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Tethys Rethinks Her Commission -- she decides that her current mermaid project needs to be a bit more edgy than the client has actually requested. She also encounters Sonia and Henri, a magnificent black couple who are happy to share her.
Part 1: Gesso

Chapter 4: Rethinking the Commission

I have a lot to do. I rarely work on weekends, and certainly haven’t this one. That always leaves me with a backup on Monday – bills, emails, browsing over the sites of other artists I follow, and then getting down to my own ideas. My latest commission is still languishing in my mind. It was delivered to me as a fairly conventional “Little Mermaid” scene, a mermaid with flowing hair, sitting on a rock in a little bay, with gentle waves, gazing towards a setting or rising Sun.

I’m starting to have second thoughts. I look over my preliminary sketches and studies. I have waves, corals, rocks, female shoulders, but I just can’t feel that scaly butt and fins. What if I just made her a nude woman instead? It’s a little inconsistent, I think, that as much as I love spending my personal time nude, and I’m naked now as I sit at the computer staring at Inkscape, that I rarely feature nudes in my paintings. Most of my figures wear flowing gowns or classical draperies. Maybe it’s a lack of confidence, I wonder.

The thought comes to me that I want to do nudes. I want to do lots of nudes, in different positions. I want to do male and female nudes, full frontal, graphically displayed. I want to draw lovingly detailed penises, vaginas, pussies, cocks. I want to paint erotica. Fuck that, I want to do hard-core pornography. I want to detail the faces of women in the throws of orgasm, heads thrown back, mouths open in shrieks of passion. I want to illustrate the fierce triumphant bellow of a man in mid-ejaculation, just before his roar turns to a sigh. How can I differentiate these expressions from those of pain and anguish? Is it all a matter of context, or is there some subtle clue that shows in the faces unique to the sexual experience? I need to see more orgasms. Keep my eyes focused while I or my partner cums. Watch more porn. Not commercial porn, though. Those orgasms are largely if not almost entirely faked. I need someone to video my face while I cum. Jo might. Unfortunately, the last cumshot she did showed only the genitals. Maybe I could shoot her having an orgasm. Maybe we can catch some of our men in the act. There should be opportunities for study. It’s a worthy cause, it’s art!

Smiling, I go back to my current study. Erotica is for another commission, I need to figure out how to make this one work. And it seems I do. Maybe she can be a mermaid in spirit, she doesn’t have to look like a Disney character. It’s an idea that frees me. I work faster now, the composition starts to come together, the posture on the rock, the dual view of both the surface and the sea floor, the swimming fish, the octopus, the sweep of the lady’s back and waist, the breeze just barely catching her hair.

I use Inkscape, Gimp, and Blender to put my ideas together, I want to construct a detailed 3-D rendering of what my mind is seeing before I translate to oil on canvas. It will take two or three more days, at least.

I’m in a zone now, and the time flies by. I almost miss lunch. I quickly put together a tuna sandwich and a glass of milk, and as I sit down to eat the phone rings. I immediately remember. “Hello?”

A very deep, melodic, very male, voice replies on the other end. “Tethys, my beautiful woman. I’m sorry for the delay, I fear I’m calling you too late.”

“No,” I assure him. “This is a good time.”

“I wanted to make sure you were still available this afternoon, but I didn’t want to assume too much. If you are, I’ll have a surprise for you. But I don’t want to inconvenience you.”

“It’s good, you can come over as soon as you can, I just have to make sure I get to my workout this evening.”

“No problem. W… I’ll see you shortly, my love.”

A surprise? I can’t begin to imagine what he has in mind. My concentration is toast now. There are a few small technical items I can work on that don’t require creativity, and I start fiddling with those, but what I really want to do now is lie back and put up the video of Carl and me at Hippie Hollow. I push the thought aside, barely, and get back to my project.

It’s about a half hour later when a knock comes at the door. The timing is right. No need to get dressed. It’ll be fun to open the door in all my naked glory. I’m grinning with anticipation.

