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Yes - the inspiration for this story is a certain Katy Perry song...
I Kissed A Girl


Dark Ride


"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm ready. I love you." she replied, staring into his eyes, her heart racing.

Keith either didn't, or chose not, to hear her last three words, but certainly heard the first three. "Yes, you are so ready, aren't you - so hot!" he said to her, as he reached between their naked bodies and took hold of his cock, rubbing the head slowly against her clit.

Melody gasped at the sensation it caused, the first time feeling his cock there between her legs. They had been dating for 3 months and he had already talked her into giving him hand-jobs, and then oral sex, but so far she had refused to go "all the way". Her best friend Stacey had tried to convince her that he was too old for her, too "experienced", but she loved the way he looked at her, loved how he made her feel like the most important person in the world. When she walked round the mall on his arm, she felt like a princess. He'd confessed to having been with "a number" of other girls, but none like her, he promised.

Tonight, with her parents thinking she was sleeping over at Stacey's house, she had finally relented to his desires. Tonight was the night she would become a woman, with the man she loved. It wasn't as if she was going to be the first of her friends to "do it", she told herself - a number of girls in her class were already having S. E. X, and some of them didn't even have a proper boyfriend like she did. Some were just going to parties and doing it with anyone. She wasn't like that. Not Melody. She loved Keith, and he loved her.

Whilst Keith had fingered her pussy plenty of times before, including just moments go, he had never gone down, never tasted her. And whilst his fingers felt good on her clit, and inside her tight young pussy, he had never quite brought her to orgasm, but that was ok, she told herself - she could just finish the job herself once she was alone. Right now, she was wet from his finger-work, and his cock felt divine slipping over her clit, making her shudder. It felt so intense, so intimate compared to just his fingers. Keith watched her reaction, smiling at his handiwork. Leaning down he took one of her nipples in his mouth, biting gently, making more moans escape her lips. He was enjoying himself with this girl four years his junior.

Enough foreplay, he thought. Time to seal the deal! Keith lowered his aim from her clit, finding the tight wet opening that had never yet been opened, and watched Melody's face as he started to push his 8 inch cock into her maidenhood. Melody winced as his cock started to stretch her, eyes scrunching tight, as his cock's fat head finally popped inside her. Whilst his earlier attentions had made her pussy wet, she was nervous at taking this big step, even if she did love him and wanted to be with him forever.

His cock didn't go much further before resting against what remained of her hymen; partially removed previously from fingers and a hairbrush handle, but still enough to resist this big intrusion. Deciding to take the "band-aid" approach, Keith raised himself up to get better leverage, then without warning plunged himself fast and deep into his girlfriend's pussy, feeling the resistance giving way and her tight tunnel enveloping his cock in a warm embrace, making him groan with pleasure. Melody on the other hand cried out in shock at the sudden thrust, her eyes flinging open, hands reaching up to push against Keith's hips. "It's ok, baby, trust me," he told her, lowering himself back on top of her, and using a hand to stroke her hair. "I'll stop now, so you can get use to my cock, then it's going to feel amazing!"

Melody felt his weight on top of her, his cock embedded inside her burning pussy. Her hands were still pressing against him as she tried to take some of the pressure off, but it did nothing to help the pain. Her mouth was open, but she didn't make a sound. Some of the other girls had told her it would hurt the first time, but she hadn't imagined anything like this. She tried to calm her breathing, ignore the pain of adjusting from one or two of his fingers, to his sizable thick cock.

"See, I told you," he continued. "You feel so good on my cock," he whispered to her, his lips tickling her ear. Not feeling any more resistance, and hearing her breathing settling, Keith slowly raised his hips, pulling his cock almost out of Melody's pussy. She felt him pulling back, felt her labia dragging over his shaft, wincing again at the motion, then gasped as he pushed back in, fast. Again he slowly withdrew, before pushing himself back deep inside. After just a few strokes, Melody felt less and less of her natural lubricant remaining to help his cock's passage in and out of her body. Keith just felt the tight grip of her womanhood milking his cock with each thrust.

"That's it, feel me deep inside you, so deep like no one has ever been before, you hot slut!" he almost seemed to growl at her now as he moved faster. Melody's pussy felt like it was trying to hold his cock so tight as he thrust into her and pulled part way out, and in again, grunting louder and louder. She found herself holding her breath as he fucked her body hard, sharp jagged breaths forcing their way in and out when her body couldn't hold any longer.

Suddenly Keith's hips moved even faster than ever as his head dug into the bed next to hers, his cock working double time, hands reaching under her, grabbing her ass cheeks and helping pull himself even deeper still, whilst also parting her cheeks, exposing her rear hole to a rogue finger, pressing curiously at what it found there. Before it could find a way inside however, Keith's body stiffened, his hips hunched hard against her body, his cock thrust to max penetration, and then she felt it, a pulsing inside her as his cock spasmed and erupted, injecting his cum inside her.

