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The other side of the story: A beautiful co-worker is the real reason Steve cancels his date with his wife.
When Nadia had proposed the idea of 'therapy-through-pretend-adultery' he had been immediately interested and repelled at the same time. Interested because, frankly, he was bored with Nadia, and the idea of an extramarital fling was increasingly attractive. They had been married ten years ago, as soon as he had graduated college, and a lot of what they had had in common back in high school wasn't relevant anymore. Besides, now that Nadia was turning thirty she was starting to look a little worn at the edges, at least in comparison to the girls that he saw in the bars during his weekly night out with the guys. At the same time the part of him that had married 'for better or for worse' was repelled by the idea. He knew instinctively that it would open a door that would be hard to close again. Apart from a few girls in college while Nadia had still been in high school, Steve hadn't really had many sexual partners. Despite drifting away from Nadia emotionally, he had remained faithful to her - although it had been increasingly difficult for him to remember why.

Undeniably, the Miss Kitty's plan had been a success. Their sex life seemed to have caught fire again, and even their relationship in general had taken somewhat of a turn for the better. Nevertheless, Steve was still more than a little uncomfortable with their continuing meetings at Miss Kitty's. The sex might be better, and the fighting seemed to have ended, but when he was honest with himself Steve knew the love was gone. It didn’t help that two or three other girls in the brothel inevitably caught his eye before he went up to the room with Nadia.

Thoughts of Miss Kitty's were pushed aside when Steve turned the corner and discovered that the office wasn't entirely deserted after all. Gabriella, the firm's new associate in acquisitions, was still at her desk. Steve was more than a little pleased to have her company in the otherwise empty office. He had been undeniably attracted to the dark Italian girl since she had started working there three months ago, and it was no mystery why. Educated in Italy's finest business school, the twenty-six year old was sharp as a tack. More to the point, she was physically a knock-out. Standing about five-five barefoot, she had long, toned legs, a wasp-thin waist, and, most importantly, a generous bust.

It certainly didn’t hurt that she always seemed to be dressed with impeccable Italian style; very sexy, but never slutty. Three-inch stilettos invariably accentuated her long legs, legs that were usually bare to mid-thigh. Her suits always seemed to be from the finest designers, and usually featured short pencil skirts and fitted one or two button jackets that showed off both her slim waist and her ample cleavage. Underneath she typically she wore a silk chemise, or more often Steve could see a push-up bra peaking from beneath the jacket. Those able to keep their eyes above her neck-line were rewarded by Gabrielle's equally beautiful face: full lips, high cheeks and large dark eyes, all framed by waves of silky dark hair.

Steve had often taken the opportunity to feast his eyes on Gabriella's sumptuous figure. Kellher-Grant's open office plan, and the relative proximity of her desk made this activity very easy. The fact that Gabrielle seemed to enjoy flirting with him only encouraged him. The way that she leaned over his desk when she had something to discuss gave him an excellent opportunity to evaluate the latest from La Perla. Without question, Steve's job satisfaction had risen (along with, on occasion, other more animal things) since Gabriella had started work at Kellher-Grant.

Tonight he spent a few long moments savoring the view of Gabriella at work before getting back to reviewing the contract. Lost in legal minutiae, it was twenty minutes before Steve again thought about his beautiful co-worker, but sensing her near his desk his attention was abruptly focused on her physical presence. Setting a file on his desk, she leaned over to ask his opinion on a detail of the agreement she was working on. Letting his eyes wander, as usual, to her cleavage as she talked, Steve was stunned to see that the expected fancy bra was missing: under her jacket Gabriella's breasts were completely bare. Involuntarily Steve's jaw dropped slightly with the realization that she had not been wearing push-up bras after all; the magnificent heft of her bust was all her. What was more, it was obvious (to Steve's well schooled eye) that every bit of those spectacular DD boobs was natural.

At length, Gabriella's expectant pause brought Steve's mind back to the business at hand. Dragging his eyes up to her face (he was suddenly conscious of how close she was), Steve managed a small sheepish smile as he struggled to pull together the pieces of her question from his distracted mind. He managed with surprising composure to give an answer that he hoped accurately addressed her concerns, and began to feel the flush start to fade from his face as she smiled and straightened to head back to her desk.

