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This is a part of a series of stories that follow my husband and I on our various sexual encounters as a polyamorous couple. My husband's sister has been a longtime lover of ours. This is the continuation of the story of her joining our love circle. Where Tyler explored her darkest fantasies

Even as far as they were from neighbors, Anna's screams the past several days could be heard two houses down.


Tyler was underneath Anna, the crook of his elbows held her legs up and pretzeled around her abodomen before locking behind her neck, suspending her in a position prime for her (until recently) virgin asshole to get plowed through to climax. She was so fucking tight and so wet from her own pussy juices that it took all of his strength not to have already blown his load. But as he felt his sisters legs spasm in response to what seemed to be an earth shattering orgasm, he knew he had permission to do the same. Anna's eyes opened wide along with her mouth as Tyler fucked her deeper and faster than the pace already established. It sent her deeper into climax as she felt his cock twitch and stiffen as he neared completion. She bit her lip as her eyes rolled back and moaned her absolute satisfaction through her teeth as she imagined the hot steamy load about to blast into her anus.



Tyler's pace quickened even more as he obliged her request. His cock stretched Anna's ass, each thrust smashing into her g-spot through the thin wall between her two holes. This spit and cum from the pre-anal face fucking still dangled from her lips, her tits were a mess of cum and spit as well. She was finally one of the rag dolls she'd watched get railed so many times and she was loving it. She felt his cock stiffen again then gasped a climactic moan of release as Tyler shot his seed deep into her fuckhole. He punched his pelvis hard into her ass giving her every millimeter of his 8 inches. His back arched lifting her higher into the air before he threw her down to the side of the bed. The two lay there panting. Anna began to giggle as she rolled onto her stomach to kiss her gratitude to her brother. Her pussy was throbbing, but she was content. She could tell her legs didn't have much strength in them. But after all the sex of the past week, she was used to figuring out how to cope with that. Their escapade had not slowed Tyler's work, though Anna made sure to take advantage of any break she could; dropping by to suck him off while he worked or fuck him on the floor. She was pleasantly surprised at how perfect the new cabinets were for doggy style. She doubted she could find someone with such a synchronized lust as she had with Tyler, but she knew that when he did leave, she would start looking. Someone... or more someone's cock to fill the time (among other things) when her husband was away... or at the office.... or asleep.... or in the other room; fuck she wanted it to be Tyler, but he had a life, a family, career.. no, she would have to go on the hunt.

"Sis?" Tyler huffed.

"Yeah, Ty?" Her voice was the same breathy tone.

"You trust me?"

Anna gave her brother a confused look before an eventual reply, "Of course."

With that Tyler planted a deep, passionate kiss on her mouth and popped off the bed to throw his work clothes on.

"Come on down when you’re ready... take as long as you need though"

Anna was confused, but unfazed. She watched Tyler head down the stairs then laid back down for a minute before the sound of the air compressor and table saw reminded her of the impossibility of napping as of late. She pondered Ty’s change in demeanor, what exactly was going on?

"Good to see you gain Frank!" Tyler’s deep voice was even lower addressing the larger man with the scar as the two shook hands.

"It's been too long my friend, how the hell are you and the Mrs.?" His accent was difficult for some to understand, but not Tyler. The years of interaction left him well versed.

"We're doing great man, truly. Appreciate you and your guys coming out to help with this little project." They both smiled.

"Oh please, my guys love working with you guys. We're just about all set by the way."


Tyler headed to the piles of would and hooked up his framing gun before clipping it to his belt. Then jumped over to the pallet of 2x6’s.

As Anna soaked in the bath it became obvious that more than Tyler's two hands were working downstairs. She suddenly felt very aware of the open door to the bedroom and to the bathroom and sank a little lower into the tub. There were several voices, hammering and sawing, it made her suddenly rather embarrassed... yet she also could see her nipples rise. Satisfactorily soaked after rinsing her and Tyler’s sex off in the shower, Anna reached for the towel and patted herself down quickly. She somewhat nervously threw it around herself and rushed to close and lock the door. Once safe, she took it off to more thoroughly dry herself, then headed to the vanity to get ready for the day - ass training complete.

It was a warm day for fall, Anna donned a light blue linen summer dress that sat loosely just above her knees. The spaghetti straps gave away her decision against a bra, so she threw a jean jacket over it and slipped into a pair of white sneakers before heading down to see what the hell was going on. Her hair was in a ponytail with only her curtain bangs free to dance around in the breeze. Though it was warm in the sun, it was still fall in the Pacific Northwest today, and as she opened the side door to a blast of mountain air, she was glad to have thrown on the coat.

Her eyes adjusted to the light and saw Tyler with eight other men working on some sort of structure near the front of her house. Knowing what Tyler paid his workers, this was looking to be quite expensive.. The cost was one concern, but also, what the hell were they building? She made a b-line for Tyler, almost getting knocked down by a couple of guys carrying some plywood.

