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Hi guys I’m a fairly new author so any comments or criticism are appreciated.
Hi my name is Joyce and this is my story! First let me tell you a little about myself, I’m 5 foot 6 and blonde and I’m 34 years old. Over the years I’ve gained a little weight but I’m still slim and fit. I work out three days a week to keep it that way too! I am divorced and have a daughter who has moved out and into college.

I live in a modest city called Middleton “not really the name but wouldn’t you like to know you naughty stalker you (;’ its in America is all i’ll say and in the northern part of the country. It’s really nice here all year round really and I love it here.

On to the salacious parts! “ its totally worth the wait by the way!” So I have been lonely for around a year now since my husband Jerry divorced me. I have had a few encounters but no really satisfying sex. My friend Jennifer has been telling me for years that I should try for a threesome or something more adventurous but Jerry was never convinced.

Well I have been rolling the idea around in my head for a while but didn’t really know where to start. What am supposed to do, walk up to a guy and say “Hey lets fuck, bring a friend?” So I did what any sane person would do and I did an internet search. Turns out there’s and app for that.

So I downloaded the app and started swiping! I uploaded a few sexy photos and filled out a few forms and bam I started to get PMs and dick picks, the whole nine yards. I took my time and went through a few profiles. I didn’t want the biggest cock in the world in my ass, I like anal but still value a tight butthole, obviously. I requested a few pics from several men and quickly received answers.

After making arrangements to meet my newfound friends I started to get my body ready. A few bucks on a manicure and pedicure. I got my hair done and did a very thorough shave. What can I say a like a smooth kitten.

The day of the deed I made sure to use an anal plug to loosen up my asshole for lucky guy number one. Just kidding his name was Bryan lol. I had made arrangements to meet my guys at a nice hotel that had a bar and restaurant downstairs. The men’s names were Bryan and Jacob.

I walked into the hotel bar around 7pm that night, I was a few minutes late but hey a girls gotta tease am I right? Make em sweat a little. So I walked over to the bar and saw Jacob first, he was as handsome as his profile pic had led me to believe. “Whew big relief” I thought to myself as I smiled and walked toward him.

Jacob saw me walk in and gave me a great big smile. As I walked closer he rose and i saw he was well over 6 feet and dressed to the nines. As i got into his personal space he leaned in for a casual hug and i smelled his cologne. It was subtle and expensive and I immediately loved it.

Jacob stepped back from our hug and said “Wow Joyce you look amazing! I can’t believe how accurate your profile pics were.” I smiled back and said “Thanks Jacob your not too shabbily dressed yourself.” Too his credit the man knew how to take a compliment. He looked me right in the eye and said “Thanks so much! I wanted to put my best foot forward. You know for our first meeting and everything.” He looked over at the tables and booths scattered around the bar.

“Would you like to meet our third wheel? He is saving a booth for us over there.” Jacob pointed out a booth in the corner and raised an inquisitive eyebrow. I smiled and nodded and he took my hand, still very casually and walked in that direction. I luxuriated in the feel of his hand against mine. It had callouses and ridges, the hands of a man who worked with his hands. I love a man with some strong hands.

As we walked up to the booth Ryan stood to greet me. He wasn’t as tall or broad as Jacob but he was extremely fit. He definitely worked out often. His smile was more understated than Jacobs but still clench worthy. He wasn’t wearing cologne but I could smell a kind of floral soap thing going on. I smiled back and let Bryan hug me just like Jacob had. Which was to say super casually. I wasn’t sure but it seemed like these two guys had done this before.

I hadn’t thought to ask them but now thinking about it duh of course they had, they were on an app specifically for this sort of misadventure. I tried not to let my nerves show as i allowed Jacob to seat me on the inside of the booth while he and Bryan took the isle seats next to and opposite me. I had a little trouble keeping my eyes on Bryans face. Not that he wasn’t handsome, because he was but the rest of him was mouth watering.

His hair was short and combed. His eyes were a dark green and his teeth were white and straight. But his shoulders were very well defined and his chest was amazingly cut. I couldn’t wait to see his abs and struggled not to stare to hard.

