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No ages are posted in the story so you can put in what ever age you wish. ALL CHARACTERS ARE OF LEGAL AGE unless you wish to change them.
Alaina and Alex , Neighbors and moreR

Alaina is a sweet xx yo girl that is slim and just starting to become a woman. She has discovered her body and sex but is still a virgin. Being slim and 5’ 6” tall, and only weighing 105 lbs she has not filled out much, but the promise of things to come is there.

Alex is good looking 18 yo still living at home and will be going to the local college and working at a local shop.

Alaina was going to spend the day with a friend, so her parents dropped her off at the street and left. She had not called ahead and so was surprised to find nobody home. She then started to walk home, which was a couple miles. She was about 5 blocks from home when it started to rain, and she ran as fast as she could. She got to the house and realized she did not have a key. There she was soaking wet in front of the house crying.

Alex had been at his desk doing bookwork when he looked out the window and saw Alaina across the street just standing in front of her door. It did not look right, and she look wet and in distress.

He hurried to the front door and opened it. “HEY ALAINA, are you okay. Come here.”

She heard him holler and ran across the street and into the house. “OH, thank you, I don’t know what happened but I am locked out and oh I am soaking wet.”

“Oh no matter just stay there and I will get some towels.” He hurriedly got several towels and warped them around her.

“Well you can’t stand there like that. You’re not dripping to bad so go into the bathroom and I will find something for you to put on.”

She went to the bathroom but was thinking. Oh man I am soaking wet and no way to get into my house for clothes until tonight and he wants me to put on something he is giving me.

She was getting cold standing the wet clothes and so took off the sweater and then the shoes and socks and then the blouse under the sweater. She did not wear a bra as the breasts had only just started to develop; she could have worn one as there were the nice beginning of some breasts. He nipples were very hard and standing out.

She looked in the mirror and then slid down her jeans. The view in the mirror was interesting as she saw herself standing in Alex’s bathroom in just her white panties with flowers. The thought gave her a pleasurable feeling and she cupped the small tit and touched her nipple which sent a special tingly sensation through her body. She had masturbated several times after hearing some of her girl friends talking about it and liked the feeling it gave her.

There was a knock on the door as she was deep in thought and it startled her, “What”

“Hey I got some dry things you can put on so get out of your wet clothes.”

She opened the door a crack and reached around taking the bundle of things he offered. “Okay thank you”.

“I will make you some warm coco when you are done and bring the wet things out and we can put in the dryer.”

She looked at the clothes and though, no way these are never going to fit, they are his work out clothes.

They were clean and dry. She had taken off her panties and looked at her naked body as she started to put on the sweatpants. She was thinking how her naked pussy, with a very thin hair covering, would be rubbing against his pants and she actually got that horny excited feeling. The thought of his clothes against her naked body actually gave her a warm fuzzy feeling.

MMM she was thinking that he looked really nice, no GOOD, but he would never look at her with any mmm desires.

Then she put on the sweat shirt and the feel of it rubbing against her nipples sent more sexy thoughts through her. MMMM he is so hot looking but he would never look at me twice. Still the thought of his clothes rubbing against her naked body made her tingle all over and before she knew is her pussy was getting wet. OH DAMN it I have to stop thinking about him and sex and oh I am going to get his pants wet.

She looked in the mirror at the girl in very bagging sweat clothes and the sexy thoughts stopped.

She came out and went to the kitchen where she struck a pose, “Well how do I look in your sweat clothes?”

Alex had made the coco and had two cups on the counter. He chuckled “Well you are a sight but you need to dry your hair, can’t have you catching cold because I did not take care of you properly.”

He went and got another towel and started to rub her head.

She could feel his body behind her and she was thinking, oh man he is TAKING CARE OF ME properly and the tingly feeling came back and so did other things. The feel of his hands on her head was great and she all of a sudden just want to have him hold her close and tight. She could not help it and she leaned back into him and could feel his full body against her back side. Her pussy was wet and getting wetter.

He was rubbing her head vigorously and is was nearly dry when she backed into him and he could feel her young sweet little body against him. He had never thought of her in any way except as the neighbor kid across the street but that suddenly changed. Here was a young GIRL in his workout clothes, nearly naked and against his body and he could feel the firm little butt cheeks pressed into his legs. He got to thinking and then just shook his head, GET A GRIP of yourself man she is just a kid. Oh well so what if it has been several months since you been with a woman. She is just a sweet little girl from across the street mmmm naked in you sweat clothes. His hand moved down to her shoulder and down along her arms, then he spun her around to face him still holding her arms. MMM HA HA “You are a sight to behold. When you are done with the coco you might want to do something with your hair.”

They sat at the kitchen table drinking the coco looking at each other. She explained in detail the morning. Then said that her folks would not be home till late evening and they expected to pick her up at her friends.

“Well you can stay her till they get home and I am sure when they find out you are not at your fiends they will be home fast. Now I think we should put your clothes in the dryer, okay.”

“Oh yes.” She went to the bathroom and picked up the pile of wet clothes.

“Hey before we put them in dryer let me wring out some of the water.” He took the jeans and wrung the out then grabbed the blouse and inside were her panties, which fell on the floor.

She grabbed them and turned red with embarrassment as he looked at her while he wrung out the blouse.

He smiled and a little chuckle, “That’s okay I have seen panties before nothing to be embarrassed about and they look nice.”

OH GOD he thinks they are nice and has seen panties before. I bet he has probably seen a lot of

panties, someone like him has a lot of girls showing him their panties.

“Oh OH I am sorry I I I “

“Its okay Alaina, I didn’t mean to embarrass you I just meant to let you know it is not a big deal if I saw your panties. I did not mean anything by saying they are nice, I just meant they are pretty.” OH damn man stop talking you are going to get into trouble.

She looked down and then “So you think they are pretty?”

“Sorry I don’t know what got into me lets just forget I said anything about your panties, okay. I would be in a lot to trouble is anyone knows I was seeing your panties or talking about them.”

“So why would you be in trouble?”

“Because I am xx and your what xx and so ,people would think I am some sort of pervert and so please let’s just stop talking about them.”

“Well I am xx and I am not going to say anything. Besides you have been very nice and mmm well I like that you liked my panties.”

“xx damn girl that is worse. YOU LIKE that me saying you have pretty panties. Fine lets leave it there okay and lets put these in dryer. But not the sweater.” He put the sweater on towels to dry.

Everything but the sweater went into the dryer and they went into the living room and he sat on the sofa. She sat there as well but not close.

He turned on the TV to a movie. She was sitting there when all of a sudden a chill ran through her body and she started to shake and shiver.

“Hey are you okay, whats wrong.”

“I am so cold all over.”

He got up and went to get a blanket, which he wrapped around her, but she continued to shake.

He sat next to her and put his arms around her and pulled her close to him hoping his body heat would warm her up.

Well it was not just the body heat that warmed her up but the feel of his arms round her shoulder and the closeness of his whole body next to her.

She could feel her one breast pressing into his chest and her nipple was hard. She felt his leg against her leg and she turned into him putting her head against his should just under his chin.

She was getting warm, very warm and the special tingly feeling was running through her body and her pussy was wet and the juices were flowing.

“Oh that feels so much better I am getting warm but my legs are so cold.”

“OH mmm well what can we do?”

“I can sit on you lap.” She move and slid her body up and on his lap before he could say anything. She settled in and snuggled into his body like a little kitten.

He could not refuse and wrapped and arm around her and held her close. He smiled to himself thinking like he was protecting his little sister. OH ya but she is not your sister and if anyone every finds out you could be in trouble. Still it is nice.

Damn she is a cute little thing. She wiggled in his lap and he could feel her sweet firm little butt cheeks rubbing against his cock was getting hard.

He tried to keep his thoughts controlled and it was sort of working as his cock did not go to full hardness. Fear kept it in control.

She felt something through the sweat pants and she was sure she could feel his COCK. OHHH she and her girl friend had gotten a hold of some porn magazines and seen pictures and so now she was feeling what a cock was like. She wiggled against is again.

“Hey just sit still will you. Are you warm yet?” She keeps on wiggling like that and I am going to be in serious trouble.

“Oh sorry but I just feel so good on your lap and snuggled up to you. MMM you are getting me very warm.” Oh is he ever he is getting me warm.

“Okay well let just concentrate on the movie and getting warm.”

Nothing more was said and they watched the movie. She was warm and feeling very good and very safe in his arms. She did not pay much attention to the movie but was only thinking about him and his body and oh so many things.

She knew that nothing would or could come of it but she could dream.

The dryer sounded off and they went to see about the clothes.

“Hey they are dry” as he pulled them form the dryer handing her, jeans then blouse and then the pretty white panties with flowers.

She grabbed the panties quickly along with the others and went into the bathroom where she quickly took off the sweat clothes and then stood infront of the mirror. She wondered, oh man if only I was older and mmm if I had tits and if I knew more about things. She cupped her little tits and squeezed what there was and then pinched the nipples. OHHHH you naughty girl you just want that big hunk of a boy to want you but he won’t.

She had run into the bathroom so fast after grabbing the panties from his hand that she had not fully closed the door.

He could see the mirror through the crack. I watched her take of the top and then saw her pose in the mirror and rub her little breast and tease the hard nipple.

Man she is playing with herself and seems to be turned on by it.

He continued to peak at her as she bent down to remove the sweat pants and the sight of her cute young round firm butt actually turned him on and he felt his cock pulse.

She pulled on the panties and then the jeans followed by the blouse. She turned and picked up the sweats and in doing so noticed the door was not closed tight’

He quickly backed away into the living room. She was sure she saw movement in the hall. Had he been peaking at her through the partially open door. The thought that he had seen her naked make her hot and afraid as she was sure she did not have a very desirable body when it came to boys.

She went back into the living room where he was sitting on the sofa. He looked a little sheepish as he looked at her now, simply because he had seen her naked and was thinking about that sweet young firm body with the very nice butt cheeks and the cute little breasts and the great legs, really great legs.

“Here are you sweats but hey I can take them home and wash them and bring them back tomorrow.”

“Oh no need I am going to use them shortly.” MMM the idea of her naked body in them and then against my body is nice, oh stop it you dirty old man.

“Okay lets finish the movies.” They talked more and she told him all about her best friend Michelle and how they were hoping to go to the lake tomorrow if only her mother had time to drive them there.

“Hey I can take you as I was going to the lake in the afternoon. If it is okay with your folks.”

“Oh great really you would do that? “ She reached out and put her arms around him and hugged him.

The feel of the hug and the sensation the her body tight to him make him all warm and feeling very good in a special way. A way he was not able to explain as it was not just sexual but more.

“Michelle and I are in gymnastics together and swimming is good way to stretch out the muscles.”

“Gymnastics is it, so that is why you have such nice legs.” Oh shit she is going to wonder how I know she has nice legs. “You fit in your jeans very nicely.” Man I hope she buys that.

Oh nice he likes my legs, well he must have see me in the bathroom. You can not see enough in jeans you had to have seem me naked. “Oh so you looked at my legs and you like them?”

“AH yes well being a gymnast has given you a very nice body, I mean legs.” Damn it man stop talking you are getting in deeper. “ So if it is okay I will pick you up at 1 tomorrow.”

At this point Alex’s mother came home.

“Hello and who do you have here with you Alex.”

“This is Alaina from across the street and she got caught in the rain.”

Alex and Alaina went on to explain every thing and then Alex’s mom, Mary, suggested they put a note on the door so Alaina’s parents would know where she was and then they would all eat pizza.

Alex and Alaina watched TV and talked. He told her all about his plans for college and how he wanted to be a mechanical engineer. She told him about her gymnastic classes and training about Michelle her best friend and about wanting to be a teacher, physical ed and such.

Alex’s father was on the road a lot so it was just him and his mother as his brother and sister were grown. The sister lived in the next town and was just finishing college.

Alaina had a brother that was married.

A couple hours later there was a knock on the door and it was Alaina’s mother.

“Hello I am Aliana’s mother and I understand she is here.”

Alex had answered the door. “Yes come in. She got locked out and caught in the rain so I invited her in.”

“Oh mother I got things all messed up today, Michelle was not home and I forgot my key and got soaked in the rain and Alex rescued me and dried me out and the his mother feed me and…..”

Alaina was going on so fast. “OK stop it just fine and you seem to be safe and well. I want to thank you for taking her in.”

Mary said,”Oh it was Alex that took care of her but that’s Alex, he is a good son.”

“Well thank you Alex and I hope she was not too much of a pest?”

“Oh no she was a perfect little lady.”

Alaina butted in ,”OH mother Alex said he was going to the lake tomorrow and Michelle and I want to go to the lake you we were not sure you could take us and he said we could ride with him, is that okay.”

“Well this is the first I heard about this. Alex did she just ask you to take them?”

