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From the year 2040, follow Bunny on her adventures as a T-Girl Space Cop in the year 4000 where things can be unusual and erotic
The Priest & The Pipe

Coming out of the elevator Bunny was headed to her desk. She had been on the job for two weeks now and already exceeding everybody's expectations. Her big bust a couple of days ago was Bigzzy. He was a high roller mob boss extorting the casinos for protection money.

When she got to her desk Yuri was already there. "Hey girl some hottie from room service was looking for you."

Bunny just shook her head knowing it was Kevin. Looking over at Yuri she said "what happened to the good old days when boys understood a one-night stand."

Yuri just gave her a big smile "I'll take him if you don't want him"

Bunny started laughing "he's all yours, now if you'll excuse me I have to go to interrogation."

Walking into the interrogation room Bigzzy started yelling "you'll get nothing out of me copper"

Bunny smiled with a mysterious grin "you're already in a ton of trouble, you had a briefcase full of the new drug zap when I busted you. I'm just here to see if you would like to tell me who you get your drugs from."

Bigzzy let out a huge laugh "if you want me to rat somebody out you're going to have to offer me something good."

Bunny with even a bigger smile said "okay"as she crawled under the interrogation table.

She slowly unzipped his pants and gently pulled his cock out. Slowly stroking she gave a few licks on the head, and then gently blew. Once Bigzzy started getting hard she started sucking his cock. She could feel his cock start throbbing in her mouth, and knew he was getting close. Stopping she came back from under the table and smiled. "So are you ready to tell me yet."

Bigzzy huffed you're going to have to offer something better than that if you want any kind of information out of me."

Bunny sat down and cross the table pulled out a book, and started reading for about 15 minutes. Then without saying a word she crawled back under the table. She started playing with his cock again getting it hard once more. Once he was hard she went back to sucking. She could tell he was starting to swell up once more and stopped. When she popped back up "okay let's try this again or you can go back to your cell with blue balls."

She crawled under the table for the last time and started sucking his cock hard. Taking it in as deep as she could she even gagged a couple of times. Bigzzy cried out "please don't stop you want to find father Morgan he is on Vegas Two."

Since Bigzzy cooperated she continued sucking him off until he exploded in her mouth. She continued sucking afterwards making sure to get every last drop.

When Bunny got back to her desk Yuri was happy to see her. "Oh girl I got big plans tonight. Kevin cane back and I told him to meet you at your place tonight.... So I'm going to need your spare key.

Bunny thought it would be fun to scare Kevin off, and she didn't care much about a basic hotel room anyway. "Sure let's trade for the night, it'll be fun."

The comm box on Bunny's desk buzzed. "Officer bunny get your ass in here!"

As she entered Chief O'Brien's office she gave a salute. Quickly pulling her hand back down she didn't know why she continued to salute every time she saw the chief. "Yes Chief you wanted to see me? And that's a damn fine mustache I must say."

Chief O'Brien slammed his hands on his desk. "That was a damn weird interrogation, but you got the lead. Now hopefully we can get that drug off our streets. Never mind what Kevin and I were doing in the other room. Get your bags packed and ready cause you're headed out to the Moon!"

Chief O'Brien slapped a folder down on his desk. This is father Morgan this is who you will be going after, he is the primary and only target. You'll have a contact there, his name is Johnny he's a bellhop, but more important he's undercover. So get the Vegas two arrest the priest and bring him back. What are you still standing here for go go go!"

Bunny gave a half cock salute and left the room immediately. When she got back to her desk she told Yuri to have a good time, and she was headed to the Moon. Headed back to her room to pack her bags Bunny thought to herself. Was that the same Kevin and if so what a whore. She gave a little chuckle out loud.

Her shuttle ride to the moon was nice and easy. It only took about 6 hours for her to get there. After her shuttle landed at the spaceport she grabbed her bags and took a taxi to Moon rocks casino and hotel.

When she arrived at the casino there was a bell hop there waiting to take her bags. Looking at his name tag she was sure this is the Johnny she was here to meet. Johnny took her bags and told her they would be in her room in 30 minutes with a folder.

