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This is part 1 of a series.
My name is Diana, and I had lived in the same apartment complex with my husband (Peter) for over 10 years. It's where I met my current best friend (Carol), who lives here as a single mom with two boys (Ben and Jason). Carol has been a great friend over the years, often joining us on vacations and holidays. Peter and I had moved into a house recently, but I still spent time with Carol often.

She's very strict with her boys, not allowing them to watch R rated movies, have cell phones, or unsupervised time online. I always felt she was too strict, but both the boys were incredibly well behaved and polite. Peter and I chose to not have kids, and enjoyed the hot wife lifestyle. Carol knew about it, but had no interest in being part of it. She did enjoy hearing about my fun activities though, always asking about the details. I'd tell her about fucking strangers that Peter set up from online personal ads, going to adult theaters and arcades, swinger clubs, ect... I liked sharing my adventures with her, as she was the only one in my personal life that knew about it.

We have lived a very adventurous sex life, and I fucking love it! I love the excitement of a new man using my body. Some guys just want to watch, and that turns me on as well... seeing them stare at my tits and pussy while I masterbate in front of them, often while they do the same. Some guys can't wait to slam their cocks into my married pussy, often while my husband watches and films. No one else in our lives know about our relationship, preferring that those around us don't see us different, or expect anything that might eventually make things awkward. We prefer to just play with those we don't really know to avoid drama. Carol is the only person I confide in.

As Ben and Jason grew older, I noticed them gawking at me, always staring at my ass or tits. I couldn't blame them for being curious, especially since they didn't have the opportunity to see many women nude due to their strict mother. Peter noticed as well, and would often tease me about it. He knew how much I love the attention, and knowing they want to see more of me. We didn't think much about it, it was just boys being boys.

Carol called me crying one day, telling me that an old childhood friend had suddenly passed due to a car accident. She asked me if I could watch Ben for a week while she goes back home for the funeral. Apparently Jason was going to be staying at his friend's house, but Ben didn't have anywhere else to stay. I told her it should be no problem, and that she didn't need to worry about it. I felt they were both old enough to stay home alone, but I didn't say anything, as I didn't want to further upset her. Besides, it could be fun having him over, and it was just a week.

The next day Carol pulled up with Ben, and once again thanked me for helping out. I reminded her that I really didn't mind. I am home alone most of the time anyway (I work from home, which I prefer because I can do it at my own pace), and I knew he was well old enough to entertain himself. Carol gave him a hug goodbye and told him to behave (she acts like he's still a young boy, lol). He in turn said he would, as he rolled his eyes while she couldn't see him.

Once she left I walked Ben to the room he'd be staying in. It was just a small guest room with shared access to the master bathroom, and a door that lead outside to the pool. I figured he'd be able to play his video games and swim as much as he wanted there. I handed him a tablet so he'd have access to the internet. He looked at me, a little worried and said "Mom, never let's us use these unless it's for school and she's with us". He looked embarrassed saying it, as he knew it was ridiculous, but I think he thought he would get in trouble later if she found out he used it. I giggled a little and said "We both know your mom is to hard on you. You can use it while you're here, I promise not to say anything". With that I gave him a smile and a quick wink, and told him to unpack and make himself at home. Ben smiled, knowing that I honestly wouldn't say anything (I always gave them a little freedom when I could) and said "Thanks Diana, I appreciate it!". I told him he was more than welcome, and then left him to unpack. I could feel him staring at my ass as I walked out, but that was normal for him.

I went and did some work on my office, finished up and went to check on him. He had his video games hooked up to the TV in his room already, and was looking at the tablet while laying down on the bed. I asked him if he had brought any swim shorts, and he said he hadn't. So I shook my head and said "well that's not going to do, let's go to the store and get bathing suits. I need a new one anyway." He looked at me a little shocked and asked "are you sure? I really don't want to be a bother." I let him know it was no big deal, and I was going to shower before going out. Once I said that I notice him look me up and down, and I realized he was thinking about what I looked like naked... which I found both amusing and a turn on.

