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We meet young Amy and her dog Max, what will happen when grandpa walks in on a naked Amy?
(This is my first story in english, feel free to comment and give me feedback so i know what to change in the future!)





I sat down at the dinnertable with my mom and dad. My parents worked alot and I was often left alone but I feel that im old enough to be home by myself.

This day everythings seemed normal except that my parent acted a bit wierd but not too out of character.

My dad stood up and left the table but I didnt think anything about it until he came back, with a large dog. I just stared at the dog when my mom rased her voice.


I was in chock, it wasnt my birthday so why had they bought a dog? Not that I was complaning, I love dogs!

Dad- "Your mom and I talked about getting you a dog, you always wanted one and we´re not around as much as we want so we thought that you needed some company."

Me - "Oh he's beautiful! Thank you soooo much mom and dad!"

Dad -" His name is Max and he's 4 years old, we thought about getting you a puppy but with school and everything it would have been to much work, his previous owner got sick and couldn´t keep him, he's well trained but you need to walk him Every day and continue training him so he doesn´t get bored!"

Me - "I promise! Can he sleep in my room? I need to get some books on dog training! What commands does he know?"

Mom - "Yes he can sleep in your room but not in the bed! We bought a bed for him, some toys and other things that we may need. He know the basics but is also trained in agility and obediency, apparently he´s very smart."

Me - "Can I take him for a walk?"

Dad - "Of course Amy, it's your dog and your responsability!"

I really loved that dog from the moment I laid my eyes on him, he followed me everywhere and I actually let him sleep in my bed when mom and dad way away, during schooldays I thought about Max and i literally ran home when the bell rang.

This weekend my parent was going on a short trip for work so me and Max had the house to ourself. When I came home my parent had already left and on the table there was a note as usally, with their phonenumbers and some money. I went upstaires and trew my backpack on my bedroom floor and started to undress, a nice warm shower was exactly what i needed!

Max had followed me from downstaires after i gave him his usual treat and was now resting in his own bed, not taking his eyes away from me. I was lucky enough to have my own bathroom that was connected to my bedroom, some may call me spoiled but just because im the only child it doesn´t mean that im free from chores or responsability, I often have to earn things that i want and my good grades helped me alot. To be honest, i don´t really have friends either, mostly by choice, I´m a bit of a loner so i´m most comfortable by myself, and therefor my parents doesn´t have to worry about me trowning a party when they are away, I don´t even drink anyway so whats the point? I have Max as company and thats all i need.

I turned the water on in the shower and took a step in, freezing cold water ran down my body before it turned warm. I stood in the shower for a couple of minutes before I started to wash my body, i ran my left hand over my flat belly up to my smal but firm breasts and my right hand continued down to my bald pussy, I could feel myself getting horney and decided to finnish the shower quick so I could pleasure myself on the bed.

I went in to my bedroom naked and took my place in the middle of my kingsize bed, I closed my eyes and let my hands wander over my wet body. I pinched my hard nipple with my left hand and massaged my breast, first the left one then the right one. My right hand moved down to my pussy and i instinctively spreed my legs furthur apart, gently i rubbed my clit and i could feel how wett my pussy was getting.

I didn´t notice that Max hade left his bed and was now standing beside mine, he must have smelled my pussy juice from the other side of the room. He jumped up on the bed and started to sniff around. I was so lost in my own pleasure that i didn´t feel Max jumping up to the bed, i just layed there playing with my virgin, wett pussy.

Then i feelt something cold against my clit and before I could react i feelt Max wett, smooth tongue licking from my hole, up to my clit and back down to my dripping vagina. I've never feelt such pleasure before and before i knew it i have the greatest orgasm of my short life, i was in heaven! Max continued licking my pussy that was now so sensitive after my orgasm, he wanted all of my juice but i could´t take any more so with my last strength i told him to stop, covered my body with the blanket and feel asleep with Max by my side.

