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This is pure fiction. I wish that I would have had the chance to do things in the story. The sex scene is short but remember this my first time having sex and I am a virgin. They will get better as I gain more experience.

The year I was about to attend college, my parents were having marital problems. Their fights were becoming more frequent and I knew that one day something had to give. That happened one Saturday, my first day of summer vacation. I came home for dinner and found my mom in the couch waiting for me. I knew something was wrong. I sat down beside her and I took her hand to comfort her.

After a minute she finally spoke. “Your father has left and I don't when or if he will be back.”

“Don't worry mom. Things will work for the best. You still have me.”

“I called your aunt Susan to ask her if you could come visit for the summer. She said yes and would be happy to see you. I need some time to be alone and figure out what to do next.”

“How about a week? I have plans for the summer with my friends. Most of them are going back east to big colleges and I won't see them until Christmas break.”

“No sweetie, I need more time than that. Besides, you can play with your cousin Chris. I don't think you will be bored. Go pack a suitcase because we will be leaving in the morning.”

Mother and I drove quietly to aunt Susan's and uncle Phil's place. I looked out the window and watched the houses go by me. The houses became further apart and some were separated by pastures. The town we drove through was the typical small town. The kind you would see on an old TV show. The theater in this place had only one screen and the movie playing was one I had seen months ago. This town did not look like a place where a boy could have fun.

Ten minutes later, mom turned onto a gravel driveway. We stopped in front of a small house and got out. I was surrounded by sights and smells that I have never sensed before. A broad porch with a swinging chair cover the front. At the base of the porch, there were flowers in full bloom. As we walked up the stone path that led to to the front door, the scent of the flowers was intoxicating. You won't finds smells like that in the city not even in the park.

Aunt Susan greeted us at the door and invited us inside. We walked to the kitchen and sat at small table. Was everything in the country this small? I know that they wanted to talk about my dad however I didn't have any place to go. Eventually I grew tired sitting with my mother and aunt. I was about to run out of the house screaming, when in walked my cousin. All this time, I hoped that my cousin was a boy because I heard them mention Chris. However I came face to face with a girl. I was introduced to my cousin Chris, short for Christine. Still, I wished she was a boy. I thought to myself there goes my summer.

Chris was attractive and her body was fully developed. She didn't wear makeup or if she did I couldn't tell. Her shorts and blouse were cover in dust like she had been working on the back forty. When she walked over to meet me, her cowboy boots made a loud nouse. Her tomboy look had my aunt worried because Chris never really dated when she was in high school.

I stood when Chris walked over to me and shook her soft hands. I had never really noticed any girls before now and didn't want to have the distraction of dating. During my time in high school, I spent most of my time coding my video game. I just knew I would be rich someday from the sale of my game. Because of the lack of me dating, my parents wondered if I was gay.

I think she was disappointed that I wasn't a girl. Chris must have wanted someone to talk with her about things that a girl would want to keep secret from a boy. I think she could tell that I was hoping she was a boy. We couldn't change our situation, we had to make do with what we had.

The house wasn't that big for a place that sat on a hundred acres. I expected a larger house. As we walked from room to room, I noticed that the rooms were decorated modestly. The one thing that bothered was when we entered the living there was no TV or a computer. How could I watch my favorite shows? When we finished with our tour, I realized this what a real home should look and feel like. Our apartment in the city felt more like a place to live.

We walked quietly to the barn because we had said everything we could say about our schools and such. The awkward silence was starting to get to me. How could I get through a summer like this? I wanted to leave with my mother and get back to my room. At least in my room I could play video games and code to pass the time and have fun. Here I would be alone with nothing to do.

We stopped at fence and watched the horses feed on the sweet grass in the field. One of the mares has a colt that loved to run. I could empathize with the colt. I would love to run free without a care or better yet, to run back home. I was already missing mt friends.

Chris turned to me and said “Have you ever ridden a horse?”

“No. I live in the city and don't have a place to keep a horse. Mom would be mad at me if I kept a horse in my room.”

