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Chad and Casey's parents are out for the night while Chad has a sleepover and Casey is supposed to stay in bed.
Chad was standing in the kitchen, staring at the pile of groceries his mother had bought at his request. He was mentally ticking off each thing he had asked her to get, making sure she had not missed anything. This was going to be the first time he had hosted a sleepover and he wanted everything to be perfect.

He was so engrossed in his thinking that he almost didn’t notice the tiny hand of his little sister reaching up over the counter to grab a bag of chips. “Get out of here!” he shouted at her when he did notice her.

“Come on, you don’t need all of this. Why do you get everything and I get nothing. Mom even said I have to go to bed early tonight.”

“When you’re old enough to have sleepovers, you can ask Mom for anything you want. Tonight is my night,” he explained.

She clenched her fists and stomped out of the kitchen as loudly as possible. At that same moment, their mother walked in from the garage. She was surprised when her daughter glared at her, blaming her for enabling Chad’s selfish behavior.

“You two need to get along better,” she instructed her son.

“I’ll do whatever you want with the brat later; tonight is about me and my friends though.”

“That’s right,” his mom agreed. “I was actually a little reluctant to let you have your friends over while your dad and I were going on a trip but he said he did the same thing when he was your age and I certainly wouldn’t want to deprive you of a childhood right of passage. Your father was an only child though. Casey does not understand that she will get her turn later. All she understands is you are getting to break curfew and eat all the junk food you want and she is not.”

“It’s not her day to. She can have some of whatever’s left after we’re full, but even then, you don’t want her making herself sick, do you?”

“Of course not; I just don’t want my baby girl to hate me. You’re taking the blame for all of this, mister.”

Chad rolled his eyes. “Get out of here already,” he shooed her back out to the garage where his father was waiting. He even honked the horn at his wife when he felt she was not moving fast enough.

Chad was smiling to himself and thinking about his parents’ healthy relationship when he heard the sound of a bag opening. He looked up just in time to see Casey sprinting out of the kitchen with the bag in her teeth. He very well could have let her go, but he was annoyed that she seemed to think she had the right to take his things.

As he was older and therefore bigger, it was not hard for Chad to catch up to her. She had been halfway up the stairs but had begun clamoring up on her hands and knees as fast as she could when she realized he was coming after her. He just barely missed grabbing her ankles as she reached the top. She screamed like he was some sort of monster that was going to devour her.

“Pipe down or the neighbors will think I'm murdering you,” he ordered her.

“Isn’t that exactly what you’re going to do when you catch me?” Casey complained.

“Yes, but I'm going to gag you first so it won’t make as much noise.”

Again she screamed while sprinting down the upstairs hall. She made it to the bathroom and managed to lock the door. Of course it was not hard on her brother to unlock it. Rather than a proper key hole, there was only a round slot which would unlock the door if anything the size of a screwdriver was inserted. The lock on the bathroom was built for privacy not security.

Casey was lying on her back in the bathtub eating her stolen chips as fast as she could. She would’ve screamed again when she realized her brother had entered the bathroom but instead she began to choke. She sat up and then stood up only to slip and fall onto her hands and knees.

Chad winced as he listened to her vomiting up a mouthful of chips in order to clear her blocked airway. When Casey stood up again, she presented him with a grin and a V hand sign. “Are you stupid?” he asked her bluntly.

“While almost dying, I forgot why you were chasing me. I was hoping you had to,” she admitted.

“Have you remembered?” he asked while tapping his foot. Her eyes darted toward the door behind him, proving she was thinking of a quick escape. “Come here, brat!” He grabbed her by the neck of her shirt and lifted her out of the tub. She began to choke again, though it was more exaggerated.

He lowered the lid to the toilet and sat on it like a chair before setting her down in front of his legs. “I'm sorry.” She showed him an expression of watering fearful eyes.

“Yeah right,” he scoffed as he pushed her head down so she was lying over his knees. She was small and light enough for him to suspend her in the air. He positioned her with her butt sticking out and gave it an extremely hard swat.

“I'm telling Mom you hit me,” she wailed.

“I’ll tell her why,” he was not afraid. Casey was such a brat that both of her parents had spanked her on multiple occasions. They both held back a little more than Chad planned to though.

After several hard slaps, Casey stopped screaming and began to grit her teeth. “What’s the matter with you?” Chad could tell something was wrong.

“My butt is numb, and I have to pee,” she admitted.

“Excuses,” he did not believe her. After another hard swat, he wished he had though. His hand felt extremely wet when it collided with the seat of her overalls. He moved his legs from beneath her and dropped her on the floor while standing up. Before he could say anything though, the doorbell rang; his friends had arrived for the sleepover.

He quickly ran down the stairs, leaving his sister to clean herself up on her own. When he opened the front door, both of his good friends were there, having met on the way to his house. Paul was a short stocky boy with shiny blonde hair and freckles. Gene was a slightly taller boy with dark hair and glasses. He was wearing a grey hoodie and holding a green duffle bag. Paul was wearing a blue t-shirt with a backpack.

Chad was between their heights with black hair and more built physique. He was definitely in the best shape of his friends. At the moment he was wearing a grey and black button shirt and jeans. “So we got the whole place to ourselves?” Paul asked while peering into the house as if Chad’s parents might be hiding around the corner, waiting to scare him.

“Tiny’s upstairs in the bathroom,” Chad assumed he was looking for Casey.

“Tiny?” Paul did not understand. Chad did not talk about his sister much with his friends.

“My bratty sister. Please just ignore her.”

“Wait, there’s a girl at this sleepover?” Gene was immediately alert.

“I mean, she lives here. Don’t worry; we’ll be staying up way past her bedtime.”

“Who’s going to enforce her bedtime?” Gene asked.

“I will. Or I’ll carry her upstairs when she passes out. She usually can’t keep her eyes open very long this late at night.”

Just then, Casey landed at the bottom of the stairs loudly. She was wearing different clothes entirely, a dark pink shirt along with red and white track shorts. Her maroon colored hair was wet as if she had washed it for some reason. It was only shoulder length and her bangs were just as long as the rest of it. She always kept it parted like a pair of curtains that framed her face but left her forehead exposed.

Paul moved forward to introduce himself while Gene shifted until Chad was between them. He had never really liked girls and their recent encounters with the high school upperclassmen had done little to change his established dislike of them.

Casey shook Paul’s hand and then walked toward the island in the kitchen to get some food. She kept smiling at him, trying to convince him that she was perfectly allowed to partake in their party. “Chad?” Paul turned to his friend for conformation.

Casey quickly backed up from the island. When her brother looked up, she appeared completely innocent. He looked at Paul for an explanation and received none. “Get out of here already,” he tried to shoo Casey away. She slinked to the back corner of the kitchen and leaned against the pantry.

The boys took turns carrying everything from the kitchen to the living room coffee table. Casey waited for them to leave anything unguarded but was disappointed by their thoroughness. She soon forgot her attempts at thievery when Paul retrieved an xbox from his backpack and began to set it up with their TV.

Casey looked at Chad with her mouth agape, silently asking him if he really planned to send her off to bed without letting her try even one game. “Go!” he was not sympathetic in the slightest.

Paul dropped down on the couch next to Chad and began booting up the console and one of the games he had brought. While he waited for it to load, he took a fistful of cheetos from the table and stuffed them into his mouth. He was just about to reach over again when his hand was knocked away by Casey as she ran between the couch and the table.

“Damn it, idiot!” Chad snapped at her. “Mom told you to…”

“She told me not to eat your food. She didn’t say I had to let you eat in peace,” Casey argued.

“What’s the point of doing that?” Chad demanded.

“If you want me to stop bothering you, then either let my play a round or give me some food,” she made a suggestion. Chad tried to lunge at her but she backed up and began to sprint around the back of the couch. She came between Paul and his cheetos again when she threaded herself between the couch and the coffee table a second time.

Chad tried to grab her again but she was quicker. When she came back around the front of the couch again from the other side, he stuck out his foot, tripping her and causing her to fall. Paul had no time to react to her falling in his lap. He yelped in pain when her hands landed right on his crotch. “I'm sorry,” Casey sputtered while trying to rub the sore spot through his pants.

“Stop it!” he whimpered.

She did not stop, and in fact managed to pull his pants down so she could get a better look at his injury. To her it just looked like a lump under his striped boxers though. She pulled on them as well until the lump of flesh popped through the flap opening. She jerked back in shock but quickly calmed down when she realized what it was. “Does your penis hurt?” she asked bluntly. Chad slapped his forehead. He did not know what he expected from his young and dumb sister.

“Um, yes it hurts,” Paul did not know how else to respond. Casey began rubbing it again. “Stop!” he complained again.

“It’s not red or anything. Or is it. Is it supposed to be darker than the rest of you?”

“Yes… why am I answering you?” Paul was still confused.

Chad took advantage of Casey’s misplaced attention and finally grabbed her. She started to kick as he bent her over his knee and slapped her on the butt as hard as he could. “I'm telling Mom!” she wailed and kicked as he spanked her.

