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This is a first time bisexual experience for Levi. If you don't like that hold onto your comments and move along. Criticism of my writing is always welcome, but judgment of content is not.
The next day a few minutes before one o-clock Jeff and I stood next to the register preparing for shift change.

"Someone named Derek was looking for you," Jeff said.

I was swinging into my smock. It was nearing 1pm and time to start my Saturday shift.

Jeff was the assistant manager and looked down his nose at me because he'd gone to college and came from Washington state. I was intelligent but uneducated and crude.

"What did Derek want?" I asked, fairly sure I knew. Amanda wanted me to buttfuck him. I think he wants me too as well.

"He just wanted to know if you worked today," he said. "He may have a wee crush on you."

"That's what I thought," I said. One thing I liked about Jeff is that he was libertine when it came to sex. Anything was okay with him. "I took his friend Amanda home with me last night. She talked me into doing anal with her."

"Who was pitching and who was catching," he asked. I asked him to explain and I was still confused.

"How could she have been the pitcher in that scenario?"

"An artificial phallus could have been procured," he said. It was language like this that Jeff thought would baffle me and he was disappointed when I understood him, so he wouldn’t show it.

"No," I said, "I put my weenie in her boom boom and pushed it in and out." Jeff pretended to be above this kind of humor, but his wife told me he would recount every funny thing I said at work.

"Do you think she was preparing you to," Jeff said, "um, dance with Derek?"

"I think so," I said.

"Are you going to do it?" Jeff asked.

"I'm thinking about it," I said. "It's the big boohoo of taboos. I mean, I've had oral experiences, but I've never gone all the way. I'm just thinking about it."

"After you get used to being penetrated," Jeff said, "it feels pretty amazing."

I hadn't given any thought to being penetrated. Only penetrating. Egads! Did Derek wanna fuck me too?

Amanda gave me a prostate massage while sucking my dick and I came hard. I guess that's the appeal of being penetrated. Hm. I wasn't sure what a prostate was until Amanda put 2 fingers into my butthole and squeezed it. It felt good.

Amanda was a good lover. She was comfortable doing anything and everything. She even walked around the park naked with me and we ran into Jenna. Jenna creeped around the park naked all the time. I saw her every time I took a nude stroll. Amanda greeted her like they were old friends. She grabbed her and hugged her tight; tits to tits.

I told Amanda that Jenna would probably watch us make love. Her response was to open the blinds all the way on one window. I know Jenna got an eyeful. While Amanda was probing my butthole and suckling my fuckstick I could imagine the look of amazement on Jenna's face. Being watched was a turn on, in and of itself.

Until then I'd never thought of Jenna as someone to make love with. She seemed too eager. She seemed to be saying, 'when are we going to fuck!!!' I'll have to give Jenna some thought. She was a good looking girl. Almost a blonde version of Amanda. She was all over me at the pool until I told her to back off. Especially on skinny dipping days.

Amanda was so comfortable with me she pooped in my bathroom. That was before she talked me into buttsex. Cleaning the pipes, I guess.

Amanda had brought a Grateful Dead cassette. It was a live recording from back in the 70s. She started it where it was and jangling guitars came out of my boombox.

Amanda danced around and took off her clothes. She unlaced her shoes and kicked them off. She pulled down her pants. She wasn’t trying to be seductive. She was preparing for love making. I watched her. Her pubic hair was natural and bushy, the way I like it. Her breasts were on the large side of a B cup and her nipples pointed straight at me.

Where Becky was muscular, Amanda was all curves. She wasn’t chubby, just had a layer of baby fat all over. It showed in her dimples.

Making love to Amanda was laid back. I got a little nervous when she talked me into anal sex. I had never done it before and wasn’t even curious. After she massaged my prostate while sucking my dick I was willing to believe she knew what she was talking about when she told me I would be surprised by how much I enjoyed it.

She had stolen her mom’s lube. After her mom went through menopause her vagina was dry, but she enjoyed sex. Her mom was loaded and bought porn grade lubricants. It was very slippery.

Amanda got on all fours and laid her head on my pillow. I rolled on a condom because she didn’t want me squirting inside her butthole. I squeezed cold lube on her anus and she squealed.

“Dammit!” she said, “I forgot about warming it up first.”

“Do you want me to warm it up?” I asked.

“No,” she said, “I’m used to it now. Just buttfuck me before you chicken out.”

She was right. My stomach was churning over the idea of buttfucking her and I knew she was only doing it so I would be willing to fuck her friend Derek. Before I squeezed my dick into her butthole I would never have given a thought to screwing a guy.