Before Bunny entered the building she saw a very shady character standing to the side near the alley. As always her curiosity got the best of her and she had to investigate. It's not often you see a 60-year-old man dressed as a pimp. When she got close enough to the pimp she noticed he had mechanical braces on his arms and legs. She lit up a smoke and looked over at the unusual pimp. "I got a strange feeling about you as if you don't belong here."

The pimp just gave a big mischievous smile as he rubbed the brim of his large zebra striped hat. Then he slowly stroked the blue feather on the top. "Well Honey let me tell you, if there's anyone that don't fit in it would be an undercover cop trying to look like a citizen."

Officer bunny was taken back that the pimp was able to recognize her so quickly. "Well I may be a cop but you're definitely no pimp. Only tactical units and military have braces like those."

"Well Honey somebody around here has an eye for detail." The pimp said with a little chuckle.

The pimp stroked his blue feather one more time "beware of officer Johnny Mr undercover over there. He's been doing this job so long he's not even sure whose side he is on anymore."

Bunny handed the pimp a card with her number on it. "Well maybe you'll have the information I need so call me in about an hour."

When bunny finally got to her room as promised Johnny had left her bags by her bed, and a folder on the table. She popped open a bottle of wine and poured herself a glass. Sitting down on the couch she opened up the folder and started reviewing father Morgan's file. She had only been reading about 15 minutes when a knock came at the door.

Looking through the peephole on the door she saw the pimp once again. She started thinking to herself this guy must have some incredible contacts to be able to find her so fast.

She opened up the door then looked at the pimp up and down. "I said call not just show up at my room."

The pimp tipped his hat slightly and with a little chuckle he said. " Honey with me showing up to your room everybody will think you're one of my new girls. The people you are looking for are waiting on you to show up. So I suggest you invite me in."

The pimp took off his purple leather trench coat and hung it by the door. Then walked over to the bar poured himself a glass of wine. Then he sat back on the couch and held up his glass. "Here's to new friends and you're definitely going to need them."

Bunny sat down beside him with a serious look on her face. "Before I go sharing my Intel with you why don't you tell me a little more about yourself and what you're doing here."

The pimp took a sip of his wine and relaxed back on the couch. "Well Honey to start with I used to be a cop just like you. After 40 years of working the beat up here on the moon I decided to retire. I've been working around the same call girls for so many years that when I retired, I decided to offer them protection. I got rid of or chased all the other pimps out of town and took over. Now the girls keep all their money and don't get beat up. Since we haven't been formally introduced you can call me Sugar Bear."

Bunny went on to share her story with Sugar Bear. She told him everything from being transgender to telling him about the lilac corporation and that she was originally from the year 2040. Sugar Bear seemed to accept everything without any issues at all. Over the next few hours they discussed everything from their past to her current case with father Morgan.

All of a sudden there was a knock at the door. Bunny looked through the peephole and saw Johnny. She looked back over here shoulder at Sugar Bear "I got this, stay put and I'll be back soon."

Opening the door Bunny came out into the hallway and asked Johnny what info he had for her. Johnny seemed to tweaked out of his mind as he gave the information he had on father Morgan. Her first thought was that he was taking zap as well. Bunny thanks Johnny for all the information and told him to be ready for tomorrow night when she was going to bust father Morgan. She also told Johnny if everything succeeds tomorrow that they would celebrate with a couple of her girlfriends. Johnny got all excited and told Bunny he would see her tomorrow night.

When she came back in her hotel room she told Sugar Bear she had the best father Morgan tonight. "I have no doubt Johnny is in on it and he's trying to set me up. He was zapped out of his mind."

Sugar Bear grabbed his trench coat and told Bunny to meet him behind the lucky crater casino in an hour.

Bunny pulled out her tactical bag and started arming herself up. She knew this would be no easy task but she had to do it tonight. With Johnny being zapped out of his mind by tomorrow night the bus will become a trap.

