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The girl next door from me led a lonely existence, I remember when we were younger she would play with the rest of the kids. For some reason her parents forbid her from playing with us at some point. We have no idea why. She was home-schooled and when we played we would often see her in her garden looking on longing to play with us.
Futanari Surprise

The girl next door from me led a lonely existence, I remember when we were younger she would play with the rest of the kids. For some reason her parents forbid her from playing with us at some point. We have no idea why. She was home-schooled and when we played we would often see her in her garden looking on longing to play with us.

Living next door to her I was uniquely able to talk to her while we were in our gardens. Speaking through the fence we chatted about why she wasn't allowed out, it turned out it was medical and she didn't really blame her parents. I had asked her about what the medical reason was but she declined to tell me, simply saying it was personal.

By the time we were teenagers I had discovered video games and to my surprise so had Xian. We started to play gameboy advance games together using a link cable through the fence. Her father had discovered us and surprisingly he allowed us to play on even providing chairs etc. I remembered playing four swords with her to completion.

I had talked to her about the console version but it seemed a forlorn hope. Things changed when the ds was released, we no longer needed a cable to play together. Even on rainy days we were able to play together through the power of Wi-Fi. More than that we were able to send messages through our walls.

This changed our relationship entirely. As much as I liked Xian prior to this, sometimes it's easier to say things via a text than it was through a fence when your parents could be snooping. She eventually admitted she liked me, my looks and my personality. It wasn't a shock at that stage we had been hinting at one another through the messages for months before.

At 18 I had had enough of being separated and to be honest her being 18 too meant she was of the age where it was no longer her parents choice. I dressed up smart and arrived at their door. I'm not a big guy, slim maybe a bit short, I was a gamer not a big sports guy. I wasn't about to give up though.

Her father opened the door surprised to see me. ‘Can I help you Adam?’ ‘Yes, i’d like to speak to Xian please’ I was ready for an argument and I was shocked when he invited me inside. Xian was on the stairs watching as I was ushered to the kitchen. It was clear to me her father had wanted to talk to me. Her mother was working away at their dinner, their food always smelled amazing to me. She didn’t look anything like Xian. She was portly and frankly kind of ugly to look at.

I sat down at the table as I was invited. ‘Adam, I know you are a good boy but you know Xian has a condition…’ ‘I know although she won't tell me what it is but I care for your daughter and she is 18 now she can decide for herself what's best for her.’ I could see my words stung her old man with their truth and he took his time to reply. ‘Adam all I want to do is protect her, the world can be really cruel to her… condition’

I was confused by this but unwilling to let it go ‘She can’t hide locked in her room forever though, I grew up with her and I care about her. I would never do anything to hurt her’ I was sort of offended by his lack of trust at this point. At this point Xian's mother, without turning from her cooking, spoke for the first time since I’d known her. Unfortunately it was in a language I didn't understand.

Her words clearly had an impact on her husband as he rubbed his chin and the two bickered in what I later was told was a mandarin dialect. He sighed in a way everyone understands across the world. It said one thing… his wife was right and he had lost the argument. ‘Xian come in, stop hiding behind the door’

Xian sheepishly peaked through the door and walked in beside me, she looked beautiful up close, Asian eyes dark and pretty, jet black dark hair down to her shoulders. She was dressed in a skirt and pinafore and shirt. ‘Yes daddy?’ she sounded hopeful and to understand this was the first time we had been in the same room together she had made big progress today. ‘Your mother thinks it's time you and Adam discussed your problem… it’s up to you but it’s better he knows if you are to continue talking with him. You know my feelings... but Adam is right you are an adult now here’

‘I want to talk to him about it… alone if that's ok’ She seemed happy but there was an edge of worry in her voice. ‘Take him to your room… Adam.. stay for dinner?’ ‘Certainly, your food smells great’ With that Xian took my hand and I loved the feeling of her soft hands. She was taller than me but that wasn't a surprise I was never tall at 5ft6 I just hoped she wasn't disappointed.

In her bedroom was a ton of gamer posters and to be fair other than being red it looked a lot like my own room. We sat down and I moved to kiss her she pulled away and I felt really foolish ‘too quick?’ I asked my face burning ‘It’s not that I don't want to but… I think we need to talk about it’ I was more curious than ever.

‘I was born with this condition that is really rare and back in my parents' country would lead to me being taken away or abandoned. Instead the took me here and hid me away. I was lucky… Most die in the streets or grow up a hard life on the streets’ I was more confused than ever ‘go on’ ‘..The reason my father is concerned is even here I would be more outcast if people were to find out… so I want you to promise me something’ ‘What?’ ‘Promise me once I show you, even if you hate me you wont tell anyone’ ‘I would never hate you, I promise no matter what I’ll never tell’

She smiled sadly and stood up infront of me off the bed, she reached down and slid her panties down. I was confused again at this, bit she lifted her skirt and staring back at me was a cock. ‘Uh… you're a boy’ ‘no I'm a girl I just have both… do you understand’ she said her eyes watering clearly this was a huge deal for her. ‘A hermaphrodite?’ I said ‘yes, we call it futanari’ and it all began to fall into place. Her father was right to protect her, kids could be cruel with the simplest of things I was thinking as she lifted her testicals up to reveal her pussy. ‘Cool, I understand now, I mean it's a lot to process but I mean…’ ‘you don't hate me?’ I rose at that as she lowered her skirt.

