Again, Freya tried to get Ephus to move. "We must depart here; they are under orders from Loki. He has somehow bewitched and muddled their minds. I fear that even your powers won't be able to break through."
Ephus, tried to shake his head to break whatever spell the beautiful females were having on him.
"I don't remember them having the power to hold a male like they are me." Ephus said almost in a whisper.
"It is I fear, something that Loki has done to them. You can break this power Ephus, you are far stronger than this spell is." Freya said a look of concern on her face. "Not even I can get through to them anymore."
This seemed to snap Ephus out of whatever hold the Valkyries had on him. "Do you have somewhere we can go, somwhere they can't get to?" Ephus asked.
"I do though, as weak as I still am, I am not sure if I can." Freya said.
Ephus reached out lightly touching Freya's head. "Ah I see," Ephus said as they both vanished. Less than a moment later they appeared in what appeared to have once been an opulent building. Ephus waved a hand making it look brand new, which seemed to shock Freya. "There that should help."
"You do realize that this room, this building, will draw attention? With the amount of power," Freya was saying then stopped as she felt the shield cover the building. Her mouth hanging open she said, "by my sword I doubt any could break that. Even all the Valkyries together, would have very great difficulty breaking this. I didn't realize that your power was that great."
A smile came to Ephus mouth as he slightly shook his head. "As I have learned, it's not the amount of power one has. It's more how you use it, I have learned the hard way, how to use mine to maximin effect."
Freya dropped to her knees, "Lord Ephus you are indeed far wiser than I at first thought."
Ephus was about to speak when, the building shook when a titanic force struck the shield. Ephus looked at the wall the concentrated a bit. Less than a moment later a beautiful, dark haired, winged female appeared a few feet from Ephus.
The female's eyes went wide, then a roar came from her throat as she unsheathed her sword. She brought the sword forward then stopped inches from Ephus, a look of extreme confusion on her face.
Kill him! A voice was almost yelling from the air. KILL HIM! I will reward you greatly! Still the female was staring at Ephus eyes, a compulsion she'd never felt before was pulling at her mind. Slowly ever so slowly the females face and eyes cleared 'til she too was kneeling to Ephus.
Ephus had immediately followed the voice back to where it was coming from. Drawing back a fist Ephus punched Loki in the gut, damn Ephus thought what the hell? It was like punching a wall when he was still just human, though he saw Loki grimace as the hit drove him back into the wall. Ephus smiled when he saw Loki suddenly loose his lunch.
A full host of beings jumped to help Loki only to bounce off the energy around him.
So, you are here, you wish to challenge me for Asgard? Bring it on, I welcome a true challenge, a chance to truly crush a warrior. Here Ephus, saw Loki point to another male in the room, chained to a wall. Not a weak fool like this one, Odin looks good where he is chained, humiliated like the useless THING that he is. I should... what is happening!? STOP! Loki was almost screaming reaching out as Odin had started to vanish, then was gone, the shackles and chains dropping to the floor.
You know what Loki? You have a big damn mouth, like another boasting, moron god I knew. Laughing as hard as he could Ephus broke the contact.
Freya looked up a moment later gasping when she saw Odin slumped on the floor. The Valkyrie was also gasping as she and Freya both ran to Odin. With a groan the male opened his eyes seeing Freya and the Valkyrie. "Ah," he said weakly. "you were able to free me."
Both females looked at each other then shook their heads, "Lord Odin it was not us; it was the halvgud Ephus."
Odin slowly nodded as he looked at Ephus, then back to Freya. "I see you were successful; I can feel more than half your power returned." Freya nodded, then gasp as Odin's eyes closed.
Freya turned to Ephus. "Lord Ephus, please help him, he is very weak, please don't let him fade."
The Valkyrie also said, "you broke a spell I thought to never get free from, if you can do that, I know you can save Odin."
Ephus eyes went wide, he remembered what the war gods and his wives had said about this. His hand went to Odin's chest as, he again concentrated. A minute later, he let go, Odin's skin was starting to glow. Leaning back against the wall he could feel a great drain on him. Hell, he thought, here he thought that the Greek gods had been weak.
Even though he could feel his power rapidly rebuilding, he was still weaker than he wanted to be. He could tell that if he was going to save the Norse gods it was going to take a hell of a lot more energy. More than he'd done before, strange though he could swear he could feel an outside influence.