He noticed my gaze and grinned in a knowing way that a man who has been intimate with you and knows all your secret places looks at you. I broke eye contact because he hadn’t earned that yet dammit. I looked over at Jacob who had his hand resting slightly on my thigh now. His knee pressed to mine. I liked how warm he was. How aware of every point of contact i was. I felt like a young woman again just getting to know my sexual side and it had been a while since i was this uncertain and under confident.

Jacob returned my smile and started the conversation. “ So Joyce, I’m so glad you made it tonight, i know i speak for myself and Bryan both when i say you look amazing.” Bryan glanced at Jacob and nodded his head. “ Yes you do look amazing Joyce, and let me say that your profile didn’t do you justice, you look so much better in person.’

I smiled at him and replied “Why thank you Bryan. You know flattery will get you everywhere.” I winked at him and Jacob chuckled. “Better watch her Bryan she will have you wrapped around her finger in no time.” Bryan smiled at Jacob and replied “Yes well i hope that’s not the only thing she wraps her fingers around tonight.” I felt a blush creeping up my face as he spoke. I hadn’t blushed in years and yet here i was blushing at a man.

Jacob squeezed my thigh after Bryan spoke and lowered his head closer to my ear. I could feel his breath on my ear and it sent shivers running up my spine. He said “ I hope not too.” Four little words but when he spoke them, things low in my belly tightened in exciting ways. I squeezed my thighs together lightly and gave Bryan a knowing look of my own. “Come on Bryan we are all adults here. I think you know we will be going a little further than that tonight” i said. He looked at me and smiled. Bryan groaned real low under his breath. He wiped his hand through his hair and leaned forward toward me. He spoke real low in a very intimate tone.

“You already have me ready to go and we just met. It’s really not fair. I mean i have dated plenty of women and this usually doesn’t phase me but you are really sexy Joyce.” He leaned back in his seat and just grinned at me. I noticed his cheek had a slight dimple that I thought was hot.

Jacob nodded in agreement with Bryan and moved his hand ever so slightly further up my thigh. It was a pretty subtle reminder that he hadn’t stopped touching me since i had arrived. It was driving me nuts already and we were all still fully clothed. We needed to remedy that soon. Very soon.

A few more minutes went by in conversation. They were both good conversationists, with Bryan being a little more vocal than Jacob. Bryan used more facial expressions, while Jacob was more of a body language kinda guy. We each ordered a drink and when we had consumed them i decided I’d had enough waiting. Between Jacobs wandering hand and Bryans double entendres i was wet and ready for this to progress further. Much much further and from two directions preferably.

I smiled and said “Well boys i hate to be the ice breaker here but how about we take this upstairs.” They looked at each other and nodded then started to exit the booth. Jacob walked over to the bar to pay our tab while Bryan took my hand and we started to walk toward the lobby. He pressed the up button on the elevator and we waited for Jacob to join us.

As we waited i looked over at Bryan and leaned in close to whisper in his ear. Just as I did Jacob walked up behind us. Bryan laughed at what I’d told him and Jacob smiled reflexively as he stood on my other side.

“What did i miss?” He asked as the elevator dinged open. “Oh nothing i was just telling Bryan a joke.” I said with a smile on my lips. Bryan led us into the elevator and nodded at Jacob. “Yea what she said.” His tone was really dry and it cracked me up. I couldn’t help but burst into laughter as the doors closed behind us Bryan pressed the button for our floor. “Wow you’ve a great laugh” Jacob said and proceeded to press against me from behind. It forced the front of my body into the front of Bryan who was stand close already.

As Jacob pressed against me Bryan stepped foreword and thus i became a Joyce flavored sandwich. Jacob ground his hips into my ass while Bryan ran his hands through my hair and touched the sides of my face as he leaned in and kissed me. I kissed him back and as i did Jacob ran his hands up my sides just over my hips.

He leaned in and nuzzled me, his breath hot on my neck as Bryan thoroughly kissed me. He didn’t force his tongue down my throat like some guys liked to. He was gentler and let me deepen the kiss. I was trying to process all the inputs my brain was struggling to process. Between Bryan and Jacob I didn’t know what i wanted more of. Jacobs hands and hips or Bryans lips and tongue.

