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Last Friday I had the naughtiest night of my life and I want to share my experience.
This is the first story I've ever written; it is 100% true and it about me. Going Forward, I want to write about my naughty experiences as they occur, I want to document not just what happens but also create a timeline detailing when they happen. All my stories will be totally true and will tell you all about my experiences, anything that is worthy of note.

I don't know if anyone will read my story but at the very least it is a way for me to put down in writing the fun I have had. If anyone reads it then great, it will be a massive turn on for me and add to the naughtiness of it all.

First, a bit about me.... I am a married, 37-year-old woman who looks quite a bit younger. I am 5 foot 4 inches tall, slim, have medium length brown hair and would consider myself quite attractive. I have a high sex drive and a newly found confidence which makes me feel both super sexy and adventurous.

I met my husband 8 years ago, we hit it off immediately and have pretty much been inseparable ever since. He has been my rock, always complimenting me, always looking after me and he is the one responsible for building up my confidence. We have been married for a few years now and our relationship is full of happiness, passion, excitement, and adventure.

Prior to meeting my current husband, I was in a dead-end marriage. I was being neglected, felt like I wasn't important, and the sex was boring at best. That marriage had no passion and certainly no adventure, a stark contrast to the relationship I am in now.

Anyway, to my story...

I was working from home when I received a text from my husband asking if I fancied a date night tonight. Our date nights are great fun, we laugh, joke, kiss, drink and always have a great time. A date night was exactly what I needed after a busy and draining week of work so I immediately text him back accepted his nice offer. I was excited now, my stomach tingled at the thought of spending time with my wonderful husband.

The plan for the evening was, get dressed up, arrange a taxi to pick us up at 6.45pm, and visit a few pubs and bars in our local town.

Around 5pm my husband decided to go upstairs for a shower. When he came back down, he looked very handsome, wearing a red polo shirt, smart jeans, and boots. He walked into the kitchen, gave me a kiss, and opened himself a beer.

I decided it was now time to get myself ready for the evening. I went for a shower and although already smooth decided to shave my legs and my pussy, I wanted to be perfect on our night out. I put my make up on, got dressed into a short black dress with black heels and as an extra treat for my husband decided not to wear any underwear for our date night.

I was very happy with the way I looked, I felt so sexy. As I made my way downstairs my husband spotted me and was blown away, I could see just from the look in his eyes that he was very impressed. I walked past him and into the kitchen to get a drink, he followed me in, commenting on how amazing I looked. He put his arms around me, kissed me on the cheek and told me I was beautiful. I was smiling from ear to ear as we made our way into the living room to phone for a taxi. As we entered the living room I turned to my husband and said, “by the way, I’m going commando”. A look of shock came over his face, followed by the biggest of smiles, he reached out his arms to pull me closer, I pushed him back and told him in a flirty voice “You get to see my smooth pussy later if your good, but for now you have to wait”. He sat back onto the couch with a look of disappointment on his face, this slowly turned to excitement when realizing that I would be out all evening, in public, with no underwear on.

Our taxi was early so we quickly got ourselves sorted, my husband put the dog in his bed, got his wallet and phone and I put my purse, perfume, and phone into my favourite handbag. We locked the front door, got into the waiting taxi, and set off on our date night.

It only took us 10 minutes to get to the town centre. I exited the taxi as gracefully as I could, totally aware that I had no underwear on and could easily bare all. We made our way to the nearest pub, as we entered I could see it was a little quiet but at least we had a choice of places to sit. My husband went to the bar to order drinks while I went to sit down. There were sofas with low level tables, stools near the bar or tables with regular chairs. I chose the latter as again I was conscious that the other seating options may show a little bit too much of me!

My husband ordered two beers and made his way to the table, he sat down and commented again on how pretty I looked which made me tingle inside. From that point on it was a typical date night of ours, we drank, chatted, flirted, and laughed, we were having so much fun.