I walked out of the room through the shared bathroom and closed the door so I could undress to shower.

Once the door was closed and I was undressing, I kept thinking about how he would react to seeing me right now. Slowly undressing and exposing my body... I bet a young man like himself would really enjoy that. I got in the shower and thought about what I'd do if I saw him walk in... would I say anything? Would I pretend not to notice? It'd been awhile since any of the sex adventures my husband and I share... mainly due to his currently busy work schedule. The thought of Ben getting a little peek really started to turn me on. Ideas started racing around my head how I could expose myself, without letting on I knew. I can let him get his thrills all while playing innocent... but how? I knew I wasn't the youngest girl around, and certainly past my prime, but I think I'm still attractive... and I notice guys checking me out all the time (including Ben).

I finished my shower and dried off while looking at his door, which was still closed. I wrapped myself in the towel and opened the door to his room to let him know the shower was free if he wanted it. He moved quickly, but it looked like he was rubbing himself over his shorts. I pretended not to notice and asked if he wanted the shower. He replied "no thank you, I took one before coming over". I told him that's fine, just get ready to go and I turned around to go to my room, leaving the bathroom door in his room open, and closing the door behind me to my room... except it didn't close all the way. It was completely unintentional, but I noticed it was still slightly open... and in a small window of time I decided to pretend I didn't notice and leave it that way. Would he notice? Would he try to peek? Just the idea that something might happen made my pussy ache in a good and very familiar way.

I decided to just act normal, and do what I normally would do... except secretly keep an eye on the door, of course. So I drop the towel and look at the slightly ajar door via a mirror to see if he's watching... but unfortunately no one was there. Maybe he didn't notice, or maybe he was just scared. I posed in front of the full length mirror nude hoping he might see, but nothing happened. I felt defeated and let down. Maybe he didn't care as much as I thought he did. I started getting dressed, putting on my bra and panties. Once my panties were pulled up I looked in the mirror again and was a little startled when I could see him looking in! I'm pretty sure he missed out on seeing anything good, but I pretended not to notice him and looked at myself in the mirror. Here I was in my underwear with a peeping Tom checking me out, and I could feel the excitement flood through me. I knew he wasn't seeing much more than he would later in a bathing suit, but I knew he wanted to and was willing to sneak to do it... and that it was just a matter of time before Ben would be seeing more of me. I finished getting dressed and I could see him walk away from the door.

Off to the store we went to get bathing suits. Once there he quickly found some swimming trunks... he didn't even try them on. Guys have it so much easier than women when it comes to bathing suits. So we went to find myself a new bathing suit. I didn't want to take too long, as I didn't want to bore him to death. So I figured I'd find a few and try them on, and get his opinion. Of course that gave me devilish ideas! I told Ben in a secretive tone "So,I want to find a bathing suit that is a bit sexier... something that will get Peter's attention." He looked at me with a bit of a smirk and said "all these bikinis look sexy", too which I replied I wanted an extra sexy bikini and asked if he could help me decide. His eyes lit up, and said "sure... but I can't really tell how they'll look on you from just seeing them on the rack." I looked at him and saw he was looking at me, just waiting to see what I'd say next. I said "I'll try them on, and you let me know... it's not like I'll be naked, so it should be OK. That is, as long as you don't mind or feel awkward". He tried to play it cool, but I could see in his eyes he was excited as he replied "sure, that's cool".

