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A girl goes on holiday to live her exhibitionist fantasies
The Exhibitionist Girl’s Solo Holiday

by Vanessa Evans

Part 2

My alarm went off at 7:30 a.m. and a sleepy Sadie dragged herself into the bathroom for the full works.

I made it to the breakfast room by 8:00 a.m. wearing just the knotted scarf as a skirt and the same see-through bikini top. The young girl on reception just smiled at me.

Unfortunately I was the only one having breakfast at that time so no fun there.

Back, naked on my balcony I squeezed the empty plastic bottle when some young men pulling suitcases went by looking like they were heading to the bus station to get a bus to the airport. One of them looked to where the noise was coming from and soon all of them were looking up at what would probably be their last naked girl for some time.

I was going back to the same beach again that day. This time I wore a see-through bikini top and a different skirt, light weight, very flared and very short, only just covering my butt and not quite covering my slit. Like most of the skirts that I’d brought it felt like I had nothing on below the waist band. The two significant differences to the previous day was that I wore my Lush 3 not switched on, I was leaving that pleasure for later and I didn’t know how long the battery would last. I also wore one of my butt plugs.

I was a little concerned about the butt plug because it has a metal ring holding the fake blue sapphire in place and I remembered one time about ten years ago when I went on holiday with my parents and I was wearing a ring on a finger and when I’d been sunbathing for a long time the metal of the ring got really hot and started hurting me. The solution then, as it would be that day was to run into the sea and cool it down.

The pink antenna was clearly visible sticking down between my legs. I hoped two things, firstly that no one would say anything adverse about seeing it, and secondly that it would attract peoples eyes to it and my pussy.

Anyway, I waved to the old man on reception and walked to the bus station. The two bus journeys were very much the same as the previous day although on the second, shorter leg I managed to trap the material of the skirt under my bag making it shorter both back and front although I don’t think that those people sat either side of the aisle where I was standing noticed.

Again I stripped naked just as I was going onto the beach and walked through the prudes part of the beach to just after the beach bar with the pink antenna dangling between my legs and the fake sapphire visible between my butt cheeks. I picked a spot near the water’s edge and got settled. The thing was, there was a group of three young men on one side of me and a youngish couple on the other side, all of them wearing swimsuits and all watching me spread my towel then get on my hands and knees to move things around until I was happy, that is to say that I had presented my butt to all of them to make sure that they saw both of my insertions.

Next it was the sunblock and I made a big deal of rubbing it on my tits and pussy, turning to face both groups in turn and watching them watching me. The faces on all of them were giving nothing away but even the girl was staring at me.

Then I lay on my back, legs spread wide, up on my elbows and wearing my sunglasses before I used my phone to switch my Lush 3 on to low vibrations. That initial shock always makes me gasp and jerk a little even though I know that it’s coming. The pink antenna was sticking out of me pointing down towards my feet and it jerked about a little too. I made sure that the three young men saw me using my phone but there was no way that I could know if they knew what I was doing. With the Lush gently vibrating inside me I discreetly looked either side of me and was pleased to see that both groups were looking at me then I lay back to enjoy the sun and the eyes staring at me.

I experimented with my Lush turning the vibrations up to different levels watching my body react. I swear that I could see my stomach vibrating when the Lush was on max. Then I set the Lush to intermittent, random levels of vibrations and lay back to soak up the sun.

My arousal level was slowly increasing and I wondered how many people saw my body shaking whenever the vibrations were on full blast and wondered what was wrong with me. Those who saw the Lush antenna and knew what it was could easily guess.

It took about an hour for my arousal to slowly build to my first orgasm of the day and my body was definitely shaking and jerking, my teeth biting down on my hand to fight the urge to scream with pleasure.

That was the first of many Lush induced orgasms that I had on beaches during my holiday and after each one I looked around with pride to see if anyone had watched me and known what I was experiencing.

The rest of the day at the beach was much the same as the previous day and the next nine or ten times that I went there, except that I limited my walks, not going as far as the old lighthouse or the gay’s beach. I liked walking along the tracks through the trees with the constant chirping of the crickets and I discovered that quite a few people use those tracks to get from the bus and car park to whichever nude beach and as they were walking there was little else for them to do other than look at the naked girl walking towards them with a pink antenna dangling between her legs.

But somehow, letting people who were probably going to sunbathe naked themselves doesn’t do as much for me as when prudish people see me naked.

After I wore my Lush and one of my butt plugs to that beach the first time I wore them all subsequent times and I used my phone to make myself cum whilst sunbathing. I often tried to time it so that I orgasmed when some clothed people were walking by. I guess that most people would call that humiliating but to me it’s a huge turn-on.

Each time that I went into the beach bar I managed to get a seat looking out to sea and I always sat lazily with my knees wide apart so that anyone walking along the front could look up whatever I was wearing and see my pussy. I never wore a top in the beach bar.

The bus journeys to and from that beach were much the same each time that I went, the leg from San Antonio to Ibiza town being not so busy and the short leg from Ibiza town to Ses Salines being crowded giving some of the other passengers the opportunity to see my butt, pussy and tits as I stood in the aisle in my see-through or too short clothes.

I did go to the other beach, Cala Conta, that I thought could be interesting. It was in a few ways, for one thing the buses there were always crowded and I always managed to stand in the aisle and reveal my goodies to the people sat either side of me, and because the nude part of Cala Conta beach is small most of the people on the bus weren’t expecting to see a naked person.

Another good thing that I liked about the nude beach at Cala Conta is the steps down to it. A lot of them and I loved it when I managed to climb up with a man following me hoping that he was looking up and seeing my pussy with my Lush antenna hanging out of my vagina.

As I said, the nude beach there is way too small but I still managed to have my Lush bring me to a climax right next to people who often gave me some very strange looks.

I did go on the unadventurous people’s beach some of the time. I took one of my crotchless G-strings to wear and was amazed at how unobservant most people are. I walked up and down that beach with my slit and clit on full display but people just saw the strings and assumed that there was a patch of material covering my pussy.