After a few hours the pub had filled up, which I hadn't noticed up until that point as I was enjoying the company so much. Our table was in the middle of the pub, I was facing other tables and the entrance, and my husband was sitting directly opposite me facing the pool table and toilet area. As I was scanning the room, I noticed a guy sitting with a friend at the next table directly behind my husband, he was staring straight at me! As our eyes met, he smiled and looked away “did he find me attractive” I thought to myself. He was very handsome with short brown hair, large beard, and strong fit physique. As I chatted to my husband, through the corner of my eye I could see ‘beard guy’ looking at me, every time I looked over to him, he would smile back….my stomach tingled as I thought to myself “he definitely likes me” and if I was being totally honest, I liked him too.

My husband is not the jealous type, he tends to encourage me to wear short skirts and dresses, he always likes me to look sexy on nights out. I also know that one of his fantasies is to watch me be chatted up by a guy or even kiss a guy so I knew if I told him about this, he would encourage me to be flirtatious.

I leaned over towards my husband and quietly said “don’t look but there is a guy sitting directly behind you, he keeps looking at me and I think he likes me” my husband was a little taken aback but replied with “is he handsome” with a smile on his face. “Yes” I exclaimed, smiling back. My husband sat back in his chair and asked, “do you like the look of him?” “Yes” again I replied, “then open your legs and show him your pussy” my husband demanded with an even bigger smile on his face! I was shocked, a little nervous but massively turned on. “I dare you” my husband pushed. With that I sat back in my chair, pulled my dress up ever so slightly to the top of my thighs and parted my legs. Excitedly I looked over to ‘beard guy’, he was staring back at me but didn’t look down, to my frustration he didn’t notice what I was trying to show him. It was then that I realized that the position of our table obscured his view, he would not be able to see up my dress no matter how I sat.

I was a bit discouraged as I told my husband about the issue. Before he replied I noticed a couch behind where I was currently sitting, it was lower to the floor which could provide the perfect angle for ‘beard guy’ to see straight up my dress. I excitedly said to my husband “let’s sit on that couch, it will be better”, I grabbed my bag and headed over. My husband followed carrying our drinks and sat opposite me on a chair, he ensured that the chair was positioned in a way not to block the view between me and ‘beard guy’. I was so excited, the position of the couch was perfect, I looked over to him and I immediately saw him look at me, I stared back and smiled, with that I opened my legs slightly and looked at his eyes. He looked down and straight up my dress, I could feel my pussy get wet from the excitement of it all so I opened my legs a little wider, his face lit up and I knew then without doubt he could see my pussy. Knowing that another guy was looking at my wet, smooth, pretty little pussy gave me such a buzz.

I wanted to keep my legs open for him but at the same time I didn’t want to inadvertently show anyone else in the pub, reluctantly I closed my legs and told my husband “That guy just saw my pussy, I showed him, and I watched him look”. My husband was stunned, his jaw nearly hit the floor, he said “that’s amazing, your amazing” with a naughty grin on his face.

We were both so excited about the situation, I really wanted to have fun with ‘beard guy’ but how would it be possible with my husband sitting here, the reality of the situation hit home ‘beard guy’ would not approach me with my husband here, he would naturally assume that me and my husband are together and won’t want to instigate a conversation.

I told my husband the problem, it made perfect sense to him too. We decided to come up with a plan, a way forward which allowed me to have fun with ‘beard guy’ without ‘beard guy’ being spooked. After some deliberating, we decided that my husband would be my best friend for the evening. If I talked to any guys tonight then I would introduce my husband as my friend, and not someone I was in a relationship with. He was going to be my wingman if needed and help clear a path for me to have some fun. With a firm plan now in place I knew I could now talk to any guy, when the inevitable questions come about who I am out with and is he your husband / boyfriend then the answer will be simply…he is just my friend. We took off our wedding rings, my husband put them in his wallet, and we hatched a plan to buy a round of Vodka shots and see if ‘beard guy’ and his mate wanted to join us in drinking them at our table.

