to Redding and beg for Sam’s forgiveness and live a life of regret. I thought no that’s stupid you can give Fred a life of pleasure. Just fulfill all his dreams and fantasies. Make up for what you did by making him happy and raise my child to be a strong caring man like Fred. Maybe someday you will be able to tell Fred what happened. But not now. You should have never allowed him to insert his penis in you. Thank goodness he didn’t cum. Out of the distance I heard Fred say, Sandy what’s wrong. You seem like you’re a million miles away. Suddenly, I crashed. I started cry big crocodile tears. Fortunately, just up ahead was a rest stop. Through my tears I said, “Fred pull off in the rest stop. I have something to tell you and when I do you may want to put me out here.”

Fred did as I ask and as we pulled in, he said,” Sandy there is nothing in this world that would make me not want you.” I was still crying when he pulled up and parked. He turn to me and ask, ‘does it have something to do with this morning. I noticed that when you woke me up you were out of breath like you had been running. Were you being chased? I would have asked you, but I figured if I needed to know you would tell me some time.

Still crying I told Fred the story. The whole story. I just knew that Fred would hate me or want to go back and beat the guy’s brains out. But none of those things happened. Fred turned his chair to face me and turn mine to face him. “Sandy come sit in my lap. “I went and sat down in his lap. Fred took a handkerchief and wiped away my tears. Sandy, there is nothing in this world that you could do that would make me not want you. Nothing. Sure, I told you not to take a shower and let him watch. In the I’m certain you’ll never do something I ask you not to. For someone with so much sexual experience you are sometimes naïve.” I love you darling and don’t worry I’m not going to beat his brains out. You co-operated with him so it’s not like he raped him. You did something that was against your will, and he did something he should never have done.

Fred grinned and said, I have a feeling that somewhere along the line we’re going to have to find you a guy with a really big penis and do a threesome.” I reached up and gave Fred a big kiss and said, “Thank you my love you’re the sweetest man in the world.” Fred replied, “Now forget what happen until we run across a guy with a giant penis. That kiss of forgiveness turn into 2 hours of love and sex both. I decided that skill beats size every time. How was I the lucky one to run across the man with the best love making skills in the world. Fred said, We’ll stop at a motel for tonight and then get into and then get to Cedar Rapids tomorrow evening unless we stop to have sex tomorrow to.

We left the rest stop. I was the happiest girl in the world. My lover had forgiven me. We had been driving for about an hour when Fred looked over at me and said, “I just love looking over at you and seeing a naked woman. Especially a beautiful naked woman. I can see all of you, your beautiful face, your full “C” sized breast, Your small pouch tummy, Your fluffy vagina, Your perfectly sized thighs, and your shapely calves. We only know each other for a little over two weeks but it feels like forever. It’s amazing that we fell in love so quickly. I feel like we were destined for each other because we are so compatible. We like the same things. Most sex, but many other things too. It was worth the twenty-year wait.” I thought that was such a wonderful thing for him to say. No wonder I love him so much. I got to thinking about what had to happen for me to meet Fred. I started thinking out loud, Darling, I’m just thinking of all the things that had to happen to me for me to fall in love with you. A love that is hard to express except that there is literally nothing I wouldn’t do for you. I mean ANYTHING. But the first thing is if my husband and I hadn’t gone to the Air Force party, somebody suggested throwing in the men’s car keys and the wives drawing a set out of the box. We ended up not doing that of course but I made a comment to my husband about which one I would want. It was Bill, Sam and Bill started talking and Bill told him that his wife would be the one he wanted so Sam showed him a nude picture he had of me. Bill told him he loved my body and could he call me some time, That when my affair with Bill began. The next step was when Sam went on a 2 week trip at the same time Bill left on a one week trip, then winter was coming and Bill and I need a place to conduct our affair so Bill a friend with a cabin we could use if bill would lend me to him for a trip to Reno for the week Bill was gone, Bill ask me if I would I said yes I’d do anything to get to see Bill regularly, His friend was very specific on what I was to wear on the trip, His friend was a jerk but I was afraid not to do exactly everything he said, His friend gave me to a trucker for the ride to Reno, To prove he was a macho male he told the truck driver I’d go with him in the nude, The truck drive got diverted to Vegas, that what stared my travel around the western part of the country with no clothes, The truckers formed an alliance to promise they wouldn’t be allowed to wear any clothes and I’d pay for my rides with sex for the drivers, Then the meeting at3:00am at the rest stop where you and 10 other trucks stopped to meet me, Then deciding that they all going to have sex with me when they saw me naked, the next thing was you and your nephew getting to have me first, You leaving me with your nephew , him raping me twice once in the parking lot after I grossed out the other truckers with urine, poop and cum all over me, and then you came out of the restroom all cleaned up to make love with me. If anyone of those things had been different, we’d never met. But the most important thing was if you had been you with all your kindness and caring for someone, I trouble I’d never gotten to fall in love with you. Without any of that there would have been no miracle. I thank God for you. We give me to you to keep forever if you choose to or for as long as you want me.” Fred was quiet for a minute, and I thought maybe all the thigs I’d had made him have second thoughts. Then he finally spoke, “Sandy I’m going to love you forever. There were a lot of bad things that had to happen to you for us to meet and fall in love. The worse being my nephew raping you.” I said, no, no sweetheart, that was the best thing. If that hadn’t happened, you two would just have had sex with me and given the slut to the next one in line and been on your way. But because he raped me, peed on me, and made me do all those gross things it drove the other truckers away and left me alone with him in the parking lot where you saw him doing it to me again. And you saved me.” That was wonderful. I looked at him with tears glistening in my eyes. “I love you so much Fred. I would have gone thru hell to find you.

We drove along talking about each other’s lives and all sorts of small talk. We’d been on the road about 4 hours, and I realized I was getting very hungry. I ask Fred if he was hungry, and he told me he was starving. We decided we’d stop at a truck stop that was about 10 miles away. I ask if he wanted me to go in with him or did, he want to bring something back. He said, do you feel like being shown off. I told him sure. I was his to do what he wanted to with. The truck stop was huge. Once again, we planned don going in the trucker’s entrance to avoid families. I told him when we got to Cedar Rapids, we were going to have to figure out what to do about families. They were the one’s likely to call the cops. We couldn’t find a truck spot that was close to the trucker’s entrance. We had to park a long way from the entrance. He said, wow they look busy. Are you sure you want to go in. I told him I was his to command. I said, “maybe I can get a shower here to since I didn’t get one this morning like I’d planned. We got out of the truck and started walking in I sure was going to be glad when I had some shoes. The pavement was rough on my feet. Especially the injured one. We got lots of stares and comments on our way in. Some were nice comments on my body, and some were requests for sex. When we in the truckers’ entrance we went to the shower attendant. He was she. She looked me up and down and asked Fred, “Is she a hooker” Fred said, “No she my fiancé but I don’t like her wearing clothes” She need a shower and a cleanup.” The lady grinned and said, Hey honey your man got lucky, huh.” Sandy grinned and said,” I was the one that got lucky. Three hours’ worth last night.” That the reason I need a shower.” She said, number 3. She gave me a couple of towels, wash cloth, soap, shampoo, a hairdryer, and some cheap perfume. I had brought my own makeup. Fred paid the lady and said he wait in the trucker’s lounge to come get him there. I knew what he wanted. We wanted to show me off to the other truckers. After I walked away, I saw the lady and Fred talking. They both laughed and Fred walked away. I went in the shower and an hour later I came out smelling all fresh, my hair done, and my makeup fixed. I went back to the shower attendant station to return the towels and hairdryer. The lady said,” my name is Mary, your fiancé really loves you doesn’t he.” I said, yes he does, and I love him more than words can say.” She said, “Yeah, I figured that”. That’s why your naked isn’t it.” I told her partially. If he wants to show me off that’s what I’ll do. I told her my name is Sandy. Thanks for the loan of your hairdryer. I then her where is the truckers lounge, I think he wants to show me off.” Mary said, “Honey I don’t know about that. There maybe 50 or more truckers in there. Some may not be so polite. Let me go get him. She left and I stood there naked waiting. A trucker came up to get a shower. He looked me up and down and said, “Did someone steal your clothes.” I said, “no, my fiancé likes for me to be naked all the time.” He responded, “I bet you like to be screwed don’t you.” I didn’t, like the way this conversation was going so I said, “by him only.”

He slowly looked me up and down again and said, “I’d bet that not true. I think you’re the “Naked Lady” and we all know what the rules are. Where are you heading now?” I told him that was really none of his business”. Well, I heard you were trying to get to Redding, CA, and that’s where I’m going. I’ve got pick up a load of furniture for the Navy.” That took me by surprise. I said, “yes Redding was where I was heading but I’m not going there anymore.” He said why not. Did your husband find out about you riding around the country nude?” I said, “How did you know I was married.” Well, it’s easy to still see some of the scars from the accident still show. Your picture was all over the papers. Then we found out you were the “Naked Lady”. Then there was an article that you lost your memory, but you husband found you. The article said he was the CO of the Naval base in Redding. In fact, I’m going there to pick up his household goods. Your name is Sandy Thompson, isn’t it? I hesitantly said, “Yes, it is.? The trucker said just wait until I tell the trucker network, I found out the name of the “Naked Lady”. I was horrified, “Please don’t do that, it’ll will hurt my fiancé and my husband and my kids. Please.” He said, “well there may be a way you can keep it unknown. I and my partner are a little horny and you’re a good-looking woman. Get my drift.?” I said,” I can’t do that, can’t you just keep it a secret.” He responded, “and miss a chance to fuck the “Naked Lady” or should I say Mrs. Sam Thompson”. I said, “My fiancé will be here any minute. I don’t think he would like that”. The trucker said,” Well let’s ask him. I think that’s him coming now.” Just then Fred walked up. He said, “Hi, honey. Boy you look nice. He leaned over and kissed me.” The trucker said to Fred, “Hi my name is Jim, your fiancé has something she wants to ask you. Don’t you Mrs. Thompson?” I said, “No I don’t. Let’s go Fred.” I knew that the cat was out of the bag. The trucker acted a little surprised and he said, “you’re Fred Miller.” Fred said,” Yes I am and what was the question you had that my fiancé wanted you to ask me.” Jim being the quick-thinking guy said, “I wanted to ask you if you were hiring.” Fred looked at him and said, “Look I don’t know what kind of game you playing Mr. Jim what is your last name.? Jim looked very uncomfortable, but he replied to it Stafford sir. And I really do need a job my company shutting down and this is my last run.” I was standing there naked while all this went on. I just wanted out of there. Fred said, well Mr. Stafford I check for you give me your card. Jim said, “I don’t have one with me.” Fred said, “Well in that case please excuse us.” He said, Darling, you’re all dolled up shall we go eat.? As we started to walk off the shower attendant said, “wait a minute guys I don’t think you want to go to the restaurant there’s a couple of highway patrol officers eating in there.” Fred said, “thanks you’re right it probably not a good idea”. Fred gave a kiss and the keys to the truck and said, honey why don’t you go on out to the truck. I’ll bring us something to eat out.” I said sure, I’ll see you at the truck.” I didn’t feel real comfortable going out by myself with Jim somewhere around. However, Fred wanted me to, so I left. There were a lot of people out in the parking lot. Of course, I got even more attention since I was by myself. But nothing happened until I was almost to the truck when Jim Stafford stepped out from the shadow of a truck. He said, “well if it isn’t Mrs. Thompson.” I started to just scream but decided not to because I didn’t want the attention unless I was in actual danger. So instead, I said, “Yes Jim what do you want”. He replied, “the same thing I wanted before. Your fiancé doesn’t have to know.” I told you no once already. Now leave me alone or I’ll scream and I’m sure someone will take notice. I’m not exactly unnoticeable. So, I’m going to get in the truck and if you take one step toward me, I will attract a lot of attention. Now go away and leave me alone.” One thing I didn’t know was when we parked it was daylight and now it was dark, and the truck was in a dark part of the lot. I started walking toward the truck and had gone about 100 feet when someone else stepped out of the shadows. I didn’t recognize him. But I didn’t scream again. This was the first time I felt it was downright inconvenient to be naked. If I had clothes, I could scream and be done with it. But now I didn’t want to dawn attention of the rest stop guards. I stopped dead in my tracks. I said, I suppose you’re Jim’s partner. “He said, “No mam, my name is Jesse, I was hired by Bill Murdock to keep you safe. Go ahead to the truck I’m watching out for you. I want to tell you I admire your calmness most women would have screamed.” I said, “Not if they were naked like me, Jesse. Jesse grinned and said, Yes when I ask Bill what you looked like he told me to just look for the one without any clothes.” After he said that he seemed to just disappear into the shadows. I walked on to the truck and with a sigh of relief got into the truck and locked the doors. About 30 min. later Fred showed up with our dinners. I let him in and said, “I’m glad you back.” Fred set the dinners down and took me in his arms and gave me a hug and kiss. “Now let’s eat before it gets cold.” While we were eating, he ask me who Jim Stafford was and what was this question thing all about. I told him what I knew. Fred got his radio and called his corporate headquarters. He told them to connect him to Bill Murdock. When Bill came up on the radio Fred told him to check out a trucker named Jim Stafford. Fred said, “They’ll have some info for us tomorrow” I told him about Jesse. Fred got on the radio again and called Bill back and ask him if he’d hired someone to watch me, named Jesse. Bill said, “Yes, I thought I’d get started a day earlier than you ask. Just to get him familiar with watching Sandy.” We finished dinner and Fred said, “If we get an early start tomorrow, we can make it to Cedar Rapids by late evening tomorrow.” I told him I was anxious to get to my new home.

I woke up before Fred. I lay there next to him mulling over the events from the previous day. Who is Jim Stafford? Is his appearance related somehow to my attempted kidnaping from the previous day? I’m glad to know that there is someone out there that is watching over us. I thought about the wonderful loving sex we had the night before yesterday. As I reminisced about the night before last, I realized that it was almost time for the alarm to go off. So, I shut it off and pulled the covers off Fred. I looked at his nude body and thought of how much I loved him. He lay there all limp and relaxed and I thought well Fred your human alarm clock is about to go off and hopefully get you off to good start to your new day. I turned and got in to the 69 positions. I took his limp penis in my mouth and start to gently suck on it. I sucked it for a few minutes before it started to respond. Fred was still asleep, but his penis was beginning to wake up. I’d changed my mind about the blowjob. Once I got him erect, I was going to mount him and let him give me the ride of my life. I liked me being on top and so did Fred. He’d raise his hip making his penis be the flagpole on top of the hill that I would bounce up and down on. Fred was strong, and he could hold his hips up for a long time. It also enabled his penis to hit my G spot and clit at the same time. I kept sucking for as few minutes more. His penis felt so good in my mouth as it continued to swell. He had started to moan a little but was still not awake. I knew his penis would get almost fully hard before he woke up. I continued to suck on it and think about the fact that we’d only known each other a little over 3 weeks yet I felt that we’d know each other in a past life. My parents had been strong believers in people led multiple lives until they lived one that got it right with God. They had passed that belief on to me. They often said that you met people in a next life that you knew in a previous life. I believed that Fred and I were lovers somewhere in out pasts. Fred was almost hard enough for me to mount him and give us both a ride to remember. I put my left leg over his body and slipped his penis in me. It went in very easily because Fred penis always caused me to leak vaginal fluids unless we tried to insert it immediately. But normally I started to get aroused almost immediately after touching or feeling it. I was aboard and I started a gentle pumping action on it as Fred open his eyes and smiled at me. He pulled my head down to his lips and gave me a tender kiss and said, “Good morning my love. What pleasant way for my alarm clock to go off or should I say go on.” He started a rising and falling motion to match mine. I was getting aroused quicker than I had anticipated. It was long before I was moaning and wiggling on the top of the hill. Fred had reached a full erection and I was happily bouncing up and down on it when I felt it start to swell. That gave me a shot of adrenalin and I had an orgasm just before Fred. started the ejaculation I knew was coming soon. I wasn’t one of our earth ratting session, but It was gentle and loving and we almost came at the same time which is always wonderful. Now that he had cum, I took his penis in my mouth and proceeded to clean him up. I loved the taste of Fred’s cum. It was a little on the salty side. But I loved it because of what it represented. To me it represented a love between a man and a woman in the form of a gift from that man to that woman. That is completely different than the sex a male and female have. It is not usually a gift but the creation of a pleasure for oneself. It can be a selfish act or a loving act. The night be fore’s sex was a completely loving unselfish act on two people’s part. I felt so lucky to now have a partner that could make me feel this way. Sam always make me feel like he was selfish. Although I am sure he didn’t always feel that way. However, Fred never made me feel that way. Every time we made love that’s what I felt. I have never felt like Fred fucked me. He always made love to me. Maybe that’s the difference between a young man my age and a middle-aged man. I finished cleaning Fred and told him how much I loved him and how grateful for that love I was.

Fred ask me was I hungry. I told him I was. He suggested we go eat and then take shower and get on the road after that. I said, “that sounded good, especially a shower since I was gooey inside.” I wiped myself up as best as I could. It was early in the morning so there were not a lot of truckers out and about. We went directly to the restaurant. There were plenty of tables and booths available, so we took a booth in the corner. Once again, I got compliments from some truckers. Our waitress came over and gave us menu’s. She said, “I heard a lot of chatter a few weeks ago about you “Naked Lady” I didn’t know you were still riding the roads.

I replied, “Well thank heavens we’ll be home tonight “She took our order and left. I told Fred I really enjoyed waking him up this morning. He told me he enjoyed it also. I ask Fred if he thought that Jim Stafford was just after my body or was it something more sinister. He said, “I’m think we have a problem. I’m not sure but I think that Jim is somehow connected to the attempt to kidnap you. I’ll just be glad when we get home, and we’ll have more protection until we can figure out what’s going on.

After hearing that Sam Thompson was going to move, Bill Murdock called the Redding Naval Facility and ask to speak to Lt. Commander Thompson. When the CO got on the phone, Bill inquired about the moving company that was scheduled to move his household goods to his new duty station. Sam told him he was not moving anywhere. This startled Bill. He got on the Miller Radio Network (MRN) the state-of-the-art radio communications system for all the corporation’s trucks. It was now about 9:00am local time and Fred and Sandy had been on the road for about two hours since they ate and showered. They had left the OKs City rest stop at about. 7:00am. Bill then contacted Jesse. He told him what he had learned and that he believed Jim Stratford was in fact working for some organization that was trying to kidnap Fred or Sandy or both. He told Jesse to be extra careful and be on the lookout for Jim and a possible partner. He said, “I imagine if they are trying to kidnap them that it will be at a rest stop. Bill then contacted Fred to warn him about what he’d learned. Since Fred was concerned about something nefarious going on he wore a headset since Sandy could overhear what was said on the radio. When the corporate radio was activated, Fred put on his earphones and answered the call. Bill told Fred what he’d found out about Jim. He told Fred he’d put Jesse on alert. Bill ask permission to send some backups out from corporate for Jesse. He’d have them fly in one of the corporate jets to the closest airport to where Fred was and have the reinforcements rent a couple cars and contact Fred on the interstate at the closest point. Fred told Bill to go ahead and send four guys. Bill told Fred it would probably be four hours before they could get there. Fred told Bill he would slow down to 60 mph to give the team a little more time. Fred ask where Jesse was. Bill told him about1 mile behind Fred on the interstate. Fred ask Bill to tell Jesse if he saw anything suspicious to not to try to handle its own his own but to catch up with me. Fred said, “I know Jesse is very experienced, but I don’t want to leave hanging and something happen to him. Bill said, “Wilco” and hung up.

When Fred hung up, I looked over at Fred and I sensed something was wrong. I ask Fred what was going on. Fred didn’t want to alarm me. He told me it was some company business and nothing for me to worry about. In an irritated voice, I said, “Now Fred Thompson you know that’s not the truth. I heard you say something about, sending out people, and Jim Stratford. Stop trying to pretend I’m some delicate wall flower. I strong and tough if I have to be, so spill it what’s going on?” Fred said, “Maybe it is better if you know”. He told me about the entire conversation. I ask Fred didn’t corporate have helicopters. He said, “Yeah they did why?” I said maybe they could fly the support security out in the helo and drop off two men to rent a car at the next town we’re coming to. Then the other two can fly the helo over here and fly air cover for us. Looking for an ambush or something”. It might take a half hour longer for the flight but then they’ll be on scene quicker after that.” Fred looked over at me and said, “wow that’s a great idea.” I grinned and said, “Well I might be a nympho but I’m not dumb.” Fred replied, “I guess you got that right I wonder what my security department would think if their new boss was a naked female.” I said, “Well maybe if I put a bed in my office and screwed the employee of the month every month, they’d like it.” Fred called Bill and told him my idea giving me full credit for it. Bill thought that was a great idea. He said, “They’ll be in the air in an hour.”

It was a beautiful day as we drove along at 60 mph, cars and trucks were passing us like we were standing still. About an hour later Bill called Fred and said, the helo was on its way. The four men were armed and ex-military. The flight time was about 2 hours. Bill ask Fred where he thought he’d been 2 hours. Fred told him at 60 mph we’d be at Wichita. Bill said, “” Good he’d have the pilot drop 2 of the men off at the Wichita Truck Stop. Where he’d have a car waiting for them. The helo would then Fly along the route based on our location until he spotted us. While he was coming our way, they’d be on the lookout for an ambush”. I reminded Fred to tell Bill to slap a coat of temporary over the Miller logo. Bill told Fred, That lady of yours is smart. I going to take my clothes off, so I’ll be as smart as she is. I had another idea. I said, “Darling I’ve got another idea. Instead of having the two men rent a car and drive down the interstate have them stay there. The helo can look for an ambush on its way to us. We can stop at the truck stop like we usually do and see if we can draw to us there. They must be used to us loafing along, so they won’t suspect a reverse trap. We’ll make it look like we’re spending the night there.” That way if they attack, they’ll not only have seven people to contend with, but they won’t suspect we’re on to them. If Jim shows up there, we’ll know for sure they’re after you. Only this time when he comes on to me, I tell him yes later in the evening. Then we’ll set our own trap.” Fred told me in no uncertain terms, “no. We’re not doing that it’s too dangerous for you. I’m not letting you get anywhere near him.” I said, Come on Fred, He’ll be so hot and bother about getting a chance to fuck me he won’t be thinking. When we get to his rig you guys grab him and his partner” I grinned at Fred and joked, “If necessary, I’ll kick him in the nuts that ’ll stop him.” Fred said, “no but it is a good idea if these guys turn out to be really dangerous.” I replied, “Well just remember I’m not just a pretty face and a willing vagina. I’m tough” I leaned over and kissed him and grabbed his penis and took it out and for the next 30 minutes I kept It hard until he came. I put it back in his pants and said, she how distracted you where you forgot to call Jesse and relay the plan to him.” I can take care of Jim and his buddy the same way.” Fred said, “Thanks for the blowjob but no you are not going to do that.”

An hour and a half later we got a call from the helo saying they’d dropped off the two men at the truck stop and they were flying down the I35. Fred said,” I better call Jesse and fill him in on the plan. Fred called Jesse and got no answer, so he called again and still got no answer. He became alarmed at this point. He called bill and Bill said he’d tried to reach him a short time ago and got no answer. So, he instructed the helo crew to search along the highway. Maybe his car had broken down or he’d run out of gas. A few minutes later we saw the helo pass over us and keep on going, When they were a mile behind us, they reported to us that there was no car in sight like Jesse’s. They continued to fly along the I35 and about 10 minutes later they reported that his car had run off the road and there were police and paramedics there. But no sign of Jesse unless he was in the ambulance dead because the ambulance wasn’t going anywhere. They reported what they saw to Bill and flew back to fly air cover for Fred and me. We decided that the current plan was still the best option. The helo flew at a high altitude so that It was less likely to be seen. In another hour we came to the Wichita Truck Stop and followed out usual routine. We parked as close as we could to the trucker’s entrance. Fred went in to check everything out. To see if there were any police or anything suspicious. He ordered a couple of burgers and fries. He brought them out and we ate them very quickly. He said he was going into contact the security people. Then he realized he didn’t know any of them. We had been planning on Jesse making initial contact.

Fred called Bill and ask him how he was going to recognize his security people. Jesse was going to that. Fred ask Bill if you knew what happened to Jesse. Bill said that the local police had told him that Jesse was shot and killed by a high-powered rifle. Bill said that he was on his way to the Wichita Truck Stop with some reinforcements and would be there about 10:00pm. He told Fred he’d meet him at his truck. He said, I’m bringing driver with me. We’re going to load you and Sandy on the helo and fly you to your house. I’ve already placed 5 guards at your home. He told Fred to keep the lights in the truck off and stay in the truck. Fred said, Sandy and I are the only ones that will recognize Jim Stratford. I’m staying here and you can fly Sandy back to the house. I said, “No way. If Fred is staying, I’m staying. I think our plan is a good one. Jim doesn’t know we’re on to him. He still thinks he can kidnap me. That’s the best and maybe the only way we can get him. They both admitted I was right. If Jim didn’t see me, he’d know something was wrong. I’ll be fine. You guys just must keep an eye on me. And make your move right before he gets me in to his rig. Are we agreed.? Bill said, “Boss it’s up to you. She has a good point. I’ll put one of the team on you. And I’ll two on Sandy. We’ll wait to send Sandy in until the game is on. I and my team will be there just before 10:00pm. Under no circumstances allow Sandy to go in the truck stop until the game is on and you’re watching it and I’ve contacted you. I’ll be air borne in about 10 minutes as soon as we’ve finished refueling. “good luck, boss.”

When we arrived at the truck stop it was almost 9:00pm. We lucked out. Just as we pulled in a truck in the closest row to the trucker’s entrance put out and we got his space. Since we were going ahead with the plan, we left the lights inside the cab on but stayed away for the widows. We lay on the bed and talked about what we should do after I met Jim. I told Fred I’d ask him one more time if he’d not tell on me. Then when he says no then I’ll say I’ll go to your truck and let you and your partner can fuck me if he promises not to say anything to anybody. I say we can do it while you’re watching Monday Night Football.

Fred said, Are you scared. I said, hell yes but it’s got to be done. I won’t be afraid once the plan is in progress. I have faith in your friend Bill. If something goes wrong, I’ll scream like the devil, and you’ll be surprised at how much attention a screaming naked female will get. Remember I said I would do anything for you. Well, I’m doing this for us. I want to be with you all my life and we must stop this problem now. I want to have fun with you. Not live-in fear for your life. I rolled over on my side and gave Fred my most loving kiss. I look at the clock and it was 9:25pm. I was bummed. I was hoping we’d have time to make love before we had to set the plan in motion. I nearly jumped out of my skin when there was a knock on the door. Fred answered with a who’s there. Bill replied, “Guess who”. Fred went and unlocked the door. As he got into the cab he said, “Good evening Boss and Sandy. There was no joking around between he and Fred now. Both were all business. We went over the plan twice. Fred verified that we had 9 men counting Fred and Bill. I was the tenth person. Fred ask Bill had he told the team I was naked. Bill said yes, he did that he didn’t want any surprised agent when the plan was under way. Fred got one of the guns from underneath the bed. Check it over unloaded and reloaded it. Very professional I said, “Bill said, “we had to be in the early days in Iraq. Bill got on the phone and told all the agents the plan was under way. Fred turned out the lights and got out to go in and watch the game. Bill slipped out behind him a couple minutes later. He told me to wait 10 minutes before I went in. He said, Go to the shower attendant right away. I don’t think they’ll make their move until after my shower. Before I could say anything, he was gone. I waited the ten minutes and then made a show of leaving the truck. I stood on the top step so anyone looking could see me. I was getting this naked business down well now. On my way in I didn’t see anyone. I went to the shower attendant and told him I wanted a shower. The attendant looked me over good. He didn’t try to hide it at all. He started at my head and stopped to look at my face. Then he went on to my boobs and commented, “your tits sure standup good. How old are you. I told him 23 years old. He didn’t comment on that he continued down to my tummy. He said, nice pillow tummy. You pregnant? I told him yes four months. The he was rude. Without any expression he said, know who the father is. Just for fun I guess I said, “Yes, of course, it’s one of five guys I had four months ago. Again, no comment about that. He looked down at my vagina and said, “Natural I see. I think you should shave it all off.” I said, “It was the night I got pregnant.” The attendant handed me my towels, washcloth, soap, and shampoo. Number 10 he said. I went in number 10 and locked the door. Before I could turn around, I heard a voice say, “” Good evening Mrs. Thompson. I turned around and, on the shower, bench sat Jim and another man. I was so startled, but I didn’t get rattled. Jim said, “Mrs. Thompson this is my partner, Santiago”. Santiago this is the “Naked Lady” we’ve heard so much about. Jim continued; My partner wants to fuck you too. I told him we’ve got plenty of time. Your boyfriend id watching the football game that’ll give at least 2.5 hours of good fucking time. Don’t you agree Mrs. Thompson?” I said, “you’re not going to fuck me in here are. I want a nice comfortable bed. Jim replied, what do you think we are, uncivilized. Of course, we’re going to take you to our rig.” And if I don’t fight you, you promise not to say anything to the trucker’s network about me. Well Mrs. Thompson, that depends on how good you are. If your responsive for the whole 2.5 hours and do everything you are told to do, we probably won’t but if you’re not co-operative you can depend on us to beat the crap out of you. Now we are going to let you take your shower because we want you to be nice and clean for when we start to fuck you. When your done you will walk out with us on each arm turn in your stuff. One of the nice things about you being naked is that nobody will identify us. They’ll be able to describe you to the last detail. I did as they told me and took my shower. At least I ought to be clean before I’m raped. When I finished with my shower and washing my hair. I towel dried it and said, OK guys if you’re going to fuck me let’s get on with it. One got on each side of me and before we left Jim stuck a finger in my vagina and said, this is going to be fun. We walked over to the attendant turned in the towels and they walked me towards the door. Just coming in the door was Bill he kinda staggered a little and as he lurched towards us, he said, “Well I’ll be damned if it’s not the “Naked Lady”. Jim said, Get out of our way old man this lady is going to be busy in a minute. Bill lurched again and stumbled in between me and Jim. Out for the women’s restroom came a woman with a gun in her hand. Bill had his gun in the Jim’s ribs. And within thew next 20 seconds or so we were surrounded by 7 people with guns all drawn and we were hustled out of the trucker’s door. Fred was standing just outside the door. He grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the crowd. Now that the danger was over, I started to shake and cry. I was thinking of all the things that could go wrong. The danger Fred and I were in. Fred pulled me close to him and kiss me lightly and said everything is ok for now, darling. We’ll let bill take care of everything let’s get you to the trailer. We went to the trailer and when we closed and locked the door, I realized how scared I was. Fred said, Lets lay down for a few minutes and let you recover. You did well, and you were very brave. He lay down next to me and held me close and neither of us said a word. We just lay there glad the other was alive. One thing I’d learned about Fred in the last 3 weeks is, he is a hands-on guy. He doesn’t ask other people to do all the work or take all the risk he is right there with them. About 15 minutes after we lay down, I was a lot of calmers from lying there in his arms. There was a knock on the door. “It’s Bill, can I come in”, asked Bill. I said to Fred, “does that sound like Bill’s voice to you. Fred didn’t say anything he just shook his head. He got the gun out from under the bed. He motioned for me to get on the floor. Bill hollered, “Just a second Bill, Sandy is getting dressed. He grabbed the phone and tried calling Bill. When Bill answer Fred ask him, Where are you Bill”.” Bill replied. I’m overseeing the loading of the prisoners, Why.” Fred in a lower voice, “Bill I’ll get a couple guys and be right there. Bill and two additional security people went to Fred’s truck and from a truck parked three spaces down the could see two men standing on the driver’s side. Bill sent one around to see if there was anyone on the passenger’s side. There was one person on that side at the bottom of the steps. The security agent came up behind him and rendered him unconscious. He then went around the front of the truck where he couldn’t be seen and waited. Bill and the other agent, guns drawn, snuck up behind the other two men on the driver’s side and told them to drop their weapons. The third agent stayed where he was to cover Bill and the third agent. When Bill had them secured the unconscious man on the driver’s side was secured and revived. All three were taken to be transported to the Miller Corporate headquarters in Grand Rapids. No police were involved in the takedown.