“Oh no I was going to the lake anyway and when she mentioned she and her girlfriend were going I just offered them a lift.”

“Well you seem to have rescued a wet little girl already so I guess you can take her to the lake and thank you as I would not have been able.”

That was settled and Alaina and her mother went home.

Alex had not been able to go to gym and just picked up the sweats and went to his room. On the way he held the top to his nose and inhaled smelling the odor of a young girls body and then he held the bottoms to his nose and felt the wetness. OH man she got pussy juices on the sweats. He inhaled deeply the smell of her sex juices and got a nice hard on thinking about her young firm naked body and the beautiful legs and hip. Oh and the really nice round firm butt.

MMM she is a nice looking little girl mmm maybe little girl is not the right way to think about her.

He was looking forward to tomorrow and was hoping to find some girls his age at the beach.

One o’clock came around and he pulled up in front of Alaina’s house. She and her friend were out the door as he stopped followed by her mother.

“Alex I really do appreciate you taking the girls. You two do not bother Alex at the beach as I am sure he will want to be with friends his own age. What time do you think you will be home?”

“What time do you want her home?”

“You have your key this time, right?”

“Yes I have it right here. I know what to do and you will be home at 7. I will be fine and besides Alex is just across the street if I need anything.”

“Look if you are going to be late Alaina can just stay at our place till you get home, my mother is home by 5 most day and that is when we will be back form the lake.”

“Okay if you are sure it is okay with your mother.”

Everything was settled.

Michelle had been quietly eyeing Alex up and down. She was a year older than Alaina and was a little more street educated. She had also been on a couple of dates and to a couple of parties with boys so she was “experienced she thought”.

Alex had a old pickup truck with a stick shift on the floor. The girls piled in with Michelle pushing Alaina aside to get in next to Alex. She also put her feet on either side of the shift stick so when he put the transmission in reverse the lever was move up between her legs and she gave him a very sexy smile for a girl her age. Alaina was a little put out at Michelle’s behavior. She actually caught herself thinking of Alex as HER’s.

The girls chatted on the 20 minute drive to the lake.

Once there Alex hauled out a duffel bag with his lake things and went down to the beach with the girls following.

He had a couple of blankets in the bag which he spread out of and handed the other to Alaina. “Here you go you can spread it out somewhere.”

Michelle looked at him.”Hey can’t we just put it here by you?”

“Ah well I had though I might meet some friends here and you might be with some of your friends and not what to crowed each other.” How do I tell them nicely that I want to be with a girl my age.

Alaina was a little put off and upset with both Michelle and Alex. “Oh we won’t crowed you. Besides I want to get into the lake.” With that she took off her top and shorts exposing a blue two piece swim suit. It was a two piece and not a bikini. She had a very well toned body with very shapely legs, butt and even though she did not have much of a bust line she was a very good looking girl.

Alex looked at her with new appreciation and then remembered the naked body he had seen yesterday and his cock pulsed. He then took off his shirt. His shorts were is swim trunks with a net mesh inside so no underwear.

Michelle look at Alex as he stared at Alaina and got a little jealous. She then walked inbetween them and pulled off her top exposing a true bikini which covered her budding tits. She had started to develop tits and they were nice A cups now that sort of filled the top. She then pulled off her shorts to expose the bikini bottom which covered her pussy and butt cheeks nicely and tied at the side. She made a very obvious effort bending over at the waist to take of the shorts giving Alex a very nice view of her assets.

MMM nice looking girl and she is definitely trouble. Bending over like that in front of anyone is going to get her in deep trouble.

“Okey you two go swimming I am going to look around to see if any of my friends are here today.” He watched at the two very cute girls headed down to the beach and looked at cute butts wiggle.

Alex was really put out at Michelle. “ Hey you don’t have to make such a show in front of Alex. We are to young for the likes of him. Besides look around at the older girls here. They all have better bodies than we do.”

“Oh I think he saw plenty when we undress. I think he looked real good. Besides I think he is really hot and would like to see more of him. I bet he has a really nice cock.”

“Oh stop it you have no intention or ability to see his cock.” MMM but I would like to see it , in fact I would like to see him naked like he saw me. Oh well time to swim.

The girls were in the lake swimming laps to the dive raft. Alex walked up and down the beach but saw nobody he knew. There were a couple of girls that looked at him but for some reason they did not appeal to him. All he could think about was two young girls he brought to the beach.

He jumped in the lake and swam laps to work of the tension he was feeling. As he headed back to the beach he ran into a group of boys and girls playing. The girls were on the boys shoulders and they were trying to unseat or push over one another. Alaina was on the side line.

“Hey how come you are not playing with Michelle and them?”

“There was one boy short.”

“Well here I will play. Get on my shoulders.” He squatted down and offered her a hand. “Take my hand step on my leg and swing up like mounting a horse.”

She took his hand and stepped on his bent leg then because she had stepped with wrong foot and went to swing the leg over she got the wrong leg up over shoulder and ended up with leg on his back not front and her crotch was in his face. He quickly moved her down and off and then got her started right and up on his shoulders.

MMMM damn that was something. How did she manage to put her pussy in my face like that and did she do it on purpose. MMM still another time and place that would have been fun. Now he could feel her legs on either side of neck and her crotch rubbing the back of his neck. He held her legs tight to his chest. Oh such nice well shaped legs they were.

Alex was bigger than the other boys in the game so Alaina had it fairly easy to pull the others down. She unseated Michelle last.

Michelle was not all that happy as she would have like to been riding Alex, in fact she thought she wanted to ride him or maybe him ride her.

They swam more and then went back to lay in the sun to dry off before going home.

Michelle used the opportunity to get Alex to put lotion on her back. She lay on the blanket on her belly and then untied her top so there would be “NO TAN LINES” she said. He simply applied the lotion in a quick manner and had to be asked twice to do the legs and ALL bare skin, which included some of the butt cheeks.

Alaina watched with some anger and jealousy. But, when she asked him to put lotion on her she noticed a change in him. He took longer putting it on her back and he did her legs without being asked. In fact he spend a long time doing her back and actually seem to be sure every inch of exposed flesh was covered including her arms. The feel of his hands on her body sent special sensations through her that made her pussy tingle and get wet.

Oh wet pussy again just like yesterday. I sure hope he did not find the wet spot in the sweat pants. Oh I would like to feel his hands all over my naked body.

Michelle volunteered to put lotion on Alex but he was laying on back and declined.

Alaina move over to Alex. “If you lay on your belly I will put some lotion on your back.”

“Okay that will be nice.” He rolled over and then though bout things. MMM I just turned down lotion from the hot sexy little girl and thought nothing of just rolling over for the girl. MMMM so Alaina has some special effect on me does she.

MMM that feels so nice having a very sweet female touching me like this.

He was almost purring as her hands touched every inch of bear flesh and the thoughts and touch was causing another reaction. Damn he was getting a hard on.

Michelle was watching and was very jealous.

They picked up the stuff and packed back to the truck. Again Michelle pushed in first and sat next to him and straddled the shift lever.

On the way home her hand touched his leg just below his shorts and it stayed there until the got to her house.

“Here we are Michelle. Hope you had a good time , looks like you got some sun for sure.”

Alaina got out to let Michelle out and before sliding over she squeezed his leg and then,”Oh thank you for taking me to the beach. I had a great time”, kissed him on the cheek .

“Oh you are most welcome.” Damn that was really something.

Alaina got in and slid over next to him even though there was plenty of room she sat tight next to him and straddled the shift lever just like Michelle had.

“I want to thank you for taking us to the beach. I probably was not much fun for you being stuck with two young girls.”

“Hey we had fun and I did not mind in the least.” He turned and looked at her as he put the truck in reverse and in doing so his hand hit her thigh on the inside and as she was on the edge the touch was very close to her pussy.

She turned putting a hand on the back of his head she kissed his cheek. “Thank you so much”.

“WOW now that is a real thank you. But you should be careful people do not see you kissing me as it might cause trouble.”

Oh he like me kissing him. Trouble??? Why? “Oh I won’t do it in public and nobody would know. But you like it did you?”

“Certainly I did it was a very nice thank you.”

I was quiet on the way home but he looked down at her legs and his hand on the shift lever. Oh man just so close and those legs are really beautiful.

He pulled into his drive and they both got out. “Hey I try to go swimming every Wednesday as I am off work then. If you want to go again just let me know.”

Oh wow he wants to take me swimming again. “Oh yes that sounds great.”

“Maybe Michelle would want to go as well, probably better if there are two of you. Your parents would probably not want you going alone with me.”

“Oh why?”

“Because of what I said before about the age difference. Have a nice night, bye.”

“Oh okay bye.” She turned and walked to her home across the street.

Her firm round butt had a very nice swing to it and he just stared at it thinking what a knockout she is going to be. Damn man she is a knockout now, a very cute sweet one and you have some questionable thoughts about her. Naughty boy.

She swayed her hips as best she could, hoping he would notice. Invite Michelle, damn it she does not want her along, she wants him to herself. Damn it probably is the only way her folks will agree.

Michelle jumped at the chance and all she could talk about, when they got together on the weekend, was what a hunk Alex was and how she would like to see him naked. That really set Alaina off and she almost stopped the date. She thought Michelle was going to go after Alex. Then she and Michelle made up and started to plan the birthday party of Alaina’s.

Wednesday came and Alex picked up Alaina at noon. She was wearing shorts and a tee shirt with swimsuit under. She had a bag with some clothes it seemed a towel and snacks. She got in and slid over to Alex with legs either side of shift lever. Her hip was touching his and the contact made her feel a warm fuzzy tingle. As he put the truck in gear she wrapped on arm around his arm on the lever. He did not pull away.

The feel of her hip and then the arm around his made him feel good. MMMM a girl that likes him , a lot. Still she is too young to be having these thoughts.

Michelle was waiting and got in quickly. The talk was basic chit chat but the body contact with Alaina was the only thing he could concentrate on. The feel of her leg and hip next to his and the arm contact sent really nice feelings through him.

They found the same place as last week and saw the same group of kids just down the hill.

Michelle quickly stripped off the outer layer, exposing the very small bikini , and ran down to talk with the boys.

Alaina straightened the blanket and seem to spend a lot of effort and time at it. Alex had take off his shirt and was sitting down looking through his bag.

Alaina took off her top and looked at him to see if he was looking. Then stepping out of the shorts and she looked a Alex. Now he was looking at her and she could see him seeming to appraise her body.

MMM I hope he likes what he sees. She looked at him and struck a pose, hips out should back leg bent, “so do you like what you see.” She then bent down and touched her toes making her butt tight.

“What I see is a young girl in very good shape. I can see that the gymnastics gives you some really nice muscle tone.” Tone hell give you a really nice cute ass and beautiful legs. “You have some really nice legs”.

“Oh you think my legs are nice. So what about the rest of my body? What do you think of my suit. I want to get one like Michelle has. Would you like to see me in one like that? You think Michelle has a nice body; you can see a lot of it?” She was a little flustered as he had said he liked her legs and she just ran on.

“Easy girl, slow down. Yes you have nice legs and I don’t think it is a good idea I should be talking about your body, period. I think your suit is just right for you and I don’t think you need one like Michelle’s, and I don’t think she should be wearing one like that at her age. If you got a new suit I think you should get one sort of like the one you have.”

Alex and Alaina had got to the lake and were swimming laps

Just then Michelle hollered to them they were going to play in the lake and wanted them to join. The were going to do the horse and rider play again.

Alaina like the game as she got to ride on Alex’s shoulder and the feeling of his neck rubbing against her crotch was a turn on. She also got to rub her little tits against the back of his head.

When they all got together it was decided that Alex had an unfair advantage, age and size and a light weight rider, so he was give the biggest and heaviest of the girls and that was Michelle. This made Alaina upset and a little mad, oh my she was even jealous.

Michelle smiled a rather sexy wicked smile at Alaina and then moved up to Alex, “Okay this is going to be fun, I get to RIDE you.”

Alex looked at her with suspicion and then saw Alaina looking at him with a hurt angry sad look.

The girls were getting up on the boys shoulder and Michelle reached out taking his head and stepping on knee as she swung a leg up and around his head. She sat down hard pushing her pussy against the back of his neck and then actually wiggling to excite her clit. She gave out a little moan and then squeezed his head with her legs and held his head in her hands pulling it back so is was between her nice A mmm B cup tits.

He could feel her crotch against his neck and then as she pulled his head back he felt the very nice young firm tits against his head. His cock responded in the usual manner and now he was sporting hard on.

Damn it girl sit still. The game started and Michelle pointed him to another couple and the girl was also wearing a rather small bikini and did fill it out nicely but not like Michelle.