After that Steve found it hard to recapture his focus on the contract, finding his eyes repeatedly wandering to where Gabriella sat not far away. Before long he realized she was aware of his attention, but from the smile on her face she didn't seem to mind. Steve smiled back and looked down at his contract again. The next time he looked up, perhaps a full thirty seconds later, he noticed with a start that the way Gabriella was sitting he could see between her parted knees in a direct line to her crotch. Contract forgotten, he watched as she absently scratched an itch on her thigh, hiking up her already short skirt in the process. With the extra light Steve was pretty sure he could say that, along with the bra, panties were another piece of underwear that Gabriella wasn't wearing tonight. When her itch seemed to creep higher on her thigh, and her knees unaccountably parted gradually wider, Steve realized that his seemingly serendipitous view was no accident. The willing look she gave him when he looked up to see her openly watching him gave him all the approval he needed. Looking down again, he saw that Gabriella's skirt had now hiked up nearly to her hips, and her legs were spread at a ninety degree angle, offering a clear view of a completely shaved crotch, with the silver glint of some sort of metal coming from a the top of her pussy.

Steve was a married man, but not happily. It didn't take him two seconds to decide what to do about this obvious invitation. The clock read 8:30, still early enough to call off his scheduled 'date' with Nadia; Steve flipped his rolodex to Miss Kitty's Place (listed as Plaise, Ms. Katherine) and punched in the number. When the madam answered he asked her to catch Nadia at the door and let her know he couldn't make it tonight. Wanting more time to craft a solid excuse, and realizing that under the circumstances his voice might give something away at the moment, he didn't call Nadia directly.

Putting down the phone he watched Gabriella cross the distance from her desk and round the corner of his. Backing away from the desk he spun his chair to face her. Leaning over, her slim hand massaged his rapidly stiffening cock through the fabric of his trousers. After a few moments of that she deftly unzipped his fly, allowing her hand to reach in through his pants, and his boxers, to stroke his member directly. Unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning his waistband to make more space, she gently pulled until his liberated cock was standing free in his lap, straining ever harder towards the ceiling. Steve pulled the lever to drop his chair to its lowest setting, while Gabriella, skirt hiked to her hips, straddled is lap.

Close up, Steve could see that Gabriella's pussy was indeed clean-shaven - or waxed, since there wasn't even any trace of stubble. His cock strained even more as he realized what the glint of metal was. A delicate, but surprisingly large (maybe one inch in diameter) silver hoop pierced directly through the very knob of Gabriella's clitoris, preventing that sensitive little bud from hiding in the folds of her labia and keeping it perpetually exposed to stimulation. He watched in fascination as Gabriella lowered herself over his rock-hard cock. As his thick shaft slowly disappeared into her warm dark cunt, friction against his skin and the veins snaking across his member caused the silver ring to repeatedly tug and strain at her swollen clit. The ease with which his cock slid into her well-lubricated pussy verified that she was as aroused as he was.

Steve kept his eyes on that silver hoop until Gabriella's weight fully settled onto his lap and the silver disappeared into his pubic hair. They fit together like hand in glove. Tight leather, or latex rubber gloves at that. Steve had never before been so comfortable simply being in a woman; he had an unaccountable feeling that he would be content to stay just as he was indefinitely.

Then, taking the initiative in his hands, he turned his attention to the buttons on her jacket. In moments he had it open, releasing her magnificent tits into the open, inches from his face. Steve had always favored girls with big boobs; Gabriella's breasts were the easily most beautiful he had ever seen. It wasn't just their size - their shape, symmetry, placement and softness were right off his wish list. Big, stiff nipples stood out from areole not too big and not too small and placed at just the right spot on the curve of her huge double-D boobs. Her tits, high on her chest, jiggled enticingly but, as his hands soon discovered, were surprisingly firm and not at all flabby or droopy. Best of all: her breasts, in all their ample glory, were all natural. Nadia's surgically enhanced size-D breasts were beautiful, but it was clear to his careful eye and sensitive fingers that they were fake. Besides, they were still smaller than the bounty before him now. Hands caressing, stroking and squeezing her soft flesh, fingers rubbing and tweaking her stiff nipples, Steve reached a state that could only be described as bliss. A soft moan from Gabriella suggested she was enjoying the attention too.