When i woke up it was early evening and i remembered how nice Maxs tongue feelt, I was getting really horney again but the sudden realisation that i let my dog lick me made those feelings go away, I was ashamed that i enjoyed being licked by a dog, that i hadn't stopped him. I got out of my bed and headed downstaires with Max behind me, a long walk should take my thoughts of what happened so I put the leash on Max and we walked outside.

When we returned home I was tired so i gave Max his food and went to bed. It did´t take long before i fell into a restless sleep, i dreamt that Max was licking me while I was sucking of another dog, it was so hot, it felt so real and i moand outloud. I woke up in a daze and it took me a couple of seconds before i realised that half of my dream was true, between my legs was Max, licking my pussy hysterically.

My t-shirt had slipped up, exposing my bare butt and pussy, I always sleep without panties and laying on my back Max had free access to my body.

My mind was split, it felt so nice and nobody would find out but at the same time, Max was a Dog and i was only a teenager.

I couldn´t stop now, I was to horny and Max seemed to like my pussy juice so i spread my legs further apart, giving Max some extra room for his tongue, i could feel his smooth tongue going deeper into my pussy, licking in all my juice.

Did he really like the taste that much? Right now i didn´t care, yet again i was in seventh heaven!

It didn´t take long before i could feel an orgasm was on its way and it hit hard! My body trembled and I almost screamed out in pleasure.

Max tongue left my raw pussy and travelled up my body, I took of my shirt quick to give him access to my whole body, his smooth tongue licked my belly and continued up to my hard nipples and when i looked down i could see his hard member coming out. I had never seen a dick in my whole life, of course i had seen it in magasines and on the internet but never in real life, and definitly not a dogs dick, not even on the internet so seeing his dick peaked my interest.

A bit hesitant i reached for it, took it in my hand. It was hard, hot and kind of smooth, it didn´t look like a human dick at all which suprised me. I stroked it a couple of times but Max turned away and jumped down on to the floor and walked to his bed where he cleaned himself.

I was just lying in my bed, thinking of what just happend, i could have stopped it but i didn´t. It felt so wrong but i didn´t care, I liked it and so did Max, it was our secret.

A couple of hours later it was time to go up.

I went down to the kitchen with Max behind me as usual, poured him some food and took a bowl of cearial for myself. When we both were done we went for a walk down to the beach. I noticed that Max was behaving strange, he tried to lick me through my shorts and wouldn´t stop, I got a bit scared because if someone saw us and recognized me, would they call my mom or dad? Would they somehow know that i let my dog lick me? What if i ran in to someone from school? I didn´t want to find out so we turned around and headed home.

I was a bit angry at Max for his behavior but what if he was sick or something? Maybe that´s why he´s licking me? I didn´t want to worry so i took my laptop and started to search the internet. I couldn´t find something usefull when it came to a dog licking a human but yet again, it was a bit taboo so what did i expect? On the other hand i found alot of information about why male dogs do it to female dogs, he does it to see if the female is ready to recive his dick, if she´s ready to be breed but often it´s just a few licks not like Max did. Further down i read that a male dog don´t stop this behavior until he´s neutered or he has mounted the female in heat, could this be true?. Out of curiosity i looked at some picture of dogs breeding and to be honest, I looked at a short video and got a bit turned on.

My mind was racing, if I understood it correctly he wouldn´t stop until he fucked me or a female dog? I couldn´t let my parents see how Max was behaving and I didn´t want him to have his balls cut of, so I felt like I only had one option, Max had to fuck me, he Needed to fuck me and then it would stop!

My parents was scheduled to to arrive tomorrow night so i had plenty of time to do some more research.

After more than an hour of reading about dogbreeding i was well informed how the process works, when it came to two dogs at least. So if i let him lick my pussy first so im really wet and then stand on all four with my butt out he should try to mount me.

I went in to my bedroom and took of all my clothes, placed a blanket on the floor so i wouldn´t hurt my knees when im standing on all four. After that i laid down on the floor on my back, i called Max over and it didn´t take long at all before his tongue was all over my body, he started at my already hard nipples and made his way down to my pussy. I could feel that i already were moised and Max tongue was magic!

