The family works on their new family dynamic. Mom wants her son to control her sex life and he talks her into a gangbang.
Chapter 11
The next day, I thought a family meeting might be in order to see how everyone was really doing with this new dynamic we were pursuing. I wanted to make a change to how I wanted to be treated so I thought it would be good to give everyone a chance to air any concerns or changes they wanted to see as well.
Beth was still with us when I suggested the family meeting and said, “Well, maybe I should go home so you guys can discuss what you want.”
“Beth,” I responded, “I’m sure I speak for all of the rest of us when I say that you are family here. You have been a part of us for a long time and with our recent activities, you are now and even more integral part of our lives. You are always welcome here whenever you want. You don’t need permission to come over or to join us for dinner or whatever. And I really want you to be a part of this discussion. If I hadn’t wanted that, I would have waited for a time you weren’t here to start this meeting. So, please, don’t ever think you need to leave because your last name isn’t the same as ours.”
“Mom’s right,” Steph told Beth. “You’ve been a part of our life and to a much larger my life for so many years. You’re as much a sister to me as if you were born into this family.”
“Alright, alright,” Beth laughed. “I get it and thank you. I couldn’t ask for a better second family that quite often treats me better than my actual family. So, what are we going to discuss?”
“Well,” I started, “I have decided that I want to make a slight change to how I started this whole thing with Brian and I wanted to give each of you a chance to also comment on any concerns you may have or suggestions of how we should handle this new lifestyle we are embracing.
When I started this with Brian, I told him that I wanted him to take control of me sexually. While I am a fairly dominant person in my work and as a mother, I really enjoyed letting Jeff totally control and dominate me in the bedroom. At the same time, I told Brian that we needed to also be free to pursue any other relationships, sexual or otherwise, outside of the family. I mainly wanted Brian to know that he is free, and should, find his soulmate to live his life with. And while all that is still true, I have found that I don’t particularly want to do that for myself. Last week, I let a client of mine fuck me while I was showing him a house. I had worn pretty sexy clothes and we had flirted a bit before, so I played the wanton slut and let him fuck me. While it was fun, I don’t think that’s what I want to be doing. So, Brian, until such time as you don’t want to continue, I want you to basically own me sexually. I don’t need another man in my life other than you so I won’t pursue anyone. I will leave it up to you whether you want to share me with anyone, male or female. I will do whatever you want with anyone you want but I want you to be the one to direct me. Just like I did with your father, I will never refuse you sexually. He didn’t want to share me with anyone so I was just sexy and sexual with him. But since you want me to dress really sexy all the time and because you aren’t my husband, I suspect you may want to share me at times. So, I just wanted you to know that no other cock is going into my pussy without your permission and direction as long as we maintain this relationship.”
“Wow, are you sure about that,” Brian asked? “I don’t have a problem with you having your own sex life like what you did with that client. I actually find that pretty hot. So, I don’t have a problem with sharing you. The question now will be whether you want to be shared and how we would go about that. I’ll have to give that some thought.
“Otherwise,” Brian continued, “I think what we are doing is incredibly hot and wonderful. Frankly, I was very satisfied just being with mom, but adding two more beautiful women to the mix is unbelievable. I have to say, Beth, that I hadn’t really given much thought to you sexually before yesterday because you were Steph’s friend but between what we’ve done together so far and what you said yesterday about your feelings for me, I do really want us to go out on some dates and see if there is a chemistry between us other than just great sex. And Stephanie, last night was simply magical. You gave me a gift you can only give once in your life and I will treasure it forever. I have always loved you as my sister, but that love grew by leaps and bounds last night. I am an extremely lucky guy to have this wonderful and beautiful family around me.”
“Oh, Brian,” Stephanie gushed, “it’s me that was blow away by our lovemaking last night. I have always dreamed of it being a special event with someone I loved but never really thought it would happen. Not only were you wonderful, but having mom and Beth with me and loving me at the same time was indescribable. It was actually mom who suggested to me that you would be the right person to give my virginity to, and, as usual, mom was right. My greatest fear, though, was that it would be so good that my love for you would turn into something more than just the love of a sister for a brother. And while that is probably coming true, I wouldn’t change it for the world. I want to reiterate what I said last night. As far as I am concerned, I want this to be a lifetime sexual relationship with you regardless of anyone else in our lives. I promise you that I will never refuse you sexually and I will always want you. I don’t care if I’m married and you come over for a visit, bend me over the kitchen table, and fuck me in front of my husband. In fact, I hope that someday, you do. I’m yours forever, Brian.”
“Well, I guess that leaves me,” Beth said. “As I guess you all know by now, Stephanie and I have been fooling around together for a couple of years now. We are even closer than sisters. Steph also knows how long I’ve been talking to her about how much I was lusting for you, Brian. Now that we’ve actually had sex a couple of times, I can tell you that my imagination did not do you justice. I won’t go out on a limb and start telling you already that I love you, but I can assure you that I don’t think it will take very much more time with you for that to happen. But I also want to assure you that I won’t pressure you for your feelings. I just ask that you be completely honest with me. If you find, at some point, that you don’t have those kinds of feelings for me and don’t think that you will, please tell me. I can’t say that I won’t cry my eyes out for a while if that happens, but I will still want to be your friend with benefits. Just like these other two women in your life, I want you sexually for as long as you want me. And like your mom, until such time as you say you don’t want us to be together, no other cock is going in my pussy unless you tell me to. Sadly, you weren’t my first, but I would be very happy if you were my last for the rest of my life.”