Chris grinned. “Don't they have places to rent a horse in the city?”

“I don't know. I never really thought about something like that until now. Maybe I should learn to ride while I'm here.” A broad smile broke over her face. Maybe I can find something to do here after all.

That night after dinner I sat on the porch and looked at the stars. I have never seen so many stars. A cool summer breeze brushed my face. I thought to myself that I could learn to love this place. The city was big and dirty. Everyone seemed to be in a hurry to get somewhere. I liked the slow and quiet pace in the country.

Mom walked out on the porch with a sad look on her face. I knew she was scared about her situation. She sat down beside me and gave me big hug. Mom kissed my forehead and said she was leaving. I was torn between asking her to take me or staying here. In the end I knew I would have to stay because she needed time to herself.

I began to get tired. I entered the house and I asked where I would sleep. I was told that I would be sleeping in Chris' room. The house only had two bedrooms and that was the only place for me to sleep. I grabbed my suitcase and followed Chris upstairs. I found a pair of pajamas and started for the bathroom.

Chris said “ You aren't going to wear those. You will get too hot.”

“I don't think it would be proper for me to sleep in the nude around you.” I haven't ever been naked around a girl and didn't want to do it now.

“Here, wear one of my nightgowns. It will be a lot cooler.”

“I don't know. I would feel silly. I wouldn't want any one to see me.”

“You won't look silly to me. I think it would look cute on you. Besides, no one will have know about it unless you tell them.”

Chris turned to the dresser and produced a nightgown for her and one for me. I watched as she took off her top. Her breasts weren't as big as the women in my dad's girly magazines but they were nice. When she removed her bra, I saw her nipples were similar to mine only bigger and more tempting. I have never seen real girl nipples that close before. I don't what came over me, I wished I could suck them.

She knew I was watching her so she gave her breasts a jiggle. She removed her shorts and stood there in her panties. I was hoping for more but I was denied the pleasure. She said to me “That's the show for tonight. Maybe I can finish it someday. Now it is your turn to get undressed.”

I removed my my pants and shirt but I left my underwear on. I put on the gown and was ready for bed. The nightgown was really short and my underpants showed. Chris said “Not so fast. I need to see more and your underwear doesn't go with what you are wearing.” She produced a pair of panties that went with the nightgown. I removed my underpants and gave a little wiggle.

“Are you satisfied. Did you like what you saw.” I put on the panties and asked “Where do I sleep?”

“In bed with me. Don't worry I don't bite.”

Chris' bed was a queen size and there was plenty of room for the both of us. I slipped under the sheet. I felt sexy when the sheer nightgown pressed against my shin. I got hard and had to sleep on my side. I didn't want Chris to see it. She turned out the light and climbed to the bed. We were fast asleep with plenty of room between us.

The next morning, I awoke with Chris snuggled up to me and her arm on my chest. The sheet was off of us and I lay there in the nightgown. Aunt Susan poked her head in the door and said “Hurry up. Your breakfast is getting cold. You can get dressed after breakfast.” I know she saw what I wearing and didn't even blink. We both got up and went downstairs. At the table, I sat quietly and ate. I was shocked that no one had said anything about the nightgown. Uncle Phil suggested that we go for a ride. I liked the idea. I could tell all of my buddies all about being able ride.

We went upstairs and got dressed. I watched as she put on her bra. I liked loved looking at her breasts. I took off the nightgown and was about to remove the panties when Chris said “Leave them on. They make you look sexy.”

At the barn and she showed how to put a saddle on a horse. I was given aunt Sue's horse because it was the tamest of the three horses. Before we left the barn, Chris pointed to the hayloft and said she would take me up there some day. We stopped by the house and aunt Susan gave each a lunch. We rode until lunchtime and we stopped at the creek to eat. When we finished our meal Chris suggested “Why don't we go swimming.”

“We didn't bring our suits.” I said.

“We don't need any.” Chris quickly removed all of her clothes and jumped in.