He licked my clit and his tongue went in and out of my pussyhole, I was so horny that i almost forgot to change position but i quickly turned around on all four with my knees on the blanket and my butt in the air.

Max continued licking me which made me a bit confused but before i knew it he jumped up on my back, his front paws holding my waist, even if i wanted to get away i wouldn´t be able to, his hold on me was strong and his bodyweight pressed me down. I could feel his member poking around my holes, trying to find the right one and in just a few tries he hit his mark!

With one thrust his dick went deep inside my pussy, the pain was excruciating, in one thrust i lost my virginity and Max was fucking me like crazy. The pain went away quick and the only thing i could feel was pleasure, I could feel his hard dick filling my tiny pussy to the max, he pounded me like there were no tomorrow, and he was.. growing?

I could feel his dick getting bigger and started to panick, i was close to an orgasm and the new pressure in my pussy was just to much and i let out a loud moan, feeling my juice running down my legs when the orgasm hit. For a few seconds I was in my own world but was draged back by more pain. Max kept growing and i could feel a bigg lump trying to enter my pussy, was this the knott i´ve read about? It´s going to tear me apart!

Max took a final hard trust forward, his dick burried as far as it goes in my tight pussy and his knott all the way in, then he just went still, i could feel his hot semen shooting right up into my womb, filling me up and stretching me out. He jumped down from my back but we were still connected, his knott preventing him from sliding out. I remember reading that the male and the female could stay connected for several minutes, sometime over half an hour to prevent the semen from sipping out and therefor increase the chance of a successfull breeding.

So there we were, on the floor stuck together, i was exhausted from all orgasms I had during the last hour, all we could do was to wait and a couple of minutes later Max dick slipped out of my cunt, sending his semen mixed with my juices running down my leg onto the floor. I gathered some strenght and slowly made my way in to the shower, my whole body hurting from my first fuck, feeling the cold water hitting my body was so nice, looking down i could see clawmarks on my side from Max paws, maybe i should put some socks on him next time?

What the hell am i thinking? Next time? Im loosing my mind!

After the shower i went straight to bed, I don´t think i ever been so tired in my life! It didn´t take long for me to fall asleep with Max by my side.

When i woke up it was already noon, I was still hurting but i had to give Max some breakfast and take him for a walk. We returned home about an hour later and I sank down in the couch with my feet up on the table. It didn´t take long before Max found his way to my pussy, trying to lick me trough my pants. Didn´t he get enough yesterday? Did I do something wrong?

I heard a cardoor slam shut outside the house and quickly pushed Max away from my cunt, seconds later my dad opened the front door.

Dad - "Hi honey! We´re home!"

My dad yelled from the hall before entering the livingroom.

Dad - "Todays meeting was cancelled so we took a earlier flight. How are my baby girl?"

Me - "You scared me! Couldn´t you called and saved me from an hearth attack?"

Dad - "Sorry honey, we didn´t think of that but I will remember from now on."

Me - "Thanks! How was your trip?"

Mom - "Quite boring actually, Mr.Steven wouldn´t stop talkning about last years company trip, your father told him over and over again that this years trip would only be for the employees and not their family, not after last years disaster!"

Me - "Company trip? Have you decided when you´re going?"

Mom - "Yes, we´re going in 6 weeks to Bali for 14 days, after that the tree of us is going to a vaccation of your choise! Even the CEO need to follow the no-family-members rule but I think you´re old enough to be home alone, maybe grandpa can come over."

Me - "I am, it´s not that bad being home alone. I have a question dad, if Max have a behavior that is unwanted, how do I train him?"

Dad - "Hmm, if you want the behavior to go away completely you must always say No, you can´t say Yes one time and then No the next time. If the behavior is wanted in some situations but not in other, you say No but teaching him a command for just that behavior so he only does it when you want him to. Do you understand or am i just talking jibberish?"

