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I discover my son is smelling my dirty panties for self pleasure. I get carried away..
It all started out like a typical Saturday. I was able to sleep a little later than usual and, since it was so pretty outside, decided to enjoy my morning coffee out by the pool. It had been terribly hot all summer, but we had a nice rain the previous evening and the morning air was not only somewhat cool, it made all of the colors in the backyard more vibrant and the smell of all of the flowers around our patio sweeter. There were hardly any clouds in the sky that morning, so I knew it was just a matter of time before we had another hundred-degree day, but this morning felt like a small oasis in the middle of the heat wave.

My son, Matt, and I live a very comfortable life in a quiet suburb of a large city. We have a large home that is mortgage free with the obligatory pool to fend off the aforementioned heat in the summer. I had put aside enough money to pay for his college education. We both drive cars that are nice, but not in the luxury class. In short – we may have some things to worry about, but money isn't one of them.

Matt is twenty and was home for the summer, having finished his first year at the state university a few hours south. He had taken mostly core courses but was planning on becoming an attorney like his dad. Sometimes when I look at him now, it seems like he is a clone of his father at that age. He is just shy of six feet, still has the athletic body that helped him win all-district honors in football and baseball in high school, and these blue eyes that apparently make girls weak-kneed if he locks in on them.

Now that he was back for the summer, I loved taking care of him again, making him breakfast every morning and dinner every night, doing his laundry, and basically spoiling him for the simple reason that I could. While he was away at school, I joined a yoga class and would attend spin classes three to four times a week. I'm proud that I have been able to keep my figure and have no shortage of offers to date. I suppose the fact that I am petite (5'4"), have nice boobs (32C), and can hold my own in a conversation about sports doesn't hurt when it comes to attracting guys.

I was thinking about him that morning when he walked out on the patio with his own cup of coffee in hand.

"Morning Mom," I heard him say as he came over and gave me a kiss on the top of my head.

"Hi Honey. I didn't think you would be up so soon," I smiled.

He laughed. "I promised some of my bud's that I haven't seen all summer that we would hang out today."

Matt sat next to me in our deck chairs and, for a moment, we took in all of the sounds, the sights, and the smells that this beautiful morning offered. He was wearing only his boxers and I caught myself looking at him, thinking how grown up he had become in the last year. I briefly wondered if he ever looked at me in my panties and old, tattered t-shirt and admired my body like I was his. But I quickly dismissed the thought. We chatted a bit about our plans for the day.

We finished our coffee and went inside. I made us both some breakfast while he went upstairs to shower and change. After he finished eating, he gave me a quick peck on the cheek and said he would be back late in the day. I started in on my usual Saturday morning routine of cleaning the house and doing laundry.

As I was sorting the laundry, I noticed that a pair of panties that I had worn just a few days before didn't seem to be in the pile of laundry. Normally I don't think I would have noticed, except that they were part of three matching sets of bras and panties that I had purchased recently. I went back to the hamper to make sure I had gotten all of the clothes, but it was empty. I went through the pile again and matched up the new bras and panties, except that one missing pair. They were black, sheer, nylon bikini style with a cute little pink bow at the top surrounded by lace. After a bit, I assumed they must be somewhere in my closet and went on with the wash, figuring they would turn up later.

On Sunday night as I was getting ready for bed, I opened the hamper to put my dirty clothes, I looked down and there were the panties I had been wondering about the previous morning. At first, I kind of stared at them, thinking I must be losing my mind; but as I came out of my daze, I began to theorize what might have happened. Since it was only Matt and I in the house, the only possible explanation was that he had put them there. Did I leave them someplace and he found them and put them in the hamper? Had he taken them deliberately? Had he taken them accidently, discovered his error and returned them?

On Friday we often have a happy hour after work which I decided to attend. Matt only works a half day on Friday so I called him at home to tell him I would be maybe an hour or so late getting home, but I would make him dinner when I got there. He told me there was no hurry since he was planning to go to a baseball game with one of his friends and they would just eat at the game. When I got home, he had already left. I went to change and as I opened the hamper to drop my clothes in from the day, my heart skipped a beat. The pink panties that I had worn the previous day were definitely not where I had put them. And there was only one person that could have moved them.

I took off my bra, threw on a t-shirt and shorts, went in and made myself a salad, and sat in silence while I ate. Why was he taking them? What was he doing with them? I think I knew – even then – but I was still trying to wrap my head around it all at the moment. I finished eating and poured myself a glass of wine and went outside to the patio to get some fresh air. The wine, combined with the two I had at happy hour, started to make me feel a little light headed. As I began to allow myself to accept that he was using my lingerie when he masturbated, I started to ask myself other questions. Why my PANTIES? Why MY panties? Did he smell them? Taste them? Wrap them around his cock while he played with them? Oh my god, was he wearing them?

I suddenly got up and went inside and pulled them from the hamper and took them back outside with me. As I looked at them, I could see no evidence that he had worn them and stretched them out or cum in them. I held them to my face and could still smell myself on them. Oh, God. If I could still smell myself, of course he could too. A tingling coursed through me and my nipples hardened. I started to visualize him with my panties as close to his face as they were to mine at the moment.