When all three men were secured, Bill called out to Fred. To tell him it was safe now. Fred opened the door and told Bill to come in. I was still setting on the bed and recovering from all that had taken place in the last hour. I was so afraid that something might happen to Fred and if it did, I didn’t know what I’d do. I love Fred so much. Bill got in the truck. He said, “Hi to Fred and turned to me and said, “good work Sandy you did a great job.” He gave no sign that I was naked or anything out of the ordinary. he and Fred started discussing what they should do next. Bill had brought the extra driver he told Fred about and they decided to have him drive the truck to Cedar Rapids and we’d fly home in the helo with Bill. Bills team was going to fly back with the prisoners. Bill said, He wanted to take the prisoners back to corporate headquarters and interview them before they turned them over to the police.

I lay on the bed and listened to them talk for a little while and then started to fall asleep. I could hear the from what seemed like a long distance away. They talked for a few minutes more and then Bill said, “Sandy really did a great job handling Jim and keeping him distracted. Fred, can I ask you a personal question? Fred said, “sure”. Whose idea is it for Sandy to go nude all the time? Fred said, Bill you and I have been friends for years. You know I’ve spent all my life since Margie died focusing on work. Well, when I meet Sandy, I knew she was an unusual person. I could tell she was intelligent, brave, and very much a sexual being. I realized that all the years I’ve never had the time or desire to engage with the opposite sex. That is until I met Sandy. Initially I felt sort for her. Most of the truckers thought that she was a slut. But when she told me her story, I knew there was much more to her than what she appeared to be. I took he in my truck because she need help. I realized she a lady beneath the appearance of a wonton sex addict. She was doing what she had to do to survive. Then I began to realize she was falling in love with me. No woman in all these years has taken me seriously as a lover. They just looked at me as a balding, older man, short and overweight. Sandy didn’t look at me that way. She looked at me as a kindhearted, intelligent. Who really care about her? Not romantically at first. I was attracted to her the minute I first saw her. She was naked then because that was the rules the truckers made for her. If she wanted to get back home, a story I’ll tell you sometime, she was going to have to stay that way and pay for her rides with sex. I saw his beautiful creature with a body, face and mind that had a misfortune. After about 4 hours on the road, I realized what I’d missed all these years. I was the company of a good women. I also realize I’d missed the sexual part of a relationship. Sandy was the perfect person for that. She had gotten used to having a lot of sexual activity and of being nude. We talked about it and as she fell in love with me, she made a conscientious decision that she would do anything I wanted her to because she trusts me. I truly love seeing her nude. So, we agreed that she will stay that way when we get home except when she goes downtown or when we have a special party. Any other time she’ll be nude. I told if she ever wants to change that she can. Or if I ever want to change that. But just look at her over there on the bed. Have you seen anything more beautiful? She is perfect in body, mind, and love. I know there are issues with this kind of lifestyle, and it takes some getting used to on her part and my part. But like I told her. I’m very proud of her. I’m proud she loves me and I’m proud of her physically. And I guess I just want to show her off to the world. An unattractive older man that can still be loved. I want to make sure she has everything she wants and needs.”

Bill said, “I see some problems with that, but my friend and I wish you both well. I think you’re a lucky man Fred”. Fred replied, “I know I’m the luckiest man alive. Did I tell you she’s 4.5 months pregnant.? We are going to raise the child as my own.” Bill said, “Does she know who the father is? She says she not sure. It’s one of three men. But she is certain it’s her ex-boyfriend that’s in the AF. But it could be her husband.

But that doesn’t matter to me at all.”

Bill said, “Fred, I wish you the best of luck. Both you and Sandy. I still think you’re the luckiest man alive. Keep her safe. You know I’m always here for you.” Fred said, “Thanks, Bill give my love to Mary Ann. I’ll see you when we get settled in. I’m betting on these thugs work for the Chinese. Let me know what you get out of them. Oh, and have the all the security team you’ve assigned to the house meet me there tomorrow morning at 10:00am.

Bill total Fred the Truck stop had a helo pad out front and he’d have the helo pick them up in about an hour if that were ok. Fred said, “sure.”

I drifted off to sleep at that point and the next thing I knew Fred was bent over me giving me a kiss to wake me up. He had packed a bag to carry with all his and my personal stuff. He said, “Sorry to wake you up sweetheart but we are going to fly home in Bill’s helo. We must meet him at the helo pad in about 10 minutes. I’ve got everything packed up. I looked up at his sweet face and kissed him back. In a few minutes I was wide awake and ready to go. Since the helo pad was out front of the truck stop’s main entrance Fred and I went to rest room via the trucker’s entrance. I met Fred outside the restrooms. We decided to go back out the trucker’s entrance and around the building. It was less conspicuous that way. We passed several truckers, and I got some wolf whistles. Fred and I just grinned at each other. Then we passed a family on the sidewalk that had a teenage son. His mouth dropped open and he almost ran into a car parked alongside the curb. The mother looked very disapproving. The father and son looked both looked at me with what I’d call an approving look which made the mother remark, “slut” as they walked by me. I was getting use to the cat calls and the wolf whistles they almost seemed like compliments but the words like slut and whore bothered me still, but I told myself that those people didn’t understand so I just ignored them. We got around front by the helo pad and it was sitting there with its rotor turning in slow motion. Bill was standing outside the door. When we got there, he climbed in and turned around and gave me his hand to pull me in. It was a very narrow seat for three people so when Fred got in, I was squeezed in between Bill and Fred. The pilot and co-pilot were up from going over the check list and before I knew it, we were airborne. After we were in the air Bill introduced the pilot and co-pilot to Fred and me. The reacted to my nudity with almost no reaction however I thought the co-pilot who appeared to be about my age had that look of desire in his eyes. I was excited about getting to Grand Rapids soon, so I didn’t notice right away how close the three of us were packed in the back seat. Bill was trying to pretend that we weren’t that close, but I could feel his arousal at be that close to me. And of course, Fred on the other side of me was even closer if that was possible. Bill looked to be about 40 years old. I was to find out later that he was single, or rather divorced. But I could tell he was very attracted to me. By the end of the flight, I was attracted to him from purely a sexual standpoint. I wasn’t sure how that happen or why it happened. Fred, I think had something to do with it because he kept scooting me over next to Bill. But maybe I was imaging things. I certainly was not going to pursue anything like that. I loved Fred and I was going to make sure I never ever showed any interest in another man even if I was. It was a 45-minute flight to Fred’s estate. I looked to be huge even in the dark. We landed out in the back of his house. Suddenly bright lights came on and two men carrying guns came running out of the shadows. One open the door on Fred’s side and one open the door on Bill’s side. The one on Bill’s side gave him a handout. Then when he turned around to help me out and saw I was completely naked he froze for a second before he took my hand and help me out. Being it was very bright from the lights, and I was very tired my bare foot caught on the helo’s door frame, and I trip and fell into the guards’ arms. In his effort to keep me from falling he caught me by my boobs. He stuttered and said, “I’m sorry miss I didn’t want you to fall. Wanting to put him at ease I said, thank you I didn’t want to fall either.

Bill came around from the other side just in time to see the guard taking his hands off my boobs. Fred was facing the other direction and didn’t see any of it. As soon as we were all out of range of the rotors air rush the pilot lifted the helo off and flew off to the west. The lights were on in the house. We went in and were meet by Fred’s secretary, a woman in her 50 ‘s who worked for Fred for about 10 years. When we were all in the house the guards left. Fred introduced me to her. Her name was Sally. She looked surprised when Fred introduced me as Sandy his fiancé. Sally was very outspoken. She said, Fred what have you done with her clothes”. Fred said, “Well Sally she doesn’t wear any clothes. You know how these young people are.” Sally grinned and said, “Well Fred, I hope you don’t expect me to dress like that or shall I say undress like that.” She reached out her hand and I shook it. She winked and said, Fred’s or your idea.” I replied, “A little of both, I think. Fred says “if you got it flaunt it. He says I’ve got it, so I flaunt it. I hope it doesn’t bother you.” She said, yes, it make me a tad jealous. I didn’t even look like that when I was your age. If I, had I might have gone naked for a few years. Welcome to the Miller house.” She turned to Fred and said, You devil you, where did you find this gorgeous creature.” Fred replied, I found her in heaven. I’m a lucky man”. Sally said, “I should say so.” Fred, should I have the cook fix all you both something to eat. Bill, how about you.” Bill was standing in the background with this amused look on his face. Sally said, “You look a little jealous Bill. Maybe you should get out on the road. You might find a prize like her.” Bill said, “I’m not as lucky as my man Fred, here. And yes, I’m hungry. Fred said, “Sandy and I’ll be there in a little bit I want to show her around our house.” Bill and Sally went off to the kitchen no doubt to talk about us and me. Fred said, the only place I want to show you tonight is the bedroom, our room. We went upstairs and what a view. There was a long balcony that stretch almost all the way across the house overlooking the living room a bar and game room. I ask Fred, “How big is this house.” He said, “Almost 15,000 sq.ft. I bought it from my sister five years ago when her husband died. It sits on 60 acres and has a beautiful lake. We came to these huge double doors. Fred through them open pick me up and carried me across the threshold and over to this big bed. He dropped me on it and said, “Feed first or fuck first”. I spread my legs wide apart and said, “What do you think? I’ve been wanting to do this all day.” He was out of his clothes and in the bed before I could say “fuck me please. Do you think they’ll miss us?” Fred said, “No, this will just give then more time to talk about us. Do you realize that when I’m finished this time this will release me from my word to keep you naked and your word to pay for your rides with sex?” I replied, Well I’m not sure I want to be released from part of the agreement. Now fuck me, Fred. I promise to give you everything I have in me. My love, my truthfulness, my faithfulness, my obedience, and every bit of my body to use as you see fit.” And I meant it. Fred replied, Sandy, I know that you will, and I also promise, I’ll protect you, Love you, take care of you, grinning as he said this, “And only lend you out to my very best friends.” I replied, My body belongs to you. If you want me to seduce your very good clients, I’ll do that too. Maybe I can help you grow the business but only with the ones you tell me to. While we were pledging ourselves to each other Fred slipped his penis in me and off to the moon I went. We had not closed the bedroom door and I could hear my self-screaming at the top of my lungs, “Oh my god Fred you feel so good give me more. Harder, harder, Ohh man, I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I love you Fred Miller forever. And ever” While I was at the height of my orgasm Fred swelled up and spilled all his juicy cum in me. I screamed, “Oh Fred, I feel it I feel it. It feels so warm and juicy. Give me all you’ve got.” With that I ran out of breath completely. Fred was huffing and puffing also. He rolled off me and lying next to me he said, Darling do you realize what you do for me? Before I me t you I was just going thru life just trying to enjoy it a little bit while I built my business bigger and bigger. Now I have something that means more to me than my business ever could. That’s you. And soon we have a little one that will be a special bond between us, Even if it is not my own blood. The first thing I’ll do after it’s born is file for adoption. Tomorrow we’ll fine for you divorce if you’re ready to. I have my personal attorney here tomorrow with the divorce papers for you to sign.

I had been thinking about what to do about the divorce. I knew I’d never get full custody. In fact, I wasn’t sure I’d get any custody at all. I was pretty sure that Sam would say I was an unfit mother. So, I’ll have to even fight to get dual custody. With me living here in Iowa and the kids living in Oregon at least for another year I don’t know what would happen. I might get custody after next year because Sam rotation is for sea duty after next year and I don’t know if his mother would keep the kids for two years.

If I have custody, I couldn’t fulfill Fred’s dream of having me naked all the time. I guess the thing to do is talk it over with Fred and Sam. Before I file. And what if Sam doesn’t want a divorce. That would be a disaster. Or what if Bill’s wife wanted him to try for custody of my new baby. I guess then they’d have to prove paternity and as least I’d find out who the real father is. Man, I’m sure glad I was pregnant when I went on my road trip. They’d have to test dozens of men to figure out who the father was then. I said to Fred, “Before I file for a divorce, we have to figure out what I’m going to do about the kids. I think you should have a say in that. I’m sure I can’t get full custody even if I wanted to. Let’s talk about it tomorrow with your lawyer.” Fred said, “They are yours and Sam’s children. You will ultimately have to work it out between the two of you. Whatever you want is what I want.” “But Fred, if I get custody, I won’t be able to fulfill you dream of me being naked all the time.” Fred said, “Sometimes we don’t get everything in life we want. Your happiness is more important to me than seeing you naked all the time.” Let’s go downstairs and get a bite to eat.

When we got downstairs Sally and Bill were sitting at the counter talking. And as I thought they were talking about us because when Sally saw us coming, she poked Bill as if to tell him shush. Bill said, “So there they are. We wondered what happened to you. Bill said, “oh before I forget is it ok if I have a meeting tomorrow at 10am with you two and the house security team. I want you to meet them and we’ll set up plans for the security of the entire grounds and house. I’ll sure be glad when we can figure out what is going on and whose ‘s behind all of it. We got the 5 people locked up at corporate and I hope we can get some information out of them on who they’re working for and what the objective is If they know anything. I thought that Jim Stratford was the local leader but there is an oriental fellow that seems to be in-charge. He was yelling at Jim last night on the way here and telling him how stupid he was. So, I figure Jim is not the leader.

As we sat there and ate Bill kept surreptitiously glancing over at me. Bill was a good-looking man, but he was Fred’s trusted friend, so I wondered if they’d shared girls before. If Fred wanted me to of course I’d be glad for him to give me to Bill. But only if Fred had previously agreed to it. I’d never bring it up to Fred. If I’m to be shared he’ll have to bring it up. Sally excused herself and went to bed. She lived at the house. Bill said he was tired and should get home. Tomorrow was going to be a busy day for him Fred and I finished eating and we went to bed also. I woke up to a knocking on the door. It was Sally. She said that it was 8amand Fred said to wake him up. I said, “Thanks Sally I’ve got a good way to wake him up”. She said, ‘I bet you do.” I said to myself, “Sounds like a little jealousy to me.” I could understand if there was. Sally was used to being the queen of the house and along comes this naked young 23 old and takes over. I’ll have to treat her with sensitivity. I don’t want Fred to lose an employee that’s worked for him for 10 years because she jealous of me. I rolled and took Fred penis in my mouth and started to suck on it. The harder I sucked the more he moaned until I had him so hard, I could mount him. I mounted him and started bouncing up and down. He looked up at me and said, “Are you my alarm clock now.” I said, “not the clock just the ringer. Sally is still the clock. He ask me what time it was. I told him 8am. He said, Well I’d better give you my best shot quickly then. I ‘ve got to shower, eat my breakfast and d my run all before 9am. I’ve got to call the lawyer at 9am. I started to go as fast as I could on him. He looked in my eyes again and said, “Man I love to see your tits bouncing. I think you need to wake me up every morning like this. What a way to get the morning started. It wasn’t more than a few minutes and he started to swell. I love it when he does that. No man has ever felt as good to me as Fred. I love sex with him. Moments later he came a bucket load in me. I squealed and came right behind him. Now I had even more juice in me and some on the sheets. I decided I’d better change them myself until the housekeeper and I get to know each other.

Fred’s shower had two shower heads in it so that two people could take a shower at the same time. I was in a hurry because I wanted to get downstairs and fix Fred’s breakfast for him. I got my hair and make-up on by 9am. I was downstairs by 9:10am. I was totally surprised when I couldn’t find anything but cereal to fix for him. There was milk in the fridge as well as some beer but nothing else. So, I fixed him a bowl of corn flakes and a glass of milk. When he came downstairs, I ask him what he normally ate for breakfast. He said, “corn flakes and milk.” I kissed him and told him that wasn’t much of a fun breakfast, and we’d have to go grocery shopping after the meetings today. That I wanted to be a good wife and cook for him and keep the hose supplied with the things houses normally had. He said, “Babe we just eat out most all the time and the maids keep the house stocked with cleaning stuff. Don’t worry about being a good wife, if you wake me up every morning like you did today and let me fuck you anytime, I want I’ll be a happy husband. I said, “don’t you ever eat snacks and watch TV.” He said, No. I normally work until 7 or 8 pm. But now I plan on spending a lot of my time fucking and playing with you. Watching TV would be so boring compared to what you and I can do. However, we’ll go grocery shopping tomorrow. I need to start getting the local folks adjusted to seeing you naked anyway. I should probably have the chief of police over to have a drink and meet you so he can have his officers not arrest you.” I was shocked,” Fred Miller, you mean you can tell the Chief not to arrest me for indecent exposure and he’ll do it.” Fred replied, “Yeah he will. Remember I’m the riches person in the whole middle part of the state, I think it’ll only take folks around here about a month of seeing you naked and they’ll stop complaining. Of course, there maybe a few you’ll have to go to bed with to keep them quiet.” Fred grinned at me and said, I’m just kidding you won’t have to sleep with anybody to keep them quiet. My money will do it for me.” I’d say within a couple months you’ll be able to go anywhere in the county without clothes on and everybody will not notice your naked.” I said, “Darling is there going to be anybody here in the county you’re going to want me to go to bed with. Because if there, is I’d like to do them before I get much more obviously pregnant. “Fred said, “Well maybe I’d better schedule a poker party for this weekend and invite some of them over and we can get started on that now. “I make a list of those I’ll want you to have sex with. Right off the top of my head I think it only be 10 or so right away. These first 10 or so will be the one that I’ll need you to have sex with on a regular basis. You know people like the police chief and the mayor. Probably most of the city council. The three will be many more than that that I’ll need you to have sex with when I need a special favor or something like that. You want mind doing that for me will you.?”

Of course, there will be the one that I’ll want you to have sex with just for fun. There will probably a lot of them. I’ve always been curious about how many can you take in one night. I want to try you out on that right away. If that’s ok with you. Very hesitantly I agreed to do that. Fred laughed and said, “Come here darling”. Fred took my naked body in his arms and said,” I was just kidding darling? It probably won’t be more than about half a dozen at a time. I was confused. But one thing I did know was if he really wanted me to I would.

We had about 15 minutes before the security meeting, so Fred took me on a tour of the entire house. He introduced me to the two maids. The upstairs maids name is Inez. The downstairs maid’s name is Mary. They both were very nice and friendly. Apparently, they had heard that I didn’t wear any clothes because they didn’t react to my nudity. The house had five guest bedrooms each with its own bathroom. A huge library, a safe room that Fred said was truly safe.3 more bathrooms downstairs. A 6-car garage. Three of which were empty. Fred told me we’d got out shopping for a car for me in the next few days., a wine cellar. And finally, a shooting range. Off our bedroom was a sitting room where we could sit and talk or as Fred said when the baby comes, we can make it into a nursery. I told Fred I thought it was a beautiful house. He said, “It was my house too”. He told me it hadn’t been changed since his sister lived there but he was going to give me a budget of $300k to modify it to suit my taste. I could do anything I want to make me comfortable in it. We didn’t have time to go outside to look at the grounds.

The meeting was schedule for the media room. Fred and I got there just before everyone else arrived. Fred and I sat in the front row. Bill came in with the security team. I t was his meeting. Everyone sat down and there was still 10 empty seats. Bill got up and started off by introducing himself. There were several new hires because the staff was expanded due to my living there now. I could tell right away why bill was so good at his job and Fred trusted him so much. The first thing he did was introduce himself to the new members of the security team. He even had slides. One for each member of the team plus himself and Fred. Each slide had the member picture, there social information such as age education Kind of like a resume. Fred’s slide was the first one. I won’t cover any of the details, but Fred not only talk about his background. And at the end of Fred’s talk. He said, Now here is the reason we formed this team. My fiancé Mrs. Thompson. Mrs. Thompson would you please stand up so the team can see who they are defending. I was so embarrassed, but I stood. Fred continued, “Mrs. Thompson will normally look like she does today at my request.” Fred then said, “Are there any questions?” One of the security employees raised his hand. He must have worked for Fred for quite a long time. Fred said, “yes, John.” John, ask, “Is Mrs. Thompson going to be nude all the time. Even when we go to town.” When he ask that question, I was even more embarrassed but at least I wasn’t standing up.

Fred replied, “that’s a fair question John. You’ve work for me since right after my Margie was killed. You know I put my heart and soul into this company. I’ve not done anything but work for the last 25 years not just for myself but for our employees. All of you that have been employed for more than five years have the best wages and benefits in the country. When I met Mrs. Thompson, I met a special person that I believe was sent to me from God. I know our culture does not normally allow for situations like this, but I am very proud not only for her intellectual capabilities but her physical attributes. John does that answer your question.? John replied, Yes sir it does. “Fred ask again, “Are there any more questions?” Another long-time employee raised his hand. Fred point to him and said, “Robert your question.” Robert stood up and said, “Is there any truth to the rumor that a group of people tried to kidnap Mrs. Thompson? Fred replied to Robert by saying, “the rumor is partially true. Bill is going to explain everything in his section of the briefing. I’ve got time for one more question”. John raised his hand again, Mr. Miller it’s not a question but I’d like to say to Mrs. Thompson that I have worked for this company for 23 years and I’m proud of it also. So, If Mr. Miller wants this then I’m all for it. You are a beautiful woman, and he deserves the best. If there ever is a time that any of us make you feel uncomfortable or like we’re getting too personal I’m the team lead for Team 1 you just let me know and we’ll rectify the situation immediately. And Mr. Miller I want you to know that we’ll take care of Mrs. Thompson and keep both you and her safe.” When he finished saying that all the security personnel broke out in applause. I thought I should do something to show appreciation for their support. So, I whispered to Fred, “can I say something to the security detail?” Fred said, “Mrs. Thompson has something to say to the security details. Sandy go ahead”. I stood up. That was kind of hard to do but I know I needed to be comfortable being naked around the security staff. As I stood there, I looked at all of them and realized that Fred and my life depended on them keeping us secure. “I want to thank all of you for being here. I understand all of you volunteered for this assignment. As Bill.’ Mr. Murdock will tell you in his briefing this is a serious job. My future husband and my life may very well depend on you. In fact, will depend on you. So, thank you for volunteering for this assignment. And John if there is ever anything I can do to make all your jobs easier. Please let me know. So, thank you all.” I sat back down and all the men and women in the security detail applauded. Fred leaned over and whispered. Great job Sandy. You’re terrific. Bill stood up and said, “Mr. Miller and Mrs. Thompson have to leave for another appointment. Let’s take a 10-minute break. Everyone stood up and started talking to each other. Bill came over to Fred and me. He said, That was a good session. Sandy, you did a terrific job. You made them feel comfortable and most of all appreciated. I know that wasn't easy standing up in front of 50 people or so naked. I was nice what you said at the end.” I replied, “Well there is no sense in ignoring the elephant in the room. And they are going to be seeing me naked all the time, so I wanted to show them I appreciated them being there for Fred and I.” Fred said, “We have to go. The lawyer is here in the living room. I’ll tell Sally to take him to your office.” I said, “wow, I didn’t know I was getting an office. Fred leaned down and kissed me and said, “Only the best for the best.”

On the way to my office Fred and I stopped in the kitchen and got a cup of coffee. When we got to my office, I was amazed. It was huge. When we walked a middle-aged man was sitting in a chair with by my desk. He stood up when we came in and Fred sad, “Sandy this is Juan Hernandez he does law work for me when I don’t want the Corporation involved. He was a little taken aback when he saw me. I don’t think he expected a young naked woman. Fred said, Juan this is Sandy Thompson. The future Mrs. Miller. After a moment’s hesitation Juan said, “Nice to meet you, Sandy. Before Fred could say anything, I said, “They wouldn’t let me wear clothes when I was on the road trying to get home and I got used to it.” And Fred added, “And I liked it so were trying to change the clothes wearing culture.” I had been grinning and I think that Juan didn’t know what to say so he said more to himself than us, “I hope we don’t have to go to court.” I replied, “Don’t worry about that. It would come under the special occasions rule and then I’d be allowed to wear clothes.” Juan looked even more confused. He said, “Sandy is anyone forcing you to go nude.” I replied, “Oh no I agree with it whole heartedly. Fred and I are both very proud of my body and want to show if off.” Fred said, “Juan do you not want to represent Sandy in the divorce suit. “Juan grinned and said, “Oh no Fred, you pay to well and I’ll get to see a naked woman at every meeting.” Fred replied, “win this case and get her divorce and you might get more than a visual.” Now I got embarrassed again. “Juan replied, “If I get more than a visual, I might not even charge you.” I thought are they negotiating a price for me to go to bed with Juan right here in front of me. So, I said, “Are you gentlemen negotiating a price for me to have sex with Juan.” Fred said, Oh no not at all we’re just negotiating if he gets to go to bed with you at all. Now it was Juan’s turn to turn red. Fred and I both laughed and said we were just kidding you.” Juan said in a serious voice “I was hoping you weren’t” Now it was our turn to get Fred. So, I said, “Well Fred he is very good looking maybe we can work something out”. Right after I said that I gave Juan a big stage wink. But Fred had the topper and I think he was serious. “Well, I tell you what Juan lets defer the meeting until tonight, Come over for the meeting at about 6.30pm and for dinner after the meeting and then we’ll take her upstairs, and we’ll see how much she’s worth.” Then he turned around and walked out of my office. Juan and I looked at each other and I said, “do you think he was serious. I mean you are good-looking and all that” Juan replied, “surely not.” I said, “does that mean you don’t want to go to bed with me.” “Now wait a minute I didn’t say that. You are a beautiful woman with a great body but it’s nor ethical for a lawyer to have sex with a client.” “Yes, but Fred’s not your client this time I am, I said, I can fix the client issue. I

can fix that. I won’t sign the papers until after we have sex. So technically I’m not you client. I turned around and as I walked out, I said, “see you at six and wiggled my butt. I went to the kitchen and told Marie our cook that we were going to have dinner at six and have a guest. She said, “yea, mam.” Then she grinned and said is this a special or regular dinner, but he is good looking. Because Marie had asked, I told her what all my rules were. That’s why she said that I guess.

I went to find Fred. While I was looking, I ran across John, the security lead, in the living room. I ask him if he’d seen Fred and he said “no he hadn’t but to try his office. Mrs. Thompson, can I say something to you that might come off wrong. But it’s meant with respect. All long-term employees are so glad to see you. We tried to fix Fred up with a woman for years and he’s never showed any interest until now. It’s always been work, work, work. Then you come along, and he’s finally taken an interest. From what I saw today he really loves you. I’ve heard you’ve only known him about 5 weeks.” Is that true.?” “Yes, John it’s true. He saved my life. John why do you think I’m naked. “I don’t know mam all of us wonder that.” “Well John, you think any rational woman would go around naked all the time in front of everyone. “No mam I guess not.” I don’t either I do it because I love him more than life itself. I want to make him happy, and I want to fulfill all his fantasies. When his wife died, he lost his heart. He’s missed out on a lot of years of happiness. I want to make up for that loss. There is nothing wrong in my trying to do that is there. Whatever his fantasies are I’ll try to fulfill them. Do you think I’m bad for doing that? John looked directly in my eyes, nowhere else and said, No mam, I don’t, I think it marvelous you love him so much. Mam there is a lot of speculation among the troops as to why you do it. Can I tell the security team what you said? It’ll make a lot of difference how they feel about you. Not that they wouldn’t do their job properly, but it means a lot to know why sometimes. “It’s ok to tell them. Morale is important”. “Yes, mam and all of us that have been here a while love Mr. Miller. He cares about his employees and deserves the best. Thank you, mam. If I run across Mr. Miller, I’ll tell him you are looking for him.”

I didn’t know where Fred’s office was, so I decided to go upstairs and change the sheets. When I got upstairs Inez had just finished stripping the bed and was ready to put on the new sheets. I told her that I’d change the sheets from now on. She said, Because of the wet spot huh? I said, “Yeah I thought I ought to do that myself, but I didn’t have time this morning. She replied, “It no big. That’s part of a maid’s job. My husband and I always make wet spots. He’s got a lot of cum in him. It’s a wonder we don’t have 10 kids.” I said, “Yeah a lot of men fill me up.” I thought oops I goofed that up. I said, “man that didn’t come out right.” Inez laughed and said, “well I know what you meant. I’ve had a lot of men in my day too. Don’t worry I’m not a gossipy person. Your secrets safe with me.” I thought man I’m going to have to be careful around this woman. I bet the whole house will know what I said five minutes after she leaves. Just then Fred walked in and said that he heard from John that I was looking for him. I said, “Yes I told Marie were having a guest for dinner at 6pm. He said, “sure 6pm is fine I’m got to run over to corporate to discuss with Bill what they found out if anything from the people we brought in last night. I’ll try to be back before 6pm.” He looked over at Inez who was trying to look busy changing the sheets. If I’m not back by 6pm go ahead and start without me. I’ll get there when I can”. I said, “I’m not sure I’m comfortable starting without you. Are you sure you don’t want me to wait until you get here?” Fred said, “no go ahead and start without me. You know how long it takes lawyer to get around to the point.”

