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A girl growing up in a children's home is given Puberty Blockers being told that they were to help with her periods.
They Stole my Puberty

by Vanessa Evans

Part 03

My phone alarm woke me at 6:30 and I again cursed Karen but I got up and did my business in the bathroom. At 6:50 I nervously left my room, still totally naked and headed down to the leisure centre. I cursed when I found the doors locked. The doors were in a bit of a recess and I hid in that recess so that I wasn’t visible from the corridor.

A few minutes later I heard footsteps coming towards me and then I saw a young man with a key in his hand. I just stood there with my mouth open.

“Good morning, you must be Penny, Karen told me to expect you, I’m George, come on in.”

Like a lamb to the slaughter I followed him in, not even thinking about using my hands to cover my nipples or slit.

“Where’s Karen, I was supposed to meet her here at 7 a.m.?”

“Yes, I know, sorry about that, something cropped up and we had to swap shifts, she’ll be back in this afternoon. Now, Karen said something about you wanting some swimming lessons, is that right?”


“Okay, I can fix that, Jason who works in the workout room is a qualified swimming instructor and I’m sure that he’d like to get his hands on you. Sorry, I didn’t mean that like it sounds, he should be here anytime soon. Grab a towel and follow me.”

I got the towel and never thought to wrap it around me. I followed George as he switched lights on all around the place. We had to go through some doors and he held them open for me. I wasn’t sure if he was being a gentleman or if he just wanted to look at my bare butt as I walked in front of him.

When we got to the pool George said,

“You wait here Penny, spread your towel on a lounger and lay out or practice swimming, I’ll send Jason when he gets here.”

George left to get on with whatever leaving me on my own. I spread the towel then looked around. I hadn’t noticed before but there were some big windows and I could look out and see a lawned area with seats and tables. I wondered when people would use them and if they could see into the pool room.

I heard a noise behind me and I turned expecting to see someone called Jason but the man that was there was old and I couldn’t imagine him in a workout room or being a swimming instructor.

“Hello darling, down here on your own.” He said as he stared at my nude body which I had given up on even thinking about trying t cover with my hands.

I was just about to reply when another man walked in and he looked exactly what I had imagined.

Walking over to me he said,

“Hi, you must be Penny, I’m Jason.”

“Hi, yes.”

“So you want to improve your swimming Penny?”


“Well I’m sure that I can help you, I heard that you can swim a bit already, is that right?”

“Yes, I learnt a bit at school.”

“Hmm, yes, school swimming lessons aren’t up to much. Jump in and swim to the other side so that I can see what I’ve got to work with.”

I wasn’t exactly sure what he was referring to but I jumped in and swam the best that I could with Jason looking down on me. I was trying to swim the breast stroke and I wondered how much of my pussy he could see each time that I opened my legs. At the other side Jason told me to swim back on my back. Now I knew that he was able to see all of my pussy.

“Okay Penny, jump out and lay on the floor and we’ll practice there, I’ll hold your arms then legs to show you the best way to move them.”

I lay on my back and when Jason got me to start doing the strokes I just knew what he could see. It wasn’t too bad at first because he was telling me how to move my arms and hands and it felt nice as he held my arms and moved them about.

Then he moved to my legs. As I spread my knees I felt my pussy lips open and saw Jason’s eyes looking at it. It was hard to concentrate on what Jason was telling me because my pussy was tingling one hell of a lot.

We practised moving my legs correctly for ages with Jason sometimes holding different parts of my legs. He even held my thighs close to my pussy telling me that my thighs were my strongest muscles and that I needed to get their movements right.

Finally he told me to get back into the water and try again. Some of what he had said must have sunk in because I was swimming a little faster and Jason was telling me that I was getting better.

Then he jumped into the water and said,

“Lets do this stationary.”


“Start swimming and I’ll lift you out of the water a bit and hold your body still while you keep doing the stroke.”

I started swimming then felt Jason’s hands under me and on my front. One hand was on my chest with a nipple in the palm of his hand and his other hand was on my pubic bone, his thumb along my slit pressing on my clit. As my legs opened my slit opened and his thumb went between my vulva, the end of his thumb right on the entrance to my vagina.

I moaned a little but I wasn’t sure if he heard me or not.

Jason knew exactly where his thumb was because as my legs opened and closed his thumb went into me then out of me. His tip of his thumb fucking me.

I was concentrating on his thumb more than my swimming and after what seemed like hours Jason moved his hands from under me and I started to sink. Jason’s reactions were quick and I was soon up in the air with his arms on my hips.

Jason lowered me back into the water and I stood in front of him.

“Maybe that’s enough for one day Penny, you seem to have lost your concentration.”

“Yes, sorry, I got distracted, it felt like something was pressing on me.”

“That’s okay, how long are you at the hotel for?”

“Weeks, months, I don’t know, I’ve got a lot to sort out.”

“Good, I can give you lessons every day that I’m on earlies and I’m sure that Luke will be quite happy to support you when he’s on earlies, if you want. You also need to exercise your arms and especially your legs Penny, build up those muscles.”

“That sounds great, I can pay you.”

“Not necessary Penny, it’s part of my job.”

“Thanks Jason, it’s appreciated.”

