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Tethys wakes up with Hera and Taylor, collects a nice load of cum for Carl's sloppy seconds, and gets in another erotic workout with Carl, Sonia, and Megan. They head for the nude area of Lake Travis where they join up with Joe and Joanne. While walking off a load of Joe's semen, she unexpectedly makes the acquaintance of Mimi and Ray, and more surprises ensue.
Gray sand, littered with white limestone boulders. Turquoise tropical waters beyond the shoreline, and a gentle, lapping surf tapping a gentle rhythm as it hisses up the sand, sighs back into the shallows, its remains sinking silently out of sight until replenished by the next unhurried surge. A cliff rises behind the narrow beach, white, rugged and rubbly, limestone, the source of the boulders.

Bliss is not too strong a word for the feeling enveloping me as I lay sprawled naked on my back, feet submerged in the shallowest margin of the surf zone, my head at the upper edge of the swash zone. The incoming waves lap up to the top of my head, floating my hair to and fro, splashing between my legs with just enough energy to tickle my clit. The water is warm and soft, as is the air around me, and the gentle swaying of the waves recalls the security of my natal cradle. A smooth white boulder rests in the sand immediately to my left, the low sun shines on it, heating it, radiating back to me, almost as if it’s the warm skin of a companion.

The sun is low, filtering its light through scattered clouds to caress my cheek. Is it rising or setting? It’s the same ambiguity in my Goddess painting, the Sea Goddess perched on her rock near the shore, facing a sun near the horizon. If I’m in real time, I can find out soon enough. For the Goddess, time is frozen, and she nor I may never learn the answer. But here I am, here is the shoreline, and the rock is beside me. Am I the Goddess? I think of Hera, and her mother Phoebe. Phoebe is all about the Goddess, she brings us the blessings of passion, of desire, of sexual pleasure, love, and orgasmic ecstasy, no greater gift than the joy of the flesh in the embrace of the spirit. What a rush it would be if I were that Goddess! I can think of several people who are worthy of the blessings that I could bestow.

The waves continue to lift me up and down, ever so slightly, in a steady rhythm that synchronizes with my heartbeat… two beats of my relaxed, peaceful heart for every wave cycle. I realize that the wave action is not limited just to the part of me immersed in the nearshore pool. My shoulders, my head are also swaying up and down, the very sand beneath me is moving. I can feel the warm rock beside me, not so stable as I thought, it seems to be wobbling slightly back and forth to the same beat. I reach out my hand to steady it, and I’m surprised to feel how softly it yields to my touch. It’s smooth, pliable, and warm, like bare skin, and still it sways with a steady rhythm.

The hiss of the incoming wave, and the sigh as it retreats into the sand comes from all around me, but no, it seems stronger above me. How is that possible? I’m not below the waves, am I? My eyes flicker heavily, reluctantly. The dream has been too pleasant to leave behind easily. The first blurry images from the waking world struggle to compete against the peace and happiness that my slumber offers. They are images of incongruence, denying the beach, the shoreline, the ocean, the wetness – other than that between my legs. The low sun is the light filtering through the bedroom window. My rock is indeed moving, and it is topped with red hair. It’s no earthquake shaking the beach, it’s the rhythmic shifting of her weight, sliding up and forward, then back and down, smoothly and steadily over Taylor’s cock. She’s leaning over him, her hands on his chest, her arms supporting the wave that I feel. Unlike my eyes, hers are completely open and clear, staring down into Taylor’s smiling eyes. His arms are extended and then folded behind his head, which is resting casually on his hands.

The inhaled hiss accompanies her downward slide onto his pubic bone, and she lets her breath out with a sigh every time she lifts up and feels his withdrawal. The movement is no longer synchronized with my heartbeat, only because my heart is now speeding up. My vision steadies and focuses, and I no longer regret leaving the dream. What I am seeing is far better, one of the most beautiful sights in all of nature.

Her gaze shifts towards me, and she smiles. “Good morning Tethys, it looks like you slept as well as I did.” She stretches out a little as she fucks Taylor, and changes up the rhythm and the angle slightly. “Don’t worry about your morning cum load, I haven’t forgotten. Taylor wouldn’t let me steal it from you anyway. I just noticed his morning wood, and I had to take advantage of it. A couple of small morning orgasms for me, and he’ll be all yours.”

“Take your time,” I yawn. “I can’t dream of a nicer way to wake up.” I lift myself up on one elbow, and kiss her shoulder as it comes into range. I reach my right hand over to Taylor’s belly as I rub it gently down between his and Hera’s torsos, leaning over and planting a kiss on his smiling lips. “Your duty to me will be after breakfast,” I inform him. “At the moment I’m starved for sex AND starved for food. I’ll be right back.”

I slide out of bed, and stride wide awake to the bathroom. My groggy stumbling morning state rarely lasts more than a few seconds. I take care of my morning toilette, and jump quickly into the shower. I have plenty of incentive not to waste time. When I return, they’re still in the same position as before, obviously savoring every second. Hera looks at me with a knee-weakening smile, and I respond with a deep, extended kiss on her lips. She holds her head and shoulder in place now, letting her spine, hips and abdomen do the work of thrusting up and down on Taylor. Her movement speeds up as I continue the kiss, and explore her chest with my left hand, pulling on her nipples, squeezing the small globular breasts, and stroking just under her throat. My right hand greets her back, sliding softly up, down and across, then traveling to her ass, stroking the larger globes of her butt cheeks, and gently diddling the margins of her anus.

Her sighs have become moans, and it’s just a matter of seconds before she’s hit with the first of her “small morning orgasms.” Taylor moans a little himself, but I’m not worried. He’s always had superb control, and with his increasing experience of fucking multiple women day and night, he’s honing it to a fine art. Better than any porn star, he’s become a “cue-cummer,” with the ability to ejaculate on demand… sort of. It’s more accurate to say he cums when he wants to, and the decision is his. Once we’ve agreed that he’s ready, give him about thirty seconds, and he’ll shoot with the best of them. If he decides not to cum, then nobody can make him do it, not even me. Fortunately, it’s something we’ve never had a reason to fight over. I pause in my caresses of Hera to take an admiring look at Taylor’s beautiful face. Why, I wonder, would anybody ever want to have a fight with that man? In a year and a half, he’s never made me angry, only happy. Damn, I’m such a lucky girl!

Hera lays down on top of Taylor, literally drooling as she recovers. I cover the upward side of her face, as well as her neck, earlobes, shoulders, back, and ass, with kisses and caresses, while Taylor limits his kissing to the side of the face and neck that he can reach. In a minute, she’s ready to go again.

“Now that you’re up, I would love it if you would do my clit while I fuck him,” she says as she pivots on his cock. It hasn’t gone soft, and it’s remained deep inside her while she rested. Now she’s turned to face me, and I have full access to the space between both their legs, as well as the entire front of her body and her face. I intend to use it.

Also now that I’m awake, she feels free to be her usual vocal self. “Oh, that’s nice!” she begins, as she bottoms out again on Taylor. When she feels my tongue flicking her clit jewelry, she raises the volume, “Fuck yes! Make love to my clit! Eat it, Tethys, suck it, lick it, damn you do that so good!”

She’s leaning back over Taylor now, supporting herself with her hands behind her on the bed, Taylor’s arms reach up under hers and grasp her nipples. “Pull on those fucking tits! Tug those nipples, squeeze them, Aaaargh!”

The juices are bubbling out of her now. “Fuck yes, fuck fuck fuck me! Feel my fucking cunt squeeze your beautiful fat cock! Push it, yes! Fuck!”

