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She lowered her guard and paid the price
Clarissa Morgen parked her car adjacent to the local restaurant. She checked the building opposite to where she was parked. A guard was standing beside the entrance door of Johnson Brothers Lending Inc.

“There is no way I can sneak inside.” She thought.

Last week, Clarissa was approached by a woman whose brother, James Williams, has gone missing. The sister told her that James owed money from the Johnson Brothers and that she thought that they had something to do with her brother’s disappearance.

Clarissa’s investigations lead her to the discovery that two days before James disappeared he was approached by Tre Johnson, the owner of the lending corporation, and beat him up as a warning.

Clarissa needed more information about Tre’s involvement with James’ disappearance. Sneaking into his office is out of the question. It might be filled with security cameras. Nope. Can’t do it.

An idea crossed her mind. She growled in frustration. She hated the idea. She hated asking him for help, but she had no choice. “Fine! I’ll go see him.” She muttered loudly in her car and drove off.


Higgins Electronics Depot. Clarissa stared at the shop’s sign with disdain. I hate this place. She opened the door and walked directly to the counter.

“Is he in?” She asked the timid-looking teenager on the cash register.

The guy stared at her in amazement. Wow. She is pretty. He thought.

“Y-yes.” He replied.

“Good,” Clarissa replied and let herself in the counter, and walked straight to the manager’s office.

“Hey, wait!” The counter guy called to her, but she paid him no attention.

Clarissa opened the manager’s door and stood in front of the desk. The manager looked at her in surprise, then a wide grin appeared on his face.

“Clarissa! What a surprise!” Clyde beamed at his visitor.

“What brings your pretty face to my humble office?” He asked as he started running his eyes on her body.

Clarissa noticed his eyes and shrugged in disgust. Creepy as always. But I’ve got no choice. “I’ve got a job for you.” She began.

“Anything for the beautiful lady!” Clyde replied and poured himself a drink. “Want a beer?” He asked her.

“No thanks. Look, I need you to plant bugs on the Johnson Brothers’ office. Can you do it?” Clarissa asked.

Upon hearing this, Clyde put down his drink. His smile was wiped out of his face.

“That is not an easy task.” He looked at her seriously.

“I know. That’s why I’m paying you double than the usual.”

Clyde paused for a while, tapping his index finger on the desk as he looked up at the ceiling.

“Well?” Clarissa asked.

Clyde stretched and adjusted himself on his chair. “I’ll do it.”

Clarissa sighed in relief.

“I’ll do it, but I need another thing,” Clyde said.

Dammit! Clarissa looked at Clyde with disdain in her eyes. She hated asking him for help. She hated the way he looks at her. She hated his creepy face, but this pervert is the only chance she’s got.

Clarissa shrugged. “Fine. What do you want?”

Clyde grinned at her. “The double payment and a dinner with me.”

“That’s ridiculous!” Clarissa yelled at him in disgust.

“It’s not an easy task. This is the Johnson Brothers we’re talking about.” Clyde replied.

Clarissa was filled with anger and hopelessness. Fuck this pervert! He can sense her desperation.

“Either that or three times the usual price. My services ain’t cheap, you know.” Clyde smiled at Clarissa.

“Come on, Clarissa. A dinner with me ain’t so bad. We’ve been friends for a long time.” Clyde began saying.

“I know I’m not your type. But dinner is all I’m asking.” Clyde put up a sad face to go along with his plea.

As much as she wanted to smash his creepy face on the desk, she is desperate. Clarissa hated Clyde for that one time it took too long for her to pay his services.

The client bailed on her and she wasn’t paid. She promised to pay Clyde when she got another case. Only then did Clarissa find out that three weeks is forever to Clyde.

As a reminder, Clyde planted a camera in Clarissa’s room and took private pictures of her. He sent those photos to her along with a reminder to pay up.

Clarissa blamed herself for being careless and negligent, but it was no excuse to invade her privacy.

She never wanted to use his services again, but there was no other person who can do this. Clyde is the best in this city.

“Fine,” Clarissa replied in disgust.

“Great!” Clyde exclaimed in excitement and stood up. “I’ll plant the bugs tonight. Here’s the listening device.” Clyde handed her a small box with two earpieces and a small speaker inside.