Me - "I think i got it! Thanks dad!"

I left the room quick to avoid follow-up questions, i don´t really want to tell them what kind of behavior Im thinking about.

That evening the three of us ate dinner together with Max lying next to my chair, tomorrow im back at school, not longer a virgin but that´s something i can´t tell anyone, and besides who would I tell? I don´t have any close friends, the only person i talk to is my gymteacher and that is just sad!

The weeks draged on slowly and i barely had any chance to fuck Max, it still hurt a bit in the beginning when we fucked, which was only two times in 6 weeks because my dad decided to work from home until the trip to be able to spend some more time with me. Honestly, I didn´t want him to work from home, I wanted to be alone with Max.

I let Max lick me as often I could, everytime we were alone and sometimes during the night when my parent were sleeping, biting down on a pillow so they wouldn´t hear me moaning. He quickly learned the new commandos, it was like he knew that he couldn´t do something infront of my parents or to lick anyone else. I kinda felt bad that I couldn´t satisfy Max, he didn´t like blowjobs but sometimes he let me give him a handjob, most of the time he just walked away after licking me to several orgasms.

Finally the day came, finally my parents had packed their suitcases and headed out the door!

We had come to an agreement, grandpa would stay here during the weekends but i would be home alone during the weeks, and being out of school during the summer I would have plenty of alone time with Max!

Grandpa wouldn´t arrive until tomorrow so why not have a nice evening with Max? First night alone with Max in what feels like an eternity.

Max was lying on the floor in my bedroom looking up at me, it looked like he already knew what I wanted. I tossed my clothes on the floor, inspecting my young, thight body in my mirrow, my long blond hair, my smal, firm breasts and my round ass, I love my body and Im not surprised that men would stare!

I headed to my bed, laying down in the center and starting to play with my nipples before calling Max over. He knew that he wasn´t allowed to touch me in any way before i said so and I think he liked his reward, he loved my pussy juice!

I asked Max to lick my pussy and his tongue was quickly in the right place, he really loved the taste of my juice and I was so horny even before i took my clothes of, his smooth tongue was dancing over my cunt, up over my clit and then deep inside my pussy, I moand hard and loud which encourage Max to lick faster and harder.

I didn´t see my grandpa standing in the doorway, with a free view over his granddaughters smooth, wet pussy with her dogs tongue pleasuring her.

Suddenly Max stopped and I opened my eyes and to my horror i saw my grandfather standing in my doorway with his mouth open and a bag in his hand, looking between my legs.

I closed my legs as fast as I could and my grandfather´s eyes shoot up to meet mine, I was so close to tears and i think my granddad could see it.

Grandpa - "Don´t be ashamed Amy, it´s natural in your age to be, ehm having some hormonal feelings. I should have knocked or called before i came, im so sorry to interruped the two of you."

Me - "I- I-, I´m sorry, I know im disgusting, letting Max lick my private area, I should know better."

Grandpa - "No, don´t apologize, if it feels good then it´s okey, nobody is getting hurt and it did look like you really enjoyed Max licking your pussy, who wouldn´t?"

Me - "W-what? "

Grandpa - "Ehm, Im sorry, it´s inappropiate , i shouldn´t have said that even if im thinking it."

Me - "W-what do you mean? Are you saying that you´re thinking about licking my pussy?"

Grandpa - "I don´t really know how to answer that, to be honest, you have a really nice and juicy cunt, a body to die for and any man..or dog would be a fool if they thought otherwise. Is it only Max that have seen you naked? Have you two done more than just oral?"

Me - "Y-yes his the only one, we have done more on tree other occations, please don´t tell mom and dad!"

Grandpa - "Max took your virginity? That must have felt amazing, I bet you have a tight pussy, have you ever wondered what it would be like to have sex with a man? And of course im not telling your parents, not something this private."