My plan had been to prepare a nice breakfast for all of us while they fucked. I should know better. Hera, and Megan as well I’ve now learned, will not settle for one on one sex if they have someone else available to help. Hera very much wants my help. The positive side of this is that she’ll have her orgasm pretty quickly. I’ve agreed to one more. If I let her, she’ll be on Taylor’s cock all day, and I’m going to be needing it soon myself.

“Such a hot cock! So fat! Fuck, I love to fuck! Fuck! Squeeze my tits! Squeeze ‘em while I squeeze my cunt! My fucking cunt is on fire! Fuck yes, I love to fuck your fucking fat fucking cock!”

She’s getting close now. My tongue is rapid fire on her clit, although I get away occasionally to tongue and suck on Taylor’s balls, just because I can. I’m pretty sure he won’t be cumming himself, although I do worry if we’ll overstimulate him. But I’m doing it for me. Hera can’t possibly adore Taylor’s pleasure hardware more than I do.

Just a few more minutes. The “Fuck fuck fucks!” are getting louder, shriller, and more rapid-fire. When she cums, it’s explosive. She produces enough fluid to rival a man’s ejaculation, and I have to admit it’s just as delicious in it’s own way. I do love the taste of sex, both from men and women. Her arms collapse from under her, and she drops backwards onto Taylor’s chest, almost hitting him in the chin with the back of her head. He twists around quickly, narrowly avoiding a collision. Just as quickly, he releases her nipples from his tight grasp. I momentarily imagine the disaster that could have led to a broken jaw for Taylor, and a concussion and nipples ripped off the breasts for Hera. I’m glad we avoided that!

Now I head for the kitchen to avoid further interruption, and whip up a quick breakfast of scrambled eggs, toast, fruit, and milk. I make a mental note to add some groceries for Hera’s kitchen on my next shopping list. She can no more than I afford to support multiple hungry adults. Taylor and Hera, meanwhile, race each other to the bathroom. Both desperately need to pee. Taylor gets there first, but Hera’s not discouraged. She turns on the shower and simply makes it part of her cleanup routine. Taylor soon joins her.

“Good!” I think to myself. “At least my fuck will be a fresh one.”

It’s a nice breakfast with nice conversation. Surprisingly, very little of it is sexual. We talk art and politics and family. Hera hasn’t met Taylor’s family, which is relatively large and close-knit. Eventually they’ll be meeting all of us, and they’ll learn all about their sainted sibling’s social life. I hope they’ll be able to handle it.

We finish eating, clean up, and brush our teeth. At that moment Taylor lifts me up and carries me to the bed.

“No more dilly-dallying!” he says in almost a scolding tone. “I have something you need, and you are going to share it with the world!”

He’s right.

He drops me bodily on the bed, and Hera sits beside me, ready to do her part. I love how his cock is already fully extended, his flight deck cleared for action. Before I become the center of attention and the object of desire, there’s something I want to do first.

“Stand by the bed. A little closer.” I sit up on the edge of the mattress facing him. “I really want to suck your cock for a few minutes. Just a little commune time.”

It’s been too long (a day and a half?) since I’ve had a cock exclusively directed to my mouth. I don’t want him to cum in it this time, but I want to experience the texture, the heat, the fullness in my mouth, and the sweet slipperiness of whatever pre-cum he manages to produce. Just as I grab it and prepare to envelop it in my lips I change my mind – just a little. I clamber onto my elbows and knees.

“Hera, would you mind licking my pussy while I suck Taylor’s cock?” Hera would not have asked had the roles been reversed. She would have commanded, and I would have happily obeyed. But I’m not asking her to do anything she doesn’t want to do. She immediately takes her position behind me, and I feel that delightful wet friction as she expertly services my womanhood.

I spend a few happy minutes getting intimately reacquainted with that cock. It’s heaven. I can’t spend too long, though, because I want him to fuck me as much as he does. I savor the play, the taste, the proximity, the familiarity, as I savor the sensations that Hera is inducing into my own sex. I’m not the best at foreplay, or at least not the neediest for it. I love giving it, but then it’s not foreplay, it’s just “play.” For now, I’m warmed up, and while I would be perfectly happy to spend an extended time cocksucking, there’s only one cock in sight, and I can’t suck it and fuck it at the same time. I want it inside me.

I kneel up straight, pulling away from Taylor in my mouth and Hera at my cunt simultaneously. Then I flip over on the bed, spread my legs, and invite Taylor in. Nothing fancy, just old fashioned missionary style deep straight fucking. I want semen in me, and lots of it. I want to hold it there and not let it leak out. I have responsibilities.

Taylor has been fucking and been sucked for hours last night without an orgasm. A few moments of getting sucked again this morning wasn’t a big deal in the overall scheme. He was ready already and he’s ready now. He leans over me, puts my legs one at a time over his shoulders, and slides into me with no more fanfare. Nothing fancy, just old fashioned missionary style deep straight fucking.

But Hera’s here. That means nothing is truly simple or straightforward. She flops next to me on the bed, and smiles into my eyes as I turn my face to acknowledge her. I’m still not used to how beautiful she is, and right now she’s amazing to look at. Her round, greenish brown eyes are like liquid pools in a Louisiana cypress swamp, deep and mysterious, easy to get lost in. She leans over and kisses me, and the touch of our lips corresponds to the impact of Taylor’s cock as it rams home, and of his balls bouncing on my perineum. My orgasm is sudden and surprising, and I cry out as much in amazement as in pleasure. I love the unpredictability of my orgasms when I’m wound up and ready. But this is just a first. Without Hera here, stroking, kissing, whispering, watching, and smiling at me this sex would be almost mundane. I think of Megan, and of her new enthusiasm for sex with more than one person at a time. Group polyamory does get logistically and emotionally complex, but there’s nothing like it for raw sexual power! I think we’re all addicted by now.

I manage a couple more increasingly intense orgasms over the next few minutes and Taylor finally allows himself his own. It’s a big one. His whole body shivers as his cock pumps pulse after pulse against my cervix. His croaking, choking, moaning cries finally subside, and as soon as he releases my legs and pulls free of my pussy I lock the opening down. A couple of drops escape, those that oozed from his cockhead or were wiped against my labia as he withdrew, but I’m not concerned about them They can keep my inner lips moist for a while yet.

Hera takes immediate advantage of his free, still partly engorged, and very sloppy penis, and it amuses me to hear the whimpering sounds coming from them: Taylor whimpering with the agony of pleasure from his super-sensitized and now re-stimulated organ, and Hera whimpering with the fulfillment of greedy desire as she slurps and laps up the sticky goo coating. I find my phone and take a quick snapshot of the idyllic scene. Hera smiles and giggles with her mouth still stuffed with cock – the cleanup has already transitioned into a drawn-out blow job, and I attach it as a message to Phoebe and the rest of our tribe. Within seconds I’m getting back appreciative emojis in response.

I come to Taylor and stand on my toes to give him an affectionate kiss.”Thank you for everything you do and everything you are, you sexy God of a man!” I tell him. Even in the midst of the pleasure radiating up from his cock, he manages a blush.

“Thank YOU!” he responds. “I love you!”

I kneel beside Hera and kiss her cheek, on the bulge that Taylor’s glans is pressing outwards. “He’s no longer just my boyfriend, he’s OUR boyfriend,” I say. “Take good care of him, and have fun today!”

“Mmmmm,” she answers, and smiles through her fullness. I kiss her again and then stand to leave.