Sitting up a few moments later Ephus nodded his head, yes, there was a definite outside force at play. Damnit! Why in the hell did this power feel familiar, it felt a lot like Ares had, when he had been battling him. Again, Ephus shook his head, reaching out he could feel a very weak Ares where he'd been exiled to.
Ephus ran everything that had happened through his head. An idea struck him then was lost as there was another shake of the building. With a sigh Ephus looked at the wall again, drawing his own sword. He needed to weaken Loki's hold on as many of the Valkyries as he could. Having them to aid him might be a boon indeed.
Both Freya and the dark-haired Valkyrie gasp as not one but two extremely beautiful, blonde haired, winged females, appeared. One held a long dangerous spear, the other a spiked wand with a sword at her back and a shorter spear.
Both of their eyes went wide as they stared at first Odin, Freya, then the Valkyrie who was attending Odin.
"So, Prima, you have betrayed our Lord Loki," the blonde stated though to Ephus it sounded strained.
"Let me take care of them Göndul, the male in front is nothing but a mere human I," the spear bearer started. Both of the females backed up a bit as Ephus started to power up. He was at three fourths his power when the spear bearer stepped forward.
"A wise move hiding your true power though it will do you no good." She spoke.
"Tread wisely Geirahöð, this one has already done harm to Lord Loki." Göndul said to Geirahöð.
With a nod of her head Geirahöð advanced then stopped a few feet from Ephus. "I know not what spell or magic you are using but you will fail!" The blonde shouted as she again tried to advanced, though her eyes were locked on Ephus eyes, the confusion going more by the second on her face.
"Why do you hesitate Geirahöð? The Lord Loki has ordered us to destroy him." Göndul said through clenched teeth. Then to her utter disbelief, Geirahöð dropped her spear then bowed to Ephus.
"What are you doing?" Göndul shouted as she drew her sword advancing toward the first blonde Valkyrie. Raising her sword she swung with all her might towards the bowing Valkyrie's neck, only to be shocked when her sword was blocked then knocked away.
"I will not allow you to harm her!" Ephus growled as he stepped in front of the bowed female.
"You dare to interfere in the punishment of a disobedient, betraying Valkyrie? It will indeed be a pleasure to show you the error of your actions." The blond female said as she struck out with both sword and spear.
Shit Ephus thought, when she started to press him back. Luckily, he recognized many of the sword moves she used. Damn he thought, she is far more powerful that I thought. Starting out in the Egyptian style, Ephus saw that he wouldn't last long.
Göndul was shaking her head, this human/god was obviously using magic to try and defeat her. She was far stronger than that, no one had overtaken her senses, with a roar she thought that wasn't going to either!
Ephus could see that the female was far different than any he'd met before. The only one he faced before that resisted this long was Enyo. Shaking his head Ephus thought he had an idea, now just to survive to see it through.
When he changed his style to the Greek style, he saw Göndul falter a moment, Ephus took advantage to stare right into her eyes.
Again Göndul, shook her head, what was this strange power that this human/god was using? Thrusting with her sword she was surprised she almost pierced the male's side. Then the male changed the style of his sword. A thin smile came to her lips, this was a far more aggressive style. More aggressive, less predictable than the first style, though she could start to see holes in his defense.
Damnit, she thought, the longer this goes on the more I want to stop it. Don't you dare! A voice ripped through her mind. You have to pay this upstart back for the insult he gave me.
This almost made Göndul stop, though she could also feel Loki, pushing her to finish. Something she was finding harder and harder to do.
Ephus started to smile, he could see that Göndul was starting to fight less aggressively. Hopefully, she can break whatever hold Loki has on her.
I was far to easy on you halvgud. Not to worry I will destroy you when we meet again. Came the thoughts of Loki. Göndul stopped completely looking around, now a look of confusion dominated her features. Bah! What can you do? You have two of the weakest Valkyries, plus the war Valkyrie. Even with Odin and Freya you have no hope to win. Loki's thoughts said. I know their power is low what can they do?
Ephus growled as he reached out again punching Loki in the face, though this time he put all he had into it. Loki shocked, was propelled through the wall into the next room. Colliding with that wall he slowly slid down it a smile on his face. A smile that faded as surprise came to Loki's face then he passed out.
All four women in the room gasp out in surprise when Loki's influence was suddenly gone. Both of the new females ran to Odin who was just starting to stir.
Ephus reached inside feeling for his reserves, then he plunged his hands into them erecting a shield around himself. Ephus sat at the other end of the room, shit he was exhausted, he hadn't got his power back up, now though it was going to take longer. Damn he thought I should have waited.
