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Hi, I'm Melanie. This story is from a collection of stories my husband and I are putting together documenting our sexual journey as a polyamorous couple.Though some of our stories dip into my depraved fantasies. This one is an entirely true story. We change our names in the stories, but the rest is 100% true. Sorry that they aren't in chronological order. This was one of the hottest nights of my life, so I hope you enjoy.
I'm pretty used to these rich women coming onto me. I'm 6'3" and 265 pounds of tatted up dark chocolate muscle. If that wasn't cliche enough, I've got the dreads to complete the ensemble. My waiter outfit comes with an apron, but from the waist up, the dress shirt, vest and tie keep me looking sharp. Most of the time when I spot them lusting after me, there is a bit of fear mixed in with the intrigue, which might be a bit racist, but I don't really care. Wet pussy, is wet pussy, tits are tits, and an ass is an ass. If they're scared of me, it just means I'm gonna put on a thug voice... call them a bitch, or ho more often, maybe slap 'em around a little bit... Either way, I will be balls deep in pussy. And these rich bitches... man, they fuckin want it. I imagine there's a lot of repression, they also probably honed their sexuality only to have their rich cuck husbands see them as one of the expensive things to add to their collection rather than something to be enjoyed.. None of that seemed to be true however, when I locked eyes with what had to be one of the finest women I had ever had the pleasure of serving. I caught her staring at me from across the room, when I saw her she didn't avert her gaze she didn't hesitate. She looked up and down, bit her lip and flashed me a mischievous grin. Her arms were crossed, then one slid up her chest, toying at the cleavage displayed by the cut of her silky burgundy dress. Her fingers continued to toy at her skin up her chest and neck until her teeth clamped down on her index finger. She tapped the shoulder of the man on her right. The man had his hand on the wall trapping a similarly breathtaking woman in his presence. The woman didn’t seem to mind. I knew that look, that was the “you can take me six ways til Sunday” look. She whispered in his ear, rather intimately before pointing him my way. Fuck. The man went back to the woman against the wall and kissed her with a carnality that... frankly I felt I needed to take notes on; then he headed my way. He wiped his face and adjusted his pants, it suddenly became clear to me that this was not his typical shindig. As he came closer it was more and more apparent that his physique was that of a man who worked with his hands. This was confirmed by the firm, sandpaper grip that he squeezed my hand with.

“The name's Tyler, how’s your evening going sir.”

I was startled, a little confused. In these events I’d run the gambit of weird fetishes, women who liked getting caught, liked their husbands to rough me up, husbands who liked to watch, the husband dynamic was always far more unnerving than the women’s wild buck fantasies... just weird vibes. That was not the case with the man shaking my hand.

“Marcus, I ugh... it’s been good, these types of gigs usually tip better.”

“Right, the big wigs gotta show their friends how generous... and wealthy they are.”

I really shouldn’t be talking to one of the guests this way.

“Haha yeah, not my problem though, green is green man.”

“Fair enough, so I have a request for you Marcus, though there isn’t any tipping involved with this one.”

“Oh, what do you need sir.”

“Well by now I know you’ve seen my wife Melanie.”

He smirked at my feigned innocence... yes... I’d seen the fuck out of his wife Melanie... whichever one of those women she was.

“Burgundy dress, emerald eyes...”

I nodded, slightly embarrassed.

“Well I’m headed out of town for a week with my secretary, the woman beside her right now, and she needs someone to keep her... company while I’m away.”

I looked back at the two vixens, the pause was clearly intended to unveil the true meaning of the phrasing. This man was certainly no cuck, nor the jealous type. His demeanor was so matter of fact, in fact it was as if he was proposing that I hook up with one of his buddies. I was impressed, albeit a little unnerved.

"Is that something you think you can handle Marcus?"

"ugghh.. I mean.. I......."

"What time do you finish here?"

"Uhhmm, at 12, sir"

"She'd like to take you out for a test drive, here's the key to her suite, room 3503, if you suit her, you'll be in for one hell of a weekend."

"I'll... I'll be there."

"Good man. See you around."

"Did he say 35? Fuck me man!"

The husband made his way to a group of men by the bar. "How the hell are you, you dirty ol bastards!" It dawned on me that this party was the afterparty celebrating the grand opening of a luxury apartment complex across the street, and that he was probably the general contractor or something. His wife, Melanie, hadn't taken her eyes off me. The frazzlement faded and the charm I usually possess returned to me. I kept her in the corner of my eye as I continued to hand out champagne. She whispered into the secretary's ear, pointing my way with her eyes. This arrangement was clearly quite open. I could feel my dick getting hard, I sure was grateful the uniform came with an apron, because if not, these slacks did almost nothing to conceal the bulge stretching down the side of my thigh. Her husband returned to her and his secretary carrying three drinks. The three spoke, glancing my way here and there, giggling and smiling, the sexual tension between the three was nearly tangible. The wife kissed them both quickly... but with a degree of familiarity reserved for family and lovers... which was the secretary to her? Neither one earned them a seat in heaven, that's for sure. She sauntered my way. I straightened up, suddenly the nervousness overcame my typical nonchalant manner. Her strut was that of a runway model, a runway model with the lust of a fucking animal. She effortlessly slid her hand under my apron and firmly stroked my cock through the thin fabric.

"Time for your smoke break Marcus." She whispered with a sultry purr.

"Yes mam."

"I'll be in the West stairwell. Don't make me wait."

And like that she was off. She grabbed a glass of my plate and disappeared into the crowd. I looked back to Tyler and his secretary. Both shooed me on to her with their hands. The secretary pointed to her wrist indicating I'd better hurry. I headed back to the kitchen, which stairwell is the West one? As I opened the door, the husband's lips were locked with the other woman's, they briefly broke away to smile and laugh a bit then went back to it before heading off to another part of the party. If that ain't the green light I don't know what is.


Judy’s had been fixed on Mr Crawford all evening. She wasn’t sure if the three years it’d been since her fathers’s long time business associate might help replace the way he saw her, but she figured the tight emerald mini dress, immaculate makeup, and cocktail in her hand would. Jooh Hee Choi was back from her three years at Cornell. She had managed to finish her business degree with record speed, and straight A’s. This was not because she was a book worm with no social life. She simply reduced her social life exclusively to the sexual. Though, yes her parents held firm to the Christian notion that sex was for after marriage, Judy had shed that, along with her birth name, long before. While most of her classmates were discovering their sexuality, Judy had already mastered hers. She was a bonafide cumslut, and tonight she was gonna be his.

Judy had watched Tyler seem to set up his wife Melanie with one of the waiters from across the room.

"That's fuckin hot." She was used to guys liking the idea of an open relationship, but hadn't really seen it successful in college, and certainly not in a marriage setting. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford, however, seemed to have the delicate balance on lock. She bit her lip, maybe this was going to be even easier than she thought. Just then, his lips locked with another woman, his secretary, or something. It seemed he had swapped his wife, whose appearance reminded her of Dua Lipa, for an elegant blonde minx. She looked at the mirror on the wall beside her. Hopefully she had something to offer that he liked. The dark hue of her dress complimented her olive complexion. Flecks of red and blonde peppered the long hair that draped over her chest, doing far more to hide the metal rings that pierced her a-cups. The thin satiny material showed just enough to tease the mind at what lay below. The dress length showed about a third of the tattoo she had on her hip. The art draped down about half her thigh and went up about the same height on her abdomen. It was a combination of many things she loved, doves, roses, the ocean (somehow dick didn't make it on there). She reglossed her lips, gave another once over and prepared herself to butt in. At 4"10, even with her 4 inch stiletto heels, she stood over a foot shorter than Tyler. This had been something the boys always loved about her. She weighed less than 100 pounds, they'd pick her up, some might lift her with one hand, most importantly, it made every guy feel like they had a monster cock. They'd always plop it onto her stomach to see how deep inside her they'd go. She didn't mind... she fuckin loved it actually. The way their hands could so easily wrap around her small frame. How effortlessly they could use her in all sorts of positions most girls wouldn't be able to experience, it was half of the fun. But Mr Crawford seemed different. His taste seemed more refined than she was accustomed to marketing towards, that's why it had to be tonight. She was the epitome of elegance and sexiness, she just hoped he realized it.

"Mr. Crawford?.. Mr. Crawford?"

"Jooh Hee?! Oh my God Jooh Hee! Holy fuck, its been so long? How the hell have you been?!" Judy had no intention of correcting him. Much as she hated her name, it seemed so juvenile to correct him.