I glanced through the store quickly, looking for the slutiest, most revealing bathing suits in my size. I'm not the skinniest girl, but I'm certainly not fat. I'm not going to go into details about my weight, as I don't think it really matters, but let's just say I'm proportionate and curvy... and guys always seem attracted to my ass and chest. It doesn't help that I have decent size nipples that are hard to hide without a padded bra (which I rarely ever wear). Anyway, I headed toward the dressing room with anticipation and that horny ache that I love. There was an attendant (skinny, mid 20's, hair pulled back in a pony tail) working the dressing rooms, and he said that they couldn't have anyone outside the dressing rooms in the hall way. I told the attendant that I just wanted Ben's opinion, but he said that unfortunately Ben would either have to be in the dressing room with me or I could walk out to show him. I knew that having him in the dressing room with me was too much (I was trying to "accidentally" expose myself so that I could play innocent!), so I asked the attendant if Ben could come in the dressing room after I had it on, and the attendant agreed saying "that's fine, as long as no one is lingering out in the hall".

So I took my bathing suits inside the dressing room closest to the entrance so I could get Ben's attention when I needed it. But it was still out of the way to wear he couldn't see me without coming out of the dressing room. I quickly undressed down to just my thong panties and put on the first bathing suit. It was a solid red bikini that barely held up my breasts... I guess I underestimated how big my tits were. It was OK though, I'm sure Ben will enjoy seeing my boobs spilling out of my top. I looked out the dressing room to make sure no one was there, and then quickly walked down the hall and waved Ben over. I saw him smile and start to walk my way, and I saw the attendant look at me and smile really big. I quickly walked back into the dressing room and waited for Ben to come in. The room wasn't that big (in hindsight I should have probably got a handicap booth), so I sat him down on the bench inside and stood in front of him. He looked me up and down and said "wow Diana, that's a really sexy bikini!". I was bit surprised he said that, but I guess he knew what i was going for. I asked "does it fit right? It seems a little tight", as I turned around so he could see my ass, which was about eye level with him sitting down in front of me. He said "It's hard to tell with your panties on under it", which let me know he was noticing. I looked at him with a smile and said "you're supposed to leave them on when trying on clothes for sanitary reasons... but you can tell the bikini covers less than the panties do". He leaned it to look closer, as if he needed to in order to tell it was indeed smaller.

I started to worry that I might be coming off as to obvious that I was teasing him, so I mentioned "I know it's just bathing suits, but your mom or Peter might not like that you're in a dressing room with me... so maybe we keep this a secret to avoid upsetting anyone". He looked at me with a big smile and said "I can keep a secret". As soon as he said that I felt a warm shiver up my leg that went directly to my pussy (which he was still staring at, despite it being covered by both the panties and the bathing suit). I chuckled and said "OK, good!". I knew Peter wouldn't care (I actually looked forward to telling him about it! ), but I didn't want Ben to know that. I told him that the bikini fit well, except for up top. I pointed at my breasts and said "I'd worry that I might pop out of this thing". He started staring at my tits, which were not far from his face, and said "it looks like it'll hold". I shifted the small triangles covering my nipples back and forth a little and said "I think this top is to small, and if I move to quickly I'm bound to fall out, exposing my tits". Ben's eyes got wide and he smiled and said "I wish!". I smiled back and he said "try it out, I'm sure it'll hold". I knew what that meant, and I knew what was about to happen. He wanted me to shake and test out the bathing suit, and he expected that my tits would fall out.... and I knew they would, and he'd soon be staring at my naked nipples.

I gave it a little wiggle (and already I could feel they were going to come out). I said "maybe you're right, it might just hold" and then did a little hop... and that was all it took. Both my tits popped out the top swallowing the bikini top underneath them. So there before Ben I "accidentally" expose myself and he was getting an eye full. His eyes lit up, and his mouth dropped but then quickly turned to a small smile, never looking away at my tits for a second. I feigned embarrassment and said "I was afraid that would happen, I'm sorry". He looked at me briefly and said "It's OK, it's our secret... accidents happen"... and then stared at my tits again. I said "look at me just standing her with my tits exposed in your face, I'm sorry", as I slowly adjusted and readjusted the bikini, to cover my nipples and slip off repeatedly. Ben just kept staring and said "It's OK, I really don't mind", to which I replied "I bet you don't" with a little giggle. He smiled back as I finally got adjusted, and I told him once again "please don't say anything about this to anyone, I'm really embarrassed". He said it's OK, he wouldn't say a word. I thanked him and reminded him I still had two more outfits to try on. He stood up to leave, but he had an obvious erection he had to adjust. He apologized, and I said "It's OK, just another secret" and winked at him. He smiled back as he started to leave.