“You’re so welcome Penny, now go and relax on the lounger, your heart needs to slow down, I could feel it pounding when my hands were on you.”

I did go to the lounger and as I lay there I wondered if Jason could feel my pulse through his thumb when it was inside me. It had certainly been deliberate on his part, not that I was complaining. It would certainly be worth getting up at 6:30 a.m. if he was going to do that to me every lesson.

Then I looked around, not only did I see that my feet were well apart, there was also 5 people swimming in the pool. Okay they were all swimming but at any moment they could look my way and see my pussy.

Then I started thinking about how I had changed in the last few days. It was crazy but I certainly wasn’t complaining even the embarrassment. For some strange reason that I couldn’t understand the embarrassment was getting me aroused. Weird or what?

I closed my eyes and relaxed. The next thing that I realised was George saying,

“Penny, wake up, it’s 9:15, you’d better be going if you want some breakfast.”

“Oh right, I didn’t intend to go to sleep.”

“That’s okay but you shouldn’t really be putting your hands there in here, under the water is fine but not where other people can see you.”


Then I looked down and saw that my hand was on my pussy.

“Sorry, I didn’t realise.” I replied as I quickly move my hand to my side.

I got to my feet and followed George back to reception.

“You can leave the towel here Penny.”

“Oh yes.” and I threw it into the hamper. Then started walking to the door.

“Penny, your dress, you’ll need it if you’re going to the restaurant.”

“Oh yes, that nap has left me half asleep.”

George gave me the dress and I started to walk to the lift carrying the dress.

As the lift doors opened 3 men got out, all of them looking at the naked little girl but none of them saying anything.

Back in my room I had a quick shower and felt much more alert. Putting the dress on I grabbed the card key and went down to the restaurant. Things were much the same as the previous day except that there weren’t as many people there and I didn’t eat anywhere as near as much.

When I got back to my room I got ready to go out shopping, not that it took much, all I had to do was clean my teeth and put some shoes on. I was grateful to now have some decent shoes to wear.

As I walked down the street I realised that I was really getting used to, and liking wearing very short skirts and no knickers, they are so practical, not getting in the way of anything. I’m sure that some people will say that they get in the way of modesty but I was rapidly loosing all of that. I was getting to the point where I didn’t care who saw my butt and pussy, in fact I liked men seeing them.

I spent a small fortune on toiletries, none of which was make-up or a new hairbrush, and I also bought some perfume. The sales girl spent ages putting samples on my arms for me to sniff. I wondered if girls usually went through all that just to get some perfume.

Before going back to the hotel I decided to have a look at what houses there were for sale in the area. When I walked into one of the many the estate agents in town and started looking at all the sheets of houses for sale a man came up to me and asked if he could help. When I said that I was going to buy a house but I didn’t know where or how many bedrooms the man gave me a dirty look.

I was sure that he was thinking,

“What the hell is a skinny little girl, wearing an almost indecent skirt, doing asking about buying a house when she hasn’t a clue about anything, this is a con.”

Then he said,

“I think that it’s time that you left little girl.”

I looked him up and down then before leaving I said,

“Well I certainly won’t be buying one through you.”

He just wasn’t taking me seriously and it may well have cost him a sale and maybe thousands of pounds. His loss.

I went to a little park that was nearby and sat on the grass then got out my phone and called Bob.

“Hi Bob, are you okay?”

“Better now that I’ve heard your voice Bob, I went into an estate agents to get some ideas of house prices and I got asked to leave.”

“I’m really sorry about that Penny but you must have come across situations like this before,”

I thought for a couple of seconds then said,

“Yes I have Bob, many times, sorry he just caught me off guard.”

“Are you okay Penny?”

“Yes, actually I’ve never been better, I’m having a great time and I’m discovering things about myself that I never knew before.”

“You’re not going to get yourself in any trouble are you Penny?”

“No, well I don’t think so, is it illegal to walk around a hotel with no clothes on.”

“No it isn’t because it’s private property Penny. But the hotel makes it own rules on subjects like that. Have you been walking around the Yorkshire with no clothes on?”

“Yes, and in the leisure centre.”

“Well I’m sure that they would have told you to stop or asked you to leave if they were worried about it.”

“One of the girls who works there says that it’s because I look like a little girl.”

“I think that you’ve just discovered one of the advantages of being like you are. You could exploit that at a lot of places.”

“Are you saying that I should get naked at a lot of places like cinemas or bowling alleys or shops?”

“No I’m not saying that you should, just that if the place is privately owned you won’t get in trouble with the law.”

“Oh, that’s good to know,”

“Getting back to houses Penny, at this stage I would look in the internet then when you find one that you like talk to me and we’ll discuss in and take it from there.”

“I’ve bought a laptop and I’m using the hotel’s WiFi. I’ve singed up for a camgirls site and I had my first online session last night, There were hundreds of people from all over the world watching me lose my virginity.”

“Did you let a man fuck you Penny? You have to be really careful that no one is taking advantage of you.”

“No, no it was my hairbrush.”

“A girl’s best friend. They make the handles that shape for a reason.”

“I’ve also ordered a remote controlled vibrator and a couple of dildos. Do you want to put the app on your phone?”

