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My name is Diana, and I'm an exhibitionist and a slut. It's a badge I wear proudly. ;)
This took place a while back, but it still turns me on thinking about it. I was somewhere in my mid to late 20's, and I really enjoyed exhibitionism and teasing. There's something about showing off my naked tits and pussy to someone, and acting like I don't know... that thrill of knowing they are looking, but acting like you don't know... it's so fucking hot. Just seeing their reaction, knowing they think they got away with it.. Mmmm.

Anyway, a couple of my female friends and I decided to take a girl's trip to Miami. We were excited to get away, have some drinks, and let loose a bit! My boyfriend at the time really didn't want me to go without him, but I insisted it was girls only. He's caught me showing off around his friends, but I've always played innocent like it was an accident. He's a very jealous guy, so I try to make sure he never sees me teasing others.

One of my two friends that went with me (Chelsea) is a big tease as well. We are really bad influences on each other, lol. She's has a long term boyfriend and they share a kid together. The other friend (Samantha) is married and not into our little teasing games. We all get along well though, and Chelsea and myself love to get a reaction out of Samantha when she hears some of our stories. I know I can fully trust both of them to not say a word about anything to my boyfriend. This would be the first time that the three of us went on a trip alone together, and I knew the possibilities were limitless.

We got into our hotel in Miami and started to unpack. I noticed that Chelsea packed skimpy clothes... and she noticed I did the same. We smiled at each other as Samantha hung up her clothes. Samantha is a tad on the shy side, and has never been with anyone other than her husband. She's a bit on the chunky side, but with massive tits that look great on her... it's really a shame only her husband has got to enjoy her body. I don't think she's ever been comfortable being nude with anyone other than her husband and us.

Anyway, we spent the day running around the beach in our skimpy bathing suits (besides Samantha who wore a modest bathing suit) and drinking all day. By the end of the night we decided to skip the clubs and just hang out in the hotel hot tub and pool. To say I was feeling very tipsy would be an understatement, and I'm sure both the others were the same. Samantha looked like she was ready to pass out, and Chelsea had the same look I had... drunk and horny.

The three of us had the hot tub to ourselves. It was late, but we weren't quite ready to call it a night yet. We continued to drink and share hookup stories from our past when a young guy walked over and joined us in the hot tub. I never asked his age, but he was clearly not 21. We introduced ourselves, and he in turn told us his name was Michael. Michael said he was in town with his family, but snuck out of the room because he couldn't sleep. I noticed Michael would look at our boobs, and then quickly look away... normal for any guy really. Samantha stood up and said "I think I'm going to call it a night" as she walked out and dried herself off. We tried to talk her into staying, but deep down I knew it would probably be more fun without her at that moment.

Michael did a poor job of hiding the fact he was clearly checking Samantha out. Since she stood up, his eyes had been glued to her. As Samantha walked away, I looked at Michael and said "she has a nice ass on her, doesn't she?"... I was pretty drunk, so I might have slurred my words a bit. Chelsea smiled and said "great pair of tits too". Been turned red and said "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have stared like that" to which Chelsea replied "I couldn't help but stare myself, it's normal". Michael smiled at Chelsea, as she added "I'd be insulted if you didn't check me out as well" with a wink. Michael said "I'll be sure to do that" and we all chuckled. I said "can you believe her husband is the only guy who has ever fucked her? It's a shame really".

Michael said "wow, he's a lucky guy", as I caught him staring at my tits. I jokingly said "my nipples didn't fall out again did they?" as I looked down and adjusted my small top a little. I unintentionally embarrassed Michael again and he said "wow, I'm sorry if I'm being creepy and staring". Chelsea and I both giggled and told him it was fine, and normal, and reassured him we weren't offended at all. I told him "I'm always worried of offending someone if my nipple slips... because I have big nipples, it happens easily". Chelsea pointed out "with these skimpy bikinis, it's not always easy to keep everything covered". Michael smiled and said "well if anything happens to slip out, I'll let you know... at least no one else is around if it did happen".

Chelsea and I smiled at each other, we both knew we were going to tease him. I said to Michael "Thanks for keeping an eye out for us" as I gave a playful chest shake. Michael's eyes were glued to my boobs, like he was trying to mentally manipulate my top. Chelsea commented "Diana has bigger nipples than I do, despite my boobs being bigger... mainly just because I had a boob job". Chelsea then shook her boobs as well to show how they were a little more stiff. Michael was looking back and forth at our tops with a grin and said "they both look nice to me". I said "thank you, Michael... her tits are a bit perkier than mine, you can obviously see where our nipples are". Chelsea added, "that's just because of the implants".