Working my penis into her wasn’t easy even with super slick lubricant. Her back hole was tighter than her pussy. As I slid inside I could tell this was going to be a different experience.

Amanda growled with the first few thrusts. I couldn’t tell if it was pleasure or discomfort. She never told me to stop so I kept going. After a while I was able to go all the way. It seemed like her butt had to get used to me being in there.

I never could get up the same thrusting speed as I did in her pussy, but I was going pretty good and she was crooning.

When I climaxed I could not believe how good it felt! I couldn’t understand why it was so much more intense than vaginal sex. It was as intense as the prostate massage blowjob she’d given me.

I pulled out and lay down next to her. She lay on her side. Then she let out a cute little fart. She smiled and I kissed her.

“Well?” she asked.

“That was intense,” I said.

“So,” she asked, and raised her eyebrows.

She was asking if I’d fuck Derek after experiencing anal sex with her. I had to admit it was tempting. I felt my body blush. It was taboo! Boys aren’t supposed to have sex with boys, even though I knew it happened all the time. When Franky and I were kids we sucked each other’s dicks, but it didn’t seem gay because our peckers were little and we didn’t cum when we climaxed.

“I’m intrigued,” I said. “But I’ll have to think about it.”

“C’mon,” she said, “You’re the devirginizer. Derek’s a virgin. You didn’t mind kissing him. Was that the first time you kissed a boy?”

“Yes,” I said, “It was.”

“Did you like it?” she asked.

“I never thought about it,” I said. “I did it to make Kyla and Marti laugh.”

“Try kissing him for real,” she said. “Maybe it’ll turn you on.”

The idea wasn’t bad considering the kid wanted me to buttfuck him and I was a new fan of that activity.

“Okay,” I said. “But I won’t promise anything more than that.”

Jeff clocked out at 2 and left me to my own devices. I would be alone until 10pm when Franky got there.

The traffic on Saturdays was unpredictable. There was never a predictable rush on a Saturday. People drifted in and out. Boys rode their bikes onto the patio, threw them down and rough housed their way through the candy aisles and to the soda machines. Girls giggled and whispered to each other.

I was thinking about what I would do when Derek showed up. I had a feeling he wouldn’t just pop in while the teenagers were all there. Especially if Kyla and Marti were around. I thought about taking him into the backroom and kissing him. It gave me butterflies.

As the sun started to go down around six o-clock most of the traffic dried up. The kids went away to eat their evening meals. Then Derek appeared.

He was wearing a denim jacket, a Van Halen t-shirt and Levis. He was a good looking kid. The butterflies fluttered by.

I was fronting the store. Fronting is when you walk the aisles and pull products to the edge of the shelves making them look nice and neat.

Derek pulled open the door and I looked up and greeted him. “Hey young man,” I said.

“Sup,” he said, and walked to the backside of the counter where people stood when they were just going to hang out and chat.

I stopped what I was doing and went to stand on the other side of the counter. I looked out the window. Derek did the same. I could tell he was nervous.

I decided to break through the tension.

“I took Amanda to my house last night,” I said.

Derek nodded.

“She asked me to give you something,” I said.

Derek just stared straight ahead.

I started walking to the backroom. I motioned for him to follow. He looked a little confused but he followed.

When he turned the corner and I knew no one would see me, I stepped to him, put my hands on the side of his face and planted my lips on his. He pushed his tongue into my mouth. He put his arms around my neck.

I was getting turned on. Derek was aggressive. I tried to pull away but he pulled me back in and sucked on my tongue. He reached down and squeezed my butt. That made my dick twitch. I reached down and massaged his butt and he pushed his groin into mine. He had a hard on.

Maybe I do want to fuck him. I wanted to fuck him right then and there but the door buzzer went off. I pushed him back.

“Duty calls,” I said. “Um, stay right here.” Derek’s face was red. He nodded.

I went to the counter and sold a pack of Marlboro reds. Then I walked back to where Derek was waiting. He’d pulled out his penis and was stroking it. It wasn’t long. Maybe five inches or so.

Derek stepped to me and started kissing me. He rubbed my dick through my jeans.

“Can I take it out?” he asked.

“Um,” I said, “I guess, but I might have to run back to the front.”

He squatted in front of me and before I knew it my dick was out and in his mouth. He was sucking me like a crazy person. I don’t think he had much experience except in his head. It made me nervous that this guy was blowing me in the backroom and I twitched every time I heard a sound.

After a few minutes of vigorously pumping his mouth on my rigid member he stopped, looked up and said, “Would you suck my dick?”