The door closed, and I immediately removed the bikini and put my hands down my panties. I was soaked! I had just shown Ben my tits, practically rubbing them in his face, and he was clearly hard. I started rubbing my pussy, feeling it build up in intensity, when I heard a small knock on the door. I figured Ben forgot something, and slightly opened the door. There stood the attendant with a big smile on his face, which confused me. I asked if everything was OK, and he said "I'm sorry to bother you, I just thought you might appreciate a second opinion". As soon as he said that, I got the impression he wanted a look as well. I covered my tits with my arm, and still in my panties opened the door and said "I'm not sure how to put on the next bathing suit, can you help me?". He smirked and walked in the dressing room without anything else said, looked at me and said "no one can linger in the hall" and smirked. So I stood there in my thong, covering my nipples with my arm, while he sat down holding the bathing suit, looking at me up and down. I locked the door with my free hand and asked him with a sexy tone "did you come to help, or to get a look?". He smiled and said "Both, I suppose". So I smiled back, dropping my arms to expose my tits, and said "Mmmm good". I was already fucking horny as hell, and now standing in just my panties in front of some stranger.

I asked the attendant (I didn't even know his name, nor did I care) "can you help me get this next bathing suit on? It's a one piece, but with very narrow covering... I'm not sure what goes where". He was already holding the bathing suit while continually looking me up and down. I knew how to put it on, but I wanted to see how far this would go. He said "sure. Here I'll hold this out so you can put your leg into it here", and I did just that while he looked at my soaked thong. He then stretched out another piece, and I used his shoulders to balance as I inserted my leg, which literally put my nipples up against his face. I said "I hope you don't mind", and he replied "absolutely not at all!". I pulled up the bathing suit and started to do the straps, but he said "wait... it's not going to fit right with those panties on". I knew what he wanted, and it's what I wanted as well! I asked "is it OK to try on without panties?", too which he replied "no one has to know". I smiled and took off the bathing suit, and then slowly pulled my panties down little by little while looking at his eyes... but his eyes were focused on my pussy the whole time. As soon as they were down to my ankles, I stepped out of them and stood there for a moment to let him take it all in. He was sitting in the same spot Ben was (the only spot), so he was nearly eye level with my pussy. My lips were shaved, but my husband likes me to leave a little hair on top, so I trimmed that down to a small triangle.

The attendant slowly reached his hand out to rub my pussy, and it was exactly what I was hoping for. I knew right then that I was going fuck this guy. I gave a little moan, and pulled him up off the seat. The dressing room didn't give a lot of room, but I had worked with less room in adult arcades before. I gave him a deep French kiss while undoing his belt and working his zipper. I dropped to my knees and pulled out his cock (the first new cock I've played with in months!), and without hesitation placed it in my mouth. It was an average sized dick (my husband is certainly bigger) but that didn't matter... I just needed to get fucked! I looked up at him and made eye contact while I worked his cock and rubbed my pussy. I noticed he had a wedding ring on, which turned me further on. I could feel how excited his cock was as it throbbed on my tongue... but I wanted to get fucked before he cum. I also knew Ben was waiting, and didn't want him to get suspicious. I stood up while still working his cock and asked if he had a condom. He hesitantly whispered "no"... I looked down at his dick in my hand and said "you can Fuck me, but only for 1 minute... and you have to tell me when you're ready to cum so I take it in my mouth... deal?". He nodded yes, and I spun around and bent over as much as I could in the booth, giving him access to my overly aroused pussy. He didn't hesitate, I could feel his dick pushing against my pussy looking for the hole and then finally penetrating me. I looked at the mirror I was leaning against and saw his face as he gasped... I needed this, and obviously he did too. I turned my head and said "fuck me like the slut I am", as he quickly picked up pace and fucked me harder. I couldn't wait to tell Peter about this, although I'd have to leave out the part where he fucked me raw (Peter always insisted on condoms). It was less than a minute of fucking, and he said he was going to cum, so I quickly spun around to take his cock in my mouth again, but he was already shooting cum even before I got my lips around it... so some cum ended up on my face, some in my mouth.