Ben looked at Chelsea and asked "do you have a scar from the surgery?" to which Chelsea replied "yeah, under my nipples... I wish the scar didn't show so much". I told her "it's not bad, your tits look great!" to which Ben added "I'm sure they do". Chelsea gave me a look, and I knew what she wanted. I looked back at her and said "Why don't you let Michael be the judge?.. you wouldn't mind, would you Michael?" Michael perked up and said "sure, I wouldn't mind". Chelsea did her best to act somewhat reluctant and said "I don't know... you won't think I'm a whore, will you Michael?" Michael was quick to reply "not at all!". I smiled and looked at Chelsea and said "I'll show mine, if you show yours... deal?" Chelsea looked as if she was thinking it over and said "well... ok". I smiled at Michael and said "would you like that Michael, would you like to see our naked tits?". I think that it was almost too much for him, he just nodded his head while breathing heavier.

Chelsea smiled, and then drunkenly stammered "ok... make sure no one is looking". In all honesty, anyone could have been looking down at us, but there didn't appear to be anyone in sight. She said "you guys get closer... in case anyone walks up" she stammered, looking much more drunk than earlier. We both moved to each side of her, and she gave a grin as she slowly lifted her top, letting her nipples free and then resting her bikini top on her upper chest. Michael looked like he just found extraterrestrial life... wide eyed and fully focused on her tits. I pointed out that the scar was under her nipple, and Michael closely investigated it. I asked Chelsea "is it OK if we feel your scar?". Chelsea didn't say anything she just nodded her head with a grin.

I slowly felt her scar and watched as Michael followed suit. I then gave Michael a devilish smile and slowly started rubbing her nipples with my hand, and then her full boob. Michael noticed that Chelsea didn't say anything, so he followed in my footsteps and played with her tits as well. Chelsea had her head pulled back, but I could tell she was getting increasingly turned on... and I'm sure the alcohol was only contributing toward her growing more horny. I gave Michael a seductive look and said "can you feel how firm her boobs are, and how hard her nipples are?". Michael awkwardly said "they feel and look great".

Chelsea looked over at me and bit her lip, and I knew she was really getting horny. I could feel her arm under the water, and had a pretty good idea she was rubbing her pussy out of our view. Chelsea and I had openly discussed masturbation in the past, but we had never done it in front of each other... although the idea really started to sound hot. I needed to calm things down a bit before they got out of hand, so I covered her tits back up and asked Michael "is that the first time you felt a girl up?". Michael said "no, I've had a couple girlfriends in the past that let me play with their boobs. Just one girl, and my current girlfriend". I jokingly said "what's your girlfriend going to think about you feeling up another girl?" to which Michael replied "I'm pretty sure she'll never hear about tonight", I giggled and said "yeah, I'm sure my boyfriend won't either". And speak of the devil, my phone rang...

I climbed out of the hot tub, grabbed my phone, and of course it was Hank... my boyfriend. I looked at the others and put my finger to my mouth so they knew to be quiet. I noticed it looked like Chelsea was passed out, not sure how long she'd been. Hank sounded upset as soon as I answered the phone, because I hadn't let him know what I was doing. I told Hank "calm down, were just at the hotel... I promise I haven't been running around naked or fucking anyone"... which technically was true, I hadn't... yet. But I knew I would soon. Hank said "I just worry about you and want to make sure your safe", which I knew actually meant he wanted to make sure I wasn't sucking someone else's cock.

I said "I'm fine. Samantha has already called it a night, and I'm about to drag Chelsea out of the hot tub and go to sleep". Hank asked "is there anyone else at the hot tub?" I lied and said "no, just Chelsea and myself" and gave a wink to Michael who had been looking me up and down and looking at Chelsea's semi covered boobs. I was standing over him in my g string bikini, that didn't cover much, but it did cover the naughty parts. Hank said "tell Chelsea I said hi". I stepped back into the hot tub next to Chelsea and gave her a little shake and said loudly "Chelsea, Hank says hi". The shaking did two things... it woke her up for a moment and she said "Hi Hank!", but it also caused both her nipples to be exposed again... something that wasn't missed by Michael.

