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A girl growing up in a children's home is given Puberty Blockers being told that they were to help with her periods.
They Stole my Puberty

by Vanessa Evans

Part 05

The hotel was very quiet as I went down (naked) to the leisure centre for my swimming lesson. George let me in and Jason gave me my lesson which, as usual, included the on the poolside practice then a bit later, Jason supporting me in the water with his thumb sliding in and out of my hole taking me so close to an orgasm.

George told me that I was improving and I also thought that I was, and I had to agree with him that my workouts were starting to pay dividend.

And talking about workouts, after getting dried I went to the workout room and started on my routine. I’m sure that I’m improving in there as well because I was able to increase the resistance on some of the machines and still achieve my goal.

I didn’t increase anything on the exercise cycle and I cycled myself to a wonderful orgasm with Jason watching me. Unfortunately it was a bit early for the rest of the hotel and Jason and I were the only ones in the pool and in the workout room which probably meant that Jason had more time to give me one-to-one tuition.

Back in my room I chose a skirt and top to wear to go to breakfast. The skirt, again ultra short, was tight fitting and it wanted to ride up all the time, and because it started out ultra short it was soon up above my slit and clit. The top, Lucy had put a see-through panel in the front and to cover my nipples I had to keep pulling it down but it soon went back up revealing my nipples through the see-through panel.

As soon as I walked out of the lift I started the constant battle of pulling the skirt and top down so that my slit and nipples were covered, a battle that I couldn’t win but at least I had to show that I was trying.

It was still a bit early for most of the hotel guests but I’m sure that at least a couple of them got a surprise when they saw me walking towards them. I hoped that they had enjoyed the sight.

By the time I got back to the lift to go up to my room I’d admitted defeat and just let my clothes ride up. After all I’d been totally naked in the lift many times but at the same time clothes that didn’t cover what they were supposed to made me feel more naked than when I was naked. I wondered if that was Lucy’s intention.

My day was spent mostly in my room on my laptop either being a camgirl or browsing for houses and cars. I’d already decided that I didn’t want a flash sports car, just an everyday little car. I’d also realised that with me looking like I do I’d get stopped by the police quite a lot and I couldn’t really blame them.

By late afternoon I was getting bored of being in my room. A naked girl can only do so much masturbating and letting unknown men control the vibrator inside you in one day so I went to the leisure centre with my remote controlled vibrator still inside me, but leaving my phone in my room, to do a 30 minute workout. It was Karen’s shift and I had a chat with her before going into the workout room to find Luke on his own.

“No guests Luke?” I asked.

“Only you Penny, Sunday afternoons and evenings are usually quiet, the weekenders having left and the business men not arriving until Mondays, but at least I’ll be able to give you my undivided attention Penny.

When I was on the leg spreader with my legs wide open, the pink antenna sticking out of me like a thin, pink cock, Luke asked,

“Is that thing comfortable Penny?”

“Once I got used to having it inside me, yes.”

“But doesn’t that bit sticking out get in the way?”

“Does your cock get in the way with you Luke?”

“Sometimes yes.”

“I can believe that but so far I haven’t had any problems with this but I haven’t been outside with it in yet.”

“Surely it will be hidden under your skirt.”

“Have you seen my skirts Luke?”

“Come to think of it, no, I’ve only ever seen you when you are naked,”

“Well let’s just say that I’m sure that this thing will be visible most of the time.”

“I look forward to seeing you with clothes on then Penny.”

I laughed a bit then replied,

“I bet that you never thought that you’d say that you’d like to see a girl with her clothes on rather than seeing her naked.”

Luke smiled and replied,

“Yes, you’re right Penny.”

Luke then put his hands on my inner thighs when my legs were spread wide, right at the top millimetres from my pussy making me try to work out if I was wet there, and he said,

“These muscles are the ones that this exercise is aimed at.”

My pussy tingled and my muscles relaxed causing my legs to close and Luke to quickly move his hands away.

Luke followed me round the rest of the machines touching me to show me which muscles that particular machine of exercise were aimed at. He also showed me how to adjust the exercise cycle’s seat to the best height for me to get the most out of the sliding from side to side.

“You mean so that my clit gets the most action to make me cum faster Luke?” I asked as I climbed on.

“Yes, but we’re not supposed to say it like that Penny. Some women get embarrassed if I use words like cum and clit.”

“Hey Luke, with a body like mine I can’t afford to be shy, I once heard a Yorkshireman say,

“A spade is a spade, not an implement for moving substances from one place to another.”

“Are you from Yorkshire then Penny?”

“Not according to my birth certificate but it’s possible that I spent a few years there before going into the children’s home down here. No it was the name of the hotel that reminded me of that saying.”

Is that pink thing going to make it uncomfortable for you Penny?”

“I doubt it bit I’ll tell you in couple of minutes.”

I started pedalling and sliding and the exercise that my clit was getting was greater, not just because of the height of the saddle but because my clit was sliding over the antenna each time each revolution of the pedals, and I did cum quicker.

And Luke was stood right next to me all the time.

Luke again had his hands all over me when I did the floor exercises and when I was doing the normal and the standing splits he had his hands were really close to my pussy and making it tingle quite a lot, even though I had cum on the bike just a few minutes before.

When I was doing the Reclining Butterfly yoga exercise Luke was squat in front of me and he asked me if I was remembering to do my Kegel exercises.

“Yes I am, not all the time but quite a bit, enough I think,”

I started doing them right then with me on my back, my knees wide open, the pink antenna bouncing up and down and Luke squat down right in front of me.

“Yes, just like that Penny.” Luke said as I clenched then released my pussy muscled over and over. “Keep up doing those, you’ll be happy that you did when you get older.”

I did, and I stayed in the Reclining Butterfly position a lot longer than the time that I had allotted.

By the time that I’d finished my 30 minute routine it was nearly 50 minutes later and I was feeling tired so I decided to go and relax in the jacuzzi for a while. There was no one in either the pool or the jacuzzi and it was great just relaxing floating there with the only sound being the bubbles. My brain compared it to what I imagined it would be like on a deserted tropical beach and I decided that I was going to find out if that was true just as soon as I’d got myself a house and a car.