“I’m telling Mom on you,” he retorted.

“You don’t need to tell anyone anything, just make her leave,” Gene was panicking. He was not comfortable around girls and he just wanted Casey to stop bothering them. He was startled when she turned to glare at him and even more so when she took a handful of cheetos to eat in the midst of being spanked. “Shouldn’t you wash your hands?” Gene was appalled at her unsanitary behavior.

“They’re clean,” she argued.

“You just touched Paul’s penis,” he reminded her.

“So?” she did not see anything wrong with her actions.

“You may as well just suck his dick,” Chad answered. Gene blushed at the suggestion.

“Why?” Casey was still confused.

“Because girls like putting boys cocks in their mouths when they like the boy,” Paul explained.

“Will that make you feel better?” Casey was still worried that Paul was in pain. Chad and Paul shared a glance before Paul nodded to Casey.

As she was still lying on Chad’s lap even though he had stopped spanking her, she was easily able to pull herself to Paul’s side of the couch. She opened her mouth as wide a she could, which wasn’t very wide at all, and pressed her lips to Paul’s exposed penis.

He jerked as an excited sensation traveled through him. Her soft wet lips felt amazing on his sensitive skin. Immediately his cock began to expand. Her eyes grew wide as she tried to get it into her mouth before it got too big. She managed to get most of it in but her cheeks quickly puffed out as he expanded to fill every corner.

After having her jaw forced open for a while she began to get tired and pulled back. Paul instinctively grabbed her by the hair to keep her still. She looked at Chad for assistance but he was just grinning at his dumb sister. He put his hand on the back of her head and pushed her down, letting Paul’s cock slide almost all the way in. The tip stopped at the entrance to her throat when she gagged.

Chad was reminded of her vomiting up chips in the bathroom earlier and was a little surprised when his own cock began to stir just from thinking about it. He had never been turned on by Casey before today and he was a little disappointed in himself.

Casey began to kick her feet as she struggled to pull off of Paul’s cock. She rolled her whole body from side to side, trying to free herself. “Don’t just stand there,” Chad shouted at Gene.

The third friend was reluctant to approach but eventually worked up the courage to grab Casey’s legs in an attempt to keep her from thrashing. She began to kick even harder, forcing him to grip her by the ankles and lift her slightly so she had nothing to push off of in order to move herself. Chad left holding her head down to Paul while he pulled her arms behind her back so she could not use them.

By then her face was turning a little green and she looked like she was getting seasick. When she retched as if to throw up, her throat opened up more, and Paul took the chance to shove his cock completely inside. Her eyes went wide, darting between the three boys with no way of escaping without one of them loosening their grip.

Gene moved his hands down her legs until he could grip the edges of her shorts. She made a muffled scream as he pulled them straight off leaving her lower half completely naked. She had not bothered to put on new panties after pissing her overalls in the bathroom while being spanked. She had been in a hurry to crash the party downstairs.

“Way to go!” Chad cheered his friend on. For Gene, who was uncomfortable around girls, it was an accomplishment for his hormonal desire to see a girl naked to win out. Feeling invigorated by his friend’s cheers, Gene pushed his thumbs into the space between Casey’s legs and pulled them apart.

Her eyes closed halfway drowsily as she felt the sensation of having her cunt touched by someone. She moaned loudly with Paul’s cock still imbedded in her throat. Gene spread her cunt and pushed his fingers inside, licking them to moisten them. She rolled her head from side to side as she tried to ignore the desire to buck her hips to shake him off.

Feeling left out, Chad adjusted to using only one hand to hold her wrists so he could slide the other one underneath her in order to play with her shirt. He lifted it up to expose her budding breasts and brushed his fingers against her nipples. She turned her head to look at him but maintained her drowsy expression. She was too young to understand what they were doing to her but he felt like she was a little too passive. She either thought they would let her go if she relaxed and did not struggle, or she was too tired to do so.

Chad was quickly overcoming his self disappointment. None of the three friends were really popular with girls at their school. Paul was the first to have a girl touch his penis at all. If settling for bratty Casey was good enough for him, Chad could probably use her to lose his virginity as well.

She was already considered a problem child by their parents. He could probably use her body under the guise of punishing her for something or other and they would not believe her when she complained.

Casey winced as she felt Chad pinching her nipples. He was staring at her in a slightly dazed state, day dreaming about what he was going to do to her the next time they were alone. He was already regretting not having just bent her over the toilet and fucked her tiny little cunt after she had wet herself earlier. It would have made his trouble worthwhile.

When Gene found he could not push his fingers any further into Casey’s cunt, he looked around for an object to assist him. He found the remote to the TV and pressed it against the outside of her cunt to compare its size. She whimpered at the sensation of cold plastic touching her sensitive spot. He tapped the remote against her cunt lips a few times before pushing the end inside. She groaned into Paul’s pubic hair and twisted her waist, trying to move away.

Gene kept pulling her back by the legs and finally just positioned himself on the couch behind her with both her ankles in hand and using the heel of his foot to push the remote the rest of the way inside. It seemed stuck on something so he gave it an extremely hard shove. She screamed out as the remote pushed past her hymen and entered her body entirely. Gene laughed as he touched her clit with his toes. Her cunt was slightly damp and squishy and he loved it.

Casey managed to roll her head to the side so she could stare at Chad. He was the only one of them she could trust to help her. The other two were complete strangers after all. Unfortunately, Chad had already given up on stopping. In his mind they had gone too far already and he may as well make the most of it.

She flinched when he began to pinch and roll both of her nipples while also squishing and mashing her practically flat breasts as best he could. With nothing she could say or do, she tried to relax so that she could breathe better and so the hard object inside her would hurt less.

Chad patted her head affectionately as he watched her eyes fluttering as if she was going to fall asleep with a cock in her mouth. Suddenly, he really wanted to see and feel all of her. With Gene’s help, he lifted her up off the couch again and slid himself underneath her so she was resting on top of him. She took the chance to relax even more, finding him more comfortable to lie on than being suspended by her head and ankles.

Chad wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her, which seemed to confuse her. She closed her eyes and basked in the warmth for a while. She winced when she felt his hands traveling down her back though. He patted her butt a few times before grabbing both cheeks and pulling it apart. Her eyes shot open and she tried to look behind herself but Paul just kept using her hair to pull her back and forth on his cock. The tip kept popping into the back of her throat repeatedly.

Gene now had a perfect view of her bare ass and more. He repositioned himself kneeling between her legs and rubbed his fingers against her cunt. It was only getting wetter as it tried to lubricate the object stuck inside. He kept using the dripping liquid to moisten further up though. She did not understand what he was doing until she felt his wet fingers pushing against something other than her cunt.

She tried to shake her head but ended up wheezing when Paul shoved her all the way down on his cock. She would have thrown up if her esophagus wasn’t blocked. Paul began to yank her head up and push it back down in rapid succession as the sensation in his cock built. Chad and Gene laughed at how much he seemed to be enjoying himself basically masturbating with a little girl’s mouth.

He only stopped fucking her throat like his fist when he began to cum. Chad thought he would let her go finally, but instead he held her head down. The cum filling her mouth had nowhere to go. Her cheeks puffed out and her eyes crossed as she struggled to keep her mouth closed. Suddenly, two jets of white goo shot out of her nostrils and right into Paul’s pubic hair. Surprised and a little upset, he threw Casey’s head back and scooted away from her.

She sucked in a large breath and then promptly leaned her head over the edge of the couch to vomit. At first it was white and then it became orange from the cheetos. Afterward she coughed and gasped for a whole minute trying to catch her breath and keep from retching again. Chad patted her back to help her while Gene massaged her asshole. He seemed to think trying to turn her on would calm her down.

“What did you put in me?” she asked when she could finally talk. She was referring to the remote in her cunt. She knew something hard was inside her but she did not know why. She could not fathom why anyone would need to put an object up into her pussy.

Rather than answering, Chad used her shirt to wipe the cum and vomit off of her face before pulling it off over her head. She had to lift her arms and ended up falling forward so her chest was pressing against his. She felt her nipples against the cloth of his shirt and winced. He pulled her up until her chest was at his face so he could put his mouth around her right nipple and suck on it.

“What? Why?” she was utterly confused. “Is this a new punishment? It doesn’t hurt like when you hit my butt. It kinda tickles and you look like you enjoy it a lot. I think I would be fine if you did this to me from now on…” her sentence was interrupted.

Having gotten bored of waiting. Gene had decided that the moment she stopped coughing and could talk again, he was going to take his turn. He spent a few moments undoing his pants and pulling them down but now he was pressing his hard cock against her asshole. The tip kept almost popping inside but ended up crossing his eyes and pushing too hard each time.

“Ow!” Casey complained. “That hurts more than usual.” She actually assumed Gene was trying to spank her.

“You silly girl,” Chad laughed at her while moving his mouth from one nipple to the other. He was no longer annoyed by her bratty behavior at all. If it meant he could have sex with her, he would let her act however she wanted. She was confused by his benevolent attitude but she was too busy moaning to complain.