Having said that a couple of groups of young adults did realise what they could see but they didn’t say anything to me.


Most evenings when I got back to the hotel I went for a swim in the pool. After the first couple of times when I went down there wearing just a G-string and then returning to my room wearing nothing, I decided to not bother wearing anything to go down there. The old man on reception either didn’t realise that I was naked or he just didn’t care although I did give one or two, or three or four arriving new guests a bit of a surprise.

I met the five guys in the pool on quite a few evenings and I joined in the games that they played in the pool and lay on a lounger near them. I really loved it when I was laying on a lounger with my legs spread wide with those guys around me. I’d fucked two of them, Jack and Ryan, and before the holiday was over I fucked the other three as well; all of them at least twice, and more which I’ll tell you about later.

There was one evening when I went out with them and we ended up in a really crowded bar. Jack was stood right in front of me facing me and I said,

“You know Jack, it would be real easy for you to fuck me right now.”

He took the hint and after he got his hard cock out of his shorts he lifted me up and lowered me onto it. My legs had automatically gone round his waist and hit both Max and Ethan who quickly realised what was going on. Before we left that bar all five of them had fucked me.

That was something that we did just about every time that we went into a tightly packed bar. Being so public was an amazing turn on for me and I lost count of the number of orgasms that I had whilst we were fucking like that.

I didn’t go out drinking with them every night but when I did, one or two of them would ‘escort’ me back to the hotel where we’d have a fun hour or so before I kicked them out so that I could go and stand on the balcony and attract the attention of the people below or opposite.

One time when it was just Ryan that ‘escorted’ me back to my room we fucked on the balcony as I watched passing people watching us. I came twice before Ryan came the once.

Every time that I did go drinking with them, and all the other nights, my clothes were either quite see-through or so skimpy that my pubes or the bottom half of my butt or the bottom half of my tits were exposed all the time.

Of course I got lots of comments and ‘happy’ guys trying to hit on me which only fed my fetish of wanting my goodies to be seen.


One evening early on in my holiday when I’d gone out on my own and I was walking down a street with lots of bars, a scantily clad girl about my age came up to me and said,

“Hi, you look like a girl who likes to show a lot of skin, (I was wearing just and ultra short, floaty skirt and a see-through, home-made bikini top and she could probably see my slit as well), how would you like to enter a wet T-shirt competition? There’s a prize of five hundred euros for the winner and you look like the girl to wipe the floor with the other contestants.”

“Five hundred euros, that could come in handy but. ……” I replied.

“Hey, for a girl who’s showing so much skin out here it will be easy for you to win.”

I’d passed that bar before and seen the sign. I intended to go in and check it out but I’d put it off at that time because I was a little tired.

“Tell you what, I’ll come in and see what the place is like and if I like it I’ll enter.”

“That works for me, I’m sure that you’ll decide to enter, come on I’ll get you a free drink.”

Inside the place didn’t look that bad. A little stage at one end of the room and lots of tables and chairs in front of it that were already occupied by mainly young men. I saw an opportunity to show off my body so when the girl came back with my drink I told her that I was up for it.

She told me that a PA announcement would be coming soon telling me what to do. I went and leant on a pillar sipping my drink, looking at all the guys there and wondering what it will be like to be on the stage in front of them totally naked. My pussy was positively dripping at the thought.

That night I was wearing my Lush with the vibrations set at the lowest possible just to make me think about my pussy all the time.

As I stood there a couple of guys tried to hit on me, them having seen a girl on her own wearing a skirt that barely covered her butt and pussy and a bikini top that didn’t hide her tits especially as the bright lights made the material even more see-through.

The girl’s version of ‘soon’ was quite a bit longer than my interpretation of the word, but hey, I was in Spain and nothing happens quickly there, and eventually there was a PA announcement telling all wet T-shirt contestants to go to a door near the stage.

I didn’t rush to the room and ended up behind the four other contestants. There was a man in there as well and he gave us a quick run-down on what was going to happen, then he handed out very thin, long, white T-shirts. The girls in front of me started taking their dress’ or skirts and tops off and the one girl that was wearing a bra took that off and they put the T-shirts on.

I did the same and I’m pretty sure that no one there realised that I had no knickers on, or that I was wearing my Lush with the pink antenna hanging down. I think that the other girls were too busy making themselves look like they wanted or were putting little cuts in their T-shirts that would make ripping them off easier. When they were done I picked up the scissors and put a few cuts in mine.

Two of the girls knew each other and they were busy talking about boys and deciding what stage names they would use.

The time came and us girls were called out and told to line up at the side of the stage. The man who had been in the office came to us and asked what our names were and was checking us off against a list on a bit of paper that he had and I saw that my name was on the bottom of the list. That made me hope that I would be the last to perform.

As I was waiting I looked out to see how many people were watching but the bright lights were dazzling me. However, the volume of the shouting and cheering told me that there were a lot of people watching. The same guy, who had acquired a microphone, called the first girl onto the stage and asked her what her name was, where she was from and what she did for a living.

Then another man came and tipped a bucket of water over her chest just as the music started. I saw ice cubes land on the floor and knew that the water was going to be really cold. I guessed that that was to make sure that the girl’s nipples were hard but I didn’t think that mine could get any harder. They’d been hard ever since I left home in England.

The girl danced and teased the audience by holding the hem of the T-shirt up showing the audience her skimpy knickers and at other times rubbing her hands over her wet T-shirt covered tits. As the music track started to end and she ripped the top of her T-shirt so that her tits became uncovered.

With a smile on her face and her large tits bouncing about she walked back to the line of waiting girls.

The next three girls did very much the same although two of the girls didn’t expose much of their tits.

Then it was my turn and I lied saying that my name was Candy, that I was from London and that I was a hostess. When the bucket of water was tipped on me I gasped with the shock of how cold it was.

As soon as the music started I started dancing then almost immediately I started ripping the top of the T-shirt revealing my tits to the audience. I turned my back to the audience and bent at the waist to pick up a couple of the ice cubes that were on the floor and also to give the audience a view of my bare butt and pussy with the pink antenna sticking out.

