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A long time ago, I discovered a story written by someone going by "The Synthetic Divine"

I cant find it anywhere, so heres my re-imagining/attempt to reproduce it by memory.
Anyhoo, with that out of the way, I present what I shall dub

"Madness in Moderation"

Chapter 1

It was brisk for early September, and the cold, cutting winds of winter had come early that year. Rick hunched his shoulders and quickened his pace in a feeble attempt to keep warm on the walk to the nearby highschool. He's a senior now, having nearly completed his twelve years of torment. He was finally on the home stretch. In but a short year, he'd be rid of the cliques and various midwit riff raff that comprised the local student body. The city can truly be harsh for someone growing up, and will certainly highlight all of lifes annoyances at much faster rate than anywhere else. But Rick tried his best not to be cynical, as difficult as it may be these days.

Although generally not a cynic, Rick suffered from what a lot of other people suffer from. Suffering, or perhaps better phrasing; not prospering. Rick was no shining star or football quarterback. Not much of an artist, nor academic, and lacking the real coordination to do much more than bring insult to the realm of musicians, he really was what you would generally define as "nothing special." Try as he might, screaming at the top of his lungs trying to go Super Sayan as a young boy, he never developed superpowers, and thus had to rely on manual locomotion to get his ass to school on time. The quick pace was helping his time, he was reaching the halfway mark, his calf muscles screaming in firey agony as he marched at a near a joggers pace.

He was underprepared for the cold, as the frosty gales cut through his hoodie and jeans with near intolerable ferocity. He thought he'd almost be better off without it, but quickly remembered his somewhat lanky and under-insulated frame was not helping the issue either. A reasonably tall fellow at 6'1, he never found time for the gym, and maintained a slim, but certainly underveloped figure. Nothing that the girls at school ever really dropped their jaws at, or perhaps, maybe not that he'd noticed. Not one to typically be full of himself, he dismissed this thought on numerous occasions.

As Rick rounded the final corner, the school filled his sight. Unfortunately, this heading also put him directly into the wind. Not more than a few steps up and a nearby pile of dirt up the road lost a wisp of itself that proceeded directly on a high-speed collision course with Rick's eyeballs. The free sandblasting, courtesy of Mother Nature, stung Rick as he feebly attempted to squint his eyes to protect them from further abrasion. The combination of cold and grit proved too much for his eyes to handle, and they began to water mercilessly as Rick swore and wiped his eyes with his sleeve.

Finally regaining some constitution from the battle with the wind, he opened his eyes and continued along his way. Students were gathered and chatting in front of the school. Some were being dropped off by parents, others leaping off busses. Friends preparing themselves for the days that lay ahead, some close, some not seen all summer, some not friends at all. Just bodies that fill the room. Too many pains in the neck, or ass, depending on how they feel that day. And some just trying to make it through. As Rick got closer, he could see a large boy in a black jacket and a large ginger curly mess with his arm locked around the neck of a significantly smaller boy. Rick had hoped the boy would break free unscathed but generally knew better, knowing the boy would be lucky to break free with his ego intact, let alone anything else.

Rick stepped upon the grounds, and saw the familiar faces of friends huddled about in what was lovingly known as "the smoke pit." The cranny that teenagers for many a generation huddled to smoke away from the prying eyes of the school administrators. Rick sparked one up, and idly chatted with the people he'd later be sharing classes with. The first day was always pretty well a write-off, as they all knew. One great big orientation for something everyone all well and understood at that point.

Having smoked three-quarters of his dart, the first bell rang and students began to pour in the doorways. Rick took one last sharp drag, dropped the cigarette to the ground, and placed his foot atop the butt while twisting and exhaling. Satisfied the cigarette was extinguished, Rick headed for the door. Upon traversing through the vestibule, he spotted his sister, Marie, in the hall, and she had spotted him. She was about 5'4, blonde, with a cute face and a little button nose. A nice enough slender frame, Rick was sure she wasn't starved for attention. She quickly turned from her friend and ran over to him.

"First bell and just barely dragging yourself through the door! And you reek! When are you going to quit smoking?" Marie asked.