I followed her lead and removed all of mine. I jumped in the creek and swam over to her. As she stood there, I noticed her nipples were erect because of the cold water. She pressed her chest against mine and whispered “I wish you weren't my cousin because I would do you right here.”

I was excited and couldn't control myself. Her breast felt so good against me, I became very hard. My member pressed against her thigh. My hand went down to her crotch and I felt the hairs around her slit. She knew what I wanted but she couldn't help me. Chris said “Don't do that. I wish you were a girl and we wouldn't have this problem.”

When we finished swimming, laid in the sun to dry off. Once we dried, we got dressed. I didn't want our time in the sun to end. I loved to look at her wet body as it glistened in the sun. Her curved hips and supple breasts were highlighted by the light of the sun. I had a feeling that this summer was going to be difficult to survive. I couldn't help myself, I loved to look at her body.

We entered the house and went straight to her room. As we sat in the room, a curious look came over her face. Chris said “Remember when I said I wished you were a girl. I wonder what you would look like as a girl?”

“I don't like the idea. What if aunt Susan came in a saw me. I would be so embarrassed.”

“She won't see you. It will be fun. I think that you would enjoy it. I bet you would make a beautiful girl. In fact I know you would. Please do it for me. Pretty please.”

“Well, alright. But we need to be done before dinner so I can change back into my clothes.”

Chris smiled and dragged me over to her dresser. The decision was hard to make because there were so many bras and panties. I picked out a bra and matching panties. I stepped back and undressed. But before I put on the panties, Chris made me stop so she could look at my crotch. She reached in a drawer and retrieved two pairs or socks. She put them in the bra. Next she led me to her closet and had me pick out a dress. Again my decision was tough. I haven't this large of an assortment of clothes. Back home, all I had was a few pairs of jeans and enough shirts to last me a couple of weeks. I ***********ed a dress and pulled it over my head and let the dress slide down my body.

She stared at me and said “Something is missing.” After a few minutes, she continued “I know, you need makeup.”

“Is that really necessary?”

“Yes it is. I want to know how you would like as a girl and girls wear makeup.”

“Well alright. Not too much if you please.”

Chris didn't listen to me. She proceeded to give me the full treatment. She applied everything. I got foundation, blush, eyeliner and lipstick. When Chris was done, I looked in the mirror. I couldn't believe how I looked. I looked like a girl. I said to her “You did a great job. I love the way it looks on me.”

“Well walk around and strut your stuff.” I tried to walk like a girl but I didn't have the hips to sway as I walked. “Now come over here on the bed and try to seduced me.”

I came over and sat on the bed. I put my arm around her waist and said “I want you so badly that I ache. I need the warmth of your body next to mine.” I leaned over a kiss her. Not just a short little peck but a long wet kiss. Chris didn't reject my kiss and seemed to enjoy it. I reached over and slid my hand up her top. I could feel her nipples through her bra and knew they were erect, When we finished the kiss, Chris moved away from me. I wished we could continue but I knew what would happen next. I let it go and started to undress. Chris said “Leave it on.”

We spent the rest of the afternoon talking and laughing. Chris must like the idea of me being a girl. Someone she could share her secrets about boys. I felt a little strange about talking about boys. I knew I didn't want to be with a boy. I in turn, told her about what boys said about girls in private.

When it got late, I knew it was time to change. Chris removed the dress and the socks but told me to keep the bra and panties on. We heard aunt Susan call us to dinner and we walked downstairs to the dining room. When I sat down at the table, my uncle stared at me and said “I see you two have playing dress up.”

“What? No, we were just talking. That's all.” It was then that I realized that I hadn't washed my face.

“Why don't you put on the clothes you were wearing. I would like to see how you looked. I wouldn't mind having two daughters around the house” said aunt Susan.

Chris and I went back upstairs and she helped put on the dress. She said “Don't forget the socks.”

When we return to the table, aunt Susan said “You make a lovely girl. Doesn't she, Phil.”