Inez figured that she couldn’t stay any longer without looking obvious, so she took the dirty linen and left. After she left, I said, “That woman’s a gossip I bet. How long has she worked here?” “I don’t know not very long. Why, do you want me to fire her.” I said, “Let’s wait but we’d better be careful what we say around her. Fred are you sure you want me to start without you. When he left, I told him we discuss the divorce first. Then eat dinner and then come upstairs. Is that what you wanted to do? Is he going to be a repeat, or will he be a special? I wasn’t sure if you were kidding or not. Neither was Juan. I told him I’d find out. Were you just teasing, or do you want a threesome? Fred said, I was kidding but if he’s willing. What do you think.? Are you attracted to him? If you, are we’ll go ahead? If not, we won’t. I told Fred it was up to him. I’d do whatever he tells me.” I told Fred I though Juan was attractive, but did he trust him. Fred said, Yes, he trusted him. And from the way he looked at you I’m sure he might be a repeat. It depends on how you like him. If he turns you on a lot or not.” I said, “What about Sally. If we keep doing it here eventually, she’ll catch us.” Fred said that Sally had come to him today and told him she thought she should move out now that you’re here. She said she’d find a place of her own. She’ll be gone tonight anyway. She going to spend the night with her boyfriend in Des Moines. I said, “What about security”? Fred said, I talked it over with Bill today. He said the house has a very good alarm system and if we want privacy, we could button it up and security would stay outside. I said, “I guess that means you weren’t kidding about the threesome. Fred said, Well I was at first but the longer we went on the hornier I got and then I decided that you weren’t kidding so I decided to make plans just in case. I’ve known Juan for several years and I think we can trust him.” Well, I’ve got to go Sandy, I’ll see you later. If I’m not home before he gets here, just start without me. I ginned and said, “The divorce papers or the sex.” He said, “the divorce papers I don’t want to miss a minute of the sex. I’m sure I’ll be back before dinner.” He left and I continued to sit in the chair thinking about the evening and wondering what Juan was going to be like. I just hoped he didn’t have a small penis. I sat there in the bedroom looking out the window at the beautiful grounds. I thought about everything that had happened to me in the last month. How I had gone from a wife and girlfriend to a fiancé by riding around the country naked trying to get home when that home really didn’t exist for me anymore. The true love of my life wasn’t a husband or a boyfriend, but a 45-year-old man form the Midwest whom I love more than I could ever have imagine. He was a true soul mate who loves me a much as I love him. I didn’t carry his child by blood, but he has made it clear I carry his child by choice. Fred and I are so much alike. He cares about me the same way I care about him. He loves people and cares about those around him. He wants to prosper not just for him but for those around him. He has courage. I feel I have all those things also. Maybe not as much as Fred does but as much as I have the capability to do. Fred took me from a urine soaked, poop stain cum filled naked girl laying in a rest stop completely naked in 40-degree weather to a clean, mother to be well care for person with a bright future. As I thought about that I thought I know Fred really loves me. He is trying to do everything he can for me. Why should I not do the things that only I can make him as happy as I can. I mean I gave my body to all sorts of men just to get me from one place to another. Why not give my body to help fulfill his fantasies? I know that not wearing clothes is going to be a problem. I may get arrested for indecent exposure some time. I may get raped again. But I love him, and I will truly do anything for him, especially sexually. I love sex anyway. And I will consider my marriage a success if I can make him happy for our lifetime together.

I came out of my musings and looked at the beautiful old clock sitting on the dresser. The time was 4:00pm. I went down to the kitchen to see what Marie had fixed for dinner and to tell her that was she finished cooking she could put it in the oven and go home to her family. That Fred said he might be late. I told her I’d serve it. When I got down to the kitchen Marie was just starting the main course of the meal. The appetizer was in the fridge. The dessert was cooking. She showed me what wine she’d picked out. She’d put three bottles in the cooler. When I ask her why she had three bottles she said, “Mr. Miller likes wine especially when there are three for dinner. I said you mean two women and Mr. Miller she grinned and continued, “Well sometimes its’s two women and Mr. Miller. I thought interesting. I’ll have to ask Fred about that. See said she’d be done about 5:45pm. I told her I’ll serve it and she can go home.” I went in my office and straightened up. Then before I knew it was 5pm. I had to get upstairs and shower, do my hair and make-up to get ready to entertain two men. It was 5:30pm when I got out of the shower. I thought one good thing was I didn’t have to get dressed. I worked on my hair for about 15 minutes. I used to wear it long, but the traveling around had taught me to keep it short. It’s a lot easier to keep up when you’re rolling around on the bed with a bunch of men. I looked at myself in the mirror and realized that my pubic hair was bushy. I got my shaver out and trimmed it short. I hate an out-of-control pubic area. But I hadn’t trimmed it since Fred rescued me. I hope he liked it like I cut it. I’d thought about shaving it all off, but I tried that once and it got itchy if I didn’t trim it every day. Besides having a bare vagina might be a little too much in your face since I’m nude. I finished and looked I the mirror again. I thought I don’t see what men see in me. They all say I’m beautiful or sexy but to me I’m attractive but certainly not beautiful. I’m 5 ft. 3 in tall. My measurements before I was on the road were 37-25-35. Slightly thick in the middle. But Fred like me that way. My hips look good. Fred says he’s very happy with my body as it is, so I’ll work hard to keep it this way. My eyes are green, and my hair is bleached. since I’m going to be nude, I’ll have to quit bleaching it. I don’t want blond hair and dark brown pubic. Beside in the past month I have grown out a lot. Very dark brown. I don’t think tonight Juan will care about what color my hair is. I put on some expensive perfume that Fred bought me. I looked at the clock and it was 5:55p. I was satisfied with my looks I went downstairs to check on dinner. Marie had finished was on her way out the door. She said, “Mrs. Thompson don’t you want me to stay and serve dinner? I said, No thanks, Marie. I can do it.” She said, “Well you look beautiful and smell great. I hope you and the guys enjoy your dinner. The way she said it made me think she’s known what’s going to happen tonight. I looked here in the eye and aid, “you know what’s going to happen tonight”? She said, “Of course isn’t that what us women are really for.” I ask, “Marie did Fred have many of these kinds of dinners. Marie replied, “Oh no mam only a few times a year. You know he has needs. Sometimes he’d get grumpy but then he’d have a dinner for three and the next day he was fine for months. But now he has you, so he doesn’t have to find a woman or two for his dinners.”? I must have looked shocked because Marie said, “I’m sorry mam I thought you knew and that’s why you’re here being he has you naked all the time”. At that moment, the doorbell rang. I said, “I’ll want to continue this conversation tomorrow Marie” Marie replied, “Yes mam but I’ve probably said to much already.” “Good night, Marie,” I said.

Marie went out the backdoor and I was in the house alone. I went to the door expecting to see Juan. It wasn’t. It was one of the security guards. I couldn’t remember his name, but I remember seeing him at the briefing. He said, Mr. Miller called and said, “He was going to be late for dinner just leave his in the warmer. And to go ahead with the meeting with your lawyer he sure you’ll be able to accomplish a lot without him being there. He said for you to ask Mr. Hernandez to stay until he gets home. He has some question we wanted to ask after the meeting is over.” I told security thank you. I wonder why Fred didn’t call me and tell me. I picked up the phone and it was dead. I wished I’d known that before security left. I would have had them check it out. I looked at the time and saw it was 6:15pm Juan was late. Just at the time I was having that thought the doorbell rang again. This time it was Juan. I opened the door and Juan stood there. He really looked handsome in his leisure clothes. He had a bouquet of roses in one hand and his brief case in the other. I said, “Come on in. He handed me the flowers while his eyes went from my face down to my feet. Which were still bare because I hadn’t had a chance to go shopping. His look was slow and deliberate. He got right to the point, “Was Fred kidding or serious?” I looked at him and said, “He was serious, but I suspect that you already know that. I guess I’m yours for the night. He wants you to stay until he gets home. Juan said, “I already know that too. That means I’ll have you for the entire evening and night. I was still standing there with his flower s in my hand. I said, “Well since you’re in charge what are we going to do first? Are you going to fuck me first and then we’ll eat and then you’ll fuck all night? Or shall we eat first and then you’ll fuck me for the rest of the night. Juan said, I think the plan is for me to fuck you until I’m ready to eat and then I’ll fuck until Fred gets here and we’ll both fuck you for the rest of the night. How does that sound?” Juan then reached out and pulled me up tight against him and started kissing me I just stood there in shock It wasn’t supposed to go this way. I t was supposed to be a meeting, then dinner and then a nice threesome. Once again, I felt like I was being raped but this time it was organized rape put together by my husband to be. His kiss wasn’t rough like I thought it might be. I was as tight against him as I could be. I could feel his hard cock through his pants. It was hard and big. After my non-response to him. I dropped his flowers on the floor. Juan said, “what the matter Sandy. I thought you wanted to have sex. Fred did too. I broke out in tears and said, “I picture a nice night of romance. This feels more like I’m being raped. Juan turned pale and said, Oh man. I shouldn’t be here. I thought you were doing this because you wanted too. “On, man I ‘ve got to call Fred.” I said, “you can’t the phone is dead.” Juan said, “Man no wonder you feel like you’re being raped, I come in here like some macho guy telling you what you’re going to do. You already feel helpless. I so sorry Sandy. Neither Fred nor I intended this to happen. First thing we need to do is see if we can get the phone working.” Juan goes over and picks up the receiver. There is still no dial tone. Juan says, “this isn’t part of the plan. Sandy go hit the panic alarm quick. There is one under the end table by the sofa”. I hit the alarm and then the next thing we hear is the loudest siren I’d ever heard. It wasn’t even two minutes before guns drawn two security agents appear in the living room. That head straight for Juan. I told them no he my lawyer, but the phone line is down, and We can’t get in touch with Mr. Miller. One of the agents calls on his radio for his boss, John. He tells him what is happening. John says I’ll call the telephone company and get two more agents up to the house. John calls corporate and the night guard on the desk said that Mr. Miller left about 30 minutes ago, Now I’m even more worried, it’s only a 15-minute drive from Corporate to the house. I tell John to lock down the property and not let anyone in except Fred. Not even the phone company. I also told him to check the security phone line and if it’s down to call the police and then have the corporate night guard stand by to forward messages over the phone line. I ask him if he gotten in touch with Bill Murdock. He said, “I tried calling him but couldn’t get in touch with him either.” I said, “OK that does it. Have corporate call the police and tell them it’s an emergency. And make sure the night guard tells the police the emergency is at the house not corporate”. John says Robert that. The two additional securities show up. I recognize the one as the guy who ask the question about my kidnapping. I said, “Robert who’s in charge of you four. Robert said, “I am, mam”. I said ok. “Spread your men out through the house and have them check each room. Upstairs and down. Tell them to be careful. I don’t want them to be in danger, but I don’t want to be kidnaped either”. Robert told the agents one on each floor and start at the end of the house, check room by room. If you see anything suspicious don’t confront them directly. Call John and have him send reinforcements. I had another thought. Fred still had those guns from the attempted kidnapping. I told Juan to stay right where he was and if he saw anything suspicious set the emergency alarm off again. I ran to the stairs taking them two at a time. There were two guns the drawer, I got them both. Check them to see if they were loaded. They were. When I got back downstairs Juan was sitting next to the button ready to push it if necessary. I gave him one of the guns. I said, Juan do you know how to use a handgun.?” Juan said something that made me feel a lot better. He said, “Two-time Texas state champion at 50, and 75 yards.” I said, “good you can protect me.” He said, “Yeah but you have a gun. “I said, “that’s true but I was only shooting champion in Delaware. Smaller state.” He whispered in my ear, “I’ve got another gun I shoot pretty straight with. After this is over. Maybe you’ll let you show you my skills in that.” I said, “If everything turns out ok, I’ll let you fuck me all night long if you want. But remember what they said in the old-world war two movie. This is my rifle, this is my gun, this one’s for fighting and this one is for fun.” Then I poked his penis with the barrel of the gun and told him not to get the two confused.

A few minutes later Robert comes in the Living room and says it’s all clear in his sector of the house. The second Agent comes back and says his sector of the house is all clear. That leaves the 2nd floor north end and the first-floor south end to report. Robert tries calling both. Neither one answers their call. Robert says we’d better check on them. He calls John and tells him what’s happening. John says I can’t pull anymore men from the perimeter until the police arrive. Robert tells John that both Juan and Mrs. Thompson are armed. John says ok. You take Mrs. Thompson with you and have David take Juan with him and go check to see what happened to the other two. Robert decides to have David and Juan check on the north end of the 2nd floor and then have them check on the south end of the 1st floor. This time they will stay in constant contact. Juan and David go to the second floor and begin looking in every room. In the bedroom at the end of the hall they see the third security agent. He is either dead or unconscious. He’s lying on the floor just outside of the door. They cautiously approach his body. Juan bends down and feels his throat for a pulse. He feels a normal pulse indicating the agent is alive but rendered unconscious. David tells Juan to put his back against the wall while he goes in and checks out the bedroom and bathroom. I

David goes in the bedroom and doesn’t see anyone. He checks the closet and then goes in the bathroom. He shouts all clear. He gets a glass of water and goes out in the hall. Juan says he didn’t see anyone. David throws the glass of water on the unconscious agent to revive him. The agent revives. David ask him what happened. The agent told him he’d know. He said he started checking rooms at the end of the hall and he’d just finished checking the bedrooms at the far end of the hall. He was in the end bedroom when he heard a noise coming from the hall. He went to the bedroom door and that’s the last thing he remembers until just now when they through water on him. David tells the agent to stay there, and he and Juan will check all the rooms in this sector. David reports that the Agent may have a possible concussion but no sign of anyone upstairs. Robert reports that the third agent is ok but possible concussion. They are now going to the south end of the 1st floor. The wounded agent goes downstairs to the living room. Juan and the Robert start their search of the south end of the 1st floor. They find nothing. They return to the living room.

The only place that haven’t search are the rooms off the living room. Robert and David check the kitchen and the pantry. They find nothing there.


I ask Robert if he would check to see if there was any new information on Fred or Bill. The agent at corporate reports that he sees Fred’s car driving up now. John tells the agent at corporate to lock all the entrance doors until he verifies that its Fred. A minute goes by, and the corporate guard reports it is Fred. And Bill is with him. Bill gets on the phone with John. Bill tells John that he and Fred are on their way over. As they are driving John is giving Bill and Fred a complete report. Bill tells John they almost there with a separate vehicle with another five agents. The police have not yet arrived. John tells Robert that five more agents are on their way. Robert reminds Bill that whoever assaulted the agent must still be in the house because the house was on lockdown when the agent was attacked. Five minutes later Bill and Fred show up at the door. I went to let them in. I practically jumped into Fred’s arms. Bill went to talk to Robert, and I was giving Fred a big kiss and rubbing my bare body all over him. I ask Fred what happened to Him and Bill. He said they had gone to a fast-food place to get something to eat because they were going to interrogate the prisoners. I told Fred what had happened here. He said It doesn’t make a lot of sense. I kissed Fred again and told him I was so scared for he and Bill because I was afraid, they’d been kidnapped. We went into the living room. All the agents had started another search of the house for the assailant that had attack the agent. Juan took Fred off to the kitchen. I was pretty sure it was to discuss me. While Bill and I were talking a thought hit like a thunder bolt. I hollered Fred; Fred I know what’s happening. Fred and Juan came running in. I said, Fred I know what’s going on. This is a distraction. They are going to try to extract the prisoners from corporate. I bet the assailant that attack David is hiding in the attic. Bill said, Sandy I bet your right. They wanted us to get focus on here while they try to get their people out of corporate. He got on the phone immediately and told corporate what was happening. He told Fred, she’s right Fred your fiancé is a genius. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and went running out the door. Fred called John and told him what was happening. A couple minutes later the police arrived at the house. They started their own search of the house and found the assailant hiding in a closet on the second floor. They took him into custody. The chief of police came over to Fred and said, “Fred I’m glad your back home. When did you get in”? Fred replied, Sunday night. I of course was standing right there next to Fred totally nude, but do you think the chief would say, “Whose the naked woman.” No, he just kept talking asking why Fred thought that someone would cut our phone line, break in and attack one of our guards and then go hide. I felt downright ignored. I thought he’d at the lest say, “Fred whose the naked broad.” So, I said, “Hello Chief Jackson, My name is Sandy Thompson. I’m Fred’s fiancé” I stuck out my hand. Fred turned red and said,” I’m sorry Chief Jackson this is my fiancé, Sandy Thompson. The chief grinned and shook my hand. Then I couldn’t just let it go. I was on a roll, so I said, “Chief I bet you’re wondering why I’m naked.” Chief Jackson grinned and replied, We I figured you sleep in the nude and went to bed early when all this happened.” I said Well not really, I was in a meeting with my lawyer, Juan who I’ sure you know, when all this happened.” Fred tell the Chief why I’m nude.” I look at Juan sitting on the couch behind the Chief laughing his head off. Fred was red as a beet. Fred said, “Well huh,

I, huh. Well Hell Chief she’s got a terrific body and I love looking at her nude. I figure most men would too.” “Well Fred I have to agree with that, but you know she’ll have to wear some clothes when she goes to town.” Fred replied, “well that’s the thing Chief I was going to ask if we could get her special permission to be nude. Maybe an ordinance allowing her to be nude. She’s willing and all that.” I said, “That’s true Chief. I love Fred more than anyone else in the world and I want to please him always. So, I told him I do anything he ask. Fulfill all his fantasies”. The Chief said, “well I don’t know about that but if we don’t get a complaint, we won’t arrest you.”

I was getting hungry plus I was thinking about the after-dinner meeting. So, I said, “Dinner is in the oven gentlemen and Chief we have extra would you like to stay I’ll be serving.” Well mam if you’re serving, I don’t see how a feller can say no”. I said, The places at the table are set for three Fred would you come help me get another setting. Fred said, Yes, I’ll give you a hand and maybe later we’ll all give you something else. I happened to be looking at Juan and I could see the anticipation on his face when Fred said that. Fred and I went in the kitchen. I said, “Fred do you want me to have sex with them tonight. When Juan came back, I sort pictured a romantic threesome, but he made it feel like organized rape. I mean if that’s what you want, I’ll do that, but I planned and anticipated a romantic night with the three of us”. “I know he apologized to me.” You didn’t plan on having the Chief for dinner either, but I thought it would be rude to not invite him to dinner. I don’t know if he married or not, but I figured if he was married, he say no thanks and if he wasn’t he’d probably say yes form the way he was looking at me. If you don’t want him to stay, I’ll excuse myself and go upstairs and get ready for the two of you. I it’s ok with you and he wants to then I’ll be ready for the three of you. Fred said, “I don’t have any problem making it a foursome. Beside after all he the Chief of Police and maybe it’ll be easier on you in town if you been to bed with the Chief. I’m pretty sure he’ll want to. I also saw the way he was looking at you. “Ok Darling I’m going to make you proud of me tonight. I assume since they aren’t married, they’ll stay all night. I’ll be a busy girl I think”. I told Fred to give me a signal when he wants me to go upstairs to get ready. All l will be doing is fixing my hair and putting on some perfume But that’ll give you time to verify they all want to do it. You can tell them as much of my history as you want, decide on the first-time order. How you want me to be treater. By the way I’m fine it you want it rough or romantic. I’m here to serve you and your friends. I love you Darling have fun with me tonight. Fred me and gave me a very hard kiss but he gently said, “I love you sweetheart thanks for loving me.”

I got the meal together quickly and came out with the salad. I served each one by bending over close to them and almost getting my boobs in their plates. While we ate our salads, they ask me how Fred and I met. I said, “Fred why don’t you tell them about it. I tell it better than I do. Fred didn’t get to eat a whole lot of his salad because they ask so my questions about the details of what happen to me while I was riding around naked. The only thing he didn’t tell them about was his nephew. He just said I was raped. He told them I was 4.5 months pregnant. The Chief ask if I knew who the father was. I said, “I’m not quite sure. Either my husband, although he was the least likely, or my husband’s flight instructor or my boyfriend the AF sergeant who was the most likely. I told them my husband didn’t know I was pregnant until the hospital. My boyfriend new I was pregnant. I told them I’d told him I was pregnant since he was the most likely to be the father. By the end of the salad course, I could tell all three of them were slightly aroused. During the main course which I served in a very intimate way. I plated it in the kitchen and brought out one at a time and as I set the plate on the table, I rubbed up against each one of them with my breast. When we were done with the main course Fred said, Sandy, I’ll help you carry the plates. I got the silver ware and Fred got the plates. When we went in the kitchen I said, “how am I doing Darling?” He said, wonderful. He pushed me up against the counter and started kissing me. He insert two fingers in me and started playing with my clit. It wasn’t very long before I started to moan. He said, When you serve the dessert as you put each one down sit on their lap and wiggle your butt on their penis. I’m sure it will be hard. Give them a sloppy but quick French kiss After you’ve served the three of us excuse yourself and come upstairs and get ready for us. Which one of us do you want first. Any of the three of us is ok. He kissed me again and again played with my clit until I was starting to moan loud enough to be heard in the dining room. Now I was as aroused as they were and probably more ready to have three penises in me than they could imagine. I took the desserts out to the table and did as Fred ask. I sat the first desert at Juan place.AS I sat it down I sat on his lap and put my arms around his neck and as I kissed him, I wiggled my butt on his already hard penis. Then I got up and set the next desert at the Chiefs place and again as I set it down, I put my arms around his neck and kissed him with a lot of tongue and rubbed my butt on his very large hard penis. While I was kissing him, he put his hand on my vagina and found the opening and inserted a finger. Needless to say, our kiss lasted a little longer as he played with my clit. Trying didn’t want to make it to obvious so as I got up, I said,” later honey” The I put Fred’s plate down and sat on his lap and to show both of the others I made my moves very plain to see. I put my arms around his neck and gage him a very obvious French kiss while I moved my whole body around on his penis. I did it much longer than for the other. I moaned and squirmed for at least 3 minutes. Just to let them know Fred was king of the hill. I got up and kind of over acted the I’m so aroused thing and said, “If you’ll gentlemen will excuse me, I’ll be upstairs. As I started to walk away Fred called me. I went over to him, and he pulled my head down and whispered, “one more thing. Get a razor and shaving cream out and put them on the nightstand.” I said, “OK”. I stood up and went upstairs to our bedroom. I turned down the bed covers. Got out one of Sam’s razors and the can of shaving cream. I thought, “I guess Fred changed his mind. Before he said he didn’t want me shaved because he thought it was too forward of me to have a bare vagina. I though well any way he wants me. I went in the bathroom. I peed as much as I could and pooped in case one of them was anal or all three wanted in me at once. I put my perfume in all the important places. My neck, my vagina my butt and underarms. I got one of the pails from the hospital and several wash clothes. Filled the pai with hot water and put it next to the razor. I got out 4 wine glasses because Fred said he bring up more wine. By the time I got all this done I heard the men coming up the stairs. They came in the room, and I was sitting on the bed in what I hope was a sexy pose. My legs were partially curled up under me. This way as they got in bed, they could kiss me and feel me up without having to lay down. They were all laughing and each one had his own wine bottle. I was supposed to drink out of each of theirs. When they came in the room Fred said, I was telling them on the way up how you came to be naked on the road. Juan said, “I didn’t realize how much fun being a trucker is. How many men did you have before you met Fred? I told him I wasn’t sure but probably about 35-40. I said “that was part of the rules. I had to pay for my rides with sex.” Then they all stripped down and there were 4 naked people in the room. I glanced at the clock. It was almost 9pm.I didn’t know for sure what they had planned for me, so I just sat and waited for them to start with me. Fred ask me if I wanted some wine. I said sure, “He said, “Which kind.” He told me I had to pick one of the three kinds. I said, “I don’t care I like all three of them.” The Chief said, “But if you don’t pick one it’ll mess everything up.” Then I figured it out. The wine I picked determined the one that had sex with me first. The problem was I didn’t know whose was. They’d all set their bottles down and I didn’t notice who brought in what bottle. I thought it really doesn’t matter much to me I was going to get them all anyway. So, I said, “The Rose”. Juan cheered and said, “Yeah. I told you guys she’d pick me first.” The Chief groused, “I was hoping it was going to be me. Go ahead and pour her wine and get on with her. I really don’t mind sloppy seconds or thirds. She a good-looking woman and I’m sure from hearing some of her history she’s very good at sex. That right isn’t it, Fred.? Fred said, “She’ll be the best you’ve ever had. I expect you guys will be frequent visitors here”. So now I not only knew who was going to be my first men in Grand Rapids but who will be two of my regulars.” Now that the decision had been made. Juan poured me and himself a big glass. They brought up big glasses not like the little ones I’d gotten out. Juan brought the glass over to me and said, “Here you go the first one from each of us we’ll both have to chug.” Juan and I touched glasses and both of us drained our glasses. I just hoped that I wouldn’t be too drunk after the third glass to perform. My intention was to show the two men what a great performer Fred had gotten. That and if they were good at it to get them back on a regular basis. I noticed now all three men penises were as hard and straight out as could be. I loved it. Three men in bed with me all with hard erections because of my body and willingness. After Juan and I had chugged our wine, we set the glasses down and Juan took my face in his hand and pulled me over to him. He started French kissing me. I was aroused not only from his handling of me but from the glow of the wine. I got on my knees and hands while he was kissing me. Fred said, “That’s a girl show them how good for a lay for a 23-year-old you are. My tits were hanging down and I shimmed so they swung back and forth. Juan took one in his hand and said, “I present Sandy Thompson and her 4.5-month pregnant body. I was facing Fred and the Chief. Juan got behind me and inserted his penis in me. It was normal size. But I could tell already he was good with it. He started banging me which made my breast swing back and forth. Juan said, “Fred how long can we have sex with her until he have to stop because she’s pregnant. “Fred laughed and said, “Who said you could have her more than this time.” Juan said, Tell him Sandy. You’re going to want me every few days until that belly of yours is hanging down to the bed aren’t you. I think I’ll have to meet with you every day. That’s ok with you isn’t it, Fred. The Chief came over to me and took my left boob in his hand and put the other one on my stomach. “Fred, I think we’ll both be here almost every night. In four months, her breast will be a “D” at least and her stomach will be 40 inches around, but Juan and I will still be fucking her. Isn’t that right Sandy.” I replied “That entirely up you Fred. I belong to him, and he controls who I have sex with, where I have sex and how often I have sex with them. It’s not up to me it’s Fred’s call.” Fred said, “And for you Juan it’s how quickly you get her divorced from her husband. The quicker the longer she be available. Once we’re married you can have her as often as you like”. While all this conversation was going on I wasn’t listening. Fred was in control of me, so I had no say. I was just concentrating on the feeling Juan was giving me. I started to moan, and Juan speeded up his strokes and I got louder and louder. I had decided that I wasn’t going to hold back. There was no one else in the house so I could let nature take its course. My boobs were swinging around so much their muscles begin to hurt but I really didn’t care about that. I was so aroused. Even though Juan was a normal 6 inches and maybe slightly bigger in diameter he was very good with it. He was working me up to a fever pitch. I was no longer moaning. I was screaming with pleasure. I know if there was anyone in the downstairs part of the house, they would have heard me “Ohh Give it to me. Juan, I love it. Pleaseee give me your cum.” I felt it swell and then that wonderful warm fluid of his started too ill me I did something I’d only done twice before and that was when bill and I conceived our baby. I shrieked so loud that it hurt all our ears and then it felt so good I started to cry. By that time Juan had finish ejaculating. He withdrew from and turned me around to face him and hugged me and tried to shush me, but I told him no, no it’s because I loved it so much. You feel so good and then I started kissing him. I pushed him down on his back with me on top. Our lips were still together, and his tongue was in my mouth. We lay there while we continued kissing. Then I calmed down and quit crying my tears of joy. I heard applause coming from the Chief and Fred. I whispered in Juan ear where the others couldn’t hear. I love it so much Juan. I want you on a regular basis. I don’t shriek like that normally. Only twice and that was the day my boyfriend got me pregnant. I cried then too. I felt so good. I want you more. I’ll convince Fred to let me have you anytime you want me which I hope is very often.” He whispered back,” I feel the same way. Can you convince him to let me live here while I’m working on your divorce? If you, can I’ll stretch out the proceedings as long as I can. Maybe like five or six months. At least until after you have your baby.” I made a big slip of the tongue. I whispered, “I’m sure I can darling. I love you”. I didn’t know what to do now. I didn’t mean to say it, but it was said. Juan said, I loved what we did but Fred is my friend, and I can’t take the only woman he’s had in 20 years away from him. I replied, I’m sorry Juan I didn’t mean to say that. What I meant was I loved you and I having sex. Love has nothing to do with it. No one can take me away from Fred. I love him and not for sex. He and I don’t have sex we make love. I would love to have sex with you every day though.” That conversation took so long that the Chief said, Ok Juan it’s someone else’s turn. Give her up.”

Juan said, Ok, Ok but she sure is good. I’m sure Fred already knows that but chief you’re going to get the ride of you like. I just can hardly believe a 23-year-old pregnant woman can do that to me. Thanks for the applause guys but it was her not me that deserved it. Thank you, Fred” Fred said “your welcome. Now do you still want to trade your time for her sex.” Juan with enthusiasm said, “you bet. In fact, I’ll give you unlimited free legal services for that trade. If Sandy agrees.” I didn’t want to sound too eager but that’s exactly what I wanted. An hour of his time for an hour of mine. I didn’t say that of course. What I said was, Fred and I’ll have to talk about that. I said, “Chief, Juan and I need about five minutes more. Juan was still partially erect. Then I noticed that both Fred and the chief were still almost totally erect. I’d better hurry. Juan had setup on the bed, so I pushed him backdown on his back and took his penis in my mouth and proceeded to suck and lick him clean. I could have finished him sooner, but I wanted the whole five minutes. So, I had him erect in and within the five minutes I was able to give him a complete blowjob. I didn’t waste a drop. I swallowed it all. Juan told me later that he knew he’d better not show the other two that he’d come again in me. He and I both pretended I was just cleaning him up. But his cum tasted so good I couldn’t wait until we had sex together again. I just needed to make sure that we had more time. At least 2 to 3 hours together. When my time was up the Chief said, which wine do you want now, Sandy. He grinned and said, “don’t say Rose. “Well, how about a big glass of Chardonnay.” Fred said, Hey that my wine. Fred pour the glass full of his wine. I noticed that his bottle was nearly empty. We both chugged our glass down. Since Fred had drunk most of his bottle knew he was going to be off his game. I wondered what I was going to do. I was so afraid that if I didn’t respond to Fred the way I did Juan, I’d make him feel inferior or worse that I didn’t love him as much. I wondered did I play it straight and whatever feelings I felt I expressed them naturally or did I fake it. Could I fake it. I was afraid if I tried to fake it and it didn’t come across as real. It would be worse than If I did what came naturally. Fred’s penis was still at least half hard. He lay down on his back and I started sucking on his penis. It got hard really hard within minutes of me sucking on it. When it was totally hard, I mounted him and started bouncing on him. Now it was super hard. I leaned over and whispered, did you enjoy watching Juan and me.” He said yeah, I really enjoyed it. He is going to become a regular if that’s ok with you. Maybe several time a week.” I could hardly keep the joy out of my voice when I said, you’re the boss. Maybe an hour of my time for an hour of his legal time. When I said that Fred’ penis started to swell. I thought men are so easy to manipulate. Fred said, “That’s ok with me if it doesn’t make you feel like a whore. I don’t want you to think I’m selling you. Bu from I just saw I don’t think you will.” I leaned over and kiss him and said, “did you hear us whispering. Fred said, you two were louder than you thought. The Chief and I both heard every word. What I wonder is what are you going to offer the Chief. He is the one that will have the biggest impact on your life. I don’t like his idea of bringing in the single guys on the city council for you to fuck. It’ll make you look like the town whore for sure. I’m sure you aren’t going to enjoy him like you did Juan. By the way are you sure you don’t love him.” That was the loudest thing of all you said.” “Fred, I’m so sorry and no I didn’t mean it. I love you with a love that can’t be broken. I did love what he did to me and the way I physically felt but emotionally and mentally he is just another person.” “Fred said, I’m just a little insecure sometimes after all He’s 30 years old and I’m 45 and your 23. It scares me.” I thought about it for a minute as I still was bent over him whispering in a much lower tone this time. I was still bouncing up and down on him, but I could feel he was as hard as he was. I thought you stupid, stupid girl. You hurt the man you love so much. Why did you let the sex overcome you? Fred, I want to stop this tonight. There will be no follow on with the Chief and not with Juan. You will pay him just like any other lawyer and I’ll run the risk with the police. But tonight, let’s have fu. Until daylight. I want one of you to shave me and I want all three of you at once. And any other fun things we can think of. I love you Fred Miller and I will for the rest of my life.” When I aid all that Fred’s enthusiasm increased. He was actually pushing me up and down. He grabbed my boobs so I couldn’t sit up all the way and started to swell. Before I knew it, he was filling my vagina up along with Juan’s sperm all most all up. I wasn’t ready yet because I still felt so bad about what ‘d done. I bent over and kissed Fred and said, Darling let’s keep going I want more of you. I want an orgasm with you. Please don’t stop now.” Fred didn’t say anything he just stop holding my breast and bucked his hips so hard that I actually rose up off him and his penis almost slipped out because he was partially soft, and I was so slippery. I start some serious bouncing after that. And one again he tried to buck me off. This time I when in the air and his penis was even softer so out it came. He said in a normal voice, “It’s the Chief’s turn. Hey Chief get her glass of wine ready You might what her to go clean up. She’s pretty slippery with Juan’s and my cum in her.”