"Whenever you stop driving me to it!" Rick retorted with a grin on his face.

"If you at least had the decency to wake up on time, you'd be here on time, and you wouldn't be such a grouch!" Marie replied jokingly as she punched him on the shoulder.

Rick placed his hand atop her head and pushed her out to arms length as he began to walk away. Marie had shouted something about not messing up her hair but he was paying no mind. He quickly found his way to his homeroom to get his schedule for the semester. Walking through the door, his eyes were greeted by the wonderful sight of Ms. Guy's voluptuous body. A young teacher with far too many assets to be allowed to teach around young men. She was thicker than a snickers, and in a good way, with the majority of her body fat seemingly refusing to accumulate anywhere but her ass and breasts. Luckily for him, she was also his English Teacher. Finding a desk, Rick sat down and dropped his book bag beside him. Upon retrieving a pencil, he moved his gaze back to the front of the class just in time to see Ms. Guy bend over her desk slightly, her magnificent cleavage hidden only by thin fabric, leaving little to the imagination. If Ricks erection had sprung up any faster, it would've struck the bottom of his desk with an audible "thud." This was going to be a long year.

Or at least, it wasn't until Max walked in the room. To Rick, the year had just tripled in length. Their gazes meeting eachothers as Max made his way to an open desk, a distance from him. Rick felt like Max was trying to make his head explode with their mind slightly uncomfortable as the gaze seemed to burrow into his skull. Max was a fellow similar to size and stature to Rick. Max was a blonde, with a strong jaw and a face the ladies seemed to love. He and Rick had history. Most of it was good, but the hate sprang forth when Rick had caught his then-girlfriend sharing a bed with Max after some photos circulated on FaceWank highlighting the killer end of Summer party Joeseph was throwing. Rick hadn't gone, and he assumed his woman hadn't either. But alas, women come, women go, but rivalries usually last forever.

Thankfully, the day had progressed rather uneventfully. Classes were assigned, students oriented, teachers dreading another 10 months of chaos. Nothing out of the norm had occurred. Before he knew it, Rick was on the march home. His sister had opted to head for the local coffee shop with some friends for warm beverages. The afternoon weather was much more bearable than that morning, rick strode home with his sweater folded up over his arm. He arrived at the small bungalow he grew up in, retrieved his key from his pocket, and opened the front door. He and his sister lived with his mother, who worked a nursing job to raise two kids on her own, and was generally out of the house for large parts of the day. Although generally absent from her childrens home life, she did do a good job of keeping the lights on and the fridge full, so Rick had no complaints.

Kicking off his shoes, he proceeded to the basement where his room was and dumped everything he was carrying directly onto the floor. Rick then proceeded to sprawl upon his bed, his eyes closing for a quick nap.

Rick awoke to the sound of the front door closing, and footsteps upstairs. He groggily looked at his clock and saw it was nearly 6pm. He had only been out for an hour or so. His sister must've just been arriving home, he thought. He made his way upstairs to greet his energetic little sister. Although only a year younger than him, she was very near his size and tall for a young woman. Always complained that it made shoe shopping impossible, and always limited her choice of runners to mens.

After assembling something to eat, the two of them retreated to their separate rooms for the night, each busying themself with something to pass the time. Rick crawled into bed around 11 that night and braced himself for the following day. Little did he know, he should've been bracing himself for that night.

Ricks heart was pounding out of his chest. He was sitting in a pitch dark room, wispy colours swirling about on the walls. He couldn't move. As much as he commanded his body to move, it just wouldn't. He laid there, upon what he assumed was the floor based on how far the ceiling seemed to be. It was difficult for him to judge the distance, as it seemed both infinitely black and directly tangible at the same time. The sounds of the place bringing him fear.

"The fuck is going on." being the major thought going through Ricks head. He could hardly breathe, the air musty and heavy with humidity, and seemingly deprived of any oxygen. Every breath felt like he couldn't get enough, and he was starting to panic. The colours began to swirl violently and the entire world bounced between blurriness and focus as it was suddenly ripped asunder by a bright white light.