Just as we were going to put our plan into action two other guys approached us and asked if the seats next to us were taken. We reluctantly said “no” and they sat down, thanking us. As me and my husband drank our drinks and continued to chat, we were then inadvertently dragged into their conversation , as I look up then I see ‘beard guy’ get up from his chair, make his way to the exit and leave the pub. Just like that my fun with ‘beard guy’ was over. Damn it!

I could tell my husband was frustrated with the outcome too but “never mind” he said, “the night is still young, lets drink our drinks and move on to the next bar”.

We headed out of the pub and down the street. The next bar we came across was quite small from outside, but we could see it had a dance floor towards the back. The music was loud, it was busy and had more of a fun vibe about it, so we headed inside.

We made our way towards the back of the bar and found a table with chairs positioned quite close to the dance floor. I sat at the table while my husband went to the bar counter to order our drinks. The area we were sat in was facing a relatively small dance floor, behind which was a corridor leading to restrooms and the bar area was located to the right of us.

As soon as my husband returned with our drinks, I decided I wanted to dance, I went up on the dance floor on my own as my husband watched. The music was a mix between dance and pop both of which I like. Within a few minutes of dancing by myself I noticed a guy on the dancefloor looking at me, the best way I can describe him as is a ‘pretty boy’, he was very good looking and knew it. He was confident, in his early 30’s I would say, with very short hair and he was smartly dressed. He seemed to take a shine to me straight away and danced up closer and closer as the song went on. As our bodies moved with the music, he leaned in towards me and asked, “who are you out with?” it was difficult to hear but I could just make it out, I shouted back “my friend” while pointing at my husband. This seemed to relax him, and he moved closer, putting his arms around my waist whilst looking me straight in the eyes to gauge my reaction. I pushed myself into him as we moved in time with the music, it was sexy, it felt right, and I wanted more.

I looked over to my husband as I was dancing with ‘pretty boy’, I could see he was watching but also trying not to make it obvious. “I really hope that he is enjoying this as much as I am” I thought, this was such a turn on for me and I really hoped my husband was feeling the same.

I moved my attention back to ‘pretty boy’, I moved my arms up his sides, put them around his neck and pressed myself into him. That was all the invitation he needed, he leaned forward and kissed me softly on the lips, it was electric, my eyes closed as the kiss became more passionate, my tongue moved with his like they were dancing to the music. We kissed and kissed with more and more passion while embracing each other on the dance floor, it was hot, it was sexy, and it was naughty.

As soon as we stopped kissing my thoughts immediately turned to my husband, “fuck, I did it, I kissed someone in front of my husband” I thought while maneuvering slightly away from ‘pretty boy’. I knew he would be OK, but I needed to check before I carried on, I needed to know that he liked it. I shouted over the music to ‘pretty boy’, I am just going to finish my drink, give me five minutes and I will be back. He leaned in for one more passionate kiss before I made my way off the dance floor and back to our table.

Before I even got to the table, I could see my husband was smiling, he had a look of pleasure in his eyes, and I instantly knew he had enjoyed that experience as much as me. “That was one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen” he said, “you can do that whenever you want, with whoever you want and as much as you want” he said. “This is amazing” I thought to myself. I would never do anything like this without my husband’s blessing, I certainly would not hurt him and to have a husband who likes me having fun with other men is perfect, it really is a win win situation.

Just as I was about to finish my drink ‘pretty boy’ approached the table, he put his arm around me, leaned in and told me he had to leave! All his friends sat at a nearby table were leaving and he reluctantly had to go with them, he apologized, kissed me on my cheek and said his goodbyes. Again, I was disappointed but at the same time extremely happy that I had kissed a guy in front of my husband, I fulfilled my husband’s fantasy, it had turned us both on massively in the process and I was so proud of myself.

