TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK - Should this continue? Perhaps this girl needs some BDSM training or the like? Comment and let me know!!!
The back door was shut slowly. A quiet wine emanating from the hinges as the latch flicked into place. A blonde-haired (with pink accents) Ashlynn Luker turned around. Her drunken beady eyes looking towards the clock upon the kitchen wall. It read 1:36. She was about 5'5 and had a petiti but rounded and curved figure. Her breasts in the small cup range, but they looked good. Matching her body perfectly and were just the right side. Her backside being the same. Not too big, but not too small. Just rounded right and perky with her age of just 18. She had just come back from a night out with her friends. Booze and laughs, it was a good time. Wearing a black short, tight dress. It exposed a lot of her chest and legs to the guys. She was also wearing black heels to match, but what with drinking and stumbling about she decided to walk barefoot.
"Shit." She cursed. Afterwards slamming her hand over her mouth.
She was home late. Her family probably asleep. If she was caught, especially bt her very strict tep-father, who knows what trouble she would get into. Stumbling further into the dark kitchen. She headed towards the fridge, needing a glass of water. Opening a cabinet quietly, she felt around grabbing the nearest glass and bringing it out. Filling the glass with water as quietly as possible, she then took a big sip.
"Ashlynn." A voice suddenly called her name from the shadows. "What are you doing." The voice asked.
"Crap." Ashlynn cursed out-loud again almost spilling her drink down her dress.
Her half-brother Johnathan stepped through from the hall into the kitchen. Flicking on the light.
"Hey." She whispered at the top of her lungs. Covering her eyes quickly to let them adjust. "What are you doing" She raised her voice.
"More like what are YOU doing." Johnathan replied, standing by the door way.
Johnathan was her older Brother. At about 6'0 he was well built. Not huge, but slimly muscled. With short brown hair, and smoky hazel eyes that Ashlynn had to admit looked quite nice. "Umm…." Ashlynn stuttered.
"Exactly." Johnathan smirked. "You've been out again haven't you."
He stood there staring at his younger sister. Wearing nothing but his dark gray boxers which he often wore to sleep in.
Ashlynnnodded in reply. She knew there was no way out of this one.
"I knew it." He took a few steps towards her, his whisper increasing in volume. "Even after Dad specifically told you not too." He smirked. "Do you know what they're going to do to you when they find out." He pointed his finger out of the kitchen and down the hall.
"Well they aren't GOING to find out then are they." Ashlynn placed the glass on the counter beside her trying to not make too much noise.
"Yes, they will." Johnathan smiled as he took out his phone that had been recording the conversation. Turning it to ‘off’ he turned to walk for the door.
"No." Ashlynn jumped forward grabbing Johnathan's shoulder. "You can't."
He stopped in his tracks. Johnathan turning his head towards her arm which was still gripping his shoulder. "Well I'm no Sherlock but I'm pretty sure I can." He continued to smirk.
"You are such an ass-hole." Ashlynn dropped her arm in a mood.
She momentarily turned away, before diverting her attention back towards him.
"Yep, I am. But you know that they say about actions and consequences." He laughed, then winked.
"Ewwww." She gave a sudden look of disgust. "You are such a creep." Ashlynn watched her Brother as his eyes scanned her.
"I'll take that as a compliment." He laughed some more. His eyes still scanning her delicious body, the miniskirt dress making it even more so
"So." Ashlynn paused. Her eyes darting away. "You still going to tell Mom and Dad." She questioned him, softening her voice in an innocent way.
Johnathan's mind began working like clockwork. "I'm still thinking about it."
"Johnathan." Ashlynn beeged. "Please don't…PLEASE " Ashlynn gulped. "Please don't tell Mom or Dad, please." She continued to talk to him softly, trying to persuade him otherwise.
"You'd really do anything wouldn't you." He laughed out-loud wanting to know how far she'd be prepared to go.
"Shh." Ashlynn looked at him in a venomous way. "Yes I'll do anything." She calmed herself.
"Anything." He whispered back, his eyebrows raised.
"Yes anything." Ashlynn grudgingly replied. She didn't want to even think about what their parents would do to her, if they found that she had sneaked out. She was already supposed to be grounded.
"I'll do your homework" She began to list off a few ideas. "Your cleaning" Ashlynn paused. "I'll do anything Johnathan, just don't tell them."
"I want something a little different." Johnathan paused. Looking at his step-sister.
"What then." Ashlynn noticed that usual smile slowly appearing on his face. "Johnathan."
He didn't reply. But instead grabbed her soft hand. Slowly guiding it downwards. His eyes fixated on her own as they followed.
"Wha-" Ashlynnmade a little noise in complete surprise. Suddenly realizing the situation, with Johnathan pushing her small and soft feminine hand against the bulge from under his boxers. Ashlynn instantly feeling her Brother’s surprising large penis.
Quickly Ashlynn whipped her hand away from his grasp as if snapping out of a trance. "You've got to be kidding me right." She sneered up at her taller Brother. "This is a joke…you’re my BROTHER."