“I guess that makes it unanimous,” I said, “Brian, you have three very willing sluts for your pleasure. It’s a shame that we can’t all just live together forever loving each other as we do. Life will, invariably, get in the way. But until that time, let’s live each day to the fullest. I just wish that Beth lived with us as a permanent part of our family, but I’m sure her parents wouldn’t be too thrilled with that. But just know, Beth, that at any time that you do wish to move in with us, you don’t have to ask. Just do it. The only thing you need to ask for is help moving your stuff. I would also like to say that while we have all been openly having sex together, if Brian and Beth want to spend some time alone together, you should just do it. Don’t worry about Stephanie and me; we’ll make our own fun. If you two want to explore having a real relationship, you will need to spend some quality one-on-one time together. And since Steph and I would be absolutely thrilled if the two of you ended up falling in love, we’ll give you all the space you need to figure things out. Won’t we, Steph?”
“You’re right, mom. I’ll probably be jealous as all hell, but there is no one I would rather see Brian with, than Beth. Maybe, someday, Beth and I can both be carrying Brian’s babies at the same time. Wouldn’t that be a fun time?”
“Now you’re really getting ahead of your skis there, little sister,” Brian said. “Beth and I haven’t even had our first date yet. There’s a big difference between liking someone and loving someone. It doesn’t happen overnight. It’s the first time I’ve fucked someone before even going out on a first date – well, except mom, of course.”
“Yeah,” Beth replied, “you’ve got some catching up to do with me, Brian. You may not have been thinking of me sexually or romantically before, but I’ve been thinking of you like that for a long time. So, I can tell you, my feelings for you are already way beyond being a friend, especially after yesterday. I’ve been around here long enough to know that you are a great guy. You always treated Stephanie so well; not like a lot of brothers treat their little sisters. You never treated either of us as little kids, even when we always wanted to hang around you. And don’t think for a moment that I wasn’t usually the one insisting that Steph and I hang around you. So, it’s mainly going to be on you to decide if I am the person for you. Am I pretty enough? Sexy enough? Sweet enough? Smart enough? I hope we can spend plenty of time together for you to really get to know me to see if I’m the one you want to spend the rest of your life with.”
“I don’t think there’s any question, Beth,” Brian replied, “that you are pretty enough, sexy enough, sweet enough and smart enough. If it was as simple as those criteria, I would be on one knee right now. We have plenty of time ahead of us to find out if we are truly compatible anywhere outside of a bedroom. I promise you, that I will not date anyone else, until you and I know if we’re right for each other. With three beautiful, sexy women in my life, my sexual needs will be more than met. I agree with mom. I think it would be wonderful if we just all lived together for the rest of our lives. We’ll just have to do this for as long as we can, but each of us has the right to look for and have a life outside of this family. You never know where you’ll find love. We all just need to be honest with each other and happy for each other no matter what direction we end up going.”
Beth finally had to go home. She didn’t want to leave and, frankly, none of us wanted her to leave either. She’s been around our home so much over so many years that she is like another daughter to me. And then after what has happened over the last couple of days, there is a whole new area of our relationship we are starting to explore. Maybe once she turns eighteen, which is only a few months away, she’ll tell her parents that she wants to move in with us. She can always tell her parents that she and Stephanie are an item and want to live together without revealing her relationship with me or Brian. I’m not sure, though, what her moving in with us would do for her relationship with Brian. That might be too much, too soon. We’ll just have to play it by ear and see what happens.
Chapter 12
Last night, Brian started asking me some interesting questions. I’m not entirely sure where he was going with them, but they got me thinking. He was asking questions about my fantasies regarding being with multiple men at once and my feelings or desires about cock size and such. It was weird talking about some of those things with my son. I hadn’t even really given some of these things much thought before as I was always very happy with Jeff and hadn’t had a great number of other sexual experiences before I met him. But I couldn’t stop thinking about what he was asking about since then.
I was making breakfast for us when Brian came in and wrapped his arms around me and gave me a hug. I could feel his glorious cock pressing into my butt cheeks as he reached up and started fondling my tits.
“Mom,” Brian said, “I’ve been thinking about what we were talking about last night as well as what you said during our family meeting. You said you wanted me to control your sexual side and would do anything I wanted. While I don’t intend to look for any sexual involvements outside of this family, at least until Beth and I figure out our relationship, I don’t think you should be stuck with just my cock to give you the pleasure you should have.”
“Oh, Brian,” I responded, “I wouldn’t call it ‘being stuck’ with your lovely cock. I’ve always been a one-man-at-a-time woman, so I don’t really need any other cock.”
“I know you don’t need another cock,” Brian replied, “but I think you would enjoy having fun with some other cocks. I have an idea for a really fun night for you and maybe for Stephanie and Beth as well. What would think about being the centerpiece of a gangbang with five young big cocks to satisfy you?”
“You’ve got to be kidding, Brian,” I exclaimed! “You not only want me to have sex with other guys, but you want me to be gangbanged by five guys? I don’t know about that. And what would that have to do with Stephanie and Beth?”
