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Abducted girl's slave training continues as she slowly accepts her place as an owned animal.
Chapter Three: The Lessons Begin.

He forced me to repeat my rules over and over again for an incomprehensible amount of time as a mix of fear and anger continued to burn inside my exposed little body. I heard the words escape my parched lips "I am The Cunt" and "you are my Master" over and over again until the phrases lost all meaning. Despite the mantras flowing robotically from my mouth, the only thoughts in my head were of my friends and family. Surely someone was looking for me. Certainly the police must be on the case and would burst through the doorway any moment to rescue me.

"I will give you some time to think about things but you will maintain your position," he said to me as he moved toward the doorway. "You should also be aware that not only is this room is soundproof, but if you should utter a single word louder than a whisper before I return the sensor on your collar will pick it up and give you a rather nasty reminder about your first rule." He turned and left the room, the clopping of his footsteps echoed off the hard cement floor until it sounded like they were proceeding on wooden stairs headed upwards.

"I must be in a basement," I thought to myself as the sounds faded and I knew he was sufficiently far away, careful not to let a peep escape my lips for fear of retribution from my collar. My eyes continued to scan the room, taking in every detail, looking for further clues about where I was and what my options might be.

I removed my hands from my breasts and lowered my arms toward my thighs, but before my delicate fingers could even reach the smooth skin of my upper legs, the shock collar began to pulse out a series of low level shocks, each lasting for only a second and not strong enough to have me convulsing on the floor as before, but each jolt was intense enough to make me feel like I was being stabbed, causing me to shudder and whimper in anguish. With my captor gone, fear took root and thoughts quickly raced through my clouded brain. What if he doesn't come back for a while and I'm left like this? What if he never comes back at all?

I quickly deduced that the shocks only started when I lowered my arms so hurriedly my hands flew back up to my undersized breasts and I cupped them as before. As quickly as it had begun the assault of the cruel collar on my small body suddenly ended. The lesson was clear; indeed I was to hold this position or suffer the consequence. The fact that my abductor was no longer nearby was irrelevant.

I couldn't say for how long I was in that position but it had to have been several hours at least. My legs went completely numb and my arms burned as I struggled to keep my hands on my bare breasts. My flat tummy growled for food, my dry throat ached for water and at some point I realized that I badly needed to pee. Every once in a while my hands would drop or I would start to drift off to sleep and my body would begin to relax or fall over but a stream of agonizing shocks with increasing intensity was all that was required to spur me back into the correct position.

Initially I thought for certain I would dread his return but by the time I heard the loud thumping footsteps coming down the stairs I was actually feeling relieved. He stood over me, taking his time to enjoy my naked form. I must have been quite a sight kneeling exposed with my hands on my breasts, barely able to focus on anything. Once he got his fill of my display, he turned back to the whiteboard and wrote down new rules for me.

"The Cunt has done a good job of demonstrating its proficiency with the fourth rule but it needs to learn to address its superiors properly." He stepped to the side and through heavy eyelids I saw what he had written. "The Cunt will read the new rules."

Rules for The Cunt

1. The Cunt will never speak unless spoken to.

2. The Cunt will obey every command from its Master without hesitation.

3. The Cunt will always display its body without modesty.

4. The Cunt will maintain its position until ordered otherwise by its Master.

5. The Cunt will always address its owner as Master and others as Sir or Ma'am.

I took a deep breath, knowing what was expected of me at this point and I was too tired and hungry to fight it. "The Cunt will maintain its position until ordered otherwise by its Master," I droned out. "The Cunt will always address its owner as Master and all others as Sir or Ma'am."

"Every time you address me you will call me Master. Failure to adhere to the rules will result in a severe correction. Is that understood?"

I nodded and felt him staring at me as if he was expecting more of an answer. "Yes Master," I quickly added. He smiled, pleased with my performance and left the room only to return moments later with a large stainless steel dog bowl filled with a warm yellow liquid. "You've been a good little cunt, so you have earned a reward. I'm sure you're hungry so eat up."

I stared at the liquid with suspicion. Did this weirdo pee in the bowl and expect for me to drink it? Or even if it wasn't pee, given his track record of drugging my drink, could I really trust it? There was no way for me to know what kinds of mind altering drugs he put in there. My tummy growled some more so I leaned forward and picked up the bowl, bringing it closer to my face inhaling deeply, relieved to discover that it smelled like chicken broth. "Put the bowl down now!" he said in a firm tone that made me nearly drop it on the floor, the deep yellow liquid sloshing up the steep sides of the bowl but not escaping. "You will never use your hands to eat unless your Master gives you specific permission. Try again please."