As if it was disconnected from me and had a mind of its own, my hand holding the panties reached under my shirt and I began to rub them against my breasts. Had these panties been rubbing his cock and now the same panties were rubbing my nipples? I began to rub harder and used my fingers to pull on my nipples, tugging at them, pinching them. I lowered myself in the chair and – as if it were some other person making the noise – began to moan.

I put my wine down and reached inside my shorts, running a finger over the underwear I was wearing. I was soaking wet. I knew it was wrong, but I couldn't help myself. I was fantasizing about my own son tasting my panties while he jerked himself off. And now, as I tasted them, I put a finger in my own pussy. I rubbed my dirty panties around my lips, believing that maybe I could taste his juices on them like he had with mine. The smell of my womanly scent was thick in my nostrils and it made me even hornier, as if the smell of sex was truly in the air. My finger now rubbing my clit furiously, I pulled my other hand away from my face and grabbed my nipple and pulled and twisted. I began to plunge a finger, then two in and out of my soaking pussy. Geez, I was already about to cum. Every muscle in my legs tightened, my back arched, I heard myself moan Matt's name, and I came. Oh my god – I just had an orgasm while thinking about my own son! I had even called out his name!

As I slowly came back to earth, I began to ponder what I was going to say... or do. Do I confront him? Do I ignore it? Maybe all boys go through this. Now I was too spent to think rationally. I decided to think about it the next day when I wasn't thinking in the afterglow of one of the most intense orgasms I had experienced in quite a while.

The next day was another glorious Saturday. I was a little groggy from the previous evenings wine but pulled myself out of bed and started the coffee again. As my head began to clear, I remembered why I had felt compelled to drink more than usual that night and began to think again about how to handle the fact that Matt was taking my panties. Before I could come up with a plan he came bounding down the stairs.

"Well good morning gorgeous," he chirped as he came over and hugged me from behind. Was I imagining that I could feel his forearm brush against the underside of my breasts as he gave me a quick but firm hug?

"Hi honey. You are certainly in a good mood this morning," I smiled. “What’s up today?”

Tim and I decided last night that we are going to take his dad's boat out on the lake today. You know, one more fling before I have to head back to school next week," he replied. "Sorry. No time for breakfast this morning. Gotta run."

Jill was one of my nearby neighbors and best friends. We had gotten to know each other when the boys were in grade school and we would do volunteer work at the school together. We were both single moms now and – while the boys had gone off to different schools – both she and I as well as Tim and Matt had remained very close. I could confide in her – and she in me without any judgment or hidden agendas.

"You're up early for a Saturday," she answered the phone without bothering to say hello.

"Yeah. Had a little too much wine last night and fell asleep early," I answered. "Are you busy? If not, why don't you pop over and have a cup of coffee with me?"

"That sounds good. Be right there," she chirped. Jill and Tim lived across the street one house down from us and within 5 minutes she was walking through the back door with her mug in hand.

"Sounds like the boys have a big day planned," she said as she poured herself a cup of coffee. "Did Matt tell you that they met some girls at the game last night that they were taking to the lake?"

I laughed. "No. I guess he was in too big of a hurry to mention that."

She laughed too. "Tim didn't tell me much about them, except that they were older and that they were 'hot'. I'm guessing that the lake was their idea so that they could see them in their bikinis," she smiled.

"Speaking of bikinis," I started, "I think I discovered something that I'm a little confused about. Our boys are so much alike, I thought that maybe you could give me some advice."

Jill looked up from the newspaper she was casually eyeing while I was talking and put her mug down. "Sure. What's up?"

"Well, I think Matt has been taking my panties from the hamper and... well... 'using' them," I blushed. "Have you ever noticed Tim doing anything like that?"

Jill smiled and gave a short laugh. Not in a mean way – but rather, in a way that said she knew exactly what I was talking about.

"You're just now figuring this out?" she asked. "I know Tim has been doing it since he was in high school, and I would bet that Matt has been doing it for just as long. If one of them is doing anything, I usually assume the other is in on it as well."

I was a little taken back by her casualness. "So... when you figured it out... what did you say? Or do?"

Jill gave that same short laugh again. "Nothing. I mean I guess I don't see the harm. If he's like Tim, all he is doing is 'borrowing' them from the hamper, masturbating, and returning them," she calmly stated.

"Okay. I guess I can see that," I said. "But, I mean, do you think it's the panties in general? Or is it OUR panties that they are attracted to?"

At this point Jill looked at me squarely in the eye, this time there wasn't the same light hearted response. "I'm not sure about that... and I have thought about it," she said seriously. "But I guess my response is that they both seem to be really good kids that are pretty well adjusted so I don't worry too much about it."

When she mentioned that Matt might be smelling and tasting my panties I blushed again.

"So... I can tell you've thought about that too... but I get the impression that you have a different thought?" she said when she noticed how flushed I had become.

"Yeah," I said softly. "I was thinking that Matt liked smelling ME on those panties," I continued, looking down, unable to look at her in the eye. "I don't know... I guess I just wondered what you thought..."

"I can relate to that," Jill said quietly. "And from the way you are flushed, I get the sense that when you considered that you may be the object of your son's fantasies, it turned you on? Maybe he became an object of your fantasy life?"

I was so embarrassed that all I could do was nod.