He wasn't saying a word, he just stood there breathing heavy. I picked up my thong and used it to wipe myself off and then stuck it in my purse. I said "are you good?", and he shook his head yes with a grin. I said "this is never to be spoken of, understood?", and he replied "agreed" as he put his cock back in his pants. I realized I still needed to put on the bathing suit and started stepping back into it. He asked "do you still need help with that", and I replied "I never really needed help with this" with a smirk. I opened the door for him and told him to tell Ben to come back, and of course not tell him anything! He said "no problem" as he took one last look at me naked while I pulled up the bathing suit and closed the door. I looked at myself in the mirror with a mischievous smile, but I was still really wound up! Even more than before!

I adjusted the bathing suit, but I noticed it didn't cover my pussy very well... it covered the lips, but that was about it. Right then I heard a slight knock on the door. I opened it to be greeted by a shyly smiling Ben, and I told him to come on in. He sat back down on his same spot and looked me up and down and said "it took you a bit to get this one on". I lied and said that I got a call from Peter, so I got distracted. He looked me up and down, taking me in. The straps went down across my chest, covering my nipples but allowing my breasts to show on each side. It came down to a skinny thong that barely covered my pussy and rode up my ass. I looked at Ben and asked "is this too much?", and he replied "you certainly look sexy!... but... what happened to your underwear?". I looked at him and said "you were right, they made it hard to tell how it fit when they stayed on... so I'm breaking the rules a bit". He smiled at me, and I notice him repeatedly looking at my crotch. I said "I'm afraid it doesn't cover enough down there", and I realized it felt a bit loose in that area too. He was openly staring at my barely covered pussy now, and said "it covers most of everything". I turned around to look at myself in the mirror and saw it just covered my lips, and was certainly loose... if looked at from an angle, you'd probably see way more than should be shown. I could see his reflection in the mirror rubbing his dick in his pants while staring at my ass. Did he not realize I can see him, or is he just to focused on my body to think straight? I asked him "does it show to much in the back? I know it's basically just a string up my ass, and it feels loose". He said "It's probably a bathing suit best worn only at home, but it looks great". I pulled on it slightly, allowing a peek without the string and then turned facing him again. He quickly moved his hand away from his dick, but looked toward my pussy again (which wasn't that far from his face, maybe 2 feet max). I said "I almost feel like you shouldn't see me in this, it is probably too revealing". Ben lied and said "It's not too revealing, it's OK", to which I replied "I guess as long as you can't see most of my pussy and my nipples are covered, it's OK" He smiled at me and said, "is the next one more revealing?". I know he just wanted to know if he'd see more or not, and I wanted to show more. I said "I just have this one bikini left, but I think it might be to big, so I may not bother putting it on". He looked at me and said "it couldn't hurt to find out while you're here". "True" I replied, and then I fun idea hit me.