I didn’t know what to do. I was devastated. He didn’t want me. Not even to clean him up. I’d hurt him much more than I thought. How could I make up for it? Once something is said and heard, it’s said and can’t be unsaid or unheard. I started to cry and ran into the bathroom. Big tears were running down my face and a stream of cum down my legs. I just wanted to die. I ruined it all just because I got carried away. A couple of minutes later the bathroom door open and Fed came in and closed the door. He said, “You know you owe the Chief a lay. Dry your eyes and wipe the cum off your legs and go out a drink his wine and apologize to him. Give him all the sex from you he wants. Then I want you to tell them you’re available to both of them any time they want you. I want you to ask Juan to be the one to shave you. And tell the Chief he won’t have to worry about you coming to town that next time they both see you; you’ll be fully dressed. And tell Juan he won’t have to work on your divorce just fuck you when he wants to. That unless your husband files for divorce you won’t need a lawyer. And if your husband does then you can trade an hour of legal time for an hour of fucking.

When I heard that I felt a pain like I’ve never felt before. I burst out in tears all over again. I ran out of the bathroom and out of the bedroom and down the stairs to the living room. I grabbed Fred’s gun from under the table. I check the chamber to make sure there was a round in it. I stood there naked with my hands trembling, gun in my temple, trying to get up the courage to pull the trigger. Seconds later the three men came running down the stairs. Fred was crying also. He was saying, “for God’s sake Sandy don’t do that please don’t. The Chief said, “Fred let me talk to her. I have years of experience dealing with suicidal people.” I stared at them like I’d never met them. I said, “Go away and leave me alone. I don’t want to live. I thought god brought us together, but I guess it’s not to be. Without you Fred I don’t want to live. Fred said, please Sandy put the gun down. I don’t want to live without you. Just at that moment John happened to be checking the exterior doors to the living room. He looked I and saw four naked people in the room. He saw Sandy standing there with the gun to her head. And the three men terrified that she would pull the trigger. He trigger the silent alarm on his radio. He knew what a mess of publicity this would create but he couldn’t let Sandy pull that trigger. Fortunately, one of the things Bill had done when he found out that the boss was in danger was to install a knockout gas system in the house in case it was ever taken over by terrorist or criminals. Robert was the first person to arrive on the scene. On quick look and he saw the situation for what it was. He said, “John sent the other team members away. We can’t let them see this and we don’t need them yet. John thought that was a good idea. After a chance to assess the situation, he recognized the men were his Company’s owner, the chief of Police and the town’s most prominent lawyer and of course Sandy. Now that he had time to focus, he could also see the tears running down Sandy face. And he could see Fred was crying. Then John accidently bumped the door handle. Sandy heard it and turned slightly towards the door and John saw the cum running down her legs. Now he was confused. Did they rape her, Why were all three of them naked? He thought well it doesn’t matter right now the thing to do id active the gas system that put all of them out. It was supposed to be instantaneous. John wasn’t sure but he’d been trained to know that most people will end up pulling the trigger. He’d have to risk it. He told Robert to call bill and tell him to get over here immediately. Then John said a prayer for all four of them and open the box and hit the button. Within two seconds ethe gas started to flow and a minute after that all four of them were lying on the floor unconscious. He told Robert to make sure no one but Bill came near the house. He got out his master key and a gas mask out of the box, put the mask on and entered the house. He went to Sandy first and felt her neck for a pulse. The he checked Fred’s pulse, the Chief’s pulse and finally the lawyer’s pulse. They all were ok. Now John didn’t know what to do. He looked at his watch and thought about 10 minutes before bill gets here. He took a picture of the scene to show bill and then he put the gun under the table. Make a close up of Sandy legs where the cum was. He then wiped the cum off of her legs and as much as he could get out of her vagina. He knew what he was doing was probably illegal, but h really liked Fred and he thought a lot of Sandy. He thought about trying to put clothes on the men and decided there probably wouldn’t be time. Then he had an idea. He ran up the stairs three at a time hoping he could find the men’s clothes. He did in the bedroom. He took their shirts and pants and ran back downstairs. He put Fred’s shirt and pants on first, then the Chiefs uniform shirt and pants and finally the Lawyers shirt and pants. He thought I sure wish I’d thought of their socks. He ran back upstairs and found two pairs of socks. He found Fred’s sock drawer and got a third par out of it. Back down the stairs and he’d just finished put on the lawyers’ socks when Bill walked in. He saw Sandy lying on the floor naked nothing unusual there. He saw Fred on the floor with his clothes on but no shoes. The Police Chief had his uniform on but no shoes. And so did the lawyer, clothes but no shoes.

Bill said what happened. John said, I think it was late and the Chief and Lawyer were over for dinner, and they been drinking and decided not to drive so they were going to spend the night. I think Fred and Sandy must have gotten in an argument and she came downstairs and got the security gun under the table and threatened to shoot herself. I was doing a routine door check and I saw the three men standing where they fell, and Mrs. Thompson was standing there with the gun to her head. She was scrying and so was Fred. I didn’t know to do but gas them. And by the way it’s very effective. Then I put on ma gas mask and told Robert to keep everybody away from the house and I went inside. I took the gun and put it back under the table because I didn’t think that anyone else needed to know she was going to kill herself. I was afraid that the publicity would not be good for Mr. Miller or the company. Bill said, good work John. Let’s see if we can find some clothes for Mrs. Thompson. John went upstairs and, in the bedroom, he saw all the wine bottles and glasses. The razor and shaving cream and all the cum on the bed. Now he knew exactly what was going on. They were having a foursome, and something went wrong. It didn’t matter to John. It was none of his business he was just there to protect they people he’d was employed to protect. But he couldn’t find any clothes for Sandy. Not a stitch. He picked up their underwear and threw it all in the dirty clothes hamper. He took two of the wine bottles and glasses and put one in each bedroom. He turn down two of the beds just like they had been getting ready for bed. Went back and got the Chiefs and Lawyers shoes. Decided it was a good idea not to put them on. He didn’t know whose shoes were whose. He covered up the cum spots with the top sheet and took the shoes and put one pair in each room. He figured nobody would know whose was whose. Then he thought all this might be unnecessary if they revived before the police arrived. If they did. He never told Robert not to call them. And it was part of their procedures to call the police if there was an emergency at the estate.

Bill tried to revive the Chief first. The Chief could stop the police from coming to the estate. He was able to get him partially awake but not enough. He made a mental note to himself to get some revival medication in the gas kit. John came back in the room and told Bill he’s called gas manufacture’s 24/7 hot line and they told him that the normal period was a complete recovery was about 2 hours. He said, There was some really bad news, however. The hotline also told him that the gas was extremely harmful to a pregnant women’s fetus. Bill said, did they tell you what that harm is. John said, Yeah. Everything from brain damage to death. There is an antidote for it but it’s only available from the manufacturer. He also told Bill he’d called the police to cancel the emergency call. False alarm he told them. The dispatcher said, they were almost there but she canceled them. The Chief was beginning to revive. It was a little over an hour ago they were gassed. John was hoping that he could get to the Chief before Bill did to tell him what the scene downstairs and upstairs and been setup to look like. About10 minutes later Bill was in the kitchen fixing some coffee the Chief sat up and said to no one in particular, “Oh my head. What happened”. John went over to the Chief and ask him if he knew where he was and he said, “Yeah I’m at Fred Miller’s house”. Jon then said, “What is the last thing you remember.” The Chief rubbed his head and continued, “Well I remembered that we were standing her in the living room. Oh man I remember that Sandy Thompson was standing over there with a gun pointed at her head, she didn’t pull the trigger, did she?” John replied, No thank goodness. John told the Chief that he knew what they were doing and what he’d done to try to cover it up. The Chief said, “I wondered how I got my clothes on but not any underwear. I’ll say what happened as you suggested, we did not want to drive so we stayed. That’s very a logical explanation.” I ‘m not quite sure what happened with Sandy and Fred. I think they had an argument. She came running out of the bathroom and downstairs. She was screaming bawling her eyes out. Saying she wanted to die. Right behind her was Fred. Juan and I heard her screaming and when we came out of our rooms, we saw them running down the stairs. We ran downstairs with him in case we could help.”

Just about that time Bill came in the living room with his coffee. Bill said, “Chief, welcome back to the world. What happened?” The Chief reiterated the story that John had suggested. The Chief ask us what happened to them. John told them about the gassing. The Chief said, It normally takes about 3 hours to start recovery. How long has it been? John looked at his watch and said, “almost three hours.” Bill said, “We’ll wait.” A few minutes later, Sandy moaned, and rolled over on her stomach. A couple of minutes later she started to cry. The Chief went over to her and picked her up and said, I’m going to take her upstairs and put her in her bed. As he carried me up the stairs, he ask me what was wrong. Went he said that those horrible words Fred said came flooding back, I told the Chief, “Fred doesn’t love me anymore.” I felt like I was at the end of the world. Without Fred I didn’t want to live, and it was all my fault. When the Chief put me in bed, I saw the wet spot and I started to cry again even harder. The Chief hugged my naked body and said, “I’m sure he loves you. You’re all he talks about.”

He then told me what the story he’d told about what happened. That none of them knew about the sex so she could tell them we’d been drinking and decided to say the night. The Chief told he’d set up here with me. I thanked him and he went to sit I one of the chairs. I fell asleep almost immediately. When I woke up several hours later, Fred was sitting by my bed. The Chief and Juan were sitting in chairs. I lay there for a minute trying to decide what I was going to say. Fred grabbed me and hugged me and said, Thank God, you’re alive.” The Chief and Juan got up and said, “Now that your awake Sandy we’re going to bed.” We left the room and went to the bedroom that our shoes were in.

Fred took off his clothes and crawled in the bed with me and hugged me tight. He said, Sandy I’m so sorry that what I said came out completely the wrong way. There is nothing in this world that would make me stop loving you. Nothing that you could ever do would make me not want you or not love you. I started to tell Fred, How I felt because I didn’t think he owed me anything. He just held me even tighter and said, Shush let me finish so I can make sure I get this right. What I meant when I said what I did was. That maybe I was expecting too much when I said, I wanted you to go naked. And also, that I wanted to marry you. Maybe you need the freedom to be available to whomever you want to without have to have my permission. Maybe I’m just to controlling. Instead, maybe you should be free.” Tears were running down Fred’s face. He was hugging me so tight I thought he was going to crush me.” “No, no Fred. Never want to be without you or not married to you. I’m truly sorry about what I said to Juan. It was definitely not what I meant. I don't love him or anything close to that. I do have a magnetic attraction to him. You saw what happened when we were having sex. But you’re the only one I’ll ever love and when I thought you did want me anymore, I just wanted to die. I want no one else but you. I want you to tell me what your sexual fantasies are. I want to act them out for you. I really enjoy being naked for you all the time. If it’s ok with you and the other two. I’d like to pick back up were we left off. I’ll apologize to The Chief and Juan tomorrow. I hope they want to continue. If you’ve changed your mind about any of the things you want me to do, just tell me. I’m yours to command. Please use me to make you happy. Fred told me I make him happy no matter what we do. He took me in my arms and held me tight and we fell asleep that way.

(WEEK 2)

I woke up when I heard insistent knocking on the outside door in the living room. I was still groggy for the events of yesterday. I looked over at Fred. He was still sound asleep. I dragged my body out of bed ad went downstairs to see who was at the door. It was John. I went over to let him in. He said, “Mrs. Thompson are you all right.” I said, “Come on in John. Can I fix you a cup of coffee? I’m going to fix me one. Come on into the kitchen while I fix us coffee.” John followed me into the kitchen. “No thanks on the coffee ma’am I just now getting off work. When I work a night shift, I can’t drink coffee before I go home. I usually sleep as soon as I get home and the coffee keeps me awake. I just wanted to stop by and see if you are ok. I’m sorry I woke you up. I thought Marie would be here.” “Marie won’t be here on Sunday anymore. I have given her Sundays off. She needs the time with her family. John, do you have any immediate family here in Grand Rapids.?”. “No ma’am just me and my dog. “John, I want to apologize for last night and thank you for your rescue. If it hadn’t been for you, I would have pulled that trigger”. Are you feeling better today, Mrs. Thompson? You gave me quite a scare last night.” Yes, thank you, John for all you did last night. You saved my life and Mr. Miller, and I are forever grateful. Thank you!” “Your welcome ma’am. I know it’s none of my business but if you were my wife, I’d never let other men have sex with you. You’re a beautiful woman and to loving to be made available to other men.” I wouldn’t put you on display either.” “Well John, that is really nice of you to say that but there are very good reasons why we do what we do. Deeply personal reasons. But thank you for your concern.” Well ma’am I’d better get going. I’ve got to get home and let Freida out and feed her. Mrs. Thompson if there ever come a time when you need me just call me. I’ll be there for you.” John got up and left. I had this strange feeling that he really meant what he said.”

I finished my coffee and went upstairs. Juan was just coming out of his room as I got to the top of the stairs. I said, “Good morning, Juan.” Juan replied, “Good morning, Sandy. I’m going downstairs for a cup of coffee. Do you want some too?” I told him I was going to check on Fred to see if he was still asleep and if he was, I’d be down in a minute. I went into the bedroom and Fred was still sound asleep. I went in the bathroom and fixed my hair, put on some makeup and perfume, and went downstairs. Juan was in the kitchen fixing a whole pot of coffee. I said, “fix me one too, Juan”. Juan said, “you gave us quite a scare last night. Are you alright?” I replied, “Yes, Fred and I had quite a long talk last night. I told him that I was so upset from what I thought he was telling me that I just freaked out. I thought he was saying he didn’t want me anymore and I can’t live without him.” But what he was trying to say was that he thought if I really did love you maybe he should let me stay single and then I could have anyone I wanted. I told him no I want just him, but I will fulfil any of his fantasies no matter what they are. I told him I’d apologize to both you and the Chief and I’d like to start over today for where we left off yesterday. Fred thought that was a good idea. I walked over to Juan and took him in my arms and gave him a big kiss and said, “Juan I really liked what we did yesterday abd I’m sorry I freaked out and gave you guys such a scare. I’d really like to spend the day with you guys having sex and fun. Fred said it was up to you to say yes or no to that. Juan I really want to spend the day with you three. I loved what we did last night and as I told Fred, I would like to continue on today. And I want to be available to you whenever you want me. Fred said that is ok with him as long as we’re just fuck buddies and nothing else. What do you say?” “Sandy, I had the most fun with you that I’ve had with any other woman in my life. The thing is if you make me that offer, you’d better be prepared to have sex with me on a very recurring schedule. That is several times a week. I’m don’t want to interfere with yours and Fred sex life but if I start up with you, I’ll want you frequently. So, if Fred isn’t willing to make you available that often we’d better not do it at all.” I told Juan let’s discuss it this afternoon after we’ve spent the day together. He agreed to that. I told him that I wanted to start off this morning with where we left off with the Chief if he wanted to. “If I wanted to what.”

The Chief said, as he walked into the kitchen. I said, “Chief I want to apologize for yesterday. Today I’d like to start off where we left off last night. If you want to. I didn’t say anything about him having access to me on an as desired basis like I did Juan. I did tell him Fred and I had agreed that was what we wanted to do was spend the day with the four of us having sex and fun. I said, which was true that I was looking forward to starting back up with him if he wanted me to. He said, Yes, I would like to do that. I’ve had no plans for the day. What about you Juan.? Juan said, “Yeah I’m going to stay for the day”. I told them I’d fix some breakfast for us after I went to see if Fred was awake. Juan said, “Sandy you start breakfast I’ll go check on Fred.”

I said, “”. He said, Ok.” He came around the counter and pulled me in to him and gave me a hug, a kiss and two fingers in my vagina. I really didn’t want him to do that, but I also didn’t want to hurt his feelings, so I snuggled in close to him and kissed him back. He started working my clit. I said, “Now you’re going to have to wash your hands again.” He said, “That’s ok your worth it.” He continued playing with my clit and in spite of myself I started to respond some. Not near as much as with Fred or Juan but still I guess most any man playing with my clit would eventually get me aroused. A few minutes later he was still kissing me and playing with my clit when Juan and Fred walked in. I was more aroused than I had been when the Chief started. I was leaning back against the counter with my legs spread slightly spread apart. Fred grinned and said, “Well I guess we take her upstairs now and forget breakfast for a while. Fred said, “are you ready to go upstairs Sandy?” Whatever you guys want to do with me. Chief is getting me ready.” For some reason having all three of them there was more arousing than just the Chief. Juan said, “I think I’ll have a cup of coffee before I come up. You guys take her on up. Fred said, “I need a cup of coffee too. Chiefs take her on up and have fun we’ll be up in a little while. The Chief took his fingers out of me, and I had been told what to do so I went upstairs with the Chief. He told me to lay down on my back and spread my legs. I had cooled off from coming up the stairs, but I was told to lay down on my back, so I did. I knew to spread my legs before being told so I did. The Chief got on top of me and slipped his penis in me. To my surprise It felt really good going in. It was a little bigger than Juan or Fred’s. He started humping me and I found that the extra length made a difference. He was hitting my g spot regularly on every stroke. I wasn’t long before I was almost totally aroused. I was moaning, squirming, and saying, Ohhhhh man you feel sooooo good. I want it, give it to me hard. Ohhhhh.” I was getting so close to my first orgasm with him. He raised up on me and said come on up and play girl. Hold those hips up. I didn’t want to lose him, so I raised my hips up and put my hands under them to hold myself up. Good girl kept them up don’t let me slip out. Tell me you want me as much as the other two. “Oh man maybe more if you keep hitting my g spot. Ohhhhh I’m cumming, Ohhhhh I want your cum Pleaseee give it to me. Then I had an orgasm that was as good as Juan’s. “Ahhhhhhhhh, I screamed as I hit the peak of my orgasm the Chief came in me with my hips still raised his cum shot out of him right on my g spot. I loved it. I wanted it to keep cumming forever. He leaned over me and said, Keep those hips up and I’ll give you more. Are you going to be available to me whenever I want you? I said, “Oh man yes, if it’s ok with Fred I’ll come running anytime you call.” I whispered in his ear very low. “Just call me if you have friends or I can help you with the single members of the city council. Would you like to see me around town naked?” “I don’t really know about that, but you can help me get things for the police department passed. I’ll talk to Fred about what he’ll let me do with you. I sure hope he’ll make you available to me like he has with Juan. Would you like that?” Oh yes, yes please talk to him. I want you.” I said the last part as the chief started to hump me again with his now fully restored penis. It felt so good going in and out. I never thought that I’d ever find anyone as good as Bill especially the time we conceived my baby, but the Chief, Juan and Fred all felt so much better. And to prove it just a few minutes after Chief started humping me again, I came a second time only this time I screamed at the top of my voice, give it to me, give it to ohhhhhhhhhh man I want it. Ohhhhhhhhhh, it feels so gooooood.” Juan and Fred came up stairs and Fred said, “wow Chief you have the magic touch. We could hear her all the way downstairs. The Chief said, “Juan do you want to take over with her for a while. I need to talk to Fred about something.

Juan said sure I do. I don’t know if I can get her as loud as you did but I’ll try. The chief replied, I think you got her there yesterday. You know what they say. If at first you make her squeal fuck, fuck her again. I was still partially aroused from the chief. So, I moaned please give it to me Juan. I want you all when you come back Fred. All of you in me at once.

Fred and the Chief left. I knew what they were going to talk about and that aroused me even more. Juan come over and got on the bed and put his penis in me without any fore play. “Ah sloppy seconds, he said. You love sex more than any female I’ve ever seen. I said, “you don’t seem to mind doing it to me very much. “He leaned over and again whispered, “And you’re going to get a lot from me too. I just negotiated a deal for your services with Fred while we were downstairs. I can have you three days a week for 2 hours a day plus for every billable hour I work on your divorce I’ll get two additional hours of sex with you. Those are hours alone with you. If it’s a group session I get you free. So, the minimum time is 6 hours per week. And that time is over at my apartment or wherever I want to take you. I have an option for you if I live over here while I’m working on your case. I can have you any time Fred is not in bed with you. That’s a better deal so I’m going to take that. I’ll cause a lot of gossip I’m sure but then I’ll be able to have sex anytime I desire. Fred did stipulate that If he wants to walk in on us, he can join us any time he desires. So, we may not get a whole lot of alone time, but I suspect he’ll just come in and watch. Which would you rather we do?” “I’d rather be alone with you but since Fred will enjoy having a chance to watch or participate let’s do that. Maybe later after I’m divorced, and we’re married he’ll allow me more alone time with those he’s given me to.”

Juan turned over on his back and said, can I offer you a ride, madam”?

‘Where are you going sir? I replied. “To heaven if you’re with me.” I started bouncing up and down on Juan. Just like yesterday he felt so good to me. However, this time I paid more attention to the noise I was making. In a much quiet way, I was getting more and more aroused, but I kept telling myself, watch your noise. Tell him how good he feels but in a quiet voice. I told him, “Juan I’m sorry. I want to scream at the top of my voice how wonderful you feel to me. Please tell Fred you want me at your apartment. An hour with you alone is better than two hours here. Juan said, I agree I like it when you’re really noisy.” I kept bouncing on Juan and before long I was biting my lip to keep from screaming out how much I want him and how good he felt. I was just about to have a big orgasm when I felt Juan start to swell. I leaned over to whisper in his ear,” oh my love I feel you getting ready to cum.” I want it so bad every ounce of your cum in me. “Just as I finished saying that he exploded in me. I could feel his cum exploding against the back of my vagina right on my g spot. I whispered, “Ohhhhhhhhhh man, I love it, I love it. Pleaseeee want me every day. I want you!” Juan said, “I want you too. I love having my penis in you.” I clamp my lips on his in a kiss mostly to keep me from screaming out that I loved him.” I started sliding back and forth on him to get as much feeling of him hitting my clit and also to get very drop of his cum. I slowed my pace to maximize the feeling I was getting from him. Eventually I was exhausted, and I rolled off of him. Our bodies were side to side and Juan said, “Sandy, I can’t help it. I love you too. What are we going to do? Fred is my friend I can’t take you away from him, but I need you.” I replied, “Don’t worry darling I’ll figure something out. I love you too.” Juan and I fell asleep in each other’s arms.

Sometime later Fred and the Chief came back upstairs and saw Juan and I asleep in each other’s arms. Fred said, “I’m kind a worried about Juan and Sandy between what happened yesterday and seeing them like this this makes me worry. The Chief said, “Don’t worry old friend I’ll take care of her. Our agreement will allow me to keep an eye on the both of them. I’m sure that beside me having access to her every day. The single guys on the city council will surely want her too. That won’t leave her with much time for him. I just hope I can get those young studs on the city council to pass an ordinance allowing for nudes on city streets like New York City does.” Fred said, “I don’t know. If I lost her, I don’t know what I’d do. Do you think I’m taking advantage of her love for me to get her to fulfill my fantasies?” I can’t answer that question, Fred. I have a stake in saying no. I really want to have sex with her on a regular basis. Plus setting her up to have sex with those single guys on the city council. If they’ll fall in line and vote to enable her to go nude, we’ll all enjoy it. Just think how much fun that’ll be.

I roused up enough to realize I was in Juan arms but not enough to realize that Fred and the Chief were in the room. I turned to Juan and started kissing him. I started to tell him I loved him again but suddenly I realized that Fred and the Chief were watching us. I said, “Hi guys you’re back. Whose next with me.” Fred said, “the Chief up next. But before that he’s going to shave, you’re vagina and pubic area. All of it. That means after that in order for it not to get prickly you’ll have to shave every day. You don’t mind that do you, darling.” Sandy replied, “If that’s what you want me to do that’s what I’ll do.” “OK go get the razor and shaving cream. We’ll let Juan sleep and we’ll go use the Chief’s bathroom and get you all completely shaved. The city council meets Friday, and we’ll want you to be able to go into town this weekend and do some shopping for some high heel shoes and a couple night gowns. So, this week will be a busy week for you. There are 6 bachelors on the city council, and it’ll take five of them to vote to allow you in town naked. So that means between now and Friday you’ll have to convince them to vote to allow for a naked ordinance. Chief thinks that sex one or two times with the single ones will get them to vote to allow you to be asked in town. I’ve also agreed that he can have sex with you any time he wants, you’ll be available to him 24/7. Either here or anywhere he wants to take you. As for Juan he’ll get an hour with you for every two billable hours of work he does on your divorce. I got up off the bed and we went to the Chief’s bedroom. I was really disappointed. I really wanted to be given to Juan any time he wanted me. I tried to hide my disappointment, but I didn’t realize it, but I didn’t do a very good job of hiding it. We went into the Chief’s room, and I lay down on the bed. The chief got a towel out of the bathroom and a pail of warm water. He came back in the bedroom with that. He told me to spread my legs. He started to examine my vagina, He took a vagina lip in each hand and spread them apart. He tweaked my clit After a few minutes he started to feel really good to me. He treated very me gently. He showed me as much gentleness as possible. As he continued to play with my clit. I continued to a higher and higher arousal state. And just before I came, I was as high as I could get. I begged him to give me a blowjob. He said he would. I spread my legs as wide as I could. He took my clit in this mouth and started sucking on it. That did it. I came with a shriek and many Ohhhhh and I got up and grabbed him and hugged him and said, OH man I want you. Pleeeeeeease put it in me and give me you cum I want it, Pleaseeee. I grabbed him around his neck and fell backwards and pulled him on top of me. I was grasping and grabbing his penis and was desperately trying to put his penis in me. Fred came over and took the Chief’s penis from my hand and slipped it in me. I screamed, “Oh darling thank you. It felt so good. I wrapped my legs around him, and I started humping him. I felt him started to swell and then for the second time that morning the Chief filled me with a load of his sperm. I was so glad I was pregnant so that all this sex I was having was open and natural. No condom, no birth control. Just bare skin against bare skin. I was now full of the Chief cum. He started to clean me out so he could shave me. I said, “Oh please don’t Leave it in me while you shave me. Use it instead of the shaving cream. He took his fingers and got cum on them smeared it all over my pubic area. He felt like I need more so he said Fred, would you come and fuck her for me she needs more cum. Fred came over and got on top of me and started humping me. I wanted him but for some reason he didn’t feel as good to me as either Chief or Juan, but I still responded to him but before I could get that aroused, he came in me. The Chief got back on me right after Fred withdrew. I immediately started from a highly aroused state and within a few moments I was squealing like an animal in heat. Which really, I was. I begged and pleaded and said,” give it to me ohhhhhhhhhh you feel so good. I need it, come in me Pleaseeee. And then I came a monster orgasm bigger than I had experienced all weekend. It was a vocal variety show and physical wrestling match as I made all sort of animal noises, dirty works, As I put my legs around Chief I started saying over and over, fuck me, oh man fuck me. I’m yours fuck me. Oh, Fred thank you for giving me to him, fuck me, fuck me. Then I had another orgasm and I humped him with my legs as tight as I could get until I couldn’t do it anymore. I unwrapped my legs and fell back on the bed. “Chief do you think I’ve got enough cum to shave me. “He grabbed my ultra-sensitive clit and tweaked it and my whole body jerked. He reached inside me and pulled out a combination of my juices, his cum, Fred’s cum and from earlier, Juan’s cum. He said, “open up. He put his hand in my mouth an ask does this feel like enough. The combination of the three men’s cum and my own juices tasted wonderful. Very creamy and slightly salty. I said “oh yes, it’s enough. Smear it all over my pubic area and then give me the rest to eat. He reached into my vagina and pulled out another big glob of it and smeared it all over my vagina and pubic area. After the third load he said, Well that’s enough, I think. He picked up the razor and started to shave me. Within about 5 minutes I was almost completely hairless in my pubic region. He got another hand full of cum and covered my taint and butt with it. He ask Fred to hold my legs back over the top of my head and spread them apart. This exposed my taint and butt where Chief could easily get at them. And a couple minutes later I was completely hairless except on my head. Chief then put his hand back in me and went as far back he could and then pulled out more of the sticky stuff I love and started feeding it to me. I sucked and licked his hands until I gotten every bit of it off. I told him how good it tasted. He went on feeding me for about 15 minutes until he told me that’s all there is. I pouted and told them they were going to have to make some more. I got up and felt my vagina and sure enough it was almost total clean. I looked at myself in the mirror.