Jill got up from her chair and came over to where I was standing. She gave me a sweet, gentle hug and said "Laura, it's okay with me if you played with yourself while fantasizing about your son. He's a good looking young man. And, if it makes you feel any better, you're not alone. It's just fantasy. I don't feel guilty, and I don't think you should either."

I looked up at her and we both smiled. "Thanks," I said and gave her a hug. "This has been a big help."

After she left, I knew that I was going to say nothing to Matt. If he liked using my panties as a source of fantasy while he masturbated, I was now okay with it.

The next day I decided to work from home. About 9:30 I got a call from Jill.

"Are you okay?" she asked. "I still see your car in the driveway."

"Oh. Yes." I told her. "I just decided to work out of the house today. Matt is going back to school Tomorrow, and I am going to do some laundry and house stuff today in between calls."

"Did he ask you to pack a pair of your panties in with his stuff that he wants you to bring?" she kidded.

I laughed too. "No. He didn't mention that. But I'm sure he wouldn't mind. As far as I can tell all of my lingerie is still here."

"You know what you should do," Jill said, suddenly with an excited, naughty tone in her voice, "you should 'accidently' include a pair of your panties in with his stuff."

"Oh no," I said, suddenly feeling flushed. "I couldn't do that. That would be too over the top."

After we hung up, I couldn't get Jill's idea out of my head. The next morning, I knew I was going to do it. Hell, I probably knew it as soon as she said it – but couldn't work up the courage to admit it to myself until the next day.

I sat his bed and began to run my hands over my body. Around my tits, down the center to my stomach, then back up. My hands came closer and closer to my nipples as I repeated this motion and I knew – even though I hadn't touched my pussy yet – that I was wet. I was thinking of Matt. I was thinking about him having these panties... smelling my pussy on them... seeing how wet his mommy had gotten wearing them... tasting them... then wrapping them around his big cock and cumming in a torrent.

I reached down and began to run my finger over the outside of my panties. The same black, sheer panties that I had originally noticed were missing from the laundry weeks before. They were soaking wet. I put my whole hand over my pussy and rubbed it. I wanted the wetness to permeate the thin fabric. I wanted him to be able to vicariously smell me and taste me through my panties. I couldn't take it anymore. I had to cum. My hand went inside my panties, and I began to rub my clit furiously. My other hand pulled hard on my nipple.

"Oh, Matt, I want you to taste me for real, baby," I said out loud to no one. "Mommy wants her baby to eat her, to make mommy cum."

With that I plunged my finger in my pussy and then added another finger, simulating what his hard dick would feel like and I came. But this time I didn't stop. I kept plunging in and out, pulling on my nipple even harder, fucking myself with my fingers. I wanted my son to fuck me and, in my mind, he was doing just that. I could see him above me... his muscular chest, his blue eyes looking into mine, his arms straight so that I could look down and see his hard cock sliding in and out of my wet pussy. God, how I came.

When I couldn't cum anymore, I lay exhausted on the bed. As I came back to reality, instead of feeling guilty, I smiled. When I was packing his clothes, I slipped off and put them between a couple of shirts.

"I think Matt is going to have some fun with these panties," I thought.

A couple days later he called as I knew he would. Apparently, it took him a couple days to unpack.

"Hi baby," I answered, trying to hide the excitement in my voice.

"Is that always the way you answer the phone?" he laughed.

"Only when I know it is you," I laughed back at him. "So, how’s it being back at school?”

He told me about it was great to be back, and we chatted for about 15 minutes, and I was convinced – since he hadn't said anything – that he must not have opened his bag.

As the conversation finally wound down, he said "Uh, mom, I don't know if you know this, but there was a pair of your panties in the clothes you packed me."

"What?!?" I said, trying to sound surprised and alarmed. "What are you talking about?"

"It's okay," he laughed. "I just didn't know if you even knew you were missing a pair.”

"I guess I hadn’t noticed." I breathed, my face flushing. My plan was working even though he had no idea.

"No problem," he laughed again. "I'll just hang on to them until I come home."

"Okay. Thanks," I said, maybe a little too quickly. I could feel myself blushing furiously at what I had done and didn't want him to catch on to my nervousness. "I'll talk to you soon honey."

We didn't talk again for two days. I thought about him and my panties in every spare moment I had. I knew that he had to have smelled them and tasted them. I so wish that I had the nerve to really talk to him about it. But maybe it was better this way – me knowing his secret and "innocently" helping him out.

When he called that Thursday night the conversation again was about the ordinary events of our days. As we chatted, I wondered to myself if he was holding the panties that I had left for him. Was it my imagination or was his breathing sounding somewhat ragged? Could it be that he was stroking himself with them while we chatted? I felt myself flush as we talked. Whether he was jerking off or not, the image was now in my head, and I was getting turned on.

"Is your roommate home tonight," I asked, trying to control my breathing also.

"No, he went to the library for a couple of hours to study," Matt said. It sounded like the phone was unusually close to his mouth. I could hear him breathing and it was having an effect on me.

"Um, baby, about those panties that I accidently put in your bag," I started, hoping I didn't sound guilty when I said the word 'accidently.' "I hope you didn't show your roommate."

"Gosh mom no," he said, very sincerely. "Like I said, I just figured that it was either an accident or you were trying to give me a little present. Either way, it's none of his business."