"I've been good, Mr. Crawford. I don't think I've seen you since my dad's 50th. I graduated from university last month, so now I'm home for a bit before I ship off to New York?"

"New York eh? and uhmm, Jooh... It's Tyler, especially now that you're a fully grown woman. So what's in New York?"

"An internship, not much, but a foot in the door."

"That's fantastic, congratulations Jooh Hee. Well, hey, This is."

"Anna, nice to meet you. So I take it you're Mr Choi's daughter?"

"Yes, his youngest."

"Ah, he raves about you, and from what I can tell, he has a good reason." She watched the woman look her over "You seem to be even more stunning than he described!"

"Ah, you're making me blush" Hello Anna, what have we here?

"And Ty, I do believe you've introduced me to Judy. Garret helped her get her name changed after high school."

"Seriously? Oh Joo... Judy, I'm so sorry, I totally forgot."

"It isn't a big deal at all. It was more of a practical move than anything. Universities, careers, all around it was better to have a more American name."

"That's why your dad did it too, it's a shame, but I respect your acumen."

This could not have gone any smoother, this Anna woman seemed to help frame her name change in the best light possible. Plus, the way Anna was eyeing her was making her blush. It was quickly becoming apparent she may not be her opponent, but her ticket in.

"Well thank you, Tyler. So Anna, I take it you work with Tyler."

"I'm his executive assistant."

"She's my fucking lifeline. Your father and I would have never landed this contract without her."

"Well, then I have you to thank for this lovely dress he let me get." Judy gave the pair a twirl, matching their lustful gazes with her own. She could tell when she turned her head around, that Anna was eating up her ass through the tight fabric.

"Well, you're welcome, though I think everyone in this party that gets to look at you is who should be thanking me."

Judy put her hand on Anna's bare shoulder and laughed. Her hand and eyes lingered just a hair longer than the situation called for. It was enough to convey her message.

"Tyler, you sure know how to pick 'em" Her eyes stayed on Anna.

"Ty dear, our glasses are empty." She didn't even look at Tyler as he handed the empty cups to him. Judy watched from the corner of her eye as Mr Crawford began to understand the situation.

"Ah" he seemed to clue in, "I'll take those."

Anna reached forward to Judy and pulled her into what, at first glance, was an innocent embrace. But as Judy felt Anna's thigh escape through the slit in her dress and grind against her own exposed skin, the erotic intentions were clear. It became even more clear when Judy heard a sultry whisper escape the woman's lips.

"I sure hope my contributions to the company allow me to get under that dress as well, Ms Choi."

"It's the least I could do." The older woman's words made her blush.

"Well, maybe I could get these, too." Judy twinged a little as Anna's soft skin pressed up against the lace thong between her legs. She felt a nervous sweat on her face, but not nearly as much as she began to moisten those panties. Without a word Judy slipped her thumb under the hem and yanked down enough so that the thong draped about halfway down her thigh. Anna hooked it with her knee and pulled them down low enough to then hook her heel and pull them all the way down. She then got down to fix the straps on her shoes and slipped the panties into her clutch.

"Gonna return the favor, gorgeous?"

"Wish I could. I can't hide anything with this dress." Anna was right, the silky material of her light blue dress left nothing to the imagination, Judy could see every curve in her body, even her belly button was somewhat visible. Anna knew this feature would drive Tyler wild, Mel as well, which was part of the reason she chose it, the other: t drove herself pretty wild too. Judy bit her lip as she surveyed the womans dress, realizing just how on display her utterly erotic physique was.

"You know Judy, Tyler was expecting my company tonight. He's going to be rather lonely since his wife will be indisposed."

"He doesn't have to be." Judy slid her hand onto her new target's ass.

Anna pulled away from their embrace and raised her eyebrow then gave a loud laugh, as if resuming the appearances that they were two innocent acquaintances at a party. The act was so public that Judy, in fact, almost missed it when through the smiling face she uttered quietly.

"I've been watching you watch him all evening. Good call flirting up with me, though. I can't wait to get you out of that sexy little number. Tyler is usually pretty against mixing work with play, especially because you are Garret's daughter, but you're a grown ass woman and I intend to make sure he makes an exception tonight."

Judy was speechless, he was used to college hookups, where the boys (and girls) still feel a bit taboo about referencing sex openly. It was somewhat refreshing to her, how matter of fact Anna was being. She was curious if this would be a better approach with Mr. Crawford. She concluded it best to follow Anna's lead, as clearly they both had the same goal.


I opened the door to the stairwell. On the back of the emergency door was the dress of the woman I was meeting. I closed the door turning in bewilderment, but before I could even process what was going on, two soft hands wrapped around my neck. The rest of the woman's soft, warm skin pressed against his clothes. I knew she was completely nude, save the clicking of her heels on the concrete. Her lips sent goosebumps down my spine as her red lips pressed into my neck and her hand worked the buttons of my shirt, then my trousers. I reached back and clamped my hand on the back of her neck while my other squeezed her hip. A breathy moan escaped her lips as I began to pull backwards. I turned to face her as we made our way down the quarter set of stairs that lead to some plumbing access points and other stuff. From this position I could really take in the elegant beauty this woman possessed.

"Just a quickie before this evening."

Her frame was delicate, well toned, and illustrious. I was relatively unaccustomed to the degree of confidence this woman displayed. It incensed me with arousal to the point that before I'd taken three steps I was ready to ravish her. There was a nook underneath the stairs, which is where the woman knelt down then lay on her back and spread her legs for me. My shirt was off, and my pants were on the floor before I even took a breath. I hit the cement hard on my knees, and this bitch grabbed my dick, and guided me right to her entrance. I'm a big dude, the stereotype matches up, I got ten and a half of pretty girthy meat down there, so I'm used to having to put in some work to slide in, especially without lubes. I say all this to convey the utter awe I have for this woman's cooch. I pressed against her lips, and as tight as they were, they were so juicy and wet that I stretched her right open! At the same time, her pussy gripped my dick so tightly, that I was shaping up to be a two pump chump. She felt so good that I couldn't help myself but disregard caution. I began pumping into her elegant body, though her mouth spewed the most depraved bile I'd heard, even in porn. I grabbed onto her perfect breasts and watched as ecstasy enveloped her face. The woman moaned and screamed as I held back less and less. Her hands reached up and gripped the edge of the stairs beside us as what seemed like orgasm took her over.

Several stories up I heard one of the doors open then slam shut. The woman did not stop, moments before, her loud moaning had turned to a breathless whimpering, as if she forgot how to breathe, but was still voicing her pleasure. The sound of my balls slapping against her pussy juice soaked ass though, was about twice as loud as the footsteps making their way down. I paused and reached for my clothes, but with her hand that wasn't white knuckling the bottom railing she grabbed my waist.

"Don't you fucking dare!" I didn't. The steps got closer, but I started pumping this crazy bitch even harder. It was so fucking hot, her disregard, her absolute tunnelvision. She was in this moment and nowhere else, people could hear, people could fucking watch, this was hers. A maid rounded the final flight, she was probably in her thirties, she was a bit shocked, but also seemed intrigued. She and the woman locked eyes, and the contact didn't break until the door finally closed behind her.

"Marcus, I need you to fill me up with your hot steaming load! I need your cum deep in my tight little pussy! Can you do that for me baby?!!

"Yeah, you need it babe?! Fuck yeah I can do that!"

"Gawd yes, I want to feel it drippin down my leg while I walk around the party. I wanna be able to taste it when my husband pours me champagne."

Fuck! this shit is hot!

"And I want more of it tonight, ALL night, I'm your dirty little cumdumpster. Do whatever you want to me with whoever you want. Fucking FUUCCCKK!!

I could feel her muscles contract, her legs were trembling. Her pussy muscles squeezed my dick so tight that I couldn't control myself. Determined to leave a good impression, I lifted my full length out and smashed back in several times until finally I could no longer contain myself. I buried my cock as deep inside this woman as I could and nutted harder than I had since fucking jr hi.

"Holy Fuck that was good Ms..."

"Melanie Crawford." Crawford, as in Crawford Contracting. This is the kinda pussy money can buy?! Count me the fuck in.

"I'll see you tonight Marcus. Don't be too late."

With that Melanie got up, walked over to her dress, slipped it up over waist and walked out the door as she slipped the straps over her chest. I laid there a few minutes, in complete awe of what my night held ahead.


"Mel! Oh my God!"