Rick shot up out of bed with a gasp to the sound of his alarm screaming at him, his heart still pounding out of his chest. He was drenched in sweat and began breathing deeply as he realised he had control of his body again. He scanned around his room for anything out of the normal, but everything was exactly as he left it. The Autumn sun shined through the escape window, causing rick to squint as his eyes struggled to adjust the daylight. Rick took a few moor deep breaths, scratched his armpit, and swung his legs over the edge of the mattress, taking a second to attempt to process what the hell he had just experienced. Was it all a bad dream? Just a nightmare? No nightmare he'd ever had was like that. He scratched the back of his head, and set about to find his pants.

The one nice thing about the scare is it had awoken him early enough to get to school on time. He shared the walk with his Marie, who was impressed he managed to quote "scrape his asas out of bed so early." The walk being much more managable today, lacking a real wind but still maintaining an unusual autumn briskness. They both arrived at school on time, Rick taking his extra time to fully enjoy his morning cigarette.

Class proceeded as normal for most of that day. Rick was in chemistry class and was helping to clean up as it neared ever closer to lunchtime. Their teacher, Mr. Baron, loved doing labs as early as possible to help pull students into chemistry. Without demonstrating some basic reactions, he always felt it was impossible to "hook" the class until they saw it in action. Unbeknownst to him, some students thought it appropriate to up the proportions of chemicals involved just a tad too much, and the resulting hot foam expelled from the flask landed everywhere within a several-foot radius. The mess was cleaned up rather quickly, and Rick was carrying the last of the glassware into the storage room attached to the lab. Rick placed the boxes on the counter just as he heard the door behind him latch shut. He turned to see Max, standing at the door, with a sly grin on his face.

"Max? What are you d-" Rick suddenly felt what seemed like getting up too fast. He suddenly felt weak in the knees, and his vision began to tunnel as he struggled to maintain his balance. Did I just get drugged? What the hell is going on? Rick fell to one knee, then collapsed completely on the floor.

There he was, motionless in the black room again. He knew it was too real to be a nightmare. He struggled against his own body defying him, lying motionless upon the floor. The void surrounding him akin to a vacuum, but also physically restraining him there. He knew he was flexing his muscles, he wasn't paralyzed. Why wasn't he able to move? His senses didn't make just that, sense. His vision betrayed him colours and blackness in random proportions gave him no reference. His sense of touch is fleeting and difficult to ascertain. The air was still thick and smelled vaguely of what seemed like sulfur and burnt toast. Rick felt like he was struggling to breathe whatever was in that air. He almost thought it was too thick to call air, a fluid of course, but not as dense as water. He was dizzy, and his brain was struggling to compensate for the apparent random stimuli it was or wasn't receiving. Rick struggled to form even the most basic of thoughts in this state.

Rick suddenly felt as if something had grabbed him by the feet and yanked. It was a difficult sensation for him to wrap his brain around. As if someone had abruptly turned the gravity back on and he began to fall. The bright white light reappeared and formed a "tear" in the void as rick fell into it.

Rick scrambled in all directions and let out a blood-curdling scream as he thrashed about in his bed, throwing the blanket clear across the room. The alarm clock, joined Rick in a chorus for a brief moment as they both made about as much noise as they possibly could. As soon as Rick heard the alarm clock, he stopped screaming and looked around. The Autumn sun, shining through the window, with a sunshaft falling directly upon his backpack. He could see all the little bits of dust floating about in the illuminated air. Rick took a moment to check himself. Feeling himself all over and finding nothing wrong, he got up and stood in front of his mirror. He inspected himself closely for anything different or off or wrong. He pondered if it in fact had been a dream.

"No way, that was too real" he muttered. Just then, he heard his door unlatch and swing open, and Rick nearly jumped right out of his skin. Marie was standing at the doorway, looking directly at him with her left eyebrow raised. Rick, making eye contact with his sister, relaxed his ninja guard stance.

"What the hell got into you? First you scream like you're getting stabbed, and I open the door you and just about jumped across the room! Did you watch something scary last night on Netflix?" Marie asked

"Uhh, yeah, thats it." Rick replied meekly, not sure if she bought it.