Just as i came up for air and Bryan released my face Jacob grabbed my chin with his whole hand. He tilted my face backwards on my neck and he was so tall he had no problem leaning down and taking my mouth. He was a little rougher than Bryan and his kisses would bruise me i knew later. While Jacob devoured my mouth Bryan cupped my breasts and kissed my neck at the same time. With all these sensations i almost didn’t notice when the doors opened. There was an older man standing there with a cane holding a briefcase. He stood there and smiled at us as we slowly started to pull apart. “Oh don’t worry you lot. I will catch the next one. Go get em boys!” He said and hit the button for down again.

The doors closed and we moved back towards our floor again. A little out of breath and much more sexually frustrated than we should have been for three fully grown adults who had nowhere to be for the rest of the night. “Fuck me” said Bryan as he cupped my cheek and kissed me again.

Jacob chuckled under his breath as the doors opened again. “This is our floor guys.” he said and walked out of the elevator and down the hall toward our room.Bryan grabbed my hand and pulled me toward Jacob following him eagerly. Jacob swiped our door key and we entered our room. ‘Finally’ Bryan said and picked me up like i weighed nothing at all. He walked me to the bed and gently laid me down.

“Let’s get you out of those clothes” he growled. He started on my heels first and was very quick on the buckles. He slid them off one by one and slid them under the bed quickly. He then slid my dress up over my hips as i lifted for him. He slid it up over my breasts and head and gently slid it under the bed with my shoes. Now all i was wearing was panties and bra and my wonderful smile.

As Bryan started removing my panties Jacob had already stripped naked and i watched him circle the bed toward my head. He was already thick and hard. He walked behind me and slid his hands down my back unclipping my bra. In the meantime Bryan had my panties off and was sliding his shirt over his head.

I had been right, his abs were very defined and super cut. He was damn sexy. He leaned back forward and slid his hands up my legs to my knees. He gave me a 1000 degree look and slowly parted my legs with his hands. By this time Jacob had my tits out and was gently cupping them from behind my head. I was already breathing hard and my pussy was wet and oh I was so fucking ready.

Bryan slowly lowered his face between my legs and I cried out as he licked me hard from the bottom of my slit all the way to the clit hood. It felt .. amazing is to weak a word but its all i got. He licked into me and slowly felt me with his tongue exploring and probing. As he did Jacob was tweaking my nipples with his fingers and they were getting stiff and sensitive. I cried out again and Bryan came up for air. He looked at Jacob and said “dude she is so fucking wet already.” In between breaths I said “thanks to you two and your wandering hands.” He just smiled and dived back in for more of my pussy. It felt so damn good, I couldn’t help the moans and small cries i let out. He had only been licking me for a few minutes when i felt my first orgasm coming. Jacob was sucking each nipple in turn with long swirls of his tongue and slight nips with his teeth and it was driving me crazy.

“Fuck I’m about to cum” i said while Bryan continued to lick me like it was his last pussy ever. Bryan slid his hands from behind my knees and cupped my thigh with his left and slipped two fingers on his right hand into my pussy. He slowly applied circular pressure to the upper wall of my vagina and he knew exactly what he was looking for because when he hit my g spot i started cumming fast.

My muscles in my abdomen and thighs started jumping in excitement as i had the best orgasm I’d had in years. Bryan left his fingers in me but stopped licking. He was very good at this i thought as he looked up into my eyes as i came. As the orgasm started to fade Bryan stood and chucked his pants. He was long and hard and his cock had a large vein that traveled almost the whole length and his cock twitched as he kicked his pants away.

He grabbed my hips and dragged me to the edge of the bed. He grabbed my legs and put my ankles on his shoulders. I was still coming down from my orgasm and he was moving fast. He positioned himself with one knee on the edge of the bed and one foot on the floor. He slowly slid his big cock into my pussy. Man it felt good inside me. He slid about halfway in and then slid back to the tip and slowly worked his way back in. He knew what he was doing i reflected as my pussy lubricated his whole cock as he slowly worked it into me.

His face was screwed up in concentration and he glanced at my face as he finally slid balls deep into my pussy. “You, miss Joyce are very fucking tight. And wet.” He said as he started stroking in and out. I could only nod at him, my breath now coming in gasps as he really started fucking me. I had almost forgotten Jacob so focused on Bryan i had been.