Then I turned back to face the front and as I danced with my feet about shoulder width apart. I used one hand to rub the ice cubes on my nipples and my other hand went up the bottom hem of the T-shirt and started rubbing my bare stomach and pubes which gave the audience a view of my pussy from the front.

At that point in time I still didn’t know if the man who was running the show knew that I was knickerless but he would have had to be blind not to see the pink antenna hanging down.

As the track started to come to an end my hand that had been rubbing my stomach slid down and my fingers slid along the length of my slippery slit. When the track actually finished I could hear the cheering and I was sure that it was louder than for the other girls who still probably, unlike the audience, didn’t know that I had no knickers on.

The man then announced that it was time to eliminate two of the contestants and each one of us was called onto the stage so that he could judge the volume of cheers.

As each girl went up she made sure that her tits were on display although the two girls who hadn’t revealed much still didn’t, and unlike the other two they didn’t jiggle their tits for the audience.

Me, well, as I walked onto the stage I pulled the sides of the ripped T-shirt apart so that my chest right down to below my stomach was on display. I again picked up some of the ice cubes and with one hand rubbed the cubes on my nipples and my other hand rubbed an ice cube along my slit. Again, this probably wasn’t visible to the other contestants and the man behind me and I was still reasonably confident that those behind me still didn’t know that I was knickerless.

I was confident that I still had the loudest cheering.

Yes, the two girls who hadn’t shown much skin were eliminated leaving just three of us, the other two still in the contest having much bigger tits than mine. We were called onto the stage in the same order and both girls got another bucket of iced water over their chests before they waggled their tits about as they danced.

It wasn’t long before their T-shirts were ripped off completely, both were wearing thongs and they both slid their hands over their tits and pussies whilst they danced. The second girl held both her tits and mashed them together, something that was impossible for me to do.

Both of them got very loud cheers and I feared that I might not be able to do more to compete with them. Then it was my turn and I knew that I had to do something different and more pleasing to the audience and to me. It was my chance to really enjoy being naked in front of lots of horny men.

I walked out to the front of the stage with my tits still on display. They didn’t bounce like the other two girls’ had but I walked in a way that made them wobble as much as they ever do. I stood with my feet well apart waiting for the music to start.

I’d almost forgotten the iced water and the man was grinning as he dumped the lot on my chest causing me to shiver and my tits to wobble a little. I could hear the cheers from the audience and was happy.

Just as soon as the first bars of the track started I grabbed both sides of the T-shirt and ripped them apart as hard as I could. This had the desired effect and the t-shirt was ripped apart from neck to hem showing my naked full frontal to the whole audience. I pulled the material off my shoulders and threw it out into the crowd.

I has in heaven but there was more to come. I danced for a few seconds with my legs still wide apart and my pelvis thrusting forwards. It was a great view for those close to the stage.

Then I picked up some ice cubes. One hand started rubbing one on my nipples and the other, after running the cube along my slit, I started circling my clit with it. My clit had been engorged and throbbing for hours but the ice cubes made it feel even bigger.

After every two or three circles I moved my hand away so that the audience could see the effect that everything was having on me. Then it was back to circling very close to my clit.

After doing that for about a minute I picked up another couple of ice cubes and put them to my already spread lips and pushed them inside me. Then I held my hand up pretending to look for the ice cubes then I pushed my pelvis even further forwards and squeezed the ice cubes out of my vagina and onto the floor.

I picked up two more ice cubes and did the same and as I was squeezing them out I realised that all I could hear was the cheering, no music.

“Shit,” I thought.

I was so close to cumming but it wasn’t to be. I stood up straight then blew a kiss to the audience before turning and walking back to the other two girls.

“Well ladies and gentlemen,” the man said when the audience finally quietened enough for him to be heard, “we now have to vote by cheering.”

Each of the three of us was called to the front of the stage in turn and the audience cheered. I was still totally naked when I was called and I stood with my legs wide apart and thrust my pelvis forward and dipped two fingers into my hole alongside the antenna.

I pulled them out and put them in my mouth and sucked them. Then I turned my back to the audience, spread my legs wide and bent at the waist presenting my butt and spread, very wet pussy to the crowd. Finally, I dipped the same two fingers into my hole again then stood up, turned and licked the fingers.

Well, the cheering went on for ages and as the man finally called the other two girls onto the stage and my right hand started toying with my clit again.

The man went to each girl in turn and held up one of their arms. The cheering seemed to go on for ever and I swear that the cheering for me was louder.

That was confirmed when I was announced the winner and after more cheering during which the other two girls left the stage, the man led me over to the bar where I was given a drink that I downed in one, then I was given an envelope. I looked inside it and saw money.

“Your clothes will still be in the office,” the man said. “Nice trick with the vibrator, was it switched on?”

I had to think for a second then replied,

“Yes, on low.”

“Well it certainly got you all worked up, that was amazing and the best that I’ve ever seen.”


I replied then started walking through the crowd to where my skirt and top were. On the way I had the pleasure of a few hands groping me and a few very nice comments and offers.

The same man was in the room and he looked at the naked me and smiled as I walked in.

“Have you done that before Candy, sorry Sadie?”

“No, never.” I replied.

“Very impressive although I’m not too sure that it was legal.”

“There weren’t any coppers in the audience were there?” I asked.

“I doubt it and no one came up to me afterwards and complained. We don’t get many coppers in here anyway, only when they come to check our licences but they did that last week. So Sadie, if we were to have another wet T-shirt competition would you be interested in entering?”

“When is it?”

“If you’re entering it will be next week, same day. I can spread the word and I’m sure that I can fill the place.”

“More people than tonight?” I asked, “I thought that it was crowded tonight.”

“It was but we don’t have the same health and safety rules that you do in England.”

“Okay, I’m in.”

By then I’d put the skirt and top on and was about to leave.

“See you next week then Sadie?”

“Yeah.” I replied then left the room and went to the bar feeling quite happy.