I laughed. "Thank you, baby. It was an accident, but I'm not sure what you mean by a present. Would you think it was a present if I had done that on purpose?"

I started to unbutton my blouse and my shorts as I was asking. If he was going to jerk off while we talked, I didn't see why I shouldn't take care of myself at the same time.

"Well, you know..." Matt stammered. "Sometimes a girl will leave a pair of her panties for a guy as kind of a trophy or to... you know."

"Masturbate with?" I couldn't believe I had just said that to my own son – but I had, even as I stepped out of my shorts.

"Gosh mom," Matt breathed into the phone. "Um, yeah... some guys like to have a girl's underwear when they, you know, do that."

I laid down on the couch now. I was naked except for the white thong that I had on. As I looked down to see my hand glide over them, I could see my flesh tones through the sheer material.

"I see," I breathed back at him. "So... I am guessing you are one of those guys. That's why you thought they might be a present."

My hands were all over my body now. I didn't even care if Matt could hear my ragged breathing over the phone – which I was still trying to control – but not having much success.

"Well, yeah, I guess. I do like it when a girl gives me her panties," he said. Matt was having a hard time controlling his breathing now too.

"But what if it's your mom that leaves them for you? That doesn't bother you?" I ran my hand over my own panties and could feel how wet they were.

"Hell no, mom," Matt answered, his mouth closer to the phone now. "In fact, even better. There is no one that I am closer to. I love looking at them and touching them and..." His voice trailed off.

"And what baby? It's okay. Tell me what you like about my – I mean a woman's panties. You're holding them right now, aren't you? Tell me what you like about them," I breathily said into the phone. God, I was hoping I wouldn't scream into the phone in the midst of an orgasm while we were talking.

"I can't mom," he pleaded. "I don't think it would be right."

"Honey, you can tell me," I said. Then, with a small laugh I said, "There is nothing you're going to tell me that I haven't probably already done... or maybe doing right now," I added in almost a whisper.

"I like smelling them. I actually love the way they smell. I can tell you were excited when you were wearing these, weren't you mom?"

"Um, yes baby, I guess that I was. Sometimes even your old mom gets images in her head that turn her on." Somehow speaking about myself to my son in the second person seemed to be less nasty. But my hands were inside my panties now rubbing my clit, my breathing increasingly choppy.

"I could tell," he said. "I could see where you had gotten them wet with your pus... er... juices."

"It's okay honey," I soothed. "I know you aren't a virgin anymore and know about a girl's pussy. It's okay if you say it." God – I was on fire. "You're masturbating right now, aren't you Matt? I can tell from your breathing... that you're... jerking off."


Then, in a whisper, "yes."

"I'm glad you are enjoying them baby," I whispered back.

As much as I wanted to hear him cum with my panties, I wasn't sure if I was ready for him to hear me cum yet and I reluctantly thought that I had pushed it about as far as I ever would have thought possible even hours before.

"Mommy's going to let you take care of yourself now baby," I said soothingly. "We'll talk again soon."

With that I hung up and treated myself to the most intense orgasm of my life.

"Oh, my god," I thought. "What am I doing?"

Up until that point, I had been okay with masturbating while fantasizing about my son – because it was just that – a very naughty fantasy that only I (well, and my best friend, Jill) knew about.

When Matt called that night, I was still feeling guilty – but had resolved to address it with him and put a stop to any further inappropriate conversations between the two of us.

So when called the following week I answered, "Hi honey," trying to set a somewhat serious tone off the bat.

"Hey gorgeous," he said cheerfully. "Long time, no chat."

"Matt, before we chat anymore, I want to talk about the other night," I said sternly. "I love you and love that you and I can talk about anything – but our conversation last Tuesday was not the kind of conversation any mother should have with her son. I just want you to know that I'm sorry that I encouraged it and it won't happen again."

There was a brief silence on the other end of the line. I hoped I hadn't come across as judgmental of him.

"Matt? Baby? Are you there?" I asked, this time my tone was softer.

"Yeah mom, I'm here," he said. I tried to read into his voice what he was thinking but I couldn't.

"Geez mom, I hear what you are saying. But I guess I have a different take on it," he explained. "I loved that we were able to talk like that to each other. I can't tell you how hot it was for me and how much I ca--, um, enjoyed it after we hung up."

"Honey, that's not what I'm saying..." I interrupted.

"I know mom," he said before I could go on. "I know it may seem weird for most mom and sons, but it seemed okay for us is all I am trying to say. I love you mom. And I want to be able to talk to you about anything, even if it is about sex. Who better to talk to when I have questions about things like that than your mom or dad?" he reasoned.

I knew he was rationalizing, at least somewhat, but he was also hitting a soft spot with me. Since his dad had left, it was just him and me. I knew that I was probably over-protective, but I also knew that I had to fill the role of both mom and dad in his life, since his own dad spent less and less time with him as the years went by.

"But honey," I said, trying to gain control of the conversation again, "it's one thing for us to talk about things like sex and masturbation, and it's another for us to listen to each other as we do it."

"Gosh mom, you were playing with yourself too?" he asked, obviously excited.

Uh oh, I thought. I knew that I had accidently confirmed what I thought he already knew. How was I going to get out of this? I quickly decided to try the clinical, honest approach.

"Well, yes," I offered, somewhat unsteadily. "Guys aren't the only ones that masturbate. We all do from time to time."