“Oh yes. It would be nice to have two lovely girls around the house. If you want to, you can dress like a girl anytime. If you want to, you should do it for the rest of the summer. I think we should call you Michelle.” said uncle Phil. He used that name because Michael isn't a good name for girl,

I decided right then and there that I would dress as a girl. Everyone seemed to like the idea. I think they felt better having me there as a girl not a boy. Since I was sleeping with their daughter in the same bed, they would feel that I wouldn't try anything. What they didn't know was Chris wouldn't let things go that far.

After dinner, Uncle Phil had Chris and I sit on the couch and he took pictures. “I need to have pictures of this summer.” said my uncle. I was feeling embarrassed after the first picture. Uncle Phil said “Relax Michelle. This won't hurt.” I relaxed and soon became comfortable posing as a girl.

On weekends, my uncle would take photos every chance he got. When we went on picnics he had his camera ready to get shots of me with his wife and me with Chris. Of course, he had to have pictures of me with him. One time uncle Phil, Chris and I took a ride around the place. He had to have a picture of me on a horse. I wished I was wearing boy clothes so I could show my buddies and I hoped that they wouldn't be shown to mom.

On the fourth of July, my mother came up to visit. Today I went back to dressing as a boy. I was sitting on the porch when my mother came out to see me. “Your father and I decided that we can't be together any more. If you want to come home, you can. Your aunt showed me the pictures of you having fun. So you can stay if you want to. We can talk about why you want to wear dresses when we get home.”

“Mom, I would like to stay here until I have to go back to school. And I don't want to wear dresses all the time. When I get home, I will go back to being a boy. But for now, it is fun to be somebody else for a while.”

“Why don't you go upstairs and change. I would like to see what you look like in person.”

Chris followed me upstairs and asked if everything alright. I told her I was okay and was going to change. I walked to the dresser and chose a a bra that I liked. I stripped down and put on the bra and stuffed it with socks. Even though I was dressed as a boy, I had worn a pair of panties. While I was putting on the bra, Chris went to the closet and chose a nice skirt and blouse. After I put them on, I went to the bathroom and put on makeup. I was good enough by now to do my own makeup.

When I stepped out of the door and on to the porch. Mom said “You look lovely, dear.” I think I saw a tear when she said it. “I always wanted a girl. At least for now, I can have one for awhile.”

“I am sorry mom. I don't want to make you cry. Maybe I should go back inside and change.”

“No. Don't change. Uncle Phil wants to take pictures of us. I want to remember this day.”

“Mom. When I get home, I can dress up for you every once in a while and we can do mother/daughter things.”

The rest of the day went great. My mother and I sat together at the picnic and we laughed and talk for the longest time. Mom would stop now and then to brush my hair out of my face. Each time she would say she couldn't believe how beautiful I looked and then she would give me a hug. Uncle Phil took a lot of pictures of us together. When mom had to go, I gave her a big hug and kiss goodbye. I said to her “I can't wait to see you again.” She drove home a happy woman.

That night, Chris came to me a said she would show me the hayloft. I think it was because of the way I made my mother feel happy. We climbed the ladder and laid down on a blanket she had put there earlier. Chris unbuttoned her blouse and revealed that she wasn't wearing a bra. She placed my hands on her breasts. They felt warm to the touch. I gently massaged her nipples and they harden in my hand. “Go ahead and lick them.” Chris whispered. I moved from nipple to nipple, swirling my tongue around the nipple of each breast. While I was doing that, she reached up and undid my blouse and bra. I stopped long enough to remove them. I laid down on her chest. I wanted to feel the warmth of her body and feel her breasts on my chest. I gave her a long kiss. Our tongues dance in each others mouth. I stopped again, this time I removed her skirt and panties. I couldn't wait to see the treasure between her legs. I removed my skirt and panties to reveal my swollen member. She reached up and stroked it. I was in heaven.