I got hit on four times and had three drinks bought for me by hopefuls before I left and went back to the hotel where I had a long masturbation session on the balcony watched by some of the occupants of the hotel opposite and a few pedestrians walking by. I saw two young men leaning on the wall of the hotel opposite and watching me for ages before they finally wandered on.

I also saw one girl on her own watching me for a while. I thought that she looked a bit familiar and it was only when I went and lay on my bed that I realised that it was the girl who worked nights on the hotel’s reception desk.

The next morning when I went down for breakfast wearing a skirt that didn’t cover my pubes and a see-through tank top, I was half expecting her to say something about my lewd behaviour on my balcony but when she saw me her face went into a big smile and a very friendly “Buenos días” came out of her mouth.

That wasn’t the first time that I thought that that girl liked other girls and it wasn’t going to be the last time.


One evening towards the end of the first week when I went down for a naked swim in the hotel pool I was talking to the five guys and they told me that they had hired three quad bikes for a couple of days and that they were going to drive around that side of the island visiting beaches and maybe stopping at one of the little villages.

Ethan told me that each quad bike has two seats and as there was only five of them they wondered if I’d like to fill the last seat.

“Me, on a quad bike! I don’t know about that.” I said.

Anyway, they convinced me that I would be safe, especially after I said that I’d only go on the back of the one driven by the safest driver.

There was a bit of a discussion about who I should be sat behind and eventually Ethan was going to be the lucky guy to have my tits pressed against his back.

The next morning after I’d let a couple in the breakfast room see my pussy I waited for the guys in reception wearing just one of my scarfs and a see-through tank top that I had cut so short that my nipples frequently popped out of the bottom of it. I was chatting to the old man and discovered that his English was only good for what he had to know to do his job but as I was trying to make him understand he seemed to be quite oblivious to my goodies being easily visible. Ryan later suggested that he probably had a problem with his eyes but I said that they were good enough to use the computer.

The six of us traipsed down to the shop hiring the quads and the middle-aged man stared at me quite a lot as he was doing the paperwork and when it came to me getting on the bike he told me to stand on the footrest and lift my leg over. From where he was standing he got a great view of my pussy as I slowly lifted my leg over.

Then we were off. Thankfully I’d brought along the maps that I’d acquired when I first arrived because the guys didn’t have a clue. It didn’t help that the road signs were a bit confusing, often having different spellings and names for what turned out to be the same places.

I soon discovered that if I kept my knees further apart than was necessary the warm breeze would tickle my pussy and make me feel good. Also, the seats didn’t have much cushioning and I could feel all the vibrations from the engine and the bumps in the road.

I also quickly discovered that the wind blew up the inside of my cropped tank top and lifted it above my tits. When we first stopped I lifted it off and stuffed it into my bag leaving me just wearing a see-through scarf that I’d twisted round so that the knot was just above my pubic bone. I may as well have been totally naked.

Anyway, our first proper stop was at a nice looking beach but it was crowded and none of us could see any naked people so we set off looking for another beach, the guys saying that they wanted to see more than one naked girl on the beach.

Through my sunglasses I was seeing a lot more of the dry Spanish countryside and the houses that looked to be a lot less sturdy that those in England, but there again they didn’t have to survive through the unpleasant English winters

The beach that we found next was a small one and it was at the end of a long dirt track. It was signed as a beach but I didn’t think that many ordinary cars would go down that track, but they had and there were five cars at the end of the track.

As we walked onto the beach we saw a little beach bar and I wondered how it could survive with so few people on the beach. We put our belongings down and five guys with swimming shorts on, and one totally naked girl went into the sea for a cool down and a swim.

I love swimming naked, the water rushing passed my pussy feel wonderful.

Of course the guy got all handsy and I had the pleasure of ten hands playing with my goodies for some of the time. Then Max wanted to go further and whilst I was floating on my back I felt him spread my legs and move in between them.

Within seconds his cock was nudging my pussy then entering me. My body was going back and forwards as he fucked me until he came inside me.

Not content with just watching Max fuck me in the sea, all the other four wanted their turn and I guess that I could say that I was gang-banged whilst I floated on my back. I did managed to cum twice, and I did manage to stay on the surface of the water.

After five fucks I stopped things and waded my way back to the shore leaving the guys to talk about their conquest. As I walked out of the water I saw a young couple staring at me. I was sure that they knew what had just happened but I didn’t care, I’d enjoyed it.

I was spread-eagle on my back when the guys came out of the sea and they insisted that I let them cover me in sunblock. Reluctantly (not) I agreed and I had to endure a long massage that included fingers going inside me more times than I could remember.

Then we settled down for about an hour’s sunbathing before deciding that it was time to move on, but on the way back to the quads they decided to get a drink at the little beach bar. I hadn’t bothered putting even the scarf on and the old man behind the bar didn’t do anything more than look at me as we sat at a table drinking our colas with a cocktail of five lots of male cum still dripping out of my hole.

I didn’t put the scarf on when I got on the back of the quad behind Ethan after telling him not to go very fast, but before that the guys decided that they wanted some photographs of them on the quads. Unsurprisingly they wanted photos of each of them with the naked me on the quads with them.

After posing for about thirty photos I was thinking that it was over but then they wanted photos of just me on a quad, and only a couple of the shots were of me sat on it like I was driving it. The rest were with me in all sorts of positions with my legs spread wide.

Whilst we were in the middle of those being taken a four by four arrived and the couple who got out stood and watched the guys taking some of the shots..

We left that car park with me still totally naked, apart from the crash hat and sunglasses, sat behind Ethan. I was and wasn’t pleased that behind me, hiding my bare butt, was a carrier that held Ethan’s and my bags.

The next stop was in a village, a village large enough to have a police station but thankfully we didn’t see any policemen. When we got off the quads I put the scarf and tank top back on before we wandered around. It was the middle of the day and I guessed that it was siesta time for the locals because there was hardly anyone around.

Back on the road and me having taken the scarf and the top off again, I realised that we were getting close to the airport and the guys decided to drive round the roads at the terminal. There were hundreds of holidaymakers coming and going. Some of them must have seen the naked girl on the back of the quad bike but we didn’t stop to give anyone the chance to say anything.