For a moment, he didn't move. She could hear him though, breathing heavily in her ear as his full weight lay atop her. For a moment, she felt relief. She felt the new found lubrication helping ease the dry tenderness of her deflowered body. Then she remembered, he had promised to pull out. He had promised not to cum inside her. He had told her not to worry about a condom. He said it felt better without one. She felt the semen flooding inside her, felt it coating his softening cock, helping it to finally slide freely in her sore pussy.

Her body shuddered unexpectedly, expelling his cock suddenly, and then she felt his cum follow it, dribbling out of her, down between her ass cheeks. Rolling off her, Keith's face was one of contentment, and exhaustion. He reached a hand out and rested it on her chest, fingers playing idly with a nipple. "You're the best, better than the best, that was great," he mumbled.

"I love you," she replied, as a tear trickled from her eye.

Party Time

Two days later, Melody was dancing with Stacey. They were at a Halloween party, with plenty of loud music, and plenty of alcohol - not that Melody was partaking - she didn't drink. Her tight vinyl "naughty nurse" outfit looked "perfectly slutty", Keith had said when he bought it for her. It pushed her smallish b-cup breasts together, giving her some nice cleavage, whilst the skirt clung tightly to her ass, leaving little to the imagination. Stacey had only come along after Melody begged her friend all day. Hanging out at a frat house wasn't her idea of fun, and older guys like Keith "think they can do whatever they want", she stated pointedly.

"It wasn't like that and you know it," Melody had retorted. "I wanted him to be my first, he didn't force me". Stacey's eyes were sore from rolling them at her friend's blinkered point of view.

As they danced, Stacey fended off another "request" from a guy trying to gyrate at her, before telling Melody she'd had enough - she was ready to go. "Please just a bit longer," Melody pleaded.

"Your boyfriend isn't even paying you any attention," Stacey pointed out, as he stood drinking beer with his friends, away from the dancing.

"I know you don't like him, but you don't have to be such a bitch!" Melody yelled over the music.

Shaking her head, Stacey held her hands up in the air, then turned and left the party. Melody watched her friend leave, scowling briefly til deciding she didn't have to feel bad - it wasn't her fault her friend couldn't see how in love she and Keith were.

Leaving the dance floor, and grabbing a fresh juice on the way, Melody walked over to where Keith was chatting with his friends. It almost felt as if she was naked as she walked, with the super tight outfit accentuating the wiggle of her ass as she moved. Her ass wasn't going unobserved either - plenty of people watched her cross the room, eyes glued to her derriere. As she approached Keith and his friends, she heard him talking.

"She was super fucking tight, amazing cunt on her! And totally virgin. Can't wait to tap her ass, next!"

Melody froze, her chest suddenly feeling tight, and not because of the outfit. Surely she hadn't heard him correctly. Surely he didn't say that about her.

One of Keith's friends responded, "You dog! What's that - 7 cherry sluts now?"

"Nah, that Asian chick was no virgin!" Keith replied, "But this new one - she was worth the wait."

"Three months though?!" asked another of his friends. "Thought you woulda given up after 2 weeks - must be a record! Sure you didn't just roofy her?" One of the others laughed.

Keith chuckled. "No roofy needed my man - she wanted this cock, just like the others," he kept chuckling, pointing at his pants, until he felt like he was hit by a freezing wet blanket from behind. Spinning round in shock, he saw Melody standing before him, empty juice cup in her hand. "Aww fuck," he muttered, wiping juicy off his face, then put a hand out toward the high school girl. "Babe, I was just - "

"ASSHOLE!" Melody shrieked as loud as she could, her heart breaking. The music kept playing, but no one was dancing any more.

One of Keith's friends thumped his arm. "Hey man, I think she's asking for that ass-fuck!" He laughed at his own joke.

Pushing the guy aside, Keith tried again to take Melody's hands, but she shook him off.

"Mel, it's all just talk. You know how guys are." he tried to defend himself.

"Yeah, they're all ASSHOLES!" Melody yelled again, as the room watched on, treating their very public fight as entertainment, laughing and pointing at the pair.

Keith smirked and shook his head. "Ok hon, game's over. Hey, you really were a great fuck," he said, emphasizing the last word. Then, whilst looking at Melody, but really talking to his friends, "This is what you get for dating girls instead of women."

Melody fought back tears as she turned and raced out of the room, shoving passed anyone who was in her way. How could he do this to her?!

Watching her leave, one person picked up two bottles of vodka, and slowly followed her out the door.

Melody sat alone on the grass just outside the Frat House's main entrance, disheveled and crying.

She had trusted him. She had loved him. She had given him something she couldn't now give to anyone else. And all the time...

"Wanna drink?" a voice asked. Melody didn't look up, didn't wipe away her tears, didn't care.