Normally in a tale like this it’s inevitable that the protagonist will open the door only to find herself humiliated by some shocked stranger – a pizza delivery, the apartment manager, or worst of all, a policeman. Well, that isn’t a tale like this. In real life, people usually have a better idea of what’s going on, and surprises are unusual. That’s why they’re tropes.

I fling the door open with a welcoming smile, positioning myself to be prominently visible through the doorway, I want him to be pleased by what he sees. It’s not a trope. It’s a tall, handsome man dressed in a white polo shirt and white pressed slacks, all contrasting beautifully with the blackest skin I’ve ever seen.

“Hello, Beautiful,” he greets me in that deep, melodic, very manly voice. That voice. Of course, it’s Henri, the chef and owner of The Taino. I see him the least often of all my men, he’s very busy keeping the restaurant running and rarely takes time off, but he’s here for me today. I’m always overjoyed to see him.

I step forward in my nakedness to embrace him on the doorstep, and that’s when I see her.

“Oh my god!” I scream. “Sonia!” I change course in mid hug, leaving Henri’s outstretched arms groping the air. I grab Sonia by the shoulders and jump up and down like a kid at Christmas.

“Aaaaw!” shrieks Sonia, and only then do I have the momentary return of my faculties. I grab them both and pull them inside, shutting the door quickly.

“Is this my surprise?” I direct the question to Henri, but I know that she is. I haven’t seen Sonia since April, when she said she was going to China.

She sets her gaze on me. “You’re looking good, girl! You’ve put a few more pounds on, and it really puts all the right curves in all the right places. You still working out with that Carl dude?”

I return the stare. As attracted as I am to Henri, usually overwhelmed by the pleasure of seeing him and kissing him and fucking him and listening to him, now all I see is Sonia. She is stunningly beautiful. She’s wearing a white tennis dress with yellow trim, white socks and white tennis shoes. It’s like she was interrupted on her way to the courts. She certainly hasn’t worked up a sweat yet.

She’s dark black, almost as dark as Henri, with smooth, luminous skin, high cheekbones, perfect lips, slightly Asian features, and very short curly hair that covers her perfectly round skull like a well-tended carpet. She’s about my height, but a little heavier. It’s not fat. She’s a natural athlete, and is built like a cheerleader or a gymnast, which she was in college. Her smile immediately penetrates my soul. I love Sonia.

Henri stands a little bit apart, quietly waiting to be noticed. Finally he offers a shy wave of his hand and a small “Hello.”

I catch my breath. “Ok, not another word, not a hug, nothing until everyone is as naked as I am. Get those clothes off. You know it’s not even optional here.”

“That’s why I like you girl,” Sonia laughs obediently, lifting her feet to remove her shoes and socks first. Out of respect for the fastidious appearance of their clothing, I show them where they can neatly hang their outfits. In a couple of minutes they are acceptably, and wonderfully nude. They are spectacular.

They look like they belong together, neither is a stranger to the gym. Both slender, athletic, muscular, with tight butts and bellies. Sonia has perfect breasts, about twice the size of mine, as full and firm as natural tits can be. Her nipples are slightly darker than the skin surrounding them, and maybe a touch redder, but the contrast is not great. Her shaved pussy has a beautiful, smooth, rounded mons that sweeps downward into a slightly larger than average clitoral hood, and labia that extend just far enough to be noticeable. Her legs are obviously muscled, and the crease between pussy and thigh is perfectly recessed with no overlap. I’m not attracted to most women, but it’s impossible not to be awestruck by Sonia’s perfection. She knows it, and uses it to her advantage. I won’t begrudge her that.

Henri is lean and muscular, not with Carl’s mass and thickness, but not the wiriness of a runner either. If he chose, I think he could be a tri-athlete. He’s certainly welcome to be my Iron Man! He has sturdy shoulders, a nice chest over a slender waist. At an age when most men are starting to perfect their Dad bods, Henri is as trim and aesthetically pleasing as they come. It also doesn’t hurt that his pubes and balls are shaved. Huge balls. They would look even bigger if they weren’t hanging below such a huge cock. I’ve seen bigger, but only in a porn movie. Other than the size, it doesn’t have any of the quirks that set Taylor and Carl apart. It’s quite conventionally proportioned, a girth that matches its length, a foreskin that neatly covers the glans, and exposes it on cue when it’s ready to rumble.