We spent the next 10 minutes drinking and attempting to talk over the loud music. My husband was clearly impressed with me, he made it clear numerous times how turned on he was. He wanted to kiss me, but he was still in character, he was still playing the part of the friend rather than my husband, he told me how much he wanted me but resisted any contact and stuck to his role.

When I finished my drink I was ready to dance again, I made my way back to the dance floor to see if I could get more attention, to see if I could kiss a second guy tonight in front of my husband. I wanted to tease my husband and make him explode with excitement, I wanted to give him a night he would never forget.

The instant I stepped onto the dance floor another guy approached, he seemed to be wearing worker clothing, like a builder / construction worker, he was wearing that type of clothing, minus the hard hat and high visibility vest obviously. I thought it was odd but determined in my own mind that he must have come out straight after work for a drink with his mates and just stayed out. Straight away I realized that ‘builder guy’ was very confident and extremely forward, he immediately put his arms around my waist and kissed me. I was shocked at how quickly that happened and slightly taken aback, I certainly wasn’t complaining so I kissed him back. This kissing was extremely passionate, we were all over each other on the dance floor and I could really tell what he was thinking, what he wanted… and he wanted me!

‘Builder guy’ was again good looking, he was in his early 20’s with black hair, an athletic physique with heaps and heaps of confidence. I really liked him, I could feel my heart racing and my pussy tingle as we kissed, arm in arm on the dance floor. We hadn’t been on the dance floor for 5 minutes before he said, “come with me”.

He took my hand and led me off in the direction of the restrooms, before I even had time to react, he opened the male restroom door and took me inside. I didn’t know what was going on, it was all happening so fast, but I was eager to see where this was going.

The restroom was laid out with sinks on the left-hand wall, urinals on the entrance wall (to the right of the entrance door) and one solitary toilet cubicle in the rear right-hand corner. He led me through the restroom straight to the toilet cubicle, he pulled me inside, shut the door and locked it behind him. My heart was racing but in a good way, I was so turned on by the speed of it all and the confidence ‘builder guy’ had. The toilet cubicle was quite large with plenty of room for us both, there was a large windowsill to the left of the cubicle entrance door (the window had been blocked up) and a toilet positioned on the back wall directly opposite the cubicle entrance door.

As soon as the cubicle door was locked, he pulled me close, he leaned in for another kiss and our tongues touched, it was an extremely wet kiss, I could taste him, and he could taste me. As we kissed with a lot of passion I could feel his warm hand on my leg, it made me tingle all over, he moved it up the inside of my thigh and up my dress. All I could think about was how naughty this was, how much fun I was having and how much I really didn’t want him to stop. His hand slowly got closer and closer to my pussy, and I could feel my hole getting wetter. As his hand approached, he reached out a finger and to his surprise didn’t touch my knickers like he thought he would but my smooth and now extremely wet pussy. He stopped kissing me as the realization hit him, I was going commando, I wasn’t wearing any underwear, and this was the perfect invitation he needed to start fingering me.

He continued to kiss me as I felt his first finger slide in, he was gentle, I gave out a little moan of pleasure as he slid it far inside my wet warm hole. I could feel him playing inside my pussy as he looked into my eyes with total desire, I pushed my body into his to emphasize my enjoyment. He kissed my neck as he pushed a second finger into my now dripping wet pussy, this time he pushed it in with a little more force, it was so wet it slid straight in without resistance. He licked up and down my neck as he fingered my pussy harder and harder, it felt amazing, I pushed my hips into his hand so he could delve deep inside. It was obvious he was experienced; he knew what he was doing with his fingers, despite his young age. He maneuvered his fingers to play with both my g-spot on the inside and my clit on the outside, I nearly exploded it felt so good, I bit my lip as he played with my pussy, trying not to be too loud, aware of where I was.