“I’ll call you when it’s ready. The earlier I do it, the sooner I can have dinner with you.” Clyde said and winked at her.

“Call me when it’s done.” Clarissa shuddered in disgust then turned to leave.

“Don’t worry, Clarissa. I got you!” Clyde told her as she walked away. She’s so hot and pretty. Clyde thought. His eyes fastened on her shapely ass. Those pants are so tight. He smiled when he saw the outline of her panties as she walked away.


The Next Day:

Clarissa groaned as she was woken up by the ringing of her phone.

Who the hell calls at 6 in the morning?

She groped for her phone and picked it up. It was Clyde.

Great. Just the perfect guy to talk to first thing in the morning.

“What?” Clarissa said on the phone in a sleepy voice.

“Good morning, sleeping beauty. Everything’s ready. Just turn on the device and you’re good to go.” Clyde told her on the phone.

“Great. Just send me the bill and I’ll pay you.”

“Don’t worry about the bill.” Clyde began. “I’ll give it to you after our..” he paused. “romantic dinner.”

“Ugh, fine,” Clarissa said with displeasure in her voice, then hang up.

She got up from the bed, took a shower, then brought all the things she needed and left her apartment.


Clarissa sat on the farthest corner of the cafe just opposite the Johnson Brothers' office and ate her breakfast. She inserted the earphones in her ears as she ate her meal.

She can hear Tre Johnson speaking with some people. Nothing significant was happening.

She then moved to her car that was parked just a few meters away from the office’s front door. She watched the premises of the office and took pictures of the people going in and out of the building.

Ugh! This is so boring! The conversations she was listening was completely business-related and mostly were just senseless conversations.

Clarissa just sat inside her car for hours, listening intently to the conversations inside the office. It was around lunchtime when she heard Tre talk to someone on his phone.

“Hey. I’ll be out to grab some lunch. I’ll close the office at 4:00. Let’s meet at the shop. I’ll make James talk. I can’t wait to get my hands on the Graff Diamonds.” Clarissa heard Tre speak.

“Graff Diamonds!” Clarissa exclaimed. Those diamonds were stolen three months ago! Does James know where they are? How?!

Clarissa’s thoughts are running wildly. “This case is bigger than I thought.”

She watched Tre get out of his office and drove away. She tailed his car from a few meters away.

Tre’s car parked outside a local restaurant. She watched him get inside the restaurant.

The restaurant’s windows are tinted. “Shit,” Clarissa muttered. I can’t see him and I don’t have a bug on him.

Clarissa got out of her car and went inside the restaurant.

The place was teeming with people. Clarissa took her place five tables away from Tre and watched him discreetly.

She watched him approached by a waiter. She couldn’t hear what he was saying. She couldn’t tell if he was simply ordering a meal, or told something to the waiter about some shady business.

Although she was bad at it, she tried to read his lips when her view was blocked when she was approached by a waiter.


“Good day, miss. May I take your order?” The waiter asked politely.

Clarissa ordered something simple to send the waiter away.

Clarissa then continued watching Tre. Again, nothing significant was happening.

Tre eventually left the restaurant and started walking to his car. Clarissa followed him again.

She followed his car again. It turns out he only went back to his office.

Clarissa groaned in annoyance inside her car. This task is dragging as hell!

She parked on the same spot and continued listening to the conversations inside the office.


It was now four in the afternoon. “Okay, this is it,” Clarissa said.

She watched Tre leave the building and she tailed him again.

Tre parked his car beside a storage warehouse.

Clarissa parked her car a block away. She took out her binoculars and watched Tre.

She saw him leave his car and check his surroundings, then he knocked on the door. Immediately, the door opened another person peeped his head out of the door, then let Tre in.

Clarissa recognized the other man as Andre Johnson, Tre’s younger brother.

She walked towards the warehouse. She did her best to make no sound.

She searched for an open window to peek through. Bingo.

Clarissa found a jalousie window on the rear side of the warehouse. She started removing the glass panels one by one when she heard two gunshot sounds.

Clarissa was startled. What was that? Were those…gunshots?! To hell with this, I’m going in!