Michelle directed Alex to the girl with a bikini like hers and instead of pushing or pulling her off the boy she pulled the ties to the bikini causing it to fall away from the girls tits. The girl screamed and a couple of the boys laughed and the other girls hollered and laughed. Two of the girls came at Michelle and Alex tried to keep them away but was not able. Soon they had untied her bikini to and Michelle’s tits were exposed. She pulled his head back and he could feel the firm flesh of the two nice B cup tits and was sure he could feel the hard nipples as well.

Soon all the girls with bikini tops were exposed and bare naked tits were everywhere. There were three girls with one piece suits and one of them just pulled her top down showing her little A tits and hard nipples. Michelle hollered out, “come on drop your tops.”

“Okay enough, stop it now. I am not playing and neither is Alaina.” He reached around and pulled Michelle off his back. “Put your top back on before you and the rest of us get in trouble. I think it is time to go. You came with me and you will go home with me. Alaina lets go.”

Michelle looked mad.”I will go home with who ever I want.”

“I don’t think so, just which one of the BOYS is going to give you a ride?” He glared at all of them and none came to her rescue. “ Just what I thought, next time they can bring you and take you home but if you come with me you go home with me as I am responsible for you.”

Nothing more was said as they packed up. Wet suits got in the truck as Alex was not waiting to dry out.

There was no conversation on way home and Michelle got out without a word.

“Boy is she mad at you.”

“Well it is her own fault. She started it by pulling off the other girls top and she did that deliberately. I suspect she knew exactly what she was doing and I think she wanted to get all the girls with their tops off. Some sort of showing off that she has the biggest breasts in the group and trying to tease the boys.”

“So you think she has big tits and did you like them and what about Mary’s tits or Sally’s. To bad I don’t have tits like them then you would look at me.”

“Okay enough just stop there girl. First I am not discussing TITS with you as that is not proper. Michelle is a girl looking for trouble or headed that way and I think you should be careful around her. I know you are gymnastic buddies but otherwise be careful as she could get you in trouble.”

“So you don’t want to talk about TITS with me.” Laughing. “Well I don’t have any to talk about anyway. Just what sort of trouble is Michelle going to get into?”

“Oh you have BREASTS and I am sure you will get bigger in time and that is all I am going to say about your , ahhh enough. You don’t go around teasing boys or men without them expecting something more and she is not old enough to handle the MORE part. ”

“OH and what is the MORE part?”

“Oh man please little girl you are going to get me into a lot of real hot water some serious trouble with your folks and maybe even the law. I think I can not take you and Michelle to the lake anymore and I don’t think you should be around me so much.”

“NO I like being around you and I like you. I want to go swimming with you as it was a lot of fun until today. I don’t think there was anything wrong with the game and pulling off the tops was just part of the fun. I still want to know what the MORE part of trouble is. AND I AM NOT A LITTLE GIRL.”

They arrived at home, “Look Alaina I like you, a lot, and I don’t want to see you get hurt or in trouble so that is why I did what I did today. It is also why I am not going to talk about the other stuff.”

All of a sudden things changed in her mind as she had heard, I LIKE YOU A LOT, and he had sort of protected her. He likes me.

She reached over and took his face in both hands and kissed him on the lips then got out of the truck and ran across the street and into her house.

Damn that was unexpected given the conversation. I guess she is not to mad at me.

That evening as Alex sat reading and his mother was cleaning the kitchen the door bell rang.

It was Alaina’s mother and she said she wanted to talk to both of them.

She told them that Alaina had told her all about the afternoon she was a little confused and upset about things. She wanted to hear form Alex exactly what happened.

Alex was scared and not sure want to say. His mother looked at him. “Alex just what the hell went on today? You better tell us both what happened and don’t leave on any details.”

Alex resigned himself to telling it as exactly as he could and did so. I took a good half hour with the questions about the naked girls and who did what when.

Alaina mother looked at Alex, “I am certainly glade she was there with you. “

He sighed a sigh of relief, “well I sort of think of her like a little sister.”

Her mother chuckled, “I don’t think you want to tell her that as she has a crush on you and LITTLE SISTER would make her mad again. She is mad at you because you don’t want to take her swimming anymore but really I would like it if you did. After today I would feel better with you there.” She smiled , “And you can just be the big brother only don’t tell her that.”

“Okay you can tell her that I will pick her up at noon next Wednesday.”

“Oh I think you should go over and talk to her in person. When she came in she was mad and then angry and finally she was crying. I think you need to talk to her.”

“Okay.” He left right then and her mother stayed to chat with Alex’s mother.

He knocked on the door and she answered, “We need to talk, Okay, I know your mad at me and I am sorry if I upset you and we will go swimming again.”

She looked at him, first angry then hearing what he said she just closed the door and leaped at him wrapping her arms around his neck and legs around waist. She kissed him on the lips.

He was taken back and took her arms and broke the kiss and put her down. “Okay I guess I am forgiven but don’t do that again please or your folks will not let me take you swimming.”

He was not sure why but he loved the affection she had just shown him. He enjoyed the feel of her young firm body so tight against him. He even though he could feel some breasts, oh hell TITS, against his chest. He knew for sure he could see some nipples though the tee shirt.

She saw him looking at her chest and she pulled her shoulder back and was glad the nipples were hard and sticking out. The feel of them rubbing against him sent a warm tingly sensation through her body and actually made her pussy wet. MMM that feels so good I want more you big hunk of man. But just what more did she want or how to get it.

Things had been tense at the gym with Michelle as she blew off at Alex and said she had another ride to the beach but Alaina said she would be there with Alex and that changed Michelle’s attitude. Michelle still had a thing for him and thought she would take him from Alaina.

On the weekend Michelle had called Alaina and asked if she would like to have a birthday party, it was coming up in a couple of weeks. Alaina asked her mom and all was set. Michelle told her she could invite Alex if she wanted as there would be boys and girls at the party.

Alaina could not wait and ran over and asked him if he would go.

I was a very difficult conversation, but he had declined and said he was told as everyone at the party would be her age and he would just be the odd boy there and very out of place. He said she should talk to her mother about it.

The anger about the party subsided after she talked to her mother.

There was a Wednesday at the beach before the party.

The Wednesday swimming went on as usual and the game was played but there was no tit exposure and everyone sort of moved carefully around Alex. Alaina had been his partner and they won as expected.

Michelle had ridden with the parents of one of the other children as none were old enough to drive.

On the way home Alaina sat up next to Alex and snuggled into her side. “I sure wish you could go to my party but I know all that has been said. It is not going to be any fun without you.”

He just sort of instinctively put his arm around her and pulled her to him. “Look in the glove compartment.”

She looked and saw an envelope with her name on it.

“That is for your birthday but you can not open till you are home after the party and you are alone, okay. I just hope I am not doing something that will cause trouble but no matter. I want to hear all about the party.”

The week went fast and the party was at Michelle’s house and there were about 15 boys and girls (8 girls 7 boys) Alex would have rounded out the group. They were not really paired up but some of them were 4 couples.

They all had fun in the basement and then the fun began they started to play spin the bottle.

Alaina played but things were not all that much fun as she was not that experienced in kissing and Michelle actually made some rather unkind remarks. Still she tried and then got real upset when on boy pushed his tongue into her mouth.

She saw one of the other couples in the corner in the dark and it looked like the boy had his hand up under her blouse.

Alaina actually got a little turned on thinking what it would be like to have a boy touching her tits. MMM especially if it was Alex.

She got home and after telling her mother bout the night, certainly not all about it, she went to her room and quickly opened the card. There was a note wishing her a happy birthday and a gift certificate to a woman store in town. The card had been signed a -special hug and kiss- Love Alex.

She could not believe is but still he said LOVE and sent a hug and kiss. Her body got all warm and tingly and then she got naked and looked in the mirror at the body she saw. The nice muscular legs and thigh and the firm round ass. The tits were not much but there was more than a bump now and the nipples were hard. MMM they were hard because she was thinking about Alex and she had been playing with them. She reached down and touched the little slit and then found that little spot that gave her such wonderful feelings and she rubbed it thinking of Alex. She rubbed it sending electric tingles all through her body until she shook and moaned and wanted to scream but her mother was down stairs.

She put on her nighty and went to bed and dreamed of Alex.

It was a couple of days before she was able to see Alex as he was working. She saw him at home and she knew his mother was shopping with her mother so she ran over.

“Well hello birthday girl”. She simple reached up and gave him a very big kiss and a long one at that. He did not push her away like before but instead had encircled her with his arms and actually stood up so now her feed were off the floor and her whole body was pressed against him.

An electric tingly sensation ran through her whole body and she just wanted to do more but not sure what.

He bent down and her feet touched the floor and the kiss broke”

“Well I guess you had a good birthday party and you liked my card.”

“OH you , you know I love the card and what you said and I am going shopping tomorrow as mother said she would buy me some new clothes and a new swimsuit. I want to get one like Michelle had. Then you can see more of me.”

“You do not need to get one like Michelle. A nice two piece is fine. I don’t think you need to be exposing yourself to everyone like she does.”

MMM you doesn’t want everyone to see my body mmmm just him.

“So was the party fun?”

“Well that’s the thing. We played spin the bottle and I guess I am not a very good kisser.”

“Hey the one you just gave me was pretty good.”

“Well I guess the kissing at the game was different in some ways and well it was not like I just kissed you. I heard someone say I need to learn how to French kiss better. So can you show me how?”

Oh damn this is going to get real sticky. Man I want to kiss her hard and deep but what then.

“WOW kissing can be a very serious thing and well not sure you should be asking me.”

“So who else can I ask, certainly not my mother and my father is hardly every home.”

“Well it will come with time and practice. There will be more parties and you will be going on dates and other boys. You have a lot of time to learn and well I probably am not a good person to be teaching you those things.”

She looked sad and sort of pouted and stuck out her lip in fake pout. “So you want other boys to teach me how to kiss. I bet you have kissed a lot of girls so why not me?”

“Well first off the girls I have kissed are all older than you and like I said before I am OLDER and could get into a lot of trouble if I start teaching you how to kiss.”

“Well I don’t care about the age and nobody will ever know you kissed me as I will never tell. I don’t want you to get into trouble. Besides in the card you gave me it said HUG AND KISS , Love Alex. And I love you too.”

Oh damn LOVE is now the catch word. “Look I said love like love to my little sister and you are too young to be thinking about love of any deeper kind. You have a lot of time to think about love. Man this getting way to complicated for me.”

“I am not your little sister and I love you not like my brother.” With that she reached out and took his head and kissed him hard. She parted her lips and pushed her tongue to his lips.

He was not ready for the kiss and the male hormones took over as the feel of her hands and body next to him and then the tongue. He could not control it and his lips and teeth parted as her tongue entered his mouth. His tongue took on a mind of it own and started to dance with hers and then pushed into her mouth. His arms went around her and hugged her hard into his chest. He could feel the little bumps of tits and the hard nipples. His cock pulsed and got hard.

She felt the tongue dance with hers and then accepted it into her mouth as she ground her body against him. Her legs rubbed against his crotch and she felt his hard cock, but she was not really sure what she was feeling, yes she was, she just could not believe SHE was giving him a hard on. I wonder if it looks like the ones in the magazine.

He broke the kiss and pulled her arms from his neck. “Damn it girl you can’t be doing that, we both will get into trouble.”

“Well you liked it and that was my first kissing lesson. MMM next time I will know how to French kiss properly thanks to you.” She looked at him with a devilish smile.

“Yes, well you do that again I just might spank you, you naughty little girl.” Oh shit that was not good, spanking that cute firm round ass would be fun but could get you in a lot more trouble.

“Oh so you would spank me for kissing you. Mmm well maybe I would like you to spank me, so there.”

She reached out again and kissed him again hard and tried to French him but he stopped her and backed up hold her at arms length.

“That is enough, please, you keep doing that and well just stop. Look our mother will be home soon it might not be good idea for them to find you here. Remember Wednesday is beach day see you at noon now go.” He spun her around opened the door and pushed her out giving her butt a friendly swat.

OH damn I should not have hit her butt like that , still it is such and nice little butt, hehehe spanking it would be fun especially is it was only with panties or even bare. Stop it man you are going to jail for sure.

As he hit her butt she wiggled it and hollered back, “see I bet you would like to spank it and I bet you will someday.” She ran home.

He had trouble the rest of the day as all he could think about was her kiss, her body and her cute firm ass going out the door.

Alaina had gone shopping with her mother and an argument had ensued over a swimsuit and a nice two piece was what she got. A nice blue with full top with ties and a boy cut bottom that showed a nice cheek view but no more. Alaina had gone on her own and gotten a couple of pair of black lace panties and one was very shear. Her mother would have a fit so she had decided to hide them and only wash by hand.

The next Wednesday she ran out and got in the truck also most before he could stop.