After the hour had passed Bunny was standing behind the lucky crater casino waiting on Sugar Bear. A couple of security guards came out the back door and approached Bunny. One of the cards said something about her not being allowed back there, and suddenly he fell to the ground. The second guard grabbed his radio to report as he fell to the ground. Bunny looked over her shoulder to see sugar bear standing there with a sniper rifle. When he walked up behind Bunny he said "they'll be fine in 3 or 4 hours I only put them to sleep. These poor saps probably have no idea that they're working for a drug lord."

Bunny and Sugar Bear stripped down the security guards tied them up and put them in a dumpster. Once they were dressed up as the security guards they entered the casino. From Bunny's Intel she knew they would have to make it all the way to the counting room. On the other side of the counting room there's a door that leads to an underground warehouse.

Walking in the back door Bunny saw a security checkpoint. She immediately shot both guards with a pair of dart pistols she had brought with her. When Sugar Bear walked in behind her she spun around to tell him they would use non-lethal as long as they could. They zip tied the security guards, and proceeded down the hall.

They made it down several hallways to a staircase that took him to a lower level. Bunny knew she was getting close to the counting room. The next hallway she turned down she saw two men and black suits. She couldn't tell if they were casino workers or mobsters. She darted both of them, and pulled out a couple of zips. A door open behind her with a security guard walking out before she could get her dart guns up he fell to the floor. Sugar Bear was down the hallway watching her every move.

All of a sudden an alarm went off. Knowing it would only be moments before they were surrounded by security Bunny took off running. At the end of that hall she saw the counting room.

Kicking in the counting room door, she darted the four security guards first then worked her way to the counters one by one. Sugar Bear ran in the room behind her throwing his shoulder into the next door. He knocked it clean off its hinges sending it flying into the warehouse. Looking into the room Bunny saw a catwalk running all the way around to an office overlooking the warehouse. She took off running for the office while Sugar Bear set up to snipe anyone that came close to Bunny.

There was an access point where a couple of the guards were coming up the stairs to cut Bunny off on the catwalk. Sugar Bear took out two of the cards, but the third made it up to Bunny. She shot him full of darts emptying both guns. Tossing her guns to the side she pulled out her 38 double barrel plasma pistol.

She kicked open the door to the office, only to find father Morgan holding a knife to a hostage. Bunny knew she had to play it cool, she needed father Morgan alive to go with all the evidence she had on him. She slowly put her 38 back in her holster, and slightly put her hands up in the air. "Please don't hurt the girl, let her go and we can work something out."

Father Morgan's hands were shaking as he continued to hold the knife up to the girl's neck. "Oh yeah what kind of deal can you offer me?"

Bunny gave him a cold look "it depends on what information you have. Jesus was all about second chances after all."

Father Morgan started shouting "Jesus? What are you kidding me? We worship the Great Godzook!

Bunny was thinking to herself who is Godzook, but said "okay well I am sure he's about second chances too, so let's talk about Godzook."

Father Morgan relaxed just a little "well Godzook comes from."


As soon as father Morgan relaxed Bunny whipped out her 38, and shot father Morgan in the shoulder. Knocking him back up against the wall she went in for the arrest.

The hostage continue to scream even after she was sitting on the floor. Bunny pulled out a micro dark gun and shot the hostage. She figured the hostage would be better off waking up in a hospital. Plus Bunny didn't have to hear her scream.

Sugar Bear had already called for backup when funny first entered the office. By the time bunny had made her arrest other officers were making their way down the catwalk.

Bunny made her way down the catwalk showing her badge. She gave the officers instructions on what to do with father Morgan and the hostage. When she made it back to Sugar Bear she gave him a sweet smile. "My room in 1 hour?"

Sugar Bear stroked his blue feather "see you there Honey."

Bunny went back to her hotel room, took a shower and got ready for her encounter with Sugar Bear. She had a candle lit room waiting with soft jazz music playing in the background. There was an open bottle of wine with two glasses on the table. For some reason Bunny could not get him out of her head.

The knock at the door finally came, and Bunny's heart skipped a beat. She opened the door to see Sugar Bear dressed in a nice pinstripe suit. He looked her up and down "damn Honey you look incredible.