Clarissa grabbed one of the removed glass panels and stepped back. She threw the panel to the window and it shattered the remaining panels.

She hopped inside the window and found herself inside a locker room. She moved to the door and fortunately, it was unlocked.

The door lead to open space inside the warehouse and in her horror, she saw two men lying face down on the ground.

She ran towards the sprawled bodies. They were lying face down and blood was starting to flow from them.

She grabbed the man closest to her and turned his body around. She recognized him as Tre Johnson.

“Oh my god!” Clarissa exclaimed as she saw Tee’s bleeding torso. He had been shot.

“The other man must be Andre.”, She thought.

She immediately reached for her phone and dialed 911.

“911. What is your emergency?” The voice on the phone said.

“There are two men with gunshot wounds. They are inside the warehouse at Fortitch Street. Both are still alive. Please hurry.” Clarissa said on the phone.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of a car engine starting. She turned her head in the direction of the sound and saw a blue van speeding out of the warehouse.

She was about to run and check the car’s plates when somebody grabbed her hand. It was Tre.

He pulled her towards him and Clarissa gasped in surprise at his sudden strength.

His bloody hand grabbed the collar of her shirt. He tried to lean closer to her.

“H-he t-t-took James.” Tre managed to say.

“Who did this?” Clarissa asked in a panicked voice.

“Before Clyde can answer, he slumped back on the floor.

“Don’t move, and don’t talk. The ambulance is on the way. I’m sorry, but I gotta go. I’ll find out who did this.”

Clarissa ran away to her car. She needs to find the person who did this. If she waited for the paramedics, she will also be brought in for questioning and that would make things more difficult.

Clarissa went out of the warehouse. It was already dark. She sprinted to her car and drove back to her office.


“Dammit!” Clarissa screamed and slammed her hands on the steering wheel.

When she reached the highway, it was blocked by two cars that crashed into each other. She was stuck in traffic for half an hour. When she slipped past the blocking cars, she sped off to her office.


Clarissa stepped into her office and walked to the bathroom.

She stood in front of the mirror and washed her face.

“Calm down, Clarissa. Calm down.” She told herself.

She noticed her shirt was stained with Tre’s blood. She unbuttoned her shirt and took it off.

She tried to wash the blood stain away, but it was futile. She discarded her shirt on the tub and stood in the mirror shirtless. She noticed a tiny bit of bloodstain on the right strap of her bra.

His blood must have soaked through my shirt.

“What a mess.” She told her reflection as she stood and looked at her half-naked body in the mirror.

She stepped out of the bathroom and approached her desk.

Something was wrong.

Clarissa stopped mid-step. Her eyes scanned the room. Something is off, but I cannot tell what.

She noticed her coffee mug was in a slightly different position than when she left it. The pens on her desk are slightly scattered.

Clarissa took a deep breath. Her alertness is peaked. She felt like being watched. My gun is in the bedroom.

Clarissa walked slowly to her bedroom. She was only a few steps away from the door when she heard a crashing sound behind her.

A figure burst out of the cabinet. He was dressed in black and had a baton in his right hand.

Clarissa’s eyes widened in disbelief as she recognized the man as the man from Clyde’s store - the guy behind the cash register.

The man raised the baton and Clarissa grabbed his wrist before he could strike.

Clarissa balled her fist and was about to punch her assailant in the face when arms wrapped her body from behind.

She gasped in surprise when the person behind her bear-hugged her. She heard the man behind her grunt and she was lifted off the floor. The cash register guy in front of her immediately grabbed her legs.

“Get off me!” She screamed at him.

The men lifted Clarissa and slammed her body on her desk.

“AHHH!” She cried out in pain as her back landed on the desk, the pens pressing hard against her spine.

She felt her legs being pinned in place. She also felt her hands being grabbed. I can’t move!

Clarissa gave a cry when her hair was pulled down. She could feel the edge of the table on her nape.

Her head was bent down toward the floor. She was facing up, the light on the ceiling is blinding her eyes.

A figure blocked the blinding light from her eyes and she is now staring face to face with one of her assailants.

Clarissa’s eyes widened in disbelief when she is staring at Clyde’s smiling face.

“Hello, Clarissa.” Clyde smiled at her face.