“I got a new suit and hope you like it , its two piece but not the one I wanted. I also got some other things with your gift card but mmm not sure I should show you. They’re black panties.”

“Okay stop there I do not want to see or talk about your panties. We seem to be having this conversation to many times. Do not tell anyone about your panties and that include Michelle.”

“But Michelle is my friend and we are at the gym several times a week. Besides what would she do?”

“First when you go to the gym just wear you basic white panties nothing sexy, understand?”

“Oh so you think the black ones are sexy?”

“I am sure they are and you do not need to be wearing them, you’re to young to be doing that. Michelle would make all sorts of comments about why you have them and how you got them and then the gossip would get going and your mother would find out and you would tell them about the gift card which bought you black panties and I would be in deep trouble.”

“I guess I never thought of it like that and I guess Michelle is sort of a gossip. She is always telling me about which girl is having sex with who. They are all older but I wonder if she is having sex with someone as she knows so much.”

“Ya well knowing and doing are not the same thing and I think she just likes to talk big and act like she is better , knows more, more important. I think she is going to be trouble in the future so you be careful around her. There are names for girls like her but I am not going to repeat them.”

“Oh you think I am so naive and to young, I bet you think she is a slut.”

“Well I guess you education at school also comes from the play yard as well as class room. So where did you hear that term and applied to who?”

“Michelle said a couple of the girls she knows are sluts cause the will fuck any boy.”

“Gee girl watch you language will you. Your mother will have a fit. You know the old saying ‘takes one to know one’ and that will tell you a lot about someone.”

“Michelle is the sort of person that talks about other behind their back so you have to wonder what she is saying about you to others, or about me for that matter.”

“Oh man now you have me wonder about her all the time.”

“I just don’t want anything cause you trouble. I mmmmm well I just don’t trust her and don’t want her to hurt you in anyway.”

She had moved very close to him and just looked up at him. She realized he cared for her in a very special way and she loved him for it. She reached up and stroked his hair and then kissed his cheek.

She then kissed his ear and whispered very softly, “I know you want to protect me and I love you. Your my big protector.”

A heat wave ran though his body and he felt 10 feet tall and invincible. He could not say anything and he could not deny his feeling for her. Hell he must love her as well.

She rested her head on his shoulder and hand still tangled in his hair.

MMM he has not said anything about my ‘love you ‘ statement. I wonder if that means he loves me too but is just afraid to say so, damn it such a pain to be so young.

They arrived at the beach and spread out a blanket. She did not bother to look up her friends and neither did he. She took off her sundress and he looked at her with a very pleasing look.

“that is a very nice suit and I like it. MMM you fill.. ah it fits you nicely.”

“I am glad you like it and I am FILLING out things nicely.” She laughed. She was still a A cup but very close to B. “My tits will fill out the top soon.”

“Geez girl don’t talk like that around me. People hear you they will wonder and talk and then gossip. I am sure you will fill the top out and you will be a beautiful woman SOME DAY but lets not talk about it at least not in public. You can tell me in the truck on the way home.”

“Oh I tell you all sorts of things on the way home.”

“Geez lets get in the water.” They ran down and did several laps to the raft and back.

Way down the beach they saw a bunch of kids on shoulders play the game but nobody had asked them.

“Looks like Michelle has found some new friends.”

“Ya she got a boyfriend that drives his own car and she went with him and a couple of his friends and their girls.”

“Oh boy she is out of her league and could end up in trouble. You stay away from them.”

She had liked the game as she got to ride on his shoulders. “But I really liked playing the game and riding on your shoulders, well the one time I did then Michelle changed everything and oh you got to see her tits but you stopped the game before you saw mine. Hey you want to see my tits I have a two piece now and it would be easy to lose my top.”

“You are bound and determined to get me into trouble aren’t you. I would end up in jail and labeled a sex pervert for life and that would end any jobs or college.”

“Oh I never thought of it like that, I am sorry, I just want you to think of me in like sort of a girlfriend sort of way and treat me like a girlfriend and not the little neighbor kid.”

“Look first of all that kiss the other day was not a kiss between neighbor kids. And look, you can’t say anything to anyone but I don’t really think of you a just a neighbor kid. You are someone special to me and that is all I can say now, okay please don’t make a big deal of it now.”

Oh my he really does like me, he actually must love me and oh he does think of me like a girlfriend.

All this had been taken place while they were in the water and swimming around.

“Look if you like riding on my shoulder so much you can just get up on my back now.”

He held out his hand and she took it and stepping on his hip swung up and around and sat on his shoulders. The feel of his neck against her pussy sent that wonderful tingle through her body and she took his head and pulled back got get more pressure on her tingling pussy and she wiggled and gave a little moan.

He could feel her pussy against his neck and like her pulling it hard against his neck. He was sure he heard her moan a little as she wiggled on his shoulders.

“Hey lets see how far out we can go.” He started to walk out and got up to shoulders. “Hey you’re a good gymnast, right so you should be able to stand on my shoulders. So get up and stand up and I will walk out deeper.”

Very carefully she grabbed his hair and used it to balance with while putting a foot on each side of his head and then stood up tall.”

Slowly he walk out till the water was at his chin. “To bad I can’t hold my breath long or I could just go deeper and it would look like you were walking on water.”

She laughed and then lost her balance and dove off him into the deeper water. He followed her and then grabbed her foot and pulled her to him and under the water. She pushed back and then pushed his head under. He came up sputtering and dunked her. They were in deep water and she dunked him again but he went deep and grabbed her legs and pulled her down. She was wiggling trying to get to up but he then for some crazy reason pulled her to him under water and kissed her quickly and let her go.

She got to the surface and gasped for air. She could not believe what happened, he kissed her and not the little kid kiss but a kiss like a girlfriend kiss. She was vibrating all over.

He broke the surface a few feet away thinking, oh boy I think I just caused a major problem.

She raced over to him and put arms around his neck. “Oh you wonderful man I love you.”

“Okay stop easy” he broke the hold she had and the treaded water together. “I am sorry I don’t know what I was doing but we can not act like that in public. I just well you just looked so tempting and well the urge just came over me. So lets just forget it happened please.”

She knew what was on his mind and she just nodded and swan toward the beach.

Nothing more was said between them for some time and they just lay on the banket and dried off.

She looked at him and new feeling were going through her body and mind and she was very happy. There was a very warm fuzzy feeling just looking at him and lay here next to him. She just wanted to crawl up on top of him and kiss him all over. She wanted him to be naked and she wanted to be naked with him. Oh she was not sure just what or how, so many question and nobody to ask.

He looked at her and saw the strange expression on her face, thinking , man want is she thinking about. Oh hell the kiss I am sure but damn it was nice and hell I really like her, if only she was older. “Hey we better head home.”

They packed up and got into the truck. There were few people around and she just had the urge.

“You know the other day when you got to see all the other girls tits.”

“Yes and that was not a good idea of her’s”

“Ya, well I was really hoping you or someone would have pulled my top down and you could see me. I really want you to see me. I know I don’t have the big tits like some of the other but I do have tits. SEE”

She pulled the bottom edge of the two piece up and exposed two nice A almost B cup breasts with very hard nipples.

All he could do was look at a very beautiful girl who deliberately exposed her tits to him. Damn those are nice tits and mmm nice nipples. MMM oh man I would like to kiss them and tease them and make her moan with pleasure.

His cock pulse and he got a hard on which would show in his very baggy swim shorts. In fact, it was starting to rise a tent as he sat behind the steering wheel.

“Oh man stop it now, pull it down.”

She pulled it down and looked at him deeply. “Did you like them?”

“Okay enough, You have very nice breasts and yes I like them but you have to stop it. You can not keep teasing me. Well you’re not teasing but just doing things you should not be doing and you are giving me a real head ache.”

He drove out of he is parking lot and headed home. I was a longer than usual drive and the tension was heavy.

“You can not keep doing things like that around me. What if someone saw you back there? Someone that knew you and me and started gossip. There would be so much trouble.”

“I am sorry but I don’t know why, yes I do, you got to see all the other girls tits and I wanted you to see mine. “

“Gee why is it so important that I see your tits.” He knew the answer before he asked the question.

“I wanted you to see my tits because ahh well because ahh oh hell because I love you and I think about you all the time and I want you to see all of me I want you.” She was shaking and then started to cry.

Oh man this is getting way to serious, and I don’t know what to say or do. I need to be the good guy but I really want to be, well not the bad guy but the guy that takes her clothes off and kisses every inch of her naked body and then gives her the ultimate pleasure. But I can’t do that, but I sure want to.

He pulled over and reached over and pulled her to him. “Its okay Alaina it will be fine. It will get better with time.” Hell, he did not know what to say. He bent down and kissed her head. She looked up and pulled his head to her and kissed him on the lips and pushed her tongue into his mouth and to steady herself at the twisted angle she put her hand out and it landed on his thigh with her fingertips touching the very large hard on going down his leg.

The kiss was nice, and she stopped crying and he liked the feel and her tongue teasing his tongue. He then felt her hand on his thigh and the tips of her fingers touching his cock which pulse when touched.

An electric tingle when though each of there bodies and the juices just flowed. He pulled her to him hard and deepened the kiss.

He then stopped and looked at her with a lovers look. “Okay we can not keep doing this. I know you have some feelings for me and I for you but this is not going to workout. Lets just cool is and get you home before I do something very wrong.”

“I don’t think you would ever do anything wrong, at least not with me. I do love you and I think you have some special feeling for me, otherwise why would you kiss me like that?”

“Okay, I have feelings for you, lots of feelings but, oh man, please lets just cool it for now.”

He backed out onto the street and headed back to her place. She snuggled up to his side, right arm holding the arm on the gear stick and the other hand resting on his thigh with the finger down the inside of the thigh and the tips touching his very big hard cock.

He could feel her finger tips and it was driving him crazy as he wanted her sweet body in the worst/best way.

She know what she was touching and she then inched her hand down until her fingers were over the big hard on and then she applied pressure against his leg.

OHHHH man what is she doing. God damn it girl I am going to to to oh shit just drive.

He could not do anything and did not want her to stop as the feel of her hand on his cock was pure pleasure.

They pulled up to her house and saw her father’s car in the drive.

She gave his cock an actual squeeze and then kissed him on the lips. “My father’s home have to go. I will talk and see you later.” Getting out before he could only say ‘bye see you’ and running to the house.

He went home and jacked off several times looking at some magazines. He could not get the picture of her sweet tits, hard nipples and then the touch of her hand on his cock and the actual squeeze.

Alaina’s parents sat her down and told her they were getting a divorce and Alaina would be staying with her mother but the house would be sold and they would have to move to a smaller place in town.

She was crushed and cried the whole night and on and off all the next day. She called some friends she know whose parents were also divorced and talked to them. She talked to her mother as she was not sure where they would be living and what about school and gymnastics?

She wanted to talk to Alex but he was gone for he day working or something. She saw his truck drive up and ran out over to his place.

He saw her coming in such a rush I figured something was wrong. She ran up to him and just jumped at him with arms around neck and kissed him hard and then as he pulled her away she started to cry.

“Okay easy what is wrong?”

“My folks are getting divorced and we have to move.”

“OH man that is a shame, when , where.”

“I don’t know they just told me. My father is moving out this next week and the house will go up for sale also. Mother said we would move into town to something smaller.

Alaina’s mother had looked out the window right after the kiss but saw the VERY close hug. She was a little concerned but not now as she had a lot to think about. She called to Alaina to come home and asked Alex to come also.

Alex looked at Alaina, “Do you think she saw you kissing me? I hope I am not in trouble.”

When they got to the house her mother simple explained what was going on with divorce and the move. “Alex do you think you could help with some moving. Alaina and I will have to downsize to something smaller in town. I really don’t know when or how to get it all done but the house goes on the market next week and I think it will sell quickly.”

“I am sorry about your moving and I will do all I can to help. Hey my truck is at you disposal any time and I have a couple of friends to help move anything big.”

“OH Alex that is a big load off my mind and I will be taking you up on the offer. You are such a nice boy, well young man really.” She reached out and stroked his bare arm and gave it a squeeze and looked deeply at him.

Alaina’s mother, Alice, is 36 and good looking with nice breasts about 36C and good hips and legs. William her husband and Alaina’s father was a busy man and only home for what seemed to be 4-5 days a month. Actually he had another woman he had been living with, hence the divorce.

Alex was a little taking back when she squeezed his arm and the look.

He was more than willing to help.

The following Wednesday then they were going swimming Alaina said she did not want to go to the beach as she did not want to be seen by the other kids and have everyone talking about her and her parents divorce. “I just don’t want to go this week maybe next week I will feel up to swimming.”

“Look I have a place I use to go to that is private. The water is nice but the bottom is muddy but there would be nobody around. It is sort of just MY place.”