“I was thinking of inviting the starting guys of our basketball team over for a night of fun. Of course, I’ve seen the guys in the showers so I kind of know how endowed they are. A couple of the guys seem to have fairly average cocks. One of the guys has a cock about my size, maybe even a bit bigger. But Jamal, our center, has got a monster cock that I think you would love. I have no idea how big it gets when it’s hard, but his cock soft is at least as big as mine when it’s hard. I would guess that he’s 9 to 10 inches when he’s hard. Plus, I have the feeling you’ve never been with a black guy and three of these guys are black. Now, as far as Stephanie and Beth are concerned, their pussies would be off limits to the guys, but I thought, if they want to be there, that they could be fluffers to lick and suck the guys to get them hard and ready for you and also to lick you clean between fucks so your pussy doesn’t get too sloppy wet for the guys. What do you think? I think it sounds pretty hot to me.”
“Wow. That’s a lot to take in,” I told Brian. “I’ll have to think about this for a bit. You’re right, I’ve never been with a black guy and your cock is the biggest I’ve ever had so to think that two of them might be bigger than yours and one is considerably bigger is something to think about. I’ve never been a size queen, though. Also, you know what they say about trying black cock and never going back. Aren’t you afraid that I would start craving big, black cocks?”
“If you start craving big, black cocks,” Brian said, “we’ll just have to keep finding them for you. If it makes you happy, it’ll make me happy. I’d be more concerned about Beth and want to make sure she doesn’t try one of them, or our relationship might be ruined before it has a chance.”
“Then maybe the girls shouldn’t be here. On the other hand, it may be a good test of Beth’s true feelings for you. I say, if we do it, then we let them decide if they want to participate or not. I just don’t know about five guys at once. I admit that I’ve fantasized about being taken by two guys at once and being DP’d, but I haven’t really considered a gangbang. That’s pretty over the top.”
“What’s over the top,” we suddenly heard Stephanie ask as she walked into the kitchen?
I looked at Brian and he just shrugged leaving it up to me whether to tell Stephanie right then or wait until I had made decision. But we had said we’d be open and honest with each other so I went ahead and told her of Brian’s suggestion, leaving out for now Beth’s and her possible involvement.
“Are you going to do it, mom,” Stephanie asked?
“I don’t really know, Steph,” I answered. “Brian just sprang this on me and I’m not too sure this is something that I would want to do. I’m so happy right now with what we’ve been doing together, I don’t really feel the need to add any other sex into the mix. That’s why I didn’t want to do stuff like I did with my client anymore.”
“I think it would be really hot to see you being serviced by five hot guys at once. I’d love to see that,” Stephanie gushed.
“About that,” Brian said, “my thought is that either you and Beth are not there or you could have a bit of involvement. By that I mean that you and Beth could act as fluffers for the guys.”
“What’s a ‘fluffer,’” Stephanie asked?
“A fluffer is a woman who licks and sucks a guy’s cock to get him hard and ready to fuck someone else. They’re used a lot when making pornos to make sure the actor is ready to perform for his scene. I thought that you and Beth might want to be fluffers to these guys as well as to lick mom’s pussy clean between fucks so that she won’t be so sloppy wet for the next guy. But I would make it clear to the guys that neither one of you are available to be fucked. You mainly because you aren’t on the pill yet and Beth because I don’t want her tempted by some big cock before we’ve figured out our own relationship.”
“Oh, I think that would be a lot of fun. I like sucking cock although it would be a bummer to not get any cum out of it. That’s at least half the fun for me. I noticed that you specifically said that fluffers are women. Are you saying that there aren’t male fluffers,” Stephanie asked?
“Well, I guess there are,” Brian replied. “I suppose gay guys would like to have that job.”
“I was just wondering what you would be doing during mom’s gangbang,” Stephanie said. “Would you help lick mom’s pussy clean or do some fluffing? I think it would be hot to see you sucking on a big cock.”
“Ew, are you serious,” Brian asked? “I mean, I don’t really have a problem licking mom’s pussy clean. I do lick my own cum out so I guess that wouldn’t be a big deal to lick another guy’s cum out, but to suck on a guy’s cock is not something I would be into.”
“So let me get this straight,” I countered. “You don’t have a problem licking a guy’s cum out of my pussy but you wouldn’t lick his cock when he doesn’t cum? That doesn’t make a lot of sense. I would think most guys wouldn’t suck a cock because they’d be afraid the guy would cum. I agree with Stephanie. I’d love to see you suck a cock. A nice big, black cock. If you suck a big, black cock to get it ready for me, then I’ll let him fuck me. How about that offer?”
“Shit. Fuck me. You’ve really turned this back on me, haven’t you,” Brian asked? “Now it’s going to be me that has to think about it. And I think Beth should weigh in on it too. If it would weird her out even more than it would me, then I definitely wouldn’t even consider it.”
“I think it’s only fair, Brian,” I said. “Stephanie, Beth and I have all shown you that we are bi-sexual and you are the beneficiary of it. I think you should, at least, explore whether you might be bi as well. You don’t know until you try it.”
“Well,” Brian replied, “the other issue would be what the guys would think. I don’t know that they would want a guy sucking on their cock especially when there are three hot women in the room. So, there’s a good chance they wouldn’t be interested in that anyway. And how the hell would I bring that up as a possibility. It would be hugely embarrassing for me, especially if it grossed them out.”
“What if I insisted that you get one of them ready for me or else I won’t fuck him,” I responded. It could be on me to make it happen rather than on you. Do you think a guy would pass up fucking me rather than let a guy suck his cock?”