"Hey... uhh Tyler?” Her hands were on her hips as she spoke as assertively as her nervousness would allow

"What's up kiddo?" He didn’t look away from the joint he was working.

"What's this?"

"This is what you and Chris wanted isn't it?" He said as he punched six nails in with his framing gun faster than Anna could process.

"Ughhh what is it?"

"Dethatched garage/shed/garden workshop." He clipped his gun onto his belt and slid his hammer out to knock one of the nails in, then pound the side of the frame so as to make the joint square and level.

"I wanted a shed?" Anna’s annoyance was abated somewhat at how hot Tyler looked up there.

"Yeah.. or.. Chris emailed me about it while we were planning. He insisted I hire a crew to put this up and said that you'd pay them." Tyler looked stood up and walked along the top of the frame to the next corner, unfazed by the narrow passageway.

"What?! I have no idea what... how much is it?!" Anna trembled through her words.

"I know, I would have done it myself, but he was pretty adamant. He even found his own crew, when I saw the price they were gonna charge you, I finally caved and said I’d hire some guys I knew, so this is only gonna cost 15."

"15... fifteen grand?" She gasped through the barely audible question then listened attentively as Tyler continued, "Yeah, Chris said he'd transferred the money and everything." Anna's stomach was in knots. Chris didn't have 15k to transfer her. She pulled out her phone and checked, sure enough, she was about 13.5 grand short.

"Tyler…” She looked around, trying in vain to be subtle, “can you come down here?"

"Give me a minute. Until I get these supports right this thing's about as solid as a gingerbread house." He still hadn’t looked up from his work

"But Ty... please!" She felt the heads of the workers turn towards her in response to her outburst.

"What?! for fucks sake can't you wait?!” Tyler stopped in his tracks as he saw her face for the first time. Anna finally lost her cool, her cheeks were turning red and her neck was flushed with embarrassment and annoyance she yelled up to her brother, the whole job site went silent, "I can't afford to pay these guys!!!"

Tyler turned to her, concern, seemed to mix with anger.

"What are you talking about? You can't pay?" Her eyes darted around as she realized the crew members were walking towards the commotion. Tyler jumped down from the roof landing in front of her. She was… scared of him.

"I... Let me call Chris, we can straighten this out... I don't... we... we can't afford this kind of thing, I'm sorry, I don’t know what he was thinking! We're gonna have to take it down." Anna spoke frantic as the crew all started to put down their work.

"Anna,” Tyler’s voice was calm, but clearly on edge. “the price is for permits, supplies and labor.... 10 grand of that is spent already."

"Well, I don't have ten grand either" She said through tears in her eyes.

"You hear that guys, this bitch doesn't want to pay us!"

"Cool it Frank!" Anna turned to see a large, beer bellied man in his late fifties with a huge scar across his face. He looked devilishly hard. Tyler lunged forward and pulled Anna close. The various figures’ demeanors suddenly seemed far more ominous before. She'd heard contracting was good for money laundering, and she knew Tyler had some sketchy connections, was that how he got such a good deal? If so, she was in real danger... they both were.

"This isn't good Anna." Tyler said frankly.

Anna was shaking. She was scared, and ashamed, her mind was racing. How could this happen? What was Chris thinking?

"Is there anything we could do?" she whispered, "Some type of... I don't know, payment plan, or arrangement."

"Ah the bitch want's a financing plan, Claudio, you can finance this shit right?" Frank chuckled to himself, but he was the only laughing.

"Depends on her credit score man" Claudio, a shorter, thick built man in his late twenties she imagined, replied. The men laughed, which made Anna feel inexplicably dirty.

Anna cowered into Tyler's shoulder, seeking safety from the group slowly circling her. She was a wreck. But when she looked up to him, but saw no sympathy. His arm pulled her away as if to dangle her in front of the workers.

"Frank, how much would you pay to do this?" His strong arm held her tight. It almost hurt. Anna stood somewhat frozen in place. Shocked to the core. She yelped as Tyler's hand reached down under her dress and squeezed down onto her left boob, but did not move, apart from her lip trembling, and her diaphragm heaving in and out as tears trickled down her face, Anna was completely still. She couldn’t see that mischievous grin stretched across her brother’s face once again.

“Whadya reckon boys? Might put a dent in it? What’s under the dress.” Frank stepped forward. Anna finally fought to break loose, but Tyler’s grip was unshakable. Soon the men had surrounded her, all of their hands were groping and tugging on her skin. Her jacket was pulled off her shoulders, pinning her arms back as her breasts and groin felt the brisk air from inside the shade of the half built structure.

“She’s wet as a whistle down here Ty, I think we may have some degree of an agreement put together.” Frank said, his hands were dirty, she felt debris on her thigh from his aggressive groping.