Finally Steve could resist no longer; gripping one large breast he lowered his mouth over the raspberry bud of a nipple. Licking and sucking, nipping and teasing, his lips and tongue worked over first one and then the other nipple until they were rock hard and protruding even more. Taking a deep breath, he buried his face in her chest, pressing the warm mounds of her breasts against his cheeks and nuzzling her cleavage. Pulling back he gazed into her face and smiled with his heart full of pure joy. Gabriella returned his smile without reservation.

"I've wanted this ever since I started working here."

"I'm married."

"I know."

"I don't care; this feels so right. It never felt this way with Nadia, even in the beginning."

"Let's not talk about Nadia right now. I don't want anything to spoil how I feel right now with you in me. I don't want this to ever end."

He reached up to slip off her jacket, letting it fall to the floor. His hands caressed her bare shoulders, her shoulder blades, and her back down to where her skirt bunched around her waist. Gabriella rocked her hips slightly, not really thrusting, but churning his shaft in her belly.

"Nnmmmm! I think we can make this last a long, long time.

" I really liked what you were doing to my boobs; don't stop."

Steve gently pressed her back, pulling her to him again and resuming his exploration of her chest. Gabriella continued to shift her hips in small motions that accentuated their joining and kept the stimulus coming through her clit ring, yet never seemed to threaten to push him beyond the point of no return. After a time her hands on the sides of his face drew his lips to hers, and their tongues danced a sweet tango.

Time lost all meaning, whether his hands or mouth caressed her breasts or their lips locked in passionate kisses. Through it all their joining remained constant. Once Gabriella's breathing became fast and short, before she cried out in the ecstasy of orgasm, but even then she kept him in her to the hilt. She collapsed against him then, without moving for a time, except to share a long deep kiss.

Eventually the stimulation became too much to endure. Heat surged through his body as he felt his orgasm building.

"I'm coming!"

Gabriella's only reply was to kiss him even more deeply and passionately, and to grind her hips even harder against his. As his cum began to geyser into her he felt her astonishingly talented cunt muscles milking his cock for all it was worth. When he had finished unloading his seed into her Gabriella finally slipped off his softening cock, breaking the connection that they had maintained for - Steve saw from the clock - over twenty minutes. He had never dreamed that it would be possible to stay hard for even half of that time.

Standing up, Gabriella exclaimed "Oh! It looks like we made a bit of a mess; let's get your trousers off before it gets worse." Looking down Steve saw that indeed his pubic hair was matted thick with her juices and his cum, and their fluids liberally stained his boxers where they bunched around his penis. Only by good fortune had his suit pants escaped staining, and Steve was silently thankful that Gabriella had taken the time to open his fly as wide as she had.

Gabriella, who had already removed her skirt and now stood naked before him, helped him remove his shoes and then slide first his pants and then his boxers off. As she did she thoughtfully offered to help get him cleaned up. Removing his tie, Steve was in the midst of unbuttoning his shirt when she surprised him with what she had in mind.

Matter-of-factly kneeling between his legs she lowered her head to his crotch and began licking their mingled fluids from his softening prick. Quickly removing the remaining streaks of cum from his shaft, Gabriella turned her attention to his matted pubic hair, sucking their sticky juices clean with a dedication and thoroughness that revealed obvious enjoyment of the job. By the time she had succeeded in 'cleaning him up,' Steve realized that he was already starting to feel the stirrings of fresh arousal.

Having removed all traces of cum, Gabriella did not stop. Instead her attention returned to his cock, taking his once again swelling member into her mouth, tickling his glans with her tongue, and massaging his shaft with her lips. Before long she had his cock rigid again. One hand massaged his balls as she alternated between teasing his head with her lips and tongue and taking him deep into her throat, nuzzling her nose into the hairs at the base of his shaft. In addition to the physical pleasure he felt from what she was doing to him, the sight of his stiff cock sticking into her beautiful face was profoundly erotic. Something about the basic wrongness of it made it incredibly stimulating.