As we left the airport Ethan was in front of the other two quads and I soon realised that we were at the turning to my favourite beach so I shouted to Ethan to hang a right and before long we were driving alongside the salt water lakes.

Then we came to the car parks, bus stop and cafe where I’d been before.

Without me asking, the guys turned and went into the car park where we saw a lot of motorbikes and scooters. We got off the quads and as Ethan was locking our helmets to the quad Ryan came and got my bag and stuffed it into his backpack leaving me naked apart from my sandals and sunglasses, and having to ask Ryan if I wanted to put anything on, which I didn’t.

I didn’t complain as we walked across the car park, passed other people arriving, and then onto the beach right next to the beach bar that sort of divided the clothed and the naked parts of the beach.

“Anyone fancy an ice cream?” Max asked.

The consensus was that we did so Max grabbed my hand and led me into the Beach bar still totally naked. I stood there waiting with a tingling pussy, may hands by my sides and slowly looking around to see who was looking at me, and if they looked offended. I was happy that no one did, not even the man who served Max.

As we walked out of there I decided that the next time that I was at that beach I’d go into that beach bar totally naked again.

Back with the other guys we quickly found a space to spread our towels, the naked me surrounded by the five guys who didn’t get naked. Just as we were getting settled Ryan got out a bottle of sunblock and came over to me.

“Spread ‘em Sadie,” Ryan said, quite loud enough for anyone nearby to hear then he started rubbing the cream all over me playing particular attention to my tits and pussy, enough attention to make me cum.

Max was next and he did my back and his fingers went between my legs and made me cum again. Once my breathing had returned to normal I turned over onto my back and said,

“Ethan, I think that Ryan missed a bit on my front would you take care of me please?”

Grinning, Ethan put a blob of sunblock on his hand and went straight to my pussy. But he didn’t make me cum, just edged me. Harry and Jack did the same and they left a very frustrated me when they all lay on their towels to soak up the sun with me quietly calling them all ‘bastards’.

That didn’t last long and I guessed that all that playing with my goodies had left them all nearly as frustrated as me and less than an hour later I was following them into the sea. I guessed what was coming and led them in front of the clothed area, and yes, where the waster was deep enough they all took it in turns to fuck me like they had on the previous beach.

It was a very happy me who walked out of the sea in front of all those clothed people. I walked back to the towels and lay down with my legs wide open and promptly went to sleep.

When I woke up I looked around and saw all five guys laying around me, Ryan was looking at me and when he saw that I was awake he said,

“Do you often play with your pussy when you are asleep Sadie?”

“I don’t know I’m asleep, but it might explain why my pussy and hand are often quite wet on a morning.”

“Bloody hell Sadie, I’ve never met a girl like you, you’re amazing, so are you ready for some more?”

“I never thought that I’d say this, but I need a bit of a rest.”

“You’ve just slept for nearly an hour.”

“No, not my energy, my pussy, it needs a rest, you lot are too rough with it.”

“I’ll be more gentle next time.”

“So you think that you’re going to fuck me again do you?”

“Don’t you Sadie?”

“I do, and soon I hope, but not right now. Now guys, which ones of you want to come and walk in amongst all the naked people?”

“The girls you mean Sadie?” Max said.

“Girls and guys, I need some eye candy as well.”

We packed up then slowly walked along the beach towards and then through the mainly naked people. No one really looked at me, not that I expected them to, but whenever I looked at the five guys they were all looking, even staring, at the naked women.

When we got to the other side I looked back at the guys and saw that all five of them had bulges in the front of their shorts. I smiled and wondered if those bulges would have been there if it was just me that they were looking at although by then they had seen me naked lots of times and fucked me at least four times. I must try to count those times sometime.

I kept walking, with the guys following me, up the track then into the woods. As I turned left to head towards the car parks Max asked me where we were going.

“Where do you want to go guys?” I asked.

Three of them shrugged their shoulders and the other two said that they didn’t know.

We kept walking and when we got close to the car park I said,

“So who wants to fuck me?”

“I thought that you were sore?” Max asked.

“I am but I’m feeling horny.”

“Come on Sadie,” Ethan said, “I’m not fucking you in the middle of the track.”

Ethan led us off the track and into the trees a bit, but there wasn’t any real shrubbery so we were still very visible from the track.

“Stop Sadie.” Ethan said. “Turn around and stand about a metre from that tree.”

I did.

“Now spread your legs, bend at the waist and put your hands on the tree for support.”

I did. I was ready to be fucked and I could clearly see the track and some of the car park. One by one, all five guys dumped their cum inside again me and yes, it was a bit painful to start off with but the fucking combined with the place and the fact that a bus must have arrived about five minutes earlier and a good dozen or so people were walking along the track and just about all of them heard and saw me getting fucked. Okay they couldn’t see the guy’s cocks going in to me but they couldn’t have not known what we were doing.

“Thanks guy’s, I needed that.” I said when my second orgasm of that session faded away and Max, the last of the five to deposit his load inside me pulled out.

Then I continued,

“Right guys, we can go back to the quads the short way or the long way, which is it to be?”

“I’m guessing that you want to go the long way Sadie so that more people can see you naked with our cum running down the insides of your legs.” Harry said.

“Yes please.” I replied.

“Well I guess that it’s the least that we can do for you Sadie, come on, lead the way.” Harry said.

I led the five of them along the side of the car park, through the cafe and out onto the road. As we went through the cafe I saw a few people staring at the girl who was wearing only sandals and sunglasses and that girl felt good, quite squish between her legs, but good.

We walked along the road, a couple of cars beeping their horns, probably at the guys to tell them to get to the side of the road rather than at the naked girl who was with them, but I didn’t mind. The car’s occupants all got to see me naked.

In the bike’s park were two couples about our age and they both stared at me as the guys got the quads ready then they watched me climb on the back of Ethan’s still very naked and pleased that the quads had been parked in the shade so the seat wasn’t red hot when I sat on it.

Off we drove with me still on a high from all the exposure. When we got to the roundabout Ryan, who was driving the lead quad, turned right and we headed towards Playa d’en Bossa.