I stayed there for about half an hour until the ends of my fingers got all wrinkly then headed back to my room to get ready for dinner. I looked out of my window and saw no one looking my way but as I looked down to the ground I wondered what it would be like to walk the streets totally naked.

I even tried to work out a way to get out of the hotel in the middle of the night without being seen and wander around the streets totally naked. Then I had an attack of common sense and decided that I’d have to wait until I’d bought a house that I’d just decided was going to be a little further out of the city.

I left the vibrator inside me when I got dressed to go down to dinner. If anyone saw the antenna they didn’t say anything. After dimmer I decided to go to the hotel bar for the first time. I hadn’t been there before because I thought that it might be the same as the restaurant and not want naked little girls in there.

There was only a handful of people in there and I walked straight up to the bar and climbed up on one of the high stools. The barman must have seen me around and asked about me because he came up and said,

“Hi Penny, what can I get you?”

I asked for the one alcoholic drink that I’d had before, a vodka and orange and the barman got it for me then asked me how I was doing.”

“A little bored actually, there’s not a lot to do in a hotel and I certainly don’t fancy going into town on an evening on my own.”

“Hey, I’m sure that I could find some of the staff that have finished their shifts that would love to escort you although you might find it a bit difficult getting into the pubs looking as young as you do, sorry no offence.”

“That’s okay Harry, I’m well used to that problem. Maybe when I have some documents that prove how old I am.”

“I could ask around and see if I can get you a forged ID card if you want Penny.”

“Thanks but no thanks, I prefer to stay legal.”

“Well if you change your mind just et me know.”

Harry went off to serve one of the few customers so I decided to turn round and have a look around. That proved to be not so easy. With my skirt being so short it was my bare butt that had come into contact with the wooden stool but when I tried to twist my skin was stuck to the stool. I had to stand on the bars between the legs of the stool to free myself then turn and sit facing the other way.

The other thing was that being sat upright the hem of the skirt was nearly up to my waist and not covering my pubes or slit, and the pink antenna was sticking out between my thighs.

Ignoring that problem, I looked around getting the feel of the place and the customers who were there. It was highly unlikely that any of them could actually see my slit or the vibrator, just see that a young girl showing lots of bare legs was sat at the bar.

My eyes had just about gone all round the room when a man carrying a briefcase walked in and sat at a table directly opposite me and quite close. At first he didn’t take any notice of me but after he’d got his laptop out and started working on it I was sure that he kept looking up at me and I wondered if he’d realised that he could see my slit.

Then he got up and came and stood at the bar quite close to me. I half expected him to say something but all he did was smile at me. Harry got the whiskey that he ordered then he went back to his laptop.

Meanwhile I had been sipping my drink and finished it. I stood on the stool bars then jumped off. The movement attracted the attention of the man and he looked at me as I jumped down, my skirt staying up near my waist. I saw the man’s eyes go wide as he saw my slit before I straightened my skirt and walked out.

Back in my room I decided to go house hunting on my laptop then a bit of camgirl fun before having an early night.


It was my early morning swimming lesson followed by another full workout but this time I added 30 minutes of running on the treadmill onto the end of the routing. There was only one other guest there watching the nude young girl workout, well apart from Jason who kept an eye on me and helped me to raise the saddle on the exercise bike.

I’d put my vibrator back inside me when as soon as I got up, I again wanted to feel Jason’s thumb going inside me alongside the antenna. As he was thumb fucking me I decided that the next day I was going to get the vibrator vibrating before I left my room and having it keep going all the time that I was swimming and working out.

“A few orgasms before breakfast.” I thought.

The exercise bike along with the antenna worked their magic and I had a satisfying orgasm before continuing with my routine. After that it was a quick chat with Karen before going up to my room for a shower then getting dressed for breakfast.

I left the vibrator inside me and carried my phone down to the restaurant and I’d just got myself a pile of healthy food when my phobe rang It was Bob Hammond asking me to go to his office whenever I could because he had a few things for me.

“A few thing.” I thought but not for too long because I was hungry.

Back in my room I cleaned my teeth then had to decide what to wear to go to Bob’s office.

I looked outside and saw the trees branches blowing about and looked down at the dress that I was wearing. Apart from the deep ‘V’ that Lucy had put in both the front and back which would have been good to show off my cleavage, if I’d had one, the skirt part was very ‘A’ shaped and, of course very short. Looking out at the trees again I just knew that it was going to be ‘interesting’ walking around outside in that dress.

Feeling a little naughty I said,

“What the hell.” to no one, then grabbed my phone and clutch bag and left my room. I’d also put on a pair of 3 inch heeled sandals intending to spend some time getting used to wearing heels.

Well the breeze certainly did make my walk interesting. The skirt part was blowing all over the place and at first I battled to hold it down but after a while I just gave up and let it do its own thing whilst I walked. I few people looked at me but no one said anything and no cars crashed so I wasn’t worried, after all, it wasn’t me who was lifting my dress revealing that I wore no underwear.

At Bob Hammond’s office I straightened myself out and went in. His secretary or assistant or whatever she was, let Bob know that I had arrived and soon I was sat in Bob’s office with him asking me how I was. He said that he liked my dress so I stood up to let him have a better look at it and I did nothing to pull the slowly descending hem back down to where it was supposed to be.

“The drawback or advantage of very short skirts.” Bob said but I stayed stood like that for a few seconds before sitting down again satisfied that he’s had a good look at my slit, clit and pink antenna.

“So how have you been keeping Penny?” Bob asked, “hotel life suiting you?”

“Yes and no, it’s a thousand percent better than that shitty bedsit but it can be a bit boring at times.”

“I can understand that. Maybe you should join some clubs or get a job. A career takes up a lot of time but a with a job you can just switch off from it when you get home, probably like you did when you worked at the supermarket.”