The idea of a place with nobody else around was so great she could not believe it. “Oh that sounds great. I will make some sandwiches and you bring drinks. We can have a picnic.” She ran back into the house and half hour later they were on their way.

Alex turned off the county road down a gravel lane and then turned again down a grassy pathway and ended up at a pond surrounded by tall pine trees. The ground was covered with needles right down to the edge of the pond.

“Well what do you think of my place.”

“Oh this is great, its so quiet and so private. MMM just you me and the pond. So lets see what the water is like.” She ran down and into the water. “ OH yuck its so muddy.”

“I told you it was so you just have to dive in and swim out to deep water and tread water or float on your back. Hey I have a couple of air mats I will blow up and you can use them.”

She came back and helped him blow up the mattresses and then they both got on them and paddled out to center of the pond.

“Oh Alex this is perfect and oh man am I going to miss this and you. I hate my dad and moving and everything.”

“Well lets try to think about happier things and have a nice day okay”.

“Okay mmm happier things , nice day , mmmm I know what I want to do.” She rolled off the mat into the deep water and treaded with just head and some shoulder about the water.

“I always wanted to go skinny dipping like I hear everyone else has done so now I am going to do it.” With that she pulled the top of the two piece off and plopped it on the mat there half way there. Then she disappeared below the water and came up with the bottom of the two piece.

“There now I can say I have been skinny dipping. You get in and get you trunks off too Alex I don’t want to be doing this alone.”

At first he could say nothing and then it all happened so fast. Then the thought of her naked in the pond made him so horny and gave him a difficult time. He wanted her in the worst way but not now. Still maybe they could have some fun.

“Damn it girl you will get me into a lot of trouble if anyone ever finds out I have been out her with you naked.”

“Oh please nobody is going to know and I won’t tell if you don’t. So get those trunks off now.” She grabbed the edge of the mat he was on and pulled down dumping him in. She went under and grabbed at his trunks and pulled them down or tried. She got them down aways and thought she saw his cock spring up.

They both came up of air and gasped for air.

“Hey if I take off the trunks you have to stay away no contact okay.”

“Oh all right you stick in the mud.” Thought of her body naked in the pond and Alex with her, naked gave her all sorts of tingly feelings and her nipples got hard and her pussy tingled and mmm want attention and she reached down and rubbed her lips and clit.

Alex was there holding on to his mat and she hers. She could not resist the urge to hug him and feel there naked bodies together. She let go her mat and quickly closed the two feet between then and put her arms around his neck. Then both went down under water and then came up kicking to tread water. Their naked bodies tightly touching from the shoulders down as their feet kicked .

She pressed her lips to his and pushed her tongue into his mouth.

He kept on arm on the raft and the other went around her naked waist. The feel of her naked body against his sent shivers though him and he got a massive erection. The feel of the sweet tits and hard nipples against his naked chest.

He knew he must stop it but did not really want to. Oh god her body feels so good.

She could feel his hard cock against her thigh and was turned on more. He was also turned on but he was afraid..

The kiss lasted a long time. Time enough for each to become very acquainted with the others naked body.

The kiss broke. “ Damn girl you agreed to keep away and now. You you oh you.” He pushed the raft to the toward the shore and swan out to the other side of the pond.

She was not sure what had just happened, but she knew she loved Alex and wanted him to take her virginity. She wanted him to do all the things she had heard about and some of the things she had seen in the porn magazine she and Michelle had looked at. She also wanted to kiss him deep hard and all over. The feel of his hardon against her leg had sent such a thrill through her body and she just wanted to touch it and maybe even kiss it mmm the thought of that sent an other tingle through her.

He was swimming back now and coming very fast. I seemed he was swimming with anger as his arms seem to pound the water. He swam up to the shore where the raft was and then was standing in the waist deep water. “Come on we are going to go. Get your suit back on.”

She had followed him to the shore and then stood up in the water to her belly and her breasts fully exposed. “I am sorry you do not like my body and its not good enough for you.”

“Oh stop it. You know you are a very pretty girl and you have a sexy body. It is because I find you very sexy and I think you are beautiful and OH HELL girl just put you suit back on before I lose all control.”

“Oh so you like my tits.” She wiggled and made a sexy pose. “You want to touch them I bet.”

He had put his trunks back on while waist deep and then got out of the pond and turned to see her wiggle and pose.

MMM man she is so so sexy and those tits just beg to be kissed and sucked and squeezed. His cock tented his wet shorts.

She saw him put on the trunks and get out and saw the tent his hard cock made in them as he looked at her. She wanted him in the worst way and so she just walked out of the pond without putting on her suit. Standing in front of him naked made her all warm and her pussy seem to tingle with desire.

Without hesitation she ran up to him and put her arms around his neck and kissed him hard and deep.

He reacted as any male would and wrapped his arms around her naked body and kissed deep. The feel of her sweet breasts and hard nipples against his bare chest made his cock jump. His hands ran up and down her bare back feeling the smooth firm flesh. He could not stop, and his hands soon cupped her firm round butt cheeks and pulled her to him and up.

She could feel his cock jumping in his trunks and her hands tangled in his hair and she kissed him deeper. The feel of his hands cupping her ass made her moan.


His hands had a mind of their own, it seemed but then his mind agreed, and he squeezed her butt and his finger were in the divide between the sweet young globes.

She moaned again as she felt his fingers squeeze her cheeks and then the feel of the finger tips deep in the butt crack, so deep she thought they would touch. She tried to wiggle her butt but she was on tip toes and not leverage. She wanted his finger to touch her in all the most sensitive places she wanted him to touch her like she touched her pussy, she wanted him to make her orgasm.

He felt her eagerness and desire in the kiss and in the hands in his hair. The sound of her moaning only made it more difficult to do the right thing, but just what was the right thing.

He put his hands on her waist and pushed her down and back a little. Her hands went from hair to side of arms. As the kiss broke his lips moved along the jaw to her ear and then down her neck to should and he gave a little bite and then moved down. His lips moved down between the young sweet breasts and then using his tongue he made a circle around each nipple.

The feel of his lips moving over her smooth young flesh sent shock waves through her body and she moaned,”MMMMMMMMMM oh yes yes suck them suck them hard.”

His lips closed around the nipple and he sucked in while his hands were caressing her back and squeezing her butt cheeks.

“AHHHHH oh yes yes I want you I want you to take me now AHHHHHH please take me.” She wiggled her body as she felt his hands on her butt cheeks and then was sure she felt his finger pass over her wet pussy lips. Her body trembled and she shook with pleasure.

He could not stop now and released the nipple and his lips moved down over her smooth taught belly, kissing the naval as he went lower.

She put her hands back in his hair as his head moved lower. His lips found the mound with a very light pubescent covering of hair.

She took a little step to spread her legs wider so he could access her pleasure area.

“OH yes yes Alex yes take me take me now AHHHHHHHHH I want you I want you in me.”

His cock was throbbing as his lips kissed the mound and his tongue moved out and down. The tongue found the tight wet slit and move down the outside and then up the other side and repeated as she moaned and begged to be taken.

She tangled her fingers in his hair and pulled hard forcing his head into her crotch. As his tongue traced up and down her lips her body trembled and she lost much control.

“OH Alex fuck me fuck me now I want you ahhhhhhhhhh yes.”

He parted her little sweet young lips and found the clit. It was not much but he knew he found it as she moaned and screamed when he wiggled his tongue over it.

“AHHHHHHH yes yes ohhhhhhh yes yes ahhhhhhhhhh.”

He could feel her body shake and felt every muscle he was touching flex and relax and flex again. He knew she was having an orgasm. She almost tore a handful of hair from his head.

She seemed to relax and then almost collapse as he laid here on the grass. He lay next to her and gently kissed her lips and then he kissed each nipple and then covered her belly with kisses.

He kissed her lips softly. “I hope you are okay. I am sorry I did not want to go that far but you are so beautiful and so sexy and will I , I , I oh I just could not stop myself.”

She reached up and touched his cheek. “MMM I love you and that was the most wonderful experience of my life. I want you in everyway possible.” Reaching up she pulled his head down and kissed him softly with love.

Man what have I done, I am going to end up in jail for sure. “ Look Alaina if this ever gets out I will end up in jail for sure.”

“Oh sweet Alex I will never say anything to anyone. I sure don’t want you in jail as I want you to do so much more. I do love you and I hope you feel the same?”

He looked at the young sweet beautiful girl laying there below him and though, man I do love her. “Yes I do love you and that is why we have to stop now and you HAVE to put your suit back on.” Shit man if she lays around like that any longer I will take her for real.

“Oh I want you more I want you to take all of me.”

“Not now, not today for sure. That will be sometime later. We have to think about things and besides I did not bring any protection with me and you sure don’t want to get pregnant.”

“Protection, oh no I don’t want to get pregnant. I guess I was not thinking about things, just to excited and to in love to oh I can’t think straight.”

“Well that is almost both of us as I was about to keep going and it is a good thing you had an orgasm as it brought things to a breaking point. So put your clothes on now, please.”

She looked at him and though what it would be like to have him make her pregnant. Oh that big hard cock going into her tight little pussy. MMM she wanted him but maybe not now still she like the feeling of his hands on her body his lips and tongue. MMM she was getting all turned on again.

She put on the suit while he picked up the blanket and things. She held his arm as they walked back to the truck.

Both suits were still damp so they just rode home in them. The talk was minimal and both had a lot on their minds.

At her house they sat looking at each other and then she reached up took his head and pulled her lips to his.

It was a long soft kiss of love not passion. “ I love you Alex and I always will.”

“I love you to, Alaina and I hope this all works out okay for us both.”

“Tell you mom to call me when she needs help packing and moving okay. Listen I have transportation so I can always get to you no matter where you move to.”

“I don’t want to leave you I don’t want to move.”

“Well there is nothing either of us can do about it, we just have to make the best. Now you better get into the house before you mother gets worried.”

She kissed him quickly and ran to the house. She went to her room and then took a shower and dressed in shorts and Tshirt.

Alice had been packing when she heard the truck drive up and looked out the window. She saw her daughter kiss Alex in a very forceful and what appeared to be passionate way.

MMMM I wonder just what is going on between them. Still she would be lucky to land a fellow like him, a nice young strong young man. MMM oh Alice get you head on straight you got better things to do than lust over young men, still if he was not Alaina’s young man.

Alaina came in and went straight to her room without saying anything.

Alice heard the shower running and went to check on her. She peaked in the bathroom and saw Alaina cupping her breasts then teasing her nipple and then saw her rub her pussy and actually put a finger into it. She got a little turned on thinking about her daughter and Alex and the both of them naked together. MMM I think it is time to talk to her about sex and birth control.

Alex went home and masturbated a couple of times. He did not need the magazines as the picture, in his head, of naked Alaina stayed with him for a long time.

Alaina rubbed her pussy in the shower till she had a wonderful orgasm thinking it was Alex fucking her.


The next day Alice had a long talk with Alaina. Although Alaina did not say so Alice got the feeling there had been some very hot sex going on between them.

The following week Alaina was put on birth control pills and she was very happy as now Alex could fuck her without worry. She was just a little troubled as to how to tell him.

She had also been to the gym to cancel the rest of her gymnastic training and ran into Michelle.

Michelle saw her and ran over to talk and find out if she had seen Alex lately.

Alaina had explained all about the divorce and the move but said nothing about Alex.

“Oh man that is rotten luck losing father and home. I know you are not moving that far away but I guess too far to keep the training up. So, have you see Alex lately? Hey if you going to be moving maybe I can see if he would take me to the lake.”

“He and I went to a private pond he knows, and I don’t think he would take you to the lake. Besides he will be going off to school soon.” She was not at all happy with Michelle seeing Alex and even the idea made her upset.

“OH a private pond. I bet you to went skinny dipping. Did you do it with him. MMM he has a really nice body and I bet he has a big cock. MM did you see his cock?”

“We just swam and made out a little and I did not see his cock.” She was very agitated, and Michelle could see that maybe she was not telling all.

“Oh, I bet you just swam and made out, at a PRIVATE POND, give me a break. If I was out with him at a private pond we would have been naked and having sex. I bet he can fuck really good.”

“We were not naked, and he wouldn’t go out with you or fuck you as we are both too young for him.”

“Oh I bet I could get him to fuck me no matter what.”

“You just leave him alone as he could get into serious trouble.”

“OH being a little possessive about him are you. Yaa well I will leave him to you.” Yaa sure, you will be far away and I will be right here. I bet he fuck me before the end of the year unless he is fucking you already and does not want another.

Alex had been to the school to get registration done and was away with some fellow on a fishing trip.

The next week Alice had found an apartment and asked Alex if you could take a load of boxes to it for her. He showed up early and Alaina was all excited to see him. Alice could see the tension between them as they tried to hide feelings. She actually saw Alaina reach out and kiss him when she though her mother could not see them.