Anna embraced Tyler's wife who rejoined the party after like a buzzed sorority girl... Well, Judy didn't know how long it'd been. She was on her third refill, and had managed to flirt with Tylera a bit, though not as much as Anna had with both of them. She watched Tyler anytime Anna made advances, and it was clear that his view of her was shifting.

"Hey hun, feeling good?"

"I'll say! Mel honey, you changed your hair."

"I did? Fuck... I..." Ms. Crawford adjusted it somewhat cooly

"No one will notice, and if they do, they won't know why." Anna gave her a warm, knowing smile.

Judy was shocked by the way Tyler was completely unphazed by his wife's clear sex hair. Granted, the way he'd been eyeing Anna and Judy, it began to make sense to her. She could have her fun, he'd have his. Tyler headed to the bar, Judy assumed to get his wife a drink.

"Judy! I barely recognized you! How have you been! Garret told us you graduated from Cornell early!"

"Yeah, and yes I did! It's great to see you Mrs. Crawfor!"

"It's Mel, dear! Please. So, has Tyler and Anna been taking care of you this evening?"

"Yeah, I don't know a lot of faces here, so they've taken care of me a bit."

"Good call, a lot of these guys are fuckin creeps, and like three times your age."

"I'm aware."

"So Mel, how was he?" Melanie's eyes went wide and looked at Judy, then back at Anna, clearly a bit annoyed.

"It's okay, she's good... she's really good in fact." Anna opened her clutch and revealed the contents to her sister-in-law. Judy felt utterly embarrassed as she watched Melanie's knowing smile creep over her face.

"Well, let me show you how good it ends up being." Melanie gave the young girl a wicked grin as she looked her up and down, then bit her lip.

From anywhere in the room you probably wouldn't have seen a thing. But from where Judy stood , she watched Mrs. Crawford spread her legs, hike up her dress and subtly swipe something from the inside of her thighs. Judy's eyes widened, it was cum! It sat on the edge of her index and middle finger. She put it out in front of Anna who sexily slipped Mel's fingers into her mouth. The two women lingered in their moment, clearly aroused by one another.

"Mmmm, that is nice."

"Well, there's more where that came from, though apparently you'll have plenty of things to taste this evening as well."

Melanie looked to Judy, who sheepishly smiled at the ground. What had she signed up for exactly?

"Well I'm off to make some rounds. I should be seeing you, but if not, enjoy yourselves!.... and Judy?"

Melanie grabbed her hand and tugged slightly so Judy looked up and locked eyes. She'd never thought of Mrs. Crawford sexually, but now, all of the sudden she couldn't stop.

"Truly, truly enjoy your evening." Melanie's eyes seemed to cut straight into her. It felt to Judy like she may actually regret not being free to join her husband tonight. She smiled back, flattered by all the attention she was getting. Judy as of yet wasn't sure she would be enjoying Mr. Crawford tonight, unlike Anna, and apparently, unlike Mrs. Crawford, the man was impossibly hard to read. Maybe Anna was wrong, it seemed that apart from his sexual promiscuity, Mr. Crawford was a very moral person. He had to be in order to maintain a work relationship with her dad, a very devout man. Plus, it was clear to her that he respected her father, maybe the coolness was because as much as she wanted her, it was a line he wouldn’t cross.

“So, Judy, what’s the love life of a sexy young businesswoman such as yourself like these days?” Subtle Anna.

“Ah... single a—“

“And ready to mingle?”

“Free and down to please, is what the young folk are saying these days.”

Tyler nearly spit his whiskey. “Do they now.”

“No.” Judy admitted guiltily. “One of my girlfriends does though.”

“Haha you’ll have to introduce us to her sometime.” Anna purred, putting a hand down on the girl's thigh.

Tyler looked over at his assistant. Alarm was plastered over his face. That was one Judy could certainly read.

“Ignore her Judy, I’m terribly sorry. She can get a little carried away sometimes.”

This was her opening, her ticket in. She could see it all so clearly now. She wasn’t mistaken earlier; the way he would watch her, the lust really was there. She had to surmount his moral code though; he just couldn’t bring himself to initiate with her. Though, if she made a clear and concise move, like what Anna did, maybe, at least just this once, she could be let into his exclusive, wild sex world.

“Oh I don’t mind her at all. There is one problem though.”

“What’s that?” Tyler seemed to be only half listening, too annoyed with his sister to really hear her. Judy knew it was time to make her move.

“Well, my roommate didn’t coin the phrase for herself.”

Judy took a step forward. With one hand she pulled Tyler's head down so that her Lips rested by his ear. The other reached down, and found his manhood - fully erect - trailing down the side of his pant leg

“It was about me.”

Judy felt his large, firm hand wrap the small of her waist. That waist was about the width of one of his hands stretched out wide. His hand pulled her away and Judy watched the man she’d fantasized about for ages fully take her in. It was as if she’d been seen for the first time. She felt her cheeks redden, she’d been naked in front of scores of people, but here, fully clothed, she felt more exposed than any of them.

Anna curled up on the side of Tyler opposite to the arm gripping Judy’s side. She nibbled on his earlobe and whispered something while she stared lustfully at the young woman before them.

“Her panties are in purse, how about after dinner I take her up to the room and you let me get started without you?”

Tyler didn’t say a word, rather his eyes clung to the young woman like glue. After a moment Anna grabbed her hand and guided her away to their seats. Judy could feel his gaze all the way to their seats until his wife returned.


Mr. and Mrs. Crawford rotated between mingling with the others at their table, talking and giggling with each other, and undressing their evening’s conquests from across the room. Both Tyler and Judy’s dad got standing ovations from the beneficiaries of their work. Though Judy knew that neither of the men wished to build another corporate high rise complex again, it was fun to at least pretend they all belonged with the moguls present tonight. The mayor was their, senators, and people who owned half the city. Her father told Judy that there was more money in smaller projects.. or more honest money. “These corporate shits. That’s the thing, the model is you build everything cheap and quick, then you grease the pockets of everyone involved through kickbacks and fees. If you want to build with these guys honestly, you won’t be able to make a profit. Made Ty and I sick. I mean we knew it was bad, but not how bad until it was too late.”

Lucky for Mr Choi, their firms’ names had been on one of the most prestigious builds in the city for the past two years. Even if they only considered it as an advertising opportunity. Judy knew it was worth it, and so did they. Both Mr Crawford and her father had more jobs lined up than they knew what to do with. By the time the event was winding down it was eleven. About an hour or two earlier Judy had noticed Anna switch from cocktails to soda water, and followed suit. Tyler and Melanie had done the same. They all wanted their wits about them; no interest in dulling their senses tonight.

Anna had joined the Choi table. It was an innocent enough gesture, apart from the way she would scrape her fingers down the inside of Judy's thigh when she'd least expect it. By the time they had gotten up after everything was over, Judy was painfully aware that there was probably a wet mark on the back of her dress from the juices this vixen had conjured. Finally 11:45 rolled in, Judy watched Tyler kiss his wife goodbye, then go back to interacting with other guests. Judy was getting nervous, she felt butterflies in her stomach. Had she made a mistake? As hot as Anna clearly was for her, Judy felt completely out of their league. For years, she was a big fish in a little pond, tonight she was a fucking minnow in the deep sea. She watched Anna walk over to Tyler and whisper something into his ear. They both looked back at her and he nodded, then Anna made her way back to her, once again, oozing lust for her through her soft blue eyes. She smiled back sheepishly. At first she was avertive to this gaze, but as Anna's eyes held her, she began to accept it more. The self doubt was slowly starting to dissolve. It wasn't replaced by confidence per say, but rather, her sense of self was falling behind the carnal desire building in her loins.

"Let's get out of here, lovely" With that Judy watched Anna make her way to the lobby.

"Dad, I'm gonna get out of here"

"Right Jackie's thing! Have fun dear, I'll see you tomorrow sometime right?"

"Probably, love you dad!"

"Love you too sweet pea."

Judy hurried to catch up to Anna, and found her waiting just outside the hall. The two made their way down the hall, Anna unstrapped her heels and slipped them into her hands as they walked through the lobby. Down the hall a bit and to the right was a corridor with about a dozen different elevators. Anna pushed the button and waited, impatiently, tapping her heel while she watched the symbols. Suddenly, there was a ding behind them, at the other end of the corridor. Anna stepped forward, Judy trailing behind her. Judy's mouth dropped as Anna slipped the straps of her gown off her shoulders and let it fall to the ground. She stepped out of the dress and continued toward the elevator as if nothing had happened.