The eyebrow lowered, and Rick was certain his weak response had satisfied her. She began to turn away and then stopped. The fear he felt moments ago was nothing to the fear he felt now as she turned back to him in her short-cut pajamas and asked "What was the title?"

Rick felt the blood drain from his face, he was trapped. He was stressed, he didn't have time for this. He wasn't even able to process what the fuck just happened without getting harassed by his sister.

"Don't you have to put on your hair, or brush your face, or something?" He deflected jokingly.

"Whatever, I'm sure it was the Teletubbies or something," Marie said mockingly as she turned to march back up the stairs. Rick let out a deep sigh of relief and looked at himself in the mirror once again.

"What the fuck man." Rick says under his breath as he hangs his head.

Chapter Two

Rick was standing across the street from the school smoking. He didn't feel like joining the pit this morning and stood watching students arrive. A postman is delivering mail to the houses across from the school. At least here, he wasn't smoking on school grounds, he thought, trying to distract himself from the events of the night prior. He struggled to remember what happened yesterday. He vaguely recalled a mess in chemistry and helping to clean it up, but his lunch break was fuzzy. He remembered attending his afternoon classes, but he didn't remember what they did.

"I must've been out if it." Rick muttered

"What?" Came a response from a feminine voice

Rick looked up from the end of his cigarette to see a pretty, young woman stopped just past him, and looking over her shoulder, apparently on her way to the school. She was a skinny thing, with a tiny waist but quite tall, with small A-cup breasts and a tiny heart-shaped butt to match.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Rick replied hastily and scratching the back of his head "I was just talking to myself, I didn't even notice you there, you know how it is. I'm Rick" he finished, trailing with a short bout of awkard laughter complimented by a bad smile.

"Ah, that's alright, I figured as much," the girl replied. "I'm Catherine, nice to meet you!" she said with a smile.

The sound of tires chirping gets both of their attention, and Rick leans and turns his head to see what made the sound. About a block away is some sort of red two-door with what looks to be a wing two feet too tall on the back.

"Must've slammed on his brakes at the light, the teenagers around here drive like maniacs" Rick said.

"Ohmygod you're so right! And it's so crazy here in the mornings! When I get my license, I'm not going to drive like that!" Catherine replied.

"I hope you don't, for both our sakes" Rick replied with a chuckle, as he took a drag from his cigarette.

The first bell rang, and Catherine perked up.

"Shoot, my English Class is on the far side of the school, I'll see you later!" Catherine exclaimed as she hurridly turned and headed for the crosswalk. Rick dropped his cigarette and looked down to place his foot on it, and heard the distinctive sound of a turbocharger blow-off valve fluttering, as the engine has closed its throttle, backfiring aggressively. Rick turned his head to see the red coupe moving at an unreasonable rate of speed. His eyes darted Catherine, who was by now only a quarter of the way through the crosswalk.

The bell! They never heard the car take off from the light because of the bell! Rick put two and two together and took off at a dead sprint towards Catherine. She, because of the backfire, had now noticed the car barreling towards her. She quickly did the math in her head, she wasn't going to make it. She couldn't stop short of the car because she was too hurried to get across the road, and she wouldn't make the rest of the way before the car reached her.

At that moment, her head snapped back as she felt a sharp shove directly in the center of her back. Catherine lunged forward and quickly collapsed smashing her knees directly on the far curb. She howled momentarily from the pain as the landing was anything but soft, but quickly forgot about the pain when she remembered the car, and then shove. On all fours, she turned her head to try and look over her shoulder, and there lay Rick. She could hear him gurgling, blood escaping from his coughing mouth. She tried to turn over to help him but her legs were in so much pain. She looked down, everything looked alright, and she slowly tried to stand up. Students have gathered around with their phones, recording the horrific ordeal that had taken place.

Rick, still alive on the road, knew something was terribly wrong. Everything hurt, he was cold, he could hardly move. He tried to move his eyes, realizing one was stuck in its position. He looked around with the other and saw the people crowding around him as his vision tunneled and faded to black.

Wispy trails of colours appeared. Rick wasn't sure if he was alive or dead. He tried to look around to no avail. He inhaled as deep as he could and tasted the sulphur in the air. A bright white crack split the show of colour and darkness, light bursting through it. It was so intense that Rick tried to close his eyes, but it didn't help in the slightest. He felt a sharp yank.