Anna screamed for help but before she couldn’t get much out of protesting. The circle closed around her when she felt the fabric of her panties shoved deep into the back of her throat. The man who placed it there pulled tightly on it, stretching the delicate material and rendering her mouth useless. Tears pooled on the edges of her eyes as she flutily flailed against their hands... as ashamed as she was for the circumstance, she was even more ashamed at how strongly she could taste her juices on the panties stuffed in her mouth. It wasn’t just the cold that riddled her body with goosebumps or made her knees weak. It was exhilarating to feel all of these hands over her body. Pinching groping, touching, fucking. She moaned through the fabric as Frank... or maybe Claudio slipped their fingers into her pussy. There was no romance, no caress, no regard for her experience, just their own - and she fucking loved it.

A force from behind shoved her to her knees and ripped of her jacket. She felt cold metal on her back, then heard snipping sounds. Her dress fell to the ground in tatters. Suddenly Anna became painfully aware of the forest of dicks pulled out and ready for sucking. The sizes varied, including one man with what had to be close to twelve inches, instinctively she grabbed onto the two adjacent to Frank in front of her before burying his manhood in her face. She was determined to hilt each and every one of these men, and probably a hell of a lot more. She didn’t let herself process her motivation. Was it because she feared for her life, was it because she wanted to appease Tyler, was it because she wanted to?

“Ah that’s a good little whore, take that dick like you fucking deserve!”

Anna’s hands continued to pump as the rest of her body remained still and the cock currently in her mouth punched in and out of her. She felt her mascara mixing with the spit and precum and tears plastering her face as she rotated through the parade of dick. Her hair was still technically in the ponytail, though the tie was pulled halfway down, and parts had come loose, mingling with the mess on her face. Suddenly the man fucking her face grabbed her hair and smashed her nose into his pubes as he blew his load deep into her throat. Without a second of reprieve a new cock replaced him. This was the twelve inch, the downward curve of his manhood seemed to help with her gag reflex as she realized just moments after she’d taken his full length that it was literally down her throat, not that the man would have given her another option. In and out and in and out they pumped. Her tits were red and tender from all the slapping and groping... 18 hands were treating her object like a toy, like an object for their own amusement. Even the way they fingered her was violent and degrading.... she hadn’t cum so hard in her life. Her jaw was sore, especially dealing with horsecock, though he was kind enough to share her mouth with Frank, the two men fucked and fucked then threw over to the other who proceeded to repeat the pattern. Frank slowed and Anna took the moment to show her gratefulness - after all, he seemed to be the one she owed the money, and the one who agreed to this deal, she had better take good care of him. Slurping up and down, head to shaft locking eyes with the grouch foreman. He watched her eyes rolled back as she felt some blunt object press against her anus and split her open unfit before pressing deep inside her, cold metal pressed against their gooch and bag and she realized they’d probably just shoved a hammer up her ass. She screamed from genuine pain as one of the men began to force the hammer up and down her nubile asshole. The pain infused with pleasure, she felt her nipples harden, arousal took over; she didn't even notice her hand drift down to touch herself but soon her cum was rolling down her pussy onto the hammer. As her anus relaxed, the now lubricated hammer was gradually able to fuck her harder and harder. Frank didn't mind the break from the blowjob, but continued to jerk himself off as Anna leaned back on the palms of her hands to enjoy the brutal fucking someone’s hammer was providing. She bit her lip as she thought of her cum staining the man’s hammer that he’s used every day. Maybe hers wasn’t the first cum to stain it. Suddenly her mind drifted to Marissa, sprawled out on a work bench, the same hammer punching into her while another cock smashed into her beautiful face, now disheveled in the same way hers was. Her moans deepened as orgasms edged closer. She ground her hips, taking care not to unconvinced the rapid thrusting below her. She felt the eighteen watching her, touching themselves as they listed after her body. She felt her sex was being appreciated to a degree previously unfamiliar. It turned her on all the more. Each thrust sent waves through her whole being. She felt it in her toes, in her lips, her breasts. She froze up as she felt her muscles contract, building towards release. Suddenly Frank stepped forward and blew his load straight into her face. Cum dripped down her forehead into her eye, it pulled down her false eyelash and despite the frantic blinking, the cocktail of semen, spit, tear and mascara invaded her left eye. She would have to resign herself to the one for the rest of her time. She licked up the spirts that had landed lower, exhilarated by the thought of more to come. Expectantly, she inhaled... or at least, she began to, but a sandpaper-like vice clasped around her neck, lifting her off her hands, suspending her completely off balance. She opened her eyes, shocked to discover it was actually her brothers hand gripping her throat.

“Did we say you could cum whore?”

She attempted to respond, but his hand was crushing her windpipe, she couldn’t speak... couldn’t breathe. It only seemed to magnify the wooden hammer hilt pumping in and out of her ass.