Dumbfounded, Judy stuttered for a moment, then picked up the garment and rushed into the elevator after. As she arrived, Anna was swiping her room key then pressing the button for their floor. Before the doors had even closed, Anna grabbed Judy's face and pulled it into hers. Judy exhaled into Anna's warm mouth as she surrendered to the lips she'd been staring at all night. Her hand reflexively dropped the dress and began to caress the soft back of her new lover. Without her heels, Anna was still just a tad taller than Anna; the angle was perfect. Judy felt the woman's hands slide down her side and pick up her leg. She then pushed Judy against the wall as the girl splayed herself and hooked her thigh around Anna's waist. Anna bit down on Judy's lip as she felt wet pussy rub against her upper thigh. She lunged her bare leg forward, inviting Judy to grind her mound on the erogenous platform. Judy moaned into the woman's mouth as she took up the offer. Her hand reached back behind her head, hoping for something to grasp, all she found was the cold reflective metal that lined the unit. With her other hand, Judy found Anna's shoulder, then her neck. Anna liked this. A small girl herself, only 5'2, Anna was unaccustomed to fucking someone smaller than her. It put her in a position of power she wasn't fully accustomed to. Sure she'd been in charge many a time, but more as the seducer or sexually dominant entity, never physically overpowering. She pressed her mouth deeper into Judy's, catching the girl off balance a bit. Her head hit the wall hard, but it deterred neither of them. Anna's hand on Judy's hip hooked the hem of her dress and lifted it up, fully exposing her bare ass to the cold rail behind it. She lifted it past her lower back then squeezed her abdomen as she began to grind against Judy's leg as well. The sensation was not going to make either cum. But the sheer eroticism of it all was so fucking hot that they both would have been content there the entire night. In fact, they even remained there a few moments after the elevator doors opened. It wasn't until Judy opened her eyes for the first time and realized where they were that the moment faded. Taking in the site, she turned her attention to the elevator buttons. Sure enough, 35 was glowing. The Continental's penthouse on the top floor.

The penthouse was built like a small house on top of the hotel. The walls of the main space were almost entirely glass. Outside was a massive infinity pool and hot tub, all lit with a faint blue glow. The suite was dark, save the bit of light escaping from under the door of one of the rooms. Judy was stunned.

Anna finally noticed and took a break from sucking on the young woman's neck. "Welcome to the penthouse! This is one of those kickbacks Tyler and your father are always so uncomfortable with... lucky for us he wasn't too uncomfortable with this particular one."

Anna slipped her foot under her dress on the floor of the elevator and launched it into the suite as she took Judy's hand and led her to the large sectional couch. Deranged by her lust, all pretense had dissolved for the young woman. She knew what she wanted and intended to have it. She squeezed Anna's hand as she neared the couch. Anna turned and was taken aback by the evil smirk on Judy's face. Shock quickly turned to intrigue. And Judy watched her curious expression as she forced the older woman down on the couch. Once there Judy took a few steps and began to sway her hips to an unheard rhythm side to side. She lifted her hands above her head and threw her hair back, whipping the long strands out of her face. Then she locked her eyes on Anna, who was sprawled back and soaking up every second of ths, Judy grabbed the small zipper on the side of her strapless green mini-dress and slowly pulled it down. She then lifted the arm above there and pulled her hair out of the way. It was dark, but Anna could make out a delicious side-boob shot as well as the top bits of the girl's tattoo. Then with another quarter turn Anna slid the dress down showing off her tiny, tasty back, and succulent ass. She bent forward exposing herself further and gave Anna an impressive twerk showing. Judy then turned again, now covering her tits with her forearm and kicked the dress off at Anna who caught it and put the crotch to her lips (careful not to obstruct her view). With her free arm Judy felt up herself, closing her eyes as her extended fingernails traced her caramel stomach, neck, and face. Then she made her way south, eventually parting her pussy lips a bit with her ring finger. Anna had already begun playing with herself but moaned softly watching the girl's work. Judy eyed her father’s business partner’s mistress, pinch her meaty pink nipple and rub that clit Judy was fixated on. She slid her forearm away from left breast as it was now covered by the arm inside herself, then she slid her other arm to the same position, forming a v that hid from Anna all that she was curious about. After rubbing herself for a minute, Judy slid her arms up slowly. Even through the poorly lit room Anna could see the young woman’s skin turn white where her nails pushed into the skin. She slid upward until she felt the metal protruding from her erect nipples against her palms. There she bit her lip and grabbed onto them. Sending a tingling pain through the skin, resulting in waves of pleasure in her groin. Anna watched the dark flesh contort from the tension. Her hand rubbed harder.

Judy released her nipples then lifted her hands above her head and slowly gyrated downward until she was on her knees. Judy could hear how wet her subject was as Anna toyed with her pussy more and more frantically. She watched the woman’s chest rise and fall as the flesh of her breast oozed out the gaps in her fingers that gripped the meat so aggressively. She proceeded to get on all fours and crawl, swaying her hips side to side. Towards the thing she so badly had wanted. Anna braced herself, ready to see what college had taught the girl... she didn’t have to know much to send her over the edge though. Anna was so turned on by her sexy little tan body that she'd probably cum if the girl just breathed on her pussy. Each step felt like a lifetime to Anna, she couldn’t wait to be satisfied, but at the same time she wanted to freeze the moment. The sexual tension was electric. She could smell her sex bubbling out of her, and it turned her on all the more knowing that this young woman could sense it too.

Judy squeezed into the soft skin of Anna’s inner thigh before pulling her forward to the edge of the couch. Anna positioned her legs over Judy and bit her lip as she watched the girl take in her tasty lips. Judy was elated. She could feel her pussy aching for attention, she slipped a hand down to satiate herself and approached Anna’s clit.

Anna’s eyes rolled back as the hot air from Judy’s mouth sent tingles through her cunt. She then whimpered and she felt the soft of her tongue tease her clit before sucking it into her mouth.

“Fuck! That’s.... GAWD!”

Judy’s free hand traced up Anna’s torso and latched onto her tit while her tongue dove into her entrance. Judy had turned her head sideways, allowing her to massage the sides of Anna’s entrance in a way that even she, in all her experience, was unaccustomed to.

"Fuck! You're good gurl!"

"Oh yeah? You like it when this little slut nibbles on your juicy pussy lips."

"Oh fuck yes Judy! Are you gonna be my filthy little whore tonight?"

"I'll be anything you want tonight."

"Well then come here and fuck me, you dirty little slut!" Anna was already so close to cumming, but she didn't care. She wanted... no, needed to be smashing her throbbing pussy with something, it was apparent that Judy's cunt would be more than adequate. She lunged forward and pulled Judy upward to her causing a pop sound when Judy's lips broke the suction seal around Anna's mound. Anna loved to taste herself on peoples lips. Especially mixed in with the cherry lip gloss Judy was wearing. It had driven her wild when they were making out in the elevator. Now the thick strands of cum laced within the sweet cherry flavor was a dangerous cocktail. She couldn't wait to taste Judy, but that would have to wait until after this orgasm. One which was building up to be out of this world.

Judy was on her knees, pressed against Anna who sat on the edge of the couch. Both of their bodies were glistening with the bit of sweat their activities produced. She knew the pineapple juice trick, but damn, whatever this girl was doing left her begging for another taste, luckily there was plenty of time for that. Anna could feel Judy's nipple jewelry cold against her hot skin. The moment only lasted a second, but in it the two were connected on a level deeper than either were accustomed to on a one night stand. Their eyes met, and for a moment, just a moment, Judy felt the urge to whisper "I love you." She didn't, she didn't even know this woman. She loved her pussy, she loved the way she felt, she loved cumming to the sound of her making Anna climax, but... Before she could weigh the urge, the moment was gone. Anna picked Judy and threw her on her back beside her on the couch. She crawled up to Judy, who was ready and waiting for a taste of her second favorite pair of lips. She slipped her hand down and found Judy to be sopping wet. Pussy juice saturated the girl's thighs and the sexy little black landing strip she left behind. Judy squealed as Anna rubbed the outer walls of her vagina, coaxing out even more milky fluid. She kissed the girl's neck, biting at it little and felt her chest rise. Goosebumps formed all the way down her shoulder letting Anna know she was on the right track. Slowly she worked her way further and further south while continuing to massage the external perimeter of the little slut's pussy. She writhed and howled each time Anna flicked the ring's fixed to her perky little nipples. Satisfied, Anna replaced her teeth with her hand and tugged on her nipples while she slid her tongue down Ms. Choi's flat stomach, past her pierced belly button and finally came in for landing.