I’d got so used to being naked that I didn’t even think about us driving along the main street of the place. Okay no one could see my pussy but just looking at either side of me told any voyeur that I was naked on the back of that quad. It was only when the guys pulled off the main road towards the outskirts of the place, and stopped down a side road near a fast food place, that I thought about my lack of clothes.

“Come on Sadie,” Ryan said, “we’re stopping for a bite to eat.”

“Hang on a minute, let me put some clothes on.” I replied.

The guys didn’t answer, instead, two of them grabbed one of my arms each and marched me along the street to the fast food place.

“We’ll get thrown out and maybe they’ll call the police.” I said as we entered.

“We’ll take that chance.” Max said as we walked up to the counter.

As the guys gave their orders I looked around. There were a few people in there, about half of the guys there staring at me.

“Act normally.” I said to myself over and over. Then I realised that Ryan was talking to me.

“What do you want Sadie?” Ryan repeated.

“Same as you.” I replied not even knowing what he had ordered.

As I was saying that I looked towards the sales counter and saw a young sales man staring at me and waiting. I wondered if he could see some of the guy’s cum that was still leaking out of my very tingly pussy.

As we waited I told the guys that they were fantastic, that they knew what I needed to fulfil my fantasies.

“Well we can see that your nipples are rock hard and no one could ever say that it’s cold in here so you must be enjoying the experience.” Max said.

“And we can all see that your clit is as big as we’ve ever seen it so you must be really turned on Sadie.” Ethan added.

“I am, I just hope that no coppers turn up.”

“You never know Sadie,” Ryan said, “we’re not causing a riot or wrecking the place so they might not mind you being like that, maybe ask you to spread your legs for them, I’ve heard stories of corrupt Spanish coppers, maybe they’d just want to fuck you.”

“I hope not, I can only just cope with you lot.” I replied just before our food was ready.

We took the food to a table outside and I quickly grabbed a chair next to the footpath so that people walking by would be able to see that I was naked.

As we ate there was a lot of small talk and I started to be less nervous and more bold to the point that my butt was on the front edge of the seat and my knees were spread wide.

When we were getting towards the end of the meal Harry, who was sat almost opposite me said,

“Are you okay Sadie, that pussy of yours looks quite red.”

“It is a bit sore but that’s because of you lot, and I’m still quite turned on but apart from that I’m fine thanks.”

“Good, I’m pleased to hear that because we’re not heading back to the hotel yet.”

“Where are we going?”

“It will be a surprise.”

“Okay, I like surprises.”

When we left and walked back to the quads I was quite relaxed about being naked on the street. A middle-aged man walked towards us and had a good look at me and I enjoyed him looking.

As we drove out of Playa d’en Bossa I wondered where we were going and I soon found out as the guys followed the signs to Ibiza town. Soon we were driving along the streets that were busy with both cars and pedestrians.

My pussy was tingling quite a lot because of the situation and I made it better by leaning back onto the carrier making my tits even more exposed. I really enjoyed it when we had to stop because of the traffic and people walking by, or car occupants could see me and I was sure that Ethan was deliberately stopping alongside cars with men in them.

We drove all over town, even down to the harbour area and past a couple of coppers that took no notice of us. I quite liked what I was seeing of the place and decided that I was going to have a day away from the beaches and come and have a wander around the place. I even started thinking about what I could wear.

One time when we stopped in traffic a police car stopped alongside us and my heart started beating very fast. I was sure that one of the coppers inside was going to get out and arrest me but all the two of them did was stare at me until they drove off.

“Never get away with that in England.” I though as their car disappeared down the road.

We must have driven around there for about an hour before we headed north out of town and I the recognised a roundabout on the main road to San Antonio.

It took something like thirty minutes to get back then the guys decided to tour San Antonio as well. A lot of the roads are narrow and with all the traffic we were stopping quite a lot and people were walking passed me and quite a few realised that I was naked. I just wished that they could have seen my pussy as well.

The guys drove round and round the hotel block until they found a place where they could park all three quads. It was only about one hundred metres from the hotel and I decided to not put anything on for that short walk.

A few people saw me but I guess that no one was going to say anything with five big guys around me.

The old man in reception just looked up and gave us a quick look before going back to whatever he was doing and we agreed to meet at the pool after we’d put our things in our rooms.

I again went down to the pool naked and I quickly got into the water and floated on my back enjoying the cooling water on my pussy.

The guys soon joined me and my tits and pussy became the target for their hands.

When we were all laying in the evening sun drying off I noticed that the guys were talking quietly amongst themselves whilst I just relaxed and tried to count the number of times that I’d been fucked that day and the number of orgasms that I’d had. Before I got a count Ryan said,

“Sadie, we know that you like people seeing your pussy so we’ve come up with an idea that we’re hoping you will like.”

“Oh yes, are you planning on taking a photo of me like this and getting some huge prints and plastering them all over town?”

“That’s something we didn’t think of, who’s got their phone with them? No, seriously, we thought that you might like to come on a bar crawl with us, dressed like you are, and we’d carry you from bar to bar.”

“What? And what if we see a copper?”

“We run like hell whilst carrying you.”

“And what would we do in the bar if one of the staff complains?”

“We’d pick you up again and move on to the next bar.”

“Fun as it sounds I don’t know.”

“We can make it more fun.” Max added.


“The way we carry you.” Max continued.

“And how would that be? Over your shoulders?”

“No,” Max continued, “one of us would stand either side of you the crouch down. Then you’d put your arms round our necks and we’d stand up straight putting our inside hands under your butt to hold you up.”

“That sounds okay but ……”

“Wait, there’s more, you’d then lift your legs so that they were parallel to the ground and spread them wide.”

“They’d get tired soon.”

“Stop rushing girl. Then the other two of us will go outside and slightly forwards of the two holding you up and grab your ankles. That way they can help to hold you up and it would be us holding your legs wide apart not you, so you could blame us if it ever got to the stage where blame would be needed.”

“So basically four of you would be holding me up with my legs spread wide?”