Fred said, “What do you think.? “I feel kinda exposed. Now anyone can see everything about me. Before I felt like I had a little cover but now I’m out there for everyone to see.” Fred said, “Chief what do you think. I really like her clean shaven. She’s right that she looks exposed, but I like her like that.” Fred ask, “Do you think it will make a difference to the city council members.” All of my noise had awakened Juan and he followed the noise and came into the Chief’s room. Fred said, Juan take a look at Sandy and see what you think. I stood there and turned and posed and modeled for Juan. If I was going to be shaved, I really wanted him to like it. He looked at me for a minute and said, I really like her this way but I’m not sure the people in town will, It makes her a little exposed looking. It won’t make a difference to me because I’ll probably not be taking her out in the town. But Fred I’m not sure people with kids might not like it and object more than if she was not shaved. I would suggest that the first time she goes to town you have her dressed in something like a very brief bathing suit. Maybe a G-string and just a very narrow strip of material over her nipples while she’s shopping. Once the city council has passed an ordinance allowing for nudity on the street then take the material off and have her completely nude. As far as your company goes you can do what you want there. It’s private property so if you want her naked, she can go naked. Fred said, I really like her shaved maybe we’ll leave you this way Sandy until I’ve taken you to work. And we’ll see what the effect is there. I plan on taking you to corporate tomorrow to introduce you to corporate staff.” I was beginning to have second thoughts about this nudity business at work. Around the house was ok or at a party but at work or in town I wasn’t so sure. But I’d promised Fred, I’d do it. Beside as I looked in the mirror I kind of liked seeing myself shaved. Juan came over and took me in his arms and pulled me close and said, “I like you completely naked”. He started feeling me. The chief had given me a really close shave, so I was perfectly smooth. I thought I hope he doesn’t take me to far. He didn’t even get permission to fuck me. I was afraid I’d scream, or he would get carried away and I sure didn’t want Fred to cut me off from him. Fred said, “how about the three of us give her a go all at once.” What do you guys think. Can she handle all three at once? One vaginally, one orally and one rectally.” I jumped at that idea because I was sure that Juan was going to throw me on the bed and fuck me right then. The chief asked, “how are we going to decided who goes where. Fred said, We’ll put three strips of paper in a box and write on them the place and we’ll draw for it. We did that and Fred drew first, and he got anal. Juan got vaginal, which I was very glad about. that left orally for the chief. They then decided that after they’d all cum. They’d rotate and do me again. That’s exactly what happened. All three of them entered me. I took a few minutes to get everyone situated. Especially Fred and Juan. I finally ended up laying on my side. With Fred behind me and Juan in front. Chief was lying across the top of me at a slight down angle and I tilt my head up to get him completely in my mouth. They began to work on me. It felt really good. I’d never had three at once. Two men several times on my travels. I was really glad that I had Fred in my rectal because he was always the quickest to come. This time was no exception. However, it was a real contest for the Chief and Juan. After Fred withdrew Juan and Chief really started working on me. Before the next half hour was over, I had three orgasms and Juan and Chief came once. Which was according to the rules. I thought it was interesting that both of them came within a minute of each other. Once they came, I thought man that was fun. Without a word being said. Fred went to my head, Juan to my butt and Chief to my vagina and they again all started at the same time. This time was just as much fun as previously. After we finished the second round again without a word, they all swapped places and we went at it again. We had all been going for almost 2 hours. I only had one orgasm the third time. When we finished the last foursome, Juan pushed me over on front and pulled me up on my hands and knees and insert his penis from behind me in my vagina. He started off slowly just going in and out of me with a nice slow rhythm. Fred said, Man I like to watch those tits swing. The Chief said I do to. He lay on his back and slid under me until his mouth was under my tits and then he started to suck. When he did that Juan increased his speed of humping. It didn’t take long for me to start moaning. It felt so good having both of them working me at the same time. Juan penis was hitting my clit on every stroke and the chief was sucking and biting my nipples until I was in full arousal. Fred come over and took my head in his hand and frenched kissed me with me whining and crying out for more from everybody. I begged and pleading for Juan to come in me. I don’t know how the Chief could tell but I was just about to cum when he bite my nipple so hard, The pain actually felt good. Fred withdrew his tongue and said to me, “you really love this don’t you. Three men having sex with you all at once come on baby let it go and have a big orgasm. Tell us how much you want us all. “I did it. I came just then, and I screamed oh man I love all of you. I want to be fucked daily by all three of you. Keep going Juan until you come. When you cum give me to the chief and chief when you cum give me to Fred. Within the 20 minutes, I’d had four orgasms and they each came in me twice. I had screamed my lungs out and begged and pleaded for all of them to do me every day. I said, Please Fred give me to them. I want all three of you. I’ll do anything any of you say. Fred, can they move in with us so I can have all of you every day. Please, please I want all of you. I continued to beg Fred and the others while I was still begging Juan put his penis back in me and said, OK girl what do you want. I want you; I want Chief, I want Fred the most of all. I want all of you to fuck me every day. I want to stay shaved. I want to be able to go in town naked. I want to do anything you want me to. Do you want me to share you with friends of mine? “As he said this, he pushed his penis all the way to the back. I said, “oh man do I ever. To get this from you every night I’ll do anything. Juan kept going until he came. I hadn’t yet. Juan pulled it out and said, OK Chief it’s you turn. Make her swear to do the same thing for you. Chief put his penis I my overly full vagina and said, OK girl tell me how much you like my penis and what will you do for it. I moaned I’ll do anything for you. I’ll let your whole police department fuck me if you want. Anything to get you to fuck me every day. The Chief was humping me from behind and in a matter of a few minutes he came. I still had not come yet. Fred then got in behind me and said, “Let’s see those tits swing girl. He started pushing me as hard as he could. He said, “you’ve already told me you’ll do anything I want haven’t you. Yes, yes, I moaned I want you most of all. You own me. Fred was humping me slow like Juan had earlier. Fred said, “Ok girl give us some of your sexual history. First how many men have you had? I thought about it and said, “I’m not sure probably about 50 counting he truckers.” “ok, at what age did you have your first penis in you. Fred had increased his speed and I was getting more aroused. “That’s easy I was 13.” “Who was he. “My next door neighbor. We did it until I graduated from high school. I like it so much he was able to make me buy my own condoms. He shared me with his friends a couple of times also. The Chief said, “Sandy are your children all fathered by your husband? I said, “no I don’t think so.” All of them counting this one may have different fathers. This time all three of them were so aroused hearing my sexual history that they were ready to come in me again. Fred was going so fast that he came just as the Chief was kissing me while he waited his turn. He said, My goodness Sandy you must have 10 loads of cum in you. One of the things that’s good about having you shaved is you can see all the cum running out of you. Fred had just finished injecting another load in me he inserted his hand in me and gave me another glob of all three of their cum. I moaned about how good it tasted again and begged for more. Fred handed him a wine glass and he put it up against my vagina and got almost half a glass of cum. He said, “Juan watch this” He held the glass up against my lips. I eagerly started licking the juices off the outside. Chief said, “Go ahead Sandy drink it all. He tilted it up and I drank and sucked it all down and then said, please give me more. He told me to rollover on my back. I did that and he put his penis in my vagina and went about 4 strokes and then pulled it out. It was sticky and gooey. He then sat on my chest and took his penis in his hand and rubbed it all around my lips, and my mouth. When I tried to put it in my mouth to suck it clean, he would pull it away at the last sec. Pretty soon he had me saying, “Pleaseeee let me have it. You guys taste so good. It’s salty and sweet. I want it. I need it. Please.! He turned to Fred and Juan and said, Ok guys what should we do. Should we let her have it, should we make her beg some more. Juan said, “Don’t give it to her unless she swears, she’ll be available to all three of us anytime or anywhere. We can screw her whenever we want. Take her on trips. Provide our friends with all the sex they want. Chief then rubbed his penis on my lips and mouth again and said “Well Sandy reach for it. As she kept trying to get it, he’ would just keep it out of her reach. He kept doing this for almost a half hour. Final he said, “do you swear that you belong to all three of us. You’ll do anything we say or ask you to do.” He then wiped his penis across my mouth, and I gratefully licked my lips. “Give me more,” I said. He stuck his penis back in me and got another big gob of it and sat back on my chest and rubbed some juice on my lips. Suddenly it dawned on me what he was doing. He was trying to take me away from Fred. He rubbed his penis on my lips again and instinctively I tried to get it in my mouth. He said, no, no, no not until you belong to all three of us. I said, “Fred made deals with both of you. That’s all I can do. I can only do what my lover tells me to do. Chief I know what you’re trying to do but neither one of you can take me away from Fred. If he tells me to fuck you every day I will gladly. But if he says no, no, no. I’m sorry but no go.

The guys had been fucking me all morning and I was getting tired and so were they. Fred suggested they take me down to the little truck stop that was on the edge of the next town and try out my hairless body. I of course didn’t get a vote. The guys said this probably was a good time. Not many truckers were on the road at this time of day and hardly any non-truckers stopped at this place. We all four got in Fred’s car and we drove the 30 miles to the truck stop. This place was so little it didn’t have a truck drivers’ entrance, so we went in the front entrance. The owner was just about the only one there. The Chief said, Hi Mark.” Apparently, Mark was the owner. He had tattoos all over his body. And looked to be in his mid-40’s. Mark said, “Were did you get this good-looking naked chick.?” The Chief said she belongs to all three of us. Mark said, does she ever belong to all the of you at once. I thought that’s none of your business. So, I said, “Mark, I don’t think that’s any of your business.” The chief said, Sandy don’t worry Mark didn’t mean anything by it. I know he just impressed with your body. Isn’t that right Mark.? Mark said, sure it’s just it’s not every day that a totally naked chick shows up here. I see you guys just shaved her today. Juan said, “Yeah how do you like her shaved.? Mark said, I’ll let you know after I feel it. He turned to e and said, Spread your legs honey. I want to see what you feel like. Fred said, “I don’t think so, Mark. She’s not an animal up for auction.” Mark replied, “Who are you?” Fred said, “I’m her primary owner. I make all her decisions for her.” Mark said, “You mean like who can fuck her, and how often. I suppose you made the decision to have her shaved, and the decision that she can’t wear clothes.” I stood up proud and tall and said, that’s right. I do what he tells me too. I don’t like you at all Mark but if he told me to let you fuck me I would.” “Mark said, “Ok tell her to fuck me. I can tell she really doesn’t like me.” Mark turned to the chief and said, Chief you tell her to fuck me.” The Chief said, neither Juan nor I can tell her what to do without Fred telling us we can. He is the senior partner of our foursome. We’re in the process of setting up an agreement on who controls what in her life.’ Ok Fred if you’re the honcho can I feel her up a little. I’ll give you dinner on the house if you do. Fred said, “Mark she’s not for sale. I know you think she’s a slut but she’s not. She incredibly smart. Obviously, she’s beautiful and sexy. Mark replied, “I’m sorry Sandy it very apparent that your all those things Fred said you were. Please ask him if I can feel you.” Fred said, no way I know she doesn’t like you and she’s a lady and maybe sometime but not known. I can afford to buy her dinner.

Just at that time two highway patrol walked in. One of them said, Whose the naked broad Chief. She good looking. The chief said she belongs to a friend of mine. The senior highway patrolman said, Send he over to our table in a couple minutes after we order. They walked over and sat down at a table right in front of all the others. Fred said, come on guys let’s get out of here. The Chief said, too late now. If she does what they tell her to do she’ll never have trouble with the law in these two counties. You can take her nude anywhere and nobody will bother her. So just send her over to their table and tell her to do what they tell her too and she’ll can run around in these two counties naked, and no one will ever bother her. I taught Fred wasn’t going to do it, so I said, “Please Fred send me over to them. I can fuck them a couple at a time, and I want to have to worry about her wearing clothes. I looked the Chief and he said send her over to them. I spoke up and said, a couple of fucks and some strange means no cost needed. Fred said, OK go on over to their table and do what they tell you to do. We sat down at a table where we could get a view of what the cops were doing to Sandy. One sat on one side of her and the other one sat on the other side. It wasn’t long before the older one started kissing Sandy. The younger one was rubbing his hand back and forth across Sandy’s vagina area. After about15 minutes the three of them got up from the table and disappeared into the back thru some double doors. Mark came over and said, “they took her to my office. I’ll get you some food. you’re going to be here a while. The last time they were here they brought a teenager in and took her to the back and kept her for over three hours. They’ll probably kept your broad a lot longer than that. She’ll be pretty well used up by the time they get through with her. About 20 minutes later Mark was bring out our dinner and he said he’d looked through a crack in the wall and he said, they had her spread out on his desk. The young one was holding her legs up over her head and the older one was on top of her banging the hell out of her. It wasn’t long before we heard for ourselves.

I was my usual vocal self. I was begging for it like I usually do with most men. Mark was right about the time also. They kept me almost 5 hours. Occasionally a couple of other men came and had sex with me. Since Fred had told me to go ahead and do what they told me to do. That’s what I did. All but a couple of guys were enjoyable. After a couple of hours, the desktop got pretty hard, so I ask them if they’d mind do it in with me bending over the desk. They like that idea and nearly drove me crazy doing it in that position for over an hour. About halfway they took me off the desk and had me give them blowjobs and clean them up. That was when some guy came in by himself and when he got undressed, he was huge. I thought oh man I hope he doesn’t stretch me much. He must have been at least 12 inches long and 7 inches in diameter. He bent me over the desk and entered me from behind. It was like losing my virginity all over again. He must have humped me for at least 30 minutes before I became comfortable with him in me. Not to long after that I started to actually enjoy him. He slowed down a little and of course being that big he filled me up completely and hit my clit, and my g spot all at the same time. While he was fucking me, the young cop got up on the desk and had me suck on him. After about 10 minutes of the both of them I started getting as aroused as I’d ever been. If my mouth hadn’t been full, I’d would have been heard a mile away, As it was though everyone in the store heard me. And when the big guy swelled up to cum, I screamed and screamed. The young cop said,” I couldn’t help myself I hollered and screamed and told the whole world how good he felt. Because he was so big there was no room in my vagina for all his cum, so it just ran out the side of my vagina. and all over the sides of Mark’s desk. It took me over a half hour to clean the big guy up. I couldn’t suck him clean I had to lick every drop off of him. When I was done cleaning him up, he whispered in my ear. You’re a good lay. I want your phone number. I’ll be calling you often. I whispered back. I can’t do that I’m married. He said, I don’t care If your married or not I’m going to be a primary source of sex for you. I said, “my husband’s right outside you’ll have to talk it over with him. I do what he tells me too. At that point I’d been engaged in sex for almost 4 hours. The time I spent with the big guy gave the cops a lot of rest. Of course, it just wore me out. The two of them started in on me again. The first thing they did was both of them put their penises in my vagina at the same time. I’d never had anyone been able to do that. Even though I was so tired it felt so good. Almost like having the big guy in me. I actually had an orgasm when the older guy came which was just before the young one did. Once again, I got so aroused, I was begging for them to cum. But man was I tired. I said to them, Hey guys, “I’m really tired. How long have you been fucking me? The older one said, “I think almost five hours. In case your curious you’ve had 7 guys counting the big guy. Thank you for all the sex you gave us. We’ll make sure your husband can take you anywhere in the county naked and you won’t have any trouble. All you have to do is be available to us when we ask you for it. You had a good time didn’t you. I told them yes although It had been too much for me and I thought the Chief and Juan were much better lovers.

The older one said, your free to go.” Tell you husband and boyfriends thanks for your services. Oh, by the way I like you shaved. It makes it seem like you’re ready to go.

I left them getting dressed and when out to the store. My three guys were sitting there drinking beers. Fred said, Well it seemed you enjoyed that. Especially the big guy. You could be heard all the way outside when he was screwing you. I guess got another man added to you list of those who your available to. He was too big to argue with. Mark says, He is a nice guy and won’t ever hurt you. I just hope he doesn’t stretch you out too much. One of the men you had was the county supervisor for Louden county. He said, “You can spend as much time in the county as you want without any trouble. So, we’ll do all your shopping here. Mark says the people are very liberal here, so he didn’t think you’ve had any trouble being shaved and naked here.

Mark came over and said, “I bet you’re very tired after so many men for so long. When you come back Fred said I can take you upstairs and give you a go. I know your too tired now. Can I buy the four of you dinner?”

We went into the restaurant. Mark sat us down next to a couple with two children. I think he did it on purpose to show us how no one would bother me. The husband did look at me frequently during dinner, but his wife didn’t seem to mind. We finished eating about 6:30 and the guys decided to take me shopping. Mark lived above the rest stop so he let me go you and take a shower in his bathroom. I got all cleaned out inside and was eager to go shopping. Even if it was only for a couple of sheer negligees and a pair of high heeled shoes. The guys said my naked body would look good in high heels. We went in the town’s shopping mall. All four of us were curious as to the reaction I’d get. There was a boutique that specialized in lingerie. There were sever women and their husbands in the store. It was obvious that the men enjoyed watching me. The wives seemed to be critiqued my body. One of the men that was not with his wife came up to me and told me he really liked my body especially since it was shaved. Juan ask him why he thought I looked better shaved than I would have bushy. He said, I had a very pretty vagina, and it was more obvious shaved than it would be with all my hair on it. Then h said, Is it possible I can have sex with her. She’s so beautiful. Her body is very well proportioned, and she looks like she would really enjoy sex. Juan said, “you’ll have to ask the man over there she belongs to him.” He just lends her to us. He went over to Fred and the Chief and ask. Fred and the Chief had just been talking about how many men could I take in night. His name was Jim and they thought he was a nice guy so they told him yes if he could round up a bunch of guys. They told him to meet them at the rest stop. As soon as I found what I wanted they would meet Jim and any friends he rounded up at the rest stop. It wasn’t too long that I found a really nice pair of 6-inch heels. Then I found a sheer long red negligee and a short sheer blue one that just covered my tits.

Fred paid for it came to over $500. I wore the shoes out of the store. They made me about 4 inches taller. But as Juan said, “the important thing was it attracted attention to my legs.” I really enjoyed having some shoes and a couple of negligees that I could wear to Fred’s special parties. I had begun to realize over the last couple of days that being married to Fred meant I was going to have a lot of sex with a lot of different men plus a lot of sex with a *********** group of men like Juan and the Chief. Ten I realize that I could come on to any and I wanted to, and Fred would give me the yes or no. then I decided that I was going to have an unusual lifestyle for a 23-year-old girl. I mentioned to Juan that I thought that I’d really enjoy being a sex slave. He said, “what do you think you are? You must have sex with the men Fred tells you to plus the Chief and his friends. And me and my friend. Plus, we’re here at the rest stop waiting on a bunch of men that none of us know so they can join us in having sex with you tonight. I wonder how many of them will there be. 5 maybe. Maybe 10 who knows until they show up. And you have no say in it at all. I told Juan that he’s wrong about me having no choice. For one thing I am voluntarily letting Fred control my sex life because I love him so much. And the other is that Fred said that I can override what he wants me to do if I want to. Both rejecting some sexual partners or didn’t with some he rejects. So, I really control my own sex life. I just choose to let Fred be in charge. I love him more than you’ll ever know. He’s the kindest most loving man that I’ve ever known. Juan said,” Well I’m sure glad for me that he does because you have the looks and the body that I want to have sex with. Even if you were not planning on marrying Fred. I wouldn’t want to marry you but have you for sex anytime I want, Heck yeah.” “I ask him, “What’s wrong with me that you wouldn’t want to marry me. Juan said, “well for one your way to easy a lay. Look your 23 years old but you’ve already had sex with 40 or more men. And by this time next year I’d say you will have had another 20 or more. Just as Juan said that in walked Jim with a crowd of about 15 - 20 guys. From what looked like age 16 to about age 50. Juan said, “Now tell me you’re not a sex slave. You’re going to have sex with at least 40 men just today and tonight. So, you doubled the total number of sexual partners you had previously in one day.

I really wanted to please Fred, but Juan was right that was a lot of men for one night. Especially for someone that only had five in a night. I went over to Fred and ask him if I could talk to him. We went outside and around to the back where the truck pumps where. Several truckers were back there smoking. I got a couple of wolf whistles and some cat calls. I was getting use to this kind of attention from men, so it didn’t bother. Fred said, What did I want. I reminded him of what he said about if I didn’t want to do something he fantasized about. He said, “of course.” I said, I can’t have sex with all those men. There must be 20 or so there. Fred, do you think you can’t handle that many or do you just don’t feel like it.” I said, “I can’t and don’t want to have that many men screwing me all night long. I the most I ever had in one night was 5 and by morning I was exhausted.” Fred gave me a kiss and right there in front of the truckers he gave my vagina a finger. It felt good to me, so I moaned a little. He said, “Of course darling I’ll tell Jim that tonight off and he brought way too many men.” Thanks Fred, it’ll be nice jus the four of us. “I gave him a long French kiss and rubbed up against him. One of the truckers hollered, “Hey lady, You’ve got a beautiful body. How about kissing me too.? I yelled back this is my fiancé I don’t think he’d like that. Fred and I went back inside, and Fred went over to talk to Jim to tell him the bad news. I couldn’t hear what was being said but he and Fred came over to me and Jim said, “There are too many of us.” How many do you think you could take in one night. I can split the group up into a few smaller groups. Maybe like 6 or 7. Before I could answer Fred said, I’m sorry Jim but she doesn’t want to take on any newer men. She had very busy afternoon. “Yeah, that’s what I heard from the county sheriff’s men. He said, you had about 5 or 6 of his officers including “Tiny”. If you had him and he liked, you I can see why you’re tired. My guys are going to be really disappointed, how about I split them up in to three groups over the next 3 nights. I mean you’re so incredibly pretty and have such a great body it’s going to be difficult for them to take no for an answer especially since they came all the way over to Mark’s just to have a party with you. Fred said, I’m sorry Jim but you heard what the lady said. “No sex”. Jim said, “Well they aren’t going to like it. Some had to lie to their wives to come her. Others are single and haven’t had sex in a long time. Fred said, I’m sorry Jim, but the answer’s no. “I was so happy that Fred was standing up for me. So much for Juan’s theory about me being a sex slave.” Fred didn’t say anything else to Jim. We just walked over to Juan and the Chief. Fred said, “Let’s go, this lady is ready to go home.” As we started toward the door three of Jim crowd blocked the door.” Fred said, “excuse us”. One of them said, “you aren’t planning on taking the lady some where are you.” The chief spoke up and said, “Yeah we’re taking her home. she doesn’t want to have sex with you guys.” The guys blocking the door said, “Well I tell you what you guys can just go on home and leave her with us. We’ll take good care of her and bring her home in the morning.” Fred replied, “We’re not leaving her anywhere. “I said, “Listen man I spent all afternoon having sex with the sheriff’s men. They told me two things. One was I could go anywhere in the county I wanted naked, and I would have no problem. The second was they said if I did have any problems, I’d earned their protection and I can call them if I do, and they’ll send some guys over. Now from what I’ve heard you don’t want to mess with the sheriff’s men.” Now how about getting out of our way.” Jim came up just as I finished my little speech and said, “Ok men lets go Mark just told me she has the sheriff’s protection. In a couple of minutes all of them were gone. I told Fred and the guys, “well I guess the afternoon of fucking the sheriff’s men wasn’t wasted. Let’s go home there are some men I want to fuck. I think about three of them.” Juan said, Hey, I’m in favor of that.” He was in the back seat with me and before I knew what was happening, I felt his fingers in my vagina and as we drove along, he was working on me so that by the time we got home I was doing it again. Moaning loud, begging for someone to give me their penis. When we got in the driveway, I almost had Juan’s penis out of his pants. If he hadn’t been so hard, I could have gotten it out. We parked the car in front of the front door and all four of us jumped out of the car. I went running in the house. And locked the door behind me so they couldn’t get in. I stood in front of one of the huge glass side windows and teased them by playing with my clit. I was getting myself so aroused that I couldn’t stand it. I unlocked the door and said, “the first one to catch me fucks me first” And I turned around and ran. I was laughing and acting silly as I ran from them. I opened the sliding glass doors in the living room and ran out in the garden by the pool. The guys were chasing me, but it was the Chief who caught me. He picked me up from behind with his arms around my waist. I was screaming and giggling. He threw me down on the big double lounge by the pool. I was still laughing when Juan and Fred showed up. Fred said, “OK Chief you caught her. first fuck goes to you. I was so aroused by now with all the teasing and touching that I was practically tearing the pants off of the Chief. I broke his zipper in his pants and I laughed and giggled again, and the Chief said, OK bitch you’re going to pay. He was going to turn me around and set me on his big hard, but I managed to slip out of his grasp. I got away and ran into the forest still laughing and being a big tease. I really didn’t care who fucked me first just as long as it was someone soon. I got a short way into the woods when I heard one of the guys coming after me. I turned around to run again and ran right into John’s arms. I was still so aroused and out of breath that I kissed him and said, fuck me. I want you. John said, Are you sure? I said, I’ve got to have a penis now. It might as well be yours. I reached down and grabbed his crouch. Is penis being very hard and really big. I said, “Now this is what I want. I got it out of his pants and as he carried me somewhere I didn’t know or care as long as that hard thing in his pants ended up in me. As he carried me along, I started jerking him off. The bigger he got the more aroused I was. The more aroused I got the more I wanted him. I whispered hurry take me some place and fuck me. Fuck me hard and come in me. I saw a little building ahead. He took me toward and I was thinking I’m going to get fuck. I’m going to get fucked by a big, big penis. I put my arms around his neck and put my lips on his. I kissed him as he carried me over the threshold. I whispered you’re going to fuck me aren’t you.? Pleaseeee do. Hard and fast and cum in me. Then I’ll suck you clean. Then you can fuck me as many times as you want. His thumb had slipped into my vagina, and I started wiggling on it. It was hitting my clit. I started to moan louder and louder. I giggled and said oops. I’m making too much noise. Kiss me while your fucking me so I can’t make too much noise. Then she sat me on a small sofa in the building and close the door. I giggle again and said, Oh man you are going to fuck me. I’ll never tell a soul. In fact, I’ll want you to fuck me every day. Fred will never know. John said, “What did you have to drink. You’re really drunk. I don’t know if I should screw you or not. I grabbed his still hard penis and put it in my mouth and sucked five or six sucks then looked up coyly at him and said, Don’t you dare not fuck me. I’ll be fun us having a big secret and finding a time every day for you to fuck me. Especially after my baby is born. You’re going to be a father. You’ll probably knock me up within a month after I have junior her. As I said this, I patted my stomach. I made a lunge at him and grabbed his penis and stuck it in my mouth. While I was sucking on it, I unbuckled his pants and pulled them and his shorts down. I saw how big he was, and I said, Wow, I want that. I popped it back in my mouth. John leaned over and picked me up and set me on his penis. When he did that, I squealed and had an orgasm. He said, are you really going to fuck me every day.” I didn’t say a word. I just started wigging my butt on his penis. I keep wigging until I had another orgasm, and he came a huge load in me. I told him you are definitely going to be a father in about another 5 months. I’ll give myself one week after I have this baby and then we’ll start working on another one. With us doing it every day It won’t take more than a couple weeks. John said, what about Fred, Juan, and the chief they’re going to be fucking you most every day. I said, I figured that out I’ll get a diaphragm and wear it all the time except when you fucking me. “What if I don’t want to be a dad. I replied, Oh nobody but you and I will know you’re the dad. I want your child because your big and strong with a large penis. It’ll be fun and nobody will ever know. Everyone will think it’s Fred’s or maybe Juan’s or some other man that Fred gives me to. I’ll probably have quite a reputation by then. You know how word gets around. But nobody will ever suspect you. And nobody will ever know where I disappear to for an hour and a half every single day. But you and I will know. Now come on and fuck me again. We have 5 months to practice for the real thing. John laid me on the little sofa and banged the crap out of me. Man did he ever feel good. He filled me up with his cum again. When he came this last time, I suddenly remember what if one of the guys sticks his fingers in me before his penis. There was not water in the little shack. I thought, “I just have to hope that doesn’t happen. Then I thought, Sandy what are you doing. You broke your oath to Fred twice just now. And you’re planning on having another man’s child. Just like you did Sam.” I thought, “oh well I’ll just have to be careful. In a sort of sing song voice I said, “Ohhhhh, John fuck me again. I love your penis. John said,” Not tonight. You’ve got to go let them screw you. I’m sure glad I found out what a nympho you are the other night. Now I can have fun with you. I’ll take you to the edge of the woods where they can find you and I suggest you get one of them to fuck you a quickly as you can before they find out your full of my cum. I’ll see you 10am. Be ready to have sex with me twice a day. And figure out a what times we’ll meet when I work during the day. When I work nights, it won’t be a problem unless you start getting too noisy.

Since I was completely naked Jon picked me up and carried me to the edge of the woods. He spanked me on my butt as hard as he could. I loved it. It really stung. He told me to go get laid quickly. I stepped out of the woods on to the grass. I went hunting for one of the men. I really didn’t care which one at this point. I just wanted to find one of them and get his penis in me as quickly as possible. I felt some of John’s juices leaking out of me and down my leg. I realized that my affair with John was going to take some planning and some upgrades to the cabin. As I headed back to the house I lucked out and ran across Juan. I thought I’m lucky I’d rather have Juan first. He had the most cum and would be the easiest to get to fuck me without a lot of foreplay. I made a little noise and he turned around and I was right behind him. I pretended to be out of breath. I said, Quick I need a penis. All he had on were his pants nor underwear or shirt. I grabbed him and pulled his face down and started kissing him. I could feel his penis getting hard through his pants. I grabbed his belt and tried to get his pants undone. Just at that moment the Chief showed up. Now I thought I’m in trouble. The Chief like to finger me before he put his penis in me. I was lucky, however. Juans belt came undone, and his pants fell to the ground I laid down and pull Juan on top of me just before the Chief was going to put his fingers in me. We we’re all laughing, and I was giggling so Juan never noticed how lubricated I was. He was banging the hell out of me, and I was sucking the Chiefs penis when Fred showed up. Fred said, in a loud voice, “why are you two fucking my wife to be.? Hurry up and finish with her. I want her. By this time, I was really aroused. I was telling them how much I wanted all of them. Fred said, Juan when you come carry her to the bedroom and we’ll work on her there. I pretended I was about ready to have an orgasm so I yelled so I could be sure John heard me. “Yes, take me to the bedroom. I’ve already had one of you now I want the rest of you. Juan came a short time later. As soon as he came, I screamed and yelled, “Oh Juan your cum feels so good in me.” The only thing that would be better is the wild cum in the woods. If there was even such a thing.

The men took upstairs to our bedroom, and they all undressed. They said they were going to have sex all night long with me, I said, “Just remember you guys all have to work tomorrow. If you do manage to wear me out, I can sleep all day. Fred said, “Oh no you can’t I’m taking you over to Corporate tomorrow. There are several people that want to meet you. I’m also thinking of having you work for Bill part time. He was pretty impressed with your ideas and calm when we were on the road.” I replied, “I thought I am working tonight. I worked pretty hard last night too.” Juan chimed in, “Worked. You enjoy screwing as much or maybe even more than we do. You can’t call that work, can you?” When he said that he grabbed me and threw me down on the bed.