"See mom?" he said kind of laughing, "That's the kind of thing I am talking about. I know that everyone does it, but I guess I never actually thought that you did it too. I mean I guess I never thought of you in that way and it's kind of nice that now I know you weren't mad at me."

I could feel whatever upper hand that I was trying to achieve was quickly disappearing. But I also needed him to know that I loved him no matter how I felt about what we had done just a few days before.

"Honey, I think you are missing what I am trying to say," I said. "Of course, I wasn't mad. And you know that there is nothing that you could do that would ever change my love for you. It's just that I thought the other night crossed some imaginary line in my mind that a mom shouldn't cross with her son. Does that make sense?"

There was silence on the other end of the line for what seemed like a long time – but it was probably only a few seconds.

"I guess," Matt finally said. "But does that mean you don't want me to ask you about things I wonder about when it comes to sex?"

"No. Of course not," I said, trying to sound motherly. "You know that I will always be just a phone call away if you need me." And then, trying to lighten the mood, I laughed "But maybe you can try and keep your hands off yourself while we are talking."

Matt laughed too. "Okay," he said. "I'll try."

We began to chat about his classes, his fraternity, and his friends. I filled him in on some of the neighborhood gossip and it felt like I had my friend back again. He was funny and charming. Before we hung up, he asked me if he could ask one more question about sex that he had been thinking about since our last conversation. I told him I would be glad to answer if I could.

"Well," he started, seeming as if he was searching for the right words, "now that I've told you that I like playing with your panties when I... well, you know..."

I smiled at his struggle to try to not cross over the line. "It's okay honey, you can say 'masturbate'," I laughed.

"Well, you said earlier that you were... um... masturbating too. I mean when we were talking the other night," he said. "Does that mean that it turned you on to think of me... you know... jerking off with your panties?"

Oh god, I thought. How do I answer this? If I said no, he would know I was lying. But if I said yes, well, that didn't seem like the kind of thing a mother should say to her son. So I tried to be evasive.

"I'll just say that you caught me at a vulnerable moment," I tried.

"Come on mom," Matt begged. "Be honest."

I was stuck and didn't know what to say so I said nothing for a few seconds, trying to figure out how to answer.

Matt filled in the silence. "If I told you that I was holding your panties right now and every now and then while we have been talking, that I had smelled them, would that make you... you know, 'vulnerable' again?"

Again, I could feel my nipples harden. And I squirmed in my chair. I didn't say anything, but I knew Matt could hear my breathing quicken, despite my trying to control it.

"Do you think it's weird that I love to hold my own mom's panties to my face and smell them? And taste them?" he asked, his breathing more shallow now too. "Does that bother you mom? Knowing how much I love holding them while I am jerking off?"

I could only think of one thing to say. "No," I whispered.

"I'm glad mom," he breathed into the phone. "I want you to know how much I love holding them while we talk. It makes me feel closer to you, like you are sharing something very intimate with me."

Even though I knew it was wrong, I couldn't help my own body's reaction to hearing my son describe how my lingerie excited him. My hand involuntarily ran over my breast. I could feel how hard my nipples were through my t-shirt. Then my hand traveled down my stomach toward my shorts. I wanted to stop but couldn't help myself. I knew that he was masturbating with the panties that I had purposely put into his bag. I knew that the thought of him smelling my scent on them was the source of endless fantasies that I had been living with for weeks now. Hearing his voice while we both played out the fantasy in our heads did seem intimate... and even more powerful than when I was in bed alone at night.

"I'm... I'm glad that you feel that way, baby," I finally said. "If they make you feel closer to me, then I am glad that you have them. Maybe we better hang up now."

"Please don't hang up mom," he pleaded. "I want to talk to you... to hear you while I... while I jerk off."

"But baby, we just talked about this. I don't know if this is right," I tried, sounding unconvincing even to myself.

"Please mom, you know that what I am doing with your panties right now, don't you," he asked.

"Yes," I whispered, my hand unsnapping my shorts and taking the zipper down.

"Are you 'vulnerable' tonight mom?" he said in a low tone, speaking closely into the phone. "I want you to tell me this time. Are you touching yourself?"

My mind raced. I could picture him with his hard cock out, working his hand up and down, holding my panties around it. I wanted to hang up and end this conversation... but I couldn't. I was too turned on. My hand reached my pussy and it was on fire. My clit was hard and I rubbed my middle finger over it in a circle. I cradled the phone against my shoulder and with my other hand pulled on my nipple.

I answered slowly, suddenly finding it difficult to breathe. "Is that what you want? Do you want me to touch my pussy while you talk to me? While you... jerk off?"

I didn't know who this person was that was talking to her own son like this, but – at the moment – I didn't care. I was so wet that I knew it would only be moments before I would cum. And to make it even worse, I didn't even care if Matt was going to hear me.

"Oh god," Matt moaned. "Yes, I would love it if you were doing it with me mom. God, I am so hard thinking about you touching your pussy. Is it wet mom? Is it as wet as it was when you were wearing these panties?"

"Mmmm," I moaned. "Yes baby, mommy is wet. Very wet. And my clit is hard right now too. I could cum any time now. Do you want to hear mommy cum, baby? Would you like that?"