At the same time Chad bit down on her left nipple, Gene finally shoved his cock into her asshole. She moaned at first but it quickly became a scream. She pushed against Chad’s chest to lift herself up enough to see his face. “Something’s inside my butt,” she complained. “It’s stretching me and scraping against the thing in my pussy. What are you doing to me?”

“Fucking you,” Chad answered honestly.

Casey paused to gasp when Gene shoved in deeper. “What is fucking? It really hurts.”

“When two people like each other and want to show it, they join their bodies,” Chad explained.

“But I don’t like you or your friends,” she admitted.

“Well, some people do it just because it feels good,” he suggested.

“It doesn’t feel good. It hurts a lot. I feel my stomach moving around. It feels like I'm getting stabbed. Please stop, I'm begging you.” She stared at him hopefully in anticipation.

“Just let Gene enjoy himself for a while,” he ordered her. Her expression fell as she finally realized she would not be getting any assistance from her brother. In fact, it seemed like they were enjoying hurting her. There was no way they would stop if she asked them to then. Tears flooded her eyes as she prepared to be stuck putting up with this for a while.

Gene grabbed her hips and pulled her backwards at the same time he shoved forwards. He barely got another inch inside her though. “God, you’re so tight and the remote isn’t helping,” he admitted.

Casey gritted her teeth and clenched her eyes as she tried to force the remote out of her cunt. All she succeeded in doing was tightening her anus as Gene was shoving inside. Her vision filled with white sparks from the pain of her clenched anus being torn open forcefully.

She began to sob into Chad’s chest as he patted her head. “You’re so cute right now,” he cooed softly. “I should’ve tried fucking you like this a long time ago.” She tried to move her head away from him but he grabbed it by the sides and held her still as he kissed her. He was too turned on to care that she had a cock in her mouth a moment ago or that she had just been throwing up.

When she was able to pull away, she stared at him in utter shock. She may not have known what sex was but she knew what kissing was. Two people who loved each other did that. In fact, before she became a brat, he used to kiss her on the cheek from time to time. She had assumed he had stopped loving her when he had stopped showing it. Something about her current predicament was making him love her again though.

Several times while being a bother, she tried to act lovable to get him to be softer on her with his punishments. Maybe, if she acted more lovable now, he would let her go. She tried to smile while lifting herself off of his chest so he could see her properly. She held up her fingers beside her face make a double V symbol. Each time Gene shoved into her asshole though, she yelped and opened her mouth. As she tried to concentrate she crossed her eyes. Eventually she just left her mouth open with her tongue hanging out as she panted with each thrust.

Chad was now staring at his completely naked sister as she straddled his waist and panted like a dog in heat getting fucked by one of his friends. She had tried to appeal to him with adorable motions before, but this was the first time it was working. Chad even took out his phone to take a picture of his sister’s messed up appearance as she attempted to appeal to him while getting fucked by someone else.

Realizing she had his attention, Casey tried to speak. It was difficult because each time Gene thrust into her, she became winded. “Pl-please, don-done let him fuck me anymore,” she pleaded to him in her most pathetic voice.

Chad stood up immediately, scooping Casey into his arms and leaving Gene to fall backward on the couch. She screamed when his cock popped out of her asshole but then began to cry in relief. She cried so hard she began to hiccup. Chad sat back down on the couch and set her on his lap. When she opened her eyes, she found herself facing the TV with her legs spread slightly and something hard pressing into her from below.

She shook her head while trying to stand up but her feet did not reach the floor. Before she could stop him, Chad had thrust his own cock into her slightly gaping asshole. She went ridged in his lap and then went limp, lying back against his chest as her hips were thrust forward with his. Her whole body bent in the same motion of him entering her.

Chad’s cock pressed the remote in her cunt against her bladder. She had no resistance at all as all the piss inside was forced out. A stream of liquid shot out of her cunt and hit the coffee table. Paul pressed a glass to her cunt to catch most of it. Chad waited patiently for her to finish emptying her bladder without moving inside her at all. She still gasped each time his penis pulsed with blood though.

Finally, he lifted her up by the waist and let her fall back down on his lap, impaling her asshole on his cock painfully. She turned her head and whimpered at him. “Why?”

“I told you to let Gene enjoy himself, but you’re so adorable I couldn’t wait my turn,” he answered. She recalled what he said before about people fucking when they liked each other. She tried to appeal to him and that made him like her more. She was basically asking for it. Realizing it was her own fault, she did not argue as he began to pick up his pace, thrusting inside her from behind as she sat in his lap like a naked rag doll.

Chad was a little confused when she began to clench her anus again. Trying to break through the new resistance, he continued lifting her off his lap and dropping her. She kept retching each time his cock forced its way inside, pulling the edges of her anus with it. She felt like she was getting punched in the stomach from the inside. Having her clenched anus practically turned inside out every time he lifted her and pulled his cock back out was not much better.

Her reason for keeping her anus clenched became apparent when the remote finally popped out of her wet cunt after Chad dropped her from a little higher up than usual. The force of his cock sliding into her ass pushed it right out onto the couch. She let out a long sigh of relief while relaxing her whole body. Chad slowed down his thrusts as well. She turned her head to look at him behind her and smiled. “I love you,” she caught him completely off guard before kissing him. He wasn’t going to stop fucking her no matter what she said or did so she may as well try to understand his messed up excuse for treating her this way.

Chad was immediately invigorated by her words and actions. Rather than continuing to lift and drop her, he wrapped his arms around her waist and began to thrust into her rapidly, his hips slamming into her butt loudly. She broke off her kiss and groaned with her mouth in an O shape as she felt her asshole stretching more and more with each push. His cock was not small by any means but being half his size, it felt enormous inside her regardless.

When Casey noticed Gene moving closer to the couch she looked at him but just kept her mouth open and moaning rather than acknowledging him. “Look at you, little slut, making so much noise.” He was gaining confidence around a girl for the first time in his life. “The next time any of the girls at school gives me a hard time, I’ll just slap her ass and make her moan like you.” He pinched Casey’s cheek and stretched it.

“I don’t think the girls at school will be this easy,” Paul laughed at Gene’s confidence. “She’s so small and stupid.”

“You say that after she literally fell in your lap,” Gene reminded him. “If she’s the only girl we can get this easily, shouldn’t we take full advantage of her?” He pushed two fingers into her open mouth, causing her to gag and hiccup. He probed her throat repeatedly until she retched and spit his fingers out.

Gene smiled as he watched the drool from her lips landing on her small chest. It was already shiny with sweat but her foamy saliva gave him an idea. Paul watched in confusion as he left the room for a moment and came back with a can of whipped cream from the fridge. “She wanted to steal our food, right?” He pushed the tip into her mouth and sprayed a generous amount. Not all of it fit and the rest dropped onto her chest. Gene then sprayed some more in a line across her collarbone and around each of her nipples. He then leaned down and began to suck on one of them.

She squealed with her mouth full of cream. When Paul realized she was having trouble swallowing it, he grabbed a cup from the coffee table and put it to her lips. After she had gulped it down with the cream she looked at him with a slightly annoyed expression. Paul looked into the cup and realized it was the one full of her piss from earlier. “Sorry.” He ran to the kitchen to drain in.

Gene had started laughing though. “You’re right, she’s nothing like the girls at school. She’s much better. Can you imagine one of them gulping down their own piss? She’s a real slut.” He stepped up onto the couch and pushed his cock into her still open mouth. She tried to move away but he held her head still.

When Paul came back from the kitchen holding a bottle of something new for Casey to drink, he was upset to realize he was being left out of the fun. He set the bottle down and sat on the coffee table in front of the couch. He lifted Casey’s legs and positioned them on either side of his own so his cock was pressing right up to her crotch. She squealed in protest but could not shake her head with Gene holding it still. When Chad thrust into her asshole again, her cunt was impaled on Paul’s cock.

Her squeals turned to screams as she was once again filled in two holes, three if her mouth was counted. She had worked so hard to force the remote out of her cunt only to have it replaced with something more bothersome. Gene laughed at her again. “Little slut can take three at once. The fact that you’re so small makes it better. Your insides are like ten percent cock right now.”

Casey glared up at him and tried to push him away but he grabbed her wrists and pulled them up above her head. Paul saw that each of his friends was holding part of her tightly and joined in. He grabbed her breasts that were sticky with cream and massaged them. Every time he rolled her nipples the sensitive skin would stick to itself and cause a weird and painful sensation to travel through her whole body, making her contort. She curled her toes and arched her back and thrust her bare chest out further. This also made Paul’s cock slide further into her cunt.

Over time her cunt became wetter from the feeling in her nipples and Paul’s cock began to slide in easier. It pressed against the back of her cunt and stretched her flesh rather than going very deep at all. When Chad adjusted his speed to match Paul’s though, they both shoved in at the same time instead of in tandem. Their cocks pressed against each other with only her flesh in-between. Instead of stretching her this time they slide up further into her.