“Shit, I don’t know,” Brian said. “If it was me, I’m not so sure I would let a guy suck me in that situation. So, anyway, are you saying that you’ll do it if I will suck a cock if a guy lets me do it? Is that where we’re at with this right now?”
“I think so,” I said. “I’m not sure I want to have a gangbang but it would be worth it to see you explore your sexuality while I’m getting my brains fucked out. What do you think, Steph?”
“I think this all sounds so hot that my pussy is dripping wet and if one of you doesn’t take care of me soon, I’m going to scream,” Stephanie said. “I do agree with Brian, though, that Beth needs to be part of this decision. If she would think less of Brian for doing it, that makes it all not worth doing.” As she was talking, she sat down and spread her legs and used her fingers to open up her pussy. “Now one of you needs to get busy,” Stephanie demanded.
Brian didn’t need to be asked twice. He immediately dropped in front of Stephanie and got between her legs and started licking her dripping wet pussy. “Fuck, yes,” Stephanie moaned. “That’s what I’m talking about. Lick your little sister’s pussy, Brian. Make me cum all over your face.”
Brian stuck two fingers straight into her pussy as he attacked her clit. She was so wet, there was no resistance as he buried his fingers in all the way and started rubbing her g-spot. As Brian was working her over, I went over to Stephanie and started pinching and pulling on her tits and then I leaned over and started making out with her. She was moaning into my mouth. Suddenly she went into a big orgasm. She was trembling and convulsing. She squeezed her thighs together trapping Brian’s head between her legs and he kept finger fucking her all the way through her orgasm until she finally went limp.
“Damn,” Stephanie said. “I’ve never come that fast or that hard before. Just thinking about watching you being gangbanged, mom, and taking a big, black cock deep into your pussy, while Beth and I suck on other cocks and maybe seeing Brian sucking on a cock or two and licking their cum out of your pussy got me so worked up. I hope Beth will be into it, because I can’t wait for it to happen.”
Stephanie definitely couldn’t wait because she ran right out of the room to call Beth about the possible gangbang. She came back in the room a while later all smiles. “Well,” she said, “Beth was a bit hesitant at first because she wasn’t sure about being naked around a bunch of guys and sucking on a bunch of cocks. But when I assured her that our pussies would be off limits to the guys and about mom and I thinking it would be hot for Brian to be involved, she was all for it. She thinks it would be hot for all of us to be sucking on cocks at the same time. And since she’s never seen a black cock before and heard all the stories that we all have about how big they are, she’s definitely curious about that. So, Brian, it looks like it’s up to you. All of your women are all for it but we want you to participate as much as possible.”
“Shit,” Brian said. “I started this so I guess I need to put up or shut up. As long as it is mom that suggests that I suck someone’s cock and that guy says he’s okay with it, then I’ll do it. But I’m not asking to suck a guy’s cock or make him think I really want to do it. Are we agreed?”
Stephanie and I agreed and told him to arrange it as soon as he could, since we were now all hyped up for it.
Chapter 13
Brian arranged for the gangbang to happen in a little over a week. The five guys were all for fucking a MILF (that being me). Brian said that he didn’t tell the guys about Stephanie or Beth being there in case they decided they were too nervous to do it. The guys were going to come over at around 1pm on Saturday.
I was really nervous all week and people at work kept asking me if I was okay because they could tell something was up. I had to keep coming up with excuses for being out of it. I would normally have some appointments to show houses on Saturday as that is usually one of our busiest days. But I had to bail out of any showings that day.
On Saturday morning, I took a long bath and made sure to shave off every hair I could find below my neck. I also took the time to thoroughly wash out my ass with enemas. Stephanie, then, helped me by squirting a bunch of lube in my ass and using her fingers in me to completely coat the inside of my ass. Of course, she also took the opportunity to play with my pussy and brought me to a couple of orgasms by the time we were done.
Beth came over mid-morning and the two girls took a shower together that lasted way longer than simply showering, so I’m sure they enjoyed each other. I think they were almost as nervous as me.
Brian told us to wait upstairs when the guys came so that we could make a grand entrance. The guys were only expecting me to be there so Steph and Beth would be a surprise. Brian promised to go over the rules of engagement, especially regarding the girls, with the guys.
At long last, the doorbell rang right on time at 1:00. We heard Brian open the door and the sounds of several guys talking as he took them into the living room. Brian had gotten the room ready for the day’s debauchery by moving the couch and chairs to the walls, moving out the coffee table, and placing the mattress from the guest bedroom in the middle of the floor.
We finally heard our cue when Brian called out, “Come on down, ladies.” The three of us were completely naked and walked down the stairs with the girls behind me. The room got quiet when we emerged into the room except for some ‘damns’ and ‘oh shits’ muttered quietly.
“Guys,” Brian said, “I’d like you to meet my mother, Daphne, my sister Stephanie and my girlfriend, Beth.” When he said girlfriend, I turned to look at Beth and she had the biggest smile on her face I’d ever seen. I’m sure she expected to be introduced as Stephanie’s friend. “Ladies, these are Bill, Steve, James, George, and the big guy is Jamal. Now guys, I invited you here to enjoy a gangbang with my mom and didn’t say anything about Stephanie or Beth. So, here’s the deal. The girls are here to act as fluffers to get and keep you guys hard and ready for my mom and also to lick my mom clean of your cum so you don’t have such sloppy seconds. You may touch the girls with your hands but under no circumstances are you to fuck them or try to. As they are here to get your ready for my mom, you are not to cum in the girls’ mouths or on them. Save all your cum for my mom. It’s up to you guys whether you want to take my mom one at a time, two at a time, or whatever. All three of her holes are available to you. And while she is going to act like a total slut today for you, please keep in mind that she is my mom and treat her with respect. Lastly, we all know that Jamal is packing a big weapon so it would probably be best to let the other guys get my mom warmed up and ready for the big gun, but that’s just a suggestion. She’s never done anything like this before, so please make it a fun experience for her. Any questions?”