Hank said "it sounds like you guys have been doing some drinking", too which I replied "yeah, we've been hanging out having drinks, but I think it's time for us to go to bed now. I'll talk to you later". Hank said "ok, just keep in touch!". I told him I would, and that I loved him, and hung up. Michael was still just staring at Chelsea's tits, and I just smiled and said "she has a great body, doesn't she?" to which Ben nodded and said "a really great body... you do to by the way, from what I've seen". I knew Michael hadn't forgot that I was supposed to let him see my tits to... and that statement was his way of reminding me.

I woke Chelsea up again and told her she needed to lie down. I helped her up and walked her to recliner I laid her down and asked her how she's feeling. She smirked at me and said "really tired, and really horny". I smirked back and said "would you like for me to show you off to Michael, or would you rather just get some rest?". Chelsea smiled and said, in a slurred drunken manner "I'll act asleep, you can show me off or let him fuck me, I'm good with whatever". I have to admit, I didn't expect her to say he could fuck her, nor did I expect things to go that far... but it was nice to know she was cool with whatever happens.

I went back to Michael, who had been watching us talk from enough distance that he couldn't hear us, and told him "she's passed out, I might need some help getting her back to our room... if you don't mind". Ben said "I don't mind at all" and started to get out of the hot tub. I heard my phone alert, and it was my boyfriend texting me... it simply said "how about a boob pic?", too which I texted back "out here by the hot tub, or back in the room?". Hank replied back "get Chelsea's drunk ass to take the Pic of you, since no one else is around". I went over to Michael who was looking at Chelsea's laid out body, nipples exposed, pussy barely covered... I said "Michael, before we go to the room... can you take a pic for my boyfriend? He thinks Chelsea is taking it, and he wants to see my tits... and I was supposed to show you anyway...".

Michael smiled as I handed him my phone. He held it up and then stared at me as I looked around, and then took off my top. Michael had a big grin as he got his first look at my nipples, and then took a few pics. He walked over to me, and I didn't bother to cover as I took my phone back and looked at the picture. It was hot seeing it, knowing it was what Michael saw. I thanked him and put my top back on, and then sent the pic to Hank. I walked back over to Chelsea, who was still laying there seemingly passed out with her tits exposed. Michael said "you guys are awesome" with a huge grin. I looked at Chelsea and said "she really had a great body, doesn't she?". Michael nodded and said "yes she does". I looked at Michael and said "I think it'll take both of us to walk her to our room, she's not waking up" as I played with one of her exposed titties. Ben smiled and reached for her other nipple as he said "I guess she's not".

I heard my phone alert again, and it was Hank again, saying he loved the pic and wanted more. I told him "wait till I get back to the room and I'll send you some". I looked at Michael and said "can you keep a secret?". Michael nodded, and I reached down to Chelsea's bikini bottom and pulled it aside... exposing her pussy to us both. I didn't know if Chelsea was asleep or acting like she was asleep, but I knew she already gave me the thumbs up. I told Michael "I've always wanted to get a good look at her pussy... this stays between us ok?". Michael nodded as he looked at her meaty lips, slightly gaping, with very low trimmed hair across her bikini area... you could tell she shaved the rest. I asked Michael "has any girl shown you her pussy before?". Michael shook his head, and said "I've only seen a girl's pussy on video before... fuck, she's so hot". I was a little jealous that Chelsea got to be the first pussy he saw in person, but it was still incredibly hot.

I covered her back up and said "ok, that's enough... let's get her back to the room". We both grabbed an arm and pulled her up, and she woke up for a bit... I honestly wasn't sure if she was acting or really waking up. We both put an arm around her and lifted her up, as she stumbled along. We managed to get her to an elevator, and to our room without much problem. As we walked in, I remembered that Samantha was in the room sleeping. The tv was left on (Samantha couldn't sleep without a TV on), and a bedside light was on. I told Michael to keep quite as we walked her over to the other bed and laid her down. I told Michael "we need to take off her wet bathing suit as I started untying her top. I pointed at her butt and said "go ahead and remove her bottoms". Chelsea was faced down on the bed with her ass hanging over the side... and as I removed her top, I saw her smile as Michael removed her bottoms... and I knew she was aware he was looking at her naked ass.