“You b-“ Clarissa was cut short when the cash register guy elbowed her stomach.

“Hold her.” She heard Clyde told his partner. She was still coughing and unable to struggle for a while when she saw Clyde pull a small bottle, and a white cloth.

Her eyes widened in fear as Clyde poured the liquid from the bottle into the cloth.

She started to struggle wildly, but before she could scream Clyde grabbed her hair again and yanked it toward the floor. Her head was lolled again towards the floor and the damp cloth was clamped over her mouth and nose.

“Mmmmhhhmmmp!” Clarissa gave a muffled scream. She tried to thrash her body, but their grip on her arms and legs are so strong.

“Just breathe, Clarissa.” Clyde brought his face closer to hers and smiled at her creepily. He clamped the chloroformed cloth harder on her face and grabbed her hair with stronger force to keep her head in place.

“Hllllllp! Mmmmmhmmmmm!” Clarissa tried to kick her legs, and move her arms in vain. Her captor’s grip was too strong.

“Easy, Clarissa. You ain’t going anywhere.” Clyde whispered in her ear. He looked at her face, then his gaze moved lower. He stared at her beautiful neck.

“Hmmmmmmhhh” Clarissa was starting to feel the effects of the chloroform. Her head is feeling light. Her resistance is getting weaker. She inhaled another breath full of chloroform and she felt her consciousness starting to slip.

She felt helpless. Her resistance is futile. She can do nothing against her captors as they clamped the chloroformed cloth on her face.

“That’s it, Clarissa. That’s a good girl.” Clyde said. He noticed Clarissa’s movements are getting weaker. He saw her eyes starting to lose focus.

He let go of her hair. She is getting weaker already. He stared at her eyes and smiled. He slipped his free hand underneath her bra, cupping and fondling her right breast. “Nice tits.”

“Hmm….nnnn…nnhhh” Clarissa gave a weak scream as she felt Clyde’s hand squeezing her breast. Her head slumped back toward the floor, her neck now exposed.

“I got this. Get the car ready.” Clyde told Hank.

Hank noticed that the chloroform is taking its effect on the hot lady. Let go of her arms and legs and left reluctantly to get the car ready.

Clyde reached for the chair behind him and took a seat on the head of the table, with Clarissa’s head in front of him. He clamped the chloroformed cloth harder against Clarissa’s face. She is barely resisting.

“I got you, Clarissa. I told you I got you.” He watched her eyes flutter. He smiled when he felt her hand try to yank his hand away from her breast weakly. He watched her eyes roll back to her eyelids. He stared at her as she gave one last moan and lost consciousness.

She’s out. Clyde clamped the chloroformed cloth over Clarissa's face for another minute, his free hand fondling and squeezing her breast.

Finally, he took the cloth and put it in his pocket. He stood up and stared at Clarissa’s face.

“You are so beautiful, Clarissa.” He pushed her bra above her breasts. He then grabbed both breasts and squeezed them.

“Nice tits, Clarissa.” Clyde fondled Clarissa’s breasts for five minutes, then carried her limp body to her captivity.


“So hot..” Clyde kept mumbling as his hands squeezed Clarissa’s breasts passionately.

He placed his arms under hers and dragged her body off the table. He sat down on the floor with his back against the wall. He placed Clarissa’s unconscious form in front of him – her back is lying against his chest.

He placed his arms under hers again. He cupped her perfectly round breasts and felt their weight on his palms.

“Nice tits, Clarissa.”

He started squeezing her breasts again.

“Oh yeah.. oh yeah.” He kept mumbling when his phone rang.

He fished the phone out of his pocket and placed it against his ear while his free hand kept squeezing her breast.

“Just wait for a while, will you? I’m busy.” He told Hank on the phone. “Drive around the building and wait for me in front of the back door. I’ll be down in a few moments.” Clyde continued, then hang up.

He placed his phone in his pocket and resumed playing with Clarissa’s breasts. His thumbs nibbled her nipples, his hand squeezed her breasts and kneaded them like dough.

“Time to go, baby.” Clyde gave Clarissa a kiss on her cheek. He reluctantly removed his palms from her breasts, then pulled the cups of her bra down to cover her breasts.

