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Gotta love those hot step-granddaughters
Don Parker was on his phone, talking to his daughter, Jane, “If it’s alright with you and Gary, I’d like to take Kylie to the casino for her big, special birthday this weekend. I’ll give her a couple hundred, just like I did Sherry when she turned eighteen.

“We may have the same rotten luck, but at least we’ll have some fun and a fantastic meal or two.”

“Well, I’m sure it will be fine, Dad. Those girls sure do love their Grandad more than most of their blood relatives. Give her a call and let her make the decision; after all, she will be of age to decide for herself. She’s so much more competent and mature than Sherry was two years ago but, in all fairness, Sherry’s gotten a lot better over the last year, or so.”

The girls had been products of Gary and his previous marriage. Their biological mother was serving two, consecutive, prison sentences when he and Jane married. Drug dealing had been the woman’s biggest mistake and giving Gary custody of the girls during the divorce was the smartest thing she’d done in her lifetime. Being separated at the ages of three and five, ‘Sher’ and ‘Ky’ barely remembered her.

Gary was twelve years older than Don’s only child, Jane, but they seemed to be as happy as a couple teenagers. It was easy to accept Sherry and Kylie as his own grand kids and nine years later, they were his pride and joy.

“So, what do you think, Ky? You get the same deal I made with your sister. I give you two hundred and I use two hundred. Whatever we win, we split. If we lose it all, so be it.”

She squealed with excitement and agreed to make the one and a half-hour drive to the ‘boats’ in Louisiana. She would pick Don up on Friday afternoon, the day after her birthday. If their money held out, Don would do the driving home, since he was more familiar with the highways and it would be after dark.

Friday’s fulfillment of anticipation brought a smile to his face when his granddaughter pulled into the driveway, “I’m still blown away at how she gets more beautiful every time I see her,” Don thought to himself as Kylie’s long, slim legs carried her from her Volkswagen to Don’s porch, “Some lucky young bastard will fucking that sweet pussy of hers before long, if it’s not already happening. I’ll bet she’s every bit as good as Sherry. Maybe we’ll find out.”

“Hey! How’s my favorite man?” she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed both sides of his face, “I just can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward to this. You ‘bout ready? Soon as I pee, I’ll be ready to roll.”

The drive to Bossier City was filled with chatter, mostly by Kylie. Each time she mentioned one of her friends… “You remember her, don’t you?”… Don would simply nod or utter a quiet ‘Uh-Huh’, whether he remembered or not. Twice, she mentioned her intent to go to Texas A&M on a tennis scholarship, “At least I’ll know one person there, my friend, Jason, is going, too. He’s a really good guy, not boyfriend material, though, Grandad, so don’t be worried. We’ve gone to school together since pre-school. If I need any help with anything, I know I can count on good ol’ Jason.”

Don loved listening to the tone of her voice, but the thought of this Jason kid slipping a stiff cock into her pretty mouth distracted him for a moment, “Whoops, missed that turnoff, honey. Take the next one, circle under at the intersection and come back. No big hurry, those boats aren’t going anywhere.”

Don tipped the valet twenty bucks and asked him to park her car in a nice, wide space to keep down the possibility of door dings. Being a regular customer, his casino host spotted them coming through the door, “Hello there, Mr. Parker. I didn’t know you were coming. I believe your date is the loveliest lady I’ve seen today,” he smiled at Kylie, winked and whispered, “I certainly hope you’re eighteen, but I won’t tell.”

She giggled and explained that her Grandad was treating her to a casino trip and she had been eighteen for a whole day.

Turning back to Don, he shook hands and told him, “If you need anything at all, just call my cell. You two have fun and win big!”

They agreed to split up and meet at the steak house for dinner. When they met, Kylie was proud to announce she was seventy dollars ahead, “Heck, that will pay for our dinner, anyway.”

“Trent already gave me a voucher for our food but, with your seventy and my forty, we each have an extra fifty-five. What say we set midnight as cutoff time, unless we go broke before then?”

“Sounds good to me, but I’m feeling really lucky. I think we’ll be leaving with a couple hundred extra… each!”

Don’s thoughts went back two years, “If I could just get lucky as I did two years ago, with Sherry, I’d be the happiest man in Louisiana.”

The steaks, baked potatos and steamed veggies were perfect. In Don’s opinion, the best part of the meal was watching Ky lick her lips and smile as she did some serious people watching.