I could hear Matt breathing in shorter and shallower gasps now and I knew he was close to cumming too.

"Yes mommy, cum for me," he gasped.

My eyes closed I pictured Matt with my panties near his face, inhaling my scent, and then sticking his tongue out and taking the crotch of the panties into his mouth, trying to taste me through them. My finger worked my clit furiously now and I felt it get even bigger. I arched my back and plunged a finger in, then another, ramming them in and out.

"Aaaahhh," I gasped, as my head flew back and the phone dropped to the carpet below. I was lost in my own orgasm and didn't even notice the phone on the floor until I started returning to a state of consciousness. I quickly picked it up and sucked the juice off my fingers.

"I'm sorry, baby, are you still there? I dropped the phone," I said, my breathing ragged.

"God mom, that was so hot," he said. "I don't think I have ever cum that hard."

"Me, neither baby," I said, still struggling to gain my breath and composure.

“I heard sucking. Did you just taste your own pussy juice off your finger?, Matt sounded surprised.

"Yes baby, mommy likes that."

"Geez," Mark gasped. "Have you ever... you know... in real life... you know... been with another woman."

If I had been in more control, or more rational, I would have deflected that question. I had never discussed my sexual history with Mark, or hardly anyone else. But, like I said earlier, at the moment modesty didn't seem to fit the moment.

"Yes honey, I have. It's been a long time, but back in college my roommate and I hooked up a few times. I loved eating her pussy and she may have been the best cunt lapper I have ever had. I think we better hang up now. I need to get ready for bed."

"Okay mom, and thanks," he said, also obviously out of breath, "I hope we can do this again."

"We'll see," I blushed. "Goodnight honey."

The next morning I decided to work from home again. It wasn't that I had so much to do around the house as much as I was afraid if I went into the office, everyone would somehow be able to infer from the look on my face that I had fingered myself to an earth shattering orgasm the previous night while my son listened in. I knew that was silly, but I also knew that I was probably not going to be able to think about anything else that day until I came to some resolution myself.

As I sorted through my feelings, I quickly realized that my previous efforts to limit myself had proved to be absurd. For god's sake, I had specifically had a talk with Matt just last night about how inappropriate our previous conversation was and how that shouldn't and couldn't happen again... and the phone call had ended with me dropping the phone because I was cumming so hard. I had to get more realistic with myself and my expectations of future conversations with Matt.

I stood in my kitchen sipping my first cup of coffee when I heard the back door open.

"Knock-knock," Jill said cheerily. "You busy?" We both had open door privileges to each other's house, but since I was so wrapped up in my own thoughts this particular morning, I couldn't help but jump.

"Oh! Gosh, hi Jill. I'm sorry. You're always welcome, but I guess I was about a million miles away when you came in and it startled me," I smiled.

"Oh, no. I'm sorry Laura. I just saw your car was still in the garage and figured you were working from home and thought I would come get a cup of coffee and chat before I get my day started. Are you okay?"

I laughed at myself for being so caught up in my own thoughts that I got startled. "I'm good," I said. "Get yourself some coffee while I go change." I was still in the t-shirt and panties that I had slept in the night before. The t-shirt barely covered my underwear and, while Jill and I have changed clothes in front of each other many times while shopping, this morning I felt almost naked standing in front of her wearing so little.

"Oh, don't bother," she said. "I can't stay long. What had you so deep in thought?" she said casually as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

"Um, oh nothing. I was just thinking about Matt. I spoke with him last night," I offered, hoping she didn't notice me blushing. I was trying to sound laid-back as if it was just a normal mother-son chat.

"Hey, speaking of Matt," she said, now with a little more animation in her voice, "you never told me... how did the 'accidental surprise' work out? Did he ever say anything?"

Jill was smiling as she said this, the kind of smile one has when they are in on a secret and want to hear all of the gossip. I, on the other hand, began too slightly panic.

"Yes, he found them," I said light-heartedly. "I'm sure he is getting good use out of them. What do you have going on today?"

She laughed. "You're not getting off that easily, Laura. I think I've earned the right to some details. After all, it was my idea if you remember."

I gulped down a large sip of coffee while I tried to formulate my answer. "Okay... sure..." I said slowly, trying to buy time. "Well, he called a couple of days later and said that he found them, and I acted all embarrassed and told him that I was sorry, it must have been an accident. I think he bought it." I hoped we could shift the conversation.

Jill's smile turned into a more piercing kind of Cheshire grin, and she looked me right in the eyes. "Hey, it's me you are talking to remember? The one that you can tell anything to, and vice versa. I know you well enough to be able to see that there is more to this story. Come on, spill."

I sighed. "Well, yes... I guess there is a little more," I said staring down at the floor. "But if I tell you, you have to promise that you won't think I am a terrible mother." For the next 15 minutes I recounted to my best friend the initial and subsequent conversations that my son and I had. I wasn't graphic, but was clear that he and I had heard each other masturbate over the phone and that I had let him listen to me cum. When I finished both she and I were flushed. Since I wasn't wearing a bra, it must have been apparent to her that my nipples were hard and that telling the story had both excited and embarrassed me.

For what seemed like an eternity neither of us spoke. Finally, I looked up and saw that Jill had a kind of glazed over look on her face.

"Oh my god," she finally whispered. "I can't believe how envious I am of you right now."