“Did I tell you that I’m learning to swim properly, the guys in the hotel leisure centre are teaching me and they’ve setup a workout routine to strengthen my legs which the say are my weakest part. And did I tell you that they don’t mind me swimming and working out without any clothes on. That started when I only had the one dress but now that Lucy has finished altering a load of clothes for me the guys said that they don’t mind me continuing not wearing anything.”

“I bet that they didn’t.”

“And the hotel manager, a David Seaton doesn’t mind either, he’s asked me to model for some artists and photographers. He’s also asked me to model or pretend to be a patient for some medical conference.”

“Well Penny, it looks like you haven’t really got time for a full time job, it sounds like you still need something that you can do whenever you get bored.”

“Like being a camgirl?”

“Well I guess that those girls only work whenever they want but is that something that you really want to do?”

“I’m already doing it. I’ve done about 4 sessions so far. It was fun, especially when they control my vibrator, did you see that?”

Before Bob had a chance to reply I stood up again letting him see me naked from my stomach down, and grabbed hold of the end of the pink antenna and waggled it about making my pussy tingle a bit.

“I can control it from my phone, do you want me to show you? The manual says that anyone with the app on their phone setup to link to it can control it. Do you want to setup your phone to control it when I’m not here?”

“I don’t think so Penny.”

“Well if you change your mind.”

Bob changed the subject and I sat back down.

“So Penny, have you been looking at houses or cars?”

“A bit, I’ve been making a mental list of what I want. For the house I want it to be out in the country but not too far from the city and I don’t want to see any other houses when I’m in the garden. I don’t want it to be too big, there’s only little old me to rattle around in it but I might want a swimming pool. I’m not sure about that yet.”

“You could always get a house without a pool and get one built later, and does it have to be a house and not a cottage, I’ve seen quite a few cottages around that are on the market, would you like me to have a look and see what I can find?”

“Yes please Bob, I’m not very good at this sort of thing. I don’t know what sort of car that I want either.”

“Have you been to any of the dealer showrooms yet?”


“May I suggest that you do go and look at the smaller, more common cars not the flashy sports cars. Someone who has just learnt to drive shouldn’t really be driving a powerful sports car.”

“Yes, I know, and with me looking like I do I guess that I’ll get stopped by the police a lot thinking that some kid has stolen the car.”

“Probably true Penny, now I have some things for you that will let you get started on learning to drive.”

Bob got out a pile of papers and handed me a passport and then a provisional driving licence. I was so excited. Then he added to my excitement with a debit card linked to a new bank account. Bob telling me that it was more suited to someone of my financial status.

Him saying that made be a little happier.

He also had a few more papers for me to sign then he said,

“Learning to drive Penny, you’ll need a good driving school, one that has a car that can be driven by someone your height I can recommend a couple but you’ll need to tell them about your height before you actually book a lesson.”

“Okay, thank you Bob.”

That was it so I stood up, again not straightening my dress letting Bob have another look at me, waited until Bob stood up which took a while because of where he was staring, then I straightened my dress and he showed me out.

I went to a cafe and got a coffee to go, then went to the park. The breeze had calmed a little but the dress was still getting blown up a lot and I did nothing to keep it down.

In the park I sat on the grass with my legs out straight and phoned the driving school numbers that Bob had given me. When I told the first driving school how tall I was they didn’t think that their cars were suitable. The second school was better and was sure that they could help me, even when I was explained that I wanted to learn as quick a possible. They told me everything that I needed to know and sent me an email with links to mock theory tests.

They also arranged for an instructor to meet me outside my hotel at 10 a.m. the next morning telling me that I could expect to be learning for most of the day. When I terminated the call I was pleased that I had been reading the Highway Code.

I got up, ignoring the 2 young men that had obviously been looking up my dress and headed to where I had seen some car dealerships.

In the first one a man in a suit approached me and when I told him that I wanted to look at the new cars he told me that I should come back with my parents. That annoyed me a bit so I got out my driving licence, stuck it in front of his face for a few seconds then turned and walked out.

“I’m so sorry madam.” He said to my back. I stopped, turned, gave him the finger and left.

I was luckier in the second showroom that I went in to. The young man who approached me was a lot more friendly and was happy to show me round their smaller cars. My mind was on the cars and not what he could see whenever I bent over or climbed in to check that I could reach the pedals.

It was only when he had to reach in to show me how to move the seat up and down and back and forward, and his head was right near the top of my bare thighs that I thought about what he could see. After I’d checked that I could reach the pedals I asked if the seat reclined. He again leant in and showed me which lever would recline the seat.

As the back of the seat went back my body went back and my dress stayed at my waist. I pretended to not know what was showing and continued taking the seat right back then raising it back to the upright position. Then I asked him how long it would take to get one.

Satisfied with what I had seen and heard I left saying that I might be back.

I did a similar thing in 2 more dealerships and at both doing the same bending and sitting in the driver’s seat to check that I could reach the pedals okay ignoring the fact that my dress was up around my waist before deciding to call it a day and headed back to the hotel ignoring what the breeze was doing to my dress.

It was a happy Penny that went into her room, stripped naked and turned my laptop on, I was going to spent an hour or so as a camgirl.

I decided to leave my vibrator inside me and on low vibrations when I went down to the leisure centre for a 30 minute workout. After a quick chat with George I went to the workout room and Luke seemed pleased to see me. There were only 2 other men in there are both stared at the naked girl starting her routine.

It was fun watching their expressions of the 2 men as my legs spread wide showing them exactly where the pink antenna disappeared inside me, especially as the vibrations were causing me to generate quite a lot of juice that were seeping out of me.

Luke helped me adjust the seat on the exercise cycle and he too watched me pedal and slide to an orgasm that came quicker because of the vibrations inside me and I had real trouble doing the standing splits although I did manage to look down my body when I had one leg high in the air and I wasn’t sure what the men watching me would think about the pink antenna sticking straight out of me and gently vibrating like the other end of the vibrator was.

At the end of the 30 minutes I had thoroughly enjoyed having the vibrator running on low vibrations whilst I was exercising, not only what was going on inside me but also the expressions on people’s faces seemed different from when the just saw my bare pussy.

I decided to have that vibrator ticking over inside me when exercising as often as possible.