She wanted to grab her stomach as she felt it being filled even more but Gene was still holding her wrists. She was unable to keep from vomiting and ended up spraying piss mixed with cream out of her nose, right onto Gene’s crotch. He pulled out and let the rest run down onto her chest. Paul let go of her breasts and pulled out of her cunt. No longer being impaled by two out of three cocks, she relaxed too much and went limp in Chad’s arms.

“That’s no fun,” he grumbled while picking her up.

“Maybe we should wash her off,” Paul suggested. Chad nodded and proceeded to carry her to the downstairs bathroom. Casey remained unmoving in his arms until he set her down on the stool that she always sat on while her mother washed her hair. He started the water in the tub before focusing on her.

She looked up at Chad with a skeptical expression. She was half expecting him to lean her forward so he could shove his cock back into her asshole. Instead, he poured some shampoo on her head and began to rub it into her scalp. She quickly smiled as she concluded that her ordeal was over and began to giggle. His hands running through her hair tickled and felt warm.

He also could not help but giggle when he washed the vomit and cream off her front. His hands were touching her sensitive nipples after all. Finally, once she had been scrubbed clean, he lifted her and set her down in the tub to rinse her off. The water had already risen halfway so her lower half was completely submerged. It soothed the soreness in her stretched cunt and asshole. She was a little surprised when Chad took off his clothes and joined her, sitting behind her on the side away from the water that was falling from the shower head.

He ran his hands through her hair and over her whole body, helping the water rinse off the soap. She kept letting out little gasps each time he touched somewhere sensitive. When he was content that she was clean, he kissed her on the top of the head. “I love you too, Casey,” he finally responded to her earlier statement. Before today, it would have been a complete lie, but he had enjoyed himself enough in the past hour to make up for almost everything she had ever done in the past.

Casey winced as she suspected his declaration was preceding something. If he loved her, that meant he still wanted to fuck her. She gasped when he turned her around so she was facing him. He lifted her into his lap and pressed his cock against her cunt. “No!” She grabbed the edges of the tub, trying to pull herself back. “Let me go!” she practically shouted.

“Be quiet!” he hissed while pushing on her shoulders to press her cunt over his cock. Both of their lower halves were under water so the process felt strange. His cock slid in so easily but she was still so small that her cunt had to pop over the tip and stretch to accommodate him. Tears flooded her eyes as she began to sob. She had put up with it before but after getting clean, she thought it was over and the fact that it wasn’t was too much for her. “Quiet,” he pleaded with her. “I don’t want Paul and Gene to think I'm hurting you.”

“You are hurting me!” she wailed. “Take it out. Leave me alone. I want to go to bed already. It’s way past my bed time.”

“I said, be quiet!” Chad pushed her backwards so her head fell under the water. Her eyes widened as she accidentally swallowed a mouthful. She had to push off the tub to lift herself back out of the water. She coughed and sputtered for several minutes, vomiting out clear liquid. All the while, Chad gripped her hips and pushed his cock into her cunt.

When she finally regained her composure she glared at him. “I said stop!” She punched him in the chest with her tiny fist.

“I'm not done yet.” He pushed her head back under the water.

This time she was ready and did not swallow any. She pulled her head back up immediately. “I don’t want to do this anymore. You can’t make me!” she continued to shout. Chad pushed her head under the water again but this time kept his hand on her forehead so she could not lift it. She glared at him from under the water for a while but eventually began to panic.

She scraped at his wrist with her fingernails and thrashed her legs. He was only paying attention to the fact that her cunt was tightening around his cock though. It was as tight as her asshole but wetter and more stretchable. Her thrashing began to slow down after a while as she ran out of energy and oxygen. She was still staring at his smiling face as her vision began to fade. She could only think of one thing, her brother was enjoying doing this to her and she could not understand why. He was drowning her and he did not care as long as he got to keep fucking her.

Even after Casey had passed out, Chad did not let her up for air. He did not care if she never breathed again, as long as he got to cum inside her just this once. She was only an annoying brat after all. His life would be so much easier without her around.

Chad had just started to cum inside her cunt when the door to the bathroom swung open. “Dude, what’s taking so long? Gene demanded. “Isn’t she clean yet? Can we get back to wrecking her now?”

“Aw man, you’re already fucking her again!” Paul complained. “I was fucking her cunt first.”

“Man, she looks a little blue.” Gene leaned over the edge of the tub to get a good look. “Are you sure she’s okay? Maybe you should let her up for air.”

Chad did not listen until he was done cumming inside her. He then lifted her up out of the water and dropped her over the edge of the tub. He pressed on her back so her stomach was pushed against the ledge. She vomited up a large amount of water before dissolving into a fit of coughing and gasping.

When she saw that Chad was still behind her, she scampered over the edge of the tub and landed in a wet heap in front of Gene and Paul. “Keep him away from me,” she sputtered.

“Come here.” Gene used her hair to pull her to her feet. He positioned her face over the bathroom sink and slapped her on the back extremely hard. She vomited up more water before collapsing. “I bet I could fuck her right here like this.” Gene poked her cunt with two fingers and spread it apart from behind.

“Bring her back to the couch,” Chad instructed him.

The next thing Casey knew, she was on the couch watching TV with a dazed expression. She felt cold and wet except for where Gene’s body was touching her as she was in his lap. She tried to shake her head as he pressed his cock against her cunt from behind. “Dude, if you’re gonna fuck her from behind, leave that part open from the front!” Paul instructed him.

“No, wait!” Casey tried to argue as she felt the head of Gene’s cock pressing against her anus. “It won’t fit.” The water had made her skin less slippery so it would definitely hurt more if he forced her asshole open.

“I don’t think it’s going in,” Gene complained.

“I have an idea.” Paul pressed the tip of the bottle he had brought from the kitchen to her anus and forced it inside. Casey winced in pain and threw her head back, bumping against Gene’s chin.

“Stupid bitch.” He pushed her head down again. “Just watch the TV and sit still.”

“That’s my mom’s champagne,” Chad realized what bottle Paul had.

“Oh, sorry.” Paul simply shrugged while tipping it up so some would pour into Casey’s bowels. She whimpered as she felt the cold liquid gurgling inside her.

Gene pulled the bottle out quickly though as he was impatient. Her asshole was now leaking champagne and it was lubricated enough for him to force his way inside. Casey again felt like she was being gut punched from the inside. She retched but had nothing left to vomit. “Are you welcoming me inside?” Chad teased her while slapping her cheek with his cock. She shook her head but when Gene shoved in deeper, her mouth was left hanging open as she panted to catch her breath from being winded.

Chad scraped his fingernails on her tongue and made her want to puke again. She opened her mouth wider and he pushed his fingers all the way in to her throat. She gagged and choked on them for a while before spitting them out when Gene shoved into her again.

“Come on, use your tongue,” Chad instructed her. Confused, she licked at his fingers. He pinched her tongue and pulled it out of her mouth completely. She stared up at him in confusion, unable to close her mouth at all. All three of these boys really liked stretching and pulling on her body. It honestly would not bother her as much if all they did was touch her but their cocks were too big for her cunt or anus and they kept pulling on her nipples and what little breasts she had.

At first they looked like drooling monkeys to her; playing with something they found. After a while she likened it more to children playing with a doll. She was the doll that was getting played with. She had plenty of dolls she was gentle with but boys were never gentle with their toys. They dragged them around or ripped out their hair and ripped off their limbs. Gene had been pulling on her hair a lot. Maybe he really did want to pull it out.

With her tongue still being pinched, Casey could barely speak, but she felt compelled to ask what was on her mind. “Do you plan to break me?” she asked innocently. She obviously meant like a child ruining a toy, but Chad was caught off guard. He let go of her tongue and very nearly apologized for being rough with her.

“Of course we do,” Gene answered before Chad could. He yanked on her hair again while shoving up into her asshole. The way Casey moaned with her head pulled back turned Chad on and made him forget to feel bad. She could not concentrate on speaking and instead just made faces in conjunction with her anus stretching. She did not look like she was enjoying it but to him it looked like it was normal for her; like she was born to make that face. He had never seen her in a sexual way today but now he could not imagine her any other way. He was going to have a hard time looking at her tomorrow and not imagining her eyes rolled back and her mouth hanging as she panted sensually in-between thumps and shudders from her butt slapping against Gene’s thighs.

Paul seemed to agree with Gene. He nodded as he pulled her legs apart. He slapped his cock against her cunt. Casey flinched at the feeling. Like her asshole, it was no longer slimy after her bath and it was harder for Paul to enter her. He poured some more champagne over her front to make it wetter. It did not go inside this time though.

Gene was thrusting into her nonstop bending and contorting her tiny body, forcing Paul to have to hold her by the waist to even get the tip of his cock to line up with her cunt. When he finally pushed it inside, she groaned and leaned back against Gene’s chest, gripping Paul’s shirt by the shoulders. Her toes curled and she gritted her teeth in pain as the lips of her tight cunt were pulled inside along with his cock.

