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I love New York anything and everything that you want is here somewhere
I love New York anything and everything that you want is here somewhere

Chapter 1

I am a good salesman I have sold everything from freezers to Eskimos to high end luxury cars but by far my current job has the best benefits in the world

I work the sales room of an upscale erotic emporium and I sell furniture but this is not your father’s lazy boy although we do have one version of those that’s been modified

First let me tell you how I got here, at the time I was working in a jewelry store when a couple came in wanting some custom pieces made The gentleman was in his 50s and dressed quite well in a tailored suit the lady while being upscale was dressed like a tramp, The jewelry they were looking for was a custom set of nipple rings With diamonds and rubies while taking his order I was also trying to sell him a few other pieces talking to her vanity and his sense during this conversation, he stopped me and look me in the eye and asked me how would you like a job making double what you are now my reply is you don’t even know what I’m making now he then told me I was a hell of a salesman and he wanted me for his establishment he gave me a second Business card and told me if I was interested to meet at that address Friday night at six.

After some thought I figured it couldn’t hurt to check it out and I arrived at the address promptly at six it was a large building the front was a night club but there were many businesses all around the edges

I spoke briefly to the doorman of the club he asked my name and I gave and immediately I was ushered in to a hostess she took me by the arm and brought me to a second-floor office that overlooked the club

Meeting my potential new employer, I was handed a finger of scotch and motion to a seat and I was told he owned this entire block the Night club was just the most public of the businesses he wanted me to work in his furniture storefront He said with a chuckle as I later learned the store front was in the back of an upscale sex shop Around the corner from the club

After we finished our drink he told me to follow him and we go have a look we exited the night club out the front and went around the corner and sure enough a well-lit sex shop with just about everything imaginable In it’s 15000 square-foot room

There were a few cute sales girls wandering around in a type of uniform themed off of a French maid outfit We walked to the back and that wall contained a lot of the BDSM paraphernalia there we found a pair of arched castle doors and a small office to the side we walked in the office and there was the lady with the diamond nipple rings, dressed in a modest skirt and a push-up bra with a totally transparent blouse over top I was handed over and introduced to Cinn Van Servs. A stage name of course but his wife She got up and took my arm and he just walked away

Back in front of the castle doors she said to me are you ready for the most fun you’ve had in your life I looked at her and nodded she lifted her hand and pressed a little remote I hadn’t noticed and the doors opened

It was pitch black behind those doors subtly There was a red glow that built up slowly as we walked through a short hall at the end of the hall the room started to light up as well there was over 100 pieces of furniture brick walls all the way around high ceilings with chains hanging down here and there as we walk the circumference of the room he started to Point out and name the furniture as we went I could recognize a few of the pieces but not everything As we came around to the back wall there were at least a half a dozen beds all queen size or larger some with cages underneath some four poster with wood beams or steel

At this point she sat down on the edge of a bed Looked me right in the eye And said OK stud sell me this bed and that began the wild this job interview I’ve ever had

I turned around and picked up the Features card to quickly commit it to memory I quickly turned back only to see Cinn Had shed her blouse and skirt and was standing in her push-up bra a garter belt and stockings and a pair of sensible heels She looked me in the eye and said don’t choke now stud that comes later

putting on my sales face I started right into it this is a lovely queen size bed in our mid-range as you can see it has full canopy with black Velvet curtains the canopy supports are rated to a maximum weight of 600 pounds and the frame comes with under bed storage

Cinn interrupts me are they big enough for a body she smiles as my face changes slightly

Smoothly I reply depends on the size of the body I am assuming she winked at me what about my size.

Only one way to see I reach down and pull one of the drawers out and indeed it would be large enough for her also within the drawer there’s a couple of coils of rope and four cuffs

Cinn replies I see some accessories are included

Picking those items up and putting them on the bed she proceeds to climb in the drawer lying flat

Seeing where this is going, I slowly push the drawer back under the bed and after a couple of seconds I hear a knock so I pull the drawer back out

She hops out and says not for me but somebody might like it

Seeing where this might be going I decide to press my luck and ask her what she thought of the accessories shall we try them on she holds out her arms and I cuff both her wrists they are decent material but they are not the top of the line they have out front once her wrists are done I kneel at her feet and proceeded to put cuffs on her ankles then taking some rope I walk to the foot of the bed spy a couple of rings and thread the rope through the two highest I indicate she should stand facing the bed she does so willingly and wanted to tie my tie her wrists as high as They will go on either of the supports once she is secure I once again kneel and attach her feet to the bottom rings and slowly pull or feet apart and secure them walking up behind her I whisper in her ear what she thought of the accessories now for a reply she thrust her ass backwards into my hard cock and rubbed it around a bit taking that as a go ahead I put my hands on her waist and ground harder into her ass