After a shower I headed back to my room but as I approached the lift I decided that I needed a drink. Instead of getting one in my room I decided to go to the hotel bar and see what reaction I would get walking in there totally naked.

As I walked through the door I saw Harry behind the bar smiling at me. He’d never said anything to me about my clothing when I was last in there and all he said this time was,

“Looking good Penny, vodka and orange or would you like something else?”

I sat on one of the high stools and chatted to Harry for about 15 minutes as he often looked at my rock hard nipples. One reason that I left when I did was that the cumulative effect of the vibrations inside me was giving me signs that an orgasm was building in me and I didn’t really want that to happen in the bar.

I made it back to my room without seeing anyone and as soon as I was walking along the corridor to my room I opened the app on my phone and turned the vibration up to full blast and I orgasmed within a minute.

Once my heart was beating normally I concentrated on reading and memorising the Highway Code and testing myself on the online theory test simulations. Instead of going down to the restaurant for dinner I used room service much to the delight of the guy who brought me food and the different guy who came to collect my finished with things.

I fell asleep halfway through one of the mock theory tests.


Learning to drive wasn’t going to stop my daily swimming lessons and workouts and the naked me was outside the leisure centre doors when Karen arrived to open up. My vibrator was in and gently vibrating.

“Nice and keen this morning Penny.” Karen said as soon a she saw me.”

“I’ve got a driving lesson at 10:00 a.m.”

“You got your driving licence then?”

“Yes, just a provisional one.”

“Good, it will be good for you to be able to drive around.”

“True but I don’t think that I’ll be driving much whilst I’m staying here.”

“I can believe that, it’s quicker to walk around town than it is to go somewhere by car.”

“Who’s on this morning, Jason or Luke?” I asked.

Penny didn’t answer because Luke walked passed me, gently tapping my bare butt and saying,

“Morning Penny.”

Three minutes later I was on my back on the side of the pool with Luke holding my ankles and moving my legs in the way that I needed them to go for the breast strike.

When it got to the time for him to support me in the water he soon discovered that the vibrator was switched on. I saw his smile but I also felt the vibrator against his solid thumb and it felt better than just his thumb or just the vibrator.

It didn’t take as long as usual for me to cum because of the vibrating vibrator, and neither did it take as long when I was on the exercise cycle.

I’d told Luke that I had a driving lesson later that morning and he told me that it was best that I didn’t have any distractions whilst I was driving.

“That makes sense,” I replied, “I’ll take it out when I get back to my room.” I replied.

But there was a cumulative effect as well and I had my third orgasm of the morning whilst I was doing the standing splits. How I managed to stay balanced on one foot I will never know. The other good thing about it was that Luke and the others were watching me when that third orgasm hit me. The men were still grinning when I left the room.

I did take the vibrator out when I got back to my room and I left it charging when I went down for breakfast.

At 10:00 a.m. I was stood outside the hotel waiting for a driving school car to collect me. I was wearing my most conservative clothes that I had but even so I just knew that I would me showing a lot of leg, and maybe more, to the instructor. When he got out of the car he looked around then came over to me and said,

“Would you by any chance be Penelope McNally?”

“That’s me.” I replied.

“Hi Penelope, I’m Dave Holden your instructor for today. If you’d care to get in the passenger side I’ll drive us out to somewhere quiet then we can swap seats and get started.”

I did, and as soon as we started moving Dave was telling me all about driving, the lessons that I’d asked for and all about the 2 different tests. I sort of knew some of it from reading on the internet.

Soon I was sat behind the wheel and starting the engine. When Dave asked me if I was nervous I said,

“Just a little.”

Which he said was a good thing.

I have to say that the next 4 hours were over in no time and Dave had me driving on busy roads then back to the hotel. Parked outside Dave told me that I should apply for the theory test and take it as soon as possible and that I had done really well that day. He also told me that if I had the same length of lesson at least 3 times a week there was a good chance that I’d be ready to take the practical test in a couple of weeks.

I hadn’t once thought about how short my dress was and what I might have been showing even once during my 4 hour lesson and it was only as I was getting out of the car after Dave had come round to the driver’s side of the car and opened my door for me that I remembered my short dress. But it was too late, I had one foot out on the road and Dave was looking down at my pussy.

Ignoring the exposure but enjoying the tingling that suddenly started, I finished getting out of the car and stuck my right hand out to shake Dave’s hand and thanked him for a great day and he told me that he’d pick me at 10:00 a.m. the next morning.

I’d arranged for lessons for the Wednesday and the Thursday then have a day off on the Friday because of the staff picnic that I’d been invited on, then I’d got lessons again on the Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Dave could be free all of the next week but I didn’t want to book anything until I had had a bit more experience.

After being sat in the driving seat for 4 hours I needed to exercise my body and relax so it was strip off in my room then down to the leisure centre for a 30 minute workout then a long soak in the jacuzzi followed by dinner and bed. Before actually going to sleep I went online and booked my theory driving test. Dave had told me how to do it and that I was ready but to keep taking the practice tests. I was pleased when I managed to get a test the following Tuesday.

The next couple of days went much the same. My priority was my driving lessons so I just about ignored anyone who stared at me.


I think that it was fair to say that after 3 days of intensive learning I was ready for a day off on the Friday. Karen had told me that everyone was meeting in the leisure centre at 10:00 a.m. and that I didn’t need to take anything with me.

My day started, as usual, with my swimming lesson then a full workout but it had been 3 days since I’d done both those things with my vibrator inside me and switched on so that morning I put it in in my room, took my phone with me and turned the vibrator on to low as I walked to the lift.

Both sessions were productive, my swimming improving with Jason thumb fucking me to an orgasm in the pool and in the workout room my muscles must have got a little stronger, the bike saddle made me cum and I also orgasmed whilst doing the standing splits with Jason and one unknown man watching me.

I quickly left the leisure centre, went to my room, had a quick shower, put a dress on and almost ran to the restaurant to get a quick breakfast. As I was going back up in the lift I looked at the clock in there and realised that it was earlier than I had thought it was. The vibrator was still purring away inside me and I decided that I had time to have a soak in the jacuzzi before before going back to my room to puts a dress on, take the vibrator out and be back in the leisure centre for 10:00 a.m.