She was wearing a leather bustier and very short shorts. Well you look like you're ready for an evening on the town."

"Just wanted to look my best for you Honey." He replied.

Sitting on the couch for only a moment Bunny crawled up into Sugar Bear's lap, and started kissing him passionately. He was such a man's man and it drove her wild.

Before Bunny could get undressed, there was another knock at the door. Looking through the people she saw Johnny. She looked back over her shoulder at Sugar Bear with a devilish smile. Quickly she opened the door and pulled Johnny in throwing him to the floor. Johnny roller crossed the floor until he was stopped by the foot of Sugar Bear. Bunny grab a couple of the zip ties and tide Johnny up. Sugar Bear drag Johnny to the bathroom and tossed him in the tub.

Bunny leaned over the tub "you stupid little tweaker, you're messing your life up with that zap shit! I heard you were a good cop it's about time you get back to being one."

When Bunny turned back around Sugar Bear was standing there. She pulled him down to her, and started kissing him again. He picked her up off the ground and gently put her against the wall. Kissing passionately Bunny slowly reached between her legs, and unzipped his pants. Sugar Bear put Bunny down on her knees in front of him. She didn't hesitate, she immediately started sucking his cock. While she was sucking she looked over it Johnny to see him slightly touching himself.

Sugar Bear grabbed her by her shoulders, and brought her back to her feet. He slowly spun her around kissing on her shoulder. He slowly started kissing down her back. When he got to her ass he gave a little nibble on her butt check. He slowly spread her open and started eating her ass. Bunny was moaning with pleasure, when she looked over her shoulder she saw Johnny playing with himself even more.

She spun around to let Sugar Bear play with her girl stick and then shreched over the tub to put it in Johnny's face. Sugar Bear came up behind her and slowly started rubbing his cock on her ass. His precum was enough to get her nice and wet. He slowly started sliding himself inside her working deeper with each thrust. He grabbed her hair pulling lightly sending the next thrust deeper still.

It has been a long time since a man knew how to treat her. It was turning her on like it was the first time. It had been so long since she was able to have an orgasm without touching herself. She screamed in ecstasy as she came, she dripped down on Johnny's face while he rubbed his cock through his pants. Sugar Bear started moaning " I'm gonna cum!"

When Sugar Bear pulled out her came all over Johnny's face. Johnny trembled as he came in his pants. Sugar Bear laughed and called him a sissy.

Bunny got all of her bags packed up and ready to leave. The mission was over and it was time to get home. Plus there was no telling what year he had done to her apartment by now. She wrapped her arms around Sugar Bear one more time. "Any chance if you coming to Vegas?"

Sugar Bear wrapped his arms around the small of her back. "You never know Honey you never know."

He kissed her passionately before she walked out the door. On the shuttle ride home she couldn't help but think of what a crazy adventure she had. It is only been 2 weeks since she started this job and everyday got a little crazier.

The next day Bunny walked into Chief O'Brien's office. Tossing her application folder on the desk she gave a salute. "Officer Honey Bunny reporting for duty." She said with a corky smile.

The chief opened up the folder and looked at it. "Well damn it looks like I can't call you officer I have no last name anymore, But I won't be able to call you officer Honey Bunny. I'm going to need your badge, you're being promoted. For now on I'll have to call you detective Honey Bunny."

Honey had a quirky smile on her face. "You know sir that's a damn fine mustache."

Chief O'Brien tossed detective Bunny her new badge. Sitting down in his chair he slammed his hands on his desk. "Now this doesn't mean you can get cocky around here! I still expect great things out of you! Get your bags packed you're headed for Mars. There's a group of hillbilly Martians there who think they can be mobster moonshiners. Get me my Intel and take them down. Now go go go!"

Tune in next time for Martian Moonshine. or Bunny Bear?


2021-08-05 05:29:24
Well there were a few errors but we all make mistakes now and then. its an interesting story, quite entertaining to be honest. with a little mor proof reading and editting this story could become a rare gem. Best of luck with the next chapter.

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