I stared at her in disbelief, to make sure her expression matched her words. "Really?" I said. "God, I was so afraid that you would think I was some kind of slut or something."

"Honey, you are living out your fantasy... and, truth be told, mine too," she said. "Since we are being totally honest here, I'll admit that I have played with myself a time or two when Tim has called, especially if I am already in bed when he calls. The only difference between you and me is that Tim doesn't know that. Sometimes I wish that he did... just to see where things might go. So, what happens next?"

"I don't know. It's a little late to put the genie back in the bottle and I was just thinking about that when you came in. I'm not even sure that I want to."

Jill got up and came over and gave me a hug. "I don't blame you, and I am certainly not judging you. God knows that if I were in your shoes, I would have done the exact same thing. Hey, it's just mutual masturbation. And it's over the phone, so there is a certain kind of wall there. I say enjoy. Maybe someday I can work up the courage to do the same."

I could feel tears well up in my eyes. "Thanks Jill," I said, holding her close. "You always know what to say to make me feel better."

With that, I resolved to enjoy my new found sexual outlet. I refused to let any guilt overtake me. It was cathartic to be able to accept this new found sexuality and I couldn't wait for Matt to call again.

Somehow, I got through the rest of the week without driving myself crazy!

On Saturday Jill came over and we lay out by the pool for a while, then came in and made salads and enjoyed each other's company. With the boys gone, it was nice to be able to spend time with someone in this big house, and I am sure she felt the same.

Matt and I hadn't spoken for three days although I feel sure that he hadn't gone without masturbating during that time since I knew that I hadn't. Of course, Jill had asked about Matt and if we had any more phone chats since she and I had talked. I told her all about the last one and could see that she was almost as worked up as I was when I was telling her about it as we lay by the pool sipping our wine.

After dinner we each had two more glasses of wine from the bottle we had been working on all afternoon and were both feeling a bit of a buzz. We had both changed into our casual clothes and were sitting on the couch laughing about the latest episode of our favorite Sunday night soap opera, probably giggling a little more than normal, thanks to the wine.

It was about 10:00 and Jill had just said that she probably needed to get home when the phone rang. I looked down and saw that it was Matt calling. I answered quickly.

"Hey there stud."

Jill laughed out loud, and I quickly put my finger to my lips, shushing her.

"Hey beautiful, I was hoping I would catch you before you went to bed... or maybe as you were getting in bed," he said with a little chuckle in his voice. "I am about to go meet up with some of my college brothers but just wanted to hear your voice."

"Hmmm," I purred into the phone, "Sounds like baby wants some play time with mommy before he goes out." I winked at Jill. She initially looked shocked, and then smiled broadly. She got up to leave, but I silently waved her to sit back down.

"You know I would mommy. My roommate is already gone, and I have your panties right here with me," he said, his voice sounding deeper and closer to the phone.

"I'm glad you called baby. Mommy had a little too much to drink tonight with Tim's mommy. She just left so now it's just you and me," I lied, smiling at Jill. Her jaw had dropped a bit and she was staring at me like I was crazy, but I could also see her nipples poking through her shirt and knew that, even though she could only hear one side of the conversation, it was turning her on. I held my glass out to her and she went and filled both of our glasses, finishing the bottle. It was then, that I had an idea.

"Baby, let me go make sure all of the doors are locked and the lights are off outside so that I can completely relax with you. I'll call you back in about two minutes. Okay?"

"Sure mom," Matt replied. "I can't wait."

I hung up and looked at Jill, sitting cross legged on the couch. She let out a sound that was a cross between a laugh and a scream.

"Oh my god, girl. You are so naughty," she smiled.

"Okay Jill, here is the deal," I said breathlessly. "I'm going to let you listen in to this since I know it is a fantasy of yours too, but you have to swear you won't say a word."

"I pinky swear," she laughed, holding out her little finger. We both laughed and hooked pinky fingers.

I took another swig of wine and, after a few more giggles from Jill and I, I called Matt right back.

"Baby, I am going to put you on speaker tonight if that's okay," I said, trying to suppress a giggle with Jill. "Mommy wants to be able to use both of her hands when she talks to you. Okay?"

I pressed the speaker button on the phone just as Matt said "Sure."

I settled back onto the couch, my feet on the coffee table and the phone resting on the arm of the sofa. "Do you still have mommy's panties there with you baby?" I asked, looking at Jill, winking.

"Mmmm, yes," Matt replied. "They're already wrapped around my hard cock mom. I wish you could see it."

"God, I know," I said, momentarily forgetting that Jill was sitting next to me taking a large gulp of her wine. "Maybe Jill and I had too much wine tonight, but that really sounds good right now baby."

"Do you think Tim and his mom have conversations like we do mom?" Matt asked.

I looked at Jill and smiled. "I'm not sure. She's never said anything, but of course, I've never told her about us either," I lied as I shushed Jill from giggling out loud. "Has he ever said anything to you?"

"No. Not exactly. But I know that he likes to play with her panties too."

"Oh, really? And how do you know this?" I asked, looking at Jill, who was staring at the phone waiting to hear the answer as well.

"You know. We talk," he laughed. "He told me that he jerks off with her panties like I do with yours, except that he has to take them from the hamper," he added being careful not to confess to his own pilfering. "I think he loves the smell and the taste, almost as much as I do."