However, there was no one else in the jacuzzi and in spite of the vibrations I dozed off. I was woken by Karen tapping me on my head and telling me that everyone was waiting for me.

I jumped up and started to head out of the leisure centre, to go up to my room grabbing my phone on the way but all the other 9 people who were going on the picnic said that we didn’t have time for me to go up to my room and said that I should just go as I was.

“But I’m naked.” I protested.

I was hit by a barrage of people telling me that it would be okay and that it wouldn’t be a problem where we were going. Reluctantly, and very nervously I followed the group down into the car park.

“Give me your phone Penny, I’ll keep it safe in my bag for you.” Karen said.

I did, just before I was offered a seat in the back of a car between 2 guys, one of whom I recognised as a room service guy. Karen introduced Matt and William, both of them having turned in their seats to look at me. Both guys looked kinda cute and the sides of the legs of both of them touched the sides of mine which sort of felt nice as both were wearing shorts. I guess that it helped that all 3 of us had sat with our knees apart as far as the space would allow and unintentionally, the pink antenna was sticking up between my legs looking a bit like a silly cock.

As the car pulled out of the underground car park I was worried that people on the street would be able to see that I was naked in the car but Luke said,

“Don’t worry Penny, the back windows are tinted so no one will think that we’ve kidnapped a young girl.”

That made me feel a little better.

Matt and William talked to me for all of the 2 hour journey, asking me questions all the time. Even questions about the videos that they had seen which made me blush a little and tingle. After about an hour sat talking my nipples had started to soften a little but when the subject of the videos came up I felt my nipples swell and harden again. I also felt my pussy get wet, or should I say wetter because the vibrator, along with the whole situation had been keeping me tingling and wet all the time.

The 2 guys also asked me about my workouts and if I’d actually orgasmed like the rumours had said I did. I’m not usually a liar and I wasn’t going to lie about that and I told them that I had. Matt then asked me what had actually caused the orgasms and we had a bit of a conversation about my clit sliding from side to side on the saddle. I then told them that they should come down to the workout room on a morning and watch me.

It was Luke’s car that we were in and he heard at least that part of the conversation and he told Matt and William that they really should go and watch me in the workout room. He also told them about my 30 minute workouts and how the floor exercises and the leg spreader machine really did expose my pussy. The 3 guys were talking about me exposing my pussy like I wasn’t there and they were saying all sorts of things that were really embarrassing.

When I asked them to stop talking about my pussy like that because it was embarrassing me, Karen, who was in the front passenger seat, turned her head and told them to keep talking like that because I am an exhibitionist and that I get off on people talking about my pussy.

She was right, as well as being embarrassed I was tingling a lot and I was sure that my pussy juices would be staining the seat of Luke’s car.

Luke kept on talking about my pussy, how my lips opened when my legs spread, how he could see inside my hole, how there was nearly always tons of my juices seeping out of me, how my clit looked like it was throbbing half the time, how my whole pussy moved when I did Kegel exercises, what it was like thumb fucking me whilst supporting me during my swimming lessons.

The funny thing was that he never once mentioned the vibrator which he couldn’t have not seen.

By the time Luke stopped my face and chest felt like they were on fire and I was starting to think that it was a good job that he had stopped talking otherwise I might have cum right there and then. If Matt and William could have seen my clit I’m sure that they would have seen it throbbing. As well as getting very engorged my clit does appear to move around a bit when I’m excited, unlike my nipples that only get bigger and harder when I’m excited.

Finally, the car pulled into a car park in the middle of nowhere. The other car pulled up alongside of us and people started to get out until I was the only one left in the cars.

“Come on Penny, you’re not going to stay there all day.” Karen said.

I’d already looked around and saw half a dozen or so other cars there and some people walking away and along a track.

“But people will see me.” I protested.

Karen stuck her head into the car and said,

“Penny, you WANT people to see you like that and here is a great place for that. We’re in the middle of nowhere and most people will just think that you are the little sister of one of us and are ready to go splashing in the river.”

“There’s a river here?” I asked.

“Yes, a shallow one and the last time that I was here there were loads of kids messing around in the water. Most people will think that you are just one of those kids but you will know that you are not and that you are an adult woman who likes showing her naked body, so come on, the sooner you get out the sooner you will start getting your kicks. Besides, some of the others with us haven’t had as good a look at you as Luke has yet and I know that Matt and William are eager to see what’s between your legs in all your pussy’s glory.”

I thought for a second and realised that Karen was right, again, so I shuffled to the side of the seat and got out to a little round of applause from the rest of the party.

By then, most of the 7 guys had got the bags for the picnic and were ready to start walking. As we started walking Matt came alongside me smiled at me. After a minute or so he said,

“Penny, I’m sorry if we embarrassed you too much in the car, I could see that you were really hotting up. I know that girls like you get off on situations like that which is why Luke went on like he did. I’m just sorry if we went too far.”

“That’s okay Matt, so sweet of you to say so but I think that maybe Luke knows me better than I do. All that made me so horny.”

“That’s good news Penny, I didn’t want us to get off on the wrong foot, I’ve seen you around the hotel and in your room and I think that you’re kind of cute.”

“You work for room service then Matt?”


“Well you be careful who you go telling that you think that I’m cute Matt, most people would think that you are a paedophile thinking that a girl who looks like me is cute.”

“Well I know your true age Penny and I don’t care what people think.”

I was just about to ask Matt if he was hitting on me when one of the guys loudly said,

“Okay guys, we’re here, where do you want to spread our things?”

“Near the river so that Penny can splash around.” Another guy said.

“Near the path so that Penny can show herself to everyone that comes and goes.” Another said.

The group settled for an area about half way between the river and the path near a couple of bushes. Ahead of us was an area about the size of a football pitch all covered in short green grass and on the grass was evidence that sheep had been in that field. There were a few groups of people scattered around and a couple of kids in the shallow river with little fishing nets.