“I’m betting that girl in the brown dress is a prostitute, Grandad. She’s way too young for the man she’s with and he sure doesn’t take his eyes off her. She probably makes pretty good money in a nice place like this.”

“Maybe, but think about the beautiful eighteen-year-old girl sitting at this table with a fifty-two-year-old man… who, incidentally, can’t take his eyes off her because he loves her more than she’ll ever know. Somebody in this place may be having the same thoughts about us.”

Ky’s mouth dropped, “Oh my God! You’re right. I guess I need to just eat and not judge. Thank you, Grandad. And, by the way,” she smiled and winked, “I love you most.”

About an hour after leaving the pleasant server a thirty-dollar tip (fifteen each) Kylie answered her cell phone, “Hi, handsome! I’m up another sixty, now. You need a loan?”

“Cash out your machine and get your butt over here. I’m two rows straight out from the rear security booth. Don’t even answer me, just get over here.”

Author’s note… For you readers who have ever told a woman to cash out a slot machine when she was winning, “Now!”.. you may have an idea of Kylie’s disappointment, and ‘disappointment’ is a very nice way of putting it….

As she reached the security booth, she became aware of a commotion. Her first thought was that Don may have had a heart attack, then she realized people were cheering. She made her way thru the small crowd and saw him standing beside a slot machine with bells ringing. It wasn’t until she reached his outstretched hand that she saw the casino employees trying to get the crowd to step back and let them do their work.

Don grabbed his granddaughter and kissed her, full on the lips, “Well, honey, this whole damn crowd thinks you’re my whore, now, since I laid that one on you. Just take a look at this shit.”

It took a minute for her to realize Don had hit a jackpot worth $131, 382.00. When it finally hit her, she screamed with joy and grabbed him, planting delicious kisses all over his face… including several on his lips, “I don’t care what they think, fuck ‘em.”

Realizing the words she had just spoken, she started to apologize. Don put his finger on her mouth, smiled and told her, “You’re absolutely right, sweetheart, fuck all of them.”

The slot supervisor allowed them to have a photo and snapped the camera, herself. As soon as Kylie retrieved the phone, she started to text her sister.

“Hold on, Ky,” Don told her, “I want to make sure all the paperwork is done before we tell anyone else. Here comes Trent, he’ll make sure everything goes right.”

Trent told them that their computer system in the cash-out room was down, “We can’t print the W-2s but I can set you up with a room and you can collect it tomorrow.”

“Crap, we didn’t bring extra clothes, but I guess we can hit the gift shop and pick up some t-shirts and sweat pants. We’ll need two rooms, though. I don’t want to get my Kylie all excited by seeing her grandfather coming out of the shower.”

Kylie asked if she could catch a shuttle to her car and back. She always kept a change of clothes in her backpack and she’d feel more comfortable in her own underwear.

After clearing the jackpot from the slot machine, Don cashed out the $800 he already had accumulated before hitting the big one. He and Ky were escorted to the VIP office until Trent could make room arrangements. “Well, girl, you realize half of that belongs to you. Any ideas what you’ll do with it? I’m a helluva good financial advisor, you know?”

“I know, I know, you’ve been in the business for thirty years. You really don’t have to share it with me, though, Grandad. I’ll take half of that $800, though.

Grinning, he answered, “And I get half of the extra $60?”

Trent easily procured the adjoining suites at the far end of the top floor of the hotel, “Best views of Shreveport, Bossier City and the river. I was lucky to get these, we’re having to house several tonight because of the damn computers. If y’all need anything, you know how to find me.”

“WOW, Grandad, these rooms are fabulous! All together we have four bedrooms, two bathrooms plus an all-glass walk-in shower in each one. These king size beds are big enough for four people! Each! And we can go to each other’s room through the adjoining door. Have you ever stayed here before?”

“I’ve stayed in this hotel, but not in a suite like this. I’m call your mom and dad and let them know what happened, sweetheart. Why don’t we stay until Monday morning and just enjoy the whole birthday weekend? In fact, why don’t you give Sherry a call and see if big sis wants to join us? I think it’ll be fun. Since she and I didn’t do shit on her birthday, I’ve decided to give her my share of our jackpot, what do you think?”

Kylie stepped into her grandad’s arms and hugged him, “That’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard. I sure love my Grandad.” She leaned back a little and smiled, a small tear made its way down her dimpled cheek. She looked into his eyes, then at his lips, “I love you even more than Dad.” She leaned her face to his and they kissed, long and hard. Don was sure Ky could feel his cock getting hard, but she gave no indication of it. Breaking the kiss, she said, “I guess we better make those calls.”