I feel like I’m in the presence of sexual divinity. Henri’s cock begins to acknowledge its surroundings, Sonia notices. “Mmmmm,” she sighs as she takes it in one hand and pulls it towards her. Henri and Sonia do belong together. She told me some time ago that “Sex is my drug, and Henri is my favorite addiction.” I see no evidence of a twelve-step program in progress.

“Well, come on in,” I finally find my voice. As they emerge from the entry hall, now that there’s room I give them both a full, deep embrace, Henri first, as I pull his cock from Sonia’s hand. It twitches, and so do my own insides. The moisture begins to build early. Then Sonia. “I missed you so much,” I breathe in her ear.

They get the quick tour, and I show them the progress on my current project. Both of them are artists themselves, of a sort. Henri is, of course, a master chef. Sonia is a former student, but also a singer with a band, a songwriter, a poet, an actress, and a sometime nude artists model. If anything, she’s more of an exhibitionist than I am, but she does it with more flare. She’s extremely erotic, completely and comfortably bisexual, and has a nonstop libido. She’s every man’s dream, in other words.

The couple makes all the appropriate noises of admiration and support for my work, then we head for the bedroom. I run for the kitchen first and bring out enough water to make it through the afternoon; I anticipate much sweating.

I’m in a dilemma to start with. I’d been anticipating with much excitement and inner moisture, the enjoyment of Henri’s body, but now I’m torn. I want to fuck Henri, but I equally desperately want to make love to Sonia. Fortunately, Sonia is prepared, and takes charge. She’s six years younger than me, but sexually she’s as much a master as Henri is a chef. I don’t know if she started late and is making up for lost time, or has been trained from an early age, but she’s a natural. I’ll have to ask her about her history sometime.

My only requirement is that I want the evening to end with Henri’s cum in my pussy. Sonia’s perfectly happy with that idea, as is Henri. “No problem, girl, I can have Henri anytime, this is a special event for you,” she replies.

“Speaking of special events, I almost forgot.” I add. “Henri, are you still on for tomorrow?”

“I certainly am, but I would like to change plans slightly and bring Sonia here along as my special guest.”

I’m overjoyed. “I was just about to ask her to come with you! Sonia, I’d love for you to be here if you can arrange it.”

“What are we planning here?” Sonia asks, with a little more uncertainty than I’d hoped.

“It’s a get together with a few friends,” I answer. “It’ll be naked, and sexual, and Henri doesn’t know it yet, but it will be part of my current commission. Carl and Taylor will both be here, and I can’t wait for you to meet them!”

“That sounds interesting,” Henri and Sonia both speak in unison, with their own unique, musical tones and timings. Their voices harmonize perfectly.

The conversation faded, replaced by sensual, delightful lovemaking. We began by pleasuring Henri, Sonia and I exchanging places from time to time, kissing, nibbling, sucking along that beautiful black cock, and smacking our lips and tongues along those huge, delicious shaved balls. Sonia lays on her back, and Henri enters her. She has no problems with his size, she’s taken him hundreds of times. They fuck in that focused, familiar way that shows their knowledge of one another’s bodies and responses, movements guaranteed to produce the most intensely pleasurable reactions. I station myself below them, between their legs, tonguing and sucking on the back of Henri’s scrotum with each thrusting contraction of his pelvis, running my tongue up and down his smooth, slippery perineum as the urge takes me. My hands stretch forward around Henri’s hips, barely able to reach Sonia’s nipples, which I twist and knead as I can. She cums quickly, with a singsong moan that is especially lovely to my ears.