The guys took off their T-shirts and Karen and Emily (one of the receptionists) stripped down to their bikinis, both of the thong variety with not a lot of material covering their tits or pussies, but at least they had something covering their tits and pussies.

I saw a family walking from the car park and Karen called me over to her and just as the family got close Karen said,

“Hold still Penny while I rub some sunblock on you.”

And she did. As the man in the family walked passed us he saw Karen rubbing sunblock on my pussy. My clit was already hard due to the circumstances but her rubbing it, and the vibrator purring away made me moan loud enough for the whole of our group, and some of the family, to hear me. I heard Emily giggle and when the family were out of earshot Emily said,

“So does Penny get quite loud when she cums?”

It was Luke that answered,

“Yeah, I think she’s trying to attract the attention of all the guys around her.”

“I and not, I can’t help it if you make me so loud.”

“Me?” Luke replied.

Karen diffused the situation by saying,

“You really don’t have any meat on your pubic bone do you Penny, all I felt when I was putting that sunblock on was bone.”

“I can’t help that, it’s not my fault.”

“I know sweetie, I was just saying, maybe all the guys would like to come and check you out? Lay down on the blanket and let them have a good look at you Penny.”

“That would be embarrassing.” I said as I sat down then lay back and spread my legs.

One by one, each of the guys came close and ‘inspected’ me which was both embarrassing and nice. Matt was the last and after he’d ‘inspected’ my pussy he said,

“May I touch it please Penny?”

“I guess so.”

Matt put a finger on my pubic bone and presses a little.

“You’re right Karen, not a millimetre of fat.”

“Her lips look to have some though, I couldn’t tell when her legs were closed. Hold one between your finger and thumb and tell me..”

Matt did and I moaned.

“What are you doing to the poor girl?” I heard one of the guys say.

“Yes, there’s some meat there but not a lot.” Matt said.

“That clit looks inviting doesn’t it Matt?” Karen asked.

“Noo, you’ll make me cum.” I protested but Mat’s finger was already moving to my clit.

When it touched the end I gasped and shuddered a little.

“Please don’t, I’ll cum.” I again protested.

But Matt’s finger was already pushing my clit in all directions and causing it to go round in little circles.

“No please don’t.” I feebly protested but it was too late.

“Oh, oh, no, oh, please stop, oh, oh, yes, that’s it, keep doing that. Oh, oh, ooooooooooooh.”

The next thing that I heard was one of the guys saying,

“Keep it down guys, everyone in the field can tell what you’re doing.”

I clamped my legs together then felt Matt gently press on the insides of my knees and they parted. Not wide, but wide enough for Matt to see the whole length of my slit.

“You really do have a beautiful pussy Penny. A coin slot with just your clit sticking out.”

Matt touched the end of my clit and I gasped.

“No please don’t Matt, I’ll cum again.”

“Does that vibrator make you cum Penny?”

“When it’s turned up yes.”

“Is it on at the moment?”

“Yes, just a little, the vibrations aren’t very strong.”

“Has Karen got your phone?”

“Yes, but please don’t.”

“Okay, perhaps you could let me play with your phone some other time.”

“I’d like that Matt.”

“So how long do the batteries last?”

“I have no idea, I’ve never had it on long enough to find out.”

“Maybe we’ll find out today because I’ll bet that Karen won’t turn it off.”

“Probably not.”

“Who’s for a game of football before the crowds get here?” One of the guys asked.

Within a minute everyone except me was up on their feet and one guy was sorting out the teams.

“Come on Penny, you’re not allowed to sit this out.” Emily said so I reluctantly got to my feet and went over.

Before long the ball was getting kicked about and it was funny watching Emily’s tits bounce about in the too small and loosely tied top. I wondered how long it would be before they escaped.

Even I was joining in and running after the ball. I was glad that I didn’t have any tits to bounce about. Karen’s looked like they might escape as well but no one said anything.

As the game went on Emily’s tits did escape and when she noticed she said,

“Oh what the hell.” and pulled her top off.

Karen wasn’t going to be outdone and she took her top off. The guys were suddenly keen to see Karen and Emily running with the ball.

Before long the inevitable happened and someone kicked the ball into the river.

“Go and get it please Penny?” one guy said.

“Why me, you go you lazy sod.”

“But I’ve got my trainers on, your feet are bare.”

That made some sense so I went into the river which was cold at first but I soon got used to it and took my time getting the ball. As I walked back I passed a couple about my age who had taken their shoes and socks off and were just standing in the not quite knee deep water holding hands.

I was a bit envious of them at first then found myself thinking that they should take their clothes off and get the true feeling of nature.

As I kept walking I realised that it really was nice being out there with no clothes on, even if there had been no one for miles I would still have thought that it was amazing.

When I got back to the gang some of them had started throwing a frisby to one another, including Karen and Emily, neither of the having put their tops back on, so I rolled the ball over to the blankets and joined in.

After a while Karen was stood next to me and she said,

“Forgotten that you’re not wearing anything Penny?”

“Oh shit, yes, maybe I should go and sit down.”

“Don’t be silly Penny, you’ve been like that for over 3 hours now and no one has complained have they.”


“And a lot of people have been arriving and seen you haven’t they?”

“I guess so.”

“So enjoy the freedom girl.”

I thought about it for a few seconds then said,

“Yes, I like being naked out here so stuff anyone who complains.”

“That’s my girl.”

“Why don’t you take your bottoms off as well Karen it’s not like they’re covering much anyway.”

“True, but it’s not the same, I look my age, you don’t.”

“Fair enough.”

“Hey Penny, maybe we could get the guys to take us to the coast sometime, find a nudist beach.”

“I’d like that.”

“Maybe we could get you into the fun fair or on a roller-coaster like that.”

“Woah there Karen that sounds way too risky.”

“Which bit, the roller-coaster or you being naked on one.”

“Both.” replied.

The frisby cam flying at us and I jumped to catch it.

“Good catch young lady.” I heard a man’s voice say.

I turned and saw man walking along behind where we had been standing. I saw him staring at me and wondered why he wasn’t staring at Karen’s ‘B’ cup tits.