Alex loaded his truck with a full load of boxes and it had taken a couple of hours.

“Okay loaded let’s go”

Alice walked over to the truck, “I will ride with you if that’s okay and I can show you the way.”

Alex got behind the wheel and Alice got in next while Alaina sat next to the window. Not next to Alex.

Alice all of a sudden got funny feelings as her leg, which was in cut off shorts, rubbed against his leg. Her legs straddled the stick shift and when he put in reverse he brushed the inside of her thigh and an electric tingle went through her body. Her pussy tingled and her nipples got hard.

Oh stop it Alice your 36 and he is just, what 19, besides he is probably involved with your daughter.

Alex felt the smooth warm flesh of her thigh as he shifted and tried not to react. Still he had seen her working in the house and notice she had a very nice ass when she bent over to pack things, a VERY nice ass. He had also seen down her blouse a couple of time and notice that she wore sexy bra and had very nice tits.

Shit she was Alaina’s mother so stop looking and thinking about things like that. Damn and now you got a hard on. I sure hope she can’t see it.

He had a very massive hard on and it made a very visible bulge in his jeans.

MMM well looky there the boy has a hard on and mmm what a hard on it is. MMM wonder if he as has put that into Alaina yet. Given the size I bet it might not fit yet. Still good thing she is on birth control. She actually pressed her leg against his leg a little more. The feel of male flesh against her flesh made her horny as it had been a long time since she had had any.

Alaina looked over and saw her mother’s legs spread and the gear shift between them. She got a little turned on thinking what it was like and then upset as it was her mother and it was her Alex. She also saw the hard on down his leg.

Now both women were a little turned on and one a little upset. The ride over was rather quiet and both females were thinking serious thoughts.

Alice resigned herself to using the dildo and vibrators for now as getting moved into the new place came before she could think about men. Still she looked down at the nice young hard on next to her and her pussy got wet. Alice was going to be a real cougar.

The apartment was just up the street and Alice put her hand on Alex’s bare leg, “There it is right up there and you can park right in front. Alaina can stay with the truck while we unpack and move into the place.” She felt the warm flesh beneath her hand and her pussy tingled and her nipples got rock hard. She pushed down with hand and gave a little squeeze then they stopped.

Alex put the truck in reverse and his hand brushed bare leg again and this time he let it linger longer. The thought of an older woman became a real turn on for him.

As the truck stopped he looked over at Alaina and smiled and noticed she was not all that happy. MMM I wonder if she is jealous about her mother sitting next to me.

Alex and Alice hauled the boxes into the apartment and Alaina helped with the last load.

Alaina took hold of his hand and pulled him with her, “this is going to be my room and maybe the next load will be the furniture. Then you can help me put it all back together.” You can also then make love to me in it. Oh I have to get him in here alone and without mother as she seems to be a little too friendly with him. Hell, father has only be gone a couple of weeks.

Alaina did not understand about him having another family and that her mother had been without sex for more than a year.

Alice called to them, “hey you two lets go no funny business in there.” Probably only kissing as there is not furniture.

Alaina reached out and pulled him to her and kissed him deep. Slipping her tongue deep as she pulled her body into his.

He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her to him then ran hands down her back and cupped her sweet firm ass. He squeezed her ass and pulled in and up. Her pussy was rubbing his crotch and his cock was rock hard again. Her legs spread either side of his leg and cock and then she squeezed her legs together squeezing his leg and cock.

MMMMMM oh damn it girl you are just too much, and he squeezed her ass hard and he heard her give a little moan. He kissed her neck and ear and moved one hand up and cupped one tit and squeezed. He heard her moan louder.

“Hey I said lets go besides I am hungry and I will buy on the way back.” She did quick look into the room and saw them with him squeezing her ass and then cupping a tit. WOW now he is really going for it. MMM bet she is not going to be a virgin long. Boy he sure looks hot. The sight of her daughter and boyfriend in a very hot sexy embraces just turned her on and her pussy tingled more and the sex juices flowed.

They broke the kiss just as Alice looked into the room. Alex was sure she had seen plenty and he was really scared now.

Alaina quickly went to the bathroom and Alex went out to the truck followed by Alice. “Alex, I just want to say I am okay with you being her boyfriend and all but just don’t hurt her, Okay?”

“I a,a , I would never hurt her and do anything that would cause trouble.”

“Oh I am not that much of a prude and you would never be in trouble with me. I just don’t want her to be hurt as I know she loves you and I think you feel the same about her. So there, just be careful okay.”

Alex could not believe what he was hearing or at least what he thought he heard. She was saying she was okay with them being together. MMM this changes things a lot, she is a lot more understanding.

“Alex I know young people get all sorts of urges and I have tried to talk to her and well just know I know what it is like to be young and , and well I know what it is like to be your age.” She looked him up and down with a lustful look.

Alex looked at her standing there in the short tight fitting cutoffs and the thin blouse and light bra and the hard nipples poking out. Damn man she is saying she knows her daughter wants to fuck me and hell the way she looks it seems so does she.

Alaina came running out,”I locked up mon lets go.” She got into the truck ahead of her mother so she could sit next to him. She put a hand on his leg and pressed her leg tight against his and as he put the truck into gear she made sure his hand slid along her leg as he shifted. She also squeezed his leg lightly and let her finger tips move to the inside of the thigh.

Alice watched her daughter get very possessive of her man and then turn him on. MMM girl you are going to cause a lot of trouble if you keep that up but then maybe that is just what you want to do. Still, I hope you have a lot of sexy fun cause I sure wish I was in your place.

After eating they returned to the house and Alice and Alaina continued packing. Alex had gone to take care of other things. He would be helping move furniture. She talked about what she had seen and knew Alaina had a lot of sexual urges and feels and that she should just be careful. Alice then told Alaina all about her father and the other woman and the fact that she had not had sex in over a year. She went on to explain that sexual feelings and urges did not go away with age and that her mother had the same feelings about sex that Alaina was having.

Alaina was a little shocked her mother was so frank but then a little upset about her father. She also felt a little sorry for her mother and got to thinking what it would be like to be her mother with the same sexual urges.

MMM no wonder she was looking at Alex the way she did, my mother is horny, damn that is so strange but also hot.

A couple of hours later Michelle and a couple of boys stopped by. One boy had a car so they were not looking for a ride from Alex.

Michelle knocked and walked in followed by the boys. “Hi, is Alaina around. We thought she might like to go to the beach and then to a movie with us.”

“She is in her room, Alaina, Michelle is here with some boys.” MMMM I wonder why there are two boys and one girl mmm bet she thinks one of them will be with Alaina. I doubt that will happen. Alaina is to into Alex to see any other males now. MMM Still that one fellow looks good, oh give it a break woman he is even younger than Alex. Still woman can look and hey tease the boys a little.

She turned and bent down at the waist show her ass would be in very suggestive position.

Her cutoff shorts were tight on her nice round ass cheeks and they were just short enough to show a little cheek bulge below the frayed edge.

The boys both took notice and even Michelle stopped a moment to take a second look.

Alice stood up and turned around and then bend down to put something in a box. She had unbuttoned an other button on the shirt and so bending now exposed the bra and the very nice cleavage of a grown woman with 38 C tits.

The boys just stared at the view and the older one thought it would be nice to be feeling up those nice tits and that ass was just to nice to be on an older woman.

Alice straightened up and looked at the boys and Michelle who then quickly left to find Alaina.

HEHEHEH young boys with all those new hormones racing thought them. Bet they both have a hard on now. Hey even Michelle was looking , mmmm I wonder just how she swings. I wonder what she and Alaina have going, if anything. MMM well need to talk to her again about some more things, mmm she just might lose her virginity to a girl the way Michelle is acting sometimes.

The three went into Alaina’s room as she had just finished packing a big box. “Hey Michelle, I see you brought Jim with you.”

“Yes and this is Pete and we were wondering if you wanted to go to the beach and then out to a movie.”

“Oh thanks but I have so much to pack and besides Alex is coming back to pickup another load and we might go out.” She knew Alex was not coming back but she did not want to double date with Michelle just now even though Pete looked like a nice boy.

“Oh are you sure. Pete was looking forward to taking you out as I told him about you.” I told him you were a hot girl looking for some hot fun. He wanted to get you in the woods at the beach or in the back row at the movie. MMM then again I might like the same thing going to miss seeing you at the gym and the sweet firm body.

“Okay but are you going to be around tomorrow as I want to come by. I am going to miss you went you move.”

“Sure be here tomorrow packing as usual. You want to go to the gym and work out?”

“Ya that sounds good. We have not worked out together for a couple of weeks.” MMM that sounds better than beach and movie now.

At the gym the girls worked out on floor exercises and on a balance beam. Then they went to the locker room and stripped. Alice looked at Michelle’s tits with jealousy and envy as they were 34B and Alaina’s were 34 A at best.

“Man you sure developed some nice breasts early.” She looked down and cupped her own tit causing the nipple to get hard.

“Ya well it just must be something in the genes as my mother is really built. (40D) But, hey you got some nice tits and I bet Alex likes them just fine.”

“Alex, ah , ya well how would I know, he has NEVER seen them.” She was very nervous now.

“Oh take it easy I was just kidding. Here lets see how your tits compare.” She reached out and put her hand over Alaina’s tit and could feel the hard nipple in the palm. “Hey you got a nice handful of tit there, but still nothing like mine.” She took Alaina’s hand and put it on her tit.

At first Alaina was put off and a little frightened but then the feel of the warm flesh and the hard nipple in her hand sent a very warm, even hot, flash through her.

“Oh you to have really nice big tits and have you had any boys touching them?” She only asked in a teasing way not thinking she would let a boy touch them. The girls showered in a common shower at the gym so seeing each other naked was not big deal.

“Oh yes there is one boy that has felt me up and played with my tits. It is such a turn on it even makes my pussy wet.”

“OH god no really you let him feel you up.” She was thinking about the day at the pond and was getting all warm and fuzzy. “How far did you go I mean he only touched your tits.”

“Oh we did a lot of hot kissing and then he put his hand up under my shirt and squeezed my tit in the bra. Then he got the hook between undone and was able to squeeze my bare tit. Oh is felt so good I just wanted more and I got so turned on. He even got the shirt and bra off and then kissed and sucked my tit and nipple and I got so hot. MMMM I even rubbed his cock in his pants. He squeezed and suck and then grabbed my ass a then undid the shorts and put his hand on my pussy. Oh god you can not believe what it felt like. I mean is sent so many chills through me and I just rubbed his cock harder and faster and we both were moaning and then he jerked and shook and I think he had , oh what is it called well he came. He got all embarrassed and stopped touching me. Bummer as I wanted to have an orgasm. Hey have you ever had an orgasm?”

“Oh wow Michelle you have done so much. It sound so good so did you see his cock? Orgasm mmm now I tried from what I have heard and I have rubbed my tits and such, but orgasm mmm well I did rub my pussy and got all wet.”

Michelle had done more that she was telling but wanted to just sort of wet Alaina’s appetite for sex.

“MMM you want to see and learn well come here.” She took her hand and pulled her to a corner in the shower and then cupped a tit and teased the nipple while she rubbed her belly and move down to the pubic mound then pressed hard and let a finger slide down over the light fuzzy to the top of the tight lips. Then she parted the lips quickly and touch the area of the clit.

“Oh what are you doing, stop, I , oh oh god that feels good ahh is that what he didddd to you?” Her body was flexing as muscles in her belly clinched and relaxed and then muscles in your pussy clinched and relaxed and without even thinking she spread her legs and let Michelle finger her clit.

“OHHHHH yes yes.”

Michelle finger whipped the area of the clit which was not much more than a little nub. She was squeezing a tits as well and then watched as Alaina had an orgasm. I was not a massive one but it was one.

“Oh nice now you know what an orgasm is all about. But you owe me one so now you do me like I did you. Come on why don’t you kiss my nipple mmm bet you would like it .”

Alaina was a little reluctant at first but she was hot and sexy feeling were running through her mind and body. She did just move in and kiss the nipples and then took one and sucked. Michelle grabbed her head and pulled it to her tit hard.

“Oh suck it girl suck it hard yes yes like that. Now finger my pussy like I did you.” Alaina reached down and felt the hair of Michelle’s pussy and then cupped it and then felt the lips. She then ran the index finger up and down and felt the slit. She was not sure what to do but found the top of the slit and wiggled her finger there and hear Michelle moan.

“Yes yes finger my pussy you little slut finger it good ahhhhh yes faster ahhh yes. “

Michelle has a small orgasm and then reached out and took Alaina’s head and kissed her hard and tongued her.