He stood up and admired Clarissa’s shirtless, limp body sprawled on the floor. He watched her breasts rise and fall slowly underneath her bra as she breathed.

He scooped up her unconscious form from the floor and carried her over his shoulders. “Wow, you’re light as a feather, Clarissa.” He said.

He can feel her bra-clad breasts pressed against his back. Clyde started walking out of Clarissa’s office while his hand explored her ass and gave it gentle slaps. He smiled in pleasure when he saw the way her ass jiggled when he slapped her.

His hands caressed her shapely ass and he felt the outlines of her panties over her slacks. “I knew these pants are tight.” Clyde moaned in satisfaction as he groped her ass the entire walk towards the hall.

Clyde stood by the door to wait for Hank’s signal. A minute has passed when Clyde heard four slow knocks on the door, signaling him that the back alley is clear. Clyde then knocked twice on the door acknowledging Hank’s signal.

When he heard this, Hank opened the door and his heart skipped a beat when his boss emerged from the door carrying Clarissa’s limp body on his shoulders. He opened the door fully, giving him a very good view of the unconscious woman’s ass.

“Wow.” He stared in amazement. On instinct, he placed both of his hands on the unconscious woman’s shapely ass and ran his hands over it.

“What the hell are you doing?” Clyde stopped in his tracks and hissed at his subordinate.

“Sorry boss, I just can’t help myself,” Hank replied without even looking at Clyde while he ran his hands all over Clarissa’s ass.

“Get your hands off her and start the car!” Clyde hissed at him again.

“Yeah, yeah,” Hank replied, sensing his boss’ irritation. He gave Clarissa’s ass one final slap and walked to the car to open the door to the passenger’s seat.

Hank watched Clyde place the beautiful woman’s limp body inside the car. Once his boss and their captive is secured inside the car, Hank got in the driver’s seat and drove to their destination.


“Holy fuck!” Clyde screamed in pleasure as he laid Clarissa’s unconscious body on the seat, with her back lying against his lap. He brushed a strand of blonde hair away from Clarissa’s face.

“You are so beautiful,” Clyde said as he looked down and stared at Clarissa’s sleeping face.

He placed his fingers on her lips then bent down and gave her a passionate kiss.

He pulled back and gently stroked her hair. His hand moved down and caressed her slender neck.

This is so hot! Clyde thought. He gently strokes her hair again then smiled fiendishly as his free hand touched her neck then moved lower. His hand snaked through the cup of her bra and grabbed her breast.

“Oh yeah…” He kept mumbling as he started fondling her breasts. His other hand left her hair and grabbed her other breast.

“Fuuuuuuuck!” Clyde groaned in satisfaction as he felt Clarissa’s firm, round breasts on his palms as he squeezed them.

Hank watched in envy from the rear mirror as his boss fondled the unconscious, bra-clad woman’s breasts. His erection was growing hard inside his pants when he heard a loud horn.

He swerved immediately to avoid crashing into the incoming traffic.

“Keep your eyes on the road, goddammit!” He heard Clyde scold him.

“Sorry boss.”

“Just drive slowly, we’re in no hurry,” Clyde replied without even looking at him. He was too busy fondling the unconscious woman’s breasts.

After some time, Clyde decided to take it further. He grabbed Clarissa’s limp body and turned her around – her body waist-down now lying on top of his lap, and the upper part of her body now lying beside him.

“You are so damn hot, Clarissa.” Clyde’s removed her belt then his fingers played with the button of Clarissa’s pants, then unbuttoned it. He slowly slid her zippers down, giving Clyde a glimpse of her white panties.

His erection got harder inside his pants when he saw a glimpse of Clarissa's white panties.

His heart is beating faster. He had longed for this moment for a long time.

The first time he laid eyes on her, he wanted nothing but to get inside her pants.

It turned out she is not an easy woman to get on with.

When she was unable to pay him on time he installed cameras on her apartment and took pictures and videos of her changing to teach her a lesson.

Unfortunately, Clarissa only undressed down to her bra and underwear in her room.

He figured she only stripped completely naked inside her bathroom – the one area he didn’t bug because Clarissa arrived in her apartment while he was setting the cameras up. He had to escape by the fire escape immediately.