I got another message from Hank saying "where's the pics?". I replied, "what do you want to see", and he quickly replied back "that ass and that pretty pussy". I told Hank "I'm not going to ask Chelsea to take a pic of my pussy, lol". I asked Michael, who was looking Chelsea over, "can you take a picture of my ass? My boyfriend wants it". Michael smiled at me and said "sure!". I smiled and reminded him to be quite since they were sleeping. He smiled back and said "oh yeah, sorry". I wasn't to worried, since the tv was on making noise already, but still... Samantha would probably be upset that I had a guy in the room while she was sleeping. I gave Michael my phone again, and walked over to the balcony door. I stood in front of it and removed my top and bottom... now standing completely nude in front of Michael. I said "Thanks for doing this", as I turned so that my ass was pointed toward him. He replied "it's my pleasure" as he took a few pics. I walked back over to him, deciding to remain nude for his eyes, and sent my boyfriend the pics.

I asked Michael "what do you think of my tits compared to Chelsea's? Are my nipples too big, do they look nice?" as I walked up to him to grant him a closer look. He was obviously in awe... I was standing completely nude in front of him, and Chelsea had her naked ass in the air as well. Michael stammered "you look incredible" as he looked me up and down. I heard my phone alert I had a message, and it was Hank saying "will you take some pussy pics for me alone in the bathroom then? Loved the ass pics!". I showed Michael the message and he smiled and asked "want me to take some pics for you?" to which I smiled back and said "ok, but in the bathroom". I grabbed his hand and led the way to the bathroom and closed the door... it was just me and Michael alone, I was completely naked, and I was about to let him get a really good look at my horny pussy.

I handed him the phone and said "be sure to get up close so he thinks I took the pictures". Michael said "no problem" as I sat down on the counter next to the sink. He got down on his knees on front of me as I slowly spread my legs, giving him the first really good look at my pussy, and seeing his face made my heart skip. He put his face up close as he took the pics.. I think he misunderstood me when I told him to take the pictures up close... but that just made it that much sexier. He stood up and handed me the phone, and I sent the pics to Hank while I stayed in the same position with my legs spread. I looked at Michael who was standing in front of me and asked if he enjoyed looking at my pussy. He told me he loved it, and that I was beautiful. I pulled my feet up on the counter with my legs spread, giving him the best view I possibly could, when the phone alerted again. Hank said "some pictures of your pussy spread open, and I'll leave you alone". I showed the message to Michael who smiled in return and said 'I was hoping for that". I handed Michael the camera again and he once again got on his knees with a close view.

If Hank had any clue what I was doing, he'd be pissed... but ironically Hank was directing Michael without even knowing it. As the pictures became more explicit at Hanks request, so did Michael's view of my body. And now Michael was eye level to my pussy waiting for me to spread it for him. I spread my legs as wide as I could spread them and then used one hand to open my pussy as Michael clicked away. I was rubbing my tits with my free hand, and slowly gliding my fingers up and down my pussy, occasionally opening up so he could explore my opening. Michael eventually stopped taking pictures, placing the phone on the counter, and staying up close looking at my pussy. I started to rub my clit in front of him, and he leaned in and started licking my pussy.

I couldn't believe it. I don't know what I expected to happen, but I was honestly taken by surprise... which in hindsight is ridiculous. Here I am completely nude with my pussy in his face, of course he's going to do something! I looked down at him and said "Mmmm, does my pussy taste good? You enjoying your first taste of pussy?". Michael just moaned as I picked up my phone and sent Hank the pics with the message 'good night'... if he had any idea that I had this young guy eating me out as I sent it. I recorded Michael exploring my pussy for a bit, and then put down the phone. I looked down at Michael as I pulled his head up toward my face. Just as he thought I was going to kiss him, I said "I have a treat for you" as I dropped to my knees and pulled down on the waist band of his swimming trunks. His hard cock jumped out, almost like it was attacking me. I grabbed his dick, which was already leaking pre cum, and shoved it in my mouth. Michael's face looked like someone was twisting his arm, as I worked his cock in and out of my mouth.

I looked up at him and said "how bad do you want to fuck me?". Michael looked at me and said "more than anything in the world right now"... and the thing is, I knew he meant it. I thought about Chelsea in the other room... was she serious that she wanted to get fucked? Maybe she was asleep already... I decided I would check. I looked at Michael and said "I'm going to let you fuck me, but just give me a minute, I'll be right back". Michael looked excited, horny, and confused as he replied "ok". I walked out of the bathroom, shaking my ass a little as I closed the door. I walked over to Chelsea and said "hey you still awake?". Chelsea smiled and said "you have me naked in here teasing Michael... I've been to horny to sleep! Is he still here?" I giggled "yeah, he's in the bathroom... and I'm going to fuck him". Chelsea's eyes lit up despite her drunken stupor. I asked her "do you want to watch, or maybe get fucked also?" She looked at me with lust on her face, and simply nodded. I said "keep acting like you're passed out, I'll see if I can get him to fuck you... if that doesn't work then you can just wake up and join in". Chelsea smiled and said "we've always talked about possibly having a threesome". I gave her a little kiss and said "Is it OK if I eat your pussy in front of him?" to which Chelsea responded by nodding her head and rolling over on her back.