Alaina was taken back at first and tried to break but then it felt like the kiss with Alex and she enjoyed the feel to Michelle’s body, tits pussy hips belly, rubbing her all over. She wrapped her arms around Michelle and kissed her back.

The kiss broke. “Hey we better get showered and out of here before anyone shows up.” They started to wash themselves and then Michelle started to wash Alaina’s back and soon they were washing each other and touching every enjoyable spot.

The girls went home and Alaina had all sorts of things going through her mind. She was a little confused about the fact that Michelle had given her an orgasm and it was actually a very pleasurable thing. She really liked the sex with Michelle and she like sex with Alex well what little she had had.

She was sitting at the table staring at her food and Alice noticed the look. “So what has you so deep in thought. You seem to have been thinking deep ever since you came back for the gym. Did something happen between you and Michelle?”

“No well not exactly we just talked about things.”

“Ah girl talk about boys hey. I remember what that was like, girls talk about sex same as boys , well maybe not as much or in the same way but we talk. Michelle seems to be a little more forward or advanced in regard to sex than you are. Am I right?”

“I guess so but just not sure. Yes we talk about sex and well more. “

“MORE , I see so you and Michelle have gotten very close have you, hey what you do it okay.”

“OKAY, you anent saying what I think?”

“Look what ever you do with sex is fine as long as you don’t get hurt or in trouble. Hey if you and Michelle fool around a little so what. Your mother is not some prude. I went to a girls school for a couple of years when I was your age. There were not boys around to have fun with so we just did it ourselves.”

“Mother, you mean you had sex with other girls?”

“Well we gave pleasure to each other and learned how to satisfy ourselves when there was nobody around.”

“OH you masturbated and did that to each other.”

“Yes, so does that shock you to find out you mother is not the old prude. Hell I enjoyed sex as much as anyone and maybe more than some. Your father and I were very hot for some time but that all ended when he started to travel and guess he found another woman, younger woman.”

“I am sorry. I suppose you still have urges then.”

“Oh girl no matter how old you get I think you get the urges it just gets more difficult to take care of them. I have been taking care of them for over a couple of years now.”

“Look enough sex talk now. You have to get to bed as we had a long day and there is tomorrow and more packing.”

They went their separate way and Alice was thinking about her mother and sex. She then thought about what it felt like to have Michelle finger her pussy and play with her tits. She stood in front of the mirror and took off her clothes. She stripped slowly and played with her tits and then rubbed her belly and fingered her pussy lips. She move to the bed and lay on her back and bent her legs and spread them wide. The hand pushed on the mound and finger found the slit. She teased her clit and then move hand down so she could slip her middle finger in between the lips. Her body trembled and shook and she cupped and squeezed her tit with other hand. She was thinking of Alex and it was his hands on her body. She moaned outloud and actually called his name. Soon the passion rose and her body shook and the electric sensation of the orgasm raced through her. She collapsed and then curled up and fell asleep.

Alice had heard her daughter and gone and peeked in and seen her masturbating and then orgasm.

Oh damn that was so hot and she was thinking of Alex. Damn that boy has it made for sure. Oh and he has such a nice cock. To bad he is so young and my daughter boyfriend, to bad she would not share. Stop it girl just get the toys out.

She went back to her room and got out the vibrator and dildos she had in the end table drawer. She lay on the bed naked and took the rabbit and rubbed her pussy fast then slipped it into you and turned on the action. The vibration sent thrills through her body and made her pussy flex and her ass tighten and rise up. “Oh yes yes fuck me fuck me you sexy boy, fuck this old woman hard.” She was bucking up and down ramming the vibrator in and out. She took one tit in hand and squeezed hard and then took nipple and pulled pinched and rolled. She was moaned. Her body quivered as an orgasm ran through her.

She lay still for some time and then was rubbing her body again. Damn that felt good and hey girl, you still have a good body. Those boys looked you over good and I bet they liked what they saw.

She was caressing her body again and holding her tit. Mmm not so bad.

Alaina had sort of fallen asleep but then needed to use the bathroom and gotten up. She was peeing when she heard her mother. She then went down the hall and peeked in the room and saw her mother with a pink toy. She watched as her mother started to squeeze her tit and pinch her nipples Then she saw her rub her pussy with the toy and push it into her and then ram it in and out of her pussy. Alice was going wild and the desires were building.

Alice wanted more and she got out another vibrator and teased her little anus. Soon she had the other vibrator in her ass and the pick one deep in pussy. She was bucking and shaking and moaning and calling out to Alaina’s father and then she heard her mother call out ALEX.

Oh no what is she saying damn it she has sexual feeling for Alex. She was very pissed.

In the morning Alaina was not in a good mode and her mother was concerned. “So what has you all angry or upset this morning. Did you not have a good night. I did hear you and so I thought you might have released some tension.”

Alaina was not sure how to take the frank talk, but what the hell if you really want to know. “Yes I MASTURBATED last night and it was good, but then I got up to pee and heard you masturbating and I watched as you used what ever it was in your pussy and the other in your ass and then I heard you call out names. You called out father and then ALEX. How could you?”

“Oh man dear I was just thinking of any sexy male it meant nothing. I know he is your man and I would never do anything to come between you two. He is a very sexy young man and well it could have been any sexy movie star but I had just seen him yesterday and so that was the image first in my mind.”

“Well it just really pissed me off. We have not had sex and here you are masturbating to him.”

“Oh and what are those things you were using.”

Alice then went into a de***********ion of sex toys and took her to the bedroom where she put them all on display and explained each. The vibrating rabbit and the g spot dildo and the silver bullet vibrator and the butt plug. The also pulled out the ben wa balls and she then showed her how to use all of them. So both mother and daughter were very turned on and then ended up using the toys on themselves and each other.

Alice had not done any anal on Alaina as she thought that would have been to much for the day.

They then showered and cleaned up and went to packing.

Alex showed up In the afternoon and notice a real difference in the two females. They both looked at him at times with sexual desire and it made him confused and horny. He got a hard on and so ended up working on taking apart beds and such with a partial erection. They had packed Alice’s car full with boxes and clothes on hanger and then packed the truck with the beds and some small tables and couple of light chairs. Alice had told them she was going to go get food at the drive in and left.

Alaina was in her room with the mattress on the floor. She called to Alex and when he came in she grabbed him and kissed him hard and deep. She slipped her tongue into him without any resistance.

She knew he was turned on as his cock was hard and his hands cupped her ass quickly.

He was not going to resist her any more and kissed her with passion. The feel of her young firm body and the very nice round firm butt cheeks, now in his hands had him going wild.

He squeezed her butt hard and then moved his hand up her back and under her top. MMM no bra this is going to get very heavy.

His hands caressed her bare back feeling every inch of smooth flesh. Then he moved his hand to the front and cupped a little tit and pressed hard against the nipple. Then he uses both hand to push the top up and over her head so she was naked from the waist up. His lips move along the jaw to ear and then kissed her ear and bite it lightly and whispered “OH Alaina I want you I want your sweet beautiful body, Oh I love you”. He moved down over the smooth young flesh to the budding mound of tit and his tongue circled her nipple before sucking it in deep and hard.

“Oh yes yes I love you oh yes yes suck my tit yes yes. OHHHHH”

Her body tingled all over quivered with desire. The feel of his tongue on her nipple was driving her crazy.

She had her hands in his hair and was pulling it as his lips move down over her belly.

He picked her up and lay her on the mattress. Then he opened the shorts and pulled them down as his lips moved down over her belly and down to the edge of the panties. He slowly took the edge of the panties and pulled them down and his lips followed.

She let go of his hair and pinched her nipples. The sexual desire was racing through her and the body tingled. Her muscles were flexing and her hips bucked up as he slide the panties down. The feel of his lips on her mound and then the wet lips sent massive thrills through her.

She was begging and moaning.

He moved his tongue up and down the tight slit and then parted the slit. He found the clit and teased it with his tongue.

Her young virgin pussy was very tight and he realized he was not going to be able to slip his big cock into her. Still he was going to give her a good orgasm and he slipped in his index finger while he teased her clit.

He felt her hips buck up and heard her moaning and begging for more. He tried to tease her G spot and then slipped in his middle finger. She was very tight and two fingers was the most he could fit, FOR NOW.

The hand with two fingers in pussy also was able to tease her clit with his thumb. His other hand cupper her butt cheek and squeezed hard. With lips around a little tit and tongue tease nipple he worked her into a massive orgasm. She was screaming and then moaning.

She collapsed back on the mattress gasping for breath.

“Oh Alex I love you so much and oh that was so wonderful.” Then she realized he had not actually been inside her that she had only orgasmed with his fingers. “Why didn’t you put your cock into me?”

“Your still a virgin and so very tight I didn’t want to hurt you.”

“Ya but I had an orgasm and what did you get.” She looked down and saw the bulge in his pants and reached out and touched it. “ You did not have a good time you still have a big hard on. Take it out and I saw some thing in a magazine Michelle had. I will rub it and you can come. I think that’s right.” She reached out and undid the pants and pulled his cock out. It was big, 1.5 dia and 7” long. “ Oh my your right I don’t know how that would ever fit in me.” She started to rug it and stroke it.

“Oh girl that feels so good like this and a little faster. “ He showed her how to do it and he closed his eyes as it felt so good to have her sweet young hands on his big cock.

He touched her body all over as she rubbed his cock until his body tensed and he shot a massive load into the air. It landed on her legs and the mattress.

“Oh wow you sure put out a lot of stuff. Would all that have been shot into my pussy.”

“Yes and if you weren’t on the pill it would make you pregnant.”

She could not believe her little pussy would hold that much, but she sure wanted to try. She wanted to feel the massive cock inside her and she wanted to be filled with his cum.

“Hey we better get this cleaned up and to the place your mother will be waiting with food.”

They got to the apartment LATE as Alice had gotten food and was waiting. “So what took so long the food is probably cold.” She saw the look and then though that she left them alone at the house and she guessed that they probably got passionately carried away, just how much she did not guess.


They ate and finished unloading the truck. Alex left as he had some other place to be.

Alaina and her mother went to unpacking and getting things set up. All Alaina could do was think about Alex’s cock and the load of cum and what it felt like to have him touching her body all over. Oh she wanted that big cock in her pussy.

Just thinking about the sex made her all turned on and her pussy got wet and her nipples hard. She wondered if her mother’s sex toys were at the apartment of still back at the house. She started to look around in boxes and in some of the drawers. The bigger furniture would be coming tomorrow with regular movers.

They went back to the house and Alaina would sleep on the mattress on the floor tonight and dream of being naked with Alex. She had gone in and looked at her mothers end table and found the sex toys, then took the silver bullet one. Tonight would be fun.

Alice was packing up her room and noticed the silver vibrator missing. The thought of her little girl using the sex toy on that young pussy actually turned her on and she took out the pink rabbit.

That night Alaina said she was tired and went to bed early. Alice just smiled to herself, I bet you are going to end up a lot more tired.

Alaina lay on the mattress, in the dark, naked and then ran her hands all over her body pretending it was Alex’s hands touching her. She cupped her little tits and pinched the nipples till she was very turned on. She then took the toy and turned it on and ran it over her nipples then down her belly to her pussy. Her body quivered with excitement as she move the toy up and down over her very wet lips. The tip hit her clit and she moaned and bucked her hips up.

The desire was too great and she pushed it between the lips, she moaned and her body shook.

She pushed it deeper and deeper and then hit her hymen and stopped. She was shaking all over and bucking her hips. She moaned and squeezed her tit and pinched the nipple hard.

She orgasmed and the juices flowed from her pussy. She pulled the toy out and lay back exhausted falling asleep naked.

In the morning Alaina wiped the toy clean and put it back in the drawer and notice the all the other toys were gone, her mother had packed them in a box already.

Oh no she has to know I took the silver one.

She found the box with the assortment of sex paraphernalia, and it was a very large assortment, and put the toy in under the ropes and such.

The movers came and the final move was made they would officially be out to the house and in the apartment. Alaina wondered how much Alex would be seeing them.

Alex had seen the movers and stayed away until the truck was gone and then. He waited till late afternoon and went to the apartment.

“Hello”, he knocked on the door and then walked in.

“Oh hi.” Alaina was so glad to see him she ran and leaped into his arms and kissed him hard and deep.

Alex was taken back but responded passionately at first and then pulled her off and down. “Hey stop your mother will see us.”

Alaina had not thought about that, all she wanted was to feel his body next to her’s. “Oh right sorry she is in the back unpacking the kitchen.

Alice had heard him call out and had looked around the corner and seen her daughter jump into his arms and kiss him with deep passion. “Well that sure looks serious.” Good thing she is on the pill, MMM I think I need to go back to the house and clean it good. “Alex would you take the vacuum and the dust mop out to my car. I need to go back and clean the house out good, probably take me a couple of hours. Will you stay for supper, I will pick something up on the way back.”