I held her still I gave the obvious question, what about your husband her reply don’t worry about him I’m sure he’s enjoying this as well nodding her chin to a few security cameras that I missed on my way in I then took my hands and traced them from her wrist to her elbows to her shoulders down her sides down to her knees tracing my fingers up her ass her lower back and onto her shoulders reaching to unclasp her bra I then reached around and cup each one of her melon sized tits squeezing slightly working my way to her nipples and the jewelry attached to them Giving them a little tug I hear the first moan come from Cinn Taking that as a positive I started to nuzzle her neck all the while her ass is swaying back-and-forth grinding on my now painfully hard cock Moving slightly to the side I brought my hand down to feel between her legs what I met Was a hot wet dripping pussy once my fingers were coated I started to slide them in and out dipping my thumb in now and again once it was coated as well I pressed it again Her ass hole and with every thrust matched it entering her ass slowly until I had three fingers in her pussy and my thumb up your ass her moaning was a lot louder now and she was thrashing a little against her bonds

She started morning yes yes and then she was saying condom, I actually did have one although later I learned there were bowls full of them all over the store taking that as permission I unbuckle my pants and let them drop to the floor wrapped my Cock grabbed her hips and pushed into the root.

She was tighter than I expected and it felt good I grabbed her hips once again and started my strokes taking my time at first She was starting to thrust back at me so I picked up the pace and she said now is the time to choke taking her meaning I took my hands off her hips and wrap them around her throat just enough pressure to let her know they were there but unconscious is not my scene so I didn’t go too far We were thrusting at each other at full pace now and I was getting close and apparently so was she, started to spasm and back and her pussy was clenching at my cock that did it got me well over the edge and I filled that condom to the breaking point.

Once I stopped seeing stars I grabbed Cinn under the rib cage and then untied her Arms and let her fall forward onto the mattress while I went down to untie her ankles I stood and fixed my pants and undid her cuffs as I was putting them back in the drawer she re-fastened her bra put her blouse back on and finished buttoning up her skirt without a thought she started walking, let’s continue The tour shall we

Walking along she told me I had the job if I wanted it once we’ve got back to her office, she started laying down the rules

You’ll get a starting wage double what you were making before plus commission on everything you sell, we do need to keep you motivated

like just now if you have sex in that room, you better have a condom on it’s more for your health than anybody else

The girls up front are free agents Like you they get a salary and commission if you want to use one for a demo model to help a sale you ask them and split the commission

I noticed your rope work was a little sloppy I’ll show you the book you need to learn

Now finally how much BDSM experience have you ever had

I replied that I had very little just some slap and tickle in the bedroom with occasional partners but I had absolutely nothing against it I just wouldn’t go to some of the extreme places

She pulled out some paperwork handed it to me stood and we walked back through the tunnel to what would become my office

It was very comfortable but I did notice paraphernalia all over the place maybe left from the last sales person

Cinn left me to this paperwork and then apparently questionnaires on the bondage lifestyle