“Do you think we’re paying you fifteen fucking thousand dollars for YOU to cum?!” His voice rippled through her being. She groped at his forearm in an attempt to find some air. He loosened enough for her to wheeze out a whimpered “no, sir”

“That’s right slut. You cum when we say you cum. Am I clear bitch?!” He spat on her face. Fear and disgust flooded her nervous system. She felt so exposed, depraved, twisted.

“Yuuu... yes sir”

“That’s right, now shut the fuck up and take what’s coming”

Tyler dragged her over to the pallet of 2x4’s stacked to roughly waist height and threw her onto the pile. Anna buckled on impact. Was this Tyler's way of protecting her? Was this the dark side of Tyler that her father warned her about? She lay on her side, the raw wood felt abrasive to her soft skin. She could tell her knees and elbows were scraped up, just not how bad. She lay still, daring not to move, wanting not to move, craving nothing more, than to be used. Tyler grabbed the frayed garment, torn and now muddy and wet - he paced back to his sister, tearing strips of fragment off as he went. He grabbed her wrist and rotated her onto her back before dragging her so until her shoulder hung off the edge of the pile - her as off the other. Taking one of the strips he tied it tightly to her wrist and pinned it back along the edge of wood as low as her arm could reach, almost to the floor. He grabbed a nail from his toolbelt, but when he reached for his hammer he realized it was still inside his sister. With an annoyed grunt he yanked the tool out causing a frail whimper from Anna as the coarse material teased her insides. Tyler nailed down the fabric and proceeded to tie her other wrist down as well before shoving the hammer down her gullet and walking away. She could sense the rest of the crew approaching, but lay still.

The first thing she felt was a hand grip her thigh then lift it upward. The firm hand squeezed down on her flesh before the man's cock pressed against the entrance to her ass. Anna rolled her hips back, allowing the man better access. She watched another pair of men approach from her periphery. One of them grabbed the head of the hammer and rotated it (and her head) downward until she was fully upside down. The man then began to pump the hammer down her throat deeper and deeper until its head pressed at the edges of her mouth. Anna screamed through the wood as she came to understand it was horsecock pressing into her unexperienced anus, below. Her protest though, did nothing to stop the forceful fucking he intended for her. He sank his full length in the first thrust, then began a frantic rhythm that flooded her body with sensation. His chiseled chest pressed against her leg, another man was pulling and squeezing the other and a couple more groped at her chest and vag. Her pussy was begging to be pleasured. She felt it throbbing, CRYING for dick as horsecock stretched her ass far beyond she imagined possible. She yanked at her restraints, to no avail, the itch would have to go unscratched for now. The man above her chuckled, pointing to her throat. He could see the end of the hammer bulging out of her neck as he continued to fuck her face. That's when she felt a man suddenly pounce onto her chest. He pinched her nipples so hard that she thought he might rip them off, then yanked and tugged till he held both in one vice-like grip and pressed his palm down onto her chest. She winced from the pain, and felt a twitch in her open pussy. The man then grabbed the back of her throat and yanked her head forward. She felt her shoulders strain as she lunged forward and rammed the head of his cock against the back of her throat. His dick pointed upwards, testing her gag reflex. Anna contained herself despite his aggressive thrusting.

"That's right bitch, lube me up!" He spat on her hair. Normally, that would cause Anna to slap a man across the face, today, it caused her to grant his request. She took care to try get all the stringy spit that had the hammer had created prior, though a large amount had dripped down her face, into her nose, her eyes, her hair, and onto the ground. The man pushed her head all the way forward, Anna's nose compressed against his pelvis. She coughed, in response the man reached down and plugged her nose then pressed harder with his waist. The position held, Anna began to turn blue. She was still reeling from horsecock's unrelenting pace. His thrusting rubbed her nipples against the grip they were in, furtherly driving her wild. She pressed even harder into the man's hips and began to work her tongue along the underside of his shaft.