Suddenly I heard the restroom door open, I bit my bottom lip again so I was silent. I could hear someone making his way to the urinals. ‘Builder guy’ slowed down the pace and gently took his fingers out of me, he was smoothing the outside of my pussy when a voice asked if I was OK!! I was totally startled and brought me back down to earth. To my surprise it was my husband checking on me! he was checking if I OK and that I was safe.

I felt butterflies in my stomach as my husband was so concerned but also wetness in my pussy because ‘builder guy’ was playing with me.

My voice trembled with pleasure as I struggled to get words out, “yes” I replied after a slight delay. He asked again “are you sure”, my voice still shaky once again replied “YES”. “OK then” came the response as I heard him start to piss in the urinal.

I whispered in ‘builder guys’ ear “it is just my friend,” you could see the immediate relief on his face as he started to play with my clit again. I leaned back against the wall, opened my legs further and ‘builder guy’ slipped three fingers deep inside me. The feeling was immense, I was being fingered hard and deep by ‘builder guy’ in the cubicle while my husband was just metres away in the restroom now washing his hands. This was so hot, and I was getting so close to cumming.

I heard the restroom door close; I knew my husband had left the restroom knowing that I was with ‘builder guy’ but also knowing I was safe. “Hopefully he is enjoying this as much as me” I thought to myself before my attention reverted straight back to ‘builder guy’.

‘Builder guy’ pulled his fingers out of me, I could see my pussy juice glistening on his hand as he moved me from up against the wall and to the windowsill ledge. He picked me up onto the windowsill and knelt on the floor in front of me. The windowsill was both large enough for me to sit on and perfectly positioned to allow easy access between my legs.

He pulled the hem of my dress up and looked straight at my very pretty, smooth pussy. As his mouth moved between my legs I rolled my head back, wanting him to taste me so bad. I let out a groan of pleasure as I felt his tongue caressed my clit, he flicked my clit with his tongue and each movement felt like ecstasy. He moved his tongue down my hole, licking up and down my pussy before returning to my clit. The thought of him licking up my sweet juices just turned me on more. My pussy was being licked by a complete stranger, all while my husband was looking after my drink and handbag in the bar!

I spread my legs further apart as his tongue made its way inside me, “I can’t believe this is happening” I thought whilst feeling him licking inside my small lips. “I was trying to kiss someone tonight in front of my husband, but somehow it has led to this”. His tongue moved from inside my pussy to my clit and back again, he really knew how to please a woman and I just didn’t want him to stop. I could feel that I was about to cum, my breathing was harder and louder now. I pushed my pussy into his tongue, eager for him to lick me deeper and make me cum there and then.

Instead, he stood up, picked me up off the windowsill so that I was standing up, unzipped his trousers and pulled them down to his thighs. I knew what he wanted so I dropped down on my knees as he pulled his hard cock out of this underwear.

His cock was very nice, not too small, and not too large, just right, “it was very similar to my husbands” I thought as I reached out to hold it in my hands. I moved my hand back and forth, up and down the shaft before leaning forward and putting it straight into my open and wanting mouth. To my delight his cock was clean and tasted so nice, I could feel my juices dripping out of my pussy as I sucked him gently. I licked up and down the length of his dick before putting it back into my mouth. I looked up and I could see he was enjoying having his cock sucked by me. I picked up the speed and started to suck it harder and faster, suddenly all I could think of was how much I wanted his cum, I wanted him to cum in my mouth so bad, I wanted to taste ‘builder guy’ and swallow his creamy sperm. I kept sucking and sucking hoping that he would cum but instead he reached down, grabbed my arms, and stood me back up. For some reason I thought that was it, I thought our fun was over. “Never mind, at least it was fun while it lasted” I said to myself, but luckily for me I was wrong, he had other plans.

He picked me up again and sat me on the windowsill facing him. He kissed me on the lips as he lifted my dress. He stood directly in front of me, I opened my legs wide while he leaned in holding my dress up with one hand and his cock in the other.