‘I could never hate you, I still feel the same. I thought it was brittle bones or something bad like that.. I was prepared for it to be way worse than.. this’ She smiled through her tears and I moved closer and kissed her gently on the lips. Every part of her was a woman apart from that cock and I loved her still. ‘So are you staying for dinner?’ she asked. ‘I wouldn't miss it that smell has been driving me crazy for years’

Over dinner we discussed lots of things, it was her father who brought up the elephant in the room. ‘We did try for an operation but the Dr’s here say it wouldn't work because of the way it's all interconnected’. The mothers eye got angry at that and I could tell what she was saying was impassioned. It was Xian who translated for me ‘My mother thinks I should be as I am and that I am beautiful as I am’ I smiled at that, ‘I think I agree with your mother.. It's strange but I don't mind it at all.’ Her father smiled at that.

The next day I was allowed to take her on our first date and I took her to the dance hall. She was nervous with the amount of people but we had fun and we kissed a lot. When we were dancing the slow dance at the end I felt her penis rise against me and I smiled knowing she was feeling excited. She tried to pull away and I pulled her back by a hand on her ass as she looked in my eyes.

I took her home and kissed her goodnight but I knew I wanted to do more and I thought she might want to. I got upstairs and looked at my ds which had a message. ‘That was hot.. To bad it had to end’

The next day I was invited over again and this time we had decided to finally play four swords on the gamecube together and we laughed as we played like a couple of kids that we once were. Suddenly her parents announced they were off out. ‘Uh.. what.. Where?’ Xian looked confused but her mother took her to one side and talked to her as her father said they wouldn't be back for a couple of days and not to wreck the place.

They left and we were alone in the house for the first time and it felt awkward. ‘What did your mom say?’ she blushed at the question but she answered ‘Uh she said we should.. Try… getting to know… one another..’ It was my turn to blush. We continued to play in silence for a while after that then we both started giggling. I put my controller down and kissed her. She let her controller fall as I rose and took her hand leading her to the bedroom.

There we kissed more and I began undressing her. She helped me out my t-shirt and pants. I was fully erect and I could tell through her panties so was she. She kissed me and then sank to her knees taking my cock, which was about 7inches and I noticed it was a little smaller than hers, into her mouth. It felt great and I looked into her eyes as she sucked on my cock eagerly. She really knew what she was doing, licking the tip occasionally and even while it was in her mouth her tongue seemed to wrap around my shaft. It didn't take long until my balls contracted and I came in her mouth.

I lifted her up ‘that was amazing, my turn’ She looked unsure but I smiled and winked at her. I took her hand and lead her to her bed. Pushing her down I kissed her neck and her mouth.. I made my way down to her little perky tits taking in a nipple at a time giving them attention. I started kissing downwards heading towards her crotch.

‘Adam…’ ‘Don’t worry about it..’ I lifted her erect cock and her balls out of my way, It was amazing her female genitals were normal to Adams eyes he began kissing her around her slit then I opened her with my tongue licking deep inside her as she moaned, I then moved to her clit, It was little strange with her balls near in my eye sockets but I smiled at it. It took a little while but she came hard. I wasn't sure what to expect but it was a normal female orgasm but it was with a girl he had loved for a long time.

I looked up and noticed her cock was still erect. He then made up his mind on something grabbing the shaft of the cock. ‘Wait Adam.. you don't need to’ she sounded worried ‘but I want to..’ He took her cock in his lips, surprised that I didn't taste bad. It even felt good to flick his tongue and get a reaction. He began taking more of her 8inch cock in his throat. He was surprised to feel her hand on the back of his head as she began to assist him. Her hips moved in time forcing more of her cock into the back of his throat than he thought was possible. Just when he started to struggle with his reflex she ejaculated deep inside him. It wasn't a bad feeling but he coughed as he raised from it finally losing his battle with the gag reflex.

‘Oh god I'm sorry..’ Xian said worried ‘It's fine, it's just the reflex.. I’ll get better at it’ She smiled as he rose, noticing my cock was hard again. ‘Uh.. do you want to try..’ I knew what she meant and I did it desperately. ‘How would you like it’ I asked ‘I-if you don't mind, can I er… be on top for the first?’ I lay down and she looked on at me happy I hadn’t misunderstood the request’

She straddled me lifting her now flaccid member and pushed down. My cock entered surprisingly easily. ‘You ok?’ ‘Uh yeah.. I don't have a hymen. I lost it when the Doctor’s examined me’ ‘God you're tight as she began to move. She fell forward and we kissed as she grinded upon me. I backed up a little to the headrest. There I began sucking on her tits and she bounced on her cock her cock getting hard bouncing on my chest. She was moaning a lot and I was loving the view as she leaned back. I held her ass and she held my neck.

We found the position she wanted and she quickened her pace, sucking in air as she came again screaming my name. I loved the feel of it and her skin felt so soft under my hands I came deep within her for the first time.

We were spent and laid together kissing and hugging for a while. We decided we were hungry and we dressed and had Dinner together. We showered together and it was lovely we got used to one another's bodies by washing each another. Tired, we hugged together and slept.. I couldn't wait for tomorrow…
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