I laid down beside her again. She got to her knees and moved down to my cock. Chris licked my shaft. She went up and down from the tip of my head and down to my balls. Chris took the head of my dick into her mouth. She slowly took my cock into her mouth. Chris would slid it in and then she would come back up. Each time she took it deeper until she got every inch in her mouth. She stopped after a while and said it was my turn. She laid back down and guided my head to her waiting hole. I took her wet lips in my mouth. I gave sucked them and licked them. She whispered “Go a little higher.” I found her clit and started licking. I would stop every once in awhile to put my tongue in her moist pussy to lap up her sweet juices. Chris told me to stop. She rolled over and retrieved a condom from the pocket in her skirt. Then she slowly unrolled it down my throbbing member. I laid her down and laid on top of her. Chris guided my dick into her waiting pussy. She said “Be slow and careful at first.” I slid in gently and pushed until my pubic hair hit hers. Chris let out a moan. Slowly I worked my dick in and out. When I pushed in she pushed towards me. We developed a rhythm and she started to breathe hard. I couldn't help myself and began to move faster. I wanted to cum so bad. Chris let out a cry and a spasm shook her body from her orgasm. I didn't last much longer. I let out a cry and filled the condom with my sperm. I clasped on her body for a moment and then I rolled over. We lay there for a long time. Finally Chris spoke and said “That was great. I want you to know that this was my first time. I knew from the start that I wanted you to help me lose my virginity.”

Finally Chris spoke and said “That was great. I want you to know that this was my first time. I knew from the day we met, I wanted you to help me lose my virginity.”

“You were my first too and I am glad it was you.”

We lay there for a little while longer. We didn't want to leave. I kissed her and said “We need to get to bed. Can you make it back to the house?”

“Yes. But before we go, can we kiss again?”

After a long kiss, she removed my condom and hid it in the hay. We dressed and climbed down the ladder and went off to the house. Upstairs, we changed into our nightgowns and crawled under the covers and were fast asleep.


The next morning, we quietly dressed together. Normally we would talk about the adventures we planned for today but things were different today. Chris wasn't in the mood to talk. When we finished dressing, I walked over to Chris and gave a big hug. “Chris, I understand that you need time to process your feelings about what happened last night. I know you need some time to be by yourself but if you do decide you need to talk, I will be there for you.”

“Thanks Michelle. I do need some time, while I figure out things. We can have more adventures. Today, I going to visit my friend, Lisa.”

After a quiet breakfast, I helped aunt Susan in the kitchen. While washing the dishes my aunt turned and asked “Did you two have a fight?”

“No, we didn't. We just decided to spend the day apart. We have been together 24/7 for the past few weeks and we needed a break. I love her like a sister. Even sisters need some alone time.”

“That's a good idea. It will give you some time to think about your situation. I know that you hadn't planned to dress as a girl. You will have to figure out if you want to be a girl. There are some boys who feel that they should have been a girl. Maybe you're one of those boys?”

“I hadn't thought about that. I like being a girl but I don't know.”

“Why don't you go for a ride and think about it. You can go down by the stream and have peace and quiet. It's a great place to think. I do it ever once in a while, when your uncle and I need time apart.”

I trudged up the stairs slowly. Many thoughts raced through my mind as I entered my room. I removed my skirt and put on some jeans and a pair of Chris' old boots. I walked slowly to the barn and saddled my aunt's horse. I rode out of the barn not having any direction in mind. Some how the horse sensed what I needed and went to the swimming hole. The place where Chris and I swam nude.

I sat on a log to think. I forgot to tie up the horse so she wouldn't leave. The horse stayed and nibbled on grass. The debate in my head was long and hard. I remembered how the sight of Chris being naked was a real turn on. However, I like the attention I received as a girl. I liked being a girl but I wanted to be a boy. In the end I decided I would do both when I got home. A boy during the week and on some weekends, I would be a girl.

I rode to the house for lunch. Aunt Susan could see that I feeling better. She asked “Have you made up your mind about your situation?”

“Yes, I have. It may sound strange but I want be both a girl and a boy. I am happy being both sexes.”

”You are what they call the third sex. Someone who is comfortable as either sex. I am glad you figured it out. Now would you mind helping with these dishes?”