"Oh my fucking Gawd!"

In the time since Anna slept with Melanie for the first time, she had become something of an expert on the vagina, though she'd never come across one this tiny. That being said, it took her no time before she coaxed the girl along the way to climax. She took her advice from Judy's work on her. Treating the outer labia with her lips while nibbling on her clit and massaging it back and forth with her tongue. She felt Judy's vagina start to spasm, and knew it was time.

Anna popped up on her knees and grabbed Judy's left leg. She picked it up in a way that rotated Judy so that she faced the door. Judy could feel a bit of draft on her saturated pussy from the open window. She was practically doing the splits the way Anna had yanked her leg, but her intention became clear to Judy and suddenly she didn't mind. Anna scooted forward then lowered herself onto Judy's pelvis. Then she began to slowly grind against her mound. Judy watched, wondering if Anna had been a belly dancer in another life. She was mesmerized by the waves that rolled down the woman's stomach, especially with how much each wave pleasured her groin. Judy hadn't ever had much luck with scissoring, the closest she came to cumming from it was because the girls' boyfriends were watching them do it. This though, this was expert level shit. Anna's writhing sent shockwaves all throughout her fuckhole. She began to thrust forward and back to meet the waves which she watched drive Anna wild. Anna squeezed into Judy's thigh, gripping it with both hands like her life depended on it. Her pace and speed exploded, Judy thought she'd feel heat from the friction, but the two girls' juices had been so well lubricated their pleasure centers that all she could feel was stimulation and pleasure.

"I'mmm Fuck!!!! I'mm CUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING" Anna tripled her speed to further send Judy over the edge and momentarily joined her in sheer ecstasy. The two writhed and thrust against each other well past the first waves of climax, and continued on even as the elevator doors opened. Anna, because she didn't care. Judy, because she didn't notice. Even as Judy watched the tall black waiter walk into the room, express shock, then see Anna point him to the room with the light coming out from under the door. Judy was too caught up in her pleasure to process that some man had just seen her fucking. Nothing stopped between the two girls until Tyler arrived.


"fuck man, she said not to be late!" I was frantic making my way to the elevator once I got off my shift. 12:20!

I smashed the button for the thirty fifth floor half a dozen times before I realized I needed to swipe the card first. I could already feel my dick pitching a tent in my slacks, which reminded me to take off my apron. The elevator was super fast, but also seemed to take forever. I could not blow my chance with this lady. She was smoking hot, and down to fucking clown like I had never seen. Especially not with someone so refined: Married, probably with kids, still hotter than any college girl, and clearly... clearly knew how to please you. I don't know where I'd be fucking if I got the gig with her, but I knew I'd be feeling good.

The elevator doors opened to the rampant smell of sex, and the sound of two girls having the time of their lives. When my eyes adjusted to the dark room I saw the husband's secretary and a super sexy asian girl that was at their party scissoring on the couch. Fuck! No wonder why the guy was so chill with me railing his Misses! The two women seemed completely unphazed by my presence. The secretary pointed to Mrs. Crawford's room while continuing to ride the girl below her. The asian chick watched me like she wasn't sure I was even there. Clearly she was enjoying herself far too much to be concerned with me, whereas the secretary seemed to put a little extra show on for me. I swiped the key card and entered. The room was dimly lit by some candles. I was hit with a cold breeze and saw that the woman was standing on the balcony. This was the master suite, in the bathroom there was a bathtub big enough for three people. It was full and steaming, I saw her head tilt my way, but the woman didn't move. I walked to the bar and poured two glasses of the chilled champagne there, then made my approach. I handed her the glass and she took it with the same motion she inhaled my lips into hers. She kissed me so much deeper and lustfully that I was taken aback. Her hand gripped the back of my head, massaging it tenderly as I felt her warm chest press against me. She sipped the wine and turned her back, pulling her hair out of the way to reveal the clasp for her dress. I felt like a kid on Christmas. The clasp consisted of four buttons above her neck. It was about three inches wide and from there the dress opened up In a triangle shape that finished just below her shoulders. From there the dress opened out in a u-shape that draped all the way down to her lower back. This long sleeve, open back style is what kept catching my eye all night. It was super fucking hot as well, the way that when her husband put his arm on her back his fingers would slip inside and seemed to tease at the underside of her breast. Lucky for me though, as I pulled the tight fabric down her waist I knew I had those lovely titties all to myself tonight.

The woman turned to me and kissed me again. Her pelvis pressed against my erection. If it was possible for a pussy to undo a belt, hers would have. I could feel my cock part her lips through my pants. She slid up and down and I could feel the thin material dampen from her. This was unreal. The cold air caused her nipples to harden. I took one into my hand and she broke from our kiss to nibble by my ear. My lips went to her neck, her hands went to my pants.

“I take it you met my husband’s secretary”

“The blonde? Yeah, she...”

“I let her taste your cum afterwards.”

“You did? I... damn.”

“Depending how you do tonight. If my husband’s done with those two, maybe I’ll invite them to join us.”

Ah, maybe that’s what I’m here for.

“Does your husband typically finish before you?”

The grinding halted. Her state turned more frigid than the midnight breeze that continued to toss her hair about. Message received.

“My husband has quite a bit of work to handle before his flight tomorrow. So he won’t be going for the three or four hours he normally would on a night like this.”

Dayum! Okay, true or not, I knew not to talk shit about her husband. This group was completely unlike open marriages I’d found myself entangled in before. This was what all the others wished they could be.

The woman grabbed my waist. Her fingers were cold against my skin. She pulled me forward and we made our way to the bed. I could still hear the two women outside pleasuring themselves, but my focus was on what was before me. Mrs Crawford sat me on the bed and pulled off my pants. I slipped my arms out of my sleeves and leaned back on my elbows as I watched this elegant, refined woman evolve into a complete whore. She climbed seductively atop my hips and slid down onto my manhood. I was enraged. She felt so fucking good, my cock was extra sensitive, a bit tender from earlier, but that just made everything feel that much better. Inside her hole was warm, soft, and oh so fucking wet! Most women struggle to handle me on top or doggy, but Melanie seemed completely unencumbered. Her eyes rolled back as she began to grind back and forth against me. Her hand slipped into her hair, I could tell she was enjoying herself, as was I. I knew I had to make tonight last, as bad as I wanted to flip her over and pound her into the ground, patience was the virtue I needed.

Her skin was taut, her body firm. It was apparent that, though she worked hard to maintain her shape, it wasn't the key to her beauty. Melanie had a refined complexion. What must have been Italian, or something that left her a delicious olive color that drove me wild. Her face was gorgeous, well defined lines, full lips, an almost comically small nose - she was what all the girls my age were trying to be, just a decade their senior. Just watching her face, eyes closed, mouth agape, was all I needed. Then she opened her eyes, bit her lip, squeezed her tits and grinned at me while she began to slide up and down my cock. Those fucking eyes! I couldn't help myself. I grabbed her hands, and pinned them behind her back with my right arm. This caused her to fall forward. I caught her by the neck with my other hand, and from this position began to ram into her sopping cunt as hard as I could. Melanie screamed and begged for more. I obliged. Gradually my hand slid lower and lower down her spine until my finger felt the ridge of her ass. How could I forget about the woman's ass? It belonged in a rap video, or a LuluLemon commercial. My finger slipped down that crack, still pinning her arms, and began to massage around her entrance. The skin was already wet, I imagine from the grinding she was doing on me earlier. I popped in somewhat unexpectedly to both of us, which rendered a squeal. She locked eyes with me again, although her eyes kept rolling upward and drifting out of focus. Her screams turned breathy. Overpowered by the sound of our bodies clapping together, I almost missed her whisper from above me, "Don't stop... Don't...............fuck........fuck fuck I'm.......... Don't stop!"

She inhaled, I felt her pussy lips contract. Time to bring the hammer. I upped my game, pumping both her holes harder and faster. Three fingers were in her ass now. My hand clamped tighter on her neck and I knew I wouldn't let go until her orgasm subsided. Her body spasmed a bit, and I felt them fluctuating the pressure on my cock. We stayed there for a minute; me pumping, her spasming, eyes rolled back until suddenly she exhaled and flew forward on the bed. I was pretty happy I hadn't finished, though I'd gotten pretty fucking close. I flipped her over onto her back and pulled her pussy up to my face to taste the sweet juices I'd been thinking about all night. "Pace yourself man, can't fucking blow this shit!"