“No, and you be careful who give the details to. Penny and you don’t have to tell me about everything that you buy.”

“I’ve started having swimming lessons at the leisure centre.”

“That’s good, everyone should learn to swim Penny. Have you got any of your new clothes back from Lucy yet, or is that the reason why you’ve been walking around the hotel without anything on. Where are you right now Penny and have you got any clothes on?”

“Relax Bob, I’m sat on the grass in a park in town and I’m wearing the only clothes that I have.”

“That dress that you bought?”

“Yes, that too short little girl’s dress. It makes me look like a little girl.”

“Well don’t worry about that Penny, I’m sure that Lucy will have your new clothes back to you quite soon.”

“I’m not sure that I want them, it’s fun not wearing anything at the hotel.”

“You can’t stay there for ever Penny.”

“I know. Hey Bob, a man is looking up my dress.”

“Don’t tell me Penny, you haven’t got any knickers on have you?”


“Well if you don’t like the man looking get up and walk away or cross your legs.”

“I like him looking, it makes me feel as old as I am.”

“Good, is there anything else that I can help you with?”

“No, sorry to have bothered you.”

“That’s okay, I did say call me anytime and I mean it.”

“Okay, bye Bob.”

After I’d put my phone in my nice new bag, I decided to enjoy the sun for a while and I lay back on the grass. My legs weren’t crossed but they weren’t spread either. I knew that the man could see my slit and clit and that thought made them tingle. I just knew that he was thinking that I was half my actual age but I didn’t care, he was making my pussy tingle.

I stayed like that for a while then got up onto my elbows and saw that the original man had gone but 2 young men were stood looking and talking to each other. They stopped looking and walked away when they saw me looking at them..

“I know what I need” I thought and got up and went back to the shopping centre where I looked for a shop where I could get a good pair of sunglasses. Whilst I was there I went for a ride up all the escalators trying to time it so that some men followed me up.

After I’d got some sunglasses I wore them and discovered that I had probably not seen quite a few people looking at me and now I could watch them watching me without them knowing that I was watching them.

The bags with my toiletries in was started to get heavy so I decided to head back to the hotel. When I walked through reception I wondered what it would be like to be there totally naked.

After hanging up my dress I decided to become a camgirl again and I took my laptop to my bed and logged on. As soon as the site’s front page was on the screen I saw myself. They’d decided to feature me as the new girl who lost her virginity to a hairbrush on camera. Under the video was a few links to other websites and when I clicked on them they all took me to the video of me. I was a bit disappointed, but I guess not that surprised when a couple of the sites showed the message,

‘Video removed, underage content.’

When I went to myself on the history page of my camgirl site I saw that there were hundreds of comments, some of them with more links. I read a few of the comments and was surprised to see some offers of guys wanting me to model for them and even a couple wanting me to star in a porn movie.

Then I decided to go live. As things were starting up I felt a bit proud, it was like my video had gone viral. I couldn’t wait to tell Karen.

I soon got more comments telling me to play with myself, so I did, remembering to zoom in on my pussy again. I slowly masturbated for the camera using both my fingers and the hairbrush and after I’d cum I read some of the comments of the over 300 people who were watching me. Then I typed,

“I should be getting my first dildo and vibrator soon, the vibrator is remote controlled and I should be able to connect it to this site so that you guys will be able to control it and make me cum.”

That got a few more comments then I typed that I was going for a swim and signed off.

I wasn’t telling fibs, I was going down to the leisure centre to talk to Karen and maybe I would go and practice my swimming.

I went to get my dress to put on to go down there but then stopped myself for 2 reasons, firstly I thought that Karen might take it off me and not let me have it back until the next day, and secondly I was feeling naughty. I picked up just my key card and left my room totally naked.

There was a man in the lift when it arrived at my floor. He smiled at me as I got in and I could see him looking at my through the mirrors as we went down. I moved my right hand to my pussy but instead of rubbing my clit I just gave it a quick flick then did the same with both nipples.

He let me get out of the lift before him and when I looked back over my shoulder I saw him watching me as I walked away.

Karen was sat at the counter when I got there.

“Oh hi there Penny, I wondered if you’d come down this afternoon. Sorry about this morning, something cropped up and I had to ask George to swap shifts. I hope that he was helpful.”

“Hi Karen, yes he was. He kept looking at my butt as we went round switching everything on.”

“You can’t blame him for that, you do have a cute little butt Penny. Did you get your dress back okay?”

“Yes but he wouldn’t let me have it until after 9 a.m. said that that was what you told him to do, why?”

“To make sure that you stayed here and let you get your exhibitionists fix for the day.”

“I think that maybe I should thank you for that, I fell asleep on one of the loungers and I think that I masturbated in my sleep.”

“You did honey, George told me that it was a wonderful sight.”

I blushed a little the Karen continued,

“You look so cute when you’re embarrassed Penny. Did you enjoy your swimming lesson?”

“Yes thank you, Jason tells me that I need to build my arm and leg muscles but I’m not sure how I can do that. I’ve been doing a bit of walking the last couple of days but not that much.”

“I think that we can help you with that Penny, I’ll talk to one of the guys in there and they’ll setup a training schedule for you in the workout room.”