The guys all looked at each other and shook their heads. James started to unbutton his shirt and Stephanie stepped up to him and said, “Wait. I think that we girls should take care of getting you guys naked. Let us do that.”
James smiled and said, “That sounds like a good plan, Stephanie. Can I call you Steph?”
“Sure,” she said, “you can call me whatever you want.” She took James’ shirt off the rest of the way and then got down on her knees in front of him and started working on his shoes and socks. Meanwhile, Beth was working on Bill and I zeroed in on Jamal. I was in a hurry to see his big cock.
I was taking my time with Jamal so Steph and Beth got George and Steve naked next. As they did, they each started sucking on the guys’ cocks to get them hard and ready for me. I couldn’t take my eyes or my hands off of Jamal’s cock. It was, indeed, the biggest cock I’d ever seen. As I got him hard, it grew and grew. I’m sure it was at least ten inches if not a bit more. I grabbed onto his cock and pulled him over to the mattress. I got on the mattress on my knees and started licking and sucking on Jamal’s big, hard, black cock. I already understood the phrase about never going back. This was definitely not going to be the last time I had a big black cock. Once the girls got George and Steve ready, they came over and got on the mattress. Steve was behind me while I sucked Jamal. He slid his nice, but slightly longer than average cock into my pussy without any foreplay. I was plenty wet and he slid all the way in and ploughed in and out a few times. Then he pulled it out and pressed it against my rosebud. I pushed my ass against him and he popped right in. Stephanie’s lube job of my ass did the trick and Steve eased right into my ass. He then grabbed me and pulled me backwards so that he was laying on the mattress and I was on top of him laying backwards on his chest. George, then, came forward and slipped his cock into my pussy and I was already having my first DP.
Jamal came around the side of the mattress to once again feed his big cock into my mouth to make me air tight. I was too involved to be able to look around, but I heard some slurping going on so I was pretty sure the girls were taking care of James and Bill. I had no idea what Brian was doing. I was pretty busy.
Steve and George got into a rhythm and I was just in the middle of the sandwich and could really do nothing other than enjoy the ride. I was licking and sucking on Jamal’s cock and playing with his balls, but I wasn’t trying to make him cum. I wanted all of his see in my pussy as many times as possible that day. I’d never be able to take that monster in my ass so he’d have to be satisfied with my pussy. I was working up enough spit on his cock to try to take all of him down my throat. I can deepthroat Brian’s eight inches, so I thought I should be able to get two more inches down my throat, but it wasn’t easy. But my concentrating on Jamal’s cock instead of the two fucking my ass and my pussy, I was able to keep my orgasm at bay for a while. It was Steve that set everything in motion when he announced that he was going to fill my ass with his cum.
“Oh yes, Steve. Your cock feels so good in my ass. Fill me up, Steve. I want to feel your cum shooting up my ass,” I pleaded.
“Fuck yes. Here it comes, slut. Take my cum,” Steve yelled and then started squirting jet after jet of cum in my ass. That set off the chain reaction of George starting to cum in my pussy and I exploded into an enormous orgasm. I had to take Jamal’s cock out of my mouth as I orgasmed because I was afraid that I’d accidentally bite him because I was no longer in control of my body.
After the two cocks slipped out of me, the guys got off the bed and James and Bill got on. Before either of them could get their cocks in me, I felt a tongue on my pussy. I looked down and Beth was licking George’s cum out of my throbbing pussy. “Fuck,” James said, “look at that. I love seeing girls go down on each other. That’s fucking hot.”
“Yeah, it is,” agreed Bill. “But look at Beth’s ass in the air. It looks like it needs a cock to bury into her. Too bad she’s off limits.”
“She’s not off limits, to me,” I heard Brian say. And then I felt Beth being pushed into my pussy and knew that Brian had slipped his cock into Beth and was fucking her as she ate me. I turned my head to the side and James was right there and I took his cock into my mouth and started sucking. After a while, Beth let up on me because she had sucked out all the cum she could. She moved over beside me and laid down and Brian got on top of her and continued to fuck her. Meanwhile, Bill got between my legs and slipped his cock into my pussy. His cock felt to be about the size of Brian’s which is the perfect size for me. I felt nice and full. His cock was both long enough and had enough girth to completely fill my pussy nicely. As he fucked me, he started playing with one of my tits while licking and sucking on the other.
I had James’ cock all the way into my throat and was giving him my best blowjob possible. I had no problem getting him in my mouth all the way to the root. When I, then, stuck my tongue out and licked his balls at the same time he immediately started cumming. James hadn’t lasted too long but I knew he enjoyed it and would last longer the next time when he got his cock in one of my other holes.
Once James had his cock out of my mouth, I lifted my head to see what else was going on around me. It looked like Brian had cum inside Beth and they were now just laying there making out. I looked around for Stephanie and found her stroking Jamal’s giant cock and licking the head.