"FUCK Me cunt, you sure know how to fucking give it!" With a few more pump he was satisfactorily wettened. He threw Anna's head loose with thudded against the two by fours upside down yet again. Her eye refocused just in time to see two hairy balls smack against her face as another penis hilted her tender mouth. All but a handful of hair had escaped her ponytail. The tangled mess of blonde hair once so meticulously cared for draped down onto the muddy floor where it. She felt the man step on it as he thrust his cock into her face. The newly wetted man pressed his cock into the small gap of cleavage left by his grasp of Anna's tits. She'd never really been titty fucked before, it always seems so degrading... unsurprisingly it was, which tantalized her even more. She felt another worker climb onto the edge of the wood pile, she smiled on the cock in her throat as her eyes rolled back. His dick was teasing the entrance to her dripping pussy. Anna yelped as the man practically slipped into her welcoming hole and started to match the thrusting rhythm of horecock. She had never been double penetrated before, or not in real life. Now she knew firsthand what it felt like to be one of those girls she'd watch so often: it was better than she could imagine. The two penises alternated, rubbing the thin membrane between the two holes. Each thrust worked her g-spot and the pressure caused by two men stretching her meant that her clit felt every vein of the worker on top of her. The sensation was overwhelming, but, like a good little whore, Anna fought the urge to climax. An urge that only seemed to get harder and harder. The man on her chest began to thrust faster and faster until Anna felt a string of hot fluid splash on her neck, another, on her chin, then her chest, and another onto her cheek. The last one dripped down into her ear and into her ear canal, muffling the sound on that side. The situation felt so erotic! She knew four men were using her right now, leaving five to watch her depraved debauchery. She squealed and moaned her muffled satisfaction. Two days ago she felt a man inside her anus for the first time. Last week, she had sex with someone other than her husband for the first time in years! Now she lay, fully surrendered to lust and carnality. There was no going back. The facefucker squeezed her throat where his cock bulged out. Anna could feel the skin stretch against his grip with each thrust. Her eyes closed, it took everything to stop herself from cumming. Horsecock stiffened he plunged deeper into her ass than she knew he could, the force of the thrust pushed Anna forward, shifting the 2x4s, when she resettled the meat of her shoulder was pinched between two of the splintery pieces, each thrust from the man mounting her face pinched the material more causing her to wince. She felt the hot load of horsecock blast into her ass, distracting her from her shoulder. Before a moment of reprieve, horsecock was replaced. The shift in size did little to abate the impending release. Anna writhed under her restraint, not only the ones tied around her wrists, but the half dozen hands pinning her for better access to her holes. She turned her gaze in response to a tugging on her head. Opening her one good eye Anna saw that someone was holding a fistful of her hair... no.. that wasn't it, he was masturbating with it. He was literally jerking off into her hair. She'd never seen something like that, and she could not understand why, but with each tug on her head she felt her nipples rise, and her pussy muscles clench. The thought of being able to pleasure someone with even her hair was exhilarating. Almost in unison, the cock in her mouth and pussy burst into her. The sensation was overwhelming but before the explosion of spit and semen burst down her face when the man moved on even settled, a new cock was smashed in. She was in the middle of a frantic grasp for air when he pressed into her mouth. This man was much wider than the other cocks, She felt the the edges of her mouth stretch from his girthiness. Hot semen spurted against the side of her head, she looked and saw that one of the biggest loads she'd ever seen sat mangled in her disheveled blonde mane. She was happy to oblige. She felt a familiar sandpaper grip on her thigh before Tyler's eight inches plowed into her pussy. The pleasure was unparalleled. She squealed and spasmed as the depravity of a public gangbang was magnified by that of its incestuous coercer. Waves of pleasure mounted her hands whitened as she squeezed against the planks. She managed to scream a muffled sound that vaguely resembled the word "Please".

"Please WHAT Anna?!" The man on her face released her. Through an explosion of fluid she uttered a breathy, frail, "Please let me cum daddy!" before the cock smashed back into her mouth.

"You don't cum until the three of us finish! You are last. Am I clear whore?!" She’d never been spoken to this way. She loved it.

Anna had lost track, was this the last three men... actually, hadn't she taken more than six loads already. It was all such a blur. She nodded in response, though nodding while three men fuck you isn't exactly distinguishable.

"Hey, cunt! did you fucking hear the man! He asked you a question." He slapped her face as he spoke.

Anna cried through the constant pumping and thrusting "Yes daddy, I won't CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMM!"

No one heard the words, but everyone understood. The first to finish was the guy fucking her in the ass, rather than cumming inside her, he pulled out and jumped onto the pallet to cum all over her stomach and tits. Previous loads left crusty streaks where his fresh fluid now puddled. The smell of sex was thick. Tyler's pace was frantic and aggressive. It was far more intense than anything she'd remembered. He grabbed both her legs and stretched them wide before pressing all his weight down on them. The shifted angle seemed to punch deeper than horsecock. She arched her back in response. The cold air swept the tender skin of her back. She could feel how raw and mangled rubbing against the wood had left her skin. It was splintered and bruised and burnt. Slowly she shifted back down as the thrusting continued, feeling every wound return to the texture that wounded it.

The next load came from the man on her face. The first shot threw straight down her esophagus. The second bounced off her uvula. He pulled out and shot the third on her tits pressing the tip of his cock against her cheek and nose for the fourth and fifth. The cum pooled in the corner of her remaining eye as the man returned his cock to her mouth. She affectionately sucked out a couple more sputters and licked the man clean. Though blindfolded by both crusty and fresh hot semen, she could feel every man’s gaze as Tyler plowed into her. Finally able to use her mouth, Anna moaned her satisfaction and uttered the filthiest smut she'd ever heard. Tyler seemed to approve, his pace quickened, his force doubled. She could hear his skin clapping against her own. Each thrust stung slightly, her thighs and pelvis were as tender as the time she got sunburnt on vacation.. Unlike then though, she was so close to coming that she felt she might explode.