“See you folks tomorrow!” I call back cheerfully. “Save a little bit of yourselves for the party!”

At the door, I toss my sundress over me and slip into my sandals. Of course bra and panties are not part of the package. I grab my purse, walk outside into the sultry morning heat and humidity, and slide into my already blazing hot Hyundai. I feel almost a slosh inside me, as Taylor’s liquid contribution to my anatomy makes a weak attempt to drip out. I tighten my internals, and turn the key. The jizz inside me seems unusually voluminous today. I suspect that Taylor is adapting just as I am. In the last couple of weeks we’ve all had much more sex than ever before. More partners, more time devoted, more orgasms, and much more demand on our fluid manufacturing equipment. Our bodies have responded as they would to any other form of exercise – faced with a repeating challenge, we’ve increased our respective capacities to meet the challenge. And then Taylor’s had a little extra time between releases the last day or so. He’d logically have more in reserve. I think about the concepts of coordinated stimulation and recovery, and wonder if we can arrange our sexual logistics in a way to maximize all our capacities. This is going to take some study.

The half hour drive to Carl’s house is uneventful, and between my familiarity with the route and my feeling of general satisfaction from a belly full of breakfast, a vagina full of semen, and a spirit full of love, I remember none of it. When I pull into Carl’s driveway it’s like I’ve just puffed into existence here. The door and front windows are open, as usual when the gym is in use. Sonia’s BMW is already parked in front of me. I look at the street on either side of the driveway and see no activity, so I decide to be bold and remove my dress in the car. I step out naked and walk towards the house carrying the wadded dress and my handbag together in the same hand.

As soon as I hear the lock on the car door click, the sound of another vehicle approaching captures my attention. A momentary shock of adrenaline hits me, and I extend my stride to make it to the front door faster. Too late. A car rounds the corner in front of the house, and the driver looks out the window directly at me, getting the full eye candy. Busted.

Running now would look silly, so I stand facing the vehicle as it pulls up to the house and stops. My posture is straight and proud. I may be in a shameful state as far as society is concerned, but I know I have nothing to be ashamed of. Who is going to judge?

“Tethys, you look so fantastic!” says Megan as she steps out of the old Ford Echo. “You know I want to be like you!” She immediately removes her clothes and tosses them back into the car. She steps up to me giggling, and we finish the walk to the front door naked and together.

“Do you have cum inside you?” she whispers as we get ready to open the screen. I smile and nod, and Megan presses her hands to her chin and squeaks happily. The door doesn’t squeak, just Megan, and we make it into the house silently. I set my dress, bag and sandals in a corner of the entry way, Megan has nothing to divest herself of but flip flops. Walking hand in hand to the sunken den at the rear of the house, the room that Carl has transformed into the perfect home gym, we stand for a moment and take in the sight.

The music playing is the same as I’d heard last week when I arrived – Janelle Monae’s “Make Me Feel.” It’s her favorite song recently, and it’s one she’s going to make a major part of her upcoming stage show. It suits her. Carl and Sonia are naked, of course. That’s what we would expect. But something very unexpected is happening. They aren’t fucking. They aren’t in foreplay. They aren’t teasing. They are doing nothing sexual at all. They are, in fact, working hard. Sonia is in full stretch mode, at the moment she’s in a split, with her legs splayed out on the floor at nearly 180 degrees, and her cunt is fully in contact with the floor. I know she used to be a gymnast, and I know she’s capable of some incredibly athletic positions, but this is beyond anything I’d imagined. It’s not easy for her, though, I can see strain on her face. Carl has his hands on her shoulders, pressing downward to keep the stress on her joints. His rocket cock is, well, it’s never quite flaccid, it’s not built that way, but it’s as soft as it gets. He’s not aroused. I’m struck by the realization that they’re taking this training very seriously, Carl is treating his new employment like a professional. For the first time, I feel out of place, and even a little guilty for making my traditional request. Megan and I stand quietly, and wait until the song is over. Then I speak up.

“Carl. I have a cunt full of another man’s cum. I need you to push it all out and replace it with a cunt full of yours.”

Carl lets go of Sonia, looks up and me and smiles. Sonia smiles too.

“We can take a break for a little while, can’t we Sonia?” he asks.

“I’ll take a break. You have another job to do!”

Megan and I step down into the den. First I take a hug from Sonia. She’s already worked up a sweat, and her hot wet skin feels good sliding up to mine. I never get over how beautiful and sexy Sonia is, perfect shiny black skin, big dark eyes, perfect muscular build that supports a fantastically pert and plump pair of breasts, firm round ass, slender waist, and smooth hairless mound blending the curve between her inner thighs. It’s not just her sweat that makes me wet. I’ve been in love with her since we met over six months ago, and I don’t see that ever changing.

Carl steps up grinning. He looks at me like he’s never seen me before, like he’s admiring me for the first time. His eyes rove up and down my body, taking me in, and I see the desire in them. That in itself is enough to make me giddy, but the added bonus is the view I get of him, as I look at him the same way. His body is stunning. Not everyone’s cup of tea, I admit, but I’ve been captivated by it for two years now, and it’s only improved since then. Carl is a bodybuilder in the old school sense, not the ultra-shredded no-fat steroid-juiced monsters that are all too common today, but a man with well-built muscles, broad shoulders, well defined cuts, and graceful lines. His skin is smooth, supple, and hairless as everyone’s in our group has ended up being. His body is way out of the mainstream, which is true for each of us in this room. We’re all very fit and slender, borderline athletic, and we choose to spend much of our free time grunting and straining under a set of barbells.

Speaking of out of the mainstream, Carl’s cock, which is extending and rising rapidly, is as unusual as Taylor’s and Henri’s in it’s own way. Big, but not huge, cylindrical, with a foreskin that doesn’t retract without assistance, giving it the look of a guided missile with a conical nose cone. His scrotum is on the tight side, nice big balls but they don’t really hang much. They’re well separated, like drop tanks on a fighter jet. The entire package gives rise to the moniker I’ve given it, the “rocket cock.” Sonia and Megan have happily adopted the label for their own use.

I’m not one who usually needs loads of foreplay, and in a situation like this, with two beautiful women smiling expectantly at me, and a beautiful man approaching me with the fiery eye of desire, those minimal needs are already met. My pussy is soaked, both with Taylor’s semen and my own anticipatory additions, my nipples are swollen, tight, and expectant, my face is hot and my breaths almost as rapid as my heartbeat. Carl has always had the ability to make me weak with that certain look and posture, especially with his rocket cock now straining at full tilt. When he touches my arm I nearly collapse. He takes both my hands and leads me to the weight bench inside the squat rack.

Sometimes he takes me bending over the safety bars. Sometimes he has me doggy style on the bench. Sometimes I’m on my back on the padded floor. Sometimes he leans me against a wall. Today, I’m laying on the weight bench, a nice padded surface just wide enough to accommodate my shoulders. I see Sonia’s and Megan’s faces over mine, smiling broadly, and between my outstretched legs is Carl’s tight rippled belly. The rocket cock plunges into me, and immediately the tightness with which I was holding back Taylor’s cum is overwhelmed, and his cock is covered in the sticky, gooey mess. I hear myself moaning at the same time as Carl is groaning, and the girls above me are giggling.

“I like how the cum sticks to his balls as he pulls out,” Megan observes cheerfully, “and then it splashes and smears when he thrusts back in again!”