Casey’s waist was so small, Paul’s hand fit almost completely around it. He could move her pelvis off and onto his cock with barely any effort. Each time he did, her face contorted in pain and she clenched her muscles. “Hey, relax.” Gene slapped the side of her face. “You’re tightening too much.” His cock was no longer gliding into her as easily.

“Sa-sorry,” she panted. “I'm too stuffed. I can’t help it.” Chad watched as she licked her sore lips. After a while she noticed his shadow casting down on her from above. She smiled at him sweetly, her wet lips glistening in the light from the TV. “Feeling left out?” she asked between pants. Chad knew she was not doing it on purpose but he felt like she was teasing him and flaunting her third hole for him.

She did not seem surprised at all when he grabbed her head and pressed his cock to her lips. She opened them obediently and tried to lick the underside of his shaft as it slid into her. When it reached the back of her throat it forced all the air out of her mouth with a squelching sound as it plugged her airway. She just stared at him with gleaming eyes. Again, her reaction felt sensual to him. She could not stop him from using her mouth so instead she was acting smug about it. She was not even trying to suck properly. Each of his thrusts just forced drool out of the corners of her mouth.

In reality, the reason for Casey’s docile behavior was simply drowsiness and exhaustion. It was far past her bedtime and ever since Paul had poured half a bottle of champagne into her asshole, a numbing sensation had been rising through her whole body. Now she barely had her eyes open. She clenched and unclenched her fingers as her whole body was pushed and pulled and contorted with each thrust from three different cocks.

Chad yanked her head from one side to the other repeatedly as he pulled her throat on and off his cock. Gene wrapped his arms around her stomach and compressed her torso at the same time he shoved into her bowels from behind. Paul played with her breasts and hugged her shoulders as he rammed her cunt from the front.

Gene was the first to realize that his rag doll had passed out. It suddenly became a lot easier to slide his cock into her tight asshole. “What a bitch. She wants to join our sleepover but she can’t even stay up til the end,” he scoffed. Chad almost laughed at his friend’s hypocrisy. Only he would consider a girl ungrateful for not staying awake while she was stretched and reamed by three boys. She was not a part of their sleepover, she was the entertainment.

“Just give her here then.” Paul had no patience for Gene’s complaints. He lifted Casey off of Gene and completely into his lap. In the new position he slid much further into her relaxed cunt. The tip of his cock was stimulated too fast as it slid into her and he began to cum.

Eventually Chad was the only one left filling one of her holes. As she was unconscious, she was on the verge of falling over. He held her up by her head and slid her on and off his cock with ease. Her throat opened easily now and he was able to push more than a few inched past her uvula. Finally, he began to cum as well.

Casey was left passed out on the couch for nearly an hour with cum dripping out of her mouth and cunt. After washing themselves up the boys had gone back to watching TV and eating junk food. Of course it was only a matter of time before sharing a couch with a naked girl was too much for them and they all agreed to wake her up for another round.

Casey opened her eyes groggily to find her cheeks red from behind slapped, along with her breasts and butt too. “Good, you’re finally up. Drink this.” Chad handed her an energy drink.

“I want to go to bed,” she whined.

“Not yet. The sleepover isn’t over yet.” He pushed her head back and tipped the can into her mouth. She tried not to swallow at first but when it overflowed it ran over her nostrils. She quickly began to swallow the tangy caffeinated soda. Within a minute, her vision became a lot clearer and the colors in the room became more vibrant. She began to giggle uncontrollably.

As soon as she started laughing, Chad smiled and sat down next to her on the couch. “Are you back? Can we get started again?” he pushed two fingers into her cunt and began to pull it upward.

“What are you doing?” she tried to swat his hands away. He was able to block her easily though.

“Come on, we want to keep going,” he explained.

“Aren't we having a sleepover or something? You guys have not been doing much sleeping.”

“Are you still tired?” Chad asked.

Casey shrugged and then shook her head. “I'm awake. But I want to eat and watch TV. All you’ve been doing is stretching me.”

“We’re having fun playing with you. Aren't you grateful?”

She frowned and shook her head again. “Fucking hurts.”

“It doesn’t hurt us, only you,” Chad tried to explain.

“So why should I do it?”

“Because it’s a compliment,” he sputtered. “Guys only want to fuck girls they find attractive.” He thought Casey would blush but she just stared at him. Having her brother and his friends find her attractive was useless to her and unwanted. She knew she was pretty and if she wanted a boyfriend she could do a lot better than the three of them. Chad was the best looking of them but he was her brother after all. “Look, you crashed our party so now you have to stick with it until we are satisfied. Either spread your pussy for me or I’ll just spank you until your ass is red,” he resorted to threatening her.

“You are all obsessed with my butt,” she grumbled. “You love touching and poking it and putting things inside of it. You’d think it was made out of gold.” As she stood up she giggled to herself. His statement about their actions being a compliment was starting to make sense. She had likened herself to a doll earlier, a toy. No one could resist playing with a new toy and the boys were ignoring their xbox to play with her. They must really find her fun to play with.

Paul and Gene cheered as she stepped in front of the TV. She leaned forward, pressing her breasts to it while sticking out her butt. She had begun to realize what parts of her body they were interested in. She placed her hands on her ass and spread her cheeks so they could see her lovely thigh gap and her pussy from behind; not to mention her round asshole. It was no longer as stretched but it was far from being puckered like it normally was. She was not sure it would ever close completely after everything they had done to it that night.

Gene reached over the coffee table and pushed two fingers into her exposed hole, making her gasp and groan. No longer needing to hold her butt open she let go and brought her hands up beside her face and made two Vs. It was a pose she had copied from a pop idol she thought was cute. She had used it earlier to try convincing Chad to stop spanking her. She knew now that appealing to him was just asking to get fucked but she knew they were going to do it anyway. This way at least she was able to participate instead of just getting jostled and stretched like a rag doll.

The more Gene pushed into her the more she gasped until she ran out of breath. She panted to get more air and made her mouth dry. To compensate she began to drool. Soon she was posed with her torso twisted so she could look at the boys while keeping her ass facing them; her tongue was hanging out and saliva was frothing at the corners of her mouth and running down her chin onto her bare chest. She looked like a dog in heat. She was making a steady breathing sound but releasing tiny yelps whenever she felt Gene too deeply. Each time she crossed her eyes or winced as well.

Chad used his phone to take several pictures of her wonderfully lewd pose and expression. He then stood up and placed his hands on her shoulders to keep her steady as she looked like she was about to fall over. He whispered something in her ear and she adopted a confused expression. When he stepped away he started a video recording on her phone. After getting a nod from him she spoke in a high pitched cutesy voice with her tongue still hanging out and her eyes exaggeratingly crossed like she was stupid. “Please stop finger fucking my asshole, you’re going to make me cum.”

Gene froze in shock. He could guess she had no idea what she was saying, after all, she had not cum once all night. He was pretty sure she was incapable of getting off on their abuse of her. However, he did not care. She was basically asking for it now. He yanked her over the coffee table by the waist, letting her legs hit it painfully. She fell into his lap and began to kick when she felt his boner through his pants. He rolled over so she was beneath him and pushed on the back of her head, burying her face in the couch cushion.

It was difficult to pull out his cock with her struggling under him. By the time he had the tip pressed against her anus, her knees were red with carpet burn. He grabbed two fistfuls of her hair and lifted her head up. She gasped for air and began to scream for help from Chad but was muffled when he shoved her face back into the couch. Her nose collided with the wooden frame between the cushions causing her head to spin. She could not focus on the pain for long though as the next thing she felt was Gene’s long cock sliding into her asshole.

“They love my butt!” Her voice came out muffled by the couch. She seemed delirious but her mind was actually working really hard. She was still thinking of the three boys as kids playing with a doll. What was so great about her as a doll though? Dolls looked just like people except for their genitals. These boys were shoving their genitals into hers a lot. Could it really be that simple? If dolls had holes for them to fuck, would they leave her alone? She doubted it, but it still amused her that the only reason her brother wanted to play with her now when he never had before was because she had one detail a doll did not and that was a hole in her butt.

When she managed to lift her head again, she let out a shrill laugh. “Shut up, slut.” Gene shoved her face back down. “You’ve been blowing me off all night. It’s finally my turn to cum.”

Casey reached up and gripped his arm, digging her fingernails into his flesh and pulling down, creating a long red line of broken skin. He let go of her head on instinct, allowing her to lift it again. “Why should I do what you say!” she shouted. “If you want to play with me so badly, shouldn’t you ask nicely?”

“I don’t want to play with you. I want to use you.” He stood up so he was above her, pulling his cock out of her asshole in the process. She was still reacting to the pain when she felt his foot hitting her in the crotch. She grabbed at her cunt as she fell over. Her bladder contorted from the impact and she began to piss again. Gene did not care and instead stepped on the back of her neck, pushing it down into the couch.