I stared at the bowl through half shut eyes. I knew what he wanted and it was demeaning and degrading. He wanted me to eat like I was a dog or some other kind of pet. I wasn't an animal, yet the collar around my neck and the heavy chain attached to it seemed to indicate otherwise and my experience with the shocks made me think twice about voicing those thoughts. I stared up at him; he was clearly waiting, prepared to punish me if I didn't follow his command without hesitation in accordance with my second rule. I felt painful tingles in my numb thighs as I stretched forward toward the bowl, placing my hands on either side of it before lowering my face to the liquid and extending my soft pink tongue to lap it up like the kept pet that I was.

"Raise your ass and arch your back. Your udders should be touching the floor," he instructed. I reluctantly adjusted my body, feeling my spine go into a deep arch, my firm rear pointed up and my stiff pink nipples were tickled by the green fibers of the rug as I lowered myself. I felt so exposed and open like this, I couldn't imagine what I must have looked like from behind. "This is the eat position. Whenever the Cunt is given a meal in a bowl or on the floor, this is the position you will be in to eat. Is that understood?"

"Yes Master," escaped my lips as I continued to lap up the delicious broth until the bowl was dry and my pink tongue was sliding over the smooth metal in the hope of finding a few errant droplets.

"Does the Cunt need to pee?' He asked while enjoying the display of my little body in the eat position.

"Yes Master, very badly," I replied as my swollen bladder had been causing me great discomfort for quite a while now.

"The Cunt may squat over the bowl and pee to relieve itself." I couldn't believe what he was saying. He wanted me to go pee in a bowl and to do it right in front of him? Just how crazy was he? Still, I could tell he was growing impatient and I really did need to go. I moved out of the eat position and got into a high squat, sliding the bowl underneath me.

"The Cunt will lower itself into a full low squat with its thighs spread and use its fingers to spread its pussy lips so that its act is on full display."

I grumbled under my breath, lowered myself further and spread my toned legs as instructed as my slender thighs began to burn from the position. I used my manicured fingers to carefully pull my soft pink labium apart, knowing that my sex was now fully visible. Luckily it didn't take long before the loud sounds of my bright yellow pee spraying freely from my urethra and hitting the metal bowl echoed throughout the room.

"This is called the pee position. After a while your legs will get used to it so you will be able to hold it for long periods of time."

When I finished I looked up at him, hoping he would give me something to wipe up the remaining droplets from my sensitive ruby labium but he didn't offer and I was too afraid to speak up to ask lest I be punished again. I knew the first rule of not speaking unless spoken to. "The Cunt must show gratitude," he continued. "It will thank me for allowing it to relieve itself"

"Thank you Master," I uttered with a hint of contempt in my voice.

"Thank you for what? Whenever the Cunt speaks it will do so in a full and complete manner."

"Thank you Master for letting me pee."

"One of the things you're going to learn to accept is that I control everything now. Anything you want or need is dispensed solely due to my generosity in providing it including the permission that you will require to engage in any activity. You will see soon enough that your days of having any voice over yourself are permanently over."

He pressed some buttons on his phone and continued. "The Cunt has been good and it has been a rough couple of days I know. Therefore I will permit the Cunt to have one hour of sleep. I have turned off the position shocks, you may rest now. When you awaken, you will maintain the 'kneel' position until your Master returns, is that understood?"

I nodded and replied "Yes Master, I will be in the 'kneel' position until you return." I lay on my side on the faded green rug and curled myself up into a little naked ball. My swollen red eyes shut and sleep came so fast that I didn't even hear my captor retrieve the urine filled bowl and leave the room.

Continued in Trapped, Trained and Twisted Pt. 03

(Thank you so much for reading my story! Please give me a good rating because this makes me feel good and be sure to leave respectful comments because I seriously adore hearing from you and seeing your thoughts.

Keep in mind that I know this story might not be for everyone. It has some pretty dark parts in it that may make some people uncomfortable, but it was written to explore the psychology and methods of this kind of transformation so if this isn't your cup of tea, stop reading, move on and leave the ratings to people who enjoy this kind of content.

Also be sure to follow me because I've written a good number of stories and there's going to be a lot more of this one as well. Love, Kristin Kailey).


2021-12-10 20:59:01
You must learn your place and obey


2021-10-11 08:11:02
Having been in several submissive relationships , I have experienced the joys of experimenting with various forms of humiliation and mind games by my lovers, the initial feelings can be be slightly blurred from what you expect to what you really feel as the uncertainty of your situation becomes real, absolutely love the way your story is building the suspense, looking forward to more.

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