Ge grabbed my legs and spread them apart. He said, “Ok Fred she’s all yours. Chief you grab her left leg and I grab her right leg. Let’s pull them as far over her head as they will go to give Fred his best shot. They were all laughing and having fun with my body. Fred said, there is some small rope in the nightstand. Tie one ankle and one wrist to each headboard post. I was starting to get aroused just thinking about that position. I would be on my back with my legs tied above my head and spread apart as wide as they would go. My hands would also be tied to the same post. They could than adjust my hips to any height to suit my partner by just shortening or lengthening the ropes tying my feet to the post. Being in that position would also mean I couldn’t move anything much. My head a little. My butt a very little. Basically, I’d be total helpless. I put up a fake resistance to them doing that but within a couple of minutes. I was bound and helpless. Fred said, this looks like a good position for her for the night. This way she’s at our mercy but you really like it don’t you Sandy. We’re going to leave you this way all night. So just relax and accept that you have no control. Oh, and one more surprise for you.” When he said that John walked in. I was shocked when I saw John. Fred said, “You surprised to see John.” I said, “John what are you doing here?” John said, “I’m the newest member of the fuck Sandy club.” Did you really think I’d be, unlike you, disloyal to Fred?”. You said, “you wanted me at least twice a day Well you’ll be getting us all twice a day or maybe more.” Juan said, “John told you to run right out and find one of us to fuck you so we wouldn’t notice he fucked you several ties and filled you with cum. But we’re not that dumb. While you were chasing me down cum was running out of your vagina on to your leg. The first thing I noticed. By the way we had fun watching John fucking you in the shed”. I was really concerned now. I’d broken my oath to Fred with John. I didn’t know what to do. I said, “Fred I’m so sorry. I don’t know what was wrong with me. I was drunk and I got carried away. I need to be punished and I promise I want ever to do it again.” Well Sandy you will be punished. In fact, your punishment has already started. We all got together with, who I’ve added to your group. John added to your group. We all agreed that for tonight and maybe longer you being tied up and available without any control as part of your punishment. And since you wanted John to fuck you at least twice a day. I gave him that privilege. You’ll be available to him at least twice a day out in the little shed. It might not be as enjoyable as you think. Isn’t that right John?” “Yes sir Mr. Miller. Another part of your punishment is occurring tonight. Remember all the guys at the rest stop that wanted you. And you ask me to tell them no. Well, they are on their way over here now. Jim said there will be a few more than there was this afternoon. This is an all-night thing.” The four men in the room said, “We’re sorry we are having to punish you, but you broke your vow and now you have to pay for it. Unless you want to be sent home to Sam. He talked to him and told him all about you and what happened to you on the road and what you had planned and then how you broke your vow. He said he’d you take you back but he’d have to punish you so you might as well just stay here and take your punishment. He told Juan that he’s not going to contest the divorce because he really doesn’t want you anyway. Remember your boyfriend that knocked you up. Well, his wife is divorcing him, and she is keeping their kids and Sam is going to keep your kids. And since they met each other, they are dating and are going to get married. So, Bill and you are out of the picture. However, Sam says that Bill doesn’t want anything to do with you. You really messed up his like. He lost his family and Sam filed a military violation on bill because he had sex with you at your house, so the air force court martialed him and he was discharged.”

All the men were quiet for a few minutes after they told me all that. I was crushed. I felt that I was getting everything I deserved but what would I do if Fred decided he didn’t want me. Especially after what was going to happen to me tonight. Where was that loving man that saved me before? Fred said, “oh by the way my nephew, the one you met is coming in for a visit. He said he anxious to see you. He’ll be here tomorrow. So, I guess you’ll still be in this position when he arrives. That did it. I burst out crying. I cried, Please Fred don’t give me to your nephew, please. I’m so sorry that I broke my promise to you. Please punish me any way you want. With the 20 guys from Smith county or anything but not your nephew. I couldn’t stand it.” Fred said, “what do you expect me to do. I saved you from my nephew. You told me you loved me, and you’d never do anything sexual without my permission. But you’ve been here just a week and you already broke your promise by letting your security guard fuck you three times in a single night. What do you think I should do with you? Your sex team talked it over and we all agreed that you should be punished. Would you rather I give you a way to somebody than punish you like we decided.” “No Fred please don’t give me away. I’d die if I didn’t have you”. “But Sandy I was a loving person and I lived up to my promise. You said you didn’t want those 20 guys to fuck you and I had promised I’d never make you do something you didn’t want to do. And I’d let you do what you wanted with who you wanted. You want the Chief, Juan, me and now John and I’ve given you to them. But you came home and fuck your security team lead isn’t that right John?” John replied, “Yes she did. She begged for it. She wanted me, she said that right after she had her baby, she was going to get pregnant by me by lying to you and the others about her wearing a diaphragm when she was with you. And then having me screw her twice a day every day without the diaphragm until she got pregnant with my baby. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you this sooner, but I felt sorry for her until I heard her begging you to forgive her when we all know she’ll just go out and fuck anybody she wants to again”. I was crying big crocodile tears at that point. “John continued, “I sorry I didn’t tell the whole story Mr. Miller, but I thought what Sandy and I had done was bad enough.” Fred replied, “That’s ok John I’m giving all three of you permission to have her any time you want unless I have her booked. She’ll be required to keep an appointment book and if one of you calls and says you want to come over and have her give you a blowjob or some sex tomorrow at breakfast you can be sure she’ll be there. It’ll be in her book. If you are bored just call her up and tell her to get her butt over to your house right now because your just bored, she’ll be right over. Assuming she doesn’t have another appointment. How does that sound Sandy?”

I replied, “Not so good. I think I should be punished but not all my control taken away. Fred replied, “I didn’t take it away Sandy. You gave it away when John first slipped his penis in you. So now you don’t have any control over who put their penis in you. No control over how long they will have you or how often. You just put it in your appointment book and make sure you follow it. Do you understand. Maybe some time you’ll get my trust back but until that time the four of us control you and your activities. And every night before we go to sleep, you’ll get out your appointment book and show it to me. If I start seeing gaps where you have nothing scheduled, I’ll probably add more men to you group until your book is almost full every day. The book must have a comments section where must write after your appointment is over what they did to you. How you enjoyed it or not. And at the end of each month, you’ll tally up how many different men you had that month and how many separate times you had sex with each man. I’ll review you entire history every month. The group men will have access to you appointment book to look at it any time they want to. You will keep it downstairs in your office where it’s always available to anyone.” I started to cry again. That is going to be so humiliating to have anyone that wants to track my sex life. If your faithful and honest about what you’re doing eventually the guys and I will start to trust you again. We’d just finished explaining to Sandy what she had to do to be punished for her sexual misconduct. When the doorbell rang. Fred told Jon to go answer the door it probably was the Smith county crowd. Tell then to help themselves to the picture of drinks that are on the bar. And then bring them upstairs so that I can explain The rules for having sex with Sandy. I hope there aren’t too many of them. I told Jim when I called him back this afternoon he could bring as many as he wanted tonight. So, I’m not sure how many she will have. John left to go downstairs to answer the door and I turned back around to Sandy and said, do you understand everything I’ve told you about your punishment so far. I suggest that you pay attention to the rules that I’ll be telling the Smith crowd. Juan is going to put a guest book on the nightstand, and it is you responsibility to ensure each man signs it. We’re going to require a condom to be worn by each man and that also is your responsibility to ensure they do. I’m going to have one of your security team stationed here in the room to protect you but to also ensure you are following the rules.

Juan brought the guest book up and laid it on the nightstand plus a big box of condoms. Shortly after that here security detail came in. He said, “I’m sorry Mrs. Thompson that you have to be punished. But don’t worry I won’t let anyone physically hurt you. I will expect you to follow the rules just like all the guest downstairs. There must be about 50 men down there. Maybe a little more.

I replied, “Thank you, Roger. You don’t know how embarrassing this is.” Well ma’am from what John told you'll really get to enjoying it. We were still in this conversation when we heard John coming up the stairs with a large group of people. He was saying her name is Sandy and she’s in the master bedroom. She is being punished for being disloyal to her husband. She is tied up the way she is to provide each of you with a custom comfort as you fuck her. Her fiancé will be up in a few minutes to go over the rules we have to have to enable us to give her to each of you for your pleasure. Just please remember that you must follow the rules we lay out for you. They will enhance your enjoyment of the experience. She is here for your pleasure, fun, and enjoyment. Now gentlemen I give you Fred, Sandy’s finance.” Hello, gentlemen. As was said earlier Sandy is in the position she is in because she had sex with her security guard with an intent in the future to get pregnant. Since she is in a position where it hard to tell her statics are as follows, she is 23 years old. She is 5 feet 4 inches tall. Her measurements are 36 24 35. She weighs 125 pounds. I’m sure agree that she was a pretty nice body. You are free to adjust her legs to any position you desire. She must remain tied up, however. Also, only her legs can be adjusted. Her arms are not to be untied or moved. She is available for intercourse and blowjob either one. She is available to anyone multiple times. As often as you want. Just remember she is to be shared. One of the rules is that each time you have sex with her you must bring her an alcoholic drink from downstairs, and you must ensure she gulps it down. Another rule is that you can make out with her or have any kind of sexual activity with her but the maximum amount of time for one session is 15 minutes. She can ask you for your name. first name only but you don’t have to answer her. You can do anything to her that does not require you to loosen her hands or legs. You can have her do anything to you want. Except turn her loose. If you want her to do an around the world on yourself. You must clean up right in front of her. Quite naturally she is going to get full of cum frequently. The is a stack of washcloths in the bathroom get one and wipe her out if she asks you to. If you are someone that likes your female to be juicy, try at the end of every fourth male. She’s usually at her fullest then. Do not hurt her. She is here to play with not harm. A little bit of a titty twist is ok. You can wham her hard but nothing else. She’ll probably like that. You can tell how you’re doing with her by the noise she makes. The louder she is the more she’s enjoying it. It’s also ok’d to have a group of guys at one time. No more than 5 at once. If you have a really strong desire for anal. Come see me before. Is there anything I forgot Sandy?”

I replied, “I’m really sorry Fred. I’ll never do it again.”

Fred said, “Oh, one last thing since tomorrow is a holiday, she will be available from now until tomorrow night at 8pm. Everyone will have to be gone by then. And don’t forget to sign the guest log each time you have sex with her. Each person if you are in a group must sign. There is a big bowl of condoms on the dresser. You may or may not wear one. It’s your choice. Are there any questions?

One of the guys ask is she the one that comes to Smith County naked? “Sandy, you want to talk about that.” I replied, “Yes I’m the one. I do that to please my fiancé. Don’t worry I’m very discreet. Those that fuck me here will never hear about it after you leave tomorrow. I realize that a lot of you are married, and I will never do anything to harm that. I also expect the same thing from you. When you see me in Smith County, please “do not come up and ask me how I enjoyed you. Please respect my privacy. And please remember this really isn’t going to be fun for me. I’m degraded and humiliated by having to do this, but I do need to be punished. Just please remember I’m a human being not an animal although I may seem like one to you.’ Fred said, “If there are no more question have at her and have fun.”

A couple of guys were smart they had already signed the log and were ready to go. They had their penis out of their pants and were hard and ready go. I said, “why don’t you guys take your pants off or better yet all your clothes. It’ll be more fun for all of us.” They agreed with that and got undressed. I was surprised that they did that. Most of the guys were hanging around drinking. Kinda waiting to see what was going to happen. The first guy to get his clothes off brought a shot of rum. I swallowed it down. Ugg. I’m not a big drinker but I could tell it wouldn’t be long before I ‘d be really drunk. The second guy had the same thing. Two shots down. I could already feel the second. After the second shot one of the guys started playing with my clit while the other one took his penis and rubbed it around on my lips and mouth. It was long before I started to get slightly aroused. The alcohol had removed a lot of my inhibitions. I took the penis of the guy rubbing my mouth in and started to give him a blowjob. To my surprise the guys playing with my clit didn’t stick his penis in me. Instead, he took my clit in his mouth and started socking on it and nibbling on it. It wasn’t long before I started getting really aroused. I was moaning a/low moan which I don’t think anyone but them could hear, then the guy with my clit started with a little harder sucking and nibbling. I was sucking on the first one I wanted him to cum in me so badly. But he had a condom on. The guy with my clit had brought me almost to an orgasm. He sopped nibbling and slipped it in. He was a pretty big guy so his penis hit my g spot perfectly and I screamed and in spite of me still having a penis in my mouth the scream could be heard downstairs. I was all so moaning “Ohhhhhhhhhh please give it to me please I want you cum. Pleaseeee. The whole room heard that. They all cheered. The guy in my mouth was ready to cum and he reached down and slipped the condom off and came all over my face. I said, please [put you penis back in me I want to taste some of your cum. He looked around. Robert couldn’t see us for the crown, so it slipped it off and put it back in my mouth. His friend saw what he did so he pulled his penis out and slipped his rubber off and put it back in me. When he did that both he and I came at the same time. His cum felt so good and warm. I had another loud orgasm and this time it was a long one because it was natural. Their time was up so they discreetly picked up their condoms and turned me over to the next guy. He all so had a shot for me, so it was my third one in 15 minutes, I told him don’t put a condom on I want your cum. And so, it went for the next several hours. By the time I was on my fifth guy I was higher than a kite. And so silly. Everybody liked that. Most of the guys just automatically took their clothes off now and no one was putting on a condom. Roger came over and said, “I see they’re not wearing their condoms. Should I make them put them on.?” “Oh, please don’t. I like men to not wear condoms”. I said, “Besides, they’re not required. The next several men were singles and by the time I drank all that booze it was a good thing I was tied up. I wouldn’t be able to stand up by myself anyway. The next couple of hours when by about the same. 10 men one at a time came up stairs, brought me a drink, and then had sex with me. None of them adjusted my legs. I just drank my drink and got sillier. They would stick their penis in me and pump me while I giggled and wiggled. Some of them would tease me others would try to get me to orgasm others just pleasured themselves and left me waiting for the next one. One of my four guys would come up and check on me once in a while to make sure I was ok. I completely lost track of time and of how many men I'd had. I had been trying to give them all a good time even though it was very degrading. I remember there were three or four that brought me to an orgasm that elicited screams of pleasure from me. I was hopeful that I’d get more of them that would give me an orgasm but very few did. But when I did have one, I loved it. I t would always bring a large group of men up to have sex with me. One time I remember I had a really great orgasm, and a few minutes later there were 7 men in line waiting to have sex with me. That was one of the times Juan had come up to check on me. I think the guy was at least nmber15 or 20. Robert had been watching getting screwed by all these men and how silly I was and almost incoherent. He told the men in line not to give me any more alcohol. When Juan got upstairs Robert told him he’d stopped the guys from having to give me a drink and Juan agreed and come over to me in between men and told me not to drink any more. I was so wasted by that time that I didn’t even understand him, but Robert took care of me, and I didn’t get any more drinks. It was around 1:00am and a large number of the men had gotten tired of screwing me and gone home. There still about a dozen or more still there when Fred came up stairs. He sat down in a chair to watch these guys with a really large penis having sex with me. He was so big he was hurting me. He’d already had me twice before. This was his third time and about my 30 or so guys. The man was showing me no mercy. He was ramming he very hard and since my alcohol had been stopped, I was starting to sober up and the pain from him made me start to whimper and, moan not from pleasure but from pain. Fred watch him hurt me for about a minute then he got Robert to tell the man to get off of me. Fortunately, he had just finished cumming was going to get off anyway. I heard Fred tell Robert that does it. Let’s get all these people out of the house. She’s been hurt and humiliated t much already. It took Robert and two other security agents to get them all out of the house. Fred came back upstairs and untied my legs and hands. He then set me up and pulled me close to him and said, “I’m so sorry Sandy, I should have never done this to you. I was so hurt by you having sex with John that I want to hurt you back. I was wrong. I was no better than my nephew. I’ve encouraged you to have sex with other men without really having discussed you desires with you. But that’s going to stop as of tonight. I’ve sent all the men home except Juan, the Chief and John. I’m going to have a conversation with them in a few minutes and explain that what I’ve done was wrong and some changes are going to be mare in your relationship after I talk to you. And right now, we can’t talk about it because your too drunk. And when you get drunk you get too silly to have a serious conversation. So please forgive me for what I did. I love you with all my heart “When I heard that my heart jumped for joy. The man I loved still cared for me in spite of what I did. In my slurred, drunk voice I said, “Darling, I love you more than ever. I’m so sorry I cheated on you. Especially since I promised to ask you first. I will never have sex with someone else unless you approved it first.

I will keep that promise forever. I giggled and jumped on him and kissed him with all my silly self. He laughed at me and dodged me. He said, “you’re a mess go take a shower and wash your cum filled hair and vagina. I’m going down to talk to your club members” I came to attention in front of him and saluted and said, “Yes sir. Your yummy chummy is full of cum, And requests permission to duce.” I giggled again but stood there naked as a jay bird in front of him waiting for him to return my salute. Instead of doing that he grabbed me, picked me up and carried me to the shower. He stuck his finger in my vagina and brought out a big wad of cum and said,” Here eat this.” I eagerly licked it off of his fingers and with it still in my mouth I kissed him and put a lot of it in his mouth, with a French kiss. That aroused him so much that he picked me up and carried me back to the bedroom and threw me on the bed and stuck two fingers in me and got another big wad of cum and held them up to my mouth. I eagerly took his fingers in my mouth and sucked all the cum off of them. I begged him for more, but he got up and started taking his clothes off. While he was doing that, I put my fingers in my vagina and got another big glob of cum and in a very coy manner started slowly sucking the cum off my fingers I smiled and wiggled my whole body and said, “Yum, yum this is tasty, please come put that hard thing in me. The only other flavor I need is yours. He was completely naked ow. I grabbed his hard penis and said, I bet it slips right in. I hope I have room for all your cum. Fred said, “you’d better, If I see one drop of cum outside that slick vagina of yours, you’re going to get the spanking of your life.” I started another giggling fit and started wiggling my hips around. Fred flipped me over with him still in me. I squealed with delight and now that I was on top, I started bouncing up and down on him as fast as I could and told said, “OK big man give me all you’ve got. I was bouncing as fast as I could, and I felt him start to swell. He felt so good to me. I wanted him so bad. I started to beg for his cum. “Oh Fred pleaaaaase give it to me. You feel so good to me. Much better than all the other I had tonight. “Fred arched his back and came in me with a big gusher of cum. I squealed with pleasure and then he gave one final push and it hit just the right spot and a screamed out at the top of my voice, “Oh man, oh man I love you, Fred. You feel sooooo good.” Fred moaned and when he finished cumming he flip me back under him and pop it out of my vagina and rubbed it all over my lips and mouth. I eagerly took it in and began to suck him clean. He said wait a minute young lady I’ve got to check you out. Remember if I see any cum on your nicely shaved pussy you’ll have to be punished. I giggled and said, “Don’t bother to look I can tell I must be punished there is so much t’s running out of me. I’m a bad, bad girl you must spank me hard. I rolled over on my stomach and stuck my butt up in the air. I heard a whack and felt this painful sting on my butt. I started moaning as I felt the second smack sting my butt. It felt so good. He hit me a second time and said, Bad, bad girl and he hit me a third time. I knew my butt was going to be sore tomorrow, but I loved it. He hit me a fourth time and I squealed in kind of a mixture of pain and pleasure. He said, “Now are you going to be a good girl from now on.” I laughed and said, “Well tell me what a good girl does”. He replied, “For one thing she lays on her back and spreads her legs when her husband tells her too. For another she always asks her husband before she has sex with another man”. Sandy grinned and said, “What does a bad girl do”. Fred said, She doesn’t love her husband. She finds her own men and doesn’t tell her husband. She only has sex when she wants to. She doesn’t cook. She wants to wear clothes all the time. And she doesn’t get in the shower when her fiancé needs to talk to her club members.”

Now young lady go get in the shower. It’s 3:00am.

Sandy responded, “Yes sir as long as you promise to fuck me after you get done planning my future with the club.”

Fred thought a minute and said, A good girl also talks to her finance about her true wants and desires about the club. Sandy before you go take your shower are you sober enough to talk about your feeling and desire for being the focus of the club. This time went Sandy replied she didn’t giggle or laugh. “Fred, ever since I met you, I’ve been in love with you. In spite of your punishment tonight of giving me to all those men and tying me up you always been kind, loving and gentle to me. You told me I could have almost any man I wanted if I ask you first. I didn’t do that, so you punished me. But in spite of me acting like I liked it you, in your loving way, looked at me and how it was really affecting me and stopped it. I you didn’t really love me you would have let it gone on until you got tired of watching me being screwed. But I saw the look in your eyes. It was the same look of caring that you had when you saw what your nephew had done to me. I was drunk but not too drunk to notice that and the tears in your eyes when you came over sand set me free. You love me Fred Miller and I know it. I’ll know I’ll always be safe with you, and I’ll always be loved. I meant it when I said that I’d always do want you needed to fulfill your fantasies. So, what to do about the little club he have is up to you. What re your desires and needs related to me having sex with the club.? Do you really want me to or are you letting me do it because You think I want to? As I see it, we can do one of three things. We can have a normal marriage where we are totally faithful to one another and be somewhat bored. We can have some kind of open marriage where I will fulfill your every wish. And have sex as you wish me too or we can have somewhere in between those two where I will fulfill most of your desires, but you rein in on what your desires are. Maybe instead of Juan and the Chief living here and being able to fuck me any time they want or give me to their friends we limit it to me having sex with just with them and only at certain times of your choosing. Fred, I love you and I truly want to do whatever it is you ask of me. Anywhere from Going nude all the time to wearing clothes when I’m around anyone. I want to do any of those things. I just want you and I want to make you happy. So, you go down and talk to them and the four of you decide what you want to do with me, and I’ll do it. Just be sure Fred it’s what you want to do. I belong to you so the way I see it is this girl is yours heart, mind, body, and soul. From when we met until death do us part. Another thing to remember is we can always change our minds later.” When I finished pouring out my heart to Fred and Went to him and sat on his lap and gave him the sweets and most sincere kiss I could ever give.” We kissed for over five minutes then I broke the kiss and said, “I’ll go take my shower while you talk to the guys and one more thing to remember is just because you had made an agreement with them before doesn’t mean to have to keep that agreement. I would hate to be making love with them and it was hurting you. I love you, Fred.”

Fred got up and went downstairs. I went in and took my shower. I thought a lot about what I really did want to do with the relationship I had with the club members. I could visualize making love with all three of them and really enjoying if Fred were truly happy sitting there watching me get laid by them and being really happy about it.

I had finished my shower and laid down on the bed when the four guys came upstairs. Fred looked happy but the other three didn’t look so happy. Fred said, “We finally reached an agreement on the rules of the club.

Sandy if there is anything you don’t like or want just to say so. You are the one that provides the pleasure for us, and you should have the final say.

This document is a legal document specify the rules under which The Sandy Thompson Sexual Club here after known as “The club” shall be governed.

Currently the members of the club are:

President – Fred Miller

Vice President/Director of Entertainment – John Higgins

Legal Counsel – Juan Vargas

Treasurer – Chief Running Bull

Sexual Provider – Sandy Thompson

Rule 1: We all agreed to this one. You will be naked at all times when the club goes out together.

Rule 2: You will be naked when you’re working for the corporation.

Rule 3: The club will meet twice a month in the next county to take you out drinking or dancing or to a movie. Included in this rule is that you will do whatever is necessary to keep the highway patrol officers allowing you to go nude in their county.

Rule 4: Juan will get one hour of sex for every hour he works on the females divorce.

Rule 5: The chief will oversee you having sex with the City council members. The female will have sex as often as the council wants to have it until they vote on the female member being nude in the city limits.

Rule 6: the female member must wear a diaphragm at all times that she is with where sex is possible except The Club President. This includes club members and non-club members.

Rule 7: Every night that John is scheduled to work nights he will be allowed to come in the house and have sex with the female member for an hour. Not to exceed more than 4 hours a week.

Rule 8: No club member may have sex with a pregnant female after two weeks before the baby is due.

Rule 9: If the female gets pregnant again after this baby is born a DNA test will be run and if the father is not Fred the actual father will be required to support the child, but female will be allowed to keep the child and it will be raised as the females and Fred’s own blood.

Rule 19: Sandy will host all of Fred’s parties in the nude. And if any club member is present after the party is over the female member will be available to have sex with any male member when he(they) desire to have sex with the female member(s).

Rule 11: The female must never have sex with anyone other than a club member without Fred’s permission.

Rule 12: Should Fred decide not to marry the female member but will allow said female to live with him that female will be available to any club member at any time.

Rule 13: If Sandy and Fred divorce she will become available to all club members at all times including Fred.

Rule 14: Any members that may be added to the club must be approved for membership by the majority of the male members.

Rule 15: If the female member should find another female, she would like to join the proposed female must be approved by at least a majority of the other members. Male and female.

Sandy, you agree by signing this document to abide by all the rules here in specified or any amendments passed by the male club members.

Signature: _____________

I said, “I have one question. What does the Director of Entertainment do?’ Fred explained that John was the one that was responsible for planning out bi-monthly excursion s to the county. He also responsible for coming up with games and interesting sexual things to do at group functions. Juan piped up and said, “He’s responsible for coming up with fun things to do with your body”. I said, “you mean like tying me up and having a gang bang.” John said, “Among other thing I guess”.

After I read the document, I told them that I wanted to think about it and talk to Fred about it. However, I didn’t think I saw anything I’d find objectionable in it. Fred said, “Ok guys do we start living by these rules tonight until Sandy signs it. All five of us agreed to do that. And since this was sort of a party last night for the men, we all decided to have sex with Sandy even though it was 3:30am.

I was pretty tired from all the sex and alcohol I had that evening, but I didn’t want to disappoint my guys. After watching all those men fucking me all night, they were pretty horny. That’s why I’d greed to it. I ask Fred if he would go first because I wanted to give him my best. My intention was to show all of them where my love was. Fred came over to the bed and lay down beside me. He turned on his side to face me and he pulled me close. He whispered, “Darling you’ve got to be tired are you sure you don’t want to tell them we’ll have and after party session tomorrow night that your way to tired now. They’ll understand and since it is so late, they can stay the night. He kissed me and when I was slow to respond he turn to the other three men and said, “Sandy’s had a lot of sex tonight already. I think we should give her a break and pick up tomorrow evening where we’re leaving off. All of you are welcome to stay the night or go home as you wish. Sandy will be available tomorrow evening about 8:00pm. They all said they’d be back tomorrow after dinner. Juan said, “He was going to work on Sandy’s divorce. The chief said he was going to contact a couple of the single city councilmen to see what arrangements he could make for Sandy. John said he had to work to tomorrow night so just contact him when it was his turn.

They all left, and Fred and I went to bed. I said thank you to Fred for getting them to go because I was so tired from all the sex and alcohol I’d had. Told Fred I loved him so much and although I was really tired, I’d like to go to bed with his cum in me would he please make love to me. He rolled over on his side and told me to lay on my back and raise up the leg closest to him. I did as he ask. He put both of his legs under the leg that I was holding up and over my other leg. He then slipped his semi hard penis in me. He felt so good going in that I actually got slightly aroused. He slowly started pumping me and I got even more aroused. He felt so good I even forgot about being so tired. After a couple of minutes of him humping me, I began to moan. When Fred heard me getting aroused, he went faster. The faster he went the more aroused I became and the louder I moaned and whimpered. Fred was now completely hard. I loved him so much that I was getting aroused to the point where I had a small orgasm. I screamed at the top of my voice, “Oh man I love you; I love so much, and I’ll love you forever. I felt Fred penis start to spasm as he started to cum. That triggered an intense orgasm and I think I screamed as loud as I ever had, “OH man I love you; I love you. Please love me forever. Then as his cum filled me and my orgasm faded, I burst out cry big tears. Fred was alarmed and said, “Darling what’s wrong?” I laughed and cried at the same time. I said, “Nothing Darling. These are tears of happiness. I love you so much and I’m so lucky to have found you. I’d go through your nephews raped a thousand times if it meant I’d find you. As we lay there in the same position, I suddenly fell asleep with Fred penis shrunken but still in me.

I woke up about 5 hours later and Fred and I were still in the same position as when I went to sleep. His penis was still in my vagina. I couldn’t believe it neither one of us had moved. I looked at the clock. It was almost 9:15. Fred had told me he was taking me to Corporate today to meeting some of his personal staff. I decided to play alarm clock again. I carefully pulled my leg out from under his legs, and I turn around and took his penis in my mouth and began to suck it clean. After a few minutes of sucking, it started to get hard. Fred was now on his back with his semi hard penis curved over but sticking up in the vertical position. I kept sucking and he got harder and harder until he was completely erect but still asleep. I got on top of him and lipped his erect penis in my very wet vagina. I supported my weight on my knees on each side of him and start to go up and down. He gradually woke up as I continued to ride him. He opened his eye and looked at me and said, “Oh man do I love you. You’re so beautiful. I love your green eyes, I love your big D cup tits, I love your soft mounded tummy and those rounded hips, and your curvaceous thighs and legs. Ride me hard Darling and make me cum in you again”. When he said that my love got even stronger, and I stared to ride him as hard and fast as I could. Now it was his turn to moan and beg for more. In about five minutes with me going up and down on him as fast as I could he came. His sperm spurted up into my vagina hard enough I could feel it hit my g spot and, in an instant, I had another screaming orgasm. I’m sure most of the house staff could hear Fred and I both. Man, I loved him. After my orgasm I’d expended so much energy I fell of Fred and lay next to him panting trying to catch my breath. I ginned at him as said, “I don’t think I can move. Riding the range on your penis is such a hard and I do mean hard, and it’s work too. But it’s such fun. I love sex especially with you.

Fred ask, “How about the other club members. Do you really enjoy sex with them too?” I replied, “I do, but not nearly as much as I do with you. It’s fun with them but love with you. Big difference. Does it bother you even the teenish amount watching them screw me?” “No, not as long as it’s just for fun and not for love. I think it arousing watching you having sex with other men or hearing you talking about having sex with them if I’m not there to see it.” “Well in that case I’ll approve the club rules as they stand.”

“Fred said, “Speaking of sex are you nervous about going to Corporate today naked?” I replied,” Quite honestly I am but I still want to do it because it is something to satisfy your fantasy of having your naked wife working for you. I will get used to it after a while and I think most of your staff will eventually. The biggest worry I have about doing it is your secretary. Both Bill and John have told me she’s an old fuddy duddy.” “That’s right she is, but she well past retirement age. If she causes you or me any trouble, I’ll retire her and hire a secretary that doesn’t mind. Millie is well past retirement age anyway. She’s 70 years old. I intend to put you in the office right across the outer office from me. It was the VP of Security’s office. Your title will be Security Consultant. You had a lot of good ideas when we had that security issue on our trip. I think you’ll be a big help to Bill. His office is right next to yours. Next door on the other side from your office is the VP of Marketing. He in his 40’s like me. He’ll probably be somewhat of a pain for you. He is single and he chases every good-looking woman he runs across married or not. But I’m sure you can handle him. Next to me on my left is the VP of operations for the trucking division. He’s really a nice guy, married and loves his wife very much. Should be no problem. On the right side of my office is the CFO’s office. No problem there. He’s gay. Next to him the VP of Technology. He in his 30’s. Married and already has five kids.”