“It will have to wait until I get my clothes, one of them is a white skater skirt and there’s also a white tank top; and I can go and get some white knickers.”

“No need Penny, I’m sure that it will be okay for you to go in there like you are now.”

“I can’t do that, I’m sure that the exercises will mean that my legs go all over the place and everyone in there will see my pussy.”

“Isn’t that what exhibitionist girls want?”

I had no answer for that so I changed the subject.

“When Jason was teaching me he was in the water holding me up and he had his hand on my pussy.”

“I bet that you liked that Penny.”

“I guess, but he also had his thumb just in my hole and it felt really nice. I couldn’t concentrate on my swimming.”

“Shall I tell him not to grope you when he’s teaching you Penny?”

“No, it was nice, it’s just that it may take longer for me to become a good swimmer.”

“So you’re probably going to be staying here for a while then?”

“Until I buy a house.”

“That will take months. So you’ll be here all that time.”


“The male staff will like that. I hear that you had some fun with room service.”

“Yes, that was your fault for keeping my dress. Room service sent 2 guys to my room, one to deliver the food and another to collect the plates.”

“You could have just left them in your room and housekeeping would have taken them when they cleaned your room this morning or you could have just put them outside your room but I guess that you wanted a guy to see you naked again.”

“Oh, I didn’t know that I could do that.”

“But you won’t be doing either of those will you Penny?”

“Probably not. Hey, I’m not a virgin any more, well I’m still a cock virgin but my hymen has gone.”

“So you didn’t ask one of the room service guys to service you then?”

“No I didn’t.”

“So how did you break it?”

“With my hairbrush, and I did it live while I was on my camgirl website.”

“Wow Penny, you’re a camgirl and you rammed your hairbrush up your fanny while live streaming! Jeez girl you’ve got a lot of bottle. I could never have done that. Hell, I’m not even a camgirl.”

“It’s so exciting, all those comments from men all over the world. One of those men recorded a video of me doing it and it’s gone viral, well it’s been posted on lots of porn sites. I was a bit annoyed when some of those sites took the video down saying that it had underage content.”

“Were you surprised Penny, I mean you look great but you do look like you are a little girl.”

“I know. Just a little disappointed but I’ll be letting all those voyeurs watch me insert my new dildos and my remote controlled vibrator when they arrive. That vibe links to the website and all those men will be able to control it when it’s inside me.”

“You are one brave girl Penny. Hey, you can wear the vibe down here and let me control you.”

“I don’t know that I would like that, you might make me cum while Jason is teaching me to swim and I might sink.”

“I would have thought that you would have liked it vibrating when one of the guys was holding you up.”

“I don’t know, maybe, but I’ll have that tail antenna sticking out of me.”

“So what, no one will complain. Put it in and come down here as soon as it arrives and we’ll have a bit of fun.”


“Penny, can you help me with a little problem please?”

“If I can.”

Karen got up and went to the wall and did something that I couldn’t see then she picked up the centre’s phone, held it to her ear and said,

“The phone’s dead and I need to tell reception that it’s not working so that they can get someone to fix it. Could you be a treasure and go and tell them that it’s not working please?”

I opened my mouth to say that I would then I realised that I’d be going to the hotel’s reception and talking to the receptionist totally naked.

“I don’t know Karen, I’m naked.”

“So what, you’re naked here and you’ve been walking sound the hotel like that. By now all the staff know that you’re doing that and no one’s complaining so what’s the problem?”

“Nothing I guess.”

“Off you go then, I’ll be so grateful, I need to make some calls.”

I thought for a couple of seconds then said,


I took a deep breath then turned and walked out of the leisure centre. It was when I got to the lifts that I saw some people, 2 men waiting for the lift. They saw me before the doors closed on them.

Continuing I walked into the main reception area and saw that lots of people were queueing to check-in.

“Oh my gawd, this is going to be embarrassing.” I thought as I joined the queue.

There were 4 men in front of me in the queue. All of them wearing suits, holding small cases and just staring in front of them. Behind them was a naked little girl whose nipples and clit were rock hard and clearly visible. Her whole body was a nervous, embarrassed wreck and her pussy was leaking like a river. Somehow she managed to keep her hands by her sides giving everyone the impression that she believed that it was perfectly normal for her to be there totally naked.

The queue reduced by one and the man who had just got his room key walked passed me and gave me no more than a glance. Then I heard the revolving doors revolving and when I turned to look, hoping that it was someone going out, I saw another man coming in complete with a little suitcase. I watched him as he walked over to me, him looking at my naked front. He just smiled and took his place in the queue.

I heard a young woman say,

“Who’s next please?”

And the queue shortened again.

I turned and looked at the man who had just got his room key and saw him look at me, stop for a second then smile and start walking again. My arousal level rose again and I was sure that the man behind me was staring down at my bare butt.

Then I heard one of the receptionists call for the next man.

Half of me was saying,

“Come on, get move on.”

The other half was saying,

“Take your time and I hope that more men walk in.”

It was more of the former and I was soon at the front of the queue.

“Who’s next please?” I heard the girl say and I stepped over to her.

“Hi Penny, what can I do for you?”

“Karen asked me to come and tell you that her phone isn’t working and she asked me to ask you to get someone to fix it.”