Chapter 2

Sexual assault will not be reported but it will be graded

My first month went rather slowly I got to know my ropes literally and I got to know the sales girls up front, Who was in to what and importantly who was fully in the lifestyle I intended to learn, my one small sale that month was to no shit a sorority house There were five of them all dressed in the classic school girl outfit variations on the theme Red black purple yellow and green Whether it was a hazing or something else I don’t know but they were looking for a spanking bench They spent the first 15 minutes ohhh and ahhh at the furniture Until I approached to see if I could help them find what they were looking for once described I took him them to the spot where we had a few spanking benches From basic metal and padding To a rich oak Catholic girl bench with leather kneeling pads And brass cross They were each trying them out kneeling over showing me that each had a matching thong to her skirt as each girl knelt one or two of the others would spank them with their hands barely leaving a quiver in the ass I politely reminded them that a real man would be a little more firm where upon the bravest of the bunch purple knelt down on the catholic one looked me straight in the eye and said Monsignor why don’t you show me how it’s done, how could I refuse an offer like that I placed my left hand on the small of her back and proceeded to slap each ass cheek twice very hard She jumped up very fast with a queer look on her face Like she wanted to say something but in the end knew that she asked for it. One of the others then proceeded to take her place if I would’ve guessed I would’ve said she was the shy one of the group, She didn’t say anything she just looked up at me so I slowly put my left hand on her back I looked the other one straight in the eye and spank this one three times On each cheek She did not jump up in fact she settled more into the bench and I heard a very quiet Moan The other girls still looking at Purple missed that so with my hand still on the small of the back of green I ask the other girls of their choice With their affirmative reply I told him to go back up to the front desk and make their purchase and arrangements for delivery As they walked away I bet over to talk to green I asked her if she was OK, her answer was more please. Knowing that This bench had a Paddle in a spot upfront I reached over and pulled it out her eyes got a little big and then she nodded so I gave her I smack at about half strength she moaned again more So now with a measured pace I smacked her little ass five times and then twice more at a much stronger Intensity After the last blow I could hear her quite well as she moaned god yes and started to cum Vibrating on the bench as well as moisture dripping out of her little thong after a minute she was able to stand Grabbed my arm Kissed my cheek and told me don’t move I’ll be right back as she scurried to her friends wondering what that was about I just watched as she spoke to them and gestures back to me the four leave and she comes back into my show room I want to thank you properly oh and with that she goes to knees and opens my trousers and as I go commando my semi rigid cock bounces up at her face She immediately lunges for it and inhales the tip and proceeds to give me pretty good head I grab a fist of her hair and start controlling her speed When I do that she starts to mew around my cock so with that I start to push further to see if she can swallow everything she chokes a little but gives no indication of wanting to stop me soon I warn her that I’m nearing the end and she redoubles the effort to deep throat me and Is soon rewarded with a mouth full of cum

And with that She stood wiggled out of her thong Put it in my breast pocket and scurried out the door. Things picked up after that

Chapter 3

Even cowgirls get black and blue

By now I was comfortable in my job and in Kink during down times the girls from upfront would come back and educate me in one way or another at their discretion it was always fun and flirty and at times got absolutely Libidinous

Anyway, this couple comes in cowboy hats boots jeans the works now this is a little unusual for New York downtown Dallas maybe but this couple starts to Peruse the merchandise so they were stopped in front of the Saint Andrews crosses So I wandered up to them to start my sales pitch cowboy Bob as I was introduced was saying look at this here fancy Hitchin Post looking under his hat I could see mischief in his features so I figured why not play along

Yes sir this will hitch up your filly in no time and then you can put her through her paces

What do you think Darlin you up for some fun

She didn’t speak she just started to Unbutton her denim shirt to reveal a cute little halter top made out of leather straps on her B cup chest And drop her little mini skirt to the floor showing matching leather harness underwear Keeping her hat and boots on he turned around and faced the cross Cowboy Bob and I secure her wrists and then ankles him on her right and I on her left Bob walked me back a few feet and asked me if I had a whip around here I paged one of the girls upfront and she brought back a small ***********ion of bull whips bob picked up two and gave them each a perfunctory swing put one back and went back to the cross and ran his hands all over his girl lightly almost as if she was a filly and stepped back and started a swing or two just extending the whip to it’s full reach on the third he flicked his wrist fast and the cracker left a light mark on her right buttock I don’t think she twitched And then with eight rapid strokes whip went flying out and back and on the last one her hat went flying off her head And that was the only one that she twitched he coiled up the whip and walked back to his girl I trailed along right behind him once there I noticed a total of eight light marks in different parts of her body pink not red and maybe an inch long one on each side and one on each buttock one on each shoulder one on each upper arm and I assume the last one is what threw her hat off he was that quick he once again stroked her flesh and then undid the restraints

This was the quickest demo I ever had and the sale was made I had to admire the skill bob had shown

Chapter 4

the magic trick

It was a Tuesday night not much has been happening until just before 1 AM I had made my rounds to all the equipment everything was shipshape so I went back to my office to practice a few knots