Sonia has already switched positions, she sidles in behind Carl, nudges his legs a little wider, and takes her place below him, face upraised, reaching up with her tongue to catch his balls as they go by, and to take whatever droplets of juice she can catch. Megan remains between the two of us, one hand massaging and squeezing my tits, the other rubbing over Carl’s belly and down to his crotch. Usually, there’s a video being made as Carl sloppy seconds me, but not today. Having one extra girl here doesn’t mean there are any free hands. Too bad. This would be one hell of a porno.

I cum quickly, adding my juices to Taylor’s, replenishing the thick gooey coating on Carl’s pounding shaft. Sonia is making raspy throaty sounds trying to keep up with the bouncing balls, and Megan is cheerleading with dirty talk worthy of Hera.

“Your cock is so shiny and wet, Carl, it’s beautiful when it’s fucking Tethys like that! Keep fucking her Carl, you’re such a handsome horny motherfucker, pound that fucking cunt! She wants it so bad, look at her face! She’s cumming again, Carl, your big rocket cock is shooting her into orbit! Come on, Tethys, cum all over that big cock, squeeze it with your dripping cunt, take him deep and tight! You know you like being fucked by that cock, grab it with your cunt, cum all over it, squirt, you fucking horny bitch!”

She’s come a long way in a short time. The heat, the smells, the sounds, the liquid, the gasping, the pure intense exertion of it all has me orgasming at least twice in just a couple of minutes, and there’s no stopping for breath or deloading between. My mouth is wide open, my eyes barely seeing. I feel little but hot air, a hot mass between my legs, and Megan’s tiny but eager hand leaping from tit to tit, squeezing, rubbing, pulling on each nipple in turn. I explode into an orgasm so intense I’m not sure I can even stay conscious through it, and at that same instant Carl’s cock explodes inside me. I’m filled, I overflow, I feel the hot rivulet dripping out of my pussy, across my butt hole, and down my cheeks. Carl’s voice is somewhere between a roar, a scream, a shriek, and death rattle. A few more slow and quavering strokes, and he pulls out, staggering backwards, sitting down hard on the floor, then flopping to his own back.

Without being asked, Sonia takes it on herself to take his fading cock deep into her throat, sucking and lapping up the thick milky coatings, which brings more screams from his overwhelmed vocals. Megan kneels between my legs and begins to clean me out with her tongue, which within seconds triggers another orgasm for me, trailing off into an incoherent blubbering.

After a few minutes, the only sound is of heavy, slow breathing, as Carl and I still lie helpless in our respective locations. Finally, I’m able to sit up on the bench, and Carl rolls over, gets as far as his hands and knees, where he braces himself a few more moments, and then rises unsteadily to his feet.

“Well, Tethys,” he finally manages to gasp out. “I hope you’re ready for your squats now.”

The laughter is spontaneous and shared by all of us. Carl likes to have a woman do a set of squats immediately after he’s cum inside her, because he enjoys watching the remnants drip out as she hits the bottom of the movement. That posture tends to open up the labia and the vaginal tunnel, even for someone like me who’s trained to retain flowing spunk. Until very recently, that lady has always been me. But now he has Megan and Sonia to give him that thrill, although the sloppy seconds are still exclusively my domain, and I provide extra drips.

This time Sonia does run for the camera, and Megan moves the bench out of the way. Carl loads up the bar with 135 pounds, more than my usual warmup weight. “You can do this, I know your knees have loosened up,” he smiles.

I shoulder the bar, do a few reps, feel the drips as I bottom out, and hear Sonia and Megan exclaiming delightedly as the whole operation goes to video. Sonia immediately sends it to Taylor, Henri, Hera, Joe and Jo, herself, Megan, Carl, and me. One more for the archives. Within seconds there are likes returning.

We take a break, clean up, calm down, and then the workout begins in earnest. The rest of it goes efficiently and without too many sexual overtones, considering we’re all naked. Carl is a true professional now that he’s on Sonia’s payroll, and he not only manages to get in his own very heavy and intense workout, he expertly guides each of us according to our skill levels. I’ve been working with him for two years, and I’m still making progress. My work capacity is higher than it’s ever been, and the weights I’m lifting are pretty respectable. I’m also getting a good pump, and when we’re done, I feel strong, muscular, beautiful, and totally worn out, but not sore. Megan and Sonia are still new to this type of fitness training, and they do get sore in places, but they’re both younger than I am, both naturally athletic, and both have a good baseline to build on, so they’re making progress rapidly. I’ve no doubt that they’ll surpass me eventually, but that’s as it should be.

The workout is over at eleven, we’re tired and sweaty, but there’s no need to clean up. We’re going to the lake, and we can wash the sweat off there. We fix a batch of sandwiches and salads and drinks, and pack a big cooler. It gets loaded into Carl’s Jeep, and there’s nothing more holding us back. Normally I’d throw my sundress or romper on for the drive out to the lake, but Megan has laid down the gauntlet. Her clothes are in her car, and she’s going to make the trip naked. I can’t pass up that challenge, so I decide to leave my clothes behind too.

“Are you fucking out of your mind?” Sonia puts her hands on her hips when we tell her. “Carl, are we stopping anywhere on the way?”

“I don’t plan on it. We’ve got plenty of gas in the Jeep, and we’ve packed all the snacks and drinks we’ll need.”

“Fuck it. I’m not wearing any clothes either. I can’t let these two fucking perverts make me wimp out!”

Carl looks at all of us in a moment of hesitation. “Fine,” he finally throws up his hands. “We’re in a nude house, we’re going to a nude park, we might as well make it a nude trip.”

“Don’t speed or make any illegal lane changes,” Sonia warns him.

The trip out to the lake is a little tense, but exciting. In the end, though, it’s uneventful. We have towels ready to cover us in case of emergency, but they never have to come out. The Jeep sits high enough so that most of the traffic on the road couldn’t see us even if they were looking, and although there are still quite a few SUVs and trucks passing by, most are minding their own business. A few young men in pickups notice and wave or ogle, but it’s with joy rather than scandal, and we wave back and smile. Megan has taken the front passenger seat next to Carl, and she wraps her hand around his cock and balls as soon as we back out of the driveway. I don’t think she releases it for a single moment during the entire trip.

We pull up to the admissions gate at the park, pay the fee, and find a reasonable place to park, which is never a guarantee. If there’s a momentary thought to wrap towels around us during the walk through the parking lot, it’s quickly discarded. A look around assures us that the morality police are not making their rounds yet, and we have clear sailing to make it into the wooded zone where nudity is officially allowed.

Carl and I carry the cooler, and we walk leisurely along the paved walkway heading southeast along the steep lakeshore. The pavement ends and the trail becomes rougher, carrying the cooler becomes a little more awkward, but it’s not too difficult. As expected, Joe and Jo have arrived well before us, and they’ve saved us our spot up away from the shoreline, along a natural limestone ledge that’s partially protected from the general sightlines. Greetings of hugs and kisses follow, and Joanne of course takes extra time to hug Carl’s cock as she says hello.

They haven’t met Megan yet, other than having seen some of her videos, and they enthusiastically welcome her into the group. For a few minutes, she reverts back to the shy girl we’d first met, but they bring her out of it quickly. I’m not surprised that there’s a little awkwardness, considering they’re about the same age as her mother, but she quickly realizes that they are not her mother, and in her new world age groups are not as rigidly defined as they had been. She’s soon comfortable, and very quickly goes back to holding onto Carl’s cock with one hand, regardless of what the other hand is doing. Sonia looks at me with a raised eyebrow, but I can’t think of any response but to shrug.

“Megan, did Tethys tell you that we’re having a party at our house tomorrow, kind of a housewarming since we recently moved in,” Jo asks. “You are more than welcome to come. In fact, we’d be tempted to kidnap you and keep you with us to make sure you’re there.”

