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Chapter 2. Now that she's learned about the side effects, Tina takes her time caring for her son
This story is a work of fantasy. None of it is true. Don’t use it for inspiration. Don’t hurt people you love.

[Read Chapter 1 before proceeding]

I had to leave the house early the next morning for a work meeting, so I didn’t see Alex until the evening. I had a hard time focusing during the day. Visions of the night before kept taking over my planned work. One minute I’m reviewing next quarter’s finance reports and the next I’m picturing my son’s hard cock glistening with pre-cum. My cunt was on fire all day. Thankfully the afternoon was packed with meetings that kept me engaged and not thinking about…other things.

I got home around 6pm. Alex was watching YouTube on our large TV and yelled out “Hey Mom!” A few moments later he bounded into the kitchen. We chatted about school, homework, his soccer coach, and other aspects of his day. Everything seemed normal. Better even. I eventually overcame my nerves and asked, “So did the migraine pill work again?”

“Mom,” he said, “it’s great! I feel so much better than with those other pills. The migraine backs off so quickly, and I sleep really well, and I wake up clear-headed instead of foggy. It’s crazy how good I feel. I do have kinda crazy dreams when I take that pill, but they’re not bad, they’re just fun and weird.”

I just smiled at him. “Okay, well let me know if any of that changes. It all sounds too good to be true. I’m so happy the doctor prescribed this medication for you.” I smiled inside as I said this.

The days went on like normal for a couple weeks. Every few nights I’d check on Alex while he slept, not only to be a good mother, but also check if he was getting nighttime erections when he hadn’t taken a migraine pill. Sometimes he would have a “semi,” but never the blanket-raising boner that had become my obsession. I was becoming convinced the pills were causing them.

My mind and body were becoming increasingly sexual. My thoughts were continually flooded by thoughts of Alex’s dick. I was masturbating almost nightly, sometime twice. I re-lived my encounter each time, feeling the surge of his cock as his cum flooded my mouth and tongue. I decided to shave my pussy, something I hadn’t done since I was a teenager. Feeling my smooth, bald mound reminded me of Alex’s soft cock and balls. I quickly became wet and slick.

A few days later, Alex slowly walk in with his eyes nearly closed and his hands holding his head. My pussy started getting hot immediately. “Mom, can you get the pills?” he asked. I replied that I would, then gave him a tight hug, pressing my body into his and inhaling his scent. A few minutes later I had kissed him goodnight and walked out of his room.

I planned to check on him in an hour. I wanted to be more prepared should any opportunities arise. I raised the house thermostat a couple degrees to keep everyone comfortable in less dress. I stripped naked and put on my small silky robe. I tied my hair back. I grabbed my dildo and placed it in my robe pocket. And I brought along a couple washcloths, just in case.

I tip-toed into Alex’s room and sat on the bed near his feet. He wore his athletic shorts again, thanks to a loving suggestion from his mother. He was laying on his side facing the room, the blanket loosely draped over him. If he had an erection, I couldn’t see it from this angle. I gave his body a few rocks, calling out his name. He had no response whatsoever. I smoothly lifted the blanket from his body and set it aside. Slowly pushing on his hip, I rolled Alex onto his back. His shorts were tented. My pussy gushed in excitement. As before, I carefully pulled the top of his shorts away from his body and began shimmying them below his bottom. I realized he and I would both be more comfortable if the shorts were gone altogether, so away they went. With that, I was staring at my naked son and his 6 inch cock pointed at the ceiling.

I wanted to explore his bits from the comfort of the bed, so I gently opened his legs, placing one of his feet on the floor and leaning his other knee against the wall. This gave me complete access to his cock, balls, and inner thighs. I laid on my belly and inched forward so my face was inches from his privates. I could see his balls slowly shifting in their sack, and his cock moving slightly with the beat of his pulse. I loved the look of his smooth skin as it reflected the ambient lighting.