“And what would the fifth one of you be doing?”

“Showing all the guys what they can do to you if we let them.”

“And what would that be?”

“Finger fuck you or eat you out or abuse those cute, huge nipples.”

“Why are we still sat here guys? Come on, let’s get ready.” I said.

“Blood hell girl, slow down, those fingers and mouths will have to wait.” Ryan said, “we need to get cleaned up then get something to eat.” Ryan admonished me.

I knew that he was right but my pussy was already telling me that I wanted to get started. It would be my first, and hopefully not my last time to go out on the really busy streets of San Antonio totally naked and hopefully get made to cum at least once. We arranged a time to meet in reception and I wondered if the old man would say anything to me, if he even noticed that I was naked.

I left the guys to throw a ball about in the pool and walked passed the young couple looking like they were waiting for the time that they had to leave, and went up to my room where I went straight into the bathroom to make sure that my whole body was presentable.

I’d shaved that morning and my pubes and pussy were still smooth so no need for that and when I was ready I checked the time then went out onto the balcony. I waved at the two young guys opposite who I’d noticed had been watching me since I got back to my room and again got not response.

“Way too shy for their own good.” I thought and I looked around and down.

Just before I was thinking about going down to reception to wait for the guys I saw the girl who works nights on reception walking towards the hotel. She looked up, saw me and waved so I waved back, her actions confirming to me that she didn’t care if I was naked or not.

That was confirmed when I went downstairs totally naked, not even shoes or sunglasses, and saw her smile when she saw me.

“Did you find those beaches okay?” she asked as I saw her eyes go up and down my naked front.

We talked until the guys came down, me learning that she too visited Ses Salines beach whenever she could, and judging by her lack of concern that I was naked in front of her I guessed that she stripped naked there as well. I was telling her that I’d been there that day with the guys on quad bikes when the guys started coming down the stairs.

When they all got there Ryan suggested that they practice how they were going to carry me and they got into position and up I went. Ryan and Max were on the outsides and they pulled my legs wide apart right in front of the receptionist girl who was staring at my spread pussy and smiling. I swear that I saw her lick her lips.

“So how far do you think that you can carry me like this?” I asked.

“Swapping over at times,” Ethan replied, “all the way to the airport.”

I laughed and then asked them what day they were flying back to England. It was the day after I was. Anyway, they had to let me down to get out onto the street but as soon as we were there up I went and off we went down the street with me totally naked and my pussy spread wide.

Unsurprisingly it didn’t take long for people to notice and the staring and stupid questions to start but the guys just kept walking. At one point before we got to the first bar I saw the two young guys from the hotel opposite so told the guys carrying me to go straight up to the two young guys.

“Hi,” I said. “I’ve seen you watching me, would you like to touch me?”

The two young guys were dumbstruck and just stared at my pussy. I gave them a few seconds to do something but they didn’t so I told my guys to start walking again.

When the guys started walking to a street that I knew there would be young kids there shopping with their parents I told my guys to change direction and Ryan apologised saying that they should have known better.

As we got to the streets full of bars the comments got more frequent and I guess that none of them were derogatory because of the five guys with me. Into the first bar we went and quite a few people turned to look at me. By then my pussy was dripping.

The guys held me up and open for about a minute before lowering me onto my feet but still other customers wanted to know what was going on. As Ryan and Max went to the bar to get some drinks Ethan was telling anyone who had asked that I was an exhibitionist and wanted people to see me naked.

That prompted more offers from guys wanting to get a closer look so Jack and Harry lifted me up again, this time they held my legs wide open so that the men who had got closest could have a good look.

“Fuck, she’s dripping.” I heard one man say.

Then I felt a finger touch my pussy, and I said,

“Ooh that’s nice.”

The finger ran up and down my spread lips before easily sliding inside me causing me to moan quite loudly. The finger went in and out a couple of times before Ryan and Max appeared with three large beers in each pair of hands. I was lowered to the floor and given a beer, the top half of which disappeared down my throat quite quickly.

I was just getting my breath back when a middle-aged man came over to us and said,

“Any trouble and you’re out, okay?”

“Sure, no problem,” Ryan said, “we’re not here to cause trouble, just have a bit of fun.”

“Make sure that it stays like that.” The man said then turned and walked away.

“Well that could have been a lot worse.” Max said.

“Yes,” I replied, “he could have come over earlier and I’d have missed out on the finger fucking.”

“Bloody hell Sadie,” Ethan said, “you really are letting yourself go.”

“I’m on holiday, why shouldn’t I do what I want to do?”

“You know that you’re going to get your brains fuck out when we get back to the hotel don’t you Sadie?” Harry said.

“I’m counting on it guys, it’s been too long since I had a cock inside me.”

“I think that we might be having an early night guys.” Ethan said.

“Not before we’ve been into more bars.” I replied.

By then all five guys were stood around me partially blocking other people’s view of me but some still were looking at me causing my pussy to tingle almost to the point of throbbing.

When the guys glasses were empty they looked at my glass which still had some beer in it. I looked at my glass then at the guys and said,

“Anyone want this?”

Seconds later the beer was on its way into Max’s stomach and I was getting lifted up. Just as we were leaving Ryan loudly said,

“Who wants to finger a dripping pussy?”

It took us a good two minutes for us to get out of that bar, two minutes, four quick finger fucks from total strangers and quite a few phone camera flashes.

As we walked up the road surrounded by dozens, if not hundreds of young people, I thanked the guys. Their response was for them to stop walking in front of a group of young men who were walking towards us and when they got right up to us Max said,

“Who wants to finger fuck this slut?”

Four finger fucking sessions, one orgasm, a little puddle on the ground and quite a few compliments later, we started walking again.

“Enjoy that did you Sadie?” Harry asked.

“And how,” I replied, “can we go round the block and meet those guys again?”

“No.” Ethan replied, “there’ll be plenty more fingers before the night is over.”

More people stared at me as we made our way through to another bar, this time Harry was walking in front of us and sometimes shouting,


This attracted more people to look at me which made me happy.