When this unusual couple walked it she was dressed in spandex club dress that hugs every single curve and nothing was out of place with her heels she stood 6 foot tall she had a big old booty as well as a large set of tits her companion looked at so out of place at 5 foot tall 100 pounds but his suit looked expensive In this business odd couples were almost the norm So after greeting them warmly I put the question out with will you be looking for today She spoke up first as i guessed she might, we are looking for a Queening chair I lead them to the chairs some more luxury and some a full squat she looks at a few and with a look and a snap of her fingers the little man is stripping to nothing but a caged cock she lifts her dress to her waist and sits on one of the more relaxed chairs like a theater seat with a wider front to spread your legs she gets in and the little man crawls under to find his position I show him the adjustable head rest and how it will push him to position and show her the controls for this and the rest of the chair his head in position he is eating her with gusto and she is just relaxing into the chair support as she pulls her top down and starts playing with her nipples her dress now just a belt around her waist she has a small orgasm and moves the controls so that her partner is lowered and they start to make comments on the ease and comfort provided she then adjusts the chair to its most aggressive posture dam near smothering the little man under her he must have a snorkel as he was in there a good 5 min until she started to buck and thrash in the chair Cuming hard as she was coming down she reset the controls and the little man slid out and began dressing I lent her a hand and she stood then adjusted her dress to cover if not hide her body she looked at me and snapped her fingers and the little man pulled out a platinum card so fast like it was a magic trick another satisfied customer


I want to suck your …

It was October and in walks a wet dream cliché full figured woman six feet tall full ass and tits pale skin black hair deep v red dress and black velvet cloaked vamp she walked around and stopped at the beds now I figured no sale but she was either a wet dream or a nightmare and I wanted to roll the die so as I was walking to where she stood I started to list the features of this massive four post bed with all the extras hardwoods and inlays steel reenforcing hidden rings block out curtains of red silk over black velvet available in queen and California king sizes as I finished she un tied her cloak and laid it on the bed stepped out of her heels and lay down crossing her wrists over her breasts I stood over her and saw the red dress had a slit up her right thigh exposing her shapely leg encased in a black RTH stocking with wide lace top . after a moment eyes closed she asks me to draw the curtains and join her to show the other features I do so and doff my shoes and climb in the other side laying on my side facing her it is pitch black and her breathing is all that gives away her presence in this closed space now lying close to her in the dark I reach out and touch her leg lightly in case I read her wrong at this she rolls toward me and places a hand on my arm I reach to the headboard and find a small remote and press a button a LED glow comes on just enough to see by and not much more and I see her wrap around dress has come open and her matching black lingerie is showing asking what other kinky features were in here to this I fumbled till I found a rope tie from the curtains and tied it around her wrist and then moved to straddle her torso to find the other tie for her other wrist once that was done I spun over her torso and found the other ties for her ankles after I limited her mobility I opened her dress wide and took in her form just tracing it with my fingers not planning much beyond this point my fingers traced across her lips and she started sucking two of them hard and rhythmically until I pulled them out and asked her is she wanted something more substantial to suck yes she said so I unbuckled my belt and unzipped ready for this I was fully hard since I tied her wrist I shifted my position so my feet were far above her head and I placed my hands on either side of her hips doing a push up but then on every down stroke I was entering her mouth as slow and as deep as I could only coming back up when I could feel her running out of air I kept this a slow and as long as I could hold out pushing down her throat at this angle was getting easer until I was bumping her chin with my front she had taken it all a few more slow and deep strokes I was about to explode I pulled out and said as much, her response was finish in my throat so one more push and I started to throb pumping my load directly past her tonsils and deep in her throat If I wasn’t there already her swallowing motions would have set me off once again once spent I pulled back just as she was thrashing into her bonds and was gasping for air as soon as I left her lips still over her this way I pulled the cords on her ankles and then rolled over and turned to her wrists, not yet its my turn as she folded her body in half and held her ankles with her tied wrists pushing her pantie clad pussy in the air I knelt down leaned in and blew hot breath on her nether lips through her panties then hooking the gusset and pulling I started to lick her pussy long and deep licks past her clit but not neglecting it either then slowly inserting a couple of fingers to rub her G spot as I homed in on sucking and nibbling her clit more aggressively adding in a third finger in the come hither position I sucked steadily on her clit until her thrashing was frantic then I started rubbing her clit hard with three fingers and holding my mouth open I waited for what I was certain was going to be a flood of juices I could feel her tremble as a small guesser of juices entered my waiting mouth filling it pulling my fingers I clamped down on her pussy till the shocks receded and then swallowing I lay beside her as her legs came down after a moment I untied her wrists and just let her catch her breath I pulled my pants back on and zipped and then slipped out of the bed giving her time to recover hearing movement I slowly opened the side to reveal her tying the dress closed and sitting up I held out a hand as she dismounted the bed and stood slipping the shoes back on

Thank you for the demonstration ill be in touch to place and order

And to my surprise she did soon after

I love new York it has everything and I love this job
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