“I,” I said, “Um, I’ve never . . .”

'Suck my dick' was an insult when I was a kid, and a completely taboo thing to do! Ironically nearly all the young boys in my neighborhood would camp out in each other’s backyards and end up sucking each other’s adolescent penises, but those were teeny weenies. Derek’s member was almost a man-sized dick. It just seemed too gay.

Derek stood up and I looked down at his penis. It was a nice looking, rather small dong. I grabbed it. I got down on my knees and looked at it. It felt strange. Like rubber. Then I put it in my mouth. It tasted funny. Not unpleasant. Derek put his hands on my head.

The door buzzed again. I’m pretty sure my face was beet red. It was as if I’d been caught sucking his dick.

“Gotta go,” I said. I stood and stuffed myself back into my pants. “Stay here.”

I walked out to stand behind the counter while two ladies wandered around and chose a couple of bottles of wine. I rang them up and sent them on their way.

When I got to the backroom again Derek had taken off all his clothes. He was a pretty boy. His penis stood erect from a small thatch of chestnut brown pubic curls.

I sighed. “Derek, we can’t do this here. Do you want to come to my house?”

He ran to me and started kissing me again. He rubbed my dick and I massaged his naked butt. Phew. I really did want to fuck him, but I broke the clutch and told him to put his clothes back on and go away.

“Whatever you do,” I said, “don’t let Franky see you. I would rather he didn’t know I was devirginizing boys. You can come inside and visit but do not leave at the same time I do. Wait for me behind the dumpster corral.”

I stepped behind the counter to see Marti and Kyla walking across the patio and through the door. I hoped Derek would stay in the backroom until the girls left. It depended on why they were here. If they were here to flirt and not just buy a snack or a pack of cigarettes, it might take a while.

“Hey Levi,” they sang. They appeared to be buzzing. They stood just inside the doors, looked at each other and giggled. Then they turned their backs to me, lifted up their shirts and showed me their panties. They weren’t wearing gym shorts underneath as I thought they might be. Marti wore tight black panties and Kyla wore loose white nearly see-through panties. They shook their little bottoms at me and dissolved into giggles.

“Can we use your bathroom?” Kyla asked, affecting a coyness I knew she didn’t feel. I shook my head at her and the girls giggled as they worked their way to the back.

I walked ahead of them in case they were going to turn the corner into the backroom and discover Derek. I stood by the bathroom door and in the entrance to the backroom so Derek would see me. The girls giggled their way in and closed the door. I heard the lock click.

I motioned for Derek to quietly get out of there.

Once we were in the store I told him to pretend like he just walked in by triggering the door buzzer.

He said, “Why don’t I just leave and come back later?”

I said, “If the buzzer only goes off one time the girls will wonder what was going on. “Besides, it’s fun to watch them tease you.” Derek blushed. He tried to move into my arms, but I stiff armed him. “Never in public!” It was the late 70s. Queer bashing was quite popular back then. “Now, go push the door open and pretend like you just got here.”

He did as I asked and walked to the usual place. I could hear the girls giggling in the bathroom. Derek knew who they were because he could hear them talking and laughing while he was in the backroom.

Derek was fidgeting and seemed to have nothing to say. I looked at the clock. It had been 3 minutes or so since he pretended to get there. I let him off the hook and told him to come back around 11 o-clock. He blushed so red I could see his scalp through his hair.

Just as Derek headed to the front door I could hear the girls rattling the bathroom door. Derek sprinted so they wouldn’t see him. I got butterflies wondering if he would come back. I was curious about having sex with him.

I was curious about having sex with Marti and Kyla as well. I was not as interested in Kyla because, like Jenna, she didn’t seem to be a challenge. She openly told me she wanted me to fuck her brains out.

The girls giggled their way to the spot on the other side of the counter. I stood smirking at them. They seemed to be plotting something.

They turned their backs to me and lifted up their shirts. This time their bums were bare. Then they tossed their panties over their shoulders at me.

Marti blushed bright red and ran for the door. Kyla laughed and ran after her, but she stopped, lifted the front of her shirt so I could see her dark brown pubic hair.

“We’ll be back for our underwear later.” She let her shirt drop and chased her cousin.

That sounded like they wanted my devirginizing services. If either of them were virgins. I didn’t think it was possible that Kyla could be as aggressive as she was towards me.

Hm. I wondered if I could get Kyla, Marti and Derek to go to my place all together. The girls obviously thought Derek was cute even if they thought he had a crush on me. Maybe we could have an orgy. It was a nice thought thinking about Kyla going down on her cousin Marti.
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