I was sitting in my bed a bit surprised that i wasn´t yelled at, I was still horny and our talk didn´t make it better, i started to think how it would feel like to fuck a man, to feel hands all over my body. Max dick was big and he was really rough, a human couldn´t be bigger or better right? Even if it was wrong I started to picture my grandfather naked.

Grandpa - "What are you thinking about? Looks like you´re getting even more turnd on."

Me -"Im sorry, I just thought about what you said, if I´ve tought about sex with a man and I haven´t until now."

I could feel my cheeks burning in embarressment and I lowered my head to hide it. My grandfather took a couple of steps towards me and reached the bed, he sat down beside me and met my gaze. He put his hand on my left knee and slowly moved it further up my thigh, stroking my smooth skin, I gasped when he reached my bare, wet pussy, making me spread my legs even more without even thinking.

His hand cupped my pussy and at the same time he took my right breast in his mouth while massaging the left with his other hand, pinching my nipple, a soft moan escaped my lips and I fell down on my back. He carefully moved his thumb over my clit, with light strokes that made my body tremble. Slowly he pushed two fingers inside my pussy while he continue playing with my breasts.

Grandpa -"Damn your wet! So tight! You really love when grandpa fingering your pussy huh?"

Me - "Yes-Yes, it feels so good! But it´s wrong grandpa, we shouldn´t..."

I could barelly talk, it feelt so nice, so taboo and it turned me on even more!

Grandpa - "It`s not wrong if we both like it and what i can see, your in seventh heaven baby!"

Hi curled his fingers inside my pussy and picked up some speed, soon i felt an orgasm building up but right before i came he stopped.

Grandpa - "Not so fast Amy, I want this to be memorable for the both of us, I have some fantasies and know exactly what I want to do with you."

I heard what he said but couldn´t really process it, I was frustrated that i couldn´t come, so I lowered my hand to my pussy but grandpa was quick and pulled my hand away.

Grandpa - "Don´t you move baby, don´t touch yourself, I promise that you will have multible orgasms before we are done. Just lay back and relax Im just going to get something, Ok?"

Me - "What are you getting? "

I was breathing heavily and my head was spinning from arousal.

But before he could answere he had already left the room, I heard him going in to my parents room across the hallway, it didn´t take long before he returned, shutting the door behind him so Max couldn´t come in. He had a black bag in his hand that he put down on the floor, he unziped it and pulled out something that looked like leather straps.

Grandpa -" I found your parents little bag of toys by accident a couple of months ago, didn´t think that I would ever use them but I guess I was wrong."

He tied something in each of the bedpoles before fastening some leather straps on my wrists and ankles. I didn´t know what was happening but grandpa looked really turned on. He took my wrists and hooked them up to the straps from the headpole and my ankles was hooked up to the poles at the end of my bed. I was completly tied up, i could barely move, I started to panic and tried to pull my hands free but to no use.

Grandpa -"Don´t fight it sweetie, we´re going to have an amazing time, this is just one of grandpas fantasies that I want to try."

Me - "But i can´t move!"

Grandpa - "My fantasy is to have a beautiful woman tied down to a bed, completely helpless, ready to being fucked and pleasured over and over again. Im going to putt a gagball in your mouth for a couple of minutes, not for to long, i don´t want to frightening you. Don´t you trust me?"

Me - "I trust you grandpa, Im just a bit scared."

Grandpa -" I understand but im going to take really good care of my sexy granddaughter!"

He reached in to the bag again and took out a smal ball, the size of a golfball but with straps on. He told me to open my mouth wide and then he pushed the ball in, quickly tying the leather around my head so I couldn´t spit it out.

His hands started to wander all over my body, his mouth sucking and nibbling on my nipples sending shivers down my spine. His hand reached my pussy and he started massaging my clit, I moand. Grandpa removed his hand and stood up, going around to the end of my bed, looking at my body and smiled, he took up his phone and i could hear him taking pictures, I was so horney that I didn´t fully think of why he took them. I saw his hand strooking the outside of his pants, i could see a large bulge and he stripped down. My eyes widen when i saw his big cock, it is huge!