I looked at him and said "can I trust you to close your eyes?". He looked at me confused and said "what?". I told him "rather that have you leave and come back again... it's just one more bathing suit, can I trust you to close your eyes while I try it on? It probably won't fit right anyway, and this way you don't have to keep going back and forth." He looked at me and said "of course". So I smiled, said thanks, and then slowly started to pull my arms out of the bathing suit and told him to close his eyes, and I'd let him know I was dressed again. I watched him close his eyes, but I knew he wouldn't be able to help but peek... He already tried peeking on me once today. As I started to pull the bathing suit down I could see one of his eyes twitching a little, and then the other. He wasn't very good at hiding it, but as long as he didn't know that I knew he was peeking, it would work out fine. I said "thank you for keeping your eyes closed. If Peter knew I was getting naked in a small booth that you were in, it would be hard to explain!", as I pulled down the top part exposing my tits again. He was clearly looking at my tits as soon as they came into view. His head was still moving to look, and I could see his pupils despite him trying to squint like his eyes were closed. I pulled the bathing suit further down and watched his head lower with my hands until I slowly pulled them down and then dropped them to the floor. His eyes fluttered even more than before as he got his first look at my pussy. I was already still so horny after all of the days events. I had shown him my tits, fucked a stranger, and now showing my recently fucked naked pussy.

I turned away from him so he could see my ass, and I could bend over giving him a closer view of my cunt. As soon as I turned I could see his eyes were wide open, once again not thinking about how I could see him in the mirror. He went back to rubbing and squeezing his dick through his pants while staring at my ass.... so I bent over (leaving my legs mostly extended, but separated) to pick up the bathing suit, which put my pussy and ass within inches of his face. I took my time grabbing the bathing suit and watched him in the mirror as he leaned even closer to study my pussy, to the point I was a little worried he might bump into me. I picked up the bathing suit and put it back on its hanger, and then turned toward Ben with the new one. As I turned toward him I watched him start to squint again and stop squeezing his dick. I asked "your eyes are still closed, right?" He nodded yes as I could tell he was still looking at me up and down. I said "good... I still can't believe my tits popped out like that earlier, I hope I didn't embarrass you". He smiled while squinting at my hard nipples and he said "I hope you weren't embarrassed, I just felt lucky". I fumbled with the bikini while still standing in front of him nude and said "I guess it's not a big deal, I'm sure you've seen plenty of boobs before... it'll be our fun little secret".

I figured I had given him enough time to look me over (with his not very convincingly closed eyes), so I started to put on the bathing suit, which surprisingly fit really well... I guess my tits were bigger than I thought. I noticed he actually closed his eyes once I was fully dressed, and I said "you can open your eyes now". He opened his eyes and acted like it was the first time seeing me in it. It was a tad sexy, but nothing overly sexy. Ben looked me over and said "It's not bad, but I like the others better"... hmm, I wonder why. I said "I'll probably just get all 3 so we can head home before Peter gets there". Ben nodded in agreement and I said, "ok, I'll got dressed and we can leave". I was thinking he would leave the dressing room, but instead he just replied "ok, I'll close my eyes again". I smiled and thought to myself, alright I'll give you another show before we leave. I said "Thanks, Ben" and started undressing. He quickly started squinting just as I pulled down the straps. It was amazing how his head would follow my hands despite him having his eyes closed... it was so obvious he was looking. I said "how do you feel about pizza for dinner tonight" as I dropped the bathing suit to the floor, standing fully nude in front of him again. He said "sounds good" as he looked at my pussy again. I turned my head to look at my butt in the mirror and said "might watch a movie after dinner, but if you don't feel like it you can play your games instead". I'm not sure he heard a word I said, because he was eyes were wide open and staring daggers into my tits and pussy. I wanted to stay like that for awhile so he could soak it all in, but it felt unnatural to be like that for long. I turned back around and watched him close his eyes again (if he was really needing to get away with peeking, he'd be fucked, lol). I picked up the bathing suit off the ground just like before (ass toward him, pussy exposed in front of his face), and once again I saw his eyes open in the mirror. He got close again, I think possibly to smell my pussy... but he was so close I could feel his heavy breath on my cunt, and I'm sure he could see it opening and trembling. I tried to play it cool while I saw him squeezing his cock again. I said "anything in particular you'd like to watch?". Ben said "um... I'm not sure... maybe Game of Thrones... my mom won't let me watch it because of the violence and nudity". I thought about how ironic it was that he was saying that while being so close to my naked pussy that I could feel his breath. I stood up hanging up the bathing suit, and turned toward him to say "you're not a little kid, I'm sure you can handle seeing some violence and nudity in a movie". He smiled with his "closed" eyes and said, "you know mom, she's a bit uptight" with a chuckle, and I replied "that she is... but at Peter and Diana's house, you can let loose a bit... so relax and have fun!". Ben said he was already as he watched me finally cover up on my normal clothes.