Judy wouldn't have noticed the sound of the elevator ding or the doors open if Anna hadn't stopped in her tracks. The scissoring had stopped once the two girls came. Anna was now eating Judy's ass. Judy opened her eyes and followed Anna's line of sight. Suddenly she remembered the whole reason this night began. Tyler stood in the doorway. The charming, smiling man at the party seemed to have stayed on the main floor. In his place was a cold stare. His tie was loose and his blazer hung by his index finger over his shoulder. She gave the two women a passing glance then threw his things on the chair and made his way onto the balcony while unbuttoning his shirt. Anna got up, brushed herself off a bit, pushing her hair down as best she could and wiping Judy's juices off her face. Judy admired how gorgeous the woman looked. Just as elegant and sexy, just now nude. Judy had gone with a different approach. When getting ready for tonight she grabbed her waterproof mascara, then opted to not. She thought the messy sex look would be a good one, she hoped so, but the way Tyler acted so apathetically to the two women splayed on his couch sent a different message. She unclasped the heel that dangled from her ankle, she was unsure where the other went, but concluded that would have to wait. Anna was several yards ahead of her. Judy watched the woman's ass bounce back and forth, which she found quite erotic. Still, it couldn't shake the anxiousness she was feeling. She felt like she was on her way to the principal's office after receiving a pink slip. When she rounded the corner she saw Tyler's bare muscular back sitting on the edge of the hot tub. Anna was making her way down the stairs into it Judy followed suit.

"Sit down Judy."

She stopped in her tracks. She was following Anna who was making her way through the water toward Tyler but instead sat across from them. This was actually the first time she'd been naked in a hot tub oddly enough. She watched Anna saunter over to Mr Crawford. She nestled herself between his legs, pulled his semi-erect cock out of his boxer briefs and slipped it into her mouth.

"Are you sure you're up for this Judy?" She thought she heard. However she was transfixed on the Anna working Mr. Crawford's dick with such vigor. It had already begun to stand up. Anna slipped her fingers up and down the head while she worked the shaft with her mouth from the side. His dick was already bigger than she expected.

"You like what my sister is doing I see." Suddenly she snapped back.

"What... uh.. yes... yes Mr Crawford." Did he say sister? She thought.

"Listen, Judy. Your father and I are very close. I respect him very much. If we are to go forward with this, I need to be confident that you are fully capable of handling our sex lives." Judy marvelled at how nonchalant Mr Crawford was being. He was literally getting his dick sucked in front of her while he had what seemed like a completely normal conversation. "I don't want to hurt your father, and especially not his precious daughter." His hand was now on the back of Anna's head forcing her to take the full length of his cock. Something Judy was sitting there wondering if she could do. She was aware that Mr. Crawford was speaking, even might even have vaguely understood what he was saying. But her mind was elsewhere.

"Judy!" She snapped again.

"Yes... I can handle it... please, sir... let me handle it for you."

He released his grip on his secretary who looked up at him. They communicated through their gaze a bit until Anna turned around and told Judy.

"Well, come handle this then."

Anna pulled off Tyler's briefs and Judy scooted towards him through the hot water. The bubbles popping and spraying her already running makeup lines. Through her narrow eyes, Judy conveyed her hunger for him, the man she'd fantasized about ever since she saw him in her father's office all those years ago. Tonight he was finally hers... tonight she was finally his. She dug her nails into his thighs, she was shocked by their firmness, his general firmness... no pun intended. His cock twitched when she kissed just beside his base. She was anxious, and so aroused. With her head on his lap, his cock was longer than her head was wide. 9, 10?! She didn't have time to think, she felt hands, Anna's she would later realise, pull her hair up and force her down on Tyler's girth. She fought her gag reflex as the psycho slut smashed her nose against Tyler. She felt him down her throat... her arms flailed, then accepted her role, then something unexpected happened. Tyler pressed deeper, no more than half an inch, but the pressure was overwhelming, there was so much erotic desire in his thrust, as if he needed as much of her as she could possibly muster. Judy needed to reward him, she began to work the wide part of her tongue back and forth his shaft. She smiled (somewhat) as he grunted his approval. Tyler began to pump up and down, Judy, now free of Anna's grasp, matched him. Her hands ran up Tyler's torso almost scraping him as she felt his large hand cup the back of her head. She peeked her eyes up to watch him be pleasured by her throat. Tears were forming at the sides of her eyes in response to how deep his thrusting was, however, through hours of practice (on toys and boys) she'd mastered the ability to breath while neck deep in cock. Her eyes were locked on his as his thrusting became more and more powerful... too powerful. Soon he was ramming so hard into her face, she thought he might break her nose. Tyler probably would have slowed down except Judy seemed to continue to match the increase. She didn't notice that she was forcing her head down just as hard as he was thrusting up. Anna now was just sitting back and watching with her hand inside herself. She was thoroughly impressed, she communicated her shock at Judy's ability to her brother through a couple jaw dropped nods, but quickly refocused her energy on her pleasure rather than communication. Soon Tyler seemed to be building towards a climax, Judy was accepting, but hoped he had more in him, she needed to get pounded tonight, especially after how hot this whole facefucking had made her. Suddenly Tyler's thrust lifted Judy back and threw her off balance, she would have fallen back completely, but Tyler held her in place, by a grasp of hair, neck and scalp. With that grip, he rotated her around aggressively. Judy thought he might snap her neck right there, but somehow the fact that she was so off balance to begin with allowed her body to twirl as he directed with relative grace. She winced as the back of her skull hit hard. Tyler replaced his hand with the concrete rim of the tub. His balls were still pressed against the young girl's face and through the tears blurring her sight, eye contact had yet to be broken. One of Tyler's thick legs now stood outside of the tub while the other stood on the bench Judy now sat on. The leg in the tub pinned her chest against the wall of the hot tub while other allowed Tyler the leverage to continue to pump his massive cock down her throat. Judy's head was cocked back at a 90 degree angle allowing him to seamlessly press down past her uvula in and out.

Anna bit her lip. She watched Judy's throat expand and contract with each pump. Tyler was big, but more, Judy was so small. She'd been with him and his wife, but Mel was taller than Anna. There was one girl they hooked up with together on a business retreat who was a similar size as Judy, but she couldn't take his cock. No, Anna had never really gotten to watch something this intense. It took her back to some of the first times she and Tyler fucked, that innocent big brother helping little sister trip that turned into a week of unbridled depravity. She eased her way past a self-induced climax and decided it was time she joined the fray.

Judy felt helpless, it frightened her... not the helplessness, how much she enjoyed the helplessness. She reached around and pressed Tyler from behind, pressing him on. Tyler obliged and the thrusts turned from a mechanical nature to more of a bucking horse smashing down messily onto her face. It cranked her neck in ways she knew would hurt tomorrow, but she would not regret it. Her pussy was aching for him. She ground her hips back and forth on the concrete bench, the warm water and its flow heightened her senses and made her lips extra sensitive. She was surprised how well the grinding against the cement slab was working. Tyler felt a vibration in his member from her moaning in delight at the unique sensation. He watched her eyes roll back and as he continued to pump into the young woman without restraint. Suddenly he felt soft lips on his back, shivers trickled his back as his sweet Anna ran her fingers down his spine and licked the side of his neck up to ear and whispered, "that's not the only hole you have tonight, love"

Judy heard Anna faintly, but was too deranged to make anything out. She was pinned down, couldn't move her neck, her mouth, her whole body. It was as if all she was to Tyler was her mouth, her wet, fuckable mouth. She groaned again as her body involuntarily increased its grinding.

"Feeling lonely babe?" Tyler said, failing to look up from the victim of his thrusting.

"A little, but I get you all to myself for a whole week. Why don't you give me something to jerk off to, then you can finish with the both of us."

"It'd be my pleasure" Judy whimpered as Tyler's thrusts became even more wild. His sister really knew how to get him going.

"Oh, I can tell it'd be your pleasure, luckily it'll be mine as well, and definitely hers." Anna grabbed his forearm and guided it to Judy's throat. He clasped down and watched the girl's eyes redden, but also egg him on. He tightened his grip and continued.

"Hope you don't mind the cold air, Anna"

"I love it, heightens the senses, plus us and Mel already made such a mess of the place yesterday... I woulda loved to see the maids react to that when they came in to clean! All the cum, and toys... and undergarments."