She began to gag and choke as her airway was cut off. Chad’s first instinct was to protect his sister who was obviously being abused, but he suppressed it. Instead he used his phone to record her flailing and gagging. She was not as graceful as when she was panting but she was still naked. Chad realized he would probably gawk at his sister doing anything, from suffocating under Gene’s foot to eating an apple, if she was even half naked at the same time.

Paul tried to finger her wet cunt but found it difficult with her flailing around. Finally he pushed Gene off of her when her face started to turn blue. She sprung up while gasping but was pushed back down by Paul and Gene. She reached out toward the half full can of energy drink to show them she was just thirsty and not trying to run. Chad helped her drink some of it.

After she swallowed she began to cough as she massaged her throat. It was not bruised as nothing and really been pressing against it from the front but it still felt blocked to her. When her eyes focused again she found Paul pointing the can of whipped cream at her face. “You look sexy when your mouth is full,” he explained as he pushed the tip between her lips. Her eyes widened as she felt the compressed air and thick cream filling her mouth. Her cheeks ballooned out but he still did not stop. Eventually white curls of cream pilled out of her nose as her eyes rolled completely back in her head.

She did not have time to swallow when he pulled the can out of her mouth before he had shoved his cock inside. More cream squirted out her nose as his cock displaced it. She quickly tried to swallow but his cock had already plugged the back of her throat. The thick cream lubricated it as it slid far into her esophagus but it also coated the walls of her throat uncomfortably.

She was practically lying down on the couch except for her head which was propped up against the back and being slammed into it with each thrust of Paul’s cock. Gene and Chad watched with awe as more and more cream squirted out of the corners of her mouth and her nose. Just like when Gene was standing on her, she obviously could not breathe. This time her face was turning red though.

With her whole body exposed beneath Paul, they could see her chest and stomach muscles twitching each time she tried to swallow the cream in her throat. Gene even placed his hand on her belly and rubbed it in a circle. When Paul began to cum, she struggled to swallow even faster. Gene swore he could feel her stomach swelling beneath his hand.

When Paul backed away from her, she was left pushed into the back cushions of the couch with her eyes completely white. She did not react or gasp like she had before, leaving the boys to wonder if she had passed out. Gene pushed on her stomach and she made a gurgling sound. When he pushed again, she sat up and tried to spit up. The cream and cum clung to her throat and mouth though. She grabbed the energy drink and gulped down what little remained. She quickly regretted it though.

The carbonated citrus mixed with the cream in her mouth and throat and caused it to foam up and curdle. Gene moved just in time to avoid getting vomited on. Paul’s eyes gleamed as he grabbed her head by the chin and tried to push his cock back into her mouth. He wanted to try fucking it while she was vomiting. He was too flaccid though. He only succeeded in making her swallow the curds in her mouth back down.

Chad pushed Paul away and lifted his sister’s face by the chin. Her eyes were no longer completely white but her pupils remained at the edges. Her mouth was stuck open as she looked like she wanted to puke again but could not. Gene tried to push on her stomach again but it did not help. Chad lifted her up and carried her to the kitchen. He would rather her be sick on the linoleum. She could barely stand on her own. She stumbled to the sink and leaned over it. She was still trying to throw up again but nothing came


Gene turned her around and leaned her against the sink. Both Chad and Paul winced when the realized what he was going to do. He wound up his fist and punched Casey in the stomach as hard as he could. Her eyes went wide as her cheeks swelled. She fell forward as she began to spew curds of cream from her mouth. She landed on her hands and knees. It was not long before her stomach was empty, but she remained on the floor coughing and heaving for several minutes.

When she was finally able to close her mouth, she began to cry. Not in a sobbing way and more like tears of anguish. All she had wanted was some of her brother’s food and after more than an hour of putting up with them she had nothing to show for it except an empty stomach. She had bargained with monkeys and come up with nothing.

The boys watched as she stood up and walked toward the stairs. “Where are you going?” Chad asked.

“To bed,” she answered groggily. Despite the caffeine coursing through her keeping her conscious, she was no less exhausted than before. None of the boys followed her as they were all worried they had finally gone too far. She stopped in the upstairs bathroom to wash herself off without any soap or shampoo but then continued on to her bedroom. She felt a little odd crawling into bed naked. She could feel the covers and blankets touching her sensitive skin and it made her giggle a little. As soon as she stopped moving though, she fell asleep in less than a minute. She smiled confidently that her ordeal was finally over.


After cleaning the kitchen and couch as much as possible, the three boys went back to watching TV. They could not concentrate for very long though and instead began to play on the xbox. After a few games they got bored of that as well. After having sex for the first time, everything else sort of paled in comparison.

The obvious choice became to watch some porn. It was not hard to find something on the xbox’s internet browser to watch. Luckily the parental controls had been disabled. Soon the three boys were staring at the screen with wide eyes as a twenty-five year old woman claiming to be barely eighteen teased her cunt in front of a man with a cock longer than any of theirs. They had to turn down the volume after she began to moan exaggeratedly. Every time she or the man even touched her cunt she made noise. It was so different than Casey. She obviously had no idea how to express whatever feelings she had when they touched her.

While the porn was stimulating, it did not take long for them to tire of it as well. Their minds were preoccupied with the knowledge that a defenseless girl was sleeping upstairs and they had all night until Chad’s parents returned to take advantage of this once in a lifetime situation. It took few words for them to agree that their night playing with Casey was not over.

They crept up the stairs and opened her door slowly. After surrounding her bed, they pulled off her covers to expose her naked body. Apart from the marks from them stretching and in one case punching her, she looked clean and brand new. “She’ll get mad as soon as she wakes up,” Chad warned Paul and Gene.

“She’s such a prude. Why hasn’t she been getting off on anything all night?” Gene asked. “I thought girls were sensitive. The woman in the video wouldn’t shut up.”

“She can feel it but what about having her neck crushed is she supposed to enjoy,” Paul accused him. “We need to stimulate the right parts of her.”

“The lady in the video got off and being slapped and choked,” Gene argued.

“She’s obviously not a slut who cums from being breathed on.” Paul gestured to Casey. He did not know her name.

Chad snickered as he watched his friends debate how complicated of a girl his sister was. Paul seemed to want to respect her; she was after all the first girl he had ever had sex with. Gene was removed from reality by the porn though. He thought Casey deserved to be used by them and should be grateful. Chad had a slightly different opinion. He had lived with Casey and knew how useless and bratty she was. Now he finally had a use for her and while he did not feel she needed to be grateful, he also did not feel he needed to be considerate of her.

Paul was determined to help Casey get off though. For that reason Chad helped his friend locate a spare electric toothbrush to use as a vibrator. Casey groaned when she heard the sound of buzzing infiltrating her dream. She had been petting a dog that was now wearing a buzzing collar. Suddenly the dog pushed its nose into her crotch and began to buzz against her clit. Her clothes disappeared and she fell over.

She awoke to find herself lying in her own bed surrounded by the three people she wanted to see the least. She quickly realized that Paul was pressing the head of a buzzing toothbrush to her clit. It was sending shocks through her nerves but the bristles were also pricking her sensitive spot to the point that she was in more pain than pleasure.

“Cut it out.” She tried to kick at him only to realize her legs and subsequently her arms had been bound to her bedposts. “Why?” she was confused. She had been pretty obedient all night. They did not need to restrain her.

Rather than answering, Paul pushed two fingers into her cunt and pulled upward, stretching her a little while also pressing into the spongy flesh beneath her pelvis. At the same time he dug the toothbrush into her clit even harder. She was being pressured from both sides. She gritted her teeth and breathed heavily. The saliva escaping her mouth was foaming slightly. Each time she jerked her arms and legs would tug at her binds uncomfortably but she could not help it. She swore the bristles of the brush must have been tearing at the skin on her clit.

After watching her writhing for a long time, Chad and Gene were convinced Casey was too fridget. Noticing her face getting redder and her sweating a lot, Chad wiped her forehead with his sleeve. She jerked toward him and stared up at his face with her mouth slightly agape. She suddenly started to giggle as she stuck out her tongue and began to lick at his fingers. She pulled against her restraints as she tried to occupy herself with something to take her mind off of her clit.

She kept humming and giggling and it kept getting louder. Chad pushed his fingers deeper into her mouth and throat, making her gag a little. She was obviously uncomfortable, but something about having every part of her stimulated was confusing her too much to be upset.

When Paul yanked on her cunt one more time, she suddenly jerked her head back down to the bed and raised her midriff. She arched her back and shook her crotch as if humping Paul’s hand. Clear liquid shot over the foot of the bed while her toes curled and gripped her sheets. She was staring at Chad with wide eyes while panting. Her whole body was glistening with sweat.

“She’s cumming,” Paul announced proudly while pulling away from her crotch. All three boys watched her with awe stricken faces. Seeing a girl have an orgasm in person was much better than watching porn.

Eventually Casey stopped squirting but she continued to wiggle her hips at the three boys. She glanced at each of them with an unmistakable smile that looked a little creepy with her eyes so wide and tears running out of the corners. She looked excited and expectant. “Why isn’t anyone touching me?” she moaned. “You’ve been poking and pulling on my body all night. Why have you stopped? Please, it’s cold and empty inside me.”