Henri is unlike Carl and Taylor. Neither of them have a lot of sexual experience other than me. Henri is a little older, tall, handsome successful, and classy through and through. He has women lined up to adore him, and over the years has accommodated his share. He loves women, loves pleasing them, loves allowing them to please him. He’s learned, among his other skills, complete self control, almost in the sense of a tantric master. He can hold back his orgasms or release them almost at will. I’ve only had to signal when I want his cum, and as long as he agrees the time is right, he’ll spurt it out for me. In very large volumes. He’s what I like to call a “cue-cummer.”

This afternoon I want him to hold back until he’s fucked Sonia thoroughly, and then me just as completely. We’re not done with Sonia yet, and they switch positions. Sonia climbs over Henri’s prone form and turns on his cock to face me. Now I get the full access, I can lick and massage her clit as she bounces up and down, and taste her abundant juices flowing down his shaft to his scrotum. And what a taste it is. Between the sensations from Henri and me, she cums quickly again, and then once more. Henri is breathing deeply, and smiling, but he shows no sign of an immanent orgasm. The man has amazing control.

It’s my turn. Suddenly I’m on my back, staring at the ceiling, and feeling two tongues ministering to my vulva. Henri’s coming in from my left, and Sonia from the right. Even with my eyes closed, I can tell the difference between them. Henri’s tongue is long, broad, and massive, his breath heavy, every lick forceful and masculine. Sonia has a more delicate tongue, smoother in texture, tapering at the tip, the stereotypical “sharp-tongued woman.” Her breaths are softer, shallower, and more frequent. The combination, is exquisite, either one alone would be superb. I can tell when they meet in the middle of my cunt and exchange a kiss between themselves before continuing on me. It’s Henri’s fingers I feel on my nipples, while Sonia strokes my belly and massages the zone around, over, and above my mons. I’m glad I’m not like Henri. There’s no need for me to hold back. I don’t. My orgasm is loud and long, and very energetic, as I writhe around their mouths.

I come down slowly, and then out of the blue a thought hits me. “Sonia, you haven’t told me about your trip to China!”

Sonia and Henri both laugh in surprise. “You always free associate after an orgasm?” giggles Sonia.

“No, maybe, but it was rude of me not to ask you earlier.”

“Well, I’ll tell you all about it later, but it was fun. We visited like ten cities, had big crowds, got good reviews, and made a buck or two. And I got me some Chinese dick! Not that great, really, I’m spoiled by Henri here. And I had to have them wrap up, of course. No bareback with all those strangers. But they don’t see too many black women, and they really got excited about me, so it was nice on my ego!”

“Ok, I have no more requests. You may do with me as you will,” I sigh dreamily, and they respond by treating me like the rag doll I feel I’ve become. They pose me, reposition me, stroke me, caress me, lick me, kiss me, in every conceivable place, and some I might never have though of. I think I have at least three more orgasms before I see Henri’s smiling face loom above mine, and feel the push of that monster cock invading my surrendering pussy. Sonia keeps up the patter of dirty talk for all of us.

“Come on man, fuck that white slut! Show her your black fucking power! Let her feel a real man inside her. Push it deep! Pound that pretty pink cunt! Make me proud! Give her the magic of your cock! Make her your fucking slave!

“Baby, does it feel good? You like my Henri’s cock? You like being fucked by my man? You like it deep? You like it big? Oooh, yeah, baby you’re so wet! Show Henri what you like! Cum for me! Cum for Henri!”

I do. Then Sonia does what I wanted her to do, but had been too breathless to ask. She crawls up my body and straddles my face, turning to face Henri. The talking comes to a halt as she places her hands on Henri’s shoulders and they lock lips, while she lowers herself onto my face and receives the pent-up desire of my tongue. She tastes so good, her juices are as intoxicating as the best wine, worthy of being served at The Taino. There’s a delicate yet earthy bouquet to her leakage, and it flows abundantly. The pace picks up, Sonia’s clit flashes up and down over my lower lip, Henri’s strokes come faster, and my heart is about to explode with desire. I’m ready for Henri’s hot jolt of semen, and he instinctively understands. A few more deep thrusts, and I feel pulse after pulse of thick warmth filling me to overflowing. I can’t hold back, nor do I want to. Sonia is caught in the general passion, and the three of us moan, groan, scream, laugh, and for anyone listening, it might as well have been singing.