In the bar it was a similar story except that I got fingered on the way in as well. We didn’t get approached by any staff and the guys didn’t crowd around me as much. We also got asked what the story was and the guys said the same thing.

At the third bar it was a bit different. A member of staff came up to us and told the guys that they could put me up on a table if they wanted. The guys didn’t need to be asked twice and soon I was up on a table, my pussy around head height to all the standing customers. The music in that bar was quite loud and a few people were dancing in a corner so I started dancing making sure that my feet were anything but close together.

I looked down after a couple of minutes and saw that my friends had moved back and I was surrounded by ‘happy’ young men, all looking up at my naked body. I was pleased that I hadn’t tried to keep up with the guys drinking, I would have hated to have been too drunk to remember what was happening.

With my juices running down the insides of my thighs I continued to dance with my feet about shoulder width apart and thrusting my pelvis forwards every few seconds.

I could hear lots of comments from the young men surrounding the table but I just ignored them and revelled in their attention to my naked and very horny body.

Finally, the guys disappointed me by telling me that we were moving on to another bar. Ethan reached up and lifted me off the table by my hips then it was back up with my arms round two necks and my legs spread wide by two more of the guys.

Harry was one of the guys that I had my arm round and his arm that was down my back had gone down to my butt and he said,

“Jeez Sadie, have you got any fluids left in you? My fingers will go all wrinkly before we get to the next bar.”

“That’s your fault, you guys wanted to take me out and do this to me.”

“Typical woman, blaming the man for her getting so turned-on.”

“No, no, I’m not complaining, but it was your idea and I’m very grateful. I’ll make it up to all of you later.”

Just then, Ethan, who had been walking directly in front of me, stepped to one side and two very happy guys were suddenly right in front of my spread pussy. Everyone just stopped and stood silent, apart from one of the drunks who leant forward and licked up my slit causing be to cum instantly.

“Hey, get off her.” I heard Ryan say, but at that precise second that was the last thing that I wanted, I wanted that tongue to keep licking me.

The drunk stood up, staggered back and said something about being sorry as his mate pulled him away.

“You okay Sadie?” Ryan asked.

“Never been better mate, never been better.”

“Well you might change your mind about that when we get back to the hotel, I have an idea.”

“Oooh, what?”

“Not telling you.”

I didn’t get the chance to ask him what he meant because we arrived at the next bar. This bar was more naked girl friendly and I wasn’t lowered to the floor until what looked like the manager or owner had had a good look at my pussy.

“Cute isn’t she?” He asked.

“Yes she is,” Ethan said, “and she’s loving every second of this.”

“So I see, I haven’t seen a pussy that wet and a clit that looks like it’s throbbing for years. Put her up on the bar lads, let everyone have a good look at her.”

“And taste her.” Max said.

“She’d like that would she?”

“Yes,” Max answered, “she came when a drunk bumped into her a few minutes ago.”

“Well I think that I might have to taste her to see how long we leave her up there for.”

It was funny, and not at all insulting that they were talking about me as if I couldn’t speak. Maybe it was because I was liking what they were saying and what was going to happen to me.

The manager cleared the end of the bar and Harry lifted me up, telling me to lean back onto a big pillar that was there. Then the manager came round the front, pushed my legs as far apart as they would go then went down on me.

Oh my gawd, that man obviously had a lot of experience doing that to girls because I was cumming in seconds, and he didn’t stop, not until I’d cum again. It was only as I was finally coming down from my high that I looked around and saw lots of faces staring at me, that sight nearly making me cum again.

I was in exhibitionists heaven as guy after guy came and ate my pussy. Some were good and others sadly lacking in experience but the good ones knew how to nibble my clit and finger me whilst doing so.

I was and wasn’t pleased when Ryan stopped any more guys coming to eat me, telling the unhappy ones that I’d had enough and that we’d be back in a few days.

“I’d come back here every night.” I thought to myself.

But I was tired, it had literally been a tiring fucking day and it was starting to catch up with me.

Before I new what was happening I was back in the arms of my mates and being carried out and back to the hotel, still with my legs wide open and still with ‘happy’ people staring and making nice comments.

I was lowered to the pavement outside the hotel and when we walked in the girl on reception was watching and smiling, totally unconcerned that a naked girl with five clothed men had just walked into the hotel.

I grabbed my key from Ryan’s pocket and almost ran up to my room. After opening the balcony doors and switching all the lights on I collapsed onto my bed. I had to blink and do a double take as I watched all five of them start taking their clothes off. Five cock were rapidly coming to attention and I was wondering what was going to happen.

Max flipped me over onto my stomach and proceeded to spread the copious pussy juices onto my butt hole making me moan. I’d done anal once before and not found it anywhere as near pleasurable as being fucked in my pussy but after the day that I’d had I wasn’t going to object to anything.

After inserting first one, then two fingers into my butt Max pulled me to my feet, sat on the bed then pulled me down onto him, my back to his front, our heads hanging off the side of the bed and his cock going up my butt.

I gasped, then moaned as I realised that anal wasn’t as painful as I remembered it.

Then Max grabbed my tits and started playing with my nipples.

Next, one of the guys approached me between our legs and I felt his cock easily slide into my vagina.

“Oh gawd.” I managed to say before I felt another cock easing its way into my mouth. I was getting fucked in all three holes at once and they were starting to go in and out. If that wasn’t good enough, I felt my hands being lifted and they both were put on cocks.

It was amazing, a different amazing to being shown to strangers and then being eaten by strangers, and a different amazing to having lots of guys seeing me naked and cumming for them.

With three holes being fucked and both my hands wanking cocks I didn’t last long before I was cumming and I found that really hard trying to breath at the same time. The only thing that just about stopped was my body shaking but that soon started again as I started cumming again, then again.

I only stopped cumming when the guys, one by one, came inside me or on me and slowly shrank leaving me just laying on top of Max. The others were kind enough to lift me off Max and when he was out from under me they turned me and lay me on my back on top of my bed.

“See you in reception at ten Sadie.” One of them said then I was asleep before the guys left my room.

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