“He couldn’t possibly prefer to look at me rather than Karen’s tits.” I thought,

But he was staring at me and I liked it, so much so that I spread my legs a little letting him see more of my slit, my clit and the pink antenna.

“Jeez Penny,” Karen quietly said, “you really do love men looking at your pussy, maybe I should get the guys to pick you up, give you a spreadie and carry you all around the field so that everyone can see you.”

“What’s a spreadie Karen?” I asked.

Karen took my hand and led me back to the others. Then she announced,

“Guys, Penny doesn’t know what a spreadie is, would some of you like to educate her?”

I was totally over-whelmed as all the guys got up and started grabbing my arms and legs. Seven guys had come at me but I ended up just being held by 2 of them. I was held between them with my arms round their shoulders and their outside arms holding my legs wide apart. My pussy was spread open for everyone to see and at that moment I knew where the name spreadie came from.

“Camera.” One of the guys shouted.

I could do nothing, not that I really wanted to, to stop about 50 photos being taken. I got passed from the first 2 guys to 2 more and more photos were taken. This repeated again and again. The last 2 holding me up and open included Karen whom I’d seen taking some photos with both hers and my phone.

When they finally put me down the embarrassment of being spread like that had all gone and I had been enjoying it.

“Let’s eat.” One of the guys said and soon the chilled bags of food and drink were open and we were all tucking in to lots of tasty food that I guessed had been provided by the hotel.

What there wasn’t in the hampers was ice cream and once the food had gone someone suggested that there would probably be an ice cream van in the car park so it was decided that those of us that wanted an ice cream would walk back to the car park to get one.

It was only as we started walking out of the field that I remembered that I was naked.

“I can’t go.” I said, “I’m naked.”

“Relax,” Matt said, “you walked naked here so you can easily walk back to the car park naked.”

“But. …….”

Matt took my hand and gently started pulling me.

“I haven’t got any money on me.”

“Not even in that coin slot pussy of yours.” Matt said.

“Very funny, no, unless you put some there when you were playing with it.”

“I wish.” Matt replied then added,

“I’ll buy you one Penny.”

Yes there were a lot more people on the path to the car park and yes, most of them looked at the naked me but none of them said anything and I started to relax and get a little excited.

There was an ice cream van in the car park and the guys started buying ice creams. Emily hadn’t wanted one and had stayed back at the blankets but Karen had wanted one and had walked to the car park still topless, much to the delight of the ice cream van man.

Matt and I had held back a bit but as the numbers waiting to get served diminished Matt got his wallet out and gave me a £10 note then said,

“You get them please Penny, I’ll have a 99.”

I was feeling a bit brave so I took the money and stepped forward. When the ice cream van man saw me I saw his eyes go wide open and then he said,

“What can I do you for young lady?”

I stood there for a few seconds letting him study my throbbing nipples and clit then replied,

“Two 99s please.”

“Coming up.” He said, but I stupidly heard, “Cumming up.” and I giggled a bit.

“Would you like some sauce on them or are you saucy enough already young lady?”

I smiled and replied,

“No thanks, just slide the flakes in please, thrust them in hard.”

“I can play that game as well.” I thought.

After I’d got them and paid I turned back to see a smiling Matt who when I gave him his 99 he said.

“You enjoyed that didn’t you Penny?”

”Yes I did.”

“And you got away with being naked, he didn’t try to tell you off.”


“And no one else has said anything about you being naked?”


“So relax Penny, enjoy yourself, get yourself a great all-over tan.”

“Yes boss. Here’s you change Matt.”

“Can you keep it in you coin slot for me Penny?”

“Only if you put it there Matt.”

“I might take you up on that later young lady.”

By the time Matt and I were back on the path to the blankets all the others were well ahead of us.

I felt Matt’s hand rub against mine then hold it. My heart fluttered a little,

“Is Matt really interested in me, with a body like mine?” I thought as we both licked our ice creams.

Matt squeezed my hand a little and I squeezed his back.

“Maybe he is.” I thought as we walked in silence.

When we got to near the blankets and the others Matt gently pulled me back onto the path and we kept walking. When we’d both finished our ice creams I stopped walking and pulled Matt to a halt.

“Matt, what are we doing up here. I’m naked and all these people are looking at me?”

“I know, and I don’t care what they are thinking, are you enjoying them seeing you?”

“I guess so.”

“Does it make your pussy tingle?”


“Make you want a cock inside you?”

“Yes, but I’ve never done it before.”

“There has to be a first time for everyone.”

“Are you saying that you want to fuck me Matt?”

“There’d be something wrong if I didn’t. Look at you, you are amazing.”

“Matt, I have the body of a girl half my age.”

“And any girl half your age would want a body like yours but there’s more to a girl than her body. What you are doing with yours is awesome, millions of girls would love to be you right now, standing naked in a field with lots of people looking at you, hell, even Karen and Emily couldn’t do that.”

“But it’s embarrassing.”

“And such a turn on for you, am I right?”


“You want to do something similar every day right?”


“You love exposing your body to all those hotel guests, especially in the workout room yes?

“Yes I do.”

“And all that is precisely what I like about you Penny. You want to do something and a little thing like embarrassment doesn’t stop you.”

“I guess not, so what are you saying Matt?”

“That I’d like to get to know you better.”

“Well I guess that we do that.”

All that time Matt and I had still been holding hands and both of them were getting a little sweaty but as we got close to the rest of the guys we let go of our hands and joined the rest of them, Karen getting me to lay down in the middle of everyone.

“So,” Karen said, “you 2 been for a quiet fuck? It’s about time you lost your cherry Penny. Oh wait, that monster dildo. Hey, anyone not seen that video of Penny fucking herself with her monster dildo?”

There was deadly silence and I could only assume that everyone had seen the video and I felt my face start to heat up.

“No I replied, Matt hasn’t fucked me.”

“I bet that you want your first time to be streamed live on your camgirl site don’t you Penny?”

“Yes.” I quietly replied and wondered if Matt had heard me.

“Well Penny, I hope that your dream comes true but in the meantime you have other needs and one of them is something that all of us can help you with.”