Megan laughs, “Tethys told me, and I said I would. I’ve already made arrangements to be off work tomorrow night so I can be there,” she answers, tugging at the nose cone of Carl’s now semi-hard cock.

“I’d like to make a suggestion,” I offer to both Megan and Joanne. “You haven’t met Hera yet, but I’m sure you’ve heard the legend of her mother. I’m not sure Hera will go anywhere without her. I actually think we’d enjoy having her at the party. She’s very encouraging.”

Hera’s mother, Phoebe, is more than encouraging. She’s an enthusiastic cheerleader and even instigator for Hera’s expansive libido, and she finds the blessing of the Goddess in the most kinky of Hera’s activities. I wish my mother had been like that, I’d take her everywhere too!

“And if that’s ok,” I continue, “I’d also like us to invite Megan’s mom. I know she wants to meets us, and I know she’s still a little worried about this whole situation, but she seems willing to accept it. This will be a good chance for us all to get to know her at once and maybe reassure her that polyamory is not a bad thing.”

“Or scandalize her!” Megan chimes in. “I’m not sure that’s a great idea, actually.”

“Well, just talk to her about it, if you feel like you can,” says Jo. “If you decide it’s not a good idea after all, she doesn’t have to come. But she’s invited if you think it will help.”

Megan takes another tug on Carl’s cock, and nods. “That’s probably what I should do. I’m nervous, but I’ll talk to her.”

“In the meantime,” Joanne smiles, “that’s a very nice and manly cock you’re holding there. I hope you won’t mind sharing it at some point during the day.”

“She fucking better share it!” interjects Sonia. “I’ve already paid for it, you know.”

“Just be gentle, everybody,” Carl intones. “Let’s not damage anything potentially valuable over here.”

“That’s what I just said,” Sonia repeats.

Megan blushes just a little, and shyly lifts Carl’s cock towards Joanne. She smiles at Megan and wraps her hand around it from the bottom at the base, then looks up and smiles at Carl. Leaning over, she takes him expertly into her mouth, and in about four strokes, has him bottomed out into her throat, her tongue extending forward to cup his balls with the tip. She holds the position for about ten seconds, then pulls out. Carl is gasping, Sonia is whistling, and Megan is staring wide-eyed.

“I sure have a lot to learn,” she sighs.

“It took me a few years to get good at it,” Jo says helpfully. “Just, you know, keep practicing! But have fun with it, don’t make it a chore. Even if you never quite get it all the way in, there’s a lot you can do to make both of you love it.”

I turn my attention to Joe. His cock is perfectly normal, and may seem to get lost in the flurry of superlatives that accompany de***********ions of Carl and Taylor and Henri, but I know from experience how expertly it’s wielded and how sweet its nectar can be. I sit beside him and reach my hand out to it. It responds immediately.

“How’s my Joe?” I ask in a friendly voice.

“My mouth is watering at the moment!” he grins, as he reaches with his free hand and begins to gently stroke my tits and my belly.

I smile back, and my mind wanders a little to think about this wonderful couple. There’s so much about Joe and Jo that I admire, that I envy, that I wish I could be. They’ve been together, usually naked, all their lives, growing up as neighbors and childhood playmates, sharing the frustration, confusion, and hopes of adolescence, graduating into lovers, then partners, and finally parents in their own right. There’s nothing about each other they don’t know, or accept, or respect and honor. As close as they have been growing up, they could easily have come to regard each other as brother and sister, and rejected any romantic attachment, but Joanne has told me that the secret to keeping their interest in each other burning is the continual eagerness to take on other lovers. The variety elsewhere keeps the inspiration strong at home.

Joe and Jo have fucked at least dozens, maybe even hundreds of other people over the years, men, women, couples, and groups, some as short-term adventures, some as long-term friends. But they’ve always done so together, always as a couple, never dating separately. Despite their long history of extramarital sex partners, they are possibly the most monogamous couple I know. They are a team, always, and the intimacy they share is deeper than other couples who spend a lifetime forsaking all others. To be witness to this is a privilege. To be accepted into their circle of true friends is an honor.

As I look over Joe’s shoulder at his wife teasing Carl and Megan and Sonia, and then look into his smiling gentle eyes, I feel suddenly overcome with an affectionate joy, a feeling that I imagine they must share constantly. What a happy couple they must be! There seems only one way to express what I’m feeling at the moment. I want to suck Joe’s sweet cock.

“Has anybody told you that you have the most delicious cum?” I ask innocently. He knows they have. I’ve told him that myself.

“I’m only as good as my last contribution,” he nods, and I have it on good authority that you’re pretty sweet tasting yourself.”

My plan when we arrived, and perhaps that of all of us, was to take a refreshing and cleansing dip in the lake after our sweaty sexy gym activities from earlier, but events seem to have caught up with us. I’m too far gone to be interrupted now. The limestone ledge isn’t the most convenient place to perform a 69, but with a little adjusting of towel positions and some preliminary wiggling about, we find an angle that works for us. Joe lays on his back, feet towards his wife, and I climb on top. I begin slurping his truly delicious and beautifully shaped cock, while his tongue and lips begin performing their magic on my clit and lips.

I’m not sure I’m actually the sweetest I can be today, I’m still sweaty and I’m sure there’s still a bit of Carl’s remnant semen coating my insides, but Joe doesn’t seem put off at all. His licking, nibbling, sucking, kissing, and blowing are exquisitely skillful, and feel completely enthusiastic. I’m feeling similar enthusiasm working his manhood.

“That’s what I’m talking about!” Jo cheers as she grabs her nearby phone and takes a quick video of my euphoric expression as I knead and gobble Joe’s hot succulent flesh with my whole mouth. I cheerfully smile for the camera. This is feeling good. Carl and Megan and Sonia come close to watch for a few minutes, Carl looks grand with his erection being pawed and pulled by four small dark hands, although those hands also spend a respectable amount of time squeezing his very tight ass. They soon become lost in their playtime, and I can concentrate more fully on my own pleasure, with Jo cooing her support while she massages her husbands balls below me, and sometimes caresses the bulge of Joe’s cock that shows through my cheek as I envelop him.

Joe’s cum is delicious, but now that he’s getting close, I change my mind about taking him in my mouth. I’m not sure why, but after Taylor and Carl have both filled my cunt this morning, I have a strong urge to refill it. The idea of walking around with cum leaking out of my pussy all the time suddenly excites my imagination, and I want it to happen now. I roll over off of Joe, unfortunately towards the dropoff side of the ledge, and end up with cedar needles sticking to my butt. It doesn’t phase me.

“Bend me over and fuck me hard!” I breathe to Joe. “I want your cum inside me.”

Joanne chuckles as I lean over the ledge, bending at the waist. Joe takes his position behind me, his cock already dripping with my saliva. He brushes the woody debris off my ass cheeks, and slaps them as a bonus. Then his cock is plunged in, and he’s giving me long, hard, deep strokes, just the way I want them.

My tits aren’t big enough to swing wildly, but they are definitely bouncing within their limited range of motion. Jo absorbs some of the motion with one hand while rubbing her other up and down Joe’s belly, chest, and crotch as he fucks me. As we often do when we fuck out here by the lake, we’ve attracted a bit of a crowd. Most of them are silent, some urge us on, some whoop like a sporting event. Not to be outdone, Sonia and Megan are going to town on Carl, and Megan is bravely trying to emulate the deep throat technique that Joanne had demonstrated. She manages to get him about halfway down before gagging, but I’m impressed with her determination. Sonia takes over and gets him completely swallowed as easily as Jo had done earlier, and Megan is mewing with jealousy.