Rick briefly yelled, almost like a dog yips when you step on his tail, as he threw the blanket off of him and shot right up out of bed, his hand covering his mouth, and rubbing his face as he paced about his room. He checked himself in the mirror. No scars. No damage. Everything still worked. He pulled the elastic out on his boxers, and sure enough, the boys were still there. He let the elastic go with a slap against his belly, as he shook his hand and pursed his lips.

The door unlatched and opened and Marie peered her head inside, raising an eyebrow upon seeing her brother standing there, looking as if he just saw a ghost, pursing his lips and shaking his hand back and forth as if pondering something.

"Aaaaaaaree you okay?" Marie asked inquisitvely, eyebrow raised.

Rick stopped shaking his hand, unpursed his lips, and looked up at his sister.

Snapping his fingers a couple times, Rick bluntly says; "Never better."

Marie proceeded to slowly retreat behind the door, as she closed it, never breaking eye contact with her brother until the last moment before the door was closed.

"What day is it today?" Rick asked.

Marie poked back in "One day at school and you've already forgot? Its Tuesday the Third." She closed the door. Rick continued staring at the door for a brief moment, trying to realise the gravity of his situation.

"I just fucking died, and I remember all of it. What the fuck." He remembered the impact. He remembered the crunch. He remembered the brief flight and hard landing, with more crunch.

He remembered the push.

"Oh shit, Catherine."

Rick practically threw his clothes on, grabbed his bag, and darted up the stairs and out the door. Maries hair flew up as he raced past her down the hall.

"What the hells gotten into him?" Marie asked herself as she watched her brother blast past him.

Rick didn't stop running until he reached the street in front of the school. He was out of breath, and ragged. In his panic, he hadn't quite realised that he got there before Catherine anyhow, and had a moment to absorb his surroundings while he recovered.

Nothing seemed any different from yesterday. The flowers are the same. The weather is the same. Rick looked around to find the postman, who was but a few blocks down. He was too far to tell if it was the same, postman, but time would tell. Rick sparked a cigarette and waited. By the time the cigarette had nearly finished, he spotted Catherine walking towards him. He made eye contact with her as she got close, and she gave him a quizzical look.

"Hey!" Rick said

"Im sorry, have we met?" Replied Catherine.

"yeah! yesterday, dont you rem..mem..ber." It hit him. Today isn't today. Today is yesterday. Its the same day.

"Yeaaaah... look I've gotta get to class." Catherine replied as she turned away and hurridly crossed the road.

"Yeah see you later... I guess.." Rick replied. He heard tires screech. He looked down the road to see the red coupe.

"I fucking knew it." Rick said. He looked back to Catherine, who was now almost entering the building. "It is the same day."

Rick was sitting in his English class. The teacher trumpeting away like a Charlie Brown cartoon. Any knowledge Ms. Guy was trying to impart on him was simply beading off like water from a rain coat. Rick couldn't think about anything else. Was he really trapped in a loop? Why was this happening? Rick couldn't think about anything properly, his brain completely overwhelemed by the earth shattering knowledge of what has been happening to him. A book slammed down on his desk.

"Damn it, Rick, if I have to tell you to pay attention one more time today, you can spend the rest of the day in the principles office!" Ms Guy said, noticably fuming.

Rick looked straight into her eyes with a blank expression.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself, young man?" Ms. Guy pressed.

"No ma'am" Rick Replied.

"Then pay attention!" She retorted.

She turned to walk away, and Rick watched her breasts swing and her ass sway back and forth as she angrily marched back up to the front of the class. He was mesmerized. He thought about the loop, and then he thought about what he could do to her. He could catch her inbetween classes with an innocent request. Then pin her down to her desk and fuck her brains out. Then he could just off himself and do it again.

The thought gave him a sudden erection. He could literally do whatever he wanted, and get away with it, scott free. This is a teenage boys wet dream, why hasnt he acted on this yet, he thought.

The bell rang and the class ended. Students began filing out. Rick stayed in his desk.