When we finished with the dishes, I gave my aunt a kiss on the cheek. As I walked the door I said “I love you aunt Susan. You're the best aunt a girl could have.”

I rode aimlessly for a while until I reached the fence line. I saw a boy on a horse and he saw me. He rode over to fence and stopped. He took his time before he spoke. I knew he was checking me out. Finally he says “Who are you? I haven't seen you before today.”

“I'm Chris' cousin, Michelle. Are you a real cowboy?”

He laughed and said “I guess you can call me a cowboy since I am looking after the cows. How long are you staying here?”

“I'm here for the whole summer. Why do you ask?”

“I think you cute and I would like to get to know you.”

“Well. I'll think about it and let you know.”

“I have to get back to work. Don't think about it too long. I hope I see you around Michelle.”

As I rode back to the house, I wonder what it would be like being with a boy. I put the horse in the barn and her some hay. I patted on the nose and kissed her before I left. After dinner, Chris and I went out on the porch to talk.

“I told Lisa all about you and what we did.” Chris said with a grin. “We decided that you should go back to you being my cousin who is a girl and we should forget that the night ever happened.”

“I won't forget last night because it meant so much to me. However, I do think I should go back to being your cousin. I liked being with you as a girl. We have so much fun. I don't want to lose that.”

“How was your day?”

“Before I answer, I want to know why you told Lisa about me.”

“I had to tell her the whole story so she could understand. Lisa was cool with the whole idea of you dressing as a girl. In fact she wants to meet you and get to know you.”

“Speaking of someone getting know someone, I met the boy next door and he wants to get to know me. I don't know why and besides I don't want to lead him on. I can't deceive him by letting him think I'm a girl.”

“I think you should see him. I know you will have fun. Maybe more fun than you have with me.”

The next morning, Lisa rode over to see Chris and I. Especially me. She suggested we ride to stream so we speak in private. She wanted to know about me and hopefully see in the nude. When reached the stream, we tied up the horses and sat on the grass.

We talked for sometime about what Chris and I did. How I loved the wind in my hair when we rode. I didn't like riding in jeans and a blouse. I wanted to wear a skirt when we rode. The conversation turned to boys and Lisa was surprised that I could keep up with the conversation. I love to talk about the boys. Lisa asked about what boys said about girls. I told her that I knew.

Lisa asked “Why do you want to dress like a girl?”

“Sometimes I feel like a girl and want wear feminine clothes. Most of the time I dress as a boy. This summer I could dress like a girl around other people, so I jumped on the opportunity. I decided to dress this way for the summer.”

Chris chimed in “Tell her about Larry from next door.”

“There isn't much to say. He said he wanted to get to know me. That's all.”

“What do you mean that's all. I think you should go on a date with him. You'll like it. Don't think about it too long. Really you should go out with him.” said Lisa.

“Chris, what do you think?”

“The county fair is next weekend, so why don't you call him and say you might see him there.”

We sat there for a minute and stared at each other. Lisa broke the silence by saying “Let's go swimming. I think it would be nice to cool down on this hot day.”

Chris said “I agree. Come on. You're one of the girls now.”

Chris and Lisa stripped while I just sat there. Chris jumped in and Lisa stood in front of me and tapped her foot. She said “Are you afraid to get naked around a girl?”

“I'm afraid that the only reason you wanted to swim was to see me naked.”

“Yes it is true but I really wanted to swim too.”

I slowly removed my clothes while Lisa watched. When I was ready to swim, Lisa took my hand and we jumped in together. We swam over to Chris and we started splashing each other. I loved the way the water dripped from their nipples. They looked like two breast feeding mothers who needed to have their babies relieve them of their milk.

Chris said she wanted to lay in the sun and swam back to shore. I stood there with Lisa and wondered what would come next. I didn't have to wait long. She came over to me and her breasts touched my chest. I loved feeling of her tits against me. I couldn't help myself and my cock grew hard. She reached down and stroked me. Lisa whispered in my ear “Take me like you did with Chris.”

“I can't because I don't have a condom.” I was hoping that would stop her.

