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A son's new migraine treatment gives a loving mother a new way to care for him
This story is a work of fantasy. None of it is true. Don’t use it for inspiration. Don’t hurt people you love.

My name is Tina. I had my son Alex when I was still in high school. My parents and my sister helped me raise him, and I was eventually able to go to college as make a nice life for us. Now 30, I’m a junior executive at a $1B a year company. With my salary I’m able to afford extra help to manage the house, care for the yard, stock the shelves, et cetera. I also like to care of myself with frequent mani-pedis, massages, and a personal trainer. One benefit of having a baby early in life is that teen bodies snap back much easier than my current peer group’s. I’m brunette, 5’6”, 110 pounds, muscular but not brutish, with c-cups that still look amazing, and a nice round ass from years of back squats and deadlifts. I have a nice hourglass figure that gets looks in business attire or my personal favorite, yoga pants and sports tops.

Alex is an average teen. A body that’s more mature than his brain. A will for independence but a continual return to mama’s arms for comfort. He’s small and underdeveloped for his age, but so was his father when we dated. I’m sure he’ll hit a growth spurt soon. Even though he’s a bit short, his body is lean and fit from years of soccer and other activities. His arms, shoulders, chest, abs, and legs all have amazing definition. He’s yet to grow hair on his face, underarms, or chest. In certain lights he looks like one of those waifish models.

Alex and I are pretty casual around the house. It’s not rare for him to walk around the house in only his boxer briefs or shorts, and me in yoga attire. I’ve enjoyed watching him grow up and seeing his body change. He’s just beginning to show interest in girls and I’ll sometimes see him looking at me from the corner of my eye. I don’t mind. I’m sure he’s curious about women and I’m the woman he’s around the most.

Another benefit of my high income is that I can care for Alex’s medical condition. He gets severe migraines every 10 to 15 days that require strong medication to alleviate his pain and allow him to sleep. I didn’t like giving him sedatives, but his doctor said that sleep was a priority for growing boys. Alex’s migraines tend to be triggered at night due to bright lights against dark backgrounds. We try to manage our household lighting, but sometimes even a phone with high brightness can set Alex off. The doctor recently switched his meds to a new drug that just completed phase 3 trials. It’s expensive, but she said it performed above other meds in that class. On the phone she mentioned that the new drug may have some side effects, but I was having some issues at work and didn’t pay much attention. Her recommendation was all I needed.

About a week later Alex came into the living room holding his head. “Mom, my head is starting throb. Can you get me a pill?”

“Sure, baby,” I said, “go take a quick shower and I’ll meet you in your room in a few minutes.”

I handed him the pill and a glass of water as he sat on his bed.

“The doctor said these new pills should be better at alleviating the pain and helping you sleep. She did say there would be some side effects. Nothing serious. Let me know if you grow a third arm or something,” I joked.

He willed a smile, I kissed his forehead, and he laid down.

“Love you,” I said as I turned off the light and walked out. Caring directly for Alex made me feel like a good mother. I really hoped these new pills would work better than the last ones.

A couple hours later I decided to check on him. There was enough ambient light that I didn’t need to turn on a lamp. I walked up to his bedside and looked down at my little guy. He was laying on his back, shirtless, an arm crossed over his forehead. His breathing was deep and steady. He seemed peaceful. I reached down to pull up his blankets and that’s when I noticed a sizeable tent over his crotch. It was the first time I’d seen his body do that. I was a little embarrassed, but I was also impressed that my “little boy” wasn’t so little. I stared at it a moment longer, eventually came to my senses, covered him with the blanket, and quietly walked out. I took one last look as I crossed the threshold of his room before going to bed.

I was preparing breakfast the next morning when Alex walked in dressed for school. He was humming a pop song and had a sweet smile on his face. “You seem chipper,” I said excitedly. “Did that new pill work well?”

“Mom, it worked REALLY well. I haven’t felt this good after a migraine in months! And I slept like a log.”

“Oh, Alex, that makes me so happy! And did you notice any side effects? Any third arms starting to grow out of your chest or anything?”

“No,” he laughed while rolling his eyes, “nothing yet. Strange dreams maybe, but otherwise I was out.”

“Good. Well come have some breakfast and let’s get you off to school.”

Over the next few days I would catch myself picturing the tent in Alex’s blankets. I was still surprised at how large it appeared to be. “Jesus Christ, lady, he’s your son. Think about something else,” I told myself. I just tried to shake the thought away and distract myself with work or household tasks. It worked for a little while at least.

I hadn’t been with a man since Alex’s father. I went from being a prude virgin to a complete slut for him. That’s obviously how I ended up pregnant. He turned out to be a complete ass (shocking, I know). Between that experience, my career, and caring for Alex there was no room in my life for a man. Other than Alex, I guess. My main sexual release was a nice steel bullet vibrator and a small silicon dildo. That seemed to be enough for me. A couple times a week I would wait for Alex to go to sleep, take a shower, and lie naked in my bed fucking myself while holding the bullet against my clit. Sometimes it took a while, but I’d eventually reach orgasm. It wasn’t amazing, but it kept me sane. Or it had anyway.

A week after his last migraine Alex again came to me holding his head. He was only wearing athletic shorts and I quickly gave his body a quick up-and-down before directing him to the shower and retrieving one of his pills. I kissed his forehead, tucked him in, turned off the small corner lamp and walked out.