Despite being the most reserved all night, Chad was the one to step closer and climb up onto the bed between her splayed out legs. He could not stand to see her begging any longer. She gasped when he put his hands on her thighs. When the tip of his hard cock pressed against her wet stretched cunt, she arched her back again and dragged her head along her sheets, making her shiny red hair messy with static.

She was surprised when Chad hesitated though. She lowered her back down to the bed again and stared up and him expectantly, almost whimpering impatiently. “Please,” she begged him. “Fuck me.” She had only learned the word that day but she understood it perfectly.

Chad had no more reservations after hearing his sister beg him to fuck her. She moaned as his cock slid into her dripping cunt easily. She jerked and tugged on her binds as her whole body shuddered. It was so different from when she was just letting them push their cocks inside of her. This time she was getting off as well.

With his hands on her thighs Chad tried to slide her tiny body up and down his shaft but her binds kept her in place on the mattress. Instead he laid down on top of her and moved his own hips, making a wet slapping sound each time their crotches met. With her arms splayed out she could not embrace him back but he still hugged her small body, wrapping his arms behind her and gripping fistfuls off her messy hair. She groaned as he pulled at her roots. She could not separate the feeling from the thrusts of his cock inside her cunt though. Everything felt stimulating now.

She was surprised when his mouth covered hers and his tongue pushed past her teeth. She quickly got used to it though and moaned in a subdued way the whole time, gasping for breath when he finally broke their mouths apart. She was confused and amazed. Before she thought they were just poking her holes for no reason like a doll; now she realized that each part of her body felt different and they were trying to stimulate her as many ways as possible.

“Thank you,” she could not think of what else to say. She knew they were pleasing themselves more than her with their actions but she felt she had unfairly been getting mad at them without knowing why they were so easily enticed by her body. She at least understood now how easily they had lost control and did not blame them for it.

Spurred on by his sister’s sudden docile behavior, Chad embraced her tighter and began to slam into her cunt as hard as he could. Casey breathed out with each thrust and eventually began to yelp each time their crotches slapped together. The tip of his cock was scrapping the sore flesh that Paul had been stretching earlier and was reaching deeper with each thrust.

“You’re too big,” she whispered in his ear when he rested his head on her shoulder. She did not just mean his cock; his whole body was covering hers. She was quickly educating herself on sex and she had just realized that she was far too small to be doing this with him. Proportionally, her cunt was way too small for his cock to fit comfortably. She began to wonder what sized cocks her male classmates had.

Another thought crossed her mind at the same time. The feeling she was enjoying was akin to loss of control. She was reacting by jerking and spasming. She was probably having such an intense reaction because he was too big for her. If he were her size, she would probably be a lot calmer. Basically she was getting fucked twice as hard and was feeling twice as much pleasure. How good would she feel if his cock was even larger? At that moment she accidentally whispered something she regretted instantly. “More.”

Casey had no time to react as Paul and Gene undid the binds on her hands and feet. Chad suddenly sat back while pulling her up into his lap. She felt his cock pulling out almost completely before she sat back down and felt it slide in as deep as before but from a different angle, touching different walls inside her. Her eyes were spinning in her head as she tried to take in the feeling.

She barely noticed Chad’s hands on her butt, pulling it apart and exposing her asshole. She whimpered when she felt fingers poking and stretching it but she could hardly lift her head as she tried to suppress the spasms of her abdomen. She swore she could feel the tip of Chad’s cock pushing out the back of her belly button. In reality it was scrapping her bladder and sending jolts through her nerves each time it forced her urethra open a little.

She crossed her legs like she did whenever she was trying to hold it in while waiting for the bathroom. There was no way she was going to make it before she had to pee again. If she asked, Chad would probably carry her to the toilet. She opened her mouth to say something to her brother but stopped herself. She gulped her words back down and clenched her muscles as tight as possible.

She was not sure why, but she wanted to try holding it for as long as possible. So far, losing control was what felt good to her. What if he fucked her so hard she lost control of her bladder. Would that not feel twice as good? She at least wanted to find out.

The thought was pushed from her head when she felt something hard stretching her asshole and forcing its way inside. She turned her head to see Gene sitting behind her with a gleeful expression on his face. “Pull it out!” she practically shouted.

“Shut up!” he slapped her face hard enough to make her head turn. She looked at Chad with a shocked expression as a red hand print appeared on her cheek. Chad licked her cheek and kissed her nose comfortingly. She stared at him in confusion as she swayed forward and then back along with Gene’s movement behind her. Chad laughed at his own stupidity. How was a kiss comforting when she was still getting fucked in two holes?

Realizing that being gentle with her was practically pointless while Gene was ramming her from behind, Chad began to move faster as well. It was difficult to get much momentum while sitting upright, so he began to lift her by the waist each time he thrust his hips and then let her sink back down on his cock. Gene began to time his thrusts as well so she was lifted off of both cocks and then slid back down on them slowly.

Looking down, Casey could see how her brother’s cock was entering her. It was pushing in horizontally until it hit the back of her cunt and bent upward, causing her flesh to tingle. Even if he were not lifting her at the same time, she would feel the desire to try standing up to escape the hard object as it snaked inside her. She could feel the same thing happening in her asshole except her bowels were bending to accommodate Gene’s cock more than the other way around. She dared not look back though, lest she get slapped again.

Her fear of them hurting her made her let them continue using her body however they wanted. It was a different kind of loss of control. It was just as exhilarating but it was more terrifying. It required a lot of focus to derive any pleasure from. Rather than a physical response of her body jolting when the stimulation was too much, she had to keep reminding herself that they were forcing themselves on her to feel excitement.

It was yet another thing she had learned about sex. She could increase her own enjoyment just be thinking about it. She leaned her head back and began running her fingers over her own clit as she tried to focus on it more. She rolled her eyes back and left her mouth open with saliva pooling in the back of her throat as she forgot to even swallow. Each time Gene’s cock slid into her and bent her bowels she imagined his angry face and how he had stepped on her neck earlier. She almost wished he would pull her hair and force her body downward at the same time his cock shoved upward inside her.

Chad eventually became concerned with her lack of movement. He could hear her gurgling as drool ran down the corners of her mouth. She was moving her fingers over her clit faster and faster, flipping the little nub back and forth repeatedly. Chad poked his fingers into her mouth and into the back of her throat, making her gag. Her head jerked forward and all of her collected drool ran out and down her chest making it even shinier.

When it reached her hands she moved them up to her chest and began to rub the saliva into her breasts. Finally it reached her crotch and pooled on top of Chad’s cock right before he shoved into her again. “Oh my god,” Casey squealed as she felt him sliding faster and further into her. Not to be outdone, Gene placed his hands over hers on her chest and pulled her backward into him as he thrust into her asshole. “No, you’re breaking me!” she squealed. She had been reminded of her theory that boys liked to destroy their toys.

Suddenly, she recalled that in her imagination, Gene had been much rougher. This actually paled in comparison to what she had hoped he would do to her. Her cunt was becoming wet with anticipation. Chad was now sliding in so fast she thought his pelvis might have bruised hers. Her whole body jolted with each wet slap of their flesh. “Harder,” she moaned while sliding her hands out from under Gene’s. She placed hers on top and helped him grip her nipples tightly.

He pulled down on them, stretching her budding breasts painfully as he shoved into her asshole. Casey screamed out and had to cover her own mouth. Chad was getting worried and began to slow down. “Don’t!” she shouted at him. “More! Harder! Faster! Break me. Destroy your little fucktoy!”

Chad immediately yanked her out of Gene’s lap and into his own. She screamed as she felt Gene’s cock tugging on his bowels as it was pulled all the way out, leaving her asshole round and gaping. He quickly pulled on her breasts and nipples, yanking her back onto his lap and off of Chad’s cock. Chad lunged at her and slammed his cock back into her. Casey’s eyelids twitched as she was impaled by both cocks at the same time. She tensed and came, squirting right onto Chad’s cock.

At the same time, her asshole clenched around Gene’s cock. For the first time that night, he was able to cum and it was directly inside her. She flinched and giggled each time his cock pulsed inside her and she felt more warm goo spraying the walls of her bowels. “He’s peeing in my butt,” she described the feeling the only way she could.

Chad had to slow down to let Gene finish. When he finally pulled out, Casey collapsed against Chad’s chest, panting and sighing with her eyes fluttering dreamily. She tried to fall asleep but could not due to Chad repositioning her on her back on the bed. “They’re not going to stop,” she muttered to herself in a half terrified and half excited voice. No matter how much she had begged them to break her, she had not realized they would keep going afterward. “No,” she whispered half heartedly as she felt the tip of his cock against her still wet cunt.