Don’s call to Gary and Jane only took a couple minutes. They were pleased that he was going to share the jackpot money with both girls, since they were about to be out in the world, on their own. He could hear Kylie’s chatter coming from the far side of the other suite, but couldn’t make out the words of the conversation.

“Sherry! What are you talking about? He’s our 52yr old grandad, for Christ’s sake!”

“Kylie Jones! Don’t play around with him. It’s just fucking, not like you’re gonna marry him or anything. You already know he’s a great kisser and you said it feels like his cock is pretty fair sized. Fuck him! Suck his dick! Let him fuck your asshole if he wants. Girl, he’s shelling out over fifty thousand, fucking, dollars. Strap that pussy on him right now. Good God, if he gave me fifty grand, he could fuck me every day for the rest of his life!”

Kylie chuckled, “Funny you said that, big sis. He told me to invite you to come over here and spent the rest of the weekend with us. Now why would he do that?... Because he’s giving you the other half of the money, that’s why. Now, the shoe is on the other foot, you gonna come fuck him, Sher?”

“You’re shittin’ me. He’s gonna give me more money?”

“Over fifty thousand. You gonna fuck him?”

“You’re Goddamn right I’ll fuck him, again, and he knows it… uh, I wasn’t supposed to say that… I guess I’ll tell you about it tomorrow, so, don’t ask any more damn questions. Now, listen, it’s only pussy and you have one. I’ll be there before lunch tomorrow and you get your sweet, eighteen-year-old ass in his bed tonight… no argument.”

Thirty minutes later, as Don was tuning in a television program, Kylie walked into his suite wearing a towel around her slim body and another around her wet hair. While she was showering, she decided Sherry had been right, her grandad deserved any and all the sex he wanted; anything else she could for him, too. Not just for the money, but for all he had done for her. She walked up to Don, turned him to face her and kissed him, again. He watched as she dropped her towels to the floor. When he started to speak, she placed her finger on his lips to shush him, “Please, just let me do this, Grandad.”

She tugged his sweat pants down as she kneeled. His 7inch cock was the largest she had ever seen. The two boys that had been lucky enough to fuck her before had nothing, compared to her grandad. She opened her mouth and took in as much as she thought she could, wondering if she was pleasing him… his moan of pleasure answered her question. After a few minutes, she became comfortable with taking his shaft a little deeper.

Don, realizing he was about to lose a load in Kylie’s beautiful mouth, held her head in place and pulled his cock from her warm, soft lips. He helped her to her feet, picked her up and carried her to the super-king bed. She shivered when he removed his shirt and dropped to his knees. Instinctively, she had spread her long legs, awaiting his next move. He kissed his way up both legs to her neatly trimmed cunt. His thumb sought her clit as his middle finger slipped inside her, slightly used, hole. He tilted his head and his tongue sought her freshly washed asshole. The combination of clit massage and ass lick drove her young body over the edge. Within seconds, Ky was thrashing in pleasure as an orgasm rocked her body. While she was still panting hard, Don stood and positioned his rock-hard cock. She was so tight, it took a dozen slow, gentle pushes to get his entire length inside the heated, wet pussy.

Ky’s small tits wiggled slightly as he pumped long, slow thrusts into best fuck he could remember. Her eyes rolled back as ecstasy took over her senses. Less than two minutes later, she screamed, “Oh my God, Grand… Oh, fu.. uh.. uhck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! … I’m cu.. cu.. cumm.. cummingggg!!!!”

Don’s own load blasted the girl’s cervix, time and time again, with a force he couldn’t remember experiencing before. A few minutes later, as they lay side by side, Kylie told Don, “That was the most amazing thing I have ever felt, Grandad. The only time I’ve had an orgasm was when I was masturbating myself. I think I’m gonna fuck you a hundred times this weekend. Sher’s coming tomorrow, but I don’t think I want to share.”

Don reached for the phone and dialed Trent’s extension, “Hey, buddy, Don Parker here. We’d like to keep these rooms through Sunday night if we can. Also, there’s a thousand dollars waiting for the person that can bring me a dozen or so Viagra 100s… and keep their mouth shut, if you know what I mean.” Thirty minutes later, a valet delivered 20 blue pills in a plain, manilla envelope. The valet returned to Trent’s office with a hotel stationary envelope. Inside was $1000, which Trent shared with the valet.