Finally, Bill started pounding into me harder and harder and I knew he was close to blowing his load. I coaxed him on with some moaning and dirty talk until he finally filled me with his cum. Once he got off of me, I looked to Jamal and I held out my arms to him. He extricated himself from Stephanie and came to me. Bill went over to Stephanie to get his cock cleaned up. Jamal climbed onto the bed and got between my legs. As badly as I wanted him in me, I wanted to see if he’d let Brian lick his cock first. This was the time and Brian was right next to me making out with Beth.
“Jamal, I want your big, black, beautiful cock in my pussy. I want you to fill me with your cock. I want you to pound the shit out of me and fill my white MILF pussy with your cum. But first, I want you to do me a favor.”
“What can I do for you, Daphne,” Jamal asked? “I’m not licking out Bill’s cum if that’s what you want.”
“No, Jamal, that’s not it,” I said. “I want Brian to lick and suck your cock and then slide it into my pussy. I want my son to be the one to get you ready for me and present you to me. Will you do that for me, please?”
Brian had rolled off of Beth and was looking at us. “You really want Brian to suck my cock,” Jamal asked? “Brian, are you up for that? Do you want to such my cock for your mom?”
Brian said, “I wouldn’t say it’s something I ever really wanted to do, but I told her that I would do absolutely anything for her and if this is what she wants, I’ll do it. But only if you’re okay with it. I know it’s weird, but it’s up to you.”
Jamal looked down at Beth and said, “And what about you little lady. Are you okay with your boyfriend sucking on my big black cock?”
“Actually,” Beth said, “I think it’s hot. You guys were getting off watching me lick Daphne’s pussy so it’s kind of the same thing. Seeing guys suck each other off is as hot to us girls as you seeing us eating each other’s pussies. I since I love licking pussy, it wouldn’t bother me if Brian finds out he likes sucking cock. We’re all here just to have fun, so why the fuck not?”
“Well,” Jamal said, “I’m not sucking any cocks here, but I guess I don’t really have a problem with Brian getting a taste of a real cock. If I close my eyes, will I really know if it’s a guy or a girl sucking my cock? Probably not. So, Brian, if you want it come and get it.”
By then, Jamal’s cock had lost some its hardness that Stephanie had given him. We watched as Brian moved over and took Jamal’s cock in his hand. “This is really weird,” Brian said. Stephanie had finished cleaning off Bill’s cock and came to the side of the bed. In fact, everyone had stopped to watch Brian take Jamal’s giant cock into his mouth. Having never sucked a cock before, and with the size of Jamal’s cock, Brian couldn’t get very much of it into his mouth. He took it back out and licked all around the head of Jamal’s cock. After a couple of minutes of Brian working on the cock, he appeared to be getting into it. If I didn’t take it away from him soon, I think he would have let Jamal cum in his mouth. I needed that cock.
I gave Brian a couple more minutes. Between his licking, sucking and stroking of Jamal’s cock it was plenty hard and ready for my pussy. “Okay,” I announced. “That’s enough now. I need that cock. Brian, put Jamal’s cock into my pussy. Feed it to me, Brian. I need that big cock now!”
Brian tugged Jamal over to my pussy and placed the head against it. Brian rubbed Jamal’s cock up and down my pussy which was still leaking Bill’s cum. With the head plenty wet, Brian placed Jamal’s cock right at my vagina and gave a pull on Jamal who leaned forward and started sliding that massive cock into my pussy. I couldn’t believe how big it was. He was stretching me like I’d never been stretched before. It hurt so good. Luckily, Bill’s cum and my copious juices were providing plenty of lubrication. It was just a matter of adjusting to the size of the invader.
Jamal, obviously, had enough experience to know that he had to go slow to let a vagina get used to his size to minimize the pain. He did a great job in pulling out and sliding back in just a bit further than before. After several minutes it felt as though he was as deep as Brian had ever been and was now starting to reach uncharted territory. The next couple of inches of my vagina were now going to belong to Jamal. I couldn’t wait. I wrapped my legs around Jamal’s waist and as he started moving forward, I clamped down on him and pulled him roughly into me burying his cock fully inside me. It hurt like hell but it felt so good. I kept my legs tight around him to not let him move for a minute as I got used to his size. Once my pussy adjusted, I released my legs and said, “Fuck, Jamal. That feels so fucking good. Now fuck me. Fuck me as hard and as long as you can. And when you’re ready, fill me with your seed. Breed me, Jamal. Breed me.”
I was delirious. Clearly, he wouldn’t really be breeding me as I was on the pill, but at that moment, I really did want him to breed me. That cock deserved to breed me. I was so wrapped up in the sensations in my pussy as Jamal started pounding in and out that the fact there were six other people around us watching faded from view. I reached up and grabbed Jamal’s face and brought his lips to mine. I tried to bury my tongue as far in his mouth as his cock was in my pussy. At that moment in time, I was Jamal’s to do with as he pleased. I knew this was not going to be the only time I fucked Jamal. I would let him have my pussy whenever he wanted. I was hooked on his big, black cock.