When he shoved in, she arched her back and rolled her head around on the sheets. She was caught off guard when Paul grabbed her head and pulled it over the edge of the bed. She was suddenly upside-down, staring at his twitching fat cock as he pressed it to her lips. She did not feel like opening her mouth for him after her vomiting episode earlier. He pinched her still red and puffy nipples to make her yelp and allow himself access to her mouth.

She gurgled as the air was forced out of her nose and the rest was forced into her esophagus. Her drool made her mouth more than airtight. With his hands on either side of her head, Paul pushed his thumbs into her neck so he could feel the head of his cock displacing her throat from the outside. She gagged and choked but could barely move to escape. Chad was too busy sliding in and out of her slick cunt to notice or care that she was being abused by one of his friends again.

Over the next ten minutes, the two boys slid her back and forth between their poles like a spit roasted pig without a care for her comfort at all. She squirted or pissed herself at least twice. The second time made it too slippery for Chad and he began to cum inside her. She squealed as she felt warm goo filling her hollow cunt and tried to push Paul away so she could speak. He held her head steady though and did not let her.

Her face was blue from lack of air before Chad finally stopped cumming inside her and noticed. “Hey man, you need to let her breathe,” he scolded Paul. When he ignored him, Chad became more serious. “Let her go already. We can’t do this again if she dies or gets brain damaged.”

“I want to fill her last hole up as well,” Paul explained. At the other end of the bed he could see cum leaking out of both Casey’s anus and cunt. He could not muster an orgasm though after cumming a lot earlier. Pressured by Chad’s glare, Paul finally gave up. Casey’s eyes shot open and she began to kick and squeal as her cheeks puffed up. Something hot was spraying into her mouth and throat but it was not cum. She tried to push him away but he held her head down until he had completely emptied his bladder inside her.

When he was done he starred down at her twitching body with a satisfied look on his face. He did not bother pulling his cock out of her throat and instead let her spit it out when it became flaccid enough. Casey immediately rolled over onto her stomach and began retching over the side of the bed. Before she could vomit again, he poked two fingers into her nostrils and lifted her head up so she was forced to look at him. “How does it feel to be a living toilet?” he taunted her. She could only pant in response with her mouth open in an obscene O shape. Her face was a mess of mucus, saliva and sweat. Her once shiny red hair was stringy and dark with sweat. Her vanilla colored skin was pocked with red marks and hand prints from being handled all night.

When she finally caught her breath, she responded to Paul with a stern glare in her eyes. “Please leave me alone,” she begged. She was not just talking to him, she meant all three of them. All thoughts of enjoying the exhilaration of being used and broken were gone. She was too tired to think of anything but getting to sleep. It was almost four in the morning and it was way past her bedtime.

She barely reacted when Gene slapped her again. “You don’t get to decide when we’re done. You’re our fucktoy.”

“No, she’s my sister,” Chad reminded him.

“Well… I just meant,” Gene was caught off guard. He had gathered that Chad was more interested in getting laid than protecting his sister so his statement came as a shock.

“She’s had enough. Let her sleep,” Chad ordered his friends. Paul let go of her nose and let her head fall down. By then she had forgotten about trying to throw up and just passed out with her head hanging off the side of the bed. Chad rolled her back to the center and tossed her covers over her.

“Can we come over again some time,” Gene asked eagerly as Chad chased them from the room.

“If you want to fuck her again, convince her to date you,” Chad responded jokingly. He was not feeling regret exactly but he had already decided he wanted to have a chance to fuck Casey without his friend’s interfering. Luckily, he did not have to wait like them. The next time their parents left the two of them home alone together, she was getting stripped and fucked senseless. Now that he had found a use for her, he was not going to put up with her bratty behavior again without payment in the form of her body. He did not care if he had to spank her until she was crying, he was going to use her again no matter what.


It was early morning when Chad and Casey’s parents arrived home from their night at a hotel. They were actually surprised by how quiet the house was. They had expected to find all three boys either playing on their xbox already or having stayed up all night in the living room. Even more surprising was how clean the living room was. If they did not know any better they would have assumed the cushion covers had been removed and washed. They looked untouched.

Curious about the unnatural quietness that this house had never known on a Saturday before, they crept upstairs on their tiptoes. The doors to both Casey’s and Chad’s rooms were wide open and Casey was not in her room at all. Finally they found their children when they peeked into Chad’s room.

The three boys were all sitting on the floor in a circle around Casey. Only her upper half was visible. The rest of her was hidden under a large blanket. All four of them appeared to be watching TV but Casey looked extremely tired. Neither of her parents noticed that her face was somewhat red or that the top button of her pink pajamas was undone.

“I'm sorry,” did she bother you?” her mom apologized for her. She assumed Casey had snuck into Chad’s room at some point in the night to be included in their sleepover.

“Not at all,” Paul answered while moving his hand under the blanket.

Casey winced but smiled at her mother. “Come on, stop bothering them. Come take a bath with Mommy,” she instructed her daughter.

“It’s alright,” Chad interrupted her. “You two must be tired after staying at the hotel all night. You get to bed. I’ll give her a bath later.”

“Really?” their mother was shocked. Chad had never volunteered to take care of his sister before. He had been an only child for the first half of his life and then one day he had to start looking after a brat much younger than him. She understood why he was not happy but she had always hoped the two of them would get along one day. It seemed it was finally coming true. “Alright, but don’t come complaining to me later.”

As she walked out of the room, Casey’s face became more and more contorted from trying not to make noise. As soon as the door shut behind their mother, Chad pulled the blanket off of Casey to reveal her completely exposed lower half. Paul was having fun pushing the remote to Chad’s TV into Casey’s tiny cunt and watching her make weird expressions as she forced it back out. Gene was using the electric toothbrush from last night on her nipples. It was off before but once the door was shut, he turned it on, making her squeal and whimper.

Her bare lower half was covered in streaks of white. The moment they woke up, the boys had entered her room and taken turns standing over her as she slept and cumming onto her exposed skin. They took pictures of her and even wrote the word slut on her stomach and cum dumpster above her cunt. Then they dragged her to Chad’s room to play with. They left the door open so they could hear the moment her parents got home and so they would not look like they were doing anything suspicious. For that reason they let her put on her pajama top to fool her mother. However, now that she was gone, Chad ripped it off quite forcefully.

“Come on, let’s go take a bath.” He stood up and lifted her with him. Paul caught the remote when she forced it out of her cunt one more time. “I wonder if a full bar of soap can fit in your loose ass,” he taunted her. Her eyes widened in fear as she shook her head rapidly. “Don’t worry,” he cooed softly. “I know how much you want me to break you.” She trembled as she regretted getting too excited last night. She feared these three boys really would break her if she let them.


After having woken up early to continue their sleepover, Chad was dead tired by the time his friends went home Saturday afternoon. He normally liked to stay up late on the weekends but he was actually in bed even before his sister’s bedtime that night.

It was the middle of the night when he was awoken by a voice and a sensation. When he tried to sit up, he was unable to move his left arm. When he tugged on it, he heard Casey moaning. He waited for his eyes to adjust to the dark in confusion. Finally, when he was able to see her fully, he was surprised to see his sister straddling his arm with his fingers right underneath her butt, which was completely bare. She only had on her pajama top and it was unbuttoned, revealing her small yet adorable chest.

“What are you doing?” Chad hissed at her.

She did not answer and just shook her head excessively as she continued to rub her crotch back and forth on his arm. He pulled back until his hand was under her crotch and he could touch her wet cunt with his fingers. “No,” she moaned while falling forward and pressing her flushed face to his shoulder.

“We’re done playing today,” he whispered in annoyance.

“I want to continue the sleepover.” She brought her legs together, trapping his arm, and sliding her feet under his wrist so that he lifted his hand and pushed his fingers inside of her, making her gasp in delight.

“You want me to invite Paul and Gene back so we can stretch and fill your holes again?” Chad accused her.

She shook her head again. “Just you. We’ll have our own sleepover, every night.”

“You do know that what we did last night was not what a real sleepover is, right?” Chad was a little worried he had made his sister stupid.

Casey continued to move her hips while staring in blank confusion. As far as she was concerned, a sleepover was an excuse for a bunch of boys to fuck a girl senseless. Chad and his friends had made up her mind about it.

“So you want me to fuck you every night?” Chad asked skeptically.

Instead of answering, Casey clenched her legs around his arm and began to squirt. Her whole body shook as she came uncontrollably. When her orgasm subsided, she collapsed on Chad’s chest breathing heavily. “Go back to your own bed,” Chad ordered her when she started to get comfortable.

“Don’t you want to play with your fucktoy?” Casey asked in a cute voice.

Chad grabbed her face and pulled her mouth to his, plunging his tongue past her lips. She moaned as he licked inside and out of her mouth and began to work his way down her body, nibbling on her collarbone and her nipples as he when. He no longer saw her as an annoying brat; he was actually grateful his parents had decided to have another child for the first time in his life. He did not even view her as his sister anymore; she was toy for him to exploit. Luckily for him, she seemed to view herself the same way now.

The End


2023-11-05 11:22:24
Beautiful story. The remote in her little cunt was... whoah :)

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