“Okay, just a sec.”

That second turned into a couple of minutes as the receptionist picked up her phone and pressed a few buttons. She let it ring for ages before hanging up and saying,

“Karen’s right, she would have answered that if it was working.”

As she picked up the phone and pressed more buttons I turned and looked at the growing queue and saw that all of the men were looking at me. I smiled then turned back to the receptionist.

Finally I heard her say,

“Oh hi Dave, there appears to be a problem with the phone in the leisure centre, could you fix it for me please?”

There was a few seconds pause then I heard,

“Thank you Dave.” and she hung up and looked at me.

“Thank you for letting us know Penny, please tell Karen that Dave is on it.”

I turned towards the queue and had walked 3 steps when I heard.

“Oh Penny, sorry to call you back but do you have any idea how long you will be staying here?”

As she was asking I turned and walked back to the desk letting the now 6 or so men in the queue go from seeing my bare front to seeing my bare back. Back at the desk I told her that I didn’t really know but it was likely to be months.

“Okay, will it be okay to bill you on a weekly basis and debit your card after each bill?”

“I guess so.”

“Good, now is there anything that we can get you to make your time here more comfortable and enjoyable? You are rapidly becoming one of our special guests.”

I just knew that she was prolonging my time stood in front of those men but by then my nervous were beginning to settle.

“I don’t think so, I’m enjoying myself here, I’ve never had it so good, everyone is so nice and friendly.”

“At the end of your stay would you be prepared to write a customer review for us?”

“I guess so.”

“Good, thank you Penny.”

I turned to face the queue again then turned back going to play her at her own game,

“There is just one thing, I’ve ordered a couple of things online and put here as the delivery address, is that okay?”

“Of course it is Penny, we’ll contact you just as soon as they arrive.”

“Thank you.” I replied and turned to face the queue again.

“Sorry to take so long gentlemen.” I said and started walking back to the leisure centre.

By the time I got back my heart rate was back to normally but I could feel my juices that were still running down my inner thighs.

“Thanks Penny.” Karen said. “Did you enjoy your little visit to reception like that?”

“It was soo embarrassing. All those men looking at me and that receptionist kept me talking for ages.”

“So it was just what you wanted Penny?”

“Yes.” I quietly said.

“So if I ask you to go there again you’d happily go?”

“Yes.” I quietly said.

“Well sorry but I have no excuse to ask you. Maybe later.”

I was both relieved and disappointed.

“Exercise Penny, hang on here a minute and I’ll see when they can fit you in.”

Karen got up and disappeared towards the workout room and I started thinking.

Am I really going to exercise in that room naked with all those men watching me?” I’ll have to spread my legs a lot. Oh my gawd they’ll see all of my pussy, maybe inside me as well. What if ………. ”

My thought were interrupted by a man walking in.

“Hi,” he said as his eyed went up and down my naked front, “I was hoping to use the workout room, shall I come back later when there’s an adult here?”

I resisted the urge to put him straight and replied,

“No, it’s okay, all you have to do is sign-on on those sheets.”

I watched the man as he both looked at me and managed to sign-in.

“The changing rooms are over there.” I said pointing in the right direction.

No sooner than he was out of sight another man arrived, this one in overalls and carrying a little tool box.

“Oh hi, you must be Penny, I’m Dave, I’ve come to fix the phone.”

“Hi,” I replied, “does everyone here know my name?”

“Probably.” Dave replied.

“So the phone is dead is it?” He asked still looking me up and down.

“I don’t know I never tried it myself, it was Karen.”

“Where is she?”

“Gone to the workout room to see when they can fit me in.”

“Are you going to workout like that Penny? I know that you like being like that but working out, spreading your legs with all those men looking at you.”

“I know, it was Karen’s idea and I’m sure that it will be very embarrassing.”

“Never mind, with a body like yours I’m sure that no one will complain.”

I knew exactly what he meant but I had to say something.”

“What about my body?”

“I have a young daughter just reaching puberty and she looks just like you except that her clit doesn’t stick out like yours does.”

“You shouldn’t be looking at your daughter like that Dave.”

“I can’t help it, she still won’t keep her clothes on, we put some on and 5 minutes later she’s running around as naked as you are. Her tits are starting to grow and she refuses to wear a bra.”

“That must be difficult for you Dave.”

“More so for the wife, she’s more embarrassed that I am. I quite enjoy watching her run around like that.”

“Are you telling Penny about your daughter Dave?” Karen said as she walked up to us.

“Yep. Have you decided to come and join her yet Karen?”

“Same answer as the last 100 times that you’ve asked me Dave.”

“Shame, I bet that young Penny here would be happy running around my house like that with my daughter.”

“I’m sure that she would but you’re not going to ask her ARE you Dave.”

“No Karen, the wife wouldn’t be too happy.”

“The phone Dave.”

“Yes, ah, I think that I can see the problem, someone has unplugged it at the wall socket. There, it should be working now. I’m surprised that you didn’t find that problem, unless, unless you wanted me to come down here.”

“Dave, would? Would I want to embarrass Penny? I was expecting her to be in the pool or the workout room before you got here.”

“Karen, you know that I always come here quickly.”