Another thing that seemed to be stopping him, his concentration was off, way off. Ephus reached out again feeling if any other gods were trying to extend their influence over him.
A silent growl went through him as he could swear that, he was once again feeling the Titans that he had before. Their power was of an ancient nature, therefore more unknown to him. He did have a few ideas since the last time they had talked and met.
Then again Ephus thought, they were also a lot older having had an extremely long time to plot and plan. Damnit it this was starting to grow more and more complicated. If they were truly involved as he thought, he was going to need more information than he had.
Well, he thought, that was all well and good, he still had to get Odin up enough to hold this realm together, 'til he got to the others. Freeing Odin had been a stroke of luck. Ephus didn't think Loki was so stupid that he might let Ephus slip past him again to free others.
Then again Ephus thought, Loki might just be a dupe for the Titans or some others like the Titans. Ephus tried to shake his head, which caused a dull throbbing to start.
A smile came to Ephus face as he finally had a hand on what was occurring. At least I can fix this he thought with these five I have a few allies. Touching his shield, he started to slowly change its composition. Ephus nodded when he felt the air clear of the influence, he also felt his power rebuilding faster.
Another groan came from where Odin was. Ephus smiled when he saw Odin's eyes snap open in surprise.
"Where am I?" His voice thundered. Looking around he caught sight of Ephus on the floor. "Just got here and already you are weakened? Bah! Why did we place our hopes in this human!" Odin said as he rushed at Ephus.
Ephus face held a grimace as he knew what was about to happen. Sure enough, Odin collided with Ephus energy shield bouncing hard off it into the nearest wall. Odin growled, then roared as he jumped to his feet to rush at Ephus again.
Ephus held up a hand momentarily stopping Odin. "Might I suggest, you let your power rebuild a bit, before you do something as foolish as, knocking yourself out on my shields?"
"How dare you, I am Odin, ruler of Asgard," Odin started 'til Ephus snapped his fingers. Almost immediately Odin fell to his knees.
"I dare that and much more, that which I have given, I can also block. What you are feeling is almost all that I gave you blocked. Still think I am weak?" Ephus shook his head when Odin only stared at him with a fierce look. Ephus turned to Freya, "I was afraid this was going to happen." Reaching out Ephus touched all five of them, even though Odin tried to pull away.
Freya's eyes went wide when she felt like there was something blocking her mind from outside thoughts. "What is this? I fell my mind is far stronger than it was."
"Hmmm," Ephus said, "it is in a way, like a helmet that is protecting your mind instead of your head." Ephus said trying to explain what he'd just done.
"Look, I am not about to try and help people who obviously don't want my help. You," Ephus said pointing a finger at Odin, "are supposed to be the leader here. If you don't want my help, then how in the hell are the rest going to accept me. No, like I told the Greek gods, you wanna be like this fine, I have a family to tend to. You asked me here, I can go just as easily." A seriously pissed off Ephus said.
All four of the females wore shocked looks on their faces. "Lord Ephus, if you don't help then there won't be much of Asgard left." Freya said.
"Like I told the Greek gods? If I am going to be treated as if I am nothing, then I say to hell with this realm. It might be a really good thing if it fades away!" Ephus shouted making the whole building shake.
"Why you upstart halvgud' I should," Odin started.
"You'll do nothing," here Ephus lightly touched first Freya, then all three of the Valkyries. He nodded his head when all four of the females glowed a moment, they turned to him shocked. "All of you four have the power to leave this pitiful place. With a leader like this Odin thing, I am surprised you lasted this long."
"Please don't leave Lord Ephus, this realm is close to collapse." Freya asked with her head down.
With a sigh Ephus said, "I can't stay here, I am here to help not fight the enemy and those who supposedly want my help." Reaching out to Odin, Ephus touched him a moment then nodded. "If and to me it is a big IF, you can accept the help, then find me. If not, well you have the power to leave."
Ephus turned to look at the females then down at Odin. Shaking his head, he vanished.
"I hope you are happy!" Freya shouted, "the only one that could help us, you only served to piss him off. I am sure if Frigg was here, you would get a lot more than an ear full!"
Odin slowly stood feeling the power that Ephus had given him beginning to build.
"Freya! You know that we cannot put this realm in danger. I was," Odin got out.