“Sure that’s fine I appreciate that.” Man I can’t believe she is going to leave us together for couple hours. She has got to know what is between us.

Alaina’s mind was racing with ideas and desires. She was going to get Alex for sure.

As soon as Alice was gone Alaina called out, “Alex come here I want to show you my room.”

Oh right I bet that is not all you want me to see, but he wanted to see her room and to see her as well.

Alaina bedroom was nice size with a double bed and the usual tables and dressers. I was done as a young girls room but not a lot of kids stuff, no posters.

He looked around and though it was nice but he was also looking at her, that beautiful body in the crop top exposing the very taught midriff and the very short shorts and the very sexy athletic legs and the oh so sweet round firm ass.

He walked over and put a hand at back of head and other around waist, pulling her to him and kissing her hard and deep. His tongue pushed deep into her eager mouth and their tongues danced.

She warped her hands in his hair and kissed him hard, while crushing her body into his. She could feel the large hard on against her leg and her pussy got wet and her nipples hard.

The feel of her leg against his cock and the nipples poking his chest drove him wild.

He ran one hand up under the top and cupped one tit and squeezed, making her moan while the kiss continued. His hand then took the nipple between thumb and finger and rolled and pulled making her moan even more.

The kiss broke for a moment and she simple said, “I want you know.” Then kissed his ear and bite the lobe.

He move both hands to the top and pushed it up and she let go and let him push it over her head and off.

The sweet tits and hard nipples were so delectable looking he just bent and too one tit in his mouth sucking hard.

“OHHH god yes yes suck it ohhhh.”

His hands were caressing her back up and down spine and then cupping her butt cheeks squeezing them hard. His lip moved all over her belly and back to tit and down to naval and back to nipple.

The hands were now moving around to front and unbuttoning the shorts. He pulled them down and kneeling on floor as he pushed the to ankles and she stepped out. Now she was there in the little back lace panties she had worn thinking he might be around today.

He kissed her knees and then his lips slowly move up her leg. She spread them a little so he could kiss the inside of thigh. His lips move to the edge of the panties and his tongue traced the edge along leg and then up to edge along belly.

“Oh your lips feel so good. MMM you like the panties. I bought them with the money you gave me for my birthday.” His tongue moved down over the panties to the area of her pussy. “AHHHHHH oh yes yes.”

He hooked his fingers in the top of panties and pulled down slowly kissing all exposed flesh as the moved lower. He kissed her legs as he pulled them to the floor and she stepped out.

He kissed up her body, legs hips belly each tit and then her lips. They kissed deep and hard.

He reached down and picked her up and lay her on the bed. She reached up and pulled off his T shirt. The reached his pants and undid the belt. He finished taking off his jeans and she helped get his shorts off.

His big hard on sprang up as she pulled the shorts down and she took hold on his cock.

“AHH of man it feels so good when you hold my cock. MMM you can touch it any time you want.”

He then got on the bed next to her and kissed her mouth and then jaw, ear , neck and each tit nipple and down over belly down each leg and inside thigh. She was going crazy with desire and tingly feelings. As he started to kiss her pussy she wound her finger in his hair and pushed his head into her pussy. “OH yes yes kiss it kiss and lick it now ahhhhh. I want you I want all of you.”

His tongue was licking the tight lips and teasing her clit and then he felt her body tense. While his head was moving up and down she started to orgasm and the passion raced through her body and she crossed her legs behind his head and squeezed.

He thought she would crush his head, those gymnasts’ legs were all muscle and she was squeezing him with the strength of an orgasm.

The orgasm subsided and she stopped squeezing but kept her legs crossed. He kissed her pussy and then licked again and rubbed his index finger around the bottom edge and then pushed into her. The juices were flowing and so the pussy was very wet, which mad it easy to get one finger in. She was moaning again as he sucked the clit area and tongued it. As she bucked her hips up he slipped in a second finger and head her moan louder.

“Oh yes yes fuck me fuck me now I want you cock in me.”

His cock was rock hard and wanting her wet pussy but he tried to put a third finger into the sweet tight pussy and it was difficult.

As the third finger spread the lip and tried to get in along with the other two he felt her body tense and the she cried out. “AHHH that hurts oh don’t stop do it do it now.”

He continued to push the third finger in and looked up and saw the look of pleasure and pain on her face. With one hand cupping a butt cheek and the other pushing the three fingers into her pussy he simply kissed her belly and then her tit and nipple.

He now had three finger in to the second knuckle and wiggled the middle finger a little.

“OHHH that hurts so good oh yes yes fuck me fuck me now. I want your cock inside me yes now oh now.”

He reached down with the butt hand and took his hard cock and then took the fingers out as he rubbed the cock head against her wet pussy lips. Up and down the tight slit and over the clit area.

She had uncrossed her legs and now had spread them wide in anticipation of his cock.

She felt the head rubbing her pussy and her body tingled with the sexual desire. She wanted him in her NOW.

Then she felt the head starting to part her lips. I stretched them wider and wider and wider and she felt pain like never before.

OH god his cock is so big it will never fit. “AHHH oh that hurts oh don’t stop ahhh.”

He had pushed the mushroom head between her lips and got just the head between the lips when he heard her complain.

That’s it man I can’t. Oh shit this is bad I want to fuck her but not hurt her. “I am sorry I just can’t do it now your to tight.”

“NO just do it do it now I want your cock in me I want you now please. I can take it I know I can just do it fast.”

“No I can’t I won’t hurt you I love you.” He went back to kissing, licking and finger fucking her pussy and soon she was in the throws of another orgasm.

She bucked her hips as his fingers wiggled inside her, all three finger now, and pulled his head tight to her pussy. The feel of the fingers inside her, with the thumb teasing her clit and the little finger sliding over her very tight rosebud anus, sent her into another great orgasm.

She came back for ecstasy and then thought about him and what he said and did. She move around and reached down to take his very big hard cock and started to stroke it like she had done before. He rolled on to the bed on his back and it was her turn to give pleasure.

She kissed his chest and teased his nipples and kissed his belly as she stroked his wonderful cock. She heard him moan and felt his cock jump in her hand.

She looked down at her hand and the cock head. Oh it is such a beautiful cock I just want to. The thought did not finish as she simple bent down and kissed the cock head.

“OHH yes yes oh god you are so good. Stroke it faster NOW.”

She bent and kissed the head as she tightened her grip and stroked faster. She was using her tongue to tease the head of the cock and the little hole when he exploded and shot a massive load of sticky cum into her mouth and then all over her face.

“AHHHHHHH yes oh yes.” Oh shit I came in her mouth I blew it she is going to be really pissed.

She was not sure what to think or do now, her face covered in cum and the actually got some in her mouth.

MMM not so bad little salty but mmm I got my lovers cum in my mouth. I suppose that is all I can expect now as my little pussy will not take this big old cock. Damn I am going to have to stretch my pussy a lot. Still I think I can give him as much pleasure as he is giving me.

They lay next to each other naked and he caressed her body and she did his.

“We better straighten up and get cleaned up as you mother will be back soon.”

They took a towel to wipe up the cum from her face and then dressed.

Alice got back with food and they sat around the table. As Alaina was wearing very short shorts, she notice the inside of her thighs were a little red and then she looked at Alex and noticed that he had a four o’clock shadow, she simple smiled at them. “So did you two get all the unpacking done?” Unpacking my ass. “Alex I want to thank you for all you have done and I hope to see you over here as I am sure Alaina will like that.”

“Oh mom, Alex will be going to school and working. He won’t have time to come over here.”

“Oh I don’t know about that. I think I will be in the area often.” He looked a Alaina and smiled.

Alice saw the look and so did Alaina. They both thought, good he will be back.

School started for both and his job was taking a lot of spare time so he had not been able to get over to see Alaina as he had wished. They had talked on the phone, but he thought he should not be getting to familiar or calling to often, but once when he had called Alice had talked to him. She had explained that she thought there was more than just a causal friendship between them, and she actually had no problem with him calling or dating her daughter. She did not hint that she knew they were engaged in sex.

After that call Alex had asked Alaina out to a move and they went on a date. After the move they had parked on a back road and the kissed and played with each other. He was worried the cops would show up so the sex play was not all they wanted.

Alice had a job as a buyer for a department store and she had to go out of town for a couple of days on a buying trip. She was not sure what to do about Alaina and they talked. Alaina insisted she could stay alone and would be just fine. Finally, her mother agreed when she had overheard Alaina talking to Alex on the phone telling him her mother would be out of town for a couple of nights. She realized that Alex would probably be there with Aliana and so she would be safe, well ha ha safe as could be.

Alex came over after work and had brought carry out for the meal.

“Hey this is going to be really nice. Got diner right here so when do you want to eat?”

“Oh I am hungry for more than food,” and she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deep.

Their tongue danced and the kiss became wide. She bite his lip and his hands moved up and down her back and then down to cup your ass and squeeze it hard.

The kiss and sex play was broken only long enough to put the food in the frig.

He grabbed her from behind as she put food in frig and cupped her tits. “Oh god I missed touching your sweet tits and your body.” His hands unbuttoned her blouse and then cupped her bra covered tits.

She reached in and unhooked the bra so his hands could touch the smooth soft bare flesh of her tits.

The touch of his hand squeezing the tits and the feel of his palm against the nipple sent the wildest sexual thrills through her body.

She reached back and felt the massive hard on and rubbed it.

He spun her around and kissed her lips then jaw, ear, neck and then the nipples. Her body tensed and jerked as he suck the nipple in and took a good amount of tit with it.

His hands cupper her ass and squeezed then he bent and got his hands under the skirt. Pushing the skirt up her panties, which were getting wet with desire, were ready for him to remove and he did so quickly.

He lifted her up on the counter, pushed the skirt back and kissed her inner thighs then tongue whipped the pussy lips and teased her clit.

Her body was tensing and releasing as his tongue slit up and down the slit. When he teased her clit she moaned and begged him to fuck her.

Picking her up he carried her to her room. Ripping back the covers, he tore his clothes off as she did hers. He lay alongside her and then kissed her deeply and his hand caressed her body from tit to pussy. He then kissed every inch of her body.

She reached down and took hold of the cock.

Oh god I want that cock I want it now. She rubbed the head against her pussy lips.

He was kissing and sucking tit when he felt her gab his cock and guide it to her pussy.

She rubbed it and tried to force it between the lips.

“OH yes yes I want you to fuck me fuck me now please.” She got the head between the very tight lips and wiggled as the muchroom head slipped in. “AHHHH yes yes oh yes.” She bucked her hips up and felt the head move deeper and then felt it hit resistance.

He knew his cock was in and against her hymen and was not sure but passion just took over and he drove down and broke her cherry.

“AHHH oh no no oh ahhhhhh.”

He started to back and then passion made him drive in deep and to her cervix. Holding still and not moving he just let his cock stretch her pussy.

She felt pain at first and then felt the big hard cock go deeper until she felt it touch her cervix. Her body tingled and shook with pain and pleasure. She tightened her butt cheek and legs then relaxed.

“OHHHHHH god yes yes fuck me fuck me NOW.”

He slowly pulled back and then drove in again and started to fuck her faster and faster.

He felt her muscles tighten and felt her pussy tight around his cock.

She was bucking and twisting and moaning and then she orgasmed. In doing so she triggered him, to cum. His cock pulsed and pumped as massive load of thick warm sticky cum into her pussy. It filled her to overflowing.

She felt the cum filling her pussy and the sensation was to much and she had a second orgasm. She hooked her legs behind his and pulled her hips to him so he was pumping his cum to the deepest part of her young tender pussy.

He slowing softened and then rolling onto his side he slipped out. She just lay still.

“Oh Alaina I love you and hope I did not hurt you too much.”

“I love you Alex and the pleasure made the pain go away. I never felt so much pleasure. I want you to fuck me again and again.”

“Well, we can make love again but first I just want to kiss your beautiful body.” He rolled to her and kissed every inch of her body from her cute nose to her toes and as he kissed her inner thighs she became arouse again and so did he. He spread her legs and slipped his hard cock between the wet lips that were lubed with his cum.

The made passionate love again only slower.


2021-09-19 08:11:31
Overall, it's a good story. But it needs proofreading. You have quite a few errors grammatically which can sometimes make it a tough read, especially with how long it is. I am interested in where you take this if you decide to continue. Thumbs up from me!


2021-09-08 20:30:56
That was a really good story a few typos a few little grammar things but other than that an enjoyable read thank you I look forward to reading more if you work.

Trib FanReport 

2021-08-27 11:00:57
Whew....LONG story....But nicely written except for typos and wrong spelling here and there. But I'm nit picking....
I love stories of infatuation and learning the 'ropes' so nice job!

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