"Yeah Ty! Fuck your little whore sister! Oh GOOOD FOOAAUUKK! Yeah, fuck me like you wish you could when I was slutty litle schoolgirl. Fuck me! FUcKKK! YOu feel so good inside me... inside your skank baby sister! FUCK Me FUCCKKKK I want to cum so bad daddy! I want FUCK I want my big brothers hot cum alll inside my tight little pussy!! Please Ty, Please cum for me daddy! Cummm for.... FÄAAAACCCCCCKKKKKKK!!!" She wasn’t even conscious of the words pouring out of her, only the sensation she was feeling.

Tyler started pumping even harder, his right arm released her thigh, which proceeded to rest against his body which leaned over her. He clamped down on her breast. She squealed again, before drifting out of self-awareness. Soon all she was the pleasure emanating from her vagina. The sensation engulfed her whole being, every inch of her body ached and stung, but it only seemed to heighten the pleasure building in her loins.


Permission granted. As Tyler exploded a river of hot juice Anna surrendered to an explosive orgasm and a half. The release was like nothing she'd ever felt before. Her entire body quivered, her eyes rolled back and her words became incoherant audible spasms. Tyler continued to thrust, which prolonged the overwhelming sensation. Her toes and fingers clamped down as if she were being electrocuted, her whole body contracted and relaxed. She lifted her head straining her shoulder joints yet again, until the tidal wave of pleasure gradually subsided and Anna slumped back down to her place. She lay panting and listening to Tyler do the same. With a neck breaking amount of effort she was able to wipe one of her eyes somewhat clean. She opened it slightly, though the sting of the salty cocktail pooling at the corner remained. She could see the hoard of grinning men, all in various degrees of nakedness. These men knew her... yes in the Biblical sense in that they had sex with her, but more than that, she wasn't the frail housewife to them. She was the vixen, the lustful nymphomaniac depraved enough to fuck anyone, from a hoard of strangers to her own brother. She felt seen, like Tyler had. She winked at them and puckered her lips teasing a kiss. The men laughed, Tyler seemed unamused.

"Hey, get back to work! If you need a break, you know where the fuck to find it!"

The men laughed their acknowledgement as Anna came to realize she wasn't done yet. Based on where the sun was it had to have been a couple hours. I guess 7500 seems like a steep hourly wage... The men dispersed, grabbing their clothes and gear before returning to their tasks. Anna expected to lie there until further notice, but Tyler picked her up by her waist. She looked up to him through the her eye, now red and teary from the intrusion. He placed her thighs on his shoulders and held her back in place then crawled onto the pallet. Anna squeezed his head as his tongue danced around her clitoris, coaxing her to try and cum again. His index and middle fingers slid inside her pussy and began to massage her g-spot. She hummed through her diaphragm letting Tyler know he'd found it. Tyler let go of Anna's back, trusting her to support herself and began to tease the rim of her pussy while the other was inside and his tongue continued to work her clit. Her eyebrows raised in excited surprise as she realized the teasing was simply to lubricate his hand before plunging it into her ass. He rotated his wrist, teasing the edges of her asshole before twisting his fingers upwards and massaging in and in a cupping motion that paired with his work inside her pussy. This was probably the most methodical and attenuative cunnilingus she had ever experienced, and it proved highly effective. Not even ten minutes had passed and already Anna felt climax approaching. This felt unspeakably intimate. Anna didn't care that a half a dozen men working around her; that any neighbor driving by might be able to see; in this moment, it was just her and Tyler. She bit down on her lip and smiled ear to ear as her tender flesh was finessed so perfectly. The sun burst through its cover and the sensation of its warmth on her tits aroused her all the more. She felt her vagina's muscles quiver and Tyler's routine responded. He bit down on her clit and began to frantically alternate his hands like engine pistons, maintaining the cupped position. Quickly he added his third and fourth finger to her cunt, and a third to her ass. The sensation overwhelmed Anna and she surrendered to writhing convulsions. A pressure built in her loins she hadn't known before this moment, she feared its release, but as Tyler's tongue darted over the meaty nub pinched between his teeth, she had no choice but to surrender. An explosion of watery cum preceded a waterfall of thicker fluid, both of which drenched both Anna and Tyler. The release was unparalleled and as Ann sputtered back down to earth she realized that Tyler had just made her squirt... So it is a real thing! I owe Ms. Adriana Checkik an apology.