The last student exited the room when Ms. Guy looked up and from behind her glasses asked. "Can I help you?"

Suddenly, Rick was overwhelmed. What if its not a loop? What if I don't get away with it? This isn't right at all, he thought.

"Nope" Rick quickly replied as he snatched his bag and quickly made his way out of the room.

Ms. Guy shook her head and returned to her paperwork.

Ricks heart was pounding again. Why didn't he do it? He knows he can get away with it! Was it some morale dilemma? Was ahe afraid? What was he afraid of? Rick approached the stairs to the lower level. His final class was downstairs, by the gym, a short distance away. Rick started down the stairs as he muttered under his breath "I shoudl've done it"

"What?" Someone said.

"Huh? Rick turned to reply to the stranger, but failing to stop and tripping

"whoa whoa WHOA" Rick yelled as he tumbled down the stairs, rolling and toppling other students as he went. He reached the bottom and he heard a loud crack in his neck as he came to stop. He tried to get up but couldn't move. He couldn't breathe. He was face down, his eyes darting about trying to make sense of what just happened. Ricks vision begins to tunnel, and the whisps of colour begin trailing. The black surrounds him, and the smell of sulphur and burnt toast surround him. His head briefly begins to pound.


Ricks eyes shot open, laying in his bed. He stared at his ceiling for a moment, wondering what just happened. He fell down the stairs. He landed right on his head, he knew he broke his neck, why is he in his b-


The alarm clock startles Rick, as he lets out a short scream and bunches the blanket up around his head. Upon realisation that it was infact not his death arriving but simply the alarm clock announcing awake time, he slammed his fist down on the clock hard enough to break it. Rick throws the blanket clear off him, and stands up. He scratches his ass, and then his head, and begins searching for his pants.

The door opens and Marie pops her head in.

"Are you alright in here?" Marie asks.

Rick turns to Marie, and looks her dead in the eye.

"What day is it?" Rick asks.

"Tuesday the Third" Marie replies. "You didn't answer my question."

"Never better." He responds quietly

"I can tell!" Marie replies " Though you may want to hide that morning wood there next time."

Rick looks down to notice the obvious tent in his boxers. The realisation of whats happening hit him. It is the same day, and now hes confirmed it. He looked at the tent, and then to Marie. He didn't even try to cover himself.

"Im leaving now." Marie said.

Rick darted over to the door, and grabbed Maries wrist before she could close it, with all his strength, he yarded her small frame back into his room.


Rick took the arm he had and chicken winged it behind here back, pulling her towards the bed.

"What the fuck are you doing, Rick? Get off me!" Marie shouted

Rick didn't care. He was scot free. He could do whatever he wanted. He pushed her head down into the bed with his free hand, his errection pressing into her hind quarters. Rick bent down and whispers into her ear

"Whatever the fuck I want, bitch." Rick pulls the chicken wing up higher, eliciting a yelp from Marie, as he uses his free hand to push down her bottoms. The elastic shorts barely qualify as a covering and easily slide over her ass. Rick lands a hard spank, immediately leaving a hand print and pulling a yelp from Marie.

"Stop it! You're hurting me!" Marie said, now with tears in her eyes. Rick releases her arm, spins her around, and slaps her face hard.

"You're going to do what I say slut." Rick responds through his teeth, and slaps her again. He uses his right hand to grab a tuft of her hair, and his left to pull down his boxers. His rock hard cock now directly in his sisters face, he can see the reflection of his bellend in her eyes as he guides it to her mouth. She refuses at first, until Rick withdraws and delivers another hard slap.

"Open!" Rick yells, as Marie sobs and opens her mouth. Rick jams his cock in until he meets resistance and Marie gags. Tears ruining her half-applied makeup as Rick viciously throatfucks his sister. Maries arms drop to her sides as she just takes the cock all the way down her throat, repeatedly and aggressively. Rick smashing his pelvis into her nose, causing her extreme discomfort with every stroke. Marie cant fathom why this is happening. Why is her brother doing this to her?