"STEP-brother. And no, it’s no joke." Johnathan simply replied, adding “I see how you sometimes look at me.” Giving her a serious look.
That truth caused an awkward silence to fall for a few moments. The pair of them stood still looking at each other. As if frozen in time. Ashlynn with a look of surprise, her mouth had fallen open. Johnathan giving the same serious look, with a little smirk appearing from the corner of his mouth.
"No Way." Ashlynn suddenly sprang back into life, pushing her Brother away.
At first Johnathan said nothing. He just began to smile instead, regaining his balance from her push.
"Well I guess Mom and Dad will just have to find out then, and you KNW how strict Dad is, and that your Mom will not help you."
"No they can't." Ashlynn frowned. She knew he had her right where he wanted.
"Then give me what I want and they won't find out" Ashlynn looked up towards him again as he explained.
"You promise." She asked. It was repulsive, but what option did she really have? Her voice trembed with vulnerability and innocence as she asked. Ashlynn was no virgin, that much was true, but she was also not the most experienced. Certainly not in a matter like this
"I promise." He replied. Knowing he was so close.
"O-Okay." Her eyes slowly returned to where he wanted them. "You're my Brother though."
"STEP-brother." He looked at her eagle like eyes. Staring down it's prey.
Ashlynn gradually knelt downwards, moving to her knees. Giving a look of awkwardness, before she slowly placed her right hand back onto his penis, which she could not help but notice it’s size. Still contained by his boxer-shorts.
Johnathan watched on as he felt his Sister's hand begin to slowly rub up and down. Immediately his cock springing upwards and beginning to grow. She was better at this than he thought. "You seem to know what you're doing." Johnathan softly spoke.
"What's that supposed to mean" She replied, and let slip a little smile. Her hand now cupping the fully erect cock which happened to be her Brother's. Ashlynn turned a little red with embarrassment.
Johnathan smiled. Accompanied by good feelings coming from below as Ashlynn's hand massaged him. "Can you-…" Johnathan paused mid-sentence, feeling her tug down at his boxers. It almost feeling uncomfortable, his hard member being trapped under all the material. "Take it out." She looked up to catch him giving a nod in reply.
Moving her hands to grasp the sides of his boxers before pulling them down gently over his hips and dropping them to the floor, Ashlynn’s eyes suddenly met with the sight of his large twitching cock, pointing upwards towards the ceiling. It was even larger than she had pictured!
"Whoa…." A faint sense of amazement strewn across her face, and she subconsciously licked her lips at the sight of it hanging there in front of her.
"Well…" Johnathan laughed. Ashlynn's eyes continuing it's stare. "I think you like it." He said, knowing the answer..
"Well you may be blackmailing me and I'll never forgive you for that." She paused. "But I must admit, this damn thing is huge." She gave a little giggle. She had wrapped her hand around the base of his shaft and started to jerk it downwards. The foreskin rolling backwards, exposing the purple head of his cock. "It's so big." She gave a devilish wink. Her baby face staring up at him from below.
"You are starting to scare me." Johnathan replied playfully as he placed his hands into her loose hair.
"Do you want this or what." She gave a stern serious look.
"Yes-of course." He replied. He'd often fantasized about all of this, having beat off thinking of her like this. At one point believing it would only ever be a dream. Yet here he was with his Sexy step sister's hand wrapped around his hard cock.
"Then shut-up." Ashlynn re-focused below, her small hand starting to jerk away.
The pleasure was immense. Hitting Johnathan like a train. It felt so good. But the taboo of It all made it that more great. He knew it was wrong. Society said so. But for some reason as much as it was deemed wrong, it felt SO right.
Ashlynn picked up the pace. Her little hand travelling up and down his shaft. Every so often she would give a little twist in the wrist and a squeeze with her palm. That itself almost sending Johnathan over the edge. Ashlynn’s baby-blue eyes looked determined, almost yearning to give him pleasure. Her pupils fixated on the very tip of the head.
"Feel good." She looked up to check on her Brother. Continuing the motions.
"Uh-Huh." Is all he could reply with. His fingers gently twirling and playing with her hair. A huge pleasurable smile across his face.
Ashlynn smiled herself. Squeezing his shaft harder and harder with each subsequent jerk. Things continued like that for a couple of minutes, Feeling like a millennium to Johnathan.
"Y-You are..." Johnathan over-whelmed by everything, struggled to get out the words, attempting to break the silence.
"Amazing?" Ashlynn giggled some more, stopping to give her Brother a quick break.
"Yeah that is one way of putting it." Johnathan laughed along with her.
Their eyes suddenly connecting in a way they hadn't before. He didn't know what happened, neither did Ashlynn. It felt so… so natural. But no, it couldn't be. Johnathan shook it off. Ashlynn too, though were both feeling and enjoying it
"You know what I want to do." Ashlynn winked. Grabbing his cock at the base and pointing it towards her face. Specifically her mouth. She opened her mouth and leaned towards his cock. Her lips passing over the head and all the way down the shaft as far as she could get it without choking. The wetness of her saliva drenching Johnathan's penis as she sealed her mouth around it.