For a moment, the rage and brutality that filled Tyler's eyes subsided and Anna was reminded of the warm depth of compassion she felt from him. She didn't know why this whole money thing had enraged him so, but she sure was glad it did. She'd have to remember to amass more insoluble debt to him... or at least to Frank. Tyler wiped Anna's face with a clean part of her dress, though she realized a clean spot was hard to find, it appeared to have been used as a cum rag, both her fluid and the men's seemed to stain almost every inch. Apparently there were more orgasm than she was aware of! Tyler tossed it aside and let her down. Then he pulled on his pants and reached yanked the nails out of her restraints. Anna rubbed her wrists, now bruised and tender. And looked deeply into Tyler's eyes. Though no words escaped, her message was clear: thank you. He smiled and kissed her.

"Alight, back to work slut." Tyler said, breaking the domineering tone for a moment. Anna bit her lip trying to contain her excitement. Tyler grabbed the fabric around her wrists and yanked her up onto her feet. This was when she realized at some point she lost one of her shoes. He pulled her over to one of the studs that made up the frame of the wall back wall. Plywood had been put on the wall facing the street which meant that for most of the cars driving by her debauchery went unseen. Unless of course they approached from the South, which was less common in the morning/early afternoon... though if they looked back while driving into the city they'd get the same view.... Oh well. Tyler tied the two pieces of fabric together so that her wrists met, then looped it around her wrists and tied another knot. It was only then really, that he noticed how tiny her sister's wrists were... really how tiny she was as a whole. His wife was taller, and had a more athletic build. This did not make Anna hotter, frankly if they were to compare, he'd choose Mar, her head game, pussy juice, and general sex drive was superior, but this did make Anna different. Sometimes you want someone who can ride you into next week, other times you want a rag doll you can toss around.. If all went according to plan, Tyler intended to have both.

Anna stayed tied there for the remainder of the day. Each man used her three or four more times. Hair guy came back, fucked each hole before and proceeded to finish in her hair yet again. Anna pulled out her hair tie and gave it to him which he thanked her for. The workers also used her holes for amusement. After pinching her nipples so hard they went numb with a pair of wood clamps, a couple of the men hunted around to see what shit they could fuck her with; screwdriver, mallet, crow bar, wood scrap, level, impact drill... that one freaked her out a bit. Eventually they settled on their penises... which was her personal favorite, only rivaled by the grip end of a their screwdriver. She watched cars roll by, pretty sure some saw her, most people don't notice though, what's right in front of them. Tyler told her that it’s something you don't really realize until you watch someone walk by you while your exposed, he said that apparently people are often too absorbed in their own thing to even notice they could be watching... gangbang for example.

The workers went home and Tyler cut Anna free. He brought her to his work trailer, which had a matt, some rough moving blankets, and her tattered dress, which she used as a pillow. He closed the trailer up only to return an hour later with a delicious meal. After she ate, he closed it up again. Anna knew she was supposed to sleep, but she spent half the night masturbating.

Early the next morning she awoke to Frank opening the door.

"Hungry Hannah?"

She nodded, ignoring the fact that he got her name wrong.

"Well, open up." Frank said as he unzipped his pants and shoved his limp penis in her mouth. She coaxed him up and proceeded to give the best head she possibly could. Her whole body... and especially her jaw ached. She was sore, could feel scabbing on her joints stretch as Frank thrust into her. With her now free hands she groped his flesh until he pinned her arms behind her back and pumped to completion, blowing his load straight down her gullet. Frank walked away, and Anna realized the whole crew was lined up behind him. She was quite literally having cum for breakfast. When they finished, Tyler tied her up to the same post, where the men fucked her a time or two each. A couple of mountain bikers came by and Claudio invited them to have a go, but they refused, pointing to their rings. Rings which didn't stop them from watching Claudio continue to ram his cock into Anna's pussy though. After lunch Tyler tied her to the pile of wood again, this time face down. From here the men experimented with her. They discovered that she could actually take two, three so long as horescock wasn't one of them, in both of her holes (not at the same time of course). She had only seen one instance of quadruple penetration... technical that was still true, since the dick in her mouth prevented her from turning around to see herself get it. He left her there the rest of the day, though it seemed the fucking was a constant until the sun was going down. The crew said their goodbyes and Tyler carried Anna off to the trailer again. This time she heard him start his truck. She braced herself in the dark space but still managed to get tossed around on the bumps of the road. They were driving fast, on the freeway. She was a bit concerned, but mostly confused... somehow, aroused. She returned to her seat on the floor and scooped and licked up as much cum as she could find, then slid her fingers into her thoroughly creampied fuckhole. She came twice before Tyler opened the doors again.

Anna was nearly blinded by the warm light from the building he pulled up to. He yanked her out and her bare foot slipped on the wet asphalt. Without him to catch her, she would have fallen hard. Tyler tossed the moving blanket at her then locked up the trailer and drove off. She realized she was in the loading entrance to a building. She approached, maybe they'd help her, what was going on? Was Frank unsatisfied... I mean he'd technically been satisfied many times over, but... was she on the run?! What the fuck?! Anna walked through the door to find a middle-aged receptionist, she was absolutely stunning, her dark brown her framed her beautiful caramel complexion. Through a warm smile she beckoned her forward.