Reaching forward I took hold of his cock, again appreciating its shape, length, and girth. It seemed like the perfect specimen. I slowly started jacking him, watching his ball sack move along with me. I pressed my face closer, brushing my cheeks on the soft skin of his inner legs, then kissing my way back to his groin. His flesh felt as soft as mine. I centered myself, lowered my head, and pushed my lips into his perineum, smelling my son’s faint musk. I stuck out my tongue and touched it to his scrotum, feeling the strange texture of the wrinkly skin. I licked his sack again and again, painting it with glistening sheen of saliva. I worked my way up to base of his cock, then kissed and licked my way to the top. After a few minutes his glans shined with a combination of my spit and his pre-cum. I jerked him using this mixture as a lubricant.

I spent several minutes letting my tongue play with his soft ball sack, manipulating its inhabitants, taking each one in my mouth before releasing it. As a teenager I never got the chance to really examine my boyfriend’s genitals before I got knocked up. I was happy to take all the time I wanted now.

I raised myself onto my knees and leaned over my son’s lower body. I continued jerking his cock as I lowered my mouth and took his head between my lips. I loved the spongy texture of the mushroom tip. I explored every crevice with my tongue and lips, tasting the pre-cum that flowed from his slit. Opening my jaw slightly I took in an inch of his shaft, bobbing my head in time with my hand. I pushed my tongue against the bottom of his cock to increase my contact and pressure. After a few minutes I felt his glans begin to swell.

Knowing the end was near I pulled my dildo from the pocket of my robe. Never breaking contact, I spread my legs and dipped the head into my gushing pussy and moved it up and down my entire gash. I passed it repeatedly over my swollen clit. I came quickly, fueled by the incestuous cock in my mouth. I bobbed my head lower, taking three, then four, then five inches of son’s cock inside my body. I wasn’t much of a cocksucker as a girl, both because I didn’t particularly like it and my boyfriend was always in a hurry to fuck me. But this was different. This was for me, and for the person I loved most. I moved my hand down to his scrotum and perineum, using my thumb to massage his muscle in time with my mouth.

I pushed my head further, my son’s cock touching the back of my throat for the first time. At this point I plunged the dildo into my cunt, cumming hard. I bobbed my head in time with the dildo in my hand, pushing both farther and farther until my son’s sopping wet ballsack was bouncing off my chin. I could feel his body begin to tighten and his cock swelled in the back of my throat. I was so ready. All at once he surged his hips forward, attempting to bury himself inside me. His cock jerked hard and a small fountain of cum released into my waiting mouth. I could feel the strong spurts of watery jizz spraying against my throat. I came with him, push my dildo as far as it could go. I swallowed his cum as quickly as he could give it to me, my tongue rubbing against every inch of cock that it could manage. His body continued its spasm for several moments. This needful movement kept my own orgasm surging. My body was covered in sweat and my heart was pounding.

I slowly released his cock from my mouth and collapsed on my haunches. I was completely satisfied, more than I had ever been. I licked my lips, tasting my sweat and my son’s cum. I took deep cleansing breaths and eventually my heart settled. I looked up at my son’s face. His expression had hardly changed. I wondered if some part of what just happened had assimilated into his dream. While I wanted to keep this completely compartmented from his consciousness, part of me hoped he felt and enjoyed it.

After wiping my gushing pussy I went about wiping him down, repositioning his body, returning his clothes, and covering him with the blanket. Everything looked normal. Well, except that his penis was still in the form of a raging boner. I remembered that my boyfriend could recover in 30 minutes to an hour, but Alex seemed to be ready to go again now. I shook my head and smiled. “Not tonight lover boy,” I thought to myself.

I knelt by him and stared at his young face. I loved him so much. I knew what I had done wasn’t ideal, but I felt that I was still being a good mother by taking care of my son and that it was bringing us closer together. I hated that he got these migraines, but we were going to make the best of it.


2021-12-08 03:04:15
Great first 2 chapters! Hope to see this continue to grow


2021-12-08 01:40:20
Defiantly need much more. Great so far.


2021-12-08 01:39:58
Defiantly need much more. Great so far.


2021-12-07 13:50:32
Hope there are a few more chapters, to this story. Makes me wish, I was your son!!

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