Karen didn’t answer that and Dave left but as he left he said,

“Nice video Penny.”

“Oh my gawd, he’s seen my video, what will he be thinking?”

“It doesn’t matter what he thinks Penny it’s what you think and I bet that your pussy has just started tingling again.”

“Yes it has.”

“Good because Luke is expecting you in the workout room.”


“Yes, is that a problem Penny?”

“I, I guess not.”

“Off you go, don’t keep him waiting too long or else he might spank your bottom.”


“Only kidding, well maybe.”

I hoped that she was although the word spanking had made the tingling worse, no, better.

I nervously opened the door to the workout room and saw 4 men straining on different machines.

“Hi, you must be Penny, I’m Luke and I’ll work with you to establish a fitness plan.”

“Good, I think.”

Before I set you going on any of the machines I need to ask you a few questions, some of them are a bit personal and lots of women don’t want to broadcast some of their answers so shall we go into the office?”

I followed Luke into the little office where he pointed to a chair for me to sit on whilst he sat at a computer and pulled up a questionnaire and started the questions.

I saw his eyebrow lift when he asked me for my date of birth but he didn’t question it.

He got down to the section about medication and drugs. The medication wasn’t a problem and I said that I wasn’t taking anything.

“Are you or have you in the past taken any illegal drugs or substances?”

Well I wasn’t going to lie and I replied,

“Yes, up until a few months ago I had been taking a drug called Puericil-G. for years.”

“I’ve never heard of that one, why were you taking it?”

“It wasn’t my idea, it was my carers. I didn’t know what the drug was for until recently when I found out that it is a puberty blocker and that’s why my body looks like it does. I’d started growing tits before they put me on the drug but look at me now, just rock hard nipples. And as for my pussy, well look at it, no hair, no periods and no inner labia and I’m still a cock virgin.”

“That must be terrible for you.”

“I’m starting to learn to live with it, even enjoy it. I’ve learnt that looking like this I can get away with all sorts.”

“Like walking round hotels naked.” Luke interrupted.

“Quite, and free rides on buses, not that I use buses these days.”

“We’ve all got to make the most of what we have.” Luke said, “shall we move on?”

“Yes, sorry, I still get a bit worked up when I talk about what happened to me.”

“Understandable Penny although I hear that you are making the most of being able to walk around like that, well at this hotel anyway.”

“A girl’s got to do what a girl has to do.”

“I agree. Now, I need your weight and your height”

Luke got on with measuring me and it took a lot less time than it took Lucy,

140 cm and 38.9 Kg

“Good Penny, you may sit down whilst I enter these and the computer works out a schedule for you.”

About a minute later Luke said,

“You’ve got a bmi of 19.8 Penny, that’s good. Here it comes. “

The printer burst into life and Luke soon had 2 sheets of paper in front of him. He gave me one sheet and I looked at it.

“Sorry Luke, I have no idea what all this is.”

“Don’t worry about it, it’s a list of all the machines that we have and a few floor exercises. We’’ll go and try each one and I’ll make a note of how you get on then I’ll come back here and enter the details and it will print another sheet like that with your daily targets on it. You say that you could be here for a while?”

“Yes, probably months.”

“Okay, once a week I’ll follow you around and record you scores then when I’ve entered them into this it will tell us how well you are doing.”

“It all seems very complicated, why can’t I just go and use the machines that I want.”

“You could, but that way neither of us would be able to track your progress. These are the gym exercises, there’s one exercise that a sort of homework.”

“I stopped doing homework when I left school.”

“You won’t mind doing this homework Penny.”

“What is it?”

“It’s called Kegel exercises. Doing them tones all your pelvic muscles.”

“You mean my pussy muscles?”

“Yes, It’s important that all the muscles in that area are kept nice and toned to prevent all sorts of unfortunate conditions later in life, it’s the same for breast muscles, they need exercise to delay the droop effect.”

“Well that’s hardly going to be a problem for me is it.”

“No, sorry, it’s just that there is a standard spiel for women and I was in automatic mode.”

“I forgive you. So how do I do these Kegel exercises?”

“Imagine that you are sat on the toilet and you’ve just finished peeing. Most people, men and women, then contract their muscles trying to get out the last drop. Well those contractions are Kegel exercise. Try it now.”

I looked down at my slit and contracted the muscles like Luke had told me and we both saw my slit and clit move.

“Did that look right Luke?”

“Well I have to say that I’ve never seen a woman do that but I would guess that you did it right. Now, you should target doing that around 10 times every hour throughout the day. You can do them anytime and any place. With clothes on no one will know what you are doing.”

“Unless I’m naked and in my trainer’s office. Wow, I thought that using my hairbrush yesterday, the remote controlled vibrator and dildos that I’ve ordered would be enough exercise for my pussy but I guess not.”

“Not being a woman I can only guess that a combination of all those should keep you pelvic muscles in good shape.”

“Good, I’m hoping that those muscles will get lots of natural exercise.”

I could have said that I was hoping to get fucked a lot but those words wouldn’t have followed the tone of the conversation.

“Okay Penny, let’s go and see how strong you currently are.”

Luke led my out to the main part of the workout room and to the nearest machine, He showed me how to make adjustments then demonstrated what I needed to do.