Nadia had never liked going down on him, and had seldom done so in all their years of marriage. The pleading that had been necessary, and her obvious distaste each of those occasions had spoiled much of his enjoyment. Having Gabriella give him head with such enthusiasm reminded Steve how much he really enjoyed it. He remembered the girls in college who had gone down on him, and why he had had so much fun with them at the time, even though he hadn't really connected with them beyond the sexual level. Now Gabriella's masterful attentions to his cock seemed to release years of unfulfilled desire. It wasn't long before he felt himself tipping over the edge again. Lips locked around his spasming cock, Gabriella's eyes smiled at him as she savored the hot jiz shooting into her mouth. When he was nearly through, she backed off, opening her mouth so that he could see gobs of his white cum coating her tongue, before she closed her lips again and swallowed it all down with a big smile. After that her mouth was back on his softening cock, sucking every last drop of cum as it seeped from its tip.

"Mmmm, that's good!" she pronounced, sitting back on her heels at last. "I hate to interrupt all the fun, but I really need to get to the ladies'."

Rocking onto her toes, Gabriella stood up with and easy grace and headed towards the restrooms. Steve watched her as she casually walked naked through the half-dark of the empty offices. Everything about her beautiful form was arousing, from the curve of a generous breast glimpsed from the side, to her slim waist, to the dimples in her lower back, to the glint of her clit ring showing in the wide gap between her legs - not to mention the slick sheen of moisture where their juices had dripped down her thigh. The view a few minutes later when she returned was even better.

Standing to meet her, Steve pulled her too him and kissed her when she reached him. Standing half a head shorter than him without her heels she was a perfect fit in his arms. Steve savored the feel of her body nestled against his for a moment before turning her around so that it was her back that pressed against him. Nuzzling her neck with his mouth his hands cupped her magnificent breasts, stroking and massaging her soft skin, gently pinching and rubbing her red nipples until they were once again stiff knobs. While his left hand to continued caressing her boobs, Steve's right slid over Gabriella's taut belly, seeking the warm moist place between her legs. Steve felt Gabriella's knees buckle slightly as his fingers found her ring-pierced clitoris. Held securely in his strong arms there was no danger of her falling, despite the increasing intensity of the stimulation he was applying to her sex (and he was certainly doing his best to increase the intensity). From the quickening of her breathing, no less than the renewed flowing of her juices Steve could tell his efforts were having the desired effect. Steve felt the heat rise in her neck as Gabriella's moans grew louder and louder, and felt her trembling grow more and more pronounced until suddenly she cried out, body jerking uncontrollably in the throws of violent orgasm; through it all he held her tightly in his arms.

By the time her thrashing had subsided Steve's cock against the small of her back was hard once again. Easing her down to the carpet with him, Steve positioned Gabriella so that she sat between his outstretched legs, her knees arched over his thighs. In unspoken understanding they drew together, Steve's cock sliding gradually into her wet and sensitive pussy until groin pressed firmly against groin.

And so they sat late into the evening. They talked about there they had been and what they had done or seen, what they loved and what they hated, and their most personal hopes and dreams. The sight and feel of Gabriella's incredible tits, as well as the warm embrace and occasional tight squeeze her pussy was giving his cock, was enough to keep Steve hard in her deep into the night. They both realized that despite a distinct connection, a long term relationship might not work out, might not outlast the lust, however great the sex was. They both also knew, without needing to say so, that there would definitely be more sex.

Perhaps most importantly, Steve understood now with crystal clarity that he had no future with Nadia. The had drifted so far apart that sex was the only thing holding them together. Tonight had proved that even the sex didn't measure up. It might take a while yet for their marriage to fall apart completely, but it was definitely a question of when, not if.

Sitting with Steve wrapped between her legs, Gabriella helped him concoct a watertight excuse for cancelling his date tonight. It was no accident that the story they crafted would require more late night hours in the future.

At last their attention returned to the physical. Slowly and deliberately they brought each other to one more delicious orgasm.

Their relationship (and there was no question that there was one now) might not outlast the lust, but Steve was determined to enjoy it to the full while it lasted.


2021-09-30 18:38:30
Note: This story is a companion to "Cheating: Nadia's Predicament"

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