"Are you Ms. Doe?" Anna gave the woman a confused look.

"Tyler... erh Mr.... Doe, and Mrs. Doe frequent this spa hotel, primarily our sister location down in Oakland. He made sure our VIP suite was available for you six weeks ago." The woman watched Anna’s face. She still was processing.

“Six weeks ago?” She thought aloud. He only got here last week, what.... Anna couldn't put it together. She didn't realize that Tyler and Marissa had fantasized about bringing her into their bedroom, that he'd been planning to seduce her. Nor that his intention was actually to bring her back home with him. They had done similar with Marissa's mother, though that was mostly her doing a few years ago. Eventually she would come to understand the truth. There was no fifteen thousand dollars. No ten thousand either. If she were a carpenter, she would have realized that the structure was built so poorly that any inspector would have had an aneurism before they got out of the car. Tyler threw himself while she got ready that first day, knowing a strong gust of wind could probably blow it over. She also would have noticed that the workers did absolutely nothing. Sure, they cut wood, moved it around, and nailed things... but they weren't building. In fact, this was the first time most had held a hammer. Through Tyler and Rissa's escapades they had developed a rather lengthy list of eligible bachelors down for their... unorthodox relationship. Some were actual pornstars, others were swingers, some were men Mar had picked up, a couple Tyler had picked up for her. In some part of her subconscious Anna may have been privy to the ruse, how aware of it she was we'll never know, but she fully surrendered to it. Suddenly she became aware of her state, dried cum in her hair, and on her face, makeup running everywhere. The closest she came to shower was when Frank and a few of the guys used her as a urinal.

"Sorry about my..."

"Not to worry Ms. Mrs. Doe usually doesn't even bother with the blanket."

The woman handed her a key and a soft bathrobe. She headed to her room where she found champagne, fresh clothes, a drawn bath, and all the amenities imaginable. After three days of pampering and recouping - which included several highly satisfactory yoni massages - Tyler returned to pick Anna up. He was dressed sharply, and Anna was surprised to realize how much she missed seeing him. After a warm embrace the two siblings hopped in his truck and headed back to her place. She returned to discover that the structure was dismantled, the renovations were complete, and... her bags were packed.

"What is this?" Anna said both assertive and confused.

"Anna, you're miserable here. Chris is an asshole to you, mom's dead, dad might as well be. Your close friends have moved away or grown apart." Anna felt a warmth in Tyler’s voice that melted her. "Yeah, well..." she muttered

"Hear me out, Mel and I have a guest house we built for her mom." Tyler watched her as he spoke, pausing as Anna drew his conclusion.

"I'd have nothing! Everything's in Chris' name, my car, my credit cards - several of which are maxed out, the house... THE HOUSE!!" She was flustered, mostly because she wanted to run away with him so badly, but genuinely felt she couldn’t.

"I could really use some help in the office, you know I pay pretty well... plus, the girls love their Auntie A… I mean, and that would just be a starting point. Eventually, you could get your own place, start a new life! If there's anything we've learned this trip it’s that whoever the fuck has been living here for the past few years, it isn't you." He spoke with such assuredness that Anna felt helpless to concede.

"I... I want to... but" Tyler cut her off again, she didn’t mind. She had nothing to say.

"You need to. I will leave it at that. No more pressure."

Anna looked deep into his eye before tackling him down to the newly laid tile flooring. It wasn’t an answer, but a thank you. She tugged off his shirt and ground her hips against the bulge in his jeans. Tyler's hands slid under her blouse, squeezing tightly to the tender skin just under her boobs. She bit her lip.


He paused, "sorry?"

"$47,000, between my car, credit cards, and all the stuff he's bought me, I'd say I owe him $47,000" She said proudly. It wasn’t easy to do math while also enjoying foreplay.

"$73,000" Tyler replied with a wicked grin.

"What's that?"

"The amount on the invoice that I left on his desk. I'm sure Chris will be willing to come to some sort of agreement."

Tyler was caught off guard by the tongue that assaulted his own has his vixen of a sister showed her gratitude. He flipped the blouse over her head, yanking her blonde curls free as Anna reached back to unclasp her bra. She was far too excited to ride that dick of his.

Packing his trailer would have taken about a day and a half. But due to all the... breaks, it took almost a week. After the kitchen romp where Anna agreed to move back to California with him. Tyler grabbed his phone and snapped a shot of Anna's cum stained face and chest and texted it to Marissa. "Guess who's cummings home with me."

Melanie’s reply came quick. "I'll reserve the cabin.”
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