“Don't worry, I'm on my period and I can't get pregnant.”

We swam to the shore. I wasn't swimming very fast. Lisa was in a hurry and got there fast. She laid on the ground as far away from Chris as she could. When she spread her legs, Lisa looked like she was begging me enter her. I laid down beside her and placed my hands on her breasts. They felt a little cold from the water so I put my mouth each one. She moaned as I warmed up her boobs. With her being on her period, I wasn't going to enter her with a finger. I did use my finger to rub her clitoris. I was hoping that would be enough for her but it wasn't.

Lisa rolled me onto my back and straddled me. She guided my cock into her wet pussy. Lisa slowly lowered herself onto my shaft and let out a moan. I had to moan too because it felt so good. I looked in Chris' direction and saw her watching us. I think I saw her tear up. I came back to the situation at hand.

I loved the sight of her breasts swinging with movement of her body. I reached up and had to stroke her nipples. The sensations I was feeling were good but something was missing. I realized that it was because Lisa wasn't Chris. I began to imagine that it was Chris who was on top of me. It was her tits I was playing with and her that I had entered. I began to match Lisa's actions. She move down my shaft and I would push up to meet her wet pubic hairs. Every once in awhile she wiggle then squeeze my cock. Just before I shot my load, I looked at Chris and saw that she had turned away. I gave out a cry as my cum filled her. Lisa rolled off of me and we laid there for awhile.

Lisa got up and took my hand. “Let's go for a swim to clean up.”

We dove into the stream and swam to the middle. When we stopped, Lisa rubbed my shaft pretending she was cleaning it. I fluffed up her pussy hairs to remove her juices and occasionally I rubbed her clit. Lisa kissed me, then we swam back to shore.

As we laid there Lisa turned to me and asked “Did you enjoy it as much as I did? I can't believe I had two orgasms.”

I agreed but it wasn't true. It would have been better if was Chris on top of me. I couldn't help thinking of Chris. I didn't even know that Lisa had an orgasm let alone two.

When we were dried enough, we put on our clothes. Lisa watch me until I put on my panties. We still had more time to ride, so we rode to the fence line. I was hoping that Larry wouldn't be there but he was. Chris told him that we were going to the fair on Saturday and maybe we would see him there.

Chris and I rode silently to the barn and Lisa rode home. She turned to me and asked “How could you fuck my best friend in front of me?”

I trembled for a moment. “I thought you wanted me to.”

“I wanted you to do it but I realized I didn't want it done in front of me.”

“I'm sorry. I should have considered your feelings first. Next time, I'll do it when you aren't around.”

“So you liked fucking her!”

“No. The only way I could enjoy myself was to think it was you on top of me. Are you mad that I was thinking you?”

“No. I needed to hear that. I don't want you to be with Lisa. As a matter of fact, I don't want you with any girl. I think I am falling in love with you.”

We embraced and kissed. When we stopped kissing, I whispered “I feel the same way too. I didn't want to say anything because you wanted me to go back to being just your cousin. I promise not to be with anyone else.”

“I know it is wrong for cousins to be together but I don't care.”

“What about me being with a boy?”

“I am not bothered by that. I know you won't fall in love with him or have sex. Besides you need to have more fun as a girl. Being with me isn't the only fun you can have as a girl.”


2021-08-29 18:42:27
Like your story. Very sweet and realistic. Curious to know how slutty Michelle is going to be? Uncles? Cowboys?
A little unasked for constructive criticism, I thought the dialogue was a bit formal. Perfect English. Clear, concise statements. Just, maybe more contractions? Shorter words? Less words? Example;
“I wanted you to do it but I realized I didn't want it done in front of me.”
“I'm sorry. I should have considered your feelings first. Next time, I'll do it when you aren't around.”
"I wanted you to..., at first."
"Sorry. I'll do it when you aren't around next time."
Looking forward to more chapters in this story!


2021-08-18 02:21:21
Can’t wait for part 2!


2021-08-17 19:30:19
I enjoyed your story, I do hope you continue...

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