"You look like you could use one," the voice continued unabated. Melody still did not look at her mysterious would-be benefactor, but instead simply shook her head.

"Really," the insistent person added. "It will help."

Still Melody didn't find her voice, didn't look. "Just go away and leave me alone," she spoke in a deflated monotone.

"It's just, I couldn't help but notice, that guy in there - he was such an asshole." There was a hint of humor in the voice this time, however Melody couldn't hear it. Not yet. She did however finally open her eyes, blinking away some of the tears, to find herself looking at a short, dark haired girl, with black lipstick and eye shadow, skin as white as a ghost, and at least 4 piercings on her face and a number in each ear. Melody's clouded, upset mind vaguely recognized the girl from some of her classes.

"He is an asshole." Melody murmured, finally accepting the bottle from the girl, and taking a swig. Her face screwed up at the taste, having rarely drunk alcohol before. She felt it's warmth flow all the way down to her stomach.

Nikki smiled, leaning closer to the tear-streaked girl's face. She swept Melody's hair out of her eyes, used her own long black sleeve to wipe the girl's nose, and then deftly, and rather intimately, used a hand to squeeze Melody's breast that was threatening to burst from her top, safely back inside. Melody didn't demur the stranger's actions, too upset to care. Nikki left her hand on Melody's back as a sign of support.

Taking a gulp of vodka herself, Nikki glanced briefly into the distance, caught in a memory, before coming back to the present. "He really is an asshole, you know," she began to confer to the upset girl. "I know, too."

Melody swigged again from her bottle, processing the newcomer's comment, before looking Nikki in the eyes. "You mean... he..."

Nikki slowly nodded her head. "They're cherry hunters. Him and his friends. It's all they care about. Finding girls to claim, defile. I bet one of his friends interrogated you - nicely of course - to check you were really a virgin." The look on Melody's face gave Nikki her answer. "How far did he go with you? One, two, or three stars?"

The query left Melody baffled. "One, two or three? W-what do you mean?"

Another swig of vodka was needed, before Nikki explained, "Oral... vaginal... anal..."

"Oh god!" gasped Melody, finally understanding. Every moment that Keith had laid a hand, or other part, on her body flashed before her eyes with renewed definition. Every touch from the first handshake to the most intimate caress, every word spoken, all a game for him, aiming for the stars - her stars. He'd acted so casually when he first asked her for a blowjob, as if it was nothing, even though to her it was such a big moment, her first sexual encounter with another person.

Keith's hands had guided her, his words full of encouragement as he asked if she knew what she was doing, giving advice as he kept pushing deeper, his hand on her throat feeling it swell as he made her gag, telling her she was so sweet, such an amazing, mature and grown up girl. And her virginity - the one now gone forever... that took longer for her to offer, but all the while he was working her toward his goal; her body not just for his pleasure, but for some game with his mates.

Nikki pushed, "Well?"

Blushing red, and needing more alcohol first to steady her, Melody responded, "T-two," before stifling a small gasp as she remembered his roaming finger playing with her ass when he had made love... made... taken her. "And, he... he..."

Listening patiently, Nikki held up a finger, and wiggled it. "Put his finger in?"

Melody flushed even redder before correcting - "No! But... I think he was going to."

Nikki held up her bottle. Melody tapped hers against it, and both girls drunk some more.

Placing a hand on Melody's knee, Nikki confessed. "It was all three for me."

Melody's eyes properly focused on the girl in front of her, seeing beneath the goth make-up and clothes, at the vulnerable girl underneath. She wrapped her arms around her, giving her a warm embrace. The scent of Nikki's perfume filled Melody's senses, along with the tenderness of the girl's body in her arms. She felt Nikki wrap her own arms around her, too - joining the embrace. As they finally pulled apart, Nikki's eyes locked with Melody's, before leaning back in, but this time to place her lips on Melody's, a hand snaking through Melody's hair at the same time, turning the hug into something much more.

The innocent teen had never kissed a girl before - not a kiss like this. Her eyes opened wide, her senses aflame as she felt the girl's hands on her body, their breasts pressed together, and Nikki's tongue gently parting her lips, followed by the surprise of a metal stud running over her tongue.

Before Melody could recoil or react, Nikki broke the kiss, her hands lingering briefly either side of Melody's face, trailing fingertips over her cheeks and across her lips, ending with a cheeky grin as she quickly licked her lips to savor the taste. Smiling suddenly nervously, Nikki stared into Melody's eyes.

... to be continued...

The Bull BhorrReport 

2024-04-27 15:11:33
Very good written start. A pitty you did never continue. It has potential, this is for sure.

Thank you for sharing.


2021-08-17 05:47:06
That sudden realization that you have been just a conquest for some guy is a horrible feeling but soon forgotten, that first real kiss with another girl is something that you never forget.

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