I went back to the bathroom, and opened the door to see Michael quickly stop jerking off. I acted like I didn't notice, and said "shhh, come here and look at this" as I took him by the hand and led him into the room naked. It was then that I noticed Samantha had rolled over on her back, and one of her tits were exposed... I hadn't expected that she was nude in bed, but apparently she just took off her swimsuit when she got to the room and went to bed... but now the girl who had never been seen nude in front of another man besides her husband was now being seen by Michael. She has really massive tits and her nipples look great... but she'd die if she knew he saw her. I looked at Michael and said "she can never know you saw her!" As I slowly stroked his cock while he looked at her.

I slowly guided his cock back over to the other bed where Chelsea was laying on her back naked and spread. I said "this is what I wanted to show you... doesn't she look so sexy?" Michael nodded as his cock throbbed on my hands... I said "and look at this, she's not waking up no matter what" as a shook her. I then went down between her legs and held them up, spreading her meaty pussy open. Michael got down there with me as we spread her pussy open and explored her pussy. I smiled at Michael and said "our secret... ok?". Michael nodded and said ok... and with that I started to lick her pussy. We had been friends for awhile, but we've never had sex together... although we had talked about it many times... but it was exciting having my tongue finally exploring her inside.

I looked at Michael and said "do you want a taste?". He didn't reply, he just slowly leaned in and gently started licking Chelsea's pussy. I looked at Chelsea while rubbing her tits, and she smiled at me. I smiled back with my finger in front of my mouth, signaling to not let him know she was awake. She slightly nodded as she closed her eyes and enjoyed this young guy eating her out. I pulled Chelsea's legs up and told Michael to really get in there... I think he realized he didn't have to worry about her waking, and really started diving his tongue in her... fuck, it turned me on so much. I laid down next to her and spread my legs, and told Michael "eat my pussy too! I'm so fucking horny!".

Michael moved over and started licking inside my pussy, as I played with Chelsea's tits. He would then go back to licking Chelsea, and then licking me... going back and forth... I was ready to get fucked. I looked over at Samantha who was still laying on her back with her titty out... she would be so upset to know what we were doing in the same room as her... much less that her titty was exposed to another man for the first time ever. I pulled Michael up from between my legs and gave him a kiss, and said "if you can keep quiet, you can Fuck me... but don't let Samantha wake up... ok". Michael said "yes, ok... do I need a condom?". I told him "It's OK, we're both on birth control"... and the fact I said 'both' wasn't lost on him, as he realized I was saying he could fuck Chelsea too.

Michael grabbed his cock and stared at my pussy as he slowly guided it in... and then gradually started pumping his cock into his first pussy. I said "how does my pussy feel, do you like being in my pussy?". Michael stared at my tits and said "this is the best thing ever". I smiled and said "do you like that you have two other girls in the room with their tits out?". Michael glanced around the room, looked at Samantha for a bit and then Chelsea. I could tell he was trying really hard not to cum. I saw him staring at Chelsea's gaping pussy, and asked him "do you want to see what it feels like to fuck Chelsea? I see you looking, go ahead and see". Michael looked at me as he continued to fuck me, and then slowed down and pulled out. I'm not going to lie, this whole scenario unfolding in front of me really turned me on. This young guy just fucked me in front of Chelsea and while getting to see Samantha's tit... and now he was going to sneak a fuck out of Chelsea. In a normal scenario, this would be so wrong... but knowing Chelsea's in on it, and I was about to watch her get fucked... I started rubbing my clit the second his dick left me and moved over pointed directly toward Chelsea's pussy.

I watched as he slowly guided himself inside of her until it was all the way in and then slowly pull back out... I realized he was just wanting to make sure she wouldn't wake up, but Chelsea did an awesome job of hiding her reaction. I decided to climb on top of her, presenting my pussy from behind to Michael, while simultaneously hiding Chelsea's face. Once I was blocking his view of her, I licked her ear and whispered "It's OK he can't see you". Chelsea slowly opened her eyes and saw that she didn't have to hide... and the pleasure in her eyes as he fucked her was so intense, I smiled as I watched her look at me while getting pounded on. I looked back at Michael and said "shhh, not to hard... you'll wake up Sam". He slowed his pace as I looked over at Samantha who had barely moved, and then felt him start to push back inside me again. I looked at Chelsea, who was smiling back at me as he started fucking me again.