"All right, eyes open" I said as I finished zipping up my pants. I couldn't believe I manage to stand in front of him naked, putting my naked pussy close to his face, and could act like I never knew he saw me. It was so exciting letting him think he got away with it. Ben stood up... but it was obvious he was sporting an erection again. He realized and looked at me stunned. I chuckled and said "is that because of my bathing suits?". He shrugged and turned red, so I told him "It's OK, it's only natural... it's flattering really, so don't be embarrassed. He looked at me and said "our secret?", and I said "of course" with a happy wink.

On the drive home we hooked about how many secrets we had, in just one day. I told him it was all innocent and accidental, but best of not mentioned. Ben agreed, but after a few seconds of silence he said "seeing your tits was my favorite secret". I mocked being shocked, although I was a little surprised he was so blunt. He laughed and said "I'm just teasing, I know it was an accident... but it was a nice one". I smiled and said "I could tell you enjoyed it... oh well, shit happens. It's not a big deal. It's not like you saw me naked... it's just my tits". He smiled and didn't say anything, but I knew what he was thinking about.

We got back home and Ben went to his room, and I got on the phone to order some pizzas. Peter got home not long after we did, and I was so excited to tell him about my day. With every new detail I could see him getting more and more turned on. He looked over at the room Ben was staying in, but the door was closed... I'm sure to jack off. Peter pulled me into our bedroom, closed the door, pulled down my shorts. I didn't have any panties on since I left them in my purse, covered in cum. He laid next to me on the bed, pulled out his cock and slid it in me. I told him to be quiet while he slowly starting thrusting inside of me. He said tell me everything. As I gave him the details of teasing Ben, and fucking the attendant, he would slow his thrusts so that he wouldn't cum. He wasn't trying to fuck me hard, he just wanted to fuck me while hearing about my sexy day. I did lie and say the attendant used a condom, but took it off before he cum on my face and mouth. When I told him about being completely naked in front of a "closed" eyes Ben, he said he thought that was "awesome". He said he'd love to have me reenact it for him sometime, so he could see what Ben saw. I told him that sounded like fun.

Later that night we all hung out watching movies he's not allowed to see normally while eating pizza. Peter always got along with both Ben and Jason really well. They joked around, made crude comments about girls (and comments about them naked during nude scenes). They laughed at crude comedies... it was nice to see Ben really let loose and enjoy himself. He occasionally check me out, and I knew Peter noticed as well. Eventually Peter and I went to bed, but told Ben to stay up as late as he wanted. I knew as soon as Peter had me alone he would fuck me again, and I was right. This was just the first day of 7 that Ben would be around, and I couldn't wait to see what other fun I could get into.

Peter reminded me I was "such a slut", and I smiled and said "I'm your slut".

Trib FanReport 

2022-09-25 13:16:23
Love exhibitionists! Ben was a very lucky boy....
Great story....Got a thumbs UP from me...along with something else....


2022-02-19 12:48:46
Awesome story, I really loved the part where you teased the crap out of Ben showing off your whole body to him and of course where you gave the attendant a nice fuck and finished him off with a blow job. Got me hard and horny as hell.


2021-11-11 01:14:08
Absolutely fantastic story, written with patience - very erotic - you had me so horny - I'm sure your next episodes will have my cock raw and exploding with every read ... thank you

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