After several minutes, Jamal slid his cock out of me all the way and the sense of emptiness and loss was immediate. But he wasn’t done. He flipped me over and pulled up my hips so I was on my knees and my chest was on the mattress. He placed his cock at my vagina and pushed all the way back in. It went in so deep it felt like he’d added a couple of inches to his cock. I think I screamed, but it was muffled in the sheets. Jamal grabbed my hips and started really pounding me hard. I was cumming over and over again. I don’t know if I had a string of orgasms or just one long continuous one but I could stop shaking and squirting. Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, I felt his giant cock get even harder and thicker and I knew he was getting ready to cum. I was begging him to fill me up and to breed me and he finally let out a loud groan, pushed his cock as deep in me as he could and unleashed an unbelievable amount of cum. It felt like there was a firehose shooting off inside me. It seemed like his orgasm lasted for a couple of minutes, though it was probably shorter. But it was wonderful. I had never been fucked like that in my life.
When Jamal finally pulled out of me, I collapsed onto the bed exhausted. Someone rolled me over onto my back and then Stephanie jumped between my legs to gobble up all of Jamal’s cum that was streaming out of me. I looked around and saw that Beth was on her knees in front of Jamal licking his cock and balls clean. Then she grabbed Brian’s hand and pulled him over to them and pointed Jamal’s cock at Brian’s face. He started licking Jamal’s cum and my pussy juice off that big cock while Beth went back to cleaning his balls. When they were both done with Jamal they started kissing and tasting the cum and pussy juice on each other. It was pretty fucking hot to watch.
Meanwhile, the poor other guys were just sitting around stroking their cocks to get ready for the next round, but I needed a bit of a rest after Jamal’s pounding. I finally got up and excused myself telling them I needed to freshen up. I went upstairs and took a quick shower. I put some fresh lube into my ass because I knew the guys weren’t finished with that hole yet. I sprayed on a bit of perfume and headed back downstairs.
Brian and Jamal were on the couch talking while Beth and Stephanie each had a cock in their mouth and another in one hand. I got back onto the mattress on my hands and knees and waited to see who would join me. It didn’t take long for James to get behind me and slide his cock into my ass. Steve and George got in front of me and started taking turns feeding their cocks into my mouth. This was another first for me – servicing three guys at once using just two of my holes.
Not to be left out, Bill slid around under me and started fingering my pussy and playing with my clit. I think my hips were too high up for him to reach my pussy with his tongue and he may not have wanted to have his tongue that close to James’ cock so he just settled for using his fingers. I started groping around with one of my hands until I found Bill’s thigh and then moved my hand up until I found his hard cock. I started wanking him while still sucking the two others and had James pounding my ass. We settled into a rhythm and just enjoyed each other. As they guys had all come before they were in no hurry to cum again and took their time on me.
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that the girls were attending to Jamal. They were licking and sucking his big cock and licking his balls. Brian was stroking his own cock watching the girls play with the big black cock.
“Brian,” I heard Stephanie say, “I’m the only one who hasn’t had an orgasm today. Please lick my pussy. I really need to cum.”
“Shit, you’re right sis. I’m sorry about that. Come here,” Brian implored.
Stephanie got up on the couch next to Jamal and spread her legs. Brian got between her legs and started lapping at her pussy. Beth was still sucking on Jamal’s cock.
“Hey, Brian,” Jamal said, “would it be okay with you if I lick Beth’s sweet little pussy?” Brian raised his head from between Stephanie’s legs and looked at Beth. She gave a little smile.
“Well, I guess it’s okay with me if it’s okay with her. I just don’t want her fucking other guys.” He looked at Beth and she gave a sheepish nod of her head.
Beth and Jamal changed positions on the couch so now she was sitting next to Stephanie with her legs spread with Jamal between them. Jamal pushed the envelope a little bit as he pressed himself and his giant cock between Beth’s legs as he leaned forward over her and licked and sucked her tits. His cock was resting right against her pussy and he humped her slightly while sucking on her tits. I’m not sure she would have stopped him if he’d tried to push his cock into her. But he didn’t. He just kept that up enough to get Beth really turned on and wet. Then he lowered himself down and got to work licking her pussy and sucking on her clit. I had four guys working on me and the other two were licking the girls’ pussies.
Once everyone had cum again, things were kind of winding down. We were all tired, but Jamal had only had me once. He had another load to give and I needed that big cock inside me again. So, while Beth and Stephanie got Jamal hard and ready for me, Brian gave my pussy a thorough cleaning with his tongue.
Once Jamal and I had been prepped for each other, we met again on the mattress. First, I needed that cock in my throat again and I was determined to take it all. This time, I laid down on my back and hung my head over the end of the mattress to give Jamal a straighter shot down my throat. “Come here, Jamal. I want all of that beautiful cock down my throat. Give it all to me and fuck my throat,” I implored of him.
Jamal came over the to side of the mattress and got on his knees. He fed his cock to my mouth and I started licking and slobbering on it as much as possible to get it wet enough to slide down my throat. I reached up and fondled his balls as he fed his cock into my mouth. As he did, Jamal grabbed onto my tits and started mauling them. He pinched and pulled on my nipples. He pulled so hard I thought he was going to rip my nipples off my tits. And then he’d grabbed and squeeze them.
I grabbed onto his hips behind my head and started pulling him toward me more and more to get his cock buried all the way down my throat. Every so often, I pushed on his thighs to let him know to pull out so I could get a breath and then I pulled him back. I eventually had all ten glorious inches of his cock in my mouth and down my throat and he was vigorously fucking my mouth. I was torn. I really wanted him to cum down my throat and I wanted to taste his cum, but I needed him in my cunt. That need was too great and I eventually pushed him away. I flipped over onto my back and scooted up on the mattress. I raised and spread my legs and grabbed onto the back of my thighs to hold myself open to him.