A few deep gasps later, and Henri’s still half-hard cock pulls out of me with the distinct sound of suction. Sonia is on it almost immediately, licking and sucking all the sticky remains of the orgasms. She leaves nothing, not even the little folds under the base of the scrotum. I’m envious, I want to participate, but I’m still too drained to move. With Henri serviced, she then begins to go down on me, but I block the opening with my fingers.

“Only the overflow,” I warn, still panting. “I want to keep what’s inside me.”

She looks a little disappointed, but yields to my desire. There’s a lot to retain, and preventing leaks is going to be a challenge, but I’ve vowed to do my best.

We relax and chat for another half hour or so. Sonia fills me in on her China adventure. She wasn’t sure that her band’s musical style would go over well, but the tour was a big success, and they’ll be going again in the winter.

“I’m not going to be doing anything for the next couple of months if I can help it,” she assures me. “So if you have any other strange projects you want my help with, I’m in.”

“Oh, there will be strange projects,” I assure her right back.

They don’t have to be reminded that I have someplace to be tonight. That’s another thing I like about both of them. Sexy, erotic, totally naughty, genius level intellects, gracious, and they always know when to leave!

As we say our goodbyes, I remind Henri, “Remember, no ejaculations until tomorrow night, ok? I want copious volumes.”

“What?” protests Sonia. “I didn’t know that was the deal.”

“Trust me,” I say. “It’ll be worth the wait.”

Sonia shrugs, resigned. “All right, we’ll be here with high expectations!”

After they have gone, another idea suddenly comes to me. Why didn’t I think of it before? I pull out my phone, and *********** Jo and Joe’s number, newly added to my contacts list. Joanne answers on the third ring, with a cheerful and somewhat professional voice. “Hi, Tethys!”

“Jo,” I ask, rather hurriedly. “Do you and Joe have any plans for tomorrow night?”

I end the phone call very satisfied with the outcome, and excited about the next item on my agenda. I’ve already picked out my outfit, a nice little yellow sundress with thin straps that drapes almost weightlessly over my body. I don’t need to fasten or unfasten anything to take it off or put it on, and of course, there’s no need of bra or panties. My vaginal muscles are doing their best to hold in all of Henri’s cum, but I know there will be some staining on the drivers seat. I don’t need to stain any panties along with it. The dress slips on, my sandals slip on, and I slip out the door.

I arrive at Carl’s house right on time, with plenty of light, and heat, and humidity, left in the day. it looks almost the same as it did Saturday. The doors and windows are open, the fans are running. I let myself in quietly, toss off my dress and sandals, and head back towards the den. Carl has been home from work for a while, and his session is in full swing. He’s facing the mirror on the back wall, doing side lateral raises with a 25 pound dumbbell on each hand. I don’t speak or make a sound as he knocks out thirteen reps, then puts the weight down at his feet. I like the way he thrusts his naked ass back as he bends to lower the dumbbells. He’s not done yet. Thirty seconds later he picks them up again, lifts his arms to the side another five times, and puts them down. Six times he repeats the set of five, each set leaving his face more contorted with fatigue and pain. Finally, on the seventh attempt, his muscles fail just before he can complete the fifth repetition. He puts the weights down with a clang, and stands almost stooped, gasping for breath.

“Carl,” I butt in, figuring the time is right. “I have a cunt full of another man’s cum, and I need you to push it all out and replace it with a cunt full of yours.”

Carl’s expression changes immediately, and I see relief and joy on his face. His rocket cock, which had been hanging almost limp and exhausted looking, springs to life with surprising speed. He straightens, and his body seems to grow in its magnificence into the godlike physique I find so irresistible.

He is still breathing heavily, and gestures for me to move to the weight bench. But he’s not asking me to do bench presses first this time. He bends me over the bench and immediately shoves his cock inside me. I don’t need or want foreplay, and he isn’t in the mood for it anyway. Henri’s cum, by now thin and runny, comes splashing out of me. It spatters across my ass, onto the floor, on the bench, and on to Carl’s belly, thighs, and crotch. I am so wonderfully slippery.