“How do you do that!” she squeals.

“You’ve seen Henri, I like a challenge!” Sonia shrugs.

The environment, the heat, the audience, the companionship, all are having an effect on both Joe and me. I’ve cum three times already, and my knees are getting weak, when Joe finally explodes into me. I know he has a great recovery capacity, even more extraordinary considering his age, but the volume of this one makes me wonder if Joanne has been neglecting him. Filled is just the beginning of it. I’m overflowing. I lean over the ledge, gasping for breath. Jo makes a move to lick the cum from my cunt, but I place my hand over it. “Not now,” I gasp, “I want to drip for a while!”

I know it’s a strange urge, and if I’ve had it before it’s never been this well defined. I’m used to holding cum inside me, just to get Carl his sloppy seconds, and I love seeing it drooling from other women’s cunts, both in porn shots and among my friends, but to just walk around dripping freely is something I do too rarely. I stand, a little wobbly at first, and slowly recover my balance, while Jo goes to work on her husband’s slimy member, making his further recovery a near-certainty. Once I’m feeling steadier, I make my announcement.

“I’m going to go walk around for a while. This feels kind of nice.”

Just as mysteriously, I don’t want anyone going with me. Fortunately, everyone is busy with their own entertainment, and I’m not interrupted. I walk through the circle of onlookers, down the slope towards the shoreline. Once I hit the path I turn right, and continue to walk leisurely until I reach the paved walkway, and then I keep going. The cum slowly dribbling from my pussy lips tickles a little, and makes a faint sqelshy sound. Some of it falls on the ground, some runs in rivulets down my inner thigh. I feel raw and raunchy, and it’s wonderful.

Only a couple of minutes into my walk I get a start. Two uniformed police officers are standing in front of me, peering through the trees towards the lakeshore. I walk casually by, and they turn my way and smile. Suddenly I’m feeling self-conscious. They are familiar to me, a man and a woman, both probably late twenties. They’re the regular vice patrol that we hope to stay out of trouble from when we’re here. I know the woman is a regular here when she’s not on duty, I’ve seen her naked a number of times clambering on the rocks. Her companion I only know when he’s in uniform. I hope they didn’t see anything.

“How’s the patrolling today?” I ask in as noncommittal a voice as I can muster.

“It’s a nice day,” the lady says, glancing very knowingly at my thighs. “No drugs today, no fights, no thefts, it’s been peaceful. And no complaints about any inappropriate behavior. You know we have to issue citations if anyone complains. But so far today, nobody has made any complaints.”

The way she emphasizes complaint is not lost on me. “That’s good!” I smile. “I’m sure not complaining.”

The lady and her partner grin widely. “No, I’m glad you have nothing to complain about,” she opines. “I’ve heard nothing but compliments so far. I hope your day continues to go well, and that nobody complains.”

I’m a little doubtful now. How much did they see? We’ve tried to keep our open sexual activity confined to areas where the more bluenosed don’t frequent, and we’ve tried to confine them to times we know the patrol has already made its rounds. We were careless today, but did we dodge a bullet? Do our local enforcement agents truly choose to turn a blind eye to our little parties? Do they really have to wait for a citizen complaint? It would be nice if that were so, but I still feel like we pushed our luck today. We’ll have to be more careful in the future.

The officers move on toward the parking lot, and I stand in place until they’re out of sight. I head downhill off the trail to the rocks at the waters edge. The walking is rougher there, but it’s fun to scrabble naked about the rocks. I’m getting close to deciding to splash my way into the lake and finally clean myself off properly. I know there’s a cluster of rocks not far from here that makes for good diving.

I’ve only gone a few more steps when a couple catches my eye. I don’t normally pay too much attention to all the other visitors here, but even so, I’m familiar with the regulars, at least by sight if not by name. There are always new faces and bodies, people here for the first time, or the only time. Usually, it’s easy to tell the regulars from the not so regulars. There’s a way that the people familiar with this place and comfortable with their way around it carry themselves that telegraphs their status, that says “I belong.” This couple is unfamiliar to me, yet they are obviously long-time nudists. They are older, maybe fifties or sixties, but very, very fit. The age shows almost completely in their faces, and hardly at all on their bodies.

The man is fairly tall, short gray hair, with a coppery Nordic tan. There are no tan lines or pale areas, proving that nudity in the sun is not new to him. The face is Nordic too, high cheekbones, thin lips, straight nose. He could have been a surf model in the past. His build is one of intense muscularity, like Carl if he were to keep training for the next thirty years. His muscles are dense and well-defined, with muscular abs that you don’t normally see on an older man. Even his thighs and calves are rippling. There’s no sag in his butt, no loose skin on his arms or neck, other than a few wrinkles below the jaw. The face, of course, is always the first to go, but his is still lean and pleasant, without being too jowly. His cock is nice looking, not small, but not huge. His testicles hang almost as far down as the tip of his cock, which seems to be a common sign of aging.

The lady is much shorter than her partner, and very dark skinned, almost as dark as Sonia, but her features are Asian rather than African. Her hair is mostly jet-black, straight, and long, with a few wisps of gray that she’s made no effort to cover up. Like her partner, her body is tight and muscular, with no excess fat to be seen. They both look like bodybuilders who’ve never stopped training. It’s an impressive build. Her breasts do show a little sag, but they aren’t large, so there hasn’t been too much weight pulling them down. Her face is round and pleasant, her eyes have that look of being on the verge of laughter. What’s even more impressive is how she’s walking confidently on the bare rock without any footwear whatsoever. She’s in fact as naked as a person can be, and there aren’t any sandal stripes on the tops of her feet, as if she’s never worn shoes in her life.

Both of them are devoid of body hair. On women, this isn’t uncommon, and it looks very nice on her. The V-shape between her thighs is graceful, dark, and uninterrupted by any thatch. On a man, it’s more unusual, especially an older man. But it does not look at all out of place. Neither one is wearing a wedding ring. In fact there’s no jewelry at all, no watch, no tattoo, no glasses. Just flip flops for the gentleman, and nothing at all for the lady. It’s clear to me, though, that whether married or not, they’re a long-term couple. Their tans are too deep, they’re completely comfortable with their nudity, and they spend more time looking at each other than their surroundings, yet when they do it appears they aren’t sure where they should be. It strikes me that they have their own nudist hangouts, but they aren’t locals here, and may be visiting for the first time. Now I’m feeling like, as a regular, I should maybe be helpful, and offer them any wisdom that might make their stay more pleasant. Maybe I’m simply drawn to them.

“Hi,” I say simply as I approach them. “You look like you’re new here. This is a really nice spot, I hope you’re enjoying it.”

“We’re kind of new,” the man says, as they both acknowledge me smiling. “We try to make it to Austin a couple of times a year, and in the summer we try to get out here at least once. Last year we couldn’t make it because there were some nasty thunderstorms on the day we’d planned to come out.”

“We have a couple of old friends that we like to visit, but they aren’t nudists, so we just sneak out here by ourselves when we can,” the woman adds brightly.

“I’m Tethys,” I hold my hand out in greeting. “I’m here pretty much every Saturday. It’s kind of a healing environment, I think.”

“I’m Mimi,” the lady grins as she takes my hand. “And this is my husband Ray. I agree this is a pretty spot. We always look forward to being here.”