After many rejections, and after his stupid decision to blackmail her with her secretly taken photos, he knew Clarissa hated his guts. Having sex with her is out of the question – consensually, at least.

But there is still a way I can sleep with her. Clyde thought.

I’d fuck you one way or another, Clarissa. I gotta rape you, then. Clyde’s devious mind thought.

His initial plan was to go on a dinner date with Clarissa after the job – as per their deal. He would drug her drink, bring her to her place then rape her to his heart's content.

But an unexpected opportunity presented itself, and that opportunity led him now with Clarissa lying unconscious on his lap, with the button and zipper of her pants open.

Clyde smiled and grabbed the waistband of her pants and pulled it slowly off her legs.

He threw the garment down and his heart is beating faster as his eyes gazed upon Clarissa’s almost naked body lying on his lap.

“Oh my .. so hot.” He mumbled as he placed his palms on her thighs.

“Fuuuuuck! These thighs are so smooth!” He moaned in pleasure as he started running his hands up and down Clarissa’s smooth thighs.

His hands moved lower and touched her feet to caress them.


His hands now touching her knees.


His palms now feeling the smoothness of her thighs.


His thumbs played with the soft and smooth skin of her inner thighs.


Clyde can feel his hardened manhood pierce his pants as his fingers touched Clarissa’s soft, panty-clad crotch.

His fingers stroked her sex over her panties – the thin fabric barely offering any protection from the violating fingers of her captor.

Clyde’s fingers stroked Clarissa’s mound over her panties.

“Ohhhhh.” He moaned in satisfaction when his fingers traced the opening of her sex.

“You've shaved.” Clyde gave a chuckle. “Fucking you will be much easier, Clarissa.”

He said as he continued stroking her mound over her panties.

He placed his hand on her thigh and ran it up and down her smooth skin while his other hand stroked her sex.

He grabbed her leg and pulled it up to his face.

“Oh yeah…..oh yeah.” Clyde kept mumbling as he brushed his cheek against Clarissa’s thigh.

“So smooth…” He rubbed his face over and over again against her thighs while his other hand ran felt the smoothness of the back of her thighs.

Clyde adjusted himself and opened Clarissa’s legs

“Here I go, Clarissa.” He laid on top of her, her legs wrapping his body.

He kissed her lips, then moved lower and raped her neck with his mouth.

He then pulled the cups of her bra above her breasts and started squeezing them.

“So hot..” He leaned his face on her chest and started sucking each of Clarissa’s perfectly round breasts.

Hank can barely concentrate on his driving. The sound of Clyde’s mouth sucking the unconscious woman’s breasts is making his crotch throb.

He kept stealing a glance from the rear mirror.

He drove slowly as instructed. He better let me have a taste of that hot body.

After savoring each of Clarissa’s breasts with his mouth, Clyde positioned himself on the seat again.

He sat on the backseat and placed Clarissa’s body on top of him.

The erection inside his pants pierced Clarissa’s firm ass when he placed her body on his lap.

Clarissa’s unconscious and vulnerable body is now seated on Clyde's lap. Her head was lolled back against his shoulders.

He placed his hands under hers and started fondling her breasts from behind.

“Nice tits. Oh yeah… oh yeah ..” He felt the weight of her breasts on his palms. His fingers nibbled with her pink nipples as he squeezed her ample bosom.

His right hand left her breast and started caressing her thighs.

Clyde decided to take it further so he snaked his hand inside Clarissa’s panties and started stroking her hairless mound.

“Fuck! This is so hot!” He exclaimed as he massaged her pussy while his other hand squeezed her breast.

Clyde was enjoying Clarissa’s body so much, and Hank was busy imagining himself in his boss’ place that both men were unaware when the unconscious woman moaned.

Clarissa felt her head throb as she moaned and fluttered her eyes awake. As her mind started working, she remembered the sweet-smelling cloth on her face, the slow descent into nothingness, the hand on her breast….

Upon this memory, Clarissa jolted back unto focus and full awareness returned. She noticed she is in a car, and she is seated on the lap of someone…..then she gave a short scream as terror filled her body when she felt a hand squeezing her breast, and fingers stroking her most sensitive flesh.