Grandpa - "Are you ready for grandpa to fuck you? Are you horny for grandpas big dick?"

I couldn´t answer him but he climbed up on the bed, lowered his head and started to lick my pussy, he inserted two fingers in my cunt while he sucked my clit. It felt soo good and i couldn´t help moaning outloud!

He stopped, climbing furthur up the bed so we were face to face, he kissed my neck before looking into my eyes, his eyes were glossy and for a second he didn´t look like my grandfather. In a fast move he unhooked my legs and placed them over his broad shoulders. I could feel his dick at my entrance and with one trust his dick hit my uterus, I scream in pain but the ball muffled my scream. Grandpa laid still over me, letting my pussy adjust to his cock.

Grandpa - "I had to do it quick honey, i know it hurt but it will go away, your tight pussy is going to get used to grandpas big dick. Are you on any birth control baby?"

My eyes widen and I shook my head, he´s fucking me raw! I could get pregnant! Why didn´t I think of that?

Grandpa - "Oh so you wanted grandpa to fuck you raw? To fill your young pussy with his seed? You want to feel my sperm entering your uterus and hoping to get pregnant? You´re so dirty and i love it! Grandpa´s going to give you what you want! Grandpa going to make you pregnant my little dirty girl!"

I couldn´t belive my ears, he thought that i wanted a baby, that i wanted him to fill my womb? He´s my grandpa!

Before i could proccess it more he started to slowly pull his dick out and slamming it in hard again, with every trust i moand in a mixture of pain an pleasure. He picked up speed and was fucking me like crazy, then he just stop and almosed screamed , I could feel his cock twisting in my pussy, he pushed his fat dick as far up my cunt that he could get and i felt hot semen being shot directly up in my uterus, looking for a egg to fertilize.

Grandpa didn´t pull out right away instead he lowered one of his hands and started to slowly massage my clit and at the same time sucking my breast, it only took seconds before an hard orgasm hit, my whole body trembled and got limb, grandpa pulled out but i could feel him pushing something up my pussy, i don´t know what and i don´t care, I was to tired.

Grandpa grabed his phone and yet again snapped some pictures, some close-up of my newley fucked pussy and some of my entire body. He untied me and removed the gagball, he bent down giving me a deep kiss that i returned while he continued massaging my sore breasts.

Grandpa - "Did you like it?"

Me - "Yeah, it was a bit painful but somehow exiting."

Grandpa - "Is it something you want to do again? Being tied up for your grandpa, fucked hard and being used?"

Me -" Mmm maybe, i didn´t like being tied up I felt so powerless and I think I need some birth control."

Grandpa - "Thats why i like it, having full control over the woman. This is the first time i´ve tried it but this was by far the best sex I´ve had! Grandma never wanted to spice up our sexlife and this is the first time in years that i´ve fucked a woman! And we don´t need to worry about any birth control, just trust me on this one, okey? Try to get some sleep."

Grandpa picked up his clothes and opened the door. I raised my voice a bit so he could hear.

Me - "So you can´t accidentally get me pregnant?"

But he had already walked out the door and could probably not hear me.

I rememberd that he had pushed something up in my pussy so I lowered my right hand and could feel some sort of rubber thing that stretched me out a bit, some sort of plug but I left it there, it wasn´t painfull, it actually felt nice in a strange way. I rememberd what grandpa had said, he found this things in my parents room, I felt a bit sick to my stomach thinking that my parents had used the thing in my pussy, that´s so gross, hopefully they cleaned it aftar putting it in the bag!

I pulled up the cover, Max had taken his place beside me and soon i drifted of to sleep.

Want a part 2? Leave suggestions!......


2021-08-25 20:49:56
great story. you should continue, having the grandfather impregnate her. or maybe he gives her some hormone shots, and its max that knocks her up with the aid of the drugs.


2021-08-22 09:46:43
Luv your story::Please continue it::

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