Then I had to do it. As I pressed my forearms against the pads Luke told me that a suitable workout for me was to do that 10 times. It was easy but Luke stopped me after each one and made some adjustment until I found it difficult to press the 2 pads together.

“Okay Penny, leave it at that for today, we now know the pressure that the machine needs setting at for you. I’ll write it down then input it and it will be on the printout that I give you so that you can set the machine yourself the next time. Now lets move to the next machine.

We went to 4 different machines and did the same thing then we went to the leg exercise machines starting with the exercise bike. Lune looked at me, adjusted the saddle height and told me to get on and start pedalling.

Back at the children’s home some of the older kids had taught me to ride a bike but this was different. When I was a kid I’d always been wearing a skirt or jeans with thick girls knickers underneath and on this bike there was nothing between my pussy and the seat, and it felt great.

Luke was making some changes to the setting as I pedalled but he had to almost shout at me to tell me to stop. I just knew that that exercise bike was going to be my favourite machine in there.

Then there was the steps and the treadmill, both of which weren’t as pleasurable as the exercise bike although I was grateful for my lack of tits on the treadmill. I’d hate to have big tits bouncing all around.

The last machine for the legs was one where I sat there and had pads on both sides of my calves. I then had to open my legs as wide as I could then do it again. Just as soon as Luke demonstrated it I knew that I was going to have an embarrassing time on that machine. I looked around and realised that some of the guys in there had joined Luke standing at my feet.

“This is going to be bad, and good.” I thought as I pushed my legs apart.

“Hold it.” Luke said when my legs were as wide as I could get them. “Hold it for a count of 5 then slowly close your legs.

My face and chest felt hot and I’m sure that my face was red but at the same time my pussy was tingling and feeling quite wet. I wondered if my hole had opened up and those guys were looking inside me.

I think that my counting was a bit slow as my brain processed the situation but I finally eased off and let my legs close.

“Good Penny, do it another couple of times after I make some adjustments.”

He did and I did. By the time my legs were wide open for the third time I was starting to get over the embarrassment and starting to enjoy the guys looking at me. Then Luke showed me how to make a different adjustment and the machine started opening my legs on its own.

“What’s it doing?” I asked.

“The last time was exercising the muscles that open your legs now it will exercise the muscles that close your legs.”

By then my legs were wide apart giving the guys watching the same view with no effort from me.

“Okay Penny, try to close your legs.”

I tried and I tried but it was too hard. After my second attempt Luke stopped me and said that he’d make it easier for me. I watched as he made an adjustment and the guys studied my spread pussy which was getting wetter by the second.

The second setting wasn’t any better, nor the third setting. I was starting to think that Luke was deliberately keeping my legs wide apart. After the fourth adjustment I could finally close my legs, only to find that when I’d got them closed and I relaxed, the machine spread me wide again.

I gasped at the sudden unexpected exposure then Luke said,

“One more adjustment should do it. You do need to work on your legs Penny.”

Luke was right on both counts and I could manage to close my legs and hold them closed until I relaxed.

“Phew,” I said as I climbed off the machine, “that was hard work.”

“No pain, no gain.” Luke replied then took me over the weights.

“Two ways of lifting weights for you Penny, those little dumbbells and lifting from the bench. Bench first.”

Probably because Luke only put the small weights on the bar. I was able to lift the bar and when my arms were straight I realised that I could see up Luke’s shorts. I was mesmerised at the sight of the end of his cock hanging down one leg of his shorts. I wanted us both to stay where we were forever.

“I, I, I found that easy Luke.” I finally said.

As Luke was changing the weight I realised the my feet were on the floor either side of the bench. The guys watching me would again be able to see my slightly spread pussy. Without thinking I moved my feet further apart. I was just starting to think about what they could see when Luke told me to try to lift again.

It was harder but I managed it, but the disappointing part was that Luke wasn’t stood where he had been. Luke took some notes then told me to get to my feet and lift the smallest dumbbells. Not really thinking I bent at the waist and picked them up.

“Okay Penny, elbows at your sides then lift your hands.”

I did a couple of times then Luke said,

“Okay Penny, you’ve done really well. There’s just a few floor exercises that are illustrated on that wall. I’ll leave you to try them on your own but when you start your training routine I’d like you to try to do all of them at least 5 times. Don’t worry if you can’t managed all of them at first, you’ll get better at them as the weeks go by. Right, have a go at some of them and I’ll be back in a few minutes.

Luke went off and I looked at the diagrams and instruction on the wall. They took me back to PE lessons at school, which I’d always enjoyed, so I picked 3 of my favourites, the crab position, handstands and the splits. Thinking back I wondered if that drug had left me more flexible than the other girls because I was always able to do the things that the teacher told us.

I stood facing the watching men, spread my legs wide then leant back, going right back onto my hands. Then I took a couple of steps towards the men then went back.

I dropped my butt and sat on the floor then pushed myself up onto my feet and did it all 2 more times.

Next I did a handstand. I’d always been able to balance on my hands especially when I spread my legs, and that’s what I did, then walked towards the men then back before dropping my legs and standing up, then doing it 2 more times.