"Lord Odin, you more than anyone have seen and heard of the things that Ephus has done. He could have taken over the two realms he helped, he only asked to remain at his home in Midgard. He has asked nothing of either realm, what could he possibly want here, that he couldn't get there? Plus, I heard that he has more than ten wives."
Shock covered Odin's face as he reviewed all that he'd seen and heard of Ephus.
A shake of his head, was the only indication that Odin finally realized, that he might have made a mistake. A mistake that at the moment he didn't really see a way to correct. Even with the power that he'd had before Ephus blocked it, he didn't think he had enough power to travel to midgard.
"I fear I might have chased the last hope of Asgard away. Nor I am afraid, that I will have the power to try and bring him back." A sad Odin said.
"I might be able to accomplish that Lord Odin, though it is going to take many words of wisdom. You might also have to apologize to him, he still has the thinking of a human male. Then again, I have heard he is more like a god in many ways also. I believe lord Odin we will have to tread lightly with him, and be truthful."
Odin could only stare at Freya, apologize what in the world was that? Freya could only shake her head, how in the hell was she going to get Ephus back if Odin remained as stubborn as he was. With a sigh she thought she had her work cut out for herself, IF she could get Odin to listen.
Ephus appeared a good way from his home, no sense having both realms appear. He had to get this out, though in a way he was having a tantrum like he'd accused other of. Damnit! He'd had enough of this shit with the Greek gods. Now, these damn Norse gods were being nothing except pure assholes!
Ephus stopped a moment, not all of them, the three Valkyries had no choice in the matter. Freya had come to him truly seeking his help. Then there was Odin, Ephus wasn't sure if he'd ever got through to that one.
Taking a deep breath, Ephus made a chair appear, sitting he had to think of a way to help. It was true he wouldn't refuse when asked, though if that was suddenly turned to suspicion, here he shook his head.
He'd only been thinking a few minutes, when he felt more than a few powerful being's approach.
A moment later a worried Bast and pregnant Serket appeared next to him. Less than a moment later an also pregnant Enyo appeared worry on her face.
"Husband," Bast said softly. "When you reappeared so soon after you left, we came immediately when we felt you return." Here, all three of the females started to examine every inch of Ephus to make sure he was well.
Ephus held up a hand when they started to delve into his pants. "I am fine though rather mad." Here he turned to Enyo. "I need to release this anger though I am not sure if I fought you and Anhur, that it would be enough. Anhur?!" Ephus yelled.
A huge whoosh of power alerted Ephus to the approach of Anhur. On Ephus other side, a tall male appeared, a headdress of ostrich feathers, a spear in his hand.
"Brother," Anhur said a look of confusion on his face. "Is all well? I had thought you would have been gone far longer than this."
"No, I am afraid not. I have seemed to have lost some of my control. My anger at the Norse god Odin, has me in need of ridding myself of that anger. The thing is I know that this will power me far more than I have been, I do not wish to harm you. Nor do I wish to endanger Sekhmet nor Enyo." A slightly shaking Ephus said.
"Hmmm, I see. I don't think that with all three of us going at the same time, any of us will be harmed." Anhur said then nodded as Sekhmet appeared a different sword in her hands. With a nod when Ephus drew his own sword, Anhur and Sekhmet attacked.
A moment later Enyo also drew a sword entering the fray. As he expected Ephus was easily repulsing their attacks. He was then all four seemed to disappear as their speed became far to fast to follow.
Bast sat with Serket, watching what was going on. "It is good that I am here" Serket said. "At this pace Enyo might not last long. I doubt that Sekhmet will last much longer past that.
Sure enough, both female goddesses were sitting beside Bast and Serket a mere four hours later. They had been joined three hours before, by Ephus human wife, Quinn.
"It shouldn't be too long now," Bast said. "I can finally feel his anger abating." Looking at Serket she said, you might have to attend brother Anhur." Which caused Serket to nod.
A moment later there was a loud thud as Anhur appeared a large cut across his sword arm and chest. A huge smile was on his face as Serket rose to heal Anhur.
Ephus also appeared, a fine sweat covering him. "I thank you all of you, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to stop, brother."
A wide smile lit up Anhur's face, "that was the finest battle I have ever had, Though? You might want to sit before," Anhur started, then nodded as Ephus, fell to the ground on his face.
It's too bad that doesn't have a classification of mythology. This is obviously not science fiction or fantasy. I grew up Reading the Norse myths long ago.and I find this VERY entertaining . Please keep going.