Ashlynn immediately feeling not only the warmth of his large organ deep inside her mouth, but she could almost feel his pulsating veins against her lips. Ashlynn let out a muffled moan at his taste. Her cute eyes just about managing to look up at him. With Johnathan's hands moving to the back of his Sister's head, she began to suck him off. Moving her head backwards. As if sucking a large, over-sized veined lollipop.
"Wow…..damn…incredible" He cried out. Cursing soon afterwards at making too much noise, hoping they both wouldn't get caught.
Ashlynn giggled with at least half of his length still in her small yet skilled mouth. "I can't believe I'm doing this." She tried to speak with yet more giggles. The sentence not stringed together properly as she struggled to talk around the cock.
Yes he had been given a few blow-jobs in the past from various Girlfriends. But for some reason, this time it was different. It was possibly the fact that it was instead, his Step-sister who he had yearned over in the past who was knelt down sucking him off. He wasn't sure, but at that moment in time he didn't care. With his cock still wet with her saliva, she started to jerk it hard again a couple of times before shoving it back down, deep into her mouth. So deep that she could feel the head and tip of his hard cock touching the back of her throat momentarily. Giving a little gag in reaction.
Her lips creating a tight seal, Ashlynn started to slide her head up and down his shaft. Establishing her comfort, she then began to speed up. Her head bobbing up and down as fast as she could go.
"Ashlynn….." Johnathan called out. Moans of pleasure escaping him as his Step-sister sucked him off faster and faster.
"Hmmm." She stopped, looking up at him.
"I'm – I’m getting c-c-c-close." He replied. He wanted her to know, he could feel he was almost at the point. The point of no return.
"Mhm." Ashlynnsmiled with another little giggle before continuing onward, regaining full speed.
Faster and faster she sucked. The grip of her hand tightening yet more, sliding up and down his base.
The feeling of Johnathan's head throbbing between her lips and the pulsating veins within her jerking hand grew larger and larger with each passing moment.
Suddenly it hit Johnathan. "I'm cumming." He called out in desperation. The feeling immense and travelling upwards, it wanting out.
Upon hearing this Ashlynn reacted by instantly pulling his cock out. Strands of saliva still attached to her lips and dribbling down onto her dress.
Opening her mouth, she started to jerk him furiously, aiming for her mouth.
"Give it to me." She spoke softly, but commandingly. Her hand continuing it's assault up and down the length of his wet shaft.
His cock beginning to explode in front of Ashlynn’s face. Unsurprisingly for a cock so large ropes and ropes of cum shot out, shooting out into her little awaiting mouth with a giggly reaction. At least one large and one small spurt caught her face, but she found she really like that, and Ashlynn subconsciously leaned closer and closer with each spurt to catch it all.
Slowly but surely the orgasm died down until Johnathan was emptied. "Wow." He sighed looking up towards the ceiling. Curling his toes.
"Mmmm." Ashlynn groaned. Johnathan looking back down to see his Sister still knelt there in front of him with his wet softening cock still in her hand. Leaning her head back to show his goo on her face, she opened her mouth, displaying his load. Ashlynn wanted her lover to see that. She then closed her eyes and shut her cum filled mouth, before swallowing it all in one mighty gulp. She looked up at him open mouthed so he could see, and smiled.
"You just…" A surprised look appeared on his face. Johnathan surprised by how much his Sister knew, and also how involved she was choosing to be. He had theoretically blackmailed her to do it after-all.
"Huh-Huh." Ashlynn nodded with a huge grin. Looking as if she had enjoyed it. Because she most certainly had.
"Wow." He laughed. Ashlynn giggling along with him.
Finished, Ashlynn pulled herself up. Standing there in front of her older Step-brother Johnathan.
"Errrr thanks." Johnathan smirked before cracking into laughter, Ashlynn joining in.
Eventually silence fell again for a few moments. The pair of them staring at each other. Their eyes connected the whole time. Not one moment disconnecting.
"I don't think they heard." Johnathan peered back around the hall with no signs of activity. The smile stuck on his face.
"No." Ashlynn replied. A little nervous, her mind thinking over what just transpired between them. The subject becoming a little awkward.
It was wrong. But she got into it. She liked it, loved it even. There was something about it, something about him that made her feel good.
"We'd better get to bed before we do end up getting caught." She said. Ashlynn seemed a little lost in her own world, but was in deep thought
"Uh-Yeah." Johnathan replied, then asked, "You okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine." She smiled. Now it was Ashlynn’s turn for an evil grin. “ Tomorrow Mom & Dad are going antiquing. Make sure you stay here, because you & I are going to see where else that monster in your shorts fits.”
Johnathan just stood there gape-mouthed as his gorgeous little Step-Sister turned and stode directly to her bedroom, closing the door behind her. Turning, he saw the glass of water on the counter and immediately drank it, then headed off to bed himself. If tomorrow was anything like this, Johnathan Roberts knew he wa going to nee dl at the rest he could get.
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