“What the fuck?!” Clyde shouted in surprise when he heard Clarissa scream.

Clarissa acted on instinct and immediately elbowed the man behind him.

“Fucking bitch!” She heard Clyde shout in pain behind her.

“Fucking asshole! You pervert!” She screamed at Clyde as she elbowed his face over and over again until Clyde was disoriented.

When Clyde was knocked out, she realized that she’d been stripped down to her undergarments, with her breasts exposed.

Disgust filled her when thinking about the things they did to her when she was unconscious.

She pulled her bra down to cover her breasts then found her clothes on the floor of the car and picked them up. She picked her belt up and wrapped it around the driver’s neck then pulled it back, choking the man.

“Stop the car!” She screamed at him in anger.

She heard the man choke, but the car did not seem to slow down. She pulled the belt harder.


Immediately, the man stepped on the brakes. When the car came to a stop, she punched him hard.

She picked her clothes up in a hurry and opened the door.

Good thing we’re in a secluded street. Clarissa sighed in relief and stepped out of the car.

She only stepped one foot out of the car when her other leg was grabbed.

The hand that grabbed her leg pulled her back so hard that she could not even scream.

“LET ME GO!” She screamed and looked back only to see Clyde grabbing her leg.

“LET ME GO YOU BASTARD!” She started kicking him when hands grabbed her shoulders.

She looked ahead and saw that the driver is awake. She kicked Ckyde harder, but the driver shoved her back inside the car and closed the door.

“LET ME OUT!” She tried to crawl and reach for the door handle when she felt Clyde lying on top of her, his body brushing against her back.

She tried to elbow him but, her arms are trapped under her body. Clyde’s weight is pushing her down, making her unable to pull her arms out.

“LET ME GO YOU FUC ---- HHHMMMMPPP!” Her screams were interrupted and muffled when Clyde clamped a cloth on her mouth and nose.

To her horror, Clarissa realized that the cloth is damp and she recognized the familiar scent of chloroform.

“HHHLLLLP! HHHMMMPH! HHHHHMMMP!” Her screams were muffled and her lungs longed for air. She tried to hold her breath as long as she can, but her lungs gave up and she took a lungful breath of chloroform.

“That’s it, bitch. Just breathe it in.” She heard Clyde say. The effect was immediate. Clarissa’s head started to float, her consciousness is slowly slipping.

She felt something under her, then she realized it was Clyde’s hand making its way under her body.

Her eyes widened when fear when his hand inserted itself under her bra and grabbed her breast.

“HHHHHMMPP! HHHHMPH!” She screamed louder and struggled wildly when the hand started fondling and squeezing her breast.

“Breathe, Clarissa. Just breathe and you’ll be out in no time.” She heard Clyde whisper in her ear.

The interior of the room started to spin. Her struggles are getting weaker. Tears started flowing out of her eyes because she can do nothing about the hand squeezing her breast.

“Take a nap, Clarissa, so I can continue squeezing your beautiful tits.” Clarissa did not even hear the end of the sentence when her eyes rolled back as she moaned one last time and lost consciousness.

Clyde heard Clarissa moan and her struggles stopped. He smiled in triumph.

The front seat opened and Hank placed himself on the driver’s seat.

“She hit me so hard!” Hank said and touched his face.

“Then we’ll fuck her harder.”, Clyde replied. “Go drive so we can fuck this bitch already.”

Hank liked what he heard and drove away, his mind is anticipating the things he’ll do to the unconscious woman.

Clyde placed Clarissa’s limp body on his lap again. Her head is lolled against his shoulder.

This time he finally decided to free her soft, round assets from the clutches of her bra. Clyde chuckled when his fingers unsnapped her bra, "You won't be needing this anymore, Clarissa."

and threw on the car's floor the last fabric protecting Clarissa's soft, round breasts from the violating hands of her perverted captor.

His erection got harder when his eyes gazed at Clarissa's beautiful breasts as they jiggled free from her bra.

Clyde placed his hands under hers, then his hands traveled to Clarissa's chest - his palms felt the roundness and smoothness of her breasts, then felt their weight.

“Now, where were we?” He whispered on Clarissa’s ear and started fondling her breasts again.
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