For someone just coming off the exertion of an exhausting exercise, Carl’s fucking is remarkably powerful. I feel like my entire core has completed its stretching and a couple of sets of crunches, by the time he finally cums with a shout and a gasp. It’s a nice one, and truly does seem to replace Henri’s drop for drop. We recover for a few minutes, and then he positions the bench in the rack and sets up the barbell over it. He brings out the camera, and I begin my first lift. Of course, with the effort of the last couple of reps, there’s no way I can keep that cum inside me. It dribbles out, and Carl is of course catching it on video. I do five sets, and I’ve even added a few reps to my total. Carl looks pleased, and he kneels down at the end of the bench between my spread thighs, and begins to lick off the ooze.

“Mmmm,” he makes a thoughtful noise. “I don’t believe this is Taylor.”

“Wow, you’re good!” I laugh. “You’re right, it’s Henri. And there might be just a trace of his girlfriend Sonia in there. She just got back from China last week.”

Carl looks up, interested. “She’s going to be there with us tomorrow, so behave yourself. She’s beautiful, you’ll love her, and she wants to fuck the hell out of you.”

Carl’s grin broadens, his face even flushes. He stumbles a little as he lifts the bar to the upper set of hooks, and begins setting it up for the squat. He looks embarrassed. The smile fades. “What if I say something stupid?” He looks plaintive.

“You won’t. Carl, you are not stupid. You’re a beautiful and interesting man, and women like you when you’re just yourself. Your fantastic body is just one of your assets, not the only one. I know Sonia, and I know she’ll like you. She’s seen pictures of you, she saw our video from Saturday, and she thinks you’re fucking hot. Which you are.

“And by the way, Joe and Joanne are going to be there too. Joanne has already met you, she’s already talked to you, so you don’t have to worry about what you’ll say to her. And she thinks you’re hot too, and she is going to fuck your brains out.”

“Really? Carl now looks perplexed. “She said that?”

“Yes, remember last Saturday? Don’t act so surprised. You have a hot body, and you’ve worked hard to get there, but you’re not as socially awkward as you’ve led yourself to believe. Maybe you’re a late bloomer in that department, but you’re starting to bloom now, and there are women out there who will want to taste your sweet nectar and get pollinated off of you. Myself, and Sonia and Jo are just the beginning, but we’re going to help you. We aren’t the only horny and tawdry sluts out there, and you deserve to get your share.”

Carl laughs. “I’ll take your word for it. But you’re still my Goddess.”

Now it’s my turn to laugh. “You may change your tune with one look at Sonia.”

I’m a little surprised, he’s never referred to me as his Goddess before, but Taylor has. I wonder if they’ve been chatting.

Carl goes off to finish his workout, and I continue mine. He goes into the kitchen and prepares his dinner, bringing it in to the den to watch while I cycle into my final sets. I head to the lat cable pulldown stack, and he stops me.

“I think you should try some pullups first,” he says between chews.

“Pullups! I can do like three of those, max!” I snort. “That won’t get me anywhere.”

“Three is way more than most women can do,” he say calmly. It’s more than a lot of men can do, too.”

“How many can you do?” I ask defiantly, thinking I’m making my point.

“Twenty five,” he shrugs, “but we’re talking about you.”

He sets up a platform under the pullup bar to allow me to reach, and I climb up. To my surprise, I do four.

“Great!” he cheers. “Told you. Now do another set.”

He lets me wait three minutes, then I pull off another set of three. Then another. It feels fantastic. Then he sends me to the cable pulldowns to bleed off the rest of my strength at lighter weights.

When I’m completely done, I grab myself a snack and a protein drink, and we get in the shower together. I enjoy the opportunity to suck his clean cock and balls, and we fuck a little.

“Not too much,” I warn him. “No ejaculation from here until Tuesday evening. I’m sure you can hold back that long.”