My motherly instincts kicked in later that night and I found myself next to his bed, making sure he was okay. He was in a similar position: on his back, arm over his head, and a large tent post propping up the blanket where his legs met. In all the years he’d taken medication for migraines, and all the times I had checked on him, I couldn’t remember him every having erections like this. I thought back to the doctor talking about side effects. She had said something about blood pressure. This seemed like it could be related. I’d have to think about reporting it on the side effect website. “Maybe he’s growing a third arm after all,” I joked to myself.

I wanted to cover him up so I slowly lifted the blanket. As I did I got a better view of his body and the large short-covered lever that was holding everything up. I was again embarrassed to be looking, but as impressed and curious as ever about what I was seeing. Something inside me wanted to know what kind of man Alex was developing into. I half-heartedly convinced myself that’s what good mothers do. I laid the blanket aside, knelt down, and whispered my son’s name. Steady breathing. I put my hand on his shoulder and gave him a slight shake while saying his name louder. Steady breathing. I gently rocked his body with both hands and said his name as I normally would. No change. He continued to sleep like a baby.

Confident that the sedative was in full effect, I slowly reached for the top his shorts and lifted them away from his body and worked them down below the object of my interest: my son’s hard cock. My heart was pounding in my throat. Released from containment, it stood straight up, probably 6 inches or so, with good thickness. It was classic looking, circumcised, a slight arch toward his upper body. His groin area was mostly hairless, with some short medium-brown pubes above his penis. The peach fuzz on his balls was highlighted in the darkness. It was the first hard penis I’d seen in person since Alex’s father. Looking at it awoke something in my pussy. I could feel my labia engorging.

I looked at Alex’s face, his closed eyes, and his chest rising and falling. He was oblivious to what I was doing, so I continued.

I reached a finger up and traced his cock from the head to under his balls. It was as smooth as baby skin. I spent a few minutes touching all around it, appreciating the different textures of the head and shaft. It was beautiful. After a while I found myself wrapping my hand around my son’s cock, feeling its warmth and the pulse of his heart. At some point I started the natural motion of rubbing it up and down, pushing the shaft skin over the edge of the head then pulling it back down again. This grew into a rhythm, an incestuous rhythm of a mother’s hand on her son’s penis. I was completely enthralled.

I again looked up at Alex and noticed that his breathing had quickened.

This was the first male member I had touched in over a decade, but all the memories about it started rushing back to me. The slow trickle of pre-cum. The swelling of an approaching climax. The feel and smell of semen on my hands. And the taste of cum on my lips and tongue.

I continued jerking my son’s cock, becoming more intent on finishing what I had started. I was a good mother after all. I used my free hand to open his legs slightly and touch all around his private area. I cupped his scrotum, now tight against his body. I pushed my palm into his perineum, firmly massaging his flesh.

I was a bit surprised when I felt his cock beginning to swell in my hand after only a couple minutes. I wondered if he masturbated on his own, or if I was eliciting the first offering from his loins. I looked at the slit on the heat of his penis and saw a growing bead of pre-cum. I used my thumb to spread it across his head and down his shaft. It was delightfully slippery and made my job easier. My pussy was saturated by this point. I could feel the warmth and wetness of my panties. I longed to touch myself, but for now I was focused on my son.

As another minute ticked by I could sense that his climax approaching. I hadn’t planned on any of this happening, so I was ill prepared to deal with what was to come. I had no patience to stop, and I certainly wasn’t going to leave a mess. I had left myself only one choice, and already I didn’t regret it.

I lowered my face just inches from my son’s cock. The smell of his skin and continued flow of pre-cum was making my head foggy. I laid my head on his stomach and moved his penis so it was in line with my mouth. I continued jerking his cock, feeling the moist skin grow warmer and more firm. I moved my mouth slowly closer. I was in a state of rapt anticipation. I continued jacking him, waiting for that first blast to erupt. I had never wanted anything more than this. I opened my mouth slightly, ready to receive his ejaculate. Just as my lips encircled the tip of his head my son’s cock surged in my hand and exploded cum into my mouth. Four more jets quickly followed, none overwhelming me, but each giving me an erotic thrill. His cum was thin and watery, the smell and taste bring back a rush of memories from my youth. I slowly jerked his cock for another few moments. It continued pulsing, attempting to push the last drops to its target. I ran my tongue over the tip of his cock to scoop the last beads of his load. I wanted everything he could give me.

I sat up and moved my son’s cum across my tongue. I’d forgotten how much I enjoyed the taste and texture of semen. I swallowed, marveling at what had just occurred. At this point I was the one breathing heavily. I raised myself on shaky knees and carefully returned his sleep shorts to their correct position and covered him with the blanket. Leaning down I kissed his forehead, thinking about where my lips had just been. He looked as peaceful as ever, his brow relaxed.

I quietly walked from his room to mine, shedding my pajamas and panties along the way. I needed to quench the fire in my body. I grabbed my dildo from my dresser, flopped on my bed, and impaled myself. I savored the residual taste of my son’s cum in my mouth. My body convulsed and I came effortlessly…harder, longer, and more brightly than I ever had in my life. I reached up and squeezed my breast, pinching the nipple, which prolonged and heightened an already incredible orgasm. As I came down from an incredible high, I was panting, my heart pounding in my chest. I reflected on the entire encounter, which had only lasted 10 minutes. But I felt like my life had just changed profoundly.


2021-12-21 22:05:53
Well writtne. Looking forward to chapter two!


2021-12-07 11:58:03
Really well written story, AND awesomely Hot! Can't wait for the rest.


2021-12-07 11:53:36
Really well written story, AND awesomely Hot! Can't wait for the rest.


2021-12-07 03:44:20
Awesome story, well written


2021-12-07 02:15:47
I would like to see where this is going. Can’t wait for the next chapter

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