I said, “Fred are you sure you want to do this. What if someone wants to sue you over me being naked all the time or even some of the time”. “Sandy, I own the company I can do anything I want.” “I’m just not sure that someone in your company might not be so offended at me being naked that they might try to cause you trouble.” Well, we’ll find out unless you don’t want to do it. If that’s the case I won’t make you, do it.” “Fred, I told you I want to do anything you want me to. Fulfilling your desires is my goal. I’ll come in to work naked every day until you tell me not to. I love you.” I was later to find out that Fred had warned his staff that his finance worked naked. No one complained at that time. But I wondered what they’d do when they actually saw me naked.

Fred and I took our showers together. While he was getting dressed, I put on my shoes and makeup. I did my hair in a conservative bun on top of my head. Not that I thought it would make a lot of difference to people when they saw as 23-year-old woman totally naked in 5-inch heels standing in front of them. We went downstairs and had breakfast while Fred described what my job would be like. I would work directly for Bill and help come up with ideas for security protection not only for Fred and me but any one of the Corporate staff needing protection. In addition, I’d help on interrogation of suspects. He is responsible for protection of corporate facilities. He is also responsible for the Security personnel throughout the entire corporation. We still had those men in custody that attempted to kidnap Fred and myself. Strictly illegal but they couldn’t do anything about it until they got out of our custody. All of them but Jim Stratford are aliens anyway.

After we’d finished eating Fred went upstairs to get some papers to take to work. Marie seemed to know all about me going to meet some of the corporate staff. She said, “Good luck, Mrs. Thompson. I don’t know how you’re going to do it. I can barely stand my husband seeing me naked let alone a group of strangers”. I said, “yes I know it is going to be difficult, but I’d do anything for Fred.” “Yes, Mr. Miller had been very kind to me. a couple years ago my baby became very ill, and Mr. Miller paid my full salary and hired a temp for those five months my baby was sick”. I said, “I agree that Fred is a kind and very caring man.”

Fred came back downstairs and ask me if I was ready to go. I told him I was. It was a pretty sunshiny day. But there was a cool breeze blowing and the breeze chilled me, and my nipples got very hard. Fred looked over at me and said he liked my hard nipples, but would I be embarrassed if they got hard when we got to work. I told him I was a little concerned, but I was ready to meet everyone.

We got in the car and drove the short distance to the Corporate headquarters. We got out of the car and the cool breeze made my nipples instantly hard again. I tried to remain calm as we walked toward the building. When we went inside the security guard had apparently been brief by someone because he said, “good morning Mr. Miller and Mrs. Thompson.” Fred looked a little surprised but responded with, “Good morning Harry”. We got on the executive elevator and went to the top floor. The elevator open up in the hall right outside of the executive office suite. Fred held the door to the offices open for me and we went in. The first person we saw was the secretary to the VP of Marketing. She was getting a cup of coffee. She turned around and saw me and looked straight at me and as see looked me over she said, “Good morning Mr. Miller”. Fred said, “good morning Sally. Sally this is Mrs. Thompson, she is going to be working for Bill as a security consultant.” I said, “Good morning Sally it is very nice to meet you.” She replied, “Good morning Mrs. Thompson it nice to meet you.” And then surprisingly she said, “you’re a very attractive woman, Mrs. Thompson.” I replied, “Why thank you Sally.” We went down to Fred’s office. His secretary was sitting at her desk. Before she could say anything, Fred said, Good morning Mille. I’d like you to meet Mrs. Thompson. She our new security consultant.” She looked surprised. I guessed she thought that I wouldn’t really show up naked. She said in a very disapproving manner, “Good morning Mrs. Thompson. I’ve heard a lot about you.” “Some of it good I hope.” Fred spoke up and said, Now Millie don’t be such a fuddy duddy. Mrs. Thompson is our new security consultant.” Mille like Sally looked me up and down. And then much to my and Fred’s surprise she said, “Welcome to the Miller Corporation. I will be your secretary. I heard you are also Mr. Miller’s fiancé.” I replied, “That is true. I’m a very lucky woman.” Mille replied, “That you are Mrs. Thompson, and I can see you know it.” I decided to let her know where I stood on being naked. “you’re right Mille. I’ll do anything Mr. Miller wants me too including working for Miller Corp.” I guess Fred decided this was a make-or-break situation for Mille and I because he said, Mille please show Mrs. Thompson to her office and see if there is anything you can do for her. “Certainly, Mr. Miller. Right, this was Mrs. Thompson. She got up from her desk and said, “Right this way ma-am.” We walked across the aisle to my office and when we went in, I shut the door. “Mille, I know you don’t approve of this situation or me at all, but I love Mr. Miller more than anything in this world and I will do anything he ask me to do including doing what I’m doing to fulfill his fantasies.” Mille said, “I’ve worked for Mr. Miller for almost 20 years. I also would do anything for Mr. Miller. He one of the nicest and caring bosses there is. So, I’ll just come out and say it. I don’t understand why you’re doing this.” “Mille Mr. Miller has been alone for all the years since his wife was killed. He’s been alone and worked very hard to build a company like Miller Corp. Do you know why? Not for himself but for the thousands of men and women that work for it. He provided a place for them to work and earn a decent living. So, they can have a good life and raise a family. He deserves to have some happiness and someone to love him back. If I can make him happy then I’ll have helped repay to him all the love and kindness he’s put into this business for his employees. I’m I embarrassed and terrified at what I’m doing? Yes, I am but I’m sure it won’t last long before you’ll see me in clothes but until he realizes that it’s very awkward, I’ll be naked everywhere I go including here at work. So, please don’t judge me too harshly and I hope I can count on your support.” Mille just stood there for a minute. She finally spoke. “That’s the biggest bunch of BS I’ve ever heard. Not the part about Mr. Miller, that’s true. But I know you aren’t doing it for Mr. M. your after his money. Now it was my turn to be shocked. I’d never even thought about how much money Fred really had. I said, “That’s not true Mille but I know you’ll never believe me so Let’s just leave it at are you going to support me for Mr. Miller sake or not.” “Of course, Mrs. Thompson. I’m sure you give Mr. M want he wants and needs. You’ve got it all it looks like to me. Your young. You’ve got a beautiful body and face. I’d bet a dollar to a donut your very good in bed. So, until Mr. M. realizes your just a tramp, I’ll support you 100%. Now would you like a cup of coffee. You’ve got a lot of people to show your body off to.”

I opened the door and said, “Yes please get me a cup of coffee. I’ll be in Mr. Miller’s office. I went over to Fred’s office. He was on the phone, so I just sat there and waited for my cup of coffee. Mille came in with it and said in a hushed voice. Mr. M. will probably be on the phone awhile would you like me to introduce you to the other secretaries.” I looked at Fred and he nodded his head yes so, we got up and went out. There were 4 other secretaries in the office. Mille was very appropriate as she introduced me to each of them. They all of course must have heard about me because none of them acted surprised about my nudity. They all, however, gave me the once over like Mille had. One of them, her name was Shirley was about my age. She gave me the most critical look over of any of them. When we walked away from her desk Mille said, Watch out for Vicki she a snake and obviously she’s jealous of you.” I said, “thank you Mille for the warning I did get the vibe she didn’t like me very much.” Mille replied, “Well I suspect that you get a lot of jealously with a body like yours”. I laughed and said, Well think you for the compliment. I suspect that in your younger days you’ve given me a run for my money.” Well, my husband use to think so. Man, I miss him.” I replied, I’m sorry to hear he’s gone. When did he pass away?” Mille laughed, “That old fool didn’t pass way he ran off with a girl about your age some 10 years ago. But I still miss him every now and again.” I smiled and said, Well there’s always hope. You’re an attractive woman I’m sure you’ll meet someone if you have the desire to.” Mille said, I’ve kind of gotten used to being alone so who knows. Not that I’d turn down an offer from a good-looking man. It’s been a long dry spell.” I laughed at that and said, “I’ll keeps my eye out for someone. Like I said, “You’re an attractive woman Mille.” When we got back to Fred’s office he was still on the phone. I said would you please call me when Mr. M. gets off the phone. I’ll be looking around my office. For decorating ideas.” Mille said, would you like me to get you some office supplies, Mrs. Thompson.? “Thank you Mille that’s very nice of you. Please call me Sandy. Mrs. Thompson is going to change soon, I hope. Depends on how good my lawyer is I suppose.”

I went to my office to see what it really looked like. I hadn’t really noticed when I went in there with Mille. It was a huge office. Not as big as Fred’s of course but large enough. It had a big oak desk. A conference table with five chairs. A sofa along one wall and a liquor bar along another wall with glass wear and empty bottles that held alcohol I supposed. The desk chair was a big over stuff chair that was actually way too big for me. When I sat in it my feet didn’t touch the floor. Of course, I was only 5 feet 4 inches tall. There were two side chairs that sat in front of the desk. The oak was dark oak. The walls were a medium blue. Next to the bar was a wood cabinet for supplies I supposed. On the desk was a phone, a rolodex, and a desk pad with a calendar. The calendar was 2 years old. I had left the door open, so Mille just walked in with an arm full of supplies. Pens, paper, a calculator, all sort of stuff. She said if you don’t mind, I’ll just put this stuff in your supply cabinet. I said thanks that very nice of you. No wonder you’ve worked for Mr. M. so long. You make a person feel at home and welcome. Thank you Mille, I really appreciate your help. Millie turned to me and said, “to be honest when Mr. M. told me you were coming to work here, and you were going to be nude I was all prepared not to like you. But having met you and with what Mr. M. said I completely changed my mind. I believe you really love him, and I understand about the fantasy part. I know it going to be hard on you until everyone gets use to see you naked. But I almost think if I had a body and looks like you, I’d want to show it off too. I said, “Mille do you have time to sit down for a few minutes there is something I want to talk to you about. Mille said I’d better get back to my desk can we talk tomorrow.” I said, “sure tomorrow it’ll be. Would you please give me a ring when Mr. M. gets off the phone? Mille said, “I’ll just send him over. By the way her is all the paperwork you have to fill out to become a full-fledged employee. Plus, some brochures on the corporation and its various companies. You might want to thumb through them.” “Thank you Mille I really appreciate your help.”

I had just picked up the first document I had to sign as a new employee when the phone rang. Mille said, “Mr. M. is off the phone and wants you to come over to his office.” Mille, please tell him I’ll be right over.” I got up out of my chair with a little struggle. I walked out of my door and almost ran into this man walking by. He looked like he was about Fred’s age. I said, “Excuse me.” He looked at me and said, “you must be Mrs. Thompson. I’m John Mark. I have the office next door. I’m the VP of Marketing. Fred has told me a lot about you. Your even better looking than he said. I think I’ll enjoy having you next door. I really like you shoes.” He reached out to shake my hand. As we shook hands, he pulled me a little closer and said “Welcome aboard. May I call you Sandy.” “Sure, Sandy’s fine.” Can we talk later I’ve got to go to the bosses office.” John said, come by anytime. I’ll give you a run down on the corporate structure.” Then he gave me a wink.” I stopped by Mille’s desk before I went into Fred’s office and said, “Thanks for the warning I just met John Mark.” Mille laugh and said, “Yeah you have to watch out for him. O by the way here is the key to the executive restroom and one to your office. I’m sorry don’t have a women’s executive office. You’ll have to share with the men or use the women’s restroom down the hall. I suggest you use the executive office until everyone get used to seeing you naked.”

I went into Fred’s office. He told me to shut the door. So, I did and then I sat down in a chair in front of his desk. Fred ask, “How are you doing? I’m sorry I was on the phone so long. It was a call about our friends we have in custody. It seems like they were hired by a Chinese transportation company Called Haiphong Ltd. I was talking to a Chinese guy on a conference call with Bill. He’ll fill you in later on the call. He would have had you in on the call but since it’s your first day and all. I want you to get oriented today and meet everyone. How did it go with Millie?” I said, ‘it went really well. She not an old fuddy duddy at all. In fact, she took my being naked better than the others. She seems to understand what going on. I think we’re going to get along well. She introduced to the other secretaries”. Barbara, The CFO, secretary, seems to be the one that has the biggest problem. But since she’s closest to my age she seems to have the biggest problem. I suspect it’s a little bit of jealously.” “she’s in her mid-twenties I think about 25 or 26,” Fred said. “Not nearly as good looking as you and she has always hitting on me. She’s the only woman I think that John Mark won’t hit on. Her boss the He thinks she a total loser.” I said, “I met John, I nearly knocked him down coming out of my office. He introduced himself and wouldn’t let go of my hand. I laughed and said, “I think he’d pulled me in his office and fucked me if he thought he could get away with it. He’s kind of creepy.” Fred laughed and said, “Watch out for him. He’s hit on every female under the age of 40 I’ve seen except Barbara. If he bothers, you I’ll have a talk with him. I wouldn’t want to lose him. He very good at his job. Let’s go get you introduced. Barbara’s boss should be here let’s start with him. Remember he’s the one I told you was gay. His name is Robert Ryan. He worked here for a little over 5 years. Nice guy and smart.”

We went next door to Robert’s office. As we walked by Barbara’s desk if looks could kill, I’d be a dead woman.

Went in Robert office and Fred introduced me. Rob was a pleasant person. Couldn’t tell he was gay. We shook hands and it seems he thought I was a man. No special look. He seemed not to notice I was naked. He said, “Nice to meet you Mrs. Thompson.” “Please call me Sandy.” Rob smiled and said, “Only if you call me Rob.” We spent the next few minutes in the usual small talk that you do when you first met someone.”

The VP of operations, Jack Watson, was out of town on business so I’ll have to wait until next week to meet him.

The VP of Technology was also out of his office. Fred said, he doesn’t spend much time in his office he always out and around with some vendor. I’ll introduce later this afternoon.

We went back to Fred’s office. Once again, he closed the door. He told me he was going to give me a tour of the facility this afternoon. He came around to the front of his desk, Pulled me up out of my chair and gave me a long French kiss. “Why sir, I’m an employee you can’t manhandle me.” He replied, “Oh course I can I’m the CEO and owner of this company. I’ll show you want I can do. He picked me up and sat me on the edge of his desk and slipped a couple of fingers in my vagina and started playing with my clit. It felt so good, and it was so erotic sitting there on his desk with him playing with my clit. I started getting so aroused. My nipples and clit got really hard. I said in a fake southern voice, “Well I do declare Mr. Miller what are you intentions with little ole me. Are you going to fuck me right here in your office? Y’all do know how loud I get when I’m being fucked.” Maybe we should go home for a quickie for lunch.”

I was actually pretty aroused at this point. My face must have been a little red. As I said earlier my nipples and clit were engorged with blood. I said, Fred, “stop everybody can tell I’m aroused if I leave your office. Now I know why you want me naked all the time. You want to take advantage of me all the time.” He said, “you’re right Mrs. Thompson” He pushed me back until I was lying flat on my back on his desk. He said, Now Mrs. T. you’re going to have to learn how to be screwed without you making any noise.” As he said that he increased the speed of his finger going and out of my vagina. I couldn’t help it. I started to moan. Fred said, Naughty, naughty, girl. No noise now. He grabbed my clit and pinched it really hard. Oh, it felt so good I gave a little squeal. Fred pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket and stuffed it in my mouth. He started fingering me again. I couldn’t believe how good it felt. Not only because Fred was very good with his fingers but because of the erotic nature of being fucked in his office in the middle of the day. I was moaning again but with the handkerchief in my mouth I couldn’t make a lot of noise. I was getting more and more aroused. My were wide open and my whole body was attended to what Fred was doing to me. He leaned over me and said, If you don’t get down off this desk and give me a blow job Mrs. T. your fired. I eagerly got off his desk, got on my knees and got his pants unzipped in record time. His penis came to attention, and I was on it in a flash. Man did it feel good in my mouth. It was just starting to swell when there was a knock on the door. Boy did Fred scramble. That was when I discovered the real advantage to always being naked. All I had to do was stand up and sit down in the chair. Fred had to get it back in his pants get around to the other side of his desk, sit down and look calm as he said, “come in.”

The door opened. It was John Mark. He said, “Sorry boss. Millie at lunch so I knocked”. With a very faint grin, He said, “could I have a couple minutes of you time.” I stood up and told Fred I’d be in my office when he was ready to go and then I walked out. As I went by John he actually turned and winked at me. Fred was so embarrassed that I was pretty sure he didn’t see John wink. I left the office and closed the door behind me. I was still slightly aroused, and I realized a little juicy. I couldn’t use the executive restroom because I’d left the keys in Fred’s office. So that meant I had to walk down the hall to the women’s restroom. Since it was lunch time there were a lot of people in the halls. I got a lot of different looks. Some of the men leered, some smiled but most looked shocked. Almost all of the women looked disapprovingly. When I finished peeing and cleaning myself up. I made the long walk back to my office. I was sure by the end of lunch that would be all around corporate that there was a naked woman in the halls. I just got back to my office when John came in. He said with a big grin, “I’m sorry to have interrupted you and Fred. I can understand why he couldn’t wait until you got home.” I said in a shaky voice, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” “sure, you do. Fred was just getting ready to fuck you.” I acted shocked. “how dare you Say that.” Well, it was either that or you peed in the chair. I’d be willing to bet it wasn’t pee that your just very juicy. Oh, by the way Fred ask me to give you the key to the restroom. So next time you won’t have to walk all the way down the hall to dry up. I hope you and Fred have a good quickie; I mean lunch.” Oh, before I go would you mind standing up for me.?” I was so mad when he said that that I did stand up and told him to get out of my office.” He got up to leave and as he went out the door he said, “As I said you have a great body. I’m sure glad Fred want to show you off to everyone. I started over to Fred’s office to tell him what John had said then I thought if I did that Fred probably get mad too and fire John. I didn’t want that to happen. I need to show everyone I could take care of myself. When I went into Fred’s office, he was on the phone, so I carefully sat down in the same chair as before. I looked at the cushion and the wet spot had dried up. It was a good thing he was on the phone. I gave me a chance to completely calm down. I patiently sat there and waited for Fred to get off of the phone. When he did, I said, “I’m hungry are we ready to go?”. He said, “I thought you wanted a quickie?” I said, “Well actually I want an all afternooner following a lunch. To get ready for you guys tonight.” Well, I guess I want you ready for tonight. Maybe we can take this afternoon off. Fred said, I think that can be arranged. I’ll let Millie know we’ll be at home. She can call us there if necessary. We went out and got in the car and we were home in 10 minutes. After running around all morning naked I was pretty horny. I wanted Fred so much. He was hungry however, so we had to eat. Beside I’d called Marie and told her we’d be home for lunch. She said, “I’ll fix you a special one. One that will give Fred a lot of energy for after lunch. She laughed after she said that. She said something that I’ll cherish the rest of my life. She said, “Mrs. Thompson I’m so glad that Fred has you. He loves you so much and you love him too. I used to see him drag around her and feel so alone. Now that you’re here he full of enthusiasm and vigor. I’ve never seen him so happy. Please love him forever. He such a nice and wonderful person.” “Why thank you Marie I appreciate that so much. Fred is the most important person in my life. I’d die if I didn’t have him.” Marie replied, I heard Mrs. Thompson but don’t ever do that again. I was so worried about you when I heard what you did. If you ever need to talk, come to me, I’m not like the rest of these gossips around here. I’ll never say a confidence. I love you and Fred way too much to gossip.

Fred and I sat down, turned on the radio and listened to some romantic music while we ate. We talked about how my day went and what is was like to be nude around all those strangers. I told him it was a little uncomfortable at first but that I thought I’d get used to it. I didn’t tell him about my run in with John Mark, however. I told him about how nice Millie was to me and that I though she and I would get along well. I told him about the VP of Operations secretary and how I thought it was she didn’t like me naked. That I felt she was jealous of my body and looks. Fred said, “Well I think she should be jealous. You’re way better looking than she is. I don’t think she ugly or anything, but she weighs about a 150 pounds and she doesn’t have good boobs. Her face is just plain. Maybe some time you can teach her how to use her makeup.” I replied, “I don’t think she’d ever let me do that.” I ask Fred how his morning went. He said good. That they had closed a deal on buying a local truck like in the southeast that served Ga., S.C., and Fl. “He told me he’d been wanting to buy it for a while since it was very profitable. And that the VP of Operations had gotten a really good price. Oh, before I forget Bill Murdock wants you to come with him in the morning. They are going to interrogate Jim Stafford about who his employers are. He thinks having you there naked will unsettle Jim. Bill said that he might leave you there by yourself to see what you can get out of him if your alone with him. He seemed to really attracted to you. Maybe you can use your feminine charms on him. Bill said, He hoped he wouldn’t have to do that but be prepared in case he did.” I ask, “Does Bill want me to have sex with him if that’s the only way we can get him to talk.’ Fred got embarrassed and turn red and said, “I think that’s what he had in mind. You don’t mind doing it if it’s the only way do you.” I was a little upset, but I said, “I’ll do it, but it will make me feel like a whore. I know all your guys will be watching on a camera to “make sure I’m ok” want you. I want them in the room with me when I screw him. I mean Jim knows there are camera’s in that room. And when I finish with Jim, I want to screw all of your guys also. They might as well have a piece of the Boss’s ‘s fiancé ass.” Fred turn all sorts of shades of red. He stuttered and said, “I’m sort Sandy I should have told Bill no right up front. He still will want you there, however.”

I was still ticked. I mean it was the second time Fred had asked me to have sex when it made me feel like a whore, the first time was when he told me that Juan was going to get two hours extra of sex with me for every billable hour he worked on my divorce. I never said anything to him about it because I really like sex with Juan, but it did make me feel like a whore.

We finished eating in silence and then Fred said do you still want to go upstairs and make love? I was still mad, so I said, “No I want to call John he’s working today and ask him to come over and have sex with me. You can watch.” This hurt Fred’s feelings which was why I did it. But as soon as I saw the look on his face my anger went away. I said, “Fred I’m so sorry I said that. I didn’t really mean it. Of course, I want to go upstairs and have sex all afternoon. I went “It’ll be all afternoon and night of sex unless you want to change it.” Fred said, I might be too tired but I’m sure you won’t, and I know you don’t want to disappoint the three of them.” “I wouldn’t want to disappoint you either. I still will do anything you ask me too. I didn’t say I’d always like it. I intend to tell Bill that I’ll fuck Jim it looks like that will work. I’ll wear my 7-inch heels tomorrow and spend a lot of time on my hair and makeup. I’ll need you to shave me this afternoon or you can get one of the guys to do it tonight.” I’ll wait until tonight and get Juan to do it. He really loves handling you and I think the feeling is mutual.” “Don’t be so sure I like all of them just about equally. All three of them feel really good when their penises are in me. Not as good as you Fred but still really good. I’d really like to have all four of you in me at once tonight. I’m really glad that John is off tonight and will be here for the whole evening.

I went up the stairs in front of Fred swing my butt. By the time we got upstairs it had the desired effect. Fred was halfway out of his clothes already. While Fred was finish getting undressed, I had pulled the covers down and was already in bed. That’s one of the really nice things about being nude. All I have to do is kick my shoes off and I’m ready for bed. No clothes to put in the dirty laundry. I don’t have to pick out an outfit to wear to work. Just a pair of shoes to put on. Fred was out of his clothes. He shut the bedroom door while I looked at his nude body. He wasn’t tall but he was stocky. His penis was just about average size from what experience I’d had with the men I’d gone to bed with. It was thick though. I really liked that. In spite of our little argument at lunch I really loved him. And I would do anything he ask me to do. I just wanted to set some boundaries so that he and the other club members wouldn’t start treating me like a whore. Sometimes men get carried away. And don’t see all the psychological meaning. I was not worried about Fred at all, however. He was the kindest most loving man I’d ever met. I was really anxious to make love with him this afternoon. I did want to wear him out however so that tonight I’d have the other club members so red could just sit and watch. The other club members I really love having sex with. Fred was right about Juan being my favorite. John was a close second and the Chief was in third place. I wondered if Fred was going to add any members to the club in the future or was this it. I was starting to show a little more. I was 5 months pregnant. I’d had two children already and the doctor had stopped me from sex at 8 months although I cheated twice at 8.5 months with my second child. I figured no one would be interested in my body after 8 months. Man did that turn out to be wrong. So, I figured I had about three more months of good sex with the club members. I could pick back up with them at two weeks after the baby was born. One month at the longest.

I was still musing about what would happen in the future both close future and long away future when Fred got in bed and immediately attacked me. I was rolled over on my side looking out the window when wham I was rolled over on my back and Fred was on top of me and his penis was in me in an instant. I giggled and said, “Man you’re sure anxious.” Fred replied, “Why not when a man is in bed with the most beautiful woman in the world.” I look up at his face and saw the most loving man I could ever hope for. He was moving he was just feeling it in me, and I was just feeling him in me. We looked at each other for a long time and then as if by magic we both said at the same time,’ I love you.” Fred lay down lightly on top of me supporting his weight with his knees. We kissed and kissed and kept on kissing until /Fred started pushing his hard penis in and out of me. Not fast but not slow either. Just at the right speed for me to get aroused. When I make love, I try not to use the Lords name. I just feel it not right but for some reason as we went along and both of us got so aroused. AS I got higher and higher. My state of arousal was so great that right before my first orgasm I said, Oh, God please help Fred feel what I’m feeling. Then I came and I was shouting “Oh, god it feels so good. Please god make Fred feel as good as I do. And from out of the fog of intense desire I heard Fred calling, “Sandy I do feel what you feel, Oh thank you Lord for giving this wonderful woman to me. Bless the child that she carries, and Lord help me be a good father to him or her as I can be. Help me guide my family to your loving grace. Oh, Sandy, I love you.” When I heard Fred saying his prayer to God to help him be a good father and husband. I cried. Not little sniffles but great big tears of love and happiness. I came down from my orgasm with my heart so full of love and my emotion so full of happiness. “Fred then shot his cum into me and I wanted it forever. I was going to keep it in me until tonight at the club meeting so I could show the other guys what Fred meant to me and I to him. I would reaffirm that I would forever do what Fred wanted and needed me to do.

In the afterglow of our love making, I lay in Fred’s arms and sighed contentedly. Both he and I fell asleep him holding me in his arms. I dreamed a wonderful dream that we married in the fall and our baby boy was born the next week after we got married. I dreamed that 19 months after that I was going to have another baby. Fred was so proud. But then a month before the baby was born John said, “How do you know it Fred’s? It could be mine; It could be The Chief’s, or I could be Juan’s or any of the other 10 club members. Remember none of us wear condoms and you don’t use your diaphragm. I woke up yelling, no, no I know it’s Fred’s. It’s not any of yours. Fred woke up also and said, honey what’s wrong. I told him about my dream and Fred told me he’d already though about that and it didn’t make any difference. He said he didn’t care if it was his or somebody else. When it’s born, we’ll have to see who it looks like, and that person will be the father. But you and I will raise any children you carry. They be mine and yours even we know there not. That way you don’t have to worry you can have as much sex as you what without having to worry about birth control. All of us can just enjoy you and I can afford any children you might have. So don’t worry Darling. He leaned over and kissed me and said, Even if you want to be a baby factory it’s alright. I thought about that for a minute then I said, I’m very regular with my periods so what we can do is not have sex with the club members until I’m already pregnant by you. Then for the next 10 months I won’t have to worry from then on, we’ll just not worry, and I’ll have one child for each club member. Using the same method. That means I’ll have six more children and we’ll know that at least one is yours and the others we don’t care who fathered them. How does that sound”? Fred said, “that sounds good no protection and as many children as you have you have. “The next question the children cause us to ask ourselves is what do we do about you being naked all the time. Once the oldest is 5. That’s the child your pregnant with now won’t you have to start wearing clothes. What will we tell a child if you don’t? I’ll really be bummed if you have to put clothes on. But at least for the next five years we won’t have to worry.” I had another thought “What are we going to say to the child about all the men coming to the house and taking mommy upstairs and making her scream.” Fred said, “we may have to bring up these questions to the club members and see what ideas they can come up with. I think they might have some good ideas because they ae still going to be screwing you when your 50, I suspect. Even if they’re married. We may end up with some women in the club. Would that be alright with you”? I thought for a minute or two. I was sure I liked the idea. I sort of wanted all the men to myself. But I guess if I were still the primary member, I’d be ok with a couple more girls.”

I looked at the clock. It was 5:00pm. Marie would be getting dinner on at 5:30pm. I told Fred it was a half hour until dinner time and then the Club was coming over at 6:30pm. Fred ask, “did you call John and let him know the Club was having a meeting tonight. I don’t think he knows about it.” I said yes, I call the house today and ask Marie to let him know. He was on the day shift today. He said he’d be here for sure. I said,” you don’t want to miss a chance to fuck me, right? He said, “you’ve got that right. If Juan and The Chief are there, I sure don’t want to miss getting my chance to lay you either. I told him I was looking forward to try having all four of you in me at once and I couldn’t have that without him.”

We got in the shower and Fred cleaned me up. I let my hair down long so that they guys would have something to grab. They had voted the last time we were together for me at the next meeting to wear it down. It wasn’t in the stated rules, but the guys expected to control how I look and what color lipstick I wear. If they take me out, they’ll also control what shoes I wear. That all the choices I have since I don’t wear clothes. I can’t wait until we all go to dinner. It’ll be the first time I’ve had a date with the Club.