“You’re not making it easy,” he pouts

“It’s important!” I emphasize. “It’s for the sake of art. Plus, you’re going to have three women wanting to get a share of that wonderful cock and that delicious cum of yours. It’s not all about you now. You have sexual responsibilities!”

“Damn!”, he exclaims, but he’s grinning again. I shave him from head to toe, leaving only his eyebrows, shave myself, and we’re done.

We snuggle in bed later, and Carl seems strangely pensive. He’s got no problem with his erection, we fuck several times, and I feel a sense of injustice in continuing to have sweet orgasms while denying him his own. He doesn’t protest. He cheerfully makes me cum again with some tender and attentive pussy licking – which also means slurping, nibbling, and a bit of drooling from both of us. He seems happy, but he’s not showing the forceful, almost domineering sexual personality that he usually radiates in our encounters.

Finally satiated, I motion for him to lay on his back once more, climb up and slide my glowing pussy down to the base of his shaft. I lay there, my head on his chest, his arms wrapped tightly and powerfully around me. At intervals, I squeeze my pussy around his cock just to remind him that I’m there, and to keep him comfortably hard and deep.

“You feel nice,” I whisper. “Thank you for being my friend.”

He tilts his head down towards me and kisses my forehead, his fingers move upwards and stroke the rear of my scalp, running gently through my hair.

His breathing changes, I hear a catch in his exhalation, and feel a slight shutter in his lungs below my ear. His heart, or his pulse at least, literally does skip a beat. I’ve never felt that before.

“Tethys,” his voice sounds almost sad. “I spent years working my ass off to grow a body that I thought women could be attracted to. Until you came along, the only ones who were interested were gay men. It was so frustrating. I’m not smart like Taylor, I don’t have any talents like Henri does, I’m not really athletic, and you know how shy I get around girls. I thought a jacked body was all I had to offer, and nobody else seemed to want that. I was about ready to give up when I met you.”

I lift my head off his chest, look into his eyes, eyes glistening with extra moisture, and give his cock as hard a squeeze with my kegels as I can.

“Carl, you are so much smarter than you give yourself credit for! Look how you’ve taught me. You don’t just lift weights, you taught me how to be stronger than I ever had been. You’re not dumb, you train very intelligently. If you didn’t you wouldn’t have built such a fantastic body. And it is fantastic, Carl. You really are an artist. Your medium is your own body, and you’ve sculpted it to a perfection that even Praxiteles could only be awed by.”

“Whoever that is,” Carl shrugs underneath me.

“He was a very famous sculptor from Ancient Greece, thousands of years ago. And he’s still famous. He created the archetype of the perfect nude body, that even today sculptors are mostly just imitating. But his best work is no match for you, Carl. And you’ve put that body together, and you’re also doing a great job on mine. Carl, I’m very proud to be seen with you, and for us to be seen naked together.”

Carl smiles and gives me another kiss. “You’re the first person that ever made me feel good about myself. I know I talk about myself too much, I’m just no good at having conversations, and everybody thinks I’m selfish. Maybe I am.

“Tethys, I also know that you’re in love with Taylor, and I can understand that. He’s a cool dude. You two are good together. I bet he wants to marry you, and if you ever do get married I’m sure he’ll be the guy. I think that would be great. I probably shouldn’t say this, but even if you do get married, I’ll still be in love with you, like I love you now.”

Wow. “Love” is a word I don’t think I’ve ever heard Carl utter. Certainly not to me. I don’t know what’s gotten into him, but he’s has definitely gotten into me right now. My pussy gives his cock another squeeze. It’s still as solid as can be.

“It’s true that I love Taylor,” I confess. I feel just the slightest softening of Carl’s cock inside me. “I don’t know what’ll happen in the future. Maybe we’ll get married, I don’t know. But listen, Carl, this is important. Just because I love Taylor doesn’t mean I don’t love you too. I do! Taylor would never ask me to stop seeing you, and if he did I’d dump him. He knows I’m not monogamous. You know it as well. What I am is polyamorous. Well, that and maybe a slut too. But I like what I am. I like fucking you, and I’m going to keep doing it. And if Taylor’s smart he’ll encourage that.”