So they are married, and apparently have been a long time. It also becomes clear that Mimi is the more outgoing of the two, and does most of the talking for them. She’s also the more observant one, and smiles quite openly as she fixes her gaze on my dripping pussy lips.

“You aren’t here by yourself, I see,” she laughs. Somehow, I can laugh with her, and I don’t feel any need for embarrassment.

“No, I always come with a few friends.”

“Nice!” she responds. “Back home our nude beach is a lot more open, and there aren’t too many private spots to take advantage of. I like that there are some little hideaways here, but I guess we’re not far enough down the path to take advantage of them yet. I was hoping that we would get a chance to steal off into the woods, but we saw the cops up there a few minutes ago so we have to be careful.”

I’m liking this couple. There’s a certain lilt to Mimi’s voice, an accent, that enhances her Asian features. I think back to what I know of history, and wonder if she might have been a military bride that Ray brought over from a sojourn in Southeast Asia. Would it even be polite to ask?

“I like your accent,” I make the attempt. “I’m trying to place it, but I know very little about different regions. I’m Greek myself, and my parents are immigrants, so I should have a better ear for that kind of thing.”

“I thought you looked Mediterranean,” Ray responds, with no discernible accent to my ears. “It looks good on you. You take the sun really well.”

“I’m from the Philippines, but I’ve been here for many years. I guess the accent never really goes away. Ray’s right, you’re very beautiful! I can tell you lift weights, and somebody like you should never have to wear clothes. You have a body to be proud of!”

“Thanks,” I blush. I’ve been lifting for about two years with a friend. He has a home gym. It’s so much fun to train naked!”

“That’s so true!” Mimi gushes. “Ray built us a home gym about twenty years ago, and we’ve never looked back. He started me lifting when I was sixteen years old, and I love it! That’s what, forty-three years ago! It’s been part of our lives ever since. But it’s even better to not have to wear clothes when you train!”

“Mimi doesn’t like to wear clothes for anything!” Ray laughs. “She took early retirement last year because she didn’t want to get dressed to go to work any more. You can see, she doesn’t even like to wear shoes! She’d be naked every day of her life, all day, if she could.”

“It’s your fault!” Mimi scolds him with her smiling eyes. “I never heard of being a nudist until you dragged me into it. You can say I learned from an expert!”

“I completely agree with Mimi’s attitude,” I smile, “if I could be naked all the time, I would as well.”

“By the way,” Mimi turns to me in a stage whisper. “I think it’s very brave and sexy the way you can walk around with cum leaking out of you like that. I do that myself sometimes. It’s hard to do it in public at a place like Black’s Beach, because there are so few opportunities to have that cum injected into me without getting in trouble from somebody. It’s easier here, even with the patrols, although it’s extra crowded today. I guess usually when we came here before it was on a weekday, wasn’t it?”

Ray nods. “We used to get a little more adventurous at the beach back when we were young, but that was more tolerated then, if you were just the slightest bit discrete. Even nudists have gotten more prudish nowdays.”

“Thanks!” I answer. “You go to Black’s Beach? You live in San Diego?”

“Ray was born and raised there. He brought me back there with him after he got out of the Air Force. We’ve been there ever since.”

“That’s so cool!” I drop to my own stage whisper. “The guy that just came in me is from San Diego. He and his wife have told me all about Black’s Beach. They’re here now, with some of my other friends. They’d love to meet you!”

“Really? Home town folks! And just our type of socializers, too! Take us to them!”

We stop nearby to pick up their wrapped towels and water bottles, then clamber back up from the rocks along the shoreline, and make our way back to the paved trail. As we approach its end, Mimi says “This looks like the place we like to end up at when it’s not so crowded. You might be taking our spot!”

The trail goes from pavement to dirt, and soon splits into three, one continuing on southeast towards the park boundary, one heading downhill towards the water, and one heading up the hill into the woods. We take the left turn, go up a little, and then another short distance to the right, and see the small crowd of people surrounding the ledge and clearing. There’s more cheering.

“This is the spot,” Mimi confirms.

“This is the spot!” I announce.

We push through the group, and see what they’re cheering about. To our right, Carl is standing up, with Megan’s legs draped over his forearms, her hands around his neck, her cunt impaled on his cock. She’s moaning and even drooling, eyes closed, as he uses his arms to rock her up and down. Only Carl could pull off such a feat – although it does look like Ray would be capable if he wanted to.

To the left, Sonia is sandwiched between Joe and Jo. Joanne is leaning back on her elbows on the towel-draped ledge, her head back and mouth open, her legs spread, while Sonia leans forward licking and gasping and moaning into her wide-open gleaming pussy. Joe is standing behind her, his hands on her hips, his cock driving in and out of that shapely black ass. I know how much Sonia loves anal, and Henri, to her disappointment, is way too big to accommodate that desire. Joe is the perfect size for her. I’m surprised she’s doing it in public, though. There are a lot of cell phones and cameras clicking away.

“Oh My God!” Mimi breathes, and her hand comes to her mouth in surprise, maybe even shock.

“Don’t interrupt,” Ray nudges her. “They’ll finish soon.”

Ray is correct. Joe has put his considerable recuperative powers to good use, and the trio makes for quite a sight as all three raise their voices in unison at one of the best, and most difficult to accomplish, simultaneous orgasms I think I’ve ever seen. Joe flops out, Sonia twists to sit down and take the weight off of her legs, and Jo sits more upright. Both Sonia and Jo lean forward, inviting Joe to bring his dick closer for a good tongue cleaning.

Mimi’s hands are on her hips. “Joseph and Joanne Hill! You fucking bastards!” she calls out forcefully.

All three look quickly toward the sound of her voice, and any thoughts of dick licking evaporate in a flash. The stunned shock widens the eyes and opens the mouths of both Jo and Joe into round tunnels, and for a moment I fear that both of them are going to dash away in fright. Even Carl and Megan pause in their fucking to see what’s going on.

The expressions just as suddenly change to unmitigated joyful delight.

“Mimi! Oh my god! Ray! Holy fuck! Oh my god! Oh my god! What are you doing here? This is wonderful!”

Joanne dashes up and runs the few steps to Mimi, they wrap their arms around each other and jump up and down as only school girls – and naked old ladies – can do. Joe and Ray share a manly embrace, a handshake, and big grins, then the switch comes as Jo squeezes her body against Ray and Mimi does the same to Joe.

“How did you find us? Did Tethys bring you over? Oh my god! We’ve missed you!” The chatter comes fast and furious, until Joanne remembers her social manners.

“And these are our friends… I guess you’ve met Tethys, and this is Carl and Megan…” Megan is still impaled on Carl’s standing cock, which hasn’t faded a bit, but they both reach out their free hands in polite greeting to Mimi and Ray.

“I’ll give you both a big hug, but it can wait until you’re finished. Go on, what you’re doing is too important to interrupt!”

Carl and Megan agreeably continue fucking for a few more minutes, until she is filled with a very satisfying load. They separate, and come to join the rest of us. The sexual tension has evaporated. The audience thins out. Those who wanted to see the black girl get ass-fucked leave satisfied, those who wanted to see more general group action leave disappointed. Men’s erections are long gone, and cream-slathered cocks are going uncleaned. Sonia is dripping cum from Joe, Megan is dripping cum from Carl, and neither seem concerned with stopping it. Joe’s previous load has already dried and encrusted on my thighs. Doesn’t anyone care about wiping cum off anymore? I think to myself, but I hardly feel that it’s problematic. I like the bold, raw, just-fucked and proud to show it feeling, and it looks good too. A freshly fucked pussy should have cum dripping off quivering labia, and the contributing cock should display its proud evidence of immersion.