We got downstairs just at the exact time I’d set up with Marie for dinner. Everything was on the table and Marie was ready to go home. She knew that something was up because my hair was down long, and I had on a pair of my 6-inch heels. I never wore my hair that way unless someone was coming over. However, she didn’t know who or why. Eventually she figure it out or discover it accidently. I was sure when that happened, I get a big lecture about the whole sex thing. The nudity, the multiple sex partners. My shaved vagina and going to work nude. But fortunately, she hadn’t figured it out yet. Marie left and Fred and I had a nice dinner together. Marie did no something was up because she left two bottles of chilled wine for us. One red and one white. She knew that both Fred and I drank a sweet red wine. So, after dinner when I cleared the table, I found the wine in the buckets in the kitchen. I brought them out and told Fred, look what I found in the kitchen. Fred said, I knew it was there. I ask Marie to put a red and a white out for the Club meeting. I ask Fred “Did she ask any thing about who was coming or anything about the meeting. “Fred said, “I told her it was for our Club meeting. We sat and each had a glass of red wine and talked about what to try to cover in the upcoming meeting tonight, We decide that before the anyone had sex with Sandy we’d talk about. We both agreed that we’d have a discussion on the pregnancy issue. Another topic we must discuss is whether to allow guest to club meetings. We just finished agreeing on that and the doorbell rang. Fred had gone to the bathrooms since we were expecting the Club members I got up and answered the door. It wasn’t who I expected. There I stood my hair down and over my shoulders, in 6-inch heels with five o’clock shadow on my vagina and it wasn’t one of the Club members. It was Fred’s nephew. The one who raped me, peed on me, and left me lying in a rest stop parking lot at 3:00am after being forced to give him around the world twice. I n shock I said, “Don what in the hell or you doing here?” He sort of stammered and said, “Is Uncle Fred here.’ I said, “Yes he is but you can’t come in this house.” Fred came back from the bathroom and heard my angry voice at the door. When Fred got to the door he said, Don what a surprise. Why are you here. Don replied, “Uncle Fred I came to apologize to you.” Fred said son I think you are planning on apologizing to the wrong person.” Don said, Well I didn’t know she was going to be here. Can I come in?” Fred replied, It’s up to the mistress of the house. I said, “Hell no and slammed the door.” I looked at Fred and said, “did you invite him here?” Fred got that deer in the head light look and said, Remember when Is so mad at you for lying about John and I punished you. Well as I said, as part of your punishment I ask Don to come for a visit. I was going to let him have sex with you. Well, when I talked to him, he seemed like he was sorry for what he’d done. I didn’t tell him you and I were getting married. I meant to call him an tell him not to come but I got busy and never did tell him. So here he is. I’m really sorry Sandy. Can we let him in.?” I thought a minute and then a great idea came to my mind. OK but here are the conditions. He can come in, but he has to be nude like me. He must come up stairs and sit in a chair and watch all sexual activities. Sit through the whole evening watching. The you tell him he can have me. When he comes over to fuck me in front of the Club members, I’ll tell him I wouldn’t touch his penis for a million dollars, but he can masturbate his hard away. He can either leave or masturbate like I told him. I’m sorry to do that Fred but he hurt me and humiliated me, and I think he deserves it. If he tells the Club members what he did and then masturbates his hard away. I’ll forgive him. I still won’t let him fuck me, but I’ll forgive him, and he can stay a few days. If he doesn’t want to do what I ask and doesn’t want to leave then I’ll call security. What do you think of that” Fred said, “I think Karma always gets you? coming or going. I’ll tell him what you said, and he can decide what he wants to do.”

I set down and poured myself another wine and tried to calm down. A few minutes later Fred showed back up with Don, his nephew and Juan was with him also. I jumped up and gave Juan a big, long French kiss. Fred said,” Don you can go get undressed in the bathroom thru that door there. He went to the bathroom and the doorbell rang again. It was the Chief and John. They’d just showed up at the same time. I was giving the Chief a big kiss and he’d was fondling my vagina when Don came out. No one had told Don what was actually going on, so he didn’t know what to think. Fred introduced the Chief and John to Don. Now that all the club members were there Fred said, Sandy and I want to start this evening off with a discussion and decision on a couple issues. “Don while the members are conducting business will you please go upstairs and wait in out bedroom at the top of the stairs. If you get bored there is an album of pictures that I made of Sandy a few weeks ago. You can look at them if you want to. It is in the top dresser drawer.”

When he went upstairs Fred said, Sandy and I were discussing that we need to resolve issues about the future. The first one is the issue of Sandy getting pregnant. We both believe that she will get pregnant several times in the coming years. So, the question is how do we handle that?” Here is what we propose. Sandy and I want to have a child as soon as we can after the child she’s carrying is born. In order to ensure the child is mine until she is pregnant again, I will be the only one allowed to have intercourse with her. The rest of the members will have to settle for oral sex with her. Once she is pregnant, we will go back to the normal fun. Sandy does not want to use any sort of protection from pregnancy. We both feel that it much better feeling and what we’d all enjoy if none of us used any protection. That leads us to the question of what about the children you produce. There will be some of them, we’re sure. I told Sandy that I’ll be responsible for all children she produces. Both financial and family wise. She and I will be able to afford any and all of them. So, no other members need to feel responsible. Just for the sake of interest the blood father will be the one the child looks the most like. The Chief said what if one of us wants to have a child but has no one to marry. Will Sandy want to carry our child. If so, how will the real father be assured. Sandy and I discussed that possibility also. As part of the club membership, we will use the same technique that we use for my child for any of yours that are planned. The planned father will be the only one allowed to have intercourse with Sandy for the start of her period until she is pregnant. All other members will be restricted to blowjobs. What do you guys think of this plan. I believe it will allow for the most enjoyable activity for both Sandy and all of us. Odds are she will get pregnant about every year and a half. For the next 10 years or so. We both want a lot of children. It will only eliminate one month of full sexual activity for each unplanned child and two months for each planned child. Are there any other questions or idea for this topic.: Ok let’s vote on it? Raise your hand if this rule is approved. All five of us approve it.”

“The next issue is can member bring guest to the Club meetings and will they be allowed to participate in the activities. This issue is pertinent now because of my nephew being here now. I don’t think any of you have been told the story of how Sandy and I met and fell in love.” Fred told them the story of my rape and who the rapist was. When he’d finished telling that part of the story, he told them of the plan to punish his nephew for his actions. When he’d finished telling the story all of the Club members were very upset. The Chief and John wanted to put him in jail, but Juan wanted to as he put it, ‘beat the lining crap out of Don”. We voted against that idea as illegal and just plain wrong. Everyone had their own way to punish him. However, they all eventually agreed to the plan Sandy came up with they all agreed to try and make Don as horny as can be. On the issue of allowing the Club member to bring guest. No one seem To agree if we should or shouldn’t be allow guest to attend the meeting and if they’re allowed to attend should they be all be allowed to participate. Everyone finally agreed to allow each member to have only one guest at a time and they would allow them to only have two blowjobs per visit. They would be allowed to watch their sponsor activities. Finally, they agreed to only allow members to help guest to received and understand the rules. It took almost an hour to reach these decisions. We again said that Don was going to get what he deserved. And each of the member would do what they could to embarrass him.

We all went upstairs. Don was sitting in a chair with Sandy’s photo album on his lap. The Chief went over to him and said, “We heard an interesting story of how your Uncle Fred and Sandy met. Seems you had a lot to do with that. It’s strange I’ve had her do around the world’s several times on me and she never complained about having to do it”. Other members made other comments also. Don turned several shades of red when he heard they all knew what he’d done.

They had all gotten undressed while the Chief was talking to Don. Fred said, If I remember correctly, it’s Juan’s turn to shave Sandy so that means he’s the first to fuck her tonight. I went in the bathroom and came out with the can of shaving cream and a razor. I handed it to Juan and said,” I’m ready and gave him a long French kiss. Then I went over to the bed and lay down and spread my legs. Juan came over to me but instead of him shaving me right away he started playing with my clit. It wasn’t long before I started to moan. All the rest of them cheered Juan and Fred said, “Work her, she loves it. Juan increased his finger speed until I was even louder. The Chief said, “Make her move Juan, Put it in her. Juan got in bed and pulled me on top of him and I slipped it in. Immediately I started bouncing up and down on Juan and screaming about how good he was. We all looked over at Don and Fred said,” Hey Don isn’t this fun. You should be hard by now. Move your chair closer. Juan raised his hips up so his penis hit my g spot and I started begging. Oh, pleeeeeeease Juan give it all to me. I want your cum. Oh, man oh man it feels good. Then Juan came and I shrieked, OH, Oh, Oh. Nothing feels better than a man’s penis. Don was sitting up in his chair now and his penis was rock hard. John said, Hey Don don’t you wish it were your turn now? I began to calm down and said, OK Juan, you can shave me now. I’ve got an important meeting at work tomorrow and I need to be clean shaven. Juan started shaving me and I moaned the whole time while he was shaving me. Don said,” She doesn’t go to work naked does she”? Fred said, “Of course she does. I ask her to. I really enjoy seeing her naked all day. Once in a while I’ll have her come in my office and close the door and I’ll fuck her”. When he said that I looked over at don. My plan was working. His penis was hard, and he actually touched it. Fred saw that too. Fred, they said, “Whose turn is it next.” The Chief said, I’m last tonight so it’s John’s turn. I got up and went to john and got on his lap. I reached down and took his semi hard penis in my hand and ran it up and down on his penis while I kissed him. It didn’t take long before he was totally erect. I said, “Now John you know from the many times you’ve fucked me that these ids the way I like my men. I gave him a lap dance until his penis slipped in me. He picked me up and keeping his penis in me took me over to almost right in Don’s face he said, Wow Sandy your juicy is it all you or some of it Juan’s.” I said, “John you know how much you always arouse me. Some of its Juan and some is mine. Please fuck me. You know how much I like it when I’m treated with respect. John took me over to the wall and with me on his penis he pushed me against the wall and started going in and out. This wasn’t what I thought was part of the *********** and I’d never been fucked this way before. John was so strong, and my entire weight was on his penis so every time he went in me it gave me such a wonderful feeling that it didn’t take more than a couple minutes to go from a moan to a huge orgasm. This got a big round of applause from Fred, Juan, and the Chief. Juan said, John it’s a good thing it after hours. I’m sure that orgasm of hers could have been heard all over the house. In a loud voice I said, “Oh man John, do that to me again and come in me. I need your cum, pleaaaaase.” The end of that sentence occurred because just before I said please John rammed me as hard as he could and came. It felt so good I started to cry. I broke down and in front of all of them I said, Oh man John that was so wonderful. I felt it all thru my body. Guys can join have an extra five minutes to fuck me again. Please, please. Fred said, “Well for a performance like that I say yes. What do you other guys say? The chief started a chant, “fuck her, fuck her. all the rest of us chimed in fuck her, fuck her, fuck her hard. John started on me again slow and gradually increase d his speed, This time was better than the previous time. I was screaming, whimpering, whining. and begging making almost every sound I’d ever made when somebody fucked me. Then it started one orgasm after another orgasm. John was still hard as a rock, but he’d just come a few minutes be for, so he just kept going. He took me off the wall and while still humping me took me to the bed, laid me down and put my legs over my head and kept screwing me as I continued to keep having orgasms. I don’t think I was even aware of what I was doing but John kept going in and out of me while I continued to keep having orgasm after orgasm while Fred, Juan, the Chief and Don kept yelling “fuck her, fucker her hard.” ‘After about ten minutes had gone by the Chief said, You can have my time, John. Keep on fucking her as long as she squealing and having orgasms. John was encouraging me, He was saying, “Come on babe you know you love it keep it up. You love those orgasm don’t you. Tells us how much you like to fuck. With those words of encourage I said, “oh man yes I love the feel of you penis in me I’m yours keep giving it to me. “Fred then switch chants to, “she yours, she yours, Give it to her, She yours give it to her. “they all chanted that AS I had another monster orgasm and squealed out, I want you baby. I want all your baby’s. Please John give me some more. I crazy for all your penis’s. “then I said something I didn’t think I’d ever say. “Don come give it to me, please don’t just pee on me. But wait until John is through with me oh man, Here comes another orgasm. Oh, Oh, Oh, Man Love it. Fred, can I please have John every day. Please. Fred, please. John, do you want to fuck me every day”? Please say yes. I need all of you. Oh man here comes another one and when I felt that one, I lost control of myself completely. I was screaming at the top of my voice, Fuck em all of you fuck me. I was throwing my body around I threw john off of me and went running to don and grabbed his penis and pulled him out of his chair and over to the bed, and yelled can I have him Fred, Came he fuck me. I’ve forgiven him, please let him fuck me. Will you be a goof boy don if Fred lets you fuck me? Fred chanted, Let him fuck her, Let him fuck her, don’t pee on her, Let him fuck her don’t pee on her. I through myself on the bed with don’t penis in my hand and said, “Quick don put it in me, Please make me cum. I want your penis. Please cum in me. I need another orgasm. Do I feel good to you? Don put in in me and said, Here it comes baby. I’m sorry for leaving you in the parking lot. I’m sorry Why do you want me baby?”

Don kept humping me and I was still crazy, so I begged him to cum in me. Don, Please give it to me and soon I had another orgasm and this one made me cry and whine. I said, “please Don don’t leave me here in the parking lot alone. Please take me with you. I’ll suck your cock if you take me and fuck me every day. You can pee on me now please pee on me.” All of a sudden there was a deadly silence. Fred said, Oh man, there’s something wrong with her. As he was saying this, I was still mumbling please pee on me until I faded to black.

The next thing I knew was waking up in a white room with all sorts of tubes I, my arms. I didn’t have any idea where I was. I figured out it was a hospital, but I didn’t know where. Juan was sitting in a chair next to the bed reading a document of some kind. I had very little memory of the recent past. I did remember that I was in bed with Don, Fred’s nephew that had raped me. I move a little and experienced some pain. Not a lot of pain but enough to make me moan little. Juan put down the document and said, “Sandy thank goodness your awake. We were really worried about you.” I said what happened to me. All I can remember was I was in bed with don, Fred’s nephew and what I was doing there didn’t make any sense to me. Why was I in bed with him. I hate him. He raped me and did all sorts of bad things to me. But I remember begging him to pee on me. It just doesn’t make any sense. I started to cry. Juan jumped up and sat on the edge of the bed and bent over and gave me a big kiss and held me close. This man came into my room while Juan was holding me and took a couple of pictures of me, laid a card on the table, and said, “I’m Harry Johnson a reporter for the Grand Rapids Gazette. Would you tell us what happened to you, Mrs. Thompson?” Juan said, “Harry get out of here now she doesn’t know what happened.” Harry replied, I just want to ask her a few questions.” Juan said,” If you don’t want a lawsuit get out of here.

Harry left. I was even more confused. So, I ask again, “what happened to me”. Juan said, The doctors aren’t quite sure. All we know was that you go more and more aroused while John was fucking you. Started acting like you were going to have a monster orgasm and then you had an orgasm about every 5 to 10 minutes. For about half hour Getting higher with each one. Then it looked like you lost complete control when you said you wanted Don. He started fucking you and you talked about him leaving you in the parking and you where wild and then you started begging Don to pee on you and you went completely crazy. Fred knew something was wrong. He got up and pulled you off of Don and you passed out. Totally blank the Chief call the ambulance and they brought you here to the Grand Rapids hospital. You been in a coma for three days. Today is Friday. Fred’s been here all the time when he isn’t working on your case with the Chief, Bill, and a couple of Bill’s best investigators. They put extra security on your estate. Fred says they should be investigating his nephew. I agree with that. But the Chief thinks it might be something to do with the Robert Stafford case. Right now, we just don’t know. I also got a response from Sam’s lawyer. Haven’t finished reading it yet. I’ll let you know what it means after I finish reading it. So far it is just standard divorce stuff.

I didn’t know what to say. Who were all these people and where was my husband Sam.? Why was I fucking someone? I do believe some of what the man said because I vaguely remember being in a room with a bunch of men and I was totally naked. So maybe one of them was having sex with me. Surely not all of them. The who called himself Juan left. After he was gone, I tried to remember what had happened to me. I know I wasn’t trying to divorce Sam. While I was trying to figure all of this out a doctor came in and said, “from all the test they had run it looked like the baby was ok. I said, “What baby”. The doctor looked surprised and said,” Mrs. Thompson don’t you remember you’re almost five months pregnant. I said, No I’m not pregnant. And I don’t think my name is Thompson. I’m Mrs. Sandy Miller. My husband’s name is Sam. I’m 23 years old and don’t have any children. The doctor said, “excuse me and he left. Within about a half hour another doctor came and announced himself. It was funny because his last name was the same as mine, Miller. His name was Fred Miller, MD or maybe it was DO. I’m not sure now. When I told Dr. Miller my name was the same as his he got very upset. He said, No your name is Mrs. Thompson. I’m not your doctor I’m your fiancé, Fred. I’m sorry Dr. Miller, your confused. My name is Miller. I’m mailed to Sam Miller. I felt sorry for the Dr. He was so confused. I was confused too. If the doctor were confused, how was I going to get well so I could go home to my husband Sam Miller. Just then a police officer came in. I though o good he’ll clear it up. But he didn’t he said, my name was Sand Thompson. A nurse came in and gave me a shot, I went to sleep almost immediately. I slept all night except for when the nurse took my vitals. The next morning one of the doctors spent the night in my room. It was the one with the same last name as me, -Miller. I felt sorry for him. He looked so tired. About an hour later my regular doctor came in and talked to Dr. Miller. After my regular doctor talked to Dr. Miller, Dr. Miller talked to me. He said, they ran a toxicology and I’ve been poisoned. When I heard that I said, that’s strange. Why would someone want to do that.? Dr. Miller said, “I don’t know but I intend to find out”. He said, Darling I’ve got to go to work. I’ll see you at lunch. He leaned over and gave kiss. I didn’t understand why would a doctor kiss one of his patients. He left and once again I was alone. Suddenly a picture appeared in my mind. I was in this room it was a bedroom. There were there were a whole bunch of men in the room with me. What was strange some of them were people I’d seen at the hospital. But I didn’t see anybody very familiar. Some I knew and some I didn’t. And yes, I was naked. So were all but two FedEx and some type of security guard. Later that afternoon my regular doctor came n and said, “We think there is an antidote for the poison you ingested, The problem is there are some nasty side effects. He listed all of them. The scary one was that some people had died from it. But the side effect I worried the most about was that sometimes it didn’t work. I ask him how long did it take to work. He told me in about 2 hours. I said, give it to me. I knew my mind was screwed up and I wanted to get it straightened out. I didn’t like the thought of me being in a bedroom with a whole group of naked men having sex. I wanted to find out where my husband Sam was. The doctor called the nurse to come give me the shot. After I received the shot, I fell asleep. When I woke up there were a whole bunch of people thin my room. There as my regular doctor, my fiancé, Fred Miller, Juan, The chief, John, Marie, and Fred’s nephew Don. I lay there and didn’t move for several minutes. I felt much more normal than before the drug. I didn’t feel confused like I did before. There was something that was nagging at me but I couldn’t think of what it was so I just forgot about it. I open my eyes again and everything was the same so I reasoned I must be better. I said, “Hi guys”. They all turned around and Fred came over and put his arms around me and gave me a big bear hug and the sweetest kiss. He said, “Thank goodness your awake. How do you feel? Do you recognize everybody. I had tears in my eyes from the happiness of being normal again. I said, “Yes my love I recognize everyone and I can’t wait to get home and go back to doing what we were doing before I was poisoned.” Fred said, “We’re making progress on that too. The Chief ‘s lab people and investigators, our tech people and security are working together and they think they’ll have a lead very soon. I said, “Doc I want to go home.” The doctor said, In the morning I want to keep an eye on you overnight to make sure there are no lingering side effects. Now everybody but Fred get out of here she has to rest. There was a lot of mumbling but everybody left except Fred and the doctor. When everyone was gone the doctor said, “Sandy what were you doing when you freaked out. “I said, “I was having sex.” The doctor said, the name of the drug you were given was Zoloft. It’s an aphrodisiac drug that is very powerful and it turns out your allergic to it. Your body would react to it since you were allergic to it immediately.” The doctor looked kind of nervous and then he said, “Sandy who were you having sex with when this event happened.” I thought a minute and then I said, “I was having sex with Don, Fred’s nephew.” Fred grabbed the phone on the nightstand and called the Chief. When the Chief answered Fred said, It my nephew. Can you arrest him. The doctor said that it wasn’t poison it was a very powerful and fast acting aphrodisiac. Sandy was allergic to it. Remember Don was fucking her when she went crazy. That bastard is going to pay this time. Fred told me he was going to spend the night again. I said, “don’t lover, you been here every night and you’re getting worn out. I’ll be fine now and you are going to need your rest. The Club is going to need to get together in a couple days to celebrate my coming home from the hospital. So please go home and get a good night’s rest. I’ll be fine. The phone rang, It was the Chief. He told Fred they had Don in custody. Fred said, “Quick work. I feel a lot better. What do you want “? Fred said, “attempted murder.” The Chief said, “that’s a little harsh don’t you think?” No, I don’t please charge him with it.? “the Chief said, “OK” and hung up. Fred told me that they’d caught Don and he was being charged with attempted murder.” I said, “I don’t think he intended to kill me. I think he just wanted to fuck me and show everyone what a great stud he is. I think that you should have him released in your custody. Take him home and lock him up until our next meeting and then let me at him. I’ll humiliate him so much he’ll never want to come back. If we do that there will be no publicity and I’ll be able have my revenge. What do you think of that idea?” Fred thought a minute and said that’s a good idea. “He called the chief back and told him what we had planned for don. The chief said, “I like that idea. I get him released and take him to your house. Then I’ll come over rand stay with Sandy for a while. I’ve got to talk to her about the city council members anyway. I’ve got three that agree and two that want to see Sandy first. I’ll probably bring them over tonight. By the next council meeting we should have an ordinance ready for a closed council meeting and she’ll should have a law that permits women to appear on the city streets nude. Is it ok if I bring them over tonight.? Fred had one question, “will these guys be a onetime thing or are we going to have to make them members. The Chief said, “we’ll probably have to make them associate members. There will be quite a bit of political risk with this and they’ll want something in return besides just the one fuck. Fred said, “Well we’ll talk about it at the next Club meeting. Fred came over to the bed and game me a sweet goodbye kiss and went home. About a half an hour later the Chief showed up with two strangers. When he came in the room he came over and gave me a big kiss and then introduced me to the two men, Jim, and Cody. He told me they were on the city council. Cody went over to the observation window and closed the blinds and locked the door. I didn’t learn until later but the Chief had told the nurse that we were not to be disturbed because we were discussing the attack on me. The Chief told me the reason that they were there was to see what they were voting for. Jim ask how I was doing. I told him I was feeling much better. He said, “can you get out of the bed”. I told them yes, I actually was fine and I might be going home tomorrow. In a very business-like manner Cody said, “Sandy would you please get out of bed and take off you hospital gown.” I did as he ask. I stood up and let the hospital gown drop off my shoulders and stood there naked in front of them. I thought it was interesting that they acted like they were buying s horse not voting to let me come into town naked. I stood there naked in front of them as they both looked me up and down. Cody said, “your vagina looks nice shaved like that. Completely bare. Jim said, “Yeah but I wonder if it will cause more problems than if it were natural. “He reached out and rubbed his hand over my bare vagina. He commented on how smooth it was and natural coloring. Cody said, “That’s true most women that shave their pussies get a red rash. “Sandy how often do you shave it. I said, “I don’t shave it. One of the Club members does it at club meetings. Jim said,” Please turn around I want to see your butt. I turned around until my back was to them. Then I felt one of their hands on my butt. He gave it a nice firm squeeze. Then Jim said, “Please face me, Sandy. When I turned back around Jim had his penis out of his pants. Without saying a word, I dropped to my knees and took his penis in my mouth. As I sucked on him Cody said, “She is certainly well trained. I couldn’t believe it but Jim was starting to come already. He did sell as much a most men He didn’t even have a completely hard penis. I thought, He must be gay and not want to admit it. But I sure wasn’t going to oust him. The he squirted in my mouth wilt a lot of force. Then it was Cody’s turn with me. He told me to get back in bed He came over to the bed and sat down and inserted two fingers in my vagina. He began to play with my clit. It wasn’t long before I started moan a low ohhhhhh. He matter of fatly said, “she sure is responsive. I bet she mute-orgasmic. The Chief spoke up and said, Yes, she is. Fred ask me to invite you both to our next club meeting as Sandy’s guest. Cody didn’t seem interested in fucking me. The chief said, “what do you guys think. Cody said, “Well she is attractive enough to appeal to a large portion of the male population. However, I think we’d get a lot of complaints from the family crowd. Especially the women with children. Jim said, Yes but I think we can handle that. Cody came right out and said it, “Chief how much money is it worth to him to be able to have his girlfriend run around town naked?” The Chief said, “Mr. Miller will not donate any more than last year. He believes that increasing his donation to your campaigns would look bad politically. As we discussed on the way over here special membership in the Club has less visible but perhaps more useful advantages than monetary donations. However, as we discussed coming over here. He is willing to let the single members of the city council become member of the Club which will give you certain privileges as relates to Sandy. “Cody spoke up, among other advantages of special membership in the Club allows me to have her available whenever I want her either for my personal use or political use. The Chief said, “that’ correct. I haven’t discussed this with M. Miller yet but I’m sure he’ll agree. Cody got up and came over to me and said, “spread your legs.” He inserted two fingers in my vagina and started to roll my clit. I started to moan almost immediately because he was very good at manipulation of my clit. The longer, he went the more aroused I became. Jim got up and came over to the bed and put a couple of fingers in my vagina after Cody took his out. He some of my juices on his fingers. Then Cody put his fingers back in me and continued to roll my clit. Jim started erotically rubbing his finger around the outside of my lips and mouth. By this time Jim had me so aroused I started begging for one of their penises. This did impress both of them. Cody said, “man she’d be fun at out parties. If I hadn’t been so aroused, I’d been mad at the chief for promising hem some kind of special membership. That made me look like a slut. However right then I was so aroused all I could think about was having one of their penises. Cody was the closest so I tried to unzip his pants. I grabbed desperately at his crotch. I guess I was proving myself as a slut. Cody took his penis out of his pants and started rubbing it around my lips. My mouth came open and I eagerly took his penis in my mouth and started sucking on it. Jim dropped his pants took his penis out and pulled me over to the edge of the bed by my leg and stuck it in me. That triggered an intense orgasm. And minutes while I was still coming down from that orgasm Jim started coming in me and I started to squeal with joy. Fortunately, since Jim had his penis in my mouth The noise was very loud. However, my orgasms made me wiggle and squirm. The two men laughed and Jim said,” Wow I think she’s worth a vote for nudity. Having access to her whenever we want her will be a lot of fun. Tell Mr., Miller he’ll have two votes for nudity if he agrees to the special club membership and making her available to us whenever we ask.” The Chief said, ‘Now you gentlemen realize that this offer is only viable if the ordinance passes. If it doesn’t then we’ll just forget this meeting ever happened and y’all wish you’d worked harder to get it passed.” They said they understood and then they left.

The chief said, Well, what do you think. I said, “I feel like a slut.” The Chief bent down and kissed me and said, “honey, you’re not a slut. You just love Fred so much that you’re willing to use your body and let him use your body to make him happy. Man, I wish I could find somebody that loved me that much. Neither John, Juan nor I think you’re a slut. We love you too. Not quite the same way Fred does but it’s still love. And I know for a fact because Fred and I talked about it before. I said, “you didn’t want to do any of this anymore. No extra martial sex, No nudity, or sexual games he stop in in a minute. Now we all realize how much you like sax. But just because you do doesn’t mean you’re not a respectable person.” I looked up at the Chief and said, thanks that makes me feel better. I do love him and will do anything he ask me to do. Anything!” the chief said, I know those two creeps from the city council are slimeball and I hated to see them fucking you but you seemed to enjoy it. But there’s no way Fred is going to allow you to be available to them after tonight. I too will do almost anything that is legal for Fred. I wouldn’t be Chief of Police if Fred hadn’t thought I be a good one and got me elected.”

He leaned down and kissed me again and said, “good night Sandy.” Fred will come pick you up in the morning.”. After he left, I lay there alone thinking about what was happening to me. I decided I was pretty lucky. If Fred hadn’t picked me up My dead body might be laying out in the dessert somewhere with the police and my family wondering what happened to me. But now because of Don being the stupid jerk he was Fred saved me, We fell in love and I have someone to give my life meaning and purpose. You’re damn right Sandy You will do anything Fred needs you to do. Not just sexually but in every other way. I contently drifted off to sleep forgetting that I was full of two strangers cum.

The next morning after the nurse had checked my vitals, I got up to go to in the bathroom. Then I saw the sheet on my bed and there was a huge wet spot where all of Jim’s and Cody’s cum had leaked out of me. Jim had huge balls and Cody was a little bigger than normal so there was a lot of it. I needed to pee really bad so I had to go in the bathroom before I could cover up the evidence of me getting laid last night. While I was in the bathroom the nurse’s aide came in and saw the cum wet spot. She didn’t recognize what it was. Since I was pregnant, she assume it was from my uterus. She went running to the nurse and told her she thought I’d miscarried. The nurse came down to see and she realized it was cum. She waited until I came out of the bathroom, she gave me this very disapproving look and said, Mrs. Thompson why were you having sex last night. It looks like more than one person. There is so much of it.” I said, “Nurse Jones it is only one person’s. My fiancé snuck in last night and we had sex for a while. I’m sorry I was going to pull the sheets off the bed before the aided opt here but I didn’t make. Just at that moment Fred walked in the door. Fred said, good morning Nurse Jones. The nurse looked over at me and winked. She turned around to Fred and said, “I bet you slept well last night Mr. Miller. Not understanding what she meant Fred said, “Actually I don’t sleep very well when Mrs. Thompson is not in my bed.” Nurse Jones looked at me again but this time it was a more disapproving look. She said, “I’m sorry to hear that Mr. Miller.”

After she left Fred looked at me with a puzzled look on his face and ask, “What was that all about?”

I told him about the Chief bringing Cody and Jim over to meet me and fuck me. I ask him, “You didn’t know about them coming over to screw me.?” I thought that you and the Chief had arranged that it. It sure didn’t take them long before they were playing with me and fucking me. The chief also told them he would arrange for them to have me whenever they wanted but that he hadn’t discussed that with you yet. After they left, he told me, he didn’t intend to do anything about that except stall them until fret. He was just going to stall them until the city council had passed the nude on the streets ordinance. Fred looked very distressed. He said, No I didn’t know that they were coming over to see you let alone to fuck you. I’m so sorry Darling,” I went over to him and gave him a big, juicy kiss and said, “That’s Ok darling, I told the Chief that there was no way I was going to fuck them again. They both seemed sort of creepy. And Jim was so big that if he did me more than a few times. He stretch me and I wasn’t about to let that happen. You and I are a perfect size for each other. I’m sorry darling I should have questioned the Chief a little more before I let them fuck you. Let’s get you checked out of the hospitals.

Fred dove us home in a car full of silence. When we got home, I

I still had the hospital gown on. I went into the kitchen to say hi to

Marie. Marie said, “Welcome home Sandy. I’m glad to see you. Then

she stopped for a minute and her continued. I just realized that this is.

the first time I’ve seen your body with something covering it. I said,”

It’s the only Fred has seen me in is a hospital gown.” Well, all I have.

to Say is this, “If I had a body like yours. I’d be naked all the time. I

said,” Well I’m going to go upstairs and take it off and take a nap. Maire

looked at me and smiled and said, “Have a nice nap Mrs. Thompson.

I went upstairs and threw the gown in the trash and went to sleep.

I was sound asleep when Fred came upstairs. He got undressed.

and snuggled up next to me and went to sleep also. I barely roused.

up but I did enough to give him a loving kiss before I went back to

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