This was amazing, it felt so right, I wanted him to fuck me, and I wanted him to fuck me now. He positioned his cock in front of my pussy and slowly slipped it inside me, my eyes were lost in his as I felt his cock penetrate, there was no resistance at all, my pussy was dripping wet, and it slid straight in.

We kissed as he pushed his cock deep into my pussy, it felt so good, him being so deep inside me while kissing with pure passion. He was gentle, his cock was slowly moving in and out of my pussy as he held me close. My thoughts suddenly turned to my husband still in the bar, he was waiting for me at our table while I was being fucked in the restroom. “I really hope he is OK with this; I didn’t intend it to go this far, but it just feels right” I thought, “I just hope he feels the same”. With that ‘builder guy’ picked up the pace, “fucking hell, this feels good” I thought, I couldn’t change anything now, so all my attention turned back to ‘builder guy’. This was so hot, he was fucking me harder and harder, my legs were spread as wide as I could get them, and he was penetrating me so deep. I could feel that I was close, I could feel my pussy starting to really tingle, I knew I was about to cum. I pushed my hips into him, he thrust faster and faster, and started to tense his body, he was starting to tire but I could tell he was about to cum too. He was fucking me so hard, I was in heaven, our breathing was getting louder and louder, and I was loving every second of this.

I wanted him to cum inside my pussy so much. We looked into each other’s eyes as he completely tensed up, I pulled him close for a kiss as his cock jerked and exploded inside me. I could feel his warm cum shooting deep in my pussy just as my own orgasm started, I was out of breath, my body shuddered, and I came, I orgasmed hard, I orgasmed while his hard cock was cumming deep inside my pussy. It felt like ecstasy, it felt amazing, it felt… well… perfect.

It was probably because it was so naughty, to fuck a total stranger in the restroom all while my husband was in the bar close by, but the feeling was one of the best I had ever had. It was special, we orgasmed at the same time, while kissing and in each other’s arms, it will be an experience I will never forget.

I was so satisfied and so happy. I jumped off the windowsill, pulled my dress down and cleaned myself up. ‘Builder guy’ leaned in for a kiss while pulling up his trousers and unlocking the cubicle door. We embraced one last time for a kiss before making our way out of the restroom.

I danced over the dance floor as me and ‘builder guy’ parted ways. I danced towards my husband with my arms up in the air, I was smiling from ear to ear as I approached him. I could see he was smiling too, which put my mind at ease.

He immediately asked, “are you OK”, I replied with “YES”, he then asked, “what did you do in there”, I assumed he knew but I leaned in close to his ear and whispered, “I fucked him”. I looked into my husband’s eyes to gauge his reaction, he nearly dropped to the floor in excitement, he said “really? that’s so naughty, that’s amazing.” I leaned in once again and said, “finish your drink, take me home and you can fuck me too while I tell you all about it”.

My husband immediately downed his drink, led me out of the bar and we got a taxi to take us home.

So, that was my very recent naughty experience. I really hope you enjoyed it.

To summarize, that night - 3 guys saw my pussy, I kissed 3 guys and I fucked 2 guys (numbers includes my husband later that night). It was definitely a night to remember for me.

As mentioned before, this story is 100% true, it is the naughtiest thing I have ever done. Since it happened, I think about it and get excited about it every day. I obviously can’t tell any of my friends about it; it is a secret between me and my husband but I’m so proud of myself that I just needed to share it with other people and writing my experience down was the logical way to do it. The thought of other people reading it, enjoying it, getting turned on by it and maybe even cumming to it really is amazing to me.

I am hoping to have more naughty nights out in the future, if anything worthy of note happens again then I will write about it. Hopefully the story above is the first of many and I get to share more experiences with you in the future.


2022-04-13 16:11:03
This is such a hot story, I do wish you would write more! I came hard for you in that bathroom stall!

Gourmand TunnisReport 

2021-10-14 17:54:41
God, that was a hot story. Congrats!


2021-10-05 19:09:13
Well done kid, keep up the good work. Thanks

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