Rick grabs Marie's head with both hands, and drivers her right to the pubic bone, holding her there. Marie begins to cough around Ricks cock, as spit dribbles down onto her top. Marie cant breathe. Shes trying to force her brother out of her throat but hes stronger than her, and has gravity on his side. Marie, now choking and turning blue in the lips, begins flailing and striking her brother anywhere she can to get him off her.

Rick can only revel in the sight of his sister struggling on his cock, fighting for a breath he knows she won't have.She begins to twitch and shudder, still coughing and spasming on Ricks rock hard cock. Finally, when rick sees her eyes roll back into her head, and her body begins to go limp, he withdraws his cock roughly.

Marie lets out a harsh cough and takes a deep gasp as she fights for the now plentiful air. Her hair his tattered, her brain in pieces. Her throat is sorer than anything. Worse yet, she's aroused. She dips her fingers down to her pussy, and she soaked a little puddle on the floor where she been getting throat fucked against the bed.

Rick grabs her by her hair and picks her up

"Ow ow ow" Marie yelps as shes thrown onto the bed by her hair. She trys to scramble away but rick drives one of his knees directly into the back of her calf. He grabs her wrists and presses them together, placing his all his weight on them while his free hand guides his cock to her waiting pussy.

"Look at you, you fucking slut, you're all wet." Rick exclaimed. Marie felt humiliated. Not only was she being raped by her brother, but she was liking it too, the fuck was wrong with her? She hadn't so much as touched herself and now here her brother was about to jam is cock in her and she couldn't help but feel want for it.

Rick found his sister's opening and pressed down, hard, driving his entire length into Marie in one swoop. Marie screamed and thrashed as Rick wrestled her for control, eventually pushing her head into to blanket to quiet her as he mercilessly fucked her. The sight of her virgin blood on his cock as he drove ever deeper into her drove Rick mad with lust. He continued with long deep thrusts, intending to cause her as much pain as possible. Marie had tears streaming down her face as she continually mumbled "Please, please." Rick continued to fuck his sister with abandon, pushing down until she squirmed under him trying to get away. Marie swung back with an elbow, catching Rick in jaw. Rick was infuriated. He withdrew from her pussy, grabbed her hair, and yanked her hard onto her back. Rick climbed on top, spreading her legs as she fruitlessly tried to clamp them shut. Rick entered her again with is full length, driving right up to Marie's cervix and causing her to yelp. Rick grabbed Marie by the throat, pushing down hard, and driving into her with everything he had. The sound of slapping and choking the only thing to be heard as Rick fucked her into submission, slapping her face and tits whenever she got too rowdy. Rick felt the familiar feeling in his groin as he drove deep into Marie, he knew he wouldn't last much longer. Rick made a few final thrusts, and squeezed tightly around Marie's neck, as he grunted and began to fill her with his cum. To his surprise, mary began to convulse underneath him, her hips bucking and shaking as if to draw every last drop of cum out of his cock. Rick's cock spasmed for what seemed an eternity as he tried to give her every drop as deep as he could go. When he finally finished, he released his grip and withdrew from Marie, her body still shaking and quivering from the forced orgasm she had just experienced. Rick's cum, now dripping out of her bloodied and bruised pussy.

Ricks stomach dropped. What had he done? He'd just defiled his sister for a few minutes' pleasure, destroyed her as she lay in his bed, trembling, holding herself, shaking. Rick looked at her and looked into her eyes. All he could see was fear of him. He moved to get up and Marie scrambled across the bed to protect herself. Rick saw this and felt an instant burden of a million metric tons of shame. He walked over to his closet and grabbed his carpenters' blade from his tool belt. He extended the blade to its fullest length, brought it to his neck, and slit his own throat. Blood spattered across the mirror as he collapsed and Marie realised what he had done.

"RIIIIIIICK" Marie screamed as she scampered over to him, trying to put pressure on his neck. Rick lay on the floor, looking up at his little sister, whom he had just thoroughly and brutally raped, was now trying to save his life.

"Rick no no no no!" Marie exclaimed

She watched the life leave his eyes, Rick watched the colours enter his.



2021-09-23 01:24:01
Please feel free to share an feedback you may have.

Also, I do think this was too slow of a start and not enough action for literally, but be ready for the next few chapters where Rick really begins to explore.

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