After their second session and a shower, Don and Ky were sitting at the bar when Don patted her hand and told her, “Oh, I forgot to tell you, the woman’s name is Christie and yes, she’s a whore… a good one.”


“The young lady in the brown dress we saw earlier, she is definitely a whore and charges $200 for a full night, no holds barred except for no hitting. She’ll never be as good as you, though.”

Day 2

Because of an early morning fuck, followed by a long, loving shower, Don and Kylie were finishing a late breakfast when she saw his face light up, “There comes my other gorgeous girl. She must have been an early riser this morning. I’m thinking I better get an early start on these.” He retrieved a Viagra from his shirt pocket and washed it down with a big slug of coffee, “I only ask that you two don’t kill me with too much sex during the next couple of days… however, I can’t think of a better way to die.”

Sherry was a couple inches shorter than her younger sister, but her tits and ass were filled out more. She had, actually, lost her virginity to her grandad two years before, during her birthday casino trip. Like Kylie, it had been her that initiated the first time. Simply put, she made a quick proposal to Don for a new car… in fact, Kylie’s VW was included in the deal. Unknown to anyone else, she and Don had been in bed many times since.

As soon as the hugs and kisses were done, Sherry ordered breakfast. Don excused himself to step across the main floor to the men’s room, the first two cups of coffee were ready to be released.

As soon as he was out the restaurant door, Sherry leaned close to Kylie, “I know you did it, Ky. I know you fucked him, how was it?”

“Probably the most fantastic thing I’ve ever done,” she smiled back, “four times, too.”

Sherry’s squeal of delight caught the attention of the other patrons but they quickly realized it was just two, happy, young ladies enjoying each other’s company. “You tied my record, little sis, but not on my first night with him; that was only twice. We had to get back home so spending the whole night wasn’t an option. Besides, he busted my cherry and I was SO Goddamn sore for two days.”

“Why did you keep it a secret from me? You two have been having sex for nearly two years and you didn’t tell me?”

“Are you gonna tell anyone you fucked your Grandad?”

“Oh, hell no!”

“There you have it, Ky, it’s nobody else’s business and we agreed to keep our mouths shut. Speaking of mouths, did you suck him off? Did he eat your pussy? Tongue your asshole? Did you tongue his? Tell me everything.”

“I can’t,” she teased her sister, “we made a deal.”

Don slowed his pace to admire the two females he loved dearly. He knew he was wrong in having sex with them but, since they seemed to have no problem with it, he was ready to resume as soon as his pill kicked in.

“So, Sher, how are your CNA classes going?”

“Great, Grandad, I’ll finish up in a couple weeks. Then on to the tough stuff, nursing school. Eventually, I want to be a mental health counselor,” she snickered a little, “kinda funny for a girl whose fucking her grandfather, huh?”

After all of them had a laugh, Don told them, “Look, I have a friend in Bryan that deals in real estate. I just talked to him while I was taking a pee. He has a duplex about a mile from the Blinn College campus, about two miles from A&M. It’s a repo and needs some work done on it.

“Here’s the good part, the bank will take the $14,000 owed on it and Rick thinks it can look great for about another $10,000. He says it’s in a pretty decent neighborhood, too.

“So, if you want to transfer to Blinn and Ky wants to go to A&M, each of you could own ½ of the duplex and not have to rent, or stay in a dorm. You could have your own side, or you could share one side and rent out the other half.

“Last, if I give each of you your 50 grand, it can go in the bank. The other money will pay for everything and we’ll still have a couple thousand, each, to gamble with this weekend. If possible, I have to let Rick know this weekend so he can deal with the bank on Monday morning.”

“Blinn has an amazing medical school,” Sherry smiled, “buy the place. If Ky wants to do something else, I’ll kick in whatever I need to pay for it.”

“You really trust this Rick guy, Grandad?” Kylie spoke up, “I’d hate to put up the money and get screwed.”

“Yes, Honey, I’ve done over a million dollars of business with him over the years. In fact, if we don’t take this deal, he’ll buy it and probably make a hundred thousand on it, himself. He won’t screw me & I won’t screw him.

“Speaking of screwing, I believe we need to go show your sister our impressive suites… and how comfortable the beds are.”

Kylie turned to Sherry, smiling big, “He took a Viagra when he saw you coming across the casino; and, speaking of cumming, it’s your turn. My God, we're gonna have a helluva time for the next couple days."
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