“Fuck me, Jamal. Fuck me hard. I need your big beautiful cock so bad. Breed me again, Jamal. Please. I need it so fucking bad. This pussy is yours whenever you want it, Jamal. I am your white MILF slut. Fuck your slut. Fuck your pussy.”
Jamal climbed onto the bed and this time he wasn’t going to go slow. Between fucking my mouth and what I had just said, he was ready to split my cunt in two. He put his cock head to my vagina and pushed all the way in with one long push. I screamed in pain and lust and went into an immediate orgasm. As he pulled his stroke out, a geyser of pussy juice shot out of me and squirted all over Jamal and the bed. That happened three times and felt so fucking good each time. I had never been this turned on in my life.
Jamal pounded my pussy for at least fifteen minutes before pulling out. He then got off the mattress and stood up. He held out his hand to me so I got off the mattress as well. He put his arms around my waist and lifted me up and I put my legs around his waist. He then slid me down until I was impaled on his giant cock. He was so big and strong, I felt like a child in his arms. He’s at least 6’7” tall and strong. He started lifting me and then allowing me to drop down onto his cock. That pushed his cock even deeper in me than he’d ever been. I had never been fucked standing up before and it was unbelievable. Everyone else had just stopped what they were doing and watched as Jamal fucked me into oblivion. Once again, my orgasms just kept rolling over me. I couldn’t stop cumming. I was starting to feel lightheaded. Just about when I thought I couldn’t take it anymore, his firehose went off again and he filled me with stream after stream of his black baby batter. At that moment, I wanted his baby so much. I know it’s not rational. I was on the pill. I’d only known him for a few hours. I was too old to have more kids. But I wanted to carry his at that moment.
When he finally let me down, I collapsed onto the mattress yet again. Beth came over to lick Jamal’s cum out, but I stopped her. “Not this time, Beth. I want his cum in me as long as possible. That was the fuck of my life and I just want to lay here and enjoy it for a while.”
Stephanie was already licking Jamal’s cock clean while the other guys started to get dressed. We were all worn out and they could clearly see I’d been well and truly fucked and couldn’t go again any time soon. Eventually, they all got ready to leave. I was still laying on the mattress when each guy came over and thanked me and gave me a kiss. Jamal was the last one. When he thanked me, I said, “Jamal, it’s me that needs to thank you. I meant it when I said it was the best fuck of my life. I also meant it when I said this pussy is yours whenever you want it. You come by whenever you want some of this MILF pussy and I’ll gladly spread my legs for you. Please don’t make me wait too long for you to come back.” With that I gave him my best kiss.
After they were gone, we sat around and talked about what had happened. I continued to lay on the mattress and let Jamal’s cum swim around searching for an egg that was not to be found.
Beth said, “Brian, I had a lot of fun today. I hope you’re okay with Jamal licking my pussy. I was just really turned on by everything that was happening. If it weren’t for my feelings for you, I probably would have let him fuck me. That cock is amazing and watching how he used it on your mom, I wouldn’t have had a lot of will to resist him if you weren’t here. But I promised you that it is you and only you that I want and that still holds true after today. I’ve also got to say that watching you suck Jamal’s cock was just as hot as I thought it would be. And then when he sucked his cock together, I was so wet I was dripping all over the floor. Thank you for today. It was a lot of fun.”
“I’m glad you had fun,” Brian responded. “I have to admit that if I wasn’t so scared that you’d start craving that cock as much as my mom obviously has, I’d have wanted to watch him fuck you. I’d love to see you have the kind of satisfaction that mom felt today, but I guess my insecurity would get in the way. What about you, Steph? Did you have fun?”
“Yeah, I did,” Stephanie replied. “I’ve obviously never been around a bunch of naked guys or cocks before. It’s fun seeing the differences in them. And as nice as they all were, both the cocks and the guys themselves, I still only want your cock. I know I shouldn’t but at this point I’m not interested in just getting fucked. You’ve made love to me and that is what I want. I don’t know how I’ll ever find someone else who’ll be able to truly say he loves me before he fucks me, but that’s what I really want and need. God, I’m so fucked up.”
“No, you’re not Steph,” I said. “It’s really what all women want. You were one of the lucky few who has not only experienced it but was able to experience it as her first time. I can only say that there’s nothing wrong with just fucking for enjoyment as I did today. I had a magnificent time today. My only regret is that I didn’t get to swallow any cum. I was too busy getting loads in my other holes. All of the guys were great, but now I know why women say size matters. Not only is Jamal’s cock huge, but he knows how to use it as well. I wouldn’t say I’m particularly entranced with big black cocks, but I am entranced with that particular big black cock. I was totally serious when I said he can fuck me whenever he wants. Don’t be surprised to find us here fucking sometimes because I won’t ever refuse him, just like I’ll never refuse Brian. I know I told you, Brian that I wanted you to control my sexual life, but there’s no controlling that one. You opened that door and it’s not closing any time soon.”
We all just laid around resting and I finally just fell asleep. I must have been out for at least a couple of hours because it was starting to get dark when I woke up. I don’t know where everyone else went but someone had covered me up so I had slept really well and felt refreshed. But I needed another shower so I headed up to my room and got in the shower.