I looked at Jill and she wasn't smiling now. She had a kind of glazed-over look and was slowly sinking back against the other arm of the sofa, extending her legs out to put her feet on the coffee table like me. I began to run my hands over my tits, and down to my pussy. I didn't care that my best friend was watching me. In fact, it turned me on to share this with her, knowing that she was getting turned on too. I decided to take it up a notch.

"Do you think he wants to fuck her?" I asked, looking directly at Jill as I said it. Instead of being shocked, she laid her head back and with her free hand started slowly down her chest, running her hand over her tits as well.

"I know he does," Matt said.

"And what about you baby?" I asked. "Are you just okay with just jerking off with mommy's panties? Or do you want to fuck me too?"

"Yes mommy," Matt breathed raggedly into the phone. "I want to fuck you, too."

Jill had her head back and her eyes closed. She had put her wine down so that she could use both of her hands to touch herself while she listened to Matt talk about fucking me and Tim fucking her. I closed my eyes and pictured both of these young studs standing in front of us with their hard cocks out and my hands ran all over my body. Up to that point I was content to keep my clothes on and carry out the fantasy with Matt while Jill and I listened to him jerk off. But this image was too powerful. I sat up and took off my shirt and bra and began pulling on my nipples. I looked at Jill and she was too caught up in her own world to notice.

"You're stroking that hard cock now aren't you baby? Stroking it with mommy's panties. Imagining that you are fucking me, aren't you?" I moaned, one my hands now moving from my rock hard nipple to the crotch of my shorts. I began to rub it in earnest.

I glanced over at Jill to make sure she was still in her own world. Instead, I could see her peeking at me through half closed eyes, watching me play with my tits in the open and with my pussy through my shorts.

"God, yes," my son groaned. "I wish that I was fucking you. And right next to us was Tim and his mom, fucking too."

At this Jill let out a louder groan and I quickly looked over to see her jam her hand down her shorts. I knew it was loud enough that Matt must have heard it and I froze, fearing that he knew someone else was in the room with me.

"You like that idea, huh?" Matt grunted into the phone, apparently believing he had heard me instead of someone else. I looked at Jill and she was lost in her own world with her hand deep inside her shorts and the other hand caressing her tits through her shirt.

"Yes baby, I love the idea of you and me fucking next to Tim and Jill," I replied, letting him believe that it was me he had heard let out the audible groan. The combination of this mental image along with the actual image of Jill obviously fingering her pussy sitting right next to me was a powerful aphrodisiac. I unbuttoned my shorts and pushed them down to my ankles. I glanced at Jill, and she didn't notice.

"I bet you would love to see Tim's dick," my son said. "Or maybe it's his mom's pussy that you would like to look at?"

I froze for a second. I had never told Jill about my college experimentations and wasn't sure how she might respond. Her eyes opened and she looked straight at me. I was naked except for the thong that I was wearing, one hand pulling on a nipple, the other hand inside the front of my thong, with a finger obviously inside my cunt.

"Would you like that mom?" he asked. "Would you like to see her pussy? I wonder if it tastes as good as your?"

All I could do was moan at his de***********ion. But Jill decided to take action. She unsnapped her shorts and quickly pushed them and her panties down over her ankles. She leaned back against the arm of the sofa and spread her legs so that I was staring directly at her obviously wet pussy.

She lifted her shirt and bra in one motion and tugged at her nipple while putting a finger from her other hand deep in her pussy.

I gathered myself enough to say "Oh baby, I know it would taste wonderful. I bet she has a beautiful pussy. And I am sure it would be sooo wet with Tim's hard cock going in and out of it."

I tried to take my eyes off her finger going in and out but couldn't. She was looking directly into my eyes, watching me watching her get herself off.

"Shit mom, I'm about to cum," my son gasped.

"Me too baby. Cum for mommy."

With that, both Jill and I closed our eyes and frigged ourselves to an incredible climax. I could hear Matt grunting on the other end of the line, muffling the sounds both Jill and I were making.

When we all returned to some level of normalcy, I told him that I loved him and that we would talk again soon.

As I hung up, Jill, still lightly stroking her pussy and staring at me pushed her finger in her sopping pussy and pulled it out, glistening with her juices. She inspected it for a second and then put it in her mouth, sucking off all of the juices. I was just watching her, my hands still lightly stroking my breasts and pussy as well. Involuntarily, I licked my lips at the sight of her tasting her own pussy juices.

Slowly, she reinserted her finger and then pulled it out and offered it to me. I leaned forward and sucked the juices off her finger. She smiled, leaned forward and gave me a brief kiss on the lips.

"That was incredible," she whispered, and then smiled. "And I want to hear more about that college roommate of yours but, for now, we need to work on getting both of our boys' home the same weekend and see what happens then."

I gave her a brief kiss on her lips back. "I know."


2022-02-22 10:58:14
Keep up the good work


2021-08-12 13:53:29
Mom discovers her son's secret Linda's Discovery is the same story with the names changed check it out yourself


2021-08-12 13:03:32
very good story want more


2021-08-09 18:20:25
This is someone else's work. Google linda's doscovery to find the original post.


2021-08-04 09:38:48
what an incredible story. So naughty but so very hot. Please do write a next chapter or even two

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