Chelsea looked down at my tits bouncing as he continued to fuck me... she whispered in my ear "you slut" with a smile. After a minute he then pulled out of my pussy and went back into Chelsea. I loved seeing her tits bounce up and down under me knowing she was getting fucked. I whispered in her ear "you're such... a whore... letting this... young guy... fuck you". She looked at me with a panicked look and said mouthed "I'm going to cum!" As he continued to fuck her. I looked back at Michael and said "don't stop fucking her... I think she's about to cum even though she's passed out...". I could see the excitement in his face knowing he was fucking her good. I covered her face with my hair and stared into her eyes as she cum all over his cock... you could hear her pussy was sopping wet while he fucked her, and she let out a short grunt as she had an orgasm that made her shake. I looked back at Michael and said "she's still passed out" with a reassuring grin. I got up so he could see for himself and then laid him on the bed next to her. She was still breathing a little heavy, but acting like she was passed out still. I got in top of him and guided his bare cock inside of me.

I started riding his cock while he looked up at my tits bouncing in front of him. I told him "It's not going to take me long to cum... do you want to cum inside of me?" Michael nodded his head as I rode him a little harder... but keeping an eye on Samantha, too make sure she didn't wake up. Just seeing her with her tit out, oblivious to what was going on, really turned me on. I started to buck a little harder and felt the orgasm crawling up quickly. I looked down on him and told him "I'm cumming!"... and I gushed on his cock as the orgasm came to a head.

Michael looked so happy, like he won the lottery... and maybe he had, lol. I climbed off of him and asked "are you happy?" to which he replied "I'm the happiest I've ever been". He got up and looked down on Chelsea's worn pussy with a smile. I said "It's really late know, you should probably get back to your room". He nodded and said "yeah, your right... thank you". I smiled and said "thank you too". He walked to the door and turned around, but then froze. He was staring at Samantha and walking toward her... and I could tell she was more revealed from his perspective. I got up and walked over to see what he was able to see, and was shocked that the blanket had moved to where both her tits were exposed, and her leg was showing all the way up to her pussy... which was barely covered. He looked at me as if to ask to move the blanket to see her pussy.

I normally wouldn't consider it, but this wasn't a normal night... after everything that had happened, it seemed a fitting end for another guy to get to see her pussy. I knew it was risky, if she woke up there would be hell to pay. I looked at Michael and said "if she wakes up, she can't see you... understand?" He nodded in response. I said go into the bathroom, and if she moves, stay there until I say... I'll tell you when to come back in the room. He walked toward the bathroom and turned off the light. I was actually nervous... why was I doing this? I really didn't understand but him seeing her forbidden pussy really turned me on.

I barely moved the blankets and few inches when her eyes slightly opened, and she asked what I was doing. I told her the blanket was coming off and she was naked. She shrugged the blanket off and said "who cares, it's just you guys"... and then drifted back to sleep. She had completely revealed her body, with one leg pulled up, it showcased her pussy nicely. I looked back at the bathroom and Michael was already looking and jacking off. Samantha let out a little snore, and I motioned Michael into the room. Seeing him Jack off while walking up on her naked spread body was one of the hottest things I'd seen in a long time. I started rubbing my pussy standing next to Michael. I watched as he fully explored her body and pumped his cock furiously. I got in my knees and started sucking his cock while rubbing my clit, and he in turn continued to stare at Samantha as he fucked my face until he came in my mouth.

I looked at him and said "time to go" with a smile. He once again whispered "thank you" as I walked him to the door. I stood there naked as he turned around to watch me close the door. I quickly jumped into bed with Chelsea, and was anxious to talk to her about everything! Chelsea said "Diana, that was by far the hottest thing that's ever happened to me!" I pointed over at Samantha and said "Michael came in my mouth while looking at that". Chelsea saw how revealed she was and said "Jesus, you can see her pussy lips... she'd kill us if she knew" with a giggle. I looked at Chelsea and said "We should plan more fun together... our guys don't have to know that we're sluts". We both laughed out loud, and Samantha yelled "go to sleep".


2022-02-08 11:28:05
I'd love to read a part two to this story

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