I may be the only one thinking along these lines, as the others are immersed more in the stories and insights from the reunited… friends? Family? Associates?

“We used to fuck their parents when they were kids,” Mimi clarifies. “They were like a niece and nephew to us, but we always knew they’d end up together.”

“You were a nice Aunt and Uncle to have around,” Joanne says. “They were real party hosts,” she informs the rest of us. “We’d go to parties at their house, and at Black’s Beach. Of course, we had to babysit their daughter Anna. How’s Anna doing? Do you still live in the same house?”

“We still live there, and Anna’s doing great. She’s still married to Gary, and it’s a happy one. They’re even still living with their group spouses, and all of them are getting along good. I didn’t expect that one to work out, but it has.”

“Our daughter is in a group marriage,” she asides to Carl and Sonia and Megan and me. “She has her legal husband Gary, and two other couples each married to one another. So it’s a primary spouse and four secondary spouses, more or less. It’s been four years now, and they haven’t blown up yet. I’m keeping my fingers crossed.”

The re-acquaintance continues for another half hour, then begins to wind down. “That was a huge mistake, letting ourselves lose touch with you,” Joe shrugs. “We won’t let that happen again. Hey, are we ready for lunch?”

Ray and Mimi have left their lunch in their car, and Joe and Jo walk back with them to retrieve it. The rest of us are left to discuss the implications.

“How the hell did you find those two?” Carl asks me. I shrug and palm the sky.

“I have no idea! I just said hi, we started talking, they were from San Diego, Mimi thought the cum on my thighs was nice, and I thought it would be fun to bring them over here and introduce us all. I never thought they would be long lost fuck buddies!”

“Technically not fuck buddies, they fucked Joe’s parents and Jo’s parents while the kids baby sat,” Sonia corrects. “But it’s so fucking wild. Is that the kind of world we’re living in now?”

“And while Joe’s parents and Jo’s parents were fucking each other,” Megan adds. That is wild. But I think it’s amazing. And their daughter is in a group marriage. How cool is that? If that’s our world, I’m glad I’m in it. This is better than anything I’ve ever dreamed of!”

“I think your dreams have expanded a lot lately,” I grin. “All this is kind of new and overwhelming for us, but they’ve lived like that all their lives. They don’t consider it odd. It doesn’t keep them from being really nice people. I hope Mimi and Ray are at the party tomorrow!”

The older couples return after only a few minutes, coolers are opened up, lunches eaten and enjoyed. The good sex followed by good food does its predictable job, and our group relaxes and chats in the most mellow of moods. It’s Megan who wakes us up, with “We haven’t even been in the water yet!”

“You kids go on down and have fun,” Mimi waves us away. “Ray and I will hold down the fort here.”

We practically race for the lake. The crusted cum is finally washed off, we’re refreshed, and soon winded. Carl and I race to the buoys at the outer edge of the swimming area, a race which Carl easily and predictably wins. Megan and Sonia are racing each other back and forth close to shore. Megan is a strong swimmer but nothing like the speed and power that Sonia displays. What can we do but arrange a race to the buoys between Sonia and Carl? Carl wins that one too, but Sonia’s a lot more competitive than I had been. Joe and Jo swim and splash, but most stay pretty close to the shoreline, and climb out more often than we younger folk.

The lake is crowded, but there are a lot more people on the shore than in the water, although plenty of air mattresses dot the surface. Power boats, jet craft, and a few sailboats pass by outside the swimming zone. A few have anchored right at the buoys and their occupants have gotten naked and are cavorting with the rest of us. The faint smell of cannabis wafts down from somewhere along the shore, bringing instinctive feelings of mellow relaxation even to those not directly inhaling it. I love this scene. It’s about an hour before we climb out of the water, and still dripping, gather our sandals and trudge back uphill to our ledge and our towels.

We haven’t been missed. There aren’t too many voyeurs this time, but those who are watching are seeing Mimi on her knees at the base of the ledge, Ray sitting in front of her with legs spread, while she bobs up and down on his cock. He’s wearing a very large smile as he gently rests his hand on the back of her head while she works on him.

Somehow, I don’t feel as though we’re intruding, even as we take our seats beside them. Mimi looks up, smiles at us, and bobs back down again. She has the look of someone doing what she loves. None of us says a word, but there’s an air of reverence as we watch the act of beauty and love play out before us. Finally, Ray’s face begins to tense up, he squints, he gasps, his mouth opens and closes, then he grunts as Mimi works her lips on the far end of his shaft, just below the expanded glans. She doesn’t spill a drop, gulps, sucks, gulps again, swallows, and then releases him with a smile. There’s no evidence left on his cock except the wetness of her saliva.

“Ray has the best tasting cum in the world,” she announces as she takes her seat beside him.

“You should try Joe’s,” responds Joanne, and Sonia and I murmur in agreement.

“I can’t do that, silly!” Mimi laughs as she slaps Jo on the shoulder. “He’s my nephew!”

Megan continues to stare wide-eyed at Mimi. I’m starting to get familiar with that expression. The last week must have been overwhelming for her, but she treats every new wrinkle like another day in Paradise. The amount of frustrated, pent-up sexuality gnawing at her soul must have been immense.

“Mimi, I admire you and Ray so much. What a beautiful life you have! I’m just wishing so hard that I could have been you!”

Mimi’s expression darkens for a moment, and she looks at Ray with eyes that seem sad, the first time I’ve seen that look from her.

“No, sweetie, I can tell you in all seriousness, you do not want to be me. My life has been happy since I met Ray, but not before. As happy as I am now, I’d give it up if I could change the past. Whatever problems you may have had when you were a kid, be thankful that you weren’t me, ok?”

Joe and Joanne look on soberly, with the faintest of nods. I get the impression they know the story, but it’s not theirs to tell. There’s a moment of silence, before the mood lightens once more.

The rest of the afternoon is wonderful: pleasant warm, relaxing, and filled with friendship and affection, but all too soon it winds down. Megan needs to get to work, Sonia needs to go home to Henri, and Joe and Jo need to get home and prepare for tomorrow’s party.

“You’re all coming tomorrow, right?” Joanne makes it sound more like a statement of fact than a question. There are no refusals. “We know you’ll be there,” she tells Ray and Mimi, “because you’re staying with us tonight. We’ll follow you to the hotel and you can get your stuff out, and then we’ll lead you to our place. And never, NEVER stay in a hotel in Austin again! Next time you’re in town, no matter who you’re supposed to be visiting, you’re staying with us, understood?”

“Yes ma’am,” Ray smiles meekly.

“Now there’s a man who knows how to talk to a lady!” Mimi turns to us giggling.

The older couples are slightly scandalized, and greatly entertained, when they see us climbing into Carl’s Jeep without getting dressed. “I didn’t have that much courage even when I was young!” Mimi says admiringly. “I still don’t!”

“We don’t have a choice,” Megan’s voice is all innocence. “We left our clothes at Carl’s house.”

We get to Carl’s driveway again without incident. Megan clambers out, wishes us well, and jumps into her car without further hesitation. “I got here naked, I’m going home naked,” she says with finality. “If I could, I’d work naked.”

“Good God,” I sigh. “I’ve created a monster!”

Sonia follows us into the house just long enough to grab her clothes, but she doesn’t put them on either. “I’m not going to let that little minx be more of a minx than me!” she grins defiantly as she heads to her car. She tosses her clothes into the passenger seat, and drives off. Carl and I have an evening alone together to look forward to.
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