“What’s that Karen?”

“Letting people see you naked of course Penny. Come on, you and me are going for a walk.”

“I’ve just been for a walk with Matt, and if I go with you most men will be looking at your tits Karen.”

“Maybe, but I bet that they’ll be looking at your pussy as well.”

“Are you an exhibitionist as well Karen?”

“Maybe a little bit.”

“So are you going to take those bottoms off Karen?”

“No Penny, I wouldn’t want to spoil your fun.”

“I wouldn’t mind Karen.”

“Well I will Penny, you are my main priority. Now get that cute little butt up off that blanket, you and me are going for a walk.”

Karen walked me all around the field pointing out all the men who she thought I would like to fuck. While we were looking at them they were looking at us, well the ones where their female partners weren’t keeping a close eye on.

“So is all this men looking at you making you horny Penny?”

“Yes, especially the young men. When they stare at me I wonder what they are thinking. I try to read their eyes.”

“Wondering if they’d like to fuck you Penny?”


“Penny, 90% of men would like to fuck you and 90% of that 90% don’t give a damn about the shape of your body. You’ve got a pussy, a cute little pussy and that’s all that they care about. Look, there’s a group of young men over there let’s go and sit on those rocks near them and you’ll see what they think of your body.”

“Your tits you mean Karen.”

“I bet that they look at you just as much as they look at me.”

We did, me sitting with my legs open and leaning back on my hands behind me and it was obvious that they were as much attracted to Karen’s bare tits as they were to my bare pussy.

“See,” Karen said, “they can’t make up their minds, you or me. Try using your pussy muscles to make that pink antenna thing dance about.”

I did and Karen was right, just about all their eyes were glued to my pussy.

“I wish that I’d brought your phone over here Penny then I could have turned the vibrator on and made you dance about, that really would have made them look at you.”

“It is switched on Karen, it has been on all day, just on low intensity vibrations.”

“Oh, I didn’t realise, I guess that I should have checked before I put your phone in my bag. So you’ve been simmering all day have you? Is that why you haven’t been as embarrassed as you have been at times?”

“Probably, but I think that the battery is going flat now, I can hardly feel it.”

“That’s a shame, maybe you should buy another couple of them then when the battery goes flat in one you can just swap them over.”

“That’s an idea, I’ll remember that.”

All the time I’d been clenching and relaxing my pussy muscled and the pink antenna had been dancing about. I guess that I was subconsciously trying to attract the attention of those guys and it was working. They were still staring at my pussy and it was making me feel good.

“So Penny, what do you think of Matt? I saw you holding hands.”

“He’s nice but I can’t see anything coming from that, he won’t want to get involved with a girl who looks like me.”

“I wouldn’t be too sure about that Penny, didn’t you see the bulge in his shorts when you were walking with him?”

“No I didn’t notice that.”

“It’s the same with those guys in front of us, look at their crotches, I’m sure that they aren’t that shape all the time.”

“That’s because of your tits Karen, your nipples are as big and hard as mine are.”

“Maybe one or two of them but the rest are for you I’m sure. If time wasn’t getting on I’d go and put my top back on and come back here and prove it.”

“It’s really nice of you to say those things Karen but I’m not convinced.”

“Penny, trust me, I’m a good judge of character and I’m telling you, Matt would love to fuck you. Come on girl, you’ve caused enough blue balls over here for one day.”

We stood up and headed back to the others and as we walked I noticed that quite a few people were leaving. Some looking over to Karen and me.

Back at the blankets, the guys were all sat around the still topless Emily who seemed to be enjoying the company of the guys. Karen asked if anyone had noticed the time and when one of the guys said,

“Shit, I’m on nights tonight.”

Everyone started packing up. I noticed that the last thing that both Emily and Karen did was to put their tops back on.

As we all walked back to the cars I again saw a few people looking at me but not saying anything, even when they saw me get into the back of a car with a young man on either side of me.

Thankfully Matt, William and Luke didn’t try to embarrass me during the return journey but whenever I looked at Matt’s shorts they looked to be a but uncomfortable whereas Williams didn’t. I wondered if Matt really was interested in me. With there being a lot of silence in the car I was thinking and decided that I needed to talk to Matt when no one else was around so I said,

“So, when is everyone back at work?”

Karen, Luke and William all said that they were back on in the morning but Matt said that he wasn’t on until the afternoon. I decided to eat in my room the next evening.

As we were walking back into the hotel from the car park Karen said,

“So Penny, has it been a good day for you? What was it like going all that way without any clothes and no way of getting any?”

“Scary, what if the police had stopped the car or it had been in an accident? But it did turn out okay, in fact it was a good day, thank you for inviting me.”

“I guess that if there had been a problem we’d have used the same excuse that we would have done if someone had said something whilst we were there, that you were my little sister and that every time we put clothes on you you’d just rip them off. I’m happy that you enjoyed the day, we’ll have to do it again, maybe the seaside next time.”

“Then you could get naked on the beach as well Karen.”

“Maybe, and maybe you should become a permanude Penny.”

“I don’t know about that but I did enjoy today, and walking around the hotel naked even if the vibrator’s batteries didn’t last the day.”

Back inside the hotel Karen gave me my phone and key card and I went up to my room, removed the vibrator and put it on charge. After a shower I was feeling quite awake so I decided to go down to the leisure centre for a 30 minute workout. It was a Friday evening and Jason was there on his own looking bored and he was only too pleased to go through my routine with me. As we went round the machines Jason quizzed me about the day whenever he wasn’t staring at my pussy whenever my legs were wide open.

I thought about asking him for a swimming lesson so that he could thumb fuck me but it was getting on a bit and I didn’t want to miss the restaurant. But I did pedal my way to a very pleasant orgasm on the exercise bike.

After a good meal in the restaurant it was back up to my room for a session as a camgirl and a repeat of using my massive dildo.



2021-08-05 04:35:11
XNXX would not publish some parts of this story. To find them search for Vanessa Evans erotic stories in your browser and you will find Vanessa's home page where you can find all parts of all her stories.

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