"Probably wasn't their first orgy clean up."

"It was the first like ours..."

She bit his ear and suddenly it became clear Tyler needed more from his fuckdoll. He jumped down to the floor of the tub, wrapped his arm around Judy's torso and lifted her out the water. Judy hadn't even caught her breath before she was gasping at the cold breeze chilling her down to her bones as the temperature of the water on her body quickly dropped. Her makeup had run to a point that it completely obscured her vision... or was that spit.... or cum? It was only a few steps later though that she realized where she was going. Tyler practically threw her against the glass railing that wrapped the patio of the suite. Her hands squeezed hard as she wiped her eyes clean on her shoulder. They burned a bit but she finally began to take in the night sky. She could see for miles, Judy started to smile at the pretty lights of the city before her mouth went agape. Tyler's cock was parting the lips of a pussy anatomically smaller than he must be accustomed to. Nothing to do with wetness or use... Judy's pelvis was just tiny. She reached down and spread herself, though to her surprise, even with the heat from the tub sucking out her body's moisture, she was as slippery as a bar of soap. Tyler was actually just waiting for some sign of permission, the finger's wrapping his shaft was well enough and suddenly Judy felt all 9 inches ram into her from behind. The force lifted her off her feet and Judy's stomach dropped as if on a rollercoaster. She looked down to the street several hundred feet below and suddenly felt a rush at the thought of being thrown down there in a matter of seconds, naked and rather satisfied. Tyler had his large hand under her, his finger was on her clit while another two gripped her side. She was completely safe in his arms and suddenly she knew that. She was completely helpless to him, but also felt safe in that place. Her knuckles released the rail and she tugged on her nipple piercing, surrendering to his pleasure. Tyler wasn't rubbing her clit, rather his hand sat with the perfect amount of pressure, so that the work of thrusting stimulated her just enough to keep her edging further and further towards orgasm. As he pumped and pumped into her delicate frame, Judy surrendered more to the sensation and began to melt into the rail supporting her. Soon her arms drooped over the rails as her chest and Tyler held her in position. She looked out and between flurries of sensational overload realized she could see her house from here. Well, not her actual house, but where her house was. "If dad had binoculars he could probably see us right now." She instantly shut down the thought, but was surprised that it did nothing to turn her off. In fact... Like a kid returning to the plate they thought they saw a bug on, Judy cautiously reapproached the image. She pictured her father, sitting in his boxers and tank top like he often did, on that lazyboy, hands rubbing the knob under the cotton fabric as he watched her through his binoculars... "Fuck me Daddy!" Judy wasn't sure who she was talking to in that instance, but she knew she wanted someone to keep fucking her. Tyler was there to oblige, and Anna was there to watch.


The noise in the other room was getting loud enough to distract me. One of those girls was having the time of her life I'll tell you! It was helpful actually. This Melanie... before her, I knew there was good pussy and bad pussy, but it was all pussy. It was like I'd been drinking grape juice all my life, comparing welch's and Kirkland... Then all the sudden I'm given a glass of fine wine and boom, my whole understanding of drinking is shattered. I've got her cum caked face, dripping fluid onto the sheets' down my thighs, all over my balls.... It's amazing! And she is an expert at dick: sucking it, riding it, jerking it. Fun fact... I learned this about twenty minutes before the girls in the other room grabbed my attention.. you can get oils for bath tubs that send tingly sensations throughout your body - especially your dick. I'd never been a big handjob guy before, but in that tub in that hotel room, combined with the sensations from the oils blew my mind.... that and this woman squirting all over my hand for the same reason.

“Oh fuck that’s deep baby!”

I was suddenly drawn back to the beautiful body pretzeled under my frame. Melanie’s legs were pressed against her chest. She was on her back, her sea green eyes lusted at me, my chest, and my cock. She bit her lip as she watched my thrusts reverberate against her sopping cunt.

“I think it’s wet enough for you”

“What is?”

Without a word Mel stopped, lifted her lower back, and reached back with her hands to spread her tight, round ass for me. Sure enough, her asshole was marinated in her sweet juices. It puckered at me, beckoning forward. Melanie was surprised when it was my face rather than my manhood that greeted her entrance. She had absolutely no complaints though. I reached up and rubbed her clit as my tongue darted in and out of her hole. She did not need much preparation, her body was quite clearly ready for me... but I loved her ass. I could eat her out all fucking day.

“Oh yes Tyler, right... fucking there baby!”

A lesser man may take offense to that... well okay.. I kinda took offense to that, but also... this guy was clearly good at keeping this minx happy, so it was probably a compliment if anything. Her nails dug into the back of my head and pressed me forward. My nose pressed into her pussy and I began to run her clit harder until I could feel a pressure building in her loins. A thumb became a hand and quickly my face was sprayed with an explosion of pussy juice that blinded me with desire. I lifted off her body and before she could even take a breath to recover. I rammed my full erection headstrong into that tight little asshole. She was so tight that I felt like I’d be stuck if it wasn't dripping with all those soapy juices. My dick slurped and slopped in a raw animalistic passion. Melanie was unconcerned. She continued to scream and moan in ecstasy as my fucking seemed to carry her orgasm deeper and deeper into her body, reaching higher levels as each inch pushed deeper into her body.

“Oh fuck me Marcus GODDAMNIT Marcus don’t fucking!!!!! agghh!”

I watched her hands claw at the sheets, her legs resting on my shoulders began to quiver.. her moans went silent and suddenly I wasn’t there with her. She was on another plane of existence the closest to Nirvana that raw doggin one room over from your husband’s threesome can get you. I was just some dick... but I’d transported her somewhere else and was beyond grateful to be a part of this crazy orgasm.


Judy had nearly forgotten how much she enjoyed Anna’s tongue. Though, as she lowered herself in front of the woman getting smashed from behind on the couch wet with both of their cum, she quickly remembered. Tyler had continued to intermittently drill both of his lovers for the better part of the evening and Judy had more or less extrapolated that the two were siblings... sister in law or step sister or just sister, she had no idea. But the ambiguity did not detract from how hot it made her. She had dipped her toes into a fair share of depravity, but not like this. She felt herself blush as Tyler caught her eyes. The lights were on, but dim; it reflected off of his chiseled body. And the curve of Anna’s pale glistening skin. The arch of her back impressed Judy, but her eyes stayed with Tyler’s. Her mind went back to that throat fucking. How he used her so viciously, how exhilarating it felt to her. It was invigorating to have the ability to please him so completely. She heard him smash into his little sister harder than before. She whimpered each time into the girl's cunt. Each blast pushed her tongue deeper into Judy and put pressure on her clit. As they locked eyes it was as if he was fucking her through Anna. Like that row of balls attached to string, where you pull one back, swing it forward and the one on the opposite end shoots out.. pendulum? No. Either way. She felt amazing.. and she was loving the view. Anna reached up and gripped onto each of her piercings and suddenly pain was intermingled with pleasure as each thrust tugged on her tender nipples more and more. Judy whimpered. Suddenly she was hard pressed for air. Anna grinned into the young woman’s fuck-hole as she watched her roll into climax. She had cum on Tyler’s rod already, but might have loved eating this girl out more. FUCK this was hot!


As quickly as it arrived, the trance evaporated. Suddenly the limp, spasming body beneath me shot back to life. Her muscles contracted around my member and suddenly I was painfully aware of the load begging to erupt. She knew it too.

“Oh fuck Marcus! Fill my filthy little hole with your hot fucking load baby!”

I didn’t respond, simply upped my pace, I wasn’t fully going to oblige her though.

She screamed her approval as my pace increased and she (I’m sure) began to feel my cock twitch and pulsate, nearing my own climax. I had been all alone in the room for nearly twenty minutes while she had her trance like orgasm! Left with occasional spasms, moans, and inhales... and the funnest ass I’ve ever put my dick into. I had absolutely no complaints.. to be honest, it was fucking hot, like... I did that; I made that happen. And watching this girl just be in that moment was so fucking erotic.. blew my mind. Probably why I was so ready to shoot my load by the end of it. I was so determined to last a bit longer, but each thrust just felt so damn good, I wanted the next one faster and harder. So did Melanie.

“Fuck Marcus! Just like that! Yes! Yes! YESS! Harder Fuck Yeaaaaaaaa!”