My last exercise was the splits and I dropped down quickly and heard a couple of gasps. I smiled then got to my feet and did it 2 more times. At school we’d always done the splits 2 ways, most girls could do the standard one but only a few, like me, could do the standing splits and that’s what I did next, firstly with my right leg in the air then my left leg in the air. Then I did them both 2 more times.

My reght foot was still above my head when Luke came back in and stopped in his tracks when he saw me.

“Wow Penny, there aren’t many girls who can do that, amazing balance.” I was looking at Luke and saw that his eyes were looking well below my eyes. So were the eyes of the men in there.

Being a bit tired from all my exercise I dropped my leg and stood in front of Luke who held out a sheet of paper and proceeded to go through it explaining what I should do each time that I went there. I absorbed about half of it guessing that I would be able to ask either Luke or Jason what I should do next.

“Okay Penny,” Luke said, “You need to follow that at least twice, probably three times each week, can you do that?”

I thought back to the best bits then said that I could.

“Right, that’s it for today Penny, go and relax in the jacuzzi or something, the warm water will do you muscles good.”

“Thank you Luke, I enjoyed that.”

“Yes I could see that.” I replied and blushed a little when I realised that he was probably referring to my wet pussy and rock hard nipples that he kept looking at.

I left them went back to see Karen.

“Hey girl, how did that go?”

“Good, thank you.”

“So did you get to spread your legs for everyone?”

“Yes, but not to fuck me although I did get to see Luke’s cock, it looked delicious.”

“He was standing over you was he, he doesn’t wear underwear does he.”

“No, it looked so, so fuckable.”

“Yes it is.” Karen replied.

“You haven’t, have you? With a work colleague.”

“Just the once but it was nice and I haven’t told my boyfriend.”

“Wow Karen, although I’m not really surprised, the tricks that you’ve been playing on me.”

“Not tricks Penny, just some gentle persuasion in a direction that you know you want to go, push your physical limits, that’s what we are here for.”

“You’re probably right Karen. I guess that I should thank you.”

“No need, we’re here to provide a service and that’s what I was doing.”

“And damned well Karen, your pushing me has helped me to get to know myself a lot, and I like what I’ve discovered. Did you unplug that phone?”

“Yes I did, I guessed that you were scared to go to reception like that and needed a push.”

“You were right, thank you.”

“Do you want my phone to stop working again?”

I smiled and said,

“Not right now, I think that I’ll go and relax I the jacuzzi.”

“That’s always nice, especially without any clothes on.”


I left Karen and went to the jacuzzi passing 3 men on the way. I climbed into the jacuzzi between 2 middle-aged men who just stared at my pussy then my face when I sank into the water saying that it was nice then closing my eyes.

None of the 3 of us were talkative and the men got out before me leaving me to stretch my legs and float on the top.

When the tips of my finger were all wrinkled I got out and went and lay on a sun lounger. I was starting to feel naughty again so I lay with my feet on the floor on either side of the lounger and wished that I’d brought my sunglasses so that I could see how many of the swimmers were looking at me.

When I started to get bored I decided to go back to my room and become a camgirl for a while. When I got to Karen she was busy talking to a couple of men who I distracted by standing next to Karen and letting them look at my naked front for a while before I picked up my key card and left.

By that time I hadn’t cum for quite a while and there had been plenty of men looking at me so I was feeling quite horny, hence the going to be a camgirl for a while, and when I got to the lifts I saw that they were up near the top of the building so I kept walking and got to reception. I’d never really had a look around there, just passed through so I wandered around.

There were some more men checking in and keeping the receptionists busy so they wouldn’t be able to tell me off or anything, not that I now think that they would, thank you Karen, so I walked around the room looking to see if there was anything interesting.

There wasn’t so I wandered off down one of the other corridors. I came to a big function room, the York Suite, the doors were closed but I could hear something going on in there. Not interesting so I headed for the other corridor, the one that went to the bar.

The door was open and there were a few people in there who looked like they were having their own little meetings. Some of them looked up and saw me, 2 of them staring at me for a while. The barman also saw me and waved me over and asked me if he could get me anything.

I said not and left and headed for the lifts. I again had to share a lift and I again went to the back of the lift, the 3 men standing in front of me. Remembering the mirrored walls my hands went to my nipples and clit and started playing with them whilst I looked in the mirrors to see if any of the men were watching me. I couldn’t see any evidence that they were, even when they got off on the floor below me.

As soon as the doors opened on my floor I quickly walked to my room, there was something that I urgently needed to take care of with my webcam focused on my pussy.

After my first, quick orgasm I slowed down and brought myself to a leisurely second one whilst reading the comments and occasionally typing a response. Then I lay back, toying with my clit and laughing at the stupid comments although they did give me an insight into how some men’s brains work.

It was a quiet meal in the restaurant then an early night for me but I again slept on top of the bed with the lights on just in case anyone from the next hotel looked through my window.



2021-08-05 04:34:55
XNXX would not publish some parts of this story. To find them search for Vanessa Evans erotic stories in your browser and you will find Vanessa's home page where you can find all parts of all her stories.


2021-08-05 03:20:59
Where are parts 1&2?


2021-08-05 03:17:15
Where are parts 1&2?

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