Carl laughs a little. It sounds nice. “Ok, I thought you were just trying to pawn me off on other women so you could get away from me without feeling bad about it.”

For that he gets another cock squeeze and a not-very-effective punch on the shoulder. “Fuck you, Carl!” His cock is back to full strength now. “Do you want to fuck Sonia and Joanne or not? Sonia has seen your pictures and videos, including ours from Hippie Hollow on Saturday, and she thinks you’re smokin’ hot. And yes, she’s a bit of a slut herself, but that’s really what you wanted all that time you were standing at the lake on display, wasn’t it? A girl who likes a good animal fucking by a hot studly dude. That’s you. And that’s her. She’s just what you were looking for, and I’m sure once she gets a taste of you she’s going to keep coming back for more. That’s the kind of woman she is. And Jo has seen you up close and personal, she’s knows what you can do, and she wants you to do it to her. Do you want that? That’s not all, either. Not only am I not going to walk away from you, I’m going to be pimping you out to every sexy young slut I can drag over to you. You’re going to have so much pussy you’ll be begging for mercy. So get used to it, you hairless fucking Adonis!”

“I guess I’ll just have to train harder,” Carl chuckles.

“Yeah, because you’ll probably be giving group training sessions to a bunch of horny women. As well as me. You still have to be my coach. Carl, you’ve done so much for my confidence, and my looks and my attitude since I met you. It’s not just been one way. You’re the one that turned me into the sexy slut that I am.”

“Thank God for sexy sluts,” Carl hugs me tight, and my cunt hugs his cock again.

We talk in this position for hours before we fall asleep, his cock stays deep and hard inside, and it’s exquisite. I’ve accused Carl of making himself his favorite topic, but I’ve never heard him talk about himself like this before. It’s his true, inner self, the self he fears, the self he’s dedicated his life to trying to escape from. The self he can’t escape from. He talks about the skinny, gangly, clumsy kid, the playground outcast, the stuttering child with a learning disability, the slow learner, the butt of jokes, the disappointment of his parents. He has a sister and a brother, both rich and successful lawyers, Harvard and Columbia. His parents had pictures of his siblings hanging on the wall in their home, multiple framed photos in various spots. There are none of him. They rarely speak.

“I was always an embarrassment to them,” he tells me. “They told me so plenty of times.” How his cock can stay hard within me during this part of the conversation I’ll never know. It’s an extraordinary skill.

My own childhood seems mild and boring by comparison. Ultraconservative, ultra-orthodox, righteous and unaffectionate, my parents had no interest in any creative work, and even hinting of sex would ever be allowed in their house. If libido has a genetic component, it skipped at least one generation. I never knew my grandparents, they stayed behind in Greece, and there were no visits, no calls, no letters. I assumed they were dead. My curiosity began burning as a child, and my desire caught fire at the moment of puberty. But I was skinny and awkward, and socially maladjusted myself, as much as Carl. My early relationships were universally disastrous, and while I learned enough to realize I loved sex, I didn’t love any of the people I was having it with. I didn’t even like them. I see in Carl a fellow traveler, and being with him transformed both our lives. His story doesn’t surprise me, only the fact that he’s finally opening up to tell it.

“Carl, for you and for me, those days are past. We’re not those people any more. You are beautiful and confident and sexy and artistic and capable of holding your own with anyone. That learning disability is gone, Carl. I’ve read that a lot of people just outgrow them eventually. Don’t let it hold on to you. And I’ll have to take my advice. I’m beautiful and confident and sexy and artistic too, and you’ve been a big part of that. Don’t feel threatened by Taylor or Henri or anybody else. I’ve got a big place in my heart for you, and a tight place in my pussy. But I intend to be sharing you, because it would be selfish not to.”

His cock receives another cunt squeeze from me, and that’s the last I remember until the alarm wakes us up Tuesday morning. Light is coming in through the window, I’m still on top of him, his massive arms are still wrapped around me, and his cock is still hard and deep inside my pussy. “The hell I’m giving this up!” I think groggily to myself.
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