That was it! I was done for. I felt the urge building and I lacked the composure to restrain myself. I heard her scream her surprise as I doubled my speed and pressed even deeper into her delicious asshole. Her eyes rolled back as I jackhammered my way into completion. I felt my cock expand as it shot its load deep inside. She squealed in approval, but I had other plans. After my third shot I pulled out and blasted the rest of my load on her guts, stomach and face. It was a gamble, she could be totally pissed off with me... but she wasn’t. A finger slid up her cheek and slipped a stream into her mouth.

“Attaboy, dear.”

“That was fucking wild Mrs. Crawford.”

“Well thank you Marcus, you weren’t too bad yourself.”

“I ugh.. thank you.”

“Any chance you’ve got another round left in you?”

“I could try for a third, but..”

“Not a problem. Get some rest, I’ll need your full wits about you tomorrow. What’s your schedule.”

“I work nights mostly, the next couple I’m off though, and I can take some time as well.”

“Nights? No that’s fine, I have other means of occupying myself as well. Go home get some rest. I check out at 10 tomorrow so be here to pick me up by then.. or earlier if you want to fuck me on that veranda.”

“Hell yeah, when should I be here for that.”

“Well my husband and sister-in-law leave for the airport at 7:30. 8 will be fine.”

“I’ll see you then.” I had finished putting back on my trousers and settled with a half buttoned look for my shirt... sister-in-law? That would mean...

I opened the door and suddenly the thought vanished as my eyes fixated on that girl again, now crumpled upside down, her neck tweaked while her back rest against the side of the couch. Melanie's husband was fucking down on her aggressively while his secretary rubbed the girls clit and sat on her face. No one involved seemed to notice me as I opened the door, walked over to the elevator and awkwardly waited for the doors to open. I peaked a glance or two before the elevator doors closed.. Those two girls were smoking hot! I was definitely cancelling any plans I had for next week.


"how'd he do, hun?" The man atop Judy hollered. She had been vaguely aware of a door opening, and someone walking to the elevator, but was to entranced by her pleasure centers. However, Tyler slowed his vigor and Anna lifted her groin off the young woman's face and suddenly she was drawn to the silhouette standing in the wall of light emanating from the once closed bedroom. The woman's hourglass figure was even more impressive now than it was out of her evening gown. Once again she became aware of her nakedness, more than her nakedness, the absolute depravity of her appearance, it no longer made her nervous. It was exciting. She reached a hand up to her clit (Anna had stopped her rubbing) and stared longingly at the new prospect.

"He'll do, maybe we'll add him to the rolodex"

"Or at least his catering company."

Melanie sauntered towards the pleasure chain and locked her lips with Anna. Now that the light no longer blinded her, Judy saw hot cum dripping down the woman's thigh's and neck.

"I have something special for you two girls." Melanie grabbed both of their hands to guide them to an unused bedroom.

"Care for a little snack ladies?" Melanie plopped herself onto the bed and displayed the creampie as well as the shots of hot seed all over her frame.

"Dibs on that backside!" Anna dove headfirst into Melanie, who let out a muted moan threw her bit lip. The MILF locked eyes with Judy for the first time really, and suddenly the girl felt an uncontrollable urge to lick her clean. Judy crawled seductively toward her new partner and licked a droplet of spunk off her navel, her tongue slid upward tracing along the dip that ran up the center of her abdomen until she sucked at the underside of Melanie's cleavage where another shot of semen had dripped into. Melanie moaned as the young girl proceeded to tighten her teeth around her already tender nipple. Judy pinched at her own and tugged at her piercings again. As she made her way up to those soft, supple lips, lipstick slightly smeared. It caught Judy off guard the way Melanie's mouth seemed to inhale her small face like a vacuum cleaner. Suddenly their lips were locked and Judy felt her being melt away in their erotic embrace; soon all she was was her tongues jousting in Melanie's mouth and her clit, throbbing and begging for attention.

Tyler was quick to join the party. Anna had moved up his wife's body licking up any cum Judy missed. He took a moment to consider which of the 9 holes he wanted to put his dick in. Anna was on all fours, her ass in the air beckoning him, his wife was on her back with both of her holes displayed as well. Judy laid on her side next to Melanie, her pussy lips were pressed together between her legs as she wrestled mouths with the Mrs. All three girls' mouths seemed occupied, leaving six options.. 5 Judy's position would be hard enough for anal without even considering how small the girl probably was, as well as the fact that he had no real idea as to what her limits were. Anna would have him all week, and by the looks of it Mel had had her fun for tonight, anything more would be extra.

Tyler grabbed Judy's waist and yanked her so that she lay perpendicular to his wife, the two barely broke from their kiss. He lifted her leg up, exposing her moist nethers, glistening with desire. Melanie reached over to hold the young girl's leg upright and broke away from her kiss to encourage her husband with her eyes... and to enjoy the show. Judy as well twisted her back, wresting her cheek on Melanie's breast. Anna took a break and watched the Judy's jaw drop when Mr Crawford split her cunt in two. The young woman bit hard on Melanie's tit just as the pain and pleasure engulfed her. Something about this angle made Tyler's cock far more severe to her. It felt thicker, and like he was hitting far deeper. His hips smashed hard against her skin, pressing as if he wanted to shove his whole pelvis inside her tiny slit. Anna hopped off Mel and joined her in teasing and pleasuring Judy. she bit at the girl's nipples and neck while squeezing and clawing her thighs causing a sensory overload. Melanie had returned to Judy's lips. She tangled her tongue around Judy's and worked it like a tiny little penis she was blowing. The sensation was new to the girl, and maximized by the way Mel tugged at her hair and squeezed her neck. Six sets of hands, three steamy bodies, two soft lips, and one monstrous cock edged her quickly towards climax. She felt Tyler's pace increasing, the fucking was becoming sporadic and aggressive.

"You think that tiny little slit can handle your hot fucking load baby?" Judy opened her eyes and saw Mel locked onto him with a devilish smile. "yes... yes it fucking can" she thought to herself.

"Oh I don't know Mel, he can get so aggressive when he finishes, especially with something so small and sexy!"

Tyler gave nothing more than a grunt, his pace only quickened. His arms squeezed Judy's upright leg so tight she thought it might snap.

"Give it to me Mr Crawford! please fuck me harder! Fuck me dadddy! FUaaaaaaAAAACKKKKK!!"

He heard her. As if he had held back the whole night, Tyler began to smash into Judy like battering ram, her body began to quiver she squeezed down so hard on Mel's skin that it bruised. Anna was right! Judy's eyes rolled back as an earth shattering orgasm enveloped her yet again in an ecstasy rarely matched. She felt Tyler's cock twitch and suddenly knew his hot seed was about to bury itself deep in her cervix.


Her body continued to quiver and shake as flurry after flurry of pleasure coarse through her body. With a final grunt Tyler pressed so hard into that tiny cunt that it launched her up higher onto his wife's chest. From there the two heaved heavily catching their breath. Anna and Melanie were still touching and groping her caramel skin.

With all four individuals thoroughly satisfied, slowly naughty smiles and giggles replaced their erotic and lustful looks. Mel and Judy locked lips again now in a far more flirtatious manner than before. Anna playfully licked the girl clit, coaxing a bit more pleasure out of her, though the orgy had reached it's natural denouement. Now fully strewn on Melanie's chest, Judy was happy to feel the woman's warm hands caress her small breasts. She had considered implants, but in this moment was perfectly happy with her petite demeanor. Sufficiently serviced, Anna turned her attention to her big brother. His cock was covered in milky pussy juice, some of it Judy's, some of it her own. She caught a string of semen dangling from his head and inhaled the rest of him delicately. Taking extra care to add all that cream to the collection in the back of her throat to share with the other ladies.

Tyler and Anna headed into another room to get some rest before their flight, which left Judy with the woman who's husband she'd just fucked. Judy didn't even notice, she was too enthralled with Melanie's lips. After a thorough make-out and mutual cleaning the two headed out onto the balcony for some further mutual enjoyment.

"You know, that gentlemen will be back by tomorrow morning if you want to stick around." Melanie said down to the girl between her legs as she sat on the lip of the infinity pool.

"Sounds like fun."

"Oh, I'm sure it will be, but I think we're going to have to find you an internship in this city."


"I'm not done with you just yet dear. Not in the slightest."

Melanie reached down and their lips met as her hands found the lips her husband had ravaged earlier. If only Judy knew what she'd gotten herself into. The Crawfords were destined to wreck her for any lovers other than them. And she couldn't have been more happy about it.
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