That apparently was a mistake because Jacob grabbed my face and put his cock on my cheek. He was shorter than Bryan but nice and thick. He looked down at me and smiled. “Put my dick in your mouth Joyce” he said. So i did. At this angle i was looking at the foot of the bed. My legs were up on Bryans shoulders while he fucked me. Jacob didn’t wait for me to start sucking, he moved his hips and his cock slid deeper into my mouth.

He tasted good. Very masculine and there was a little bit of precum on his tip. I licked it up and took him further toward the back of my throat. He groaned and started a steady thrusting that inched his cock a little further down my throat with each thrust. I tried to focus on the cock in mouth but Bryan was really and truly fucking me now. So hard that my breasts were bouncing back and forth. I slid my hands down the bed and palmed his hips as he thrust into me. I applied a little pressure wishing for a little control but he grabbed my hands put them under his own on my hips.

He was effectively telling me who had control over this position and it wasn’t me. Jacob groaned again as i tried to focus on his deep throat but it probably wasn’t my best blowjob. What can i say i was just a little distracted. Give a girl a break. A few minutes went by like this and then Bryan tilted my hips up a little and started gliding over that perfect spot over and over and over again. “Fuck yes right there Bryan” i said as i was catching my breath from deepthroating Jacob. He started thrusting just a tad harder and i came again spitting Jacob out of my mouth and crying out loudly. He thrust deeply a few more times then looked over at Jacob and said “switch with me?” With a little grin on his face his breaths coming in gasps. Jacob nodded and they switched places. Jacob slid into me quickly and groaned. “Dude you were so fucking right. She is super tight!” He said and started thrusting in and out of me.

My god he was thick. His cocked stretched me out in delicious ways that had me writhing beneath him. Bryan lay down next to me his body next to mine and glanced up at Jacob who grabbed my hips and lifted me up. Bryan slid his hands under my back and slid his whole body beneath me supporting me with his chest and hands under my thighs, spreading me open for Jacobs thrusts.

Now i was sandwiched between them with Bryan beneath me and Jacob on top fucking me, hard. I felt Bryans cock probing my asshole and was glad i had prepared for this. He found my rosebud and thankfully his cock was still lubed up from my pussy.

He slowly applied pressure and then his tip slid in and he cursed loud. “Fuck Jake her ass is super duper tight bro.” Jacob was taking it a little slower because he was now straddling Bryans legs. He smiled and leaned down kissing me. When he came up for air he looked at me and asked me “how does this feel Joyce?”

I didn’t answer for a minute because honestly there were no words for how good it felt. They were alternating thrusts. When Jacob slid into my pussy, Bryan slid almost all the way to the tip of his cock in my asshole. I could feel when their cocks passed each other inside me rubbing me deliciously in both my holes.

“Fuck me harder” was all i said and they complied, fucking me harder. I came again several times in the next few minutes, which made this the most i had ever orgasmed in one session before. I could hear Bryan breathing hard in my ear. His abs moving on my back as he fucked my ass. He stiffened beneath me and his cock got even harder in my ass if that’s possible. I knew he was about to jizz when this happened. He gripped my thighs even harder and i knew I would be bruised in the morning.

He threw his head back and buried his cock inside my ass to the hilt and started spurting cum inside my asshole. Jacob was still fucking my pussy as Bryan came. Jacob leaned in and put his hands on either side of my head on Bryans chest and thrust into me even harder. His thighs were smacking mine and Bryans with wet sucking and smacking thwap sounds. He screwed his eyes shut and i felt him cumming inside my pussy.

He thrust into me a few more times and finally stoped, buried balls deep inside me. His breaths were coming in short sharp gasps, his shoulders heaving up and down. His stomach muscles jumping with each breath. Jacob rolled off me and onto the bed all the way. Bryan pulled his dick out of my ass with a wet pop. He slid me onto the bed in between him and Jacob. Jacob wrapped his arms around me and kissed me while Bryan cuddled in behind me. His softening cock nestled between my ass cheeks.

“Damn Joyce you were amazing. That was some good sex baby.” He said it loud enough for Jacob to hear and voice agreement. We fell asleep like that all tangled up and me leaking cum out of both holes.

Well guys this was my first sex story! I hope you like it. If you have any feedback my username is jillthegiantslayer69. Hit me up in the forum! PM me if you have any questions and like this story if you want more!


2021-09-24 19:02:40
Not bad at all, especially for a first story!

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